노사분쟁의예방적조정 ( 원창희 ) 15 13 1, 2003. 6, pp. 15 32 1) IMF. (ADR)...... 6 29 1980 1990 *, 031-760-7740, chwon@klei.or.kr
제 13 권제 1 호.. 1990 IMF. IMF,,,, 5.... 3.,,. 3.,,. 1)..,,... 1).,.
노사분쟁의예방적조정 ( 원창희 ) 17. 3.... (private mediation and arbitration). 2) Alternative Dispute Resolution(ADR). 3. 3) 1980. 4) (arbitration), (mediation), (Summary Jury Trial), (Minitrial), (Rent-a-judge program), (Settlement conference). ADR. 5) 3. 3 (mediator). (Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service: FMCS) 33 Maggiolo 1985 3,. 6) 3 2) Dunlop(1993), p.242. (2003). 3) (FMCS). 4) Carver and Vondra(2000), p.189. 5) Allison(2000), Carver and Vondra(2000).
제 13 권제 1 호. 7) 1947 (Labor Management Relations Act) FMCS FMCS. 8),,, FMCS. 1978 (Labor Management Cooperation Act) FMCS (preventive mediation).,. FMCS,. 9) FMCS. (the quality of the labor-management relationship). FMCS. 10),,,,,.. 11) 6) Maggiolo(1985), p.12. 7) Mills(1994), pp.448-449. 8) 1935 (National Labor Relations Act),. Bognanno and Hauge(1999), pp.4, 29. 9) Bognanno and Hauge. 10) FMCS(1999), p.17. 11) FMCS(1999); (2003); (1999), p.66.
노사분쟁의예방적조정 ( 원창희 ) 19... 3 1935 (National Labor Relations Act) 1947 (Labor Management Relations Act). 1 15. 12) (FMCS). FMCS. FMCS 5 75 200 (mediators). FMCS. (7 ),,,. 60%. (dispute mediation) (preventive mediation)., 60,000 10% 6,000 85% 12) Bognanno and Hauge(1999).
제 13 권제 1 호. 13). 60 ( 90 ) 30 ( 60 ) FMCS. 20,000 100. 1 10..,,... 1978 (Labor-Management Cooperation Act) FMCS.,.,,,,. (Interest- Based Bargaining: IBB), (Relations By Objectives: RBO), (Partnership In Change: PIC), (Labor-Management Committee: LMC).. IBB. 13) 1994 1997. Jan J. Sunoo,, 1999.
노사분쟁의예방적조정 ( 원창희 ) 21.... Magma Copper (Joint Union-Managment Coordinating Committee). 14) Houston Industries, Follett Corporation, Kaiser Regional Labs, Circus Circus Enterprises FMCS IBB Stroehmann Baking Company Amoco Oil Company FMCS RBO. 15) (Industrial Relations Act) 1974 9 (Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service: ACAS). 1993 (TURERA Act) ACAS. 16) ACAS (Trade Union Congress: TUC) (Confederation of British Industry: CBI) 4 4 12 (council members)..,,. 13,, (Public Enquiry Point). 14) Victor Forberger(2001) 15) FMCS. 16) ACAS(2002), (1999).
제 13 권제 1 호 ACAS,,,,..,,. 17) ACAS,. (conciliation). (arbitration) 1. (mediation). (arbitrator) (mediator) ACAS. ACAS (conciliators) 2000 2001 1,472 1999 2000 1,500 1990 200. 18) 90%. ACAS. ACAS (arbitration or dispute mediation) 62 4. 57 5. 1998 (Employment Rights Act) (Disputes Resolution Act) ACAS (unfair dismissal disputes) (arbitration scheme). ACAS (advisory mediation). 17) (1991), p.126. 18) ACAS(2002), p.10.
노사분쟁의예방적조정 ( 원창희 ) 23. ACAS..,,,,.. ACAS 2000 2001 545. 31%, 24%, 23%, 13%, 9%. 3.,,,. 3,,, 7 20.,, 20 12 8. [ 1]. 10,, 1.,. 15.. 15. 3..
제 13 권제 1 호 노동위원회 조정기간 ( 일반 10 일, 공익 15 일 ) 노사쌍방합의, 단체협약에근거 조정위원회 ( 일반 ) 특별조정위원회 ( 공익 ) 단체협약체결 1. 공익사업, 대규모, 특별한성질의것 2. 현저히국민경제를해하거나국민일상생활을위태롭게할위험이현존 (30 일간쟁위행위중지 ) (15 일이내중재회부결정 ) 노 : 파업, 태업사 : 직장폐쇄 1. 노사쌍방의신청 2. 단협에의거일방신청 3. 특별조정위원회의권고 ( 필수공익사업 ) 중재위원회 (15 일간쟁의행위금지 ) (10 일이내재심신청 ) (15 일이내 행정소성제기 )..,, < 1>.
