학수번호 과목명 영문명 학점 인간행동과사회환경연구 Study on Human Behavior and Social Environment 사회복지법제연구 Study on Social Welfare Legislation
- 민용 허
- 6 years ago
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1 사회복지학과 ( 社会福利系 ) Department of Social Welfare 학위과정 : 석사과정, 박사과정전공명 : 사회복지학 (Social Welfare) Ⅰ. 학과교육목표 1. 급변하는사회복지환경변화에주도적으로적응하고대처할수있는창의력과전문성을기른다. 2. 각사회복지분야의이론적지식체계를체계적으로이해하고설명하는데적용되는전문지식과실천기술을습득한다. 3. 인간이지니고있는사회적욕구를충족시키고사회문제를해결하기위한대안을제시할수있는전문연구인력을양성한다. Ⅱ. 학과대학원위원 원석조, 서윤, 채구묵, 김흥주, 오세영, 조인주 Ⅲ. 전임교원 직급 성명 학위명 전공분야 교수 원석조 문학박사 사회정책 교수 서윤 사회복지학박사 사회복지 교수 채구묵 사회학박사 사회복지 부교수 김흥주 문학박사 사회복지 조교수 오세영 사회복지학박사 사회복지 조교수 조인주 사회복지학박사 사회복지 Ⅳ. 편성교과목 1. 선수과목석사선수과목 학수번호과목명영문명학점 사회복지개론 Introduction to Social Welfare 지역사회복지론 Community Welfare and Practice 인간행동과사회환경 Human Behavior and Social Environment 사회복지실천기술론 Skills and Techniques for Social Work Practice 자원봉사론 Volunteer Management 사회복지실천론 Theories of Social Work Practice 정신보건사회복지론 Social Work in Mental Health 사회문제론 Social Problems 사회복지지도감독론 Social Work Supervision 3 박사선수과목 학수번호과목명영문명학점 아동복지론연구 Study on Child Welfare 3 사회복지학과 105
2 학수번호 과목명 영문명 학점 인간행동과사회환경연구 Study on Human Behavior and Social Environment 사회복지법제연구 Study on Social Welfare Legislation 자원봉사론연구 Study on Volunteer Management 정신보건사회복지론연구 Study on Social Work in Mental Health 사회복지지도감독론연구 Study on Social Work Supervision 3 2. 학과공통과목 3. 전공과목학수번호 과목명 영문명 학점 사회복지조사론 Research Method in Social Welfare 사회복지정책론 Social Welfare Policy 사회복지행정론 Social Welfare Administration 사회보장론 Social Security 아동복지론연구 Study on Child Welfare 가족복지론 Social Work with Families 산업복지론 Industrial Social Welfare 여성복지론 Social Welfare with the Women 학교사회복지론 School Social Work 정신보건사회복지론연구 Study on Social Work in Mental Health 교정복지론 Correctional Social Work 사회문제론연구 Study on Social Problems 사회복지지도감독론연구 Study on Social Work Supervision 사회복지자료분석론 Data Analysis for Social Welfare 프로그램개발과평가 Program Development and Evaluation 사회복지발달사 History of Social Welfare 사회복지윤리와철학 Ethics and Philosophy of Social Welfare 사회복지실천기술론연구 Study on Skills and Techniques for Social Work Practice 인간행동과사회환경연구 Study on Human Behavior and Social Environment 사회복지법제연구 Study on Social Welfare Legislation 사회복지개론연구 Study on Introduction to Social Welfare 빈곤론 Poverty and Social Welfare 사회복지원서강독 Reading in Social Welfare 노인복지론 Social Work With the Aged 청소년복지론 Social Welfare With Youth 장애인복지론 Social Welfare for people with Disabilities 사회복지현장실습 Social Work Practicum 사회복지실천론연구 Study on Theories of Social Work Practice 3 106
3 학수번호 과목명 영문명 학점 자원봉사론연구 Study on Volunteer Management 지역사회복지론연구 Study on Community Welfare and Practice 가족상담및가족치료 Family Counseling & Family Therapy 의료사회복지론 Social Work in Health Care 복지국가론 Welfare State 사례관리론 Case Management in Social Work Practice 다문화사회복지론 Multicultural Social Work Practice 사회복지학특강 Topics in Social Welfare 3 4. 교과목해설사회복지조사론 Research Method in Social Welfare 본교과목은사회복지실천현장에서사용되는다양한양적, 질적조사방법론을다룬다. This course deals with quantitative and qualitative research methods which are used in the fields of social welfare. 사회복지정책론 Social Welfare Policy 본교과목에서는사회복지정책의이념, 사상적배경, 이론, 방법등을배우고, 사회적요구와사회문제해결을위한정책방안을마련하는능력을기르도록한다. This course aims to help students learn ideas, ideological backgrounds, theories and methodologies of social welfare policies, and develop abilities to prepare policies which can solve social needs and problems. 