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Vol.258 C O N T E N T S M O N T H L Y P U B L I C F I N A N C E F O R U M

아태연구(송석원) hwp


265 289 311 331 351 353 355

CONTENTS The compatible relationship between animal ethics and scientific creativity: Focusing on several cases in ethnology Ha, Dae-Cheong Study on A Patient's Best Interest CHOE Ji-Yoon Weighting the Pros and Cons of Genetic Engineering Kang Cheul Comparisons of the knowledge and attitudes toward stem cells between medical and life science students Hee-Jung Kim 265 289 311 331

265 researcher's social responsibility good

266 science integral STS: Science and Technology Studies; Science, Technology and Society


268 practices ANT Bruno Latour Isabelle Stengers Vinciane Despret Donna Harraway

269 representation re-presentation correspondence transformation translation representation representation

270 disinterested interesting interest interesting nonhuman interest interest interest disinterested Cosmopolitics

271 interest available world interesting subjectivity interest interest true articulated

272 well-articulated

273 becomings judges care-takers becoming interesting recalcitrance we are allowed to speak interestingly by what we allow to speak interestingly

274 care-taker ethology animal research

275 invasive rat McClintock Alder progestational reflex Barfield

276 Geyer disinterested interesting Thelma Rowell Jane Goodall Dianne Fossey Birute Galdikas Shirely Strum

277 sheepish



280 becoming with articulated IQ


282 becoming with mundane

283 companion species mundane reasons sharing suffering

284 common world

285 pineal gland


287 animal ethics scientific creativity compatibility of ethics and science practical epistemology ethology

Abstract The compatible relationship between animal ethics and scientific creativity: Focusing on several cases in ethnology Ha, Dae-Cheong How can the attention to bioethics be compatible with the pursue of scientific creativity and productivity? In this article, I explore the possibility of this compatibility through the redefinition of scientific practices. The dominant discourses in animal ethics haven t taken scientific practices into account seriously even if it contributed much to understanding animal rights. I examine major points made by STS scholars, Bruno Latour, Isabelle Stengers and Vincianne Despret, Donna Haraway, which I call practical epistemology. From those works, I try to reconfigure what scientific practices really are and should be, which is summarized as these four themes; (1) From representation to re-presentation (2) from disinterested to interesting (3) from true to articulated (4) from judges to care-takers. And then I show that these themes in this practical epistemology apply well to several researches in ethology, such as McClintock s study of rat, Rowell s sheep, Pepperberg s parrot. I also argue that this practical epistemology can channel animal ethics into its adjustment toward the attention to scientific practices, becomings of animals and humans, companionship between them. Most important, thanks to this practical epistemology, one doesn t have to only choose between ethics and science but can choose both. In the end, I introduce my personal experience of an animal research in a laboratory and carefully suggest that animal ethics in the context of invasive animal researches can also obtain some insight from this practical epistemology.

289 best interest

290 surrogate welfare House Of Lords




294 AIDS



297 experiential interest critical interest





302 A A A A A A A A A A A A

303 A A A A A A A A


305 semicoma)



308 sanctity of life dignity of human patients best interest experiential interest critical interest

Abstract Study on A Patient's Best Interest CHOE Ji-Yoon This study aims at trying to identify what the surrogate decision making for a dying patient s interest is on the basis of Ronald Dworkin s theory. Incompetent patients are not able to make decision about their own treatments which undoubtedly count for much. Someone among the patient's family or friends should decide whether life-sustaining treatment is continued or stopped. But surely the surrogate doesn t have to decide arbitrary the determination of the patient. The surrogate decision making should be based on the patient s interest. However, what is the interest? And what is the patient s best interest? What is the surrogate decision making for the dying patient s interest? How do we know what determination regards the patient s interest? Dworkin said that a human being has experiential interests and critical interests. And seeking of the patient s best interest means that we respect his or her critical interests related to his faith, standard of value, and identity. Therefore the surrogate should try to understand patient s critical interests in order to find out best determination regarding the dying patient s best interest. Also if the dignity of human is an indispensable value of his or her whole life, we can accept a little early death as the only means to keep the patient s dignity. According to Dworkin s opinion, in some cases, the sanctity of life is supported rather than destroyed by euthanasia.

