2015 한국육종학회 차세대BG21사업단 GSP사업단 공동심포지엄 2015 한국육종학회 차세대BG21사업단 GSP사업단 공동심포지엄 융복합육종기술과 종자산업의 세계화 Fusion Technologies in Plant Breeding and Globalization o
- 수진 감
- 6 years ago
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1 2015 한국육종학회 차세대BG21사업단 GSP사업단 공동심포지엄 2015 한국육종학회 차세대BG21사업단 GSP사업단 공동심포지엄 융복합육종기술과 종자산업의 세계화 Fusion Technologies in Plant Breeding and Globalization of Seed Industry 일 시 2015년 7월 1일(수) ~ 3일(금) 장 소 부산 벡스코(Bexco) 컨벤션홀 융복합육종기술과 종자산업의 세계화 주 최 사단법인 한국육종학회 공동주관 차세대BG21사업단 (식물분자육종사업단, 농생물게놈활용연구사업단, GM작물개발사업단) GSP사업단 (식량종자사업단, 원예종자사업단, 채소종자사업단) 동아대학교 농업생명과학연구소, 부산대학교 식물생명과학과, 충북대학교 농업과학기술연구소 서울대학교 식물유전체육종연구소, 서울대학교 채소육종연구센터, 제주대학교 아열대원예산업연구소 후 원 농촌진흥청, 국립식량과학원, 국립산림과학원, 한국농식품생명과학협회, 한국과학기술단체총연합회
2 사단법인한국육종학회 The Korean Society of Breeding Science 경기도수원시권선구수인로 126 국립식량과학원중부작물부학술협력실 Tel Fax E- mail 년학술발표회준비위원회 위원장 조용구충북대학교 고희종식물분자육종사업단 박범석농생물게놈활용사업단 박수철 GM작물개발사업단 최임수식량종자사업단 노일섭원예종자사업단 임용표채소종자사업단 총무위원 박철수전북대학교 강시용한국원자력연구원 박용진공주대학교 기획위원 정영수동아대학교 박기훈국립식량과학원 우선희충북대학교 이긍주충남대학교 임기병경북대학교 김세현국립산림과학원 조용섭농업기술실용화재단 김용호순천향대학교 정남진전북대학교 최인수부산대학교 장철성강원대학교 김율호국립식량과학원 윤무경국립원예특작원 편집위원 강병철서울대학교 강권규한경대학교 박순기경북대학교 이주경강원대학교 이정동경북대학교 권순욱부산대학교 학술위원 조영찬국립식량과학원 이주현건국대학교 김성길전남대학교 강규석서울대학교 이상직농우바이오 소윤섭충북대학교 이병무동국대학교 정종일경상대학교 서학수서울대학교 문중경국립식량과학원 박영훈부산대학교 이재헌동아대학교 김태호국립농업과학원 김기택농업기술실용화재단 박응준국립산림과학원 재무위원 한지학농우바이오 최규환그린국제특허 최순호농우바이오 서정팔농협종묘 김은현동부팜한농 송준호아시아종묘 박희영신젠타코리아 정운화코레곤 윤재복 ( 주 ) 고추와육종 김완규우리종묘 섭외위원 김보경국립식량과학원 김용철부산대학교 양태진서울대학교 최근진국립종자원 이점호국립식량과학원 김욱고려대학교 최홍규동아대학교 박한용세종대학교 이석영농업유전자원센터 이강섭국립농업과학원 김동섭한국원자력연구원 신학기국립원예특작과학원 하보근전남대학교 지원위원 임상종국립식량과학원 김용권신경대학교 김홍식충북대학교 안상낙충남대학교 오대근한국농수산대학 곽태순상지대학교 황영현경북대학교 김태수국립산림과학원 2015 년한국육종학회임원 회 장 서용원고려대학교 차기회장 조용구충북대학교 부회장 김보경국립식량과학원 정영수동아대학교 박범석국립농업과학원 강시용한국원자력연구원 임용표충남대학교 한지학 ( 주 ) 농우바이오 김태수국립산림과학원 김용철부산대학교 편집위원장 조용구충북대학교 강병철서울대학교 편집이사 강권규한경대학교 박순기경북대학교 이주경강원대학교 이정동경북대학교 사무총장 박철수전북대학교 감 사 조영찬국립식량과학원 김동섭한국원자력연구원 본학회사무와학회지에관련되는모든문서는아래로등기우송바랍니다. 학술발표회관련논문은 에서논문검색및파일다운로드를할수있습니다. 본학회지에등재된논문의판권은한국육종학회에있습니다. 총무사항박철수사무총장 경기도수원시권선구수인로 126 국립식량과학원중부작물부학술협력실 TEL FAX koreabreed@hotmail.com 편집사항박순기편집이사 대구북구산격3동경북대학교농업생명과학대학응용생명과학부 TEL breededit@hotmail.com 이발표논문집은 2015 년도정부재원 ( 과학기술진흥기금및복권기금 ) 으로한국과학기술단체총연합회의지원을받아발간되었음.
3 2015 한국육종학회 차세대 BG21 사업단 GSP 사업단공동심포지엄 융복합육종기술과 종자산업의세계화 Fusion Technologies in Plant Breeding and Globalization of Seed Industry 일시 2015 년 7 월 1 일 ( 수 ) ~ 3 일 ( 금 ) 장소 부산벡스코 (Bexco) 컨벤션홀 주 최 사단법인한국육종학회 공동주관 차세대 BG21 사업단 ( 식물분자육종사업단, 농생물게놈활용연구사업단, GM 작물개발사업단 ) GSP 사업단 ( 식량종자사업단, 원예종자사업단, 채소종자사업단 ) 동아대학교농업생명과학연구소, 부산대학교식물생명과학과, 충북대학교농업과학기술연구소서울대학교식물유전체육종연구소, 서울대학교채소육종연구센터, 제주대학교아열대원예산업연구소 후 원 농촌진흥청, 국립식량과학원, 국립산림과학원, 한국농식품생명과학협회, 한국과학기술단체총연합회
5 Program 2015 한국육종학회 - 차세대 BG21 사업단 - GSP 사업단공동심포지엄 2015 년 7 월 1 일 ( 수 ) ~ 3 일 ( 금 ), 부산 Bexco 컨벤션홀 1 일째 [ 수 ] 17:00~19:00 한국육종학회확대이사회의및조직위원회의 2일째 [ 목 ] 09:00~09:50 공동심포지엄학술발표회등록및포스터부착개회식사회 : 박철수교수 ( 전북대학교, 육종학회사무총장 ) 개회사 09:50~10:00 조용구교수 ( 충북대학교, 학술발표회조직위원장 ) 환영사서용원교수 ( 고려대학교, 한국육종학회장 ) <1부. Plenary Session> 좌장 : 고희종교수 ( 서울대학교 ) Changing Paradigms in Plant Breeding by New Breeding Technologies 10:00~10:40 Dr. Ju-Kyung Yu, Syngenta, USA 종자산업의현황과작물육종전략 10:40~11:20 한지학 R&D 본부장, ( 주 ) 농우바이오, Korea 종자산업의세계화를위한글로벌마켓팅전략 11:20~12:00 류경오사장, ( 주 ) 아시아종묘, Korea 12:00~13:20 점심시간좌장 : 박범석박사 ( 국립농업과학원 ) Linking Genotypes and Yield Stability Phenotypes in Tomato 13:20~14:00 Prof. Dani Zamir, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel Understanding Oryza Genomes to maximize Genetic Variations for Crop Improvement 14:00~14:40 유의수박사, ( 주 ) 파이젠, Korea Small RNAs and the Regulation of Disease-Resistant Genes in Pepper 14:40~15:20 신찬석교수, 서울대학교, Korea 15:20~15:40 휴식 i
6 2일째 [ 목 ] < 2부. 한국육종학회분과발표 & 포스터발표 > 한국육종학회분과발표 OA ( 수량및저항성육종 ) 좌장 : 박기훈박사 ( 국립식량과학원 ), 김용철교수 ( 부산대학교 ) 한국육종학회분과발표 OB ( 품질육종및유전변이 ) 15:40~17:40 좌장 : 강병철교수 ( 서울대학교 ), 강규석교수 ( 서울대학교 ) 한국육종학회분과발표 OC ( 분자육종및유전공학 ) 좌장 : 정영수교수 ( 동아대학교 ), 강시용박사 ( 원자력연구원 ) 17:40~18:00 한국육종학회정기총회 18:00~18:20 포스터발표 18:20~18:50 특별공연 ( 국악공연 : 부산가야금연주단, 현악공연 : 부산대학교예술대학 ) 18:50~ 농우육종학회상시상식및간친회 3일째 [ 금 ] < 3부. Plenary Session > 좌장 : 박수철박사 ( 국립농업과학원 ) Genome Editing in Plants and Animals 08:30~09:10 김진수교수, 서울대학교, Korea High-throughput Phenotype Analysis of Transgenic Plants for Product Development 09:10~09:50 Dr. Dan Sung, Monsanto, USA Spectral Imaging Technologies for Assessment of Plant Characterization 09:50~10:30 Dr. Moon-Sung Kim, USDA/ARS Beltsville, USA 10:30~10:40 휴식 <4부. Concurrent Session> 국내주요작물의게놈전체연관분석 (GWAS) 기술현황과전망 ( 농생물게놈활용연구사업단 ) 좌장 : 박범석박사 ( 국립농업과학원 ) 벼의핵심집단 GWAS 연구성과및금후발전방향박용진교수 ( 공주대학교 ) 180k SNP array 와유전분석집단개발과활용을통한유전체육종의가능성문중경박사 ( 국립식량과학원 ) 10:40~12:30 Genetic Diversity and Construction of Core Collection in Capsicum 권진경박사 ( 서울대학교 ) 참외류박과작물의게놈전체연관분석 (GWAS) 을위한다중염색체 (multiple reference) 해독권석윤박사 ( 한국생명공학연구원 ) 과수분야핵심집단및게놈전체연관분석을통한유전체육종기반구축김대일교수 ( 충북대학교 ) ii
7 3 일째 [ 금 ] <4 부. Concurrent Session> GM작물개발을위한신기술활용 (GM작물개발사업단) 좌장 : 박수철박사 ( 국립농업과학원 ), 이강섭박사 ( 국립농업과학원 ) 작물표현체최근연구방향권택륜박사 ( 국립농업과학원 ) 식물표현체를이용한작물육종효율증진김도순박사 ( 서울대학교 ) 외부시그널처리를통한작물의주요농업형질개선정미정박사 ( 국립농업과학원 ) 국립농업과학원 GMO 포장소개이강섭박사 ( 국립농업과학원 ) NGS 및유전자편집기술의식물육종적활용 ( 식물분자육종사업단 ) 좌장 : 양태진교수 ( 서울대학교 ) 유전체기반육종을위한생물정보분석파이프라인유의수박사 ( 파이젠 ) DNA-free Genome Editing in Plants 권순일박사 (( 재 ) 차세대융합기술연구원 ) 10:40~12:30 식량종자의효율적개발을위한품목별육종전략 ( 식량종자사업단 ) 좌장 : 최임수박사 ( 국립식량과학원 ) 옥수수해외시장진출을위한육종방향이명훈교수 ( 동국대학교 ) 비기주저항성을이용한감자역병품종육성최도일교수 ( 서울대학교 ) 채소및원예종자사업단의분자마커개발현황과실용화전략 ( 원예종자사업단, 채소종자사업단 ) 좌장 : 노일섭교수 ( 순천대학교 ), 임용표교수 ( 충남대학교 ) Gene-specific marker development of cabbage for an efficient molecular breeding 허윤강교수 ( 충남대학교 ) Molecular breeding strategies for pyramiding viral resistances in tomatoes and peppers 염인화교수 ( 안동대학교 ) High-density genetic map construction and QTL analysis for seed size of fruits and powdery mildew resistance in watermelon 이긍표교수 ( 중앙대학교 ) Genomics approach to develop molecular markers for targeted breeding of radish 이지영교수 ( 서울대학교 ) 12:30~13:00 시상식및폐회 iii
8 Symposium Program Fusion Technologies in Plant Breeding and Globalization of Seed Industry Date and Place ( ~3) & BEXCO, BUSAN July 1 (Wednesday) 17:00~19:00 The Extended Council Meeting and The Organizing Committee Meeting July 2 (Thursday) 09:00~09:50 Registration and Poster Mounting Opening Ceremony Prof. Chulsoo Park, Chonbuk National University, Korea Opening Address 09:50~10:00 Prof. Yong-Gu Cho, Chair of Organizing Committee, Chungbuk University, Korea Welcome Address Prof. Yong-Weon Seo, President of KSBS, Korea University, Korea < Plenary Session 1 > Chair : Prof. Hee-Jong Koh, Seoul National University Changing Paradigms in Plant Breeding by New Breeding Technologies 10:00~10:40 Dr. Ju-Kyung Yu, Syngenta, USA Current Status of Seed Industry and Crop Breeding Strategies 10:40~11:20 Dr. Chee-Hark Harn, Nongwoo Bio Co., Korea Global Marketing Strategies for Globalization of Seed Industry 11:20~12:00 CEO. Kyoung-Ou Ryu, Asia Seed Co. Ltd, Korea 12:00~13:20 Lunch Chair: Dr. Beom-Seok Park, National Academy of Agricultural Science Linking Genotypes and Yield Stability Phenotypes in Tomato 13:20~14:00 Prof. Dani Zamir, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel Understanding Oryza Genomes to maximize Genetic Variations for Crop Improvement 14:00~14:40 Dr. Yeisoo Yu, Phyzen Genomics Institute, Phyzen Inc., Korea Small RNAs and the Regulation of Disease-Resistant Genes in Pepper 14:40~15:20 Prof. Chanseok Shin, Seoul National University, Korea 15:20~15:40 Coffee Break iv
9 July 2 (Thursday) < Oral Presentation & Poster Session > OA. Breeding for yield increase and resistant variety Chair: Ki-Hun Park (NACS), Yong-Chul Kim (BSU) OB. Breeding for quality improvement, Genetic variation 15:40~17:40 Chair: Byoung-Cheorl Kang (SNU), Kyu-Seok Kang (SNU) OC. Molecular breeding and biotechnology Chair: Young-Soo Chung (DAU), Si-Yong Kang (KAEI) 17:40~18:00 General Meeting 18:00~18:20 Poster Presentation 18:20~18:50 Musical Performance (Korean Folk Music & String Ensemble, Busan University) 18:50~ Nongwoo Breeding Science Awards Ceremony & Dinner July 3 (Friday) < Plenary Session 2 > Chair: Dr. Soo-Chul Park, National Academy of Agricultural Science Genome Editing in Plants and Animals 08:30~09:10 Prof. Jin-Su Kim, Seoul National University, Korea High-throughput Phenotype Analysis of Transgenic Plants for Product Development 09:10~09:50 Dr. Dan Sung, Monsanto, USA Spectral Imaging Technologies for Assessment of Plant Characterization 09:50~10:30 Dr. Moon-Sung Kim, USDA/ARS Beltsville, USA 10:30~10:40 Coffee Break < Concurrent Session > Current Status and Prospects of GWAS in Major Crops in Korea 10:40~12:30 Chair: Dr. Beom-Seok Park (NAAS) New Technologies for GM Crop Development 10:40~12:30 Chair: Dr. Soo-Chul Park, Dr. Kang-Seob Lee (NAAS) NGS and Gene Editing for Plant Breeding 10:40~12:30 Chair: Prof. Tae-Jin Yang (SNU) Breeding Strategies of Crop Species for Efficient Variety Development 10:40~12:30 Chair: Dr. Im-Soo Choi (NICS) Current Status of Molecular Marker Development and Strategies for Practical Use 10:40~12:30 Chair: Prof. Ill-Sup Nou (SCNU), Prof. Yong-Pyo Lim (CNU) 12:30~13:00 Awards Ceremony & Closing Remark v
10 Contents 연사발표 SYMP-01 Changing paradigms in plant breeding by new plant breeding technologies 3 Ju-Kyung Yu SYMP-02 Current Status of Seed Industry and Crop Breeding Strategies 4 Chee-Hark Harn SYMP-03 Global Marketing Strategies for Globalization of Seed Industry 5 Kyoung-Ou Ryu SYMP-04 Geno-Pheno in plant breeding 6 Dani Zamir SYMP-05 Understanding Oryza Genomes to maximize Genetic Variations for Crop Improvement 7 Yeisoo Yu SYMP-06 Small RNA studies reveal a role for mirnas and their targets in the regulation of NB-LRR disease resistance genes in pepper 8 June Hyun Park, Igojo Kang, Chanseok Shin SYMP-07 RNA-guided Genome Editing in Animals and Plants 9 Jin-Soo Kim SYMP-08 High-throughput phenotype analysis of transgenic plants for product development 10 Dan Sung SYMP-09 Spectral Imaging Technologies for Assessment of Plant Characteristics 11 Moon S. Kim 구두발표 수량및저항성육종 (Breeding for yield increase and resistant variety) OA-01 QTL mapping of Fusarium wilt resistance in radish (Raphanus sativus L.) 15 Xiaona Yu, Su Ryun Choi, Yong Pyo Lim OA-02 Existence of qualitative resistance against blackleg disease in Brassica oleracea L. and detection of gene-specific single nucleotide polymorphism 16 Arif Hasan Khan Robin, Jong-In Park, Nasar Uddin Ahmed, Rawnak Laila, Ill-Sup Nou vi
11 OA-03 OA-04 OA-05 OA-06 Expression profiling of two contrasting bulb onion lines (Allium cepa L.) under Photoperiod and Drought Conditions 17 Ranjith Kumar Manoharan, Jeong Suk Hyeon Han, Senthil Kumar Thamilarasan, Jong-In Park, Ill-Sup Nou TIFY family genes in Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa ssp. pekinensis): A Genome-wide analysis reveals their stress and hormone responsive patterns 18 Gopal Saha, Jong-In Park, Nasar Uddin Ahmed, Md. Abdul Kayum, Ill-Sup Nou De novo assembly and transcriptome analysis of bulb onion (Allium cepa) during cold acclimation using contrasting genotypes 19 Senthil Kumar Thamilarasan, Jeong Suk Hyeon Han, Jong-In Park, Ill-sup Nou Characterization of regulatory genes for anthocyanin biosynthesis pathway and cold/freezing tolerance in Brassica rapa 20 Nasar Uddin Ahmed, Jong-In Park, Ill-Sup Nou 품질육종및유전변이 (Breeding for quality improvement, Genetic variation) OB-01 Fine mapping the UV-B resistance gene in soybean using 180K Axiom SoyaSNP assay 21 Sungmin Kim, Ju Seok Lee, Sumin Park, Kyungryun Kim, Mijung Cho, Eunsil Kim, Bo-Keun Ha, Sungtaeg Kang OB-02 OB-03 Nucleotide polymorphisms in genes controlling panicle development are associated with the number of spikelets per panicle in rice 22 Su Jang, Gileung Lee, Chang Soo Yoo, Hee-Jong Koh Genetic mapping of quantitative trait loci controlling seed weight in an interspecific soybean recombinant inbred line population 23 Krishnanand P Kulkarni, Minsu Kim, Jeong Hwa Kim, Sovetgul Asekova, Jong Tae Song, Jeong-Dong Lee OB-04 Rice PCR1 affects grain weight and zinc accumulation 24 Hyun-Sook Lee, Won-Yong Song, Sang-Nag Ahn OB-05 저온및식물생장조정제처리가더덕속종자의발아에미치는영향 25 이상권, 류수노, 최은영 OB-06 등숙기적산온도가기능성쌀품종 슈퍼자미 의수량과 C3G 함량에미치는영향 26 유정, 함태호, 김혜자, 박미영, 권순욱, 류수노 OB-07 Identification and characterization of differentially expressed genes in response to ionizing radiations in rice 27 Hong-Il Choi, Soon-Jae Kwon, Jung Eun Hwang, Injung Jung, Sung Min Han, Sun-Goo Hwang, Cheol Seong Jang, Si-Yong Kang, Dong Sub Kim vii
12 분자육종및유전공학 (Molecular breeding and biotechnology) OC-01 OC-02 Construction of high resolution genetic map and QTL mapping for clubroot resistance using genotyping-by-sequencing analysis in cabbage 28 Jonghoon Lee, Nur Kholilatul Izzah, Beom-Soon Choi, Ho Jun Joh, Sang-Choon Lee, Sampath Perumal, Joodeok Seo, Kyounggu Ahn, Eun Ju Jo, Gyung Ja Choi, Ill-Sup Nou, Yeisoo Yu, Tae-Jin Yang Fine mapping the soybean foxglove aphid resistance gene Raso2 in soybean using 180K Axiom SoyaSNP genotyping assay 29 Ju Seok Lee, Sungmin Kim, Sumin Park, Kyungryun Kim, Mijung Cho, Eunsil Kim, Jin Kyo Jung, Jeong-Dong Lee, Jung-Kyung Moon, Namshin Kim, Soon-chun Jeong, Sungtaeg Kang OC-03 Characterization and genetic mapping of a abaxially rolled leaf mutant in rice. 30 Hyerim Lee, Yoye Yu, Hee-Jong Koh OC-04 Sound waves delay tomato fruit ripening by negatively regulating ethylene biosynthesis and signaling genes 31 Mi-Jeong Jeong, Joo-Yeol Kim, Jin Su Lee, Soo In Lee, Jin-A Kim OC-05 형질전환 events 에서 elite event 를신속히선발하는방법및선발 event 의분석 32 정순천, 백인순, 김보민, 김지홍, 김유진, 육은수, 김창기, 한지학 OC-06 OC-07 Expression analysis of two rice pollen-specific promoters using homologous and heterologous systems 33 Tien Dung Nguyen, Moe Moe Oo, Sunok Moon, Hyun-Kyung Bae, Sung Aeong Oh, Moon-Soo Soh, Jong Tae Song, Jeong Hoe Kim, Ki Hong Jung, Soon Ki Park Genome wide resequencing for KRICE_CORE reveals their potentials for the future breeding, functional and evolutionary studies in the post-genomic era 34 Tae-Sung Kim, Kyu-Won Kim, Qiang He, Min-Young Yoon, Won-Hee Ra, Feng Peng Li, Wei Tong, Jie Yu, Win Htet Oo, Buung Choi, Eun-Beom Heo, Yoo-Hyun Cho, Byoung-Kook Yun, Chang-Yong Lee, Donghwan Shim, Beom-Seok Park, Yong-Jin Park 포스터발표 수량및저항성육종 (Breeding for yield increase and resistant variety) PA-01 양질다수성장류용콩 대찬 37 강범규, 김현태, 이영훈, 이병원, 최만수, 한원영, 김현영, 전명기, 이석기, 고종민, 윤홍태, 백인열, 이영희 PA-02 소립다수성나물용콩 해원 38 강범규, 김현태, 이영훈, 조상균, 이병원, 최만수, 전명기, 심하식, 하태정, 고종민, 윤홍태, 백인열, 이영희 viii
