Journal of Nutrition and Health 논문투고규정 개정 2019. 1. 16. I. 발간목적및게재영역 1. Journal of Nutrition and Health (J Nutr Health; JNH) 는 1967 년에설립된한국영양학회의공식학술지로서영양학의학문적발전과인류의건강과영양증진에기여하고자 1968 년에 한국영양학회지 (The Korean Journal of Nutrition) 로창간하였고, 2013 년 6 월부터 Journal of Nutrition and Health 로지명을변경하여현재연 6 회발행하고있다. 발간일은 2 월 28 일, 4 월 30 일, 6 월 30 일, 8 월 31 일, 10 월 31 일, 12 월 31 일이다. 2. 본학회지는연구논문, 종설, 자료, 연구노트등을게재하며게재가능한분야는아래와같다. 1) 영양생화학 ( 동물실험, 생체외실험등 ) 2) 인체및임상영양 ( 영양소대사와관련된인체영양, 질병과관련된임상영양, 생애주기와영양 ) 3) 공중보건영양 ( 영양역학, 지역사회영양, 영양교육, 식생활행동등 ) 4) 단체급식 ( 단체급식및경영등 ) 5) 기타 II. 투고방법및심사절차 1. 교신저자는한국영양학회회원이어야하며, 회원이아닌사람의논문게재는편집위원회의결의에따른다. 2. 온라인투고 (Online Submission) 를원칙으로한다. 투고방법은논문제출서 (Submission Form) 를작성한후, 논문과연구윤리서약서및저작권이전동의서 (Authors Agreement of Ethics Policy & Copyright Transfer) 를제출한다. 인간대상연구와동물실험논문은 IRB 승인서와동물실험윤리위원회승인서사본 ( 승인번호가기재된첫장만 ) 을연구윤리서약서및저작권이전동의서뒷장에첨부한다. 논문투고료는무료이다. Online Submission Site: 3. 종설과자료는편집위원회에서위촉된경우에는심사과정을거치지않고게재되며투고된원고는심사과정을거쳐게재된다. 4. 논문의심사, 채택여부, 게재순서등은편집규정과심사규정에의거하여진행한다. 논문은 3 단계심사절차를거쳐게재여부를결정하며, 3 단계심사절차는아래와같다. 1 단계 : 편집이사가간단히논문검토후 1 차적인게재가부를결정한다. 2 단계 : 편집이사가정한 2 인의심사위원이세부심사를한다. 3 단계 : 2 단계심사에서최종판정이나지않은경우, 1 인의심사위원을추가로위촉하여심사를한다. - 심사자비공개를원칙으로하고, 세부심사절차는본학회지심사규정에따른다. III. 저자됨과윤리문제 1. 원고의신규성과저작권 : 원고는초록이외에어떠한부분도다른간행물에게재되었거나게재예정인논문을투고해서는안되며, 다른기관에동시투고해서도안된다. 본학회지에논문이게재됨과동시에논문에대한모든저작권은한국영양학회로이전된다. 2. 이해관계 : 저자참여와연구지원의이해관계가있을경우이를논문에명백하게밝히고기술해야한다. 3. 인간대상연구 : 인간대상연구의경우저자는기관의생명윤리심의위원회 (Institutional Review Board; IRB) 의승인을받아야한다.
