Curriculum Vitae 김영미 연세대사회학과 Positions 2019- Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Yonsei University 2018-2018 Visiting Professor, Department of Sociology, Unversity of British Columbia 2015- Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Yonsei University 2013-2014 Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Chungbuk National University 2011-2012 Collegiate Assistant Professor, Division of Humanities and Social Sciences, Pohang University of Science and Technology 2010-2011 Research Professor, Korea Women s Studies Institute, Ewha Womans University 2006-2009 Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Sociology, Chung-Ang University Education Ph.D 2006 Sociology, Cornell University Dissertation : Emergence of A New Boundary : The Impact of Employment Restructuring on Workers Career Mobility in the U.S. M.A. 1998 Sociology, Yonsei University M.A. thesis : Workplace Regime in the Service Sector : A Case Study of a Department Store in Korea. B.A. 1994 Politics and Diplomacy, Ewha Womans University Areas of Interest Social Stratification and Inequality, Gender and Labor, Gender Stratification in East Asia
Journal Publication International Peer-Review Journals Kim, Young-Mi, Heiwon Kwon, and Hyunji Kwon, forthcoming, Categorical Matching as an Organizational Condition for Gender Inequality in the Korean Labor Market.", Sociological Perspectives. Kim, Young-Mi. 2018, "Gendered outcomes of the gender composition of jobs and organizations: A multilevel analysis using employer employee data." International Sociology 33, no. 6 : 692-714. Kim, Young-Mi, 2017, Rethinking Double Jeopardy: Differences in Gender Disadvantage between Organizational Insiders and Outsiders in Korea, Sociological Perspectives, 60(6):1082-1096. Kim, Young-Mi and Sawako Shirahase, 2014, Understanding intra-regional variation in gender inequality in East Asia: Decomposition of cross-national differences in the gender earnings gap, International Sociology, Vol.29, Issue.3: 207-226. Kim, Young-Mi, 2013, Diverging Top and Converging Bottom: Employment Restructuring and Changes in Career Mobility in the U.S.A., Work, Employment and Society. Vol.27, No.5:860-879. Kim, Young-Mi, 2013, Dependence on Family Ties and Household Division of Labor in Korea, Japan, and Taiwan, Asian Journal of Women s Studies,Vol. 19, No. 2: 7-35. Weeden, Kim, Young-Mi Kim, Matthew DiCarlo, and David Grusky, 2007, Social Class and Earnings Inequality, American Behavioral Scientist, vol.50, no.5: 702-736 Korean Peer-Review Journals 이효주, 김영미, 2018, 전문가집단이노동시장의제도도입및이행에미치는영향 : 육아휴직제도의사례, 사회과학논집, 49(1):286-307. 문지선, 김영미, 2017, 한국의초단시간노동시장분석, 산업노동연구,23 (1), 129-164 김영미, 2016, " 출산과성평등주의다층분석." 경제와사회 112:41-74. ( 미디어소개 " 잘난 여성은애안낳아? 성평등높으면더낳는다 " 2017.2.1 문화일보 " 성평등보장되면고학력여성이출산율더높아 " 2017.2.2 조선일보 " [ 이슈탐색 ] 성역할고정관념, 출산율에미치는영향은?" 2017.2.26 세계일보 "20,30 대여성미혼비율 50% 첫돌파 " 2017.2.28 동아일보 " 차별없는노동시장, 성평등한문화가출산율높여 연구결과 " 2017.3.7 여성신문 "[ 특집 ] 저출산의주범, 고스펙여성이라고?" 2017.3.14 주간경향 "80 조저출산정책실패... 접근방법바꿔야 " 2017.5.19 KBS 7 시뉴스 ) 김영미, 2016, 계층화된젊음 : 일, 가족형성에서나타나는청년기기회불평등, 사회과학논집, 47 (2), 27-52 권혜원, 권현지, 김영미, 2016, 대학청소용역서비스작업조직내범주적불평등의지속과균열, 산업관계연구, 26 (2), 111-139. (2017 년산업관계학회최우수논문상수상 )
