정보기술과 컴퓨터 과학의 급속한 발달이 의학과 생명과학의 제분야에 어떠한 영향을 미치는 가를 이해하고

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27 2, * ** 3, 3,. B ,.,,,. 3,.,,,,..,. :,, : 2009/09/03 : 2009/09/21 : 2009/09/30 * ICAD (Institute for Children Ability

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?? 1990년대 중반부터 일부 지방에서 자체적인 정책 혁신 을 통해 시도된 대학생촌관 정책은 그 효과에 비자발적 확산 + 대한 긍정적 평가에 힘입어 조금씩 다른 지역으로 수평적 확산이 이루어졌다. 이? + 지방 A 지방 B 비자발적 확산 중앙 중앙정부 정부 비자발적



232 도시행정학보 제25집 제4호 I. 서 론 1. 연구의 배경 및 목적 사회가 다원화될수록 다양성과 복합성의 요소는 증가하게 된다. 도시의 발달은 사회의 다원 화와 밀접하게 관련되어 있기 때문에 현대화된 도시는 경제, 사회, 정치 등이 복합적으로 연 계되어 있어 특


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중국 상장회사의 경영지배구조에 관한 연구


201.507A 선거연구 3-3-0 Studies in Elections 이과목에서는주로개별적인정치엘리트와일반인행위자수준의미시적분석에역점이주어진다. 일반인의정치적태도, 투표참여와선택과같은정치행위, 그리고엘리트의정치적태도와다양한정치행위를다룬다. 사회학적접근, 사회심리학적접근, 합리적선택접근등여러가지의분석적, 이론적관점이소개된다. 수강생은기본문헌을섭렵하고연구를위한과제와전략을모색한다. This course focuses largely on micro-level analyses of attitudinal and behavioral patterns found among the political elite and citizenry. Students are introduced to differing theoretical approaches to studying political behavior such as sociological, socio-psychological, rational choice and institutional perspectives. Topics include citizens psychological orientation toward principles and practices of democracy, voters participatory and choice behavior, candidates strategic behavior in political competition, and negotiation and other types of interactive behavior by the political elites. 201.509A 정치사회이론 3-3-0 Theories of Political Sociology 본과목은정치사회이론의고전적시각들과그에기반한최근의발전된이론들과논쟁들을비판적으로이해함을그목적으로한다. 정치사회이론의대표적접근법인맑스, 베버, 듀르켕등의고전적이론들뿐만아니라최근정치사회이론들의주요논쟁점으로국가, 시민사회, 그리고시장을둘러싼다양한이론들을살펴볼것이다. 특히최근에등장하는신제도주의는무엇이고이들에대한비판은어떤것이있는지살펴볼것이다. 이러한정치사회의다양한이론들을살펴봄으로써정치사회에대한분석력을향상시키는것을목적으로한다. Through critically reviewing the classical and recent theories of political sociology, this course aims at improve our capability to analyze a political society. It will investigate what problems the classical theorists including Hobbes, Hume, Marx, Weber and Durkheim deal with, and what kinds of solution they suggest in response to the problems. This course also studies the main issues of political sociology, such as the state, civil society and market, which have been developed recently. In particular, this course will address what neo-institutionalism is and what its theoretical advantages and drawbacks are. 201.512 북한정치연구 3-3-0 Studies in North Korean Politics 201.513 계량정치분석 3-3-0 Quantitative Political Analysis 이과목의목표는수강생으로하여금정치현상을계량적으로분석하는이론과기법을습득하여심화하도록하는것이다. 수강생은계량적연구의절차와통계적추론을체득하기위해컴퓨터를활용한자료분석실습을한다. 아울러, 기존의계량적연구성과에대한비판적평가를통해실질적인주제와내용에적합한통계분석기법을활용할수있는능력을제고한다. This is an advanced-level course. It is intended for students who want to acquaint themselves with a variety of quantitative research methods and evaluation of governmental as well as political research models. It emphasizes the integration of diverse research methods and engages students in the management of empirical data along with statistical and quantitative reasoning. 201.514 비교정치연구 3-3-0 Studies in Comparative Politics 대학원생들을위한입문강좌. 비교정치학분야의주요경험연구들을분석함으로써국가간비교를위한다양한방법론들과관점들을검토한다. An introductory course for graduate students, this course surveys diverse methodologies and perspectives to offer a comparison among nations by analysing major empirical works in the field of Comparative Politics. 201.515 의회정치연습 3-3-0 Seminar in Parliamentary Politics 이세미나에서는세계각국의의회와그구성원인의원에대한비교연구를지향한다. 중심적인연구주제는정치적대표현상의본질, 의회의역사적발전, 의회의기능, 의원충원, 의회내부의조직과절차, 의회내부에서의의사결정, 의회와행정부간의관계등이다. 