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004 go to bed 잠자리에 들다 He went to bed early last night. 그는 지난밤 일찍 잠자리에 들었다. 유의어 go to sleep, fall asleep 잠들다 005 listen to n ~을 (귀 기울여) 듣다 week 1 I lik

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여: 좋습니다. 샐러드도 같이 드시겠어요? 남: 어떤 종류의 샐러드가 있나요? 여: 양상추와 토마토 샐러드만 있습니다. 남: 아, 아뇨, 그거면 됐습니다. 그냥 피자만 시킬게요. 여: 네. 6개들이 탄산음료 한 팩도 드릴까요? 남: 괜찮습니다. 여: 알겠습니다. 주방장

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하나님의 선한 손의 도우심 이세상에서 가장 큰 축복은 하나님이 나와 함께 하시는 것입니다. 그 이 유는 하나님이 모든 축복의 근원이시기 때문입니다. 에스라서에 보면 하나님의 선한 손의 도우심이 함께 했던 사람의 이야기 가 나와 있는데 에스라 7장은 거듭해서 그 비결을

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7 1 ( 12 ) ( 1912 ) 4. 3) ( ) 1 3 1, ) ( ), ( ),. 5) ( ) ). ( ). 6). ( ). ( ).


May 2014 BROWN Education Webzine vol.3 감사합니다. 그리고 고맙습니다. 목차 From Editor 당신에게 소중한 사람은 누구인가요? Guidance 우리 아이 좋은 점 칭찬하기 고맙다고 말해주세요 Homeschool [TIP] Famil


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2 KHU 글로벌 기업법무 리뷰 제2권 제1호 또 내용적으로 중대한 위기를 맞이하게 되었고, 개인은 흡사 어항 속의 금붕어 와 같은 신세로 전락할 운명에 처해있다. 현대정보화 사회에서 개인의 사적 영역이 얼마나 침해되고 있는지 는 양 비디오 사건 과 같은 연예인들의 사

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6 영상기술연구 실감하지 못했을지도 모른다. 하지만 그 이외의 지역에서 3D 영화를 관람하기란 그리 쉬운 일이 아니다. 영화 <아바타> 이후, 티켓 파워에 민감한 국내 대형 극장 체인들이 2D 상영관을 3D 상영관으로 점차적으로 교체하는 추세이긴 하지만, 아직까지는 관

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해외취업 가이드



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정진명 남재원 떠오르고 있다. 배달앱서비스는 소비자가 배달 앱서비스를 이용하여 배달음식점을 찾고 음식 을 주문하며, 대금을 결제까지 할 수 있는 서비 스를 말한다. 배달앱서비스는 간편한 음식 주문 과 바로결제 서비스를 바탕으로 전 연령층에서 빠르게 보급되고 있는 반면,

CD The new academic year is starting soon and I need to set new goals. You finally realized that you ve been slacking off too much, huh? I m a senior

소식지도 나름대로 정체성을 가지게 되는 시점이 된 거 같네요. 마흔 여덟번이나 계속된 회사 소식지를 가까이 하면서 소통의 좋은 점을 배우기도 했고 해상직원들의 소탈하고 소박한 목소리에 세속에 찌든 내 몸과 마음을 씻기도 했습니다. 참 고마운 일이지요 사람과 마찬가지로



바르게 읽는 성경

pdf 16..

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泰 東 古 典 硏 究 第 24 輯 이상적인 정치 사회의 구현 이라는 의미를 가지므로, 따라서 천인 합일론은 가장 적극적인 경세의 이론이 된다고 할 수 있다. 권근은 경서의 내용 중에서 현실 정치의 귀감으로 삼을 만한 천인합일의 원칙과 사례들을 발견하고, 이를 연구하여




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레이아웃 1


( ) ) ( )3) ( ) ( ) ( ) 4) 1915 ( ) ( ) ) 3) 4) 285




A N W E R & E X P L A N A T I O N

18 (During this period ~ to complete my memoirs.) Now that I have completed my term as president 1 1 O1 and shall no longer be engaged in the business of government, 2 // I look forward to enjoying the pleasures [that remain to me]. During this period of rest [that I have so long wished for], / I am determined to complete my memoirs. During now that sinceterm[t ; m] no longer be engaged in look forward to v-ing be determined to-v set[give] an example consequence[k nsikw ns] conduct[k nd<kt] recklessness[rèklisnis] commencement [k mènsm nt] achievement[ t í;vm nt] 19 Edward ~, was playing music loud enough to shake the walls and windows. enough to-vv v After that, / Edward went back to his apartment / feeling proud of himself / because he had taken a firm stand and (he had) let O the newcomer OC know that loud music was not going to be tolerated. know pounding[paundi\] drive A crazy tenant[tèn nt] turn down embarrassed[imb r st] take a firm stand tolerate[t lâréit] thump[^<mp] 20 awaken[ wèikân] others marathons others draw drawing a large number of sothat fewrunners alike young and old alike ~, but there are plenty of others(= marathons) [held in other cities and even in small towns], / drawing many thousands of participants. keep fit a way of life regularly[règjul li] work out weight training run on a treadmill cross-training marathon[m r ^ n] organizer[ ; g nàiz ] participate[p ; tísipéit] cf. participant[p ; tísip nt] draw[dr ;] (drew-drawn) aim to-v wheelchair[ wí;lt ] 21 grabbedjumpedbegan and yelling 2

The woman grabbed a long stick ~, jumped into the crocodile pen and began walking towards Daisy, yelling Give me my handbag! byuntil by until ince ince then wildlife[wáildlàif] snap at snatch[snæt ] grab[græb] pen[pen] 22 ~; therefore, a tired driver [who has had a drink] will be more dangerous than a well-rested driver [who has had the same]. deprivation[déprivèi Ân] cf. deprive[dipráiv] motorist[móut rist] a series of virtual-reality penalty[pènâlti] discourage A from v-ing alcoholic[ lk h (;)lik] fatigue[f tí;g] estimated [èst méitid] 23 ~; we enjoy reading books [that are ours] much more than books [(that) we borrow]. A good reason for marking passages / in your books is that it helps O you OC to remember those significant parts and OC to find them more quickly / when you need to. that is that help+o+oc(tov) to and to to find available[ vèil bl] formal[f ; mâl] etiquette [ètikét] casualness[k,uâlnis] cf. casual A, not B place a book face down significant[signífik nt] 24 He o, the daughter-in-law ~ their meals together. ometimes, if they ~ as he ate alone. tremble[trèmbl] cf. shaky[ èiki] badly[b dli] eyesight[áisàit] blur[bl ; ] spill[spil] have had enough of daughter-in-law glance[glæns] humiliated[ ju;míliéitid] sorrowful[s ro fl] 25 Yet much ~. 3

