Linguistic Research 28(2), 영어이동동사 come 과 go 의 유표성양상에관한연구 * 12 주보현 박기성 ** ( 부산대학교 ) Ju, Bo Hyun & Park, Kiseong A Study on the Aspects o

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004 go to bed 잠자리에 들다 He went to bed early last night. 그는 지난밤 일찍 잠자리에 들었다. 유의어 go to sleep, fall asleep 잠들다 005 listen to n ~을 (귀 기울여) 듣다 week 1 I lik


Linguistic Research 28(2), 355-371 영어이동동사 come 과 go 의 유표성양상에관한연구 * 12 주보현 박기성 ** ( 부산대학교 ) Ju, Bo Hyun & Park, Kiseong. 2011. A Study on the Aspects of Markedness in English Motion Verbs Come and Go. Linguistic Research 28(2), 355-371. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the aspects of markedness or asymmetry in English motion verbs come and go. The following claims are made in this paper. First, it is claimed that the aspect of neutralization could be used to argue for the unmarkedness of English verb go when compared to English come. Neutralization here has to do with the property to function as a hyperonym for the two contrasting terms. Second, it is shown through the corpus analysis that the high frequency and formal distribution patterns of various forms involving English go strengthen the claim that English go is an unmarked term. Third, it is shown through corpus analysis that English verb go occurs with the adjectives both with positive and negative meanings, while the verb come predominantly with the ones with positive meanings, which suggests the unmarkedness of English go. Fourth, it is suggested that the (un)markedness of cognitive complexity need to be determined on the basis of linguistic as well as extralinguistic analysis, and that considering the previous discussions and our corpus data, we are sure about the unmarkedness of the verb go. (Pusan National University) Key Words motion verb, come/go, (un)markedness, asymmetry, corpus, neutralization, distribution, cognitive complexity 1. 서론 (Matlock 2004). Radden(1996: 424). *.. ** 1 : ; :

356 ㆍ (Miller & Johnson-Laird 1976, Goddard 2010, Nakazawa 2009, Levinson 2006, Radden 1996, Talmy 2000). come go. come, go (Goddard 2010: 147),,.,,,, 1 (markedness).,,,, ( 2006: 271-272). (unmarked term), (marked term). Haspelmath(2006) 12 Battistella(1990), Elšik & Matras(2006) (neutralization), (distribution), (cognitive complexity).. 2 come/. 3, 4 come/ go. 5, 6. 1 Corpus of Contemporary American English(COCA) Corpus of Historical American English(COHA). 2008 Brigham Young University Mark Davies. 4 2500. COHA 1800 2000.

come go 357 2. 중화의유표성과 come/go (Haspelmath 2006). man woman man. come go. (Visual Thesaurus) 2 (Wordnet) 2.1 3. come go go come no-go. come 4 go go. go Clark & Garnica(1974) (neautral verb of motion). go move, locomote, travel. 2.1. go come come come travel, go, move, locomote (hypernym). come go go come.. (1) a. All the people were coming in. b. All the people were going out. c. The people were coming in and going out. d. *The people were coming in and out. e. The people were going in and out. (1a), 2 (Thinkmap).. 3 (Wordnet) 2.1,. 4 (deictic center) come go.

358 ㆍ. (1b).,.,. (1c) come go. (1d) (1e). (1e). go. (1d) come. coming in coming out. come go. come go go come come come go. 3. 형태적분포의유표성과 come/go (Elšik & Matras 2006: 19). Croft(2003). Two definitions of the distributional potential are possible. A stronger definition requires that the marked element occurs in a subset of occurrences (grammatical environments, construction types) of the unmarked value. A weaker definition requires that the marked element

come go 359 occurs in a smaller number of contexts than the unmarked value.,. Shen(1999), (1997). Oxford (Oxford Advanced Learner s Dictionary) come go. come, go V come, go to V come, go preposition come, go Ving come, go adverb come, go adjective. 1be coming/ going to, 2come/go + 3come/go + -ing, 4come/go +. be coming/going to. Perez(1990) be going to. be coming to be going to COHA(Corpus of Historical American English)., be going to. 1810 be coming to be going to be going to 2000 12450 1800 2000 be coming to 127. be coming to to. come go. Nicolle(2009) come go