4. 동물실험 : 동물실험의경우저자는연구기관이나국가지침을준수해야하며, 동물실험윤리위원회의승인을받아야한다. 5. 상기사항외에본학회지와관련한모든연구와저자됨, 출판윤리의경우, 편집자와저자에대한국제기준 (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors; ICMJE, Committee on Publication Ethics; COPE) 을적용한다. 6. 연구출판윤리위반처리 : 중복출판, 표절, 날조또는변조된데이터, 저자변경, 이해관계문제, 연구윤리문제, 저자의자료나아이디어도용한심사자등연구출판윤리위반사항이있으면 COPE 의처리절차인 flowchart (https:// 를참조하여편집위원회에서해당사안을논의하여조치사항을결정하고시행한다. 7. 저자는상기사항을포함하여본학회연구윤리규정을준수하여야한다. IV. 성 / 젠더에대한고려 세포실험, 동물실험또는임상연구 ( 사람을대상으로하는모든연구 ) 논문에서결과에영향을줄수있는인자로생물학적성 (sex) 또는사회문화적성 (gender) 을인식하고이에대한아래내용을논문에포함하여야한다. 1. 세포또는동물실험연구 1) 세포주나동물의출처와인증, 생물학적특성을기술한다. 2) 대상세포또는동물에양성을동일하게포함하여연구하고성차이에의한결과를기술한다. 3) 단일성으로만연구하는경우타당한근거를제시해야한다. 2. 임상연구 1) 성 (sex) 과젠더 (gender) 를구분하여올바르게기술한다. 2) 연구대상에남성과여성을대상으로포함연구하며, 그결과를비교분석하여논문을발표해야한다. 3) 단일성을대상으로연구한경우는학술적으로타당한근거를제시해야한다. V. 원고작성방법 1. 일반사항 1) 원고의종류는연구논문 (Research Article), 종설 (Review), 자료 (Research Data), 연구노트 (Research Note) 로하며투고자는원고의첫면에이를기재한다. 2) 원고는한글 (hwp) 또는 MS Word 를사용하여국문논문또는영문논문으로작성하여제출하고, 영문논문으로투고시편집위원회에영문교정증명서를연구윤리서약서및저작권이전동의서와함께제출해야한다. 3) 원고편집시여백은위쪽 30mm, 아래쪽 25mm, 오른쪽, 왼쪽은각각 25mm 로주며, 서체는신명조, 글자크기는 10 포인트, 줄간격은 200% 로작성하고, 쪽번호를기재한다. 4) 영문약어는처음사용할때단어전체를표시하고괄호안에약어를제시한다. 단, 논문제목에는약어를사용하지않는다. ( 예 ) 심혈관계질환 (cardiovascular disease, CVD) 5) 기기및장비의기재시괄호안에모델명, 제조회사, 도시 ( 주 ), 국가명을기재하고, 상품명을뜻하는 TM, r 등은꼭필요한경우에만기재한다. ( 예 ) Real-Time PCR (Applied Biosystems, Foste City, CA, USA) 6) 임상시험, 동물실험, 설문조사가포함된논문에는윤리위원회의승인번호를기재한다. 7) 단위는아라비아숫자와 C.G.S. 단위로표기한다. 2. 원고구성 1) 원고종류별원고구성은아래와같다. - 연구논문 (Research Articles) : 겉표지, 초록, 본문 ( 서론, 연구방법, 결과, 고찰, 요약 ), 참고문헌, 표, 그림의순서로구성하며각각은별도의페이지로시작한다. - 종설 (Reviews) : 종설의구성은연구논문과같게하되, 본문내결과와고찰을합쳐서작성하
고요약은제외한다. - 자료 (Research Data) : 특정한주제에관한연구를촉진하는데필요한조사자료를정리하여보고한다. 본문의구성은종설과같고 ( 서론, 연구방법, 결과및고찰로구성 ), Table과 Figure를합쳐 3개이내, 참고문헌 15개이내로작성하고, 총 4페이지를넘지않는다. - 연구노트 (Research Notes) : 예비연구를통해발견된결과나새로운실험방법등을정리하여보고한다. 본문의구성은종설과같고 ( 서론, 연구방법, 결과및고찰로구성 ), Table과 Figure를합쳐 3개이내, 참고문헌 15개이내로작성하고, 총 4페이지를넘지않는다. 2) 겉표지 : 원고겉표지에제목, 저자명, 소속명 ( 국 영문으로병기 ), 상부표제 (Running Head, 국문논문은국문, 영문논문은영문으로작성 ), 교신저자연락처 ( 전화번호, 이메일주소 ), 연구지원내역 ( 영문작성 ), 모든저자의 ORCID 순으로기재한다. - 원고의제목은간결하고내용을정확히전달하는내용으로작성하고영문제목을표기할때고유명사를제외하고처음만대문자로한다. - 영문성명은 full name으로쓰고, 저자가두사람이상일때, 원고관계통신과연락을담당할교신저자 (Corresponding Author) 에 표시를하고, 교신저자의이름, 전화번호, 이메일주소를하단에표기한다. - 소속은연구가수행된기관의명칭을기재한다. 저자의소속기관이다를경우에는저자이름끝에윗첨자로 1, 2, 3을순서에따라붙이고, 해당인의소속기관앞에같은숫자를붙인다. 소속기관의주소는도시명, 우편번호, 국가명을쓴다. ( 예 ) Kil Dong Hong 1 and Soon Shin Lee 2 ( 예 ) 1 Department of Food and Nutrition, Daehan University, Seoul 12345, Korea 2 Department of Food Science and Biotechnology, Hanguk University, Daejeon 54321, Korea - 연구지원내역은겉표지하단에영문으로작성한다. 그예는다음과같다. ( 예 ) This work was supported by grants from 기관명. - 모든저자의 ORCID 번호를표기한다. 그예는다음과같다. ( 예 ) Kil-Dong Hong****-****-****-**** Soon Shin Lee****-****-****-**** - 모든저자는 ORCID ( 에소속과직위 ( 교수, 강사, 연구원, 학생등 ) 를등록해야하며, 저자신분확인이필요할때자료로활용할수있다. 3) 초록 : 초록은겉표지다음장에 250 300 단어의영문으로작성한다. 목적 (Purpose), 연구방법 (Methods), 결과 (Results), 결론 (Conclusion) 의소제목이들어간형태로줄을바꾸지않고한문단으로작성한다. 초록만으로도논문을이해할수있도록작성하고, 초록하단에원고의내용에부합하는영문주요어 (Key Words) 5개이내를기재하며, MeSH ( 에등재된용어사용을원칙으로한다. 4) 본문 - 서론 : 서론은연구의배경, 목적과검증된가설을자세히기술한다. - 연구방법 : 연구설계, 연구대상, 연구도구, 자료수집방법, 자료분석방법등을소제목으로나누어기술한다. 연구방법은구체적이고재현이가능한정도의정보를제공하여야한다. 알려져있는방법의경우는참고문헌을제시하고새로운방법이거나변형된방법을사용한경우에는상세하게기술한다. 인체시험및임상영양분야논문, 동물실험논문, 설문조사논문은해당승인번호를연구방법에기재한다. - 결과 : 표와그림에있는결과를명료하고논리적으로기술한다. - 고찰 : 연구결과에서의새로운발견을선행연구에서의결과와관련하여해석하고결과의활용가능성과제한점등을기술한다. - 요약 : 연구목적과관련하여얻어진결과를최대한간략히기술하며연구방법이나결과를반복기술하지않는다. 상기구성항목내에상품명이나이와유사한명칭등을기재하지않는다.
