Korean SOLT I Module 2 Lesson 5 Lesson Objectives At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to: 1. Identify Military Ranks and Titles Recognize military ranks Identify military insignias Compare military insignias Address Korean officers and enlisted personnel by appropriate rank and protocol Compare military ranks Identify the ranks and specialties of a SF team 2. Identify Military Specialties Recognize military specialties Describe activities of different military specialties Request information about the MOS of the Korean team members Provide information about the MOS of the U.S. team members 3. Discuss the Branches of the Identify branches of services Identify the branch insignia of the Talk about the organization and formation of the Discuss the differences between the U.S. and Korean military insignias and their functions pages 186-219 pages 220-221 Pages 222-223 pages 224-225 pages 226-231 pages 232-234 pages 235-238 GRAMMAR VOCABULARY CULTURAL NOTES NOTES APPLICATION ACTIVITIES SKILL ENHANCEMENT HOMEWORK 185
Module 2 Lesson 5 Korean SOLT I Korean Military Ranks and Insignias / Compare Military Insignias Enlisted ( 사병 ) Private 이등병 When South Korea's national defense guard was founded, Private enlisted ranks were divided into Private and Private First Class. First These terms have been used ever since. Class 일병 Corporal/ Specialist 상병 In 1962, enlisted ranks were divided into four, and those who were in the upper rank of the enlisted were called Corporal. Sergeant 병장 The term Sergeant was used to signify the head of the enlisted ranks. Non-commissioned Officer ( 부사관 ) In 1996, the Non-commissioned Officers' insignias were revised. In the past, the Noncommissioned Officers insignias were placed on top of the enlisted soldiers insignias, causing them to look too big. So, to arouse their pride and to make the insignias of the officers unique, they added the Mugunghwa sign. Staff Sergeant Sergeant First Class Master Sergeant Sergeant Major 하사 중사 상사 원사 186
Korean SOLT I Module 2 Lesson 5 Company Grade Officer ( 위관급장교 ) The Company Grade Officers rhombus symbolizes the officers' strong will to protect the nation, and is expressed in the shape of a strong, unbreakable diamond. 2nd Lieutenant 소위 1st Lieutenant 중위 Captain 대위 Field Grade Officer ( 영관급장교 ) The Field Grade Officers' bamboo symbolizes the ever greenness of the four seasons, strong spirit, and fidelity. Major 소령 Lieutenant Colonel 중령 Colonel 대령 187
Module 2 Lesson 5 Korean SOLT I General ( 장성 ) Brigadier General 준장 Major General 소장 Lieutenant General 중장 General 대장 188
Korean SOLT I Module 2 Lesson 5 Exercise 1 Match each insignia with the corresponding Korean rank. 소장 대장 준장 중장 189
Module 2 Lesson 5 Korean SOLT I Exercise 2 Match each insignia with the corresponding Korean rank. 소위 대령 중위 소령 중령 대위 190
Korean SOLT I Module 2 Lesson 5 Exercise 3 Match each insignia with the corresponding Korean rank. 중사 하사 상사 Exercise 4 Match each insignia with the corresponding Korean rank. 일병 병장 이병 상병 191
Module 2 Lesson 5 Korean SOLT I Military Insignias of the U.S. Forces The following tables show the military insignias of the American enlisted personnel, officers, and warrant officers. Enlisted Personnel Rank Level Army Navy / Coast Guard Air Force E-1 Private (no insignia) Seaman Recruit (SR) Airman Basic (no insignia) E-2 Private Seaman Apprentice (SA) Airman E-3 Private First Class Seaman (SN) Airman First Class Specialist, Fourth Class E-4 Corporal Petty Officer Third Class (PO3) Senior Airman E-5 Sergeant Petty Officer Second Class (PO2) Staff Sergeant E-6 Staff Sergeant Petty Officer First Class (PO1) Technical Sergeant E-7 Sergeant First Class Chief Petty Officer (CPO) Master Sergeant 192
Korean SOLT I Module 2 Lesson 5 Master Sergeant Senior Master Sergeant E-8 First Sergeant Senior Chief Petty Officer (SCPO) Senior Master Sergeant with first sergeant status Sergeant Major Chief Master Sergeant E-9 <> Command Sergeant Major Master Chief Petty Officer (MCPO) Chief Master Sergeant with first sergeant status E-9 (special) Command Sergeant Major of the Army Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy (MCPON) Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force 193
