한수지 5(), 75-755, 17 Originl Article Koren J Fish Aqut Sci 5(),75-755,17 암모니아급성노출에의한바이오플락사육넙치 (Prlichthys olivceus) 의혈액학적성상및항산화반응의변화 김준환 * 김기욱 배선혜 김수경 김수경 김종현 국립수산과학원서해수산연구소 Altertions in Hemtologicl Prmeters nd Antioxidnt Responses in the Biofloc-rered Fltfish Prlichthys olivceus Following Ammoni Exposure Jun-Hwn Kim*, Ki Wook Kim, Sun-Hye Be, Su-Kyoung Kim, Su Kyoung Kim nd Jong-Hyun Kim West Se Fisheries Reserch Institute, Ntionl Institute of Fisheries Science, Ten 313, Kore Fltfish Prlichthys olivceus rised in iofloc system (men length 7.±3.1 cm, men weight 8.±.5 g) were exposed for to different concentrtions of mmoni (, 8, 1, 3, nd mg NH + /L) for 7 dys. Following mmoni exposure, hemtologicl prmeters such s hemogloin nd hemtocrit were significntly reduced. Plsm components such s mgnesium, glucose, sprtte minotrnsferse (AST), nd lnine minotrnsminse (ALT) were significntly ltered y mmoni exposure, wheres there were no significnt chnges in clcium, cholesterol, or totl protein. Antioxidnt responses, such s superoxide dismutse (SOD) nd ctlse (CAT) levels were significntly elevted following mmoni exposure. The results of this study indicte tht mmoni exposure induces significnt chnges in hemtologicl prmeters nd ntioxidnt responses in iofloc-rered Prlichthys olivceus s toxic response. Key words: Prlichthys olivceus, Ammoni, Hemtologicl prmeter, Antioxidnt response, Biofloc 서론, (Rndll nd Tsui, ; Kim et l., 17)., -8% (Eddy, 5).,.,,,, (Kim et l., 15). (NH 3 ),, (NH + )., (NH + ), N + -K + ATPse N + /K + /Cl - (K + ),,, (Roumieh et l., 13)., N-methyl-D-sprtte (NMDA), C + N +, C + C + -, (Rndll nd Tsui, ). (Kim nd Kng, 1)., (hemogloin), (Ds et l., )., (hemogloin) (hemtocrit) https://doi.org/.557/kfas.17.75 Koren J Fish Aqut Sci 5() 75-755, Decemer 17 This is n Open Access rticle distriuted under the terms of the Cretive Commons Attriution Non-Commercil Licens (http://cretivecommons.org/licenses/y-nc/3./) which permits unrestricted non-commercil use, distriution, nd reproduction in ny medium, provided the originl work is properly cited. Received 8 Octoer 17; Revised 5 Octoer 17; Accepted 1 Novemer 17 *Corresponding uthor: Tel: +8. 1. 75. 3773 Fx: +8. 1. 75. 777 E-mil ddress: junhwn198@kore.kr Copyright 17 The Koren Society of Fisheries nd Aqutic Science 75 pissn:37-8111, eissn:87-8815
바이오플락사육넙치의암모니아독성 751. (Kim nd Kng, 1).. N-Methyl-D-sprtic cid (NMDA), nitric oxide (NO), rective oxygen species (ROS) rective nitrogen speices (RNS) (Norenerg et l., 7; Hegzi et l., ).., (Dy et l., 1).,...,,. 재료및방법 실험어및실험환경.8 1.1 g, Tle 1. The chemicl components of sewter nd experimentl condition used in the experiments Item Vlue Temperture ( C).±.5 ph 8.9±. Slinity (PSU) 33.8±.5 Dissolved oxygen (mg/l) 7.5±.1 ( 7. 3.1 cm, 8..5 g).,,. NH Cl (Sigm Chemicl, St. Louis, MO, 99.%),, mg NH + /L,, 8, 1, 3 mg NH + /L. 15 L 5 5, Tle 1-.,, 3.,,,., ()., ethyl-3-minoenzote methnesulfonte slt. 혈액학적성상및혈장성분 1 ml,. hemogloin kit (Asn Phrm. Co., Ltd) Cynmethemogloin, hemtocrit, Microhemtocrit centrifuge (VS-1, ) 1, rpm, Micro-hemtocrit reder. C, rpm,. clcium mgnesium. Clcium OCPC, mgnesium Xylidyl lue-i kit (Asn Phrm. Co., Ltd). glucose, cholesterol, totl protein. Glucose GOD/POD, cholesterol enzyme method, totl protein Biuret kit (Asn Phrm. Co., Ltd). AST (Asprtte minotrnsferse), ALT (Alnine minotrnsminse), ALP (Alkline phosphtse). AST ALT 55 nm Reitmn- Frnkel, ALP King-King 5 nm kit (Asn Phrm. Co., Ltd). Tle. Anlyzed mmoni concentrtions (mg/l) from ech source Exposure concentrtion (mg/l) Nominl mmoni concentrtions 8. 1. 3.. Mesured mmoni concentrtions.38±.1 7.58±.7 15.7±.85 3.3±1.3 5.33±3.71
75 김준환ㆍ김기욱ㆍ배선혜ㆍ김수경ㆍ김수경ㆍ김종현 항산화반응 superoxide dismutse (SOD) ctlse (CAT).,,.1 M PBS (phosphte uffer solution) PBS (.1 M phosphte uffer solution). C, rpm 3. SOD WST-1 5% SOD ssy kit (Sigm Chemicl, St. Louis, MO) (Kim nd Kng, 15). CAT CAT ssy kit (Sigm Chemicl, St. Louis, MO) (Kim nd Kng, 17). ovine plsm lumin (Sigm Chemicl, St. Louis, MO) Brdford s method (197). 통계분석방법 SPSS (SPSS Inc.) ANOVA test, Duncn s multiple rnge test P<.5. mg NH + /L % (1 ). 결과 혈액학적성상및혈장성분 Fig. 1. hemogloin hemtocrit 3 mg NH + / L (P<.5). clcium Hemogloin (g/dl) 1 8 1 mg/l 3 mg/l mg/l Hemtocrit (%) 5 3 1 mg/l 3 mg/l mg/l Clcium (mg/dl) 8 1 mg/l 3 mg/l mg/l Blood Blood Plsm Mgnesium (mg/dl) 5 3 1 1 mg/l 3 mg/l mg/l Glucose (mg/dl) 8 1 mg/l 3 mg/l mg/l Cholesterol (mg/dl) 1 8 1 mg/l 3 mg/l mg/l Plsm Plsm Plsm Totl Protein (g/dl) 8 1 mg/l 3 mg/l mg/l AST (Krmen unit) 8 1 mg/l 3 mg/l mg/l ALT (Krmen unit) 8 1 mg/l 3 mg/l mg/l Plsm Plsm Plsm Fig. 1. Hemtologicl prmeters (hemtocrit, hemogloin, clcium, mgnesium, glucose, cholesterol, totl protein, AST nd ALT) of fltfish Prlichthys olivceus exposed to mmoni for 7 dys. Vlues with different superscript re significntly different (P<.5) s determined y Duncn's multiple rnge test. AST, sprtte minotrnsferse; ALT, lnine minotrnsminse.