5) 참고문헌 (References) - 참고문헌은영문으로표기 ( 기울임체는사용하지않음 ) 하고총 49 개이내작성을원칙으로한다. - 참고문헌은본문중에인용된순서대로번호로기재한다. 본문에서참고문헌의저자명을기재할경우영문 last name 으로표기하고, 두사람일때는두사람의영문 last name 을, 3 인이상일때는첫사람의 last name 만쓰고 등 을붙이고, 인용번호를기재한다. 본문중참고문헌을숫자로표기할경우, 한개 [1], 2 개 [1,2], 3 개이상 [1-3], 3 개이상이연속된번호가아닐때는 [1,2,4] 와같이대괄호안에표기한다. ( 예 ) 1 인 : Kim [1], 2 인 : Kim 과 Park [1], 3 인이상 : Kim 등 [1] - 논문제목, 도서명등기재시고유명사를제외하고첫자만대문자로한다. - 학위논문은가급적인용하지않도록하며, 필요한경우에는전체참고문헌의 10% 를넘지않는다. - 참고문헌에서학회지명은약어로표기하고국제약기관례에따른다. - 문헌인용의양식은미국국립의학도서관 (National Library of Medicine, NLM) 에서채택하는데이터베이스양식인 ANSI 표준체제 (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors; ICMJE recommended format for bibliographic citations) 에따른다. Sample reference 는 에서볼수있다. - 참고문헌의형식 Journal article: 1. Lee YJ, Lee YJ, Oh IH, Lee CH, Lee SS. Comparative study of serum levels of albumin and hs-crp in hemodialysis patients according to protein intake levels. J Nutr Health 2013; 46(6): 521-530. Book: 2. Ministry of Health and Welfare, The Korean Nutrition Society. Dietary reference intakes for Koreans 2015. Sejong; 2015. Book chapter: 3. Podolsky S, Krall LP, Bradley RF. Treatment of diabetes with oral hypoglycemic agents. In: Podolsky S, editor. Clinical Diabetes: Modern Management. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts; 1980. p.3-12. Electronic material: 4. Hooper JF. Psychiatry & the Law: Forensic Psychiatric Resource Page [Internet]. Tuscaloosa (AL): University of Alabama, Department of Psychiatry and Neurology; 1999 Jan 1 [cited 2007 Feb 23]. Available from: Proceeding: 5. Harnden P, Joffe JK, Jones WG, editors. Germ cell tumours V. Proceedings of the 5th germ cell tumour conference; 2001 Sep 13-15 Leeds, UK. New York: Springer; 2002. Patent: 6. Kahn, Ir. G., Y. A. Bobrov, L. Y. Ignatov, E. Y. Shishkina, P. I. Lazarev, A. V. Kurbatov, Dichroic Light Polarizers, U.S. Patent, 6,049,428; 2000. Dissertation: 7. Borkowski MM. Infant sleep and feeding: a telephone survey of Hispanic Americans [dissertation]. Mount Pleasant (MI): Central Michigan University; 2002. 6) 표 (Table) 와그림 (Figure) - 표와그림은합쳐서 10 개이내로작성한다. - 표와그림의제목, 내용, 설명은영어로작성한다. 표의제목은표의상단에기재하고, 그림의제목은그림의하단에기재하며표와그림제목모두고유명사를제외하고문장의첫자만대문자로한다. 본문에인용할때는 Table 1 또는 Fig. 1 로기재한다. - 저작권이있는다른자료의표나그림, 사진을사용할경우, 자료의출처와함께사용허가여부를반드시
기재해야한다. - 표및그림은한장에한가지씩작성하여본문뒤에순서대로일괄적으로첨부하며, 본문중에는그위치를표시한다. - 표와그림의약어나비표준약어는표안에아라비아숫자 ( 윗첨자 ) 로표기하고각주에서설명한다. ( 예 ) PC 1) 1) positive control - 표와그림에서사용된 symbol, 화살표, 숫자는각주에서설명되어야한다. - 통계분석결과의유의수준표시에서 p < 0.05, p < 0.01, p < 0.001 은각각 *, **, *** 로표시하고, 다중범위검정에서는 a, b, c, d 등으로표시한다. 표시는윗첨자로기재하고표및그림하단에그내용을표시하고설명한다. - 표에내부가로줄과세로줄은사용하지않으며부득이한경우를제외하고 3 개선 ( 상단가로항목명위, 아래및하단 ) 만사용한다. VI. 논문게재료, 별책, 구독료, 기타 1. 논문게재료는면수, 표및그림편집, 영문초록및참고문헌교정료, 온라인저널발행비등에소요되는비용에따라저자가부담한다. 2. 본학회지에게재가확정된논문의저자가초교완료시까지별쇄를신청하는경우에는필요부수 (20 부이상신청가능 ) 를제공한다. 별쇄비용 (20 부당 30,000 원 ) 은게재료에포함하여청구한다. 3. 본학회회원은구독료가무료이고, 권당판매가격은 20,000 원이다. 4. 상기규정에명시되지않은사항은편집위원회에서결정하여이사회에서심의확정한다. VII. 편집사무국, 학회지정보 1. 편집사무국주소 ) 서울시용산구새창로 217, 토투밸리 1101 호 (04376) 연락처 ) tel: 02-3452-0436 e-mail: 학회지 site) 2. 학회지정보학회지약어명 ) J Nutr Health 창간년도 ) 1968 년발간일 ) 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 월말일 ( 총 6 회 / 년 ) 등재 DB) Scopus, KoreaMed, KoreaMed Synapse, KoMCI, KCI, Google scholar, CAB International pissn) 2288-3886 eissn) 2288-3959
