Level 4-8 Where Is the Grocery? 교사용지침서 Edited by Language World 1
Level 4-8 Where Is the Grocery? 목차 학습목표... 3 이야기소개... 3 개요... 3 Key Words... 4 Key Sentences... 4 해석... 5 월간계획... 7 주간계획... 8 가정통신문... 10 매수업교안... 11 Level 4-8 Where Is the Grocery? 2
Level 4-8 Where Is the Grocery? 학습목표 1. 학생들은여러기관에서하는일을알수있다. 2. 학생들은위치를표현할수있다. 3. 학생들은전체이야기내용을이해하고, 유창하게책을읽거나챈트할수있다. 이야기소개 주인공 Billy 는집의우유가떨어져우유를사러 Grocery 를찾아돌아다니지만여러기관들을 방문하다가결국 Grocery 에서우유를사가지고옵니다. 개요 Vol. Month Theme Level Key Words Key Expressions 8 10 기관명 4 A bank, a post office, a grocery, a pharmacy, a fire station, a hospital, a police station Is it the grocery? This is a bank. We help people save money. Can I have some milk? This is a hospital. We help sick people. Goal of the Month 여러기관에서하는일을알수있다. 3
Level 4-8 Where Is the Grocery? Key Words & Key Expressions Key Words No. Word English Meaning Korean Meaning 1 bank A bank is a place to save money. 은행 2 post office The Post Office is the national organization that is responsible for postal services. 우체국 3 grocery A grocery or a grocery store is a grocer's shop. 야채가게 4 pharmacy A pharmacy is a shop or a department in a shop where medicines are sold or given out. 5 fire station A fire station is a building where fire engines are kept. 소방서 6 hospital A hospital is a place where people who are ill are looked after by nurses and doctors. 7 police A police station is the local office of a police force in a station particular area. 약국 병원경찰서 Key Expressions No. Sentence Translation 1 Is it the grocery? 여기가야채가게입니까? 2 This is a bank. 여기는은행입니다. 3 We help people save money. 우리는사람들이저축하는것을도와줘요. 4 Can I have some milk? 저우유좀가져가도될까요? 5 This is a hospital. 여기는병원입니다. 6 We help sick people. 우리는아픈사람들을도와줘요. Level 4-8 Where Is the Grocery? 4
Level 4-8 Where Is the Grocery? Translation Translation Where Is the Grocery? 야채가게는어디예요? Section Text Translation Part I Part II Mom! There s no more milk, says Billy. I know. I ll buy some after taking a shower, says Mom. I can buy it, says Billy. Can you? Okay, says Mom. Go to the grocery across the street. Billy sees the circus parade. Wow, look at the clowns, says Billy. Hello. Where are you going? asks a clown. Hi, I am going to a grocery, says Billy. Is it the grocery? says Billy. Can I have some milk? asks Billy. Sorry. This is a bank. We help people save money, says a teller. You need to go to a grocery. Turn left and go straight. Is it the grocery? says Billy. Can I have some milk? asks Billy. Sorry. This is a post office. We help people send letters, says a mail carrier. You need to go to a grocery. Turn left on the 4 th Ave. and go straight. Is it the grocery? says Billy. Can I have some milk? asks Billy. Sorry. This is a fire station. We put out fires and rescue people, says a firefighter. You need to go to a grocery. Turn right and go straight till the 4 th Ave. Is it the grocery? says Billy. Can I have some milk? asks Billy. Sorry. This is a hospital. We help sick people, says a doctor. You need to go to a grocery. Turn right and it s next 엄마! 우유가없어요, Billy 가말해요. 알아. 내가샤워끝나고사올게, 엄마가말해요. 내가살수있어요, Billy 가말해요. 할수있겠니? 그래, 엄마가말해요. 길건너편야채가게로가. Billy 는서커스행진을봐요. 와, 저광대를봐, Billy 가말해요. 안녕. 넌어디가고있니? 광대가물어요. 안녕, 난야채가게가고있어요, Billy 가말해요. 여기가야채가게일까? Billy 가말해요. 나우유좀가져가도될까요? Billy 가물어요. 미안. 여긴은행이야. 우리는사람들이저축하는것을도와줘, 은행원이말해요. 넌야채가게로가야해. 왼쪽으로꺾은후직진해. 여기가야채가게일까? Billy 가말해요. 나우유좀가져가도될까요? Billy 가말해요. 미안. 여긴우체국이야. 우린사람들이편지보내는것을도와줘, 우체부가말해요. 넌야채가게로가야해. 4 번째길에서왼쪽으로꺾고직진해. 여기가야채가게일까? Billy 가말해요. 나우유좀가져가도될까요? Billy 가물어요. 미안, 여기는소방서야. 우리는사람들을구하려고불을꺼, 소방관이말해요. 넌야채가게로가야해. 오른쪽으로꺾고네번째길까지직진해. 여기가야채가게일까? Billy 가말해요. 나우유좀가져가도될까요? Billy 가물어요. 미안. 여기는병원이야. 우리는아픈사람들을도와줘, 의사가말해요. 넌야채가게로가야해. 오른쪽으로꺾으면 5
Level 4-8 Where Is the Grocery? Translation to this building. 바로옆건물에있어. Part III Is it the grocery? says Billy. Can I have some milk? asks Billy. Sorry. This is a pharmacy. We sell medicine, says a pharmacist. You need to go to a grocery. It s across the street. Where am I? Where is the grocery? cries Billy. What s wrong? asks the clown. I am lost. I can t find the grocery, says Billy. This is a police station. Do you need any help? asks a police officer. Can I have some milk? asks Billy. You have to go to a grocery. We can take you there. Come with us, says the police officer. Billy finally comes to the grocery. Can I have some milk? asks Billy. Sure, says a clerk. How much is it? asks Billy. It s three dollars, says the clerk. Thank you for your help, says Mom. Bye, bye! says Billy. Bye, Billy! says the police officer. 여기가야채가게일까? Billy 가말해요. 나우유좀가져가도될까요? Billy 가물어요. 미안. 여기는약국이야. 우리는약을팔아, 약사가말해요. 넌야채가게로가야해. 길건너면있어. 난어디야? 야채가게는어디야? Billy 가울어요. 무슨일이니? 광대가물어요. 전길을잃었어요. 전야채가게를찾을수없어요, Billy 가말해요. 여긴경찰서야. 도움이필요하니? 경찰관이물어요. 나우유좀가져가도될까요? Billy 가물어요. 넌야채가게로가야해. 우리가데려다줄게. 우리랑같이가자, 경찰관이말해요. Billy 는결국야채가게에와요. 나우유좀가져가도될까요? Billy 가물어요. 물론이지, 점원이말해요. 이거얼마예요? Billy 가물어요. 그건 3 달러예요, 점원이말해요. 도와줘서고마워요, 엄마가말해요. 안녕이가세요! Billy 가말해요. 잘있어! 경찰관이말해요. Level 4-8 Where Is the Grocery? 6