사회복지행정론 Social Welfare Administration 본교과목에서는사회복지행정의필요성과발달에대한이해를기초로하여, 효과적이고효율적인조직구조와서비스관리를위해필요한이론, 지식및기술을학습한다. In this course, based on the understandings about necessities and developments of social welfare administration, students will study theories, knowledges, and skills which are required in order to effectively and efficiently manage welfare organization structures and services. 사회보장론 Social Security 본교과목에서는복지국가에서의사회보장의위치, 사회보장의개념, 형태및변화과정을배우고, 한국사회보장제도의현황, 문제점및개선방안에대해학습한다. This course aims to help students learn the status of social security in a welfare state, and the definitions, types and changes of social security, and study the present states, problems and improvement plans of the Korean social security system. 아동복지론연구 Study on Child Welfare 본교과목에서는아동복지와관련된이론, 실천방법, 제도및정책등을배우고, 아동의욕구와문제를해결할수있는방법을학습한다. In this course students will learn the theories, practice methods, systems and policies related to child welfare, and study the methods in order to solve the needs and problems of children. 가족복지론 Social Work with Families 본교과목에서는현대사회에서의가족제도의변화, 이로인한가족문제, 이를해결하기위한각종복지방안에대하여학습한다. This course aims to help students study the change of family systems, family problems due to the change of family systems, and various child welfare programs to solve these problems. 산업복지론 Industrial Social Welfare 본교과목에서는근로자를위하여기업, 정부및근로자자신이실시하는각종복지사업의내용과실태를배우고, 이를발전시키기위한사회복지전문가의개입방안을학습한다. This course aims to help students learn the contents and actual conditions of various welfare programs for laborers which enterprises, government and laborers carry out, and study the intervention plans of social welfare specialists in order to develop such programs. 여성복지론 Social Welfare with the Women 사회복지학과 107
4 본교과목에서는여성복지의의미, 내용, 현재실태와문제점을배우고, 앞으로의발전방향등에관해전문적인접근방법을학습한다. This course aims to help students learn the meanings, contents, present realities, and problems of women social welfare, and study professional approaches about development directions in the future. 학교사회복지론 School Social Work 본교과목에서는학교사회사업의필요성, 개념, 실천대상, 실천방법및제도를배우고, 학교폭력과비행등학생문제를해결하기위한전문적인방법을학습한다. This course aims to help students learn the necessity, conception, target of practice, practice method, and the system of school social work, and study professional methods to solve student problems such as school violence and delinquency. 정신보건사회복지론연구 Study on Social Work in Mental Health 본과목에서는정신장애의예방, 치료, 재활과정신질환자인권보호및인식개선등과관련된다양한이론과개입방법들을학습한다. In this course students will study various theories and intervention methods related to the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of mental disorders, human rights protection, and the improvement of recognition about the mentally disabled. 교정복지론 Correctional Social Work 본교과목에서는청소년들의일탈행동및성인들의범죄행위에대해배우고, 그실태와원인을파악하며, 그러한문제를해결하기위한사회복지대책에대해학습한다. This course aims to help students learn the deviant behavior of adolescent and crime behavior of adults, examine realities and the causes of those behavior, and study social welfare measures to solve those problems. 