2018 Reading Program Catalog

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182 동북아역사논총 42호 금융정책이 조선에 어떤 영향을 미쳤는지를 살펴보고자 한다. 일제 대외금융 정책의 기본원칙은 각 식민지와 점령지마다 별도의 발권은행을 수립하여 일본 은행권이 아닌 각 지역 통화를 발행케 한 점에 있다. 이들 통화는 일본은행권 과 等 價 로 연

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2 소식나누기 대구시 경북도 영남대의료원 다문화가족 건강 위해 손 맞잡다 다문화가정 행복지킴이 치료비 지원 업무협약 개인당 200만원 한도 지원 대구서구센터-서부소방서 여성의용소방대, 업무협약 대구서구다문화가족지원센터는 지난 4월 2일 다문화가족의 지역사회 적응 지원을

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004 go to bed 잠자리에 들다 He went to bed early last night. 그는 지난밤 일찍 잠자리에 들었다. 유의어 go to sleep, fall asleep 잠들다 005 listen to n ~을 (귀 기울여) 듣다 week 1 I lik

이에 이렇게 되었나니 주께서 그들에게 일러 이르시되, 일어나 내게로 나아와서 너희 손을 내 옆구리에 넣어 보고, 또 내 손과 내 발의 못 자국을 만져 보아 내가 이스라엘의 하나님이요, 온 땅의 하나님이며, 세상의 죄를 위하여 죽임을 당하였음을 알지어다. 그들이 이를 행


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야쿠르트2010 3월 - 최종



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Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2019, Vol. 29, No. 1, pp DOI: * Suggestions of Ways

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United Methodist Women Reading Program catalog


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WHO 의새로운국제장애분류 (ICF) 에대한이해와기능적장애개념의필요성 ( 황수경 ) ꌙ 127 노동정책연구 제 4 권제 2 호 pp.127~148 c 한국노동연구원 WHO 의새로운국제장애분류 (ICF) 에대한이해와기능적장애개념의필요성황수경 *, (disabi



498 石 堂 論 叢 50집 이야기의 담론에서 발생하기에 독자의 삶에 깊이 관여한다. 인간은 본 능적으로 재현의 욕구가 있다. 재현된 형상화를 재형상화하면서 독자 는 세계를 이해하고 자신의 삶을 이해한다. 그렇게 삶의 뜻을 다시 풀 어보고 행동을 통해 자기 삶을 새롭게

How to use this book Preparation My family I have a big family. I have grandparents, parents. I m the oldest in my family. My father is strict. 다양한 생활

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한국성인에서초기황반변성질환과 연관된위험요인연구


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TABLE OF CONTENTS Education for Mission Leadership Development Nurturing for Community Social Action Spiritual Growth Children Youth Libros en Español 한국어서적 Recommended Reading About the Reading Program 4 6 9 12 15 17 20 22 24 27 28 Acerca del Programa de Lectura 31 한국어프로그램안내 34 Shipping Information 37 Ordering Form 38 Formulario de Pedido 39 한국어주문서 40 Reading Program Books on Sale 41 Libros con Precios Reducidos 45 Sources for the Visually Impaired 46 Many Ways to Order 48 Cómo Hacer Pedidos 48 주문정보 48 Suggestions, recommendations or comments about Reading Program books can be sent to the Reading Program United Methodist Women 475 Riverside Drive, 15th Floor New York, NY 10115 GREETINGS! We are happy to present the reading list for 2018. Many thanks to the Reading Program Committee and our network of evaluators for their hard work and commitment to bring this list to you. This year we look at the history between The United Methodist Church, the United States and Native people; Alzheimer s disease and the importance of wellness in body and spirit. Of course, we continue to look at the quadrennial focuses of economic injustice, the environment and explore intellectual and spiritual leadership. And, as always, we walk together on personal journeys of spiritual growth. Please note that all titles that labeled Kindle are available in print. You can purchase these books from United Methodist Women at: www.unitedmethodistwomen.org/ readingprogram. (Links to books will be provided there.) Electronic books can be read on any device (a computer, smart phone or tablet) and the text can be enlarged to make any Reading Program book readable. I hope you enjoy this list and that you continue to read, pray and act. Brenda Thompson Reading Program Specialist Email: bthompson@unitedmethodistwomen.org Please indicate title, author, publisher, date of publicationand price.

SALUDOS! Nos complace presentar la lista de lectura para el año 2018. Muchas gracias al Comité del Programa de Lectura y a nuestra red de evaluadoras por su arduo trabajo y compromiso en ofrecerles esta lista. Este año analizamos la historia entre la Iglesia Metodista Unida, los Estados Unidos y los pueblos indígenas; la enfermedad de Alzheimer y la importancia del bienestar en el cuerpo y el espíritu. Por supuesto, seguimos teniendo en cuenta los énfasis cuadrienales sobre la injusticia económica, el medioambiente, y el profundizar el liderazgo intelectual y espiritual. Y, como siempre, caminamos juntas en nuestro peregrinaje personal de crecimiento espiritual. Tenga en cuenta que todos los títulos que tienen la etiqueta Kindle están disponibles también en libros impresos. Puede comprar estos libros a Mujeres Metodistas Unidas en: www.unitedmethodistwomen.org/ readingprogram. 안녕하세요. 2018 년독서목록이준비되어서반갑습니다. 독서프로그램위원회와평가자들로수고하신분들께감사드립니다. 올해도세계기독교, 지적및영적인지도자개발, 자기치유와공동체의치유, 총과폭력, 사회계급과경제정의, 환경, 인종관계, 우리가하나님으로부터구하는것이무엇인지를알려고노력하는우리자신들에대하여계속탐구할것입니다. 어떤책들은전자책으로만나옵니다. 이말은연합감리교회여선교회의재고에없다는뜻입니다. 이책들은인쇄된책으로나전자책으로다른곳에서구입할수있습니다. 연합감리교회여선교회에없는책들은아마존가게에서찾을수있습니다. www.unitedmethodistwomen.org/ readingprogram 전자책은컴퓨터나, 스마트폰, 태블릿으로볼수있습니다. 읽을수있도록글자를크게만들수있습니다. 이목록을즐기시기를바랍니다. 계속해서읽으시고기도하시고실천에옮기십시오. 브렌다톰슨독서프로그램전문가 (Allí encontrará los enlaces de internet de los libros.) Los libros electrónicos pueden leerse en cualquier clase de equipo (ordenador, teléfono celular con internet o tableta) y el texto puede ampliarse con letra grande para facilitar la lectura de los libros del Programa de Lectura. Espero que disfruten de esta lista y que continúen leyendo, orando y actuando. Brenda Thompson Especialista del Programa de Lectura. 3