Level 4-8 Where Is the Grocery? Monthly Plan Monthly Plan Title Where Is the Grocery? Level / Book Level 4 / Book 8 Objectives Song & Chant 1. Students will be able to know public places and their roles. 2. Students will be able to show a person the way to the place. 3. Students will be able to comprehend the whole story and read (chant) the story fluently. This is a bank. / Is it the grocery? Week Key Expressions Key Words Hybrid CD Workbook Phonics 1 st Is it the grocery? This is a bank. We help people save money. You need to go to a grocery. Turn left and go straight. 2 nd Is it the grocery? This is a post office. We help people send letters. You need to go to a grocery. Turn left on the 4th Ave. and go straight. 3 rd Is it the grocery? This is a pharmacy. We sell medicine. You need to go to a grocery. It's across the street. 4 th Can I have some milk? Sure! How much is it? It's three dollars. (Review and application) bank grocery left straight post office fire station hospital right pharmacy police station (review) Story Town(Part I), Story Chant Town, Story Play Town, Word Town, Music Town, Game Town(Game 1) Story Town(Part II), Story Chant Town, Story Play Town, Talk Town, Music Town, Game Town(Game 2) Story Town(Part III), Story Chant Town, Story Play Town, Talk Town, Reading, Game Town(Game3), Story Town(Full), Story Chant Town, Story Play Town, Game Town(Game 4, 5), Sight Words can, have, some, help, put, out, look, at, this, how, much, for, take Before the Story, Key Words, Key Expressions, Song, Chant, science (Can You?) Song, Chant, Math, Science (What s Your Name?), Social studies Reading(Story Chant), Reading(R&C), Game (Board Game), After the Story Phonics Town ot: (dot, hot, pot) Phonics Town -ox (fox, ox, box) Phonics Town ot, -ox (dot, hot, pot, fox, ox, box) Phonics Workbook ot, -ox 7
Level 4-8 Where Is the Grocery? Weekly Plan Weekly Plan: 5 classes a week (ppt 는각각 workbook, phonics workbook 의 ppt 를말합니다.) Week 1 - Day 1 Week 1 - Day 2 Week 1 - Day 3 Week 1 - Day 4 Week 1 - Day 5 1. Picture Walking (Before the Story) 1. Word Town (2째줄- 그림가리기 ) 1. Phonics Town (-an) 1. Word Town (2째줄- Write) 1. Story Town(part II) 2. Story Town(full) 2. Story Chant Town (full -> part I) 2. 교구게임 ( 퍼즐 ) 2. Game 2 2. Word Town(1째줄 ) 3. Word Town(2째줄 ) (sight word연습 ) 3. Phonics ppt활용 (3, 7, 8 페이지 ) 3. Story Play Town (part I ) (workbook ppt활용 ) (workbook ppt활용 ) 3. Workbook Activity 4. Phonics reading (ppt 10페이지 ) (sight word 연습, key word 찾기 ) 3. Workbook Activity 4. Chant 4. Talk Town (I) 5 Story Chant Town (part I) 4. Chant 4. Chant 5. Chant Week 2 - Day 1 Week2 - Day 2 Week 2 - Day 3 Week 2 - Day 4 Week 2 - Day 5 1. Word Town (1째줄- 그림가리기 ) 1. Word Town (1째줄- Write) 1. Phonics Town (-at) 1. Story Town(part III) 1. Workbook 작업 2. Story Chant Town(part II) 2. Game 1 2. 교구게임 ( 퍼즐 ) 2. Story Chant Town(part III) (sight word 연습 ) 3. Story Play Town (part II) 3. Phonics ppt활용 (3, 7, 8 페이지 ) (sight word 연습 ) 3. Workbook Activity (sight word 연습, key word 찾기 ) 4. Phonics reading (ppt 10페이지 ) 3. W.A 4. Talk Town (2) 4. Song 5 Story Chant Town (part II) 4. Talk Town (3) 5. Song 5. Song Week 3 - Day 1 Week 3 - Day 2 Week 3 - Day 3 Week 3 - Day 4 Week 3 - Day 5 1. Song, Chant 1. Song, Chant 1. Phonics Town 1. Story Town(part IV) 1. Workbook 작업 2. Story Play Town(part III) 2. Story Chant Town(part III) ----> 그림가리기, Let's Try 2. Story Chant Town(part IV) (sight word 연습, key word 찾기 ) 3. Story Play Town(part III) 2. Phonics workbook 작업 (sight word 연습 ) 3. W.A(Board Game) 4. W.A(Reading Comprehension) (Phonics reading chant) 3. Story Play Town(part IV) 4. key sentences 교구수업 (sight word 연습, key word 찾기 ) 4. W.A(After the Story) Week4 - Day 1 Week 4 - Day 2 Week 4 - Day 3 Week 4 - Day 4 Week 4 - Day 5 1. Story Chant Town(full) 1. Story Chant Town(full) 1. Game 3 < Mini contest > < Mini contest > 2. key sentences 교구수업 2. key sentences 교구수업 2. Phonics workbook 작업 1. Song, Chant 1. Song, Chant 3. Story Play Town(part I~II) 3. Story Play Town(part III~IV) (Phonics reading chant) 2. Story Chant Town(full) 2. Story Play Town(full) 4. Game 4 4. Game 5 Level 4-3 I Like Myself! 8
Level 4-8 Where Is the Grocery? Weekly Plan Weekly Plan: 3 classes a week Week 1 - Day 1 Week 1 - Day 2 Week 1 - Day 3 1. Workbook activity 1. Story Chant Town(Part I) 1. Story Play Town(Part I) (Before the Story) 2. Word Town 2. Workbook Activity 2. Story Town(Full Part I) 3. Game Town(Game 1) 3. Workbook 작업 (3~8) 3. Word Town 4. Phonics Town(-an) 4. Music Town(song) Week 2 - Day 1 Week2 - Day 2 Week 2 - Day 3 1. Story Town(~Part II) 1. Story Chant Town(~Part II) 1. Story Play Town(~Part II) 2. Workbook Activity 2. Workbook Activity 2. Game Town(Game 2) 3. Talk Town(1) 3. Phonics Town(-at) 3. Workbook 작업 (9~15) 4. Music Town(chant) Week 3 - Day 1 Week 3 - Day 2 Week 3 - Day 3 1. Story Town(~Part III) 1. Story Chant Town(~Part III) 1. Story Play Town(~Part III) 2. Workbook Activity 2. Workbook Activity 2. Game Town(Game 4) 3. Talk Town(2,3) 3. Game Town( Game 3) 3. Workbook 작업 (16~24) Week4 - Day 1 Week 4 - Day 2 Week 4 - Day 3 1. Story Town(full story) 1. Phonics Workbook 작업 Event Day (mini contest) 2. Review Vocabulary 3. Story Chant Town(review) 4. Story Play Town(review) 5. Game Town (Game 5) 9
Level 4-8 Where Is the Grocery? Newsletter Newsletter Yes, We Are Friends! Title Level Level 4 / Book 1 To Parents 기나긴겨울을견뎌낸새순이반가운 3 월! 새싹처럼여리기만하던아이들이어느덧부쩍자라났어요. 두뇌의발달이폭풍처럼일어나는우리아이들이 Little Story Town Level 4, 1 호에서는친구들과이름을묻고대답하는표현을배워요. Can 의의미와사용법을배워서할수있는것을말할수있어요. 또한 story 의내용을챈트로표현하고주요문장읽기를시작합니다. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th I'm Turtle. What your name? I'm Turtle. What your name? I'm Turtle. What your name? I can't run(fly, jump). Key Expressions My name is Rabbit. My name is Bird. My name is Frog. I can run(fly, jump). Can I play with you? Can I play with you? Can I play with you? Yes, you can run(fly, jump). Yes, you can. Yes, you can. Yes, you can. Yes, we are friends. Can you run like me? Can you fly like me? Can you jump like me? ( Review and application ) You can't play with us. You can't play with us. You can't play with us. Content Words bird, elephant, frog, rabbit, turtle, fly, jump, run Phonics reading Sight Words I, what, my, your, is, say, ask, can, with, you, like, me, us Phonics Words _an ( can, fan, man, pan), _at ( bat, cat, fat, mat) Song & chant What's your name? / Can I play with you? My fat cat is on the mat. He likes my pan. I take my pan away. He likes my can. Level 4-8 Where Is the Grocery? 10