Module 2 Lesson 5 Korean SOLT I Officers Rank Level O-1 O-2 O-3 Second Lieutenant (2LT) First Lieutenant (1LT) Captain (CPT) O-4 Major (MAJ) Army Navy / Coast Guard Air Force Ensign (ENS) Lieutenant, Junior Grade (LTJG) Lieutenant (LT) Lieutenant Commander (LCDR) Second Lieutenant (2Lt) First Lieutenant (1Lt) Captain (Capt) Major (Maj) O-5 Lieutenant Colonel (LTC) Commander (CDR) Lieutenant Colonel (LtCol) O-6 Colonel (COL) Captain (CAPT) Colonel (Col) O-7 Brigadier General (BG) Rear Admiral, Lower Half (RDML) Brigadier General (BGen) O-8 Major General (MG) Rear Admiral, Upper Half (RADM) Major General (MGen) O-9 Lieutenant General (LTG) Vice Admiral (VADM) Lieutenant General (LtGen) O-10 General (GEN) Admiral (ADM) General (Gen) (special) General of the Army Fleet Admiral (FADM) General of the Air Force 194
Korean SOLT I Module 2 Lesson 5 Warrant Officers Rank Level Army Navy / Coast Guard WO-1 WO-2 WO-3 WO-4 Warrant Officer (WO1) Chief Warrant Officer (CW2) Chief Warrant Officer (CW3) Chief Warrant Officer (CW4) Warrant Officer (W-1)* Chief Warrant Officer (W-2) Chief Warrant Officer (W-3) Chief Warrant Officer (W-4) WO-5 Chief Warrant Officer (CW5) Address Korean Officers and Enlisted Personnel by Appropriate Rank and Protocol When addressing a person of a higher rank, 님 should be added to the end of the rank to give respect. Blunt or informal form should be used when addressing a person of a lower rank. Lesson Dialogue 1 Address Korean Officers and Enlisted Personnel Read the dialogue below and answer the question that follows. A: 김중위님, 중대장님께서찾으십니다. B: 알았어. 지금곧가도록하지. 참, 이병장, 본부전화번호가몇번이지? A: 123-4567 입니다. Dialogue 1 Exercise 1. Who is looking for First Lieutenant Kim? 195
Module 2 Lesson 5 Korean SOLT I Comparing Military Ranks The following table shows the army ranks for both South and North Korea. South Korea North Korea English Equivalents 대장 대장 General (None) 상장 (None) 중장 중장 Lt. General 소장 소장 Maj. General 준장 (None) Brigadier General 대령 대좌 Colonel (None) 상좌 (None) 중령 중좌 Lt. Colonel 소령 소좌 Major 대위 대위 Captain (None) 상위 Senior Lieutenant 중위 중위 First Lieutenant 소위 소위 Second Lieutenant 상사 특무상사 Master Sergeant 중사 상사 Sergeant First Class 하사 중사 Staff Sergeant 병장 하사 Sergeant 상 ( 등 ) 병 상등병 Specialist/Corporal 일 ( 등 ) 병 (None) Private First Class 이 ( 등 ) 병 전사 Private 196
Module 2 Lesson 5 Korean SOLT I Lesson Scenario 2 Identify Ranks and Specialties of a SF Team Sergeant Smith is asking Lieutenant Kim about the Special Forces in Korea. Read the dialogue below and answer the question that follows. Sergeant Smith : 김중위님은소속이어디시죠? Lieutenant Kim : 네특수전사령부에서근무합니다. Sergeant Smith : 특전사팀장계급은무엇입니까? Lieutenant Kim : 대위입니다. Sergeant Smith : 팀에무전병과저격수등도있나요? Lieutenant Kim : 그럼요, 그외에도정보, 폭파요원도있습니다. Scenario 2 Exercise 1. What is the SF s team leader s rank? 특전사구성비교 (U.S. & Korean Special Forces Team Composition) 미군 (U.S.) 한국군 (Korean) 12 명 (12 man team) 13 명 (13 man team) 팀장 대위 (Team Ldr-Captain) 부팀장 준위 (Asst. Team Ldr-WO) 작전 1 (Operations NCO) 정보 1 (Intelligence NCO) 무기 2 (Weapons NCO) 공병 2 (Engineer NCO) 의무 2 (Medical NCO) 통신 2 (Communications NCO) 팀장 대위 (Team Ldr-Captain) 부팀장 중위 (Asst. Team Ldr-1LT) 선임부사관 상사 (Team NCO-MSG) 작전 1 (Operations NCO) 정보 1 (Intelligence NCO) 무기 2 (Weapons NCO) 공병 2 (Engineer NCO) 의무 2 (Medical NCO) 통신 2 (Communications NCO) 198
Korean SOLT I Module 2 Lesson 5 Exercise 5 Write down the English equivalents for the following Korean ranks. (1) 대장 (2) 중장 (3) 소장 (4) 준장 (5) 대령 (6) 중령 (7) 소령 (8) 대위 (9) 중위 (10) 소위 Exercise 6 Write down the Korean equivalents for the following American ranks. (1) Master Sergeant (2) Sergeant First Class (3) Staff Sergeant (4) Sergeant (5) Specialist/Corporal (6) Private First Class (7) Private 199