EDUCATION FOR MISSION FIRST WHITE FROST Native Americans and United Methodism Homer Noley Abingdon Press, 2000 $17.99 Stock #RP1802 The history of the Methodist s attempt to evangelize Native Americans is riddled with spectacular failures and dramatic successes. In this account, Homer Noley helps you gain new insights and a richer understanding of Methodist missionary activities with Native Americans from the 1600s. HIDING IN THE LIGHT Why I Risked Everything to Leave Islam and Follow Jesus Rifqa Bary Penguin Random House, 2015 $16.00 Stock #RP1803 Growing up in a devout Muslim home, Rifqa Bary obediently followed the rituals of Islam. Hiding in the Light is her story of her remarkable spiritual journey from Islam to Christianity. It is also the story of a young girl who, hearing Jesus call, made life-changing sacrifces to follow and who inspires us to do the same. 4

A HOUSE IN THE SKY A Memoir of a Kidnapping That Changed Everything Amanda Lindhout and Sara Corbett Simon & Schuster, 2013 $16.95 Stock #RP1801 At 19, Amanda Lindhout began saving her waitressing tips so she could travel the globe. Aspiring to understand the world and live a signifcant life, she backpacked through Latin America, Laos and India. She went on to Sudan, Syria and war-torn Afghanistan and Iraq, carving out a fedging career as a television reporter. In August 2008, she traveled to Somalia, the most dangerous place on earth, and on her fourth day, she was abducted by a group of masked men and held hostage for 460 days. She survived on memory, strategy, fortitude and hope, and by reaching for a house in the sky when she became most desperate. B MASSACRE AT SAND CREEK How Methodists Were Involved in an American Tragedy (BONUS BOOK) Gary L. Roberts Abingdon Press, 2016 $19.99 Stock #RP1804 November 29, 1864. Colonel John Milton Chivington, a Methodist minister, gave the command that led to the slaughter of 230 peaceful Cheyenne and Arapaho, primarily women, children and elderly, who were camped under the protection of the U.S. government along Sand Creek in Colorado Territory and fying both an American and white fags. The Sand Creek Massacre seized attention in the winter of 1864 1865 and generated a controversy that still excites heated debate more than 150 years later. EDUCATION FOR MISSION 5

EDUCATION FOR MISSION EDUCATION FOR MISSION WITHOUT YOU, THERE IS NO US Undercover Among the Sons of North Korea s Elite Suki Kim Penguin Random House, 2014 $15.00 Stock #RP1805 In 2011, all universities in North Korea were shut down for an entire year, and except for the 270 students at the all-male Pyongyang University of Science and Technology, all students were sent to construction felds. Suki Kim accepted a job teaching English at Pyongyang, and over the next six months, she ate three meals a day with her young charges, while struggling to teach them to write and carefully telling them about the world beyond their borders, always aware that the more they knew, the more they risked. LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT 50 WOMEN EVERY CHRISTIAN SHOULD KNOW Learning From Heroines of the Faith Michelle DeRusha Baker Books, 2014 $17.99 Stock #RP1806 Throughout history, countless women have boldly stepped out in faith and courage, leaving their indelible mark on those around them and on the Kingdom of God. Michelle DeRusha brings into focus 50 incredible women of faith from Catherine of Siena to Susanna Wesley; Harriet Tubman and Corrie ten Boom, bringing the lives of these admirable women to life with engaging narrative as a reminder that we are not alone, the battles we face today are not new and God is always with us during the struggle. 6

HOLLOW FAITH How Andy Griffth, Facebook, and the American Dream Diluted the Gospel Stephen Ingram Abingdon Press, 2016 $15.99 Stock #RP1807 This book takes a deep look into the mirrors of pop and church culture and asks the diffcult question: "are the things we produce and consume defning us?" Author Stephen Ingram explores the themes of moralism, deism, me-ism, consumerism and therapeutic religion of pop culture. Hollow Faith separates the values of the Gospel from the cultural norms that have domesticated them. INTERFAITH LEADERSHIP A Primer Eboo Patel Beacon Press, 2016 $18.00 Stock #RP1808 This book offers a clear, detailed and practical guide to interfaith leadership. With compelling examples, Patel explains what interfaith leadership is and explores its core competencies and skills. Interfaith leaders seek points of connection and commonality in their neighborhoods, schools, college campuses, companies and organizations where people of different faiths interact with one another. LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT 7

LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT THE SACRED SECULAR How God is Using the World to Shape the Church Dottie Escobedo-Frank and Rob Rynders Abingdon Press, 2016 $16.99 Stock #RP1809 SHE Five Keys to Unlock the Power of Women in Ministry Karoline M. Lewis Abingdon Press, 2016 Kindle www.unitedmethodistwomen.org/ readingprogram This book examines the cultural spaces where people are experiencing something sacred, places that are not in the church. Dottie Escobedo-Frank and Rob Rynders see lessons for the church in these places. They see new ways we can convey to people that the church is uniquely sacred and signifcant and that Jesus is for them. These glimpses into the sacred-secular will inspire creative church leaders to set aside assumptions about what church looks like and nurture empowerment, creativity, spiritual movement and the courage to embody the sacredness and substance of faith. She is a comprehensive look at the challenges women in ministry face. Author Karoline M. Lewis covers everything from biblical arguments for and against women in the church to what not to wear. She reveals the underpinnings of sexism and examines issues of identity, authority, sexuality, authenticity, boundaries and self-care for women church leaders. 8

DETAINED AND DEPORTED Stories of Immigrant Families Under Fire Margaret Regan Beacon Press, 2015 $18.00 Stock #RP1811 Drawing on years of reporting in the Arizona-Mexico borderlands, journalist Margaret Regan tells the poignant stories of the people caught up in the immigration dragnet: undocumented immigrants who are detained and languishing in detention centers for months or years, or those deported and sent to violent nations. AN INDIGENOUS PEOPLES HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz Beacon Press, 2014 $16.00 Stock #RP1810 An Indigenous Peoples History of the United States challenges the founding myth of the United States and shows how policy against indigenous peoples was designed to seize the territories of the original inhabitants, displacing or eliminating them. This centuries-long genocidal program of the U.S. settler-colonial regimen has largely been omitted from history. Dunbar-Ortiz offers a history of the United States told from the perspective of indigenous peoples and reveals how Native Americans actively resisted, and continue to resist, expansion of the U.S. empire. NURTURING FOR COMMUNITY 9

