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MP 501 Basics of Contemporary Christian Witness 현대전도학입문 (3 Credits) Fall Semester 2015 (Houston, TX) Syllabus Class Period ( 수업일정 ): 4 일간의집중수업과전후과제를포함 8/24( 월 ) 10/16( 금 ) 까지 Aug. 24 (Mon.) through Oct. 16 (Fri.) including 4 days of intensive class Class Dates and Times: 9/14 (Mon.) 9/17 (Thurs.) 오전 9 시부터오후 7 시까지 9 a.m. 7 p.m. for 4 days from Sept. 14 (Mon.) through Sept. 17 (Thurs.) Professor ( 교수 ): Rev. Sung C. Park, Ph.D. Candidate in Leadership (Ministry Concentration) Office Hours ( 면담시간 ): 개인면담필요시예약을통해 by appointment Email: / Phone: (408) 329-2272 신대원사명에대한과목의공헌 Course Contribution to Seminary Mission 센트럴침례신학대학원은여성과남성들을성경적지식을잘갖추며, 신학적인입장을또렷이표현하며, 영적으로건강하고, 인각적으로세심하며, 전문적인실력을갖춘기독교지도자들이되도록교육하고훈련시킴으로교회와공동체를변화시키도록그들을준비시킨다. 이수업에서우리는기독교공동체는예배공동체일뿐만아니라전도공동체라는사실을배우게될것이다. 구약과신약은이스라엘과기독교공동체가어떻게하나님의증인으로부름받았는지를명확히보여준다. 이수업과정은전도에대한성경적인지식을갖게하며, 역사속의전도패러다임및현대교회들의전도에대한분석과평가를포함하며실제적일것이다. Central Baptist Theological Seminary prepares women and men to transform churches and communities by educating and forming them as Christian leaders who are biblically knowledgeable, theologically articulate, spiritually healthy, humanly sensitive and professionally competent. In this course we will learn that the Christian community is not only a worshipping community but also a witnessing community. The Old Testament as well as the New Testament clearly demonstrates how God called the nation of Israel and the Christian community to be a witness of God. The course will be biblically knowledgeable, analytical and evaluative of historical evangelism (missions) paradigms as well as evangelism of modern churches, and practical. 수업개요와목적 Course Description and Purpose 이수업은교회또는기관지도자로서전도가성경시대와역사속에서어떻게이루어졌으며, 그패러다임은어떤종류가있는지, 현대교회는어떻게전도를하고있는지를확인한다. 아울러이수업은다른수업들이지향해야하는목적의기초가된다. This course seeks to enable the learner as a church or organization leader to understand how evangelism was done during the biblical times as well as their subsequent times, what types of witness paradigms existed in history, and how modern churches are doing evangelism. Furthermore, this course is foundational to the goal of other coursers in each curricular area.

가르침과배움의목표 Teaching-Learning Goals 본수업은학생들이다음의목표를이루어나가도록고안되어있다. The course is designed to enable the learner to: 1) 신구약의중심주제로서의전도 ( 선교 ) 에대한분명한이해를가지고전도의성경적기초에대해말할수있다. Articulate the biblical basis of evangelism with a clear understanding of evangelism (missions) as the central theme in the Old and New Testaments. 2) 전도 ( 선교 ) 의역사적패러다임종류를설명할수있다. Identify various types of historical evangelism paradigms. 3) 전도의내용인복음에대한온전한이해를갖고복음이무엇인가설명할수있다. Explain what the Gospel is with a holistic understanding of the Gospel which is the content of evangelism. 4) 북미에있는교회들의전도가어떻게이루어지고있는지를분석하고평가할수있다. Analyze and evaluate how evangelism is conducted by churches in North America. 5) 기독교전도와관련한자신의상황과사역을성경적, 문화적, 인류학적으로분석하고구체적인전략을세울수있다. Formulate concrete strategies of evangelism after the learner s situation and ministry related to Christian evangelism biblically, culturally, and anthropologically. 6) 전도자의삶을살아가는구체적인계획을세운다. Make specific plans to live a missional life as a servant leader. 가르치고배우는활동들 Teaching-Learning Activities 본과정을이수하기위해서학생들은아래나열된모든과제를교수가만족할만한수준으로완성해야한다. All of the following assignments must be completed to the satisfaction of the professor in order to pass this course. 1) 과목오리엔테이션주간 Class Orientation Week 과목오리엔테이션주간은 8/17 ( 월 ) 23 ( 일 ) 로서학생들은무들에서실러버스와교재등을확인하고수업을준비해야한다. 또한모든학생은선택한과목의무들페이지에첵인하고과목에대해살펴본후주어진퀴즈에대한답을하는것으로출석체크를해야한다. 또한 4 일집중수업전후, 무들수업페이지에자신의과제를업로드하고, 과목과관련된자료들을다운로게하게될것이다. 