13 PA-03 QTL analysis for drought tolerance using introgression lines from a cross between Milyang 23 and O. glaberrima 39 Ju-Won Kang, Dong-Min Kim, Hyun-Sook Lee, Yeo-Tae Yoon, Sang-Nag Ahn PA-04 국산밀품종의파성및숙기관련특성분석 40 강천식, 고윤희, 손재한, 김경훈, 박종철, 오영진, 김양길, 김경호, 정영근, 김보경 PA-05 PA-06 Comparison of seed priming methods for germination in sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) 40 Du Hyun Kim, Hyeonjun Hong, Ki-Yeul Jung A New Wheat Variety, Jojoong with Pre-harvest Sprouting Resistance, Early Maturity, High Yield and Good Noodle Quality 41 Chon-Sik Kang, Kyeong-Hoon Kim, Young-Keun Cheong, Jae-Han Son, Jong-Chul Park, Kyong-Ho Kim, Kwang-Geun Park, Ouk-Kyu Han, Gi-Heung Hong, Jin-Kyeong Choi, Seong-Tae Lee, Jeong-Suk Bae, Bo-Kyeong Kim, Chulsoo Park PA-07 조숙, 내병성및논재배적응성이강한유채 1 대잡종 조안 42 김광수, 이영화, 장영석, 최규환, 강달순, 김성택, 이경보 PA-08 Comparison of seed priming methods for germination in sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) 43 Du Hyun Kim, Hyeonjun Hong, Ki-Yeul Jung PA-09 Effects of priming treatments on germination of Setaria viridis L. seeds 43 Du Hyun Kim, Hyeonjun Hong, Ki-Yeul Jung PA-10 중국운남성고지대에서의우리벼품종의작물학적특성 44 김명기 1* 양창인, 이상복, 현웅조, 백남현, 이점호 PA-11 벼조생종수발아, 잎도열병및흰잎마름병저항성중간모본 중모 김명기, 서정필, 원용재, 안억근, 정국현, 백만기, 최임수, 조영찬, 윤광섭, 김연규, 홍하철, 윤영환, 이정희 PA-12 Distinct reactions of two Tunisian durum wheat to salinity stress 45 Sang Heon Kim, Inès Yacoubi, Yong Weon Seo PA-13 벼흰잎마름병발병상습지에서벼품종 해품 의저항성발현 45 김우재, 박종호, 김현순, 박현수, 하기용, 고재권, 김보경 PA-14 벼멸구저항성유전자다양화를위한 DNA 마커탐색 46 김우재, 김현순, 하기용, 강경호, 정지웅, 전재범, 조성우, 김보경 PA-15 우리나라에서벼꽃가루배양의실용화와금후전망 46 김현순, 강경호, 남정권, 김우재, 정지웅, 백소현, 신운철, 강현중, 고재권, 김기영, 김보경, 이승엽 PA-16 내도복중만생벼담수직파겸용 중모 김정주, 백만기, 남정권, 김보경, 하기용, 김기영, 고종철, 고재권, 김우재, 백소현, 신운철, 박현수, 조영찬, 이점호, 김현순, 임청택, 박기훈 ix
14 PA-17 대립내탈립무비린내콩 미소 48 김현태, 고종민, 한원영, 강범규, 이영훈, 이병원, 최만수, 김현영, 전명기, 문중경, 윤홍태, 백인열, 이영희 PA-18 도복과탈립에강한다수성콩 대풍 2 호 49 김현태, 이영훈, 이병원, 최만수, 강범규, 한원영, 김현영, 전명기, 이석기, 고종민, 윤홍태, 백인열, 이영희 PA-19 다변량분석에의한콩품종분류 49 이가영, 곽병삼, 곽상철, 김용현, 장은규, 김홍식 PA-20 미나리실생묘를이용한수경재배와관행재배의생산성및품질비교 50 김효중, 이유석, 김희곤, 손동모, 나해영 PA-21 품질이우수한내병 다수성조생찰벼 운일찰 50 남정권, 신운철, 김기영, 박현수, 백만기, 김정주, 조영찬, 하기용, 김우재, 김보경 PA-22 열대형옥수수반수체유기체 (Inducer) 인 Tails 의국내적응성평가 51 류시환, 최재근, 박종열, 서영호, 박기진, 용우식, 노상득, 이장용, 김경희 PA-23 반수체밀집단을이용한국수면대색깔 QTL 분석 51 강혜정, 강천식, 김학신, 박철수 PA-24 벼중만생고품질내병내도복다수성벼 신보 육성 52 박노봉, 여운상, 이지윤, 권오덕, 박동수, 이종희, 조준현, 송유천, 김상열, 오성환, 손영보, 장재기, 남민희, 권영업, 이영희 PA-25 Influence of haplotype combinations of genes involved in regulation of rice grain size and development of a regression equation model 53 Jonghwa Park, Chan-mi Lee, Backki Kim, Hee-Jong Koh PA-26 국내밀계통및재래종의 Rht-1, Vrn-1, Ppd-1 의유전적조성이주요농업형질에미치는영향 54 조은진, 강천식, 정지웅, 윤영미, 박철수 PA-27 국내밀품종들의 Vrn-1 과 Ppd-1 대립유전자변이와농업형질과의관계 54 조은진, 강천식, 윤영미, 박철수 PA-28 반왜성유전자 Rht 가국내밀품종의농업형질에미치는영향 55 조은진, 강천식, 윤영미, 박철수 PA-29 평야지적응성향상을위한벼흰잎마름병및줄무늬잎마름병저항성유전자집적조생계통개발 55 박현수, 남정권, 김기영, 김우재, 정지웅, 백만기, 김정주, 조영찬, 이점호, 김보경 PA-30 벼흰잎마름병저항성고품질중만생벼신품종 만백 56 박현수, 백만기, 김보경, 김기영, 하기용, 신운철, 고재권, 남정권, 김우재, 조영찬, 이점호, 김현순, 고종철, 김정주, 박종호 PA-31 벼중만생고품질복합내병성 안백 56 백만기, 박현수, 정종민, 김기영, 남정권, 김정주, 조영찬, 김보경 PA-32 소득후작적응복합내병성준조생벼 중모 1039 호 57 신운철, 김우재, 박현수, 남정권, 이점호, 김보경, 강위금 x
15 PA-33 Tomato germplasm with resistance to multiple species of Xanthomonas causing bacterial spot 57 Sung-Chur Sim, David M. Francis PA-34 총체사료용벼신품종 녹우 58 안억근, 정응기, 이상복, 최용환, 양창인, 원용재, 전용희, 이규성, 홍하철, 정오영, 최임수, 모영준, 김정주, 조영찬, 장재기, 하운구, 김명기, 서정필, 이정희, 정국현, 정종민, 정지웅, 박향미, 이점호 PA-35 중산간지지역에따른미세온도변화와벼생육양상의차이 58 양창인, 김명기, 백남현, 강위금, 신운철, 김미향, 조현숙 PA-36 A New Forage Barley Cultivar with Semi-Smooth Awn and High Yielding Miho 59 Young-Jin Oh, Tae-Il Park, Hyoung-Ho Park, Ouk-Kyu Han, Jong-Chul Park, Tae-Hwa Song, Yang-Kil Kim, Hyeon-Jung Kang, Jae-Seong Choi, Yun-Woo Jang, Kwang-Geun Park, Jong-Ho Park, Chon-Sik Kang, Young-Keun Cheong, Kyong-Ho Kim, Bo-Kyeong Kim, Geon-Sig Yun, Gi-Heung Hong, Jeong-Suk Bae, Seong-Tae Lee PA-37 열대아시아지역적응성벼신품종 아세미 1 호 개발 60 원용재, 하운구, 정응기, 강경호, 최임수, 홍하철, 조영찬, 정오영, 장재기, 양운호, 정국현, 이규성, 여운상, 양창인, 김명기, 서대하, 성낙식, 윤광섭, 성열규, 이점호, 김보경 PA-38 PA-39 PA-40 An RNA-Seq transcriptome analysis of rice genes in response to water deficiency in soil 60 Yo-Han Yoo, Anil Kumar N.C, Ki-Hong Jung Identification of QTL for grain quality traits using introgression lines derived from an interspecific cross in rice 61 Yeo-Tae Yun, Chong-Tae Chung, Yeong-Ju Lee, Han-Jung Na, Jae-Chul Lee, Kwang-Won Lee, Young-Hwan Yoon, Ju-Won Kang, Hyun-Sook Lee, Sang-Nag Ahn The development of physiological phenotyping parameter to characterize early stress responses in rice plants 61 Hye-Jin Yoon, Kyung Hwan Kim, Yeon-Hee Lee, Eun-Jung Suh, Taek-Ryun Kwon PA-41 분지각도가좁은신초형종실용들깨신품종 소담 62 이명희, 배석복, 김성업, 오은영, 김명식, 오기원, 정찬식, 오인석 PA-42 Development of female (F ) locus specific co-dominant molecular marker in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) 62 Khin Thanda Win, Chunying Zhang, Kihwan Song, Sanghyeob Lee PA-43 펠렛재료가카멜리나종자의발아에미치는영향 63 박민우, 최충원, 이상협 PA-44 중부지역적응중생복합내병성고품질벼품종 선품 개발 63 이정희, 정응기, 원용재, 양창인, 조영찬, 김명기, 서정필, 최임수, 이상복, 정오영, 안억근, 오세관, 정종민, 홍하철, 현웅조, 모영준, 양운호, 이점식, 이점호, 김보경 PA-45 QTL Mapping for shoot fresh weight in a RIL population developed from a cross of wild and cultivated soybean 64 Sovetgul Asekova, Krishnanand P Kulkarni, JeongHwa Kim, Minsu Kim, Jiho Park, Hyun-Jee Kim, J. Grover Shannon, Jeong-Dong Lee xi
16 PA-46 옥수수유망자식계통들에대한잡종강세및수량관련형질의유전분석 64 박종열, 박기진, 사규진, 이주경 PA-47 Detection of novel QTLs for foxglove aphid resistance in soybean 65 Sumin Park, Ju Seok Lee, Sungmin Kim, Kyungryun Kim, Mijung Cho, Eunsil Kim, Jin Kyo Jung, Jeong-Dong Lee, Sungtaeg Kang PA-48 Identification of quantitative trait loci related to grain filling under low temperature condition 65 Jong-Min Jeong, Ung-Jo Hyun, Ji-Ung Jeung, Kyung-Ho Kang, Young-Chan Cho, Bo-Kyeong Kim PA-49 경기지역콩다수확선도단지조성을위한품종선발및작부체계연구 66 장은규, 이진구, 한정아, 송경순, 김진영, 강창성, 윤홍태 PA-50 강원지역에서파종량이호밀 곡우 의생육특성에미치는영향 66 조영일, 이동우, 김영호, 안경구, 박덕심, 김인혜, 조용섭, 한옥규, 이종경 PA-51 Development of QTL-NIL to Blast Resistance Origined from Korean Weedy Rice 67 Young-Chan Cho, Man-Ki Baek, Jung-Pil Suh, Yong-Jae Won, Jong-Min Jeong, Hyun-Su Park, Jeong-Ju Kim, Jeong-Kwon Nam, Ki-Young Kim PA-52 Overexpression of CIPK 15 improved tolerance to pre-harvest sprouting in rice 68 Dal-A Yu, Hye-Jung Lee, Joonki Kim, Me-Sun Kim, Marjohn Nino, Sothea Ouk, Seong-Dong Kim, Ill-sup Nou, Yong-Gu Cho PA-53 중만생내병다수성찰벼품종 중모 1044 호 68 하기용, 박현수, 남정권, 백만기, 김기영, 김우재, 김현순, 김보경, 김정주, 조영찬, 고재권 PA-54 개화기가빠르고, 내병성다수성인구기자신품종 청홍 69 주정일, 박영춘, 윤덕상, 이보희, 최택용, 김현호 PA-55 PA-56 Screening for Resistance of Tomato Genetic Resources to Bacterial wilt caused by Ralstonia solanacearum 69 On-Sook Hur, Sang Gyu Kim, Ho-Cheol Ko, Su Ran Ahn, Jung-Sook Sung, Na-Young Ro, Sukyeung Lee, Yu-mi Choi, Do yoon Hyun, Kyoung-Yul Ryu, Hyung-Jin Baek Overexpression of Brassica rapa cysteine protease improves rice resistance to bacterial blight 70 Marjohn Nino, Sailila E. Abdula, Hye-Jung Lee, Dal-A Yu, Seon-Kyeong Song, Eun-Ju Jeong, Kwon-Kyoo Kang, Ill-sup Nou, Yong-Gu Cho PA-57 온도구배하우스를이용한기후변화대응밀생육반응비교 71 하건수, 조수현, 임수정, 변학수, 오혜진, 신은영, 임혜리 PA-58 중북부고랭지적응내냉성조생벼진부 61 호 71 현웅조, 정종민, 강경호, 정지웅, 이상복, 이정희, 성열규, 이점호 PA-59 고구마뿌리혹선충저항성식용고구마신품종 풍원미 72 이형운, 이준설, 정미남, 한선경, 김재명, 안승현, 양정욱, 남상식, 송연상, 최규환, 문진영, 최인후, 황엄지, 이경보 xii
17 PA-60 Association of haplotype variations in GmCHX1 with salt tolerance in wild and cultivated soybeans. 73 Jeong Hwa Kim, Jong-Tae Song, Jeong-Dong Lee 품질육종및유전변이 (Breeding for quality improvement, Genetic variation) PB-01 야생벼이용총체사료적성계통육성 74 강경호, 안억근, 정지웅, 김석만, 정종민, 전재범, 현웅조 PB-02 감마선처리에의한정원장미돌연변이유기 75 고갑천, 한태호, 기광연 PB-03 호밀왜성유전자가외관형태에미치는효과 76 구자환, 황종진, 한옥규, 김대욱, 권순종, 박광근, 이점호 PB-04 면가공용시중밀가루의품질분석 76 김경훈, 김경민, 박형호, 현종내, 권영업 PB-05 감마선조사에의한포인세티아품종육성 77 O Hyeon Kwon, Bong Sik Yoo, Su Young Lee, Hye Jin Lee PB-06 Genome-wide structural variation by different types of ionizing irradiation sources 78 Soon-Jae Kwon, Hong-Il Choi, Jung Eun Hwang, Injung Jung, Sung Min Han, Jin-Baek Kim, Joon-Woo Ahn, Sang Hoon Kim, Yeong Deuk Jo, Si-Yong Kang, Dong-Sub Kim PB-07 하얀꽃이피는경관용유채 중모 김광수, 이영화, 장영석, 최규환, 강달순, 김성택, 이경보 PB-08 Genetic Diversity of Rice Landraces Collected in Cordillera Region, Philippines 80 Backki Kim, Sheryl N. Sierra, Hong-Yeol Kim, Hee-Jong Koh PB-09 Differentially expressed proteins between two Korean inbred lines under drought stress at vegetative stage 81 Sang Gon Kim, Seonghyu Shin, Hwan Hee Bae, Jin-Seok Lee, Jung-Tae Kim, Min Jung Seo, Beom-Young Son, Jeom Ho Lee, Seong-Bum Baek PB-10 주성분분석및군집분석을이용한자생국화의휘발성향기성분분류 81 김수정, 하태정, 김종윤, 유동림, 서종택, 김율호, 홍수영, 남정환, 손황배, 장동칠, 김기선 PB-11 흑색찰성고품질다수성겉보리신품종 흑수정찰 82 김양길, 이미자, 박종철, 강천식, 김경호, 김상민, 최인배, 한옥규, 윤건식, 배정숙, 조수현, 최재성, 박광근, 오영진, 정영근, 박기훈 PB-12 Selection of mutant related to salt and drought tolerance in rice with expression microarray 82 Joung Sug Kim, Kyong-Mi Jun, Hyejin Yoon, Songhwa Chae, Yoon Mok Pahk, Yeon-Ki Kim, Baek-hie Nahm xiii
18 PB-13 Development of the Tos17 -insertional mutants and functional analysis of transcription factors involved in seed development 83 Joung Sug Kim, Songhwa Chae, Kyong-Mi Jun, Yoon Mok Pahk, Yeon-Ki Kim, Baek-hie Nahm PB-14 Phenotypic screening and breeding with colored wheat by mutation breeding technique 83 Jin-Baek Kim, Min Jeong Hong, Young Ha Yoon, Dong Sub Kim, Soon-Jae Kwon, Hong Il Choi, Si-Yong Kang, Yong Weon Seo PB-15 전정에의한다래과실의등급별생산특성 84 김철우, 박영기, 김만조, 김세현, 김재희 PB-16 콩유전자원의 isoflavone 함량변이 84 김현명, 이지석, 이재원, 김보경, 황세구, 김홍식 PB-17 PB-18 Chemical Components in the Leaves of Selected Mutant Cultivars of kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.) 85 Jaihyunk Ryu, Sang-Wook Jeong, Seung Bin Im, Joon-Woo Ahn, Soon-Jae Kwon, Dong Sub Kim, Jin-Baek Kim, Sang Hoon Kim, Si-Yong Kang Negative roles of MAPK signaling cascades for itrogen-fixing nodule formation in Medicago truncatula 85 Wonsil Bae, Jinsoo Lee, Hojin Ryu PB-19 표피가매끈하고육질이단단하며근장이짧은무 원교 호 육성 86 박수형, 윤무경, 박민영, 장하영, 채원병, 서명훈 PB-20 Breeding of new walnut cultivar, Golden-ball 86 Youngki Park, Chul-Woo Kim, Sea-Hyun Kim, Mahn-Jo Kim, Jae-Hee Kim PB-21 Identification of genus Vigna using ITS2 and matk as a two-locus DNA barcode 87 Jae-Wan Park, Sebastin Raveendar, Jung-Ro Lee, Gi-An Lee, Young-Ah Jeon, Eun Seong Park, Yang-Hee Cho, Kyung-Ho Ma, Sok-Young Lee, Jong-Wook Chung PB-22 A New Peanut Variety Daan with High Yield and Disease Resistance 87 Suk-Bok Pae, Myung-Hee Lee, Sung-Up Kim, Chung-Dong Hwang, Ki-Won Oh, Chan-Sik Jung, Deuk-Young Song, In-Youl Baek, Young-Hee Lee PB-23 A New Dark Purple Peanut Variety Heuksaeng 88 Suk-Bok Pae, Chan-Sik Jung, Ki-Won Oh, Sung-Up Kim, Myung-Hee Lee, Chung-Dong Hwang, Deuk-Young Song, In-Youl Baek, Young-Hee Lee PB-24 무모식물체의광환경조절을통한소포자유래배발생효율증진 88 배은지, 나해영 PB-25 미나리종자의저온층적처리및세척방법 89 배은지, 황순임, 나해영 PB-26 Glycoalkaloids content in tuber peel and cortex of 24 potato cultivars of Korea 89 Hwang-Bae Sohn, Su-Jeong Kim, Yu-Young Lee, Hyang-Mi Park, Manjulatha Mekapogu, Su-Young Hong, Jeong-Hwan Nam, Jin-Cheol Jeong, Kibum Kweon, Yul-Ho Kim xiv
19 PB-27 단간내도복중생메조 단아메 육성 90 고지연, 이재생, 송석보, 최명은, 우관식, 고종철, 김기영, 정태욱, 오인석 PB-28 흰앙금제조특성이우수한팥신품종 흰나래 육성 90 송석보, 이재생, 고지연, 우관식, 최명은, 정태욱, 문중경, 고종철, 오인석, 최유미 PB-29 안면도소나무채종원종자생산진단을위한구과분석 91 송현진, 배태웅, 문병호, 이성기, 이병실 PB-30 홍화집단교배및유전자지도작성을위한수집자원의선발 92 이정훈, 안찬훈, 이윤지, 허목, 안태진, 김영국, 차선우 PB-31 A Genetic Linkage Map based on AFLP markers in China type Tea Plant 92 Yali Chang, Eun Ui Oh, Min Seuk Lee, Kwan Jeong Song PB-32 Radiation impacts on morphological and qualitative properties in common buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum) and tatary buckwheat (Fagopyrum tataricum) seeds 93 Je-Hyeok Yu, Min-Heon Yun, Seon-Mo Yang, Dong-Seop Kim, Young-Ho Yun, Kyung-Ho Ma, Eun-Ho Son, Sok-Young Lee, Hong-Sig Kim, Sun-Hee Woo PB-33 Heterogeneity of CMA Banding Patterns in Jeju Citrus Landraces 94 Kyunguk Yi, Chi Won Chae, Young Chul Park, Ho Bang Kim, Kwan Jeong Song PB-34 Antioxidant activity and total phenolic and flavonoid contents of 10 Vicia species 94 Kyung Jun Lee, Gi-An Lee, Young-Ah Jeon, Jung-Ro Lee, Sok-Young Lee, Kyung-Ho Ma, Jong-Wook Chung PB-35 Genetic diversity base on agrinomical traits and SSR markers in Korean rice landraces 95 Kyung Jun Lee, Jong-Ro Lee, Gi-An Lee, Sebastin Raveendar, Kyung-Ho Ma, Sok-Young Lee, Jong-Wook Chung PB-36 Variation of pre-harvest sprouting and ABA content in rice germplasm 95 Gi-An Lee, Young-Ah Jeon, Ho-Sun Lee, Jong-Wook Chung, Do-Yoon Hyun, Jung-Ro Lee, Myung-Chul Lee, Kyung-Ho Ma, Sok-Young Lee PB-37 Brachypodium distachyon mutants induced by gamma radiation contain reduced lignin content 96 Man Bo Lee, Yong Weon Seo PB-38 Development and characterization of endophyte free tall fescue variety Greenmaster3ho 97 Sang-Hoon Lee, Ki-Won Lee, Ki-Yong Kim, Hee Jung Ji, Tae Young Hwang, Hyung Soo Park, Hyun Seok Chae PB-39 딸기동양계와미국품종간여교잡횟수에따른분리집단의변화 97 이선이, 김승유, 김대영, 노일래 PB-40 Evaluation of genetic diversity of Asian landrace wheat based on HMW glutenin subunit and maturity 98 Sukyeung Lee, Yu-mi Choi, Do yoon Hyun, Myung-chul Lee, Sejong Oh, On sook Hur, Hocheol Ko, Na-Young Ro xv
20 PB-41 Analysis of genetic diversity and cytoplasm male-sterility types in radish germplasm 98 O New Lee, Hyo Joung Kwon, Mi Kyung Han, Han Yong Park PB-42 녹색자엽검정콩유전자원의농업형질및품질관련성분평가 99 이은자, 최홍집, 배정숙, 한윤열, 김세종, 이정동 PB-43 벼의수형과도정특성간의관계 99 이정희, 원용재, 안억근, 정국현, 이상복, 전용희, 장재기, 하운구, 정응기, 이점호 PB-44 Genetic diversity of super-sweet corn inbred lines using SSR and SSAP markers. 100 Woo Ri Ko, Hong-Jib Choi, Kyu Jin Sa, Ju Kyong Lee PB-45 PB-46 Genetic diversity and relationships among rice accessions (Oryza Sativa L.) of cultivated and weedy types using CACTA-TD and AFLP markers 100 Rahul Vasudeo Ramekar, Muhammad Qudrat Ullah Farooqi, Kyu Jin Sa, Kyong-Cheul Park, Ju Kyong Lee Genetic diversity, population structure, and association mapping of biomass traits in maize with simple sequence repeat markers 101 Jong Yeol Park, Rahul Vasudeo Ramekar, Kyu Jin Sa, Ju Kyong Lee PB-47 고품질복합내병성벼신품종 새신 101 이지윤, 이종희, 조준현, 오성환, 손영보, 황운하, 박수권, 신동진, 송유천, 박동수, 김상열, 박인희, 여운상, 최대식, 남민희, 이영희 PB-48 카로티노이드를함유한노랑찰옥수수 황미찰 육성 102 이진석, 손범영, 신성휴, 김정태, 배환희, 서민정, 김상곤, 백성범, 박장환, 이점호, 김성국, 정태욱, 권영업 PB-49 Mutation induced with gamma-ray irradiation in Rose cultivar (Rosa Hybrida Hort.) 102 Hyo-Jeong Lee, Sang Hoon Kim, Ye-Sol Kim, Yeong Deuk Jo, Dong Sub Kim, Si-Yong Kang PB-50 Study of anthocyanin accumulation in lettuce cultivars by different environments with digital phenotyping and next generation sequencing (NGS) technologies 103 Sungyul Chang, Eun-Hee Soh, Chee Hark Harn, Hyoung Seok Kim PB-51 Identification of Hybrids using SSR markers from Polyembryonic Citrus Breeding Lines. 103 Sun-Yung Yoon, Hyo-Min Ahn, Hyun-Jeong Oh, Kyung-Hwan Boo, Ho-Bang Kim, Gyoeng-Lyong Jeon PB-52 Assessment of Growth Characteristics and Cell Wall Components in Mutant Cultivars of Kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus) 104 Sang Wook Jeong, Jaihyunk Ryu, Seung Bin Im, Soon-Jae Kwon, Joon-Woo Ahn, Jin-Baek Kim, Sang Hoon Kim, Hee-Bong Lee, Si-Yong Kang PB-53 Complete chloroplast genome sequence of Capsicum baccatum var. baccatum 104 Tae-Sung Kim, Jung-Ro Lee, Sebastin Raveendar, Gi-An Lee, Young-Ah Jeon, Ho-Sun Lee, Eun Seong Park, Kyung-Ho Ma, Sok-Young Lee, Jong-Wook Chung PB-54 황색반겹꽃대륜화절화용거베라 레몬비치 육성 105 정용모, 황주천, 진영돈, 이병정, 이상대, 이영병, 권오창 xvi