NURTURING FOR COMMUNITY ON PLUTO Inside the Mind of Alzheimer s Greg O Brien Codfsh Press, 2014 Kindle www.unitedmethodistwomen.org/ readingprogram PASSING IT ON How to Nurture Your Children s Faith Season by Season Kara Lassen Oliver Upper Room Books, 2015 $9.99 Stock #RP1812 Alzheimer s has been called a death in slow motion. For close to 10 years, writer Greg O Brien, diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer s, has chronicled the progression of this monster of a disease that is akin to having a sliver of your brain shaved off every day. O Brien offers an illuminating blueprint of strategies, faith and humor needed to fght this disease, a dayto-day focus on living with Alzheimer s not dying with it and a hope that all is not lost when it appears to be. Contains strong language. We often give much thought to shaping children s bodies and minds, but we may be puzzled or unsure about shaping them spiritually. In Passing It On, Kara Lassen Oliver provides a practical resource to encourage us in nurturing our children s faith. In this guide, she offers easy-to-follow suggestions for the seasons of Advent, Lent, summer and back-to-school for families who want to create space for nurturing faith. 10

TROUBLE I VE SEEN Changing the Way the Church Views Racism Drew G.I. Hart Herald Press, 2016 $16.99 Stock #RP1813 What if all Christians listened to the stories of those on the racialized margins? How might Church be changed by the trouble they ve seen? In this provocative book, theologian and blogger Drew G.I. Hart places police brutality, mass incarceration, anti-black stereotype, poverty and everyday acts of racism within the larger framework of white supremacy. Leading readers toward Jesus, Hart offers concrete practices for churches that seek solidarity with the oppressed and committed to racial justice. 11 LARGE PRINT THE BOOK OF JOY Lasting Happiness in a Changing World His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu Penguin Random House, 2016 $28.00 Stock #RP1822 Nobel Peace Prize Laureates His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu have survived more than 50 years of exile and the soul-crushing violence of oppression. Despite their hardships, or as they would say, because of them, they are two of the most joyful people on the planet. Celebrating together His Holiness s 80th birthday they created what they hoped would be a gift for others and answer a question: How do we fnd joy in the face of suffering? By the end of a week flled with laughter and punctuated with tears, these two global heroes had stared into the abyss and despair of our times and revealed how to live a life brimming with joy. We listen in as they explore the Nature of True Joy, and then offer us the Eight Pillars of Joy that provide the foundation for lasting happiness. NURTURING FOR COMMUNITY

NURTURING FOR COMMUNITY LARGE PRINT GOOD HEALTH, GOOD LIFE 12 Keys to Enjoying Physical and Spiritual Wellness Joyce Meyer FaithWords, 2014 $12.00 Stock #RP1821 Meeting the demands of your busy life may leave little time for you to focus on maintaining your personal well-being. But it is important to remember that each part of you mind, body and emotions serves a purpose in God s exciting plan for your future. Embracing a healthier lifestyle will help you fully experience your life. 13 Steps to Sustainability SOCIAL ACTION 13 STEPS TO SUSTAINABILITY United Methodist Women, 2016 Download at: www.unitedmethodistwomen.org /sustainability You are part of creating an exciting new chapter! United Methodist Women has a proud history. Since 1869, we ve been putting faith, hope and love into action for the sake of women, children and youth. In the 21st century, we know that our planet is threatened by an unsustainable, unjust and wasteful economic system in which we re all a part. Some people and cultures have beneftted from the past 150 years of this system. Others have not. But one thing is for sure: we can t continue business as usual. How we re living is unsustainable. Sustainable practices are a key to today s women, children and youth s needs and a way to put faith, hope and love in action. We believe one way to help us move in this direction is by systematically and full-heartedly paying attention to such minor details as the food for an event or our transportation arrangements or who is on the planning team. Through our choices as we plan and implement our United Methodist Women meetings, and model these very important practices, we begin to shift our and others consciousness across the church to more concretely build a sustainable economy, develop right relationships and help repair and preserve the ecological wonder of this world. 12

SOCIAL ACTION AMERICA S ORIGINAL SIN Racism, White Privilege, and the Bridge to a New America Jim Wallis Brazos Press, 2016 $21.99 Stock #RP1814 Jim Wallis has grasped with amazing clarity and insight the persistent pain and sin of racism in America. In America s Original Sin, we have not only a recounting of the pain of racism and xenophobia but also a hope-flled map for a new, reconciled reality. In this powerful book, he calls for a new conversation in our homes, churches, sports arenas and schools conversations our nation desperately needs right now, especially parents and grandparents raising our next generation of children and action on the ground. BORN ON THIRD BASE A One Percenter Makes the Case for Tackling Inequality, Bringing Wealth Home, and Committing to the Common Good Chuck Collins Chelsea Green Publishing, 2016 $17.95 Stock #RP1815 With the soul of a storyteller and the heart of an agitator, inequality expert Chuck Collins upends our assumptions about America s deep wealth divide a divide that, for the frst time in recent history, locks the nation s youth into a future defned by their class and wealth at birth, limits our ability to address crises like climate change, and creates a world that no one, not even the rich, will ultimately want to live in. In Born on Third Base, Colllins calls for an end to class war, busts the myths that defne our views of rich and poor and offers bold new solutions for bridging the economic divide and reengaging the wealthy in rebuilding communities for a resilient future. 13

SOCIAL ACTION B B HOSPITABLE PLANET Faith, Action and Climate Change (BONUS BOOK) Stephen A Jurovics Morehouse Publishing, 2016 $18.00 Stock #RP1816 Stephen Jurovics book is an important work of witness and states that faith and connection to God should lead us to save and heal our planet from a looming environmental catastrophe. Based primarily on the Five Books of Moses, this book speaks to people of faith, offering a handbook on the Bible s greatest mandate for mortal existence to choose life for the earth and all its inhabitants. Churches can massively reduce their impact on God s good earth if they understand the Bible s mandate and develop practical skills to decrease their energy use. PUSHOUT The Criminalization of Black Girls in Schools (BONUS BOOK) Monique W. Morris The New Press, 2018 $18.95 Stock #RP1817 (Available in December) Despite increased attention to the mass and over-incarceration of black men, the plight of criminalized black women and girls is overlooked, underreported and under analyzed. Pushout shows how even with obstacles, stigmas, stereotypes and despair, black girls still fnd ways to breathe remarkable dignity into their lives in classrooms, juvenile facilities and beyond, and challenges the rest of us to do the same. 14

