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Alastair Macaulay(2009). A Nutcracker Lover Explains Himself, The New York 22

Times (Dec. 16). Ann Daly(1987). The Balanchine Women: Of Hummingbirds and Channel Swimmers, The Drama Review: A Journal of Performance Studies 31(1), 9-21. Brenda Dixon Gottschild(1996). Digging the Africanist Presence in American Performance: Dance and Other Contexts, Westport, CT: Praeger. Catherine Gunther Kodat(2000). Dancing Through the Cold War: The Case of The Nutcracker, Mosaic: a Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature 33(3), 1-17. Jane Desmond(ed.)(1997). Meaning in Motion: New Cultural Studies in Dance, Durham: Duke University Press. Jennifer Fisher(2003). Nutcracker Nation, New Haven and London: Yale University Press. (2003-2004). Arabian Coffee in the Land of Sweets, Dance Research Journal 35(2)/36(1), 146-163. Michel Foucault(1965). Madness and Civilization: A History of Insanity in the Age of Reason, New York: Random House. (1972). The Archaeology of Knowledge & The Discourse on Language, New York: Pantheon Books. (1977). Discipline and Punish, New York: Random House. (1978). The History of Sexuality: An Introduction, New York: Random House. Roland John Wiley(1985). Tchaikovsky s Ballets: Swan Lake, Sleeping Beauty, Nutcracker, Oxford: Oxford UP. Susan Leigh Foster(ed.)(1996). Corporealities: Dancing Knowledge, Culture, London and New York: Routledge. Terry Teachout(2004). All in the Dances: A Brief Life of George Balanchine, Florida: Harcourt Inc. 23

Advertisement. Battle of the Nutcrackers, Dance Spirit (December, 2008) 12(10). http://www.ovationtv.com/events/battleofthenutcrackers/ (2010 1 4 ) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/fantasia_(film)#nutcracker_suite (2010 1 23 ) 24

Abstract The Socio-Cultural Significance of The Nutcracker in its Historical Development Youngjae Roh Lecturer in Department of Dance Dong-A Univ., Sungkyunkwan Univ. This paper explores the socio-cultural significance of a renowned classical ballet, The Nutcracker in its historical development. As one of Russian imperial ballets, The Nutcracker choreographed by Lev Ivanov attempted to combine a German story with classical spectacle. The ballet was inspired by a E. T. A. Hoffmann s popular story but not successful in the early years due to its unusual structure. Compared with today s popularity during the Christmas Season, the early Russian version of The Nutcracker did not received great attention in the imperial period. The development of The Nutcracker seemed to be caused by immigration of Russian ballet to the West. Especially the George Balanchine s version which emphasized the traditional notion of middle class family and holiday affected the establishment of new Christmas tradition as well as New York City Ballet s glory in America. The Nutcracker along with Christmas tradition then spread out to other Western countries. In the contemporary era, The Nutcracker s cultural power signifies not only inheritance of great classical ballet but also a sort of ongoing bodily practices which embody various contemporary cultural trends and social issues. In addition, based upon broad marketing strategy, The Nutcracker is also considered as a symbol of holiday consumer culture today. By a number of choreographers and dance companies in the world, The Nutcracker has been widely disseminated, adopting a conventional family discourse, popular culture, minority discourse and so on. As a result, whatever each version takes, it evokes a sort of community sense in which a group of people ties together. In this regard, I believe that The Nutcracker becomes a good example to read social values in history and diverse aspects of cultural practices. 25

keywords: The Nutcracker( ), Cultural Studies( ), Classical Ballet( ), Christmas Culture( ), History of Ballet( ) 26