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Using Idioms to Enhance Proficiency and Communicative Competence Jung, SooJin July 2016

DISCLAIMER This presentation is authorized by the Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center and the Department of Defense. Contents of this presentation are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S.Government, or the Department of the Army. All material displayed within this presentation is for educational purposes only. All third party information featured in the presentation slides remain the intellectual property of their respective originators. All use of information is done under the fair use copyright principal, and the author(s) of this presentation do not assert any claim of copyright for any quotation, statistic, fact, figure, data or any other content that has been sourced from the public domain. The content of this presentation is the sole responsibility of [name of author(s) / presenter(s)].

WHAT IS IDIOM? Idioms are fixed combinations of words whose meaning is often difficult to guess from the meaning of each individual word. (e.g.) kick the bucket took a shine to see eye to eye

WHAT IS IDIOM? Idiomatic phrases correlate with various grammatical parts of speech; they can be verbs, nouns, adjectives, and adverbs. (e.g.) Time took a shine to his teacher (verb + object + preposition) We arrived safe and sound (binomial)

WHAT IS IDIOM? Many idioms have a set form: their verb tense and/or word order may not be changed in any way or the meaning of the phrase is destroyed. (e.g.) Action speak louder than words Caught between two stools

WHY DO WE NEED TO TEACH IDIOMS? 1. Benefits of enhancing communicative competence: Idioms are richly embed with cultural references. Many idioms are embed in various genres: fictions, newspapers, magazines, TV shows, films, songs, daily conversations, etc. (O Dell & McCarthy, 2010)

WHY DO WE NEED TO TEACH IDIOMS? 2. Benefits of enhancing contextual comprehension in higher level: Idioms have syntactical constrains and at times need a greater context to be interpreted than do vocabulary. Therefore context plays a key role in the processing of idioms. (Ortony, Shallert, Reynolds, & Antos 1978)

EXPERIMENT Group 1: The extended context group who receive idiom instruction through context Group 2: The limited context group who receive idiom instruction through sentence Group 3: The control group who who receive no idiom instruction

EXPERIMENT GROUP 1: Read the passage and guess the meaning of an idiom in bold. 우리들이필요에의해서물건을갖게되지만, 때로는그물건때문에적잖이마음이쓰이게된다. 그러니까무엇인가를갖는다는것도다른한편무엇인가에얽매인다는것이다. ( 무소유 )

EXPERIMENT GROUP 2: guess the meaning of the idioms in bold. 상관없다고했지만나는시험점수에자꾸마음이쓰였다.

EXPERIMENT Group 3: Read a passage and underline idioms you identified. 우리들이필요에의해서물건을갖게되지만, 때로는그물건때문에적잖이마음이쓰이게된다. 그러니까무엇인가를갖는다는것은다른한편무엇인가에얽매인다는것이다. 필요에따라가졌던것이도리어우리를부자유하게얽어맨다고할때주객이전도되어우리는가짐을당하게된다는말이다. 그러므로많이가지고있다는것은흔히자랑거리로되어있지만, 그마만큼많이얽히어있다는측면도동시에지니고있는것이다. ( 무소유 )

EXPERIMENT Hypothesis Students who received idiom instructions through context will show higher comprehension of idiom and context better than students who received instruction in sentence. Students who received no idiom instruction will show higher comprehension than students who received instruction in sentence.

REFERENCES Ortony. A., Schallert, D., Reynolds, R. & Anots, S. (1978). Interpreting metaphors and idioms: Some effects of context on comprehension. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 17, 465 477. O Dell, F. & McCarthy, M. (2010). English Idioms in Use Advanced. Cambridge University Press. Asl, F. (2013). The impact of context on learning idioms in EFL classes. MEXTESOL Journal, 37(1), 1 12. Moon, R. (1998). Fixed Expressions and Idioms in English. Oxford: Clarendon Press.

REFERENCES Mola, A. J. (1993). Teaching Idioms in the Second Language Classroom: A Case Study for College level German (MA Thesis). Graduate School of Georgetown University. Mondria, J A., & Wit De Boer, M. (1991). The effects of contextual richness on the guessability and retention of words in a foreign language. Applied Linguistics, 12(3), 249 267.