They can lend an air of authority to our opinions, and (they) make what we say sound like common sense. and make+o+oc OC sound We tell someone [who is undecided] He who hesitates 1 1 IO1 DO1 is lost, and (we tell) Look before you leap to someone [who (we think) is acting too boldly]. and tell A B tell B to A we think proverb[pr v ; b] cf. proverbial[pr vá; bi l] enduring [ind ùâri\] belief[bilí;f] distinctive [distí\appletiv] air of authority[ ^ ;r ti] common sense hesitate[hèzitéit] leap[li;p] boldly [bóuldli] absence[ bsâns] fond[f nd] spoil [sp il] broth[br (;)^] universal[jú;nivá; sâl] permanent[pá; m n nt] beneficial[bén fí Âl] contradictory[k ntr díktâri] 26 1 1 owhen feel ignored. And when he speaks to her, // he can get the impression that she is overacting [with all her noises], and (that she is) only pretending to listen. tend to-v O2 get the impression (that) overact[òuv r kt] indicate[índikéit] O1 2 O2 OC2 27 Therefore For example Your motivation needs to be tied closely to how O you are compensated, or paid, for your work. needs be tied to A A to A how Therefore, / discovering O what motivates different people is key / to encouraging happiness and productivity. C A is key to BAB to motivate[móutivéit] cf. motivation[mòutivèi Ân] politician[p l tí Ân] chase after profit[pr fit] selfless[sèlflis] virtuous[vá; t u s] ideal[aidí;âl] boredom[b ; d m] frustration[fr<strèi Ân] idleness[áidlnis] compensate [k mp nséit] likewise[láikwàiz] productivity[pròud<ktív ti] slide[slaid] encourage[inká;rid,] potential [po tèn Âl] workplace[wá; kpléis] 28 4

You could have saved yourself three dollars. You could have told me that the older girl is six; ~. could have p.p. ~ But Marianne and Kate would have known it wasn t the truth. would have p.p. admission[ dmí Ân] for free truth[tru;^] make sure (that) feel sorry for set an example 29 bigwig The more ~ people s heads. bigwig bigwig bigwig bigwig This is (the place) where we got the word bigwig, / which is an expression [that makes fun of people [who think they re important]]. where the place whichthat who take a bath unwashed[>nw t] stink[stí\k] louse[laus] cf.lice wig[wig] fashionable [f Ân bâl] increasingly[inkrí;si\li] costly [k ;stli] 30 He says (that) there is strong evidence that O eating certain foods may stop O the overgrowth problem // before it begins, / thereby preventing cancer // before it begins, = the overgrowth problem = cancer too. strong evidence that thereby thereby v-ing People [whose diets are ~ and garlic] have a greatly O reduced risk [of developing this blood vessel problem], ~. He also cites a Harvard chool of Public Health study O [involving 79,000 men], which showed / that eating two to three servings [of cooked tomatoes] a week reduces O a man s risk = per week [of developing prostate cancer] by 40-50%. whicha Harvard ~ 79,000 men by e.g. House prices went up by cancer[k ns ] cf. prostate cancer oxygen[ ksid,ân] nutrient[n ù;tri nt] blood vessel out of control expert[èksp ; t] overgrowth[óuv gròu^] thereby [" bái] diet[dái t] cf. go[be] on a diet high in reduce[rid ù;s] risk[risk] cite [sait] involve[inv lv] serving [sá; vi\] latest[lèitist] medication [médikèi Ân] 31 pessimisticoptimistic optimistic excitement monotony 5

literallyliberally literally A lot of people [who visit zoos] think that O everything [the animals do ] from the monkey [throwing its poo] to the tiger [walking back and forth in front of them] is nothing but C a friendly and welcoming performance. that think from A to BA B Well fed, well housed, and well protected from natural enemies, / the zoo animal [in its super-welfare-state existence] is [in many cases] quite literally dying from boredom. Well fednatural enemies the zoo anima feedhouseprotect back and forth nothing but onlywelcoming [wèlk mi\] performance[p f ; m ns] interpretation[intá; pr téi Ân] caged[keid,d] behavior[bihèivj ] survival[s váivâl] relative[rèl tiv] threaten[^rètn] feed[fi;d] house[hauz] protect A from B natural enemy welfare[wèlf ] existence[igzístâns] quite[kwait] boredom[b ; d m] 32 diverselimited, restricted, narrow Twin sisters ~ their online protest group and blog, / calledpink tinks!, // to let people know / that pink toys send O OC O narrow messages [about what it means to be a girl]. called Pink tinks! to let know know that protest[próutest] call for boycott[b ik t] stock[st k] hold A back stink[stí\k] narrow[n rou] argue that preference for inborn[ìnb ; n] educational[èd,ukéi nâl] theme[^i;m] contrast A with B diverse[divá; s] option[ p Ân] 33 possession ownership Consequently Thus For instance Possession is nine-tenths of the law is a saying C [that suggests that just having a thing [in your possession] is almost C the same as legally owning it]. suggest that is the same as ~, it gives people the idea that if they just hold onto a IO DO thing, / it will be hard for the real owner to get it back, / which will make the thing theirs. the idea that that if + whichif back Just imagine // how hard it would be to get your piano O back from somebody [who has been looking after it for you / for ten years]. how imagine have been v-ing for ten years possession[p zè Ân] cf. possess[p zès] suggest that legally[lí;gâli] cf. legal own[oun] cf. owner[óun ] ownership[óun ìp] hold onto imagine[im d,in] look after moreover [m ;róuv ] 6

term[t ; m] confused[k nfjù;zd] definitely[dèf nitli] 34 It s taken up by the station s ventilation system and (is) used to heat underground tanks [filled with water]. be used to-vv used to-v v freezing[fri;zi\] way[wei] cf. way down the road hundreds of thousands of commuter[k mjù;t ] cf. commute rush hour pipe[paip] take up ventilation[vènt léi Ân] underground[=nd gràund] be filled with incorporate A into B overheating[òuv hí;ti\] biofuel[báio fjú(;) l] generate[d,èn réit] power supply 35 If successfulin poverty. / to prevent blindness], and tomatoes [with built-in protection against diarrhea in babies] ~. see and If (they were) successful, these vitamin- and vaccineloaded fruits and vegetables could save many lives and (could) improve the health of millions of people [living in poverty]. 2 Ifbethey were they these vegetables hepatitis[hép táitis] liver[lív ] disease[dizí;z] illness vaccine[v ksi(;)n] consist of dose[dous] researcher[risá; t ] drive down before long inject[ind,èkt] edible[èd bâl] malaria[m l Âri ] blindness[bláindnis] cf. blind[blaind] built-in protection[pr tèk Ân] diarrhea[dài rí; ] vaccine-loaded cf. load[loud] improve [imprù;v] poverty[p v ti] 36 FIFA FIFA As France was (both host ~ competition) in 1998, / (C) Germany was both host [of the World Cup] and the eventual C winner [of the competition] in 2006. As C C both A and BA B Unfortunately, 2010 was the first year / in the entire period [to see O a host nation, / outh Africa, / OC fail to reach the second round]. see+o+oco OC O OC OC v v-ing p.p. performance[p f ; m ns] cf. perform host nation cf. co-host chart[t ; t] period [píâri d] end up v-ing win the championship cf. championship[t mpi n ìp] make it eventual[ivènt u l] O2 1 O1 1 Before long, // we may also see potatoes [injected with edible vaccines / to prevent malaria], rice [filled with vitamin A 7

