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Hi-MO 애프터케어 시스템 편 5. 오비맥주 카스 카스 후레쉬 테이블 맥주는 천연식품이다 편 처음 스타일 그대로, 부탁 케어~ Hi-MO 애프터케어 시스템 지속적인 모발 관리로 끝까지 스타일이 유지되도록 독보적이다! 근데 그거 아세요? 맥주도 인공첨가물이

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정진명 남재원 떠오르고 있다. 배달앱서비스는 소비자가 배달 앱서비스를 이용하여 배달음식점을 찾고 음식 을 주문하며, 대금을 결제까지 할 수 있는 서비 스를 말한다. 배달앱서비스는 간편한 음식 주문 과 바로결제 서비스를 바탕으로 전 연령층에서 빠르게 보급되고 있는 반면,

하나님의 선한 손의 도우심 이세상에서 가장 큰 축복은 하나님이 나와 함께 하시는 것입니다. 그 이 유는 하나님이 모든 축복의 근원이시기 때문입니다. 에스라서에 보면 하나님의 선한 손의 도우심이 함께 했던 사람의 이야기 가 나와 있는데 에스라 7장은 거듭해서 그 비결을



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27 2, * ** 3, 3,. B ,.,,,. 3,.,,,,..,. :,, : 2009/09/03 : 2009/09/21 : 2009/09/30 * ICAD (Institute for Children Ability

I. A.. ( ).,.,.. ( ) 1), ,.,., ( ),.., YM CA,. ( ) 2), 1), ( :, 1974), p





300 구보학보 12집. 1),,.,,, TV,,.,,,,,,..,...,....,... (recall). 2) 1) 양웅, 김충현, 김태원, 광고표현 수사법에 따른 이해와 선호 효과: 브랜드 인지도와 의미고정의 영향을 중심으로, 광고학연구 18권 2호, 2007 여름

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,,,,,, ),,, (Euripides) 2),, (Seneca, LA) 3), 1) )

7 1 ( 12 ) ( 1912 ) 4. 3) ( ) 1 3 1, ) ( ), ( ),. 5) ( ) ). ( ). 6). ( ). ( ).

2 2010년 1월 15일 경상북도 직업 스쿨 운영 자격 취득 위한 맞춤형 교육 시 10곳 100명에 교육 기회 제공 본인에게 적합한 직종 스스로 선택 1인당 최고 100만원까지 교육비 지원 경상북도는 결혼이주여성 100명에게 맞춤형 취업교 육을 제공하는 결혼이민자 직


May 2014 BROWN Education Webzine vol.3 감사합니다. 그리고 고맙습니다. 목차 From Editor 당신에게 소중한 사람은 누구인가요? Guidance 우리 아이 좋은 점 칭찬하기 고맙다고 말해주세요 Homeschool [TIP] Famil


가정법( 假 定 法 )이란, 실제로 일어나지 않았거나 앞으로도 일어나지 않을 것 같은 일에 대해 자신의 의견을 밝히거나 소망을 표현하는 어법이다. 가정법은 화자의 심적 태도나 확신의 정도를 나타내는 어법이기 때문 에 조동사가 아주 요긴하게 쓰인다. 조동사가 동사 앞에

Something that can be seen, touched or otherwise sensed


중국 상장회사의 경영지배구조에 관한 연구


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2007 학년도 하반기 졸업작품 아무도 모른다 (Nobody Knows) 얄리, 보마빼 (AIi, Bomaye) 외계인간 ( 外 界 人 間 ) 한국예술종합학교 연극원 극작과 예술전문사 안 재 승


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Development of culture technic for practical cultivation under structure in Gastrodia elate Blume

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(016~037) Task1

WHO 의새로운국제장애분류 (ICF) 에대한이해와기능적장애개념의필요성 ( 황수경 ) ꌙ 127 노동정책연구 제 4 권제 2 호 pp.127~148 c 한국노동연구원 WHO 의새로운국제장애분류 (ICF) 에대한이해와기능적장애개념의필요성황수경 *, (disabi


1 st DAY awry [ərái] a. 비스듬한, 뒤틀린 : ASKEW awry aligned, orderly, planned, straight browbeat [bráubìːt] v.t. 위협하다 instigator : incite :: bully : browbeat (A = B 하는사람 ) instigate 선동하다, 부추기다 bully 깡패, 불량배 crumble [krʌḿbl] v. ( 빵등을 ) 가루로만들다, 허물어지다 : DISINTEGRATE, COLLAPSE friable : crumble :: malleable : alter malleable ( 금속등을 ) 벼릴수있는 ; 적응성이있는, 유순한 friable : crumbled :: lucid : comprehended (A B) friable not easily crumbled, resistance to be pulverized, difficult to crumble pulverize 가루로만들다, 바수다 (grind); 박살내다 (demolish) 메모 [EPL1]: 1. in a position that is turned or twisted toward one side; askew 2. away from the correct course 메모 [EPL2]: to intimidate or subjugate by an overbearing manner or domineering speech; bully 메모 [EPL3]: to break into small fragments or particles curt [kəːrt] a. 간략한, 퉁명스러운 : TERSE curt : words :: parsimonious : resource, money parsimonious ( 극도로 ) 검약하는, 인색한 excessively sparing or frugal curt protracted diocesan [daiɑśəsən / daiɔś-] a. 교구의, ( 편협한 ) *diocese [dáiəsis] n. 주교관구 diocesan ecumenical ecumenical 전반적인, 보편적인 ; 전기독교 ( 회 ) 의 메모 [EPL4]: 1. rudely brief or abrupt, as in speech or manner 2. using few words; terse 3. having been shortened 메모 [EPL5]: the district or churches under the jurisdiction of a bishop; a bishopric drudgery [drʌ dʒəri] n. 고역 drudgery rewarding work rewarding 가치가있는, 보람이있는 ; 보답이있는 메모 [EPL6]: tedious, menial, or unpleasant work emulate [émjəlèit] v.t. 필적하다, 열심히모방하다 obviate : unnecessary :: reduce : smaller (A 하면 B 하게된다 ) emulate : exemplary :: obviate : unnecessary (A 하면 B 하게된다 /B 하니까 A 하다 ) obviate ( 곤란등을 ) 예방하다 ; 필요없게하다 exemplary 본보기의, 전형적인 emulate : exemplar :: admire : paragon emulation : exemplar :: deference : authority 메모 [EPL7]: 1. to strive to equal or excel, especially through imitation 2. to compete with successfully; approach or attain equality with mirth [məːrθ] n. 환희 mirth : laughter :: approval : applause pertinacious [pə ːrtənéiʃəs] a. 끈질긴, 고수하는 * pertinacity n. 끈덕짐, 끈질김, 불굴, 완강, 집요 pertinacious : capitulate :: forthright : dissimulate inexperience : green :: pertinacity : refractory pertinacity : yield :: pertinacious tractable, pliable, irresolute, capricious, pliant pertinacity vacillation 메모 [EPL8]: gladness or gaiety, especially when expressed by laughter 메모 [EPL9]: 1. holding tenaciously to a purpose, belief, opinion, or course of action 2. stubbornly or perversely persistent perturb [pərtə ːrb] v.t. 당황하게하다, 교란하다 : DISQUIET impassive : perturb :: voracious : satisfy impassive 무감동의, 냉담한 ; 냉정한, 침착한 ; 인사불성의 voracious 걸신들린 ; 물릴줄모르는 stoic : perturb :: avaricious : satisfy avaricious 탐욕적인 ; 몹시원하는 immoderately desirous of wealth or gain; greedy perturb : serenity :: reassure : doubt :: console : grief perturbation serenity, equanimity 페이지 1 / 17 메모 [EPL10]: 1. to disturb greatly; make uneasy or anxious 2. to throw into great confusion