21 PB-55 PB-56 The Complete Chloroplast Genome Sequence of Korean Landrace Subicho (Capsicum annuum var. annuum) 106 Sebastin Raveendar, Young-Ah Jeon, Jung-Ro Lee, Gi-An Lee, Kyung Jun Lee, Yang-Hee Cho, Kyung-Ho Ma, Sok-Young Lee, Jong-Wook Chung The complete chloroplast genome of Capsicum annuum var. glabriusculum using Illumina sequencing 106 Sebastin Raveendar, Jung-Ro Lee, Donghwan Shim, Kyung Jun Lee, Kyung-Ho Ma, Sok-Young Lee, Jong-Wook Chung PB-57 The Complete Chloroplast Genome of Capsicum frutescens L. 107 Jung-Ro Lee, Donghwan Shim, Gi-An Lee, Sebastin Raveendar, Na-Young Ro, Young-Ah Jeon, Yang-Hee Cho, Kyung-Ho Ma, Sok-Young Lee, Jong-Wook Jeong PB-58 Content of Trans-Resveratrol in Soybean Mature Seed 107 Sang-Woo Choi, Sung-Jin Han, Jong-Il Chung PB-59 토마토잎추출물의항염증활성검정및 steroid glycoalkaloids 분석 108 김효정, 이경준, 이기안, 전영아, 이호선, 마경호, 이석영, 이동진, 정종욱 PB-60 토마토잎추출물의항산화활성검정및 flavone aglycones 분석 109 김효정, 이경준, 이기안, 전영아, 이정로, 박은성, 이호선, 조양희, 마경호, 이석영, 이동진, 정종욱 PB-61 Seed traits of y9ti genotype in soybean 109 Sang-Woo Choi, Sung-Jin Han, Jong-Il Chung PB-62 대추나무품종식별을위한 Microsatellite DNA 표지개발 110 조아르나, 신유승, 김영미, 김종환, 정지희 PB-63 Classification of Korean rice varieties based on growth characteristics 110 Me-Sun Kim, Hye-Jung Lee, Dal-A Yu, Joonki Kim, Franz Nogoy, Eun-Ju Jeong, Jang-Hwan You, Yong-Gu Cho PB-64 High tryptophan rice with an improved eating quality 111 Franz Marielle Nogoy, Hye-Jung Lee, Marjohn Nino, Me-Sun Kim, Sothea Ouk, Yu-Jin Jung, Kwon-Kyoo Kang, Ill-sup Nou, Yong-Gu Cho PB-65 Protein expression pattern of soybean sprouts at different germination temperatures 111 Man-Soo Choi, Sung-Cheol Koo, Hyun-Tae Kim, Beom-Kyu Kang, In-Seok Oh, Hong-Tai Yun PB-66 Modification of starch composition using RNAi targeting of SSS1 gene in rice 112 Hye-Jung Lee, Moo-Geun Jee, Dal-A Yu, Me-Sun Kim, Joonki Kim, Seon-Kyeong Song, Kwon-Kyoo Kang, Yong-Gu Cho PB-67 Growth and Yield characteristics of Orchardgrass Onnuri 2 ho Variety 113 Hee Chung. Ji, Ki Yong. Kim, Tae Young Hwang, Hyun Seok Chae, Seong Tae Lee PB-68 Agricultural Characteristics and SSR Profiling of Soybean from Korea, China, Japan and Southeast Asia 114 Yu-Mi Choi, Sukyeung Lee, Do yoon Hyun, Sejong Oh, Myung-Chul Lee, Hocheol Ko, On-Sook Hur, Na-Young Ro, Yeon-Ju Jeong xvii
22 PB-69 A Red Single Freesia Cutie Red for Pot Plant 114 Youn Jung Choi, Hyang Young Jeoung, Dae Hoe Goo, Yun Im Kang, Hae Ryong Cho PB-70 수량많고껍질벗김성이뛰어난잎자루채소용고구마우수계통선발 115 한선경, 안승현, 김재명, 송연상, 이형운, 양정욱, 이준설, 남상식, 이경보 PB-71 절화알스트로메리아 씨엔알스호프 의육성과특성 116 한수범, 박성화, 김정석, 박형빈, 안주희, 한태호 PB-72 정원용장미대목으로사용되는찔레경지삽발근효율증진연구 117 김정석, 강성환, 한수범, 박성화, 안주희, 한태호 PB-73 황기의유효성분대량생산을위한기내배양조건정립 118 허목, 엄유리, 안태진, 이정훈, 김영국, 차선우 PB-74 발아자극물질 Strigolactone 혼합물의발아자극활성 119 김현일, 샤시오난, 키스기타카야, 요네야마카오리, 요네야마코이치 PB-75 국내블루베리품종구분을위한형태적특성비교 120 김수진, 고상욱, 남종철, 정성민, 허윤영 PB-76 Gibberellin Application at Pre-bloom in Grapevines Alters GABA-shunt Resulting in Accumulation of GABA (γ-aminobutyric acid) at Full Bloom 121 Chan Jin Jung, Youn Young Hur, Sung-Min Jung, Sang-Uk Koh, Jong-Chul Nam PB-77 국내블루베리품종구분을위한형태적특성비교 122 김수진, 고상욱, 남종철, 정성민, 허윤영 PB-78 발아자극물질 Strigolactone 혼합물의발아자극활성 123 김현일, 샤시오난, 키스기타카야, 요네야마카오리, 요네야마코이치 PB-79 Analysis of transcriptional regulation of Arabidopsis PIF family genes in response to abiotic stresses 124 Jin-Seok Moon, Satoshi Kidokoro, Daisuke Todaka, Sayuri Igusa, Junya Mizoi, Kazuo Shinozaki, Kazuko Yamaguchi-Shinozaki PB-80 Characterization of the Koji (Aspergillus oryzae) in four wheat varieties 124 Jong-Nae Hyun, Hyung-ho Park, Kyung-Hun Kim, Kyung-Min Kim, Jee-Yeon Ko, Young-Up Kweon, Chon-Sik Kang, Sang-Jong Lim, Jae-Hyun Kim PB-81 A high tocopherol content rice cultivar Tocomi Jung Eun Hwang, In Jung Jung, Sung Min Han, Jin-Baek Kim, Si-Yong Kang, Dong Sub Kim PB-82 고생장성의복색홑꽃절화용스프레이국화 매직발라드 육성 126 황주천, 진영돈, 정용모, 안동춘, 이병정, 이상대, 정병룡 xviii
23 분자육종및유전공학 (Molecular breeding and biotechnology) PC-01 Genetic Analysis and Fine Mapping of Panicle Tip Mutant pnt in rice (Oryza sativa L.) 127 Abebe Megersa Diriba, Dongryung Lee, Jeonghwan Seo, Backki Kim, Zhuo Jin, Hee-Jong Koh PC-02 PC-03 PC-04 PC-05 PC-06 Phylo rice transcription factor database: a resource for phylogenomics based systematic analysis of rice transcription factor for functional studies 127 Anil Kumar N.C, Yo-Han Yoo, Ki-Hong Jung Map-based cloning to identify gene involving in male gametophyte development in Arabidopsis 128 Thi Hoai Thuong Nguyen, Hyo-Jin Park, Tien Dung Nguyen, Sung Aeong Oh, Soon Ki Park Molecular characterization and functional analysis of the UDP-glucose 4-epimerase (BrUGE) gene family in response to biotic and abiotic stress in Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa) 128 Yu Jin Jung, Boo Min Yun, Hyun Ji Kim, Yong Gu Cho, Ill Sup Noh, Kwon Kyoo Kang A Map-based Cloning Approach for the Identification of a Low Temperature Sensitive Gene sy-2 in Chilli pepper (Capsicum chinense) 129 Li Liu, Min-Young Kang, Jin-Ho Kang, Yeong Deuk Jo, Sota Koeda, Munetaka Hosokawa, Doil Choi, Byoung-Cheorl Kang Characterization and interaction analysis of two QTLs, QTL5-1 and QTL5-2, controlling Phytophthora capsici resistance in Capsicum annuum using near-isogenic lines 130 Hyeon-Seok Jeong, Muhammad Irfan Siddique, Jeong-Tak An, Ki Taek Kim, Gyung Ja Choi, Darush Struss, Byoung-Cheorl Kang PC-07 한국들잔디에서의 β-,3-glucanase 유전자의 cloning 131 강소미, 강지남, 강홍규, 선현진, 권용익, 고석민, 이효연 PC-08 환경스트레스내성들잔디 (Zoysia japonica Steud.) 의형질전환체개발 132 박미영, 선현진, 이동희, 류기중, 이효연 PC-09 제초제저항성 GM 들잔디유래초형개선신품종잔디 (JG21-MJ) 계통의분자생물학적특성평가 132 정하나, 좌지방, 선현진, 권용익, 강홍규, 이효연 PC-10 Cloning of WRKY genes, induced by stresses in Zoysia japonica Steud. 133 Woo-Nam Kim, Yong-Ik Kwon, In-Ja Song, Bo-Hwa Hwang, Dong-Sun Lee, Hyo Yeon Lee PC-11 Antifungal activities of zoysiagrass (Zosia japonica Steud.) chitinases against Rhizoctonia solani and analysis of fungus responsive cis-elements in chitinase genes promoter 134 Ji-Nam Kang, So-Mi Kang, Hong-Gyu Kang, Hyeon-Jin Sun, Yong-Ik Kwon, Suk-Min Ko, Hyo-Yeon Lee PC-12 The Karyotype Analysis of Lilium Species Native to China 134 Ge Guo, Ki-Byung Lim xix
24 PC-13 Bio assay of DNP, 9 Response in Rice Screening with Whitebacked planthopper 135 Sopheap Yun, Vicheka Than, Kyung-A kim, Hyun-Suk Lee, Gi-Hwan Yi, Byung-Wook Yun, Kyung-Min Kim PC-14 PC-15 PC-16 PC-17 Timing screening effects and QTLs analysis of Whiteback planhopper Resistance Cheongcheong/Nagdong Double haploid Rice 136 Sopheap Yun, Hyun-Suk Lee, Than Vicheka, Gi-Hwan Yi, Kyung-Min Kim QTLs for detecting DNA markers related to alkali digestion value in rice grain using doubled haploid population 137 Hyun-Suk Lee, Gyu-Ho Lee, A-Ra Cho, Gihwan Yi, Kyung-Min Kim Practical use of standard set of microsatellites based classification of primary pears and Korean native pears (Pyrus spp.) 138 Keumsun Kim, Hyunsuk Shin, Youngjae Oh, Sewon Oh, Jungyeon Won, Hyeondae Han, Yoon-Kyeong Kim, Seolah Kim, Sung-Il Oh, Mingi Lee, Daeil Kim Distinct roles of E3-paralogue genes promote early flowering in late flowering soybean cultivars 139 Kil Hyun Kim, Min-Jung Seo, Jin-Seok Lee, Hwan Hee Bae, Jung-Tae Kim, Beom-Young Son, Seong-Bum Baek, Jeom-Ho Lee, Jung-Kyung Moon, Chang-Hwan Park PC-18 Evidence of whole genome duplication in Panax ginseng draft sequence 140 Nam-Hoon Kim, Woojong Jang, Murukarthick Jayakodi, Sang-Choon Lee, Yun Sun Lee, Junki Lee, Beom-Soon Choi, Tae-Jin Yang PC-19 Identification and characterization of novel phosphate starvation signaling mutant in Arabidopsis 141 Hyun Jin Chun, Mi Suk Park, Byung-Jun Jin, Min Chul Kim PC-20 Metabolic analysis of high salt-adapted Arabidopsis suspension cultured cells 142 Hyun Jin Chun, Wook-Hun Jung, Mi Suk Park, Hyun Min Cho, Dae-Jin Yun, Young-Shick Hong, Min Chul Kim PC-21 Integrating Omics Analysis of Salt Stress-Responsive Genes in Rice 143 Seo-Woo Kim, Hee-Jeong Jeong, Ki-Hong Jung PC-22 Development of a simple PCR marker linked to the gene conferring resistance to downy mildew (Peronospora destructor) in onion (Allium cepa L.) 143 Seongjun Kim, Sunggil Kim PC-23 nssr 표지를이용한안면도지역곰솔채종원과자연집단의교배양식유전모수연간변이 144 김영미, 홍경낙, 박유진, 홍용표, 박재인 PC-24 백합나무 (Liriodendron tulipifera) 체세포배유래순화묘의활착율향상을위한몇가지황산화제처리효과 144 김용욱, 김지아, 문흥규, 정수진, 이나념 PC-25 QTL-seq analysis of flowering time in radish 145 Youn-Sung Kim, Chan-Sup Ko, Eun-Ju Lee, Jeong-Pal Suh, Jae-Yong Lee, Hye-Sun Cho xx
25 PC-26 PC-27 PC-28 PC-29 다양한농도의사과, 감자및바나나추출물처리가형질전환팔레놉시스원괴체유사체생장및증식에미치는영향 145 노희선, 박선경, 김종보 A highly sensitive real-time PCR systems for detecting rice grain-derived food ingredients in commercial mixed-flour Products 146 Ju-Hee Kim, Sun-Goo Hwang, Cheol Seong Jang Profilings of differentially expressed genes with space environments exposed Brachypodium seeds 146 Jin-Baek Kim, Min Jeong Hong, Young Ha Yoon, Dong Sub Kim, Sang Hoon Kim, Joon-Woo Ahn, Yeong Deuk Jo, Si-Yong Kang Complete chloroplast genome of Codonopsis lanceolata and Platycodon grandiflorus: insight into evolution of the Asterales and development of molecular marker. 147 Jin-hyuk Kim, Sun-Goo Hwang, Cheol-Seong Jang PC-30 MAB SNP marker development to accelerate the breeding of Chinese cabbage 147 Jinhee Kim, Do-Sun Kim, Hye-Eun Lee, Yul-Kyun Ahn, Jeong Ho Kim PC-31 CSGM Designer: a convenient platform for designing cross-species intron-spanning genic markers 148 Jin-Hyun Kim, Chaeyoung Lee, Joo-Seok Park, Douglas R. Cook, Hong-Kyu Choi PC-32 Molecular mapping of QTLs related to cold tolerance at seedling stage in rice 149 Tae Heon Kim, Yeon-Jae Hur, Saisbeul Lee, Ji-Yoon Lee, Youngbo Son, Sung Hwan Oh, Sang-Ik Han, Jun-Hyun Cho, You-Chun Song, Jong-Hee Lee, Min-Hee Nam, Dong-Soo Park, Yeong-Up Kwon, Dongjin Shin PC-33 Up-dating of new dcaps markers for mapping yield-related traits using MGRIL 150 Ye-Ji Lee, Hyun-Ju Lee, In-Seon Jeong, Seon-Hwa Bae, Hyeon-So Ji, Gang-Seob Lee, Ung-Han Yoon, Jang-Ho Hahn, Tae-Ho Kim PC-34 PC-35 PC-36 Development of simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers from ramie (Boehmeria nivea L.) and application to the genetic resources 151 Yoon Kyung Uhm, Hye-young Lee, Jinkyu Woo, JiHyeon Kim, Young-Mi Kim, Yong-Su Jung, Hyun Sam Lee, Sanghyun Lee, Ho Bang Kim Functional analysis of a stress-related gene BrTSR53 conferred salt tolerance in Yeast 152 A-Ram Kim, Hyemin Lim, Hyun-Ju Hwang, Sung Han Park, Chang-Kug Kim, Hyeonso Ji, Jung-Il Cho, Soo-Chul Park, Gang-Seob Lee A conserved oligomeric Golgi complex component-related protein is essential for pollen development in Arabidopsis 153 Tien Dung Nguyen, Binbin Li, Sung Aeong Oh, Soon Ki Park PC-37 Identification of microspore-active promoters using transgenic rice and Arabidopsis 154 Tien Dung Nguyen, Moe Moe Oo, Sung Aeong Oh, Thi Hoai Thuong Nguyen, Hyo-Jin Park, Jong Tae Song, Moon-Soo Soh, Ki-Hong Jung, Soon Ki Park xxi
26 PC-38 PC-39 PC-40 Development of Multiplex PCR for Species-Specific Identification of the Poaceae family Based on chloroplast rpoc2 genes 155 Jun-Cheol Moon, Ju-Hee Kim, Cheol Seong Jang Development of marker-free transgenic rice expressing wheat storage protein, TaGlu-Ax1, for increasing quality processing of bread and noodle 156 Soo-Kwon Park, So-Hyeon Baek, Dool-Yi Kim, Myoung-Ryoul Park, Na-Ra Lee, Kyoung Soon Shin, Su-Kyoung Jeon, Eun-Jae Kim, Sun-Lim Kim, Jung-Kyoung Moon Delimitation of Genomic Location for Frl locus Conferring Resistance to Fusarium Crown Root Rot in Tomato 157 Bichsaem Kim, Jihyun Hwang, Joon Young Kim, Byung Sup Kim, Sung Ran Min, Huijung Jung, Ill-Sup Nou, Younghoon Park PC-41 A new approach for detecting natural selection signature among rice in-paralogs 157 Kyu-Won Kim, Tae-Sung Kim, Yong-Jin Park PC-42 PC-43 PC-44 PC-45 PC-46 Transcriptome changes in rice (Oryza sativa L.) for high zinc content at the early milky stage 158 Eun-Beom Heo, Min-Young Yoon, Buung Choi, Donghwan Shim, Beom-Seok Park, Won-Il Kim, Yong-Jin Park Resequencing reveals different domestication rate for BADH1 and BADH2 in rice (Oryza sativa) 159 Qiang He, Jie Yu, Tae-Sung Kim, Yoo-Hyun Cho, Young-Sang Lee, Yong-Jin Park Discovery of a novel fragrant allele and development of functional markers for fragrance in rice 160 Qiang He, Yong-Jin Park Orthologous based study to detect the fast evolutionary genes related to rice pre-harvest sprouting 161 Wei Tong, Tae-Sung Kim, Kyu-Won Kim, Yong-Jin Park A chloroplast variation map generated using whole genome re-sequencing of Korean landrace rice reveals phylogenetic relationships among Oryza sativa subspecies 162 Wei Tong, Qiang He, Xiao-Qiang Wang, Min-Young Yoon, Won-Hee Ra, Feng Peng Li, Jie Yu, Win Htet Oo, Sun-Kyung Min, Buung Choi, Eun-Beom Heo, Byoung-Kook Yun, Kyu-Won Kim, Tae-Sung Kim, Chang-Yong Lee, Yong-Jin Park PC-47 Evolutionary study for rice iron uptake from Korean authentic rice core set 163 Buung Choi, Min-Young Yoon, Tae-Sung Kim, Kyu-Won Kim, Donghwan Shim, Beom-Seok Park, Won-Il Kim, Yong-Jin Park PC-48 A computer program for combining SNP information and estimating SNP-related statistics 163 Chang-Yong Lee, Yong-Jin Park PC-49 Evolutionary study for rice flowering time genes in Korean authentic rice core set 164 Min-Young Yoon, Tae-Sung Kim, Kyu-Won Kim, Yong-Jin Park xxii