37 (The wagon cook ~ were never carried) (settlers traveling ~ of North America) Chuck wagon Chuck wagon was the name [given to the wagon [that carried food and cooking supplies / for settlers [traveling in wagon trains / across the great plains of North America]]]. chuck wagon supply[s plái] settler[sètl ] feed[fi;d] logger[l ;g ] remote[rimóut] refrigeration [rifrìd, rèi Ân] stew[st u;] 38 serve as headquarters[hèdkw ; t z] in the event of devastating[dèv stéiti\] fuel[fjù; l] cf. refuel airborne[ b ; n] cf. in midair aircraft[ kr ft] on occasion(s) smash[smæ ] windshield [wínd ì;ld] 39 Part of ~ be said. presume that state[steit] sensitive[sèns tiv] plain[plein] in the hope that[of] keep v-ing turn down break[breik] commercial [k má; Âl] indirect[ìndirèkt] costly[k ;stli] secondhand[sék ndh nd] 40 Clearly, advertisements [for potentially harmful products [that have become so popular / among young women / for fat reduction and body shaping]] should be regulated by law. There is surely a need [for government authorities to categorize slimming substances as drugs / rather than as foodstuffs or cosmetics] / to ensure that they(= slimming substances) undergo proper clinical trials. a need toto categorize cosmetics for government authorities to ensure slimming[slími\] legislation[léd,islèi Ân] substance[s=bstâns] regulate[règjuléit] manufacturer[m njuf kt r ] warning[w ; ni\] side effect surely[ ù li] authority[ ^ ;r ti] categorize[classify] A as B A rather than B foodstuff[fù;dst>f] cosmetics[k zmètiks] ensure that undergo[>nd góu] proper[pr p ] appropriateclinical trial reclassify[ri;kl sifài] cf. classification[kl sifikèi Ân] 41 8

The bill is worth U $620, which makes O it OC very attractive to drug gangs and other criminals // because it lets them carry around large amounts of cash. O OC which gang[gæ\] rob A of B exchange rate 42 DIY ince you won t ~ fragrances, // you won t have to worry about allergies or the even worse harm [that these chemicals can do to your body]. ince that perfume[pá; fju;m] ingredient[ingrí;di nt] no more than onlyprice tag packaging[p kid,i\] definitely[dèf nitli] brand-name blending [blèndi\] fragrance[frèigr ns] pure[pju ] essence [èsâns] preservative[prizá; v tiv] do harm chemical [kèmikâl] industrial[ind=stri l] occasion[ kèi,ân] herbal[hárb l] DIY do-it-yourself 43 As he lay there, / still frightened by the dream, / he recalled those spears [with the oddly placed holes] and suddenly 1 realized: ~. 2 still frightened by the dream frustrating[fr=streiti\] invent[invènt] cf. invention[invèn Ân] sewing machine lie[lai] frighten[fráitn] recall[rik ;l] spear[spi ] oddly[ dli] needle[ní;dl] turn A into B savage[s vid,] surround[s ráund] eye-shaped tip[tip] capture [k pt ] murder[má; d ] desperately[dèspâr tli] produce[pr d ù;s] 44 O1 quality of liferainy days life s riches 9

ome people feel // that it s very important to save everything, and to get the very last drop of value out of even those things [that cost very little, such as soap]. Only then do they think (that) it s okay to open a fresh bar. Only then affect[ fèkt] quality of life a bar of soap cf. bar[b ; ] constantly [k nstântli] abundance[ b=nd ns] creamy[krí;mi] toss A out 45 A person s right ~ with ag then the decision ~ anybody s age. ~, so judging people / unfairly on the basis of their age is just as wrong as doing it / on the basis of nationality, gender, or race. as as... A person s right / to fair treatment and equal employment opportunity] does not lessen with age. It may indeed be true / that an older worker has, say, O less strength / than a younger worker. It may be true that say If less strength makes the older one less fit for the O OC particular job, / then the decision [not to employ that worker] should be based on the younger worker s greater suitability 1 and (should) not (be based) on anybody s age. 2 the elderly the youngindication[ìndikèi Ân] unfairly[>nfè li] on the basis of nationality[n Ân l ti] gender[d,ènd ] potential [po tèn Âl] employee[impl ii;] cf. employment employ merit[mèrit] universal [jú;nivá; sâl] principle[príns pl] equality[i(;)kw l ti] fair treatment lessen[lèsn] be based on suitability[sùt bíl ti] evaluate[iv ljuéit] on the grounds of truthful[trù;^fl] qualified[kw l fàid] confident [k nfidânt] 46-47 putting your mind ~ what happens tep up to success You can take charge of your circumstances and O what happens in your life // when you stop searching for targets [to 1 blame] / and start focusing on how you can remedy the problem. 2 ~: putting your mind and talents to work / to make O you OC more successful / no matter what happens. = whatever: ~ 10

put A to worka to make to let down it is tempting to-v point the finger at nightmare[náitm ] get into the habit of v-ing go wrong outcome[áutk>m] take charge of circumstance [sá; k mst ns] target[t ; git] focus on efficient[ifí Ânt] get around unexpected[>nikspèktid] delay[dilèi] put[set] A to work deal with step up stepping-stone remedy[rèm di] err[ ; ] divine[diváin] skeleton[skèl tn] 48-50 the Minister of War ~ If the dawn had not brought this news, I would be the one in a coffin tonight! If had p.p.... If With such a threat hanging over my head, I shall be too nervous to make even ten shoes! Withv-ing v v such a threat hang too to-v v dynasty[dáin sti] blacksmith[bl ksmì^] smith summon A to B minister[mínist ] set A to-v declare war comfort[k=mf t] cheerful[t í fl] cost A B tremendous[tr mènd s] tremble with haste[heist] nail[neil] coffin[k ;fin] shut[close] A tight swiftly[swíftli] cut A short his[her, your] Majesty threat[^ret] hang over one s head cold-hearted unmoved[>nmù;vd] dismiss[dismís] Trembling with fear, / believing these few moments to be his last, / he went and opened it. he 11

18 ~ people are so desperate to cure their acne that they keep trying new products. so that... that Without acne, you wouldn t give them any more of your money! = If you didn t have acne, you wouldn t give them ~! = If it were not for acne, you wouldn t give them ~! Without acne[ kni] treatment[trí;tm nt] cf. treat[tri;t] cure[kju ]rip-off[ríp (;)f] be desperate to-v keep v-ing product[pr d kt] overproduction[òuv pr d=k Ân] bacteria[bæktíâri ] only a few scientifically[sài ntífik li] qualified [kw l fàid] approved[ prù;vd] effective[ifèktiv] make a fortune on fancy[f nsi] pull away jump up backwards[b kw dz] the[one s] old man innocent[ín snt] compartment [k mp ; tm nt] immediately[imí;di tli] 20 not any longer it to without get caughtenjoy oneself They themselves a raft inflate is inflated a couple of inflatable[inflèit bl] cf. inflate[inflèit] emergency[imá; d, nsi] rafting[ræfti\] cf. raft manage to-v security check overhead [òuv hèd] directly[dirèktli] turn out signal[sígn l] track[træk] needless to say 19 a young man the old man 21 requirethat that should that that O when think 12

