Yoon s BEFL Note Yoon s Good Friends의 BEFL Note 내용이일부수정됨에따라, 본파일에는 2가지종류의정답이포함되어있습니다. 본인의 BEFL Note 뒤에정답이수록되어있지않을경우, 파일앞부분에제시된정답으로내용을확인하시기바랍니다. Yoon s Good Friends Book 2 Dictation 은 베플리 < 베플리학습 <BEFL Note 에서들으세요.
Book 2 Study Planner 교재명 학습목표슬립오버, 베이비시터를알고관련된표현을정확하게사용할수있습니다. 날짜 Lesson Title Page 학습 시작시간 학습 종료시간 학습한내용 ( 단어, 표현, 문법, 줄거리 등을자유롭게 쓰세요.) 체크리스트 평가 1. 매일매일계획대로공부했나요? 2. 학습내용을충실히공부했나요? 3. 교재학습이끝난후부족한부분은복습했나요? 학부모확인 선생님확인 2
Yoon s Good Friends Book 2 Word List Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 학교 school 준비가된 ready 캠프 camp 1A 즐기다 토요일 enjoy Saturday 놀다 play 하루종일 all day 밖에서 outside 농구 basketball 사랑하다, 매우좋아하다 멋진, 굉장한 love great 1B 어린이 자다 kid sleep 좋은, 달콤한 sweet 꿈 dream 축구 soccer 3
Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 보다 watch 아마도 maybe 함께 together 2A 외출하다베이비시터, 보모돕다 go out babysitter help 만들다 make 요리하다 cook 지금, 이제 now 숨바꼭질 hide-and-seek 사진, 그림 picture 2B 먹다 아이스크림 eat ice cream ( 의성어 ) 냠냠 yum 사촌 cousin 동물원 zoo 4
Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 물론 sure 작은 little 새끼고양이 kitten 3A 귀여운 갖고있다 cute have 공책 notebook 숫자, 번호 number 말하다 talk 보다 watch 놀다 play 시간 time 3B 준비된 농구 ready basketball 자다 sleep 함께 together 새끼고양이 kitten 5
Book 2 Lesson 6 Are You Ready? 1A Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 all day 하루종일 1 학교 school 2 camp 캠프 2 준비가된 ready 3 enjoy 즐기다 3 캠프 camp 4 play 놀다 4 즐기다 enjoy 5 ready 준비가된 5 토요일 Saturday 6 Saturday 토요일 6 놀다 play 7 school 학교 7 하루종일 all day 8 outside 밖에서 8 밖에서 outside 16 개중 개정답 6
Key Points 1. 허락을구할때 A: Can we play outside? B: Yes! 허락을구할때는 Can we ~?( 우리가 ~ 해도되나요?) 라고묻습니다. Can we play soccer?( 축구해도되나요?) Can we go home?( 집에가도되나요?) 2. 좋아하는지물어볼때 A: Do you like English camp? B: Yes, it is fun. Do you like 다음에여러단어를넣어서 너 ~ 좋아하니? 라고묻습니다. 좋아할때는 Yes(, I do)., 좋아하지않을때는 No(, I don t). 라고대답해요. Let s Practice New Words 를사용하여대화를완성한후, 소리내어읽어보세요.. Expression 1 A: Can we play outside? B: Yes! New Words 1. A: Can we come in? B: Yes! come in 2. A: Can we go home? B: No! go home 질문을읽고자신의상황에맞게답을써넣은후, 대화를소리내어읽어보세요. Expression 2 A: Do you like English camp? B: Yes, it is fun. 1. A: Do you like soccer? B: Yes, I do / No, I don t. 2. A: Do you like computer games? B: Yes, I do / No, I don t. 7
Sentence Fun 주어진단어의순서를바로잡아문장을완성하세요. 1. 준비됐니? (ready /? / Are / you) Are you ready? 2. 너영어캠프좋아하니? (English /? / you / camp / like / Do) Do you like English camp? 3. 토요일이야! (is/! / It / Saturday) It is Saturday! 4. 우리는하루종일놀수있어! (day / can / all /! / play / We) We can play all day! 5. 우리지금밖에서놀아도되요? (now / play /? / Can / outside / we) Can we play outside now? Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. The school bus! 2. Are you ready, Aram? 3. Do you like English camp? 4. We can play all day! 5. Can we play outside now? 선생님확인 8
