Moth Fauna of Biguemdo Island in Korea

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Journal of Korean Nature Vol. 5, No. 89-9, Moth Fauna of Biguemdo Island in Korea Do Hong Kim * and Se Kyeong Yoo Kyung Hee University Natural History Museum, Hoegi-dong, Dongdaemoon-gu Seoul -7, Korea Woo Seok Heon Natural History Museum, 587 Naegak-ri, Jinjeop-eup, Namyangju-si, Gyeonggi-do 7-86, Korea Abstract: This study was conducted to investigate the moth fauna of the Bigeum-do Island in. A total of 6 species of 5 families was identified. Noctuidae with 6 species was dominant in the area followed by Geometridae (7 species) and Crambidae (6 species). The most dominant species was a noctuid moth, Euproctis pulverea (6 individuals). Keywords: moth fauna, Biguem-do Island Introduction Bigeumdo (Is.) is an island located at the southwestern part of the Korean peninsula and is located approximately 5.5 km from shore. With. km of surface area, it is connected by a bridge to Dochodo (Is.), an island with similar surface area. Forest area covers approximately 5% of the total surface area of the island, and the highest peak is the Seonwangsan (Mt.) (55 m) to the southwestern part of the island. The island experiences a temperate climate, with average annual temperature of.8 o C and average annual precipitation of 5.5mm (average between 999 and 9, National Weather Service). In terms of the insect fauna of Bigeumdo (Is.), study by Kim and Lee (979) reported 6 orders, 6 families and 6 species, but the report did not include moths. This study identified and organized specimen collected from Bigeumdo (Is.) in order to contribute to future studies on the moth fauna of Bigeumdo (Is.). Materials and Methods The study site (longitude 5 o 5'.9'' latitude o 5'6.6'') is located at the western side of Seonwangsan (Mt.) (Fig. ). Collection was conducted between June st and August st of, and moths were attracted for trapping using mercury lamp (W) for hours after sunset. The collected moths were prepared as dry specimen for identification and were then stored in the Natural Science Museum of Kyung Hee University and the Wooseokheon *To whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel: +8--96- E-mail: Natural History Museum. Domestic and Foreign literatures were used as reference for species identification (Inoue et al., 98; Kononenko et al., 998; Kim et al. ; Shin, ), and microscopic inspection of reproductive organs were used for cases in which external identification was difficult. Result and Discussion The result of the collection and identification of moths of Bigeumdo (Is.) by this study reported 5 families and 6 species, and species which required detailed taxonomic works and additional time were excluded. A total of 7 species were observed in June, and 6 species in August, with higher species diversity in June. In terms of dominant species by family, family Noctuidae displayed the highest number of 6 species, followed by 7 species of Geometridae and 6 species of Crambidae (Table ). Such dominance by family was similar to the finding by a past study on Abhaedo (Is.), an island located in close proximity to Bigeumdo (Is.) (Lim et al., 7). Furthermore, a total of 9 moths were collected, including 6 members of Noctuidae, 8 members of Geometridae and members of Lymantriidae, with the most dominant species being the Euproctis pulverea at 6 individuals. While this study incorporated only collection session, on June st and August st of, a relatively diverse range of species were confirmed, and it is expected that more collection sessions and longer study period will lead to the discovery of more species. Furthermore, it is predicted that active research of the biota of island regions, including Bigeumdo (Is.), will provide basic information for future studies on climate changes, biogeography and evolutionary biology.