Level 4-8 Where Is the Grocery? Lesson Plan: Week 1 Day 1 Lesson Plan: Week 1 Day 1 Week 1 Day 1 Objectives 1. 학생들이전체이야기를미리훑어볼수있다. 2. 학생들이새로운단어를배운다. 3. 학생들이새로운노래를배운다. Words bank, grocery, teller, clerk, left, straight, can, have, some, help Materials 학생용책, 교사용 CD, workbook, 컴퓨터, 전자칠판, 프로젝터 Warm-up 1. Greet the class [Hybrid CD] [3 분 ] Hello Song을선택하여다같이노래한다. 밝고상냥한목소리로아이들과인사한다. T: Hello, everyone. Welcome to Little Story Town. S: Hello, Sally*. (Sally is a teacher s name.) T: Let's sing the "Hello song". Are you ready? S: Yes, I'm ready! 교사용 CD 바탕화면의 Hello Song 을선택하여, 율동을따라하며다같이노래한다. 2. Check Daily English 바탕화면의 Daily English 를선택하여보여준다. 1~12 숫자 + 단어카드로수를익힌다. 시각을묻고대답하는연습을해본다. T: What time is it? S: It's nine o'clock.(eleven o'clock, one o'clock ) 화면에없는시각및현재시각도연습한다. 11
Level 4-8 Where Is the Grocery? Lesson Plan: Week 1 Day 1 Presentation & Application [14 분 ] 1. Before the Story [Hybrid CD] Workbook Activity 의 Before the Story 메뉴를선택한다. T: Look! It's my town. This is my house. What can you see in my town? S: Fire station. / Hospital. /Police office. T: Good job. Anything else? Let's look around here together. Look. (grocery 가리키며 ) We can buy some vegetables, fruits and so on. Where is here? S: Grocery. 2. Preview the Front Cover [Student Book] 1 책의앞표지를보면서, 학생들이책의내용을미리추측해본다. 이야기와등장인물에대해추측해본다. 화면의상황을이야기하고, 적절한표현을알려준다. 제목을읽을수있는지묻고같이읽어본다. 그림의아이들이무슨놀이를하는지함께보자고유도하여 Story Town 을열어본다. T: Look at the cover page. Can you read the title? T, S: "Where Is the Grocery?" T: Very good. Look at the boy. Can you guess where he is going? S: Grocery. T: Right! Let's follow him. S: Let's go~, Story Town! 2 다시, 전체이야기를세등분하여그중첫번째부분 (Part I) 을보여준후, 등장인물과상황에대하여이야기한다. Level 4-8 Where Is the Grocery? 12
Level 4-8 Where Is the Grocery? Lesson Plan: Week 1 Day 1 T: Okay. What is his name? S: Billy. T: What do they need? S: Milk. T: Excellent! Where should he go for milk? S: Grocery. T: Where did he go? S: Bank. 3. Word Town [Hybrid CD] Word Town 을선택하여전체듣기 (All Play) 를한다음, 각각의단어를따라하게한다. Write 는두번에 (Day 1 과 Day 2) 나누어서연습한다. Town 의 Write 를선택하여쓰는순서를보여주고쓰기를해본다. 아이가어려워할경우, 교사가아이의손을잡고도와준다. 이때나머지아이들은 trace with a finger 하도록한다. * trace with a finger in the air- 검지를들어공중에서글자를쓰는것 Sight word card 를준비하여보여주며각단어를듣고따라하게한다. 4. Music Town (Song) [Hybrid CD] Music town 을선택하여 song 을들어보고함께불러본다. 동영상의율동을관찰하며귀기울여들어본후, 일어나서율동과함께노래한다. 가사가빠르거나어려워하는부분은교사가천천히, 정확한발음으로반복하여들려준다. T: Listen to the song. Let's sing it together. 13
Level 4-8 Where Is the Grocery? Lesson Plan: Week 1 Day 1 Wrap-Up [3 분 ] 1. Say goodbye [Hybrid CD] T: Okay, everyone. It's time to say goodbye. See you again~ S: See you again~ T: Have a nice day. S: Have a nice day. 2. Sing Goodbye song 바탕화면의 Goodbye Song 을선택하여함께부른다. T: Let's sing it together. Evaluation 1. 학생들이수업과노래에잘참여하는지확인한다. 2. 학생들이선생님을향해보는지확인한다. 3. 학생들이질문에잘대답하는지확인한다. Level 4-8 Where Is the Grocery? 14
Level 4-8 Where Is the Grocery? Lesson Plan: Week 1 Day 2 Lesson Plan: Week 1 Day 2 Week 1 Day 2 Objectives 1. 학생들이이야기를챈트로부를수있다. 2. 학생들이새로운단어를따라쓸수있다. 3. 학생들이 /ot/ 소리를식별하고, ot 으로끝나는낱말을구별할수있다. Words -ot ( dot, hot, pot ) Materials Warm-up [3 분 ] 학생용책, 교사용 CD, workbook, 컴퓨터, 전자칠판, 프로젝터 1. Greet the class [Hybrid CD] Hello Song을선택하여다같이노래한다. 밝고상냥한목소리로아이들과인사한다. T: Hello, everyone. Welcome to Little Story Town. S: Hello, Sally*. (Sally is a teacher s name.) T: Let's sing the "Hello song". Are you ready? S: Yes, I'm ready! 교사용 CD 바탕화면의 Hello Song 을선택하여, 율동을따라하며다같이노래한다. 2. Check Daily English 바탕화면의 Daily English 를선택하여보여준다. 1~12 숫자 + 단어카드로수를익힌다. 시각을묻고대답하는연습을해본다. T: What time is it? S: It's nine o'clock.(eleven o'clock, one o'clock ) 화면에없는시각및현재시각도연습한다. 15
Level 4-8 Where Is the Grocery? Lesson Plan: Week 1 Day 2 Presentation & Application [14 분 ] 1. Story Chant Town (Part I) [Hybrid CD] 먼저 sight word card 를한장씩앞으로넘겨보여주며각단어를듣고따라하게한다. T: Let's practice sight words. I'll show you some words. Repeat after me. ( 연습하기 ) T: Wonderful! Let's try by yourself! Can you do it? S: I can do it! ( 아이들이대답하고안되는부분교사가가르쳐주는형태로반복 ) T: Excellent! Do you remember the story? (chant 할부분, 즉 PART I 에대한내용확인후, chant 하기진행 ) T: This time, listen to the Story Chant. 각각의문장들마다일정한동작을보여주어내용이해를돕고흥미와관심을유도한다. * Story Chant 동작 - 교육동영상참고 T: Now, let's chant together. 2. Word Town (Write) [Hybrid CD] Word Town 을선택하여전체듣기 (All Play) 를한다음, 각각의단어를따라하게한다. Word Town 의 Write 를선택하여쓰는순서를보여주고쓰기를해본다. 아이가어려워할경우, 교사가아이의손을잡고도와준다. 이때나머지아이들은 trace with a finger 하도록한다. * trace with a finger - 검지를들어공중에서글자를쓰는것, Sight word card 를보여주며들려주고따라읽게한다. T: This time, let's try to write the new words. Raise your mommy finger up. Trace the word in the air. Good job. Now, who can try it on the board? 3. Game Town (Game 1) [Hybrid CD] 하단의그림에알맞은단어를말해보고사과속단어들중찾아서클릭한다. Level 4-8 Where Is the Grocery? 16
Level 4-8 Where Is the Grocery? Lesson Plan: Week 1 Day 2 T: What is it? S: Bank. T: You're right. Then let's read the words. T, S: Police station, grocery, bank. T: Now, what is the correct word? 4. Phonics Town (-ot) [Hybrid CD] 1 Phonics Town 메뉴에서 an 를선택하여글자와소리를익힌다. /o/, /t/ 낱낱의음소가각각다른소리를가짐을알려주고, 여기에 /d/,/h/, /p/ 가합해져서 d+o+t=dot 이됨을알게한다. T: What letter is it? It's o. O makes /o/ sound. T makes /t/ sound. So, they sound /ot/. Add /d/ before /ot/. It's /dot/. Listen and repeat. 'Dot.' 2 Write 메뉴를선택하여쓰는순서를먼저보여준후색연필을골라직접쓰도록한다. 아이가어려워할경우, 교사가아이의손을잡고도와준다. 이때, 나머지아이들은공중에 trace with a finger 하도록한다. T: Raise your mommy finger up. Trace d, o, t in the air. Good job. Now, who can try it on the board? 3 Phonics Chant 의 Listen 메뉴를선택하여 an 에해당하는부분을듣고따라하도록한다. Let's Try 를선택하여반주에맞추어함께챈트해본다. T: Great. This time, Let's try it by yourself. 4 PPT 자료를이용, Phonics Workbook 의 p.12 를보여준다. CD Rom 화면상단의 Audio 를선택하여 track 15 의 reading chant 를들려주고따라하도록한다. T: Listen to the reading chant. Then, let's chant together. 17