Book 2 Lesson 7 Time to Sleep 1B Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 basketball 농구 1 농구 basketball 2 dream 꿈 2 사랑하다, 매우좋아하다 love 3 great 멋진, 굉장한 3 멋진, 굉장한 great 4 kid 어린이 4 어린이 kid 5 love 사랑하다, 매우좋아하다 5 자다 sleep 6 sleep 자다 6 좋은, 달콤한 sweet 7 soccer 축구 7 꿈 dream 8 sweet 좋은, 달콤한 8 축구 soccer 16 개중 개정답 9
Key Points Let s ~: ~ 하자 라고권유나제안을할때 Let s ~ 표현을사용합니다. * Let s ~ 에대한대답 : < 승낙 > Yes, let s. / OK. / All right. / Sounds good. < 거절 > No, let s not. / Sorry, I can t. 예 ) Let s play! OK. Let s have a sleepover! Sorry, I can t. Let s Practice 밑줄친부분에알맞은말을넣어서대화를완성한후, 소리내어읽어보세요. Meaning Dialogue 1. A: 나배가고파. I am hungry. B: 먹자! Let s eat! 2. A: 농구하자. Let s play basketball. B: 좋아. All right. 3. A: 공부하자. Let s study. B: 아니, 하지말자. No, let s not. 4. A: 나지루해. I m bored. B: 놀자. Let s play! 5. A: 책읽자. Let s read some books. B: 그래. Sounds good. 10
Sentence Fun 주어진단어의순서를바로잡아문장을완성하세요. 1. 너농구좋아하니? (you /? / basketball / like / Do) Do you like basketball? 2. 슬립오버하자! (a / have /! / Let s / sleepover) Let s have a sleepover! 3. 우리엄마가괜찮다고하셨어. (my / OK / with /. / It s / mom) It s OK with my mom. 4. 슬립오버는정말신나! (are /! / Sleepovers / great) Sleepovers are great! 5. 얘들아, 이제잠잘시간이다. (to /, / Kids / now / sleep /. / time) Kids, time to sleep now. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. Do you like basketball? 2. I love basketball! 3. Let s have a sleepover. 4. Time to sleep now. 5. Sweet dreams! 선생님확인 11
Book 2 Lesson 8 Let s Play Together! 2A Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 babysitter 베이비시터, 보모 1 보다 watch 2 cook 요리하다 2 아마도 maybe 3 go out 외출하다 3 함께 together 4 help 돕다 4 외출하다 go out 5 make 만들다 5 베이비시터, 보모 babysitter 6 maybe 아마도 6 돕다 help 7 together 함께 7 만들다 make 8 watch 보다 8 요리하다 cook 16 개중 개정답 12
Key Points 현재진행형 : ~ 하는중이다, ~ 하고있다 라는뜻으로지금진행중인동작을 나타낼때는 be 동사 (am, are, is) + 동사의 -ing 형 을써요. 예 ) I watch TV. I am watching TV. We study math. We are studying math. Let s Practice 다음문장을현재진행형으로바꾸려고합니다. 빈칸에맞는말을써넣어보세요. 현재형 현재진행형 1. I study English. I am studying English. ( 나는영어공부하는중이야.) 2. They play baseball. They are playing baseball. ( 그들은야구를하는중이야.) 3. My mom cooks. My mom is cooking. ( 우리엄마는요리하시는중이야.) 4. She watches TV. She is watching TV. ( 그녀는 TV 를보는중이야.) 5. We eat sandwiches. We are eating sandwiches. ( 우리는샌드위치를먹는중이야.) 13
Sentence Fun 주어진단어의순서를바로잡아문장을완성하세요. 1. 난 TV 보고있는중이야. (am / TV / watching / I /. ) I am watching TV. 2. 놀아주실래요? (you /? / Can / play) Can you play? 3. 같이놀자! (play /! / Let s / together) Let s play together! 4. 우린나간단다. (out / are /. / going / We) We are going out. 5. 리나는너희베이비시터야. (your /. / is / Lina / babysitter) Lina is your babysitter. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. I am watching TV. 2. Can you play, Dad? 3. Maybe later. 4. We are going out. 5. Be good, kids. 선생님확인 14
