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35 1 2013. 3, Vol. 35, No. 1, pp. 187 208. (Sri Aurobindo) * ( ).. 5 9. 5,,,,. (Higher Mind)- (Illumined Mind)- (Intuitive Mind)- (Over Mind) 4.. (physical), (vital), (mental), (psychic) (spiritual).,,.,.,,,,,,, * 2010 ( ) (NRF-2010-361-A00008).

.. (1872~1950) 1), 2) 3)., 1940 Indra Sen.. B. Cortright,.,,,, (Supermind). 1) 1872. 14 (Majlis). 1893. 1906..,.,,. 1908 5 (Alipur) 1. 1915. 4 Arya(1914) The Life Divine The Synthesis of Yoga. (,,,, 2012, 170-175,.). 2). (mind),. (consciousness) (mental). 3).(Frederic P. Miller, Agnes F. Vandome, John Mcbrewster(ed), Sri Aurobindo, Alphascript Publishing, 2009, p.51) Don Beck, Allan Combs, Sean Esbjörn-Hargens, Jorge Ferrer, Ashok Gangadean, Jennifer M. Gidley, Stanislav Grof, Gary Hampson, John Heron, Ken Wilber, Michael E. Zimmerman.,,,,,,,,, (Cal. Inst. of Integral Studies), (Integral Institute), (J.F.Kennedy Univ.)

(Psychic Being, ).....,,,... K.. Sprit (mental). 4),..,.. (involution) (evolution), 5 9., 4),,. (Ken Wilber, Integral Psychology, Boston & London: Shambhala, 2000, pp.1-2).

. 5).. (, evolution) (, involution),,, 6).,,... 7). (, involution) (evolution)..,,,.. (higher mind illumined mind intuitive mind over mind).. 8) 9). 5). (, ) (,, ). 6) Ken Wilber, Integral Psychology, ibid., p.83. 7),,, 188. 8) Fredic P. Miller/Agnes F. vandome/john Mcbrewster(Ed.), Sri Aurobindo, VDM publishing house ltd., 2009, p.35. 9) ibid., p.110.

.. - -.,,,. (mental mind) (higher mind),. (illumined mind), - (intuitive mind).. (Overmind). 10) (Supermind) -. 11).. (perennial philosophy),,. ( ) (Supermind) (Psychic Being).. 10) ibid., p.35. 11),,, 191-194.

....,,, (subtle mind). (mental) (higher mind) (illumined mind) (intuitive mind) (over mind) (Supermind). - -. (K. ) (B. ) K. (physical) / (sensation/perception) (matter) (sensorimotor) - (vital-emotional) (life) - (pantasmic-emotional) (lower mind) (concrete mind) (logical mind) (mind) (rep.-mind) / (rule/role mind) - (formal mind) (higher mind) (higher mind) - (vision-logic mind)) (illumined mind) (illumined mind) (psychic mind) (intuitive mind) (intuitive mind) (subtle mind) (over mind) (over mind) (causal mind) (supermind) (supermind) (non-dual mind) (Satcitananda) (Satcitananda) 12 12) (Beatrice Bruteau) 9 13). 10 14) 12) (physical) (sensation)/ (perception) - (vital-emotional) (lower mind) (concrete mind) (logical mind) (higher mind) (illumined mind) (intuitive mind) (over mind) (supermind) (Reality, Satcitananda) - Ken Wilber, Integral Psychology, ibid., pp.200-201.

. (mental) (lower mind), (concrete mind), (logic mind).,, 15). (sensorimotor). (non-consciousness). - (phantasmci-emotional),,. -, (vital), (life). - (vision-loxic),, (higher mind).,, (mind) (mental) (higher mind),,. 12. 13) (Matter) (Life) (Mind) (Higher Mind) (Illumined Mind) (Intuitive Mind) (Over Mind) (Supermind) ( - -, Satcitananda) - Beatrice Bruteau, Worthy is the World: The Hindu Philosophy of Sri Aurindo, New Jersey: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1971, p.123. 14) Ken Wilber, Integral Psychology, ibid., p.200;,,,, (3), 2012, 147-149,. 15) Ken Wilber, Integral Psychology, ibid., p.10.

