KISEP Original Articles 12 2 2001 Korean J Child & Adol Psychiatr 12:218~224 청소년 ADHD 평가도구개발을위한예비연구- CASS(S) 의신뢰도및타당도연구 * A PRELIMINARY STUDY FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ASSESSMENT SCALE FOR ADHD IN ADOLESCENTS: RELIABILITY AND VALIDITY FOR CASSS 반건호 1) 신민섭 2) 조수철 2) 홍강의 3) Geon-Ho Bahn, M.D., 2) Min-Sup Shin, Ph.D., 2) Soo Churl Cho, M.D., 2) Kang-E Hong, M.D. 3) 요약 중심단어 서 론 Department of Neuropsychiatry, College of Medicine, KyungHee University, Seoul Division of Child & Adolescents Psychiatry, College of Medicine, Seoul National University, Children s Hospital, Seoul Department of Psychiatry, College of Medicine, Cheju National University, Cheju Corresponding author - 218 -
- 연구대상및방법 1. 연구대상 - 2. 연구방법 1) 검사도구의선정 2) 검사대상 - 219 -
Table 1. Main subjects M1* M2 M3 H1** H2 H3 Sub Grade area B + G ++ B G B G B G B G B G total Seoul, north 20 19 18 20 21 21 50 54 47 59 49 55 433 Seoul, south 51 49 51 49 47 53 50 44 50 40 50 57 591 Osan 36 34 40 62 66 11 121 32 50 452 Wonju 40 35 40 38 40 40 40 40 42 40 41 40 476 Choongju 46 28 48 49 50 47 105 174 118 155 47 53 920 Busan 40 35 41 41 35 38 37 52 25 51 56 451 Kwangju 35 40 36 31 48 52 46 45 46 49 40 50 518 Cheju 35 35 40 37 41 47 45 47 45 97 44 513 Subtotal 303 275 314 327 348 309 373 577 373 491 359 305 4,354 M1middle school, 1st grade +BBoy H1high school, 1st grade ++GGirl 3) 신뢰도평가 4) 타당도평가 3. 통계 Table 2. Test-retest reliability 결 1. 신뢰도 (Reliability) 1) 내적일관성 (Internal consistency) 2) 검사-재검사신뢰도 (Test-retest reliability) 과 2. 타당도 (Validity) 1) 공존타당도 (Concurrent validity) CASSS K-YSR Pearson CASSS 1.000.83** correlation K-YSR.83** 1.000 Significance CASSS..000 2-tailed K-YSR.000. Number CASSS 115 115 K-YSR 115 115 Correlation is significant at the.01 level2-tailed 2) 구성타당도 (construct validity) - 220 -
Table 3. Concurrent validity CASSS K-YSR Pearson CASSS 1.000.65** correlation K-YSR.65** 1.000 Significance CASSS..000 2-tailed K-YSR.000. Number CASSS 4354 4354 K-YSR 4354 4354 Correlation is significant at the.01 level2-tailed Table 4. Principal axis factor analysis for CASSS No of questions Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3 3.664 13.627 8.609 23.608 21.602 15.582 17.511 18.455 4.340 19.335 25.329 6.269 11.248 10.636 5.618 16.524 14.520 24.495 26.483 22.460 12.440 7.375 2.364 1.670 27.663 20.402 9.392 Table 5. Mean and standard deviation of CASSS for six groups AGE SEX MSD by sex B + 23.02 9.95 3. 경계점산출 고 찰 MSD, total Cut off score M1* 22.03 9.65 41.33 G ++ 20.92 9.19 B 22.90 9.64 M2 21.91 9.73 41.37 G 20.97 9.74 B 24.4311.33 M3 23.2510.31 43.87 G 21.92 8.87 B 24.4311.33 H1** 23.64 9.15 41.94 G 21.92 8.87 B 25.29 9.50 H2 23.52 9.19 41.90 G 22.18 8.78 B 25.11 9.58 H3 23.88 9.26 42.40 G 22.44 8.65 M1middle school, 1st grade +BBoy H1high school, 1st grade ++GGirl - 221 -
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ABSTRACT Korean J Child & Adol Psychiatr 12:218~224, 2001 A PRELIMINARY STUDY FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ASSESSMENT SCALE FOR ADHD IN ADOLESCENTS RELIABILITY AND VALIDITY FOR CASSS Geon-Ho Bahn, M.D., Min-Sup Shin, Ph.D., Soo Churl Cho, M.D., Kang-E Hong, M.D. Department of Neuropsychiatry, College of Medicine, KyungHee University, Seoul Although Attention Deficit Hyperactivity DisorderADHD has been considered as the disorder occurring during childhood, the prevalence is increasing among adolescents and adults. The prevalence rate varies from 2.0 to 14.3% due to the difference of diagnostic criteria, different assessment methods, or subjects age difference. Therefore, it needs to make age specifici.e., for children, for adolescents, and for adults assessment tools. Authors translated Conners-Wells Adolescents Self-Report Scalesshort form[casss] in to Korean to get validity and reliability as a way of development of assessment tool for adolescent with ADHD in Korea. CASSS was translated and corrtected by three psychiatrists and one clinical psychologist. To examine the concurrent validity and test-retest validity, CASSS was applied with K-YSR on one class of each grade in a middle school in Seoul with two week intervaltotal 115:male 58, female 57. To test validity, authors analysed and got Cronbach s as internal consistency. Construct validity was done by principal axis factor analysis on 4,354 students. As a result, Cronbach s alpha for internal consistency was.88, Pearson coefficient for test-retest reliability.83, and coefficient for concurrent validity.65. And in the factor analysis to examine construct validity, three factors were revealed as cognition, hyperactivity, and conduct. These results shows that CASSS may be useful tool for adolescents with ADHD, although there was a limit not to be done the comparison with clinical groups. KEY WORDS:ADHD Conners-Wells Self-Report Scaleshort form Adolescent Reliability Validity. - 224 -