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1 한국산업보건학회지, 제28권제4호 (2018) ISSN X(Print) ISSN (Online) Original Article 국내화장품원료성분에대한유해성조사 최혜영ㆍ최상준 1 ㆍ박윤경 1 ㆍ최인자 * 원진직업병관리재단부설노동환경건강연구소, 1 대구가톨릭대학교산업보건학과 Hazard Investigation of Cosmetic Ingredients in Korea Hyeyoung Choi ㆍ Sangjun Choi 1 ㆍ Yunkyung Park 1 ㆍ Inja Choi * Wonjin Institute for Occupational and Environmental Health 1 Department of Occupational Health, Daegu Catholic University ABSTRACT Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the hazards of cosmetic ingredients in Korea. Methods: An Excel database of cosmetic ingredients was developed on a website(korea Cosmetic Ingredient Dictionary) and used for a hazard assessment based on Tox-free, a database containing toxic information such as on carcinogens, mutagens or reproductive toxicants(cmrs) and endocrine disrupting chemicals(edcs), as well as other regulated chemicals in Korea. Results: A total of 16,605 chemicals were registered with the cosmetic ingredient dictionary and 308 of them were identified as either CMRs or EDCs. CMRs included formaldehyde and nickel gluconate, and EDCs included parabens, benzophenon, styrene, and toluene. Reproductive toxicants such as xylene, zinc chloride, toluene, and formaldehyde were regulated by the Occupational Safety and Health Act and the Act on the Registration and Evaluation, etc. of Chemical Substances(the Chemical Control Act). Conclusions: Regulations on cosmetics components should be strengthened, and the right to know about cosmetics containing hazardous chemicals should be guaranteed. Key words: CMR, cosmetics ingredients, EDCs, hazard I. 서론화장품은일반인들이거의매일사용하는스킨, 로션, 샴푸등이포함되는개인위생용품이며, 미용업종사노동자들에게는직업적으로사용되는화학제품이다. 미용업에서사용되는화학물질즉, 화장품은고용노동부의산업안전보건법 ( 이하산안법 ) 제41조에따른물질안전보건자료의작성및게시등의제외대상으로식품의약품안전처의화장품법에의거하여별도관리되고있다 (Choi et al., 2015). 화장품법제12조및시행규칙제 21조 2호에의하여, 모든화장품은제조에사용된모든성분을용기나 포장에표준화된일반명으로표시해야하며, 이를위반하는경우시행규칙별표 4에따라판매업무정지등의행정처분을받게된다. 웹사이트를통하여화장품원료성분일반명을제공하는화장품성분사전의정보제공목적은소비자의선택권확보및부작용발생시원인규명의용이성을위함이다. 법적으로작은용기에많은정보가포함되어야하는화장품의특성상, 이를실제로사용하는일반소비자는제품의뒷면이나제품이들어있는포장겉면에매우작은글씨로빼곡하게나열된정보에노출된다. 일반인에게이러한방법으로노출되는성분명정보는유해성여부를직관적으로판단하기어렵다는특징이있다. 또한화 *Corresponding author: Inja Choi, Tel: , spanner@hanmail.net Wonjin Institute for Occupational and Environmental Health, 53, Sagajeong-ro 49-gil, Jungnang-gu Seoul, Korea Received: December 7, 2018, Revised: December 20, 2018, Accepted: December 22, 2018 Hyeyoung Choi YunKyung Park Sangjun Choi Inja Choi This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. 406