9 Do Hong Kim and Se Kyeong Yoo Fig.. The map shows Bigeumdo Island. Asterisk showing the study site. Table. Number of species of moths collected from Bigeumdo Island in Family.Jun..Aug. Total Cossidae 굴벌레나방과 Crambidae 포충나방과 Pyralidae 명나방과 Thyrididae 창나방과 Limacodidae 쐐기나방 Drepanidae 갈고리나방과 Thyatiridae 뾰족날개나방과 Geometridae 자나방과 Lasiocampidae 솔나방과 Saturniidae 산누에나방과 Sphingidae 박각시과 Notodontidae 재주나방과 Lymantriidae 독나방과 Arctiidae 불나방과 Noctuidae 밤나방과 8 6 7 6 8 6 8 6 7 6 8 9 6 Total 7 6 6 Acknowledgment Special thanks to Professor Yu Hang Shin and Sang Hyun Na for providing identification and information on species collected during the study. This study was conducted with the research grant from the Natural Science Museum of Kyung Hee University and the Wooseokheon Natural History Museum and joint research with the National Science Museum. References Inoue, H., S. Sugi, H. Kuroko, S. Moriuti, A. Kawabe and M. Owada (98) Moths of Japan, volumes. Kodansha, Tokyo. Kim, S.S., E.A. Beljaev and S.H. Oh () Illustrated catalogue of Geometridae in Korea (Lepidopterta: Geometrinae, Ennominae). In: K.T. Park (ed.), Insects of Korea [Series 8], KRIBB & CIS, Daejeon. Kim, J.I. and J.W. Lee (979) The insects fauna of the islands from Sinan Gun in the summer season, 979. The report of the KACN 6: 79-87. Kononenko, V.S., S.B. Ahn and L. Ronkay (998) Illustrated catalogue of Noctuidae in Korea (Lepidoptera). In: K.T. Park (ed.), Insects of Korea [Series ], KRIBB & CIS, Daejeon. Lim, J.T., S.Y. Kim, B.W. Kim and S.W. Choi (7) A faunistic study of moths (Insecta, Lepidoptera) on Is. Aphae-do, Sinan-gun, Jeollanam-do, Korea, Korean Journal of Environmental Biology 5: 78-89. Shin, Y.H. () Coloured illustrations of the moths of Korea. Academy book Publishing Co. Ltd., Seoul. Received:, Feb. / Revised:, Feb. / Accepted: 9, Mar.

Moth Fauna of Biguemdo Island in Korea 9 Appendix. List of moths collected from Bigeumdo Island in. Jun.. Aug Total Cossidae 굴벌레나방과 Zeuzera multistrigata Moore 알락굴벌레나방 9 9 Crambidae 포충나방과 Agrotera nemoralis (Scopoli) 연보라들명나방 Haritalodes derogata (Fabricius) 목화명나방 Herpetogramma luctuosalis (Guene) 포도들명나방 5 5 Herpetogramma magna (Butler) 노랑무늬들명나방 6 7 Nacoleia commixta (Butler) 얼룩애기들명나방 Omiodes noctescens Moore 노랑다리들명나방 Ostrinia scapulalis (Walker) 콩줄기명나방 Paliga minnehaha (Preyer) 앞붉은들명나방 Palpita nigropunctalis (Bremer) 수수꽃다리명나방 5 5 Pleuroptya balteata (Fabricius) 갈참나무명나방 5 5 Pleuroptya chlorophanta (Butler) 몸노랑들명나방 Pleuroptya harutai (Inoue) 장미색들명나방 Pycnarmon lactiferalis (Walker) 알락흰들명나방 Syllepte pallidinotalis (Hampson) 연무늬들명나방 5 5 Syllepte taiwanalis Shibuya 대만들명나방 Tyspanodes hypsalis Warren 줄검은들명나방 8 Pyralidae 명나방과 Orthopygia glaucinalis (Linnaeus) 곧은띠비단명나방 Orthaga euadrusalis Walker 날개끝검은집명나방 9 9 Acrobasis pseudodichromella Yamanaka 반원알락명나방 Oncocera semirubella (Scopoli) 앞붉은명나방 8 8 Thyrididae 창나방과 Striglina cancellata (Christoph) 창나방 Limacodidae 쐐기나방 Ceratonema christophi (Graeser) 대륙쐐기나방 9 9 Monema flavescens Walker 노랑쐐기나방 Drepanidae 갈고리나방과 Agnidra scabiosa (Butler) 참나무갈고리나방 Drepana curvatula (Borkhausen) 밤색갈고리나방 Pseudalbara parvula (Leech) 세줄꼬마갈고리나방 Oreta pulchripes Butler 노랑갈고리나방 7 7 Thyatiridae 뾰족날개나방과 Habrosyne aurorina (Butler) 애기담홍뾰족날개나방 Tethea ampliata (Butler) 넓은뾰족날개나방 Thyatira batis (Linnaeus) 무늬뾰족날개나방 Geometridae 자나방과 Pingasa pseudoterpnaria (Guene) 날개둥근푸른자나방 Agathia carissima Butler 검띠푸른자나방 Geometra dieckmanni Graeser 흰줄푸른자나방 Ochrognesia difficta (Walker) 왕무늬푸른자나방 8 8 Hemithea marina (Butler) 푸른줄푸른자나방 Comibaena procumbaria (Pryer) 무늬박이푸른자나방 Comibaena amoenaria (Oberthr) 네점푸른자나방 5 5 Comostola subtiliaria (Bremer) 애기네눈박이푸른자나방 Somatina indicataria (Walker) 구름무늬흰애기자나방 Problepsis discophora Fixsen 구슬큰눈애기자나방 Idaea muricata (Hufnagel) 분홍애기자나방 Philereme corrugata (Butler) 줄많은물결자나방 Ecliptopera umbrosaria (Motschulsky) 큰톱날물결자나방 5 5 Abraxas niphonibia Wehrli 각시얼룩가지나방 Lomographa bimaculata (Fabricius) 쌍점흰가지나방 Ninodes splendens (Butler) 보라애기가지나방 Hypephyra terrosa Butler 뒷노랑뾰족가지나방 6 Chiasmia defixaria (Walker) 두줄점가지나방

9 Do Hong Kim and Se Kyeong Yoo Appendix. Continued. Jun.. Aug Total Chiasmia hebesata (Walker) 세줄점가지나방 Macaria shanghaisaria (Walker) 각시가지나방 Isturgia vapulata (Butler) 쥐빛가지나방 Antipercnia albinigrata Warren 알락흰가지나방 8 8 Arichanna melanaria (Linnaeus) 뒷노랑점가지나방 Alcis angulifera (Butler) 털뿔가지나방 Hypomecis punctinalis (Scopoli) 네눈가지나방 Ophthalmitis albosignaria (BremeretGrey) 큰눈노랑가지나방 Ascotis imparata (Walker) 남방네눈쑥가지나방 Ectropis excellens (Butler) 줄고운가지나방 8 8 Thinopteryx crocoptera (Kollar) 알락제비가지나방 Amraica superans (Butler) 노박덩굴가지나방 5 5 Menophra senilis (Butler) 먹그림가지나방 Odontopera arida (Butler) 남방갈고리가지나방 Xerodes albonotaria (Bremer) 점짤룩가지나방 Fascellina chromataria Walker 갈고리가지나방 Plagodis pulveraria (Linnaeus) 띠넓은가지나방 Corymica pryeri (Butler) 큰노랑애기가지나방 Ourapteryx koreana Inoue 굵은줄제비가지나방 Lasiocampidae 솔나방과 Paralebeda plagifera (Walker) 대만나방 7 7 Malacosoma neustria (Linnaeus) 천막벌레나방 Saturniidae 산누에나방과 Actias gnoma (Butler) 옥색긴꼬리산누에나방 Samia cynthia (Drury) 가중나무고치나방 5 5 Sphingidae 박각시과 Dolbina tancrei Staudinger 물결박각시 Marumba spectabilis Okamoto 제주등줄박각시 Ampelophaga rubiginosa Bremer et Gray 머루박각시 Deilephila elpenor (Linnaeus) 주홍박각시 Theretra japonica (Boisduval) 줄박각시 Rhagastis mongoliana (Butler) 우단박각시 Notodontidae 재주나방과 Stauropus basalis Moore 꽃무늬재주나방 Cnethodonta grisescens Staudinger 뒷검은재주나방 Syntypistis cyanea (Leech) 때죽나무재주나방 Wilemanus bidentatus ussuriensis (Pngeler) 먹무늬은재주나방 Neodrymonia marginalis (Matsumura) 뾰족날개재주나방 Pterostoma sinicum Moore 주름재주나방 Spatalia doerriesi Graeser 은무늬재주나방 Rosama ornata (Oberthr) 각시재주나방 Lymantriidae 독나방과 Arctornis kumatai Inoue 점흰독나방 Calliteara pudibunda (Linnaeus) 어리사과독나방 Cifuna locuples Walker 콩독나방 Euproctis pulverea (Leech) 꼬마독나방 5 6 Arctiidae 불나방과 Eilema degenerella (Walker) 흰불나방 8 8 Lithosia quadra (Linnaeus) 넉점박이불나방 Miltochrista expressa Inoue 교차무늬주홍테불나방 Miltochrista miniata (Forester) 주홍테불나방 Miltochrista striata (Bremer et Grey) 홍줄불나방 Stigmatophora leacrita Swinhoe 알락노랑불나방 Lemyra imparilis (Butler) 수검은줄점불나방 Spilarctia seriatopunctata Motschulsky 줄점불나방 5 6 Spilarctia subcarnea Walker 배붉은흰불나방