Book 2 Lesson 9 What Can We Do? 2B Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 cousin 사촌 1 지금, 이제 now 2 eat 먹다 2 숨바꼭질 hide-and-seek 3 hide-andseek 숨바꼭질 3 사진, 그림 picture 4 ice cream 아이스크림 4 먹다 eat 5 now 지금, 이제 5 아이스크림 ice cream 6 picture 사진, 그림 6 ( 의성어 ) 냠냠 yum 7 yum ( 의성어 ) 냠냠 7 사촌 cousin 8 zoo 동물원 8 동물원 zoo 16 개중 개정답 15
Key Points 1. 누구인지묻고답하기 A: Is this your new friend? B: Yes, this is Aram. 2. 무엇을할지의논하기 A: What can we do now? B: We can play hide-and-seek. 다른사람과의관계에대해물을때는 Is this your ~? 이렇게묻습니다. Is this your new teacher [sister, cousin]? 무엇을할수있을지물을때는 can을사용하고, 대답은 We can play basketball[soccer, a game]. 과같이합니다. Let s Practice New Word 를사용하여대화를완성한후, 소리내어읽어보세요. Expression 1 A: Is this your new friend? B: Yes, this is Aram. New Word 1. A: Is this your sister? B: Yes, this is Sally. sister 2. A: Is this your friend? B: Yes, this is Sumi. friend 빈칸에알맞은단어를넣어대화를완성한후, 소리내어읽어보세요. Expression 2 A: What can we do now? B: We can play hide-and-seek. 1. A: What can we do now? B: We can play soccer. 2. A: What can we do now? B: We can play basketball. 16
Sentence Fun 주어진단어의순서를바로잡아문장을완성하세요. 1. 얘가너의새친구니? (new /? / Is / friend / your / this) Is this your new friend? 2. 우리이제뭘할수있을까? (do /? / What / now / we / can) What can we do now? 3. 우린숨바꼭질을할수있어요! (play /! / hide-and-seek / can / We) We can play hide-and-seek! 4. 우린너의사진을볼수있어. (your / can /. / We / pictures / see) We can see your pictures. 5. 아이스크림을먹자! (some / eat /! / Let s / ice cream) Let s eat some ice cream! Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. Is this your new friend? 2. What can we do now? 3. We can see your pictures. 4. How about you? 5. Let s eat some ice cream! 선생님확인 17
Book 2 Lesson 10 You Have Five Kittens! 3A Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 cute 귀여운 1 물론 sure 2 have 갖고있다 2 작은 little 3 kitten 새끼고양이 3 새끼고양이 kitten 4 little 작은 4 귀여운 cute 5 notebook 공책 5 갖고있다 have 6 number 숫자, 번호 6 공책 notebook 7 sure 물론 7 숫자, 번호 number 8 talk 말하다 8 말하다 talk 16 개중 개정답 18
Key Points 1. 허락구하기 A: Can I see your pictures? B: Sure. 2. ~ 을갖고있다 A: Wow! You have five kittens! B: I have two cats, too. 내가 ~ 해도될까요? 하고허락을구할때는 Can I ~? 를씁니다. 긍정은 Yes, you can. / Sure. 등으로, 부정은 No, you can t. / Sorry, you can t. 등으로답합니다. have 다음에다양한말들을넣어서 ~ 을갖고있다 라고표현해요. 음식의이름을넣으면 ~ 을먹다 라는뜻이됩니다. Let s Practice New Words 를사용하여대화를완성한후, 소리내어읽어보세요. Expression 1 A: Can I see your pictures? B: Sure. New Words 1. A: Can I watch TV? B: No, you can t. watch TV 2. A: Can I have your name? B: Sure. My name is Yuna. have your name 3. A: Can I have your phone number? B: Sorry, you can t. have your phone number 1, 2 번대화를소리내어읽은후, 밑줄친 have 의뜻을오른쪽빈칸에적으세요. Expression 2 A: Wow! You have five kittens! B: I have two cats, too. 1. A: Wow! You have three puppies! B: I have three dogs, too. 뜻 : ~ 을갖고있다 2. A: I m so hungry. B: Do you want to have a sandwich? 뜻 : ~ 을먹다 19
