12:15 12:45 : 질의및응답 12:45 13:45 : 오찬 13:45 16:00 : 개별면담 파푸아주카사바하부구조산업 09:00 16:30 : 농업부문투자유치전시회 알림 : 참석을희망하시는분께서는아래첨부한참석통보서를작성, 저희에게회신하여주시기바랍니다. 만약개별면

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12:15 12:45 : 질의및응답 12:45 13:45 : 오찬 13:45 16:00 : 개별면담 파푸아주카사바하부구조산업 09:00 16:30 : 농업부문투자유치전시회 알림 : 참석을희망하시는분께서는아래첨부한참석통보서를작성, 저희에게회신하여주시기바랍니다. 만약개별면담을원하시면참석통보서에표시하여주십시요.

참석통보서 2013 인도네시아농업부문투자포럼 2013 년 6 월 12 일수요일, 오전 08:45 am 13.45 pm 롯데호텔 ( 서울중구을지로 30) 3 층사파이어볼룸 Name ( 성명 ) Position ( 직책 ) Affiliation ( 회사 / 단체명 ) Address ( 주소 ) Tel./Fax. 참석 불참석 1:1 개별면담신청 : 아래의지방정부 / 주관계자와면담을신청합니다 : 1. 리아우주 (Riau Province) ㅁ 2. 남부수마트라주 (South Sumatera Province) 3. 서부칼리만탄주 (West Kalimantan Province) 4. 동부칼리만탄주 (East Kalimantan Province) 5. 중부칼리만탄주 (Central Kalimantan Province) 6. 서부술라웨시주 (West Sulawesi Province) 7. 동남술라웨시주 (South East Sulawesi Province ) 8. 동부누사뜽가라주 (Nusa Tenggara Timur Province) 9. 파푸아주 (Papua Province) 10. 인도네시아농업부 (Ministry of Agriculture) Please, kindly complete the form and send it to: Fax.: 02-780-4280, 786-1292 Email: kimje85@hanmail.net / yrh_qmona@yahoo.com by 5 th of June 2013 이신청서를작성하시어 2013 년 6 월 5 일까지상기 주소로보내주십시요 Inquiries: Mrs. Kim Jung-eim / Ms. Mona Triane Anreyeni Tel: 02-783-5675~7, ext. 216 문의 : 주한인도네시아대사관 경제과김정임, 모나트리아느

I. 동부칼리만탄주 NO 프로젝트명프로젝트금액프로젝트협력범위 1. 팜원유 (CPO) 농공산업 2. 코코아농공 산업 3. 천연고무농 공산업 4. 카사바농공 산업 USD 4 5 million (40 50 billion 루피 아 ) USD 1.5 2 million (15 20 billion 루피 아 ) USD 2 3 million (20 30 billion 루피 아 ) USD 1.5 2 million (15 20 billion 루피 아 ) 2013 인도네시아농업부문투자포럼에서소개될프로젝트 2013 년 6 월 12 일, 소공동롯데호텔 3 층사파이어볼룸 팜원유 (CPO), 코코아, 천연고무 농공산업발전을위한 묘목및설비공급 농공산업및 사업 ( 마케팅 ) 을위한 협력 / 파트너쉽 천연고무, 코코아 개발단지내인프라 시설건설 천연원료로써카사바를 위한추가경작지및 개발 카사바농공산업을위한 묘목및설비공급 농공산업및사업 (( 마케팅 ) 을위한협력 / 파트너쉽 프로젝트개발지역의 인프라시설건설 투자형태제 안 팜원유 (CPO), 코코아, 천연고무 농공산업발전을 위한묘목및설비 공급 농공산업및사업 ( 마케팅 ) 을위한 협력 / 파트너쉽 천연고무, 코코아 개발단지내인프라 시설건설 카사바경작지 확장 / 개발 카사바농공산업 설비및건설 농공산업 / 사업 ( 마케 팅 ) 을위한협력 / 파트너쉽 개발지역내보조 설비 정부지원 / 혜택 팜원유 (CPO), 코코아, 천연고무 농장을위한추가 경작지확보를 위한보조 코코아, 천연고무 가공설비개발을 위한혜택 카사바가공을 위한설비개발 혜택 연락처 Ms. Ir. Etnawati, M.Si, Head of Services of Plantatio n Phone/Fax:+62-541-736852 Email : bu_perkebunan@ya hoo.co.id Mr. Ir. H. Ibrahim, MP Head of Services of Food Cr ops Agriculture Phone/Fax: +62-541-742484 / +62541-743867 Email: rijayarian767@yahoo.com

II. 서부칼리만탄주 NO 프로젝트명 1. 코코넛가공산업및코코넛경작지확장 2. 고무산업 ( 자동차 부품, 스포츠, 건 강, 주택산업등 3. 팜원유공장및팜원유정제시설및유기화학 4. 코코아농장확 장 5. 후추농장확장 6. 커피농장확장 프로젝트금액세미나 1:1 개별면담시상세설명 프로젝트협력범위세미나 1:1 개별면담시상세설명 1. 합병 2. 직접투자 3. 파트너쉽 투자형태 제안 정부지원 / 혜택 1. 교통 - 국영도로, 지방국도, 시영도로 - 해운항만 : Sintete 항, Singkawang 항, Pemangkat 항 Sambas 항, Ketapang 항, - 공항 : Supadio 공항 : 일일항공편 35-50 편, 성수기일일 68 편이상항공편운항, 총이용승객연간 280 만명. 서부칼리만탄의국내 / 국제선의중심공항이됨. 폰티아낙으로연결국내선으로바탐, 자카르타, 족자카르타까지연결되며, 국제선으로싱가포르, 말레이시아쿠찡까지연결. 2. 국영전기공사 (PLN) 가전기공급, 상수도, 우편및통신 3. 국내및국제은행서비스 4. 안전및법적보증 5. 서비스집중화로효율적인인허가처리 6. 상업생산개시전세제및재정인센티브 7. 지역전개 연락처 Ms. Ir. Elfi Harty, Head of the Division o f Processing, Marketing and Institution Phone/Fax : +62561-732642 / +62561-766038 Email : bu_perkebunan@yah oo.co.id

III. 중부칼리만탄주 NO 프로젝트명프로젝트금액프로젝트협력범위 투자형태제안 정부지원 / 혜택 연락처 1. 타이어공장 세미나개별면담시상 2. 팜유 하향산 세설명 업공장 3. 코코넛 오일 제조공장 세미나 1:1 개별면담시상세설명 세미나 1:1 개별면담시상세설명 세미나 1:1개별면담시상세설명 Mr. Ir. Rawing Rambang, MP, Head of Services of Plantatio n Phone/Fax:+62-536- 322362 5 Email : disbunpphp@yahoo. com IV. 동부누사뜽가라주 (NTT) NO 프로젝트명프로젝트금액프로젝트협력범위투자형태제안 1. 소고기정육의 농공산업개발 USD 10.85 mi llion (108.5 billion 루피아 ) 시설개발 육종우 (Cattle Seeding) 운영 입찰 민간기업의직접투자 주정부와민간기업간 파트너쉽 항만 공항 육우단지와 정부지원 / 혜택 공항, 항만으로연결 되는국도, 지방국도 동부누사 뜽가라주전역으로 연결되는통신망 (PT Telcom) 전기 ( 국영전기 공사 :PLN) 연락처 Mr. Ir. Semuel Reb o Head of Head of Animal Hu sbandry Phone/Fax : +62380-831821 / +62380-82 5250 Email : disnak_ntt@ yahoo.com V. 리아우주