Level 4-8 Where Is the Grocery? Lesson Plan: Week 1 Day 2 Wrap-Up [3 분 ] 1. Say goodbye [Hybrid CD] T: Okay, everyone. It's time to say goodbye. See you again~ S: See you again~ T: Have a nice day. S: Have a nice day. 2. Sing Goodbye song 바탕화면의 Goodbye Song 을선택하여함께부른다. T: Let's sing it together. Evaluation 1. 학생들이수업과노래에잘참여하는지확인한다. 2. 학생들이 -ot 으로끝나는단어를잘읽고따라쓰는지확인한다. 3. 학생들이챈트를잘따라하는지확인한다. Level 4-8 Where Is the Grocery? 18
Level 4-8 Where Is the Grocery? Lesson Plan: Week 1 Day 3 Lesson Plan: Week 1 Day 3 Week 1 Day 3 Objectives 1. 1 일과 2 일에배운내용을복습한다. 2. 학생들은지도를받으면서읽을수있다. 3. 학생들은 workbook activity 를풀것이다. Words bank, grocery, teller, clerk, left, straight, can, have, some, help Materials 학생용책, 교사용 CD, workbook, 컴퓨터, 전자칠판, 프로젝터 Warm-up 1. Greet the class [Hybrid CD] [3 분 ] Hello Song을선택하여다같이노래한다. 밝고상냥한목소리로아이들과인사한다. T: Hello, everyone. Welcome to Little Story Town. S: Hello, Sally*. (Sally is a teacher s name.) T: Let's sing the "Hello song". Are you ready? S: Yes, I'm ready! 교사용 CD 바탕화면의 Hello Song 을선택하여, 율동을따라하며다같이 노래한다. 2. Check Daily English 바탕화면의 Daily English 를선택하여보여준다. 1~12 숫자 + 단어카드로수를익힌다. 시각을묻고대답하는연습을해본다. T: What time is it? S: It's nine o'clock.(eleven o'clock, one o'clock ) 화면에없는시각및현재시각도연습한다. 19
Level 4-8 Where Is the Grocery? Lesson Plan: Week 1 Day 3 Presentation & Application [14 분 ] 1. Story Play Town (Part I) * 먼저 sight word card 를한장씩앞으로넘겨보여주며각단어를듣고따라하게한다. T: Let's practice sight words. I'll show you some words. Repeat after me. ( 연습하기 ) T: This time, let's read the story. T: Listen carefully and repeat. Key 그림을클릭하여가려진단어를보여주며익힌다. 여러번연습하여마지막주에는소리만듣고가려진단어를알아맞히도록해본다. * 각페이지마다읽고난후, sight word 를찾아보여주는활동도함께한다. 2. Game Town(Game 2) Game Town 메뉴에서 Game 2 를선택한다. 그림에알맞은단어를말해보고보기의단어를아이들과함께읽어본다. T: Look at the picture. He's going to? S: Turn right. T: You're right. Then let's read the sentences. T, S: Go straight. T, S: Turn left. T, S: Turn right. T: Now, what is correct answer? Level 4-8 Where Is the Grocery? 20
Level 4-8 Where Is the Grocery? Lesson Plan: Week 1 Day 3 3. Workbook 작업 (p.3~8) p.3 Before the Story 동네에서볼수있는여러기관의명칭을간단히이야기한다. T: What can you see in my town? S: Fire station. / Hospital. /Police office. T: Good job. Anything else? Now, circle what I say. p.4~5 Language Arts(Key Words) 주요단어를복습하면서필요한스티커를찾아붙인다. T: Look at the store. What kind of store is it? S: Grocery. T: Show me your sticker. Great! Put your sticker on the right place. p.6~7 Language Arts(Key Expressions) T: Look at Grandma's words. What does David say? S: What's the date? T: Show me your sticker. Great! Put your sticker on the right place. p.8 Music Town(Song) 배운노래를악보를보며함께불러본다. PPT 자료를보여주며 CD Rom 을 Audio 로전환하여 track 9 을재생하여불러본다 21
Level 4-8 Where Is the Grocery? Lesson Plan: Week 1 Day 3 Wrap-Up [3 분 ] 1. Say goodbye [Hybrid CD] T: Okay, everyone. It's time to say goodbye. See you again~ S: See you again~ T: Have a nice day. S: Have a nice day. 2. Sing Goodbye song 바탕화면의 Goodbye Song 을선택하여함께부른다. T: Let's sing it together. Evaluation 1. 학생들이수업과노래에잘참여하는지확인한다. 2. 학생들이선생님을향해보는지확인한다. 3. 학생들이질문에잘대답하는지확인한다. 4. 학생들이스티커를제자리에붙이는지확인한다. Level 4-8 Where Is the Grocery? 22
Level 4-8 Where Is the Grocery? Lesson Plan: Week 2 Day 1 Lesson Plan: Week 2 Day 1 Week 2 Day 1 Objectives 1. 학생들은 Key Expression 을연습한다. 2. 학생들은역할극을할수있다. 3. 학생들은챈트를배운다. Words post office, fire station, hospital, pharmacy, mail carrier, firefighter, doctor, pharmacist, right, put, out, look, at, this Materials 학생용책, 교사용 CD, workbook, 컴퓨터, 전자칠판, 프로젝터 Warm-up 1. Greet the class [Hybrid CD] [3 분 ] Hello Song을선택하여다같이노래한다. 밝고상냥한목소리로아이들과인사한다. T: Hello, everyone. Welcome to Little Story Town. S: Hello, Sally*. (Sally is a teacher s name.) T: Let's sing the "Hello song". Are you ready? S: Yes, I'm ready! 교사용 CD 바탕화면의 Hello Song 을선택하여, 율동을따라하며다같이 노래한다. 2. Check Daily English 바탕화면의 Daily English 를선택하여보여준다. 1~12 숫자 + 단어카드로수를익힌다. 시각을묻고대답하는연습을해본다. T: What time is it? S: It's nine o'clock.(eleven o'clock, one o'clock ) 화면에없는시각및현재시각도연습한다. 23
Level 4-8 Where Is the Grocery? Lesson Plan: Week 2 Day 1 Presentation & Application [14 분 ] 1. Story Town(~Part II) 전체이야기의 3 등분중두번째부분이나혹은처음부터두번째부분까지의내용을보여준후, 내용을이해했는지확인한다. T: First, let's watch the story. Let's go~, Story Town! S: Let's go~, Story Town! T: Did Billy find the grocery? S: No. T: Where had he been? S: Post office, fire station, hospital, pharmacy. T: Excellent. 2. Workbook Activity (Social Studies, Art) 1 Social Studies (Where Is It?) 을선택하여연결하여연습한다. 순서대로들리는이야기를듣고문제에서제시한위치에그림을옮긴다. 말풍선의문장들을여러번반복해서들려준다. T: Listen and move the picture. ( 아이의말풍선반복듣기 ) Where is the? S: Post office. ( 지시하는말풍선다시듣기 ) T: ( 손가락으로이동하며 ) Go straight and it's on the left. Now, can you move the post office? S: Yes, I can. 2 Workbook Activity 메뉴에서 Art (What Do You Do? ) 를선택한다. 각각의장소에서일하는사람의명칭 ( 직업 ) 을익힌다. T: Look at the persons. What does he do? S: Firefighter. T: What can he do? S: He can put out fires. Level 4-8 Where Is the Grocery? 24