pervade [pərvéid] v.t. 널리퍼지다, 배어들다, 충만하다 * pervasive adj. permeate 충만하다 ; 투과하다 to spread or flow throughout; pervade pervasive : avoid :: rigid : bend pervade relieve, empty, withdraw, leave pervasive not widely distributed, narrowed pervasiveness limited distribution 메모 [EPL11]: to be present throughout; permeate portentous [pɔːrténtəs] a. 불길한, 흉조의 ; 경이적인, 놀랄만한 * portent [pɔ :rtent] n. ( 불길한 ) 징후, 전조 ; 경이적인것 / 사람 portentous regular, insipid, insignificant, inconsequential purvey [pərvéi] v. 조달하다, 공급하다 vendor : purvey :: censor : expurgate ribald [ríb-əld] a. 상스러운, 야비한 : CRUDE, OFFENSIVE lewd [lu:d] 음란한, 외설적인 a. preoccupied with sex and sexual desire b. obscene; indecent ribald : seemly :: labyrinthine : direct ribald seemly, proper seemly 품위있는, 단정한, 예의바른, 알맞은 메모 [EPL12]: 1. of the nature of or constituting a portent; foreboding 2. full of unspecifiable significance; exciting wonder and awe 메모 [EPL13]: 1. to supply (food, for example); furnish 2. to advertise or circulate 메모 [EPL14]: characterized by or indulging in vulgar, lewd humor rescind [risínd] v. 폐지하다, 철회하다 * rescission n. 무효, 취소, 폐지 the act of rescinding rescind : law :: withdraw : candidacy irrevocable : rescind :: irrevocable 돌이킬수없는, 취소할수없는 impossible to retract or revoke rescind institute, enact, levy, legislate, enforce, ratify, validate, uphold levy 징수하다 (collect), 할당하다 (impose); 소집 / 징집하다 (enroll); ( 전쟁을 ) 시작하다, 걸다 rescission enactment, ratification 메모 [EPL15]: to make void; repeal or annul squander [skwɑńdəːr] v.t. 낭비하다 : DISSIPATE squandering : spend :: gluttony : eat proctor : supervise :: prodigal : squander proctor ( 대학의 ) 시험감독관 ; 대리인, 대변인 squander : expend :: coercion : intimidate :: adulate : admire coerce 억압하다, 강제하다 squander : meager :: conserve, hoard, husband waste, squander, exhaust squander skimp, scrimp skimp v. 인색하게굴다, 아까워하다 a. 부족한, 인색한 strut [strʌt] v. 뽐내며걷다 n. 버팀목, 지주 strut : walk :: pontificate : speak strut : wing :: buttress : wall :: guy : pylon guy 당김줄, 버팀밧줄 verve [vəːrv] n. 열정, 기백 : VIVACITY verve listlessness, lassitude listless lacking energy or disinclined to exert effort; lethargic lassitude : a state or feeling or weariness, diminished energy, or listlessness virulent [vírjulənt] a. 치명적인, 독이있는 obnoxious 밉살스러운, 불쾌한 ; ( 비난, 위험등을 ) 받기쉬운 virulent salubrious, harmless, genial, benign salubrious 건강에좋은 conducive or favorable to health or well-being 페이지 2 / 17 메모 [EPL16]: to spend wastefully or extravagantly; dissipate 메모 [EPL17]: to walk with pompous bearing; swagger 1. a pompous, self-important gait 2. a bar or rod used to brace a structure against forces applied from the side 메모 [EPL18]: 1. energy and enthusiasm in the expression of ideas, especially in artistic performance or composition 2. vitality; liveliness 메모 [EPL19]: 1. a. extremely infectious, malignant, or poisonous b. capable of causing disease by breaking down protective mechanisms of the host 2. bitterly hostile or antagonistic; hateful 3. intensely irritating, obnoxious, or harsh

2 nd Day carouse [kəráuz] v. 떠들썩하게마시다, 흥청대다 roisterer : carouse :: recluse : withdraw roister 으스대다 ; ( 술마시며 ) 법석을떨다 recluse 은둔자, 수도사 carouse behave soberly desecrate [désikrèit] v.t. 신성모독하다 : PROFANE desecrate sanctify, revere, hallow sanctify 신성하게하다 ; 깨끗이하다, 정화하다 hallow 신성하게하다 ; 신성한것으로숭배하다 cf. hollow 속이빈, 공허한 메모 [EPL20]: 1. to engage in boisterous, drunken merrymaking 2. to drink excessively n. boisterous, drunken merrymaking; a carousal 메모 [EPL21]: to treat disrespectfully, irreverently, or outrageously desiccate [désikèit] v.t. 건조시키다 : DEHYDRATE * desiccant adj. 건조성의 n. 건조제 abraded : friction :: desiccated : dehydration caustic : eat away :: desiccant : dry desiccate : moisture :: detoxify : poison :: clear : dirt :: decelerate : velocity : bleach : color desiccation : moisture :: deceleration : velocity desiccated : moisture :: enervated : strength (A 는 B 의반대동사완료형 ) desiccant : dryness :: emollient : suppleness desiccant : moisture :: refrigerant : heat cleanse : dirt :: desiccant : moisture :: respite : labor :: offbeat : bathetic (OPPOSITE) respite 일시적중단 a usually short interval of rest or relief offbeat ( 음악 ) 약한박자 ; 색다른, 자유스러운 not conforming to an ordinary type or pattern bathos 점강법 ; 진부함, 평범함 desiccate add water to, drench, hydrate, saturate, wet thoroughly, imbue desiccated saturated 메모 [EPL22]: 1. to dry out thoroughly 2. to preserve (foods) by removing the moisture 3. to make dry, dull, or lifeless disgruntle [disgrʌńtl] v.t. 불만을품게하다, 언짢게하다 disgruntle refresh disgruntled contented, rapturous rapturous filled with great joy or rapture; ecstatic 메모 [EPL23]: to make illhumored or discontented eschew [istʃúː] v. 삼가다 : SHUN eschew embrace, greet, habitually indulge in, seek, welcome exultant [igzʌĺtənt] a. 크게기뻐하는 : JUBILANT exult : satisfaction :: crave : longing exult 기뻐날뛰다, 환희하다 to rejoice greatly; be jubilant or triumphant exultant abject, crestfallen, dejected, lugubrious abject 굴욕적인, 비참한 ; 상스러운 ; 노예근성의, 비굴한 exultation lamentation 메모 [EPL24]: to avoid habitually especially on moral or practical grounds 메모 [EPL25]: marked by great joy or jubilation; triumphant gush [gʌʃ] n. v. 분출 ( 하다 ) blast : whiff :: gush : trickle whiff 한번불기, 한모금 trickle ( 액체가 ) 조금씩흐르다, 똑똑떨어지다 ; 새다, 조금씩나오다 gush : effusive :: rage : irate :: fulminate : irate ( 동 : 형 ) irate 화난 extremely angry; enraged fulminate 큰소리로폭발하다 ; 격렬하게비난하다 메모 [EPL26]: 1. to flow forth suddenly in great volume 2. to emit a sudden and abundant flow, as of tears 3. to make an excessive display of sentiment or enthusiasm hash : to mince or chop finely hash : pestle [ 절구공이 ] lint [lint] n. 린트 ; 붕대용천 lint : bleeding :: brake : motion lint : covering :: tarpaulin : garment ; tarpaulin 방수시트 ; 방수용외투 페이지 3 / 17