Instructions to Authors Amended on January 16, 2019 I. Journal Policies and Scope 1. The Journal of Nutrition and Health (J Nutr Health; JNH) is the official journal of the Korean Nutrition Society, established in 1967, and was published in 1968 as the The Korean Journal of Nutrition to contribute to the scientific development of nutrition and the health and nutrition of mankind. Retitled as Journal of Nutrition and Health in June 2013; the journal is published 6 times per year on February 28, April 30, June 30, August 31, October 31, and December 31. 2. The J Nutr Health publishes original research articles, reviews, research data, and research notes related to the following research categories: 1)Nutritional biochemistry (animal experiments, in vitro experiments) 2)Human & clinical nutrition (human nutrition related to nutrient metabolism, clinical nutrition related to diseases, nutrition throughout the life cycle) 3)Public health nutrition (community nutrition, nutrition education, dietary culture, dietary behavior, nutritional epidemiology) 4)Institutional food service (food service and management) 5)Others II. Manuscript Submission and Peer-Review 1. The corresponding author should be a member of the Korean Nutrition Society, and the publication of non-members' manuscripts will be decided by the Editorial Committee. 2. In principle, this is an online-based submission. The Submission Form is prepared online and then the research manuscript and Authors Agreement of Ethics Policy & Copyright Transfer are submitted. As for manuscripts regarding human subject research and animal experiments, a copy of IRB approval and a copy of IACUC approval (the first page on which the number of approval is indicated) should be attached to the Authors Agreement of Ethics Policy & Copyright Transfer. The submission fee is not charged to the author. Online Submission Site: 3. Submitted manuscripts will undergo a double-blind peer review procedure. Exceptionally, review articles and data commissioned by the editorial committee will not go through the double-blind peer review process. 4. The peer review, acceptance, and publication schedule of manuscripts are processed according to the regulations for editing and reviewing. A submitted manuscript undergoes the 3-step review process as follows for the decision of acceptance. Step 1 Editor-in-chief briefly reviews the submitted manuscript and decides its primary acceptance. Step 2 Two peer reviewers designated by the editor-in-chief perform a detailed review. Step 3 If the acceptance of a manuscript is not decided in the step 2 process, one additional peer reviewer is appointed for the review. - In principle, the peer reviews are not disclosed, and detailed review procedures are in accord with the reviewing regulations of the journal.