The law requires that all kinds of packaging and parts (should) be taken back by ~. This has made manufacturers think much more O OC carefully / about the kinds of materials [they use], how harmful they are to the environment, and how easy or difficult they are to reuse, recycle, or dispose of. make+o+oc OC v about about and avoidance[ v idâns] disposal[dispóuzâl] cf. dispose of act[ækt] require[rikwái ] packaging[p kid,i\] take back manufacturer [m njuf kt r ] supplier[s plái ] retailer[rí;teil ] automobile[ ;t m bì;l] vehicle[ví;ikâl] no longer functional[f=\apple nâl] material[m tíâri l] 22 modernization[m d nizèi Ân] agriculture[ grik>lt Âr] availability[ véil bíl ti] cf. available overall[óuv r ;l] region[rí;d,ân] consumer[k nsù;m ] developing world achievement[ t í;vm nt] be unlikely to-v sustain[s stèin] expand[iksp nd] billion[bílj n] multiply[m=ltiplài] 23 he should have been devoting everything to A fighting the cancer, // he said. B should have p.p. devote A to BA B Painting a vivid picture of his mother s dying struggle helped Obama to win much support, / and he eventually 1 O1 OC1 2 turned his health care reform bill into law. andhelp A to-vturn A into B of turn A into BA B A B be renowned as[for] campaign for[against] health care reform [ri;f ; m] cancer[k ns ] move A to-v insurance[in ùâr ns] bill[bil] eventually[ivènt u li] bring about intuition[ìnt uí Ân] will[wil] simplicity[simplís ti] 24 In publiclittle bit. In public, / their behavior [when they are upset] is embarrassing / for friends and family // because 1 it(= their C behavior) 1 attracts O1 unwanted attention [from strangers] and 2 (it) generally 2 makes O2 people OC2 feel uncomfortable. turn[work] out for the best reasonably[rí;zân bli] embarrassing[imb r si\] uncomfortable[>nk=mf t bl] dramatic[dr m tik] setback[sètb k] unwanted[>nw ntid] needlessly[ní;dl sli] emotional[imóu nâl] disturb[distá; b] tiny[táini] lose face violent[vái l nt] completely[k mplí;tli] overreact[òuv ri kt] 1 13

25 This process ~ life skills. texture[tèkst ] move around stick[stik] take apart process[pr ses] exploration[ékspl rèi Ân] instinctive[instí\appletiv] soak up totally[tóut li] joyful[d, ifl] stress-free cf. -free inherent [inhíâr nt] intelligence[intèlid,âns] unstoppable [>nst p bl] curiosity[kjúâri s ti] linguistic[li\gwístik] competence[k mpitâns] inadequate [in dikw t] adequate[ dikw t] auditory nerve 26 No event in history nothing ever stays the same the constancy of change itself pay attention to uncomplicated[<nk mplikéitid] simple common sense the same as differ[díf ] in a ~ regard essential[isèn Âl] precedent[prèsidânt] permanent[pá; m n nt] constancy[k nst nsi] repeat oneself advantage[ dv ntid,] victor[víkt ] perfectly[p fèktli] 27 o it the information. Then come instructions, [written in your language], / for relating one piece of Chinese to another]. relate A to BA B argument[ ; gjum nt] formulate[f ; mjuléit] influential[ìnfluèn l] philosophy[fil s fi] demonstrate [dèm nstréit] writing[ráiti\] instruction [instr=k Ân] Chinese character cf. character [k rikt ] human being provide A with B intelligence[intèlid,âns] relationship between A and B 28 the higher a year 14

~, and you have to identify very quickly whether O or not the word relates to your partner. whether or not or not ~ : the higher the number of bad words [(that) you associate with your partner], the higher the likelihood that you ll break up within a year. the the... the likelihood that association[ sòusièi Ân] cf. associate A with B work on automatic[ ;t m tik] reveal[riví;l] persistent[p ; sístânt] flash[flæ ] identify[aidèntifài] relate to category[k t g ;ri] personal trait consistent[k nsístânt] likelihood[láiklihúd] break up (with) unspoken[>nspóukân] intention[intèn Ân] solid evidence[proof] cheat[t i;t] confirm[k nfá; m] long-term 29 Older houses cost a fortune. You might think // you could save a small fortune / O compared to buying a house [that doesn t need O any work OC done]. need done ometimes, a bargain [that just needs a bit of fixing up ] is not worth B what it can cost A you / in the long run. C worth what cost A BA B run-down fix up fortune[f ; t Ân] cf. a small fortune compared to qualified [kw l fàid] bargain-priced cf. bargain [b ; g n] drive A crazy renovation [rén vèi Ân] optional[ p nâl] in a way cost A B in the long run invest A in B 30 a deep capacity for empathy, a special ability to empathize with kids to my mind somewhat[s=m w t] plain[plein] out of the question charm[t ; m] rule out mean-spirited purely[pjù li] desirable[dizáiâr bl] quality[kw l ti] essential[isèn Âl] capacity (for) empathy[èmp ^i] cf. empathize (with) tune in to need[ni;d] 31 wear outwork out wears out with without With damage restore restore With care, it should last at least 80 years, / but it ~. With With care if rusty[r=sti] the same goes for last[læst] at least badly[b dli] neglect[niglèkt] abuse[ bjù;z] twowheeler[-wí;l ] 15

32 increasedintensified N follow The free service allows you to post 140-character messages, or tweets, to a continuously updated page, // and other users can choose to follow you / to have O your tweets 2 OC sent directly to them. post A to BA B to post 140-character messagestweetshave O OC OC sent gain in popularity enormously[in ; m sli] allow A to-v post[poust] character[k rikt ] continuously[k ntínju sli] diminish[dimíni ] cope with volume of what for? spread[spred] 33 Among high-income per year. More than a third of American households own a third of 1 1 guns, // and there is no doubt / that it is the easy access to these guns that s responsible for a great many of the nation s suicides, the number one category of shooting deaths. there is no doubt that that it is that... the easy access to these guns 2 1 1 O1 OC1 O2 ownership[óun ìp] shooting[ ù;ti\] per[p ; ] household[háushòuld] there is no doubt that access to be responsible for a great many suicide[sù;isàid] category[k t g ;ri] outnumber[àutn=mb ] murder[má; d ] accidental[ ksidèntl] combined[k mbáind] self-defense guarantee that seriously[síâri sli] 34 IQ multiple intelligences IQ IQ IQ IQ ~, the accepted view was that intelligence is C something complete, something [that you can only measure as a whole]. that that something He proposed instead the theory that people have many different kinds of intelligence, each of which is used for a different purpose. the theory that which many different kinds of intelligence multiple[m=ltipl] intelligence[intèlid,âns] as a whole focus on logic[l d,ik] average[ vârid,] disagree with propose[pr póuz] theory[^í ri] according to demonstrate [dèm nstréit] require [rikwái ] bodily[b dili] unreliability [>nrilai bíl ti] controversial[k ntr vá; Âl] apply to 35 16

