한수지 47(6), 751-756, 214 Originl Article Kor J Fish Aqut Sci 47(6),751-756,214 RAW 264.7 세포에서의미역 (Unri pinntifi) 뿌리에탄올추출물의항염증활성 강보경 안나경 최연욱 김민지 1 박시우 박원민 김보람 김꽃봉우리 1 안동현 * 부경대학교식품공학과 / 식품연구소, 1 부경대학교수산과학연구소 Anti-inflmmtory Activity of Ethnol Extrct of Unri pinntifi Root in RAW 264.7 Cells Bo-Kyeong Kng, N-Kyung Ahn, Yeon-Uk Choi, Min-Ji Kim 1, Si-Woo Brk, Won-Min Pk, Bo-Rm Kim, Koth-Bong-Woo-Ri Kim 1 n Dong-Hyun Ahn* Deprtment of Foo Science n Technology/Institute of Foo Science, Pukyong Ntionl University, Busn 68-737, Kore 1 Institute of Fisheries Sciences, Pukyong Ntionl University, Busn 619-911, Kore The nti-inflmmtory effects of the ethnol extrct of Unri pinntifi root (UPREE) were investigte using the lipopolyscchrie (LPS)-inuce inflmmtory response in RAW 264.7 cells y mesuring the prouction of nitric oxie (NO), interleukin (IL)-6, tumor necrosis fctor (TNF)-α, n IL-1β, n cell prolifertion. We foun tht NO levels were reuce y 34% t 1 μg/ml. Moreover, the prouction of IL-6 n TNF-α ws suppresse y the UPREE tretment. In prticulr, the IL-6 prouction ws inhiite y more thn 3% t 1 μg/ml UPREE. The prolifertion of RAW 264.7 cells ws mesure y MTT ssy, n we foun no cytotoxicity in those cells trete with UPREE compre to the control. Our results suggest tht UPREE shows promise s therpeutic nti-inflmmtory tretment. Key wors: Unri pinntifi, Anti-inflmmtory Activity, IL-6, TNF-α 서론 (Unri pinntifi) (Choi et l., 1992; Kim n Choi, 1994).,. 4-6% 14-21 (Ahn et l., 24).,. (Ahn et l., 24), (Jung, 213), (Cho et l., 24). (Jeong et l., 212; Choi n Kim, 213). (Olefsky n Glss, 21)., (Alin n Reichner, 1995). lipopolyscchrie (LPS) http://x.oi.org/1.5657/kfas.214.751 Kor J Fish Aqut Sci 47(6) 751-756, Decemer 214 This is n Open Access rticle istriute uner the terms of the Cretive Commons Attriution Non-Commercil Licens (http://cretivecommons.org/licenses/y-nc/3./)which permits unrestricte non-commercil use, istriution, n reprouction in ny meium, provie the originl work is properly cite. Receive 14 August 214; Revise 22 Octoer 214; Accepte 17 Novemer 214 *Corresponing uthor: Tel: 82. 51. 629. 5831 Fx: 82. 51. 629. 5824 E-mil ress: hhn@pknu.c.kr Copyright 214 The Koren Society of Fisheries n Aqutic Science 751 pissn:374-8111, eissn:2287-8815
752 강보경ㆍ안나경ㆍ최연욱ㆍ김민지ㆍ박시우ㆍ박원민ㆍ김보람ㆍ김꽃봉우리ㆍ안동현, nitric oxie (NO), tumor necrosis fctor (TNF)-, interleukin (IL)-1, IL-6 (Wu et l., 24; Vlleor et l., 21). (Dinrello, 1998),,,,,, (Willoughy, 1975).,,. (Kwk n Lee, 214).,., LPS RAW 264.7 cells NO, IL-6, TNF- IL-1. 실험재료 재료및방법 ( ), (EyelFDU-21, Tokyo Rikkiki Co., Tokyo, Jpn) -2. 추출 1 95% (UNION 32R, Hnil Co., Incheon, Kore) 3, rpm 1. 2. 3 filter pper (Avntec5A, Toyo Roshi Kish, Tokyo, Jpn). 35 wter th rotry evportor (RE2, Ymto Co., Tokyo, Jpn). 37-2. 세포배양 RAW 264.7 (KCLB471), DMEM (GIBCO, Grn Isln, NY, USA) 1% inctivte fetl ovine serum (FBS) 1% penicillin-streptomycin 37, 5% CO 2 incutor (MCO-15AC, Snyo, Osk, Jpn). 8-9%, 2 pssges. 