III. Authorship and Ethical Issues 1. Originality and Copyrights: Original manuscripts will be considered with the understanding that no part has been published, simultaneously submitted, or already accepted for publication elsewhere, other than in abstract form. All copyrights will be transferred from the author(s) to the Korean Nutrition Society upon acceptance. 2. Conflict-of-Interest: Any interests regarding the author's participation and research funding, if any, should be clearly stated in the manuscripts. 3. Human Subject Research: As for human subject research, the author should obtain approval from the Institutional Review Board of the organization. 4. Animal Experiment: As for animal experiments, the author should comply with the instructions of the research center or government and obtain approval from the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee. 5. In addition to the above matters, the international standards on editors and authors (Intern ational Committee of Medical Journal Editors; ICMJE, Committee on Publication Ethics; COPE) will be applied to all research, authorships, and publication ethics. 6. Regulations concerning research and publication misconduct: When the Journal faces suspected cases of research and publication misconduct such as duplicate publication, plagiarism, fraudulent or fabricated data, changes in authorship, undisclosed conflict of interest, ethical problem with a submitted manuscript, a reviewer who has appropriated an author s idea or data, complaints against editors, and etc., the resolving process will be conducted by the following flowchart provided by the Committee on Publication Ethics ( The discussion and decision on the suspected cases are done by Editorial Board. 7. Authors should comply with the research ethics regulations and guidelines of the society including those stated above. IV. Consideration of Sex/Gender In basic and preclinical biomedical research using cells and animals or clinical studies (all human subject research), sex (a biological variable) or gender (a socio, cultural, and psychological trait) should be factored into research designs and analyses and reported in a manuscript as follows. 1. Cell or animal experiments 1)Cell line or animals source, authentication, and biological characteristics should be described. 2)Both sexes should be included in the studies using cells or animals, and the results caused by sex differences should be reported. 3)If only one sex is reported, or included in the study, the reason the other sex is not reported or included should be explained based on reasonable and scientific basis. 2. Human subject research 1)Sex and gender should be described separately and correctly. 2)Both sexes/genders should be included in the human studies, and the differences between the sexes/genders should be analyzed and reported. 3)If only one sex/gender is reported, or included in the study, the reason the other sex/gender is not reported or included should be explained based on reasonable and scientific basis.
