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Revista Iberoamericana 22.1 (2011): 149-182. Rhee, Sung-Hyong (2011), Lula s Brazil: a critical assessment. Abstract The article tries to evaluate the legacies of Lula government which were much lauded by national and international media coverage. Brazil under Lula shows well both the darker and the brighter sides of the reform experiences since 1990s in Brazil. First, the growth in export market, due to the Chinese demand, tends to reduce the risks of external crises, and allow for more vigorous expansion of the domestic market. But Brazilian economic performance has not been quite good in the last decade comparing with its historical records. The pace of growth was more moderate with annual growth rate of 4.1%, well below the ones of the more dynamic developing economies. Second, the pillars of the macroeconomic policy have been the use the of exchange rate as an anti-inflation instrument, and the maintenance of primary surplus, which was continued since the Cardoso administration. Higher rate of interest combined with a relatively unregulated capital account, has led to significant capital inflows and a long term tendency to exchange rate appreciation, which would also leads to the Dutch disease. Third, the moderate improvement in income distribution and the appearance of the so-called new middle class was quoted by the Lula government as one of the main accomplishments. It is clear that the wages of the lower income strata, in particular, the minimum wage increased at a faster pace. But the average real remuneration of workers has not improved significantly. The notion of a new middle-class has been tied more to the enlargement of social programs, and the expansion of consumer credit. The Dilma administration tries to expand the more progressive programs of Lula s second term(pac-2), and allow the economy to grow at a faster pace, promoting a more significant redistribution of income. But the structural constraints ingrained by the Cardoso and Lula administrations tend to lead her * 2008 ( ) (NRF-2008-362-B00015).

government to a more moderate and cautious agenda. Key words Lula, BRICs, peripheral liberalism, coalitional presidentialism, new middle class, Dutch disease (2002-2010). (PT),, 87%., (12 16 ).,,,.,. 8,. (Sader e Garcia(eds.) 2010; Rands 2010) 8, (Szklarz 2010; Bresser-Pereira 2010). (Sallum 2009; Petra y Veltmeyer 2009). - (Filgueiras, Pinheiro, Philigret, e Balanco 2010).

., 25.. (Roett 2010; Brookings Institution 2009; Rouquie 2006)..,..,.,. (Almeida Magalhães et al. 2010) (Hunter 2010).. 8.. 1), 8 Revista Iberoamericana 22.1 150 151 1) 2010., 21.. 87%,... 1) < >, (Arias 2010b).

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.,, 8.. 8., (1994-95), (1997), (1999), (2001-02)... 8. 3),. 4) 8 2009.,. 8 2. 200-400. 2,400 200..,.,,, 3) Rouquie(2006) 6..,. 4) (IPEA).,, 2008 (Levy 2010).

. 2 (PAC), -. 2. (Salama 2010a; 2010b), 2009.. 8 (herança maldita),,.,. (PT),. (Articulação).,. Revista Iberoamericana 22.1 154 155 8..,. ( 40%),,.. 1 (2003-2006)

.,..,. 2009., ( 2010).. 8 50%. 8 200%.,., (BRICs)., (Brazil cost)... 8 4%. 5). 64..,. 2002 2002 GDP 22% 45%.,. 6),. 2008 5) (1948-1980) 7.5%, 10 1.5%, (1994-2002) 2.8%. 3.4%, 4.1% (Vernengo 2011, 18). 6) 2010 8%.

. 2009 2,752. Revista Iberoamericana 22.1 156 157

: IBGE; BNDES... (Bolsa Escolar), (Fome zero) 7) (Bolsa Familia). 1 3. GDP 0.5% 5,.. - (municipio) 7) 50, (Bolsa alimentacao) 2003 (Lautier 2007, 63).

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. (new middle class).,. 8 (Vernengo 2011, 20).,..

11% 15%. (sem terra). 3 4 20 (MST) (Dumas 2010).. 49%, 20%.,. OECD 31% 35%.. 20., - ( 2009). ( : individualization)., ( ) (1993 ). (plutocracy) (Goirand 2006, 23-8)... 87%..,. 2000 35% 2009 22.6%.. 3. 20%.,.. (le president du possible) (Rouquie 2006) Revista Iberoamericana 22.1 160 161

,.,.,..,,. 8 8,. 8.... 15%, (coalitional presidentialism).,. 2005,.,...... 1/4,. 2006

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