사회문제론연구 Study on Social Problems 본교과목에서는사회문제의정의, 유형, 형태, 접근방법을배우고, 현대사회의각종사회문제들, 예를들어구조적문제인빈곤과불평등, 해체적문제인가족해체및빈곤지역, 일탈적문제인범죄, 비행, 약물중독, 알코올중독등을파악하며, 이러한문제해결을위한전문적인접근방법을학습한다. This course aims to help students learn the definitions, types, forms and approaches of social problems, examine various social problems of the modern society, for example structural problems such as poverty and inequality, social disorganizations such as family dissolution and slums, and deviant behaviors such as crime, juvenile delinquency, drug abuse and alcoholism, and study professional approaches to solve such problems. 사회복지지도감독론연구 Study on Social Work Supervision 본교과목에서는슈퍼비전의개념, 기능, 내용을배우고, 서비스분야및대상에따른슈퍼비전의특성을학습한다. In this course students will learn the definitions, functions and contents of social work supervision, and study characteristics of supervision according to service fields and service targets. 사회복지자료분석론 Data Analysis for Social Welfare 본과목은사회현상을의미있게분석, 기술, 해석하는기술통계기법과 t 검증, 분산분석, 카이자승, 상관관계, 회귀분석, 로지스틱회귀분석등변수간의관계를분석하는추리통계기법을다룬다. This course deals with descriptive statistics which meaningfully analyze, describe, and interpret social situations, and inferential statistics which analyze the relations between or among variables such as t-test, analysis of variance, chi-square test, correlation analysis, regression analysis, and logistic regression. 프로그램개발과평가 Program Development and Evaluation 본교과목에서는사회복지의문제해결이나정책을실현하기위한도구로서의사회복지프로그램을기획, 실행, 평가하는일련의과정들을학습한다. This course aims to help students learn a series of processes which includes planning, implementing and evaluating social welfare programs, necessary for solving social problems and carrying out social welfare policies. 사회복지발달사 History of Social Welfare 본교과목에서는선진복지국가들의역사적경험을중심으로사회복지의발달과정을베우고, 세계복지및한국사회복지의미래를전망하는능력을기르도록한다. This course aims to help students learn the process of social welfare developments focusing on the historical experiences of advanced welfare countries, and develop the abilities to foresee the future of world welfare and Korean welfare. 사회복지윤리와철학 Ethics and Philosophy of Social Welfare 본교과목에서는사회복지실천의기초가되는철학, 가치, 윤리를배우고, 실제상황에서부딪치는윤리적딜레마의해결방안을학습한다. This course aims to help students learn the philosophies, values and ethics which are the foundations of social welfare 108
5 practice, and study solutions about dilemmas which are confronted in the social welfare fields. 사회복지실천기술론연구 Study on Skills and Techniques for Social Work Practice 본교과목에서는사회복지실천을위한다양한이론및기술에대해배우고, 이를적용하여실제에효과적으로개입하는방법을학습한다. In this course students will learn various theories and skills necessary for social welfare practice, and study methods to effectively intervene in practice by using those theories and skills. 인간행동과사회환경연구 Study on Human Behavior and Social Environment 본교과목에서는인간행동과사회환경에관한이론을배우고, 이러한이론들이사회복지실천에갖는의미와연관성을학습한다. In this course students will learn the theories about human behavior and social environment, and study the meaning and relation of such theories regarding social welfare practice. 사회복지법제연구 Study on Social Welfare Legislation 본교과목에서는사회복지법의내용을체계적으로배우고, 이를사회복지실천현장에서적절히적용하는능력을기른다. In this course students will systematically learn the contents of social welfare legislation, and develop the ability to adapt these legislation in the fields of social welfare practice. 