또한과목에대한궁금증을풀기위해 8 월 17 일 ( 화 ) 오후 9 시에온라인오리엔테이션을갖는다. The class orientation week is Aug. 17 (Mon.) through Aug. 23 (Sun.). Students should check their syllabus, their textbooks, and the like by logging into the Moodle so that they can prepare for the class. They also need to check into the Moodle page of the class for which they registered and take the provided quiz as a way of ensuring their attendance. Moreover, CBTS Online Moodle will be used for uploading and downloading documents, including all written assignments. It is necessary for the learner to utilize this online platform as directed. We will have an online meeting on Tuesday, August 18 at 9 p.m. in order to have a Q & A session as an introduction to the class. 2) 출석과수업참여 Attendance and Class Participation 매주수업시간정시에준비된상태로참석한다. 학생들은수업시다른학생들을존중하고, 토론할주제와독서자료에대해교수와타학생들의발표를경청하고최선을다해자신의과제를발표할뿐만아니라수업에적극적으로참여한다. 매수업은읽을거리에대한토론,

교수와학생들의발표, 비디오등다양한배움의활동들을포함한다. 지정된독서자료외에추가자료가포함될수있다. 따라서수업출석은매우중요하며보충수업은어렵다. 신대원의출석정책은아래와같다 : 학생들은모든수업에반드시출석해야한다. 학생이과목전체수업시간의 20% 이상또는집중수업의첫날을결석해서는안되고, 여전히과목을통과해야한다. 만약절대적으로필요한경우, 어떤과목에대해서든수업기간출석일수의 20% 이상을넘지않는수업결석은, 교수가허용하는한, 학생자격을박탈하지않는다. 하지만결석을자주하는학생은최고학점받는것을기대할수없다. 모든수업에참석하도록최선의노력을기울여야한다. 만약결석한다면, 그학생은가능한 1 주안에당시수업시간에지정된독서자료에대한 1-2 페이지 ( 한줄간격 ) 의요약문을제출해야한다. 요약문을제출하는것은수업내용을따라가기위한것이지결석을보충하는것은아니다. Class attendance and participation: Please come to class weekly, punctually, and ready. Class participation is expected to be respectful of others, balancing carful listening and thoughtful contributions related to the assigned readings and topics being discussed. Class sessions will include a variety of learning activities, including but not limited to discussion of readings, professor presentations, videos, and skills practices. Material not in assigned readings will be included. Thus, class attendance and participation are very important and difficult to make up. Attendance policies in the Catalog will be followed Students are expected to attend all classes. A student may not miss more than 20% of a course nor the first day of an intensive and still expect to pass. When absolutely necessary, class absences not exceeding 20% of the required number of class periods for any course, when excused by the professor, will not detract from the student s standing. However, a student who is absent frequently cannot expect to earn the highest grades. Every effort should be made for perfect attendance. When a session is missed, students are expected to submit a 1-2 page (single-spaced) summary of that session s readings, within a week, if possible. However, the student must bear in mind that the submission of a summary doesn t reduce the number of absences since absence is absence. It simply helps the student to catch up with the class regarding what he missed in class. 결석에따른최고가능점수 0-2 시간결석최고 A / 3-4 시간 B / 5-6 시간 C / 7-8 시간 D / 8 시간이상 F 3) 지정된독서자료와독서보고서 Assigned Reading Materials and Reading Reports 학생들은수업시간전에독서자료들을읽고수업시간에토론할준비가되어있어야한다. 지정된독서자료에대한이해와완수는독서보고서로증명될것이다. 필독교재인크리스토퍼라이트의하나님백성의선교와마이클호튼의복음이이끄는교회그리고데이비드보쉬의변화하고있는선교를읽고독서보고서 ( 책한권당 2 페이지, 두줄간격 ) 를서식을이용하여제출할뿐만아니라무들에업로드하도록한다. The student should come to class ready to discuss the reading materials assigned for the class. She also needs to submit book reports (2 pages per book, double-spaced) for the required books The Mission of God s People by Christopher Wright, The Gospel-Driven Life by Michael Horton, and Transforming Mission by David J. Bosch and upload them to the Moodle. 4) 자신이생각하는전도론 The Student s Pre-Class Understanding of Evangelism and Experience 3 페이지 ( 더블스페이스 ) 에성경과본인의학습과경험에기초해자신이생각하는전도론을 9/6( 일 ) 까지제출하고무들에업로드한다. The student should submit a pre-class paper (3 pages, double-spaced) that demonstrates her own understanding of evangelism based on the Bible and her own studies and experiences by Sunday, Sept. 6 th and upload it to the Moodle.

