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문화 축제로서의 동계올림픽의 신화적 상징과 위상* 29) 국문초록...... * KU. ** 2013 11 26 20. 2018. ***

....,...... 열쇠어: 동계올림픽, 원형, 시간, 공간, 중심, 물, 불, 상징, 원리, 신년제의....,. 120. 1). 1) Cartledge, P., "The Greek religious festivals", in Greek Religion and Society, Cambridge University Press, 1985, pp.98-99:,, 73, 2013, 282. 214 38

. 2). 3). 4).,.. 5) (panhellenic festivals),,,,. 776 393. (Pelops), 2) (synodoi), (panegyris), (heorte).. Mikalson, J.D., The Heorte of Heortology, Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies, 1982, p.213. 3), (thysia)... cf. Mikalson, J.D., ibid., 1982, p.213. 4),, 69, 234, 235. 5),, 249.,..,,. 215

(Herakles). 6).. 7).. (arete)...?. 8) (agon).. 9). 10) 6) Apollodoros, Bibliotheke, 2.7.2. 7) Homeros, Ilias, 23.257ff. 8) Cartledge, P., "The Greek religious festivals", in Greek Religion and Society, Cambridge University Press, 1985, p.101. 9),, 73 3, 2013, 294-295. 10),, 73 3, 2013, 219. 216 38

,. 11)...,,., (agathon). 12),,..,,.,.. (heorte). 13),,. 11) Nietzsche, Kritische Studienausgabe in 15 Bande, Munchen, 1980, 1.790. 12) Platon, Nomoi, 738d. 13). Mikalson, J.D., ibid., 1982, p.218. 217

12 12 (heorte) (thyontas), (chorous), (agonas mousukous), (agonas gymnikous). 14) (heorte),,,. 15).,,... 16)...... 14) Platon, Nomoi, 828b-c. 15) Aristoteles, Rhetorike, 1380b. 16) Platon, Nomoi, 2.653d. 218 38

.... 17)..,...,,.. 18) 17).,, 40, 2009. 18),, 285, 294. 219

..............,....... 19) 19), 220 38

..................... 20),,,.,. Eliade, M., Patterns in Comparative Religion,,,, 1996, 503. 20) (Horai). (Themis).... 221

. (Persephone). (Demeter). (Eleusis)..,,. 21)......,,...., 21) Homeric Hymn to Ceres, 2. 222 38

. 1924 4 1 2. 2....?.,.... (metri) (dechomenon). 22).....,,,,. 22) Platon, Timaeos, 50d. ὶ ὴ ὶ ά έ ὸ ὲ ό ί, ὸ ὅ ί, ὴ ὲ ὺ ύ ύ ἐ ό ῳ, ῆ ί ὡς ὐ ἂ ἄ ς, ἐ ώ ς ἔ έ ς ἰ ῖ ί ά ς ί ς, ῦ ὐ ὸ ἐ ᾧ ἐ ύ ἐ ί έ ἂ έ ὖ, ὴ ἄ ὂ ἐ ί ἁ ῶ ῶ ἰ ῶ ὅ ς. 223

?,..... 23).... (eidos) (ergon) (to einai).,. 24).,,,,... 23).. Eliade, M., The Sacred and the Profane,,,, 1983, 17. 24)... (chora),. cf. Platon, Timaeos, 49a. 50d. 224 38

....,....,,. 25). (Horeb), (Sinai). 26).... (Olympos) 27), 25) 1, 古 記 云 昔 有 桓 因 ( 謂 帝 釋 也 ) 庶 子 桓 雄 數 意 天 下 貪 求 人 世 父 知 子 意 下 視 三 危 太 伯 可 以 弘 益 人 間... 26) Bible, Exodus, 3: 1-12, 19:16-25. 27) Homeros, Odysseia, 6.41-5..,,,,.. 225

(Kronos) (Ide). (Kithairon), 28) (Ide). 29).. (Zion), (Olives) (Galvary), (Mecca), (Ziguraat), (Meru), (Kun-Lun), (Tai-Baik), (Fuji). (Delphoi), (Golgotha). 30),.....,,,.. 28) Euripides, Phoenissae, 24.. 29) Euripides. Troiades. 921.. 30). (Sinai), (Horeb), (Tabor), (Garizim), (Carmel). 226 38

.,..,..,....,.. /,... 31) 31),,.,,,,.,, 227

... 32) ( 五 行 ). ( 水 ), ( 火 ), ( 木 ), ( 金 ), ( 土 ) ( 水 ).. 33).....,....?..,,,,,. ( 尙 書, 洪 範 ) 32),, 31, 37-41. 33) 土 木, 火 金, 水. 木, 火 土 金, 水.(, " ", 25 2011, 171 ) 228 38

,......... 12 20.. 34)...... 34) 12.. 3. 229

,. 1936. (Olympia)....... 35)... 36).,,... 35) Hesiodos, Theogonia, 565 ff; Hesiodos, Erga kai Hemerai, 50ff. 36),, 38, 138-140.... (150 ) 230 38