27 PC-50 Evolution related genes of salt tolerance in rice revealed by McDonald-Kreitman Test 165 Jie Yu, Tae-Sung Kim, Kyu-Won Kim, Yong-Jin Park PC-51 PC-52 PC-53 PC-54 Transcriptome changes of rice(oryza sativa L.) in oil accumulation at the early milky stage 166 Win Htet Oo, Tae-Sung Kim, Donghwan Shim, Beom-Seok Park, Yong-Jin Park A pipleline for genome assisted breeding to efficiently exploit useful alleles from rice germplasm 166 Tae-Sung Kim, Kyu-Won Kim, Yong-Jin Park Generation and characterization of T-DNA insertion population for genetically-modified rice 167 Hyemin Lim, A-Ram Kim, Hyun-Ju Hwang, Jung-Il Cho, Hyeonso Ji, Chang-Kug Kim, Soo-Chul Park, Gang-Seob Lee Molecular dissection of a rice RING finger protein induced by salt and drought treatments 168 Yong Chan Park, Cheol Seong Jang PC-55 Dissection of Korean landrace chamoe (Cucumis melo var. makuwa) genome 168 Inkyu Park, Jae-Pil Choi, Jungeun Kim, Jeongyeo Lee, Soohwan Lim, Mi-Ye Lee, Hey-Ran Kim PC-56 PC-57 PC-58 PC-59 PC-60 Profile of econdary metabolites and related gene expressions of Panax ginseng adventitious roots induced from 5 korean ginseng cultivars cultured in bioreactors 169 Hyun-Seung Park, Dong-Kyu Lee, Yun Sun Lee, Sang-Choon Lee, Murukarthick Jayakodi, Sung Won Kwon, Tae-Jin Yang Gene identification of Arabidopsis gametophytic mutation showing aberrant pollen phenotype using map-based cloning approach 169 Hyo Jin Park, Nguyen Thi Hoai Thuong, Tien Dung Nguyen, Sung Aeong Oh, Soon Ki Park Mapping QTLs of resistance to head splitting in cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata L.) 170 Wenxing Pang, Xiaonan Li, Seong Ho Lee, Dasom Kim, Sang Heon Oh, Su Ryun Choi, Yong Pyo Lim Characterization and analysis of OsUPS, a U-box containing E3 ligase that respond to phosphate starvation in rice. 171 Ki-Deuk Bae, Doh-hoon Kim Cloning and identification of the partial major ampullate silk protein gene from the spider Araneus ventricosus in rice. 171 Ki-Deuk Bae, Doh-Hoon Kim PC-61 Identification and analysis of osgasd gene. 172 Ki-Deuk Bae, Doh-Hoon Kim PC-62 OsMYB4p, an R2R3-type MYB transcription factor, improves phosphate uptake in rice 172 Ki-Deuk Bae, Doh-Hoon Kim xxiii
28 PC-63 Characterizataion and histological analysis of leaf development related gene in rice. 173 Ki-Deuk Bae, Doh-hoon Kim PC-64 Study of transgenic rice plants in rich expressed sheep serotonin N-Acetyltransferase 173 Yeong Byeon, Hyoung Yool Lee, Kyoungwhan Back PC-65 Presence of melatonin 2-hydroxylase in rice (Oryza sativa) plants 174 Yeong Byeon, Kyoungwhan Back PC-66 PC-67 PC-68 PC-69 PC-70 Production of doubled haploids through micropspore culture in F1 hybrids of yellow sarson and turnip rape of Brassica rapa 174 Mi-Suk Seo, Mi-Sun Moon, Kyung-gin Lee, So Youn Won, Sangho Kang, Seong-Han Sohn, Jung Sun Kim RNA-seq analysis on tetralocular ovary and high seed yields in yellow sarson of Brassica rapa 175 Mi-Suk Seo, So Youn Won, Sangho Kang, Seong-Han Sohn, Jung Sun Kim Genome-wide identification of pepper NB-LRR gene family and their evolutionary history in Solanaceae 175 Eunyoung Seo, Seon-In Yeom, Seungill Kim, Joohyun Lee, Saet-Byul Kim, Eunbi Choi, Eun Hye Choi, Doil Choi Suitability of Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy as a screening method for the production of useful mutant lines in Panax ginseng 176 Javzandulam Ulziisaikhan, Jun-Ying Zhang, Hong-Yu Li, Hyeon-Jin Sun, Somi Kim, Sung-Jun Song, Hyo-Yeon Lee Gene transferability between herbicide-resistant B. napus and Korean varieties of B. rapa 177 Soo-In Sohn, Young-Ju Oh, Si-Myung Lee, Sung-Dug Oh, Gang-Seob Lee, Doh-Won Yun, Hyun-Suk Cho PC-71 Molecular marker evaluated for heat tolerance in wheat 177 Jae-Han Son, Kyeung-Hoon Kim, Chon-Sik Kang, Young-Keun Cheong, Jong-Chul Park, Kyong-Ho Kim, Yang-Kil Kim, Young-Jin Oh, Jong-Ho Park, Tae-Hwa Song, Jae-Seong Choi, Bo-Kyeong Kim PC-72 Meta-analysis of QTL involved in drought tolerance and grain yield of maize 178 Kitae Song, Hyochul Kim, Seungho Shin, Kyung-Hee Kim, Jun-Cheol Moon, Jae Yoon Kim, Byung-Moo Lee PC-73 Screening of rice drought tolerant germplasms and drought tolerant QTL mapping 179 Dongjin Shin, Tae-Heon Kim, Sang-Ik Han, Ji-Yoon Lee, Youngbo Son, Sung Hwan Oh, Yeon-Jae Hur, Saisbeul Lee, Jun-Hyun Cho, Jong-Hee Lee, You-Chun Song, Min-Hee Nam, Dong-Soo Park, Yeong-Up Kwon PC-74 DNA Profiling and Variety Identification using Insertion-Deletion (InDel) Polymorphisms in Cultivated Tomato 179 Minkyung Kim, Sung-Chur Sim xxiv
29 PC-75 PC-76 Proline accumulation and related gene expression in response to higher temperatures during deacclimation in peach shoot tissues 180 Hyunsuk Shin, Sewon Oh, Keumsun Kim, Youngjae Oh, Jungyeon Won, Hyeondae Han, Daeil Kim Fine Mapping of the Root-Knot Nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) Resistance Gene (Me7) using an F2 Population in Pepper 181 Amornrat Changkwian, Ji-Woong Han, Jong-Ho Lee, Gyung-Ja Choi, Byoung-Cheorl Kang PC-77 알스트로메리아의환경위해성평가를위한생물학적특성평가방법 182 안주희, 문초아, 한수범, 박성화, 김정석, 박태성, 한태호 PC-78 Development of gene-based markers for pink fruit peel color in tomatoes 182 Marina Lee, Jungsu Jung, Hyun Jung Kim, Je Min Lee, Inhwa Yeam PC-79 PC-80 PC-81 PC-82 PC-83 PC-84 PC-85 PC-86 Biosafety assessment and molecular biological characteristics for β-carotene biofortified transgenic rice 183 Sung-Dug Oh, Soo-Yun Park, Doh-Won Yun, Soo-In Sohn, Hyun Suk Cho, Si Myung Lee Assessment of gene flow from disease resistant (OsCK1) genetically modified rice to its non-gm rice and weedy rice 183 Sung-Dug Oh, Si Myung Lee, Soo-In Sohn, Hyun Suk Cho, Doh-Won Yun Changes in proline content and related gene expression under artificial deaclimation and reacclimation during ecodormant state in Prunus persica 184 Sewon Oh, Hyunsuk Shin, Keumsun Kim, Youngjae Oh, Jungyeon Won, Hyeondae Han, Daeil Kim Identification of single-nucleotide polymorphisms in Sw-5b resistance gene and development of a SNP marker to Tomato spotted wilt virus in tomato 184 Hyung Jin Lee, Bo-Young Kim, Chang-Sik Oh Development of the single-nucleotide polymorphism marker in Cf-9 gene conferring resistance to a leaf mold pathogen Cladosporium fulvum in tomato 185 Bo-Young Kim, Hyung Jin Lee, Chang-Sik Oh Molecular characterization of transgenic plants using Next Generation Sequencing and Junction Sequence Analysis 185 Ji Hye Ohn, Andre Silvanovich, Carl Garnaat, Colton Kessenich, Qing Tian QTL analysis for Agronomic Traits of Rice Recombinant Inbred Lines under Different Environments 186 Mi-Ok Woo, Xing Huang, Eunbyeol Koh, Hee-Jong Koh Proteome alterations towards understanding molecular mechanism upon copper stress in Sorghum 187 Swapan Kumar Roy, Soo Jeong Kwon, Won-Ju Lee, Jong-Ho Yang, Sang-Woo Kim, Tae-Wook Jung, Jung-In Kim, Tae-Seok Ko, Sun-Hee Woo PC-87 Proteome analysis unravelling cadmium toxicity and tolerance in Sorghum leaves 188 Swapan Kumar Roy, Sang-Woo Kim, Jong-Ho Yang, Seong-Woo Cho, Tae-Wook Jung, Jung-In Kim, Tae-Seok Ko, Sun-Hee Woo xxv
30 PC-88 PC-89 PC-90 PC-91 PC-92 Protein profile changes induced by hormones in diploid and tetraploid roots of Platycodon grandiflorum 189 Soo-Jeong Kwon, Swapan Kumar Roy, Won-Ju Lee, Hae-Ryong Jeong, Hag-Hyun Kim, Yong-Gu Cho, Hee-Ock Boo, Sun-Hee Woo Proteome responses of diploid and tetraploid root: Towards understanding functional characterization in Platycodon grandiflorum 190 Soo-Jeong Kwon, Swapan Kumar Roy, Min-Heon Yun, Je-Hyeok Yu, Hag-Hyun Kim, Hee-Ock Boo, Moon-Soon Lee, Sun-Hee Woo Development of a PCR marker for monitoring of transgene introgression in resveratrol-enriched transgenic rice plant 191 Yang Qin, So-Hyeon Baek, Soon-Jong Kweon, Taek-Ryoun Kwon, Myung-Ho Lim, Kong-Sik Shin, Hyun-Suk Cho, Hee-Jong Woo Selection of β-carotene enhanced transgenic soybean containing single-copy transgene and analysis of integration sites 191 Yang Qin, Soon-Jong Kweon, Young-Soo Chung, Sun-Hwa Ha, Kong-Sik Shin, Myung-Ho Lim, Taek-Ryoun Kwon, Soon Ki Park, Hyun-Suk Cho, Hee-Jong Woo Comparative nutritional analysis for marker-free transgenic Bt rice and non-transgenic counterparts 192 Hee-Jong Woo, Kong-Sik Shin, Myung-Ho Lim, Jin-Hyoung Lee, Yang Qin, Soon Ki Park, Hyun-Suk Cho PC-93 Characterization of chrysanthemum genome by NGS 192 So Youn Won, Seulki Lee, Jae-A Jung, Jung Sun Kim, Sangho Kang, Seong-Han Sohn PC-94 미성숙화기를이용한 우람 억새식물체재분화 193 유경단, 장윤희, 안종웅, 최인후, 문윤호, 차영록, 이지은, 안기홍, 이경보 PC-95 PC-96 PC-97 PC-98 Rice FLAVIN-BINDING, KELCH REPEAT, F-BOX 1 (OsFKF1) promotes flowering independent of photoperiod. 194 Su-Hyun Han, Soo-Cheul Yoo, Nam-Chon Paek Investigation of Saponin Biosynthesis Related Uridine Diphosphate Glycosyltransferase(UGT) Genes in Platycodon grandiflorum Using RNA-seq 194 Jemin Yoo, Yurry Um, Yi Lee Analysis of Phylogenetic Relationship in Platycodon grandiflorum using RAPD Molecular Marker 195 Jemin Yoo, So Hyeon Park, Yurry Um, Yi Lee Investigation of Cytochrome P450 Genes Related to Saponin Biosynthesis in Platycodon grandiflorum Using RNA-Seq Analysis 195 Jemin Yoo, Yurry Um, Yi Lee PC-99 Genome-wide identification of Receptor-like Protein in Capsicum annuum 196 DongKue Yun, BoSeu Park, JuneSung Lee, Won-Hee Kang, Seungill Kim, Myung-Shin Kim, Doil Choi, Seon-In Yeom xxvi
31 PC-100 The Citrus unshiu carotenoid isomerase gene, CuCRTISO, has a activity of the carotenoid isomerase in the tomato CRTISO mutant Tangerine. 196 Chang-Ho Eun, In-Jung Kim PC-101 Phylogenomic analysis and a systematic view of MLO family in rice 197 Van Ngoc Tuyet Nguyen, Ki-Hong Jung PC-102 PC-103 PC-104 Functional characterization of soybean FT homologs in photoperiod-dependent flowering time control 197 Kyung-Hee Lee, Cheol Woo Choi, Wook-Hun Jung, Min-Chul Kim Transgenic Forage Plants Overexpressing a alfalfa Hsp23 Gene Exhibit Enhanced Tolerance to Abiotic Stresses 198 Ki-Won Lee, Ki-Yong Kim, Hee Chung Ji, Tae Young Hwang, Sang-Hoon Lee 음나무 (Kalopanax septemlobus) 종자유래식물체재생과재생식물체의 ISSR 에기초한유전적다양성분석 198 이나념, 김지아, 김용욱, 최용의, 문흥규 PC-105 식물성오일의혈중지질수치감소효과 199 최정란, 김형욱, 장인건, 이상협 PC-106 Characterization of Siberian wild rye grass EsHsp16.9 Gene and Their Expression under Various Environmental Conditions 200 Sang-Hoon Lee, Ki-Yong Kim, Hee Chung Ji, Tae Young Hwang, Ki-Won Lee PC-107 벼줄무늬잎마름병의주요유전자 Stv-b 관련 QTL 탐색 201 이샛별, 허연재, 김태헌, 신동진, 한상익, 조준현, 이지윤, 손영보, 남민희, 송유천, 이종희, 김경민, 권영업, 박동수 PC-108 Characterization and Genetic Mapping of Narrow and Adaxially Rolled Leaf Mutant in Rice 201 Yoon Kyung Lee, Yunjoo Lee, Hee-Jong Koh PC-109 Production of soybean transgenic plants to improve agronomic traits 202 Yoon Jeong Lee, Jin Ho Yang, Jin Sol Park, Hye Jeong Kim, Hyun Suk Cho, Jae Seong Kim, Hyun Hee Im, Ki Jung Lee, Jeong Il Kim, Soon Chun Jeong, Dong Hee Lee, Yung Soo Chung PC-110 PC-111 PC-112 Proteomic Analysis of High and Low- Molecular Weight Subunits in Korean Common Wheat Cultivars 202 Jong-Yeol Lee, Hye-Rang Beom, Sun-Hyung Lim, Young-Mi Kim Comprehensive Identification of Low-Molecular-Weight Glutein Subunit Genes and Their Protein Products in a Korean Common Wheat Variety Keumkang 203 Hye-Rang Beom, Sun-Hyung Lim, Young-Mi Kim, Jong-Yeol Lee Activation of Anthocyanin Biosynthesis by Expression of the Radish R2R3 MYB Transcription Factor gene RsMYB1 204 Sun-Hyung Lim, Sun-Hwa Ha, MinJi Choi, Da-Hye Kim, Sang-Kyu Park, Jong-Yeol Lee, Young-Mi Kim xxvii
32 PC-113 Comparative Whole-Genome Analysis of Tall Transgenic Bt Line and wild-type Line 205 Jin-Hyoung Lee, Kong-Sik Shin, Seok-Cheol Suh, Hee-Jong Woo, Myung-Ho Lim, Yang Qin, Taek-Ryoun Kwon, Soon-Ki Park, Hyun-Suk Cho PC-114 Predicting consensus sequence of pre-mrna splicing signals in legume family 205 Chaeyoung Lee, Jin-Hyun Kim, Joo-Seok Park, Hong-kyu Choi PC-115 Analysis of Genetic Diversity and Evaluation of Phenotypic Traits in Chrysanthemums 206 Byung-Chun In, Sung-Chur Sim, Hyung-Won Choi, Sukyoung Jung, Yealim Yi, Bo-Kyung Choi, Yong-Seok Oh, Chang-Kyu Lee, Jin Hee Lim PC-116 Development of SNP markers associated with citrus canker 207 Sanghyun Lim, Seunghee Ko, Young Chul Park, Yoon Kyung Uhm, Jae Joon Kim, Kwan Jeong Song, Ho Bang Kim PC-117 TE-TRAP : New Marker System for Gamma Irradiated Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) 208 Seung Bin Im, Jaihyunk Ryu, Sang-Wook Jeong, Soon-Jae Kwon, Joon-Woo Ahn, Dong Sub Kim, Hee-bong Lee, Si-Yong Kang PC-118 PC-119 Functional Characterization of PaLEAFY, a FLORICAULA/LEAFY orthologue in Phalaenopsis aphrodite 208 Seonghoe Jang Analysis of Candidate Genes for Grain Weight Traits Using NILs from An Interspecific Cross in Rice 209 Yun-A Jeon, Dong-Min Kim, Hyun-Sook Lee, Ju-Won Kang, Yun-Joo Kang, Sang-Nag Ahn PC-120 Delaying the tomato fruit ripening by sound wave treatment 209 Mi-Jeong Jeong, Joo-Yeol Kim, Jin Su Lee, Soo In Lee, Jin-A Kim PC-121 PC-122 Enhanced post-germinative growth of encapsulated somatic embryos of Siberian ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus) by carbohydrate addition to the encapsulation matrix. 210 Su-Jin Jung, Ui-Soo Yoon, Yong-Eui Choi Characterization of roles of soybean GIGANTEA genes in day-length dependent flowering 210 Wook-Hun Jung, Cheol Woo Choi, Kyung Hee Lee, Hyun Min Cho, Min Chul Kim PC-123 Characterization of OsJAC1 which is responding to different types of ionizing radiation 211 In jung Jung, Jung Eun Hwang, Sung Min Han, Hong-Il Choi, Soon-Jae Kwon, Jin-Baek Kim, Si-Yong Kang, Dong Sub Kim PC-124 De novo transcriptome assembly of Perilla citriodora and expression profile study 211 Junkyoung Choe, Woo Kyung Lee, Ji-Eun Kim, Myoung Hee Lee, Tae-ho Kim, Sung- Hwan Jo, Jeong-Hee Lee PC-125 Investigation of morphological characteristics and pollen germination in Senna tora 212 Jin-Tae Jeong, Seon-Woo Cha, Bo-Keun Ha xxviii