5) 최종통합적성찰및계획논문 Final Integrative Reflection Paper (10/11 까지 ). 이과제는두부분으로이루어진다. 첫부분은첫날제출한 자신이생각하는전도론 이후로지금까지읽었던모든독서자료와수업시간에있었던교수발표와타학생들과의상호작용을통해깨닫고배우고정리한부분을성찰하여작성한다. 두번째부분에서는성찰을바탕으로본인이개인적으로그리고교회를통해어떻게전도활동을할것인지에대한계획을보여야한다. 이논문은 10 월 11 일이마감일이며 12~15 페이지분량으로두줄간격으로한다. This assignment consists of two parts. The first part is a reflection of what the student has learned from her own readings, professor presentations, and interactions with the professor and fellow students since her submission of The Student s Pre-Class Understanding of Evangelism. The second part should demonstrate the student s plans of personal evangelism and her contribution to the evangelism of the church of which she is a part, based on the first part of the paper. The paper should be 12 to 15 pages long and double-spaced. Due on Sunday, Oct. 11 th. 6) 개인면담시간 Personal Conferences 학생은온라인또는수업전후시간을이용해교수와개인또는교회의전도및리더십에대해효과적인방법들을모색한다. The student seeks effective personal evangelism or church evangelism with the professor in an online conference or in a meeting before or after class. 필독서 Required Reading 마이클호튼 ( 이용중역 ), 복음이이끄는기독교, 부흥과개혁사, 2010. Horton, Michael. The Gospel-Driven Life: Being Good News People in a Bad News World. Grand Rapids: BakerBooks, 2009. 크리스토퍼라이트 ( 한화룡역 ), 하나님백성의선교, 한국기독학생회출판부 (IVP), 2012. Wright, Christopher. The Mission of God s People: A Biblical Theology of the Church s Mission (Biblical Theology for Life). Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2010. 데이비드 J. 보쉬, 변화하는있는선교, 기독교문서선교회 (CLC), 2000. Bosch, David J. Transforming Mission: Paradigm Shifts in Theology of Missions. Maryknoll: Orbis Books, 1991. 추가도서 Additional Reading Johnstone, Patrick. The Future of the Global Church: History, Trends, and Possibilities. Downers Grove: IVP, 2013. 패트릭존스톤 ( 한화룡, 정옥배역 ), 세계교회의미래 : 세계복음화의역사와동향, 새로운도약으로의가능성, 한국기독학생회출판부 (IVP), 2013. MacArthur, John. Nothing But the Truth: Upholding the Gospel in a Doubting Age. Wheaton: Crossway, 1999. 존맥아더 ( 정길호역 ), 존맥아더의전도그이상의축복, 도서출판소망, 2010. 김세윤, 복음이란무엇인가, 두란노출판사, 2003. Stetzer, Ed and Thom S. Rainer. Transformational Church: Creating a New Scorecard for Congregations. Nashville: B&H Books, 2010. 톰레이너 & 에드스테저 ( 궁인역 ), 교회혁명 변혁적교회, 요단출판사, 2014. Greenway, Roger. Go and Make Disciples: An Introduction to Christian Missions. Philipsburg: P & R Publishing, 1999. 로저그린웨이, 가서제자삼으라, 포도원, 2001.