이러한주제들에대한기본문헌을섭렵하고토론함으로써이분야에서연구를수행할수있는능력을함양하도록한다. This seminar is designed to offer a comparative study of the world s parliaments and legislatures. It focuses on the following major topics: the concept of political representation, the historical development of parliament, its functions, its internal organization and parliamentary decision- making as well as its relationship with the executive branch. Students will not only thoroughly review the fundamental documents on these topics but refine their skills for their own research. 북한의특수한정치체제, 권력, 과정, 이데올로기등을비교정치이론의보편적틀에입각하여고찰한다. 홍 / 전의대립개념을이용한북한의정치과정연구, 가족적조합주의이론에입각한사회적생명체론, 주체사상분석, 북한식민족주의의이해등을주요내용으로한다. This course investigates the particularity of the North Korean political system, power, process and ideology, using the universal framework of comparative politics. Students study the North Korean political process and various concepts such as reds vs experts, socio-political organisms based on paternalistic corporatism, and Juche ideology as well as North Korean nationalism. 학점구조는 학점수- 주당강의시간- 주당실습시간 을표시한다. 한학기는 15주로구성됨. (The first number means credits ; the second number means lecture hours per week; and the final number means laboratory hours per week. 15 weeks make one semester.) - 112-201.516 정치와행정 3-3-0 Politics and Administration 본강의는정치와행정의관계및근대정치에서국가관료제의역할에관해검토한다. 또한국가별로관료제의조직적특징, 국가관료기구와사회의상대적역관계등을살펴본다. This course examines both the relationship between administration and politics and the role of bureaucratic institutions in modern politics. It also compares the organizational features and relative strength of the various institutions.

201.517 비교정치경제 3-3-0 Comparative Political Economy 이과목은세계화시대자본주의시장경제의형성, 발전, 개혁에대한비교정치 경제학적이해가그목적이다. 세계화로인해자본주의시장경제가서로수렴되고있는지다양하게분화되고있는지의문제가중요한논쟁으로대두되고있다. 이에이과목은세계화시대점차증대하는상호의존및통합과정에따라국가들이어떻게서로다르게또는유사하게대응하는지의문제를분석한다. 분석의주된초점은국제정치경제, 국내제도, 경제정책, 정치적선호등의요소들이자본주의경제에미치는영향과그들간의상호작용에둔다. 분석대상은서구자본주의국가와제 3 세계국가, 특히동아시아국가이다. This seminar intends to provide a broad survey of some of the major debates in comparative political economy, especially the creation, evolution and reform of market institutions. The themes are related with the convergence and divergence debates as an effect of economic integration in the globalization era. This analysis focuses on the interaction between economic policies, political preferences, domestic institutions, international economy, and their consequences on the economy. The course draws heavily on the comparative politics literature, by focusing not only on OECD countries, but also on developing countries, especially the East Asian countries. 201.518 동아시아정치경제 3-3-0 Political Economy of East Asia 이과목은세계경제성장의한축인동아시아지역의발전과저발전에대한정치경제학적이해를그목적으로한다. 동아시아개별국가의발전에대한이해는동아시아지역내국가간역동적상호작용에의해, 그리고세계화라는외부환경과의관계속에서분석될수있다. 전반부에서는발전을설명하는정치경제의다양한이론적분석틀을제시한다. 후반부에서는국제정치경제의지형변화, 동아시아의성장과위기, 그리고세계화에대한동아시아개별국가의대응에대한비교분석등에초점을둔다. This seminar intends to provide understanding of dynamics in development and underdevelopment of East Asian region, as one of growth axes in world economy. The growth and crisis of East Asian countries could be analyzed by looking at dynamic interactions of countries within regional economy of East Asia and interaction with external environments. In the first half of this seminar, we will explore various theoretical perspectives of political economy. In the latter, we will discuss issues such as changes in international political economy, growth and crisis of East Asia, and responses of East Asian countries in the globalization era. 201.601 정치학방법론 3-3-0 Scope and Methods of Political Science 과학적정치학의출발점으로서의방법론적전제에대한이론적학습과구체적응용기법을다룬다. 