SPIRITUAL GROWTH ADVENTURE OF ASCENT Field Notes From a Lifelong Journey Luci Shaw InterVarsity Press, 2014 $15.00 Stock #RP1818 For most of us, growing older is a reality we try to put off, but then we realize shockingly that it happens anyway. We immediately look around to see how others on the path just ahead of us a dealing with it. Here is the intrepid Luci Shaw, taking you on a virtual hike with steps more deliberate and slow but also with surprising vistas that fll us with gratitude. In this book, Shaw serves as a fearless and eloquent scout. As she traverses new territory, she records her experiences lovingly, honestly, sorrowfully and joyfully. Here s what it s like, and here s what to be ready for. These feld notes will inform your own journey, no matter what your age. BUS TO CORINTH Ladine Housholder Copper Teapot Publishing, 2017 Kindle www.unitedmethodistwomen.org/ readingprogram Ladine Housholder, author of The Well Women, has done it again. In this sequel, fve of the original Well Women journey through Greece to honor the memory of a friend and retrace the footsteps of Paul the Apostle during his ministry in Athens and Corinth. The idea was simple enough: see the sights, sample great food and enjoy each other s company. However, the bus takes unexpected turns and negotiates sharp curves and as they study 1 and 2 Corinthians, the friends realize they are changed. Like Paul s vision of Jesus, their experience explodes into their lives empowering and transforming them forever. 15

SPIRITUAL GROWTH THE PILGRIM MESSIAH A Novel Drawn From the Gospel of Mark Richard C. Cheatham Kindle www.unitedmethodistwomen.org/ readingprogram Richard Cheatham, a United Methodist clergyman and gifted storyteller, draws from Scripture to reveal living, understandable people. You will follow the 12 disciples and Mary Magdalene as they grow to understand the man they called Master. You will come to know and love the person anointed by God as Christ and will fnd understandings lost in translation of Mark s Gospel. PRAY AND COLOR A Coloring Book and Guide to Prayer Sybil MacBeth Paraclete Press, 2016 $14.99 Stock #RP1820 Thousands are enjoying a new prayer practice called Pray and Color. This new coloring book and guide helps anyone quiet the mind and pray while creating something visual and inspired. Slowing down isn t easy in our culture where stimulation and constant virtual connection are the norm. If you fnd the transition from busyness to stillness diffcult, follow Sybil MacBeth to a slower, more contemplative pace through coloring as prayer and as spiritual practice. 16

EDUCATION FOR MISSION CHILDREN TATTERED AND MENDED The Art of Healing the Wounded Soul Cynthia Ruchti Abingdon Press, 2015 $15.99 Stock #RP1819 In Tattered and Mended, uthor Cynthia Ruchti offers an invitation to think about soul-mending as a divine art form, like artisans who reclaim beauty from the broken, frayed and hopelessly shattered, to show us that God doesn t just heal wounded souls, God heals artfully. With a gentle touch and personable wisdom, she opens the door to a gallery of the reclaimed and restored, refecting on stories not unlike your own and helps you discover that even the most threadbare soul can once again fnd healing and hope. GROWING PEACE A Story of Farming, Music, and Religious Harmony Richard Sobol Lee & Low Books, 2016 $18.95 Stock #RP1823 On the morning of September 11, 2001, J.J. Keki, a Ugandan musician and coffee farmer, was in New York about to visit the World Trade Center, but instead witnessed the attack on the Twin Towers. He came away with strong emotions about religious confict and a vision. Back home in his village, Keki was determined to fnd a way for people who held different beliefs to work together. Here is a rare and timely story of hope, economic cooperation and religious harmony in an often-struggling part of the world. Because of Keki s vision, his community has achieved what many people strive for: a growing peace. 17

CHILDREN LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT THE AMAZING AGE OF JOHN ROY LYNCH Chris Barton Eerdmans Books for Young Readers, 2015 $17.00 Stock #RP1825 This picture book biography of John Roy Lynch follows him from his boyhood as a slave through adulthood as one of the frst African-Americans to be elected into the United States Congress. STICK UP FOR YOURSELF! Every Kid s Guide to Personal Power and Positive Self-Esteem Gershen Kaufman, Lev Raphael, and Pamela Espeland Free Spirit Publishing, 1999 $12.99 Stock #RP1824 In simple words and real-life examples, this book shows kids how to stick up for themselves with other kids, big sisters and brothers and even parents and teachers. It gives examples of things you can say without putting people down and things you can do without getting into trouble. You ll also learn about yourself and what s important to you, as well as positive ways to deal with strong feelings like anger, fear, jealousy and shame. And you ll discover simple ways to store happiness and pride for times when you need them most. 18

NURTURING FOR COMMUNITY SOCIAL ACTION CHILDREN I AM A BEAR Jean-François Dumont Eerdmans Books for Young Readers, 2015 $16.00 Stock #RP1826 A homeless bear living in a city has a hard time getting by, but when a little girl makes friends with him, his life becomes brighter. ONE WELL The Story of Water on Earth Rochelle Strauss Kids Can Press, 2007 $18.95 Stock #RP1827 One Well is a richly illustrated and timely book about our water and its source. Its call to action shows how every one of us has the power to conserve and protect the global well. 19

YOUTH LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT NURTURING FOR COMMUNITY FEATHERED Deborah Kerbel Kids Can Press, 2016 $15.95 Stock #RP1828 Finch feels like her life is falling apart and just wants to fy away. One day she lets out her frustration with a graffti message in a school bathroom stall. She is surprised the next day to fnd her message has been answered. Suddenly she doesn t feel so alone anymore and a friendship begins. But her new friend is secretive in ways Finch doesn t understand and when those secrets lead to trouble, Finch knows that fying away is not the answer. THREE FEATHERS Richard Van Camp Highwater Press, 2015 $16.95 Stock #RP1829 When three young men, Flinch, Bryce and Rupert, vandalize and disrespect their community, they are sent by its Elders to live nine months on the land as part of the circle sentencing process. Once there, the young men learn to take responsibility for their actions and acquire the humility required to return home, but will they be forgiven for what they ve done? This illustrated story explores the power and grace of restorative justice in one Northern community and the cultural legacy that can empower future generations. 20

SOCIAL ACTION SPIRITUAL GROWTH YOUTH WORKER JUSTICE ILLUSTRATED #2 Jeffry Odell Korgen Jeffry Odell Korgen, 2016 $2.99 Stock #RP1830 This illustrated book tells the stories of several workers seeking economic justice in their workplaces. CHRIST WALK KIDS A 40-Day Spiritual Journey for Tweens and Teens Anna Fitch Courie Morehouse Publishing, 2016 $12.00 Stock #RP1831 We know that it is important to start early with teaching our children the importance of exercise and healthy eating. Christ Walk Kids offers tweens and teens a process to grow in faith, grow in ftness and grow into the full stature of Christ. Jump up from the couch and start your own Christ Walk! 21