33 PC-126 PC-127 PC-128 Molecular Breeding of Pepper Varieties (Capsicum annuum) Containing High Levels of Capsinoids 213 Hyeon-Seok Jeong, Hee-Bum Yang, Siyoung Jang, Yeong Deuk Jo, Byoung-Cheorl Kang Genome Cloud 서버연결 NCBI-SRA 데이터를이용한 SNP 마커발굴용컨베이어 QUEUE 시스템개발 214 최준경, 이봉우, 김지은, 오재은, 이보미, 이정희, 조성환 Developing Marker and Fine Mapping of the Powdery Mildew Resistance Gene in Capsicum annumm 215 Jinkwan Jo, Gyung Ja Choi, Jin-Kyung Kwon, Byoung-Cheorl Kang PC-129 Transformation of soybean with AT-hook binding protein genes to delay senescence 215 Hyun Suk Cho, Jin Ho Yang, Jin Sol Park, Hye Jeong Kim, Yoon Jeong Lee, Jae Seong Kim, Hyun Hee Im, Ki Jung Lee, Dong Hee Lee, Yung Soo Chung PC-130 PC-131 Development of novel strategy for antifungal crop using trans-kingdom small RNA movement 216 Byung-Jun Jin, Hyun Jin Chun, Min Chul Kim Caffeic acid O -metyltransferase (COMT) is involved in the melatonin synthesis in rice (Oriza sativa) plants 216 Geun-hee Choi, Yeong Byeon, Hyoung Yool Lee, Kyoungwhan Back PC-132 Development of Oryza sativa Alternative Spliced Transcripts Detecting Microarray. 217 Songhwa Chae, Kyong-Mi Jun, Joung Sug Kim, Baek-Hie Nahm, Yeon-Ki Kim PC-133 Season-related variations of growth and metabolic profiles in Pinus densiflora 218 Mi Na Choi, Hyo-Ryeon Lee, Eung-Jun Park PC-134 PC-135 Systemic analyses of expression patterns and structural variation of soybean flowering genes in natural accessions 218 Cheol-Woo Choi, Wook-Hun Jung, Kyung-Hee Lee, Min-Chul Kim Characterization of the aquaporin family genes and stress responsive expression profiling in Brassica rapa 219 Md. Abdul Kayum, Jong-In Park, Nasar Uddin Ahmed, Gopal Saha, Ill-Sup Nou PC-136 Carotenoids Synthesis Gene Analysis in pepper 220 Ayoung Jung, Hyeon-Seok Jeong, Dong Kyu Lim, Yeaseong Ha, Arti Rai, Jin-Kyung Kwon, Sung Won Kwon, Byoung-Cheorl Kang PC-137 PC-138 Isolation and Characterization of Pepper Genes Interacting with CMV-P1 Helicase Domain 220 Yeaseong Ha, Joung-Ho Lee, Yoomi Choi, Min-Young Kang, JeeNa Hwang, Won-Hee Kang, Byoung-Cheorl Kang Genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) for assessment of genetic diversity in pepper germplasm 221 Koeun Han, Heayoung Lee, Jin-Kyung Kwon, Byoung-Cheorl Kang xxix
34 PC-139 PC-140 PC-141 PC-142 Effects of ionizing irradiation on mutation induction and nuclear DNA content in Oryza Sativa L. 221 Sung Min Han, Jung Eun Hwang, In jung Jung, Hong-Il Choi, Soon-Jae Kwon, Jin-Baek Kim, Si-Young Kang, Dong Sub Kim Classification of Asian pears (Pyrus spp.) using the 12 standard set of microsatellite reference alleles 222 Hyeondae Han, Youngjae Oh, Hyunsuk Shin, Sewon Oh, Jungyeon Won, Seolah Kim, Junhyeong Park, Yoon-kyeong Kim, Gidong Hwang, Daeil Kim Analysis of transcriptional regulation of Arabidopsis PIF family genes in response to abiotic stresses 223 Jin-Seok Moon, Satoshi Kidokoro, Daisuke Todaka, Sayuri Igusa, Junya Mizoi, Kazuo Shinozaki, Kazuko Yamaguchi-Shinozaki Development of molecular markers for evaluation of low temperature germinability in rice germplasm 223 Do Yoon Hyun, Sukyeung Lee, Yu-Mi Choi, Myung-Chul Lee, Se Jong Oh, Thomas H. Tai PC-143 Expression of anthocyanin biosynthesis-related genes in wheat grain development 224 Min Jeong Hong, Young Ha Yoon, Dong Sub Kim, Sang Hoon Kim, Joon-Woo Ahn, Si-Yong Kang, Yong Weon Seo, Jin-Beak Kim PC-144 DNA 바코드분석을통한국내자생난지형잔디의분류 224 양대화, 홍민지, 정옥철, 진일두, 박미영, 김양지, 이효연 PC-145 국내자생난지형잔디의 FTIR 을이용한대사체분석및구별 225 홍민지, 양대화, 안명숙, 정옥철, 진일두, 김석원, 이효연 PC-146 들잔디 (Zoysia japonica Steud.) 의상동재조합효율분석 226 홍민지, 김재훈, 이효연, 권용익 PC-147 Development of Novel SSR Markers using NGS sequencing and Genetic Relationship Analysis in Blueberry (Vaccinium spp.) 227 Jee-Hwa Hong, Eun-Jo Shim, Moo-Kyoung Yoon, Eun-Hee Soh PC-148 C 0 t Analysis of Chrysanthemum boreale: the Realization of its Genome Characteristics 228 Abigail Rubiato Cuyacot, So Youn Won, Sang Kun Park, Seong-Han Sohn, Ki-Byung Lim, Hyun Hee Kim, Franklin Hinosa Mancia, Yoon-Jung Hwang PC-149 PC-150 Overexpression of the RNA binding gene from Medicago trancatula regulates flowering time 229 Hyun-Ju Hwang, Hyemin Lim, A-Ram Kim, Dae-Woo Lee, Jong-Seong Jeon, Jong Won Han, Gang-Seob Lee Seed color effect on germination rate and antioxidant activity under salt stress in wheat 230 Paulina Calderón Flores, Dae Yeon Kim, Yong Weon Seo xxx
35 PC-151 Intronic long nonciding RNA and sumoylation of histone methyltransferase contribute to control of flowering time in rice 230 Ye Jin Kwon, Do Youn Kim, Sung-il kim, Jun Soo Kwak, Jong Tae Song, Hak Soo Seo PC-152 Flowering time is repressed by sumoylation of FLC 231 Jun Soo Kwak, Sung-Il Kim, Do Youn Kim, Ye Jin Gyeon, Hak Soo Seo PC-153 Analysis of Phylogenetic Relationship of Codonopsis lanceolata Cultivated in Korea using RAPD Makers 231 Jinsu Gil, Serim Kiml, Yurry Um, Seon-Woo Cha, Yi Lee PC-154 RNA seq Transcriptional Analysis of Pre-harvest Sprouting Korean Wheat 232 Dae Yeon Kim, Jae Yoon Kim, Yong Weon Seo PC-155 Genome-wide transcription profiling of inflorescence development in wheat 233 Dae Yeon Kim, Min Jeong Hong, Yong Weon Seo PC-156 PC-157 PC-158 Genome wide DNA methylation analysis of chromo methylase CMT3 and E3 sumo ligase AtSIZ1 mutants. 234 Do Youn Kim, Ye-Jin Kwon, Sung-il Kim, Jun Soo Kwak, Min Kim, Jong Tae Song, Hak Soo Seo Analysis of genetic diversity of Codonopsis lanceolata cultivated in Korea using SSR makers 235 Serim Kim, Ji Hee Jeong, Jinsu Gil, Tae Dong Kim, Yurry Um, Ok Tae Kim, Ho Bang Kim, Hee Chung, Yi Lee The Effects of ehanolic superjami bran extract on glucose and lipid metabolism in ovariectomized rats 236 Su-Jin Nam, Mi-Young Kang PC-159 Repression of DFR1 expression by w3 mutation in Soybean 236 Gyu Tae Park, Jagadeesh Sundaramoorthy, Jeong-Dong Lee, Hak Soo Seo, Jong Tae Song PC-160 PC-161 PC-162 PC-163 Phylogenetic Relationship Analysis of Adenophora triphylla var. japonica HARA Local Collections using RAPD Markers 237 Ki-Chan Park, Jinsu Gil, Serim Kim, Young-Guk Kim, Seon-Woo Cha, Yi Lee The Arabidopsis abscisic acid receptors RCAR4 and RCAR5 promote disease resistance through regulation of stomatal aperture 237 Woonhee Baek, Chanmi Park, Hyunhee Joo, Sung Chul Lee Identification of Expansin Genes in Platycodon grandiflorum A. Using RNA-seq Analysis 238 Sang Ik Park, Jemin Yoo, Yurry Um, Yi Lee Functional roles of the pepper lipoxygenase, CaLOX1, in osmotic, drought, and high salinity tolerance 239 Woonhee Baek, Chanmi Park, Hyunhee Joo, Sung Chul Lee PC-164 Agronomic traits evaluation of wheat germplasms 240 Jin Seok Yoon, Yong Weon Seo xxxi
36 PC-165 Capsicum baccatum 종내교잡에서 SNP 분자표지를이용한유전자지도작성 241 이예린, 정규미, 김해인, 은민호, 이준대 PC-166 PC-167 PC-168 PC-169 Classification of Celiac disease epitopes of ω-gliadin through data mining and compared with Chinese spring genome sequence 242 Cheol Won Lee, Yong Weon Seo The E3 Ubiquitin Ligase COP1 Regulates Thermosensory Flowering by Triggering GI Degradation in Arabidopsis 243 Kiyoung Jang, Su-Jin Jung, Hong Gil Lee, Nam-Chon Paek, Pil Joon Seo The pepper RING finger protein CaRING1 plays a role in abscisic acid signaling and drought tolerance 244 Hyunhee Joo, Woonhee Baek, Chanmi Park, Sung Chul Lee The CabZIP2 pepper pathogen-induced bzip transcription factor positive regulator of disease resistance by promoting PR protein induction 244 Hyunhee Joo, Woonhee Baek, Chanmi Park, Sung Chul Lee PC-170 갈색기능성쌀신품종슈퍼홍미의작물학적특성과성분특성 245 함태호, 권순욱, 류수노 PC-171 조생기능성쌀빠른슈퍼자미와만생기능성쌀늦은슈퍼자미품종의작물학적특성 245 함태호, 권순욱, 류수노 PC-172 천연색소 C3G 고함유만생, 대립 슈퍼자미 2 호 벼품종 246 함태호, 권순욱, 류수노 PC-173 대립, 천연색소 C3G 고함유 대립자미 기능성신품종쌀의이화학적특성 247 함태호, 류수노, 강미영 PC-174 눈이크고 C3G 색소고함유품종 큰눈자미 기능성쌀의이화학적특성 248 함태호, 류수노, 권순욱 차세대 BG21 사업단 농생물게놈활용연구사업단 OD-01 Achievements and Perspectives of GWAS Case Study in Rice Core Set 253 Yong-Jin Park, Tae-Sung Kim, Kyu-won Kim, Chang-Yong Lee, Ju-Hyun Lee, Yong-Soo Choi, Il-Pyung Ahn, Won-Il Kim, Boem Seok Park OD-02 고밀도콩 SNP array 이용유전분석집단및유전체육종토대구축 254 문중경, 강성택, 정순천, 김남신, 전태환 OD-03 Genome-wide association study (GWAS) in pepper using a core collection 254 Hea-Young Lee, Ho-Cheol Go, On-Suk Heo, Jin-Kyung Kwon, Byoung-Cheorl Kang xxxii
37 OD-04 Multiple reference genome of Cucurbits (melon and Korean melon) for Genome Wide Association Study (GWAS) 255 Ah-Young Shin, HyeRan Kim, Jongmoon Ahn, Seokhyeon Nahm, Jeong Mee Park, Suk-Yoon Kwon OD-05 과수분야핵심집단및게놈전체연관분석을통한유전체육종기반구축 256 김대일, 허윤영, 최철, 김정희, 김윤경, 오상근, 박범석 GM 작물개발사업단 OE-01 피노믹스연구개발동향 : 혁신플랫폼 259 권택윤, 김경환, 윤혜진, 이성곤 OE-02 식물표현체기술을이용한작물육종효율증진 260 김도순, 이태영, 김진원 OE-03 Sound waves delay tomato fruit ripening by negatively regulating ethylene biosynthesis and signaling genes 261 Mi-Jeong Jeong, Joo-Yeol Kim, Jin Su Lee, Soo In Lee, Jin-A Kim OE-04 국립농업과학원농업생명자원부 GM 격리포장소개및운영계획 262 이강섭 식물분자육종사업단 OF-01 유전체기반분자육종을위한생물정보분석파이프라인 265 유의수 OF-02 DNA-free Genome Editing in Plants 265 Soon-Il Kwon, Je Wook Woo, Jungeun Kim, Jin-Soo Kim, Sunghwa Choe 식물분자육종사업단 PD-01 PD-02 PD-03 Soybean germplasm, a rich genetic resource to be explored for the identification of salt tolerance genes and their mechanism of action 266 Sajeesh Kappachery, Jagadeesh Sundaramoorthy, Gyu Tae Park, Jeong-Dong Lee, Hak Soo Seo, Jong Tae Song Isolation of rice T-DNA tagged mutants being resistant to brassinosteroid (BR) biosynthetic inhibitor Propiconazole (Pcz) 267 Claudia Corvalán, Soon Il Kwon, Haerim Kim, Doyeon Kim, Jewook Woo, Sunghwa Choe Identification and characterization of the novel gene encoding a protein responsible for biosynthesis of DDMP saponin in soybean 268 Jagadeesh Sundaramoorthy, Gyu Tae Park, Sajeesh Kappachery, Jeong-Dong Lee, Hak Soo Seo, Jong Tae Song xxxiii
38 PD-04 PD-05 Small RNA and degradome profiling reveals a role for mirnas and their targets in the regulation of NB-LRR disease resistance genes 269 June Hyun Park, Igojo Kang, Chanseok Shin Molecular breeding and commercialization of high yielding rice through the modification of plant type and introduction of new alleles. 270 Hee-Jong Koh PD-06 Detection of a new genetic locus for the high amylose content in rice mutant. 270 Heng Wang, SeongGyu Jang, DaEun Lim, Ji-Ung Jeung, Soon-Wook Kwon PD-07 염생식물나문재의종자구조및염농도에따른유묘생장특성 271 권혁규, 전효진, 백정선, 신소희, 정재혁, 이승재, 정남진 PD-08 PD-09 PD-10 PD-11 Analysis of Phylogenetic Relationship from Angelica gigas collected in Korea using RAPD Markers 272 Jinsu Gil, Serim Kiml, Yurry Um, Ok Tae Kim, Hee Chung, Seon-Woo Cha, Yi Lee Protein phosphatase 2C induced by abscisic acid positively regulates Rsv3-mediated extreme resistance 272 Jang-Kyun Seo, Sun-Jung Kwon, Won Kyong Cho, Hong-Soo Choi, Kook-Hyung Kim Evaluation of sprouting rate of mature and developing seeds in red grain wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) 273 Dae Yeon Kim, Oonha Shin, Yong Weon Seo Potential hybrids of Miscanthus sinensis x M. sacchariflorus revealed by morphological traits analysis 273 Soo-Hyun Lim, Hae-Rim Park, Dong-Gil Kim, DoKyoung Lee, Gyoungju Nah, Do-Soon Kim PD-12 Complete chloroplast genomes of two Miscanthus species 274 Gyoungju Nah, Ji-Hoon Im, Soo-Hyun Lim, Kyunghee Kim, Do-Soon Kim PD-13 Quantitative shotgun proteomic analysis of rice anther under the cold stress 274 Joohyun Lee, Mijeong Kim, Yoonjung Lee PD-14 PD-15 무 (radish) 에서자가불화합 (self-incompatibility) 을결정하는 S locus core region 에위치한 SLL2 유전자변이를이용한 S haplotyping 시스템구축 275 김대현, 김성길 E3 SUMO ligase AtSIZ1 regulates the amounts of nutrient reservoir cruciferins in Arabidopsis thaliana seed. 276 Sung-Il Kim, Joo Yong Kim, Do youn Kim, Ye Jin Gyeon, Jun Soo Kwak, Hak Soo Seo PD-16 Genetic diversity analysis of wild Codonopsis lanceolata in Korea using SSR makers 276 Serim Kim, Ji Hee Jeong, Jinsu Gil, Tae Dong Kim, Yurry Um, Ok Tae Kim, Ho Bang Kim, Yi Lee PD-17 Soybean molecular breeding platform based on variation blocks 277 Yul-Ho Kim, Hyang-Mi Park, Sunghoon Lee, Yu-Young Lee, Su Jeong Kim, Whang-Bae Sohn, Su-Young Hong, Jeong-Hwan Nam, Kibum Kweon, Jin-Cheol Jeong xxxiv
39 PD-18 Overexpression of the Arabidopsis vacuolar H + -pyrophosphatase AVP1 gene in rice plants improves grain yield under paddy field conditions 278 Il-Sup Kim, Young-Saeng Kim, Yul-Ho Kim, Hyang-Mi Park, Ho-Sung Yoon PD-19 SNP 마커를이용한고추의적색소함량연관 QTL mapping 278 김정호, 안율균, 이혜은, 김진희, 김도선, 조명철, Sandeep Karna PD-20 Identification of modulatory elements in xylem development for biomass production 279 Jinu Kim, Hwi Seong Jeon, Hong Joo Cho, Soon Il Kwon, Young Hoon Jung, Jae-Soon Lee, Eun Woon Noh, Kyoung Heon Kim, OhkmaeK. Park PD-21 PD-22 PD-23 The Effects of Superjami bran on in vitro and in vivo antioxidative and bone mineral density activities in ovariectomized rats 279 Su-Jin Nam, Mi-Young Kang Cloning and functional characterization of an acyl-acp thioesterase (CvFatB) from Cuphea viscosissima in Arabidopsis 280 Kyung Hee Roh, Han-chul Kang, Jong-Bum Kim, Hyun Uk Kim, Kyeong-Ryeol Lee The influence of silver thiosulfate and thidiazuron on shoot regeneration from cotyledon explants of Brassica napus 280 Kyung Hee Roh, Han-chul Kang, Jong-Bum Kim, Hyun Uk Kim, Kyeong-Ryeol Lee PD-24 A review on change in plant proteome following biotic stress. 281 R. Krishna, Ravi Gupta, Chul Woo Min, So Wun Kim, Sun Tae Kim PD-25 천연색소 C3G 고함유 슈퍼자미 기능성신품종쌀의이화학적특성 281 류수노, 함태호, 강미영 PD-26 Searching For Transcription Factors Involved In Ammonium Assimilation and Root Growth in Rice Plants 282 Ryza A. Priatama, Vikranth Kumar, Jin-hee Jeong, Chang-deok Han PD-27 MSP1 triggers cell death and defense response in rice 282 Qingfeng Meng, Yiming Wang, Kyu Young Kang, Ravi Gupta, Sun Tae Kim PD-28 PD-29 PD-30 PD-31 Overexpression of a novel E3 ubiquitin ligase causes coiled branches phenotype in Arabidopsis 283 Gyu Tae Park, Jagadeesh Sundaramoorthy, Jeong-Dong Lee, Hak Soo Seo, Jong Tae Song Self-directed control of the diurnal CONSTANS dynamics in Arabidopsis photoperiodic flowering 284 Mi-Jeong Park, Young-Ju Kwon, Kyung-Eun Gil, Pil Joon Seo, Jae-Hoon Jung, Chung-Mo Park CaLEA1 is a late embryogenesis abundant protein in pepper that positively regulates abscisic acid signaling, drought and salt stress response 284 Chanmi Park, Hyunhee Joo, Woonhee Baek, Sung Chul Lee The putative E3 ubiquitin ligase CaAIR1 in pepper regulates abscisic acid signaling and drought stress response 285 Chanmi Park, Hyunhee Joo, Woonhee Baek, Sung Chul Lee xxxv
40 PD-32 PD-33 PD-34 PD-35 PD-36 PD-37 Comparative transcriptome analysis of tolerant rice mutant and its wild type in response to arsenate stress 285 Hyeon Mi Park, Sun-Goo Hwang, Cheol Seong Jang Mutation of SPOTTED LEAF3 (SPL3) impairs abscisic acid-responsive signaling and delays leaf senescence in rice 286 Seung-Hyun Wang, Jung-Hyun Lim, Yasuhito Sakuraba, Nam-Chon Paek Study on Phenotypes and Agronomical utility of a Rice GT1 (grassy tillers 1, OsGT1) Homologue 286 Vikranth Kumar, Yuan Hu Xuan, Byoung Il Je, Soon Ju Park, Jin Huang, Jing Miao Liu, Ryza A. Priatama, Vimal Raj K, Sung Hoon Kim, Jin-hee Jeong, Chang-deok Han Genome-specific transcripts analysis in a 2BS.2RL wheat-rye translocation using custom array 287 Yong-Jin Lee, Tong-Geon Lee, Yong-Weon Seo Global investigation of small RNA expression on nutrient stress responses provides information on nutrient-responsive micrornas involved in crop productivity 288 Sang-Yoon Shin, Dooyoung Lee, Ju-Kon Kim, Chanseok Shin OsVIL genes, which encode PRC2 chromatin remodeling factors, may be used for improving grain yield by increasing biomass in rice. 289 Jung-Il Yang, Hee Joong Jeong, Lae-Hyeon Cho, Jinmi Yoon, Gynheung An PD-38 Structural and Functional Insights into Enzymes in Nitrogen Remobilization Pathway 290 Inchul Shin, Kitae Han, Sangkee Rhee PD-39 고추탄저병및 CMV 저항성마커개발과복합내병성품종육성과제진도보고 290 박석진, 도재왕, 한정헌, 윤재복 PD-40 유전체기반분자육종시스템구축 291 유의수, 최범순, 이승욱, 김경희, 진행운, 이현오, 신지언, 박미소, 강경대 PD-41 The Arabidopsis MYB96 Transcription Factor Is a Positive Regulator of ABI4 in the Control of Seed Germination 292 Kyounghee Lee, Hong Gil Lee, Seongmun Yoon, Hyun Uk Kim, Pil Joon Seo PD-42 폐튜니아원형질체배양을통한 CRISPR/Cas9 기반타겟형질교정 293 이종숙, 최서희, 박누리, 하혜정, 배상수, 이긍주 PD-43 PD-44 InsP6-Sensitive Variants of the Gle1 mrna Export Factor Rescue Growth and Fertility Defects of the ipk1 Low-Phytic-Acid Mutation 293 Ho-Seok Lee, Du-Hwa Lee, Hyun-Sook Pai Development of EMS mutant populations in Capsicum annuum and identification of non-pungent mutants 294 Muhammad Irfan Siddique, Koeun Han, Doyeon Hwang, Hee-Jin Jeong, Arti Rai, Byoung-Cheorl Kang xxxvi