lush [lʌʃ] a. 파릇파릇한, 무성한 lush withered, sere sere 시든, 말라빠진 miscreant [mískriənt] n. a. 사악한, 타락한 ; 악한 miscreant : criminal :: temporizer : compromising miscreant : villainous :: recidivist : relapsing :: sybarite : self-indulgent :: equivocator : evasive miscreant law-abiding individual, saint obsequious [əbsíːkwiəs] a. 아첨하는, 알랑거리는 condescending : patronize :: obsequious : fawn (EQUAL, 형 : 동 ) condescending 생색을내는듯한 displaying a patronizingly superior attitude libertine : dissolute :: sycophant : obsequious :: narcissist : self absorbed dissolute 방탕한, 무절제한 lacking moral restraint; indulging in sensual pleasures or vices frugal : penurious :: deferential : obsequious (A << B) sycophantic : obsequious :: rebellious : resurgent obsequious : attentiveness :: parsimonious : frugality (A >> B) obsequious : fawn :: compliant : yield obsequious : servile :: belligerent : assertive (B 하면 A 하다, A 에는 B 의특성이있다 ) querulous : complaint :: obsequious : flattery querulous 불만이많은 ; 화를잘내는 obsequious supercilious, imperious, assured supercilious 거만한, 건방진 feeling or showing haughty disdain 메모 [EPL27]: 1. a. having or characterized by luxuriant vegetation b. abundant; plentiful c. extremely productive; thriving 2. a. luxurious; opulent b. extremely pleasing to the senses c. voluptuous or sensual 3. overelaborate or extravagant 메모 [EPL28]: one who behaves criminally or viciously 메모 [EPL29]: full of or exhibiting servile compliance; fawning opulent [ɑṕjələnt / ɔṕ-] a. 풍부한, 부유한 opulent Spartan pluck [plʌk] v. 잡아뜯다, 뽑다, 당기다 n. 뜯어내기, 홱당기기 ; 용기 * plucky 용기있는, 용감한, 씩씩한, 단호한 pluck : quit :: pride : grovel (A 하면 B 하기어렵다 ) grovel 굴복하다, 비굴한태도를취하다 ; 천박한환락에빠지다 horn : blow :: harp : pluck( 잡아뜯다 ) pluck cowardice, coward, spinelessness pluck insert plucky craven plucky 용기있는, 씩씩한, 단호한 having or showing courage and spirit in trying circumstances plumb [plʌm] v. 깊이를재다, 조사하다 a. 수직인, 철저한 plumb : depth :: assess : value :: verify : accuracy assess [əsés] ( 과세결정을위해 ) 평가하다 to estimate the value of (property) for taxation plumb : depth :: measure : dimensions :: calibrate : diameter :: survey : poll :: gauge : pressure unplumbed : depth :: unpredictable : vagary : anonymous : identity unplumbed 헤아릴수없는 (unfathomed) vagary 엉뚱한짓 an extravagant or erratic notion or action plumb examine cursorily/superficially plumb horizontal 메모 [EPL30]: 1. possessing or exhibiting great wealth; affluent 2. characterized by rich abundance; luxuriant 메모 [EPL31]: v. 1. to remove or detach by grasping and pulling abruptly with the fingers; pick 2. to pull out the hair or feathers of 3. to remove abruptly or forcibly 4. to give an abrupt pull to n. resourceful courage and daring in the face of difficulties; spirit 메모 [EPL32]: 1. to determine the depth of with a plumb; sound 2. to test the verticality or alignment of with a plumb 3. to straighten or make perpendicular 4. to examine closely or deeply; probe plummet [plʌḿit] v. 수직으로떨어지다 ; 급격히쇠퇴하다 fall, descend : plummet :: move : dart :: utter : blurt (A << B) dart 쌔게던지다, 돌진하다 to move suddenly and rapidly plummet : fall :: swerve : turn (A >> B) swerve 빗나가다, 이탈하다 to turn aside or be turned aside from a straight course waft : plummet :: meander : dash (OPPOSITE) waft ( 공중등을 ) 떠돌다 to cause to go gently and smoothly through the air or over water plummet : ascend :: (OPPOSITE) plummet ascend, rise sharply 메모 [EPL33]: 1. to fall straight down 2. to decline suddenly and steeply 페이지 4 / 17

poseur [pouzə ːr] n. 젠체하는사람 poseur : sincerity :: recluse : gregariousness (LACK) stickler : derelict :: poseur : unaffected stickler 까다로운사람 ; 난문 ( 難問 ) derelict 버림받은, 유기된 ; 태만한, 무책임한 poseur sincere person, sincerity 메모 [EPL34]: one who affects a particular attitude, character, or manner to impress others, smug prudent [prúːdənt] a. 신중한 ; 빈틈없는 : DISCREET prudence : daredevil :: sagacity : simpleton sagacity 현명, 기민 the quality of being discerning, sound in judgment, and farsighted; wisdom fool prudent rash [ræʃ] a. 무모한, 신중치못한 obsessed : attracted :: rash : adventurous (A >> B) obsess 사로잡히다 to preoccupy the mind of excessively loquacious : talkative :: rash : adventurous (A >> B) loquacious very talkative; garrulous rash : circumspective :: imperious : servile rash circumspective 메모 [EPL35]: 1. wise in handling practical matters; exercising good judgment or common sense 2. careful in regard to one's own interests; provident 3. careful about one's conduct; circumspect 메모 [EPL36]: characterized by or resulting from ill-considered haste or boldness scrupulous [skrúːpjələs] a. 세심한, 꼼꼼한 ; 양심적인, 신중한 : CONSCIENTIOUS man of no scruples 양심의가책을느끼지않는사람 without scruples 망설임없이, 태연하게 * unscrupulous adj. 거리낌 ( 조심성 ) 없는, 비양심적인 unscrupulous : integrity :: unscrupulous principled, circumspect, measured probity, integrity unscrupulousness probity 정직, 성실, 청렴 complete and confirmed integrity; uprightness scrupulousity lack of conscience smug [smʌg] a. 잘난체하는, 독선적인 ; 깔끔한, 말쑥한 smirk : smugness :: sneer : derision primp : vain :: gloat : smug primp 단정하게하다 to dress or groom (oneself) with meticulous or excessive attention to detail gloat 만족스럽게바라보다 to feel or express great, often malicious, pleasure or self-satisfaction smug tatty, untidy 메모 [EPL37]: 1. conscientious and exact; painstaking 2. having scruples; principled conscience 양심 * scruple [skrú:pl] n. 양심의가책 ; 주저, 사양, 망설임 ; 소량 1. an uneasy feeling arising from conscience or principle that tends to hinder action 2. 약량의단위 ( 약 1.296g) 3. a minute part or amount 메모 [EPL38]: exhibiting or feeling great or offensive satisfaction with oneself or with one's situation; self righteously complacent stultify [stʌĺtəfài] v.t. 바보로만들다, 무효화하다 stultify animate, stir, excite, remind, stimulate, enliven, inspire enliven 활기띠게하다, 쾌활하게하다, 북돋우다 stultifying stimulating 메모 [EPL39]: 1. to render useless or ineffectual; cripple 2. to cause to appear stupid, inconsistent, or ridiculous advertence [ædvə ːrtəns, əd-] n. 주의, 유의 ; 용의주도함 advert 주의를환기시키다 ; 언급하다 to call attention; refer advertence inattention advertent inattentive inadvertence careful attention 3 rd DAY blurt [bləːrt] v. 불쑥말하다 blurt : utter :: flit : move flit 휙움직이다, 경쾌하게돌아다니다 to move quickly from one condition or location to another conceal blurt blurt : utterance :: bolt : movement :: yank : pull (A= 갑자기 B 하는것 ) bolt ( 말, 토끼등이 ) 갑자기튀어나오다 [ 뛰기시작하다 ]; 달리기시작하다, 도망치다 ; 잽싸게행동하다. 메모 [EPL40]: to utter abruptly and impulsively 페이지 5 / 17

cavern [kǽvərn] n. 큰동굴 ditch : canyon :: burrow : cavern cavern : spelunker :: star : astronomer (A=B를탐사, 조사하는사람 ) spelunker [spilʌ ŋkər] 동굴탐험가 ( 취미로라도 ) One who explores and studies caves chiefly as a hobby. grotto : cavern :: arroyo : channel grotto 작은동굴 arroyo [erɔ iou] 작은협곡 cosset [kɑśit / kɔś-] v. 애지중지하다, 응석받이로기르다 : PAMPER n. 애완동물 cosset : denounce :: cosset slight cosset bemean, ignore, denounce, mistreat cosseted unspoiled ( 중국 1 회 ) 메모 [EPL41]: to treat as a pet despicable [déspikəbəl, dispík-] a. 경멸할만한 despicable : scorn, contempt, disregard :: redoubtable : regard, awe redoubtable 가공할 ; 존경할만한 venerable : reverence :: despicable : scorn despicable : valuable :: mulish : flexible despicable venerable, laudable, commendable 메모 [EPL42]: deserving of contempt or scorn; vile despondent [dispɑńdənt / -spɔńd-] a. 기가죽은, 낙담한 DEJECTED despondency [dispɑńdensi dispɔń-] n. 낙담, 의기소침 despondent : depressed :: saturnine : gloomy (EQUAL) saturnine 토성의영향을받아태어난 ; 우울한, 시무룩한 ; 납의 despondent : depressed :: expert : skilled despondent sanguine, elated sanguine 불그레한, 혈색좋은 ; 자신감넘치는, 낙천적인 cheerfully confident; optimistic 메모 [EPL43]: depression of spirits from loss of hope, confidence, or courage; dejection dismantle [dismǽntl] v.t. 분해하다, ( 설비등을 ) 제거하다 dismantle : wholeness :: dismantle : united :: adulterate : pristine disparate [díspərit, dispǽr-] a. 본질적으로다른 disparate similar, analogous, like, alike, homogeneous, analogous disprove : to prove untrue or wrong [ 그릇됨을증명하다 ] remonstrance [ 항의, 항변 ] : oppose :: syllogism[ 삼단논법 ] : disprove disrupt [disrʌṕt] v.t. 붕괴시키다 saboteur : disrupt :: apologist : defend saboteur 파괴 / 방해행위를하는사람 apologist 변명하는사람, 변호하는사람 dissemble [disémbəl] v. 가장하다, 숨기다 : SIMULATE dissemble : honesty :: snub : politeness snub 핀잔을주다 to ignore or behave coldly toward; slight dissemble : information :: masquerade : feeling masquerade 가장무도회 ; 겉치레 ; 핑계 dissemblance : deception :: ingenuous : dissemble :: raffish : preen :: polite : snub ingenuous 솔직한, 숨김없는, 성실한 ; 순진한, 꾸밈없는 raffish 천한, 저급의 ; 평판이나쁜, 방탕한 preen ( 새가날개를 ) 부리로다듬다 (trim); 자랑하다, 우쭐대다 dissembler : forthright :: sadist : benignant dissemble behave honestly dissembling candid 메모 [EPL44]: 1. a. to take apart; disassemble; tear down b. to put an end to in a gradual systematic way 2. to strip of furnishings or equipment 3. to strip of covering or clothing 메모 [EPL45]: fundamentally distinct or different in kind; entirely dissimilar 메모 [EPL46]: 1. to throw into confusion or disorder 2. to interrupt or impede the progress, movement, or procedure of 3. to break or burst; rupture 메모 [EPL47]: 1. to disguise or conceal behind a false appearance 2. to make a false show of; feign 페이지 6 / 17