NO 프로젝트명프로젝트금액프로젝트협력범위투자형태제안 1. 지방산 (Fatty Acid ) 공장 2. 바이오디젤 공장 3. Fatty Alcoh ol 산업 4. Olein Stea rin 산업 5. MES (Metil Ester Sulfon at) Surfacta USD 69.3 milli on ( 693 billion 루피 아 ) USD 50.4 milli on (504 billion 루피아 ) USD 172 millio n ( 1.72 trillion 루피 아 ) USD 16 million (160 billion 루피아 ) nt 산업 6. 비누산업 USD 55 million 7. Oil Palm Bi omass 발전 소 USD 78.8 milli on (788 billion 루피아 ) ( 550 billion 루피 아 ) USD 9.1 millio n (91 billion 루피아 ) 팜오일하부산업관련 : CPO ( 팜오일공장 ) 및 PKO (PKO 공장 ) 공급산업 핵심산업 ( 정제, 분류, 지방산, 알콜산, 바이오디젤 ) 관련산업 ( 채종유,, 마가린, 쇼트닝,,BS/CBE/CBX, 계면활성제 / 유상액, 비누칩, 비누 / 세척제, etc); 보조산업 ( 포장산업, 메타놀산업,, 하이드로겐산업, 촉매및기타화학물질 ) 100% 단독투자. 지방정부와 협력 is conducted for field operational; 팜오일하부산업개발을 위해지방정부가개발한 공동사업처 건설, 운영, 양도 (BOT) 시스템. 투자자가팜오일하부산 업개발하여 20 년간소 유운영후제 21 년에 지방정부에게양도 50 대 50(50%:50%). 투자자와지방정부가 지분율 50%:50% 으로팜오일 하부산업공동개발 정부지원 / 혜택 접안능력 35.000 DWT 인항구 해상, 육상항공및강운송수단및인프라가능함 연락처 Mr. Ferry HC Erna Putra.M..Si, Head of Divisi on of Processi ng and Marketi ng of Plantatio n Products Phone/Fax+62761-2 6700 Email : ferryriaubun @gmail.com

VI. 서부술라웨시주 NO 프로젝트명프로젝트금액프로젝트협력범위투자형태제안정부지원 / 혜택연락처 1. 코코아가공 공장 USD 15 million (50 billion 루피 아 ) 세미나 1:1 개별면담시 상세설명 직접투자 민간기업과 파트너쉽 정부간 해운항만 공항 코코아생산중심지와 연결되는국도, 지방국도 및군도로 통신시설 (PT Telkom) 이 군단위지역까지연결되어 있음 Mr. Ir. Supriyatno, MA. MMA, Head of Servic es of Plantatio n Phone/Fax : +62426-2325286 Email : perkebunan_ sulbar@yahoo.co.id VII. 남부술라웨시주 NO 프로젝트명프로젝느금액프로젝트협력범위투자형태제안 1. 팜오일산 업 USD 2.1 millio n (21 billion 루피 아 ) Oil palm 경작 ( 단지 ) Oil palm 가공 ( 공장 ) 단지핵심시설개발 소규모팜단지개발 이윤배분 (Profit sharing 원칙 ; 40% 농민그리 고 60% 투자회사 정부지원 / 혜택통합서비스사무소운영 연락처 Mr. Ir. H.A. Chaidir Nurdin, MBA, Head of Servic es of Plantatio n and Horticult ure Phone/Fax : +62401-3121953 / +62401-3 122182 Email : ng-amiruddin @rocketmail.com

VIII. 파푸아주 NO 프로젝트명 1. 쌀 ( 씨뿌리기, 쌀경작지 / 논영농, 기계영농제분 ) 2. 옥수수 ( 씨뿌리기, 옥 수수경작, 육우축 산, 수확전후공정 기계화 ) 3. 콩 ( 씨뿌리기가공산업및기계화 ), 4. 땅콩 ( 씨뿌리기, 가공 프로젝트금액세미나 1:1 면담시상세설명 프로젝트협력법위세미나 1:1 면담사상세설명 투자형태제안 직접투자 합작사업 정부지원 / 혜택 교통시설 : 도로, 공항및해운항만 a 국영전기회사 PLN 으로부터전기공급, 우편및통신서비스가능 연락처 Ms. Ir. Anna O.S.H. Saw ai, Head of Services of Agriculture and Fo od Tenacity Phone/Fax : +62967-5831 58 / +62967-585229 Email : anna.sawai@yaho o.co.id 산업, 기계화 ) 5. 녹두 ( 씨뿌리기, 가공 산업, 및기계화 ) 6. 카사바 ( 경작, 전분산 업, 및기계화 ) 7. 고구마 ( 경작,, 전분산 업및기계화 ) 8. 다양한과일및채소 ( 경작 )

IX. 남부수마트라주 NO 프로벡트명프로젝트금액 프로젝느협력형태 투자형태제안 정부지원 / 혜택 연락처 1. Palm Oil 클러스터산업 정제시설프로젝트 : USD 1.4 million per unit 2. 고무산업 ( 고무제품기계 :ring seal, conveyer belt, huller belt, 기타 ; 고무건강제품 바이오디젤 프로젝트 : USD 1.5 million per unit 화이바생산잉여물 및바이오매스, 이탄 및기타, ): USD 8.1 million per unit Oleo chemical 및 기타잠재적 프로젝트에대해 논의가능함 세미나 1:1 개별면담시 상세설명 세미나 1:1 개별면담시상세설명 세미나 1:1 개별면담시상세설명 도로, 철도, 국제공항및해운항만같은교통인프라시설 다양한에너지재원에의한전기공급, 청정상수도공급, 우편및통신서비스, 지방, 국내및국제은행 인허가업무에대한신속처리, 사업환경조성, Ms. Ir. Hj. Sri Murhartati, M.Si., Senior Officer of Pr ocessing and Market ing of Plantation Pro ducts Phone/Fax : +62711-3575 69, 351451 / +62711-377 250 Email : sri.murhartati@ya hoo.co.id ( 고무장갑, 신개발제품들, 관련법의확실성, 기타 ); 자동차부품 ; 경화고무타이어 ; 고무제품들 ) 기타 투자안전, 그리고세제혜택 3. 커피산업 ( 포장또는커피믹스 ; 카페커피특화 ; 커피원료껌 / 캔디 4. 코코넛산업 ( 코코넛복합산업 ( 코코넛밀크, 건조코코넛, 코코넛핏 ( 이탄 / 연료용 ), 세미나 1:1 개별면담시상세설명세미나 1:1 개별면담사상세설명

코코넛화이바, 코코넛나무 제품들, 기타 ; Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO); : Nata de coco, isotonic coconut water)