Module 2 Lesson 5 Korean SOLT I Exercise 7 Answer the questions below regarding proper forms of address. (1) How would Sergeant Park address Lieutenant Jin, who is Sergeant Park s platoon leader? (2) How would Sergeant Park address Lieutenant Jin, who visited him from another unit on business? (3) How would Corporal Kang address Captain Ku, who is Corporal Kang s company leader? (4) How would Corporal Kang address Captain Ku, who visited him from another unit on business? (5) How would Lieutenant Jin address Sergeant Kyongho Park ( 박경호 )? (6) How would Mr. Suh, who is a civilian, address Major Lee? (7) How would Major Lee address Mr. Wooseong Suh, who is a civilian ( 서우성 )? (8) How would Staff Sergeant Choi address Staff Sergeant Kim? Lesson Scenario 3 Different Military Specialties Captain Kim meets Sergeant Lee at a church. Read the dialogue below and answer the question that follows. A: 이병장은군종병이라며무슨일들을하나? B: 네, 저는군목님을도와드리고있습니다. A: 김대위님은무슨일을하십니까? B: 응, 난대대정보장교야. Scenario 3 Exercise 1. What is Captain Kim s branch? 200
Korean SOLT I Module 2 Lesson 5 Lesson Dialogue 4 Request Information about MOS Read the short dialogue below and answer the question that follows. A: 김병장은직책이무엇입니까? B: 저는보병소총수입니다. Dialogue 4 Exercise 1. What is Sgt. Kim s duty position? Lesson Dialogue 5 Provide Information about MOS Read the short dialogue below and answer the question that follows. A: 스미스중사의직책이뭡니까? B: 저는정보분석관입니다. A: 어떤일들을하십니까? B: 분석한정보를대대본부에보고합니다. Dialogue 5 Exercise 1. What is SFC Smith s duty position? Exercise 8 This following is a short autobiography about Sergeant Sungo Jin s military service. Read it carefully and answer the questions below. 저는진승오병장입니다. 1997 년에보병소총수로입대하였습니다. 강원도에서병영생활을시작하였지만, 지금은서울로전출중입니다. 201
Module 2 Lesson 5 Korean SOLT I Continue (1) 진병장은언제입대하였습니까? (a) 1997 년 (b) 1998 년 (c) 1999 년 (d) 2000 년 (2) 진병장의병과는무엇입니까? (a) 포병 (b) 위생병 (c) 공병 (d) 보병 (3) 진병장의직책은무엇입니까? (a) 기관총사수 (b) 기관총조수 (c) 소총수 (d) 분대장 (4) 진병장은어디에서군대생활을시작하였습니까? (a) 경기도 (b) 제주도 (c) 강원도 (d) 충청도 (5) 진병장은지금어디서근무하고있습니까? (a) 서울 (b) 부산 (c) 광주 (d) 강릉 202
Korean SOLT I Module 2 Lesson 5 Exercise 9 The following is a short autobiography about Specialist Soohyon Hwang s military service. Read it carefully and answer the questions below. 저는황수현상병입니다. 1998 년공군으로입대하여제주도한라산의관제탑에서근무중입니다. 2000 년 8 월달에제대할예정입니다. (1) 황상병은언제입대하였습니까? (a) 1997 년 (b) 1998 년 (c) 1999 년 (d) 2000 년 (2) 황상병은육해공군중어디에속합니까? (a) 육군 (b) 해군 (c) 공군 (d) 해병대 (3) 황상병은어디에서근무합니까? (a) 경기도강화도 (b) 제주도해안초소 (c) 제주도한라산 (d) 서울수방사 (4) 황상병은어떤일을합니까? (a) 관제탑근무 (b) 의무대에서근무 (c) 공병대에서근무 (d) 헌병으로근무 (5) 황상병은언제제대할예정입니까? (a) 1999 년 5 월 (b) 2000 년 5 월 (c) 1999 년 8 월 (d) 2000 년 8 월 203
Module 2 Lesson 5 Korean SOLT I Exercise 10 The following is a short autobiography about First Lt. Byonghee Lee s military service. Read it carefully and answer the questions below. 저는이병희중위입니다. 병과는공병대이고직책은소대장입니다. R.O.T.C. 출신이며, 1998 년임관하였습니다. (1) 이중위는언제소위로임관하였습니까? (a) 1996 년 (b) 1997 년 (c) 1998 년 (d) 1999 년 (2) 이중위의병과는무엇입니까? (a) 공병대 (b) 포병대 (c) 기갑부대 (d) 의무대 (3) 이중위의직책은무엇입니까? (a) 중대장 (b) 소대장 (c) 분대장 (d) 연대장 (4) 이중위는어떤과정을걸쳐소위가되었습니까? (a) 육사 (b) 공사 (c) 해사 (d) R.O.T.C. 204
Korean SOLT I Module 2 Lesson 5 Lesson Dialogue 6 Identify Branches of The Armed Services Read the dialogue below and answer the question that follows. A: 이대위님은소속군이어디입니까? B: 네, 전공군입니다. A: 스미스중사님은소속군이어디입니까? B: 네, 전육군입니다. Dialogue 6 Exercise 1. Which branch of the armed services does Captain Lee belong to? Korean Military Forces Tip of the Day According to the data published in 1998, the manpower and units of the Korean military forces are as follows: 1. Ground Forces * Manpower: 560,000 soldiers (including 140,000 conscripts) * Units Active Component - 3 Armies - 11 Corps Headquarters - 3 Mechanized Divisions - 19 Infantry Divisions - 2 Independent Infantry Brigades - 7 Special Forces Brigades - 3 Counter-infiltration Brigades - 3 ADA Brigades - 3 ADA Battalions with I-Hawk missiles - 2 ADA Battalions with Nike Hercules missiles - 3 SSM Battalions - 1 Aviation Command 205