define[difáin] cf. definition[déf ní Ân] possession[p zè Ân] a six-figure annual income cf. annual income illustrate[íl stréit] respondent[risp nd nt] according to minority[main ;r ti] 36 Arbitrators come from a wide variety of professions ~, the parties [involved in a serious disagreement] present their cases to an independent professional [called an O arbitrator]. There is no judge or jury, just the independent arbitrator, who is hired by the parties to listen to their arguments and (to) decide how to end their conflict. who the independent arbitrator arbitration[ ; bitrèi Ân] cf. arbitrator[ ; bitréit ] formal[f ; mâl] be similar to go to court party[p ; ti] be involved in disagreement[dìs grí;m nt] case[keis] professional[pr fè nâl] cf. profession [pr fè Ân] jury[d,ùâri] argument[ ; gjum nt] volunteer [v l ntí ] treatment[trí;tm nt] go on resolve[riz lv] 37 Thirty years later, with the Civil War raging, / she established ~ at the front line, which earned her the nickname The Angel of the Battlefield. with the Civil War rage raging which Upon returning home, ~ until 1904, when she retired at the age of eighty-three. upon immediately after Immediately after she returned home when founder[fáund ] cf. found establish [ist bli ]seriously[síâri sli] injured[índ, d] rage[reid,] agency [èid,ânsi] the wounded battlefield[b tlfì;ld] appoint A (as) B sail to retire[ritái ] 38 but that s what give and receive o you re too busy or too lazy to add a personal touch to gifts. too to-v v ~, but that s what makes a personalized gift so O rewarding / to give and receive. OC what makes why that s why a personalized gift is so rewarding to give and receive. People are always touched by it, which 1 increases O1 the value of the gift and 2 makes O2 it OC2 worth keeping. = the gift 17

which personal[pá; sânâl] touch[t<t ] who cares? recipient[risípi nt] make fun of clumsy[kl=mzi] time-consuming all that inspiration[ìnsp rèi Ân] off-the-shelf rewarding[riw ; di\] worth v-ing 39 Pursuing happiness you ll ever do. Consider O how much time and energy many people devote to their bodies, / whether it s going to the gym, jogging, kickboxing, or yoga; ~. how how bodies consider whether truly[trù;li] substantial[s bst n Âl] expert[èksp ; t] profession[pr fè Ân] make an effort not many only a fewapply A to B emotional[imóu nâl] short-lived New Year s resolution cf. resolution[réz lù; Ân] devote A to B approach[ próut ] work[w ; k] rewarding[riw ; di\] 40 In fact, it was so hard to refine aluminum in those days that it was used only for jewelry. (= In fact, to refine aluminum in those days was so hard that it was used only for jewelry.) it to so that... They made it possible / because they transfer heat much faster than iron pots, / thus reducing the time [it takes for food to cook]. thus produce[pr d ù;s] cf. production mass-produced [m spr d ù;st] pure[pju ] valuable[v lju; bl] refine[rifáin] jewelry [d,ù; lri] come to-v incredible [inkrèd bâl] range[reind,] practical[pr ktikâl] pot[p t] transfer[trænsfá; ] iron[ái n] reduce[rid ù;s] 41 No evidence mere fiction. The legend of Atlantis may have been created by Plato, the ancient Greek philosopher. may have p.p. Plato ~, he wrote about this magnificent city, / which was home to a great civilization, but which sank into the sea / after a series of violent earthquakes. which but this magnificent city Atlantis philosopher[fil s f ] violent[vái l nt] sink(-sank-sank) into earthquake[á; ^kwéik] exist[igzíst] cf. existence[igzístâns] regard A as B mere[mi ] moral[m (;)râl] ideal[aidí;âl] theme[^i;m] rethink[ri;^í\k] 18

legacy[lèg si] make A up 42 Half of the respondents said (that) they regularly can t board a train [that they have waited for ] // because the O train is already too full / when it arrives. that said survey[s ;rvei] customer[k=st m ] capital[k pitl] respondent[risp nd nt] mentally[mènt li] overcrowding[òuv kráudi\] cf. overcrowded regularly[règjul li] square meter pack[pæk] abnormal[æbn ; mâl] highly[háili] unpleasant[>nplèzânt] technical[tèknikâl] public transportation 43 the deadly poison he is confident that it s the ants [(that) the frogs eat] that produce O the poison. It is that...the ants the frogs eat poisonous[p izân s] cf. poison actually[ kt u li] deadly[dèdli] disable[disèibl] research[risá; t ] confident that harmless[h ; mlis] mature[m t ù ] coat[kout] reveal[riví;l] species[spí; i(;)z] including[inklù;di\] highly[háili] toxic[t ksik] substance[s=bstâns] make up diet[dái t] 44 I If there was ever and I would disappear. he followed me / all the way to the parking lot [behind the supermarket], where our beat-up old family car was parked / with laundry hanging out the windows. where the parking lot with v- ing p.p. laundry If there was ever a time [when I wished the earth would open up and swallow me whole], it was when I got in the car and ~. I wished catch up with all the way beat-up swallow[sw lou] look[luk] irritated [íritéitid] aggressive[ grèsiv] embarrassed [imb r st] 45 vulnerable give up 19

Typical of this natural pattern is the behavior of C wolves in combat. Instead of ripping open the neck, as he had seemed so intent on doing just moments before, the stronger wolf stops fighting, understanding that he has won. O doing ripping open the neck understanding vulnerable[v=lnâr bl] recognize[rèk gnàiz] presentation[prézântèi Ân] switch off typical[típikâl] behavior[bihèivj ] combat[k mbæt] rip A open (be) intent on opponent[ póun nt] compromise[k mpr màiz] vital[váitl] surrender[s rènd ] 46-48 her legs her ears and tail her ears and tail her ears and tail her ears and tail her legs her ears and tail he was so pleased with what she saw that she stayed for quite some time, / putting her ears up and down, and shaking her tail left and right. so that... he ears! If only the rest of me could be as cute as my tail and my I wish I didn t have them at all! If only I wish If only At the moment, / suddenly came the sound of hunters and barking dogs. suddenly ~ and the dogs had her by her tail! by e.g. I caught her by the shoulder. It was they that had caused her to be caught in this terrible trap. O OC It was[is] that...they What a pretty pair of soft white ears you have! How cute they look when you style them like that! whathow spring[spri\] for some time frown[fraun] unshapely[>n èipli] ugly-lookingon earth pick up scent[sent] thorny[^ ; ni] cf. thorn[^ ; n] crawl[kr ;l] fluffy[fl=fi] trap[træp] say[talk] to oneself highlight[háilàit] delicate[dèlik t] envy[ènvi] asset[ set] catch sight of 49-50 rosepotential 20