CATALOGUE INDONESIA AGRICULTURE INVESTMENT FORUM 2013 LOTTE HOTEL SEOUL, 12 JUNE 2013 I. PROVINCE OF EAST KALIMANTAN SERVICES OF PLANTATION Institution : Services of Plantation the Province of East Kalimantan Address : Jl. MT. Haryono Samarinda East Kalimantan, Indonesia Phone / Fax : +62541-736852 Email : bu_perkebunan@yahoo.co.id Contact Person : Ir. Etnawati, M.Si Position : Head of Services Line of Busines : Plantation DEVELOPMENT OF AGROINDUSTRY ON THE PROCESSING OF CRUDE PALM OIL, CACAO AND RUBBER IN EAST KALIMANTAN INTRODUCTION In efforts to increase the income and prosperity of farmers in the Province of East Kalimantan, the local government continues to develop the commodities of crude palm oil (CPO), cacao and rubber. Crude palm oil plantations have so far been massively developed by major state and private plantation companies. Meanwhile, the development of commodities of cacao and rubber plantation is still carried out traditionally by local farmers. Cacao and rubber have great prospect if developed through the implementation of a comprehensive agro-business and agroindustry concept, that is, the development of a farming business integrating on farm process to processing and marketing processes based on the improvement on prosperity and production as well as the availability of adequate land and the increasing demand for the commodities. The high demand is the main reason to develop CPO, cacao and rubber agro-business and agro-industry in East Kalimantan. East Kalimantan has 961,802 hectares of plantation with the production of 5,734,464 tons of CPO or 14,312 kilograms per hectare; 23,492 hectares of cacao plantation with the production of 23,206 tons of dry cacao seeds or 1,468 kilograms per hectares; and 91,254 hectares of rubber plantation with the production of 74,648 tons or 1,441 kilograms per hectare. The local government will centralize cacao downstream industry in KIPI Maloy Industrial Estate, East Kutai Regency; cacao industry in East Kutai Regency, Berau Regency, Nunukan Regency and Malinau Regency; and rubber industry in West Kutai Regency, Kutai Kertanegara Regency, North Penajam Paser Regency and Paser Regency. PROJECT/PRODUCT The project to be developed is the development of agro-industry in the processing of the commodity of CPO, cacao and rubber in East Kalimantan. REASON OF ADITIONAL INVESTMENT The province need additional investment for the development of CPO, cacao and rubber through the processing CPO to become its derivative products; cacao seeds to become flour, mints and other processed products; and rubber latex to become rubber smoke sheets, crumb rubber for processing and industry materials. LOCATION A. CPO 1. East Kutai Regency

B. Cacao 1. Berau Regency 2. East Kutai Regency C. Rubber 1. West Kutai Regency 2. Kutai Kertanegara Regency 3. Paser Regency LEGAL ASPECT Investment is made in the form of cooperation or partnership between investor and the local government actualized in MOU. ESTIMATED BUDGET OF INVESTMENT The estimated budget of investment is Rp40,000,000,000 to 50,000,000,000 for the development CPO agro-industry; Rp15.000.000.000 to Rp20.000.000.000 for cacao agro-industry; and Rp to Rp for rubber agro-industry. SCOPE OF PROJECT - The providing of plants and equipment for CPO, cacao and rubber agro-industry development - Cooperation/partnership in agro-industry and agri-business (marketing) - The providing of infrastructures in the areas of the cacao and rubber development. PROPOSED MODE OF INVESTMENT Investment in : - The providing of plants and equipment for cacao and rubber agro-industry development - Cooperation/partnership in agro-industry and agri-business (marketing). - Development of infrastructure at development areas. CONTRIBUTION NEEDED BY PARTNER - Capital/cost/fund - Labors for equipment and infrastructures INVESTMENT POLICIES The provincial and regional governments in the Province of East Kalimantan recommend investors to develop CPO, cacao and rubber agro-industry in East Kalimantan. SUPPORTING GOVERNMENT FACILITIES PROVIDED The government implements programs financed by regional and state budgets as follows: - Assistance for additional land for CPO, cacao and rubber plantation - Facilities for the development of equipment for the processing of cacao and rubber. SCHEDULE OF PROJECT Resuming in 2014

II. PROVINCE OF EAST KALIMANTAN SERVICES OF FOOD CROPS AGRICULTURE Institution : Services of Food Crops Agriculture Of The Province of East Kalimantan Address : Jl. Basuki Rahmat NO. 6, Samarinda East Kalimantan, Indonesia Phone / Fax : +6241-742484 / +62541-743867 Email : rijayarian767@yahoo.com Contact Person : Ir. H. Ibrahim, MP Position : Head of Services INTRODUCTION In order to increase the farmers income and welfare in East Kalimantan, food diversification other than rice, corn and soy is considered significant. The perfect alternative for food diversification is cassava commodity with prospective benefit in large scale development. Cassava products like tapioca, dried cassava, etc have become the promising agricultural commodity in local and foreign market. The agribusiness and agroindustry development of cassava is highly potential due to the vast area of land and marketing opportunity. Based on preliminary data in 2012, cassava production in East Kalimantan is 82,844 ton with total area of 4,701 Ha, while productivity reached 176.23 quintal/ha. PROJECT / PRODUCT Project to be developed in East Kalimantan is the agroindustry development of cassava processing. REASON FOR ADDITIONAL INVESTMENT To develop the cassava commodity in East Kalimantan through cassava processing agroindustry, increase the processing material and industry material. LOCATION 1. Regency of West Kutai 2. Regency of East Kutai LEGAL ASPECT Cooperation or partnership between investors and the Provincial Government stated in the form of MOU ESTIMATED BUDGET OF INVESTMENT Estimated budget of investment for the cassava agroindustry development is: Rp. s/d Rp SCOPE OF PROJECT - Development and additional land for cassava as raw materials - The providing of plants and equipment for cassava agro-industry - Cooperation / partnership in agro-industry and agro-business (marketing). - The providing of infrastructures in the areas of the development projects PROPOSED MODE OF INVESTMENT Investment on the following: - Development / area expansion of cassava - Construction and equipment of cassava agroindustry - Cooperation / partnership in agroindustry and agribusiness (marketing) - Supporting facility in the development area CONTRIBUTION NEEDED BY PARTNER

- Capital / fund - Skilled manpower for equipment and facility INVESTMENT POLICY The Provincial Government of East Kalimantan provide recommendations to investors in order to develop the cassava agroindustry in East Kalimantan SUPPORTING FACILITY Government programs through APBD (Regional Budget) and APBN (State Budget): - Facilitate the equipment development for cassava processing PROJECT SCHEDULE Starting in 2014