2 국내화장품원료성분에대한유해성조사 407 장품법시행규칙제19조에의거하여내용량이 10 ml이하또는 10 g 이하인화장품의포장에는표시규정예외에해당되어전성분표시의의무가없다. 이러한제한점들로인하여, 제공되는정보의전달효율성이떨어지며그목적이흐려진다. Gummin et al.(2017) 의연구에의하면, 화장품은인체노출과관련된물질중진통제와가정용세제에이어서세번째로높게기여하고있다고보고하였다 (7.20%). Harley et al.(2016) 는미국여자청소년들을대상으로 phthalate, paraben, phenol이함유되어있지않은개인위생용품을사용하는회피실험을실시하였고그결과소변중 mono-ethyl phthalate, methyl paraben, propyl paraben, triclosan, benzophenone-3의농도가통계적으로유의미하게감소하였다고보고하였다 (95% CI: -39.3, 13.2; -61.3, 18.8; -63.7, 17.9; -5.35, -11.6; -51.0, -16.4). 이러한결과는특정화학물질이화장품으로인하여인체에노출되어바디버든 (body burden) 에기여하며, 이를규제한다면인체노출을감소할수있음을의미한다. 또한학계에서는화장품에함유된화학물질의유해성이지속적으로보고되었다. 변성제, 착향제, 가소제, 용제의목적으로화장품에사용되는 diethyl phthalate 는경피흡수가가능한물질이고, 실험동물의간및신장의무게의증가, 임신한실험동물태자의발달영향등에영향을미친다 (Api, 2001). 자외선차단및변색방지제의목적으로사용되는 benzophenone-3는접촉성피부반응물, 광항원, 내분비계교란물질로알려져있으며 (DiNardo & Downs, 2018), formaldehyde는변성제, 살균보존제로서화장품에사용되지만대표적인건강영향은눈, 코, 목의자극, 두통등이있으며국제암연구소 (International Agency for Research on Cancer, IARC) 에서 Group 1으로분류되는인체발암물질이다 (Main & Hogan, 1983; McGregor et al., 2008; IARC 2012). 선행연구에따르면직업적으로화장품을사용하는노동자들은사용하는제품이나구성성분의유해성정보를얻기어렵기때문에적절한유해성정보를제공받을수있는자료의보급이필요함을알수있으며 (Choi et al., 2015), 법적으로노출제한및금지물질들이규제되고있음에도국내미용업종사노동자들이사용하는화장품내에어떤화학물질이함유될수있고, 그유해성은어떠한지에대한조사및평가연 구는미흡한실정이다. 따라서본논문은화장품성분사전에등록되어있는화장품성분물질목록을정리하고, 국내외독성정보와우리나라의화학물질관련규제대상정보를활용한유해성정보를제시하여미용업종사노동자를포함한소비자의알권리확보를위한기초자료로서제공하고자한다. Ⅱ. 연구방법 1. 화장품원료성분의데이터베이스구축대한화장품협회가운영하는화장품성분사전포털사이트 ( 에서제공되는표준화된화학물질의명칭및정보를 2018년 4월 24-25일간수집하여마이크로소프트엑셀프로그램에입력하였다. 수집한정보는화학물질의국문명, 영문명, CAS 번호, 배합목적, 별명 ( 이명 ), 배합한도이며, 총 18,846 종의화학물질이화장품성분사전에등록되어있었다. 이중물질명이중복되는 3,260종과 CAS 번호가중복된 491종을제외하였고, CAS 번호정보가없는 9,226 개를제외한총 5,869종의화학물질에대해유해성을조사하였다. 2. 유해성조사노동환경건강연구소의국내외독성정보및규제대상물질데이터베이스인톡스프리 ( 를활용하여, 고독성물질과규제대상물질중심으로유해성을분류하였다. 1) 고독성 ( 발암성 변이원성 생식독성 내분비계교란물질 ) 정보검색국내외기관의발암성 변이원성 생식독성 (Carcinogens, Mutagens or Reproductive toxicants, CMR) 정보와내분비계교란물질 (Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals, EDCs) 정보를중심으로화장품원료성분의고독성여부를분류하였다. 발암물질에대한정보는 IARC, 미국산업위생사협회 (American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists, ACGIH), 미국환경보호국 (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, EPA) 의통합위험정보시스템 (Integrated Risk Information System, IRIS), 유럽연합의화학물질분류 표시 포장에관한규정 (the Classification, Labeling and Packaging of substances and mixtures regulation, EU
