주요경력 ~ present 매일유업중앙연구소유제품연구센터이사 / 센터장 ~ 한국야쿠르트중앙연구소 [ ~ ] 연구기획팀 / 팀장 [ ~ ] 유제품연구팀 / 팀장 [1989.

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Curriculum Vitae Updated: 2013. 11. 25 신상정보 성명생년월일출생지국적주소연락처이메일 임광세 ( 林光世 ), Kwangsei LIM 1965. 2. 4 서울대한민국경기도수원시영통구망포동동수원자이아파트 302동 901호 011-9350-9683 kwangslim@hotmail.com 학력 1998 ~ 2002 [PhD] 서울대학교농생명과학대학유과학및미생물 (Milk Science and Microbiology) 전공 1987 ~ 1989 [MS] 서울대학교농과대학축산학과 유과학및미생물 (Milk Science and Microbiology) 전공 1983 ~ 1987 [BS] 고려대학교농과대학축산학과 학위논문 1989 [Thesis of Master] Studies on the bacteriophage adsorption-resistance mechanism of Lactobacillus casei LM-1, the bacteriophage-resistant variant. Seoul National University. 2002 [Thesis of Doctor] Studies on the health-promoting characteristics of Bifidobacterium longum HY8001 isolated from Korean breast-fed infants. Seoul National University. [1]

주요경력 2010. 1 ~ present 매일유업중앙연구소유제품연구센터이사 / 센터장 1989. 2 ~ 2009. 12 한국야쿠르트중앙연구소 [2006. 7 ~ 2009. 12] 연구기획팀 / 팀장 [2001. 4 ~ 2006. 6] 유제품연구팀 / 팀장 [1989. 2 ~ 2001.3] 유제품연구팀 외부전문경력 2011. 1 ~ present 한국축산식품학회이사 2011. 1 ~ present 한국유산균학회이사 2008. 1 ~ present 한국 IDF 전문기술위원 2006. 9 ~ present 기술표준원전문위원 ISO/KS Standard (ISO/TC34/SC5&6) 2005. 12 ~ 2009. 12 KOLAS/ILAC-MRA 품질책임자 2002. 11 ~ present 한국유가공기술과학회이사 2002. 8 ~ 2004. 7 한국식품공업협회 PL (Product Liability) 전문위원 강의경력 2011. 3 ~ 2011. 6 Teaching Professor Graduate School, Korea University [Food Microbiology] 2011. 3 ~ 2011. 6 Teaching Professor Graduate School, Chonnam National University [Probiotics] 주요연구 / 업무분야 유제품 ( 발효유, 우유, 치즈 ) 연구개발 유산균 /probiotics 분리동정및상용화 유산균 /probiotics 기능성평가 연구기획및전략수립 [2]

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토바실러스애시도필러스에이취와이 7036 및이를함유하는제품. Patent No. 1007250120000 (2007. 5. 28) 12. 사람의구강충치균에저해능이있는스트렙토코커스써모필러스에이취와이 9012 및이를이 용한식품. Patent No. 1008984910000 (2009. 05. 12) 13. 유산균배양액, 이를함유하는유산균발효유및그의제조방법. Patent No. 10-1213530 (. 12. 12) 14. 헬리코박터파일로리억제용조성물, 이의제조방법및이를이용한식품조성물. Patent No. 10-1327541 (2013. 11. 04) 15. 연속식홀딩탱크. Patent No. 10-1327539(2013. 11. 04) [ 특허출원 ] 16. Lactobacillus brevis with high alcohol dehydrogenase activity and dairy products, health functional food and food additives comprising the same. Patent Pending No. 10-- 0013753 (. 2. 10) 17. Lactobacillus plantarum with high acetaldehyde dehydrogenase activity and dairy products, health functional food and food additives comprising the same. Patent Pending No. 10--0013754 (. 2. 10) 18. 섬유성이개선된스트링치즈의제조방법및그로부터제조된스트링치즈. Patent Pending No. 10-2013-0063825 수상경력 2003 [ 우수포스터 : 한국축산식품학회 ] Studies on the adhesion of bifidobacteria to Caco-2 cells and relation to cell surface hydrophobicity. Annual Meeting of Korean Society of Food Science for Animal Resources. Korea. 2005 [ 우수포스터 : 제 8 회유산균심포지엄 ] Decrease serum alcohol concentration with novel fermented milk containing lactobacilli. 2005. The 8 th Symposium on Lactic Acid Bacteria. The Netherlands. 2007 [ 기술상 : 한국유가공기술과학회 ] 기능성발효유쿠퍼스개발 2013 [ 기술상 : 한국유가공기술과학회 ] 국산원유를이용한스트링치즈 ( 링스 ) 개발 [6]