Piper, John. Let the Nations Be Glad. 3 rd Ed. Nashville: Baker Academic, 2010. 존파이퍼 ( 김대영역 ), 열방을향해가라, 좋은씨앗, 2003. Hiebert, Paul. Incarnational Ministry: Planting Churches in Band, Tribal, Peasant, and Urban Societies. Nashville: Baker Academic, 1995. 폴히버트 ( 안영권역 ), 성육신적선교사역, 기독교문서선교회 (CLC), 1998. Watson, David C. I Believe in Evangelism. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1999. 데이빗왓슨 ( 박영호역 ), 복음전도, 기독교문서선교회 (CLC), 2014. MacArthur, John and Grace Community Church Staff. Evangelism: How to Share the Gospel Faithfully. Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 2011. Reid, Alvin and Thom. S. Rainer. Evangelism Handbook: Biblical, Spiritual, Intentional, Missional. Nashville: B & H, 2009. Pearcey, Nancy. Finding Truth: 5 Principles for Unmasking Atheism, Secularism, and Other God Substitutes. Colorado Springs: David C. Cook, 2015. Park, Sydney M. Honoring the Generations: Learning with Asian North American Congregations. Valley Forge, PA: Judson Press, 2012. McNeal, Reggie. Missional Renaissance: Changing the Scorecard for the Church. San Francisco: Jossey Bass, 2009. 채점 Grading: ( 요람에나오는 채점정책과미수과목들 을참조하라.) 본과목을이수하기위해서는모든과제를만족스럽고정시안에끝내야한다. 물론서면과제물들과구두참여는석사과정수준의능력을반영하도록요구된다. 이과목에는여러작은과제물들이요구된다. 학생들은과제물을미루지말고제때준비하여지정한날짜에제출해야한다. 배움의활동들은다음과같이평가될것이다. Learning activities will be graded as follows: 평가항목 MDiv ML Diploma 1 수업출석과참여도 15% 25% 2 독서보고서 3 개 30% 40% 3 타학생들의발표평가 5% 10% 3 수업전전도에대한이해와경험논문 15% 25% 4 최종통합적성찰논문 35% Bonus (up to 10 pts) A+ = 100-97 A = 96-94 A- = 93-90 B+ = 89-87 B = 86-84 B- = 83-80 C+ = 79-77 C = 76-74 C- = 73-70 D+ = 68-69 D = 64-67 D- = 69-63 수업일정 Class Schedule 1. 4 일간의집중수업을효과적이고실질적으로진행하기위해본수업은 3 단계수업일정으로구성된다 : 수업전활동, 수업, 수업후활동 2. 수업전 (8/24 9/13) 활동으로는 1) 전도에대한자신의이해논문을쓰고, 2) 라이트와호튼그리고보쉬의책을읽고독서보고서를작성한다.

