, 40 4 3, 2001, 40, 4, pp.3-19 The Korean Journal of Physical Education, 2001, Vol.40, No.4, pp.3-19 ( ) 1980 2000,,, 4 3, 91 2, 1980,,,, 1 5, 90 1 GNP 1 95 1 5 5 IMF 5 3 IMF 5
4, IMF 8, IMF IMF 4 3 LG,, IMF,,,,.. 99 1,,, (, 1996:4)., (1983) 1962 1 5, 1 87 (1980 95 1 96 10,543 1985), 1 34, 98 IMF 1 6,823 (1985 1990), (1990 8,581 1995), 95, IMF, (1995 2000),,,. 1.
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8 13 10 12, 3 4, 1984:30). ( ). 4 9 13,,, 83 4 14 1 ( ) KBS. 3) 1 2, 2 1 5, 3 1,, 4 9 5 8. 1 1 4) 4 1 5, 3-4. (, 1993:34). 5),, 1 5 2),. 5 2) 1 1, 2 7 5, 3 5, 4 3, 5 2, 6 1 5, 7 1 4, 3 3), ( 83,,,,, KBS 4) (, 1983. 4. 9). 5),,, 1,, (, 1983. 4. 15).
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10 9) ( 86 1984. 11. 29). 10) (, 1986. 2. 2). 12 27, 1987. 3. 2). 11) 85 5 17, 9),,,. 10) 1m 30cm, 3m, 8 30. 11) 17, 1985:11)., (, 84 3, 85 12 7, 87 1 20, 88 6 10 19cm, 40cm ( (, 1997:1-5),,, KOC 1 8,, 5 87 3 6 23 (, 1987). 86 12 3,, (, 1986. 2. 4). 85, 10 (, 1987. 3. 5). 12 85 11 14 5 3 86 (, 1987.3 17).
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12 (, 1990. 8. 17). 90 9 28 10, 10 18, 11 7 2 3 16) 91 2, 94 12 24 1, 17), 18) 19) 16),, 1990 8 16, 9 (, 1990. 10. 9). 17). 16 4 21 2. 4 3. 18) 91 2 5 16 ( 32 ),,., 3, (, 1991. 1. 3). 19),, 12. 3 18 2, 2 3 2, 3, 4, 9 ( ) 2425 ( 91 1 31, 2 1, 1991. 5. 10), 50%, 1 1 5, 3,, 7,,, 2 92 11, (, 1991). 2 (, 1992. 8. 12). 11 12 1, (, 1991. 3. 19).
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, 40 4 19 AB STRACT A Study on Changes of Korean Folk Ssirum in accordance with Economic Growth Choi, Jong-Sam Son, Soo-Beom Lee, Jae-Hak We studied the changes of Korean folk Ssirum in accordance with economic growth from 1980's to 2000. The purpose of this study is to describe the changes of each period after Korean folk Ssirum has been started and to disclose how Korean folk Ssirum has changed as economy has growed. For this, we divided the period of from 1980's to 2000 into period of quickening, period of fixing, period of developing, period of transition etc. The results of the study are as follows ; First, As our economy grow qualitatively and quantitatively, Food life of the nation be improved, athletes' physique was high remarkably and oversized as much as athletes have growed increasing. Especially, Ssirum athletes' weight class changed into 4-3-2 after Korean folk Ssirum had been started. Second, As the concern of Ssirum competition is high, each enterprises have founded folk Ssirum team successively, have propagated their companies and have pursued of profit and folk Ssirum became professional. Finally, the professional of Ssirum was quickened professional players, was impreved players' welfare and elevated their social position. Third, When Korean folk Ssirum had been started the prize money of the winner was 15,000,000Won and in period of fixing the prize money reduced. In period of developing the prize money was stepped up into 30,000,000Won, but in economic crisis the prize money was reduced into 10,000,000Won. And when our country come out of economic crisis, the prize money was stepped up into 50,000,000Won. Forth, Korean economic crisis have had negative influence on sports and Korean folk Ssirum. In IMF each enterprises disjointed their Ssirum team, gave rise to Korean Ssirum union's financial hardship, the freezing and deduction on a contract deposit and an annual salary, the earlier retirement of Ssirum players, the cancellation of folk Ssirum competition in foreign country. Accordingly, In accordance with korean economy grow folk Ssirum become active. But in economic stagnation korean folk Ssirum also become sluggish.