LIBROS EN ESPAÑOL CRECIMIENTO COMUNITARIO BUENA SALUD, BUENA VIDA Doce Claves para Disfrutar de Bienestar Físico y Espiritual Joyce Meyer FaithWords, 2014 $12.99 No. de Orden: RP1835 El cuerpo que Dios creó es el instrumento para que los seres humanos experimenten una vida plena, hagan buenas obras y desarrollen su vida espiritual. En este libro, la autora presenta su plan de doce claves para hacer frente a la sequía de autoestima que perpetúa los hábitos que causan la mala salud y ofrece métodos con recursos útiles para mejorar nuestro bienestar físico y espiritual. EL BUEN DOCTOR Una Emotiva Crónica sobre la Vida, la Muerte, la Enfermedad y el Verdadero Valor de la Existencia Paul Kalanithi Editorial Océano, 2016 Paul Kalanithi, joven y prometedor neurocirujano, recibió a los 35 años un devastador diagnóstico de cáncer de pulmón. Esta noticia lo motivó a escribir este libro, en el que cuenta, por un lado, qué lo llevó a dejar sus estudios literarios para dedicarse a la medicina y en particular a la investigación sobre el cerebro humano, y cómo tuvo que llegar a un acuerdo consigo mismo para dar cierre a su vida y afrontar la muerte con valentía. Sugerencias, recomendaciones o comentarios sobre los libros del Programa de Lectura pueden ser enviados a: Programa de Lectura, Mujeres Metodistas Unidas 475 Riverside Drive, 15th Floor New York, NY 10115 Correo Electrónico: bthompson@unitedmethodistwomen.org Por favor, indique el título del libro, el autor, la casa editorial, la fecha y el precio de publicación.

CRECIMIENTO ESPIRITUAL LIBROS EN ESPAÑOL CINCO MARCAS DE UN METODISTA El Fruto de una Fe Viva Steve Harper Abingdon Press, 2016 $6.99 No. de Orden: RP1833 Cinco marcas de un metodista confrman nuestra identidad como seguidores genuinos y fructíferos de Cristo: un metodista ama a Dios, se regocija en Dios, da gracias, ora sin cesar y ama a su prójimo. Este libro ofrece una meditación sobre cada una de estas características. Si usted es parte de la familia metodista o wesleyana de todo el mundo, estas cinco marcas le otorgaran un mayor conocimiento y aprecio de por qué y cómo seguir a Jesús. EL LIBRO DE LA ALEGRÍA Alcanza la Felicidad Duradera en un Mundo en Cambio Constante Dalai Lama y Desmond Tutu con Douglas Abrams Editorial Grijalbo, 2017 $17.95 No. de Orden: RP1834 Dos Premios Nobel de la Paz, el Dalai Lama, y Desmond Tutu han sobrevivido a más de cincuenta años de exilio, persecuciones y situaciones de violencia. A pesar de sus sufrimientos o como ellos dirían, «gracias a ellos» son dos de las personas más alegres. En 2015, Tutu viajó a India para acompañar al Dalai Lama en la celebración de sus ochenta años. Aprovechando la ocasión, escribieron un libro que responde a una única pregunta: Cómo podemos encontrar la alegría mientras afrontamos el inevitable sufrimiento de la vida? 23

LIBROS EN ESPAÑOL EDUCACIÓN MISIONAL 선교교육 UNA CASA EN EL CIELO El Extraordinario Testimonio de un Secuestro en Somalia Amanda Lindhout y Sara Corbett Editorial Plataforma 2016 www.unitedmethodistwomen.org/ readingprogram Emocionante e inspirador relato de una periodista secuestrada en Somalia durante 460 días. Su curiosidad la condujo a los lugares más bellos y a los países más peligrosos. En agosto de 2008, viajó a Somalia y al cuarto día de llegar fue secuestrada. En los momentos de mayor desesperación, visitaba una casa en el cielo, una imagen de esperanza situada muy lejos de esa mujer encadenada, retenida en la oscuridad y sometida a toda clase de torturas. 하나님은아무도포기하지않는다박효진경북중산시에셀출판사, 2016 하나님이고치지못할사람은없다 의저자박효진장로가청송교도소와서울구치소, 그리고민영소망교도소의죄수들을상대로사역하면서본인이체험한신앙의승리이야기를생생하게들려주는하나님의선교이야기를담은책. 신앙을머리로만배운이들에게는실제삶과생활속에서의성육신한신앙의모습을보게한다.. 24

공동체양육 사회참여 한국어도서 부족함은혜를담는그릇최병락서울 : 두란노, 2015 삶에서부족한것들이사실은하나님안에서눈을뜨게하고생명을살리며사명을갖게하며소통을가능케하는하나님의능력의통로이자행복을깨우쳐준다는것을보여주는책. 하나님안에서만족함을누리게하는귀한책. 환영과거절사이에서동성애에대한복음주의의응답스탠리제이그랜츠김대중옮김서울 : 새물결플러스, 2016 동성애자들을목회대상으로환영하지만그들의결혼이나목사안수등을받아들일수없는신학적, 성경적, 도덕적이유들을제시한책. 동성애자가되는이유, 치유방법, 용납해야되는이유등을심리적, 생물학적, 의학적, 사회적관점에서연구한보수와진보진영의이론들을소개하기때문에결론에동의하지않는이들에게도동성애와관련된논의의좋은입문서임. 25

한국어도서 영적성장 지도력개발 하나님의임재지금여기서누리는하나님의나라달라스윌라드윤종석옮김 서울 : IVP, 2016 항상그리스도를모시고사는동안우리들의인격과성품이변하여하나님나라를현재여기서경험하고살수있다고주장하는저자는그것을위한훈련의중요성과훈련의장이자축복의통로로서의교회와목회에대한애정어린충고를담은책 팬인가, 제자인가카일아이들먼윤종석옮김서울 : IVP, 2016 교인이나기독교인이아닌예수님의제자의특성을 8 가지로요약해서설명하면서목회자들에게는제자를기를것과성도들에게는제자가될것을도전하는책. 독서프로그램권장도서로추천할만한책이있거나권장도서에대한제안및평가등의견이있다면독서프로그램담당자에게연락해주시기바랍니다. Reading Program United Methodist Women 475 Riverside Drive, 15th Floor New York, NY 10115 이메일 : bthompson@unitedmethodistwomen.org 추천하는책의제목, 저자, 출판사, 출판년도, 가격등을반드시명기해주시기바랍니다. 26

RECOMMENDED READING These books can be read for credit but are not available from United Methodist Women Mission Resources. EDUCATION FOR MISSION NURTURING FOR COMMUNITY UNSPOKEN FAREWELL Jonna-Lynn K. Mandelbaum Dog Ear Publishing, 2008 WHEN BREATH BECOMES AIR What Makes Life Worth Living in the Face of Death Paul Kalanithi Random House, 2016 CHILDREN SOCIAL ACTION LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT EXONEREE DIARIES The Fight for Innocence, Independence, and Identity Alison Flowers Haymarket Books, 2016 STAKES IS HIGH Race, Faith, and Hope for America Michael W. Waters Chalice Press, 2017 RAINBOW WEAVER Linda Elovitz Marshall Children s Book Press, 2016 NURTURING FOR COMMUNITY IT S OKAY TO ASK Illustrated by Nacy Carlson Gillette Children s Specialty House, 2015 27