disseminate [disémənèit] v.t. 흩뿌리다, 살포하다 ; ( 학설등을 ) 보급하다, 퍼뜨리다 promulgate 반포, 공포하다 ; 널리퍼뜨리다 disseminate : information :: foment : discontentment disseminate garner, nucleate garner 저장하다, 축적하다, 모으다 nucleate 핵으로하다 ; 핵의역할을하다 메모 [EPL48]: 1. to scatter widely, as in sowing seed 2. to spread abroad; promulgate elated [iléitid] a. 의기양양한, 기뻐날뛰는 : EXULTANT elation n. 의기양양함, 우쭐댐, 흔쾌한기분 elate [iléit] - to make proud or joyful elate depress, despond, reprobate, wretched elated despondent, hangdog, crestfallen, dejected, depressed despondent 낙심한, 풀이죽은 = dejected hangdog 혼쭐난, 겁먹은, 풀죽은 ; 비열한, 설설기는 shamefaced or guilty; intimidated crestfallen 의기소침한, 풀죽은 elation dejection, sullenness ; sullen 시무룩한, 심기가나쁜 메모 [EPL49]: marked by great joy or jubilation; triumphant finesse [finés] n. 솜씨, 술책 gauche : finesse :: spontaneous : planning (OPPOSITE) gauche [gouʃ] 버릇없는, 무뚝뚝한 ; 미숙한, 서투른 finesse ineptitude, heavy-handedness inept 적합하지않은, 서투른 ; 어리석은 fuss [fʌs] v. 안달하다, 야단법석하다 ; 귀찮게잔소리하다 assert : belabor :: tend : fuss (A << B) 주장하다 : 장황하게논의하다 :: 주의하다, 신경쓰다 : 안달하다, 야단법석하다 garrulous : talkative :: fussy : careful (A >> B) garrulous given to excessive and often trivial or rambling talk; tiresomely talkative insolent [ínsələnt] a. 건방진 : IMPUDENT perfunctorily : inspiration :: insolently : veneration (LACK) perfunctory 마지못해하는 insolent polite, courteous, respectful, elegant courteous 예의바른, 정중한, 공손한 insouciant [insúːsiənt] a. 태평한 : NONCHALANT insouciant : worry :: tenacious, pertinacious : yield (A=not B) tenacious 꽉쥐고놓지않는, 집착하는 ; 고집센 pertinacious 고수하는, 끈덕진, 집요한 insouciant, nonchalant : concern :: tenacious : yield :: magnanimous : begrudge (A 는 B 하지않는다 ) magnanimous a. 도량이큰, 관대한, 고결한 begrudge 부러워하다, 샘내다, 아까워하다, 꺼리다 insouciant distressed, worried, anxious, troubled (immoderate 는오답 ) 메모 [EPL50]: 1. refinement and delicacy of performance, execution, or artisanship 2. skillful, subtle handling of a situation; tactful, diplomatic maneuvering 메모 [EPL51]: 1. to trouble or worry over trifles 2. to be excessively careful or solicitous 3. to get into or be in a state of nervous or useless 4. to object; complain 메모 [EPL52]: 1. presumptuous and insulting in manner or speech; arrogant 2. audaciously rude or disrespectful 메모 [EPL53]: marked by blithe unconcern; nonchalant respite [réspit] n. 일시적중단, 잠깐의휴식 : REPRIEVE reprieve 형집행을연기하다 ; 위안을주다 respite : labor :: interim : concert interim [íntərim] 짬, 잠시 an interval of time between one event, process, or period and another fast : eat :: respite : labor plateau : change :: respite : activity plateau [plætóu] 고원, 대지 ; 학습의일시적정지상태 moratorium : activity :: respite : labor taunt [tɔːnt, tɑːnt] v. 비웃다 ; 비웃어 하게하다 taunt : insult :: flout : disregard :: taunt : challenge (A 는 B 의성격을지님 ) flout 경멸하다, 멸시하다 to show contempt for; scorn taunt : provoke :: plot : outwit (A 는 B 를목적으로하는수단 ) 페이지 7 / 17 메모 [EPL54]: 1. a usually short interval of rest or relief 2. (law) temporary suspension of a death sentence; a reprieve 메모 [EPL55]: 1. to reproach in a mocking, insulting, or contemptuous manner 2. to drive or incite (a person) by taunting

truculent [trʌḱjələnt] a. 잔혹한, 호전적인 ; 통렬한, 가차없는 : CRUEL, SAVAGE pugnacious 싸우기좋아하는 combative in nature; belligerent truculent : gentleness :: unregenerate : remorse (OPPOSITE) unregenerate 갱생하지않는 unrepentant truculent gentle, pacific, placid, genial, meek, peaceful, cooperative, amiable, nice, civilized, agreeable, obedient, submissive,pliant truculence kindness, benevolence, tranquility trudge [trʌdʒ] v.t. 터벅터벅걷다 lug : carry :: trudge : walk lug 질질끌어서나르다 to pull something with difficulty cavort trudge cavort ( 말이 ) 뛰어다니다 ; 흥청거리다 caper 뛰돌아다니다, 깡충거리다 romp 떠들며뛰어놀기 ; 장난꾸러기 메모 [EPL56]: 1. disposed to fight; pugnacious 2. expressing bitter opposition; scathing 3. disposed to or exhibiting violence or destructiveness; fierce 메모 [EPL57]: to walk in a laborious, heavy-footed way; plod vault [vɔːlt] n. ( 지하 ) 금고 larder : provisions :: vault : valuables :: reservoir : water larder 식료품저장실 vault : valuables :: refrigerator : foods :: library : books vaunt [vɔːnt, vɑːnt] v. 자랑하다, 뽐내다 : BRAG n. 자랑 vaunt one s skill 솜씨를자랑하다 vaunt deprecate, humble, self-deprecate, downplay, understate, resign, (retire) downplay 얕보다 to minimize the significance of; play down vaunting meek ( 중국 3 회 ) vaunting 자랑하는, 교만한 meek showing patience and humility 메모 [EPL58]: to speak boastfully of; brag about 4 th DAY bathetic [bəθétik] a. 진부한, 평범한 : TRITENESS offbeat bathetic, hackneyed, trite, commonplace offbeat ( 음악 ) 약한박자 ; 색다른 not conforming to an ordinary type or pattern; unconventional castigate [kǽstəgèit] v. 혹평하다 castigation : disapproval :: crime : misbehavior :: blasphemy : irreverence (A >> B) blasphemy 신성모독 irreverence 불경 castigation : reproof :: denunciation : denial :: loathing : dislike :: soaking : damp (A >> B) reprove to voice or convey disapproval of denounce 비난하다 ; 고발하다 peccadillo : sin :: admonishment : castigation (A << B) castigate extol, flatter, highly praise, commend, admire, accolade castigation approbation, flatter, accolade, extol 메모 [EPL59]: 1. to inflict severe punishment on 2. to criticize severely crutch [krʌtʃ] n. 목발, 버팀대 crutch : walk :: glasses, lens : see crutch : support :: dissolute [dísəlùːt] a. 방탕한, 무절제한 libertine : dissolute :: sycophant : obsequious ludicrous : buffoon :: dissolute : libertine :: humorous : wag ludicrous 웃기는, 익살맞은 ; 바보같은 buffoon 어릿광대, 익살꾼 wag ( 머리, 꼬리를 ) 흔들기 ; 익살꾼, 재치가풍부한사람 메모 [EPL60]: lacking moral restraint; indulging in sensual pleasures or vices 페이지 8 / 17

