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// THE NEW PASSION FOR BIRDING Made By Zeiss Editorial Dear readers, The first moments spent outside is when we as nature lovers appreciate the beautiful landscapes and value how the world around us helps us to escape from the stress of everyday life. The more time we spend outside, increases the moment when we grow to treasure the beauty in all minutia. We start paying closer attention to the details, and learn how to tell apart the many different varieties of birds, butterflies, dragonflies and all the different species. We want the photos in this magazine to show our passion for nature observation. We brought together ornithologists from around the world and joined them on their expeditions. We were interested in their individual stories, what nature observation means to them, and what role it plays in their lives. 4 5 We flew five birding enthusiasts to Portugal, hired two local nature guides and took photographs of them enjoying their favourite pastimes. We asked them to share a little about themselves. All participants shared their lively, passionate and interesting stories from the very first moment. Despite the language barrier, everyone who participated understood each other splendidly and their energy was infectious even our photography team could feel it. We hope that you find this issue of our magazine equally inspiring, informative and enjoyable. Happy reading! Yours, The ZEISS-Birding-Team


Interesting birds, sustainable tourism and comfortable temperatures. We didn t think this was even possible in Europe in December. Until our group of birders discovered Quinta. This destination is an absolute gem for nature enthusiasts in Portugal. Of course, the best places for nature observation are our regular spots. We know every river bend, which birds are nesting, and which trails we can follow without disturbing the plants and animals. Sometimes, though, nature enthusiasts get the urge to follow the migratory birds on their journey. In early December, ZEISS organised and outfitted a group of birders to follow the birds to Portugal. Renowned nature cameraman and broadcaster Simon King together with police officer Ivan Ellison left England s wintry, seemingly endless fog. Ornithologist Michael Tiefenbach flew from the icy city of Graz, and artist Catherine Hamilton escaped New York. Guillaume Réthoré was lucky enough to have the shortest travel day. The Frenchman already lives in Portugal, where he is currently working on a monitoring project. Two of us from the ZEISS optics production team in Wetzlar followed this group of bird enthusiasts, along with two photographers from Hamburg. Thankfully, the number of holiday destinations committed to sustainable tourism has grown considerably and continues to increase. We found exactly what we were looking for at Birding in Portugal : Two local bird guides, pristine nature and delicious food. The only thing heating the water for our shower was Portugal s winter sun, and the little electricity used at the property was collected by solar panels. Frank and Daniela McClintock run the bed and breakfast where we stayed, offering a delightful combination of cultures in their food and entertainment. Their children are used to a multicultural lifestyle, and even speak three languages fluently their classmates are Portuguese, Frank is from England, and Daniela hails from Austria. We were amazed to discover that Frank was one of the first people on earth to own the ZEISS VICTORY SF. He purchased the binoculars at the BirdFair show before they were even available on the market. At first, Daniela was annoyed that he bought the new premium binoculars without discussing it with her first. In the end, she did come around once she had tried them out. Frank and his Portuguese colleague, Mateus, took us to beautiful areas in which we could observe foxes, otters and many different types of birds. Even though the Spanish Imperial Eagle disappeared too quickly for us to identify it with certainty, a number of us saw several lifers birds being observed for the very first time in our lives. 8 9

DESTINATION PORTUGAL The group discovers an otter At the pier of the hostel The American in our group found the European varieties especially interesting. Catherine s lifers in Portugal: Black Vulture Common Crane Great Bustard Little Bustard Black-bellied Sandgrouse Blue Rock Thrush Firecrest Hoopoe Our Destination:... Birding in Portugal Quinta do Barranco da Estrada... Frank und Daniela McClintock 7665-880 Santa Clara a Velha 10 11 More Information: Center to the left: Red kite Milvus milvus Center to the right: Polo Lobo At the photo shoot in the lagoon The hosts of»birding in Portugal«: Daniela und Frank McClintock

12 The American Catherine discovers a meadow pipit Meadow pipit Anthus pratensis The group sneaks up to take a photo of an otter 13 Michael and Guillaume watch a firecrest Domestic vegetation in December Otter Lutrinae

MY WORK IS MY PASSION SIMON KING ABOUT THE MIRACLES OF NATURE 14 15 Anyone who meets Simon King notices immediately what inspires him about his work: His passion for wildlife is still strong after 30 years of documenting nature.

SIMON KING ABOUT PERCEPTION To experience the fascination with nature you do not need any background knowledge. Everyone experiences the beauty of nature in his or her own manner. 16 17

... SIMON HENRY KING... BORN DECEMBER 27, 1962 in Nairobi, KenYA ENGLISH MODERAtoR AND NATURE FILMMAKER. HIS FAVORITE REGION NEXT TO ENGLAND IS IN AFRICA. THE FOCUS OF HIS WORK IS CHEETAHS. HE ALWAYS HAS HIS VICtoRY SF ON HAND. more information: Hiding for two weeks to get the best shots of a sparrow hawk, filming on an island full of crocodiles for three weeks without any usable results requires enormous endurance and a fascination with the special dynamics of the natural world. Simon King s work is often quite dangerous. In Africa, he was attacked by a wild cheetah that was being chased by a black rhinoceros, and he was nearly crushed by elephants in Asia. He does feel personally responsible for these incidents, though for failing to pay enough attention to nature s signs. Despite his wide range of interests, including music, cooking and theater, Simon King spends the vast majority of his leisure time observing nature. Extended periods of time in the city makes him nervous, and make him long for expanses of green fields and open skies: When I have time for myself, I usually do the same things that I do in my work. My work is my passion. All of Simon King s projects share the same goal: to give nature its own voice, and bring the little everyday miracles of nature to the public. By inspiring people s interest in nature, he hopes to promote its conservation and protection. Simon is convinced that all children are inherently fascinated by nature and all living things. Simon wants his programmes and films to help people escape the stresses of everyday life, and turn their attention to nature s many mysteries: I realize that I m never going to know enough about the natural world in my own garden, let alone regions far from here. Every day in nature brings so much to my life. It s my privilege to transform these stories into films. King s golden rule is to always give priority to the subject of his film. In his opinion, there is no justification for disturbing an animal or causing it stress in order to create a photograph or film sequence. In his Simon King Wildlife project, he restored a region destroyed by intensive agriculture. Webcams on his social media channels show the everyday lives of badgers, foxes, otters and several types of birds. Simon King uses the ZEISS VICTORY SF at home and while traveling for both work and leisure. Simon King s next major project is already under development. By sharing his passion for nature with teachers, children and young people, he hopes to inspire the next generation of nature lovers and explorers and pass on the torch if he ever decides to retire. 18 19