V. Manuscript Preparation 1. General 1)The type of manuscript should be clearly stated by the author on the front page of a manuscript as research article, review, research data, or research note. 2)The manuscript should be written in Korean or English using Hangul word processor (hwp) or MS Word. For English manuscript, the author(s) should submit the proofreading certificate along with the authors agreement of ethics policy & copyright transfer to the editorial board. 3)All manuscripts should keep margins as wide as 30mm on the top, 25mm on the bottom, and 25mm on both sides respectively. The designated style is Shinmyeongjo in 10 point with 200% of the line height, and page numbers. 4)As for English abbreviations, the whole words should be indicated, when used first, and the abbreviations should be stated between parentheses. However, abbreviations will not be used in the title. (e.g.) cardiovascular disease (CVD) 5)As for devices and equipment, such items as model name, manufacturer, city (state), and country of origin should be stated between parentheses. Superscripts for brand names such as TM and r should only be stated when necessary. (e.g.) Real-Time PCR (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA) 6)As for manuscripts including clinical tests, animal experiments, or surveys, the number of permission from the ethics committee should be indicated. 7)As for units, Arabic numerals and C.G.S. units should be used. 2. Formation 1)The formation of each type of manuscript is as follows: - Research Articles: A research article includes the cover, abstract, main body (introduction, methods, results, discussion, and summary), references, tables, and figures in the order. Each begins in a separate page. - Reviews: The formation of reviews is the same as that of research articles. However, the results and discussion in the main body should be combined with the summary omitted. - Research Data: Research data that facilitates the research on a certain topic is collected and reported. The main body formation is the same as that of reviews. The number of tables and/or figures should be 3 or less, and the number of references should be 15 or less. In principle, research data is limited to 4 pages in printing. - Research Notes: Research notes that the results of the preliminary studies and the new experimental methods are summarized and reported. The main body formation is the same as that of reviews. The number of tables, figures, and references are the same as that of research data. In principle, research notes are limited to 4 pages in printing. 2)Cover: The cover page includes the title, author name, affiliation (both in Korean and English), running head (in Korean for Korean articles and English for English articles), author's contact information (telephone & email address), and research funding (in English), and all of the author s ORCID in order. - The title should be simple and clearly deliver the gist of the contents. As for English titles, only the first letter should be in capitals except proper nouns. - When written in English, the name should be the actual full name. When two or more authors are involved, the mark,, should be indicated in the item of
Corresponding author(s) for the contact information, and the name, telephone number, and email address of the authors should be indicated at the bottom. - The institutional affiliation item is for the official name of the organization that conducts the research. When each author belongs to a different affiliation, the superscripts (1, 2, 3) should be indicated after the name of each author. Then the same number is indicated with the affiliation of each author. The organization's address includes the city name, zip code, and country name. (e.g.) Kil Dong Hong 1 and Soon Shin Lee 2 (e.g.) 1 Department of Food and Nutrition, Daehan University, Busan 54321, Korea 2 Department of Food Science and Biotechnology, Hanguk University, Seoul 12345, Korea - Details of research funding are written in English at the bottom of the cover page as follows: (e.g.) This work was supported by grants from [Organization Name]. - The ORCID of all authors should be indicated as follows: (e.g.) Kil-Dong Hong****-****-****-**** Soon Shin Lee****-****-****-**** - All authors should register their affiliation and position (professor, lecturer, researcher, student, etc.) at ORCID (https// When author identification is required, this information can be used. 3)Abstract: An abstract is written with 250 to 300 words in English on the following page of the cover. It includes such subheadings as purpose, methods, results, and conclusion in one block paragraph. The abstract provides an overall comprehension of the entire manuscript. A maximum of 5 key words related to the manuscript should be indicated at the bottom of the abstract. The terminology used should be listed, in principle, in MeSH ( 4)Main Body - Introduction: The introduction specifically states the background, purpose, and proved assumption of the research. - Methods: This part is divided into separate sub-headings such as research design, subjects (or materials), tool, data-collecting method, and data-analysis method. The Methods part should provide information in detail and to the extent that the information could be reproducible. When known, the method should indicate the reference. When new or revised, methods should specify the details. In research articles with human subject experiments, clinical nutrition, animal experiments, and surveys, approval number should be indicated in the methods section. - Results: The results in tables and figures should be stated clearly and logically. - Discussion: New findings in the section of study findings should be interpreted in relation to the previous research, and the usability and limitations of results should also be stated. - Summary: This part of the manuscript should be summarized as briefly as possible. Methods and results are not to be restated. Product names or similar names should not be stated in the above structure. 5) References - References should be written in English (without italics) in the order cited in the text within 49. - References should be numbered in the order of appearance in the text. When the
