1., , (FMC), IT,,,,,,,,,,.,,.,,,,,.

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I. 회사의 개요 1. 회사의 개요 1) 회사의 법적, 상업적 명칭 당사의 명칭은 "주식회사 한글과컴퓨터"라고 표기합니다. 또한 영문으로는 "HANCOM INC." 라 표기합니다. 단, 약식으로 표기할 경우에는 (주)한글과컴퓨터라 고 표기합니다. 2) 설립일자 및 존속

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1.,. 2009., (FMC), IT,,,,,,,,,,.,,.,,,,,.

2,,. 2010 12

3 1 11 1 23 1 23 2 24 3 27 2 28 1 28 1. Porter(1985) 29 2. Kaplinsky and Morris(2001) 33 3. Gereffi(1994) 35 4. 38 2 39 1. Wirtz(2001) 39 2. Sabat and Kumar(2002) 42 3. Yang(2004) 45 4. (2005) 49 3 53 1. Li and Whalley(2002) 54 2. Maitland, Bauer and Westerveld(2002) 59 3. Peppard and Rylander(2006) 61

4 3 67 1 67 2 68 1. u-health 68 2. m-banking 98 3. e-book 106 3 116 1. 116 2. 120 3. 122 4 123 1. 123 2. 125 3. 128 4. 131 4, 133 1 133 2 137 1. 137 2. 140 5 143 1 143 146

5 3 1 u-health 74 3 2 u-health 75 3 3 u-health 77 3 4 IT 83 3 5 84 3 6 88 3 7 88 3 8 89 3 9 (2010. 4. 8.) 90 3 10 92 3 11 (2010. 5. 17.) 92 3 12 95 3 13 2006 96 3 14 (2006 2007) 97 3 15 103 3 16 e-book 109 3 17 e-book 110 3 18 113 3 19 117 3 20 2009 117 3 21 119 3 22 124

6 3 23 125 3 24 125 3 25 126 3 26 127

7 2 1 30 2 2 32 2 3 4 34 2 4 Kaplinsky (,, ) 35 2 5 41 2 6 Creation of multiple customer retention 42 2 7 wholesaling retailing 43 2 8 43 2 9 focal point 44 2 10 46 2 11 CDMA 48 2 12 integrated portal 49 2 13 51 2 14 52 2 15 55 2 16 56 2 17 57 2 18 58 2 19 2G 61 2 20 3G 61 2 21 64

8 3 1 u-health 69 3 2 u-health 70 3 3 u-health 71 3 4 72 3 5 72 3 6 u-health 73 3 7 u-health 79 3 8 u-health 80 3 9 u-health 81 3 10 OECD GDP 85 3 11 OECD 1997 2007 86 3 12 86 3 13 m-commerce 98 3 14 101 3 15 102 3 16 102 3 17 ( ) 104 3 18 ( ) 105 3 19 e-ink 108 3 20 2009 2014 116 3 21 (MB/ ) 118 3 22 120 3 23 122 3 24 128 3 25 129

9 4 1 133 4 2 134 4 3 (IT,, ) 135 4 4 + 136

11 1,.,., 1...,,, 2009,

12.,,,. 2 1 (value chain) M. Porter.,,. Kaplinsky (commodity chain). Womack Jones (value stream), Gereffi (global commodity chain), filiere ( thread ) Porter, Porter. 2 Wirtz Porter(1985).,. Sabat Kumar

13.,.. Yang(2004) (FMS; Fixed and Mobile Service)...,... 3 Li Whalley.. Maitland, Bauer Westerveld UMTS(Universal Mobile Telecommunications System)

14. Peppard Rylander, (value network). 3 1. IT. 1. u-health u-health (, ),,,,. u-health Telemedicine,, Telehealth e-health., ( ),... u-health

15 u-wellness. IT u-health IT Needs.. IT.,,,. 2010 4 6.. 2. m-banking (2003) m-banking ( ), ( ), (,, ). (2010),, CD/ATM( ). (2010), PDA,. VM 2008 2009 31.6% 1,111 5. 23.3%. m-banking 2009 2,656 76.2%.

16. m-banking,. m-banking. m-banking. 3. e-book e-book. OeBF(Open e-book Forum),,. e-book e-ink LCD 2. e-ink. LCD.. e-book e-book e-book. 2011. 2013 PC. B2B.

17 2 Ovum 2008 1 8 2014 20 50%. Cisco 108%.. 2GB 6% 15GB. 20% 80%., PC,., TV.,. 3 Gartner IT. IT. 2009 796 34.0% 2014 3,434. 2009 6,739 2014 2 5,480 30.5%. IT

18. Telco CP, Billing. Telco.. OS, App Store, PC. 4, 1 (dominantparty).,.,.,,,

19.. (enabler).,.,.,.,,. 2 1.,.. 2.,,.

20,,,.,.,,. 5..,..,,.. (dominant party),,


1 23 1 1.,., 2009..,,... 1, 2. 3, 4. 5.

24 2 2009 (ipnone),.,,. CDMA IT,,.,.,,.,.,,,

1 25..,.,.,,,.,.,.,,.

26,,.........., walled garden..

1 27 3.,.,., 1,..

28 2.,,. 1 (value chain) M. Porter.,,. Kaplinsky (commodity chain). Womack Jones (value stream), Gereffi (global commodity chain), filiere ( thread ) Porter, Porter. Kaplinsky Morris(2001) filiere.... filiere, (inputs),. 1960, 1980. (a static character)

2 29,, (domestic value chain).... (Raphael Kaplinsky and Mike Morris, A handbook for value chain research, Report for IDRA, 2001) Porter filiere....,. 1. Porter(1985). Porter(1985) Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance. (cost advantage),,.,., (value chain).,

30, (price behavior)..,. (1), (2), (3).. 2 1 9, 2 1.