3 408 최혜영ㆍ최상준ㆍ박윤경ㆍ최인자 Table 1. Hazard classification criteria Hazard Reference * Classification Carcinogenic IARC Group 1, Group 2A, Group 2B ACGIH A1, A2, A3 EPA IRIS A, B1, B2, C EU CLP Category 1A, Category 1B, Category 2 NTP K, R MoEL 1A, 1B, 2 Mutagenic EU CLP Category 1A, Category 1B, Category 2 MoEL 1A, 1B, 2 Reproductive toxicants EU CLP Category 1A, Category 1B, Category 2 MoEL 1A, 1B, 2 Choi et al., A, 1B, 2 Endocrine disrupting chemicals EU EDC Category 1 * Reference: IARC: International Agency for Research on Cancer; ACGIH: American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists; EPA IRIS: United States Environmental Protection Agency, Integrated Risk Information System; EU CLP: European Union, the Classification, Labeling and Packaging of substances and mixtures Regulation; NTP: National Toxicology Program: 14th Report on Carcinogens; MoEL: Ministry of Employment and Labor; EU EDC: European Union, Endocrine disrupting chemicals. K: Known to be a human carcinogen. R: Reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen. CLP), 미국독성학프로그램 (National Toxicology Program, NTP), 고용노동부노출기준에서제시한분류정보를활용하였다. 변이원성은 EU CLP와고용노동부노출기준정보를활용하였고, 생식독성분류는 EU CLP, 고용노동부노출기준정보및 Choi et al.(2017) 가연구하여제시한 874종생식독성물질목록을이용하였다. EDCs는유럽연합 (European Union, EU) 에서제시한목록을활용하였다. 각기관별분류표시정보중 Table 1에해당되는정보를발암성, 변이원성, 생식독성, 내분비계교란물질로분류하였다. 2) 화학물질관련규제대상정보검색산안법제39조에따라분류및규제되는유해인자 8 종 ( 작업환경측정대상유해인자, 특수건강진단대상유해인자, 특별관리물질, 관리대상유해물질, 허용기준설정물질, 금지물질, 노출기준설정물질 ) 과화학물질등록및평가등에관한법률 ( 이하화평법 ) 과화학물질관리법 ( 이하화관법 ) 에의해규제되는 4종 ( 유독물질, 제한물질, 사고대비물질, 금지물질 ) 의목록과비교하여화장품원료성분의해당여부를분류하였다. Ⅲ. 연구결과 1. 화장품성분중고독성물질화장품성분중 CAS 번호가있는 5,869종에대해고독성정보목록과비교한결과 Table 2와같이총 114종이 CMR 혹은 EDCs로분류되었다. 고독성물질로분류된 114종의세부물질명, 배합목적, 분류결과는 Appendix 1에제시하였다. 발암성물질은 54종, 변이원성 57종, 생식독성 12종그리고내분비계교란물질은총 16종이었다. 각각의기관에서가장상위분류 (Group 1, A1 등 ) 에해당하는원료성분은발암설물질중 alcohol( 단, 음용시 ), butane( 0.1% butadiene), formaldehyde, nickel gluconate, phenacetin, quartz, sulfuric acid, talc이었으며, 변이원성및생식독성물질은최상위분류 (Category 1A, 1A) 에해당하는물질이없었다. 내분비계교란물질은 3-benzylidene camphor, 4-hydroxybenzoic acid, 4-methylbenzylidene camphor, benzophenone-1, benzophenone-2, BHA, boric acid, deltamethrin, diethyl phthalate, ethylhexyl methoxycinnamate, parabens(butyl-, ethyl, methyl-, propyl-), resorcinol, styrene
4 국내화장품원료성분에대한유해성조사 409 Table 2. Hazard assessment of chemicals registered in Cosmetic Ingredients Dictionary Hazard(Number of chemicals) Reference* Classification Number of chemical Carcinogene(54) IARC Group 1 7 Group 2A 1 Group 2B 18 ACGIH A1 1 A2 4 A3 11 EPA IRIS B1 1 B2 1 C 3 EU CLP Caterory 1A 2 Caterory 1B 11 Caterory 2 7 NTP Group K 6 Group R 6 MoEL 1A 5 1B Mutagene(57) EU CLP Caterory 1B 7 Caterory 2 5 MOEL 1B Reproductive toxicants(12) EU