ZEISS VICTORY SF SIMON KING S CHOICE ZEISS VICTORY SF 8 x 42 With a field of view of 148 m / 1,000 m resp. 444 feet / 1,000 yards, the 8x42 offers the broadest overview and leaves nothing hidden. It delivers extremely sharp focus all the way to the edges thanks to the field flattener design. The moderate magnification, balanced weight distribution and ergonomic grip make these binoculars easy to hold, for hours of relaxing observation without fatigue. A transmission rate of 92% and large exit pupil measuring over 5 mm reveal the details in dark shadows or the dim light of dusk. ZEISS VICTORY SF 10 x 42 The 10x42 offers a high level of detail and is perfect for distances. The 120 m / 1,000 m resp. 360 feet / 1,000 yards field of view with 10x magnification is like a dream come true for many nature enthusiasts. The close range of 1.5 m resp. 5 feet allows for an impressive, larger-than-life view of birds, butterflies and dragonflies as if you could reach out and touch them. The weight distribution and ergonomic grip makes for comfortable, calm observation. VICTORY SF protective case Designed down to the smallest detail. The supplied case allows quick and easy access to your binoculars. Featuring magnetic and zipper closures for twice the protection, the VICtoRY SF is always securely stored and can be worn with a shoulder strap or on the belt. Model 8x42 SF 10x42 SF Magnification 8x 10x Effective lens diameter 42 mm 42 mm Exit pupil diameter 5.3 mm 4.2 mm Twilight factor 18.3 20.5 Field of view at 1,000 m / 1,000 yds 148 m / 444ft 120 m / 360ft Apparent angle of view 64 Ww / 64 WA 65 Ww / 64 WA Close focus 1.5 m / 5.0 ft 1.5 m / 5.0 ft Diopter adjustment range +/- 4 dpt +/- 4 dpt Eye relief 18 mm 18 mm Pupil distance 55 76 mm 55 76 mm Lens type Ultra-FL Ultra-FL Prism system Schmidt-Pechan Schmidt-Pechan Coating LotuTec / T* LotuTec / T* Nitrogen-filled yes yes Waterproof 400 mbar 400 mbar Operating temperature range -30 / +63 C / -22 / +140 F -30 / +63 C / -22 / +140 F Height 173 mm / 6.8 in 173 mm / 6.8 in Width at an eye width of 65 mm 125 mm / 5.0 in 125 mm / 5.0 in Weight 780 g / 27.5 oz 780 g / 27.5 oz Order Number 52 42 21 52 42 22 The design and scope of delivery related to technical developments may be subject to change. No liability for mistakes or printing errors. More information: 20 21

More robust Stable construction and ergonomic design: Triple-link bridge. Highest-quality workmanship and best optical quality. Made in Germany. ZEISS VICTORY SF OUR BEST WILDLIFE OBSERVATION BINOCULARS 2 Faster 3 Focus at different distances qickly and easily: SMART FOCUS concept. Precise operation and natural grip in ideal 3 position: anti-slip focusing wheel. Wider 2 4 Maximum overview ZEISS VICtoRY 8x42: 148 m field of view at 1,000 m resp. 444 / 1,000 yards. Sharp image all the way to the edges: ZEISS Field Flattener Technology. 1 22 23 4 More ergonomic Ideal weight distribution for a steady hand: ErgoBalance concept. 5 More easygoing Non-fatigue observation for hours: Lightweight 6 construction with magnesium housing. Brighter 5 Outstanding image quality: Fluoride lenses from SCHOTT. Natural colours and brilliant details: 6 Ultra-FL lens system. Maximum brightness for extended viewing: 92% transmission.

ZEISS VICTORY SF OUR BEST WILDLIFE OBSERVATION BINOCULARS 4 SMART FOCUS Concept 12 8 2 11 3 10 9 7 24 25 2 Triple-Link-Bridge 3 ErgoBalance Concept 4 5 Anti-slip texture Magnesium housing 6 5 6 Ultra-FL lens system 7 Seven-lens eyepiece with ZEISS field flattener technology 8 SCHOTT fluoride glass 9 Comfort View 10 120 m (10 x 42) & 148 m (8 x 42) field of view over 1,000 m resp. 360 (10x42) & 444 (8x42) field of view over 1,000 yards 11 1.50 m resp. 5 close range 12 ZEISS T* and ZEISS LotuTec coatings

MICHAEL TIEFENBACH fits Imperial Eagles with trackers, rings European Rollers and maps bird species in Austria as a freelance biologist specialised in ornithology. In his free time, he discusses rare birds with other birders in the internet as part of Club 300 and travels with his observation equipment. 26 27 BIRDER BY TRADE MICHAEL TIEFENBACH TURNED HIS HOBBY INTO HIS LIVELIHOOD

