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201 34)Shin, Sang-hyun* This research is investigated on the Goyu-hanja(, Chinese Character of Korean Origin) used in the names of people, and studied the cause which many in this type's Goyu-hanja appears, had the association with a culture factor of that time society. The original data are 17,000 Chinese Characters during the process of digitalizing of classical books including prose & poem collections, ancient manuscripts & documents, diaries, geography books, etc., written in Chinese Character. 4,787 characters are consequently judged to Sinchul-hanja(, new finding Chinese Characters) by Department of CCRC(Character Code Research Center), Institute of Korean Culture in Korea University in last 2004. It is estimated that 2,000s characters among 4,787 have Goyu-hanja, and 1,500s are used in the names of people. The latter is divided into three type's character-making groups as a mixing method of each character. One group of them belong to Umcha-ja(, phonetic loan characters), and another one group to Huncha-ja(, meaning loan characters), * Researcher, Department of Character Codes Research Center, Institute of Korean Culture in Korea University

202 and another one group to subtract and add of Busu(, radicals of Chinese Character) from original Chinese Character. There are arranged and presented in this paper by the type. Specially, the third group were occupied most many number among them, presented the 1,262 characters. The thing, which many in this type's Goyu-hanja appears, had the association with a culture factor of that time society. Try to find the cause, the first is the Pihwi(, taboo on using the personal names of emperors, one's elder, etc.) by traditional confucian culture, the second is Hangyeol-ja(, a generation name characters) from the development of the genealogy, the third is recorded when fill in the practical proses such as the Gomunseo(, ancient manuscripts and documents). These Goyu-hanja used in the names of people are expressed the value of the fashion in that time private. Consequently, we can understand the one section of the tradition culture through these Goyu-hanja used in the names of people, which is discovered in the investigation. Therefore, this research has important meaning as data. Key Words : Chinese character, Goyu-hanja, Sinchul-hanja, Hanja used in the names of people, Umcha-ja, Huncha-ja, Confucian Culture, Pihwi, Hangyeol-ja, Gomunseo 2005 10 31 12 13.