사회복지개론연구 Study on Introduction to Social Welfare 본교과목은사회복지학을전공하는학생들에게사회복지의학문적연구와실천에관한지식을개괄적으로소개하는것을목적으로하는과목으로서, 사회복지의기본개념, 실천방법, 제도및서비스현황, 전망과과제에대한내용을이해하도록한다. By generally introducing knowledges about scientific studies and practice methods, this course aims to help students majoring social welfare understand basic concepts, practice methods, realities of welfare systems and services, and prospects and assignments of social welfare. 빈곤론 Poverty and Social Welfare 본교과목에서는빈곤의원인과실태를심층적으로분석하여빈곤문제해결을위한방안을마련하는능력을기르도록한다. This course aims to help students develop the abilities to prepare solution plans about poverty problems by deeply analyzing the causes and realities of poverty. 사회복지원서강독 Reading in Social Welfare 본교과목에서는원어 ( 주로영어 ) 로쓰인사회복지관련서적, 논문등을이해하고, 학문적발전을위해활용할수있는능력을배양하도록한다. This course aims to help students understand books and articles written in english, and develop abilities to use them for scholarly attainments. 노인복지론 Social Work With the Aged 본교과목에서는노인과노인복지에대한이해를증진시키고, 노인의욕구와문제를해결할수있는노인복지정책과노인복지실천을학습한다. This course aims to help students improve the understandings about the elderly and social welfare for the elderly, and study social welfare policies and social welfare practices for the elderly in order to solve the needs and problems of the elderly. 청소년복지론 Social Welfare With Youth 본교과목에서는청소년기에발생하는복지욕구와생활문제를해결하는데요구되는기본적인청소년복지관련이론과제도를배우고, 청소년관련문제를해결하기위한전문적인접근방법을학습한다. In this course students will learn theories and systems related to social welfare with the youth which are required to solve welfare needs and livelihood problems occurring during the youth, and study professional approaches to solve the problems related to the youth. 장애인복지론 Social Welfare for people with Disabilities 본과목에서는장애개념, 장애유형등장애관련기초지식을배우고, 장애인의재활문제, 취업문제등장애인관련복지제도및서비스에대해학습한다. In this course students will learn basic knowledge related to disabilities such as the definitions of and the types of disabilities, and study social welfare systems and services for the disabled such as rehabilitation and employment of the disabled. 사회복지현장실습 Social Work Practicum 본교과목은사회복지사자격을갖추기위한필수과목중하나로서사회복지현장의실천과정에서사회복지가치및윤리강령, 지식및기술을적용할수있는능력을기른다. This course is one of the required courses in order to get a social worker certificate, and aims to help students develop 사회복지학과 109
6 abilities to utilize values, ethics, knowledges and skills of social welfare during the courses of practice in the social welfare fields. 사회복지실천론연구 Study on Theories of Social Work Practice 본교과목에서는전문적인사회복지실천에필요한기본적인개념과역사적배경을살펴보고사회복지실천의이념, 철학및기본이론을학습한다. In this course students will examine basic concepts and historical backgrounds necessary for professional social welfare practices, and study ideas, philosophies and basic theories of social welfare practice. 자원봉사론연구 Study on Volunteer Management 본교과목에서는시민들의자원봉사활동을계획하고프로그램을관리하는역할을하는데필요한전공지식과기술을학습하고, 자원봉사관리자로서의자질과능력을배양한다. In this course students will learn professional knowledges and skills necessary for carrying out the roles of planning voluntary activities of citizens and managing programs, and develop talents and abilities as a volunteer manager. 