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Bonoli Giuliano and Toshimitsu Shinkawa, 2005. Aging and Pension Reform around the World. Cheltenham UK: Edward Elgar. Choi, Young Jun. 2008. Pension Policy and Politics in East Asia. Policy and Politics 36(1), 127-44. Hicks and Mishira. 1993, Political Resources and the Growth of Welfare in Affluent Capitalist Democracies 1960-1982. American Journal of Sociology 99: 688-710 Kim, Yeon Myung and Kyo-seong Kim. 2005. Pension Reform in Korea. Giuliano Bonoli and Toshimitsu Shinkawa, Aging and Pension Reform around the World. Cheltenham UK: Edward Elgar. Peterson. M. 1993. Political Influence in the 1990s: From Iron Triangles to Policy Networks. Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law. 18: 2. Rico. Ana. 2004. Health and welfare in the 20th century The politics of state expansion in Europe and North-America. Paper prepared for the 2004 Conference of the EU Concerted action COST A15 on Reforming Welfare States in Europe. Nantes, 22-3 May. Schwartz, Herman. 2001. Round up the Usual Suspects! Globalization, Domestic Politics, and Welfare State Change. Paul Pierson(ed.). The New Politics of Welfare State. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Key words : election campaign, election law, institutional change, path dependence, new institutionalism Large Campaign Contributions and Their Implications on Representation: Empirical Analyses of Presidential Nominating Elections, National Assembly Elections and Gubernatorial Elections Kihong Eom Political contribution to a candidate s campaign committee has been gained its importance in Korean politics. This paper attempts to examine whether or not the premise of dyadic representation, as is set by electoral rule, has been embodied in political contribution. Analyzing large campaign contributions indicates, however, that the premise has not been fulfilled; about fifty percent of large contributions consisted of outside district money and most of outside district money came from an economically affluent region. In addition, the level of outside district money varies with the elements of policy influence a candidate possess. This paper concludes, therefore, that the new type of political representation, i.e., monetary surrogacy, has been emerged in Korean politics and students of political process need to pay attention to it. Key words: Large contribution, monetary surrogacy, affluent region, policy influence, dyadic representation, collective representation Is Korean Welfare Politics Changing? The Politics of the First and Second Pension Reform in Korea Yeong-Soon Kim This paper examines what factor was most significant in determining the result of the pension reforms in Korea by analysing the two pension reforms under the Kim Dae Jung(the first pension reform) and Roh Moo Hyun Government(the second pension reform). The research shows that the power relations

formed by strategic interactions among major actors were the most important factor that determined the consequences of the pension reforms. This implies that actors rather than institutions, and dynamic power relations rather than power resources of actors are more crucial in the changes of welfare policies. In addition, the comparison of the two pension reforms shows that the interactions among the actors are more active, and the role of the political parties became important for a decade between the two reforms. The coalition pattern among the actors also changed from tacit and loose to open and active during the period. Key words: welfare politics, pension reform, Kim Dae Jung Government, Roh Moo Hyun Government, actor, power relations An Study on the Continental Shelf of the Korea-Japan Joint Development Zone Agreement in the transformation of international marine regimes: Micro-regionalism in East Asia Chang-Gun Park This paper try to illuminate the agreement on the Korea-Japan joint development of their continental shelf in the transformation of international marine regimes. The focus of this argument is the bargaining process about agreements between Korea and Japan concerning joint development of the south part and the establishment of boundary in the north part of the continental shelf in the context of microregionalism in East Asia. Korea-Japan governmental practitioners held preliminary discussions three times from November 1970 to February 1972, however, the discussions has not achieved any consensus. In 6th ministerial conference in 1972, in terms of pursuing urgent resource development and common interest of the two countries, they have reached an agreement to do joint development on overlapping jurisdiction over claims. Even if in the process of negotiating and signing of the Korea-Japan continental shelf agreement, they was unable to resolve the issue of conflicts completely due to the negative domestic and international variables of the two countries. To reach an agreement between Korea and Japan signed by an incomplete but it is the first political project that focused on pragmatic and functional aspects in the context of micro-regionalism in East Asia. Key words: international ocean regimes, the continental shelf agreement, micro-regionalism, Korea-Japan relations, East Asia