He cared for it faithfully, watering it and waiting for the day [that it would flower]. One of the greatest gifts [you can have ] is to be C able to reach past the thorns and (to) find the rose / within others. care for faithfully[fèi^f li] cf. faithful[fèi^f l] bud[b<d] blossom[bl s m] flowerbloomthorn[^ ; n] depressed[diprèst] neglect[niglèkt] pure[pju ] innocent[ín snt]amidst[ mídst] defect[difèkt] failing[fèili\] gracious[grèi s] characteristic [k rikt rístik] nobility[no bíl ti] conquer [k \k ] ambition[æmbí Ân] potential [po tèn Âl] mission[mí Ân] 21

18 If your heart ~ from a shelter. ~, but I thought she looked much older than that, / what with all the gray hairs on her face and the fact that she was missing a leg. what with A and (what with) BA B beloved[bil=vid] definitely[dèf nitli] worn-out exterior[ikstíri ] pure[pju ] endless[èndlis] be set on adopt[ d pt] bring out gratitude[gr tit ú;d] 19 messenger[mèsând, ] swallow[sw lou] beak[bi;k] fall asleep exhausted[igz ;stid] hop[h p] place[pleis] remark [rim ; k] 20 This ones spring This proverb and hundreds of similar ones [from all over the world] spring from ~. and families Families 1 keep society going and (families) 2 socialize with the children. we taking which in the family It is that... It is in the family that we have our first experiences of love and O anger, and of giving and taking. A popular proverb in Africa, the place from which(= where) all human beings originate, is ~. Africa the place originate This proverb and hundreds of similar ones(= proverbs) [from all over the world] spring / from the importance [that we place on children and families]. It s (the place) [where we learn whom we can trust O1 and (we learn) from whom we should stay away]. O2 where the place originate from spring from place the importance on socialize with provide A for B provide B with Aprotection [pr tèk Ân] look after emotional[imóu nâl] psychological[sàik l d,ikâl] stay away from 21 insist that should that integrating math works is 22

about students The traditional idea the alternative view that insist concerned the teachers encourage Oto-v EL But recent international conferences and studies [involving education experts and experienced teachers] have promoted the alternative view that the integration [of science, O math, and language studies] can strengthen O a student s overall progress and performance. the alternative view that In fact, many of the teachers [concerned] insist that integrating English-language instruction with science and math definitely works for the students in their classrooms. proficient[pr fí Ânt] conference[k nfâr ns] alternative[ ;ltá; n tiv] integration[ìnt grèi Ân] cf. integrate A with B strengthen[strè\^ân] overall[óuv r ;l] performance[p f ; m ns] insist that instruction[instr=k Ân] definitely[dèf nitli] available[ vèil bl] encourage A to-v adopt[ d pt] acquisition[ kwizí Ân] 22 stand out survey[s ;rvei] define A as B tight-knit attachment[ t t m nt] buddy[b=di] connection [k nèk Ân] lasting[l sti\] cite[sait] 23 Mothers and fathers took it very seriously that children even infants (should) be absolutely obedient. take A seriouslya it that that should be Evidence [from many different sources] tells us that IO DO cruel and violent punishment of children was not at all C unusual. parenting[pèr nti\] to say the least obedient[o bí;di nt] command A to-v will[wil] spare[spe ] rod[r d] spoil[sp il] priest[pri;st] insufficient[ìns fí Ânt] sufficientsin[sin] in the eyes of cruel [krù; l] violent[vái l nt] comfort[k=mf t] vast[væst] tender[tènd ] ineffective[ìnifèktiv] unstable[>nstèibâl] 24 The researchers harm you. 23

Believe it or not, it seems that taking a shower might not always be good for you. C it seems that not always The researchers also said O that, // in showers [that have the bacteria], / the first sprays of water [coming out of the shower] are most likely to harm you. C The shower acts like an aerosol, / spraying the bacteria = as the shower sprays ~ into the air, / which means that our daily shower may not be C the clean-and-healthy necessity [that we like to think it is ]. spraying the air which believe it or not researcher[risá; t ] bacteria[bæktíâri ] spray[sprei] be likely to-v aerosol[ Âr s ;l] daily[dèili] necessity[n sès ti] lung[l<\] following[f loui\] run[r<n] 25 If you link recollection increase. The ability [to retrieve information / from your memory bank] may depend on certain cues [that direct O the brain OC to look in the right location]. to certain cues direct A to-v retrieve[ritrí;v] memory bank cue[kju;] direct A to-v missing[mísi\] store[st ; ] recollection[rék lèk Ân] cf. recall[rik ;l] circumstance[sá; k mst ns] reduce[rid ù;s] perceive[p sí;v] utility[ju;tíl ti] association with 26 In other words it s being brighter light Wisdom is the ability [to see what s right / without having to think about what makes O it OC right]. the ability to see to without about what wisdom[wízd m] accurately[ kjur tli] aspect[ spekt] spontaneity[sp nt ní; ti] creativity[krì;eitív ti] intuition [ìnt uí Ân] pioneering[pài ní ri\] psychologist [saik l d,ist] philosopher[fil s f ] define A as B in a different[new] light fixed[fikst] habitual[h bít l] non-habitualpattern[p t n] exist[igzíst] logic[l d,ik] be aware of ignorance[ígnâr ns] come up with 27 24

When you paint a really bad picture of / what you re O = the thing that going through, // you encourage yourself to focus on more and O OC more negative aspects [of your life]. Your over-acted suffering will then feed on itself // and 1 (your over-acted suffering) (will) make you less satisfied with your life and even more stressed out / than you were before. your over-acted suffering and makeooco OC tend to-v paint a picture of go through encourage A to-v focus on negative[nèg tiv] positive[p z tiv]aspect[ spekt] exhausted[igz ;stid] truth[tru;^] convince A that feed on stressed out stressed disregard[dìsrig ; d] mindless[máindlis] exaggerate[igz d, réit] underestimate [>nd rèstimeit] capability[kéip bíl ti] 28 For example When artists draw the human body, / one of the challenges [they face] is seeing the whole as a shape / in itself. C one of is 2 O2 OC2 For example, you might have a model [who is rather large and short] someone [whose basic form appears to be more like a square / than like anything else]. a modelsomeone who whose face[feis] see A as B in[of] itself collection[k lèk Ân] drawing[dr ;i\] in proportion balanced[b l nst] at a time confident[k nfidânt] subject[s=bd,ikt] overall[óuv r ;l] make sure to-v 29 unless This is because to hearing them. What s also certain is that you won t hear the C majority of them, / unless you make a conscious effort [to do so]. It s fun to find the origin [of a strange sound] / by making it(= a strange sound) the object [of a treasure hunt]. It to find range[reind,] naturally[n t Âr li] tune out become[be] used to v-ing analyze[ n làiz] track A down object[ bd,ekt] extremely[ikstrí;mli] conscious[k n Âs] identify[aidèntifài] 30 but continued are made Dieters are sometimes convinced that they have C to say goodbye / to all the foods [they love] // if they ever hope O to reach their ideal weight. 25