MICHAEL TIEFENBACH The job won t make me rich, but I gain so much more from this than from a desk job. Michael Tiefenbach is part of a younger generation of birders who instinctively rely on their smartphones if they help with observation. His smartphone is an asset to him on the job, if he s looking for a specific region to map. Michael even uses it on occasion to communicate with the birds by playing specific bird calls on one of his apps. Thanks to Michael s extensive expertise with bird species and his daily work in the outdoors, he sometimes sees birds which are extremely rare and curious in Austria. Michael enjoys digiscoping, taking a picture using the spotting scope with his smartphone, in order to confirm such sightings. More commonly, however, he uses digiscoping just for fun, or to share his latest birding experiences with his friends at Club 300. At age 14, Michael Tiefenbach got his first ZEISS binoculars from his father, a biology teacher. It was a used pair from Carl Zeiss Jena. Michael s father quickly inspired his son s passion for nature observation, and helped him develop another strong commitment: From a young age, Michael became involved with bird protection efforts for BirdLife Austria. As a teenager, he started volunteering to help improve bird of prey habitats in Styria. He gradually learned about all native and migratory bird species. After completing his civil service, Michael expanded this knowledge considerably by studying zoology in Graz and Vienna. Today, he knows the names of all bird species in German, English and Latin, but he doesn t feel that this expertise is especially important when he considers his situation: I m thrilled to have turned my passion into a career. It won t make me rich, but I gain so much more from this than from a desk job, which is what I would have had to do with my degree. Michael s field of work includes the monitoring and mapping of rare breeding birds for Natura 2000 habitats. As one of his main projects, he spent several years looking after the European roller, which is threatened with extinction in Austria. For the BirdLife Coro-Skat project (, Michael climbs up to Imperial Eagle nests and fits the young birds with transmitters to collect valuable scientific data. At Club 300 Austria, he and other bird enthusiasts talk about the rare birds they have sighted in various areas. Michael has noted 334 different types of birds in Austria alone, and well over 1,000 different species around the world. He feels that it is important to remember the joy that nature viewing gives: People don t need to start as early as I did. Watching birds is always special, wherever you might be: In your garden at home, or on a long hike through the mountains and you don t need any technical equipment, except for a pair of binoculars. 28 29 Eastern imperial eagle Aquila heliaca

... European roller Coracias garrulus... The European Roller (Coracias GARRULUS) is the size of a jay and is the only member of the roller FAMily to breed in Europe. Its range extends into the Middle East, Central Asia and Morocco.The bird is a long-distance migrant, wintering in Southern Africa. It is mainly known for its flamboyant colouring in azure and turquoise. 30 31

... Michael Tiefenbach... -- IN THE LAST FEW YEARS HE HAD BEEN CARRYING OUT SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH IN HIS HOMELAND, THE SOUTH EAST OF AUSTRIA. Step by step he broadened his knowledge on birds in other regions including Hungary and Spain. In the last few years, he HAS been working carrying out scientific research on the European Roller as well as participating in the BirdLife-project on Eastern Imperial Eagles. MORE INFORMATION: *World population vulnerable according to IUCN IMPERIAL EAGLE Aquila heliaca* BirdLife International 32 33 BirdLife International has 13 million members with supporters committed to protecting birds, and their habitat. It is an international partnership of national nature conservation organisations protecting nature through their focus on birds. ZEISS is a partner to BirdLife and sponsors the scientific Red Listing work which underpins BirdLife s Preventing Extinctions Programme. One-eighth of the world s bird species are threatened by extinction. Climate change, destruction of habitat, poaching and introducing species are all factors driving this trend. BirdLife sees species extinction as more than just the disappearance of individual types of animals: The fate of the birds is the fate of the earth. ZEISS support, enables BirdLife to assess which species are threatened and to use this information to create effective conservation programmes at national and international levels. BirdLife is the official Red List Authority for birds on behalf of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Araripe manakin Antilophia bokermanni like many other species threatened by extinction.

ZEISS VICTORY DIASCOPE 85 FL MICHAEL TIEFENBACH S CHOICE 34 35 ZEISS VICTORY DiaScope 65 or 85 T* FL Straight viewing or angled viewing 65 T* FL: The lightweight and extremely compact package for longerhikes. It is perfectly suited for intensive use in the mountains or in any difficult terrain. 85 T* FL: The visual superlative with an exceptionally large lens diameter and maximum image brightness for the discerning nature observer who wishes to overcome long distances with concentrated power of vision. The Eyepiece Range The range includes two variable eyepieces as well as one fixed model. The new Vario eyepiecehas greatly extended the field of application of ZEISS spottingscopes. All eyepieces by ZEISS are equipped with a bayonet catch, as well as comfortable eyecups which are also perfectly suited for eyeglass wearers. Modell 85 T* FL Straight 85 T* FL Angled Effective lens diameter 85 mm 85 mm Exit pupil diameter 504 mm 504 mm Field of view at 1,000 m see eyepiece see eyepiece Apparent angle of view 64 Ww 65 Ww Close focus 5 m / 16,3 ft 5 m / 16,3 ft Lens type FL type (5 lens) FL type (5 lens) LotuTec yes yes Nitrogen filling yes yes Waterproof 400 mbar 400 mbar Lens thread M86 x 1 M86 x 1 Length x Height x Width 345 x 105 x 97 mm/13.6 x 3.8 x 4.1 inch 345 x 105 x 97 mm /13.6 x 3.8 x 4.1 inch Weight ca. 1,480 g / 52 oz ca. 1, 480 g/ 52 oz Order Number 52 80 64 52 80 65 Eyepiece D30x / 40x Vario Eyepiece D15 45x / 20 60x Vario Eyepiece D15 56x / 20 75x The design and scope of delivery related to technical developments may be subject to change. No liability for mistakes or printing errors. More information:

2 Bright and compact 85 mm or 65 mm lens 85 mm: Unparalleled brightness up until nightfall. 65 mm: Lightweight and easy to handle. Ideal for extended tours through rough terrain. Fascinating details The FL concept ZEISS VICTORY DIASCOPE 85 FL THE ULTIMATE IN WILDLIFE OBSERVATION top TECHNICAL PERFORMANCE 3 Outstanding lens design features high-performance fluoride glass or FL for short. This feature ensures the brightest images and razorsharp details. Protective layer for clear vision LotuTec 4 For a perfect viewing experience in any type of weather. 4 Water immediately runs off the lenses thanks to the LotuTec coating. Smudges and dirt can be removed without residue. Wide range of applications Vario-eyepiece D15 56x / 20 75x 5 1 36 37 The vario-eyepiece offers a 25% higher magnification range than the conventional 3x zoom. Magnification up to 75 times with the same wide field of view. 6 2 3 5 Quick, sharp images Dual Speed Focus Two focusing speeds are combined in one intuitive button. 6 Perfect protection Quiet, sturdy surface Anti-slip, sound-absorbing rubber exterior. The lightweight, waterproof housing protects the highprecision optics from damage. Eyepiece locking mechanism: Remove the eyepiece quickly and easily with just a slight twist.