Module 2 Lesson 5 Korean SOLT I Tip of the Day (Continued) Reserve Component -1 Army Headquarters 23 Infantry Divisions 2. Naval forces * Manpower: 35,000 sailors (including 10,000 conscripts) * Vessels - 14 diesel submarines - 5 destroyers - 33 frigates - 11 missile patrol boats - 90 patrol boats - 16 amphibious warfare ships - 14 mine countermeasure ships - 13 support ships * Naval Air - 23 fixed wing - 47 helicopters 3. Air Forces * Manpower: 52,000 airmen * Units - 10 fighter-bomber squadrons - 4 fighter squadrons - 1 recon squadron - 2 transport wings 4. Marine Forces * Manpower: 25,000 (including 9,000 conscripts) * Units - 2 Divisions - 1 Separate Brigade - Support Units 206
Korean SOLT I Module 2 Lesson 5 Identify the Branch Insignia of the 육군휘장 (Army) 공군휘장 (Air Force) 해군휘장 (Navy) 해병대휘장 (Marines) Identify Branches of Services in Korea Distinction Branch Marks Branch Mascot Explanation Infantry 보병 Artillery 포병 Armor 기갑 - Infantry is represented with sword and shield, the basic weapon of ancient warriors. - Two cannons in cross formation with an arrow down the middle represent artillery. - The horseshoe is added to the infantry logo to represent the speed of the cavalry. 207
Module 2 Lesson 5 Korean SOLT I Intelligence 정보 - The torch represents the ancient signal fires that were used to communicate warnings. The circle represents the earth. The four compass points represent the spread of information. The telescope represents intelligence observation. Ordnance 병기 - Ordnance is represented with ancient weapons like the bow and arrow. Quarter Master 병참 - The keys represent the supply control system. Transportation 수송 - This logo represents the 5 major transportation means: land route, water way, railroad, air, and oil pipeline. 208
Korean SOLT I Module 2 Lesson 5 Adjutant 부관 -The scroll and quill writing brush represent administration, and the sword represents the army Military Police 헌병 -The two hexagonal clubs that cross represent jail and punishment, and the belt represents judicial power. Accounting 경리 -The diamond represents the national treasury of Korea. The ancient money and abacus represent finance. 209
Module 2 Lesson 5 Korean SOLT I Troop Information Education 정훈 -The bell represents freedom, the signal fire represents democracy, and the brush represents education. The sword represents justice. Medical 의무 -This symbol, with two snakes twined around a staff and spreaded wings surrounding the staff, represents the ancient god s angel s staff. The symbol is commonly used to represent medical art. Judge Advocate General 법무 -The Laurel crown represents justice and peace. The code of law and the scale represent justice. The hammer represents the court. Chaplain 군목 -The cross symbolizes faith, charity, and service of Christ. 210
Korean SOLT I Module 2 Lesson 5 Priest 신부 -This cross represents the resurrection of mankind, and the hemp represents the spirit of martyrdom. Monk 군승 -The logo represents Paljungdo (8 right ways in Buddhism) and Sambo (3 elements of Buddhism). Inspector General 감찰 -The ancient horse plate represents the authority of the inspector. The brush represents the commander s assistant. The sword symbolizes the power to punish evil. Band 군악 -The ancient trumpet and drum symbolize victory. 211
Module 2 Lesson 5 Korean SOLT I Unit Symbols of the Korean Army ( 육군병과 ) 공병 Military Engineer 보병 Infantry 산악보병 Mountain Infantry 위생병 Medical Corps 통신병 Signal 포병 Artillery 공수부대 Airborne Troops 212
Korean SOLT I Module 2 Lesson 5 Exercise 11 Match each branch insignia with the corresponding Korean word. 보병 위생병 통신병 공수부대 포병 공병 산악보병 213
Module 2 Lesson 5 Korean SOLT I Talk about the Organization and Formation of the In English: In Korean: 214
Korean SOLT I Module 2 Lesson 5 In English: In Korean: 215
Module 2 Lesson 5 Korean SOLT I Tip of the Day Minimum Military Service Period for Promotion The following tables indicate the minimum military service period for promotion. Minimum Military Service Period for Enlisted Personnel 입영 => 이병이병 => 일병일병 => 상병상병 => 병장병장 => 전역 2 months 4 months 6 months 8 months 6 months Minimum Military Service Period for Officers 소위 => 중위중위 => 대위대위 => 소령소령 => 중령중령 => 대령대령 => 준장준장 => 소장소장 => 중장중장 => 대장 1 year 3 years 5-7 years 6 years 7 years 6 years 2 years 3 years 3 years 216