Level 4-8 Where Is the Grocery? Lesson Plan: Week 2 Day 1 T: Great! Who can say and color? S: Me, me, me. 3. Talk Town (Scene 1) Talk Town 메뉴에서화면을보며 Key Sentences 를연습한다. 먼저한번들려주고, Let's speak out 를이용하여아이들과연습한다. 두명의아이, 혹은교사와아이한명이짝을이루어아이들역할을해본다. 그림카드를이용하여 character 그림을 head-band 로만들어머리에쓴채 role play 한다. T: Let's practice talking. Let's go~talk Town! S: Let's go~ Talk Town! T: I need a volunteer. Wow~ OOO. Come up here. I am teller, you are Billy. Please say first. S: (Billy 역할 ) Is it the grocery? T: This is a bank. We help people save money. 4. Music Town (Chant) Music Town 을선택하여 chant 를들어보고율동과함께불러본다. T: Listen to the chant. Let's chant it together. Wrap-Up [3 분 ] 1. Say goodbye [Hybrid CD] T: Okay, everyone. It's time to say goodbye. See you again~ S: See you again~ T: Have a nice day. S: Have a nice day. 2. Sing Goodbye song 바탕화면의 Goodbye Song 을선택하여함께부른다. T: Let's sing it together. 25
Level 4-8 Where Is the Grocery? Lesson Plan: Week 2 Day 1 Evaluation 1. 학생들이수업과노래에잘참여하는지확인한다. 2. 학생들이점을제대로연결하는지확인한다. 3. 학생들이사물의개수를잘세고, 해당숫자를잘찾는지확인한다. 4. 학생들이챈트를잘따라하는지확인한다. Level 4-8 Where Is the Grocery? 26
Level 4-8 Where Is the Grocery? Lesson Plan: Week 2 Day 2 Lesson Plan: Week 2 Day 2 Week 2 Day 2 Objectives 1. 학생들은챈트를잘따라할수있다. 2. 학생들은캐릭터에대해묘사할수있다. 3. 학생들이 /-ox/ 소리를식별하고, -ox 로끝나는낱말을구별할수있다. Words -ox ( fox, ox, box ) Materials 학생용책, 교사용 CD, workbook, phonics book, 컴퓨터, 전자칠판, 프로젝터 Warm-up 1. Greet the class [Hybrid CD] [3 분 ] Hello Song을선택하여다같이노래한다. 밝고상냥한목소리로아이들과인사한다. T: Hello, everyone. Welcome to Little Story Town. S: Hello, Sally*. (Sally is a teacher s name.) T: Let's sing the "Hello song". Are you ready? S: Yes, I'm ready! 교사용 CD 바탕화면의 Hello Song 을선택하여, 율동을따라하며다같이 노래한다. 2. Check Daily English 바탕화면의 Daily English 를선택하여보여준다. 1~12 숫자 + 단어카드로수를익힌다. 시각을묻고대답하는연습을해본다. T: What time is it? S: It's nine o'clock. (eleven o'clock, one o'clock ) 화면에없는시각및현재시각도연습한다. 27
Level 4-8 Where Is the Grocery? Lesson Plan: Week 2 Day 2 Presentation & Application [14 분 ] 1. Story Chant Town (~Part II) * 먼저 sight word card 를한장씩앞으로넘겨보여주며각단어를듣고따라하게한다. T: Let's practice sight words. I'll show you some words. Repeat after me. ( 연습하기 ) T: Wonderful! Let's try by yourself! Can you do it? S: I can do it! ( 아이들이대답하고모르는부분은교사가가르쳐주는형태로반복 ) T: Excellent! Do you remember the story? ( chant 할부분, 즉 PART II 에대한내용확인후, chant 하기진행 ) T: This time, listen to the Story Chant. 각각의문장들마다일정한동작을보여주어내용이해를돕고흥미와관심을유도한다. * Story Chant 동작 - 교육동영상참고 Now, let's chant together. 2. Workbook Activity (Math, Social Studies) 1 Workbook Activity 메뉴에서 Math (How Much Is It?) 을선택한다. 각물건들의가격을묻고대답하기연습을한다. 문제에주어진물건들의합을계산하고답을찾는다. T: How much is an apple? S: One dollar. T: How much are the eggs? S: Two dollars. T: How much are they in all? 3. Phonics Town (ox) 1 Phonics Town 메뉴에서 -ox 를선택하여글자와소리를익힌다. /o/, /x/ 낱낱의음소가각각다른소리를가짐을알려주고, /f/, /b/ 등의 beginning Level 4-8 Where Is the Grocery? 28
Level 4-8 Where Is the Grocery? Lesson Plan: Week 2 Day 2 sound 가합해져서 f+o+x=fox 이만들어짐을알게한다. T: What letter is it? It's o. O makes /o/ sound. X makes /x/ sound. So, they sound /ox/. Add /f/ before /ox/. It's /fox/. Listen and repeat. 2 Write 메뉴를선택하여쓰는순서를먼저보여준후색연필을골라직접쓰도록한다. 아이가어려워할경우, 교사가아이의손을잡고도와준다. 이때, 나머지아이들은공중에 trace with a finger 하도록한다. T: Raise your mommy finger up. Trace f, o, x in the air. Good job. Now, who can try it on the board? 3 Phonics Chant 의 Listen 메뉴를선택하여 -ox 에해당하는부분을듣고따라하도록한다. Let's Try 를선택하여반주에맞추어함께챈트해본다. T: Great. This time, Let's try it by yourself. 4 PPT 자료를이용, Phonics Workbook 의 p.12 를보여준다. CD Rom 화면상단의 Audio 를선택하여 track 15 의 reading chant 를들려주고따라하도록한다. T: Listen to the reading chant. Then, let's chant together. 29
Level 4-8 Where Is the Grocery? Lesson Plan: Week 2 Day 2 Wrap-Up [3 분 ] 1. Say goodbye [Hybrid CD] T: Okay, everyone. It's time to say goodbye. See you again~ S: See you again~ T: Have a nice day. S: Have a nice day. 2. Sing Goodbye song 바탕화면의 Goodbye Song 을선택하여함께부른다. T: Let's sing it together. Evaluation 1. 학생들이수업과노래에잘참여하는지확인한다. 2. 학생들이학생들이 ox 로끝나는단어를잘읽고따라쓰는지확인한다. 3. 학생들이챈트를잘따라하는지확인한다. Level 4-8 Where Is the Grocery? 30
Level 4-8 Where Is the Grocery? Lesson Plan: Week 2 Day 3 Lesson Plan: Week 2 Day 3 Week 2 Day 3 Objectives 1. 학생들은 2 째주첫날과둘째날에배운부분을복습한다. 2. 학생들은배운부분까지스토리를읽을수있다. 3. 학생들은워크북의문제들을풀수있다. Words post office, fire station, hospital, pharmacy, mail carrier, firefighter, doctor, pharmacist, right, put, out, look, at, this Materials 학생용책, 교사용 CD, workbook, 컴퓨터, 전자칠판, 프로젝터 Warm-up 1. Greet the class [Hybrid CD] [3 분 ] Hello Song을선택하여다같이노래한다. 밝고상냥한목소리로아이들과인사한다. T: Hello, everyone. Welcome to Little Story Town. S: Hello, Sally*. (Sally is a teacher s name.) T: Let's sing the "Hello song". Are you ready? S: Yes, I'm ready! 교사용 CD 바탕화면의 Hello Song 을선택하여, 율동을따라하며다같이노래한다. 2. Check Daily English 바탕화면의 Daily English 를선택하여보여준다. 1~12 숫자 + 단어카드로수를익힌다. 시각을묻고대답하는연습을해본다. T: What time is it? S: It's nine o'clock.(eleven o'clock, one o'clock ) 화면에없는시각및현재시각도연습한다. 31
Level 4-8 Where Is the Grocery? Lesson Plan: Week 2 Day 3 Presentation & Application [14 분 ] 1. Story Play Town (~Part II) * 먼저 sight word card 를한장씩앞으로넘겨보여주며각단어를듣고따라하게한다. T: Let's practice sight words. I'll show you some words. Repeat after me. ( 연습하기 ) T: This time, let's read the story. T: Listen carefully and repeat. Key 그림을클릭하여가려진단어를보여주며익힌다. 여러번연습하여마지막주에는소리만듣고가려진단어를알아맞히도록해본다. * 각페이지마다읽고난후, sight word 를찾아표시하는활동도함께한다. 2. Workbook Activity (Social Studies) Workbook Activity 메뉴에서 Social Studies (Where Should I Go?) 를선택한다. 우선오른쪽그림들하단의문장을한번씩들려주고직업을말해본다. 왼쪽그림속아이들의상황을간단히말할수있도록유도해서필요한사람의그림과연결한다. T: Listen carefully and repeat. ( 오른쪽문장들려주기 ) T, S: Go to a post office. T: Good. Now, look at the boy. He wants to send a letter. He asks you, "Where should I go?" S: Go to a post office. T: How smart! Who can match the pictures? 3. Workbook 작업 (p. 9~15) p.9 Music(Chant) 배운 Chant 를다함께불러본다. PPT 화면을보여주며멀티화면을 Audio 로전환하여 Track 11 을재생한다. 다함께불러보고, track 12 의 Let's try 를이용하여 Level 4-8 Where Is the Grocery? 32