2 31 1 (primary activity), 1 (support activity). 1 (inbound logistics), (operation), (outbound logistics), (marketing & sales) (service), (procurement), (technology development), (human resource management) (firm infrastructure). (1) (inbound logistics),.. (2) (operation).,,,,. (3) (outbound logistics),.,. (4) (marketing & sales),,,. (5) (service).,,,. (6) (procurement). (7) (technology development). (8) (human resource management),,,. (9) (firm infrastructure),,,,. 9 3. (1) (direct),,, (2) (indirect)

32,,,,,, (3) (quality assurance),,,,,. 2 2 Single-Industry Firm Diversified Firm,,, Porter (value system).,,,,,

2 33., (business unit) 2 2. (vertical linkage).,,. (corporate level) (business unit level). (scope) 4.,., (degree of integration)., (geographic scope),,., (industry scope). 4,,,. 2. Kaplinsky and Morris(2001) Porter Kaplinsky Morris (Commodity Chain), Porter. Kaplinsky Morris (Value chain) (conception)

34,..,, (downstream links). 2 3 4,. 2 4.,,,...

2 35 2 4 Kaplinsky (,, ) 3. Gereffi(1994) Gereffi Global commodity chains, (dominant party).,. 2, buyer-driven commodity chains producer-driven commodity chains.

36 3 (Barriers to entry) (rent),,,,., (rent),. (economic rent), Schumpeter (purposive action).. (new combination) (super profit). (surplus), ( ),,.., (branding),., (human skills),.,.

2 37 (Technology rents): (Human resource rents): (Organisational rents): (Marketing rents): (Relational rents): (Resource rents): (Policy rents): (Infrastructural rents): (high quality) (Financial rents):. (random). (Power asymmetry). (key actors)., 2,,. (depth) (pervasiveness) (depth)'.,..

38, Gereffi 2, (buyer), buyer-driven chains.,,., producer-driven chains,,.. (FDI), 2. 4. Porter, Kaplinsky, Gereffi 1980, 1985 20. 2000,.,.

2 39 2 20,.,. 1. Wirtz(2001) Wirtz 2 Porter(1985).,.. Porter(1985),,,,. Porter(1985) core activities support activities core activities,,. Porter(1985), core activities support activities. core activities support activities core activities.

40. Porter, core activities,. core activities,,.,,,.,,,.,..,,.,. Wirtz(2001) 2 5. 2 5,,,,,. (unbundling),.,,.,

2 41.,. 2 5 2 6.

42 2 6 Creation of multiple customer retention 2. Sabat and Kumar(2002) Sabat Kumar.,.. 2 7 2 8 Sabat(2002).

2 43 2 7 wholesaling retailing 2 8 2 7.,,,. network operation wireless services provision, 2 8.

44 2 9 focal point Sabat(2002)..,,,. 4,. (, ), ( ), ( ), ( ), ( ), ( ),,,,,. 2 9 2 8, focal point.

2 45 3. Yang(2004) Yang(2004) (FMC: Fixed and Mobile Convergence).. Yang(2004) flowing backward, dismantling, integrating, eliminating, inserting 5. flowing backward,,... IBM. dismantling, integrating. 2,. dismantling integreting,,,,. eliminating, inserting ( ).,

46,. Yang(2004). Convergence flowing backward, integrating, inserting 3. 2 10. 2 10,,. flowing backward..,

2 47. (seamless) integrating. 2 10,,,,. inserting.,,,. Yang(2004),,., FMC,,. FMC. integrated portal focal point. MMS, WLAN, integrated portal. 2004 SMS MMS CDMA Wi-Fi FMC(KT Nespot Swing), 1) 2010 21 1) FMC FMC. FMC,. FMC,

48,. FMC, FMC,,,. 2 11 CDMA 2 11 CDMA, integrated portal. integrated portal.,..

2 49 2 12 integrated portal integrated portal.,. integrated portal 2 12, FMC,. 4. (2005).,..

50. (Content), (Platform), (Network), (Terminal),.,..,,, 3,..,.., U/I(User Interface) (Computing Power). U/I.,.. U/I

2 51,. 2 13. U/I PC.. Microsoft, Nokia Symbian.., MP3,

52.. 2 14..,.,

2 53.,.,.,...,, PC U/I. WCDMA WiBro.. 3,,,..

54 1. Li and Whalley(2002) Li Whalley.. (entry) (exit points)..,.., (inter-twined) (Value Network). (liberalisation) 3,,, 6.,, connectivity, navigation,..

2 55,,. 2 15., ISP, browsers.. AOL Time Warner Microsoft. datacom space,,,.,,,,,,, (non-physical),. datacom space. 3..

56 2 16 (A1) Psion, Ericsson, Nokia Motorola 1998 Symbian. m-banking M-commerce (A2),. (B),. Sonera Zed, NTT DoCoMo I-mode, mmo2 Genie. Reseller(C) capacity. Reseller,.. Reseller.

2 57 2 17 2 17.,... 2 18. 3G.. (packaging), (branding),

58, M-commerce. 2 18. feature. 3G.,. (lock-in),.

2 59,,,.,. 2. Maitland, Bauer and Westerveld(2002) Maitland, Bauer Westerveld UMTS(Universal Mobile Telecommunications System).... ( ).,. (dynamic force). (stakeholder value chain) (Freeman & Liedtka, 1997) (value net) (Kothandaraman & Wilson, 2001). (value net) (value creating network)

60. Christensen & Rosenbloom(1995). (measurement)..,, (rules).., (value-adding processes). VoIP,. (serviceoriented component chains).. (enabler).,, (ASPs) 3. 2G 3G,.