세포독성측정 3-(4,5-imethylthizol- 2-yl)-2,5-iphenyltetrzolium romie (MTT) ssy. RAW 264.7 cell (1 1 6 cells/ml) 96-well plte 2, 2 g/ml LPS (Sigm, St. Louis, MO, USA) (.1, 1, 1, 5, 1 g/ml) 37, 5% CO 2 22., 5 mg/ml MTT 2 4, 2, rpm 1., well imethyl sulfoxie (DMSO) microplte reer (Mo el 55, Bio-R, Richmon, CA, USA) 54 nm.. Prolifertion Inex (%)=smple /control 1 NO 분비량측정 NO nitrite griess. RAW 264.7 DMEM 2.5 1 5 cells/ml 24-well plte 37, 5% CO 2 incutor 2., RAW 264.7 2 g/ml LPS (.1, 1, 1, 5, 1 g/ml) 24., griess (1% sulfnilmie.1% nphthylen imine ihyrochlorie, 1 1) 1, microplte reer 54 nm. NO soium nitrite (NNO 2 ). Pro-inflmmtory cytokine 분비량측정 IL-6, TNF- IL-1 cytokine ELISA-kit (BD Bioscience, Sn Jose, CA, USA). RAW 264.7 DMEM 2.5 1 5 cells/ml 24-well plte 37, 5% CO 2 incutor 18. 2 g/ml LPS ethnol 12., ELISA microplte nti-mouse IL-6, TNF- IL-1 mouse ntioy (ma) coting..5% tween 2 phosphte uffere sline (PBST), 1% FBS locking. PBST, microplte 2. PBST
미역뿌리에탄올추출물의항염증활성 753 6 Prolifertion inex 3 2 1 Nitric oxie (µm) 5 4 3 2 c 1 Smple -.1 1 1 5 1 (µg/ml) e.1 1 1 5 1 (µg/ml) Fig. 1. Inhiitory effect of ethnol extrct of Unri pinntifi root on the prouction of prolifertion in RAW 264.7 cells. - Mens with ifferent superscripts re significntly ifferent (P<.5). iotinylte nti-mouse IL-6, TNF- ma streptviinhorserish peroxise conjugte 1. IL-1, iotinylte nti-mouse IL-1 etection ntioy 1, streptviinhorserish peroxise conjugte 3., PBST, -phenyleneimine (OPD) microplte reer 49 nm. 통계처리 SAS progrm (Sttisticl nlyticl system V8.2, SAS Institute Inc., Cry, NC, USA) ANOVA, Duncn P<.5. 결과및고찰 미역뿌리에탄올추출물에의한세포독성평가 MTT ssy RAW 264.7.,.1, 1, 1, 5, 1 g/ml (Fig. 1). NO cytokine. 미역뿌리에탄올추출물에의한 NO 생성억제효과 NO NO synthse (NOS) L- Fig. 2. Inhiitory effect of ethnol extrct of Unri pinntifi root on the prouction of NO in RAW 264.7 cells. -e Mens with ifferent superscripts re significntly ifferent (P<.5). rginine, (Weisz et l., 1996; Kim et l., 212). LPS pro-inflmmtory cytokine NO, NO (Stuehr et l., 1991). NO RAW 264.7 LPS (.1, 1, 1, 5, 1 g/ml) NO., LPS 21 NO LPS 2%, 4%, 22%, 32%, 34% NO (P<.5), IC 5 147 g/ml (Fig. 2). Choi et l. (28) 2 g/ml NO 21% NO. NO. 미역뿌리에탄올추출물에의한 RAW 264.7 세포의 IL-6 분비감소효과 RAW 264.7 LPS IL-6, TNF- IL-1 proinflmmtory cytokine (Guh n Mckmn, 21). IL-6 T, (Akir et l.,199; Shn
754 강보경ㆍ안나경ㆍ최연욱ㆍ김민지ㆍ박시우ㆍ박원민ㆍ김보람ㆍ김꽃봉우리ㆍ안동현 et l., 29). IL-6 (Hur et l., 213). LPS RAW 264.7 IL-6, LPS 259.5 pg/ml, 222.86, 29.77, 2.61, 167.9, 161.35 pg/ml IL-6 (Fig. 3), 5 1 g/ml 35% 38% RAW 264.7 IL-6. Choi et l. (213) ethyl cette 5 g/ml 1 g/ml 63%,. 미역뿌리에탄올추출물에의한 RAW 264.7 세포의 TNF-α 분비감소효과 TNF- cytokine,, T,,, (Kim et l., 29). cytokine TNF- LPS, TNF- ELISA. RAW 264.7 TNF- LPS 2,31 pg/ml..1-1 g/ml LPS, (Fig. 4). 1 g/ml 22%. ethyl cette 1 g/ml TNF- 21% (Choi et l., 213). NO IL-6 RAW 264.7 TNF-. 미역뿌리에탄올추출물에의한 RAW 264.7 세포의 IL-1β 분비감소효과 IL-6, TNF- cytokine IL-1 NO,, B., T, B NK cell cytokine (Lee, 211). TNF-α (pg/ml) 2,5 2, 1,5 1, 5 f Fig. 4. Inhiitory effect of ethnol extrct of Unri pinntifi root on the prouction of TNF-α in RAW 264.7 cells. -f Mens with ifferent superscripts re significntly ifferent (P<.5)..1 c 1 1 5 1 (µg/ml) e 8 IL-6 (pg/ml) 3 2 1 c c IL-1β (pg/ml) 6 4 2 e.1 1 1 5 1 (µg/ml).1 1 1 5 1 (µg/ml) Fig. 3. Inhiitory effect of ethnol extrct of Unri pinntifi root on the prouction of IL-6 in RAW 264.7 cells. -e Mens with ifferent superscripts re significntly ifferent (P<.5). Fig. 5. Inhiitory effect of ethnol extrct of Unri pinntifi root on the prouction of IL-1β in RAW 264.7 cells. - Mens with ifferent superscripts re significntly ifferent (P<.5).
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