THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE. 2015 Jan.; 26(1), 54 62. ISSN 1226-3133 (Print) ISSN 2288-226X (Online) Design and Implementation of Mobile Electronically Scanned TACAN Antenna 박상진 구경헌 Sang Jin Park Kyung Heon Koo* 요약 (Tactical Air Navigation).,. 9,., MIL-STD-291C. Abstract This paper describes the design and fabrication of an electronically rotated Tactical Air Navigation(TACAN) antenna using parasitic elements and PIN diode switches. We used parasitic elements arranged in a circular array and PIN diode switches to electronically rotate the antenna instead of employing a mechanically rotated antenna using motor. The antenna s physical characteristics and design features to generate the cardioid pattern and nine-lobe pattern including bearing information are described and simulated. The measured result shows a very good agreement with simulation and meets the specification of MIL-STD-291C. Key words: TACAN, Nine-Lobe, Parasitic Element, PIN Diode. 서론 TACAN (Tactical Air Navigation) [1]. (200 300 mile). TACAN TACAN,,. ( ). ( ). TACAN DME(Distance Measuring Equipment) VHF (Korea Airports Corporation) * (Department of Electronic Engineering, Incheon National University) Manuscript received October 6, 2014 ; Revised December 12, 2014 ; Accepted December 17, 2014. (ID No. 20141006-09S) Corresponding Author: Kyung Heon Koo (e-mail: 54 c Copyright The Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science. All Rights Reserved.
VOR(Very high frequency Omnidirectional Range),.. 1,025 1,150 MHz, 962 1,025 MHz 1,151 1,213 MHz. 126 (1 MHz ),. TACAN 1970 TACAN,, [2],[3]. TACAN. TACAN, 15 Hz 135 Hz 15 15 Hz 135 Hz. 15 Hz 135 Hz. 1,165 mm( ) 330 mm( ) TACAN. PIN, TACAN MIL-STD-291C., 16 2 15 Hz 63 3 135 Hz. EM Software & Systems FEKO,.. TACAN,.,.. 이론및설계 2-1 방위정보추출,. (North Reference Burst,, NRB) 15 Hz,, (Auxiliary Reference Burst, ARB) 135 Hz. 15 Hz, 15 Hz (NRB),. 135 Hz, 15 Hz 9. 15 Hz 40 135 Hz 360 [4] [6]. 1, 2 NRB ARB, 15 Hz 135 Hz. TACAN 15 Hz 135 Hz NRB ARB, 15 Hz 135 Hz. NRB 15 Hz (Zero-Crossing) ARB. ARB 40., ARB 135 Hz. 2, NRB 15 Hz 6 ARB 240, ARB 135 Hz 30, 240 30 270. (in-bound) 55
THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE. vol. 26, no. 1, Jan. 2015. 그림 3. Fig. 3. Operation of director. 그림 1. Fig. 1. Aircraft bearing to TACAN ground station.,. λ/2.,,. λ/4. 90., 90. 3 TACAN. 4 TACAN, 5 15 Hz 135 Hz 그림 2. Fig. 2. Bearing calculation. 270. 2-2 기생소자의반사기와도파기동작 λ/2 그림 4. Fig. 4. Operation of reflector. 56
Hz (1) [8]. sin ± sin ± (1) (a) (b) (a) Antenna location (b) Cardioid pattern, A 15 Hz, B 135 Hz, (NRB) 15 Hz, (ARB) 135 Hz, f=15 Hz,.. 시뮬레이션 3-1 심장모양 15 Hz 패턴생성 (c) 9 (d) (c) Nine lobe pattern (d) Composite pattern 그림 5. Fig. 5. Radiation pattern of reflector position., (array factor) Matlab [7]. 5(a) 1 15 Hz 9 9 135 Hz. 5(b) 15 Hz. 15 Hz, 15 Hz 15 Hz. 5(c) 9 135 Hz 9, 15 Hz 135 Hz. 5(d) 15 Hz 135 Hz, 15 Hz, 15 Hz 135 Hz. 15 Hz 135 15 Hz λ/2 1 λ/4., 1 15 Hz 15 Hz. 6 16, 1, 15. 1 (ground plate) 그림 6. Fig. 6. Configuration for generating the cardioid pattern. 57
THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE. vol. 26, no. 1, Jan. 2015. 그림 7. Fig. 7. The simulation result of cardioid pattern.. 15 Hz 30 mm. 7 1. 3-2 9 개로브패턴생성 135 Hz λ/2 9 40 9. 63 그림 8. 9 Fig. 8. Configuration for generating the nine-lobe pattern. 그림 9. 9 Fig. 9. The simulation result of nine-lobe pattern., 40 9, 15 Hz 135 Hz. 8 9. 9 9 9. 3-3 합성패턴생성 962 1,213 MHz 135 Hz 63 3 High, Middle,, Low 10. 11 9, 12 1,024 MHz 15 Hz 135 Hz. PIN 63 40 9 PIN ON 54 OFF 9. PIN ON 58
그림 10. Fig. 10. Configuration for generating the composite pattern. 그림 11. Fig. 11. The simulation result of composite pattern. λ/2, OFF λ /2 [9].. 제작및측정 15 Hz Low High 16 2, 135 Hz Low, Middle, High 63 3. PIN 그림 12. XY Fig. 12. The simulation result of composite pattern on cartesian XY-plane. OFF 30 db COBHAM DH85100-91LT1 2. 2 PIN OFF 962 MHz 27 db, 1,213 MHz 37 db. 1.0 mm FR-4 4.5, 0.02. 13 1,165 mm( ) 330 mm( ) 3D. 14 99 mm( ) 26 mm( ) 1 mm( ) 135 Hz PCB 2 15 Hz. 2 PIN DC 100 pf, RF 330 nh 220. PIN +5 V, 0 V +50 V. +50 V PIN OFF, 0 V ON. 15 TACAN. 16 Low. Low 15 Hz 135 Hz. 15 Hz 135 Hz 59
THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE. vol. 26, no. 1, Jan. 2015. 제작된 안테나 형상 그림 15. TACAN Fig. 15. Configuration of fabricated TACAN antenna. 제안한 안테나의 도면 그림 13. TACAN 3D Fig. 13. Three dimensional drawing of the proposed TACAN antenna. 측정된 합성 패턴 그림 16. Fig. 16. Measured composite pattern. 제작된 기생소자 그림 14. Fig. 14. Fabricated parasitic element. 특성을 얻게 되었다. TACAN의 주요 규격인 MIL-STD-291C 미 국방 규격에 서 요구하는 방위 오차와 변조도 특성을 측정하기 위하 여 그림 17과 같이 측정 셋업을 구성하였다. 신호원으로는 자북 기준 버스트(NRB)와 보조 기준 버 60 방위 및 변조도 측정 셋업 그림 17. Fig 17. Setup for measuring bearing and modulation. 스트(ARB)를 포함하는 방위 펄스 그룹을 송신할 수 있는 1 kw 출력 TACAN 트랜스폰더와 방위 오차 및 변조도를
. 결론 그림 18. 15 Hz+135 Hz Fig. 18. Detected envelop signal of 15 Hz+135 Hz composite signal. ROHDE&SCHWARZ TACAN EDS-300. 18 TACAN 15 Hz 135 Hz. (NRB), PIN ON. 1 TACAN 962 1,213 MHz 1,024 MHz., TACAN MIL- STD-291C. 표 1. TACAN [8] 1,024 MHz Table 1. TACAN specification and the measured result at 1,024 MHz. 1 ±1 ±0.78 2 15 Hz 21±9 % 22 25 % 3 135 Hz 21±9 % 17 22 % 4 + 55 % 47 %, TACAN TACAN. 15 Hz 135 Hz, MIL- STD-291C TACAN. TACAN (Null Point). References [1] W. L. Garfield, "TACAN : a navigation system for aircraft", IEE Proceedings-Part B: Radio and Electronic Engineering, vol. 105, issue 9, part S, pp. 298-306, 1958. [2] DCN News, 55 TACAN ( ), http:// [3],, "TACAN FP- GA ",, 35(12), pp. 1775-1782, 2010 12. [4] E. J. Christopher, "Electronically scanned TACAN antenna", IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. AP-22, pp. 12-16, Jan. 1974. [5] L. N. Shestag, "Cylindrical array for the TACAN system", IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. AP-22, pp. 17-25, Jan. 1974. [6] G. Greving, R. Zeitz, "Concept and experimental verification of a new electronic TACAN antenna", European Microwave Conference, pp. 17-25, 1984. [7] C. A. Balanis, Antenna Theory : Analysis and Design, 3 rd 61
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