41 PD-45 PD-46 Development of a New Wheat Mutant of Low-Molecular-Weight Glutenin Subunit at Glu-B3 Locus 294 Jong-Yeol Lee, Hye-Rang Beom, Sun-Hyung Lim, Young-Mi Kim, Chul-Soo Park Integrated analysis of the transcriptomes and primary metabolite profiles of adventitious roots of P. ginseng cultivars 295 Yun Sun Lee, Hyun-Seung Park, Dong-Kyu Lee, Murukarthick Jayakodi, Nam-Hoon Kim, Sang-Choon Lee, Jinkyung Kim, Hana Lee, Dong-Yup Lee, Sung Won Kwon, Tae-Jin Yang PD-47 고추유용형질연관분자표지의 Fluidigm 용 SNP 분자표지로의전환 296 김해인, 이예린, 정규미, 은민호, 이준대 PD-48 야생벼유전자원의수량안정성유전자탐색이용 297 이현숙, 강주원, 상세티, 전윤아, 레아잉뀐, 노심, 코코멍, 강윤주, 윤여태, 안상낙 PD-49 Development of molecular markers tightly linked to bacterial wilt resistance genes in pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) 298 Daewoong Lee, Yul-Kyun Ahn, Younghoon Park, Tae-Hwan Jun PD-50 화피를제거한퉁퉁마디종자의발아특성과염농도에따른초기생육특성 299 전효진, 권혁규, 백정선, 신소희, 정재혁, 이승재, 정남진 PD-51 PD-52 PD-53 PD-54 PD-55 PD-56 PD-57 Drought stress-responsive transcript analysis of wheat-rye translocation line using cdna-aflp 300 Woo Joo Jung, Yong Weon Seo Targeted mutagenesis of SSS4A gene related starch biosynthesis using gene editing technology in Dongjin rice 301 Yu Jin Jung, Maral Tsevelkhoroloo, Hyun Ju Lee, Yeo Jin Jung, Hyo Ju Lee, Yong Gu Cho, Kwon Kyoo Kang Toward mapping of genes conferring broad spectrum resistance to rice brown planthopper 302 Hyeonso Ji, Eokkeun Ahn, Seung-Bum Lee, Seok-Chul Suh Identification of quantitative trait loci for fusarium wilt resistance in radish (Raphanus sativus) 302 Juyeon Jung, Jaehwang Ryu, Yeonok Choi, Young-Pyo Lee Overexpression of the 3 half of the PHYB phytochrome partially suppresses dwarfism in the brassinosteroid-insensitive bri1-5 mutant 303 Yu Jeong Jeong, Soon Il Kwon, Slki Park, Su Jeoung Suh, Richard Cha, Yoong Eun Kim, Sunghwa Choe Quantitative trait locus mapping and candidate gene analysis for heading date in an early maturing rice mutant induced by gamma irradiation 304 Sun-Goo Hwang, Cheol-Seong Jang 초형개량초다수성콩분자육종 Molecular breeding for high-yielding soybean with improved plant type 304 이석하, 정지원 xxxvii
42 PD-58 간척지재배가능한내염성사료용콩선발 305 이정동, 김정화, 김민수, 박철우, 정재은, 아세코바소베툴, 한두호, 송종태 GSP 사업단 GSP 식량종자사업단 OG-01 옥수수의해외시장진출을위한육종연구에대한제안 311 이명훈 OG-02 Multiple Recognition of RXLR Effectors is Associated with Nonhost Resistance of Pepper Against Phytophthora infestans 312 Doil Choi GSP 원예종자사업단 & GSP 채소종자사업단 OH-01 Gene-specific marker development of cabbage for an efficient molecular breeding 315 Yoonkang Hur, Yong-Pyo Lim, Ill-Sup Nou OH-02 Molecular breeding stratagies for pyramiding viral resistances in tomatoes 316 Inhwa Yeam OH-03 High-density genetic map construction and QTL analysis for seed size of fruits and powdery mildew resistance in watermelon 317 Gung Pyo Lee OH-04 Genomics approach to develop molecular markers for targeted breeding of radish 318 Ji-Young Lee, Kook Hui Ryu, Jung-Hun Lee, Khushboo Rastogi, Goh Choi 2015 년한국육종학회상 321 색인 325 xxxviii
43 2015 한국육종학회 차세대 BG21 사업단 GSP 사업단공동심포지엄 연사발표
45 SYMP-01 Changing paradigms in plant breeding by new plant breeding technologies Ju-Kyung Yu Syngenta Seeds, USA Plant breeding is based on understanding genetics and mechanical systems to improve crop production. During the last century, conventional plant breeding, mostly based in the evaluation at the phenotypic level, had been successful in increasing crop yields. Within the last two decades there has been significant crop improvement due to the application of molecular genetics and genomics to improve efficiency and accuracy in plant breeding. One of the key global challenges of the 21st century is the production of enough food for an ever increasing world population. Agricultural productivity needs to be increased while addressing the issues of scarcity of arable land and water, impact of changing climate and preservation of natural resources. Improvement of crop yields on limited agricultural resources requires concerted efforts using scientific and technological advances in multiple disciplines. Multidisciplinary approaches are being conducted to enhance crop improvement and meet resource needs. This session will address new plant breeding paradigms through the integration of multiple perspectives. The paradigm shift has occurred through the integration of five key components for crop improvement: 1) continued improvement of genomic tools, 2) information technology including open source data, 3) advanced analytical methods such as mathematical modeling and simulation, 4) adaption of non-crop information, and 5) increased importance of breeding operation enhancement. -3-
46 SYMP-02 Current Status of Seed Industry and Crop Breeding Strategies Chee-Hark Harn Nongwoo Bio Co., Korea Crop produce comes from seeds. It is important to have elite seeds for cultivation and harvesting. There are two major types of seeds in the seed market: F1 hybrid seeds and open-pollinated seeds (OP, traditionally pollinated). Farmers in developed countries plant F1 hybrid in most cases, while farmers in developing countries plant mainly OP. In fact, 60-70% of seeds planted in India and China are OP because OP is significantly cheaper. There are several reasons why the seed industry is important. First is for global food security. Based on the fact that the global population continues to increase steadily, additional productivity of 70% will be required to feed the global population by the year Second, seeds were traditionally used as food, both fresh and feed, but have now become materials for future industries of medicine, pharmaceutics, functional foods, energy, and may other applications. Third, new breeding programs based on biotechnology have changed the seed market dramatically. These programs are highly competitive and indeed play a major role, not only in the reduction of breeding time, the development of various genetic sources, the enhancement of purity and cost-saving, but also for the selection of value-added varieties. In Korea, F1 breeding began 65 years ago and the breeding programs for several vegetables and rice are in the top class worldwide. In addition, for the first time in 1999, a private seed company in Korea employed biotechnology for the purpose of crop breeding to develop platform technologies that could be utilized in the breeding practice. The major achievement so far is the development of DNA markers associated with resistance to disease, tolerance to the environment, and functional aspects. The application of genotyping has made many services possible, such as the purity control of F1 and inbred lines, variety verification, MAS (marker assisted selection), and MAB (marker assisted backcrossing). In addition, cell fusion and DH technologies have helped breeders to solve breeding limitations. There have been many cases of successful crop transformations, however, no GM varieties have been successfully commercialized in Korea. I bet this is inevitable, though. And it should be, because Korea imports lots of GM products, equivalent to $3 billion every year. More seed production and higher crop quality require new R&D strategies for breeding practices in the seed industry. Thanks to genomics information with big data and anti-gmo policies, new technologies are on the horizon, including genomic breeding, genome editing, in silico breeding and NBT (new plant breeding technology). I am going to talk more about the direction and strategy of R&D for crop breeding. -4-
47 SYMP-03 Global Marketing Strategies for Globalization of Seed Industry Kyoung Ou Ryu Asia Seed Co. Ltd., Korea The size of the global seed market and the volume of seed trading have rapidly increased in the 21st century where the total market size by 2012 was approximately 45 billion USD, of which 79% were field crops, 17% were vegetables and 4% were forage and turf. While the volume of the trade and the market as a whole expanded, the share of the market also changed as the top 9 largest seed companies controlled 62% of the market in 2012 as opposed to just 17% in As for the regional status of the market size, North America and Asia-Pacific regions had 69% of the total market worth in The changes in the seed market led to various adjustments in the seed trading regulations where the protective behaviors of major players affected the entire market. Asia Seed Co., Ltd. is a vegetable seed company founded in 1992 and is thriving each year in exporting new hybrid vegetable seeds to clients around the world. As a second mover to the saturated market that is dominated by a few companies with large shares, the company has set up four major strategies to compete in the global market. First and the most important strategy is to increase investment in R&D portion and strengthen it. In most types of businesses, investing in R&D is the key to success. Especially in the vegetable seed industry, the competitiveness of a company is decided by the variety of its seeds that result from the R&D department. The second strategy is the localization and incorporation of the company. Globally, vegetable crops vary while the domestic Korean varieties are not even known in other countries. To overcome this problem, it is important to open branches and subsidiaries to enter the market with local types of varieties that will appeal to customers and farmers. In relationship to R&D investment, Asia Seed Co., Ltd. has already set up a breeding system in India and keep expanding to other nations as well. The third strategy is to develop new materials for both the niche market and new possibilities. The last strategy is to have manpower training system that is required in all other industries. In order to assess the performance of our hybrid seeds, trained managers will need to travel and visit plots to acquire the results of trial and offer instructions when they are not satisfactory. Moreover, it is essential for collecting genetic materials from around the globe in order to develop better hybrids for the future of the company. Seed exporting, while difficult, can be a charming and lucrative business. With enthusiasm in dealing with challenges and opportunities, I will contribute more ideas and know-hows on how the company deals with those choices and possibilities. *Corresponding Author: ceo@asiaseed.co.kr -5-
48 SYMP-04 Geno-Pheno in plant breeding Dani Zamir The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Faculty of Agriculture, Israel In crop genetics and breeding research, phenotypic data are collected for each plant genotype, often in multiple locations and field conditions, in search of the genomic regions that confer improved traits. Currently, virtually none of the data generated from the hundreds of phenotypic studies conducted each year are being made publically available as raw data; thus there is little we can learn from past experience when making decisions about how to breed better crops for the future. This ongoing loss of phenotypic information, particularly about crop productivity, must be stopped if we are to meet the considerable challenge of increasing food production sufficiently to meet the needs of a growing world population. I will present a number of plant-breeding case studies that demonstrate the value of introgressions from wild tomato species and of sharing information on crop plant genotypes and phenotypes. *Corresponding Author: Tel , dani.zamir@mail.huji.ac.il -6-
49 SYMP-05 Understanding Oryza Genomes to maximize Genetic Variations for Crop Improvement Yeisoo Yu Phyzen Genomics Institute, Phyzen Inc., Korea Next generation sequencing (NGS) technologies provide a fast and easy way to understand the plant genomes, transcriptomes, regulatory elements and their interactions. About a decade ago, rice was the only crop that whole genome sequence information was publicly available but today many agricultural crops including maize, soybean, tomato, potato, cotton have been sequenced and many more will be available. Moreover newly developed method such as Genotyping-By-Sequencing (GBS) allows efficiently collecting sequence information from hundreds of individuals in population to identify genetic variations, detect quantitative trait loci (QTLs) and develop molecular markers. Coupled with high-throughput phenotyping, the accumulated genomic information will be effectively utilized in crop improvement by genomics-assisted breeding, genome-wide association mapping (GWAS) and genomic selection (GS). Rice is one of the important staple crops providing daily nutrition to more than a half of the world population. The genus Oryza consists of 23 species including two domesticated rice and it has been classified into 10 distinct genome types, represented by six diploids (A, B, C, E, F, and G) and four allotetraploids (BBCC, CCDD, HHJJ, and HHKK). It shows wide ranges of phenotypic variations to biotic and abiotic stress thus is considered a genetic reservoir of unique allelic variation for rice improvement. International collaborative efforts have been focused on generating the Oryza genomics resources including reference genome, transcriptome, smallrnas, methylome and resequencing of many accessions to collect genetic variations and better understand the 15 MY evolution of Oryza. The Oryza genomic resources will be a backbone to layer various omics data to catalogue more genetic variations within and between Oryza species and the untapped genetic diversities existing in wild Oryza species will be finally translated to crop improvement. -7-
