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Example. Do It Yourself

Huh S 서 론 우리나라 진료 현장에서 기생충질환은 종류에 따라 찾 아보기 힘든 것도 있으나 반면 늘어나는 것도 있다. 또한 수입 기생충질환은 과거력에서 해외여행 여부를 확인 하여 의심할 수 있다. 말라리아와 같이 한동안 소멸하였다 가 다시 발생한 질환도 있다. 최근

기후변화에따른담수호수생태계변화조사 및보전에관한연구 (Ⅲ) - 기후변화에따른유해남조류발생특성연구 - 물환경연구부유역생태연구팀 Ⅲ 2012






1. 담수어

Table 1. Freshwater fishes a collected from Jiseokcheon (Stream), a branch of Youngsangang (River), located in Naju-si, Jeollanam-do, Korea a Table 2. Freshwater fishes a collected from Younamcheon (Stream), a branch of Youngsangang (River), located in Youngam-gun, Jeollanam-do, Korea a

Table 3. Freshwater fishes a collected from Soyangcheon (Stream), a branch of Mangyeonggang (River), located in Wanju-gun, Jeollabuk-do, Korea a

Table 4. Freshwater fishes a collected from Jeongeupcheon (Stream), a branch of Dongjingang (River), located in Jeongeup-si, Jeollabuk-do, Korea a

Table 5. Freshwater fishes a collected from Cheonnaegang, a branch of Gumgang (River), located in Gumsan-gun, Chungcheongnam-do, Korea a

Table 6. Freshwater fishes a collected from Yougucheon (Stream), a branch of Gumgang (River), located in Gongju-si, Chungcheongnam-do, Korea a

Table 7. Freshwater fishes a collected from Nonsancheon (Stream), a branch of Gumgang (River), located in Nonsan-si, Chungcheongnam-do, Korea a 2. 반염수어

Table 8. Blackish goby, Acanthogobius flavimmanus, collected from surveyed areas a Table 9. Mullets, Lisa haemathocheila and Mugil cephalus, collected from surveyed areas a Mugil cephalus 3. 패류

1. 영산강수계 1) 지석천 ( 영산강중류 2) 영암천 ( 영산강하류

Table 10. Infection status of Clonorchis sinensis metacercariae by the species of fish caught from Youngsangang (River) located in Jeollanam-do, Korea

Table 11. Infection status of Metagonimus spp. metacercariae by the species of fish caught from Youngsangang (River) located in Jeollanam-do, Korea

Table 12. Infection status of Centrocestus armatus metacercariae by the species of fish caught from Youngsangang (River) located in Jeollanam-do, Korea 2. 만경강및동진강수계 1) 소양천 ( 만경강중류 2) 정읍천 ( 동진강중류

Table 13. Infection status of Clonorchis sinensis metacercariae by the species of fish caught from Mangyeonggang and Dongjingang (River) located in Jeollabuk-do, Korea

Table 14. Infection status of Metagonimus spp. metacercariae by the species of fish caught from Mangyeonggang and Dongjingang (River) located in Jeollabuk-do, Korea

Table 15. Infection status of Centrocestus armatus metacercariae by the species of fish caught from Mangyeonggang and Dongjingang (River) located in Jeollabuk-do, Korea Table 16. Infection status of Echinostoma sp. metacercariae by the species of fish caught from Mangyeonggang and Dongjingang (River) located in Jeollabuk-do, Korea

Table 17. Infection status of Clinostomum complanatum metacercariae by the species of fish caught from Mangyeonggang and Dongjingang (River) located in Jeollabuk-do, Korea 3. 금강수계 1) 천내강 ( 금강상류

2) 유구천 ( 금강중류 3) 논산천 ( 금강하류

Table 18. Infection status of Clonorchis sinensis metacercariae by the species of fish caught from Gumgang (River) located in Chungcheongnam-do, Korea

Table 19. Infection status of Metagonimus spp. metacercariae by the species of fish caught from Gumgang (River) located in Chungcheongnam-do, Korea

Table 20. Infection status of Centrocestus armatus metacercariae by the species of fish caught from Gumgang (River) located in Chungcheongnam-do, Korea

Table 21. Infection status of Echinostoma spp. metacercariae by the species of fish caught from Gumgang (River) located in Chungcheongnam-do, Korea 1. 문절망둑

Table 22. Infection status of heterophyid metacercariae in gobies, Acanthogobius flavimanus, from Shinan-gun and Muan-gun, Jeollanam-do, Korea Heterophyopsis continua 1 (4.0) 1-1.0 Stictodora spp. 2 (8.0) 2-1.0 Heterophyopsis continua 14 (93.3) 294 1-78 21.0 Stictodora spp. 7 (46.7) 11 1-3 1.6 Table 23. Infection status of heterophyid metacercariae in gobies, Acanthogobius flavimanus, from Gochang-gun, Jeollabuk-do and Taean-gun, Chungcheongnam-do, Korea Heterophyopsis continua 2 (13.3) 3 1-2 1.5