III. PROVINCE OF WEST KALIMANTAN SERVICES OF PLANTATION Institution : Services Of Plantation Of The Province Of West Kalimantan Address : Jl. Moh. Hambal No. 3 Pontianak, West Kalimantan, Indonesia Phone / Fax : +62561-732642 / +62561-766038 Contact Person : Ir. Elfi Harty Position : Head of the Division of Processing, Marketing and Institution INTRODUCTION The total area of the Province of West Kalimantan is 147,307 km2 consists of 12 regencies and 2 cities with the population of 5,193,272 people. This province in located at Kalimantan island on 20 80 NL 3 05 SL and 108 EL 114 10 EL. Based on this specific geographic location, West Kalimantan is positioned right along the equator. West Kalimantan borders directly with Sarawak East Malaysia connected with 5 border crossings (Entikong Sanggau Regency, Aruk Sambas Regency, Badau Kapuas Hulu Regency, Jagoi Babang Bengkayang Regency, and Jasa Sintang Regency). Bordering regions of West Kalimantan Province are: 1. Sarawak Malaysia (north side) 2. Java Ocean and Central Kalimantan (south side) 3. East Kalimantan (east side) 4. Karimata Strait (west side) POTENCY AND INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY IN ESTATE CROP COMMODITY TARGET AREA TOTAL AREA PRODUCTION (Ton) LOCATION (Production (Ha) (Ha) Center in Regency) Coconut 300,000 108,141 78,172 (Copra) Sambas, Ketapang, Pontianak, Kubu Raya, Bengkayang Rubber 1,200,000 588,229 249,539 12 regencies, (Sheet, Lump) Slab, mostly in Sanggau, Landak, Sambas, Bengkayang, Sekadau, Melawi, Kubu Raya, Ketapang HARVEST SEASON January December January December Palm Oil 1,500,000 880,767 967,626 (CPO) 12 regencies January December Cacao 50,000 13,432 3,686 Sanggau, Bengkayang, Landak Pepper 50,000 8,469 3,745 Bengkayang, Sanggau, January December January December INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY - Coconut processing industry - Coconut estate expansion Rubber industry (car spare part, sport, health, housing industry, etc) - Oil refinery and oleochemical - CPO factory Area expansion Area expansion

Sintang Coffee 50,000 12,273 4,011 Kubu Raya January December Area expansion Proposed Mode of Investment: 1. Alliance 2. Direct Investment 3. Partnership Contribution Needed by Partner: Technology, Capital and Marketing INVESTMENT POLICIES - Safety and law assurance - Effective procedure for permit through integrated services - Tax and fiscal incentive before commercial products - Area deployment SUPPORTING FACILITIES 1. Transportation - Roads consist of state roads, province roads and city roads - Port: > Sintete, Singkawang, Pemangkat and Sambas > Ketapang > Telok Air - Supadio Airport with total flight of 35 50 per day or up to 68 flights per day in peak season with total passenger of 2.8 million people per year Supadio Airport (Pontianak) has become the main center of domestic and international flight in West Kalimantan. It connects Pontianak to domestic destination (Batam, Jakarta, Yogyakarta), overseas destination (Singapura and Kuching Malaysia) and to some regencies. 2. Electricity by PLN, water supply, post and telecommunication 3. Domestic and international banking services

IV. PROVINCE OF CENTRAL KALIMANTAN SERVICES OF PLANTATION Institution : Services of Plantation of Central Kalimantan Address : Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Number. 18 Palangka Raya Central Kalimantan - Indonesia Phone / Fax : +62536-3223625 Email : disbunpphp@yahoo.com Contact Person : Ir. Rawing Rambang, MP. INTRODUCTION Central Kalimantan is one of Indonesia s provinces located in Kalimantan Island. The province has a territory of 153.564 Km 2 divided into 13 regencies and 1 cities inhibited by 2.249.146 people. The province has prime agriculture products such as rubber, palm oil, and coconut. INVESMENT PROJECTS The government of the province of processing of the commodities : Rubber Palm oil Coconut. Central Kalimantan will further the production and Rubber Area : 469.808 Ha Production : 251.574 Ton Productivity : 535,4 Kg /Ha Central Production : Pulang Pisau, Gunung Mas, Bartim, Murung Raya, Barut. Market Product : Slab, Lump. Selling the slab and lump to the crumb rubber factory and processing to SIR 20, total of crumb rubber factory 4 unit in central Kalimantan. 1 unit in Barito Selatan, 1unit in Kotawaringin Timur, 1 unit in Barito Selatan, and 1 unit in Palangka Raya City. Given rubber growing area, there are investment opportunities for the development of the tire factory. Planned construction site in Palangka Raya, Pulang Pisau and Kotawaringin Timur. Palm oil Area : 1.014.441,535 Ha Production : 3.921.195 Ton Productivity : 3,87 Kg/Ha Central Production : Kotawaringin Barat, Kotawaringin Timur, Seruyan, Sukamara, Katingan, Lamandau, Kapuas Market Product : CPO, PKO Total of palm oil factory is 67 units : 2 unit in Barito Utara, 14 unit in Kotawaringin Barat, 16 unit in Seruyan, 25 unit in Kotim, 3 unit in Sukamara, 3 unit in Lamandau, 2 unit in Kapuas, and 2 unit Katingan. Based on area and production area is in Central Kalimantan has the Potensial for the development of downstream industries factory. Planned construction site in Kotawaringin Barat.

Coconut Area : 75.183 Ha Production : 70.871 Ton Productivity : 942,6 Kg/Ha Central Production : Kotawaringin Timur, Kapuas and Pulang Pisau Market Product : Kopra Based on area and production area is in Central Kalimantan has the Potensial for the development of coconut oil mill. Planned construction site in Pulang Pisau, Kotawaringin Timur, Kapuas.

V. PROVINCE OF RIAU SERVICES OF PLANTATION Institution : Services of Plantation of the Province of Riau Address : Jl. Cut Nyak Dien No. 6 Pekanbaru Riau - Indonesia Phone / Fax : +62761-26700 Email : ferryriaubun@gmail.com Contact Person : Ir. Ferry HC Erna Putra.M..Si Position : Head of Division of Processing and Marketing of Plantation Products INTRODUCTION Based on statistic data in, total area of crop estate in the Province of Riau amounted to 2.2 million Ha or about 25% of total area of crop estate in Indonesia. CPO production reached 7,045,632 ton and 1,761,408 ton for PKO production. Exported palm oil mostly in the form of CPO (76%), that indicates the wide-ranging potency of downstream industry of palm oil. Produced by palm oil factory, CPO is processed into its derivative products with more added values. The Provincial Government of Riau has planned the cluster development for the downstream industry of palm oil by processing CPO into downstream products. The cluster development of this industry includes supplier industry, core industry and related industry. For the south region, the cluster development of palm oil is located at Kuala Enok. In order to accelerate the development growth, the Provincial Government of Riau has three development zones of main port as the central of growth and distribution. The three ports are Dumai Port as the development connector to north area, Tanjung Buton Port as the development connector to central area, and Kuala Enok Port as the development connector to south area. The development is conducted in line with the Government Regulation No. 32 in 2011 regarding the Master Plan for the Acceleration and Expansion of Indonesia's Economic Development (MP3EI) regarding Sumatera as the Indonesia s Economic Corridor that become the production and processing center for crops as well as the national energy producer. In addition, this region hopefully will become the main access for the national economy to explore the international market, particularly Europe, Africa, East Asia, South Asia and Australia. In the field of estate crop, the economic activities in Sumatera comprise palm oil, rubber, coal, etc. PROJECT / PRODUCT Products to be developed in the downstream industry are: - Fatty Acid Industry; - Biodiesel Industry; - Fatty Alcohol Industry; - Olein Stearin Industry; - MES (Metil Ester Sulfonat) Surfactant Industry; - Soap Industry; - Biomass Power Plant REASON FOR ADDITIONAL INVESTMENT - Increase the foreign exchange; - Increase the added value of the downstream industry of palm oil; - Enhance the competitiveness of the downstream industry of palm oil; - Improve the National Food Crops and Energy Security; - Increase the employment rate LOCATION The Industrial Zone of Kuala Enok ( KIKE ) is located at Kuala Enok Village, Tanah Merah and Sungai Batang District, Indragiri Hilir Regency, with total area of 5,439 Ha. This zone is planned to