50 SYMP-06 Small RNA studies reveal a role for mirnas and their targets in the regulation of NB-LRR disease resistance genes in pepper June Hyun Park 1, Igojo Kang 1, Chanseok Shin 1,2,3* 1 Department of Agricultural Biotechnology, Seoul National University, Seoul, , Republic of Korea, 2 Research Institute of Agriculture and Life Sciences, 3 Plant Genomics and Breeding Institute, Seoul National University, Seoul, , Republic of Korea MicroRNAs (mirnas) are a class of non-coding RNAs approximately 21-nt in length which play important roles in regulating gene expression in plants. Although many mirna studies have focused on a few model plants, mirnas and their target genes remain largely unknown in hot pepper (Capsicum annuum), one of the most important crops cultivated worldwide. We here employed high-throughput sequencing to comprehensively identify small RNAs and their targets in pepper. From these, we identified several novel targets of mirnas, including the major de novo methylation enzyme involved in RNA-directed DNA methylation in plants. Furthermore, we identified several highly abundant 22-nt mirna families that target conserved domains in NB-LRRs. We showed that transient co-expression of the mirna with NB-LRRs, resulted in the attenuation of the hypersenstive responses in Nicotiana benthamiana, suggesting that interaction between mirna family and disease resistance proteins is likely to serve as a conserved trigger for defense mechanism in Solanaceae. This work provides the first reliable draft of the small RNA transcriptome in pepper that offers an expanded picture of mirnas in relation to NB-LRR regulation, providing a basis for understanding the functional roles of mirnas in disease resistance. -8-
51 SYMP-07 RNA-guided Genome Editing in Animals and Plants Jin-Soo Kim Center for Genome Engineering, Institute for Basic Science, Seoul, South Korea Department of Chemistry, Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea Genome editing that allows targeted mutagenesis in higher eukaryotic cells and organisms is broadly useful in biology, biotechnology, and medicine. We have developed zinc finger nucleases (ZFNs), transcription activator-like effector nucleases (TALENs), and Cas9 RNA-guided engineered nucleases (RGENs), derived from the type II CRISPR/Cas prokaryotic adaptive immune system, to cleave chromosomal DNA in a targeted manner, producing DNA double-strand breaks in cells, the repair of which via endogenous systems gives rise to targeted genome modifications. The Cas9 protein, when complexed with small guide RNAs (sgrnas), recognizes and cleaves target DNA sequences complementary to the guide RNAs in vivo, inducing targeted genome modifications at high frequencies in cultured cells and whole organisms. Despite broad interest in RNA-guided genome editing, RGENs are limited by off-target mutations. Here, we show that off-target effects of RGENs can be reduced below the detection limits of deep sequencing by choosing unique target sequences in the genome and modifying both guide RNA and Cas9. Furthermore, we deliver purified recombinant Cas9 protein complexed with sgrnas (RGEN ribonucleoproteins (RNPs)) to animal embryos and cultured human cells including hard-to-transfect pluripotent stem cells to achieve highly efficient RNA-guided genome editing in cells and whole organisms. RGEN RNPs cleave chromosomal DNA almost immediately after delivery and are degraded rapidly in cells, reducing off-target effects and mosaicism. -9-
52 SYMP-08 High-throughput phenotype analysis of transgenic plants for product development Dan Sung Yield trait program, Monsanto, 110 TW Alexander Dr, RTP NC The world population is projected to reach to 9.6 billion people by With increasing population and improving living standards, the demand for food is accelerating. In order to meet increasing demand for food while the arable land and other resources are decreasing, agriculture needs all the tools available to sustainably increase crop yields. Development of effective GM traits to protect crops from abiotic and biotic stressors is a critical aspect of sustainable yield improvement. Efficient identification of traits and rapid integration of the traits into commercial elite germplasm requires robust and rapid traits testing. Monsanto have developed numerous high-throughput phenotyping platforms to support rapid trait identification and integration. Selected phenotyping platforms will be reviewed to gain understanding on how they are utilized for trait phenotyping. -10-
53 SYMP-09 Spectral Imaging Technologies for Assessment of Plant Characteristics Moon S. Kim Environmental Microbial and Food Safety Laboratory Agricultural Research Service, USDA, Baltimore Ave. Beltsville MD USA Many spectral imaging technologies are available to nondestructive means to assess plant status including abiotic and biotic stress conditions. In recent years, ARS has developed various sensing and instrumentation technologies for agricultural applications. These include hyperspectral imaging for visible/near-infrared (NIR) reflectance and fluorescence imaging, and multispectral laser-induced fluorescence imaging. Hyperspectral imagery is a fusion of imaging and traditional spectroscopy. We recently expanded the hyperspectral capabilities to include rapid macro-scale Raman chemical imaging. The current state of the art of imaging technologies and their potential applications for characterization of the plant status are presented. -11-
55 2015 한국육종학회 차세대 BG21 사업단 GSP 사업단공동심포지엄 구두발표 OA. 수량및저항성육종 (Breeding for yield increase and resistant variety) OB. 품질육종및유전변이 (Breeding for quality improvement, Genetic variation) OC. 분자육종및유전공학 (Molecular breeding and biotechnology)
57 OA-01 QTL mapping of Fusarium wilt resistance in radish (Raphanus sativus L.) Xiaona Yu, Su Ryun Choi, Yong Pyo Lim * Molecular Genetics and Genomics Laboratory, Department of Horticulture, Chungnam National University, Daejeon , Korea Fusarium wilt (FW), caused by the soil-borne fungal pathogen Fusarium oxysporum is a serious disease in cruciferous plants, including the radish (Raphanus sativus). To identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) or gene(s) conferring resistance to FW, we constructed a genetic map of R. sativus using an F 2 mapping population derived by crossing the inbred lines 835 (susceptible) and B2 (resistant). A total of 220 markers distributed in 9 linkage groups (LGs) were mapped in the Raphanus genome, covering a distance of cm with an average distance between adjacent markers of 4.7 cm. Comparative analysis of the R. sativus genome with that of Arabidopsis thaliana and Brassica rapa revealed 21 and 22 conserved syntenic regions, respectively. QTL mapping detected a total of 8 loci conferring FW resistance that were distributed on 4 LGs, namely, 2, 3, 6, and 7 of the Raphanus genome. Of the detected QTL, 3 QTLs (2 on LG 3 and 1 on LG 7) were constitutively detected throughout the 2-years experiment. QTL analysis of LG 3, flanked by ACMP0609 and cnu_mbrpgm0085, showed a comparatively higher logarithm of the odds (LOD) value and percentage of phenotypic variation. Synteny analysis using the linked markers to this QTL showed homology to A. thaliana chromosome 3, which contains disease-resistance gene clusters, suggesting conservation of resistance genes between them. Keywords: Raphanus sativus, Comparative mapping, Fusarium wilt resistant, QTL *Corresponding Author: yplim@cnu.ac.kr -15-
58 OA-02 Existence of qualitative resistance against blackleg disease in Brassica oleracea L. and detection of gene-specific single nucleotide polymorphism Arif Hasan Khan Robin, Jong-In Park, Nasar Uddin Ahmed, Rawnak Laila, Ill-Sup Nou * Department of Horticulture, Sunchon National University Blackleg disease caused by Leptosphaeria maculans, is the most devastating disease of Brassica germplam worldwide that causes million tonnes of crop losses per year throughout the world. To date, a total of 12 race-specific resistance genes of Brassica napus to L. maculans have been reported but linkage mapping analysis reveals that all of those loci are located in A genome i.e., in B. rapa chromosomes. B. oleracea has high ancestral synteny with B. rapa through their evolution. We believe that presence of qualitative resistance is possible in B. oleracea germplasm. The present study was therefore planned to find out any race-specific qualitative resistance gene present in C genome of B. oleracea. A total of 16 microsatellite markers were used which are linked to seven different Rlm and Lep genes of B. napus to screen 32 inbred lines of cabbage. Primers were designed based on homology assessment in corresponding nucleotide sequence available in Bolbase (a B. oleracea genome database, located in B. oleracea scaffolds/chromosomes. Out of 16 SSR markers, 13 were found polymorphic which indicates possible existence of resistant genes in cabbage lines. The inbred lines are then assessed against two L. maculans stains with known avirulent genes. Some inbred lines were hypersensitive against gene-specific virulent strains of L. maculans that confirmed existence of Rlm1, Rlm2, Rlm4, LepR3 and LepR4 in the cabbage lines. In this way we were able to select out resistant and susceptible lines against each resistant gene. The gene-specific polymorphic SSR marker regions were cloned and sequenced and candidate SNPs were identified for confirmation of their functionality. *Corresponding Author: nis@sunchon.ac.kr -16-
59 OA-03 Expression profiling of two contrasting bulb onion lines (Allium cepa L.) under Photoperiod and Drought Conditions Ranjith Kumar Manoharan, Jeong Suk Hyeon Han, Senthil Kumar Thamilarasan, Jong-In Park, Ill-Sup Nou * Department of Horticulture, Sunchon National University, Suncheon, Jeonnam , Republic of Korea Onion and other Allium vegetables have been valued since antiquity for their pungent flavor and aroma. Modern science has confirmed traditional benefits that the organosulfur compounds that impart flavor also confer significant human health benefits such as reduced blood clotting and antimicrobial properties. Glucose, fructose and sucrose comprises majority of onion bulb dry matter content. The sugars, pyruvic acid accumulation and transcript level of some transcription factors involved in the biosynthesis of high sugars and pyruvic acid. These profiles were compared with two different lines (early) and 36122(Late) of bulb onion (Allium cepa L.) growing under drought and photoperiod condition using High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) and Quantitative real time PCR using FT genes. We identified the gene AcFT4 was responsible for early and late bulb intiation in the onion lines. The cultivar lines 36101and were used to identify potential genes controlling pungency and sugar. The comparative analysis of two lines showed significant positive phenotypic and genetic correlations. Sugar and pungency profile showed significant difference between two lines. FT gene expression and pungency level was high in onion lines during drought stress. In this study, we proposed the biochemical characterization of two line and genes involved in the bulb formation were also studied. There is a correlation between sugars and pungency level during the drought stress. These results could be presumably used as useful information to obtain onion varieties rich in sugars and pungency. Keywords: Allium cepa L., Pungency, Sugars, Bulb formation *Corresponding Author: Tel , nis@sunchon.ac.kr -17-
60 OA-04 TIFY family genes in Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa ssp. pekinensis): A Genome-wide analysis reveals their stress and hormone responsive patterns Gopal Saha, Jong-In Park, Nasar Uddin Ahmed, Md. Abdul Kayum, Ill-Sup Nou * Department of Horticulture, Sunchon National University, Sunchon , Korea The TIFY family is composed of a plant-specific group of genes with diversity of functions. This family represents four subfamily of proteins viz. ZML, TIFY, PPD and JASMONATE ZIM-domain (JAZ) proteins. TIFY proteins especially, JAZ proteins have been reported to perform different biological processes, such as developmental and stresses and hormone responses in Arabidopsis and rice. However, there is no information about this family genes in Brassicaceae. This study identifies 36 TIFY genes in Brassica rapa, an economically important crop species from this family. An extensive in silico analysis through phylogenetic grouping, protein motif organization and intron-exon distribution also confirmed 4 subfamilies of BrTIFY proteins. Out of 35 BrTIFY genes, we identified 21 under JAZ subfamily besides 7 TIFY, 6 ZML and 2 PPD. An extensive expression profiling of 21 BrTIFY JAZs both in tissues and organs of B. rapa revealed differential expression patterns. Almost all the BrTIFY JAZs predominantly expressed in leaves and flower buds. Besides, in a flower stage specific expression analysis we observed 14 BrTIFY JAZs with constitutive expression patterns. This indicates BrTIFY proteins have a strong involvement in the development of B. rapa flowers. Our protein interaction study also reveals the strong association of these proteins with the fertility and defense processes of B. rapa. To elucidate the stress responsiveness of BrTIFY genes, we analyzed the low temperature-treated whole-genome microarray data set and found almost all the BrTIFY JAZs were having variable transcript abundance in two contrasting inbred lines of B. rapa. Subsequently, all 21 BrTIFY JAZs were validated in response to cold stress in the same two lines via qpcr, where 9 genes were found to show up- regulation. And, a high and differential qpcr expression pattern of all the BrTIFY JAZs was also recorded against JA. Additionally, BrTIFY JAZs were tested against salt, drought, Fusarium, ABA and SA treatments and a considerable number of genes were found to be induced. The extensive annotation and transcriptome profiling reported in this study will be useful for understanding the involvement of TIFY genes in stress resistance and different developmental functions, which ultimately provides the basis for functional characterization and exploitation of the candidate genes for genetic engineering of B. rapa. *Corresponding Author: Tel , nis@sunchon.ac.kr -18-