Sentence Fun 주어진단어의순서를바로잡아문장을완성하세요. 1. 너의사진을봐도되니? (pictures / I / your /? / Can / see) Can I see your pictures? 2. 그들은정말귀엽다! (so /! / They / cute / are) They are so cute! 3. 너새끼고양이다섯마리있구나! (five / You /! / kittens / have) You have five kittens! 4. 나는고양이도두마리있어. (too / I /. / cats / have /, / two) I have two cats, too. 5. 고양이들은아이스크림을좋아해? (like /? / cats / ice cream/ Do) Do cats like ice cream? Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. Can I see your pictures? 2. Look! Little kittens! 3. They are so cute. 4. One, two, three, four, five. 5. They like ice cream! 선생님확인 20
Book 2 Review 3B Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 basketball 농구 1 보다 watch 2 kitten 새끼고양이 2 놀다 play 3 play 놀다 3 시간 time 4 ready 준비된 4 준비된 ready 5 sleep 자다 5 농구 basketball 6 time 시간 6 자다 sleep 7 together 함께 7 함께 together 8 watch 보다 8 새끼고양이 kitten 16 개중 개정답 21
Key Points 의문문 : ~ 이니?, ~ 하니? 라고묻는문장을의문문이라고합니다. 1. Be동사의의문문 : Am[Are, Is] + 주어 ~? 대답은 ( 긍정 ) Yes, 주어 + am[are, is]. / ( 부정 ) No, 주어 + am[are, is] not. 예 ) Are you ready? Yes, I am. / No, I am not. 2. 일반동사의의문문 : Do[Does] + 주어 ~? 대답은 ( 긍정 ) Yes, 주어 + do[does]. / ( 부정 ) No, 주어 + don t[doesn t]. 예 ) Do you like basketball? Yes, I do. / No, I don t. Let s Practice 다음문장을의문문으로바꾸어쓴후, 소리내어읽어보세요. 평서문 의문문 1. You are watching TV. Are you watching TV? ( 너 TV 보고있니?) 2. Lina is your babysitter. Is Lina your babysitter? ( 리나가너의베이비시터니?) 3. I like English camp. Do you like English camp? ( 너영어캠프좋아하니?) 4. She plays the piano very well. Does she play the piano very well? ( 그녀는피아노를매우잘치니?) 5. They live in Seoul. Do they live in Seoul? ( 그들은서울에사니?) 6. He looks tired. Does he look tired? ( 그가피곤해보이니?) 22
Sentence Fun 주어진단어의순서를바로잡아문장을완성하세요. 1. 우리는 TV를볼수있어. (TV / can /. / watch / We) We can watch TV. 2. 같이놀자! (together /! / Let s / play) Let s play together! 3. 너농구좋아하니? (like / You /? / Do / basketball) Do you like basketball? 4. 우린무엇을할수있나요? (we / What / do /? / can) What can we do? 5. 이제잘시간이야! (to / Time /! / sleep / now) Time to sleep now! Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. I am ready. 2. Maybe later. 3. We can play hide-and-seek. 4. You have five kittens. 5. Time to sleep now. 선생님확인 23
BEFLY Speaking 유형문제해결하기 ( 주제나요지말하기 ) 문제 Boy: Can I see your pictures? Girl: Sure. Boy: Wow! Little kittens! They are so cute! One, two, three, four, five. You have five kittens! 출처 B2, p. 39 Question: How many kittens does the girl have? 힌트 소녀는몇마리의새끼고양이를가지고있나요? The girl has~kittens. 답안 The girl has five kittens. 24
BEFLY Writing 유형 상황에맞는짧은글쓰기 출처 B2, p. 34 힌트 답안 this weekend How about / Let's / Why don't ~ How about playing the piano together this weekend? / Let's play the piano this weekend. / Why don't you play the piano with me this weekend? 25
Yoon s BEFL Note Yoon s Good Friends Book 2 Dictation 은 베플리 < 베플리학습 <BEFL Note 에서들으세요.