제품개발 [ 한국야쿠르트 : 1989 2009] 1992 1995 1997 2000 2000 [Brand] MATSONI( 마쪼니 ) [Volume] 100mL [Flavors] Blackcurrant, Plain, Apple [Claims] Digestive health Renewal in 1999 to NEW MATOSNI (Apple, White grape) [Brand] METCHNIKOFF( 메치니코프 ) [Volume] 150mL [Flavors] Apple, Peach, White grape, Cereal [Claims] Digestive health, Clinically proven Renewal in 2001 to METCHNIKOFF LIFE (same flavors) [Brand] PPUYO( 뿌요 ) [Volume] 100mL [Flavors] Pineapple, Strawberry, Apple, Mango [Claims] Drinkable yogurt for lids, Fruit puree contained [Brand] YAKULT 400( 야쿠르트 400) [Category] Lactic drink [Volume] 80mL [Flavors] Citrus [Claims] Containing 40 billion CFU of L. casei Shirota /bottle [Brand] HELICOBACTER PROJECT WILL( 윌 ) [Volume] 150mL [Flavors] Chinese Plum [Claims] Digestive health (Stomach), Anti-helicobacter action Collaboration with Dr. Marshall (Nobel prize laureate) [7]

(continued) 2001 2002 2002 2003 2004 2004 [Brand] POPOYA( 포포야 ) [Category] Stirred yogurt [Volume] 80g [Flavors] Strawberry, Apricot [Claims] On-The-Go squeezable yogurt [Brand] SYLPH( 실프 ) [Category] Stirred yogurt [Volume] 110g [Flavors] Green tea, apricot [Claims] Extremely low calories, Fat-free, Calcium [Brand] YAKULT MILK( 하루우유 ) [Category] Fortified milk [Volume] 200mL [Flavors] [Claims] Calcium and iron fortified Renewal in 2005 [Brand] YAKULT MILK( 하루우유 ) [Category] Flavored milk [Volume] 200mL [Flavors] Strawberry, Coffee, Chocolate, Cereal [Claims] [Brand] YAKULT ACE 400( 에이스 400) [Category] Lactic drink [Volume] 80 ml [Flavors] Citrus [Claims] Containing 40 billion CFU of L. casei Shirota /bottle Renewal product of Yakult Ace [Brand] KUPFFER S( 쿠퍼스 ) [Volume] 150mL [Flavors] Mixed fruits flavor [Claims] Liver health and anti-hangover, IgG against Hepatitis A virus [8]

(continued) [Maeil Dairies: 2010 present] 2010 [Brand] DRINKABLE PURE( 마시는퓨어 ) [Volume] 140mL [Flavors] Apple, Plain, Red grape [Claims] All natural, No artificial additives, LGG 2010 [Brand] SET TYPE PURE( 셋타입퓨어 ) [Category] Spoonable Set-type yogurt [Volume] 85g [Flavors] Vanilla, Sweet Potato [Claims] All natural, No artificial additives, LGG 2010 [Brand] SET TYPE PURE ZEROFAT( 제로팻 ) [Category] Spoonable Set-type yogurt, fat-free [Volume] 85g [Flavors] Plain [Claims] All natural, No artificial additives, LGG, fat-free 2010 [Brand] SANGHA ORGANIC YOGURT( 유기농 ) [Category] Spoonable yogurt [Volume] 85g [Flavors] plain [Claims] Orgaic, Lc40(probiotics) 2011 [Brand] DRINKABLE PURE, ZERO FAT( 제로팻퓨어 ) [Volume] 140mL [Flavors] blueberry [Claims] All natural, No artificial additives, LGG, fat-free [9]

(continued) 2011 [Brand] SANGHA FRESH MOZAARELLA CHEESE( 모짜렐라치즈 ) [Category] Fresh Cheese [Volume] 125g [Flavors] plain [Claims] Made from 100% domestic raw milk 2011 [Brand] SET TYPE PURE SWEET POTATO AND YELLOW CARROT( 퓨어셋 ) [Category] Spoonable set type yogurt [Volume] 85g [Flavors] Sweet potato and yellow carrot [Claims] All natural, No artificial additives, LGG 2011 [Brand] SANGHA ORGANIC YOGURT, LOW FAT( 유기농 ) [Volume] 130mL [Flavors] Blueberry [Claims] Organic, low fat, Lc40(probiotics) [Brand] ORGANIC CHEESE FOR BABIES( 유기농 ) [Category] Organic processed slice cheese [Volume] 180g [Flavors] Plain [Claims] Organic, reduced-sodium, scientifically designed by pediatrician for babies [Brand] ENYO( 엔요 ) [Category] Lactic drink [Volume] 80mL [Flavors] Plain, Strawberry, Blueberry [Claims] No artificial flavor, No stabilizer, No sucrose, Fat-free, L. casei L431(probiotics) [10]

(continued) [Brand] GUT FOR STOMACH( 위편한구트 ) [Volume] 130mL [Flavors] Chinese plum [Claims] 6 smart functional agents against H. pylori Broccoli sprout extract, cranberry extract, green tea extract, probiotics [Brand] GUT FOR LIVER( 간편한구트 ) [Volume] 130mL [Flavors] White grape [Claims] 6 smart functional ingredients for liver health and anti-hangover, betaine, probiotics [Brand] SANGHA ORGANIC DRINKABLE YOGURT ( 유기농요구르트 ) [Volume] 500mL [Flavors] Plain [Claims] Organic, Lc40(probiotics), Organic agave fiber [Brand] MAEIL BIO FOR BREAKFAST( 매일바이오아침에든든 ) [Category] Stirred yogurt [Volume] 130g [Flavors] Strawberry, Peach [Claims] [Brand] MAEIL BIO( 매일바이오 ) [Category] Stirred yogurt [Volume] 100g [Flavors] Strawberry, Peach, Plain, Grape with natade coco, Plain mild, Pineapple [Claims/Notes] [11]