voluble : speech :: licentious : dissoluteness voluble 유창한, 달변의 marked by a ready flow of speech; fluent licentious [laisénʃəs] 음탕한, 부도덕한 dissolute thrift dissolve [dizɑĺv / -zɔĺv] v. 용해하다 clot : dissolved :: crowd : dispersed coagulant : thicken :: solvent : dissolve :: caustic : burn coagulant 응고제 ; 지혈제 dissolve : insoluble :: bend : rigid :: submerge : buoyant consolidate, coagulate dissolve excursive [ikskə ːrsiv] a. 벗어난 ; 탈선하는 ; 산만한 digress : excursive :: reiterate : redundant reiterate 되풀이하다 ; 지루하게반복하다 to say or do again or repeatedly fastidious [fæstídiəs, fəs-] a. 까다로운, 세심한주의가필요한 devoted : zealous :: careful : fastidious (A << B) dapper : fastidious :: (A << B) dapper 깔끔한, 단정한 ; 맵시있는 fastidious easygoing, cursory, uncritical, coarse, indiscriminate, lenient, undemanding, sloppy, uncouth, slovenly cursory 겉핥기의, 엉성한, 피상적인 performed with haste and scant attention to detail fastidiousness carelessness, slovenliness glut [glʌt] v. 실컷먹이다, 싫증나게하다 ; 공급과잉이되게하다 : OVERSUPPLY n. 충분한공급, 공급과잉, 과도한양 glut dearth, paucity dearth 부족, 결핍 ; 기근 a scare supply; shortage of food; famine instigate [ínstəgèit] v.t. 선동하다 : PROVOKE instigator : incite :: bully : browbeat browbeat to intimidate or subjugate by an overbearing manner or domineering speech; bully quell foment, instigate, rouse inveterate [invétərit] a. 뿌리깊은, 상습적인 inveterate casual, uninitiated casual a. 우연한, 우발적인 n. 임시노동자 jest [dʒest] n. 농담, 익살 ; 희롱, 장난 prank 농담, 못된장난 a mischievous trick or practical joke frolicsome 농담, 익살 ; 조롱, 희롱 full of high-spirited fun; frisky and playful jeer : derision :: reprimand : censure (EQUAL) jest solemn speaking/utterance, solemnity maven [méivən] n. 박식한사람 maven : experience :: luminary : eminence (HAVE) (augur : prediction 관계는 DO 관계이므로오답 ) obstruct [əbstrʌḱt] v. 진행을방해하다 : IMPEDE obstruct : progress :: stunt : growth stunt to check the growth or development of obstruct facilitate, abet occluded unobstructed occlude 닫다, 막다, 차단하다 to cause to become closed; to prevent the passage of obstructed unoccluded obstructionist one who facilitates 페이지 9 / 17 메모 [EPL61]: of, given to, characterized by, or having the nature of digression 메모 [EPL62]: 1. possessing or displaying careful, meticulous attention to detail 2. difficult to please; exacting 3. excessively scrupulous or sensitive, especially in matters of taste or propriety 메모 [EPL63]: slovenly [sl v-ənli] a. 단정치못한 ; 꾀죄죄한, 초라한 (untidy); 되는대로의, 소홀한 (careless). 메모 [EPL64]: 1. to fill beyond capacity, especially with food; satiate 2. to flood (a market) with an excess of goods so that supply exceeds demand 메모 [EPL65]: 1. to urge on; goad 2. to stir up; foment 메모 [EPL66]: 1. firmly and long established; deep-rooted 2. persisting in an ingrained habit; habitual 메모 [EPL67]: 1. a playful or amusing act; a prank 2. a frolicsome or frivolous mood 3. an object of ridicule; a laughingstock 4. a witty remark 메모 [EPL68]: a person who has special knowledge or experience; an expert 메모 [EPL69]: 1. to block or fill (a passage) with obstacles or an obstacle 2. to impede, retard, or interfere with; hinder 3. to get in the way of so as to hide from sight

obviate [ɑ bvièit / ɔ b-] v.t. 불필요하게하다, 예방하다예 ; obviate the necessity of doing it. obviate : unnecessary :: whet : sharp (A 하면 B 가증진된다 ) emulate : exemplary :: obviate : unnecessary (A 하면 B 하게된다 /B 하니까 A 할만하다 ) emulate 우열을다투다, 필적하다 obviate : unnecessary :: reduce : smaller obviate make necessary, necessitate 메모 [EPL70]: do away with ; 제거하다 메모 [EPL71]: to anticipate and dispose of effectively; render unnecessary pastiche [pæstíːʃ] n. 모방작품 ; 잡동사니 (hodgepodge) pasticcio [pæstí:tʃou] = pastiche [pæstí:ʃ] pastiche original work pantechnicon : a van used for moving furniture [ 가구운반차 ] paroxysm : sudden :: ruse : deceptive, deceived (A 는 B 의속성을지님 ) paroxysm [pǽrәksìzәm] 격발 ; 발작, 경련 restive [réstiv] a. 조종받는것을참지못하고저항하는, 다루기힘든, 고집센 ; 차분하지못한, 안절부절못하는 : FIDGETY, BALKY fidget( 조마조마하 ( 게하 ) 다, 조마조마한상태 / fidget with one's watch 조마조마하게시계를만지작거리다.) balky : 고집센, 말을안듣는 1. uneasily impatient under restriction, opposition, criticism, or delay 2. resisting control; difficult to control 3. refusing to move restive : serenity :: impeccable : flaw :: sterile : germ incogitant : thoughtful :: restive : calm :: piddling : considerable :: keen : obtuse :: (OPPOSITE) incogitant 분별없는, 경솔한 thoughtless; inconsiderate piddling 사소한, 하찮은 so trifling or trivial as to be beneath one's consideration restive : calmness :: keen : obtuseness :: impetuous : patience :: impeccable : flaw (OPPOSITE) restive calm, imperturbable, serene restiveness contentment, serenity( 조용함, 안정, 평온, 차분함 ) restiveness; 조종받기를싫어함 / 억제, 비난, 꾸물거리는것에대해불편을느껴참을수가없는것 contentment 만족, 안도, 평온 serene 조용한, 고요한, 평화로운 메모 [EPL72]: 1. a dramatic, literary, or musical piece openly imitating the previous works of other artists, often with satirical intent 2. a pasticcio of incongruous parts; a hodgepodge 메모 [EPL73]: ruse [ruːz] n. 계략, 음모 : a crafty stratagem; a subterfuge rustic [rʌśtik] a. 시골의, 전원풍의 ; 소박한 : RURAL polished, urbane rude, rustic urbane polite, refined, and often elegant in manner scurrilous [skə ːrələs, skʌ -] a. 상스러운, 업신여기는 * scurrility n. 상스러움 scurrilous : propriety :: mercurial : constancy (A 에는 B 가없는 ) propriety 예의바름, 단정 scurrilous noble, complimentary, inoffensive, decent, polite, respectful spurious [spjú-əriəs] a. 가짜의 ; 사생아의 : FALSE spurious : authenticity :: (LACK) spurious authentic, genuine spuriousness authenticity spurn [spəːrn] v. 콧방귀뀌다, 냉대하다 spurn : reject :: despise : ignore (A>>B) spurn welcome willingly, want, desire, accept, court, crave, embrace, uphold, seek, take willingly court 비위를맞추다, 구애하다, 유혹하다 crave 갈망하다, 필요로하다, 간청하다 spurned beloved 페이지 10 / 17 메모 [EPL74]: 1. of, relating to, or typical of country life or country people 2. marked by a lack of sophistication or elegance 3. appropriate for use in the country 메모 [EPL75]: 1. given to the use of vulgar, coarse, or abusive language; foul-mouthed 2. expressed in vulgar, coarse, and abusive language 메모 [EPL76]: 1. lacking authenticity or validity in essence or origin; not genuine; false 2. of illegitimate birth 메모 [EPL77]: 1. to reject disdainfully or contemptuously; scorn 2. to kick at or tread on disdainfully

