( ),,. 1).. 2). 3). 4). KEYWORD :, Data Envelopement Analysis, , %(10 ), 19.6%, 34.8% ,.. (economies of scale) (economies

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( ),, 1) 2) 3) 4) KEYWORD :, Data Envelopement Analysis, 1997 488, 1 5 6 30%(10), 196%, 348% 2 2001, (economies of scale) (economies of scope)

1, Data Envelopment Analysis (production frontier) II, DEA III, IV,, V VI,, DEA

2, 3 4,,

Farrel(1957) (statistical technique) (mathematical programming technique) (stochastic frontier) (deterministic frontier) (+) Berger and Humphrey(1991) (thick frontier model) 5 Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) (linear programming method)

(deterministic production frontier) DEA, DEA,, ( ), DEA Sherman and Gold (1985), Rangan et al (1988), Vassiloglou and Giokas (1990), Norman and Stocker (1991), Siems (1992), Barr et al (1993), Mlima(1997), Giokas (1991), Drake and Howcroft (1994), Sherman and Ladino (1995), Pastor (1997) DEA Resti(1997)DEA 270 DEA, (asset quality) 1988-92 Resti(1994) -, DEA Piyu(1992)DEA 60 1984-90,

(1991),,,, (1991),,,,, (1993),,, (1993),, (1996),,, 6 (CRS) (VRS) DEA (technical efficiency), (scale efficiency)fare, Grosskopf and Lovell (1994) Farrell(1957) 20 7 Charnes, Cooper and Rhodes(1978) Data Envelopment Analysis, Charnes, Cooper and Rhodes(1978), Banker, Charnes and Cooper(1984) (variable returns to scale)

N (decision making unit: DMU)K M, j x i y i XK*N, YM*N X, YN, Min st θ, λ y θx θ i i λ 0 + Yλ 0 Xλ 0 (8) θ, λn*1 θi θ <=1 1 N θ (optimal scale),, LRAC, Banker, Charnes and Cooper (1984)DEA (scale efficiency) (variable returns to scale: VRS) CRS (convexity constraints), N1 λ (VRS) DEA

0 0 1 0 0 = + λ λ λ θ λ θ λ θ N X x Y y st Min i i, (9) N1N*1 (unit vector) (VRS) DEA (CRS) DEA DEA 1990 (CRS) DEA (CRS) DEA (VRS) DEA < 3> CRS VRS CRS P PPc, VRS PPv PcPv, V C I V VRS, I C,CRS I AP AP SE AP AP TE AP AP TE = = = (10) 01 3

, TE = TE SE (11) I,CRS I, VRS I < 3> DEA (non-increasing returns to scale: NIRS), N1 λ=1 N1 λ<=1, Min st θ, λ y θx θ i i Xλ 0 N1λ 1 λ 0 + Yλ 0 (12) (NIRS) DEA < 3>

(NIRS) (TE) (VRS) (TE), P Q (CRS), (VRS), (NIRS) (VRS) (NIRS) 1999 11 (,,,,,,,,,, ) 6 (,,,,, ) 17 1995 1999 5 1997 5 (,,,, )4 (,,, ) 8

, (production approach) (intermediation approach) (Humphrey, 1985) (value-added function approach) (information theory approach) 10,,,,,, 11 9

, Humphrey(1985),,,,, 1999,,,,,,, 8 8,,,,,,,,,,,, 1995

1995, (minimum efficient scale),,,, (LRAC) <3>

,,,,,,,,,,,, 17

<4> < 4>

< 4> 3 3 (multiple space) 3, X Y1, Y2 12 13

,,,,,,,,,,,,, 14, 1), 2) <11>

,, 14, 4) +, 12) +,, 2) + +, 3) + +

14 12) +,, 11),

DEA 15 1 1 A( A) B( B) M( M) ( ) (,, ) ( A B ), A B M 2 M M ( M-M ),,,,,

P&A < 5> BIS,,, BIS

, 1, 2 P&A(purchase & assumption),,

Data Envelopment Analysis ( ), ( ),,,,,,,,,,, 1999,,,,,,, 8,,,,,

,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 14,,,,

, BIS,,,, BIS,,,, (1996),,, 111, 55-76,, (1991),,, 52,, 37-88

(1997), :,, 87, (1993), DEA, 63-80 (1997),,, 452, 63-97 (1993),,, 64-82 (1991), DEA :,, 211 (1996),,, 21,, 1-28 (1996),,, 101,,, 89-115 (1993),,,, 15 (2000), : Fourier Flexible,, 481 (1993), -,,, 20-42 (1992),,, 142 Afriat, SN (1972), "Efficiency Estimation of Production Functions", International Economic Review, 13, 568-598 Alhasdeff, David (1954), A Monopoly and Competition in Banking Berkeley, Calif: University of California Press Banker, RD, Charnes, A and Cooper, WW (1984), "Some Models for Estimation Technical and Scale Inefficiencies in Data Envelopment Analysis", Management Science, 30, 1078-1092 Barr, RS, L M Seiford and T F Siemes (1993), An Envelopment-analysis Approach to Measuring the Managerial Efficiency of Banks, Annals of Operations Reseach, 45, 1-19 Bell, Frederick W and Neil B Murphy (1968), Cost in Commercial banking: A Quantitative

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