integrate with the port development in the area of 105 Ha. Its position is adjacent to Malaka Strait, Natuna Sea and Kuala Enok Port. Based on research, this region has prospective development potential for the industry of frozen food and shrimp, fish oil and powder, corn oil, copra, coconut and palm oil processing, margarine, stearin, oleic acid, fatty alcohol, polyaloxilated derivatives, fatty alcohol ester and metalic salt. In addition, it is considered suitable for the industry of dairy products, cheese, canned fish, tapioca, glucose and fructose syrup, dextrin, CPO, copra, soap, vegetable oil, coconut shell charcoal, active carbon, chip and particle woods, molding, veneer, plywood, cosmetic and perfume, adhesive. LEGAL ASPECT The cluster development of the downstream industry of palm oil is implemented based on these following regulations: 1. Government Regulation no 28 in 2008 regarding the National Industry Policy 2. President Instruction 1 in 2010 regarding the Acceleration of National Development in 2010. 3. Regulation of the Ministry of Industry No. : 13/M-IND/PER/2010 regarding the Regulation Adjustment of the Ministry of Industry NO.III/M-IND/PER/10/2009 regarding the Roadmap of cluster development of the downstream industry of palm oil. 4. Regulation of the Ministry of Industry No : 103-137/M-IND/PER/10/2009 regarding the Roadmap of the development of Priority Industry Cluster in 2010-2014 5. Regulation of the Ministry of Industry NO.15/M-IND/i/2010 regarding the Implementation Team of Petrochemical Industry Cluster and the Implementation Team of Downstream Industry of Palm oil.; 6. Decree of the Regent of Indragiri Hilir KPTS No. 278/VIII/HK-2010 regarding the Development Zone Appointment of Industry Cluster Based on Agriculture and Oleochemical in the downstream industry of palm oil; 7. Decree of the Regent of Indragiri Hilir KPTS No. 391/XI/HK-2010 regarding the Adjustment for Development Zone Appointment of Industry Cluster Based on Agriculture and Oleochemical in the downstream industry of palm oil; 8. Decree of the Regent of Indragiri Hilir KPTS No. 315/VIII/HK-2010 regarding the Team Formation for the Industry Cluster Development Based on Agriculture and Oleochemical in the downstream industry of palm oil; 9. Decree of the Regent of Indragiri Hilir KPTS No. 278/VIII/HK-2010 regarding the Formation of Indentification Team for Industry Cluster Area Based on Agriculture and Oleochemical in the downstream industry of palm oil. ESTIMATED BUDGET OF INVESTMENT 1. Fatty Acid Industry Fatty acid industry made from PKO is planned to reach the PKO capacity of 400 ton/day with the following budget of investment and capital Estimation Budget of Investment and Capital for Fatty Acid Factory NO DESCRIPTION VALUE (Rp x 1.000) 1. Investment a. Building and Processing Station Equipment 544.500.000 b. Housing 4.041.000 c. Vehicle 880.300 d. Permit costs etc 308.593 e. DED 2.748.649

Total (1) 552.478.542 2. IDC*) 46.408.198 Total Project Cost**) 598.886.740 3. Capital 93.442.039 TOTAL 1-3 692.328.778 Notes: *) IDC (Interest During Construction) in one year amounted to 12% **) Tax Excluded 2. Biodiessel Factory The construction of Biodiessel Factory using palm oil as its material with capacity of 100,000 ton/year requires investment budget of Rp 466 billion (including IDC of Rp. 36 billion) as stated in following table: Estimation Budget of Investment and Capital for Biodiessel Factory NO DESCRIPTION VALUE (Rp x 1.000) 1. Project cost 430.000.000 2. IDC 36.120.000 Total Project Cost**) 466.120.000 3. Capital 37.339.761 TOTAL 1-3 503.459.761 3. Fatty Alcohol Industry The construction of fatty alcohol industry using PKO as its material with capacity of 300 ton fatty alcohol/day requires investment funds as follow Estimation Budget of Investment and Capital for Fatty Alcohol Industry NO DESCRIPTION VALUE (Rp x 1.000) 1. Investasi a. Investment 1.435.500.000 b. Building and Processing Station Equipment 5.357.250 c. Housing 880.300 d. Vehicle 308.593 e. DED 7.210.962 Total (1) 1.449.403.355 2. IDC*) 121.749.882 Total Project Cost**) 1.571.153.236 3. Capital 152.236.693 TOTAL 1-3 1.723.389.929 4. Olein Stearin Industry Following is the table of fund requirement for the construction of refinery industry with capacity of 180,000 ton/year. Estimation Budget of Investment and Capital for Olein Stearin Industry NO DESCRIPTION VALUE (Rp x 1.000) 1. Project Cost Land 5.400.000 Building 18.000.000 Equipment 53.550.000 Utilities 4.743.000 Storage Tank 9.000.000

Office Itinerary 360.000 Laboratory Equipment 540.000 Vehicle 1.350.000 Tax 10% & other tax 9.294.300 Project Cost 102.237.300 2. IDC*) 8.587.933 Total Project Cost**) 110.825.233 3. Capital 48.768.256 TOTAL 1-3 159.593.489 5. MES (Metil Ester Sulfonat) Surfactant Industry MES (Metil Ester Sulfonat) Surfactant factory with capacity of 50,000 ton/year require project cost, capital and IDC of Rp. 787,70 billion. Estimation Budget of Investment and Capital for MES (Metil Ester Sulfonat) Surfactant Industry NO DESCRIPTION VALUE (Rp x 1.000) 1. Project Cost a. Building and Equipment of Processing Station 648.016.000 b. Housing 4.837.250 c. Vehicle 894.300 d. Permit Cost etc 303.719 e. DED 3.270.256 Project Cost 657.321.525 2. IDC*) 55.215.008 Total Project Cost**) 712.536.534 3. Capital 75.168.991 TOTAL 1-3 787.705.525 6. Soap Industry Soap industry with capacity of 3,375 pieces/day require total investment and capital of Rp 549,8 million as follows. Estimation Budget of Investment and Capital for Soap Industry NO DESCRIPTION VALUE (Rp x 1.000) 1. Investment a. Building (rent for 5 years) 50.000.000 b. Equipment 120.500.000 c. Total 1 170.500.000 2. Capital 379.352.068 TOTAL 1-3 549.852.068 7. Palm oil Biomass Power Plant The construction of palm oil biomass power plant with capacity of 5,92MW requires total investment of USD 9.899.635 or Rp 90.867.000.000,- as stated in the following table. Estimation Budget of Investment and Capital for Palm oil Biomass Power Plant NO DESCRIPTION USD 1. EPC 7.488.170,00 2. Others Cost 700.714,88 3. Financing Fee & Contingencies 1.662.536,32 4. Legality (UKL,UPL) 48.213,81