Korean SOLT I Module 2 Lesson 5 Lesson Scenario 7 Military Job Mr. Hangi Chu ( 주한기 ) and Mr. Suwhan Kang ( 강수환 ) are talking about the military jobs they ve had during their military service. Read the dialogue below and answer the questions that follow. A: 주한기씨는군대갔다왔습니까? B: 예, 강원도 15 사단에있었습니다. A: 거기서무슨일을하셨습니까? B: 주로 DMZ 철책근무를하였습니다. 그렇지만제대하기 6 개월전부대가이동하여기관총사수로도있었습니다. 강수환씨는군대어디갔다왔습니까? A: 저는공군으로있었습니다. 용문산관제탑에서근무했습니다. Scenario 7 Exercise 1. Did Mr. Hangi Chu finish his military service? 2. What did Mr. Chu do at the 15 th Infantry Division? Exercise 12 Captain Mingi Suh ( 서민기 ) calls the Support Unit that handles billeting and asks whether an apartment is available in the residential barracks. Sergeant Jin answers the phone. Sergeant Sugil Jin ( 진수길 ) asks his name and rank, as well as other pertinent information (number of children, date required, etc.) needed to put him on the waiting list. The Captain responds using the appropriate form of politeness. With a partner, act out this scenario. Reverse roles so both of you can practice. Example: A: 계급과성함이무엇입니까? B: 저는서민기대위입니다. 217
Module 2 Lesson 5 Korean SOLT I Exercise 13 The students will stay in the same pair groupings as the last activity. The situation is that PFC Sungho Shin ( 신승호 ) is requesting a military discount for the train fare from Seoul to Pusan. The person at the window asks his name and rank and requests to see some ID to confirm his military status. PFC Shin has forgotten his ID card, but has his leave orders. He must convince the clerk he is who he says. Act out this situation with your partner. Reverse roles so both of you can practice. Example: A: 이름과계급이무엇입니까? B: 저는신승호중사입니다. United States Forces in Korea (USFK) Tip of theday The United States forces have been stationed in Korea since 1945. According to the data published in 1998, the manpower and units of the U.S. forces are as follows: Manpower * Ground Forces: 27,460 soldiers * Air Forces: 8,660 airmen Units * 1 x Army Headquarters * 1 x Infantry Division * 1 x Air Force Headquarters * 2 x Fighter Wings * 1 x Special Operations Squadron 218
Korean SOLT I Module 2 Lesson 5 Exercise 14 The class will work as a group, with the instructor as the facilitator. The situation is that Captain Yang, who is in the Air Force, and First Lieutenant Cho, who is a Marine, will be joining the team for training. The class leader will introduce them to the team and the class members will take turns asking simple questions about their background. They are in civilian clothing, so it s impossible to determine any information about them from their attire. Two students will assume the role of Yang and Cho. After ten minutes, the activity will start over with a new Yang and Cho until all students have had the opportunity to both ask and respond to questions concerning rank, background, and branch of service. Make sure that appropriate levels of politeness and tact are used during the questioning process. You don t want them to think that they re being interrogated! Exercise 15 The class will work together as a group. Two students will play the roles of Mr. Mingi Kim ( 김민기 ) and Mr. Yongsu Lee ( 이용수 ), who are going to join the team temporarily as observers. They are cost analysts. They want to see if the training justifies the cost. They re a bit skeptical. You must persuade them that the training is well worth the cost. In their introductions to the team, they state that they had previously served in the military. The plan is to ask them about their military service, in hopes that they ll realize how crucial their training was to their success. The rest of the class will play the roles of the team. They will ask simple questions to get the two gentlemen to reminisce about their military days. After ten minutes, two new students will play the roles of Mr. Kim and Mr. Lee. Continue until everyone gets the chance to ask and respond to simple questions about ranks, branches of service, etc. 219