Level 4-8 Where Is the Grocery? Lesson Plan: Week 2 Day 3 다시한번불러본다. p.10~11 Social Studies (Where Is It?) 순서대로들리는이야기를듣고문제에서제시한위치에그림을옮긴다. T: Listen and move the picture. Where is the? S: Post office. T: Show me your post office sticker. Put it on the space. p.12~13 Art (What Do You Do?) 각각의장소에서일하는사람의명칭 ( 직업 ) 을익힌다. T: Look at the persons. What does he do? S: Firefighter. T: Wonderful. Color the firefighter. p.14~15 Math (How Much Is It?) T: How much are they in all? S: Four dollars. T: Marvelous! Write the number four in the blank. 33
Level 4-8 Where Is the Grocery? Lesson Plan: Week 2 Day 3 Wrap-Up [3 분 ] 1. Say goodbye [Hybrid CD] T: Okay, everyone. It's time to say goodbye. See you again~ S: See you again~ T: Have a nice day. S: Have a nice day. 2. Sing Goodbye song 바탕화면의 Goodbye Song 을선택하여함께부른다. T: Let's sing it together. Evaluation 1. 학생들이수업과노래에잘참여하는지확인한다. 2. 학생들이선생님을향해보는지확인한다. 3. 학생들이질문에잘대답하는지확인한다. 4. 학생들이스티커를제자리에붙이는지확인한다. Level 4-8 Where Is the Grocery? 34
Level 4-8 Where Is the Grocery? Lesson Plan: Week 3 Day 1 Lesson Plan: Week 3 Day 1 Week 3 Day 1 Objectives 1. 학생들은 key expressions 를연습하여익힐수있다. 2. 학생들은역할극을할수있다. 3. 학생들은내용이해를위해 reading comprehension 을확인한다. Words police station, police officer, how, much, for, take Materials 학생용책, 교사용 CD, workbook, 컴퓨터, 전자칠판, 프로젝터 Warm-up 1. Greet the class [Hybrid CD] [3 분 ] Hello Song을선택하여다같이노래한다. 밝고상냥한목소리로아이들과인사한다. T: Hello, everyone. Welcome to Little Story Town. S: Hello, Sally*. (Sally is a teacher s name.) T: Let's sing the "Hello song". Are you ready? S: Yes, I'm ready! 교사용 CD 바탕화면의 Hello Song 을선택하여, 율동을따라하며다같이노래한다. 2. Check Daily English 바탕화면의 Daily English 를선택하여보여준다. 1~12 숫자 + 단어카드로수를익힌다. 시각을묻고대답하는연습을해본다. T: What time is it? S: It's nine o'clock. (eleven o'clock, one o'clock ) 화면에없는시각및현재시각도연습한다. 35
Level 4-8 Where Is the Grocery? Lesson Plan: Week 3 Day 1 Presentatio n & Application [14 분 ] 1. Story Town(~Part III) [Hybrid CD] 전체이야기의 3 등분중세번째부분이나혹은처음부터마지막부분까지의보여준후, 내용을이해했는지확인한다. T: First, let's watch the story. Let's go~, Story Town! S: Let's go~, Story Town! Story를보여준후, 내용을확인한다. T: What happen to Billy? S: He cried. T: Why did he cry? S: He lost. T: Good! Where should he go? S: Police station. 2. Workbook Activity (Reading, Game) [Hybrid CD] 1 Workbook Activity 메뉴에서 Reading (Reading Comprehension) 을선택한다. Story 의흐름을기억하는지확인해본다. 각각의그림마다핵심이될수있는문장을생각해서말해보도록유도한후, 게임을진행한다. T: Look at the number one picture. Can you read this sentence? (1 번그림의문장을가리키며 ) S: This is a bank. T: Right. How about this picture? ( 나머지그림들도차례로핵심문장말하기 ) T: Awesome! Listen and repeat. T: Well done! 2 Workbook Activity 메뉴에서 Game (Maze) 을선택한다. 보기의문장을아이들과함께들어보고, 알맞은대답을생각해서선택한다. 문제의문장을여러번들려준다. T: Let's play a maze. Listen carefully. Level 4-8 Where Is the Grocery? 36
Level 4-8 Where Is the Grocery? Lesson Plan: Week 3 Day 1 T: He wants to send a letter. Where should he go? S: Post office. T: OO, come out and choose the answer. 3. Talk Town (Scene 3) 두번째, 세번째화면을보며두화면의 Key Sentences 를함께연습한다. 먼저한번들려주고, Let's speak out 를이용하여아이들과연습한다. 그림카드를이용하여캐릭터그림을 head-band 로만들어머리에쓴채 role play 한다. 전체아이들에게역할을맡겨발화연습이되도록한다. 두명의아이, 혹은교사와아이한명이짝을이루어 shopkeeper 혹은 boy 가하는 Key Sentences 를직접 role play 를한다. T: Let's practice talking. Let's go~ Talk Town! S: Let's go~ Talk Town! T: I need a volunteer. Wow~ OOO. Come up here. I am a doctor, you are Billy. Please say first. S: (Billy 역할 ) Can I have some milk? T: This is a hospital. We help sick people. Now, let's switch the role. Scene 3 도같은방법으로 role play 해본다. Wrap-Up [3 분 ] 1. Say goodbye [Hybrid CD] T: Okay, everyone. It's time to say goodbye. See you again~ S: See you again~ T: Have a nice day. 37
Level 4-8 Where Is the Grocery? Lesson Plan: Week 3 Day 1 S: Have a nice day. 2. Sing Goodbye song 바탕화면의 Goodbye Song 을선택하여함께부른다. T: Let's sing it together. Evaluation 1. 학생들이수업과노래에잘참여하는지확인한다. 2. 학생들이문장을제대로읽는지확인한다. 3. 학생들이맡은역할을실감나게하는지확인한다. Level 4-8 Where Is the Grocery? 38
Level 4-8 Where Is the Grocery? Lesson Plan: Week 3 Day 2 Lesson Plan: Week 3 Day 2 Week 3 Day 2 Objectives 1. 학생들은챈트를잘따라할수있다. 2. 학생들은내용이해를위해 reading comprehension 을확인한다. 3. 학생들이 -ot 소리와 -ox 소리를식별할수있다. Words -ot ( dot, hot, pot ), -ox ( fox, ox, box ) Materials 학생용책, 교사용 CD, workbook, phonics book, 컴퓨터, 전자칠판, 프로젝터 Warm-up 1. Greet the class [Hybrid CD] [3 분 ] Hello Song을선택하여다같이노래한다. 밝고상냥한목소리로아이들과인사한다. T: Hello, everyone. Welcome to Little Story Town. S: Hello, Sally*. (Sally is a teacher s name.) T: Let's sing the "Hello song". Are you ready? S: Yes, I'm ready! 교사용 CD 바탕화면의 Hello Song 을선택하여, 율동을따라하며다같이노래한다. 2. Check Daily English 바탕화면의 Daily English 를선택하여보여준다. 1~12 숫자 + 단어카드로수를익힌다. 시각을묻고대답하는연습을해본다. T: What time is it? S: It's nine o'clock.(eleven o'clock, one o'clock ) 화면에없는시각및현재시각도연습한다. 39
Level 4-8 Where Is the Grocery? Lesson Plan: Week 3 Day 2 Presentation & Application [14 분 ] 1. Story Chant Town (~Part III) * 먼저 sight word card 를한장씩앞으로넘겨보여주며각단어를듣고따라하게한다. T: Let's practice sight words. I'll show you some words. Repeat after me. ( 연습하기 ) T: Wonderful! Let's try by yourself! Can you do it? S: I can do it! ( 아이들이대답하고모르는부분은교사가가르쳐주는형태로반복 ) T: Excellent! Do you remember the story? (chant 할부분, 즉 PART III 에대한내용확인후, chant 하기진행 ) T: This time, listen to the Story Chant. 각각의문장들마다일정한동작을보여주어내용이해를돕고흥미와관심을유도한다. * Story Chant 동작 - 교육동영상참고 Now, let's chant together. 2. Workbook Activity (After the Story) 1 Workbook Activity 메뉴에서 After the Story 를선택한다. Story 의등장인물에해당하는단어를손가락으로짚으며묻고답한다. 알맞은그림을찾아서 drag and drop 해보도록한다. T: Do you remember the characters of the story Let's check the characters. Look at this word. What is it? S: Billy. T: Great! OOO, find and move Billy. Wonderful. What is this place? S: Post office. T: Who works in the post office? S: Mail carrier. T: You did good job! Move the mail carrier. Level 4-8 Where Is the Grocery? 40