3. 수업기간 (9/14 9/17) 동안에는전체수강생들이함께수업에참여하여 1) 교수의강의를듣고, 2) 자신이담당한교재를요약 / 발표하며, 3) 다른학생들의발표를분석평가하며, 4) 그룹토론에참여한다. 4. 수업후 (9/18 10/11) 에는이때까지배운내용들을종합및성찰하여성찰논문을작성하는데이논문에는성찰및개인과교회의전도계획이포함되어야한다. 2 줄간격으로분량은 12-15 페이지이다. 날짜세션제목독서 / 과제물 9/14 1 현대전도학입문 성경상의전도 ( 선교 ) 전도이해논문발표 하나님백성의선교발표및논의 전도이해논문제출 필독서보고서제출 할당된장요약분석및발표 하나님백성의선교 pp. 1-472 9/15 2 복음이이끄는기독교발표및논의 변화하고있는선교발표및논의 필독서보고서제출 할당된장요약분석및발표 복음이이끄는기독교 pp. 1-408 변화하고있는선교 pp. 1-812 9/16 3 존맥아더의전도그이상의축복발표및논의 복음전도및제자도발표및논의 할당된장요약분석및발표 필독서보고서제출 전도그이상의축복 pp. 1-320 복음전도 pp. 1-248 제자도 pp. 1-392 9/17 4 북미교회전도현황발표및논의 교회혁명발표및논의 Finding Truth 강의및논의 전도가활발하게이루어지고있는미국교회 2 곳과본인의교회를포함한한국교회 2 곳전도현황알아오기 교회혁명 pp. 1-352 최종통합성찰논문준비 Finding Truth pp. 1-384

Korean Program Grading Guideline 한국부성적평가안내 Description Letter Points % Criteria 평가기준 Superior 탁월 A 4.0 100-94 1. 출석기준 (*1) 및수업참여도 (*2) 충족 2. 필수및추천도서정독 3. 기간내과제완료 A- 3.7 93-90 4. 토론적극참석 5. 수업과과제를통한성취도탁월 Above Average 평균이상 Average 평균 Below Average 평균이하 Failure 낙제 B+ 3.3 89-87 B 3.0 86-83 B- 2.7 82-80 C+ 2.3 79-77 C 2.0 76-73 C- 1.7 72-70 D+ 1.3 69-67 D 1.0 66-63 D- 0.7 62-60 F 0.0 59-0 1. 1-5% 결석 2. 수업참여도 (*2) 충족 3. 기간내과제완료 4. 필수교재정독 1. 5-10% 이상결석 2. 수업참여도 (*2) 충족 3. 늦은과제완료 4. 필수교재읽음 1. 10-20% 이상결석 2. 수업참여자세 (*2) 가부적절한경우 3. 늦은과제제출 1. 20% 이상결석하거나, 2. 과제미제출하거나, 혹은 3. 수업참여도 (*2) 가부적절하여다른학생의수업권을방해할경우 * 1. Attendance & Punctuality 출석기준 1) Attend every class. 모든수업에참석한다 2) Get to class on time and stay for the entire class period. 정시에출석하고, 수업시간이종료될때까지수업에충실한다. 3) Listen to the professor and take good notes. 수업에경청하며노트필기를충실히한다. 5) Do not bring children to class. 자녀를수업에동반하지않는다. 6) Failing to participate in more than 20% of a course's contact hours will result in automatic failure. 수업시간의 20% 이상결석할경우자동적으로과목낙제가된다. * 2. Participation & Behaviors 수업참여도및자세 1) Do not have private conversations. 개인적인대화를하지않는다. 2) All cell phones, smartphones, and other electronic devices (e.g., ipods) must be turned off. In emergency case, you can set on vibrate. 셀폰, 스마트폰, 아이팟과같은전기전자제품은전원을정지시켜놓아야한다. 비상사태가예상될경우전화기를진동으로해놓아야한다. 3) Laptop and tablet computers are allowed for quiet note taking only. Other activities such as checking personal e- mail or browsing the Internet are prohibited. 노트북은강의필기를위해서만사용되어야한다. 수업시간에이메일확인이나인터넷사용은금지된다. 4) Do not dominate other student's opportunities to learn by asking too many questions. 다른학생들이수업에

참여를방해할정도로수업시간을독점해서는안된다. 5) Respect your professor and be polite towards other students. 교수님과동료학생들을예의를가지고대한다. 6) Students should address faculty as "Professor, "Dr.," or "Pastor" 교수를호칭할때, 교수님, 박사님, 혹은 목사님 으로칭한다. 7) Participate in class discussions and show much effort towards academic success. 토론에적극적으로참여하고, 배움에대한진지한열정이있어야한다. 8) All teaching sites and class periods (from the class start to the class end for the day) are considered smoke-free and alcohol-free. Violating this rule may be subject to cancel the Green Scholarship. 수업당일수업장소와수업기간은금연, 금주를원칙으로한다. 어길경우, 장학금수여가취소될수있다. *3. If a student's GPA drops below 2.0, they will be placed on Academic Probation. 평점이 2.0 미만일경우 " 학사경고 " 처분을받는다.