Lantmännen Unibake The non-stop improving bakery group
For us it s simple... 우리는우리의제품인빵을한손에, 다른편에는우리의고객이있습니다. 그리고, 우리는서로의눈동자를통해임직원을바라보며, 항상우리를지원하는협력사가있습니다. CEO 벤츠풀츠라슨 We have bread in one hand, the customer in the other. We look our employees in the eyes and have our suppliers supporting us. Bent Pultz Larsen, CEO
Lantmännen Unibake 유럽최대의제빵회사입니다. (2007년매출액기준 ) / Number one in Europe! (in turnover 2007) 세계에서가장큰냉동빵제조사의하나입니다. / One of the biggest producers of frozen bakery products in the world 데니쉬패이스츄리생산량세계 1위입니다. / The world s biggest producer of Danish pastry. 세계에서가장많은종류의냉동빵을시장에출시하고있습니다. / The market s biggest assortment in frozen products in the world
Business facts 4200명의종업원 / 4200 employees 16개국에걸친지사 / 16 countries 29개의공장가동 / 29 bakeries 총 91개의생산라인 / 91 production lines 약1.4조원의연매출 / Turn over: 750 meuro 년간 37만톤의빵을생산하고있습니다. More than 370,000 tonnes of bakery products every year!
Our platform 비젼 / Vision 세계최고의제빵회사가된다. To be number one in the global market for bakery products. 가치 / Values 철저한약속이행 / We keep our promises! 업무의단순화 / Keep it simple! 체계적인기업가정신. / Structured entrepreneurship!
회사조직도 / The organization
그룹조직도 / Owned by Swedish Lantmännen 란트만넨유니베이크는스웨덴의란트만넨그룹의계열사입니다. Board of directors CEO Birgitta Johansson-Hedberg Finance Communication Owner relations HR R&D Lantmännen Unibake Lantmännen Granngården Lantmännen Landbruk Lantmännen Axa Lantmännen Invest Lantmännen Maskin Lantmännen Energi Lantmännen Mills Lantmännen Kronfågel Swalöf Weibull
란트만넨그룹개요 / Overview of Lantmannen Group Facts 4 만 9 천명의스웨덴농부가주주로구성 Owned by 49,000 Swedish farmers 약일만이천명의종업원 / 12,000 employees 매출액 : 약 4 조 / Turnover: 30 billion SEK 50 여개국에서영업활동중 흙에서테이블까지 : Lantmannen Food Products from soil to table 종자개량 Develop/grow Svalöl Weibull 곡물가공 Trade/process Lantmännen Lantbruk 빵, 시리얼등의식품제조 Process/produce Lantmännen Unibake Lantmännen Axa Lantmännen Kronfågel 소비자 Harvest Swedish farmers 곡물경작 Grind/process Lantmännen Mills 도정 / 밀가루
Baking skills 최신의생산시설와제빵기술 / Modern production, high technology 매년 150 개이상의신제품출시 / 150 new products each year 숙련된제빵사 / Skilled bakers 전문성에대한자부심 / Professional pride! 50 년이상의오랜역사 / More than 50 years experience. 우리는절대식품의안전성을저해할수있는것과는타협하지않습니다! We never compromise on safety!
Business skills 고객과의밀접한관계유지 / Close relations with our customers 거래처의니즈에맞는맞춤형제품개발에대한자신감 / Special competence in unique and tailor-made solutions 풍부한제품종류 / Full assortment 글로벌마인드셋 / Global mindset 대량생산을통한원가절감 / Reduce costs with streamlined production
Our international brands B2C Brand B2B Brand Frozen bread retail Frozen consumer packed rolls and breads. Croissants Original French all-butter croissants with ready to bake convenience. Bread Wide range of innovative and convenient frozen bread products as well ad tailormade solutions. Fresh bread retail Fresh consumer packed rolls and breads. Pastry Authentic Danish pastry with ready to bake convience.
주요거래처 / Some of our customers
품질인증현황 / Our quality is more than words We work with the following certifications at our production units: BRC (the British Standard for Food Safety) IFS (the German Standard for Food Safety) AIB (the American Standard for Food Safety) DS3027 (the Danish standard for Food Safety) ISO 22000 (the International Standard for Food Safety)
Production facilities Frozen Bakeries Lines Denmark 8 26 Sweden 2 7 Norway 1 2 Germany 3 7 Belgium 3 12 Fresh bread Bakeries Denmark 3 10 Sweden 5 15 Poland 1 6 Total 9 31 Lines Poland 1 3 Russia 1 2 Finland 1 1 Total Frozen 20 60 Total Bakeries Lines 29 91
International company Europe Denmark Sweden Poland Norway Benelux Germany France Spain Finland/Baltic Russia
International company USA Illinois
International company Asia Korea Japan
스웨덴공장현황 / SWEDEN-BUSINESS UNIT Ö rebro: 6 lines Mantorp: 2 lines
노르웨이공장현황 / NORWAY -BUSINESS UNIT Langhus: 2 lines
독일공장현황 / GERMANY -BUSINESS UNIT Verden: 3 lines Harrislee: 1 line
동유럽공장현황 / POLAND & RUSSIA -BUSINESS UNIT Warsaw: 2 lines Moscow: 2 lines