정치현상에대한과학적질문의구성과전개, 논리적 경험적추론과증명의과정을익히고, 특히통계, 설문등경험조사의구체적인기법들을다룬다. This course surveys the theoretical approach to methodological assumptions as a starting point for scientific politics and its applications. Students will learn the construction and development of scientific questions on political phenomena, logical reasoning and empirical testing, focusing on such practical techniques as statistics and surveys. 201.604A 중세서양정치사상 3-3-0 Medieval Western Political Thoughts 아리스토텔레스이후부터마키아벨리이전까지의서구중세정치사상을그시대적배경과그로부터기인하는역사적 정치적질문과의관련속에서탐구한다. The subject of this course is to investigate western political thought from Aristotle to Machiavelli. This course will study western political thought in its historical context as well as raise political questions about it. 201.606A 동아시아정치사상연구 3-3-0 East Asian Political Thought 동아시아정치사상사에대한세미나이다. 한편으로는동아시아정치사상의고전을탐구하고, 다른한편으로는동아시아정치사상의현대적이해를위한이론적틀을습득함을통해, 궁극적으로동아시아정치사상연구역량을강화하는데본수업의목적이있다. This course traces the history of East Asian political thought. The issues to be examined include contemporary relevance of classical texts, and historiography of East Asian political thought. Special attention will be paid to important thinkers and intellectual debates that have had profound consequences for the modernization of East Asia. 201.607 한국정치연구 3-3-0 Studies in Korean Politics 한국정치에대한국내외의주요연구업적을읽고평가하는세미나이다. 이세미나에서다루는연구업적에는자유주의적시각의업적뿐만아니라한국정치를네오마르크스적으로분석한연구업적도포함되어있다. This seminar requires students to read major works dealing with Korean politics. After the readings, they will assess the strengths and weaknesses of each work, explaining and predicting Korean political development. Readings include works that contain liberal perspectives as well as neo-marxist views. 201.608 한국정당론 3-3-0 Korean Political Parties 현대정치에서의가장핵심적인정치제도로서의정당에대한일반이론적전제위에서한국정당의기원과형성, 그리고그특수성을검토한다. 특히, 한국의정당및정당체계가갖는특수성과이를이론화하는다양한이론적입장들을비교, 검토한다. The focus of this course is to study the origin, formation, and characteristics of Korean political parties and their systems. The class will assume that the political party is the most fundamental institution of modern politics. In particular, it will compare and investigate var- - 113 -

ious theories on the peculiarities of Korean political parties and their party systems. 201.609 정치발전연구 3-3-0 Studies in Political Development 근대화론을필두로하는제 3 세계국가들의정치발전에대한다양한이론적입장들을검토하고, 특히동아시아와남미국가들의발전유형에서의차별성과그에내재된발전전략의차별성과함의를검토한다. 이를통해, 정치발전에대한일반이론과개별국가들의특수성에대한통합적이해를도모한다. This course investigates various theories of political development in Third World nations. Beginning with the modernization theory, students will compare different roads to development as evidenced by East Asian and South American nations. They will also investigate the implications of various developmental strategies. In this way, they will understand both general theories of political development as well as the particularities of individual countries. 201.610 한국정치사상연구 3-3-0 Korean Political Thought 한국정치사상사에대한세미나이다. 한편으로는한국정치사상의고전을탐구하고, 다른한편으로는한국정치사상의현대적이해를위한이론적틀을습득함을통해, 궁극적으로한국정치사상연구역량을강화하는데본수업의목적이있다. This course traces the history of Korean political thought. The issues to be examined include contemporary relevance of classical texts, and historiography of Korean political thought. Special attention will be paid to important thinkers and intellectual debates that have had profound consequences for the modernization of Korea. 201.612 정치와외교 3-3-0 Politics and Diplomacy 이세미나는외교정책결정과정에대한이해에목적이있다. 특히외교정책의국내정치적기반을이해하는데초점을둘것이며, 단위수준의분석과체계수준의분석간의관계설정을모색한다. 다양한외교정책결정모형들이검토되며, 세미나참가자들의관심지역과사례에따른사례연구들이활용된다. This seminar analyzes the process of creating foreign policies, focusing on the influence of domestic politics on foreign policy. Furthermore, we will contemplate the relationship between unit level analysis and system level theories in the field of international relations. Students will be encouraged to investigate their individual areas of interest, whether they be particular countries, incidents, or political issues. 