Thus (being) convinced, / they try to willpower = Thus they are convinced (that), themselves through day after miserable day, / struggling not to O = as they struggle not to~ give in to temptation. Thus convinced struggling temptationthey try to willpower willpower dieter[dái t ] cf. diet be convinced that say goodbye to ideal[aidí;âl] willpower[wílpau ] day after day miserable[mízâr bâl] give in to extreme[ikstrí;m] denial[dináiâl] self-defeating be certain to-v thankfully[^ \kf li] painful [pèinf l] lose weight slight[slait] modification [m difikèi Ân] stick with cf. stick[stik] for life approach [ próut ] 31 But to get go very high. strongly In fact, / the amount [of energy available in highaltitude winds] is so great that it could meet the entire world s demand 100 times over. so that... thatcould research[risá; t ] identify A as B exploit[ikspl it] altitude[ ltit ú;d] contain[k ntèin] meet (the) demand available[ vèil bâl] advantage[ dv ntid,] tap[tæp] propose[pr póuz] promising[pr misi\] so far launch[l ;nt ] wind turbine jet stream 32 respectfullyrespectively respectively attribute A to BA B be attributed to contribute A to BA B e.g. They contribute their own time to the project. overpower overprotect overpowered OECD OECD European Commission The report stated that the Internet is rapidly replacing the conventional news media and (stated) that, in Korea, it has long ~ traditional newspapers. that and stated keen[ki;n] reference[rèfâr ns] according to lead[li;d] well-established connectivity[kànektív ti] rank[ræ\k] replace[riplèis] conventional[k nvèn nâl] traditional[tr dí nâl] 33 fall behind launch[l ;nt ] mass media mere[mi ] politics[p l tiks] improvement[imprù;vm nt] gap[gæp] struggle with severe[siví ] lack[læk] fund[f<nd] overcrowded[òuv kráudid] tuition fees inequality[ìnikw l ti] equalitycrisis[kráisis] subsequent[s=bsikw nt] restructuring[ri;str=kt ri\] transfer A to B state[steit] 26

34 Morton ~, and told Morton about the time (when) he had become unconscious after accidentally inhaling ether. the time when told had p.p. surgery[sá; d,âri] put A into a trance exist[igzíst] geologist[d,i l d,ist] chemist[kèmist] regularly[règjul li] particularly[p tíkjul li] accidentally[ ksidènt li] experiment[ikspèrim nt] unconscious[>nk n Âs] inhale[inhèil] exhale[ekshèil]blackout[bl kàut] account[ káunt] 35 GDP G7 GDP GDP G7 G7 Growth in ~ in 2001, after which it has remained below 5%. whichgrowth in in 2001 Gross Domestic Product(GDP) cf. gross[grous] domestic[do mèstik] gradually[gr d,u li] economic[ì;k n mik] excluding[iksklù;di\] recover[rik=v ] cf. recovery downturn[dáuntë; n] definite[dèf nit] indication[ìndikèi Ân] upward[=pw d] negative[nèg tiv] positive[p z tiv] throughout[^ru;áut] 36 she and her king ruled Egypt with cruelty Legend has it that she and her king ruled O Egypt with cruelty, // demanding total loyalty from their subjects / and immediately executing anybody who failed to please them. = whoever with with cruelty cruelly demanding executing and anybody who capture[k pt ] imagination [im d,inèi Ân] archaeologist[ ; ki l d,ist] seeker[sí;k ] fortune[f ; t Ân] likely[láikli] enduring[ind ùâri\] appeal[ pí;l] air[ ] compared to[with] legend[rumor] has it that cf. legendary[lèd,ândéri] cruelty[krù; lti] loyalty[l i lti] subject[s=bd,ikt] execute[èksikjú;t] fame[feim] consider A (to be) B 37 Exercisefind helpful. AD The condition, / sometimes (which is) referred to as the winter blues, / is distinguished mainly by its relationship / to seasonal reduction in daylight hours. The symptoms are the same as (the symptoms) for depression: ~. AD the symptoms Exercise, especially, is [ O what most AD sufferers find C 27

OC helpful]. what the thing which find find OOC O OC reduce[rid ù;s] cf. reduction[rid=k Ân] affective[ fèktiv] cf. affective disorder suffering[s=fâri\] cf. sufferer[s=fâr ] expert[èksp ; t] recognize [rèk gnàiz] symptom[símøt m] make an appearance refer to A as B distinguish [distí\gwi ] mainly[mèinli] depression[diprè Ân] respond to treatment[trí;tm nt] 38 Instead of viewpoint ~, you see your two-year-old [at the sink] O splashing water all over the floor. OC seewatchfeelhear OOC OC v annoying[ n ii\] maliciously[m lí sli] miserable[mízâr bâl] mess[mes] splash[splæ ] sink into mindset[máinîsét] inconvenience[ìnk nví;nj ns] convenienceviewpoint[vjù;p int] point of viewdevelopmentally [divél pmènt li] appropriate[ próupri t] go on to get out of strain[strein] along with 39 For better not the exception. For instance withdrawal History is full of examples of nations [achieving success in the world community / by engaging openly in dialogue]. achieving nations byv-ing v withdrawal[wi"dr ;Âl] cf. withdraw from pull out turn away draw back discussion[disk= Ân] outcome[áutk>m] engagement[ingèid,m nt] cf. engage in A rather than B exception[iksèp Ân] achieve[ t í;v] consistently[k nsístântli] reach an agreement unification[jú;nifikèi Ân] 40 one master list kitchen Kbathroom BTH BTH1 BTH2 BTH3 With a thick magic marker, / label each box on all four sides with the room [it goes in] / and this will save you the trouble [of checking O where it goes]. OC2 alternatively[ ;ltá; n tivli] manage[m nid,] master list cf. list set up keep track of label A with B annoying[ n ii\] assign[ sáin] note[nout] read[ri;d] electrical[ilèktrikl] 41 1 2 O1 2 O2 28

community[k mjù;n ti] raise money[funds] cf. fundraising[f=ndréizi\] fundraiser put out organizer[ ; g nàiz ] in charge manage[m nid,] assign A to B task[tæsk] people person volunteer [v l ntí ] donation[do nèi Ân] ingredient [ingrí;di nt] upcoming[=pk>mi\] spot[sp t] charity[t r ti] 42 Research [conducted by the Brookings Institution] suggests // that increasing the amount of school time [that kids spend in math instruction] strongly correlates with improved math scores. that that One successful example [of the gains [that come from adding time to the school day]] is charter schools. C that the gains research[risá; t ] cf. researcher institution[ìnstit ù; Ân] instruction[instr=k Ân] correlate with improved[imprù;vd] cf. improve significantly [signífik ntli] make a difference successful[s ksèsfl] gain[gein] add A to B affect[ fèkt] academic[ k dèmik] performance[p f ; m ns] accomplish[ k mpli ] bring about 43 In regions [where winters bring lots of snow], // for instance, / many animals turn pure white in winter, and grow 1 C1 2 darker coats or feathers in spring, / to match their changing surroundings. turn becomegetgrow and grow to overall[óuv r ;l] coloring[k=l ri\] cell[sel] fur[f ; ] cf. coat[kout] pattern[p t n] adapt to surroundings[s ráundi\z] so as to-v predator[prèd t ] outer[áut ] seasonally[sí;zân li] region[rí;d,ân] pure[pju ] 44 O2 fantastic and dreamlike 29

