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, 2015 ( 27 ) Journal of Citizen & World 2015, Vol. 27, pp.57-106 :......., 2015... *,, hsyoon@inha.ac.kr

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From Anticommunist Developmental State to the Peace-Welfare State: History and Prospective This study presents the argument on why the Republic of Korea has to transfer from the Anticommunist Developmental State(ADS) to the Peace-Welfare State(PWS). The main argument is that using divided countries as the rationale, the past dictatorial anticommunist developmental state effectively suppressed the political empowerment of the labor class and the social democratic parties which are the most important agents of welfare state construction in Korea. Historically, the division of Korean peninsula did not only suppress the political empowerment of the working class and the social democratic parties but also undermined the class solidarity between the working class and the middle class in Korea. Furthermore, this study pays attention to the needs that the past (dictatorial) anticommunist developmental state provided the basis for the growth of pease and welfare state in South Korea. This study argues that Korea has to be the Pease-Welfare State although some imperfect factors remain such as border issues with North Korea and the power relation in the South Korea. Key words : the Peace-Welfare State, Developmental State, Anticommunist Developmental State, Welfare State.