바이오플락사육넙치의암모니아독성 753, mgnesium 3 mg NH + /L (P<.5). glucose 3 mg NH + /L (P<.5)., cholesterol totl protein. AST 3 mg NH + /L, ALT 8 mg NH + /L (P<.5). 항산화반응 SOD CAT Fig.. SOD 1 mg NH + /L (P<.5). SOD 3 mg NH + /L (P<.5). CAT 1 mg NH + /L (P<.5), CAT 3 mg NH + /L (P<.5). 고찰 9% (Rm nd Mnjht, 1).,, (Kim et l., 17)., fltfish Prlichthys olivceus hemogloin hemtocrit,. Ds et l. () mrigl Cirrhinus mrigl hemogloin, (hemodilution). clcium mgnesium, (Kim nd Kng, 1)., SOD (Unit/mg protein) 5 3 1 mg/l 3 mg/l mg/l SOD (Unit/mg protein) 8 1 mg/l 3 mg/l mg/l Liver Gill CAT (um /min/mg protein) 1 1 8 1 mg/l 3 mg/l mg/l CAT (um /min/mg protein) 8 1 mg/l 3 mg/l mg/l Liver Gill Fig.. Antioxidnt responses (SOD nd CAT ctivity) of fltfish Prlichthys olivceus exposed to mmoni for 7 dys. Vlues with different superscript re significntly different (P<.5) s determined y Duncn's multiple rnge test. SOD, superoxide dismutse; CAT, ctlse.
75 김준환ㆍ김기욱ㆍ배선혜ㆍ김수경ㆍ김수경ㆍ김종현 P. olivceus mgnesium,. Kim et l. (17) slefish Anoplopom fimri clcium mgnesium. glucose (Kim nd Kng, 1; Kim nd Kng, 15; Kim nd Kng, 1). glucose ctecholmine drenline nor-drenline, ctecholmine glycogen glucose., P. olivceus glucose. cholesterol,, (Firt nd Krgin, )., P. olivceus cholesterol. Ds et l. () mirgl Cirrhinus mrigl protein, totl protein. AST (sprtte minotrnsferse) ALT (lnine minotrnsminse), (Lemire et l., 1991; Rm nd Mnjht, 1). P. olivceus AST ALT. crp Cyprinus crpio; lck se rem Acnthopgrus schlegelii; slefish Anoplopom fimri AST ALT (Jeney et l., 199; Kwon nd Chng, 199; Kim et l., 17),., (Kosenko et l., 1997). SOD (superoxide dismutse) 1 superoxide rdicl (H O ) (O ). CAT (ctlse) (H O ).,, SOD CAT (Rm nd Mnjht, 1). P. olivceus SOD CAT. Cheng et l. (15) pufferfish Tkifugu oscurus rective oxygen species (ROS). Kim et l. (15) rockfish Sestes schlegelii SOD CAT. ROS, ROS,. ROS (Kim nd Kng, 17; Kim et l., 17c). P. olivceus. P. olivceus 3 mg NH + /L, 1 mg NH + /L... 사사 17 (BFT) (R171).,,. References Brdford MM. 197. A rpid nd sensitive method for the quntittion of microgrm quntities of protein utilizing the principle of protein-dye inding. Anl Biochem 7, 8-5. https://doi.org/.1/3-97(7)957-3. Cheng CH, Yng FF, Ling RZ, Lio SA, Mio YT, Ye CX nd Wng AL. 15. Effects of mmoni exposure on poptosis, oxidtive stress nd immune response in pufferfish (Tkifugu oscurus). Aqut Toxicol 1, 1-71. https://doi. org/.1/j.qutox.15... Ds PC, Ayyppn S, Jen JK nd Ds BK.. Acute toxicity of mmoni nd its su-lethl effects on selected hemtologicl nd enzymtic prmeters of mrigl, Cirrhinus mrigl (Hmilton). Aqucult Res 35, 13-13. https://doi. org/.1111/j.135-9..99.x. Dy SB, Slie K nd Stnder HB. 1. A growth comprison mong three commercil tilpi species in iofloc system. Aqucult Int, 139-13. https://doi.org/.7/ s99-1-998-z. Eddy FB. 5. Ammoni in esturies nd effects on fish. J
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