THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE. 2014 Apr.; 25(4), 426433. ISSN 1226-3133 (Print)ISSN 2288-226X (Online) EMP Electromagnetic Pulse Coupling into Naval Warship and Protective Measures 양진호 남상욱 Jin-Ho YangSang-Wook Nam 요약 (HEMP). Bell IEC 61000-2-9 HEMP.,,., IEC 61000-2-9 Bell, IEC 61000-2-9 HEMP. HEMP,, TVS. Abstract The high-altitude electromagnetic pulse(hemp) generated by a high-altitude nuclear explosion. This paper presents the comparison of electric field penetration in Bell laboratories and IEC 61000-2-9 standard when HEMP source penetrates through Naval Warship conducted coupling path and radiated coupling path. Also we analyze the effects of two kinds of coupling and propose Protective measures. Simulation results confirm IEC 61000-2-9 standard is more strict than the Bell Laboratories standard except for a lower frequency band, so we proposed IEC 61000-2-9 standard as a Naval HEMP standard. Finally, we offer the protective measures such as the shielding coating, Honeycomb ventilation, TVS in order to meet the military criteria. Key words: EMP, HEMP, Front-Door/Back-Door Coupling, Shielding Effectiveness, Navy. 서론 1967 7 Forrestal [1].,.. 2012 1 [2]. (HEMP) 2013 (ICT) (Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Seoul National University) Manuscript received December 5, 2013 ; Revised February 19, 2014 ; Accepted February 24, 2014. (ID No. 20131205-122) Corresponding Author: Sang-Wook Nam (e-mail: 426 c Copyright The Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science. All Rights Reserved.
EMP 표 1. Table 1. Status of electromagnetic shielding military targets and constructed military unit. / 221 3 32 186 143 1 2 140 31-1 30 39-26 13 8 2 3 3,.. 전자기펄스기본개념및관련이론 2-1 HEMP 특성및형태 HEMP(High Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse) EMP. HEMP HEMP, HEMP, HEMP 3. HEMP Bell IEC 61000-2-9. (1) (1) t, 2. 1 Bell IEC 61000-2-9 HE- MP [3]. 표 2. HEMP Table 2. Early HEMP waveform parameter. Bell Labs IEC 61000-2-9 (kv/m) 50 50 K 1.05 1.30 ( ) 4 10 6 4 10 7 ( ) 4.76 10 8 6 10 8 4.6 ns 2.5 ns FWHM 184 ns 23 ns 그림 1. HEMP Fig. 1. Two kinds of HEMP waveform standard. 2-2 복사성 / 전도성결합.,. EMP Aperture slot, POE(Points of Entry) EMP [4],[5].. 전자파차폐이론및기준 3-1 차폐효율 (Shielding Effectiveness) 2, (2) [6]. (2) (2),., 80 db., 427
THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE. vol. 25, no. 4, Apr. 2014. 그림 2. Fig. 2. Requirement of shielding performance of U.S. Department of Defense. 그림 4. Fig. 4. Double exponential waveform. 표 3. PCI Table 3. PCI test waveforms. ns s s 500550 ns 35 ms 2025 s 2,500 A 250 A 1,000 A 1 A 1 A 1 A 그림 3. Fig. 3. Requirement of shielding performance of naval surface warship., //., // (//). (MIL-STD-461E, RS103) 3 73.9 db( 74 db). 3-2 Pulse Current Injection 테스트 PCI,. HEMP HEMP 4, HEMP MIL-STD- 188-125-1 HEMP 3 [7]. HEMP 2,500 A HEMP. MIL-STD-188-125-1, 1 A.. 시뮬레이션결과및분석 4-1 해군함정모델링및 EMP 결합경로 5. EMP, (, ),. 428