지역사회복지론연구 Study on Community Welfare and Practice 본교과목에서는지역사회복지의최근동향, 이슈, 문제점및개선방향에대하여심층적으로학습한다. In this course students will deeply study the present tendencies, issues, problems and improvement plans of community welfare and practice. 가족상담및가족치료 Family Counseling & Family Therapy 본교과목에서는개인및가족의문제를해결하고기능을향상시키기위한전문적실천기술로서가족치료의주요모델과실천방법을학습하는데초점을둔다. This course focuses on helping students learn major models and practice methods of family therapy by means of professional practice skills which are necessary for solving the problems of individuals and families, and improving their functions. 의료사회복지론 Social Work in Health Care 본교과목에서는의료사회복지사가환자와가족을대상으로질병이나장애로인해발생한문제를해결하도록돕는데필요한전문적지식과기술, 윤리적태도를학습한다. This course aims to help students learn the professional knowledge and skills, and ethical attitudes necessary for a medical social worker in order to solve problems which occur with patients and their families due to diseases and disabilities. 복지국가론 Welfare State 본교과목에서는복지국가의개념에대한이해, 복지국가의구조적특성에관한이해, 복지국가의변화및발전에대한이해, 복지국가에대한다양한환경요인들에대한이해를학습한다. In this course students will learn the concepts, structural characteristics, changes and developments, and various environmental factors of welfare states. 사례관리론 Case Management in Social Work Practice 본교과목에서는사례관리의개념, 역사, 모델, 실천과정, 사례관리자의역할, 직접개입과슈퍼비전기술을포함하는임상적방법과사례관리를위한체계구축, 팀워크, 네트워크기술등을포함하는행정적기술과방법등을학습한다. In this course students will learn the definition, history, models, and practice process of case management, roles of a case manager, clinical methods including direct interventions and supervision skills, and administrative skills and methods including system constructions, team works, and network skills. 다문화사회복지론 Multicultural Social Work Practice 본교과목에서는다문화사회화한외국의사례들을통하여관련정책과제도를살펴보고, 한국의다문화정책 제도 서비스의현황및개선을위한방안을학습한다. In this course students will examine policies and systems of foreign countries which have become multicultural societies, and study the present state and improvement plans of the policies, systems, and services related to multiculturalism in Korea. 사회복지학특강 Topics in Social Welfare 본교과목은사회복지의최근동향, 이슈, 문제및개선방향을심층적으로다룬다. This course deeply deals with current tendencies, issues, problems and improvement directions of social welfare. 110
13.12 ①초점
12 2013 Health and Welfare Policy Forum 2 3 4 5 Income Distribution of the Elderly and Desirable Income Support Directions 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 A Poverty Solution of Low-lncome Elderly Women
Approach for Value Improvement to Increase High-speed Railway Speed An effective way to develop a highly competitive system is to create a new market place that can create new values. Creating tools and
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Disability & Employment 55 Disability & Employment 56 57 Disability & Employment 58 59 Disability & Employment 60 61 Disability & Employment 62 63 Disability & Employment 64 65 Disability & Employment
WHO 의새로운국제장애분류 (ICF) 에대한이해와기능적장애개념의필요성 ( 황수경 ) ꌙ 127 노동정책연구 제 4 권제 2 호 pp.127~148 c 한국노동연구원 WHO 의새로운국제장애분류 (ICF) 에대한이해와기능적장애개념의필요성황수경 *, (disabi
WHO 의새로운국제장애분류 (ICF) 에대한이해와기능적장애개념의필요성 ( 황수경 ) ꌙ 127 노동정책연구 2004. 제 4 권제 2 호 pp.127~148 c 한국노동연구원 WHO 의새로운국제장애분류 (ICF) 에대한이해와기능적장애개념의필요성황수경 *, (disability)..,,. (WHO) 2001 ICF. ICF,.,.,,. (disability)