360 ㆍ 표 1. be coming/going to 동사원형의발생빈도수비교 be coming to V be going to V be coming to V be going to V 1810 0 35 1910 127 5907 1820 12 153 1920 98 5865 1830 20 427 1930 101 6187 1840 27 831 1940 70 6229 1850 41 1320 1950 76 6456 1860 34 1661 1960 85 6609 1870 56 2130 1970 81 6211 1880 95 2269 1980 62 8666 1890 102 3639 1990 79 9105 1900 120 5750 2000 94 12450. < 1> come go COCA(Corpus of Contemporary American English). come go watch, see ask, tell, speak, live, stay. come go. meet, give, rescue, follow, let come go 30. go come. 그림 1. come/go 동사원형구조에사용된동사의종류

come go 361 come/go -ing., come go,. (2) a. Bill went/came singing down the street. b. Bill went/came running down the street. singing running come go. COCA come singing 7 go singing 9, come walking 176, go walking 146,. go. COCA come go. Silva(1975). 표 2. 여가활동을의미하는동명사와의사용빈도수 come go camping 3 camping 1163 hiking 2 hiking 118 fishing 9 fishing 661 swimming 21 swimming 427 skiing 3 skiing 198 shopping 16 shopping 1063 < 2>. come go -ing go. go -ing -ing go. come go. Levin(1993) come go (verbs of inherently directed motion) ascend,

362 ㆍ depart, escape, leave.. come go (*Sharon came the room.). come go COCA.. 표 3. come과 go와결합한전치사의종류 come go to in to in at through at through into from into from over by over by after toward after along out upon for underneath within without about 13 14 come 13 go 14 go go. be going to/be coming to, come/go, come/go -ing. 1800 be going to, go. come/go go come go. go come, go come

come go 363. 4. 의미적분포의유표성과 come/go come go. come go.. come go 5. 표 4. come과 go와결합한긍정적의미의형용사 come go alive 1074 1 bright 0 18 true 2388 9 good 22 140 great 30 186 green 2 238 rich 2 17 free 168 402 straight 627 2451 fine 0 149 ( 2011: 42) < 4>,, alive true come, go. come come go. come go. COCA ( 2011: 42 ). 5 come go (2009: 49).

364 ㆍ 표 5. come과 go와결합한부정적의미의형용사 come go bankrupt 0 820 bad 8 896 crazy 1 1711 dark 2 417 dead 6 411 empty 3 29 extinct 0 240 wrong 0 868 hungry 11 373 < 5> go come., come, go < 5>. come., go,, come,. 5. 인지적복잡성의유표성과 come/go (extralinguistic) 6.,. The marked member of an opposition is more semantically complex(more informative, more focused) than the unmarked member. (Elšik & Matras 2006: 17) 6 Elšik & Matras(2006) Givón(1995),,, (extralinguistic).

come go 365 Elšik & Matras(2006) Wurzel(1994). / /. (Langacker 1993). come go.. come go NSM 7. (4) X came to place-a = before this, X was somewhere X wanted to be somewhere else because of this, X moved for some time because of this, after this X was in place-a someone in this place could think: X is in the same place as me. (5) X went = before this, X was somewhere X wanted to be somewhere else because of this, X moved for some time because of this, after this X wasn t in this place any more X was somewhere else (4) (5) come go X came X X went X. come someone in this place (someone) X. (someone) X X is in the same place as me, X come 7 Natrual Semantic Metalanguage Anna Wierzbicka..

366 ㆍ. Goddard(2010) come. Because of the component someone in this place could think: X is in the same place as me refers to a POTENTIAL interpretation, it is even compatible with hypothetical or imagined situations, even though this expected situation never came to pass. come go go come.. (6) a. She came/went to the corner as we d arranged, but I d got stuck in the traffic and didn t make it. b. Tom wonders if Jenny comes/goes to his graduation. (6a) come I. (6b) come Tom Jenny. come go come.. (7) A : Why did you walk out last night? B : I came/went to the front door to let Jenny in, but Jenny had already left. (7) A B B Jenny. B came Jenny B B B. go come

come go 367. come.. Givón(1995). The marked category tends to be cognitively more complex in terms of attention, mental effort or processing time than the unmarked one. (Givón 1995: 337). (Mayerthaler 1987). (2008: 122), 3.,,., come go. 5-6 come go, 5 come go. 6 come 3 go 14 be going to. come go go. come go (deictic projection) 8 8 Lyons(1977).

368 ㆍ. (deictic center) come go. come. Goddard(2010). come go come (perspective shifting skill), come. (2008) come. come come go. come come go. come go come come. come go. 6. 결론,. ( 2008). come go, go.., come go. come

come go 369 go (neutral verb) go come come., come go., go come., come go come go, come, go., come go. come go come. come go go, come come. come go.,.,. 참고문헌. 2008. : Come, Go.,.. 2009. come go :.,.. 2006.. 16(2): 271-292.. 1997.. :.. 2008.. :.. 2011. come go.,.

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