CLP Caterory 1B 8 MoEL 1B Choi et al., B Sub total 102 Endocrine disrupting chemicals(16) EU EDC Category 1 16 Total 114 * Reference: IARC: International Agency for Research on Cancer; ACGIH: American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists; EPA IRIS: United States Environmental Protection Agency, Integrated Risk Information System; EU CLP: European Union, the Classification, Labeling and Packaging of substances and mixtures Regulation; NTP: National Toxicology Program: 14th Report on Carcinogens; MoEL: Ministry of Employment and Labor; EU EDC: European Union, Endocrine disrupting chemicals. 이포함되었다. 2. 화장품성분중고용노동부및환경부규제대상물질화장품성분중 CAS 번호가있는 5,869종과고용노동부혹은환경부의규제대상물질목록과비교한결과 고용노동부산안법의 8가지규제대상중어느하나라도해당되는물질은 190종, 환경부의화평법 / 화관법에의해규제되는물질은 67종으로, 총 217종이었다 (Table 3). 산안법의특별관리물질은배합금지물질인 phenol 을포함한 ethoxyethanol, formaldehyde, sulfuric acid이포함되었으며 formaldehyde는허용기준설정물질로도
5 410 최혜영ㆍ최상준ㆍ박윤경ㆍ최인자 Table 3. Chemicals regulated by the Ministry of Labor and Employment or the Ministry of Environment Act Classification Number of chemicals Occupational Safety and Health Act Exposure Limit 162 Management Substances 108 Working Environment Measurement 93 Special Health Diagnosis 69 Special Management 4 Prohibited Substances 2 Permissible Limit 1 Sub total 190 Act on the Registration and evaluation, etc. Poisonous Substances 58 of Chemical Substances / Substances Requiring Preparation for Accidents 22 Chemical Control Act Prohibited Substances 2 Restricted Substances 1 Sub total 67 Total 217 Table 4. Hazard assessment of cosmetic ingredients restricted for blending No. CAS # Name Purpose of blending C * M R Reg Bromo-2-Nitropropane-1,3-Diol Sterilization preservative Calcium Hydroxide ph regulator Catechol Not information Ethanolamine Thioglycolate Hair-waving/straightening agents, reductant Glutaral Disinfectant, Fragrance ingredients, sterilization preservative Hydrogen Peroxide Oxidizer Methylchloroisothiazolinone Sterilization preservative Methylisothiazolinone Sterilization preservative m-phenylenediamine HCl Not information Oxalic Acid ph regulator Silver Nitrate Not information Sodium Bisulfite Antioxidant, hair relax, reductant Sodium Borate ph regulator, sterilization preservative Sodium Metabisulfite Antioxidant, reductant Sodium Perborate Oxidizer, sterilization preservative Thioglycolic Acid Antioxidant, depilatory, hair relax, reductant Triclosan Deodorant, sterilization preservative Turpentine Fragrance ingredients, viscosity decreasing agents Urea Peroxide Oxidizer Zinc Peroxide Oxidizer * C: Carcinogens, M: Mutagens, R: Reproductive toxicants, Reg: Chemicals regulated by Occupational Safety and Health Act, Act on the Registration and evaluation, etc. of Chemical Substances or the Chemical Control Act in Korea
