조사연구 whether this expansive monitoring system might basically achieve the improvement in statistical quality capturing problems in survey research. Ba

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조사연구 권 호 DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.20997/sr.17.4.4 연구노트 조사품질 : 제도적접근 Survey Quality: Institutional Approach 1)2) a) b) 주제어 조사품질 품질관리 총조사오차 통계품질진단 As survey quality paradigm changes from total survey error approach to quality management approach, the legal and institutional basis for survey quality management for official statistics in Korea has been introduced last decade. Accordingly Statistics Korea is performing statistical quality monitoring for a substantial number of official statistics every year. However, it is still to be questioned

조사연구 whether this expansive monitoring system might basically achieve the improvement in statistical quality capturing problems in survey research. Based on a brief review of the current discussions on survey quality and the domestic situation this study maintains that a more grounded institutional change is needed as well as complementary measures. Key words : survey quality, quality management, total survey error, statistical quality monitoring Ⅰ. 서론

조사품질 제도적접근 Ⅱ. 조사통계품질관리의흐름

조사연구 출처

조사품질 제도적접근 < 표 1> 3 가지수준의개념으로서통계품질 품질수준주요행위주체관리수단측정지표 SLA MSE SPC acceptance sampling CBM SOP ISO CoP 출처 재구성


조사품질 제도적접근 Ⅲ. 우리나라조사통계의품질관리

조사연구 그림 우리나라의국가통계체계 출처 박성현외 < 표 2> 통계제도의구분 구분집중형통계제도분산형통계제도,,,,,,,,, 출처 통계청 통계조정업무매뉴얼

조사품질 제도적접근 < 표 3> 주요국가의통계조정방법 국가조정기관조정방법특징. OMB.. INSEE.. 출처 김기환외

조사연구 < 표 4> 통계작성기관및승인현황 (2015년 3월기준 ) 작성통계수 구분 작성기관수 합계 지정통계 일반통계 (1) 303 769 73 696-43 341 56 285 1 58 40 18 42 283 16 267-260 428 17 411 (2) 87 167 19 148 390 936 92 844 출처 통계청국가승인통계현황홈페이지

조사품질 제도적접근 < 표 5> 우리나라통계품질관리차원 차원내용주요점검항목 (relevance) (accuracy) (timeliness & punctuality) (comparability) (coherence) (accessibility & clarity) : : (, ),,, (CV), (MSE),, (, ), (, ),,,,,,,, DB,,,, 출처 통계청 재구성

조사연구 표 품질진단사업추진경과 1 2-5 (2006-2010) - 585-2 5 (2011-2015) - 25 3 - - 100 5-2015 80 출처 통계청

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조사품질 제도적접근


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