201.618 공공정책분석 3-3-0 Public Policy Analysis 재정경제학에서발달한사회적후생함수와공공재등의개념을통해공공정책의구성원리와그로부터파생되는이론적 경험적질문들을다룬다. 특히, 공공재의개념과관련하여 무임승차자 의문제와 지대추구행위 의사회적비용문제에대한이해 를증진시킴으로써공공정책의구성과작동원리를이해하고, 공공정책의다양한형태들과그것이산출하는사회적, 정치적효과들에대해탐구한다. This course covers the structural principles of public policy and the relevant theoretical as well as empirical questions through the investigation of social welfare, a development that arose from the combination of finance and concept of public well-being. A special focus is placed on dispelling misconceptions of the free ride and showing how the advantageous use of benefits can come at a great social cost. Finally, the structure and working principles of public policies are studied. Students will inquire into various forms of public policy and the social or political effect each form produces. 201.619A 근대 - 탈근대국제관계 3-3-0 Modern & Postmodern International Relations 이세미나는대학원수준에서국제관계이론을개괄하는과목이다. 따라서다음세부분으로구성된다. 첫째, 국제관계이론의기본적이해를위해기존주요저작들을섭렵한다. 둘째, 안보와국제정치경제분야의주요문제들을정리한다. 셋째, 탈냉전국제관계의제측면과패권및패권적질서의이슈를깊이있게다룬다. This seminar provides a comprehensive examination of various theories on international relations for graduate students. It is composed of three parts. First, students will discuss the major schools of thought including idealism, realism, liberalism and postmodernism. Then the major topics and issues from the fields of security and international political economics will be analyzed. Finally, the students will discuss various aspects and issues from post-cold War international relations and the US hegemony as well as the hegemonic international order. 201.621 현대정치학특강 3-3-0 Topics in Contemporary Political Science 본강의는정치학의새로운이론들을소개하거나다른과목들이충분히포괄하지못하는특정이슈들을다루는심화강좌이다. 담당교수들이매학기마다새로운강의주제를사전에공고한다. An advanced introductory course for new theories in political science, this course addresses specific issues that are not adequately covered in other courses. The examined topics will vary according to the instructor. 201.622 현대정치학연습 3-3-0 Seminar in Contemporary Political Science 본세미나는정치학의새로운이론들을소개하거나다른과목들이충분히포괄하지못하는특정이슈들을다루는심화강좌이다. 궁극적으로는한국정치를바라보는새로운시각을가다듬고, 정치현상에대한이해와분석수준을끌어올리는것을목표로한다. This seminar is an advanced graduate course which introduces students to new contemporary political theories or discusses particular topics and issues not sufficiently covered in other courses. The course ultimately aims at helping students refine their viewpoints on - 114 -

Korean politics and deepen their understanding about it. 201.623 한국정치학특강 3-3-0 Topics in Korean Politics 대학원학생들을대상으로한심화강좌로서한국정치분야의최근이슈들을주로다룬다. This is an advanced course for graduate students, dealing mainly with current issues in the field of Korean politics. 201.625 미국정치연구 3-3-0 Studies in American Politics 이세미나는다음몇가지주제중하나로구성될수있으며, 어디에초점을둘것인지는세미나참가자들의수요에따라결정한다. 첫째, 미국정치의작동원리를이해하기위해다양한기존연구들을검토한다. 둘째, 미국정치를사례로한최근정치이론들을분석, 평가한다. 셋째, 다양한영역에서미국의행태를파악한다. 특히미국외교정책을내정적기반에서이해한다. 넷째, 최근정당, 선거및다양한정책들을중심으로최근미국정치의변동을파악하고전망한다. The specific topics covered in this seminar will vary according to its instructor. In general, however, students will examine classic literature ranging from Tocqueville to Lowi for the purpose of understanding the major principles of American democracy. They will then evaluate such contemporary political theories as rational choice theory, focusing on cases from the American political process. Lastly, for those interested in international relations and U. S. foreign policies, the course will focus on the domestic political basis of U. S. foreign policy. For those who plan to specialize in American domestic politics, the course will survey recent political changes in America, focusing on political parties, elections, and major public policy issues. 