Book 2 Study Planner 교재명 학습목표슬립오버, 베이비시터를알고관련된표현을정확하게사용할수있습니다. 날짜 Lesson Title Page 학습 시작시간 학습 종료시간 학습한내용 ( 단어, 표현, 문법, 줄거리 등을자유롭게 쓰세요.) 체크리스트 평가 1. 매일매일계획대로공부했나요? 2. 학습내용을충실히공부했나요? 3. 교재학습이끝난후부족한부분은복습했나요? 학부모확인 선생님확인 2
Yoon s Good Friends Book 2 Word List Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 학교 school 준비가된 ready 캠프 camp 1A 즐기다 토요일 enjoy Saturday 놀다 play 하루종일 all day 밖에서 outside 농구 basketball 사랑하다, 매우좋아하다 멋진, 굉장한 love great 1B 어린이 자다 kid sleep 좋은, 달콤한 sweet 꿈 dream 축구 soccer 3
Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 보다 watch 아마도 maybe 함께 together 2A 외출하다베이비시터, 보모돕다 go out babysitter help 만들다 make 요리하다 cook 지금, 이제 now 숨바꼭질 hide-and-seek 사진, 그림 picture 2B 먹다 아이스크림 eat ice cream ( 의성어 ) 냠냠 yum 사촌 cousin 동물원 zoo 4
Audio Meaning Word Practice Test 물론 sure 작은 little 새끼고양이 kitten 3A 귀여운 갖고있다 cute have 공책 notebook 숫자, 번호 number 말하다 talk 보다 watch 놀다 play 시간 time 3B 준비된 농구 ready basketball 자다 sleep 함께 together 새끼고양이 kitten 5
Book 2 Lesson 6 Are You Ready? 1A Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 all day 하루종일 1 학교 school 2 camp 캠프 2 준비가된 ready 3 enjoy 즐기다 3 캠프 camp 4 play 놀다 4 즐기다 enjoy 5 ready 준비가된 5 토요일 Saturday 6 Saturday 토요일 6 놀다 play 7 school 학교 7 하루종일 all day 8 outside 밖에서 8 밖에서 outside 16 개중 개정답 6
Key Points 1. 허락을구할때 A: Can we play outside? B: Yes! 허락을구할때는 Can we ~?( 우리가 ~ 해도되나요?) 라고묻습니다. Can we play soccer?( 축구해도되나요?) Can we go home?( 집에가도되나요?) 2. 좋아하는지물어볼때 A: Do you like English camp? B: Yes, it is fun. Do you like 다음에여러단어를넣어 너 ~ 좋아하니? 라고묻습니다. 좋아하면 Yes(, I do)., 좋아하지않으면 No(, I don t). 라고대답해요. Let s Practice New Words 를사용하여대화를완성한후, 소리내어읽어보세요. Expression 1 A: Can we play outside? B: Yes! New Words 1. A: Can we come in? B: Yes! come in 2. A: Can we go home? B: No! go home New Words 를사용하여대화를완성한후, 소리내어읽어보세요. Expression 2 A: Do you like English camp? B: Yes, it is fun. New Words 1. A: Do you like soccer? B: Yes, I do. soccer 2. A: Do you like computer games? B: No, I don t. computer games 7
Sentence Fun 주어진단어의순서를바로잡아문장을완성하세요. 1. 준비됐니? (ready /? / Are / you) Are you ready? 2. 너영어캠프좋아하니? (English /? / you / camp / like / Do) Do you like English camp? 3. 토요일이야! (is/! / It / Saturday) It is Saturday! 4. 우리는하루종일놀수있어! (day / can / all /! / play / We) We can play all day! 5. 우리지금밖에서놀아도되요? (now / play /? / Can / outside / we) Can we play outside now? Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. The school bus! 2. Are you ready, Aram? 3. Do you like English camp? 4. We can play all day! 5. Can we play outside now? 선생님확인 8