Module 2 Lesson 5 Korean SOLT I 1. Negated Sentences: - 지않다 The verb ending, - 지않다, attached at the end of the stem, makes the sentence negative. 배가고프지않아요 I am not hungry. GRAMMAR NOTES 술을마시지않았어요 I didn't drink. 지하철을기다리는사람이많지않습니다 There are not many people waiting for the train. 지난주말에산에가지않았어요 I didn't go hiking last weekend. Exercise 1 Convert the following sentences into negatives using -지않다. (1) 담배를피워요. (2) 음식이내입에맞아요. (3) 아버지는집에계세요. (4) 영화를봤어요. (5) 약속을잊어버렸어요. 2. - 보다 (than) - 보다 indicates the object of a comparison. 지하철이버스보다빨라요. Subway trains are faster than buses. 김경호씨가강철민씨보다더커요. Mr. Kyongho Kim is taller than Mr. Cholmin Kang. 이것이저것보다더비싸요. This one is more expensive than that one. 220
Korean SOLT I Module 2 Lesson 5 3. 어도되다 (May I - / You may -) By attaching - 어도되다 to the end of the verb stem in an interrogative sentence, you can ask for permission very politely. By attaching it to the end of the verb stem in a predicative sentence, you can give permission very politely. 집에가도됩니까? Can I go home? 네, 집에가도되요. Yes, you can go home. GRAMMAR NOTES 이물마셔도되요? Can I drink this water? 네, 마셔도되요. Yes, you can drink. Exercise 2 Ask permission to do the following actions. (1) to ask (2) to open the window (3) to smoke (4) to cut the grass (5) to turn off the air conditioner 221
Module 2 Lesson 5 Korean SOLT I VOCABULARY 고급장교대령대위대장부사관병장사병상 ( 등 ) 병상사생도소대장소령소위소장영관급위관급이 ( 등 ) 병장교장성준장중령일 ( 등 ) 병중사중위중장하사 군계급 (Military Ranks) senior officer Colonel Captain General Non-commissioned officer Sergeant Enlisted personnel Specialist/Corporal Master Sergeant cadet platoon leader Major Second Lieutenant Maj. General field grade officer company grade officer Private officer General Brigadier General Lt. Colonel Private First Class Sergeant First Class First Lieutenant Lt. General Staff Sergeant 군사용어 (Military Terms) 관제탑 control towel 복무기간 service period -사단 -th division 소속 one s regiment 육군사관학교 the Korean Military Academy 육사 Abbreviated name for the Korean Military Academy 지도자 leader 직책 position 진급 promotion 진급대상자 people eligible for a promotion 진급심사 promotion inquiry 최저복무기한 minimum service period 군직책 / 주특기 (Military Titles / Specialties) 군목 chaplain in the army 무전병 communication sergeant 저격수 sniper 폭파요원 demolition specialist ( 군사 ) 주특기 (military) specialty 222
Korean SOLT I Module 2 Lesson 5 공군육군해군병과정보포병 Branches of Air Force army navy army branch intelligence artillery 임관하다보장하다성장하다요구하다창설하다능력역할강인한동북쪽미래사회민족반세기발전사고력업적역사창의적체력탁월한 동사 (Verbs) to be commissioned to guarantee to grow to demand to find 유용한단어 (Useful Words) ability role strong northeastern future society nation half a century prosperity mental quality achievement history creativity physical ability excellent VOCABULARY 223
Module 2 Lesson 5 Korean SOLT I 1. Military Service The Korean constitution specifies that military service is a mandatory obligation of every Korean male. After taking a physical examination to determine whether a person is fit for military service, both physically and mentally, Korean men enter the military normally between the ages of 20 and 25. The active service period prescribed by law is 26 months. 2. The Korean Army Emblem CULTURAL NOTES The picture to the left is the emblem of the Korean army. The Taeguk ( ) and the Korean national flower, the Rose of Sharon, in the center symbolize the Republic of Korea and patriotism. The circle symbolizes the strong unity of the Korean Army. The leaves of the Rose of Sharon symbolize the persistent history and development of Korea. The knot at the bottom symbolizes the solidarity of civilians, the government, and the Army. 3. The Korean Air Force Insignia The image to the right represents the insignia of the Korean Air Force. The eagle represents the brave and progressive energy of the Air Force. The star symbolizes the military and the importance of national defense. The laurel tree is the symbol of victory. The rose of Sharon, which is the national flower of Korea, symbolizes the Koreans love of country. 224
