Ch 3. 통증의 병태 생리

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통증의신경생리 김종환


Sensory Receptor 의종류 Chemoreceptor ( 화학 ) Photoreceptor ( 빛 ) Thermoreceptor ( 온도 ) Mechanoreceptor ( 물리 ) 전기에너지

감각수용기기능 Stimulus Sensory Receptor Transduction( 변환 ) Receptor potential Depolarization ( 탈분극 ) or Hyperpolarization ( 과분극 ) Action potential

피부의체성감수기 Tactile receptor( 촉각수용기 ): 접촉, 압력, 진동에반응 Thermoreceptor( 온도수용기 ) 는 : Free nerve ending( 자유신경종말 )

피부의체성감수기 Pacinian Corpuscle Merkel Disk

Sensory Adaptation 연속적자극 감각세포의흥분감소 Action Potential 감소 반응감소

Sensory Receptor( 체성감각기 ) Exteroceptor Interoceptor Proprioceptor Visceroceptor

체성감수기의종류 Merkel Disk Light touch

Proprioceptor( 고유수용기 ) Muscle spindle( 근육방추 ) Golgi tendon organ( 골지힘줄기관 )

고유감각 고유감각

편두통 George Cruikshank (1819)


통증 (Pain) 조직손상 주관적이고정서적이다. 불쾌한감각

통각 (Nociception) 신체에가해진유해자극에대한위험신호 손상자극으로부터신체를보호하기위한신경활동

통증 통각수용통증 (nociceptive pain): 생리적통증통각자극이없으면사라진다. 병태생리적통증 (Neuropathic pain): 조직손상이치유된후에도지속적으로발생하는통증

통증의원인 Somatic Neuropathic Psychogenic Peripheral Central

체성통각 Myelinated fiber(a - 섬유 ): 초기통각 (initial pain) 경계가분명한경고성통증 ( 속도 30m/s) Unmyelinated fiber (C- 섬유 ): 지연성통각, 둔하고타는듯한통각으로 회복상태를감시하는역 할 ( 속도 2.5 m/s 이하 )

A - 기계적감수기의종류 열감수기 (Heat nociceptor) 한랭감수기 (Cold receptor) 휴면유해감수기 (Silent nociceptor)- 염증시통증유발



유해감수기의역할 조직손상에대한경고및회복감시 -K +, H + 유리 - 염증물질분비 : Bradykinin, Histamine, Serotonin, Prostaglandin, Leukotriene, Cytokine -Substance-p, Calcitonin, Gene-related peptide 분비

열유해감수기의기전 고역치 (high threshhold) 감수기 43 도이상의온도 비선택적양이온통로 (non selective ion channel) Ca 2+ Capsacin 에의하여열리는이온통로 신경의흥분 통증


유해감수기의감작 (Sensitization) 유해자극을반복하면동일한자극에대한반응이커진다. -1 차통각과민 (Primary Hyperalgesia): 열자극과기계적자극에반응이증가 : 유해감수기 -2 차통각과민 (Secondary Hyperalgesia): 물리적자극에만과민반응 : 중추기전


통증의분류 인체부위별통증 급성, 만성통증 통각수용-신경병증-심인성통증 교감신경의존성통증 교감신경비의존성통증

신경병적통증 (Neuropathic Pain) 손상된신경의비정상적활동 신경손상 만성통증 무해통증 (Allodynia) 압통 (Tenderness) 자발통증 (Spontaneous pain)

Physiological effects of Pain Increased catabolic demands: poor wound healing, weakness, muscle breakdown Decreased limb movement: increased risk of DVT/PE Respiratory effects: shallow breathing, tachypnea, cough suppression increasing risk of pneumonia and atelectasis Increased sodium and water retention (renal) Decreased gastrointestinal mobility Tachycardia and elevated blood pressure

Psychological effects of Pain Negative emotions: anxiety, depression Sleep deprivation Existential suffering: may lead to patients seeking active end of life.

Immunological effects of Pain Decrease natural killer cell counts Effects on other lymphocytes not yet defined.

Procedure Related Pain Common in all patients Frequent source of pain and distress

Neuropathic pain ( 신경손상손상이원인 ) 증상 타는듯아프다 찢어지는듯 바늘로찌르는듯 이리저리옮겨다닌다 원인 사지절단 Peripheral neuropathy (Shingles; herpes zoster), AIDS 등 Diabetic neuropathy Fibromyalgia 척수암암등

Neuropathic Pain Neuropathic pain is pain transmitted over damaged nerves. Patient Description of Neuropathic Pain: Burning, electric, searing, tingling, and migrating or traveling. Causes of Neuropathic Pain: Amputation, shingles (herpes zoster), AIDS (peripheral neuropathy), diabetic neuropathy, fibromyalgia, and cancers that affect the spinal cord, among others. Westbrook 2005

말초감작의기전 염증과통증유발물질생성으로 Primary afferent 의 threshold 가저하 통각과민 (hyperalgesia) 이질통 (allodynia)

Modified WHO Analgesic Proposed 4 th Step Ladder Quality of Life Invasive treatments Opioid Delivery Pain persisting or increasing Step 3 Opioid for moderate to severe pain ± Nonopioid ± Adjuvant The WHO Ladder Deer, et al., 1999 Pain persisting or increasing Step 2 Opioid for mild to moderate pain ± Nonopioid ± Adjuvant Pain persisting or increasing Step 1 ± Nonopioid ± Adjuvant Pain

말초감작유발물질 Bradykinin NO 신경펩티드와아미노산 신경펩티드 :Susbtance P(sP), calcitonin gene related peptide(cgrp), vasoactive intestinal peptide(vip) 흥분성아미노산 : glutamate, aspartate Neurotrophic factors -NGF(nerve growth factor), GDNF(glial cell derived neurotrophic factor) 등

중추감작 중추감작은통증인지에관계되는중추신경계에서발생한신경가소성 (neural plasticity) 를의미한다. 수분이내에일어날수있으며 증상은통각과민과이질통및이상감각으로나타나며연관통을보이기도한다.

중추감작 Glutamate, Aspartate 와 NMDA 수용체와 neuropeptide 중추감작은 NMDA 수용체길항제또는 Morphin 계로차단

신경병증통증 말초신경손상후축삭절단된구심성섬유 후근신경절 정상통각수용기 이런비정상활동전위는척수로들어가중추감작을일으키는원인이된다.

척수후각시냅스재구성 대상포진바이러스, HIV 바이러스, 당뇨병성신경병증

척수후각시냅스재구성 Aδ 및 C fiber neuron 은 dorsal horn 위쪽에분포 직경이큰유수신경 Aβ 는역치가낮고통증을유발과무관 말초신경손상후직경이작은신경이퇴화 직경이큰신경의 sprouting 을유도 C fiber 정상통증신호전달이없어지면 Aβ 로들어온비통각수용자극이직접척수신경세포에전달되어 mechanical allodynia 를유발

교감신경계활성 교감신경이신경종양으로 sprouting 하여건재한신경말단에아드레날린수용체가세포막에발현되어 NE 에민감해짐 교감신경의존성통증의중요기전