Level 4-8 Where Is the Grocery? Lesson Plan: Week 3 Day 2 3. Game Town (Game 3) Game Town 에서 Game 3 를선택한다. 게임을진행하기전, Phonics Town 의 chant 를먼저불러본다. 그리고 chant 의내용에있는단어들을연상하여모두말해보게한다. 복습을마친후, 게임을진행한다. 그림에해당하는단어를잘듣고, 알맞은글자를찾도록한다. 시간제한이있음을미리알려준다. T: This game is so funny. Look at the picture. What is it? S: Ox. T: Click the correct letters. Hurry up, please. There's time limit. Now, let's start! Who will be the first volunteer? 41
Level 4-8 Where Is the Grocery? Lesson Plan: Week 3 Day 2 Wrap-Up [3 분 ] 1. Say goodbye [Hybrid CD] T: Okay, everyone. It's time to say goodbye. See you again~ S: See you again~ T: Have a nice day. S: Have a nice day. 2. Sing Goodbye song 바탕화면의 Goodbye Song 을선택하여함께부른다. T: Let's sing it together. Evaluation 1. 학생들이수업과노래에잘참여하는지확인한다. 2. 학생들이 ot 와 ox 로끝나는단어를잘읽고따라쓰는지확인한다. 3. 학생들이챈트를잘따라하는지확인한다. Level 4-8 Where Is the Grocery? 42
Level 4-8 Where Is the Grocery? Lesson Plan: Week 3 Day 3 Lesson Plan: Week 3 Day 3 Week 3 Day 3 Objectives 1. 학생들은 2 째주첫날과둘째날에배운부분을복습한다. 2. 학생들은배운부분까지스토리를읽을수있다. 3. 학생들은워크북의문제들을풀수있다. Words police station, police officer, how, much, for, take Materials 학생용책, 교사용 CD, workbook, 컴퓨터, 전자칠판, 프로젝터 Warm-up 1. Greet the class [Hybrid CD] [3 분 ] Hello Song을선택하여다같이노래한다. 밝고상냥한목소리로아이들과인사한다. T: Hello, everyone. Welcome to Little Story Town. S: Hello, Sally*. (Sally is a teacher s name.) T: Let's sing the "Hello song". Are you ready? S: Yes, I'm ready! 교사용 CD 바탕화면의 Hello Song 을선택하여, 율동을따라하며다같이노래한다. 2. Check Daily English 바탕화면의 Daily English 를선택하여보여준다. 1~12 숫자 + 단어카드로수를익힌다. 시각을묻고대답하는연습을해본다. T: What time is it? S: It's nine o'clock.(eleven o'clock, one o'clock ) 화면에없는시각및현재시각도연습한다. 43
Level 4-8 Where Is the Grocery? Lesson Plan: Week 3 Day 3 Presentation & Application [14 분 ] 1. Story Play Town (~Part III) * 먼저 sight word card 를한장씩앞으로넘겨보여주며각단어를듣고따라하게한다. T: Let's practice sight words. I'll show you some words. Repeat after me. ( 연습하기 ) T: This time, let's read the story. T: Listen carefully and repeat. Key 그림을클릭하여가려진단어를보여주며익힌다. 여러번연습하여마지막주에는소리만듣고가려진단어를알아맞히도록해본다. * 각페이지마다읽고난후, sight word 를찾아표시하는활동도함께한다. 3. Workbook 작업 (p.16~24) p.16~17 Social Studies (Where Should I Go?) Workbook Activity 메뉴에서 Social Studies (Where Should I Go?) 를선택한다. 우선오른쪽그림들하단의문장을한번씩들려주고직업을말해본다. 왼쪽그림속아이들의상황을간단히말할수있도록유도해서필요한사람의그림과연결한다. T: Listen carefully and repeat. T: Good. Now, look at the boy. "Where should I go?" C: Go to a post office. T: Marvelous! Match the pictures. p.20~21 Reading(Reading Comprehension) 1 Workbook Activity 메뉴에서 Reading(Reading Comprehension) 을선택한다. Story 의흐름을기억해서각그림에알맞은문장을말해보게한다. 문장을읽고빠진문장스티커를찾아붙인다. T: Look at the number one picture. Can you read this sentence? (1 번그림의문장을가리키며 ) S: This is a bank. Level 4-8 Where Is the Grocery? 44
Level 4-8 Where Is the Grocery? Lesson Plan: Week 3 Day 3 T: Right. How about this picture? ( 나머지그림들도차례로핵심문장말하기 ) T: Awesome! Listen and repeat. T: Well done! Write the number 2 in the circle. And show me your sentence sticker. p.22~23 Game (Maze) 실제게임은 3 주 1 차시에진행했으므로이번에는각문제의정답을찾아동그라미한다. T: He wants to send a letter. Where should he go? S: Post office. T: Circle the post office. p. 24 After the Story Story 의등장인물에해당하는단어를손가락으로짚으며묻고답하게한다. Story 에나오는장소의이름도복습한다. 45
Level 4-8 Where Is the Grocery? Lesson Plan: Week 3 Day 3 Wrap-Up [3 분 ] 1. Say goodbye [Hybrid CD] T: Okay, everyone. It's time to say goodbye. See you again~ S: See you again~ T: Have a nice day. S: Have a nice day. 2. Sing Goodbye song 바탕화면의 Goodbye Song 을선택하여함께부른다. T: Let's sing it together. Evaluation 1. 학생들이수업과노래에잘참여하는지확인한다. 2. 학생들이선생님을향해보는지확인한다. 3. 학생들이질문에잘대답하는지확인한다. 4. 학생들이스티커를제자리에붙이는지확인한다. Level 4-8 Where Is the Grocery? 46
Level 4-3 I Like Myself! Lesson Plan: Week 4 Day 1 Lesson Plan: Week 4 Day 1 Week 4 Day 1 Objectives 1. 이야기를복습해본다. 2. 어휘를복습해본다. 3. Key Sentences 를복습해본다. Words (review) Materials 학생용책, 교사용 CD, 단어 flash cards, 컴퓨터, 전자칠판, 프로젝터 Warm-up 1. Greet the class [Hybrid CD] [3 분 ] Hello Song을선택하여다같이노래한다. 밝고상냥한목소리로아이들과인사한다. T: Hello, everyone. Welcome to Little Story Town. S: Hello, Sally*. (Sally is a teacher s name.) T: Let's sing the "Hello song". Are you ready? S: Yes, I'm ready! 교사용 CD 바탕화면의 Hello Song 을선택하여, 율동을따라하며다같이 노래한다. 2. Check Daily English 바탕화면의 Daily English 를선택하여보여준다. 1~12 숫자 + 단어카드로수를익힌다. 시각을묻고대답하는연습을해본다. T: What time is it? S: It's nine o'clock.(eleven o'clock, one o'clock ) 화면에없는시각및현재시각도연습한다. 47
Level 4-8 Where Is the Grocery? Lesson Plan: Week 4 Day 2 Presentation & Application [14 분 ] 1. Story Town(Full Story) Story Town 메뉴를선택하여스토리를처음부터끝까지보여준다. T: Do you remember the story in order? Let's watch the story again. 2. Review Vocabulary * 지난 3 주동안배운 Vocabulary 의 Flash Card 를이용하여복습한다. T: Repeat after me. * Sight Word Cards 를보여주며단어를읽어주고따라말하게한다. T: Good. This time, I'll show you these (sight words) cards. Repeat after me. * 대답을잘할경우, 속도를빨리하여다시한번따라말하게한다. T: You did a good job. Now let's do it faster. * 다음은교사가단어카드를보여주면아이들이대답하도록유도한다. T: Now it s your turn. Say it loudly. 3. Story Play Town(Full Story) * 4 주 2 차시와나누어절반씩진행할수있다. Story Play Town 의 Let's Try 를선택한다. 복습한 Vocabulary 를기억하며손가락으로문장을짚어주면아이들이읽을수있게한다. Key 그림에해당하는단어를가린채, 아이들이알아맞히도록유도한다. T: Today, choose the correct word. What's missing word? T: Outstanding! Now read the sentence. 4. Story Chant Town(Full Story) Story Chant Town 의메뉴에서 Let's Try 메뉴를선택하여아이들이처음부터끝까지 chant 하도록한다. 두팀으로나누어한팀씩게임형식으로진행한다. T: Today, let's chant story by yourself. Can you do it? Let's divide the class into two groups. You are Caterpillar team, you are Butterfly team. Level 4-8 Where Is the Grocery? 48