6 국내화장품원료성분에대한유해성조사 411 분류되었다. 금지물질은 phenyl mercuric acetate와 talc 가분류되었으며화평법 / 화관법의금지물질과같았다. 화평법 / 화관법의제한물질은 formaldehyde였다. 3. 화장품성분중배합금지및배합제한물질화장품성분사전에등록된원료성분중 34종의원료성분 ( 황색 406호, phenol, 청색 403호등 ) 은화장품의재료로서사용할수없는배합금지물질로분류된다. 발암성물질인적색503호, 생식독성물질인 chloroacetamide 가있으며, 변이원성및생식독성물질인 phenol과생식독성및내분비계교란물질인 boric acid도포함되어있다. 특정배합목적및한도에따라제한적으로화장품에사용되는배합제한물질은총 90종이었지만, 화장분성분사전에 CAS 번호가제시되어있지않은 calcium thioglycolate hydroxide, TEA-undecylenate, toluene-2,5- diamine hydrochloride, diaminopyrimidine oxide 4종을제외하면 86종이다. 이 86종에대한유해성조사및규제대상여부분류결과, 20종만이독성이있거나규제대상이었으며 Table 4에제시하였다. 86종중발암성물질인 hydrogen peroxide, catechol, 생식독성물질인 glutaral, oxalic acid, sodium borate, sodium perborate, 변이원성물질인 m-phenylenediamine HCl이포함되어있으며내분비계교란물질은없었다. Ⅳ. 고찰국내의화장품원료성분 5,869종의 0.6%(34종 ) 는화장품에사용할수없는배합금지물질이었으며, 배합목적및한도에따라제한적으로사용되는배합제한물질은 1.5%(90종 ) 였지만모두 CMR 물질이었다. 게다가성분사전의 5.2% 인 308종의화학물질만이 CMR, 내분비계교란의독성이있는물질 (136종) 로분류되었거나산안법, 화평법 / 화관법의규제대상 (234종) 임에도불구하고화장품에서원료성분으로사용시배합제한및금지물질은 24종으로미흡한실정이었다. 산화방지제와용제의목적으로화장품에사용되는 toluene은고용노동부와 Choi et al.(2017) 의연구에서구분 2로생식독성물질로분류되었지만, 화장품성분사전에서는손발톱용제품류에배합한도 25% 로제한하여사용되도록명시되어있었다. 이는대한민국노동자에게노출기준이 50 ppm, STEL 150 ppm으로설 정되어있는물질임에도불구하고화장품의원료로서사용이가능하다는것을의미하지만, 실제로 toluene 이함유된제품의함유량과노동자를포함한일반소비자가해당제품을사용함으로서노출가능성혹은어느수준으로노출될지에대한정보는전혀예측할수없다. 유해성정보가부족한물질이나법적으로관리되고있지않은물질이안전하다고판단할수없으며 (Choi et al., 2015), 주목해야할실례는국내보다미국및유럽에서특정화학물질규제가광범위한경우이다. 네일산업의종주국인미국은 1974년부터피부및눈자극, 직업적천식, 중추신경장애등의건강영향 (Gosavi et al., 2010) 으로인하여네일제품에서 methyl methacrylate( 이하 MMA) 의사용을금지하고있다. 그럼에도불구하고대한민국에서는 MMA가노출기준설정물질일뿐이며, 화장품의원료성분으로서배합제한및금지물질이아닌사용가능한원료성분이다. 최근관심과우려가증가하고있는내분비계교란물질은화장품을포함한개인위생용품이주요노출원이다. 방부제로흔히사용되고있는 paraben은에스트로겐성을보이는것으로보고된이후유방암환자의조직에서발견되었고 (Darbre et al, 2004), paraben 의에스트로겐성과유방암발생원인의관련성을의심하기시작하였다. 덴마크는 2011년 3월부터이러한 paraben의내분비계교란성과같은건강영향을우려하여 3세이하의어린이제품에서 propylparaben과 butylparaben의사용을처음으로금지하였다 (SCCS, 2011). paraben을비롯한대부분의내분비계교란물질은여전히국내에서는별다른규제를받지않는다 (SCCS, 2007). Park et al.(2014) 는네일샵노동자 159명을대상으로실시한설문조사에서응답자전원이작업환경측정을받은경험이없으며, 67.9% 가사전에건강검진경험이없다고보고하였다. 이처럼선행연구들을토대로대한민국미용업의대표적인업종인미용 ( 헤어 ) 및네일업은특정유해화학물질이다중이용시설권고및유지기준을준수하기어려우며, 노동자의직업적인노출뿐만아니라일반소비자까지도노출가능성이있음을의미한다. 따라서미용업종사노동자들은안전한제품사용방법에대한지식이미흡하고이에대한교육 관리의사각지대에위치해있으므로, 해당업종의대표적노출원인화장품의성분규제, 적절한제품의유해성표기, 사용자대상의유해성교육등이시급하다.