ABOUT THE READING PROGRAM FOUR READING PROGRAM PLANS Choose and follow one of the four plans. When you have read the required number of books and magazine issues, report your completion to your local member in charge of program resources. Titles read from the 2013 list will be credited through December 31, 2018. PLAN I 5 BOOKS PER YEAR One book from each category: Education for Mission, Leadership Development, Nurturing for Community, Social Action and Spiritual Growth. Selections can be from the 2013 2018 reading lists if not included in previous reports (including Children and Youth titles). Regular reading of response magazine. PLAN II 10 BOOKS PER YEAR Two books from each category: Education for Mission, Leadership Development, Nurturing for Community, Social Action and Spiritual Growth. Selections can be from the 2013 2018 reading lists if not included in previous reports (including Children and Youth titles). Regular reading of response and New World Outlook magazines. PLAN III 15 BOOKS PER YEAR Two books from each category: Education for Mission, Leadership Development, Nurturing for Community, Social Action and Spiritual Growth. Plus fve additional books from any category. Selections can be from the 2013 2018 reading lists if not included in previous reports (including Children and Youth titles). Regular reading of response and New World Outlook magazines. PLAN IV 20 BOOKS PER YEAR Two books from each category: Education for Mission, Leadership Development, Nurturing for Community, Social Action and Spiritual Growth. Plus 10 additional books from any category. Selections can be from the 2013 2018 reading lists if not included in previous reports (including Children and Youth titles). Regular reading of response and New World Outlook magazines. 28

United Methodist Women recommends a diverse range of books with the intention of broadening exposure to a variety of concepts. The Reading Program does not intend that readers accept each word or idea contained within each book. Promoting the Reading Program Program resource managers or their equivalent will work with the local United Methodist Women leadership team to promote the program. The following are some suggestions: Explain Reading Program procedures to interested individuals and enroll them in the program. Use the action suggestions listed in this catalog as a guide for choosing titles and mission responses. Secure books and circulate them among unit and circle members. Distribute copies of this catalog. Distribute copies of the Reading Program Report Form so participants can keep track of and report their reading. The Report Form is available for shipping and handling or as a free download at www.unitedmethodistwomen.org/ readingprogram The Bible undergirds all Christian reading, including that of the Reading Program. response, essential reading for understanding the mission of United Methodist Women, is part of all four reading plans. Local and District Groups Form an action team to address issues discussed in one or more books. Start a reading group for adults, children or youth. Meet regularly to share and discuss the books members are reading. Present book reviews at United Methodist Women group meetings. Take Reading Program books and response to retirement and nursing homes. Read regularly to residents. Inform parents, grandparents and Sunday school teachers that books for children and youth are available through the Reading Program. Highlight large print books and book listings available for the visually impaired. Honor those who participate in the Reading Program. Download Reading Program certifcates from www.unitedmethodistwomen.org/ readingprogram/certificate to present to those who complete reading plans. Display progress charts in a prominent place, showing readers names, books read and reading plans being followed. Capture interest by attractively mounting quotations from Reading Program books and posting them throughout your church. Include title, author name, publisher and year title was featured on the Reading Program list. Develop displays, both permanent and portable, to encourage book sales, especially around holiday seasons and vacation times. 29

The Reading Program Leads to Action! For almost 150 years, members of United Methodist Women and predecessor organizations have been involved in mission that includes prayer, study and action. The Reading Program is a study opportunity, but it should also lead to action. Here are a few suggestions to assist you: ACTION SUGGESTIONS Pray. Books often raise concerns about people, countries and issues. Bring these concerns to God during your prayer time at home and at group meetings. Host a program. Read Born on Third Base and continue the discussion on economic justice within your United Methodist Women group. Teach a Sunday school class. Read titles from the children s list with a Sunday school class. Read Growing Peace and start discussions around working together, peace and tolerance. Read Stick Up for Yourself and talk about the right ways to take a stand and build self-esteem. Be inclusive. Continue your action on the Charter for Racial Justice Policies of The United Methodist Church. God bless you as you pray, study, act and organize in Christ s name. B Bonus Books Bonus Books count as two books either as two books in Education for Mission or Social Action, or as one book in either of those two categories. For example, Hospitable Planet and Pushout count as two books in Social Action. Massacre at Sand Creek counts as two books in Education for Mission. Look for the 2018 United Methodist Women mission study books to earn credit in the following categories: 2018 Spiritual Growth Study: Seeking Health and Wholeness* 2018 Issue Study: What About Our Money?: A Faith Response* 2018 Geographic Study: The Missionary Conferences of The United Methodist Church (repeats from 2017)* 2018 Youth Study: Is It Just Money? Our Dollars, God s Economy: A Youth Study 2018 Children s Study: Money Matters: A Children s Study *Also available in Korean and Spanish. 30

ACERCA DEL PROGRAMA DE LECTURA CUATRO PLANES DE LECTURA Elija y complete uno de los cuatro planes. Cuando usted haya leído el número requerido de libros y de revistas, informe a la persona de su grupo local a cargo de recursos de programa, que ha fnalizado. Cualquier libro leído de la lista del año 2013 se podrá acreditar hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2018. PLAN I 5 LIBROS POR AÑO Un libro de cada categoría: Acción Social, Crecimiento Comunitario, Crecimiento Espiritual, Desarrollo de Liderazgo y Educación Misional. Selecciones pueden ser de las listas de lectura de 2013 2018 que no se hayan incluido en los informes anteriores (incluyendo títulos de Libros para la Niñez y la Juventud). Lectura habitual de la revista response. PLAN II 10 LIBROS POR AÑO Dos libros de cada categoría: Acción Social, Crecimiento Comunitario, Crecimiento Espiritual, Desarrollo de Liderazgo y Educación Misional. Selecciones pueden ser de las listas de lectura de 2013 2018 que no se hayan incluido en los informes anteriores (incluyendo títulos de Libros para la Niñez y la Juventud). Lectura habitual de las revistas response y New World Outlook, si están disponibles. PLAN III 15 LIBROS POR AÑO Dos libros de cada categoría: Acción Social, Crecimiento Comunitario, Crecimiento Espiritual, Desarrollo de Liderazgo y Educación Misional. Más 5 libros adicionales de cualquier categoría Selecciones pueden ser de las listas de lectura de 2013 2018 que no se hayan incluido en los informes anteriores (incluyendo títulos de Libros para la Niñez y la Juventud). Lectura habitual de las revistas response y New World Outlook, si están disponibles. PLAN IV 20 LIBROS POR AÑO Dos libros de cada categoría: Acción Social, Crecimiento Comunitario, Crecimiento Espiritual, Desarrollo de Liderazgo y Educación Misional. Más 10 libros adicionales de cualquier categoría. Selecciones pueden ser de las listas de lectura de 2013 2018 que no se hayan incluido en los informes anteriores (incluyendo títulos de Libros para la Niñez y la Juventud). Lectura habitual de las revistas response y New World Outlook, si están disponibles. 31