201.626 서구정치연구 3-3-0 Studies in West European Politics 다양한정치체제의실험장이자모태로서의서구의정치체제에대한이해를일반이론적맥락과개별국가들의비교연구를통해증진하도록한다. 특히, 서구복지국가체제의위기와해체를둘러싼유럽정치의쟁점들과이와연동된정치적갈등구조를검토하고, 유럽연합의출범을둘러싼지역내정치변동구조를분석함으로써, 현대정치의주요한이론적쟁점들에대한이해를증진시킨다. This course seeks to improve students understanding of Western European Politics by focusing on the nature of certain experimental political systems. It will also offer a comparative study of various countries and their general theoretical contexts. Students investigate crucial events in European Politics such as the dismantling of Western European welfare states and their political ramifications. In addition, students will study the formation of the European Union and its effects on the political structure of its constituents. At the end of the course, students will reach an understanding of the major theoretical disputes in modern European politics. 201.627 일본정치연구 3-3-0 Studies in Japanese Politics 이세미나는일본이 19 세기에아시아제국중에서는가장먼저근대화를달성할수있었던요인, 제 2 차세계대전에서패한후에매우빠른경제성장을할수있었던요인, 그리고지난 10 년간일본경제가전혀성장을하지못하고정체해있는요인을일본정치의특성에서찾는대학원과목이다. This seminar examines the characteristics of Japanese politics which enabled both pre-war and post-war Japan to achieve the world s fastest economic growth. It also attempts to find the underlying cause of the Japanese economic crisis within contemporary Japanese politics. 201.628 중국정치연구 3-3-0 Studies in Chinese Politics 이과목은현대중국정치의주요주제와쟁점에대한세미나이다. 최신연구문헌을중점적으로독해하고, 그에대한깊이있는토론으로수업을진행한다. 본세미나에서다루고자하는주요토픽은중국의근대정치사, 중국혁명의기원과과정, 유산, 이데올로기와문화, 정치권력구조의주제로부터시작하여, 등소평의개혁개방이후대두하기시작한소수민족문제와민주화문제등을위시한, 중국내부의여러문제들, 그리고인접국가들및주요강대국과중국사이에서벌어지고있는국제정치적인이슈등을모두포괄한다. This graduate seminar focuses on contemporary Chinese politics. Students will be required to read relevant materials and discuss them in class. A range of topics concerning Chinese politics are addressed: historical backgrounds, the origin and development of Chinese revolution, ideology and political culture, political power structure, reform issues, problems of ethnic minorities, democratization and challenges for domestic politics, foreign policy issues, and so on. 201.630 공공선택이론연습 3-3-0 Seminar in Public Choice Theories 궁극적인사회적행위자로서의개인으로부터출발하는방법론적개인주의와, 기본가정에서결론을논리적으로추론하는연역법을체계적으로구사하여거시적사회현상의미시적기초를탐구한다. 개인이절차적합리성에따라사회및집단내에서행동할것이라는기본가정하에, 민주주의의기본원칙및결정행위에대한재고찰, 공공재분석과개인효용의집계를다루는사회후생함수문제, 선거, 투표등의정치참여활동분석, 집단행위의문제등을다룬다. This course investigates the micro-level basis of macro-level social phenomena, using methodological individualism and systematic deduction. The class will consider the basic principles and decision making process of democracy, social utility functions and their relation to public welfare, as well as the analyses of political participation such as election and voting. 201.631 고대서양정치사상 3-3-0 Ancient Western Political Thoughts 서양에서의체계적인정치적사유는그리스로부터시작된다. 정치적, 문화적공동체로서의폴리스가형성, 발전, 그리고쇠 - 115 -