Book 2 Lesson 7 Time to Sleep 1B Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 basketball 농구 1 농구 basketball 2 dream 꿈 2 사랑하다, 매우좋아하다 love 3 great 멋진, 굉장한 3 멋진, 굉장한 great 4 kid 어린이 4 어린이 kid 5 love 사랑하다, 매우좋아하다 5 자다 sleep 6 sleep 자다 6 좋은, 달콤한 sweet 7 soccer 축구 7 꿈 dream 8 sweet 좋은, 달콤한 8 축구 soccer 16 개중 개정답 9
Key Points Let s ~: ~ 하자 라고권유나제안을할때 Let s ~ 표현을사용합니다. * Let s ~ 에대한대답 : < 승낙 > Yes, let s. / OK. / All right. / Sounds good. < 거절 > No, let s not. / Sorry, I can t. 예 ) Let s play! OK. Let s have a sleepover! Sorry, I can t. Let s Practice 밑줄친부분에제안하는알맞은말을넣어대화를완성하고, 소리내어읽어보세요. Meaning Dialogue 1. A: 나배가고파. I am hungry. B: 먹자! Let s eat! 2. A: 나지루해. I m bored. B: 놀자. Let s play! 제안하는말에따른알맞은대답을넣어대화를완성하고, 소리내어읽어보세요. Meaning Dialogue New Words 1. A: 농구하자. Let s play basketball. B: 좋아. Ok. OK. 2. A: 책읽자. Let s read some books. B: 좋아. Sounds good. Sounds good. 10
Sentence Fun 주어진단어의순서를바로잡아문장을완성하세요. 1. 너농구좋아하니? (you /? / basketball / like / Do) Do you like basketball? 2. 슬립오버하자! (a / have /! / Let s / sleepover) Let s have a sleepover! 3. 우리엄마가괜찮다고하셨어. (my / OK / with /. / It s / mom) It s OK with my mom. 4. 슬립오버는정말신나! (are /! / Sleepovers / great) Sleepovers are great! 5. 얘들아, 이제잠잘시간이다. (to /, / Kids / now / sleep /. / time) Kids, time to sleep now. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. Do you like basketball? 2. I love basketball! 3. Let s have a sleepover. 4. Time to sleep now. 5. Sweet dreams! 선생님확인 11
Book 2 Lesson 8 Let s Play Together! 2A Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 babysitter 베이비시터, 보모 1 보다 watch 2 cook 요리하다 2 아마도 maybe 3 go out 외출하다 3 함께 together 4 help 돕다 4 외출하다 go out 5 make 만들다 5 베이비시터, 보모 babysitter 6 maybe 아마도 6 돕다 help 7 together 함께 7 만들다 make 8 watch 보다 8 요리하다 cook 16 개중 개정답 12
Key Points 현재진행형 : ~ 하는중이다, ~ 하고있다 라는뜻으로지금진행중인동작을 나타내요. 문장순서 : 주어 + be 동사 + 동사 -ing~. I am -ing ~. We are -ing ~. 예 ) I watch TV. ( 나는 TV 를본다.) I am watching TV. ( 나는 TV 를보고있는중이다.) We sleep. ( 우리는잔다.) We are sleeping. ( 우리는자고있다.) Let s Practice 다음문장을현재진행형으로바꾸려고합니다. 빈칸에맞는말을써넣어보세요. 현재형 현재진행형 1. I cook this. I am cooking this. 2. I play basketball. I am playing basketball. 3. We play together. We are playing together. 4. We go home. We are going home. 13
Sentence Fun 주어진단어의순서를바로잡아문장을완성하세요. 1. 난 TV 보고있는중이야. (am / TV / watching / I /. ) I am watching TV. 2. 놀아주실래요? (you /? / Can / play) Can you play? 3. 같이놀자! (play /! / Let s / together) Let s play together! 4. 우린나간단다. (out / are /. / going / We) We are going out. 5. 리나는너희베이비시터야. (your /. / is / Lina / babysitter) Lina is your babysitter. Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. I am watching TV. 2. Can you play, Dad? 3. Maybe later. 4. We are going out. 5. Be good, kids. 선생님확인 14