5 9. 16),,,,, (mental),,,,,, (mental) (Thinking Mind) (Dynamic Mind) (Externalising Mind), (Higher Mind) (Illumined Mind) (Intuition Mind) (Overmind). (mental) 5. (Super mind) (psychic mind) : (over mind) (intuitive mind) (illumined mind) (higher mind) (mental mind) : (Thinking Mind) (Dynamic Mind) (Externalising Mind) 1) (body-consciousness). 16),, 8,....

( ),,....,., (vahana:, ).,. (heart),,. 17) 2) ( ) (Vital).,,,,,.,, mental. 18),,. 19).,,,,,.. 17) (Occultism)., (Matter).,..(Selections from the Works of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother, Powers Within, Loutus Press, 1998, pp.17-18) 18) Books LLC, Sri Aurobindo, Wiki Series, Memphis, USA, 2011, p.7. 19),,,, 2009, 15,17-18.

.. 20) 3) (Mental),.,.,,,,,,,.. (Thinking Mind). (Dynamic Mind). (externalising mind),,,,. 21) 4)., (Cosmic Self), (Spirit).. (Psychicisation).,. (Divine) 22).. (Higher Mind) (Illumined Mind), (Intuitive Mind), (Over Mind).. (Higher Mind):, (mentality) (Higher Mind).. 20), 24-28. 21) Books LLC, Sri Aurobindo, Wiki Series, Memphis, USA, 2011, p.8. 22) Spirit( ),, ( ),.

. 23).,,. :... (Vision). (sight). 24)... -. :. -. -. 25). - (seeing),, -, -..., -,, -. 26). 27) :.,.. 23) Sri Aurobindo, The Divine Life, Sri Aurobindo Ashram Pondicherry, 1970, p.941. 24) ibid., pp.944-945. 25) ibid., p.947. 26) Sri Aurobindo, The Divine Life, ibid., p.949. 27) ibid., p.957.

. ( ).. 28) [ ]. 29) 5) (Supermind) -, (Ignorance)..,, ( )...,.,, (Spirit)..,. 30).,,. 31).... 32) 28) ibid., p.952. 29) ibid., p.921. 30) Sri Aurobindo, The Mind of Light, Newyork: E.P.Dutton & Company, INC., 1953, pp.85-86. 31),,, 17-18.

.. 33),.. 34) 35).. 36),.,,. - (self-transcendence) (Spirit). 37). 38). (true soul). One Self -. 39),. 40). 41),, 32), 176. 33), 20. 34) Sri Aurobindo, The Integral Yoga, Lotus Press, 2011, p.174. 35),,, 45. 36), 114. 37) Sri Aurobindo, Ideal and Progress, JSE, 1920, p.56. 38) Sri Aurobindo, The Integral Yoga, Lotus Press, 2011, p.xi. 39) ibid., pp.4,6. 40),,, 46. 41), 66.

.,,,. 42),.,,..,,. 43).,,.,,.,..,.. 44)... (physical), (vital), (mental), (psychic) (spiritual). 45), (mental) (personality).. 46) 42), 74. 43), 46. 44),,, 195. 45) Sri Aurobindo Ashram Pondicerry, Sri Aurobindo and The Mother on Education, Lotus Press, 2011, p.96. 46) Sri Aurobindo Ashram Pondicerry, ibid., pp.121-122.

.,.,,,..,..... 47).,.. (matter),,.,,.,. 48) ( )., (ojas: )., (psychic being). 49) 47),,, 80. 48) Sri Aurobindo, The Mind of Light, ibid., pp.3-11, 49) ibid., pp.56-60.

.. (Life) (vital),,,,,.,,,,,.,,,,,,..,.,... 50)..,. 51) -.. 52),,,,... 53)...,,,,. 54) 50),,, 136-141. 51) Sri Aurobindo Ashram Pondicerry, ibid., p.107. 52) Sri Aurobindo Ashram Pondicerry, ibid., p.107. 53),,, 47. 54), 136, 141.