Korean SOLT I Module 2 Lesson 5 4. Military Assistance of Civilians Korean military units have provided extensive assistance to the civilian sector whenever needed. One of the most common forms of assistance is helping farmers in planting and harvesting rice. For example, in 1987, 561,000 military personnel helped plant the crop and 392,000 military personnel helped in the harvest. Moreover, for such natural disasters as typhoons and floods, and for huge man-made calamities, millions of personnel from active units and the Homeland Reserve Force have provided assistance. CULTURAL NOTES 225
Module 2 Lesson 5 Korean SOLT I Activity 1 The class will work together as a group. Each student will assume a military rank of the instructor s choice. Each student will then create a mini-autobiography about themselves (using their assumed identities). The situation is that they are attending a social engagement. Their task is to meet as many people as possible at the function. Afterwards, they will write as much information as they were able to elicit on note cards. When they are finished, each student will go to the front of the class and present their findings. Discuss, as a class, if the information is correct. Example: 저는김동식하사입니다. Activity 2 Write the appropriate American rank title, found in the box below, next to each Korean army rank insignia. APPLICATION ACTIVITIES (1) (2) Second Lieutenant Major General Lieutenant General General Private First Class Sergeant Sergeant First Class Master Sergeant/ First Sergeant Brigadier General (3) (4) 226
Korean SOLT I Module 2 Lesson 5 (5) (6) (7) (8) APPLICATION ACTIVITIES (9) 227
Module 2 Lesson 5 Korean SOLT I Activity 3 Write the correct forms of address for the following sentences. Note: A is highest in rank. (1) A: (Sergeant Park), 고향이어디인가? (2) A: (Captain Cho), 같이점심식사하러갈까? (3) A: (Staff Sergeant Lee), 언제군에입대했지? (4) A: (Major Mun), 언제결혼했나? Activity 4 Write the correct forms of address for the following sentences. Note: A is lowest in rank. (1) A: (Specialist Kim), 전화왔습니다. (2) A: (First Lieutenant Chu), 이건어떻게사용하는겁니까? (3) A: (Major Park), 임무를다마쳤습니다. APPLICATION ACTIVITIES Activity 5 The class will work together as a group. Each student will have five minutes to prepare a short autobiography. Afterwards, they will take turns introducing themselves to the class. Make sure to mention your branch, position, and rank. Tell the class what your duties are. The other students may ask questions. 228
Korean SOLT I Module 2 Lesson 5 Activity 6 Write down the correct branches, in Korean, for each of the symbols. APPLICATION ACTIVITIES Activity 7 Match the Korean branch names to the English branch names. 포병 Military Engineers 산악보병 Infantry 보병 Mountain Infantry 공병 Medical Corps 통신병 Signal 공수부대 Artillery 위생병 Airborne Troops 229
Module 2 Lesson 5 Korean SOLT I Activity 8 If Person A is asking Person B the following questions, who is senior in rank? Write your answers below. Be prepared to discuss them in class. (1) A: 김하사, 지금몇시인가? (2) A: 이병장님, 근무시간입니다. (3) A: 소대장님, 이것은무엇입니까? (4) A: 차중위, 소대인원이몇명인가? (5) A: 강중령님은어디에사십니까? (6) A: 최소령은언제결혼했지? Activity 9 APPLICATION ACTIVITIES Read the following article about the military service of a Korean officer and answer the questions below. 나는하찬석중위입니다. 내병과는포병대이고, 직책은소대장입니다. 내부대는강화도에주둔하고있습니다. 육군사관학교를졸업하였으며, 1998 년소위로임관하였습니다. (1) What is this person's name? (2) What is this person's rank? (3) Where is this person's unit located? (4) What school did this person graduate from? (5) What rank was this person commissioned as in 1988? 230
Korean SOLT I Module 2 Lesson 5 Activity 10 The class should divide into pairs. Each pair of students should answer the following questions using the table below, which shows the years that Colonel Park was promoted in rank. 소위 1980 중위 1981 대위 1984 소령 1990 중령 1996 대령 (Current) (1) 백대령은언제소위로임관하였습니까? (2) 백대령은언제중위로승진하였습니까? (3) 백대령이중위에서대위로승진하기까지몇년걸렸습니까? (4) 백대령은입대한지얼마만에소령이되었습니까? (5) 대령의최저복무기간이 6 년이라면, 백대령은언제쯤준장진급심사를받게될까요? APPLICATION ACTIVITIES 231