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_ _ Reading and Research in Archaeology. _ Reading and Research in Korean Historical Texts,,,,,. _Reading and Research in Historical Materials from Ko
4. _ Culture of Korea: In the Present and the Past,.. _ Korean History and the Method of Psychoanalysis.,,. _ Politics and Ideas in Modern days Korea.,. _ Contemporary Korean History and International
연구보고서 2014-22-5 동아시아 국가의 다문화가족 현황 및 정책 비교연구 변수정 조성호 이상림 서희정 정준호 이윤석 책임연구자 변수정 한국보건사회연구원 부연구위원 주요저서 저출산 고령사회 대응 국민 인식 및 욕구 모니터링 시스템 운영 한국보건사회연구원, 2013(공저) 공동연구진 조성호 한국보건사회연구원 부연구위원 이상림 한국보건사회연구원 부연구위원 서희정
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4 21.,,,.,,. 1, 2, 3, 4.,,,,,,.,,,,., ( ). 60-66,,,,,.. (Corresponding Author): / / 303 Tel: 063-220-2495/ E-mail: ikkim@jj.ac.kr .,,,,,,.,,,,.,,,,,, (, 2011)..,,, (, 2009)., (, 2000;, 1993;,,, 1994;,
7 2010 Health and Welfare Policy Forum 2 3 >>>> Multicultural Families in Korea: Their Socioeconomic Characteristics in a Policy Perspective 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Findings from the Marriage
국문요약....,,... 2,,. 3.,. 4. 5. Abstract Demographic change is greatly accelerating owing to the increasingly low birth rate and aging population in Korea. In particular, the increase in the number of elderly
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강의지침서 작성 양식
정보화사회와 법 강의지침서 1. 교과목 정보 교과목명 학점 이론 시간 실습 학점(등급제, P/NP) 비고 (예:팀티칭) 국문 정보화사회와 법 영문 Information Society and Law 3 3 등급제 구분 대학 및 기관 학부(과) 전공 성명 작성 책임교수 법학전문대학원 법학과 최우용 2. 교과목 개요 구분 교과목 개요 국문 - 정보의 디지털화와 PC,
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특수교육논총 *. 257..,,,,..,..,, 76.7%.,,,.,,.. * 1. ** (eun67@dankook.ac.kr) .,,,,,,,,,, (,, 2014)., (,, 2007)....,,,, (,, 2014).. (2003)...,,, (Baron-Cohen, O Riordan, Stone, Jone, & Plaisted, 1999; Hobson,
레이아웃 1
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국립국어원 20010-00-00 발간등록번호 00-000000-000000-00 국어정책 통계 조사 및 통계 연보 작성 연구책임자 이순영 제 출 문 국립국어원장 귀하 국어정책 통계 조사 및 통계 연보 작성 에 관하여 귀 원과 체결한 연 구 용역 계약에 의하여 연구 보고서를 작성하여 제출합니다. 2010년 12월 2일 연구책임자: 이순영(고려대학교 국어교육과)
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A Study on Married Female Immigrants Life Style and Marriage Satisfaction in Terms of Preparing Their Old Age in Chungcheongnam-do Department of Gerontology, Hoseo University Doctoral Student : Hi Ran
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이수구분 교과목명 학점 시간 선수 사회체육학개론 3 3 선수 트레이닝방법론 3 3 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 석사 3 3 0 교과목학점강의실습수강대상 스포츠경영학 Sport management 3 3 0 해양스포츠론 Marine Sport 3 3 0 석사 해양스포츠소비자행동론 Marine Sport Consumer Behavior 3 3 0 교과목학점강의실습수강대상
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김진주 김수연. 초등학생대상장애이해교육에활용된동화에나타난장애인관분석. 특수교육, 2013, 제12권, 제2호, 135-160... 20.,,. 4.,,.,..... 주제어 : 장애이해교육, 동화, 장애인관 1. ( 1 ) Incheon Munhak Elementary School ( )(, E-mail: sooyoun@ginue.ac.kr) Dept. of
http://www.kbc.go.kr/ Abstract Terrestrial Broadcasters Strategies in the Age of Digital Broadcasting Wha-Jin Lee The purpose of this research is firstly to investigate the
사단법인 커뮤니케이션디자인협회 시각디자인학회
소도시 공공디자인 기본계획의 실효성 및 지속성 제고에 관한 연구 - 고성군을 중심으로 - Study on Public Design Master Plan to enhance the effectiveness and sustainability - Focusing on Goseong-Gun - 주저자 김정범 Kim, Jungbum 경동대학교 디자인학과 교수 Professor