Book 2 Lesson 9 What Can We Do? 2B Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 cousin 사촌 1 지금, 이제 now 2 eat 먹다 2 숨바꼭질 hide-and-seek 3 hide-andseek 숨바꼭질 3 사진, 그림 picture 4 ice cream 아이스크림 4 먹다 eat 5 now 지금, 이제 5 아이스크림 ice cream 6 picture 사진, 그림 6 ( 의성어 ) 냠냠 yum 7 yum ( 의성어 ) 냠냠 7 사촌 cousin 8 zoo 동물원 8 동물원 zoo 16 개중 개정답 15
Key Points 1. 누구인지묻고답하기 A: Is this your new friend? B: Yes, this is Aram. 2. 무엇을할지의논하기 A: What can we do now? B: We can play hide-and-seek. 다른사람과의관계를물을때는 Is this your 뒤에관계를나타내는말을넣어 이사람이너의 ~ 니? 라고묻습니다. 무엇을할수있는지물을때는 can을사용하고, 대답은 can 뒤에동작을나타내는말을넣어서대답합니다. Let s Practice New Word 를사용하여대화를완성한후, 소리내어읽어보세요. Expression 1 A: Is this your new friend? B: Yes, this is Aram. New Word 1. A: Is this your sister? B: Yes, this is Sally. sister 2. A: Is this your friend? B: Yes, this is Sumi. friend 빈칸에알맞은단어를넣어대화를완성한후, 소리내어읽어보세요. Expression 2 A: What can we do now? B: We can play hide-and-seek. 1. A: What can we do now? B: We can play soccer. 2. A: What can we do now? B: We can play basketball. 16
Sentence Fun 주어진단어의순서를바로잡아문장을완성하세요. 1. 얘가너의새친구니? (new /? / Is / friend / your / this) Is this your new friend? 2. 우리이제뭘할수있을까? (do /? / What / now / we / can) What can we do now? 3. 우린숨바꼭질을할수있어요! (play /! / hide-and-seek / can / We) We can play hide-and-seek! 4. 우린너의사진을볼수있어. (your / can /. / We / pictures / see) We can see your pictures. 5. 아이스크림을먹자! (some / eat /! / Let s / ice cream) Let s eat some ice cream! Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. Is this your new friend? 2. What can we do now? 3. We can see your pictures. 4. How about you? 5. Let s eat some ice cream! 선생님확인 17
Book 2 Lesson 10 You Have Five Kittens! 3A Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 cute 귀여운 1 물론 sure 2 have 갖고있다 2 작은 little 3 kitten 새끼고양이 3 새끼고양이 kitten 4 little 작은 4 귀여운 cute 5 notebook 공책 5 갖고있다 have 6 number 숫자, 번호 6 공책 notebook 7 sure 물론 7 숫자, 번호 number 8 talk 말하다 8 말하다 talk 16 개중 개정답 18
Key Points 1. 허락구하기 A: Can I see your pictures? B: Sure. 2. ~ 을갖고있다 A: Wow! You have five kittens! B: I have two cats, too. 내가 ~ 해도될까요? 하고허락을구할때는 Can I ~? 를씁니다. 긍정은 Yes, you can. / Sure. 등으로, 부정은 No, you can t. / Sorry, you can t. 등으로답합니다. have 다음에다양한말들을넣어서 ~ 을갖고있다 라고표현해요. 음식의이름을넣으면 ~ 을먹다 라는뜻이됩니다. Let s Practice New Words 를사용하여대화를완성한후, 소리내어읽어보세요. Expression 1 A: Can I see your pictures? B: Sure. New Words 1. A: Can I watch TV? B: No, you can t. watch TV 2. A: Can I have your name? B: Sure. My name is Yuna. have your name 3. A: Can I have your phone number? B: Sorry, you can t. have your phone number 1, 2 번대화를소리내어읽은후, 밑줄친 have 의뜻을오른쪽빈칸에적으세요. Expression 2 A: Wow! You have five kittens! B: I have two cats, too. 1. A: Wow! You have three puppies! B: I have three dogs, too. 뜻 : ~ 을갖고있다 2. A: I m so hungry. B: Do you want to have a sandwich? 뜻 : ~ 을먹다 19