퇴하는과정속에서전개된소크라테스와소피스트, 플라톤, 아리스토텔레스의사상은정치에대한풍부한이해와통찰력을내포하고있다. 본세미나는플라톤과아리스토텔레스의저작들을중심으로고전적정치사상의내용과특성을검토한다. 이를통해 정치적사유 의깊이와넓이를경험하고, 그속에내재하는긴장에대한이해를심화시킬수있을것이다. Western political thought originated in Greece, where the polis flourished as the political and cultural ideal. The success and failure of the polis set the stage for Socrates, the Sophists, Plato and Aristotle to develop their thoughts on the political sphere. This seminar examines the content and character of classical political thought with a careful reading of Plato and Aristotle. It will provide a chance to experience the breadth and depth of political thinking and to understand political conflicts. 201.632A 근대변혁이론 3-3-0 Modern Radical Theory 근대정치사상의주요한축으로서의마르크스의정치사상을헤겔을정점으로하는독일관념철학과의대결속에서검토한다. 특히, 마르크스의유물변증법의헤겔변증법에대한전복과단절을이해함으로써마르크스사상의기초로서의유물변증법에대한이해를증진시키고, 이를통해국가와시민사회에대한마르크스의정치사상의역사적, 사회적구조와그함의를고찰한다. This course examines the crucial political philosophy of Marx and his contributions to German ideological philosophy. In particular, students will improve their understanding of dialectical materialism as a critical principle of Marxist philosophy and examine its divergence from the Hegelian dialectic. Through this understanding, students consider the history and social structure of Marxist political philosophy and its implications for Nation-states and civil society. 201.633 특수지역정치연구 3-3-0 Seminar in Area Studies: Government and Politics 지역연구를활성화함으로써구미에편중된정치학연구를교정하고정치학의원류인비교정치의심화를기한다. 중남미와동남아시아, 동구등구미중심의지역연구에서주목받지못했던지역의정치체제에서의특수성을검토하고이를일반이론적맥락에서재구성한다. This course provides a comparative survey of international political systems in an effort to compensate for the preponderance of European and American perspectives. It examines the political power structures and related issues in Central and South America as well as Southeast Asia and Eastern Europe, areas which haven t received much attention due to biased political scholarship. It will further reconsider their particularity in context of general political theory. 201.634 국가론연구 3-3-0 Studies in State Theories 1970 년대이래정치학에서활성화되고있는국가에대한이론적관심과이에따른국가론논쟁을바탕으로, 현대자본주의 국가의유형및성격과그기능에대한다양한이론적입장들을분석, 검토한다. 현대국가론의주요한흐름으로서크게다원주의적국가론, 관리주의적국가론, 맑시스트국가론을대별하고, 각각의이론적전제들을검토한다. 특히, 서구의맑시스트사이에전개된다양한논쟁들을소개하고그이론적쟁점과함의를살펴본다. During the 1970 s, theories regarding the nature of the state proliferated in political science scholarship. This course analyses various theoretical positions regarding the structure and function of the modern capitalist nations. It also clarifies general classifications of pluralistic, administrative, and Marxist theories of state, investigating the theoretical principles of each theory. Additionally, it introduces various dialogues of Marxists in Western Europe, and explores the theoretical points of dispute and implication. 201.636 러시아정치연구 3-3-0 Studies in Russian Politics 본강의는러시아와동유럽국가들에서의탈공산주의이행의다양한측면들을고찰한다. 핵심주제들은민주화 / 민주적공고화, 국가건설, 경제개혁의정치학, 시장경제의건설, 민족주의와지방정부등이다. This course surveys various aspects of the post-communist transformation in Russia and Eastern European countries. Key themes will be democratization and democratic consolidation, state building, the politics of economic reform, the construction of market economies, nationalism and local government. 201.637 성과정치연구 3-3-0 Studies in Gender and Politics 본대학원세미나는성과정치에관련된다양한정치이론및페미니즘, 그리고이와연관된중요쟁점들을제시하고자한다. 이는민주화, 정보화, 세계화시대의도전과기회, 성과평등, 그리고여성정책등과관련한중요한이슈를포함한다. 뿐만아니라다양한세계국가들의역사적발전과정을비교분석하면서여성의권리와세력화가어떻게확대되어왔는지분석한다. The aim of this seminar is to present students with various feminist theories on gender and politics, and expose them to the central debates in this field. And the seminar will include the empirical and historical process of development in women s rights and power by comparing countries and draw some theoretical and empirical implications. 201.638 근대서양정치사상 3-3-0 Modern Western Political Thought 본강좌는근대정치사상의형성기인중세말로부터시작하여르네상스와종교개혁, 시민혁명시기를거쳐근대국가체제가확립되는 19 세기까지의서양정치사상의흐름을고찰한다. 이시기서양정치사상의주요고전들을강독하고토론함으로써근대정치사상의주요주제들 - 개인의출현, 정교분리, 가치관의세속화, 다원주의, 사회계약, 근대공화주의, 자유와평등의제도적조화, 민주주의등 - 에대한이해를심화하고, 그현대적의의를파악함을목표로한다. 특히강의의초점은근대자유민주주의사상의형성과변천과정에두어진다. This graduate seminar covers the modern part of - 116 -