Moth Fauna of Biguemdo Island in Korea 9 Appendix. Continued. Jun.. Aug Total Noctuidae 밤나방과 Hydrillodes morosa (Butler) 넓은띠담흑수염나방 Simplicia xanthoma Prout 흰줄곧은띠수염나방 Zanclognatha helva (Butler) 노랑수염나방 Hypena amica (Butler) 뒷노랑수염나방 Mocis undata (Fabricius) 큰구름무늬밤나방 Mocis annetta (Butler) 구름무늬밤나방 Mocis ancilla (Warren) 꼬마구름무늬밤나방 Ercheia niveostrigata Warren 청백무늬밤나방 7 Artena dotata (Fabricius) 푸른띠밤나방 Erebus ephesperis (Hbner) 왕흰줄태극나방 Spirama retorta (Clerck) 태극나방 Metopta rectifasciata (Mntris) 흰줄태극나방 Calyptra gruesa (Draudt) 큰갈고리밤나방 5 5 Oraesia excavata (Butler) 붉은갈고리밤나방 Hypocala subsatura Guene 대만수염잎나방 Erygia apicalis Guene 구름잎밤나방 Hyposemansis albipuncta (Wileman) 날개물결무늬밤나방 Mecodina nubiferalis (Leech) 남방구리밤나방 9 9 Arytrura musculus (Mntris) 근육끝짤름나방 Pangrapta perturbans (Walker) 산그물무늬짤름나방 Pangrapta curtalis (Walker) 끝짤름나방 Pangrapta trilineata (Leech) 세줄끝무늬짤름나방 Pangrapta lunulata (Sterz) 별박이짤름나방 Pangrapta costinotata (Butler) 은무늬짤름나방 Pangrapta obscurata (Butler) 검은끝짤름나방 Naganoella timandra (Alpheraky) 신부짤름나방 6 6 Panilla petrina (Butler) 잔줄밤나방 Macdunnoughia purissima (Butler) 은무늬밤나방 Eutelia geyeri (FelderetRogenhofer) 비행기밤나방 Iragaodes nobilis (Staudinger) 앞노랑모밤나방 Earias pudicana Staudinger 붉은가밤나방 Earias roseifera Butler 분홍무늬푸른밤나방 Gelastocera exusta Butler 검은띠애기나방 Pseudoips prasinanus (Linnaeus) 쌍줄푸른밤나방 Gabala argentata Butler 은무늬모진애기밤나방 Corgatha nitens (Butler) 붉은꼬마밤나방 7 7 Corgatha dictaria (Walker) 흰줄꼬마밤나방 Sophta ruficeps (Walker) 팥혹점꼬마밤나방 Lophoruza pulcherrima (Butler) 꽃꼬마밤나방 Oruza glaucotorna Hampson 흰무늬꼬마밤나방 Oruza mira (Butler) 노랑줄꼬마밤나방 Sugia idiostygia (Sugi) 담색지옥꼬마밤나방 Cymatophoropsis trimaculata (Bremer) 세무늬저녁나방 Gerbathodes paupera (Staudinger) 흰무늬애저녁나방 Acronicta pulverosa (Hampson) 흰배저녁나방 Acronicta pruinosa (Guene) 흰털저녁나방 7 7 Acronicta leucocuspis (Butler) 뿔무늬저녁나방 Craniophora fasciata (Moore) 굵은무늬저녁나방 5 5 Sarbanissa subflava (Moore) 뒷노랑얼룩나방 Dipterygina cupreotincta Sugi 끝무늬밤나방 7 7 Athetis cinerascens (Motschulsky) 흑점밤나방 7 7 Callopistria juventina (Stoll) 어린밤나방 Mythimna turca (Linnaeus) 쌍띠밤나방 Mythimna nigrilinea (Leech) 검은띠맵시밤나방 Mythimna separata (Walker) 멸강나방 Diarsia canescens (Butler) 물결밤나방 5 5

9 Do Hong Kim and Se Kyeong Yoo Appendix. Continued. Jun.. Aug Total Hermonassa cecilia Butler 점박이밤나방 Agrotis ipsilon (Hufnagel) 검거세미밤나방 6 6 Helicoverpa armigera (Hbner) 왕담배나방 Heliothis maritima Graslin 개미자리밤나방 Heliocheilus fervens (Butler) 붉은담배나방 Total 696 7 9