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연결재무상태표 (Consolidated Statements of Financial Position) 제 5( 당 ) 기 2013 년 12 월 31 일현재 (As of December 31, 2013) 한국스탠다드차타드금융지주주식회사및종속회사 (Standard Chartered Korea Limited And Subsidiaries) ( 단위 : 백만원, Unit : Million won) 계정과목 Description 금액 (Amount) 자산 Assets 현금및예치금 Cash and due from banks 1,585,406 단기매매금융자산 Financial assets held for trading 6,764,877 당기손익인식지정금융자산 Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss 15,568 매도가능금융자산 Available-for-sale financial assets 10,982,332 만기보유금융자산 Held-to-maturity financial assets 1,000 대여금및수취채권 Loans and receivables 37,244,263 위험회피파생상품자산 Derivative assets held for risk management 53,561 기타금융자산 Other financial assets 803,082 유형자산 Property and equipment 628,997 투자부동산 Investment property 321,577 무형자산 Intangible assets 48,734 당기법인세자산 Current tax assets 9,422 이연법인세자산 Deferred tax assets 33,837 기타자산 Other assets 38,628 매각예정자산 Assets held for sale 1,636,155 자산총계 Total assets 60,167,439 부채 Liabilities 예수부채 Deposits 30,470,399 단기매매금융부채 Financial liabilities held for trading 5,619,466 당기손익인식지정금융부채 Financial liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss 6,092,026 차입부채 Borrowings 2,468,384 발행사채 Debt securities issued 5,475,755 위험회피파생상품부채 Derivative liabilities held for risk management 10,938 기타금융부채 Other financial liabilities 3,706,133 충당부채 Provisions 127,731 기타부채 Other liabilities 103,474 매각예정부채 Liabilities held for sale 353,914 부채총계 Total liabilities 54,428,220 3

자본 Equity 지배기업의소유주지분 Total equity attributable to equity holder of the Group 5,369,871 자본금 Capital stock 1,341,543 연결자본잉여금 Capital surplus 2,561,049 연결자본조정 Capital adjustments (1,077) 연결기타포괄손익누계액 ( 매각예정자산과관련한 Accumulated other comprehensive income (Accumulated other comprehensive loss relating to 3,814 손실누계액 : 817) asset held for sale amounted to 817) 연결이익잉여금 Retained earnings 1,464,542 비지배지분 Non-controlling interest 369,348 자본총계 Total equity 5,739,219 부채와자본총계 Total liabilities and equity 60,167,439 4

연결포괄손익계산서 (Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income) 제 5( 당 ) 기 2013 년 1 월 1 일부터 2013 년 12 월 31 일까지 (For the year ended December 31, 2013) 한국스탠다드차타드금융지주주식회사및종속회사 ( 단위 : 백만원, Unit : Million won) 계정과목 Description 금액 (Amount) 순이자손익 Net interest income 1,406,336 이자수익 Interest income 2,390,445 이자비용 Interest expense (984,109) 순수수료손익 Net fees and commission income 204,184 수수료수익 Fees and commission income 282,741 수수료비용 Fees and commission expense (78,557) 기타영업손익 Other operating loss (1,483,214) 단기매매금융상품관련순손익 Net gain on financial instruments held for trading 84,710 당기손익인식지정금융상품관련 Net gain on financial instruments designated at fair 순손익 value through profit or loss 195,154 위험회피파생상품관련순손익 Net gain on derivatives held for risk management 22,309 공정가액위험회피대상관련순손익 Net gain on hedged items for fair value hedges 5,720 금융상품관련기타순손익 Net other loss on financial instruments (33,481) 환율변동손익 Net foreign exchange loss (263,482) 충당금및충당부채순전입액 Impairment loss on loans and other provisions (308,000) 판매비와관리비 General and administrative expenses (1,119,002) 기타의영업손익 Net other operating expenses (67,142) 영업이익 Operating Profit 127,306 영업외손익 Non operating income 18,506 기타수익 Other income 67,842 기타비용 Other expenses (49,336) 법인세비용차감전순이익 Profit before income taxes 145,812 법인세비용 Income tax expense (50,665) 계속영업연결이익 Income from continuing operations 95,147 세후중단영업손실 Discontinued operations (4,828) 연결당기순이익 Profit for the year 90,319 연결기타포괄손익 Other comprehensive income for the year (20,544) 후속적으로당기손익으로재분류되는항목 Reclassifiable to profit of loss subsequently (21,578) 매도가능금융자산평가손익 Net unrealized loss on valuation of available-forsale financial assets (24,914) 현금흐름위험회피파생상품평가손익 Net realized gain on valuation of cash flow 3,336 후속적으로당기손익으로재분류되지않는항목 Unreclassifiable to profit or loss subsequently 1,034 확정급여제도의재측정요소 Remeasurements of defined benefit plans 1,034 연결총포괄이익 Total comprehensive income for the year 69,775 5

연결당기순이익의귀속 : Profit attributable to: 지배기업의소유주 Equity holder of the Group 66,603 비지배지분 Non-controlling interest 23,716 연결당기총포괄이익의귀속 : Total comprehensive income attributable to: 지배기업의소유주 Equity holder of the Group 46,059 비지배지분 Non-controlling interest 23,716 연결주당순이익 : Earnings per share 기본및희석주당순이익 ( 단위 : 원 ) Basic and diluted earnings per share (won) 248 연결주당순이익 _ 계속영업 : Earnings per share - Continuing operations 기본및희석주당순이익 ( 단위 : 원 ) Basic and diluted earnings per share (won) 266 6

위와같이공고함 2014 년 3 월 28 일 한국스탠다드차타드금융지주주식회사 대표이사회장리차드힐 담당책임자재무관리본부장그레고리존포웰 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 위연결재무상태표및재무상태표를포함한제 5기재무제표는중요성의관점에서한국채택국제회계기준에따라작성되었습니다. 삼정회계법인대표이사김교태 7