pissn: 2288-0402 eissn: 2288-0410 http://www.aard.or.kr Vol. 1 No. 4 December 2013 Pages 293-404 Vol. 1 No. 4 December 2013 293 계란알레르기환자에서인플루엔자백신접종의안정성 295 항암제과민반응에대한탈감작요법의최신지견 303 국소알레르기비염의최신지견 309 Comparison of bronchial responsiveness assessing dose-response slope between cough-variant asthma and classic asthma in young children 314 소아천식군과영유아천명군에서혈청내가용성 ST2 상승의의의 321 한국소아의알레르기비염역학 333 계란알레르기환아에서인플루엔자백신접종의안정성에대한연구 339 소아에서 IgE 매개성과비 IgE 매개성아토피피부염의특징 344 아토피피부염환아의저단백혈증에관한연구 350 아토피피부염을가진 24개월미만의소아에서집먼지진드기특이 IgE 항체의양전 357 소아마이코플라스마폐렴의다양한임상양상에연관된요인들 362 소아마이코플라스마폐렴에서흉부방사선소견에따른임상양상의차이 370 급성호흡기증상으로중환자실에입원한소아에서호흡기바이러스감염의임상적특징 377 급성세기관지염영아에서관찰된임상지표들과질환의중증도의연관성 383 소아기관지확장증의임상특성및원인 : 단일기관연구 388 급성담낭염으로발현한 Churg-Strauss 증후군 1예 391 독성표피괴사용해후발생한만성폐합병증 1예 395 일차항결핵제모두에과민반응을보인환자의성공적탈감작결핵치료 1예 400 림프종으로오인된댑손에의한 drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms 증후군 1예 대한소아알레르기호흡기학회 대한천식알레르기학회
논평 293 계란알레르기환자에서인플루엔자백신접종의안정성 양현종 종설 295 항암제과민반응에대한탈감작요법의최신지견이서영, 양민석, 정재우, 오미정, 박창한, 손성욱, 강혜련, 조영주 ; 대한천식알레르기학회약물알레르기워크그룹 303 국소알레르기비염의최신지견조석현 원저 309 Comparison of bronchial responsiveness assessing dose-response slope between cough-variant asthma and classic asthma in young children Jung Won Yoon, Hye Young Hur, Hye Mi Jee, Ji Hyeon Baek, Hyeong Yoon Kim, Youn Ho Shin, Man Yong Han 314 소아천식군과영유아천명군에서혈청내가용성 ST2 상승의의의 추미애, 이형직, 이은주, 홍석진, 박혜진, 이계향, 정혜리 321 한국소아의알레르기비염역학 황선혜, 정숙영, 임대현, 손병관, 김정희, 양준모, 오인보, 김양호, 이지호, 이근화, 김수영, 홍성철, 이혜숙 333 계란알레르기환아에서인플루엔자백신접종의안정성에대한연구 장수진, 설인숙, 김윤희, 이희선, 한윤기, 박현빈, 김민정, 김경원, 손명현, 김규언 339 소아에서 IgE 매개성과비 IgE 매개성아토피피부염의특징 김형수, 정지인, 서선복, 정진아 344 아토피피부염환아의저단백혈증에관한연구 박종하, 신영혜, 박근화, 김성원 350 아토피피부염을가진 24 개월미만의소아에서집먼지진드기특이 IgE 항체의양전 박미란, 이현영, 이상일, 김지현, 안강모 357 소아마이코플라스마폐렴의다양한임상양상에연관된요인들 김유나, 박철휘, 김수희, 유수진, 김효빈 362 소아마이코플라스마폐렴에서흉부방사선소견에따른임상양상의차이 박가영, 이영임, 신미용, 박재옥, 김창휘 370 급성호흡기증상으로중환자실에입원한소아에서호흡기바이러스감염의임상적특징 신연심, 강동수, 이건송, 김재경, 정은희 377 급성세기관지염영아에서관찰된임상지표들과질환의중증도의연관성 김경훈, 황진솔, 송준혁, 이윤식, 권지원, 서동인, 박준동, 고영률 383 소아기관지확장증의임상특성및원인 : 단일기관연구 황은하, 김혜영, 류민, 김성헌, 손승국, 김영미, 박희주 2013 대한소아알레르기호흡기학회 대한천식알레르기학회
증례 388 급성담낭염으로발현한 Churg-Strauss 증후군 1예이우주, 황지원, 김은, 윤세효, 하정민, 윤나라, 이병재, 최동철 391 독성표피괴사용해후발생한만성폐합병증 1예황선혜, 김동현, 김정희, 손병관, 임대현 395 일차항결핵제모두에과민반응을보인환자의성공적탈감작결핵치료 1예이애라, 김수정, 김정현, 박주희, 이정규, 김주영, 이서영, 강혜련 400 림프종으로오인된댑손에의한 drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms 증후군 1예신보미, 박소영, 윤선영, 신은혜, 양영주, 조형진, 장일영, 강동욱, 김태범, 조유숙, 문희범, 권혁수 2013 대한소아알레르기호흡기학회 대한천식알레르기학회
Editorial 293 The safety of influenza vaccination in patient with egg allergy Hyeon-Jong Yang Reviews 295 Updates on desensitization for hypersensitivity reactions related to chemotherapy Suh-Young Lee, Min-Suk Yang, Jae-Woo Jung, Mi-Jung Oh, Chang-Han Park, Seong-Wook Sohn, Hye-Ryun Kang, Young-Joo Cho; for the Korean Academy of Asthma Allergy and Clinical Immunology Drug Allergy Workgroup 303 Recent update of local allergic rhinitis Seok Hyun Cho Original Articles 309 Comparison of bronchial responsiveness assessing dose-response slope between cough-variant asthma and classic asthma in young children Jung Won Yoon, Hye Young Hur, Hye Mi Jee, Ji Hyeon Baek, Hyeong Yoon Kim, Youn Ho Shin, Man Yong Han 314 Increased serum soluble ST2 in asthmatic children and recurrent early wheezers Mi Ae Chu, Hyung Jik Lee, Eun Joo Lee, Suk Jin Hong, Hye Jin Park, Kye Hyang Lee, Hai Lee Chung 321 Epidemiology of allergic rhinitis in Korean children Sun Hye Hwang, Sook Young Jung, Dae Hyun Lim, Byong Kwan Son, Jeong Hee Kim, Jun-Mo Yang, In-Bo Oh, Yangho Kim, Ji Ho Lee, Keun Hwa Lee, Su Young Kim, Sung Chul Hong, Hye-Sook Lee 333 The safety of influenza vaccination in children with egg allergy Soo Jin Chang, In Suk Sol, Yoon Hee Kim, Hee Seon Lee, Yoon Ki Han, Hyun Bin Park, Min Jung Kim, Kyung Won Kim, Myung Hyun Sohn, Kyu-Earn Kim 339 Characteristics between IgE mediated and non-ige mediated atopic dermatitis in children Hyung Su Kim, Ji-In Jung, Sun Bok Suh, Jin-A Jung 344 The investigation of hypoproteinemia in pediatric atopic dermatitis Jong Ha Park, Yonghye Shin, Geun Hwa Park, Sung Won Kim 350 Positive conversion of specific IgE against house dust mite in children with atopic dermatitis under 24 months of age Miran Park, Hyun Young Lee, Sang-Il Lee, Jihyun Kim, Kangmo Ahn 357 Factors associated with various clinical manifestations of Mycoplasma pneumonia in children Yoo-Na Kim, Chul Hyue Park, Su Hee Kim, Soo Jin Yoo, Hyo-Bin Kim Copyright 2013 The Korean Academy of Pediatric Allergy and Respiratory Disease The Korean Academy of Asthma, Allergy and Clinical Immunology
Original Articles 362 Clinical differences according to radiological patterns in childhood Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia Ga Young Park, Young Im Lee, Meeyong Shin, Jae Ock Park, Chang Hwi Kim 370 Clinical characteristics of respiratory virus infection in children admitted to an intensive care unit Youn Shim Shin, Dong Soo Kang, Kun Song Lee, Jae Kyoung Kim, Eun Hee Chung 377 Association between the clinical index and disease severity in infants with acute bronchiolitis Kyung Hoon Kim, Jinsol Hwang, Jun-Hyuk Song, Yun Sik Lee, Ji-Won Kwon, Dong In Suh, June Dong Park, Young Yull Koh 383 Clinical characteristics and cause of bronchiectasis in children: review in a center Eun Ha Hwang, Hye-Young Kim, Min Ryu, Sung Hun Kim, Seung Guck Son, Young Mi Kim, Hee Ju Park Case Reports 388 Churg-Strauss syndrome presenting as acute acalculous cholecystitis Woo Joo Lee, Ji-Won Hwang, Eun Kim, Sehyo Yune, Jung Min Ha, Nara Yoon, Byung Jae Lee, Dong Chull Choi 391 Chronic pulmonary complications due to toxic epidermal necrolysis Sun Hye Hwang, Dong Hyun Kim, Jeong Hee Kim, Byong Kwan Son, Dae Hyun Lim 395 Successful desensitization for antitubercular drugs Ae-Ra Lee, Soo Jung Kim, Junghyun Kim, Ju-Hee Park, Jung-Kyu Lee, Ju-Young Kim, Suh-Young Lee, Hye-Ryun Kang 400 Dapsone-induced drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms syndrome, misdiagnosed as lymphoma Bomi Shin, So Young Park, Sun-Young Yoon, Eun-Hye Shin, Young-Joo Yang, Hyung-Jin Cho, Il-Young Jang, Dong-Uk Kang, Tae-Bum Kim, You Sook Cho, Hee-Bom Moon, Hyouk-Soo Kwon Copyright 2013 The Korean Academy of Pediatric Allergy and Respiratory Disease The Korean Academy of Asthma, Allergy and Clinical Immunology