김영미, 계봉오, 2015, 이행의계곡에서무슨일이벌어지나 : 여성의고용과출산에관한성평등적접근, 한국여성학, 제 31 권 3 호, 1-30. 권현지, 김영미, 권혜원, 2015, 저임금서비스노동시장의젠더불평등, 경제와사회, 제 107 호, 44-78. 김영미, 2015, 분절노동시장에서의젠더불평등의복합성 : 중심부와주변부에서나타나는여성차별의차이, 경제와사회, 제 106 호, 205-237. (2018 년불평등과민주주의연구센터최우수논문선정. Translated and reprinted into an English article in Journal of Inequality & Democracy, vol.2) 계봉오, 김영미, 2014, 한국여성의결혼, 출산및경제활동참가형태에대한연구, 사회연구, 제 25 권, 79-113. 김영미, 2012, 동아시아가구고용형태의다양성 : 한국, 일본, 대만비교연구, 여성학논집, 제 29 권 2 호, 107-137. 정이환, 김영미, 권현지, 2012, 동아시아신흥선진국의여성고용 : 한국과대만비교, 한국여성학, 제 28 권 1 호, 147-181. (2017 년복지국가센터최우수논문선정 Translated and reprinted into an English article in Journal of Korean Welfare Studies, vol.2) 김영미, 2011, 스웨덴의시간제근로 : 유연성과성평등의긴장속공존, 산업노동연구, 제 17 권제 1 호, 297-323. 김영미, 2010, 자본주의다양성관점에서본젠더와계급의교차, 한국여성학, 제 26 권 3 호, 65-89. 이성균, 김영미, 2010, 한국의서비스산업확대는남녀임금격차에어떤영향을미치는가, 한국사회학, 제 44 권 1 호, 1-25. 김영미, 2009, 영세기업의증가와일자리이동, 산업노동연구, 제 15 권 2 호, 125-149. 김영미, 2009, 분포적접근으로본한국성별임금불평등의구조변동, 1982-2004, 경제와사회, 제 84 호, 206-229. 김영미, 한준, 2008, 내부노동시장의해체인가축소인가 : 기업규모별임금격차분해를통해본한국노동시장의구조변동 1982-2004, 한국사회학, 제 42 권 7 호, 111-145. (2009 년한국사회학회논문상수상, Translated and Reprinted to an English article in Korea Social Sciences Review, Vol.1, No.2: 1-30.) 김영미, 신광영, 2008, 기혼여성노동시장의양극화와가구소득불평등의변화, 경제와사회, 제 77 호, 79-106. 김영미, 2007, 경쟁과규제 : 차별완화기제들의효과와한계, 한국사회학, 제 41 집 6 호, 37-74.
김영미, 한준, 2007, 금융위기이후한국소득불평등구조의변화 : 소득불평등분해, 1998-2005, 한국사회학, 제 41 집 5 호, 35-63 (2008 년한국갤럽학술상수상 ). Book Chapters Chin-fen Chang, Gui-hua Xie, Rie Takamatsu, and Young-Mi Kim, 2013, Where the Materialism Still Matters:Self-Identity in Social Hierarchy in East Asia Hiroshi Tarohmaru(ed.), Labor Market and Social Stratification in East Asia, Kyoto University Press (in Japanese). Weeden, Kim, Young-Mi Kim, Matthew DiCarlo, and David Grusky, 2008, Is the Labor Market Becoming More or Less Gradational? David Grusky(ed.), Social Stratification: Class, Race, Gender in Sociological Perspective(3 rd edition), Westview Press. Morgan, Stephen L. and Young-Mi Kim, 2006, Inequality of Conditions and Intergenerational Mobility: Changing Patterns of Educational Attainment in the United States, Stephen L. Morgan, David B. Grusky, and Gary S. Fields(eds.), Mobility and Inequality: Frontiers of Research from Sociology and Economics, Stanford University Press Strang, David and Young-Mi Kim, 2005, Diffusion and Domestication of Managerial Innovations, Stephen Ackroyd, Rosemary Batt, Paul Thompson and Pamela S. Tolbert(eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Work and Organization, Oxford University Press Reports 신경아, 김영미, 김진, 남우근, 오민홍, 2013, 비정규직여성근로자임금실태조사, 국가인권위원회. 이주희, 전병유, 김영미, 최은영, 우명숙, 2010, 시간제근로실태연구, 노사발전재단. 황준욱, 권현지, 남재량, 박성재, 김영미, 2008, 프리랜서고용관계, 한국노동연구원기초연구 과제. 이병희, 김동헌, 김혜원, 김우영, 김영미, 전병유, 최옥금, 홍민기, 황덕순, 2008, 고용안전망과 활성화전략연구, 한국노동연구원기초연구과제. 이성균, 김영미, 2007, 서비스산업의확대와소득불평등, 강신욱외저, 경제사회양극화의 진단과대응, 경제인문사회연구회협동연구총서 07-17-01 김유선, 한준, 김영미, 인수범, 2007, 취약계층근로자의규모추이와일자리이동분석및취약계 층취업촉진정책방안연구, 노동부. Selected Conference Presentation