노사분쟁의예방적조정 ( 원창희 ) 25 미국영국한국 담당기구 FMCS ACAS 중앙노동위원회 분쟁해결방법 알선 조정 예방적조정 - 자발적인조정, 조정제안은권고적 - 60 일이전교섭통지 (60,000 건 ) - 조정자에의한조정과권고안제시 - 사건배당 20,000 건, 분쟁조정성공 6,000 건 중재 ( 이익중재부재 ) - 가장선호하는해결방안, 자발적교섭매개 (1,472 건 ) - 알선실패시분쟁의조정개입, 조정안은비강제적 (5 건 ) - 중재안제시, 강제적수용 (57 건 ) ( 알선부재 ) - 교섭결렬시조정신청의무, 조정위원회조정 / 사적조정허용 (10 일간조정 ) - 노사쌍방신청, 중재 (15 일이내 ), 재심신청 (10 일이내 ), 행정소송제기 (15 일이내 ) - IBB, RBO, PIC, LMC - 일부자문, 일부조정 (545 건 ) ( 예방적조정부재 ). 200.. ACAS... 3.. 19). preventive mediation,,, 19) Bognanno and Hauge(1999), p.39.
제 13 권제 1 호. advisory mediation,,,,.,,.?.. < 2> 5 1,000. 1999 15% 2000 22.7% 2001-2002 36%.. 2000 20 2000 86, 2001 132. 3.. 20) 2002...,,, 20) 1999 2001 27.1% = 198.4% + 32.0% - 41.5%[ 25.7%, 61.1%, 23.1%].
노사분쟁의예방적조정 ( 원창희 ) 27,. 21) 총건수 소계 조정성립 조정불성립 조정안수락지도합의소계조정안거부 조정중지 기타 1) 조정성립률 2) (%) 2002 1,042 382 123 259 484 192 293 185 36.7 2001 1,096 385 100 285 507 220 287 204 35.5 2000 1,036 235 82 153 513 362 151 288 22.7 1999 862 129 62 67 384 288 96 349 15.0 1998 850 105 69 36 371 213 158 374 12.4 주 : 1) 기타는행정지도, 취하, 진행중을포함. 2) 조정성립률은조정성립에서총건수를나누고 100 을곱해산출함. 출처 : 중앙노동위원회, 인터넷웹사이트 http://www.nlrc.go.kr/ 교섭과정 교섭시작 교섭결렬 교섭행위 분쟁과정 근로감독관역할부족 노사자율교섭에의존 공정조정 ( 강제 ) 사적조정 ( 임의 ) 전무 노사관계 노사긴장관계 - 상호입장탐색 - 상호양보타협부족 노사갈등관계 - 기업활동위축 - 파업준비등 예방적조정 사후적조정 21) (1998).
제 13 권제 1 호. [ 2].. 3,...,,,,.,,.... 22) 22) (2003), (2003).
노사분쟁의예방적조정 ( 원창희 ) 29.,,..,,,.,,,,,. (FMCS) 80%, 20% 38%. (Sunoo, 1999 ).,.,,,,..... 23). 24) 23) (2003.4). 24).
제 13 권제 1 호 1. (2003),,,. 2. (1998),, 21 2, pp.1 16. 3. (2003),,,. 4. (1999),,,, pp.109-135. 5. (1999),,,, 1999, pp.61-78. 6. (2003),, ( ). 7. (1999),,,, pp.37-75. 8. ACAS(2002), Annual Report 2000 2001. 9. Allison, John R.(2000), Five Ways to Keep Disputes out of Court, Harvard Business Review on Negotiation and Conflict Resolution, Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press, pp.163-188. 10. Bognamo, Mario F. and John C. Hauge(1999),,,, 1993, pp.3-59. 11. Carver, Todd B. and Albert A. Vondra(2000), Alternative Dispute Resolution: Why It Doesn't Work and Why It Does, Harvard Business Review on Negotiation and Conflict Resolution, Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press, pp.189-214. 12. Dunlop, John T.(1993), Industrial Realtions Systems, Boston, Massachusetts: Harvard Business School Press. 13. FMCS(1999), Fifty-Second Annual Report, Washington, DC. 14. Forberger, Victor(2001), Magma Copper Case Study, Mimeo, Northeastern University. 15. Mills, Daniel Quinn(1994), Labor-Management Relations, New York, NY: McGraw- Hill, Inc.
노사분쟁의예방적조정 ( 원창희 ) 31 16. Sunoo, Jan J.(1999), Labor-Management Relations in the United States,,, pp.5-36.
제 13 권제 1 호 abstract One of the recent social issues is that industrial strikes have sharply increased since the IMF crisis. This issue strongly demands for an innovation of dispute resolution. Mediation has developed as one of Alternative Disputes Resolution(ADR) in foreign countries such as U.S.A., U.K., Canada, and New Zealand. Preventive or advisory mediation in particular has been increasingly used up to date in those countries. There is, however, no preventive mediation in Korea since traditional mediation is compulsorily applied by law after collective bargaining fails to reach to an agreement. Preventive mediation is certainly needed as an efficient way to resolve disputes in Korea according to foreign experiences. For the purpose, there should be efforts to revise some related law and to train mediators. Keyword: preventive mediation, dispute mediation, dispute resolution, ADR, collective bargaining