* (ICT),,,,,.., *
. ) ( ),, (, ).,,,,., (cyber security).,,. ), ),,,,,,.,,.,.,,...,,, ) (William Gibson) (Neuromancer). ) ; ;.,.. ),,,.,,,,.
. ). (ubiquitous),,. (,, ). (interconnectivity) (interpenetration).,,., - (, ). ) )., (, )..,. ) Hacking, (back office, internet worm, virus, logic bomb, Troian horse...), e-mail bomb, Spam mail, Chipping, Sniffing, Spoofing, Smurfing, Snoofing, Nano machine, HERF(High Energy Radio Frequency) Gun, Electronic Jamming.... ),. -. (DDOS).,.
). ),...,,,,..,..,. (containment) (deterrence), (preemptive strike),, (WMD).,,.. ( ).., (, ).,,, (GPR),,,.., (,, -;, -).,, ),. (Chindia) ;,, -.
.,,,,,, (non-traditional security). (comprehensive security) (, ;,, ;, -).,. ) ( ) : (INGO),,.,,,,,.,., (, -)..,. (global governance) ( )., (UCC),,, net-..,.,
,... (high politics)., (low politics) (, -).,,.,.,,.,,,,,,..,.,,,,,. (WMD), (common security), (mutual security), (cooperative security).,,,,,,. ),, ) ) ) -...
......,,. ) -,.......,.,. ),......,,.
(,, )..,,,,.,,. (NGO), (INGO),,,.,,,.,,...,, ).. ) ),.,. Korean Political Science Review, The Korean Journal of International Relations. ),.,,.,.
,..,..,.. ),. ()..,..,,,., (, ) ),, (, ), (, ), (, ). ( )., (, ;, ; )..
, ).. (, ; ).,,,.., (, ; ; ), (, ), (, ). (, ), (, ),, (, ). )..,. net,.,.,. E-Governance, ICT/Leadership, ITU,,, ( ) (governance),.,,,, (digital) /,,,,,,, (cyber) //,,,, /,,,, (internet) / ///// /,,,,,,,, //, / /,,,,,,,
,,,... / /,, //////,,, //, /, /.,,.,,,, (, ).,, (, ;, ;, ),.. (, ),.,,, (, ;, ),., (, )., ( ).,.,,,,.,,, (, ;, ; ), (, ;, )..
,.. ),., (),.,. IMT-, NEIS, PC, R&D, WTO,,,,,,, ( ),,,,,,,,,, (),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, /////,, /,, /,,,,,,,,...,,,,, /////,,,,... ).,.,,,
......,,.,., (, ),, (, ), (, )..,. (). SIPRI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,., / //, / /,,,
. (, ;, ;, ;, )., (,, ;, ; ;, ).,.., (, ), (,, ),. (, ;, )..,.. ),,,,,.,,.. ),,,,,,. The White House, The National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace (Washington: The White House, ); David S. Wall, Digital Realism and the Governance of Spam as Cybercrime, European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research (), Vol., pp. - ; Timothy L. Thomas, Al Qaeda and the Internet: The Danger of Cyberplanning, Parameters (Spring ), Vol.. No., pp. - ; Mauria Conway, Terrorism and the Internet: New Media - New Threat? Parliamentary Affairs (), Vol., No., pp. - ; William J. Bayles, The Ethics of Computer Network Attack, Parameters (Spring ), Vol., No., pp. -.
,,,.,,..,.....,. (, ;,, ;, ;, ;, ;,, ;, ). (, ) (,,, ).,,(, ;, ;, ;, ;, ). (,, )., (, ;, ;,,, ;,, ;,,, ),,.,,, (, :,,, ;,, ).., (,, ;, ;, ;, ).,.
,... DRM(Digital Right Management), GUI, IDEFO, IP, IPv (internet protocol version ), Link-, RFID, U-, USN, VPN,, -,,,,, (DIRM: Defense Information Resource Management),,,,,, /,,,,, /,,,,,, (Watermarking),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.... (www.kias.or.kr) (www.kiisc.or.kr)..,.,...
. )..,.., NGO,,,, (), ( ),.,. ),.,,,,,,,,,.,.,,..,,, net-.