Total 9.899.635,01 SCOPE OF PROJECT Downstream Industry of Palm oil in relation with: Supplier Industry of CPO (Palm oil Factory) and PKO (PKO Factory); Core Industry (Refinery, Fractionation, Fatty Acid, Fatty Alcohol, Biodiesel); Related Industry (Vegetable Oil, Margarine, Shortening, CBS/CBE/CBX, Surfactant/emulsifier, Shoapchip, Soap/detergent, etc); Supporting Industry (Packaging industry, methanol industry, hydrogen industry, catalyst and other chemical material). PROPOSED MODE OF INVESTMENT Full Capital: Investor own 100% stock of investment capital. Cooperation with local government is conducted for field operational; Joint Operating Unit developed by Provincial Government to arrange the development activity in the downstream industry of palm oil. The Provincial Government manages the land and investment regulation while the investor handles the development of the business units. Built Operational Transfer (BOT). Investors develop the downstream industry of palm oil with 20-year ownership to be transferred to the Regional Government in the 21 st year. Fifty-fifty (50% : 50%). Investor and the Provincial Government jointly develop the downstream industry of palm oil with stock composition of 50% from investor and 50% from the Provincial Government. INVESTMENT POLICY Investment policy will be aimed to: Law assurance and safety in investment Provide easy access of permit for investors willing to join the cluster Provide tax and retribution deduction; SUPPORTING FACILITIES Supporting facility available in the downstream industry of palm oil - Kuala Enok : Port : 35.000 DWT; Concrete Port : 80 m, average depth of 10 m; Sailings route : 18,8 mile, average depth of 5,5-11 m, width 600 m; Road and Bridge: width 7 m and length 45 km; Port area : 105 ha; Cluster area : 5.439 ha. Road Access to Downstream Industry of Palm oil NO Accessibility Road 1. Pelalawan Kuala Enok 2. Kuansing Kuala Enok 3. Rengat Kuala Enok Pelalawan-Pematang Reba- Simpang Granit-Bagan Jaya- Kuala Enok Kuansing- Air Molek- Pematang Reba-Simpang Granit-Bagan Jaya-Kuala Enok Pematang Reba-Simpang Granit-Bagan Jaya-Kuala Enok Length (Km) 311 313 241 Land Transportation : Most of the road condition at the Regency of Indragiri Hilir already

consist of paved roads comprising national road that connect Pekanbaru Jakarta trough Jambi, main roads that connect cities and primary roads that connect the Regency Capital with District Capital. In addition, fully established Indragiri bridge has facilitated the access and mobility in the Regency of Indragiri Hilir. River Transportation : the Regency of Indragiri Hilir has Indragiri River and other large rivers for transportation of speed boat, motor boat and boat. Marine Transportation : supported by the sea port - LASDAP Tembilahan Port dan Barang Container Port at Parit 21 Tembilahan. Kuala Enok sea port is the main access adjacent to the international trade routes. This port will be integrated with the Industrial Zone of Kuala Enok (KIKE) as Palm oil Cluster in Riau Province. Air Transportation: the Regency of Indragiri Hilir has one airport - Bandara Baharuddin Yusuf Airport at Tempuling District about 30 minutes away from Tembilahan City. PROJECT SCHEDULE The development of Downstream Industry of Palm oil will be conducted in several phases. First phase provides total area of 460.62 Ha. The plan for Phase 1 will be started in 2014 with following details: Allotment Plan for Phase 1 N O ALLOTMENT AREA (Ha) 1. Small Industry 10,91 2. Medium Industry 52,20 3. Large Industry 103,14 4. Power Plant 6,04 5. Small Warehouse 7,68 6. Medium Warehouse 24,67 7. Large Warehouse 61,99 8. Office 12,25 9. Management Office 6,15 10. Housing 15,96 11. Water Treatment Plan t 4,56 12. Shops 2,64 13. IPAL 5,81 14. Recreation 13,97 15. Public Facility 3,92 16. Existing Housing 23,73 17. Port 105,00 Total 460,62

VI. PROVINCE OF WEST SULAWESI SERVICES OF PLANTATION Institution : Services of Plantation of the Province of West Sulawesi Address : Jl. H. Abd. Malik Pattana Endeng - Komp Kantor Gubernur, Simboro Mamuju, West Sulawesi - Indonesia Phone / Fax : +62426-2325286 Email : perkebunan_sulbar@yahoo.co.id Contact Person : Ir. Supriyatno, MA. MMA Position : Head of Services of Plantation of the Province of West Sulawesi INTRODUCTION The prospect of cacao processing factory has been considered highly promising with total area of + 185,000 Ha and production amounted to + 105,032 Ton/Ha/year in addition to the potency of area expansion for cacao commodity with total area of + 54.089 Ha PROJECT / PRODUCT The development of cacao processing factory in West Sulawesi REASON FOR ADDITIONAL INVESTMENT - Increase the regional income - Increase the farmers income - Provide job opportunities for local people LOCATION The development of cacao processing factory is located at: - Mamuju Regency - Polewali Mandar Regency LEGAL ASPECT - Law No.15 in 2004 regarding estate crop - Government Regulation No.26 in 2007 regarding the guide for business permit in estate crop - Law No.25 in 2007 regarding the capital investment ESTIMATED BUDGET OF INVESTMENT The estimated budget for the development of cacao processing factory is Rp. 150 Billion for the land expansion and the factory development PROPOSED MODE OF INVESTMENT - Direct investment - Partnership between the government and private companies CONTRIBUTION NEEDED BY PARTNER - Recruitment of local manpower - Technology transfer - Product diversification - Development of supporting facility near the factory INVESTMENT POLICIES - Generate the conducive business climate - Develop partnership with banking institution - Investment promotion in order to attract more investors SUPPORTING FACILITIES - Sea port

- Airport - State roads, province roads and regency roads connecting the production center of cacao - Telecommunication facility (PT. Telkom) has reached almost all regions of West Sulawesi PROJECT SCHEDULE The development of cacao processing factory is scheduled to start in 2014