311 enhance transhuman

312 Julian Savulescu John Harris Nick Bostrom Eric Juengst Allen Buchanan F. Fukuyama George Annas J. Habermas Michael Sandel Leon Kass Erik Parens Norman Daniels Frances Kamm germ-line modification good consequentialism

313 nonconsequentialism

314 cautionary criticism DNA

315 DNA transgenic animals

316 moral status human right threshold concept moral entitlements


318 moral perspective A B A B A B A

319 B B B A B Sovereign Virtue

320 A B B B

321 double counting incentive flourishing A


323 unnatural selection giftness


325 rational model social intutionist model

326 inheritable gene


328 within our power

329 genetic engineering natural luck human nature value system

Abstract Weighting the Pros and Cons of Genetic Engineering Kang Cheul This article examines the value system of the pros and cons of genetic engineering and reveals the differences between their value systems. We will see the conflicting attitudes between pro-enhancement group and anti-enhancement group toward human nature, natural luck, and gene transfer techniques. I will suggest three different strategies concerning natural luck, that is the strategy of diminishing, nullifying and liberating the effects of natural luck. In my effort to illuminate the sharply opposing attitudes between the proponents and critics of enhancement technologies, I want to make a small contribution toward helping us to understand the nature of genetic engineering.

331 stem cell McCulloch Till embryo stem cell adult stem cell

332 Shinya ips HFEA


334 Likert Chronbach s SPSS/WIN t 2 2 t Scheffe s test





339 ips


341 Dawson Schibeci




345 Dawson Schibeci Grady Salli Longstaff

346 SPSS/WIN t 2 Scheffe s test


348 stem cell knowledge attitude bioethics

Abstract Comparisons of the Knowledge and Attitudes toward Stem Cells between Medical and Life Science Students Hee-Jung Kim This article reports on a study designed to assess the knowledge and attitudes toward stem cells among medical and life science students. The subjects consisted of 261 medical students and 264 life science students. The instrument used was a self-reporting Likert-type questionnaire consisting of 56 assumptions related to stem cells. In the knowledge level toward stem cell, knowledge score of all subjects was 56.43 18.29, medical student s knowledge score(62.53 17.53) was higher than life science student's that(50.39 16.98)(p=.00). The score of some items needs further improvement. In the attitude score toward stem cell, there was no difference between two groups. But, it showed different responses by topic, and in particular adult stem cell research and embryonic stem cell. According to the sources of information, experience of stem cell education, religion, knowledge level was differ. And attitude score was differ according to the religion, participation level of religious activity, intention of ovum donation. Furthermore, there is an need to develop well-designed and integrating stem cell education program that could providing not only delivery of knowledge but also promotion of bioethical decision making for students.

351 3 4 30 8 30 12 30 3 15 7 15 11 15 1 6 2 1 2 3 4

352 1 3 1

353 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 2 3 4 5

354 3 2 1 1 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 3

355 A4 35mm 30mm 30mm 11 10 160 15 1 2 3 2 2 3 1

356 3 4 4

ISSN 1976-3719 Bioethics Policy Studies Vol.3 No.3 December 2009 ISSN 1976-3719 Publisher Young-Min CHANG Editor Young-Min CHANG Published by Bioethics Policy Research Center Institute for Biomedical Law & Ethics Ewha Womans University #562 Central Library B/D 11 1, Daehyun dong, Seodaemun gu, Seoul 120 750, Korea Tel: +82 2 3277 4227 Fax: +82 2 3277 4221 E mail: bprc bprc.re.kr www.bprc.re.kr

265 289 311 331 www.bprc.re.kr