5 th DAY Categorical [ 무조건적인, 절대적인 ] : qualified[ 조건부의 ] cavil [kǽvəl] v. 트집잡다 cavil : criticize, object :: prate : talk :: saunter : walk (A 는 B 를사소하게, 목적없이하다 ) caviler : carping :: libertine : licentious licentious [laisénʃəs] 음탕한, 방종한, 부도덕한 encomiast : eulogize :: quibbler : cavil encomiast 찬양자 a person who delivers or writes an encomium; a eulogist quibble 트집을잡다 ; 험담을하다 = cavil nitpick : criticize :: cavil : object (trivial B = A) nitpick to be concerned with or find fault with insignificant details faultfinding : criticize :: nitpicker : criticize :: quibbler : cavil 메모 [EPL78]: to find fault unnecessarily; raise trivial objections cavort [kəvɔ ːrt] v. ( 신나서 ) 뛰어다니다 : PRANCE dodder : unsteady :: cavort : sprightly dodder 몸을떨다 ; 비틀거리며걷다 cavort trudge, restrain, behave trudge to walk in a laborious, heavy-footed way; plod desultory [désəltɔ ːri / -təri] a. 종잡을수없는, 막연한 ; 엉뚱한 desultory : plan :: inadequate : sufficiency :: sluggish : industriousness :: languid : energy (LACK) languid 나른한, 맥없는 ; 흥미없는, 의욕이없는 desultory : plan :: facile : profundity (LACK) facile 경쾌한, 능란한 ; 피상적인, 경박한 ; 손쉬운, 용이한 desultory strictly methodical, carefully planned, assiduous assiduous 꾸준한 ; 근면한, 부지런한 메모 [EPL79]: to walk or move in a spirited manner 1. to bound or prance about in a sprightly manner; caper 2. to have lively or boisterous fun; romp 메모 [EPL80]: 1. moving or jumping from one thing to another; disconnected 2. occurring haphazardly; random ditch [ditʃ] n. 도랑 v. 도랑을파다 n. (Wordnet 사전 2006) ( 자연적, 인공적인것모두됨 ) ditch : canyon :: burrow : cavern canyon A narrow chasm with steep cliff walls, cut into the earth by running water; a gorge. burrow 굴 ; 은신처, 굴을파다 cavern 큰동굴 메모 [EPL81]: 1. a long narrow excavation in the earth 2. any small natural waterway doyen [dɔíən] n. 고참자, 대가 eccentric : conventional :: doyen : uninitiated (OPPOSITE) uninitiated not knowledgeable or skilled; inexperienced 메모 [EPL82]: a man who is the eldest or senior member of a group extant [ekstǽnt, ékstənt] a. 현존하는 extant extinct, lost, missing, destroyed 메모 [EPL83]: still in existence; not destroyed, lost, or extinct fawn [fɔːn] v. 알랑거리다 n. 새끼사슴 condescending : patronize :: obsequious : fawn obsequious 아부하는, 추종하는 full of or exhibiting servile compliance; fawning imperiousness : fawn :: self depreciatory : swagger depreciatory 얕보는, 경멸적인 diminishing in value; disparaging; belittling swagger 뽐내며걷다 ; 허풍을떨다 fawn : hauteur :: self depreciate : swagger :: elaborate : sketchy hauteur [hóutə:r] 거만, 오만 haughtiness in bearing and attitude; arrogance fawn : imperiousness :: equivocate : directness :: elaborate : sketchy sycophant : fawn :: pundit : opine :: miser : hoard obsequious : fawn :: compliant : yield :: condescending : patronize parsimonious : spend :: peremptory : fawn peremptory 지엄한, 단호한 ; 위압적인 reprobate : misbehave:: sycophant : fawn 메모 [EPL84]: 1. to exhibit affection or attempt to please, as a dog does by wagging its tail, whining, or cringing 2. to seek favor or attention by flattery and obsequious behavior 페이지 11 / 17

reprobate 불량배 a morally unprincipled person 비난하다 misbehave to behave badly eaglet : bird :: fawn : mammal fawning : attentive :: garish : colorful (A >> B) faze [feiz] v.t. 당황케하다, 풀죽게하다 : DISCONCERT, DAUNT embolden abash, faze, cow fazed undisturbed 메모 [EPL85]: to disrupt the composure of; disconcert indict [indáit] v.t. 비난하다, 공격하다 ; 기소하다 indict : accuse :: sanction : approve (A=B) (extol : countenance 는오답 ) sanction n. v. 인정하다, 용인하다 absolve indict 메모 [EPL86]: to accuse of wrongdoing; charge inviolable [invɑíələb:əl] a. 불가침의, 신성한 ; 침범할수없는 pierce : impenetrable :: profane : inviolable profane 신성을더럽히는 ; 세속적인, 야비한 latent [léit-ənt] a. 잠복성의 latency : response :: incubation : disease ( 빅북문제임. A 는 B 가내재되어있는상태 ) latent manifest 메모 [EPL87]: 1. secure from violation or profanation 2. impregnable to assault or trespass; invincible 메모 [EPL88]: present or potential but not evident or active potentate [póutəntèit] n. 세력가, 유력자 ; 군주, 지배자 virtuoso : skill :: potentate : power (A have B) potentate subject, powerless person subject 신하, 가신, 피통치자 ; 주제 ; 교과목 resurgence [risə ːrrdʒənt] n. 소생, 부활 : RENAISSANCE resurgence extinguishment, waning, decline, extinguishment resurgent in decline suture [súːtʃər] n. 봉합 ; 꿰매기, 솔기 suture incision, avulsion avulsion 잡아찢기, 떼어놓기 tinker [tíŋkəːr] v. 땜질하다 ; 어설프게고치다 tinker : adjust :: scribble : write untenable [ʌnté nəbəl] a. 지지할수없는, 거주할수없는 untenable : defense :: invulnerable : injury invulnerable 손상되지않는, 무적의 ; 논파할수없는, 확고한 untenable : defended :: incontrovertible : disputed :: inevitable : avoided incontrovertible 논의의여지없는, 명백한 impossible to dispute; unquestionable inalienable : surrendered :: untenable : defended inalienable ( 권리등을 ) 양도할수없는 that cannot be transferred to another or others untenable : defended :: inexorable : persuade inexorable 불변의 ; 냉혹한, 무정한 not capable of being persuaded by entreaty; relentless untenable defensible ; untenable habitable 메모 [EPL89]: 1. one who has the power and position to rule over others; a monarch 2. one who dominate or leads a group or an endeavor 메모 [EPL90]: 1. a continuing after interruption; a renewal 2. a restoration to use, acceptance, activity, or vigor; a revival 메모 [EPL91]: 1. the process of joining two surfaces or edges together along a line by or as if by sewing 2. the material, such as thread, gut, or wire, that is used in this procedure 3. the line so formed 메모 [EPL92]: to make unskilled or experimental efforts at repair; fiddle 메모 [EPL93]: 1. being such that defense or maintenance is impossible 2. being such that occupation or habitation is impossible usurp [juːsə ːrp, -zə ːrp] v.t. 강탈하다, 권한없이사용하다 usurp : take :: trespass : enter impostor : identity :: usurper : authorization (A = 거짓 B 를가진사람 ) embezzle : funds :: usurp : power usurp : seize :: interrogate : examine :: defame : disparage (EQUAL) interrogate 따져묻다 ; 심문하다 to examine by questioning formally or officially usurp assume rightfully 메모 [EPL94]: 1. to seize and hold (the power or rights of another, for example) by force and without legal authority 2. to take over or occupy without right 페이지 12 / 17