VII. PROVINCE OF SOUTHEAST SULAWESI SERVICES OF PLANTATION AND HORTICULTURE Institution : Services of Plantation and Horticulture of the Province of Southeast Sulawesi Address : Jl. Pertanian No. 1 Kendari Southeast Sulawesi - Indonesia Phone / Fax : +62401-3121953 / +62401-3122182 Email : ng-amiruddin@rocketmail.com Contact Person : Ir. H.A. Chaidir Nurdin, MBA Position : Head of Services of Plantation and Horticulture INTRODUCTION The business development of palm oil has attracted potential investors in the field of estate crop. The land productivity and prospective market aspects are considered as the catalyst factor of the vast investment of palm oil commodity. Generally, the business development of palm oil in large scale is performed if the businessmen willing to build the processing unit of palm oil. As for the smaller scale, the business development is performed by producing TBS (fresh fruit bunches) to be sold to the broker. The Province of Southeast Sulawesi is widely known as the region with prospective potentials in the business development of palm oil in several regencies among others Kolaka Regency, Konawe Regency, Bombana Regency, North Konawe Regency, and North Buton Regency. These regencies attain the potency of the palm oil development. PROJECT / PRODUCT In the Province of Southeast Sulawesi, the development of palm oil in general is conducted by large scale company of BUMN (State Owned Companies) and private companies in addition to small part of local people. REASON FOR ADDITIONAL INVESTMENT The main goal of the business development of palm oil - Increase the manpower - Increase local revenue - Increase the income and welfare of farmers in the area LOCATION The locations of palm oil development in the Province of Southeast Sulawesi are: - Kolaka Regency - Konawe Regency - North Konawe Regency - North Buton Regency - Bombana Regency LEGAL ASPECT Based on the legal aspect, the palm oil development in the Province of Southeast Sulawesi is implemented according to the technical procedures in the business field of estate crop as stated by the Law No. 18 in 2004 regarding the Estate Crop, and Government Regulation No. 26 in 2007 regarding the permit guidance of estate crop business. ESTIMATED BUDGET OF INVESTMENT The estimated budget in the palm oil business based on assumption of 6,000 Ha in the first year - Manpower Rp. - Material procurement Rp - Total investment Rp.

SCOPE OF PROJECT The scope of project in the palm oil development includes - Palm oil cultivation (estate) - Palm oil processing (factory) PROPOSED MODE OF INVESTMENT - The development of nucleus estate - The development of smallholders estate - Based of profit sharing system as follows, 40 % for farmers and 60% for companies CONTRIBUTION NEEDED BY PARTNER - The recruitment of local manpower - Tax payment - Building the supporting facility near the project location - Mutual cooperation between the Government, companies and farmers INVESTMENT POLICIES - Enhance the information system and investment promotion in order to increase the investment potentials and increase the trading acing for export import - Increase the institution capacity for the simplification of permit procedures and to ensure the business assurance SUPPORTING FACILITY Integrated service office PROJECT SCHEDULE The schedule implementation of palm oil development is adjusted to the condition of companies/investors

VIII. PROVINCE OF EAST NUSA TENGGARA (NTT) SERVICES OF ANIMAL HUSBANDRY Institution : Services of Animal Husbandry Address : Jl. Veteran Kel. Kelapa Lima Kec. Kelapa Lima Walikota Kupang - Indonesia Phone / Fax : +62380-831821 / +62380-825250 Email : disnak_ntt@yahoo.com Contact Person : Ir. Semuel Rebo Position : Head of Animal Husbandry INTRODUCTION The prospect of meat cow in NTT has become benefit the promising potentials. Almost one million hectare of grazing field and 1.5 million hectare of agricultural land in dry season have been employed for the development of meat cow. To date (2012), the cattle population reached 826,000 cattle and predicted to further increase in the near future. PROJECT / PRODUCT The agribusiness development of meat cow in NTT REASON FOR ADDITIONAL INVESTMENT a. Increase the production of meat cow in NTT b. Accelerate the regional economy and increase the farmers income LOCATION 1. Regency of East Sumba 2. Regency of Central Sumba 3. Regency of Kupang LEGAL ASPECT - Law No 25 in 2007 regarding the capital investment - Law No 18 in 2009 regarding the Livestock and Cattle Health - President Regulation No. 27 in 2009 regarding the Intergrated Service Office - Decree of Head of BKPM No 12 in 2009 regarding the guide and capital investment application. - Regional Regulation No 7 in 2009 regarding the capital investment ESTIMATED BUDGET OF INVESTMENT a. Sumba Ongole Breeding: Rp 60 billion b. Bali Cow Breeding: Rp 42 billion c. Development of modern slaughterhouse and meat processing industry Rp 6.5 billion SCOPE OF PROJECT a. Facility development b. Cattle seeding procurement c. Operational PROPOSED MODE OF INVESTMENT a. Direct investment from private companies b. Partnership between private companies and provincial government CONTRIBUTION NEEDED BY PARTNER a. Technology transfer b. Funding

c. Market development, and d. Product diversification INVESTMENT POLICIES a. Enhance the supporting facility for the agribusiness of meat cow b. Generate the conducive business environment c. Cooperation with the banking institutions and other finance institutions in order to prepare the funding source for meat cow business SUPPORTING FACILITIES Sea Port Airport - State and province road that already connected the meat cow areas with airport and sea port. - Communication facility (PT. Telkom) that has reached almost all of regions in NTT - Electricity (PLN) PROJECT SCHEDULE Start in 2014

IX. PROVINCE OF PAPUA SERVICES OF AGRICULTURE AND FOOD TENACITY Institution : Services of Agriculture and Food Tenacity Address : Kantor Dinas-Dinas Otonom Gedung B Lt. 3 Jl. Raya Abepura, Kotaraja Jayapura, Papua - Indonesia Phone / Fax : +62967-583158 / +62967-585229 Email : anna.sawai@yahoo.co.id Contact Person : Ir. Anna O.S.H. Sawai Position : Head of Services of Agriculture and Food Tenacity INTRODUCTION The Province of Papua is enriched with promising natural resources with business opportunities in the field of food crops and horticulture, supported by vast areas full of forests, sea filled with varied biota and millions hectare of land suitable for agriculture. The climate in Papua is diverse, south coastline with dry climate influenced by dry wind from Australia, north coastline and mountains with high rainfall of over 4,000 mm per year. As its topography, Papua consists of lowland, swamp, and highland full of tropical forests, meadows and valleys. In the center, there is a series of mountains with three mountains tops Puncak Jayawijaya, Puncak Trikora and Puncak Yamin. There are rivers flowing to the south and north side Digul River, Warenai River, Wagona River, and Mamberamo River, that functions as the water sources, food resources as well as the connecting facility to other regions. Total area of Papua Province is 317,062 Km2, with administrative borders: Pacific Ocean (north side), West Papua (west side), Arafura Ocean (south side), and New Guinea (east side). The capital of Papua Province is Jayapura consists of 28 Regency and 1 city government, 385 Districts and 3,540 villages. In 2010, the total population reached 2,833,381 people with total area of 317,062 Km2 and population density of 9 people per Km2. The population growth rate amounted to 5.39 %, and the total population in 2013 is predicted to reach 3,316,675 people. POTENCY AND INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY Potency of Food Crops Commodity Area (ha) Productivit y (ku/ha) Productio n (ton) Rice 37.149 37,16 138.032 Corn 3.553 17,99 6.393 Soya 3.732 11,14 4.156 Location 12 Regency, mostly in Merauke, Nabire, Jayapura,Mimika, kerom, Jayapura City 19 Regency, mostly in Jayapura, nabire, Kep. Yapen, paniai, kerom, Jayapura City 14 Regency, mostly in: Merauke,jayawijaya, jayapura, Nabire,Yahukimo, Kerom, Jayapura city Harvest Season January - December January - December January - December Investment Opportunity Seeding, Cultivation of paddy, rice field, mechanized rice mills Seeding, corn cultivation, cattle fed, mechanization( pre post harvest) Seeding, processing industry, and mechanization