western political thought ranging from the late Medieval period, through Renaissance, Reformation, and Civic Revolutions, to the 19th century when modern states had taken their institutional shape. With special attention to the formation and development of liberal democracy, it is intended to help graduate students deepen their understanding of main themes in modern political thought -individuality, the art of separation, secular values, pluralism, social contracts, liberal republicanism, institutional balance between liberty and equality, modern forms of democracy, etc. 201.702A 탈근대정치사상연구 3-3-0 Postmodern Political Thoughts 20 세기인류의경험은많은정치철학적문제들을제기한다. 합리성과집단적광기, 계몽과신화, 문명과야만, 개인과공동체, 자유와평등, 정의와행복, 근대성과탈근대성등의관계에대한성찰을통해우리는현대사회와정치에대한이해를심화시킬수있다. 본세미나는현대의주요정치사상가들의다양한저작들을관통하는근본적인문제의식을구명하고, 앞으로의인류사회가나아가야할방향에대한실천적관심을일깨우는것을목표로한다. The 20th century provides a fertile ground for the study of political philosophy. Rationality vs. madness, enlightenment vs. mythology, civilization vs. barbarism, and modernity vs. postmodernity are among the themes that will be reflected upon. Philosophical reflection on contradictory issues and experiences should deepen our understanding of the current political situation. This seminar aims to illuminate underlying dilemmas of contemporary political thinkers, and stimulate practical interest in the direction of the future. 201.704A 탈근대변혁이론 3-3-0 Postmodern Radical Theory 소련의체코침공등에영향을받아이미 1960 년대에맑스주의의위기가제창되고, 현실사회주의체제의붕괴로그위기가돌이킬수없는것으로판명된이후맑스주의에대한논의는오늘날한편으로는고전적맑스주의의문제의식을재발굴하고재강조하는방향으로, 다른한편으로는그와는반대로고전적맑스주의의내적모순과한계등을반성적으로성찰하고다른이론적조류들의합리적핵심들을수용하는방향으로전개되고있다. 본강의는맑스주의의위기속에서맑스주의쇄신과전화를위한이러한제반이론적노력들이오늘날어떻게이루어지고있으며, 그런노력들속에서어떤주제들이주요한쟁점으로등장하고있는가를포괄적으로이해하고비판적으로평가하는데에목적을둔다. 나아가본강의는현대맑스주의와비맑스주의적인다른이론적조류들과의관계등에대해서도다룰것이다. The crisis of Marxism had already been identified in the 1960s during the USSR s invasion of Czechoslovakia. That crisis proved to have caused irrevocable damage as shown by the collapse of socialism. Since then, contemporary Marxist discourse has, on the one hand, developed in the direction of rediscovering and reemphasizing critical principles of classical Marxism. On the other hand, it also developed in the opposite direction by focusing on the intrinsic limits and contradictions in classical Marxism, accepting the rational core of different theoretical currents. This course aims to understand how such theoretical endeavors to transform or revise Marxist theory are accomplished in response to this crisis. Also, the course evaluates primary issues and addresses the relationships between contemporary Marxism and the theories of Non- Marxism. 201.705A 근대 - 탈근대비교민주주의 3-3-0 Comparative Democratic Studies in Modern & Postmodern Context 본강의는근대대의민주주의의원리와속성, 다양한제도적패턴, 문제점들에대하여학생들이기초적지식을습득하도록하고, 이를바탕으로최근많이논의되고있는세계화및정보화시대에민주주의가겪고있는도전과변화, 대의민주주의의한계를극복하기위해제안되고있는참여민주주의론, 결사체민주주의론, 심의민주주의론등에대해서학습하도록한다. This course reviews the nature, principles and institutional patterns of modern democracy. It also examines the challenges and triumphs of modern democracy in the era of globalization and the information age. In addition, the course critically reviews theories of participatory, associative and deliberative democracy that have all been suggested as alternatives to the limitations of representative democracy. 201.803 대학원논문연구 3-3-0 Reading and Research 현재학위를준비하고있는연구자들과의지속적인세미나를통해자신의논문을검토비판할수있는기회를부여하고논문의수준을높인다. This course is a seminar for researchers from the department s doctoral program. It allows students to engage in critical study and discussion in the subject of political science. compare conflicting views of various theorists on the origin, function and role of the State. - 117 -