Sentence Fun 주어진단어의순서를바로잡아문장을완성하세요. 1. 너의사진을봐도되니? (pictures / I / your /? / Can / see) Can I see your pictures? 2. 그들은정말귀엽다! (so /! / They / cute / are) They are so cute! 3. 너새끼고양이다섯마리있구나! (five / You /! / kittens / have) You have five kittens! 4. 나는고양이도두마리있어. (too / I /. / cats / have /, / two) I have two cats, too. 5. 고양이들은아이스크림을좋아해? (like /? / cats / ice cream/ Do) Do cats like ice cream? Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. Can I see your pictures? 2. Look! Little kittens! 3. They are so cute. 4. One, two, three, four, five. 5. They like ice cream! 선생님확인 20 20
Book 2 Review 3B Word Fun 영어를우리말로, 우리말을영어로써보세요. No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word 1 basketball 농구 1 보다 watch 2 kitten 새끼고양이 2 놀다 play 3 play 놀다 3 시간 time 4 ready 준비된 4 준비된 ready 5 sleep 자다 5 농구 basketball 6 time 시간 6 자다 sleep 7 together 함께 7 함께 together 8 watch 보다 8 새끼고양이 kitten 16 개중 개정답 21
Key Points 의문문만들기 go, play, eat 같은일반동사가들어간문장의의문문을만들때엔 do 를주어의앞에넣어서만듭니다. 예 ) You like basketball. 의문문 : Do you like basketball? Let s Practice 예시와같이주어진문장을의문문으로바꾸어쓴후, 고리내어읽어보세요. Expression You like ice cream. Do you like ice cream? 예시 ) You watch TV. Do you watch TV? 1. You live in Seoul. Do you live in Seoul? 2. You have five kittens. Do you have five kittens? 3. You play together. Do you play together? 4. You play hide-and-seek. Do you play hide-and-seek? 22
Sentence Fun 주어진단어의순서를바로잡아문장을완성하세요. 1. 우리는 TV를볼수있어. (TV / can /. / watch / We) We can watch TV. 2. 같이놀자! (together /! / Let s / play) Let s play together! 3. 너농구좋아하니? (like / You /? / Do / basketball) Do you like basketball? 4. 우린무엇을할수있나요? (we / What / do /? / can) What can we do? 5. 이제잘시간이야! (to / Time /! / sleep / now) Time to sleep now! Dictation 잘듣고빈칸에알맞은단어를써보세요. 1. I am ready. 2. Maybe later. 3. We can play hide-and-seek. 4. You have five kittens. 5. Time to sleep now. 선생님확인 23
BEFLY Speaking 유형문제해결하기 ( 주제나요지말하기 ) 문제 Boy: Can I see your pictures? Girl: Sure. Boy: Wow! Little kittens! They are so cute! One, two, three, four, five. You have five kittens! 출처 B2, p. 39 Question: How many kittens does the girl have? 힌트 소녀는몇마리의새끼고양이를가지고있나요? The girl has~kittens. 답안 The girl has five kittens. 24
BEFLY Writing 유형 상황에맞는짧은글쓰기 출처 B2, p. 34 힌트 답안 this weekend How about / Let's / Why don't ~ How about playing the piano together this weekend? / Let's play the piano this weekend. / Why don't you play the piano with me this weekend? 25