,..,.,,,.. ).,,,.,,,,,.,,,.,....,..,,,..,
....,., (,, )., VIII (,, )..,,,..,,. NSC,, (,,, ). (NCSC, National Cyber Security Center) ),,
(KISA).,.,.. ) SWOT,,,,,, (,, -)., (, ).. /,.,,,.,,,,,.. (,,, ). ),, Monthly,, www.ncsc.go.kr. ) ' ' (),.
,..,.,,,,.,..,.,, - - -, link., (www.cybercom.or.kr),, (www.kips.or.kr), (www.kiss.or.kr), (http://society.kisti.re.kr/~simul/), (www.kosim.or.kr), (www.liss.or.kr), (www.kics.or.kr),,, (www.kafil.or.kr), (www.fuzzy.or.kr), (www.kmms.or.kr), (www.kiiss.or.kr), (http://opengis.or.kr/sub _.php), (http://cseric.cau.ac.kr/new_ cseric/ main.asp). (www.kpsa.or.kr), (www.kaisnet.or.kr),.,.
,.,,,, NGO,.,.,.,.,.,,,.,,.,.,,, - -..,.
. 2006.. 40 3. 291-313.. 2007.,,. 41 2. 185-205.. 2001.. 441. 5-35. 2004. 21. 65. 7-30. 2003.. 43 1. 339-359.. 2000.. 6 4. 77-96.. 2006.. 64. 141-151. 2001..35 4. 359-376.. 2003.. 43 4. 33-58.. 2004a. (TRON). 44 3. 101-123.. 2004b. /. 10 1. 169-194.. 2005a., (). 45 1. 57-82.. 2005b.. 39 1. 365-387.. 2006.. 463. 7-29.. 2007..41 2. 245-267.. 2006... :.. 2003. :. 37 5. 127-146.. 2000. 16. 34
3. 129-147.. 2005. E-Governance. 39 5. 199-214.. 2006. C4ISR. 74. 49-84. 2001. (Governance). 41 2. 291-309.. 2004.. 10 3. 147-174,. 2001. :. 7 3. 147-175.. 2001.. 41 1. 69-92.. 2002.. 42 2. 45-65.. 2001. S/W. 441. 47-66. 2002.. 42 4. 73-95.. 2002.. 451. 151-191. 2004.. 64. 7-28. 2001.,.. 177-201... 21. :.. 2002.. 42 4. 27-48.. 2003a.. 43 1. 91-114.. 2003b.. 9 3. 105-134.
. 2004.. 44 3. 73-100.. 2005.. 39 2. 255-275.. 2004. 9.11. 44 4. 93-120.. 2005.. 69 155-181. 2002.. 36 3. 353-373.. 2006. (Chindia). 171. 437-504.. 2006.,,.40 3. 237-261.. 2005.. 39 2. 423-443.. 2006. 21.463. 31-53.. 2003. 9/11. 43 4. 81-100.. 2003. 21 -. 43 2. 9-13.. 2000. 21. 6 2. 5-21.. 2005.. 39 3. 331-352.. 2001.. 441. 37-46. 2005.. 482. 37-69. 2007. 21. 46. 197-226.. 2002..
452. 261-292. 2004.. 16. 39-73. 2006. -. 12 1. 131-161.. 2003.. 34. 6-19. 2001.. 41 4. 29-45.. 2005.. 39 5, 263-281.. 2004.. 38 3. 255-276.. 2004..44 1. 25-49.. 2005. 21.482. 3-36.. 2006..464. 7-32.,. 2006.. 2006.. 2006.,. 40 3. 125-143.. 2002. 36 1. 69-86.. 2004. (Smart Mobs). 44 2. 237-259.. 2005.. 39 3. 283-301.,. 2004.. 10 3. 117-145.. 2003. 9.11. 43 2. 295-318.. 2003.. 37 5. 439-460.. 2005.. 39 2. 445-464.
. 2007..472. 7-27.. 2004.. 44 2. 55-74.,. 2006.. 741. 119-146. 2001..441. 217-250. 2005.. 48 1. 29-62. 2004. 21. 10 2. 73-99.. 2006.. 491. 31-58. 2003.. 37 3. 357-379.. 2006. 21. 492. 3-24. 2006. (IPv6). 74. 85-118