names of the references authors are indicated in the body, the last name in English should be stated. When three or more of them are stated, only the last name of the first author is indicated with et al at the end as well as the citation number. When references are cited in the text, [1] for one reference, [1,2] for two references, [1-3] for serial three references or more, and [1,2,4] for non-serial numbers should be stated. (e.g.) 1 person: Kim [1], 2 persons: Kim and Park [1], 3 or more: Kim et al [1] - As for article titles and book titles, only the first letter should be in capitals except proper nouns. - The citation of dissertations should be minimized. When necessary, the extent should not exceed 10% of the entire references. - As for journal names, the official abbreviations only are indicated in the references section in accord with the International Organization for Standardization. - As for formats of reference citation, ANSI (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) recommended format for bibliographic citations), a database form adopted by NLM (National Library of Medicine), should be applied. A sample reference is presented at - Examples of References Journal article: 1. Lee YJ, Lee YJ, Oh IH, Lee CH, Lee SS. Comparative study of serum levels of albumin and hs-crp in hemodialysis patients according to protein intake levels. J Nutr Health 2013; 46(6): 521-530. Book: 2. Ministry of Health and Welfare, The Korean Nutrition Society. Dietary reference intakes for Koreans 2015. Sejong; 2015. Book chapter: 3. Podolsky S, Krall LP, Bradley RF. Treatment of diabetes with oral hypoglycemic agents. In: Podolsky S, editor. Clinical Diabetes: Modern Management. New York: Appleton-Century- Crofts; 1980. p.3-12. Electronic material: 4. Hooper JF. Psychiatry & the Law: Forensic Psychiatric Resource Page [Internet]. Tuscaloosa (AL): University of Alabama, Department of Psychiatry and Neurology; 1999 Jan 1 [cited 2007 Feb 23]. Available from: Proceeding: 5. Harnden P, Joffe JK, Jones WG, editors. Germ cell tumours V. Proceedings of the 5th germ cell tumour conference; 2001 Sep 13-15 Leeds, UK. New York: Springer; 2002. Patent: 6. Kahn, Ir. G., Y. A. Bobrov, L. Y. Ignatov, E. Y. Shishkina, P. I. Lazarev, A. V. Kurbatov, Dichroic Light Polarizers, U.S. Patent, 6,049,428; 2000. Dissertation: 7. Borkowski MM. Infant sleep and feeding: a telephone survey of Hispanic Americans [dissertation]. Mount Pleasant (MI): Central Michigan University; 2002. 6)Tables and Figures - The total number of tables and figures is limited to 10. - The titles, contents, and descriptions in tables and figures should be written in English. The title of a table should be indicated at the top of it while the title of a figure should be indicated at the bottom. For both tables and figures, only the first letter is written in a capital form except proper nouns. When cited in the text, they are indicated as Table 1 or Fig. 1. - When tables, figures, and photos from another material with copyrights reserved are used, the permission should be stated with the source.
- Each table and figure should be presented one per page. They should be attached collectively at the end of the text and their locations should be indicated in the main body. - Abbreviations and non-standard abbreviations in tables and figures are to be indicated with Arabic numerals (superscript) and explained in footnotes. (e.g.) PC 1) 1) positive control - Symbols, arrows, and numbers used in tables and figures should be explained in footnotes. - As for the level of significance in statistical analysis, p < 0.05, p < 0.01, p < 0.001 should be indicated as *, **, *** respectively. As for multiple range tests, a, b, c, d should be indicated as superscript letters. The contents are stated at the bottom of the table or figure. - Horizontal or vertical lines are not used within a table. Unless it is necessary, only three lines (above, under, and at the bottom of the top horizontal item name). VI. Publication Fee, Reprints, Subscription Fee, and etc. 1. The publication fee is charged to the author based on the number of pages, editing of tables and figures, English abstract and reference proofreading fees, and on-line journal publication fee, etc. 2. For the authors of an article whose manuscript is confirmed to be published in this journal, copies will be provided if they ask for offprint before the first proofreading is completed (But it must be at least 20 copies). The offprint fee (30,000 Won per 20 copies) will be charged with the publication fee. 3. Subscription is free to the society members, and 20,000 Won (USD 20) per issue for non-members. 4. Aspects not specified above are to be decided by the editorial committee and confirmed by the board of directors. VII. Contact Information of the Editorial Office and Journal Information 1. Editorial Office The Korean Nutrition Society (KNS) #1101, Totoo Valley Bldg., 217 Saechang-ro, Yongsan-gu, Seoul 04376, Korea tel: 82-2-3452-0436 e-mail: Website: 2. Journal Information Journal Abbreviation: J Nutr Health Publication Start Year: 1968 Publication frequency: 6 times/year (2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 months) Listed DB) Scopus, KoreaMed, KoreaMed Synapse, KoMCI, KCI, Google scholar, CAB International pissn) 2288-3886 eissn) 2288-3959