Mujeres Metodistas Unidas recomienda una amplia gama de libros con la intención de expandir ideas sobre una variedad de conceptos. El programa de lectura no tiene la intención de que las lectoras acepten las palabras o ideas presentadas en cada libro. Cómo Promover el Programa de Lectura Las encargadas de recursos de programa o su equivalente, trabajarán con el equipo local de liderazgo de Mujeres Metodistas Unidas para promover el programa. Las siguientes son algunas sugerencias: Explicar los procedimientos del Programa de Lectura a personas interesadas e inscribirlas en el programa. Utilizar las sugerencias para la acción listadas en este catálogo como una guía para la elección de los libros y para responder al trabajo misional. Asegurar libros para distribuirlos entre los miembros de la unidad y del círculo. Distribuir copias de este catálogo. Distribuir copias del folleto del Programa de Lectura para que las participantes puedan escribir los títulos de los libros o revistas que han leído e informar de su lectura. El folleto gratis está disponible con el costo de procesamiento y envío adicional o puede descargarlo en forma gratuita en el internet: www.unitedmethodistwomen.org/ readingprogram La Biblia es la base de toda lectura cristiana, incluyendo el Programa de Lectura. La revista response es una lectura esencial para comprender la misión de Mujeres Metodistas Unidas y es parte de los cuatro planes de lectura. Grupos Locales y Distritales Formar un equipo de acción para responder a asuntos discutidos en uno o más libros. Iniciar un grupo de lectura para adultos, para la niñez o la juventud. Reúnanse periódicamente para compartir y discutir los libros que los miembros están leyendo. Presentar reseñas de libros en las reuniones del grupo de Mujeres Metodistas Unidas. Llevar libros del Programa de Lectura y la revista response a residencias de jubilados y de ancianos. Leer regularmente a los residentes. Informar a padres/madres, abuelos/as y maestros/as de Escuela Dominical que hay libros disponibles para la niñez y la juventud en el Programa de Lectura. Destacar que hay una lista de libros con letra grande disponibles para facilitar su lectura. Distinguir a participantes del Programa de Lectura. Puede descargar en el internet los certifcados del Programa de Lectura en: www.unitedmethodistwomen.org/ readingprogram/certificate para presentar a las personas que han completado los planes de lectura. Preparar un cartel y ponerlo en un lugar bien visible para mostrar el progreso del programa, incluyendo el nombre de las lectoras, los libros leídos y los planes de lectura que se han completado. Capturar el interés poniendo carteles en toda la iglesia, que atraigan la atención, con frases signifcativas de libros del Programa de Lectura. Incluir el título, nombre del autor, casa editorial y el año en que el libro fue presentado en la lista del Programa de Lectura. Tener carteles permanentes y portátiles para promover la venta de los libros del Programa de Lectura, especialmente alrededor de las festas y las vacaciones. 32

El Programa de Lectura Conduce a la Acción! Durante casi 150 años, la membresía de Mujeres Metodistas Unidas y sus organizaciones predecesoras han estado comprometidas en una misión que incluye la oración, el estudio y la acción. El Programa de Lectura es una oportunidad de estudio, que también debería impulsar a la acción. Ofrecemos aquí algunas sugerencias orientadoras. SUGERENCIAS PARA LA ACCIÓN Ore. A menudo los libros despiertan nuestro interés y preocupación por la gente, las naciones y diferentes asuntos contemporáneos. Comparta estos intereses y preocupaciones con Dios durante sus momentos de oración en su hogar y en las reuniones de grupo. Sea anftriona de un programa. Lea Born on Third Base (Nacido en la Tercera Base) y comience una conversación sobre la justicia económica dentro de su grupo de Mujeres Metodistas Unidas. Enseñe una clase en la Escuela Dominical. Lea los títulos de la lista para la niñez con una clase de escuela dominical. Lea Growing Peace (Cultivando la Paz) y comience una conversación en torno al trabajo en conjunto, la paz y la tolerancia. Lea Stick-Up for Yourself (Defiéndete Tú Mismo) y hable sobre las maneras correctas de tomar una posición y construir la autoestima propia. Sea inclusiva. Continúe su acción y compromiso con el Código de Justicia Racial de la Iglesia Metodista Unida. Que Dios les bendiga al orar, estudiar, actuar y organizarse en nombre de Cristo. B Libros con Crédito Adicional Los Libros con Crédito Adicional cuentan como dos libros ya sea como dos libros en una sola categoría o como un libro en dos categorías. Por ejemplo, Hospitable Planet and Pushout se cuenta cada uno como dos libros en la categoría Acción Social. Massacre at Sand Creek se cuenta como dos libros en la categoría Educación Misional. La lectura de los estudios misionales de Mujeres Metodistas Unidas para 2018 tienen crédito en las siguientes categorías: *Estudio del Crecimiento Espiritual para 2018: Buscando Salud y Plenitud *Estudio sobre Temas de Interés para 2018: Qué Acerca de Nuestro Dinero?: Una Respuesta de Fe *Estudio Geográfco para 2018: Las Conferencias Misionales de la Iglesia Metodista Unida (se repite el estudio de 2017) 2018 Estudio para la Juventud: Is It Just Money? Our Dollars, God s Economy ( Es Sólo Dinero? Nuestros Dólares, la Economía de Dios), en inglés 2018 Estudio para la Niñez: Money Matters (Asuntos de Dinero), en inglés *También disponible en inglés y coreano. 33