7 412 최혜영ㆍ최상준ㆍ박윤경ㆍ최인자 Ⅴ. 결론 본연구는화장품성분사전에등록된 18,846종의원료성분중물질명과 CAS 번호가중복되고누락된경우를제외한총 5,869종을대상으로유해성을확인하였다. 따라서화학물질의유해성만을구분하였으며, 노동자의노출수준, 빈도환경등을고려하지못하였다는한계를가지고있다. 또한화장품이라는특성상피부노출이주요한노출경로이며, 고독성만을고려하였기때문에실제노출되면서발생할수있는피부질환과같은건강영향을고려하지못하였다. 실제화장품에사용가능한화학물질목록인화장품성분사전의유해성을분류하고법적규제대상물질을구분하였으며, 조사대상원료성분중고독성물질이거나규제대상물질은 308종이었다. 화장품에배합규제없이사용가능한물질에는 CMR 물질인 formaldehyde, nickel gluconate와내분비계교란물질인 parabens, styrene, toluene 등이있었고, 노출기준설정물질 178종, 관리대상유해물질 115종으로법적으로노동자를보호하기위한규제대상화학물질이화장품에사용될수있음을확인하였다. 따라서현재산안법상유해화학물질로부터의보호및특수건강검진제외대상인미용업종사노동자들의건강권을보장하기위하여, 화장품성분규제및적절한유해성고지를통한자발적제품선택및위험제품노출을피할수있는알권리의보장에대한연구가필요하다. References Api AM. Toxicological profile of diethyl phthalate: a vehicle for fragrance and cosmetic ingredients. Food Cosmet Toxicol 2001;39(2): Choi SJ, Kim IA, Lim JU, Kim W. The study on the regulations Management Analysis and systematic improvement plans of reproductive toxicant. 2017; Available from: URL: Choi SJ, Park SK, Yoon CS, Kim SJ. Task-Specific Hazardous Chemicals Used by Nail Shop Technicians. J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg 2015;25(4): Cosmetic ingredient dictionary. Available from: URL: DiNardo JC, Downs CA. Dermatological and environmental toxicological impact of the sunscreen ingredient oxybenzone/ benzophenone-3. J Cosmet Dermatol 2018;17(1):15-19 Darbre PD, Aljarrah A, Miller WR, Coldham NG, Sauer MJ et al. Concentrations of Parabens in Human Breast Tumours. J. Appl. Toxicol. 2004;24: 5 13 Gosavi SS, Gosavi SY, Alla RK. Local and systemic effects of unpolymerised monomers. Dent Res J 2010;7(2):82 Gummin DD, Mowry JB, Spyker DA, Brooks DE, Fraser MO et al Annual Report of the American Association of Poison Control Centers National Poison Data System (NPDS): 34th Annual Report. Clin Toxicol 2017; 55(10): Harley KG, Kogut K, Madrigal DS, Cardenas M, Vera IA et al. Reducing phthalate, paraben, and phenol exposure from personal care products in adolescent girls: findings from the HERMOSA Intervention Study. Environ Health Perspect 2016;124(10):1600 IARC. IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans, A Review of Human Carcinogens: Chemical Agents and Related Occupations: Formaldehyde. 2012;100f(29) Main DM, Hogan TJ. Health effects of low-level exposure to formaldehyde. Journal of occupational medicine.: official publication of the Industrial Medical Association 1983;25(12): McGregor D, Bolt H, Cogliano V, Richter-Reichhelm HB. Formaldehyde and glutaraldehyde and nasal cytotoxicity: case study within the context of the 2006 IPCS Human Framework for the Analysis of a cancer mode of action for humans. Crit Rev Toxicol 2006;36(10): Park SA, Gwak SK, Choi SJ. Assessment of occupational symptoms and chemical exposures for nail salon technicians in daegu city, Korea. J Prev Med Public Health 2014;47(3):169 SCCP. Scientific Committee on Consumer Products. Opinion on Phthalates in Cosmetic Products. 2007; Available from: URL: 04_sccp/docs/sccp_o_106.pdf SCCS. Scientific Committee on Consumers Safety. Opinion on parabens, 14 December 2010, revision of 22 March