Peanut 1.990 10,52 2.094 Green bean 807 10,42 841 Cassava 3.020 121,45 36.679 17 Regency, mostly January - in: December Merauke, nabire, kep. Yapen, paniaikerom, Jayapura city. 17 Regency, Mostly in: Merauke, nabire, Biak numfor, Kerom, Jayapura city 19 Regency, mostly in: Merauke, Jayawijaya, jayapura, Kep. Yapen, Biak NumforPaniai, mimika, kerom, Waropen, Jayapura city January - December January- December Seeding, processing industry, and mechanization Seeding, processing industry, and mechanization Cultivation, flour industry and mechanization Sweet potato 33.071 104,35 345.094 Disseminated in all of Papua, mostly in: merauke, jayawijaya, nabire, Kep. Yapen, Biak Numfor, paniai, Puncak jaya, Yahukimo, Tolikara, Kerom, Jayapura city January- December Cultivation, flour industry and mechanization Potency of fruit and vegetable Vegetable commodity developed in Papua Province includes red onions, garlic, scallion, potato, cabbage, cauliflower, cabbage / mustard greens, carrots, kidney beans, chili, tomato, eggplant, beans, cucumbers, squash, spinach. Fruits commodity are avocado, star fruit, durian, guava, tangerine, grapefruit, mango, jackfruit, pineapple, papaya, banana, rambutan, snake fruit, passion fruit, soursop, breadfruit Land Potency Papua Province has potential land for agricultural development, especially in the sub sector of Food Crops and Horticulture. Based on the Map of Ecology Agro Zone, Papua Province has land potency of Food Crops and Horticulture with total area of 2,071,198 Ha as follows : Wetland agriculture : 1.115.162,85 ha Dryland agriculture : 243.072,95 ha Wetland agriculture in highland: 7.300,61 ha Dryland agriculture with low humidity: 440.337,76 ha Other purposes: 265.284 ha LEGAL ASPECT The agricultural development in large scale compels the active support from local or foreign private companies willing to invest their capital and skill in Papua. In accordance with it,

the Provincial Government has provided the supporting policy to facilitate the investment in Papua as follows: Provide easy access of permit for investors Provide tax deduction, especially for capital products Availability of skilled local manpower Cooperation and support from local people in the form of profit sharing Enhance the security condition for investment Permit procedures based on Law No 25 in 2007 regarding the capital investment followed by the President Regulation No 27 in 2009 regarding the Integrated Service Center (PTSP). PTSP in the field of capital investment in Papua Province based on the Governor Regulation No 1 in 2010, coordinated by Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board Official Website (BKPM) of Papua Province, as for the guide of capital investment application is stated in the Regulation of Head of BKPM No. 12 in 2009. PROPOSED MODE OF INVESTMENT Type of investment 1. Direct investment 2. Joint business CONTRIBUTION NEEDED BY PARTNER Capital, technology and marketing SUPPORTING FACILITY Transportation The length of road in Papua is 15.327.36 km that consist of : State Road (1,794.95 km), Province Road (1,400.63 km), and Regency Road (12,131.78 km). To date, the Government has strived to build the road that will connect all regions in Papua divided in 11 roads. There are 255 small and large airports in Papua Province. Large aircrafts such as Boeing can land in some airports at the Regency Capital. Airlines operation in Papua are among others Garuda Indonesia, Merpati Nusantara, Lion Air and Express Air, while airlines operation in remote areas are Trigana, Airfast Indonesia, MAF, Susy Air. Total number of departing airplane to Jakarta and other big cities is 7 8 airplanes per day, it takes about 7 hours to fly from Jakarta to Jayapura. As for marine transportation, PT. PELNI operates passenger ships among others KM Sinabung, KM Labobar, KM Dabonsolo, KM Gunung Dempo, KM dorolonda and KM Nggapulu, in addition to pioneer ship for interisland transportation in Papua. Electricity, Post and Telecommunication. In Papua, electricity is provided by PLN (State Owned Electric Company) mostly by diesel power plant. For the future, electricity is targeted to be provided by the Steam Power Plant (PLTU). Post offices have reached the remote villages in Papua, the mail delivery from Papua to major cities takes 3 5 days. Beside the Post Office, other delivery services are Titipan Kilat, PCP, DHL. Telecommunication facility such as public phone and internet are available in all region of Papua in addition to operating cellular phone available (Indosat, Telkomsel dan XL).

X. PROVINCE OF SOUTH SUMATERA SERVICES OF PLANTATION Institution : Provincial Government Office of South Sumatera Plantation Address : Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Km. 3,5 No. 563 Palembang, South Sumatera, Indonesia Phone / Fax : +62711-357569, 351451 / +62711-377250 Email : sri.murhartati@yahoo.co.id Contact Person : Ir. Hj. Sri Murhartati, M.Si. Position : Senior Officer of Processing and Marketing of Plantation Products INTRODUCTION South Sumatera Province is one of the production centre of agricultural plantation in Indonesia with four major commodities namely palm oil, rubber, coffee and coconut. In the total area of 8.7 million hectares of the Province for all use purposes, these commodities plantation occupies as many as 2,35 million hectares (27,01%). Majorities of the production are exported to world market in the form of raw materials and intermediate products, while only small portions are traded as valuable finished goods. It means that big opportunities are still available for investing and developing such industrial businesses. INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES The Government of South Sumatera and majorities ot its District Government has shift their development plan from focusing on increasing the area of on-farm plantations to developing the processing manufactures or the so called as.agro-industry. The objectives of the program are to increase added value benefited by both investors and local business communities, facilitate and support the implementation of agro-precessing technology in the regions, and to provide job opportunities or markets for local labor which would decrease the rate of unemployment in the province. Several potential investment concerning the four main plantation commodities can be descibed as follows. A. Palm oil Cluster Industry With the total area of around 8.5 thousand hectares and CPO production of 2,2 million tonnes, South Sumatera Province has planned to develop cluster industry in Tanjung Api-Api Industrial Zone consisting diret and indirect related industries : 1. Refinery Project Investment cost USD 1,337,455 per unit 2. Biodiesel Project Investment cost USD 1,500,000 per unit 3. Biomass and Waste Utilization Product (Fibre, briquette, etc.) Investment cost USD 8,048,500 per unit 4. Oleochemical and other potential projects that could be negotiated. B. Rubber Industries South Sumatera has 1.2 million hectares of rubber plantation with the production of 1.05 million tonnes of 100 % dried rubber. The derivatives industry that needed to be developed at the Tanjung Api-Api Indutrial Zone are : 1. Machinery Rubber Goods (ring seal, conveyer belt, huller belt, etc) 2. Health Rubber Goods (glove, contraception products, etc) 3. Automotives spare parts 4. Tyre Vulcanizer 5. Other rubber goods The update investment cost for developing those industries are subject to be analyzed C. Coffee Industries