한국어프로그램안내 4 가지독서계획안 다음 4 가지계획안중하나를선택하여따르도록한다. 각독서계획안별로필요한수의도서와잡지를다읽은경우, 개체여선교회의독서프로그램담당자에게보고한다. 2013 년도목록에서읽은책들은 2018 년 12 월 31 일까지크레딧을받을수있다. 독서계획안 I 매년 5 권의책을읽는다. 각분야에서 1권씩읽는다 : 선교교육, 리더십개발, 공동체양육, 사회참여, 영적성장 2013-2018년권장도서목록중이전의보고서에포함되지않은도서들이어야한다. ( 청소년권장도서포함 ) 정기적으로 response 를읽는다. 독서계획안 II 매년 10 권의책을읽는다. 각분야에서적어도 2권씩읽는다 : 선교교육, 리더십개발, 공동체양육, 사회참여, 영적성장 2013-2018년권장도서목록중이전의보고서에포함되지않은도서들이어야한다. ( 청소년권장도서포함 ) 구할수있으면정기적으로 response 와 New World Outlook 을읽는다. 독서계획안 III 매년 15 권의책을읽는다. 각분야에서적어도 2권씩읽는다 : 선교교육, 리더십개발, 공동체양육, 사회참여, 영적성장 아무분야에서나 5권의도서를추가로읽는다. 2013-2018년권장도서목록중이전의보고서에포함되지않은도서들이어야한다. ( 청소년및아동권장도서포함 ) 구할수있으면정기적으로 response 와 New World Outlook 을읽는다. 독서계획안 IV 매년 20 권의책을읽는다. 각분야에서적어도 2권씩읽는다 : 선교교육, 리더십개발, 공동체양육, 사회참여, 영적성장 아무분야에서나 10권의도서를추가로읽는다. 2013-2018년권장도서목록중이전의보고서에포함되지않은도서들이어야한다. ( 청소년및아동권장도서포함 ) 구할수있으면정기적으로 response 와 New World Outlook 을읽는다. 34

연합감리교회여선교회는여러분야의개념들을독자들이이해하도록다양의책을추천합니다. 독서프로그램은읽는사람이그책에포함된단어나개념을글자그대로받아들여야된다고는생각하지않습니다. 독서프로그램홍보 독서프로그램담당자는연합감리교회여선교회리더십팀과함께본프로그램을홍보하고장려한다. 다음의일들을하도록한다. 관심을가지고있는회원들에게독서프로그램의진행방식을설명하고, 프로그램에등록시킨다. 본안내책자에나와있는 행동을위한제안 을도서선정및선교적대응의지침으로삼는다. 도서를구하여회원들간에돌려읽게한다. 본안내책자를배포한다. 독서프로그램안내책자를배포하여참여자들이읽은책에대해기록하고보고할수있도록한다. 안내책자는배송료만지불하면받아볼수있다. 또는다음웹사이트에서다운로드받을수있다. www.unitedmethodistwomen.org/ readingprogram 성경은독서프로그램을포함해기독교인의모든독서에토대가된다. 연합감리교회여선교회의선교에대한이해를위해필수적으로읽어야하는 response 는각독서계획안에모두포함되어있다. 개체및지방여선교회 독서프로그램온라인커뮤니티에가입하도록한다. 독서프로그램의권장도서와 response 를양로원이나기타은퇴자들이모여사는곳에비치한다. 이자료들을그곳의거주자들에게정기적으로읽어드린다. 부모들, 조부모들, 그리고주일학교교사들에게독서프로그램의아동및청소년권장도서에대해알린다. 큰활자체로된도서들과시각장애자용도서들이있다는점을강조한다. 독서프로그램참여자들을각별히대우한다. www.unitedmethodistwomen.org/ readingprogram/certificate 에서독서프로그램수료증을구입해, 독서계획안을마친회원들에게수여한다. 프로그램참여자들의이름, 읽고있는책, 앞으로읽을책등을한눈에볼수있는도표를만들어눈에띄는곳에전시한다. 독서프로그램의권장도서에서몇구절을적어보기좋게장식한뒤, 교회곳곳에붙여사람들이관심을갖도록한다. 이때, 책제목, 저자, 출판사, 출판년도등인용구절의원작에대한정보와함께연합감리교회여선교회독서프로그램의권장도서임을밝힌다. 특히명절과휴가철을전후해서, 도서판매및구입을장려하는전시용도서보관함과이동용탁자를준비하여권장도서들을전시한다. 책에서다뤄진이슈를해결하기위한행동팀을구성한다. 성인그리고 / 또는어린이, 청소년독서그룹을만들어, 현재읽고있는책들에대해서로정보를나누고토론을하는정기모임을갖도록한다. 여선교회의각종모임과온라인커뮤니티에독서프로그램의권장도서를간략히소개하는시간을갖는다. 35

독서프로그램은행동으로이끈다! 연합감리교회여선교회와전신기관들의회원들은 150 여년이넘는세월동안기도와, 공부와, 행동으로선교에참여해왔다. 독서프로그램은공부할수있는좋은기회이다. 독서프로그램은또한공부뿐만아니라행동으로옮길수있도록이끌어주기도한다. 여러분이책을읽고난뒤, 읽은내용을행동으로옮기고싶다면다음과같은일을해보기바란다. 행동을위한제안 기도한다. 권장도서들은다른민족이나다른나라에대해서, 그리고여러가지당면문제들에대해서관심을불러일으키게해준다. 집에서나여선교회의크고작은모임에서기도할때에이런관심사를하나님께고한다. 프로그램을주최한다. 제 3 의길을찾아서 (Born on Third Base) 를읽고연합감리교회여선교회모임에서경제불평등에대해토론하라. 주일학교에서가르친다. 주일학교에서어린이들의도서목록에나오는책들을읽으라. 평화를키우는일 (Growing Peace) 을함께할것에대한토 론을시작하라. 당당해지라 (Stick -Up for Yourself) 를읽고자신의입장을가지고자긍심을가지는올바른방법에대해서이야기해보라. 포용적인사람이된다. 연합감리교회의인종정의정책헌장 (Charter for Racial Policies of the United Methodist Church) 을꾸준히실천에옮긴다. 여러분이기도하고, 공부하며, 조직하고, 실천할때에하나님께서축복하여주시기를예수그리스도의이름으로축원한다. B 보너스북 보너스북은 1권을읽어도 2권을읽은것으로간주되는책들로, 한분야의책을 2권읽은것으로또는두분야의책을각각 1권씩읽은것으로계산된다. 예를들어서, 환대하는세상 (Hospitable Planet) 과따돌림 (Pushout) 을사회적행동에관한두권의책으로간주한다. 샌드크릭에서의대학살은선교교육을위한두권으로여긴다. 2018년연합감리교회여선교회선교학교교재를읽고다음카테고리에점수를따십시요. * 2018년영성공부 : 건강과온전함의추구 * 2018년사회이슈공부 : 돈은어떻게다루나?: 믿음으로대답하기 * 2018년지역공부 : 미연합감리교회선교연회들 (2017년과같음 ) 2018년청소년공부 : 돈은돈으로만끝나는가?, 우리의돈, 하나님의돈 : 청소년들을위한공부 2018년아동공부 : 돈문제 : 어린이들을위한공부 * 한국어와스페인어로번역됨 36


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