ome spread snowflakes on the boughs of the trees, // taking the flakes out of their muffs; others hang flakes on the sleeping chimney, ~. some others... taking at once look up at nod one s head approvingly[ prù;vi\li] fairy[fèâri] snowflake[snóufléik] cf. flake[fleik] bough[bau] muff[m<f] beard[bi d] decorate[dèk réit] dreary[dríâri] chaotic[kei tik] promising[pr misi\] 45 1 1 O1 And she saw Dad hiding chocolates in the yard the ones [he pretended were reindeer poo!] = he pretended (that) the ones were ~. seeooc OC v v-ing v-ing creep[kri;p] writing[ráiti\] reindeer[rèindì ] poo[pu;] knowing[nóui\] wrapping paper make-believe renew[rin ù;] detail[dí;teil] undermine [>nd máin] 2 2 O2 46-48 I completed my degree in a graduate social work degree But it was clear even after graduating high school C that my parents hadn t stopped expecting more from me. ~, but my parents insisted (that) I (should) do something with a future in it instead. insist that should ~ and everything [(that) I did at college] was guided / by what my parents wanted O me OC to do. base[beis] recipe[rès pi] improve[imprù;v] insist (that) enroll in 30

pharmacy[f ; m si] cf. pharmacist[f ; m sist] immediately[imí;di tli] graduate[gr d,u t] persist[p ; síst] eventually[ivènt u li] worthless[wá; ^lis] principle[príns pl] uncertain[>nsá; t n] matter[m t ] 49-50 the firm purpose You saw what they have ~, with the firm purpose [of showing IO the boy DO how poor people live]. show showiodo how extremely[ikstrí;mli] wealthy[wèl^i] industrialist [ind=stri list] countryside [k=ntrisàid] grateful[grèitfl] turn to compared to contain [k ntèin] chemical[kèmikâl] all the way to pay A to-v keep (on) v-ing 31

18 Different value disagreement is bad. disagreement For some people, / dealing with it in the workplace may become more of an issue // as the workplace C evolves / to include more and more people [from different backgrounds]. a fact of life deal with workplace[wá; kpléis] issue[í u;] evolve[iv lv] reality[ri l ti] come up against disagreement [dìs grí;m nt] negative[nèg tiv] positive[p z tiv] reframe[ri;frèim] in terms of interaction[ìnt r k Ân] relationship[rilèi Ân ìp] risk[risk] anxiety[æ\zái ti] privilege[prívâlid,] 19 Dr. Whiting ~, for it was so painful a job to set the broken leg / that it forced terrible screams from him and (it) 2 made O2 Frank, [who was helping], OC2 quite weak and pale. for so a(n) that... that makeooc O OC This prompted Jack to ask, innocently, if he should O not be on his feet again in a week. if ask should It takes at least three weeks for a broken bone to knit. It takesfor A to-va v disappointment[dìs p intm nt] physically [fízikli] painful[pèinfl] set[set] scream[skri;m] pale[peil] ache[eik] dreadfully[drèdf li] bruise[bru;z] cheerful[t í fl] make light of prompt A to-v innocently [ín sntli] on one s feet standing knit[nit] properly[pr p li] mend[mend] 20 We are unsatisfactory. The more information you can provide, the faster we can fix the problem. the the unsatisfactory[>nsætisf ktâri] satisfied[s tisfàid] inspect[inspèkt] overlook[òuv lùk] shipping[ ípi\] catalogue[k tâl ;g] place an order original[ ríd, nâl] container[k ntèin ] enclose[inklóuz] in detail provide[pr váid] thousands of 32

21 students to work and todeal advanced job opportunities on following and intend to ~, students need to be prepared well / to work independently and (to) deal effectively with the particular problems, pressures, and issues [associated with their field of work]. to work to deal Creative ~ encouraged // so that students can focus on following their dreams and making their contributions in fields / other than traditional academic ones. so that on following making ocational schools allow students [who don t intend to be lawyers, economists, teachers, and so on], to get the skillsbased education [they need]. allowoto-vo v compete[k mpí;t] dynamic[dain mik] advanced [ dv nst] workforce[wá; kf ; s] continuously[k ntínju sli] reliably[rilái bli] sector[sèkt ] take up independently[ìndipènd ntli] deal with effectively[ifèktivli] pressure[prè ] be associated with vocational[voukèi nâl] encourage [inká;rid,] make a contribution academic [ k dèmik] intend to-v economist[ik n mist] 22 The most important thing to do isifif following you be that what what that it s making The most important thing [to do] if there s a crocodile [following you] is to get distance between you and it C (= the crocodile). crocodile[kr k dàil] be capable of cf. capacity [k p s ti] reach[ri;t ] endurance[ind ùâr ns] cf. endure[ind ù ] outrun[àutr=n] as long as zigzag[zígz g] employ[impl i] get away from 23 While problems [such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes] are rising in the elderly, // advances [in medical treatment] are also making it possible for them to remain alive O OC and active for longer. it to for them to wealthy[wèl^i] prosperity[pr spèr ti] newborn baby developed country longevity[l nd,èv ti] improvement[imprù;vm nt] aging[èid,i\] challenge[t lind,] life expectancy diabetes[dài bí;tiz] the elderly advance in medical treatment obesity[o bí;s ti] epidemic[épidèmik] complicate[k mplikéit] overweight [óuv wéit] typical[típikâl] western[wèst n] 24 If Detroit 33

everybody s interest. One way [that(= how) automobiles are produced in the tates] is by building them(= automobiles) in factories in C Detroit. One way thathow automobile[ ;t m bì;l] load A onto[into] B cf. load A (up) with B overseas[òuv sí;z] economist[ik n mist] protection[pr tèk Ân] tariff[t rif] trade barrier assistance[ sístâns] manufacturer[m njuf kt r ] not necessarily interest[íntr st] be in partnership with be in competition with 25 Cross-cultural obliged to do. role expectations O What one culture considers OC to be a routine favor [that any friend can ask] may be considered terribly rude C elsewhere. consider considero to-v What that a routine favor cross-cultural conflicting[k nflíkti\] be obliged to-v routine[ru;tí;n] favor[fèiv ] cf. ask a favor of loan A B broad[br ;d] social customs acceptable[ ksèpt bâl] uncomfortable [>nk=mf t bâl] misunderstanding[mìs<nd st ndi\] expectation[ékspektèi Ân] fulfill[fulfíl] demanding [dim ndi\] 26 catch- Catch catch It s a catch combat pilot cf. combat[k mbæt] desperately [dèspâr tli] transfer[trænsfá; ] state that declare [diklè ] insane[insèin] sane request[rikwèst] clearly[klí li] refer to tolerate[t lâréit] stuck[st<k] contradictory [k ntr díktâri] 27 Relationships will each other. upset! If you really cared about me, you d know why I m 34