EMP 그림 5. EMP Fig. 5. Naval warship modeling & EMP coupling path. Material (Lossy metal, Electric Conductivity: 5.8 10 6 [S/m]). Simulator (mesh, ), EMP,. 6 (,, ), ( ), (Probe). 6 PEC =0, (Freespace). Bell IEC 61000-2-9 HEMP, [3]. IEC-61000-2-9 Bell 10 MHz,., [3],, IEC Bell 9 MHz, 28 %, 34 %. HEMP IEC 61000-2-9,. 4-3 시뮬레이션결과 4-3-1 복사성결합결과, 7. 74 db.. 4-3-1-1 복사성피해신호대책및적용결과, EMP 4-2 Excitational Signal 그림 6. Fig. 6. Measurement location of electromagnetic wave & boundary condition around naval warship. 그림 7. / (SE) Fig. 7. Shielding effectiveness of bridge/commroom. 429
THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE. vol. 25, no. 4, Apr. 2014. 그림 8. EMP Fig. 8. Protective measures of EMP radiated coupling. 그림 10. 1.5 m Fig. 10. Attenuation constant of coaxial cable(1.5 m). 그림 9. EMP SE Fig. 9. SE after applying protective measures of EMP radiated coupling.. MIL-STD-188-125-1 8, Honeycomb [8]., mesh, mesh 20 um. Honeycomb cell 3.2 mm, Waveguide-Below-Cutoff Array length 5 cm. EMP, 9 74 db. 4-3-2 전도성결합결과 10,, (3). ln (3) CST-CS 11 Input, Output, 01.5 GHz 100 MHz Sweep, 10. 4-3-2-1 CST-CS Simulator 정확도분석 1.5 m (RG-58) (α), CST-MW, CST-CS. 그림 11. CST-CS Fig. 11. Schematic of coaxial cable using CST-CS. 430
EMP 그림 12. Fig. 12. Antenna cable of naval warship & modeling. 그림 14. input output Fig. 14. Input and output of injection current of naval warship antenna.., 8.5 m output 42.132 ns Time delay. Time delay (4). nsm (4) 그림 13. Fig. 13. Schematic of naval warship antenna cable & excitational signal. 4-3-2-2 함정의안테나케이블결합결과 Cable 12, CST-CS. ( 12) CST-CS 13, HEMP. P1P3 input, P4P6 output. 2,500 A HEMP 14 2,390 A () 2.3. (4) 42.925 ns,. 2,390 A 1 A, system. 4-3-2-3 전도성피해신호대책및적용결과 15 TVS. TVS Transient Voltage Suppression Diode. TVS TVS (Clamping Voltage),. 431
THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE. vol. 25, no. 4, Apr. 2014.. 결론 그림 15. TVS Fig. 15. TVS diode. HEMP IEC 61000-2-9 HEMP., HEMP, Honeycomb (SE) 74 db, TVS 0.8 A.,, EMP. EMP ( ),. References 그림 16. TVS Fig. 16. Schematic using TVS diode. CST-CS On Semiconductor TVS NSA5.OAT Datasheet 16. ( 16), 17 P4P6 0.8 A 1 A. 그림 17. TVS Fig. 17. Inside residual current output after applying TVS diode. [1], "EMI/EMC ",, 2003 10. [2], " EMP ", 2012 10 5 News1. [3],,,, "HEMP ",, 21(12), pp. 1454-1459, 2010 12. [4] Hui-cheng Xia, Shi-liao Zhang, and Jian-zho Maou, "Analyze on the EMP weapon damage to the ship electronics system", Fire Control & Command Control, vol. 35, no. 7, 2010. [5] Kelong Zhen, Shanwei Lv, and Yan Zhang, "Research on damage of intense electromagnetic pulse to radar receiving system", Global Symposium on Milimeter Waves (GSMM), 2012. [6] Military Standard - "High-Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse (HEMP) protection for ground-based C4I facilities performing critical, tine-urgent missions, Part 1 fixed facilities", MIL-STD-188-125-1, Dept. of Defense, Washington, DC. Apr. 2005. 432
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