Level 4-8 Where Is the Grocery? Lesson Plan: Week 4 Day 2 Caterpillar team is first. Are you ready? Start! * 일어나서율동과함께진행하여흥미와참여도를높일수있다. 5. Game Town(Game 5) 위에서복습, 정리한내용을상기하며 Game Town 의 Game 5 를선택한다. 주어진그림에알맞은문장을이야기해본다. 보기의단어들을하나씩읽어본다. 아이들이문장의완성을위한단어들을순서대로 drag and drop 해보도록한다. T: Do you remember the story? Now, let's play a game. Look at this picture. What do you think? S: You need to go to a grocery. T: Now, let's read the words. T, S: Go to, a grocery, need to, you. T: Good job! Now drag and drop the words. Who can do it? S: Me, me, me. 49
Level 4-8 Where Is the Grocery? Lesson Plan: Week 4 Day 2 Wrap-Up [3 분 ] 1. Say goodbye [Hybrid CD] T: Okay, everyone. It's time to say goodbye. See you again~ S: See you again~ T: Have a nice day. S: Have a nice day. 2. Sing Goodbye song 바탕화면의 Goodbye Song 을선택하여함께부른다. T: Let's sing it together. Evaluation 1. 학생들이수업과노래에잘참여하는지확인한다. 2. 학생들이단어를잘읽는지확인한다. 3. 학생들이이야기를잘읽는지확인한다. 4. 학생들이챈트를잘하는지확인한다. 5. 학생들이게임에활발히참여하는지확인한다. 6. 학생들이게임 5 를하면서, 문장을바른문장을고르는지확인한다. Level 4-8 Where Is the Grocery? 50
Level 4-8 Where Is the Grocery? Lesson Plan: Week 4 Day 2 Lesson Plan: Week 4 Day 2 Week 4 Day 2 Objectives 1. 파닉스단어를복습한다. 2. 파닉스리딩을복습한다. 3. 파닉스워크북을함께해본다. Words -ot ( dot, hot, pot ), -ox ( fox, ox, box ) Materials 학생용책, 교사용 CD, phonics book, 컴퓨터, 전자칠판, 프로젝터 Warm-up 1. Greet the class [Hybrid CD] [3 분 ] Hello Song을선택하여다같이노래한다. 밝고상냥한목소리로아이들과인사한다. T: Hello, everyone. Welcome to Little Story Town. S: Hello, Sally*. (Sally is a teacher s name.) T: Let's sing the "Hello song". Are you ready? S: Yes, I'm ready! 교사용 CD 바탕화면의 Hello Song 을선택하여, 율동을따라하며다같이노래한다. 2. Check Daily English 바탕화면의 Daily English 를선택하여보여준다. 1~12 숫자 + 단어카드로수를익힌다. 시각을묻고대답하는연습을해본다. T: What time is it? S: It's nine o'clock.(eleven o'clock, one o'clock ) 화면에없는시각및현재시각도연습한다. 51
Level 4-8 Where Is the Grocery? Lesson Plan: Week 4 Day 2 Presentation & Application [14 분 ] 1. Phonics Workbook 작업 p.3 Listen to the word chant. Ppt 그림을열어놓은채, CD ROM 을 Audio 로전환한다. Track 13 을 play 하여들으며함게챈트한다. 이때, 교사가챈트소리와동시에단어를손가락으로짚어준다. 교사는챈트에나오는단어의순서 ( 알파벳순 ) 를파악해둔다. T: Look at the picture. Listen and chant together. Are you ready? p.4~5 Listen, repeat, and trace. 각각의음소를연결하고 (Blending : d+ot=dot) 음가를발음하여단어를완성하는과정을익힌다. 먼저 tract 14 를 play 하여한단어를듣고따라하게한다. Pause 를이용, 멈추어놓고책에단어를따라쓰게한후다음단어로넘어간다. T: Look at these cards. /o/+/t/= /ot/. /d/+/ot/= /dot/ Repeat after me. Good~! Now trace the word. p. 6 Put the right stickers. 1 번부터 6 번까지단어를소리내어읽고알맞은그림스티커를찾아붙인다. T: Look at the picture. What is it? S: Pen. T: Very clever. Where is the pen sticker? T: Show me your sticker. Great! Put your sticker on the right place. p. 7 Look and match. 그림과 beginning letter 를보고, 알맞은 ending sound(rhyme) 을선택하여연결한다. T: Look at the picture. What is it? S: Hot. T: That's it. The beginning letter of hot is /h/. What is the rhyme of the hot? S: /ot/. T: Great. Match the letters. p. 8 Look, say and check... 왼쪽네모안의단어를큰소리로읽는다. 오른쪽그림에서 ending sound 가 Level 4-8 Where Is the Grocery? 52
Level 4-8 Where Is the Grocery? Lesson Plan: Week 4 Day 2 같은그림을찾아 V 한다. T: Look at the picture. What is it? S: Ox. T: Good. What is the same ending sound with ox? p. 9 Read and check. 그림을보고문장을완성할단어를찾아고른다. T: Look at the picture and let's read the sentence. Do you know the proper word? p.12 Listen to the reading chant 화면에보이는그림과그림의해당단어를챈트문장속에서찾아짚어가며연습한다. Chant 중에들리는단어의그림을찾아손가락으로짚어가며 chant 를들어본다. 리듬을살려흥겹게 chant 한다. Wrap-Up [3 분 ] 1. Say goodbye [Hybrid CD] T: Okay, everyone. It's time to say goodbye. See you again~ S: See you again~ T: Have a nice day. S: Have a nice day. 2. Sing Goodbye song 바탕화면의 Goodbye Song 을선택하여함께부른다. T: Let's sing it together. Evaluation 1. 학생들이수업과노래에잘참여하는지확인한다. 2. 학생들이단어를잘읽는지확인한다. 3. 학생들이파닉스책에서제시한활동을지시대로잘하는지확인한다. 4. 학생들이연필과크레용을제대로쥐는지확인한다. 5. 학생들이색칠을제대로하는지확인한다. 53
Level 4-8 Where Is the Grocery? Lesson Plan: Week 4 Day 3 Lesson Plan: Week 4 Day 3 Week 4 Day 3 Objectives 1. Mini Contest 를해본다. Words (review) Materials 학생용책, 교사용 CD, 컴퓨터, 전자칠판, 프로젝터 Warm-up 1. Greet the class [Hybrid CD] [3 분 ] Hello Song을선택하여다같이노래한다. 밝고상냥한목소리로아이들과인사한다. T: Hello, everyone. Welcome to Little Story Town. S: Hello, Sally*. (Sally is a teacher s name.) T: Let's sing the "Hello song". Are you ready? S: Yes, I'm ready! 교사용 CD 바탕화면의 Hello Song 을선택하여, 율동을따라하며다같이 노래한다. 2. Check Daily English 바탕화면의 Daily English 를선택하여보여준다. 1~12 숫자 + 단어카드로수를익힌다. 시각을묻고대답하는연습을해본다. T: What time is it? S: It's nine o'clock.(eleven o'clock, one o'clock ) 화면에없는시각및현재시각도연습한다. Level 4-8 Where Is the Grocery? 54
Level 4-8 Where Is the Grocery? Lesson Plan: Week 4 Day 3 Presentation & Application [14 분 ] 1. Event Day(Mini contest) *Story Play Town, Story Chant Town, Music Town 중에서한가지를선택하여그동안배운내용을발표하도록하는작은 contest 를가져본다. *Song, Chant 등은교실의앞에나와서전체반아이들쪽을향해선채로실시한다. *Story Play Town, Story Chant Town 은호명된아이들이각자제자리에서서보드의 화면을보며할수있도록지도한다. * 한팀의발표에걸리는시간과전체수업시간을계산하여학급을몇개의 그룹으로나누어시행할지결정한다. Wrap-Up [3 분 ] * 스티커, 칭찬박수등의 reward 를미리준비하여아이들에게동기유발과성취감을고취시킨다. T : Today, let's have a contest!! Wow~ Are you ready? 1. Say goodbye [Hybrid CD] T: Okay, everyone. It's time to say goodbye. See you again~ S: See you again~ T: Have a nice day. S: Have a nice day. 2. Sing Goodbye song 바탕화면의 Goodbye Song 을선택하여함께부른다. T: Let's sing it together. Evaluation 1. 학생들이수업과노래에잘참여하는지확인한다. 2. 학생들이각활동에활발히지원하는지확인한다. 3. 학생들이다른학생이하는것을바른자세로잘듣는지확인한다. 4. 학생들이나와서발표할때, 바른자세로앞을향해서발표하는지확인한다. 55