Guillaume Réthoré has known since his childhood where he feels most at peace in nature. This was reason enough for him to dedicate his life to nature conservation, work on scientific monitoring projects around the world and organize excursions to help other enthusiasts learn more about nature and wildlife. ON TURTLES, STORM PETRELS AND OWLS GUILLAUME RÉTHORÉ DEVoteS HIS LIFE TO NATURE CONSERVATION 38 39

Guillaume Réthoré Actually, it is a little insane to stare at the sky eight hours a day and call it work. But it makes me happy. Guillaume s primary school class in France won a mountain of books when he was in third grade. The teacher was to assign a book to each of the children in the class. This teacher spent a great deal of time thinking and considering which book would be of interest to each individual student and would help them in their further development. The teacher s choice for Guillaume Réthoré would be a book about nature. The collection just happened to include a book about birds which would shape Guillaume s entire life. The book inspired Guillaume s desire to learn and discover: In his time spent outdoors, Guillaume gradually learned more and more about animals. At the age of 15, he started watching and counting birds every Sunday. When the time came, it was easy for him to choose the right course to study biology and ornithology at the university in Angers. Guillaume wrote his master s thesis about turtles in Southern France based on the field study data he had collected on their prevalence and behaviour. Guillaume s university recommended that he should conduct field research in other countries after graduation. His interest in birds literally brought him to the ends of the earth: First, he worked on an European Storm Petrel project in Portugal, and then moved on to the United States to ring birds. After participating in private birding tours in Greece, Italy and Spain, he returned to Portugal, where he resides and works, again in the nature conservation environment. In addition to monitoring birds, Guillaume leads tours in the Portuguese wetlands. He helps tourists better understand the complex interrelationships that impact nature. Guillaume Réthoré sums up his current situation with a smile: Actually, it is a little insane to stare at the sky eight hours a day and call it work. But it makes me happy. His work does have a very specific and important purpose. The data he collects is used in a long-term study which examines how individual bird species respond to global warming. The passion for monitoring is so great that Guillaume is happy to spend his free time carrying on this work. He covers five locations as a volunteer for BirdLife, visiting each three times per year to search for owls. In addition to all of his other activities, Guillaume, takes part in the Common Bird Census, is a regional corrector for ebird in France and takes part in collecting data for the Breeding Bird Atlas in Portugal. One thing is certain, he continues to make notes in his personal statistics book when he sees birds on his days off. 40 41

... Guillaume Réthoré... Guillaume Réthoré worked in several countries as a volunteer for nature conservation organizations. He provided data on monitoring birds for scientific projects. NoWAdAYS, he carries out scientific field studies for international projects and guides tourists for the nature conservation organization A ROCHA in Portugal. MORE INFORMATION: 42 43 Guillaume s personal highlights during the Portugal tour: Two otters Blue Rock Thrush Black Vulture Great Bustard Crested Tit Firecrest Bluethroat Purple Swamphen Hen Herrier Black-bellied Sandgrouse Golden Eagle Barn owl Tyto alba

ZEISS CONQUEST HD GUILLAUME RÉTHORÉS CHOICE 44 ZEISS CONQUEST HD 8x32/10x32 The compact size of the ZEISS CONQUEST HD 8x32 makes it a convenient companion in difficult terrain. The 8x magnification provides an excellent field of view and steady image at all times. The 10x32 offers a perfect view at long distances in daylight. It offers maximum detail, even at long range. Both models stand out with a close focus of 1.5 metres resp. 4.9 feet. ZEISS CONQUEST HD 8x42/10x42 Designed as a rugged, twilight-capable companion for a wide range of applications, the 8x42 delivers a steady image in all situations thanks to the 8x magnification. The HD lens system guarantees maximum colour rendition.the 10x42 will impress you with the largest field of view in its class. Even at long distances, it provides detailed views of nature and enables long, fatiguefree observation. ZEISS CONQUEST HD 8x56/10x56/15x56 They feature wide fields of view, outstanding brightness and brilliant, highcontrast images. Thanks to its 7mm exit pupil, HD lens system and T* multi-coating, the 8x56 provides the largest exit pupil and steady images. The 15x56 is used for extreme distances. Unlock all that nature has to offer and optimize your observation experience with a ¼ tripod adapter included with delivery. Modell 8x32 10x32 8x42 10x42 8x56 10x56 15x56 Magnification 8x 10x 8x 10x 8x 10x 15x Effective lens diameter 32 mm 32 mm 42 mm 42 mm 56 mm 56 mm 56 mm Exit pupil diameter 4 mm 3.2 mm 5.25 mm 4.2 mm 7 mm 5.6 mm 3.7 mm Twilight factor 16 17.9 18.3 20.5 21.2 23.7 29.0 Field of view at 1,000 m / 1,000 yds 140 m / 420 ft 118 m / 354 ft 128 m / 384 ft 115 m / 345 ft 125 m / 375 ft 115 m / 345 ft 80 m / 240 ft Apparent angle of view 64 Ww 68 Ww 59 66 Ww 57 66 Ww 69 Ww Close focus 1,5 m / 4.9 ft 1,5 m / 4.9 ft 2 m / 6.6 ft 2 m / 6.6 ft 3,5 m / 11 ft 3,5 m / 11 ft 3,5 m / 11 ft Diopter adjustment range +/- 4 dpt +/- 4 dpt +/- 4 dpt +/- 4 dpt +/- 4 dpt +/- 4 dpt +/- 4 dpt Eye relief 16 mm 16 mm 18 mm 18 mm 18 mm 18 mm 18 mm Pupil distance 54 74 mm 54 74 mm 54 74 mm 54 74 mm 57 74 mm 57 74 mm 57 74 mm Lens type HD-Typ HD-Typ HD-Typ HD-Typ HD-Typ HD-Typ HD-Typ Prism system Schmidt-Pechan Schmidt-Pechan Schmidt-Pechan Schmidt-Pechan Abbe-König Abbe-König Abbe-König Coating LotuTec / T* LotuTec / T* LotuTec / T* LotuTec / T* LotuTec / T* LotuTec / T* LotuTec / T* Nitrogen-filled yes yes yes yes yes yes yes Waterproof 400 mbar 400 mbar 400 mbar 400 mbar 400 mbar 400 mbar 400 mbar Operating temperature range -20 / +63 C -20 / +63 C -20 / +63 C -20 / +63 C -20 / +63 C -20 / +63 C -20 / +63 C Height 132 mm / 4.9 in 132 mm / 4.9 in 150 mm / 6.5 in 150 mm / 6.5 in 210 mm / 8.3 in 210 mm / 8.3 in 210 mm / 8.3 in Width at an eye width of 65 mm 118 mm / 4.5 in 118 mm / 4.5 in 120 mm / 4.7 in 120 mm / 4.7 in 145 mm / 5.7 in 145 mm / 5.7 in 145 mm / 5.7 in Weight 630 g / 22.2 oz 630 g / 22.2 oz 795 g / 24.7 oz 795 g / 24.7 oz 1.265 g / 44.6 oz 1.275 g / 44.9 oz 1.295 g / 45.6 oz Order Number 52 32 11 52 32 12 52 42 11 52 42 12 52 56 31 52 56 32 52 56 33 45 The design and scope of delivery related to technical developments may be subject to change. No liability for mistakes or printing errors. More information:

2 Compact and lighweight Materials specifically selected to achieve theideal size to weight ratio. Perfect ergonomics. Comfortable to use Anti-slip housing with streamlined contours. Adjustable eyecups. Large focusing wheel for secure operation, evenwhen wearing gloves. Fatigue-free viewing. 5 ZEISS CONQUEST HD A NEW CLASS OF TECHNICAL INNOVATIONS THE BENCHMARK IN THE UPPER MIDDLE CLASS 4 3 Durable and long-lasting Water and dustproof seal. Stable metallic housing. Protective rubber exterior. Hydrogen filling to prevent fogging. 1 46 47 4 Sharp images with accurate colours High Definition lens system (HD). High-contrast and neutral in colour. Transmission rates of over 90%: Viewing untilnightfall thanks to T* multi-layer coating. Maximum detail resolution. 3 5 The perfect all-rounder Outstanding field of view. Close focus starting at 1.5 m resp. 4.9 (32mm models). LotuTec coating. Clear view in all types of weather, easy to clean. 6 6 Quality and design»made in Germany«Ideal price performance ratio. The perfect doorway to the premium class of ZEISS. 2

... Monitoring-Platforms Red kite Milvus milvus... The American ebird monitoring platform operated by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology is world-renowned, and Ornitho is very well-known in Central Europe. ZEISS works as a partner to both organizations, supporting their scientific work to the benefit of all birdwatchers. Cornell Lab and ebird The Cornell Lab of Ornithology is part of Cornell University. First and foremost, however, it is a non-profit organisation dedicated to ornithological research and protecting birds. DDA with Ornitho The Federation of German Avifaunists (DDA) represents 10,000 field ornithologists and birdwatchers. It is an association of all ornithological groups throughout Germany. ebird Even non-academics can submit their observations on this platform. All contributors follow very clear guidelines for their entries. The focus is on bird populations in the United States, but the site does offer an international coverage. ebird offers outstanding apps for identifying birds for anyone travelling within the United States. Ornitho is the leading platform in different Central European contries (labelled with country-specific URLs) and is closely related to other national platforms throughout Europe. More than 13,000 users have collected data of 12 Mio observations. These platforms offer easy access to an overview of breeding bird populations and rare species. 48 49 Recent phenomena Larger than usual populations of Snowy Owls were counted in 2014 and 2015. The breeding conditions for the birds were ideal. Due to the increased population, many had to travel further south to look for food. This has led to sightings as far south as the states of Oklahoma and Maryland. The DDA maps the Breeding Bird Atlas of red kites and several other species Atlas of Breeding Birds More than 4,000 people with 500,000 volunteer hours have contributed to the Atlas of German Breeding Birds. The atlas shows the frecquency, occurence and development of 70-100 Millions of breeding pairs of the 280 German species. Recent phenomena Two phenomena were observed among the millions of datasets in Ornitho: A clear decline among arable nesting birds, such as the Lapwing and Skylark. Researchers discovered a new migratory route for Common Cranes along the Alps. It is thought that this was originally caused by the unusually strong eastern winds dominant in November 2011. Thousands of Common Cranes continued to migrate through this path in the following years despite normal weather conditions. Population Bestand 2005-2009 2005-2009 1 2-3 4-7 8-20 21-50 51-150 151-400 401-1000 1001-3000 3001-8000 >8000 0 Population of red kites in Germany A comparison of the population of red kites according to the data on with the results of mappings for the Atlas of German Breeding Birds shows a high congruency.

Ivan Ellison is a police officer in Manchester, England. For many years, he focused on infringements of national animal protection and environmental laws. This passionate nature photographer also protects wildlife in his spare time. Most of the bird photographs in this magazine originate from his camera. IN PURSUIT OF NATURE POLICE OFFICER IVAN ELLISON IS ON THE CASE 50 51

IVAN ELLISON ÜBER LEBENSQUALITÄT I need my family, and I need to spend a lot of time outdoors. I go fishing, watch birds, and take pictures. Manchester is not one of England s most peaceful places. Due to its very dense population, the world s first industrial city has a very high crime rate. People like Ivan Ellison, who have spent the past 25 years working in law enforcement, have seen things that we would never even want to read about in the paper. This is why taking time to relax in nature s beauty is an absolute must for Ivan. For many years, Ivan Ellison was a wildlife crime officer responsible for finding poachers and animal abusers: People who kill protected animals simply for their coats, snare songbirds in thin, gauzy nets, hang traps for birds of prey, or even cut off the tails of pit bulls simply for looks. He has worked closely with nature and animal protection associations on the job. Today, Ivan is still an active member of the world s largest nature conservation group, the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB), and he continues to volunteer to help protect birds. Ivan currently works as a custody sergeant. Every day, he is responsible for deciding which offenders are to be detained, and those to be released. Even though Ivan Ellison spends his days experiencing the worst aspects of human existence and interaction, he seems very even-tempered and happy. When asked about his outlets for processing these tough experiences, he had a clear answer straightaway: I need my family, and I need to spend a lot of time outdoors. I go fishing, watch birds, and take pictures. Ivan is quite happy to spend his time in the natural areas close to his home, either in his own garden or favourite spots in Northern England and Northern Wales. He has two adult daughters and enjoys visiting them as often as possible. One daughter resides in the United States, home to an entirely new world of birds for Ivan to discover. Ivan developed his interest in birds at the early age of 11. His mother gave him the first edition of the Collins Bird Guide, which is now over 40 years old. In the past two decades, Ivan has watched bird species disappear from the range maps. It was yet another reason for him to commit his life and talents to nature conservation. 52 53 Puffin Fratercula arctica