2 61 2 19 2G 2 20 3G, (value net).,,. 3. Peppard and Rylander(2006) Peppard Rylander, (value network).,. (mobile network operator, MNO)

62 (internet service provider, ISP). 2, (1), (2) ISP MNO MNO walled garden,. 2007,.. (specialization). GSM (global system for mobile communication). GPRS(general packet radio service) 115kbps. UMTS(universal mobile telecommunication system), 3G financial transaction,., (average revenue per user, ARPU),

2 63, (average profit per user, APPU).,. (value) (co-created).,,,. (node) (link),.,, (service level agreements, SLA)., (vertical quasiintegration). (transaction cost analysis), 2,,.,. 3 Peppard. 1)

64. 2) (speed-to-market). 3). 3.,.,. 2 21

2 65?.. (Intel)., (industrial ecosystem).,,,,,.,,,, Peppard (network value analysis, NVA). (1), (2).. (1), (2), (3), (4), (5)., (key resource), (key activity), (key cost), (value drive),.

66 3G 2000. Peppard,.

3 67 3 1.,,, IT. u-health, m-banking, e-book. u-health IT, m-banking, e-book..,,.,

68. 2. IT. 2),..,.,.. u-health, m-banking, e-book. 1. u-health. u-health u-health (, ),,,, 2) (2010).

3 69. 3) u-health Telemedicine,, Telehealth e-health. 4) 3 1 u-health : (2008) u-health,,,,,. 5) u-health., u- 3) (2006). 4) Telemedicine:, (WMA). : 34 (,, ). Telehealth: (health-related) ( ). 5) (2007).

70 Health,,.. ( ) ( )..,,. 6) 3 2 u-hospital, &, 3. u-hospital,,,. &,,,.,,,. 3 2 u-health : (2007) 6) (2008).

3 71 3 3 u-health. u-health 65 u-medical( ), 65 u-wellness( ), 65 u-silver( ). 3 3 u-health : (2010), (2010). u-health 1), ( ),...

72 3 4 < 과거 > < 현재 > < 미래 > 환자의치료 일반인의건강 공급자 ( 의료기관 ) 중심 수요자 ( 환자 ) 중심 일시적, 치료 평생, 예방 병원중심 지역사회, 가정중심 Invasive, Uncomfortable 무통증, 무자각 : (2010).,,.. 7) 3 5 : (2010) 7) (2010).

3 73 2) u-health u-health /, /, u-health. /,,,. /,.,,,,,,. 3 6 u-health : (2009) u-health u-health u-health., ( )

74. u-health 3 1. 3 1 u-health LG &,,, /DB/,,,, ( )., Activity Monitor,,,,,,,, / u-health e ECG,,, u-health

3 75 ( ) ( )H3system LG CNS Zigbee/Bluetooth/PSTN/CDMA u-health, KT, LG CNS,, UBCare, BitComputer, Biospace, GC Healthcare, Costel, Evercare,,. IEEE 11073 Blutooth/Wireless,, PSTN/Internet/ CDMA, personal health device u-health, IEEE 11073 : (2009),,,,,,, IPv6,, u-health. EU.. u-health 3 2. 3 2 u-health NASA, HP, MIT VivoMetrix PDA (Wearable computer) LifeShirt, LifeGuard u-health.,.

76 EU TAC(Tactile Air Command) Teleradiology Project, (Next Generation Internet: NGI) R&D Elite care Oatfield Estates,,, Aware Home Smart Medical Home MIT FID Veterans Health Administration Health Buddy,,, MIT Alex d'arbeloff Home Automation and Healthcare Care project, Mobility assistance, Healthcare monitoring system Home automation system.,,, MEMS, 2002 5 2003 10 14 Mobile Health Project NHS 2003, NHS Direct,, TV ECG,, 20 SELF(Self Environment for Life) Intelligent Cooperative Lab Ceiling Dome Microphone Pressure Sensor Bed Self Commuication 1989 Golden Plan 10, 3 2000 21 e-japan e-japan, IT IT 2006 4,,, : (2009)

3 77 3 3 u-health u-health /,, Vivometrix LifeShirt wearable biosingnal nomitoring system u-health, IBM 1, IPR IPR,,,, IPR u-health /,,,, 2002, 1.5 IPR IPR

78 IPR IPR IPR 1 IPR u-health u-health u-health u-health, use case,,,,, : (2009),,,, u-health 1 1.5.. IPR( ). u-health 2005 2006. 2008 TTA 1 3 ETRI u-health. 2006 ISO/IEEE 11073 PHD WG Personal health device 2006 IT.

3 79 3 7 u-health : (2009). u-health 1) u-health 2011 1 9,501 2012 2 2,576, 2013 2 6,163, 2014 3 341 15.9%. u-health u-medical, u-silver, u-wellness u-medical 3,724 4,282 4,925 5,663 11.8%. u-silver 3,677 4,033 4,424 4,854 7.7%, u-wellness 1 2,100 1 4,261 1 6,814 1 9,824 14.1%. u-health u-wellness. u-health B2B. SKT 2006,,

80 3 8 u-health ( : ) :,,. SKT 2010. SKT,,, 2012. KT 1996 Electronic Data Interchange(EDI) B2B. KT 2008 IT. 2) u-health 2009 1,431, u-medical 418, u-silver u-wellness 247, 766. u-health 15% u-wellness 2011 1,071.8, 2013 1,487.7 17.9%. u-medical u-silver 15.0% 9.7%. u-wellness.

3 81 3 9 u-health ( : ) : ) u-health 2006 185 2011 347 13.4%. & Healthcare. 3 9,000 2011 7 5,000 14.1%. 8) IT u-health. AT&T IT telehealth 2008 2 Convisint OnDemand Health Platform AT&T. 9) Convisint Microsoft. Verizon Wireless GPS, 8) BBC Reasearch(2006). 9) (2008), pp.30 31.

82, OnCare. Verizon Business Medical Data Exchange HIMSS 2010... Sprint Nextel GE Healthcare 2007 Methodist Healthcare 6,. Sprint.,,,, IBM m-health Toolkit, 3D Avatar(Medical Information Hub), HIE (Health Information Exchange) u-health. Microsoft HealthValt.. Cisco Healthcare,, Healthcare. ) IT Healthcare 2007 1,809 2015 8,249 20.9%. 2007 8 30.4% /, 27.8%, 23.1%. 6%.

3 83 3 4 IT ( :, %) 2007 2015 1,105 5,833 23.1 / 223 1,591 27.8 8 67 30.4 474 757 6.0 1,809 8,249 20.9 : (2008. 11. 5) u-health. 1971 CCTV 1980 ISDB. 1997 ( ). 2001 1 IT IT e-japan IT u-health. Healthcare u-health. 2003 7 e-japan 2 2006 1 IT. 2006 4 Healthcare. u-health 20 ( ). 20. tele-radiology( ), tele-pathology( ).. 10), 10) (2009).

84. 400,, 12.5%, 6.1%, 1.3%. 400. 3 5 (%) 9,026 682(7.6) 143(1.6) 83(0.9) 400 839 105(12.5) 51(6.1) 11(1.3) 200 399 1,913 141(7.4) 52(2.7) 20(1.0) 200 6,274 436(6.9) 40(0.6) 52(0.8) 97,442 1,061(1.1) 277(0.3) 885(0.9) : (2009. 4), (2009) Health. NTT 2009 6 Wellness Support Platform 2010 4 20 NTT MedicalBrain. 11) 3) u-health Needs,.. 11) (2010).

3 85.. 12) u-health 56.9%.,,. u-health. 13) 3 10 OECD GDP ( : %) : OECD GDP 2007 6.3%, 2008 6.5%. 2007 2008 OECD 8.8%, 9.2% 14) 1997 2007 OECD.. 12) (2010). 13) (2005). 14) OECD 2009 OECD 30. 2008 OECD,,,,,,.

86 3 11 OECD 1997 2007 ( : %) : 20 64 65 : OECD Society at a Glance Database, Randall S. Jones(2010) 3 12 : 20 64 65 : OECD Society at a Glance Database, Randall S. Jones(2010) 2050..

3 87 u-health u-health, IT u-health u-health. 4) IT u-health IT Needs.. IT.,,,.. u-health IT. u-health u-health.. u-health u-health u-health.. 2002 3. u-health

88 34. 34 3 6. 3 6 34 ( ) ( ) 33 1 ( ).. 2008. 2. 29 ( ). ( ) 3. 3 7 50 ( ).,..,. 2008. 2. 29..,.. (2009) 34

3 89.. 3 8 21 ( ). 2009. 1. 30 1.,. 2009. 1. 30 1., 2. 3., 4. 13, 43, 43 2 56 5. 5, 11, 11 3 33,, ( ),, 6. 106, 215 218 7. 347 8. 118 ( ) 9. 12 2 14 10. 11 2

90 11. 42 40 12. 7 3 22 23.,. 2009. 1. 30. 2009. 1. 30. 2009. 1. 30 : 2010. 1. 31.. 2010 4 6.. 3 9 (2010. 4. 8.) 18 ( ) ( 34 1,, ) ( ).

3 91 34 ( ) ( ) ( ). ( ).. 1. 2 2.......,. 1. 2...,,,..,,..

92.. 3 10 1 ( ). 2 ( ). 1.. 2. 9. 3. 5. 4.,. 5. 8. 6. 3 2 7 ( )..,. 3 11 (2010. 5. 17.) 5 ( )..

3 93 6 ( ). 1. : 2. : 3. : 1. 1.. 7 ( ). 1. 2. 3., 4. 5. 6.. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 8 ( ). 1. 5 1 7 2. 15 3. 1,,.

94 9 ( ),.. 1. 1. 11 ( ) 2 6 ( ).,,,,.,.,,,,. 12 ( ),. 1 11,.. 11,.. 13 ( ).,,. 2 3.,,,.

3 95.,,.,,,, 3. u-health. (2010), IT u-health. IT u-health. 3 12 2002 2002 ( ) 15 37 : (2008),,, /,,.,.,,,,

96,,,. 3 13 2006 1990 1996 2004 2005 2006, / / 6 : (2008) 3 3,,,, / / T1,, DB, (,,,, ) u-healthcare (,,,, ) u-health, u-health. 1990,.,,,. 2000. u-health

3 97. 2002.. 2.5. 2006 u-health.,,,,. 3 14 (2006 2007) (, ), (, ) 2006 /, 2007 2007 u 2007 2007 2007 : (2008) (ADHD) 2007 / 2007, 2007 2008 2009 2006 2 u-health u-it.,, 65 USN u-care

98 (2008), (2008), (2008), (2009). 2. m-banking. m-banking (2003) m-banking ( ), ( ), (,, ). (2010),, CD/ATM( ). (2010), PDA,. 3 13 m-commerce M-Commerce 모바일뱅킹 (m-banking) 모바일금융 (m-finance) 모바일지급결제 (m-payment) 모바일상거래 - 상품구매 - 광고 - 정보제공 -( 전자 ) 화폐발행 / 관리 -( 전자 ) 화폐수신 / 여신 - 계좌관리 / 조회 가상계좌계좌이체 - 휴대폰통합과금결제 - 전자화폐결제 - 신용카드기반결제 모바일보험, 증권등기타금융서비스 : (2003)

3 99 3 13 m-finance. m-banking m-payment. m-banking m-payment. m-banking 1999 SMS WAP.,,.. m-banking SW VM IC.. m-banking, SMS SMS. 1999 SMS. IC IC IC SW. 15) IC IC 2G. IC SW, 2G 3G. USIM(Universal Subscriber Identity Module) USIM SW IC. IC USIM. USIM USIM 15) BankOn( LG ), K-Bank( KTF), M-bank( SK )

100. WAP ME. m-banking. m-banking Viewer. SK LG WAP KTF ME.. WAP ME IC VM. VM(Virtual Machine) (JAVA) SUN Microsystems JAVA Binary Code. VM m-banking, (WIPI) (Brew) VM. VM WAP. WAP VM. IC VM. VM SK KTF K-merce VM. 2007 4 VM VM m-banking.

3 101 App. m-banking VM m-banking.. m-banking.. m-banking VM 2008 2009 31.6% 1,111 5,000. 23.3%. 3 14 ( : ) : IC (BnakOn, M-Bank, K-Bank) : m-banking 2009 2,656 76.2%.

102 3 15 :, (2010) m-banking, m-banking. 6.1% 0.9% 3 16 : :

3 103. m-banking. 2009 m-banking 172 146 2,000(84.9%) m-banking. 3 15 N IBK S KB M 2009. 12 2010. 4. 25 74,000 Windows Mobile 2010. 4 2010. 4 2010. 1 Windows Mobile 2010. 5 2010. 8 2010. 3 Windows Mobile 2010. 5 2010. 4 2010. 4 Windows Mobile 2010. 4 2010. 5 2010. 6 Windows Mobile 2010. 8 2010. 4 2010. 5 Windows Mobile 2010. 4 2010. 8 : (2010. 5. 26), (2010)

104 2010 4 29.,. 54 137 153.5%. 2010 2 3 OS m-banking. 3 17 ( ) ( : ) :, datanews,, 2010. 10. 28. Juniper Research 2009. 2011 6 1,200, 5,870.. 2011 m-banking 4 800, 5,650.

3 105 3 18 ( ) : Juniper Research(2008), (2008) m-banking,. (Nielsen) m-banking 2 129% 1,300 m-banking. m-banking 36% 25 34. SMS m-banking. 16). UI(User interface) m-banking. 2007 3 m-banking 2,500. 1997 NTT IC. IC FeliCa. 16) ME news. 2010. 10. 20.

106. m-banking. m-banking,. m-banking., m- Banking. m-banking,. m-banking.. 3. e-book. e-book e-book. OeBF(Open e-book Forum),,. NTIS(National Technical Information Service).

3 107 e-book,., e-paper, e-book.,, e-book. e-book.,.,,,, e-book. e-book B2C B2B. B2B B2C.. e-book e-book e-ink LCD 2. e-ink 2. LCD.. e-ink, LCD. 1,000ma 7 5,000 ( 250 )...,.

108 읽을 경우에도 눈의 피로도가 낮다. 하지만 e-ink는 몇 가지 단점이 있다. 첫째, 현 재로서는 컬러 표현에 큰 제약이 따른다. 같은 원리로 컬러 e-ink 기술도 개발되었 으나 페이지를 넘기는 데 오랜 시간이 걸리는 등 실용화까지는 더 많은 시간이 필요 하다. 둘째, 항상 정지된 텍스트나 그림만 구현이 가능하고 동영상을 표현하지 못해 멀티 디바이스로써의 기능을 하지 못한다. 셋째, 백라이트 유닛이 없어 어두운 곳에서 사용할 수 없다. 따라서 e-book을 사용하려면 장소와 주변 환경에 영향을 받게 된다. 17) 그림 3 19] [ e-ink 원리 자료: E ink corporation home page 반면 LCD의 장점은 첫째, e-ink 방식보다 터치 기술이 이미 많이 응용되어 터치 방식 구현이 매우 쉽다. 둘째, LCD는 이미지 구현과 동영상 및 여러 컬러에 있어 높 은 재현율을 보여 주고 있어 멀티 디바이스의 기능을 할 수 있다. 셋째, LCD는 백라 이트 유닛을 사용하여 어두운 곳에서도 쉽게 읽을 수 있어 사용환경에 영향을 받지 않는다. 하지만 LCD 방식 역시 단점이 존재한다. 첫째, 백라이트 유닛을 사용하고 있어 눈의 피로도가 높다. 따라서 장시간 사용이 힘들다. 둘째, LCD는 e-ink에 비해 전력 소비가 많아 배터리의 소모가 빨라 이동하면서 장시간 사용하기 힘들다. 정도의 하얀색 복사용지에 카피한 문서를 읽을 때와 비교하는 17) brightness index 96 경우.

3 109 e-book. e-book, PRS e-book,, PC. e-book. e-book. e-book epub. Wi-Fi 3G. 3 16 e-book e-book SNE-60 Wi-Fi B-612 2010. 2. 8 2010. 3. 24 2010. 9 2010. 2. 22 6 (e-ink) 6 (e-ink) 6 (e-ink) 6 (e-ink) ( ) 2G 4G 2G 2G Wi-Fi 3G Wi-Fi Wi-Fi, textore e-book epub, PDF, TXT, MP3 : (2010) e-book epub, PDF, DOC, XLS, PPT, HWP, TXT, JPG, BMP, GIP, PNG ( ), e-book epub, PDF, TXT, FB2, DJVU, XLS, DOC, HWP, PPT, JPG, BMP, GIF,, e-book Bcb,TXT, epub(foxit), PDF(Foxit), MP3, WMA, JPG, GIF, PNG, BMP, ZIP Kindle 2007 11 2009 Kindle 2, Kindle DX, Kindle 3. Kindle 3G

110. Nook 2009 10. 6 e-ink 3.5 LCD OS 3G Wi-Fi. Reader Daily Edition AT&T 3G. ebook store. 18) 2010 4 e-book ibooks ibooks Store. e-book epub. e-book LED. 3G AT&T 19). 3 17 e-book e-book Kindle Nook Reader Daily Edition 100, 6 3G(Sprint) 6, (e-ink) 3G(AT&T) Wi-Fi 6, (e-ink) 3G(AT&T) 7, (e-ink) Wi-Fi Wi-Fi+3G 9.7 LED 2GB(1,500 ) 2GB 2GB 16GB 64GB 40,, 100, 10, 100 ibookstore (Penguin, Harper Collins, Simon & Schuster ) 18) (2010. 4. 12.). 19) 14.99 (250MB) 22.99 ( ).

3 111 AZW, TXT, MP3, Audible, OBI, PRC, PC epub, PDF OS epub, PDF, JPEG, BBeB, RTF, TXT epub : KDDI Research Institute, (2010b), (2010). e-book e-book 1990. IT. e-book,,,. 1999 120 2009 58 95. 12 20%. 5,000 e-book 5. 20) 300 Kindle DX e- Book. 4( ), S( ), Nexus One( ) e-book 330 (1 /1, 2010. 7) e-book., e-book. 21) 20), 2010. 8.9.

112 PC e-book. 22) 2009 e-book. KT 2010 4. 2010 4 10,. 60% 3 7. 2010 4, Story W, SNE-60, PAGEone. Wi-Fi, 3G, Wibro PC,,, IPTV SoIP. LG U+ e-book LG U+. LG U+ 3G. 23) 1 PC. 50 60%. PC. SK e-paper e-book 2011 SKC, SK e-paper. 21) 24 2010. 22) Wi-Fi 2010 10 11 2010 10 14. Wi-Fi 2010 10 18 3G 2010 10 21. 23).

3 113 1998 Nuvomedia Rocket-eBook Softbook, Millenium Reader, Everybook e-book.,. 2007 Kindle e-book. 2014 27.2% 82 6,200. 3 18 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 646 768 907 1,077 1,301 1,470 1,804 2,219 2,701 3,260 3,890 21.5% 9 15 30 68 117 146 194 292 519 837 1,257 53.8% 23 70 168 243 327 358 394 454 529 626 746 15.8% 1 3 11 21 41 51 67 102 157 224 304 42.9% 9 27 82 170 311 349 424 561 885 1,225 1,585 35.3% 3 9 26 52 94 103 123 162 257 360 480 36.0% 2,695 892 1,224 1,631 2,191 2,477 3,006 3,790 5,048 6,532 8,262 27.2% : 2009 ( ) (2010) Kindle Sprint 24) WhisperNet EV-DO MVNO e-book. 33 Kindle(AZW), PDF, TXT. Kindle Kindle Sprint Sprint 1 2. Kindle 2007 11 25 50% (9.99 ) 25). 3G 24) Kindle 2 International Kindle 2 Sprint CDMA EV- DO AT&T (GSM). 25) 2010 1 31 ibook Store

114 2008 50 2009 Kindel 2 Kindle DX, 2010 Kindle 3. Kindle DX 300. Kindle. (Forrester Research) Kindle e-book 60% Reader 35%. 26) 2010 4 e-book. ibook Store 30% Agency model. 14.99 6 Kindle. Reader., e-book.. e-book e-book epub., e. epub. 27). 12.99 14.99. 26) The Independent(2010. 1. 29.).

3 115 e-book e-book. 2011. 2013 PC. 28) B2B... e-book,. DRM. e-book. DRM. 2. DRM.. 25 1 e- CD. 29) e-book 27) (2010. 8. 19.). 28) (2010. 6. 11.). 29) (2010).

116.. 30) 3 1. Ovum 2008 1 8,000 2014 20 50%. Cisco 108%. 31) 2009 CTIA FCC 2008 6PB 2013 400PB.. 3 20 2009 2014 : Cisco(2010) 30) (2010). 31) mobile LTE 4G.

3 117. 2GB 6% 15GB. 20% 80%.. 32) 3 19 ( ) 1 3 10 20 25 40 70 80 ( : %) : FCC(2010), (2010), 3,, 2010. 9. 14., PC.. 50 150MB 300MB. 38. 50%. 3 20 2009 3G 4G 1 25MB 50MB 150MB 300 500MB 1 1.4GB 7GB : FCC(2010), 3 (2010), Network Mgmt.,, 2010. 9. 14 32) (2010).

118 PC PC. 2G, 3G PC. 2004 2010 3GS,. 2008. OPMD(One Person Multi Device). 33) 3 21 (MB/ ) : Chetan sharma consulting(2010)., TV. Allot(2010) 10%. 34) 33) Chetan sharma consulting(2010). 34) Allot(2010).

3 119 47%, 3G 53%. 35) emarketer(2010) 2008 1,230 2014 5,600.. 3 21 ( : ) 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 09 12 CAGR 2,625 4,203 6,021 7,605 8,791 42.9% 3,671 4,822 5,846 6,509 6,835 25.0% 6,519 6,713 6,555 6,237 5,859 0.1% TV, 3,130 4,795 6,875 8,828 10,371 41.5% 10,291 11,118 11,600 11,929 12,289 6.4% 21,136 24,532 27,222 28,941 29,936 11.5% 47,372 56,183 64,119 70,049 74,081 9.7% : OVUM(2008)... ABI Research(2009) 2008 4,280 ( 1.1%) 2014 9 9,800 ( 19%). Juniper research(2010) 2014 88% 35) Rhythm(2010)

120... SK 32%, KT 129%, LG 12% 3 64%. KT (2010) 2008 2012 43. 36) 3 22 : (2010),, 129%, 2010. 6. 23. 2.., 4G.. LTE. LTE 36) KT (2010).

3 121 4 KMI. LTE. IP IPTV. LTE. 2.. 4G.,... AP. 3G... Media FLO 37)..,. 38) 37) TV 38) AT&T Customer Value Metrics 6.

122. 4G. 3 23 : KT, : KT (2010) 2008 2012, 43 3.. 4G. 3. 4G..

3 123. 2G 3G. 2G 4G. 4G.. 4 1. Christophe Bisciglia IT.,,,, (Cloud).. Gartner IT. IT

124. 3 22 Gartner Ian T. Foster IBM IT IP,,,,,,,,,, PDA : (2009), (2010) 4.,...,..,.,.

3 125 3 23 : (2009),,, 2..,.. 3 24 ( ) SaaS, PaaS Resource Pool, Hypervisor, I/O, Partition Mobility SOA, Open API, Web Service

126 SLA ( ), (SaaS) : NIA(2009), (2010),,,, Grid,, SBC(Server Based Computing),.., SBC.. 3 25 IT,

3 127 (SBC)., : (2008), (2009),, IT IaaS, PaaS, SaaS IT Eaas. 3 26 SaaS PaaS IaaS, - (deploy),, OS ( ),, OS,,, : (2009)

128. 3. 2009 6,739 2014 2 5,480 30.5%. IT.,, LG.. 3 24 ( : ) : (2010), (2010) 2009 796 34.0% 2014 3,434. 30% 2011 210

3 129. IDC 2012 3 420 IT. Gartner 2012 IT. 3 25 ( : ) : (2010), (2010). IT... KT Tmax 2010 1 KT 2010 5. KT U

130 Cloud U Cloud. KT, 7 App 10 App. KT (SHOW) U Cloud 20GB. KT ucloud Pro 2010 8 16 B2C, B2B. LG U+ U+. U+, 7 30 Cloud. N-Screen. SKT Cloud. 2010 4.. MobileMe,,, PC, Mac.. SaaS(Software as a Service). (Gmail),,. 39). 2008 PaaS(Platform as a Service). IaaS(Infrastructure as a 39) 50.

3 131 Service) SaaS, PaaS, IaaS. Microsoft My Phone, PC,,,. Microsoft SaaS Office Live Office Live. Microsoft PaaS (Windows Azure) 40) 2010 2. IaaS EC2(elastic Compute Cloud).. PaaS SimplePay, Checkout, Alexa, DevPay 41). 4.., IBM.. IBM, HP, 40),,.,,,. 41) SimplePay: Checkout: sql Alexa: DevPay:

132 SUN,, MS. Telco. Telecom T Upstream Business. Telco. CP, Billing. Telco.. B2B IT.... OS, App Store, PC. 2014. 2011, B2B 2014 R&D 582 6,000.

4, 133 4,. 1 (Network Operator),.,,,. 4 1,.. 4 1

134.,,. 4 2. 4 2. 4 2 (dominant party)., walled garden. walled garden

4, 135,.,,.,. 4 3 (IT,, ) IT,. 4 3.,.

136,.,,,.. 4 4. (enabler).,.,.,. 4 4 + 4 4.,,., ( ).

4, 137.,.. (Digital Ecosystem)., 7 3,.,,. 2. 1., 4.,

138,.,.,., 4...,.,.,. (bargaining power).. / (dominant party). /.

4, 139,.,.,,,.. (open access),,,..,..,.,

140.. 2.,,. u-health.,,,, IPv6,,,,, (EDI, Electronic Data Interchange)., u-health,,,. u-health,.,.,

4, 141. m-banking,,,,,., m-banking.,. u-health, m-banking. e-book,. e-book (Amazon) (Kindle), (ipad)., e-book e-book.,,.,


5 143 5 1., (FMC), IT,,,,,,,,..,. IT,.

144 10,.,. KT,.,..,,.,,...,..,

5 145,.. (dominant party),,.,,..

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2008 08 01 (,,, ) 08 02 (,,, ) 08 03 (DRM) (,,, ) 08 04 IT ( ) 08 05 (,,, ) 08 06 2.0 (,, ) 08 07 IT (,,, ) 08 08 IT (,,, ) 08 09 (,,, ) 08 10 All-IP ( ) 08 11 (two-sided market) (,,,,, ) 08 12 ASEAN IT (,,,, ) 08 13 IT FTA ( ) 08 14 : (,, ) 08 15 : (,,, )

08 16 ( ) ( ) 2009 09 01 (, ) 09 02 (,, ) 09 03 (,, ) 09 04 IPTV (,, ) 09 05 (,, ) 09 06 (,, ) 09 07 (,,, ) 09 08 (,, ) 09 09 (, ) 09 10 (,, ) 09 11 (I) (,, ) 09 12 (, ) 09 13 (,, ) 09 14 (,, ) 09 13 01 IT ( ) (,, ) 09 14 01 ( ) (,, )

2010 10 01 ( ) 10 02 IP (,, ) 10 03 (,,, ) 10 04 (,, ) 10 05 (, ) 10 06 (,, ) 10 07 : (,, ) 10 08 ( ) (,, ) 10 09 (MPS) (,, ) 10 10 ICT (,, ) 10 11 (, ) 10 12 ( ) 10 13 (II) ( ) 10 14 ICT (,, ) 10 15 u-city (,,,, ) 10 16 (,, ) 10 12 01 IT ( ) ( ) 10 13 01 ( ) (, )

2008 08 01 ( ) 08 02 ( ) 08 03 (,,,, ) 08 04 2008 TV (,,,, ) 08 05 ( ) 08 06 (,,,,, ) 08 07 (,, ) 08 08 2008 (,,, ) 08 09 (,,,,, ) 08 10 (,, ) 08 11 24 UPU (,,,, ) 08 12 (,,, ) 08 13 ( ) 08 14 ( ) 08 15 ( ) 08 16 (, ) 08 17 (,,, ) 08 18 New IT ( ), New IT ( ), New IT ( ) ( ) 08 19 IT ( ) 08 20 IT (,,,, )

08 21 2009 IT ( ) 08 22 ( ) 08 23 IT (,,,, ) 08 24 2007 ( ) 08 25 (,,,,, ) 08 26 (,,,,, ) 08 27 (,,, ) 08 28 TV ( ) 08 29 The e-business Strategy for APPU Countries ( ) 08 30 ( ) 08 31, ( ) 08 32 ( ) 08 33 (,,,, ) 08 34 FTA,WTO (,, ) 08 35 (,,,,, ) 08 36 (,,,, ) 08 37 ( ) 08 38 M&A : M&A ( ) 08 39 (USIMLock) ( ) 08 40 (WiBro, MVoIP ) (,,,,, )

08 41 (,,,, ) 08 42 / (,, ) 08 43 (,,,,, ) 08 44 ( ) 08 45 (, ) 08 46 (,,, ) 08 47 ( ) 08 48 ( ) 08 49, (,,,, ) 08 50 (,,, ) 08 51 (,,,,, ) 08 52 (,,, ) 08 53 08 09 ( ) 08 54 (,,, ) 08 55 ( ) 08 56 (,,, ) 08 57 ( ) 08 58 (,,,, )

08 59 (,,,,, ) 08 60 ( ) 08 61 : (,,, ) 08 62 ( ) 08 63 (,,,, ) 08 64 (,, ) 08 65 (,,,, ) 08 66 (, ) 08 67 ( ) 08 68 (,,,,, ) 08 69 ( ) 08 70 : (,,, ) 08 71 (,, ) 08 72 ( ) 08 73 ( ) 08 74 ( ) 08 75 ( ) 08 76 ( ) 08 77 ( ) 08 78 ( ) 08 79 ( ) 08 80 ( )

2009 09 01 ( ) 09 02 (,, ) 09 03 (,,,,, ) 09 04 (, ) 09 05 ITU (,,,, ) 09 06 ( ) 09 07 (,, ) 09 08 (,,, ) 09 09 EMS (,,,,, ) 09 10 (,,, ) 09 11 (,,,,, ) 09 12 (,,,, ) 09 13 2009 (,,, ) 09 14 (,, ) 09 15 (,,, ) 09 16 (,, ) 09 17 (, ) (,,,,, ) 09 18 (,,,, ) 09 19 010 (,,

) 09 20 (,, ) 09 21 / : (,,,, ) 09 22 (,, ) 09 23 (,,, ) 09 24 (,, ) 09 25 FTTH (,, ) 09 26 (, ) 09 27 (,, ) 09 28 (,,, ) 09 29 (,,, ) 09 30 (,,,, ) 09 31 (,, ) 09 32 (, ) 09 33 (,, ) 09 34 (,,,,, ) 09 35 (,,, ) 09 36 (,

, ) 09 37 IPTV (,,, ) 09 38 (,,, ) 09 39 (,,, ) 09 40 (,, ) 09 41 (,, ) 09 42 (,, ) 09 43 ( ) (,, ) 09 44 (,, ) 09 45 (, ) 09 46 (,, ) 09 47 (, ) 09 48 (,, ) 09 49 ( ) 09 50 ( ) 09 51 (2) (,, ) 09 52 2010 ( ) 09 53 (,,, ) 09 54 (,, ) 09 55 (KISDI ) 09 56 ( ) (, ) 09 57 2009 (,,, )

09 58 60 ( ) (, ) 09 59 (,,,,, ) 09 60 (,, ) 09 61 ( ) 09 62 ( ) 09 63 : ARS (,, ) 09 64 2009 (,,, ) 09 65 : (,,,, ) 09 66 (,,, ) 09 67 (,,, ) 09 68 (,,, ) 09 69 (,,,, ) 09 70 (,,,, ) 09 71 (, ) 09 72 IT IT ( ) 09 73 (, ) 09 74 IT (,, ) 09 75 (,,,, ) 09 76 (2) (,,,,, ) 09 77 ( ) 09 78 (,,, ) 09 79 (,,,

, ) 09 82 (,,, ) 09 83 (,,, ) 09 84 (,,,, ) 09 85 ( ) 09 86 (WTO) (FTA) (,,, ) 09 87 09 ( ) 09 88 (,,, ) 09 89 (,,, ) 2010 10 01 IPTV ( ) 10 02 (,, ) 10 03 2010 (, ) 10 04 (,,, ) 10 05 IT (,,, ) 10 06 (,, ) 10 07 (,, ) 10 08 ( ) 10 09 (,, ) 10 10

( ) 10 11 (,, ) 10 12 (,, ) 10 13 ( ) 10 14 (,,, ) 10 15 ( ) 10 16 (,, ) 10 17 (,, ) 10 18 ( ) 10 19 (, ) 10 20 R D (,,, ) 10 21 ( ) 10 22 (,, ) 10 23 ( ) 10 24 (,,, ) 10 25 (,, ) 10 26 (,,, ) 10 27 (,, ) 10 28 : Solution (,, ) 10 29 2009 ( )

10 30 (,, ) 10 31 IP ( ) 10 32 ( ) 10 33 IT (,,, ) 10 34 2011 ( ) 10 35 ( ) (, ) 10 36 ( ) 10 37 (,,, ) 10 38 IPTV (, ) 10 39 (, ) 10 40 : (,,, ) 10 41 : (, ) 10 42 : (,, ) 10 43 2010 (,,, ) 10 44 (,,, ) 10 45 (,, ) 10 46 (,,, ) 10 47 (,,, ) 10 48 IT (,, ) 10 49 (,, ) 10 50 2010 ( ) 10 51 2010 ( )

10 52 10 53 10 54 10 55 10 56 10 57 10 58 (, ) (, ) (, ) : ( ) (, ) (, ) (,, )

Cornell Univ. 2010 12 2010 12 2 38( 1-1) TEL: 570-4114 FAX: 579-4695 6 ISBN 978-89-8242-718-3 93320