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A Problem for Government STAGE 6: Policy Termination STAGE 1: Agenda Setting STAGE 5: Policy Change STAGE 2: Policy Formulation STAGE 4: Policy Evalua
A Problem for Government STAGE 6: Policy Termination STAGE 1: Agenda Setting STAGE 5: Policy Change STAGE 2: Policy Formulation STAGE 4: Policy Evaluation STAGE 3: Policy Implementation 6 Monitor Policy
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1, 3 1. 3 2. 5 3. 6 4. 7 2 11 1. 11 2. 16 3. 25 4. 27 5. 42 3 45 1. 45 2. 50 3. 59 4 63 1. 63 2. 66 3. 74 4. 86 5. 120 5 139 1. 139 2. 143 3. 171 4. 199 5. 206 6. 215 6 237 1. 238 2. 246 255 2 < 2-1> 22
1) 2).. 1-4.,,,, k?,,,. -, 4.... (norm alization ) (social inclusion ),..,. 1990.. 2000 145 100 3.1% 1, 1* *** 4. ( ). 3) 133 15 64, 56. 47.8% 71.6% 28.4%. 4.1% 7 ( 1). 4) < 1> 1 2 (2000) 47.8 71.6 28.4
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The e-business Studies Volume 17, Number 6, December, 30, 2016:3~20 Received: 2016/12/04, Accepted: 2016/12/27 Revised: 2016/12/27, Published: 2016/12/30 [ABSTRACT] This study aims to comprehensively analyze
저작자표시 - 비영리 - 동일조건변경허락 2.0 대한민국 이용자는아래의조건을따르는경우에한하여자유롭게 이저작물을복제, 배포, 전송, 전시, 공연및방송할수있습니다. 이차적저작물을작성할수있습니다. 다음과같은조건을따라야합니다 : 저작자표시. 귀하는원저작자를표시하여야합니다. 비영리. 귀하는이저작물을영리목적으로이용할수없습니다. 동일조건변경허락. 귀하가이저작물을개작, 변형또는가공했을경우에는,
머 리 말 유난히 무더웠던 이번 여름에 9박 11일의 짧지 않은 기간 동안 2013년 장애학생 가족참여 국외체험연수 를 무사히 마치고 돌아온 전국 13개교의 발달장애학생들과 학부모님들, 연수 지원 선생님들과 우리원 인솔단 등 연수를 위하여 노력하여 주신 모든 분들께 깊은 감사의 마음을 전합니다. 해외 연수의 기회가 매우 적은 장애학생과 학부모님, 특수교사에게
Analysis of teacher s perception and organization on physical education elective courses Chang-Wan Yu* Korea Institute of curriculum and evaluation [Purpose] [Methods] [Results] [Conclusions] Key words:
2 I.서 론 학생들을 대상으로 강력사고가 해마다 발생하고 있다.범행 장소도 학교 안팎을 가리지 않는다.이제는 학교 안까지 침입하여 스스럼없이 범행을 하고 있는 현실 이 되었다.2008년 12월 11일 학교에 등교하고 있는 학생(여,8세)을 교회 안 화장 실로 납치하여
. 1 통합적 학교 안전망 구축 방안 1)박ㅇ박 윤 기* Ⅰ.서 론 Ⅱ.학교안전망의 개념과 범죄 실태 Ⅲ.학교안전망의 현실과 문제점 Ⅳ.학교안전망 모형의 구상 Ⅴ.결론 학생을 대상으로 하는 범죄인 폭행,강간 등 강력범죄는 매년 증가 추세이며, 장소를 불문하고 발생하는 경향으로 나타나고 있다.최근 발생한 전형적인 사건은 2008년 조두순
Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2019, Vol. 29, No. 1, pp DOI: (LiD) - - * Way to
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Assisted Living 9,, ( ) ( ) 1. 6) 2. 5. 3. 1) 4. 2) 1) 6. : 2) 1) 3) 2) 4) 3) 5) 4) (1998) 21 2025 80 73.,. 1980..?,,.,.,, 130 ,,.,.,,,. (managed care),,,.,.,,,.,,,,.,.,,,,,.,..,. 131 1. 2010 - -,,,,,...,
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표지와 동일 여성과 인권 2011년 하반기 (통권 제6호) 책머리에 / 김호순 특집 청소년 성매매, 해법의 길 찾기 성매매 피해 십대 여성의 경험 분석: 폐쇄적인 사회 관계망을 중심으로 / 김고연주 2 위험요인 및 보호요인이 가출 청소년 성매매에 미치는 영향 / 정혜원 30 성매매 피해청소년의 자립 지원 방향 / 김인숙 53 [정책노트] 청소년 성매매 문제
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Analyses the Contents of Points per a Game and the Difference among Weight Categories after the Revision of Greco-Roman Style Wrestling Rules Han-bong
Analyses the Contents of Points per a Game and the Difference among Weight Categories after the Revision of Greco-Roman Style Wrestling Rules Han-bong An 1 & Kyoo-jeong Choi 2 * 1 Korea National Wrestling
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