6 th DAY anthology [ænθɑĺədʒi / -θɔĺ-] n. 명문선집 compendium : summary :: anthology : collection (EQUAL) compendium 해설, 개론 ; 요약 antipathy [æntípəθi] n. 혐오, 반감 : DISTASTE antipathy affection, affinity, benevolence, fondness, predilection, proclivity, settled fondness predilection 편애, 좋아함 (preference) proclivity 성향, 기질, 경향 (tendency) agreeable : antipathy :: tedious : engrossment (A 에는 B 가없음 ) agreeable 기호나취미에맞는, 기꺼이동의하는 메모 [EPL95]: settled aversion or dislike authentic [ɔ:θéntik] a. 믿을만한, 근거가있는 ; 진짜의 : REAL, ACTUAL authenticity : fraudulent :: sincerity : hypocritical (OPPOSITE) authorize : to grant permission; 승인하다, 권한을부여하다 bequest [bikwést] n. 유산 : LEGACY heirloom : ancestor :: bequest : testator heirloom 세습재산 charade [ʃəréid / -rɑ ːd] n. 몸짓으로말을표현하는게임 ; ( 쉽게드러나는 ) 가장, 속임 charade : word :: mime : story charade : dissimulate :: void : empty dissimulate ( 감정등을 ) 숨기다, 인척하다 empty v. 비우다, 비게되다 메모 [EPL96]: 1. conforming to fact and therefore worthy of trust, reliance, or belief 2. having a claimed and verifiable origin or authorship; not counterfeit or copied 메모 [EPL97]: 1. the act of giving, leaving by will, or passing on to another 2. something that is bequeathed; a legacy 메모 [EPL98]: 1. a game in which words or phrases are represented in pantomime 2. a readily perceived pretense detour [díːtuər, ditúər] 우회하다, 비켜서가다 detour : route, path :: digress : topic :: transgress, trespass : rule digressive 주제를벗어나기쉬운, 지엽적인 (rambling) encumber [enkʌḿbə:r] v. 방해하다 ; ( 장애물로 ) 막다 * encumbrance n. 장애물 encumbrance : hinder :: palliative : mitigate palliative 완화제, 당장을모면하기 ( 하는방책 ), 참작해야할정상 encumber remove impediment, unburden, assist, aid, facilitate impediment 방해, 장애 ; 신체적장애 entice [entáis] v.t. 유혹, 선동하다 : TEMPT command : entreaty :: goad : enticement (A >> B) enticing : tempt :: affectionate : love (EQUAL, 형 : 동 ) enticement : tempt :: (EQUAL) formidable enticing formidable 무서운, 용기를꺾는, 위협적인 ; 경외심을불러일으키는 entice deter 메모 [EPL99]: to go or cause to go by a roundabout way 1. a roundabout way or course, especially a road used temporarily instead of a main route 2. a deviation from a direct course of action 메모 [EPL100]: 1. to put a heavy load on; burden 2. to hinder or impede the action or performance of 3. to burden with legal or financial obligations 메모 [EPL101]: to attract by arousing hope or desire; lure enticement n. estimable [éstəməbəl] a. 존경할만한 estimable : admiration :: questionable : doubt (disparage : contempt 는오답 ) estimable contemptible, infamous extort [ikstɔ ːrt] v.t. 강요하다, 강탈하다 : WRING sycophant : flattery :: extortionist : intimidation extort : coercion :: wheedle : cajolery 메모 [EPL102]: 1. possible to estimate 2. deserving of esteem; admirable 메모 [EPL103]: to obtain from another by coercion or intimidation 페이지 13 / 17

intercede [ìntərsíːd] vi. 중재하다 : MEDIATE intercessor : mediate :: augur : prediction :: translator : interpret interdict [ìntərdíkt] v. 금지하다 interdict authorize interrogate [intérəgèit] v.t. 심문하다, 따져묻다 interrogate : probe :: probe 조사하다 ; 엄밀히검사하다 confidence : arrogant :: inquiry : interrogatory question : interrogative :: order : imperative imperative 필수의, 의무적인 ; 명령적인 usurp : seize :: interrogate : examine (A >> B) usurp 강탈하다 to seize and hold (the power or rights) by force and without legal authority latitude [lǽtətjùːd] n. 위도 ; ( 행동, 사상등의 ) 자유 latitude strict constraint, tight restraint, restraint, limitation lithe [laið] a. 유연한, 우아한 1. readily bent; supple 2. marked by effortless grace lithe awkward, inelastic, stiff, oafish, ponderous 메모 [EPL104]: 1. to plead on another's behalf 2. to act as mediator in a dispute 메모 [EPL105]: 1. to prohibit or place under an ecclesiastical or legal sanction 2. to forbid or debar, especially authoritatively 3. a. to cut or destroy (a line of communication) by firepower so as to halt an enemy's advance b. to confront and halt the activities, advance, or entry of 메모 [EPL106]: to examine by questioning formally or officially 메모 [EPL107]: 1. a region of the earth considered in relation to its distance from the equator 2. freedom from normal restraints, limitations, or regulations meticulous [mətíkjələs] a. 지나치게세심한 1. extremely careful and precise 2. extremely or excessively concerned with details firmness : obdurate :: carefulness : meticulous (A << B) obdurate 완고한, 고집이센 interested : agog :: careful : meticulous (A << B) agog 흥분한, (... 하고싶어 ) 못견디는 meticulous : careful :: bumptious : assertive :: garish : colorful (A>>B) meticulous : cursory :: artless : cunning (OPPOSITE) meticulousness : cursory :: meticulous : ineptness :: fluent : glib :: meticulous : finicky glib 입심좋은, 유창한 ; 그럴듯한 meticulous careless, negligent, cursory ratify [rǽtəfài] v.t. 비준 / 승인하다 : CONFIRM repatriate : emigration :: repeal : ratification (OPPOSITE) repatriate [ri:péitrièit] 본국으로소환하다 repeal 철회하다 ; 무효로하다 to revoke or rescind, especially by an official or formal act license : allow :: ratify : approve (A=B) 메모 [EPL108]: to approve and give formal sanction to; confirm reticent [rétəs-ənt] a. 과묵한 ; 삼가는, 신중한 : RELUCTANT 예문 : be reticent about the matter 그문제에있어서과묵 ( 신중 ) 하다 reticent : talk :: abstemious : gorge gorge 작은골짜기 ; 폭식, 과식 reticent : voluble :: (OPPOSITE) reticent effusive, talkative, vociferous, frank frank 거리낌없는, 터놓는, 숨김없는, 노골적인, 드러내놓는 vociferous reticent, monotone vociferous 떠들썩한 ; 성가신, 귀찮은 making, given to, or marked by noisy and vehement outcry voluble, talkative, fluent, glib taciturn, laconic, succinct, reticent reticent frank reticent communicative, garrulous, loquacious, prolix, voluble communicative 이야기하기좋아하는, 터놓고이야기하는 메모 [EPL109]: 1. inclined to keep one's thoughts, feelings, and personal affairs to oneself 2. restrained or reserved in style 3. reluctant; unwilling 페이지 14 / 17

retinue [rét-ənjùː] n. ( 시종의 ) 일행, 수행원 retinue : attendant :: coven : witch retainer retinue : attendant :: staff : officer :: suite : room suite 한벌 ; 특별실, 스위트룸 ; 조곡, 모음곡 메모 [EPL110]: the retainers or attendants accompanying a high-ranking person satiate [séiʃièit] v. ~ 을배부르게하다, 물리게하다, 실컷만족시키다 satiated : food :: saturated : moisture satiate tantalize, starve tantalize 감질나게하다 메모 [EPL111]: 1. to satisfy (an appetite or a desire) fully 2. to satisfy to excess tawdry [tɔ ːdri] a. 화려하고싸구려같은 tawdry : garment :: grandiloquence : language garment 의류한점 an article of clothing tawdriness sophistication, nicety tawdry elegant, refined, exquisite exquisite 아름다운, 훌륭한 ; 완벽한 ; 우아한, 세련된 메모 [EPL112]: gaudy and cheap in nature or appearance thwart [θwɔːrt] v. 훼방놓다, 방해하다 oppose : thwart :: treat : cure (EQUAL) thwart, impede abet, support, aid (effectively), enable, foster, bolster, foment, facilitate, stir up, assist, implement untoward [ʌntɔ ːrd, ʌntóuərd] a. 불리한, 부적당한 ; 고집센 : ADVERSE, UNPROPITIOUS untoward, inauspicious, unpropitious favorable and anticipated, fortunate, auspicious, propitious, fortunate auspicious 길조의, 상서로운 propitious 형편좋은 ; 자비로운 ; 상스러운, 길조의 toward obdurate untoward proper, decorous, favorable and anticipated, yielding 메모 [EPL113]: 1. to prevent the occurrence, realization, or attainment of 2. to oppose and defeat the efforts, plans, or ambitions of 메모 [EPL114]: 1. not favorable; unpropitious 2. troublesome; adverse 3. hard to guide or control; unruly 4. improper; unseemly venial [víːniəl, -njəl] a. 용서될만한, 사소한 venial : excuse :: pellucid : understand venial heinous, intolerant, inexorable, uncharitable, unforgiving, unpardonable, unrelenting, unsparing heinous 증오할, 아주나쁜 grossly wicked or reprehensible; abominable unsparing 인색하지않은 (liberal, profuse); 무자비한, 엄격한 (hard, severe) veniality inexorability 메모 [EPL115]: easily excused or forgiven; pardonable wither [wíðəːr] v.t. 시들다, 풀이죽다 shrivel 주름지다, 시들다, 못쓰게되다 dehydrate : water :: wither : vitality :: fade : brightness wither revive, burgeon withered lush 메모 [EPL116]: 1. to dry up or shrivel from or as if from loss of moisture 2. to lose freshness; droop 6 th DAY abstruse [æbstrúːs] a. 난해한 : RECONDITE difficult to comprehend abstruse : comprehension :: indiscernible : vision (A 는 B 하기힘든 ) abstruse : comprehend :: faint : perceive (A 는 B 하기힘든 ) abstruse accessible, explicit, patent, manifest, obvious patent 특허의, 특허에관한 ; 명백한 (obvious, plain) carp [kɑːrp] vi. 트집을잡다 caviler : carping :: libertine : licentious cavil [kǽvəl] 덮어놓고이의를제기하다, 말도안되는소리를늘어놓다 libertine 방탕자, 난봉꾼 ; 자유사상가 licentious [laisénʃəs] 음탕한, 방탕한, 부도덕한 complain : carp :: drink : guzzle (A << B) 메모 [EPL117]: to find fault in a disagreeable way; complain fretfully 페이지 15 / 17