..,.,.,.,.. 55),,,.,. ( ).... 56).,,,.,..,..,...,... ( ).. 55) Sri Aurobindo Ashram Pondicerry, ibid., pp.114-115. 56) ibid., p.127.

... 57).. ( ).. 58).,. (Self). /.. 59),,,.,,,.,,.,.,, (Purusha). 60)... (oneness).... 57) Sri Aurobindo Ashram Pondicerry, ibid., p.131. 58),,, 85, 91-99. 59) M. P. Pandit, ibid., p.32. 60),,, 38.

..,., (Oneness), - - 61). ( ).. /. 62) (Self),. (Spirit). 63).,. 64)... 5 9..,,,,.,,, (Spirit) 61) M. P. Pandit, ibid., p.12. 62) Books LLC, ibid., p.21. 63) Sri Aurobindo(1963), The Future Evolution of Man, Lotus Press, 2003, pp.79-92, 99-119. 64)..(, /,,, 2001, 120 ).

(Higher Mind)- (Illumined Mind)- (Intuitive Mind)- (Over Mind),.,.,...,.,...,.,. (Homo noeticus),.

, Integral Yoga,, 2006, 6,, 2, 1994, Aurobindo,, 2002,, 10,, 2000,,,, 2012,,,, 2009,,,, 2011,,,, (3), 2012,, 42-4, 2004,, 22,, 2007 Beatrice Bruteau, Worthy is the World: The Hindu Philosophy of Sri Aurindo, New Jersey: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1971 Books LLC, Sri Aurobindo, Wiki Series, Memphis, USA, 2011 Frederic P. Miller, Agnes F. Vandome, John Mcbrewster(ed), Sri Aurobindo, Alphascript Publishing, 2009 Ken Wilber, Integral Psychology, Boston & London: Shambhala, 2000 M. P. Pandit, Sri Aurobindo and His Yoga, Lotus Press, 1987 Selections from the Works of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother, Powers Within, Loutus Press, 1998 Sri Aurobindo (1963). The Future Evolution of Man, Lotus Press, 2003 Sri Aurobindo Ashram Pondicerry, Sri Aurobindo and The Mother on Education, Lotus Press, 2011 Sri Aurobindo, The Divine Life, Sri Aurobindo Ashram Pondicherry, 1970 Sri Aurobindo, Ideal and Progress, JSE, 1920 Sri Aurobindo, The Integral Yoga, Lotus Press, 2011 Sri Aurobindo, The Mind of Light, New york: E. P. Dutton & Company, INC., 1953

The Structure of Mind and Mind Education in Sri Aurobindo s Thought Jung, Hyejung (Wonkwang University. The Institute of Mind Humanities) The history of mankind has been evolved to understand human being. Sri Aurobindo(1872~1950) is referred to as the modern philosopher and founder of integral thought. He contributed to the formation of the Integral thought schools. Also he was systematically investigated in human understanding, particularly the human mind. He said that Mind is human. He used mind in dual meaning; one as the narrow meaning mental, the other was a broad sense of consciousness. Aurobindo totally understanded the mind as unconscious, matter, life, consciousness, superconsciousness, with varying levels of human being as a whole and he discovered the Supermind that Western psychology has been overlooked. He insisted the evolution of the human mind. He indicated that his greatest discovery was the existence of a Psychic Being. Aurobindo said that human being is not the end of evolution, but future state of the presence of mental spiritual evolution which can be realized. Evolution is a process of appearance from unconscious existence. It gradually appears in stages of matter, life, mind, and psychic mind. The process of conscious existence emerging out of the unconscious is referred as evolution. This higher evolution is described as a dual movement; inward, away from the surface consciousness and into the depths, culminating in the realization of the Psychic Being; and then upward to higher levels of spiritual mind(higher mind, illumined mind, intuitive mind, and overmind), culminating in the final stage of supramentalisation. Key words : Sri Aurobindo, the structure of mind, mind education, integral thought, Supermind, evolution, involution, psychic being : 2013. 2. 25. / : 2013. 3. 22. / : 2013. 3. 25.