2. 숭어 Table 24. Infection status of heterophyid metacercariae in mullets, Lisa haematocheila and Mugil cephalus, from Shinan-gun and Muan-gun, Jeollanam-do, Korea Pygidiopsis summa 19 (90.5) 3,194 5-712 168.1 Heterophyopsis continua 1 (4.8) 2-2.0 Pygidiopsis summa 15 (100) 302 4-82 20.1

Table 25. Infection status of heterophyid metacercariae in mullets, Lisa haematocheila, from Gochang-gun, Jeollabuk-do and Taean-gun, Chungcheongnam-do, Korea Pygidiopsis summa 12 (80.0) 738 1-425 61.5 Heterophyopsis continua 1 (6.7) 2-2.0 Pygidiopsis summa 30 (100) 33,467 170-3,936 1,116 1. 동죽

Table 26. Infection status of trematode metacercariae in esturine clams, Mactra veneriformis, from Gochang-gun, Jeollabuk-do, Korea Himasthla alincia 20 (100) 623 7-174 31.2 Himasthla alincia 19 (95.0) 289 6-30 15.2 Parvatrema spp. 20 (100) 382 4-43 19.1 Table 27. Infection status of trematode metacercariae in esturine clams, Mactra veneriformis, from Taean-gun, Chungcheongnam-do, Korea Himasthla alincia 15 (100) 706 14-105 47.1 Parvatrema spp. 15 (100) 78,265 1,225-18,900 5,218 Himasthla alincia 15 (100) 646 4-120 43.1 Parvatrema spp. 4 (26.7) 66 7-30 16.5

2. 반지락 Table 28. Infection status of trematode metacercariae in esturine clams, Ruditapes philippinarum, from Gochang-gun, Jeonbuk and Taean-gun, Chungnam, Korea Himasthla alincia 3 (30.0) 5 1-2 1.7 Parvatrema spp. 10 (100) 2,377 80-615 238 Himasthla alincia 12 (80.0) 70 1-11 5.8 Parvatrema spp. 1 (6.7) 126-126 3. 가무락조개 Table 29. Infection status of trematode metacercariae in esturine clams, Cyclina sinensis, from Taean-gun, Chungcheongnam-do, Korea Himasthla alincia 10 (100) 605 10-213 60.5 Himasthla alincia 14 (93.3) 77 1-17 5.5

4. 기타 Table 30. Infection status of Gymnophalloides seoi metacercariae in oysters, Crassostrea gigas, from Shinan-gun, Jeollanam-do, Korea

번흡충류생물자원수량 ( 마리 ) 호학명 ( 한글명 ) 발육단계계획확보 (%) 비 고 * 1 Clonorchis sinensis 250 70% ETN 성충 500 ( 간흡충 ) 500 (150) DF 2 Clonorchis sinensis 유약충 500 250(50) 70% ETN 3 Clonorchis sinensis 피낭유충 3,000 25,000 Live 20,000(1,500) DF 4 Metagonimus yokogawai ( 요코가와흡충 ) 성충 500 500(100) 70% ETN 5 Metagonimus yokogawai 피낭유충 1,000 1,000(100) DF 6 Metagonimus miyatai ( 미야타흡충 ) 성충 500 500(100) 70% ETN 7 Metagonimus miyatai 피낭유충 1,000 2,000(200) 70% ETN 8 Centrocestus armatus ( 가시입이형흡충 ) 성충 100 50(50) 70% ETN 9 Centrocestus armatus 피낭유충 5,000 5,000 70% ETN 20,000(500) DF 10 Heterophyes nocens ( 유해이형흡충 ) 성충 100 100(100) 70% ETN 11 Heterophyopsis continua ( 긴이형흡충 ) 성충 100 100(100) 70% ETN 12 Pygidiopsis summa ( 표주박이형흡충 ) 성충 250 500(200) 70% ETN 13 Stellantchasmus falcatus ( 수세미이형흡충 ) 성충 100 0 70% ETN 14 Stictodora fuscata ( 자루이형흡충 ) 성충 100 50(50) 70% ETN 15 Gymnophalloides seoi ( 참굴큰입흡충 ) 성충 500 250(50) 70% ETN 16 Gymnophalloides seoi 피낭유충 2,000 2,000 70% ETN 20,000(1,100) DF 17 Parvatrema duboisi ( 두보아작은흡충 ) 성충 500 0 70% ETN 18 Parvatrema duboisi 피낭유충 1,000 1,000(100) 70% ETN 19 Echinostoma hortense 100 70% ETN 성충 100 ( 호르텐스극구흡충 ) 300(400) DF 20 Echinochasmus japonicum ( 일본가시열틈새극구흡충 ) 성충 250 500(200) 70% ETN

1. 유행도산출공식 2. 수계별간흡충유행도 1) 영산강수계 2) 만경강및동진강수계

3) 금강수계

3. 수계별 Metagonimus spp. 유행도 1) 영산강수계

2) 만경강및동진강수계 3) 금강수계

Table 31. Fish intermediate hosts of Clonorchis sinensis reported in Korea