Dunlin Calidris alpina 54 55 I think that people find birding somewhat pretentious. They think that you need to know a lot of background information and details to enjoy it. In fact, the main part of birding is a love of nature, and you gradually learn about the various species over time. It doesn t matter how old you are. Ivan wishes that many of the criminals he deals with, would take the time to get out into nature and experience something different: As police officers, many of the people we encounter have so much anger and so many problems. They ve probably never even left Manchester. They can t get away from their problems or find any sort of balance in their lives. Ivan travels with his wife as often as he can to discover new places. They came up with a great daily itinerary for their shared holidays, and continue to follow it today: Ivan sets off for a few hours of birding and photography in the early morning. When he returns, relaxed from his time outdoors, he brings breakfast and spends the rest of the day doing cultural activities with his wife. Ivan bought the Simon King special edition ZEISS VICTORY FL 8 x 32 binoculars a few years ago. For shorter holidays and spontaneous excursions, he keeps his ZEISS VICTORY Compact 8 x 20 T* on hand. Ivan doesn t think that people need the best binoculars on the market to enjoy this hobby, but should think about, what is the best optics that suits their needs. When out and about, he thinks pocket binoculars are the most practical. In England, police officers can retire after 30 years of service, collect their pensions and pursue their own freelance interests. Ivan will certainly dedicate even more of his time to nature, as an expert guide and photographer. He took nearly all of the animal pictures featured in this issue in preparation for the more peaceful, yet very active life awaiting him in five years. Blue jay Cyanocitta cristata

56 Northern cardinal Cardinalis cardinalis 57 Hoopoe Upupa epops Bonelli s eagle Aquila fasciata

58 59... Ivan Ellison... ivan Ellison is a passionate nature photographer. The police officer from Manchester HAS observed in the last couple of decades the development of bird lives in the UK. His photo gallery on Flickr grows month by month, especially after excursions within his homeland as well as foreign countries. Squirrel Sciurus vulgaris MORE INFORMATION:

ZEISS VICTORY FL YOUR EVERYDAY COMPANION PREMIUM OPTICS FOR YOUR JACKET POCKET Brilliant, sharp images Lens system with fluoride glass. Fields of view of 140/120 m at 1,000 m resp. 420/320 at 1,000 yards. 2 Ergonomic 1 Lightweight housing made of composite material reinforced with fibreglass and aluminium. Quick focussing mechanism with lockable dioptre adjustment. 3 Durable and long-lasting Nitrogen-filled and waterproof. 4 LotuTec coating makes the binoculars easy to clean and ideal for all types of weather. 3 4 For every situation Powerful, yet compact binoculars for small cases. 60 61 Rotating eye cups with individual locking mechanisms. Comfortable viewing until nightfall. For families and on walks always at hand. 2

Modell ZEISS Victory FL ZEISS Victory FL 8x32 T* FL 10x32 T* FL Magnification 8x 10x Effective lens diameter 32 mm 32 mm ZEISS COMPACT BINOCULARS IVAN ELLISON S CHOICE Exit pupil diameter 4 mm 3.2 mm Twilight factor 16 17.9 Field of view at 1,000 m / 1,000 yds 140 m / 420 ft 120 m / 360 ft Apparent angle of view 64 69 Close focus 2 m / 6.56 ft 2 m / 6.56 ft Diopter adjustment range +/- 4 dpt +/- 4 dpt Eye relief 15.5 mm 15.2 mm Pupil distance 52 74 mm 52 74 mm Lens type FL FL Prism system Schmidt-Pechan Schmidt-Pechan Coating LotuTec / T* LotuTec / T* Nitrogen-filled yes yes Waterproof 400 mbar 400 mbar Operating temperature range -30 / +63 C / -22 / +145 F -30 / +63 C / -22 / +145 F Height 117 mm / 4.61 in 117 mm / 4.61 in Width at an eye width of 65 mm 116 mm / 4.57 in 116 mm / 4.57 in ZEISS Victory Compact 8x20 T* ZEISS Conquest Compact 8x20 T* Weight 550 g / 19.40 oz 560 g / 19.75 oz Order Number 52 32 30 52 32 31 ZEISS Victory Compact ZEISS Victory Compact ZEISS Conquest Compact ZEISS Conquest Compact Modell 8x20 T* 10x25 T* 8x20 T* 10x25 T* ZEISS Victory Compact 10x25 T* ZEISS Conquest Compact 10x25 T* 62 63 Magnification 8x 10x 8x 10x Effective lens diameter 20 mm 25 mm 20 mm 25 mm Exit pupil diameter 2.5 mm 2.5 mm 2.5 mm 2.5 mm Twilight factor 12,6 15.8 12.6 15.8 Field of view at 1,000 m / 1,000 yds 118 m / 354 ft 95 m / 285 ft 110 m / 330 ft 88 m / 264 ft Apparent angle of view 54 54 51 51 Close focus 2.6 m / 8.53 ft 4 m / 13.12 ft 3 m / 10.83 ft 5 m / 18.05 ft Diopter adjustment range +/- 3 dpt +/- 3 dpt +/- 2 dpt +/- 2 dpt Eye relief 13,5 mm 13,5 mm 15 mm 15 mm Pupil distance 32 74 mm 32 74 mm 27 73 mm 27 73 mm Lens type Achromat Achromat Achromat Achromat Prism system Schmidt-Pechan Schmidt-Pechan Schmidt-Pechan Schmidt-Pechan Coating LotuTec / T* LotuTec / T* Nitrogen-filled yes yes Waterproof 400 mbar 400 mbar Spritzwasserdicht Spritzwasserdicht Operating temperature range -20 / +40 C / -4 / +104 F -20 / +40 C / -4 / +104 F -20 / +40 C / -4 / +104 F -20 / +40 C / -4 / +104 F Height 93 mm / 3.62 in 110 mm / 4.33 in 102 mm / 4.0 in 119 mm / 4.7 in Width at an eye width of 65 mm 97 mm / 3.82 in 97 mm / 3.82 in 93 mm / 4.33 97 mm / 3.82 in Weight 225 g / 7.94 oz 250 g / 8.82 oz 185 g / 6.53 oz 200 g / 7.05 oz Order Number 52 20 78 52 20 79 52 20 73 52 20 74 ZEISS Compact Binoculars Powerful, yet compact binoculars for small cases. Intelligent folding for storing in small spaces. Extreme protective exterior. Splash waterproof, for all weather. High contrast and detail resolution thanks to T* multi-layer coating. Handy additional optics or as second binoculars for birders. For families and in the garden always at hand. Perfect for travelling, hiking and watching events. The design and scope of delivery related to technical developments may be subject to change. No liability for mistakes or printing errors. More information:

NATURAL BEAUTIES FOR ETERNITY ABOUT AMERICAN ARTIST CATHERINE HAMILton 64 65 CATHERINE Hamilton grew up as a daughter of a neurobiologist and a rocket scientist. She has spent practically her entire life observing nature and her environment carefully. She had to leave her career as an art professor in New York due to an allergy to solvent-based paint. Since that time, she lives with nature, specialising in pencil drawings and landscapes, as well as illustrated field guides.

Catherine Hamilton I m always delighted when I can inspire my artist friends to pay closer attention to nature. 66 67 White storks Ciconia ciconia, ink on paper, 2015 It s impossible to describe Catherine Hamilton s life in just one short article. As glamorous as her life may seem for many people, she is actually quite straightforward and uncomplicated. She spends most of her time enjoying the quiet nature around her. Catherine is an academic and a contemporary artist, but her greatest love is ornithology. At age of 33, Catherine became very ill while pursuing her successful career as an art professor in New York. Several hospital visits revealed that Catherine would never be able to work with solvent-based paints again. This turned her life upside down. During her recovery she made some excursions to watch birds and she realized: Nature is what makes me healthy. Purple Swamphen Porphyrio porphyrio, watercolor on paper, 2015 During her childhood with her parents Catherine naturally spent the majority of time learning about plants and animals. As a child, having a horse to ride seemed more interesting than exploring different types of birds but she developed a playful interest in them early on. Catherine decided to study ecology, botany and ornithology at university. Her love of art was even stronger and she became an art professor. It was time for her to turn this discovery into reality, and fill her life with new purpose. Catherine sold her possessions, gave up her apartment in New York, stored some important momentos at her parents home, and packed everything she needed to survive in a suitcase. She then started a journey spanning many years, and with sightings of around 2,000 different species of birds along the way. Catherine spent her first years in Central

Nature is what makes me healthy. 68 69 Whitewater Draw, egg tempera on panel, 2015

Plain Chachalacas Ortalis vetula, watercolor and pencil on paper, 2014 and South America to experience certain birds in their natural habitats. She also wanted to immerse herself and learn more about these cultures in their native countries. She uses her pencils to immortalise everything on paper. What may sound like a Hollywood film or a spiritual journey to achieve self-awareness is, in fact, completely different when we take a closer look: Catherine Hamilton is a rational, scientific thinker. She s not interested in getting attention, and doesn t want to be a burden on anyone. She fought hard to turn her talents and knowledge into a livelihood which would promote her good health. Today, Catherine combines her artistic talents with her extensive knowledge of nature and wildlife. Catherine still spends most of her time outside, and has a mobile office. She primarily creates pencil drawings of birds, landscapes and plants, and sells these through galleries for contemporary art. She also illustrates bird field guides, works with scientific magazines, writes articles on identifying birds, organises exhibitions with authors, lectures, writes a nature observation blog and sells her nature photography. This nomad among birders has worn her ZEISS VICTORY FL binoculars for years. Catherine travels with the ZEISS TERRA ED as her second pair of binoculars for journeys to remote areas. She also recommends them to friends who are new to the world of nature observation: I m always delighted when I can inspire my artist friends to pay closer attention to nature. When Catherine strolls with her male friends through New York s Central Park, other birders always approach them to ask about the sightings of the day and to include them into discussions on expert-level topics. Traditionally male preserve for birding, the number of women in birding is slowly growing. She takes situations like this in her stride and supports her male friends in the discussions. Catherine s passion for nature remains a deeply personal matter. She finds a quiet joy in knowing that this life-long relationship is helping her lead a healthy, fulfilling life. 70 71 White-whiskered puffbird Malacoptila panamensis, coloured pencils on paper, 2014

... CATHERINE Hamilton... 72 73 Catherine enjoys having a wide range of knowledge on a variety of species. She inspires her artist friends in nature observation through hiking and lectures. In her blog she writes about her experiences in nature and shares her paintings and artwork. MORE INFORMATION: Ornate hawk-eagles Spizaetus ornatus, pencil on paper, 2014