..,.. (trickster)...,. (Xanthos). (Hephaistos). 37).,. 38) 37) Homeros, Ilias, 21.330ff. (Skamandros)...,. 38) Homeros, Ilias, 18.369ff. 231

... (omphalos), (hestia).. 39),,,,.... (Hestia koine). 40)... (Prytaneum).... 39) Vernant, J.P., Mythe et pensée chez les Grecs,,,, 2005, 248. 40) Vernant, J.P., 249. (Vesta).. 232 38

...... (agon).....,,.. 233

..... 2018........ 234 38

...,....,. 235

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,,,, 1998. Evans, Arthur, The God of Ecstasy, St. Martin's Press, 1988. Ferguson, John, Among The Gods, Routledge, 1989. Hesiod, Theogony, Works and Days, trans. by Glenn W. Most, Loeb Classical Library, Harvard University Press, 2007. Homer, Homeri Opera, rec. T. W. Allen, -, Oxford, 1917-1919.,,,, 1996., Homeri Opera, rec. T. W. Allen, -, Oxford, 1956.,,,, 1996., Homeric Hymns, Homeric Apocrypha, Lives of Homer, trans. by West, M.L. Loeb Classical Library, Harvard University Press, 2003. Harrison, J. E., Prolegomena to the Study of Greek Religion, Cambridge University Press, 1922., Themis: A Study of the Social Origins of Greek Religion, The World Publishing Company, 1927. Karl Kerenyi, The Heroes of The Greeks, Thames and Hudson, 1959., The Gods of the Greeks, :.,,,, 2002., Dionysos: Archetypal Image of Indestructible Life, Princeton U.P., 1976., Eleusis: Archetypal Image of Mother and Daughter, Schocken Books, 1967. Kirk, G.S., The Nature of Greek Myths, Penguin Books, 1974. Mikalson, J.D., Greek Popular Religion in Greek Philosophy, Oxford University Press, 2010., Ancient Greek Religion, Blackwell, 2005., The "Heorte" of Heortology, Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies, 1982. More, P.E., The Religion of Plato, Kraus Reprint Co., 1970. Parker, Robert, On Greek Religion, Cornell University Press, 2011. Pausanias, Description of Greece, tr. by W.H.S. Jones, The Loeb Classical Library, Harvard University Press, 1935. Pedley, John, Sanctuaries and The Sacred in the Ancient Greek World, Cambridge University Press, 2005. Platon, The Republic of Plato, James Adam(ed), Cambridge University Press, 1902. 237

, The Republic, trans. by Shorey, Paul, Loeb Classical Library, Harvard University Press, 1971., Politeia,,,, 1997., Laws, trans. by Bury, R.G. Loeb Classical Library, Harvard University Press, 1926., Nomoi,,,, 2009., Plato's Cosmology: The Timaeus of Plato, F. M. Cornford (trans), Routledge Kegan Paul, 1937., A Commentary on Plato's Timaeus, Taylor, A.E.A.(ed), Clarendon Press, 1928.,,,,. 2000. Price, Simon, Religions of The Ancient Greeks, Cambridge University Press, 1999. Snell, Bruno, Die Entdeckung des Geistes,,,, 1994. Vernant, J. P., Mythe pensee chez les Grecs,,,, 2005. 238 38

Mythical Symbol and Status of Winter Olympics as Cultural Festival Chang, Young-ran Winter Olympics has a sub-image as compared to the Summer Olympics. It inherits the tradition of the Modern Olympic Games that has been revived from the Ancient Olympic Games. In this paper, I try to present the theoretical foundation to improve the status of the Winter Olympics for analyzing the symbol of fire and water, which is a main principle and symbol of the space and time presented in the Winter Olympics. First, the Winter Olympics is held in the winter, when human activity is reduced. I think that Winter Olympics is necessity for complementing the main features of ancient rituals New Year. It can be strengthen the dynamic aspects of winter season more actively, and will be restore the primitive vitality to be open a new era. Then it is possible to share the essential aspects of the festival. Secondly, the typical space of the Winter Olympics is a mountain. It is a sacred space where heaven and earth meet, and is a center of the universe. The site of the Winter Olympics is shared a symbolic aspects as a navel(omphaols) of the all world, and as a unified principle of everything. Lastly, It is a "water" as well as fire if we would represented the symbol principle of the Winter Olympics by the material image. There are snow and ice as symbol elements of the Winter Olympics." The principle of "fire" has the power that can make water to live at winter. The principle of water has the function of fertility and has eternal power as source of life. However, snow and ice has potentially life-force in nature. It is the principle of "fire" that can make a source of vitality again. The ancient ritual New Year played an important role in recovering 239

the primordial life-force of the universe, and establishing a new order of life. It is expected that Winter Olympics may be made to stimulate the disabled season of winter, and to promote its regenerative power, and to live a life dynamically. Key Words: winter olympic, festival, omphalos, water, fire, symbol, archetype 240 38