jung, pack, song, kim, and Yi , , , OECD 1.30 (Statistics Korea, 2015a).,,., , 2006 (Ministry of Health
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1 Original Article Korean J Child Stud 2016;37(2): pissn: eissn: X Changes in Preschool Childcare and Private Education Expenses of Different Income Groups Caused by the Expansion of the Childcare Subsidy Recipients: A Focus on Universal Childcare Policy Su-Ji Jung 1, Yun-Hyun Pack 2, Ji-Na Song 1, Daewoong Kim 1, Soon-Hyung Yi 1, 3 Department of Child Development and Family Studies, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea 1 Interdisciplinary Program in Early Childhood Education, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea 2 Research Institute of Human Ecology, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea 3 : 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 3 1, 2, 3 Objective: The purpose of this study was to examine the changes of childcare expenses and private education expenses caused by target expanding the childcare subsidy policy and its relationship to household income. Methods: The study analyzed data of the Korean Welfare Panel Study from 2009, before the universal childcare policy was enforced, to 2013, when the universal childcare policy was enforced. Results and Conclusion: The results of analysis were as follows. First, while childcare expenses, private education expenses, and their ratios to household income showed a tendency of gradual decline, the graphs of childcare and private education expenses were symmetric. Second, there were differences in childcare and private education expenses among income classes. Third, in 2009, before the universal childcare policy was enforced, household income affected childcare and private expenses. Lastly, in 2013, after the universal childcare policy was implemented, household income had a greater effect on private education expenses, while the effect of household income on childcare expenses became insignificant. Keywords: preschool childcare expenses, preschool private education expenses, universal childcare policy, income groups, childcare expenses subsidy (new social risks), (Castles, 2010) , , Corresponding Author: Soon-Hyung Yi, Department of Child Development and Family Studies, Seoul National University, 1 Kwanak-gu, Seoul , Republic of Korea ysh@snu.ac.kr The Korean Association of Child Studies This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0) which permits unrestricted noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
2 jung, pack, song, kim, and Yi , , , OECD 1.30 (Statistics Korea, 2015a).,,., , 2006 (Ministry of Health and Welfare [MOHW], 2013). 2000, 2010, , ,, (J. S. Kim, 2014). (Branscomb & Goble, 2011). (K. I. Kim, 2014).,., %, 82%, 96% 3 87%, 86%, 93% (M. S. Kim et al., 2013).,., (K. I. Kim, 2014), 5 (Y. J. Lee, Lee, & Kim, 2013).,,,, (Jung, 2012)., (S. H. Kim, Joo, & Hong, 2013) ,. (Suh, Yang, & Son, 2012). (Min & Bae, 2014), (Yang, 2013). Y. J. Lee (2013), 65% (Cha et al., 2010).,,.,.,. 3 2, % 74.3%
3 29 Changes in Childcare Expenses and Private Education Expenses (Cha et al., 2010). Kwon (2011) 74.5%, 227,400, 305,200.,.,.. (Cho & Yoo, 2013) (Hong, 2013),.,.,.,,,,, (Baek & Cho 2005; S. L. Lee, 2011) %, , 5, (K. I. Kim, 2014).,,,, (Kwon, 2011; Suh & Yang, 2013)., (J. K. Kim, 2004).,.,,,, 2011 (Y. J. Lee et al., 2013). K. S. Lee Kim (2010) 6,..,, %, 70% (MOHW, 2013),.,,,.. 1,? 2,?
4 jung, pack, song, kim, and Yi 30 3,? 연구대상.,,,, ,072, ,800, ,048 9., (2009 ) (2013 ) ,,, , (J. K. Kim, 2004),. (J. K. Kim, 2004). 1. 3, 4, 5. 5 (2009 ) 2003, 2004, 2005, 6 (2010 ) 2004, 2005, 2006, 7 (2011 ) 2005, 2006, 2007, 8 (2012 ) 2006, 2007, 2008, 9 (2013 ) 2007, 2008, (2009 ) 492, 6 (2010 ) 453, 7 (2011 ) 528, 8 (2012 ) 513, 9 (2013 ) 461.,. Table 1. 40% 30%, 13% 2%. Statistics Korea (2015b) 60% %, % %, 150% %. 3, 4, %. 연구도구, 2. ( )?,,., ( )?,,...,.. (, ).
5 31 Changes in Childcare Expenses and Private Education Expenses Table 1 General Characteristics of the Participants f (%) Variable Residence 5th year (2009) 6th year (2010) 7th year (2011) 8th year (2012) 9th year (2013) Province Seoul 73 (14.8) 66 (14.6) 77 (14.6) 70 (13.6) 56 (12.1) Metropolitan city 152 (30.9) 135 (29.8) 161 (30.5) 159 (31.0) 134 (29.1) City 194 (39.4) 190 (41.9) 219 (41.5) 227 (44.2) 222 (48.2) County 66 (13.4) 54 (11.9) 58 (11.0) 46 (9.0) 38 (8.2) Urban-rural consolidated city 7 (1.4) 8 (1.8) 13 (2.5) 11 (2.1) 11 (2.4) Total 492 (100) 453 (100) 528 (100) 513 (100) 461 (100) Income group Lower income 44 (8.9) 28 (6.2) 51 (9.7) 47 (9.2) 35 (7.6) Middle income 345 (70.1) 321 (70.9) 375 (71.0) 349 (68.0) 308 (66.8) Higher income 103 (20.9) 104 (23) 102 (19.3) 117 (22.8) 118 (25.6) Total 492 (100) 453 (100) 528 (100) 513 (100) 461 (100) Age 3 years 157 (31.9) 159 (35.1) 197 (33.9) 168 (32.7) 134 (29.1) 4 years 158 (32.1) 142 (31.3) 191 (36.2) 164 (32.0) 169 (36.7) 5 years 177 (36) 152 (33.6) 158 (29.9) 181 (35.3) 158 (34.3) Total 492 (100) 453 (100) 528 (100) 513 (100) 461 (100)., (equivalence scale) (Ku, Son, & Ahn, 2010)., OECD.. 소득균등화된소득 가구원수 1 2., %. OECD %, 150% (Statistics Korea, 2015b). 자료분석 SPSS Statistics 22.0 (IBM Co., Armonk, NY).. 5 (2009 ) 9 (2013 ),.,,, (2010 ) 9 (2014 ),, Pearson, Durbin-Watson (Variation Inflation Factor [VIF]).
6 jung, pack, song, kim, and Yi 32 보육비, 사교육비변화경향 5 (2009 ) 9 (2013 ) 3-5 Figure , ,800., , , 2011, 2013.,. Figure 2,, , , 가구소득구분에따른보육비, 사교육비변화경향 Figure 3 Figure , 2013,. (Figure 3), , , , 2011, 2013,,,. (Figure 4),. 2011, Figure 1. The pattern of changes in childcare expenses and private education expenses. Figure 2. The pattern of changes in childcare expenses and private education expenses to household disposable income.
7 33 Changes in Childcare Expenses and Private Education Expenses Figure 3. The pattern of changes in childcare expenses according to income groups.. (Figure 5), % Figure 6,,. 70% Figure 4. The pattern of changes in private education expenses according to income groups ,. 1, Figure 5 Figure 6.,,, 2011 Figure 5. The pattern of changes in childcare expenses to household disposable income according to income groups. Figure 6. The pattern of changes in private education expenses to household disposable income according to income groups.
8 jung, pack, song, kim, and Yi 34, 무상보육정책시행전후가구소득, 보육비, 사교육비의관계 무상보육정책시행전가구소득, 보육비, 사교육비의관계,,, 2009 (5 ) 2013 (9 ),,.,,. (natural log). 5 (2009 ),,. Table 2, (r =.314, p <.001), (r =.326, p <.001). (r = -.199, p <.001)...,. Durbin-Watson, 2 ( = 2.000, = 1.980).,.8 VIF 10., 2009 (5 ) Table 3. 1,,,,, %, (F = 4.131, p <.001). 1 (β = -.124, p <.05), (β =.131, p <.01) %, (F = 5.406, p <.001). R (F = , p <.001). 2, (β =.110, p <.05). (β =.220, p <.001), β (5 ) Table 2 Correlations of Analyzed Variables of 5th Year (2009) Data Private education expenses - Childcare expenses -.199*** - Private education expenses Childcare expenses Ln equalized disposable income Ln equalized disposable income.326***.314*** - Note. Ln is an abbreviation of natural log. **p <.01. ***p <.001.
9 35 Changes in Childcare Expenses and Private Education Expenses Table 3 Hierarchial Multiple Regression Analysis: The Effects of Household Income on Preschool Childcare Expenses of 5th Year (2009) Data Step 1 Step 2 Independent variables B β t B β t Control variables Mother s employment dummy a Father s middle school graduation dummy b Father s highschool graduation dummy b Mother s middle school graduation dummy b Mother s high school graduation dummy b Total number of children * Age of a child ** * Birth order Metropolitan city dummy c County ( gun ) dummy c Household income Ln equalized disposal income *** F = 4.131*** R 2 =.098 F = 5.406*** R 2 =.136 R 2 =.038*** Note. Ln is an abbreviation of natural log. a 1 = employed, 0 = unemployed; b 1 = college graduate, 0 = middle/high school graduate; c 1 = Seoul, 0 = metropolitan city/county *p <.05. **p <.01. ***p <.001. Table 4. 1,,,,, %, (F = 5.537, p <.001). (β = -.152, p <.05), (β = -.143, p <.05), (β = -.248, p <.001). (β = -.166, p <.01) (β = -.144, p <.05). 2 21%, (F = 9.173, p <.001). R (F = , p <.001). 1, 2. 1, (β = -.279, p <.001). (β =.327, p <.001), β,. β, β.. 무상보육정책시행후가구소득, 보육비, 사교육비의관계 2013,,, 9 (2013 ), 5 (2009 )
10 jung, pack, song, kim, and Yi 36 Table 4 Hierarchial Multiple Regression Analysis: The Effects of Household Income on Preschool Private Education Expenses of 5th Year (2009) Data Independent variables a Step 1 Step 2 B β t B β t Control variables Mother s employment dummy b Father s middle school graduation dummy b * Father s highschool graduation dummy b Mother s middle school graduation dummy b Mother s high school graduation dummy b Total number of children * Age of a child *** *** Birth order Metropolitan city dummy c ** County ( gun ) dummy c * Household income Ln equalized disposal income *** F = 5.537*** R 2 =.127 F = 9.173*** R 2 =.210 R 2 =.083*** Note. Ln is an abbreviation of natural log. a 1 = employed, 0 = unemployed; b 1 = college graduate, 0 = middle/high school graduate; c 1 = Seoul, 0 = metropolitan city/county *p <.05. **p <.01. ***p < ,, Table (r =.147, p <.01), (r =.359, p <.001). (r = -.123, p <.01) (r =.314, p <.001), (r =.326, p <.001), ,.. Durbin-Watson, 2 ( = 1.880, = 1.873).,.8 VIF (9 ) (Table 6). 1,,,,, 2. 1, 10.8%, (F = 4.589, p <.001). 1 (β = -.152, p <.01), (β = -.318, p <.001) (β = -.276, p <.001) %,
11 37 Changes in Childcare Expenses and Private Education Expenses Table 5 Correlations of Analyzed Variables of 9th Year (2013) Data Private education expenses - Childcare expenses -.123** - Private education expenses Childcare expenses Ln Equalized disposable income Ln equalized disposable income.359***.147** - Note. Ln is an abbreviation of natural log. **p <.01. ***p <.001. (F = 4.531, p <.001). R (β =.101, p >.05)., (9 ) Table 7. 1,,,, %, (F = 4.002, p <.001).,, (β = -.142, p <.05). (β =.191, p <.001). (β = -.158, p <.05), (β = -.157, p <.05). Table 6 Hierarchial Multiple Regression Analysis: The Effects of Household Income on Preschool Childcare Expenses of 9th Year (2013) Data Independent variables Step 1 Step 2 B β t B β t Control variables Mother s employment dummy Father s middle school graduation dummy Father s highschool graduation dummy Mother s middle school graduation dummy Mother s high school graduation dummy Total number of children ** ** Age of a child Birth order Metropolitan city dummy *** *** County ( gun ) dummy *** *** Household income Ln equalized disposal income F = 4.589*** R 2 =.108 F = 4.531*** R 2 =.116 R 2 =.008 Note. Ln is an abbreviation of natural log. a 1 = employed, 0 = unemployed; b 1 = college graduate, 0 = middle/high school graduate; c 1 = Seoul, 0 = metropolitan city/county **p <.01. ***p <.001.
12 jung, pack, song, kim, and Yi %, (F = 7.877, p <.001). 1 R 2.091, 9.1%, (F = , p <.001). 1 (β =.188, p <.001), (β = -.128, p <.05).. (β =.332, p <.001), 9 β 5 β β. 5, 9.,,.,., ,. 2009, , 1, , Table 7 Hierarchial Multiple Regression Analysis: The Effects of Household Income on Preschool Private Education Expenses of 9th Year (2013) Data Control variables Independent variables Step 1 Step 2 B β t B β t Mother s employment dummy Father s middle school graduation dummy Father s highschool graduation dummy * Mother s middle school graduation dummy Mother s high school graduation dummy Total number of children Age of a child *** *** Birth order Metropolitan city dummy * * County ( gun ) dummy * Household income Ln equalized disposal income *** F = 4.002*** R 2 =.095 F = 7.877*** R 2 =.186 R 2 =.091*** Note. Ln is an abbreviation of natural log. a 1 = employed, 0 = unemployed; b 1 = college graduate, 0 = middle/high school graduate; c 1 = Seoul, 0 = metropolitan city/county *p <.05. ***p <.001.
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232 도시행정학보 제25집 제4호 I. 서 론 1. 연구의 배경 및 목적 사회가 다원화될수록 다양성과 복합성의 요소는 증가하게 된다. 도시의 발달은 사회의 다원 화와 밀접하게 관련되어 있기 때문에 현대화된 도시는 경제, 사회, 정치 등이 복합적으로 연 계되어 있어 특
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12 2013 Health and Welfare Policy Forum 2 3 4 5 Income Distribution of the Elderly and Desirable Income Support Directions 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 A Poverty Solution of Low-lncome Elderly Women
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Analysis of objective and error source of ski technical championship Jin Su Seok 1, Seoung ki Kang 1 *, Jae Hyung Lee 1, & Won Il Son 2 1 yong in Univ
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