ZEISS TERRA ED CATHERINE HAMILton S CHOICE ZEISS TERRA ED 8x32 With its compact, lightweight design and a practically indestructible body featuring outstanding ergonomics, the 8x32 is the perfect all-rounder for a variety of outdoor applications. ZEISS TERRA ED 8x42 It is perfect for everyday birding. It provides large fields of view and steady images at 8x magnification. ZEISS TERRA ED products are watertight and nitrogen filled, making them ideal for the outdoors. ZEISS TERRA ED 10x32 More magnification requires a steady hand. The 10x32 is designed for special tasks and short observation over long distances. ZEISS TERRA ED 10x42 Higher magnification at the same weight. It is the first choice for viewing distant objects with clarity down to the last detail. ZEISS TERRA ED binoculars are excellent value for money and your perfect doorway to the world of ZEISS. Modell TERRA ED 8x32 10x32 8x42 10x42 Magnification 8x 10x 8x 10x Effective lens diameter 32 mm 32 mm 42 mm 42 mm Exit pupil diameter 4.0 mm 3.2 mm 5.25 mm 4.2 mm Twilight factor 16 17.9 18.3 20.5 Field of view at 1,000 m / 1,000 yds 135 m / 443 ft 112 m / 367 f 125 m / 375 ft 110 m / 330 ft Apparent angle of view 60 63 56 60 Close focus 1.5 m / 4.92 ft 1.5 m / 4.92 ft 1.6 m / 5.25 ft 1.6 m / 5.25 ft Diopter adjustment range +/- 4 dpt +/- 4 dpt +/- 4 dpt +/- 4 dpt Eye relief 16.5 mm 16.5 mm 18 mm 14 mm Pupil distance 56 74 mm 56 74 mm 57,5 75 mm 57,5 75 mm Lens type ED Typ ED Typ ED Typ ED Typ Prism system Schmidt-Pechan Schmidt-Pechan Schmidt-Pechan Schmidt-Pechan Coating Hydrophobe ZEISS MC Hydrophobe ZEISS MC Hydrophobe ZEISS MC Hydrophobe ZEISS MC Nitrogen-filled yes yes yes yes Waterproof 100 mbar 100 mbar 100 mbar 100 mbar Operating temperature range -15 / +60 C / 5 / +140 F -15 / +60 C / 5 / +140 F -15 / +60 C / 5 / +140 F -15 / +60 C / 5 / +140 F Height 125 mm / 4.9 in 125 mm / 4.9 in 142 mm / 5.5 in 142 mm / 5.5 in Width at an eye width of 65 mm 111 mm / 4.4 in 111 mm / 4.4 in 120 mm / 4.7 in 120 mm / 4.7 in Weight 510 g / 17.9 oz 510 g / 17.9 oz 695 g / 25.4 oz 695 g / 25.4 oz Order Number blue 52 42 05 52 42 06 Order Number black 52 42 05-9901 52 42 06-9901 Order Number grey 52 32 05 52 32 06 52 42 05-9902 52 42 06-9902 74 75 The design and scope of delivery related to technical developments may be subject to change. No liability for mistakes or printing errors. More information:

Ergonomic The large, easy-to-move and comfortable focusing wheel on the ZEISS TERRA ED makes it quick and easy to view ultra-sharp images. ZEISS TERRA ED Technical THE OUTDOOR data BINOCULARSTHE PERFECT TERRA ED DOORWAY TO THE WORLD OF ZEISS 2 3 Precise The multicoated ED lenses from SCHOTT meet the highest optical standards. Compact, lightweight and sturdy The housing is waterproof and reinforced with fibreglass, making the ZEISS TERRA ED ready for the toughest missions 3 5 1 4 4 Comfortable The adjustable eye cups are ideal for viewing with our without glasses. 76 77 5 Versatile A close focus of 1.5 m resp. 5.25 feet reveals even the tiniest details of a butterfly in sharp focus. 2

NO FUTURE AFTER 17 MILLION YEARS? WHEN A MYTH TURNS into A THREAT. The horn of the African Black Rhino is said to have all sorts of mystical powers. The story of the Black Rhino is a terrible and devastating example of what this kind of unfounded superstition can do to an entire species. One of the heaviest vegetarian mammals on our planet is threatened with extinction and poaching is the sole cause. The Black Rhino s origins date back around 17 million years. 78 79 Hasselblad, Chinese entrepreneur Xiaoyang Yu and ZEISS initiated the Black Rhino Conservation Award to support local nature conservation organizations as well as the people dedicated to preventing poaching and protecting this species. The Prince of Monaco is patron of the initiative, which conducts intense PR work focussed on the extinction of this species and supports local efforts to combat it. The Black Rhino Conservation Award honours nature conservationists, rangers, politicians, scientists and educators for their contributions to raising awareness about the Black Rhino s plight, and provides financial support to help them continue with their work.

BINCULAR FINDER WHICH BINOCULAR FOR WHAT PURPOSE? To find the right binocular it is a question of intended application. For occasional hiking lightweight and compact size matter. For birding, it is more important to have faster focus, precise detail and color purity with high light transmission. What kind of binocular type are you? All of our optics offer: comfortable close focus distances, water-proofness, excellent light transmission in the ideal spectral range, and pioneering optical designs. For more information test our product finder on What magnification should I choose? The higher the magnification (i.e. 10x) the more detail you will be able to see at a distance. But more magnification results in less field of view and is more sensitive to hand tremor. People less able to stabilize their binocular, or preferring a wider field of view, may want to consider a lower magnification (i.e. 8x) for a steadier view helped by the carefully designed ergonomics of all ZEISS binoculars. OUTDOOR TRAVELLING NATURE OBSERVATION BIRD WATCHING A B A B I look through my binocular regularly or usually have them close at hand. I usually keep them in the case and use them occasionally. I want state-of-the-art technology for the best viewing experience. I want reliable premium, lightweight optics with high quality which serve their purpose. 80 81 ZEISS TERRA ED ZEISS TERRA ED ZEISS VICtoRY SF ZEISS CONQUEST HD ZEISS Conquest Compact ZEISS CONQUEST HD ZEISS Victory Compact ZEISS VICtoRY FL ZEISS VICtoRY HT ZEISS VICtoRY DIASCOPE T* 85 FL TRIPOD

... IMPRINT... PHOTOGRAPHY: PERSONS AND LANDSCAPES: Jörg Rothhaar NATURE PHOTOGRAPHY: Ivan Ellison title: Dean Mason Animal PHOTOGRAPHY: PAGe 28: Michael Tiefenbach; page 30/31: Alain Ghignone; page 33: up Michael TiefenbacH; down RICK SIMPSON; page 78/79: Shutterstock Carl Zeiss Sports Optics GmbH ZEISS Business Group Consumer Optics Gloelstraße 3-5 35576 Wetzlar concept and design: solldesign; Dipl.Des. M.A. Daniela Schanen Text: Michaela Sulz LECtoRSHIP: Stefanie Lerm #PASSionforbirding 82 83 Follow us on:

ZEISS TERRA The moment when the inspiration becomes unforgettable. This is the moment we work for. Foto: TATONKA // EXPERIENCE MADE BY ZEISS EN_2138_964 Printed in Germany, Keine Haftung für Irrtümer und Druckfehler. GRAND BALCON NORD, CHAMONIX-MONT BLANC, FRANCE 45 52 N 6 53 E Nature offers us unique moments. Our goal is to make these moments visible. Setting new standards with constant technical innovations for over 165 years. Experience the world of ZEISS: