-,,,,, - (the rule of the law), (public) (private),,, (Quah, 1999, 245; della Porta & Vannucci, 1999: 7-8, 95; Weyland, 1998: 114; Geddes and Neto, 19

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, (, 2000) (public management),,, ( ), (Parasuraman, 1988), Lacobucci(1996) (consumer evaluation),,, ( ) ( E x p e c t a t i o n ) (, 2001) Parasurama

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27) ( )* 1999 1970 (scandal) (cycle) (chain) * Dong-Hoon Yang(Kyungsung University), The Problem of Political Corruption and the New Democratic Regime in Brazil: A View of Political Regime

-,,,,, - (the rule of the law), (public) (private),,, (Quah, 1999, 245; della Porta & Vannucci, 1999: 7-8, 95; Weyland, 1998: 114; Geddes and Neto, 1999: 31; Heywood, 1997: 14),, (political institutionalization),,,, 30 1)

(political system) -,, - (political regime) (value), (norm), (rule) 2) - - 3),, 1) (TI) (CPI) 200010 39 90 45, 2001 40 91 46, 2002 40 102 45, 2003 39 133 54 2000 40 48, 2001 42 42, 2002 45 40 40 (http://wwwtransparencyorg/ documents) 2003 43 133 50 (http://www transparencyorg/cpi/2003/) 2) (2001; 2002) 3) (political system) (the state) (political regime) (Easton, 1979: 21-33, 199-4) (Macridis, 1986: 2-21)

(, quasi-) (transition) (consolidation),,,,,, (Sechdler, 2001: 6;, 1994) 4) (ideal- type) (solid) (consolidated) 5),, (the quasi-authoritarian regime) (the new democratic regime),, 4),,,,,,,,,,, 5) (Linz and Stepan, 1996: 3-15) (con- solidated democracy) -,,,, -

-,,, -,, - -,,,,, 6) 6) - -

( ) -,, - 7) (democratic founding elections),,,, (Dahl, 1971: 3)

(cycle), (1889) (Clientilism: Patron-Client Politics) (boss) (the Old Republic) (coronel) (Fynn, 1978: 38-39) 8)

, (Marinz, 1996) ( ) ( ) (The politics of favor) (Fleischer, 2002: 5) - - < 1> (1964-1978), (1979-1988), (1988-2003) 1964 5 (Institutional Act No 5) 1978 - (Humberto Castelo Branco), (Artur da Costa e Silva), (Emílio Garrastazú Médici), (Ernesto Geisel) - 1978 8) "Coronelismo"

5 1988 9 (Jão Baptista de Oliveira Figueiredo) (José Sarney Costa) (1985, 4-1990, 3) 9) 1988 9 (Fernando Collor de Mello), (Itamar Franco), (Fernando Henrique Cardoso) -,,, - (extreme multi-partism) 9) (Sarney) : (1), 27 5 ; (2) (, 1996: 179-186)

(pork-barrel politics) (Geddes/Neto 1999, 28) (decree politics) - (Medidas Provisórias) - 1) (1990 3-1992 9 ) (1988) 1960 (Jânio Quadros) 30 1989 39, 1 305%, 530% (Luis Inácio Lula da Silva) (Coggins and Lewis, 1992: 57) (PRN)) 1989 20 42% 2 396%, 60 37

30 10) 1990 100 1991-415 13- (Mainwaring, 1997: 95-96; Power, 1994: 9-10) 1991 8 (Paulo César Farias), (Pedro Collor de Mello) (RB, 1992-05: 6) 11) 1988 (São Paulo) 2 (Fleischer, 1997: 5) -10% 10) 1990 5 185 - - 190 11) RB Latin American Regional Reports: Brazil Report (RB, 1992-05) 1992 5

15%- 40% 12),,, 13) 1992 6 (CPI) (roll-call) 1992 9 441 36 6 12 30 8 81 76 (RB, 1992-08: 6; RB, 1993-01: 3) (STF)) 1993 12 1994 12-5 3-12) (Skidmore, 1999: 2) 13) 100 71% 36% (RB, 1992-01: 6) 1990 3 71%, 1990 6 36%, 1991 3 23%, 1992 2 15% (Mainwaring, 1997: 15)

- - 7 25 (RB, 1995-01: 6-7) 2) (1992 10-1994 12 ) 2 61 2 (Minas Gerais),, 20 1994 2 1 72 4 14) 15) (João Alves) 1988 16) 1993 - -, 14) : 505; 160; 147 (Mainwaring, 1997: 63) 15) Budgetgate" 16), 7%;, 23%;, 24%;, 56% (RB, 1994-04: 2) 1993 361% 145% ((RB, 1993-01: 5; RB, 1993-09: 4)

, 3 43 18 14 11 18 4 7 14 (SFCI) (CEI) 3) (1995 1-2002 12 ) (PSDB) 1994 10 1 543% 27% (PT), 2 (Real Plan), 4 1998 1994 1 531% (PFL) 1994 517 175, 81 33

(PFL) (PMDB), (PTB) 56%, 69% (Derbyshire and Derbyshire, 1996: 568; Mainwring, 1997: 78) 1998 99, 16 378, 62 (Regional Surveys of the World, 2001: 177) 8 1995 (Political Council) (Government Council) 5 803 5, 1995 1999 3,223 (EIU Country Report: Brazil, 2000: 1Q/16), 60 2000 12 2001 9 1 120

(SUDAM) (SUDENE) 20 (Real),,,, (Para), (Jader Barbalho) 10-17 - (Roseana Sarney) 4 4 (SIVAM) (Raytheon) 1989 (Banco Econômico),,, - 2000 9 (Fleischer, 2002: 11) (Luiz Estevão)

1995 (Fleischer, 2002: 28) (lobby) 21 2001, (side-payments) 2000 (The Code of Public Ethics) (Fleischer, 2002: 27) 6

,, 17) ( ),, (Geddes and Neto, 1999: 45) 18) 17) (Rose-Ackerman, 1999: 225) " "(authoritarian regression) 18)

(corruptionreport, 2002: 103) 19),,,,, Political corruption -its scandals, cycles, and chains- is, among others, closely related to a fragile and contradictory nature of the new democratic regime which has emerged in the democratizing process in Brazil and the other Third World countries, particularly at the stage of higher modernization In the new democratic regime, most democratic values, norms and rules have been formally asserted and justified in the political discourse Furthermore, some key principles of democracy have been actually materialized, even though they do not firmly take root: the frequent regularity of electoral competition, the dispersion of policy- 19) http//corruptionreportorg 2002, p 103

making power between major governmental institutions, and the expansion of citizenship including political rights and freedoms of speech and press which can oversee and check the political society to some extent In the new democratic regime, however, some authoritarian attitudes and practices, such as clientilism or political leadership's arbitrary collection and distribution of political funds without being caught and punished, have still affected most political roles and relations in the reality This is mainly because the rule of law is much less effective in term of political norms and intentions It is also because the principles of political accountability do not work properly inside the government, between its major agencies Key Words: Political Corruption, Democratization, The New Democratic Regime, Democratic Consolidation, Brazil /,,,, : 2003 10 15 : 2003 11 14

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