(continued) [Brand] MAEIL BIO DOUBLE FRUITS( 더블후르츠 ) [Category] Stirred yogurt [Volume] 85g [Flavors] Strawberry, Peach [Claims] Contained double amount of fruits [Brand] DRINKABLE PURE COLLAGEN( 퓨어콜라겐 ) [Volume] 310mL [Flavors]Apple, Strawberry [Claims] Collagen, LGG, Beauty [Brand] LASSI DRINKABLE YOGURT( 라씨 ) [Volume] 180mL [Flavors] Mango [Claims] Indian yogurt, Dietary fiber, Herbal extract Flavor extension [Brand] SANGHA ORGANIC STIRRED YOGURT ( 상하유기농떠먹는딸기요구르트 ) [Category] Stirred yogurt [Volume] 85g [Flavors] Strawberry [Claims] Organic [Brand] SANGHA CHEDDAR SLICE CHEESE ( 상하체다슬라이스 ) [Category] Processed cheese [Volume] 100(18g x 5)g, 200g, 400g [Flavors] Cheddar [Claims] PDO certification from Cheddar farm [12]

(continued) 2013 [Brand] SANGHA ORGANIC CHEESE FOR BABAY ( 상하우리아이첫치즈 ) [Category] Organic processed cheese [Volume] 180(18g x 10)g [Flavors] [Claims] Organic, low sodium(lowest in Korea) 3 steps(products) by age 2013 [Brand] SANGHA STRING CHEESE( 링스 ) [Category] String cheese [Volume] 20g [Flavors] [Claims] 100% domestic raw milk 2013 [Brand] DOMASUNO PREMIUM FRUITS APPLE ( 도마슈노프리미엄후르츠사과 ) [Volume] 180mL [Flavors] Apple [Claims] Cup yogurt with fruit dice Flavor extension 2013 [Brand] DRINKABLE PURE COLLAGEN ( 퓨어콜라겐 ) [Volume] 310mL [Flavors] Apple, Strawberry, Berry mix [Claims] Collagen Flavor extension(berry mix) and Package renewal 2013 [Brand] HELLOW ENYO( 헬로엔요 ) [Volume] 200mL [Flavors] Plain, Golden Kiwi [Claims] Multi-vitamin Aseptic [13]

(continued) 2013 [Brand] MAEIL GOOD MILK( 매일좋은우유 ) [Category] Milk [Volume] 300mL, 1,000 ml [Flavors] [Claims] Half-day system(produce within 8 hours) LDO technology for good taste PET bottle 2013 [Brand] SANGHA ORGANIC MILK( 상하유기농우유 ) [Category] Organic milk [Volume] 200mL [Flavors] [Claims] Organic milk long-shelf life in ambient temperature 2013 [Brand] SANGHA ORGANIC FLAVOR MILK ( 상하유기농가공유 ) [Category] Organic flavored milk [Volume] 125mL [Flavors] Banana, Strawberry [Claims] Organic, Natural flavor 2013 [Brand] SANGHA PASTEURIZATION MILK ( 상하목장저온살균우유 ) [Category] Milk [Volume] 180mL, 750mL, 930mL [Flavors] [Claims] Low heat treatment, Microfiltration PET [14]

기능성프로바이오틱스균주개발 1998 [Identification] Bifidobacterium longum HS90 [Patent No] 158049 [Claims] Production of exopolysaccharide(eps) [Application] 1998 [Identification] Bifidobacterium longum HY8001 [Patent No] 142615 [Claims] Korean origin strain, Prophylactic activity against pathogen [Application] All functional fermented milks in Korea Yakult The 1 st commercialized strain in Korea 2006 [Identification] Lactobacillus brevis HY 7401 [Patent No] 0543115 [Claims] Alcohol degradation activity, Anti-oxidant and Anti-inflammatory activity [Application] Kupffer s, R&B 2006 [Identification] Lactobacillus fermentum CS332 [Patent No] 0609779 [Claims] Alcohol and acetaldehyde degradation activity [Application] Kupffer s 2007 [Identification] Lactobacillus acidophilus HY7039 [Patent No] 0725012 [Claims] Anti-microbial activity against pathogens, Digestive health [Application] Functional yogurt(pasteur Milk Co., Ltd, KOREA) [Identification] Lactobacillus brevis HD-1 [Pending No] 10--0013753 [Claims] Alcohol dehydrogenase activity [Application] GUT for Liver [Identification] Lactobacillus plantarum HD-2 [Pending No] 10--0013754 [Claims] Acetaldehyde dehydrogenase activity [Application] GUT for Liver [15]