8 국내화장품원료성분에대한유해성조사 413 Appendix 1. Cosmetic ingredients classified as CMR and ECDs No. CAS # Name Blending C * M R E Benzylidene Camphor Hydroxybenzoic Acid Methylbenzylidene Camphor t-Butylbenzoic Acid Acetaldehyde Acetylsalicylic Acid Alcohol; Alcohol Denat Aluminum Chloride Aluminum Powder; Aluminum, CI Ammonia Benzophenone Benzophenone Benzophenone Benzoyl Chloride BHA Boric acid Prohibition Bronze Powder; Copper Powder, CI Butane Butoxydiglycol Butoxyethyl Acetate Butylparaben C10-11 Isoparaffin; C10-12 Alkane/Cycloalkane; C10-13 Isoparaffin; C11-12 Isoparaffin; C11-13 Isoparaffin C12-20 Isoparaffin; C13-14 Alkane; C13-15 Alkane C14-17 Alkane; C14-19 Alkane; C15-19 Alkane; C15-23 Alkane; C18-21 Alkane C21-28 Alkane C7-8 Isoparaffin; C8-9 Isoparaffin C8-10 Alkane/Cycloalkane/Aromatic Hydrocarbons C9-10 Alkane/Cycloalkane; C9-11 Alkane/Cycloalkane C9-10 Aromatic Hydrocarbons Caffeic Acid Carbon Black, CI Carbon Dioxide Catechol Restriction Chlorine Dioxide Chloroacetamide Prohibition Chlorophene CI Prohibition Cobalt Titanium Oxide
9 414 최혜영ㆍ최상준ㆍ박윤경ㆍ최인자 No. CAS # Name Blending C * M R E Cyclohexanone Cyclohexylamine Deltamethrin Deodorized Kerosene Diethyl Phthalate Diethylene Glycol Diethylhexyl Adipate Dimethyltolylamine Ethoxyethanol Ethyl Pyrrolidone Ethylene Glycol; Glycol Ethylhexyl Ethylhexanoate Ethylhexyl Methoxycinnamate Ethylparaben Formaldehyde Furfural Ginkgo Biloba Leaf; Ginkgo Biloba Leaf Cell Extract; Ginkgo Biloba Leaf Extract; Ginkgo Biloba Leaf Powder; Ginkgo Biloba Leaf Water; Ginkgo Biloba Root Extract Glutaral Restriction Glyoxal Hydrogen Peroxide Restriction Hydrolyzed Carrageenan Hydroxylamine HCl Hydroxylamine Sulfate Imidazole Iron Powder Lithium Carbonate m-cresol MEK Methoxyisopropanol Methyl Alcohol Methyl Eugenol Methyl Methacrylate Methyl Salicylate Methylparaben MIBK Mineral Oil, Paraffinum Liquidum Mineral Spirits m-phenylenediamine HCl Restriction Musk Ketone
10 국내화장품원료성분에대한유해성조사 415 No. CAS # Name Blending C * M R E Nickel Gluconate Nitromethane Nitrous Oxide o-phenylphenol Oxalic Acid Restriction p-cresol Petrolatum Phenacetin Phenol Prohibition Phenoxyethanol Piperonyl Butoxide Polyaminopropyl Biguanide Potassium Nitrate Propylparaben Quartz; Quartz Powder Resorcinol Saccharin Sodium Borate Restriction Sodium o-phenylphenate Sodium Perborate Restriction Styrene Sulfuric Acid Talc Tetrahydrofurfuryl Alcohol Theobromine Theophylline Thorium Dioxide Tin Titanium Dioxide, CI Toluene Triethylenetetramine HCl Trimethylbenzoyl Diphenylphosphine Oxide Vinyl Acetate Xylene Zinc Zinc Chloride Zinc Oxide, CI * C: Carcinogens, M: Mutagens, R: Reproductive toxicants, E: Endocrine disrupting chemicals
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1) KIGAS Vol. 16, No. 5, pp 21~27, 2012 (Journal of the Korean Institute of Gas) http://dx.doi.org/10.7842/kigas.2012.16.5.21 실험실의 사례 분석에 관한 연구 이근원 이정석 한국산업안전보건공단 산업안전보건연구원 (2012년 9월 5일 투고, 2012년 10월 19일
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