Module 2 Lesson 5 Korean SOLT I Activity 1 The class should divide into pairs. Each student will look at one of the following charts. Then, they will ask and answer questions to fill in the blanks. Compare your charts when you are finished. Finally, using your completed charts, answer the given questions that follow. Student A South Korea North Korea English Equivalent 대장 General (None) 상장 (None) 대령 중장소장 (None) 대좌 Lt. General Maj. General Brigadier General (None) 상좌 (None) 중령 중좌 소령 소좌 대위 Captain SKILL ENHANCEMENT (None) 중위소위 특무상사 Senior Lieutenant First Lieutenant Second Lieutenant Master Sergeant 상사 Sergeant First Class 중사 Staff Sergeant 하사 Sergeant 상등병 Corporal/Specialist 일등병 (None) Private First Class 이등병 Private 232
Korean SOLT I Student B Module 2 Lesson 5 South Korea North Korea English Equivalent 대장 (None) 중장소장 General (None) Lt. General Maj. General 준장 (None) Brigadier General 대좌 Colonel (None) 상좌 (None) 중좌 소좌 Lt. Colonel Major 대위 대위 (None) 상위 중위 중위 소위상사중사하사 소위 Master Sergeant Sergeant First Class Staff Sergeant SKILL ENHANCEMENT 병장 Sergeant 상등병 Corporal/Specialist (None) Private First Class 전사 Private 233
Module 2 Lesson 5 Korean SOLT I (1) 남한의대령과일치하는북한의계급은무엇입니까? (2) 남한의상사와일치하는북한의계급은무엇입니까? (3) 남한의병장과일치하는북한의계급은무엇입니까? (4) 북한의전사와일하치는미국의계급은무엇입니까? (5) 미국의 Sergeant 와일치하는북한의계급은무엇입니까? (6) 미국의 Major 와일치하는남한의계급은무엇입니까? Activity 2 The class will work together as a group. The instructor will describe the roles and functions of a branch and the class will have to determine which branch he/she is depicting. Listen for key words! The following examples are sample descriptions. (1) 무전기를메고다닙니다. (2) 다리를놓습니다. (3) 부상자를응급치료합니다. (4) 부대이름이알파부라보등으로나갑니다. SKILL ENHANCEMENT (5) 수송임무를담당합니다. 234
Korean SOLT I Module 2 Lesson 5 1. Listen to the list of names and ranks. Then, write the ranks of the people in the blanks given below. (Listen to the homework audio CD Track 40 - M2L5HW1) (1) 김동철 (2) 하수영 (3) 염종석 (4) 강성헌 (5) 조용희 (6) John Moor (7) Dennis Ray (8) Jason Terry (9) Thomas Miller (10) Bud Walker 2. Write down the full list of Korean military ranks from the lowest to the highest. 3. If A is higher in rank than B, how would A address B and how would B address A? Fill in the second chart with the appropriate forms of address. A B 이름 계급 이름 계급 1 이경호 병장 진정태 일병 2 최주영 하사 박동권 병장 3 김영준 중위 조동호 소위 4 백광철 소령 전영선 중위 5 정성균 대령 설형진 소령 HOMEWORK 235
Module 2 Lesson 5 Korean SOLT I Continue A 가 B 를부를때 B 가 A 를부를때 1 2 3 4 5 4. Convert the following sentences into negatives using -지않다. (1) 소대장은화가났어요. (2) 잘들려요. (3) 중대장컴퓨터가잘작동해요. (4) 호랑이는풀을먹어요. (5) 요즈음은친구를자주만나요. 5. Write the branch of each soldier below according to his activities. HOMEWORK (1) 도하작전시다리를놓거나, 도로붕괴시도로를닦는다. (2) 환자를치료하고, 위생및방독등의제반의료행위를한다. (3) 무전기를휴대하고, 각부대간의통신연락을책임진다. (4) 접전지적군의위치를파악하여포지원사격을가한다. (5) 낙하산낙하를통한침투임무를수행한다. 236
Korean SOLT I Module 2 Lesson 5 6. Read the following notes and decide which military branch they pertain to. Write your answers accordingly. (1) 오늘은 105mm 곡사포사격연습이예정되어있지. (2) 중요한임무를열거하자면특히지뢰, 폭파, 도하, 조립교, 급수, 장애물운용등에중점을두어훈련을하게됩니다. (3) 정비대에서는일년몇차례군단검열에앞서먼저일선부대장비검열을갑니다. (4) 저는 M60 사수인데, 훈련시항상제일무거운기관소총을메고다녀야하지요. 7. The following table shows the name, rank, unit, and location of each soldier. Review it carefully and answer the questions below. 이름계급부대위치 오동진상병공수부대경기도포천 임경수병장수색대강원도철원 이진만일병헌병대충청도대전 주윤성이병해병대제주도제주 조현영상병공군경기도용문산 이동진병장카츄사경기도동두천 (1) 오동진상병의부대는무엇이며, 위치는어디입니까? (2) 수색대에있는사람은누구이며, 계급과부대위치는어디입니까? (3) 경기도동두천에서근무하는사람은누구이며, 계급과부대는무엇입니까? (4) 공군으로근무하는사람은누구이며, 계급과부대위치를말하시오. HOMEWORK (5) 임경수병장의부대는무엇이면, 위치는어디입니까? (6) 헌병대에있는사람의이름, 계급, 부대위치를말하시오. 237
Module 2 Lesson 5 Korean SOLT I 8. How would you ask for permission to do the following actions? Write your answers below, using the verb ending - 어도되다. (1) 잠을자다. (2) 퇴근하다. (3) 군사주특기를바꾸다. (4) TV 를보다. (5) 히터를켜다. 9. Listen to the following dialogues and write the MOS and branches of the speakers. (Listen to the homework audio CD Track 41 - M2L5HW9) A: B: Answer: A: B: Answer: HOMEWORK 238