Kye, Bongoh, Yool Choi and Young-Mi Kim, 2017, Do We Co-reside with Parents and Children Shorter Than Before? An Analysis of Intergenerational Coresidence in South Korea, 1960-2015, International Sociological Association Research Committee28 on Social Stratification and Mobility 2017 Summer Meeting, NYC, US. Kim, Young-Mi, 2017, Gendered Outcomes of the Sex Composition of Jobs and Organizations, 제 5 회한국불평등연구심포지움, 연세대 Kim, Young-Mi, 2016, Rethinking Double Jeopardy, American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Gender Inequality Regular Session, Seattle, US. 김영미, 신광영, 2014, 한국계급투표의최근추세와함의, 후기비판사회학대회. 김영미, 2014, 노동시장분절과젠더불평등의복합성 : 정규직과비정규직여성차별의차이, 제 2 회한국불평등연구심포지움. 계봉오, 김영미, 2013, 한국여성의결혼, 출산및경제활동참가형태에대한연구 : 다중상태생명표 (Multi-state life table) 적용, 제 1 회한국불평등연구심포지움. Kim,Young-Mi, 2012, Gender Display in Strong Family Countries: Dependence on Family Ties and Division of Household Labor in Korea, Japan, and Taiwan, Work and Family Researchers Network International Conference, June, New York. 김영미, 정이환, 권현지, 2012, Gender Display in Strong Family Countries, 한국전기사회학대회, 김영미, 2012, 일 - 가족양립정책의보편성, 포괄성, 및계급형평성을위하여, 미래여성정책포럼, 한국여성정책연구원. Kim, Young-Mi and Joon Han, 2008, Changes in Employment Relations and Wage Inequality in Korea:1982-2004, Tohoku, Japan, Frontiers of Sociological Inquiries. Kim, Young-Mi and Kwang-Yeong Shin, 2007, Female Labor Force Participation and Income Inequality in Korea, Seoul, Asian Societies in Comparative Perspectives. 이성균, 김영미, 2007, 탈산업화와소득불평등, 비판사회학대회 김영미, 신광영, 2007, 여성의경제활동과가구소득불평등, 비판사회학대회 김영미, 2006, 경쟁과규제 : 차별완화기제들의효과와한계, 비판사회학대회. 김영미, 2006, 성별직종분리의산업별변이, 후기사회학대회. Levanon, Asaf and Young-Mi Kim, 2006, Industrial Variation on Patterns of Occupational Sex Segregation Montreal, American Sociological Association, Gender and Work Regular session. Kim, Young-Mi, 2005, The Impact of dual restructuring on occupational mobility in the U.S. 1990-2002, Los Angeles, International Sociological Association Research Committee 28 Kim, Young-Mi and Asaf Levanon, 2005, Eliminating Discrimination? : Effects of industrial characteristics on patterns of occupational sex segregation, Los Angeles, International Sociological Association Research Committee 28
Kim, Young-Mi and Asaf Levanon, 2004, Is occupational segregation higher in the part-time workforce?, San Francisco, American Sociological Association, Roundtable. Awards 2017 한국노사관계학회최우수논문상, 한국노사관계학회 2009 한국사회학회논문상, 한국사회학회 2008 한국갤럽학술상, 한국조사연구학회 2007 연세우수강사상, 연세대학교 2004 Robin William Jr. Best Paper Award, Department of Sociology, Cornell University 1999 연세우수논문상, 연세대학교 Grants and Fellowships 2017-2020 한국연구재단일반공동연구, 연구책임자, 불평등과인구변동 2010-2011 한국연구재단사회과학지정주제 (B00033), 연구책임자, 양극화시대의젠더와계급의교차 : 한국, 일본, 대만비교연구 2005 Research Grant, Cornell East Asia program, 2005 2000 Sage Fellowship, Cornell University Professional Service 2018.1-2018.12 한국사회학회국제이사 2015.11-현재 여성연구 편집위원 2015.1-현재 한국사회학 편집위원 2014.1-2014.12 한국여성학 편집위원 2014.1-2014.12 한국사회학회연구이사 2013.1-2013.12 비판사회학회국제이사 Public Service 2018.1- 대통령직속저출산고령사회위원회문화혁신분과위원 2018.1- 대통령직속일자리위원회여성분과위원
2017.9- 여성가족부정책자문위원 2017.3-2019.4 국가인권위원회차별시정전문위원 2017.3- 한국여성정책연구원연구자문위원