extrinsic [ekstrínsik] a. 본질적이아닌, 부대적인 ; 외부의 extrinsic intrinsic, immanent, inherent, ingrained, elemental, innate immanent 속에있는, 내재하는 ingrained easily to change, extrinsic ingrained 깊이배어든, 뿌리깊은 ; 천성의, 타고난 메모 [EPL118]: 1. not forming an essential or inherent part of a thing; extraneous 2. originating from the outside; external intrepid [intrépəd] a. 대담한, 두려움을모르는 genteel : vulgarity :: intrepid : fear (A 한사람은 B 가없다 ) genteel 태생이좋은, 품위있는 ; 점잔빼는 fear : intrepid :: qualm : unscrupulous (B 한사람은 A 가없다 ) qualm 양심의가책 intrepid : deter :: rapt : distract (A 하지못하게 B 하다 ) deter 단념시키다 ; 방해하다 to prevent or discourage from acting, as by means of fear or doubt rapt 골몰한, 넋을잃은 ; 황홀해하는 intrepid apprehensive intrepidness craven 메모 [EPL119]: resolutely courageous; fearless jitter [dʒítər] v. 신경질부리다, 안절부절못하다 fidget 안절부절못하다, 불안해하다, 만지작거리다 jittery resolute 메모 [EPL120]: to be nervous or uneasy; fidget lassitude [lǽsitjùːd] n. 나른함, 귀찮음 lassitude : stir :: appetite : indulge (A 하면 B 하기어렵다 ) arrogance : defer :: lassitude : stir defer 경의를표하다, 양보하다 to submit to the opinion, wishes, or decision of another through respect or in recognition of his or her authority, knowledge, or judgment lassitude vim, animation, verve, vitality, ebullience, effervescence, a feeling of vigor, heartener, vigor, liveliness, fascination vim 정력, 활력, 원기 ebullient vitality and energy verve 활기, 기력 메모 [EPL121]: a state or feeling of weariness, diminished energy, or listlessness 메모 [EPL122]: listless 내키지않는, 무관심한 ; 굼뜬 lacking energy or disinclined to exert effort; lethargic miff [mif] n. 발끈하기 ; 하찮은다툼 petulant 화를잘내는, 까다로운 ; 건방진 huff 분개, 골냄 a fit of anger or annoyance; a pique tiff a fit of irritation; a petty quarrel miff : quarrel :: foible : flaw (A << B) miff appease, please 메모 [EPL123]: 1. a petulant, badtempered mood; a huff 2. a petty quarrel or argument; a tiff obstreperous [əbstrépərəs] a. 다루기힘든 ; 떠들썩한 : UNRULY obstreperous : control :: resolute : dissuade (A 는 B 하기힘든상태 ) obstreperous disciplined guileless : cunning :: obstreperous : restraint 메모 [EPL124]: 1. noisily and stubbornly defiant 2. aggressively boisterous obtuse [əbtjúːs] a. 둔감한, 이해가느린 ; 뭉툭한, 둔각의 : INSENSITIVE rectitude : transgressive :: keenness : obtuse rectitude 공정, 정직 ; 똑바름 moral uprightness; righteousness transgress ( 한도등을 ) 벗어나다 ; ( 법등을 ) 위반하다 restive : calm :: keen : obtuse restive 다루기힘든, 고집센 ; 들뜬, 안절부절못하는 parsimonious : liberal :: obtuse : keen (OPPOSITE) parsimonious 몹시인색한 excessively sparing or frugal impertinent : propriety :: keen : obtuseness obtuse : perspicuity :: obtuse acute, keen, insightful, perspicacious, precise perspicacious 통찰력있는, 명민한, 투철한 obtuseness acumen 메모 [EPL125]: 1. lacking quickness of perception or intellect 2. not sharp, pointed, or acute in form; blunt 페이지 16 / 17

playbill [pléibil] n. 연극프로그램, 선전전단 playbill : cast :: letter : signature :: recipe : ingredient (A have B) playbill : actor :: letter : signature :: recipe : ingredient (A have B) squabble [skwɑ b-əl] v. 말다툼하다 squabble : dispute, quarrel :: foible : failing (A << B) foible 사소한약점, 결점 ; 칼날의약한부분 forte tiff : squabble :: foible : failing tiff 역정 ; 입씨름 a fit of irritation; a petty quarrel 메모 [EPL126]: A poster announcing a theatrical performance 메모 [EPL127]: to engage in a disagreeable argument, usually over a trivial matter squalid [skwɑĺid / skwɔĺ-] a. 더러운, 야비한 ; 비참한, 천한 squalid, sordid pristine, immaculate, salubrious pristine 초기의, 원시상태의 ; 순박한 immaculate 순백의, 티없는 ; 순결한 ; 결점없는 메모 [EPL128]: 1. dirty and wretched, as from poverty or lack of care 2. morally repulsive; sordid squall [skwɔːl] n. 질풍, 돌풍 ; 소란, 소동 squall : commotion :: flash : illumination squalor [skwɑĺəːr, skwɔ ːl- / skwɔĺəːr] n. 더러움, 비열함 squalor immaculateness, splendor, sincerity, ceremony, salubrity immaculate 순백의, 티없는 ; 순결한 ; 결점없는 splendor 호화 ; 웅장함, 탁월 ; 빛남, 광채 ceremony 의식 ; 예의, 예절 ; 예절바른행동 strict observance of formalities or etiquette 메모 [EPL129]: 1. a brief, sudden, violent windstorm, often accompanied by rain or snow 2. a brief commotion 메모 [EPL130]: a filthy and wretched condition or quality tatty [tǽti] a. 천박한, 촌스러운, 초라한 : SHABBY tatty smart( 말쑥한, 멋진, 단정한 ), tidy, dapper, valuable, fresh taunt [tɔːnt, tɑːnt] v. 비웃다 ; 비웃어 하게하다 taunt : insult :: flout : disregard :: taunt : challenge (A 는 B 의성격을지님 ) flout 경멸하다, 멸시하다 to show contempt for; scorn taunt : provoke :: plot : outwit (A 는 B 를목적으로하는수단 ) taut [tɔːt] a. 팽팽한 ; 긴장된 ; 말쑥한, 정연한 slacken : tautness :: dilute : strength dilute 묽게하다 taut : commodiousness :: extraordinary : purlieu (OPPOSITE) purlieu [pə :rlju:] 변두리, 교외, 빈민가 ; 자주가는장소 loosen, slacken, floppy tauten taut slack, lax, loose, unfirm, negligent, floppy truant [trúːənt] n. 꾀부려쉬는학생, 태만한사람 truant : dutiful :: (OPPOSITE) truant dutiful unwonted [ʌnwóuntid] a. 드문 habit unwonted behavior unwonted usual, habitual wry [rai] a. 얼굴을찡그린, 비꼬는 ; 뒤틀린, 굽은 perverse 외고집의 ; 성미가비꼬인 wry even, straight, true, direct, undeviating 페이지 17 / 17 메모 [EPL131]: somewhat worn, shabby, or dilapidated 메모 [EPL132]: 1. to reproach in a mocking, insulting, or contemptuous manner 2. to drive or incite (a person) by taunting 메모 [EPL133]: 1. pulled or drawn tight; not slack 2. strained; tense 3. a. kept in trim shape; neat and tidy b. marked by the efficient, sparing, and concise use of something, such as language or detail 메모 [EPL134]: 1. one who is absent without permission, especially from school 2. one who shirks work or duty 메모 [EPL135]: 1. not habitual or ordinary; unusual 2. not accustomed; unused 메모 [EPL136]: 1. dryly humorous, often with a touch of irony 2. temporarily twisted in an expression of distaste or displeasure 3. abnormally twisted or bent to one side; crooked 4. being at variance with what is right, proper, or suitable; perverse