61 OA-05 De novo assembly and transcriptome analysis of bulb onion (Allium cepa) during cold acclimation using contrasting genotypes Senthil Kumar Thamilarasan, Jeong Suk Hyeon Han, Jong-In Park, Ill-sup Nou * Department of Horticulture, Sunchon National University, 413 Jungangno, Suncheon, Jeonnam , Republic of Korea Bulb onion (Allium cepa) is one of the second most widely cultivated and consumed vegetable crops in the world. During winter where the temperature can be as low, plant could get cold injury and limit the production of bulb onion. However, the genomic resources available for bulb onion are still very limited. To date, no studies about heritably durable cold and freezing tolerance were carried out in bulb onion genotypes using high-throughput sequencing technology was applied. We sequenced cold (2 C) freezing (-5 and -15 C) treated and control (25 C) samples of contrasting genotypes of A. cepa lines and obtained 4,52,194,370 total high quality reads. After de novo assembly reads were assembled into 54,047 genes finally generated with an average length of 1,331 bp. Based on the similarity search aligning all genes with known public non-redundant (NR) database, including Swiss-prot, KEGG and COG. Differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were investigated using FPKM method. Overall, 92,862 genes were differentially regulated in all libraries were identified. Additionally, increase our understanding of the DEGs, we performed GO and KEGG pathway enrichment analyses. Based on FDR<=0.01 value in cold freezing tolerant line candidate genes were selected and discussed. Finally 25 candidate genes were examined using qrt-pcr were differentially regulated and known to be associated with cold and freezing stresses. Moreover, in silico prediction of putative molecular marker 4,437 SSRs and 6,076 SNPs. Our study is the first to provide the transcriptome sequence resource of Allium spp., for cold and freezing stress. We identified large set of genes to determine its DEGs profile under cold and freezing condition using two different genotypes. These data provides a valuable resource of genetic and genomic studies of Allium spp. Keywords: Bulb onion, cold, freezing stresses, Transcriptome, de novo, DEGs *Corresponding Author: Tel , nis@sunchon.ac.kr -19-
62 OA-06 Characterization of regulatory genes for anthocyanin biosynthesis pathway and cold/freezing tolerance in Brassica rapa Nasar Uddin Ahmed, Jong-In Park, Ill-Sup Nou * Department of Horticulture, Sunchon National University, 255 Jungang-ro, Suncheon, Jeonnam , Republic of Korea Anthocyanins are responsible for vivid colors of flowers, fruits and vegetative tissues and biosynthesis of it is primarily controlled by several structural and regulatory genes. The regulatory mechanism of this pathway is still unknown. This study identified 19 transcription factors of Brassica rapa and investigated their regulatory function in anthocyanin biosynthesis pathway genes and cold and/or freezing tolerance in B. rapa. Expression analysis of these genes in the pigmented and non-pigmented portion of leaves of different lines of B. rapa revealed that BrMYB2-2 and BrTT8 showed responses contrasting with anthocyanin accumulation and cold stress. Sequences of these genes were analyzed and compared with similar gene sequences from other species and a high degree of homology with their respective functions was found. Co-regulated cis -elements were found in promoters of BrPAL1, BrCHS, BrF3H1, BrF3 H1, BrFLS, BrBAN, BrDFR8, BrANS1, and BrMYB2-2 and BrTT8 had binding sites of the promoters of those structural genes. Thus, the above results suggest the association of BrMYB2-2 and BrTT8 with regulation of anthocyanin biosynthesis pathway genes and cold and freezing stress tolerance and might be useful resources for development of cold resistant Brassica crops with desirable colors as well. *Corresponding Author: Tel , nis@sunchon.ac.kr -20-
63 OB-01 Fine mapping the UV-B resistance gene in soybean using 180K Axiom SoyaSNP assay Sungmin Kim 1, Ju Seok Lee 1, Sumin Park 1, Kyungryun Kim 1, Mijung Cho 1, Eunsil Kim 1, Bo-Keun Ha 2, Sungtaeg Kang 1* 1 Department of Crop Science & Biotechnology, Dankook University, Cheonan, , Korea 2 Department of Plant Biotechnology, Chonnam National University, Gwangju, , Korea The depletion of stratospheric ozone has resulted in increased amount of ultraviolet-b radiation (UV-B: nm) reaching the Earth s surface and could cause significant biological effect in plants. In this study, putative quantitative trait loci (QTL), which is responsible to UV-B resistance in soybean, was identified using recently developed high-density 180K Axiom SoyaSNP genotyping array. A population of 115 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from a cross between susceptible Keunolkong and resistant Iksan 10 was analyzed. A total 8,970 polymorphic SNP markers were used to construct linkage map. The both parents and RILs were grown with supplemental UV-B radiation in a greenhouse condition. Three categories of UV-B induced morphological damage, degree of leaf chlorosis, leaf shape change, and total plant damage were evaluated. Using composite interval mapping analysis, one major QTL associated with all of the phenotypic traits was detected on 7.7cM of soybean chromosome 7 with 22 of LOD score accounting for about 60% of phenotypic variance. Also, the allele from Iksan 10 were responsible for the UV-B resistance. Thus, the UV-B resistance QTL on chromosome 7 from Iksan 10 was designated to quvbr1, corresponding to 30kb on the Williams 82 genome assembly (Glyma2.0) including 7 candidate genes. This result could be useful in breeding for new foxglove aphid resistant soybean cultivars. In addition, these results provided useful information not only for marker-assisted selection for UV-B resistance soybean, but also for the future identification of putative candidate genes, responsible for UV-B resistance in soybean. *Corresponding Author: Tel , kangst@dankook.ac.kr -21-
64 OB-02 Nucleotide polymorphisms in genes controlling panicle development are associated with the number of spikelets per panicle in rice Su Jang, Gileung Lee, Chang Soo Yoo, Hee-Jong Koh * Department of Plant Science, Research Institute of Agriculture and Life Science, and Plant Genomics and Breeding Institute, Seoul National University, Seoul, , Korea. The number of spikelets per panicle in rice is determined by characters of the panicle such as the number of primary branches (PB) and secondary branches (SB) and panicle length (PL). It is a quantitative traits controlled by several genes. In this study, the nucleotide polymorphism and haplotype diversity of coding region of genes related to number of spikelets per panicle (SPP), including APO1, APO2, FON1, DEP1, GN1a, GHD8, HD1, and SP1, were analyzed using 45 varieties which showed significant phenotypic variations for PL, PB, SB and SPP. Significant correlations were observed among all the panicle traits. A total of 151 polymorphisms, including 114 SNPs and 26 indels were detected in coding region of 8 genes which constructed 52 haplotypes. Neutrality tests revealed that population subdivision event or balancing selection occurred in locus of APO2, FON1, and HD1 whereas no significant deviation from neutrality was detected in the other genes, suggesting a neutral evolution. Based on the results of GLM association analysis, 34 polymorphic sites in 6 genes were significantly related with the 4 panicle related-traits. This work was supported by a grant from the Next-Generation BioGreen 21 Program (Plant Molecular Breeding Center No. PJ ), Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea. *Corresponding Author: Tel , heejkoh@snu.ac.kr -22-
65 OB-03 Genetic mapping of quantitative trait loci controlling seed weight in an interspecific soybean recombinant inbred line population Krishnanand P Kulkarni, Minsu Kim, Jeong Hwa Kim, Sovetgul Asekova, Jong Tae Song, Jeong-Dong Lee * School of Applied Biosciences, Kyungpook National University, Daegu , Republic of Korea Seed weight (SW), often expressed as 100-seed weight (HSW), is an important yield component in soybean and has been found to show positive correlation with seed yield. It is shown to behave as a quantitative trait controlled by many loci that are largely unclear. In this study, we represent the identification of chromosomal regions controlling the seed weight in soybean. We used a Recombinant Inbred Line (RIL) population, consisting of 188 lines derived from a cross of a wild soybean PI (HSW: 0.85g) and a cultivated soybean cultivar Hutcheson (HSW: 14.05g) to identify the chromosomal regions controlling the SW trait. The population, along with parental samples and check, William82 (HSW: 21.2g) was grown for four years and phenotype data was recorded postharvest. A total of 535 SNP and 16 SSR markers, polymorphic between the parents were employed to genotype the RILs using Golden gate assay to develop the linkage map. Whole genome QTL scanning identified a total of 17 QTLs, spanning 10 chromosomes for the 100-seed weight. All these QTLs explained phenotypic variation (PV) in the range of 3.77 to 12.33%. Of the 17 QTLs, 2 QTLs qswa1-1 and qswd2-1, found to be the consistent QTLs, expressing in all the four environments. The QTL qswd2-1 explained highest contribution to the total PV with %. The remaining 15 QTLs were identified in at least one environment with PV ranging up to 10.39%. The findings from this study will provide useful information to understand the genetic and molecular basis of SW and facilitate further genomic research leading to the yield improvements in soybean. -23-
66 OB-04 Rice PCR1 affects grain weight and zinc accumulation Hyun-Sook Lee 1, Won-Yong Song 2, Sang-Nag Ahn 1 1 College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Chungnam National University, Daejeon, Korea 2 POSTECH-UZH Cooperative Laboratory, Department of Integrative Bioscience and Biotechnology, Pohang University of Science and Technology, Pohang, Korea Plants strictly regulate the uptake and distribution of Zinc (Zn), which is essential for growth and development. Arabidopsis thaliana plant cadmium resistance 2 (AtPCR2), a protein containing a placenta-specific 8 domain (PLAC8), is specifically expressed in the vascular tissue and epidermis of roots and is thought to act as a Zn efflux transporter (Song et al. 2010). Proteins containing PLAC8 domain function as major organ size regulators in Solanum lycopersicum and Zea may, and putative metal ion transporters in Arabidopsis thaliana, Oryza sativa and Brassica juncea. But, there are no reports which showed that the protein containing PALC8 have the function both of seed size regulation and metal homeostasis. In our study, we found that plant cadmium resistance 1 (PCR1) influences on both Zn accumulation and grain weight in rice. The expression of OsPCR1 is elevated in developing seeds of introgression line for GW2, which encodes a protein known to regulate grain weight. Grain weight of OsPCR1 knockout and knockdown lines decreased than the wild type, while OsPCR1 overexpression lines produced heavier grains. Furthermore, the grains of OsPCR1 knockdown lines exhibited substantially higher Zn and lower Cd concentrations than the control. We identified some variation in the OsPCR1 amino acid sequence between the japonica and indica rice types using 15 different rice varieties. Japonica-type PCR1 had a shorter N-terminus than did PCR1 in the other rice types. Furthermore, japonica-type grains accumulated less Zn than did indica-type grains. Our study suggests that rice PCR1 maintains metal ion homeostasis and grain weight and might have been selected for during domestication. *Corresponding Author: Tel , ahnsn@cnu.ac.kr -24-
67 OB-05 저온및식물생장조정제처리가더덕속종자의발아에미치는영향 이상권 *, 류수노, 최은영 서울시종로구대학로 86 한국방송통신대학교농학과 초롱꽃과더덕속식물인더덕과만삼의종자발아특성조사로종자입모율향상을위한재배기술개발의기초자료로활용하고자온도별종자발아실험, 식물생장조정제처리효과구명, 종자보관에따른발아율등을조사하였다. 실험에사용한재료중더덕종자는강원도농업기술원산채연구소에서 2013 년가을에채종한종자를분양받아사용하였고, 만삼종자는강원도정선재배농가에서 2013 년가을에채종한종자를분양받아풍선법으로정선한후종자봉투에봉입후실험실 (20 ) 에두어실험할때마다꺼내어사용하였다. 저온처리온도는 5 의냉장고를사용하여 1 주, 2 주, 4 주간저온처리후각각 20, 25, 30 의항온조건으로옮겨매일발아상태를조사하였다. 발아촉진목적으로사용된식물생장조정제는 3 종으로 GA 3 는정량후증류수에넣어교반하여사용하였고, BAP 와키네틴은용액상태로구입하여시험농도로희석하여사용하였다. 온도별발아시험결과더덕은 20 에서, 만삼은 15 에서각각 89% 의높은발아율을보였으며 30 에서더덕은 27%, 만삼은 2% 의낮은발아율을보였다. 5 의조건에서더덕은 2 주간, 만삼은 4 주간처리후에 20, 25, 30 에서평균발아율이향상되었다. 더덕은저온처리기간에배의발달이있었고저온처리기간과배의발달과는고도로유의한정의상관관계가있었다. 더덕과만삼은고온일수록발아율이저하되는경향이있었다. 만삼에서 GA 3 처리농도와발아율은고도로유의한정의상관관계를보였다. 2 주간저온처리후 500ppm 복합처리에서 95% 의높은발아율을나타내었다. 그러나더덕은 GA 3 처리후발아율이증가되지않았다. 더덕, 만삼종자에사이토키닌처리에서처리농도와발아율과는고도로유의한부의상관관계를보였고발아가전혀되지않는경우도있었다. 더덕과만삼종자는상온에서 1 년간보관후발아율이크게하락하였으나저온냉장고에서 1 년간보관후더덕과만삼의발아율은각각 75%, 79% 로높았다. * 주저자 : Tel , elcapitan@hanmail.net -25-
68 OB-06 등숙기적산온도가기능성쌀품종 슈퍼자미 의수량과 C3G 함량에미치는영향 유정 1*, 함태호 1, 김혜자 1, 박미영 1, 권순욱 2, 류수노 1 1 서울종로구대학로 86 한국방송통신대학교농학과 2 경상남도밀양시삼랑진읍부산대학교식물생명과학과 국민경제와삶의질향상에따른국민들의건강에대한관심에부응하여유색미품종들에대하여본격적으로연구가진행되고있는중이다. 그러나이들유색미에함유된생리활성물질들은재배환경에따라변이가크기때문에재배기술의개선이요구된다. 한국방송통신대학교농학과에서개발한유색미벼품종슈퍼자미를실험품종으로 2013 년과 2014 년도에등숙기별로시료를채취하여출수후등숙기적산온도에따른수량성과 C3G 함량등을검토하였다 년의적산온도와일조시간의합은 3,511 와 1,304 시간, 2014 년은 3,362 와 1,241 시간으로, 두실험년도간에는적산온도와일조시간의합에서차이가컸다. 평균기온, 최고기온, 최저기온은 2013 년이 2014 년에비하여생육기간전반에걸쳐높았다. 일조시간은 2014 년이 2013 년보다약 104 시간이적었다. 또한강수량은 2013 년과 2014 년의우기가집중된 7~9 월의강수량은 599.3mm 와 601.7mm 를기록하여비슷하였으며, 8~9 월의강수량은 2014 년이많았다. 벼의생육단계별기상특징을보면 2013 년의평균기온은감수분열기와개화기사이가 2014 년에비해높은온도로경과한특징을보였으며, 일조시간은감수분열기와개화기에는 2013 년이 2014 년에비하여길었고, 등숙기에는 2013 년이 2014 년에비하여짧아생육단계별로차이가컸다 년이 2013 년보다천연색소 C3G 함량이높게나타났다 년의등숙기는 2013 년보다일평균기온이 1.4~1. 6 저온에경과하였고, 일조시간의경우 2013 년의 283 시간, 2014 년이 335 시간으로 2014 년이 52 시간길었으며, 일교차는 2013 년이 10.4, 2014 년이 11.3 로 2014 년의일교차가크게나타난결과로판단되었다. 종합적으로, 2013 년의적정수확시기는현미수량과 C3G 함량, 등숙률등을감안할시출수후 35~40 일이경과한등숙기적산온도가 803.7~893.1 인때가적당한것으로판단되며, 2014 년의적정수확시기는출수후 39~44 일이경과한등숙기적산온도가 835.3~ 인때가적당한것으로판단되었다. 기능성쌀슈퍼자미는출수후 35 일에서 44 일경이생리적성숙시기로평가되었다. * 주저자 : Tel , yboomb@hanmail.net -26-
69 OB-07 Identification and characterization of differentially expressed genes in response to ionizing radiations in rice Hong-Il Choi 1, Soon-Jae Kwon 1, Jung Eun Hwang 1, Injung Jung 1, Sung Min Han 1, Sun-Goo Hwang 2, Cheol Seong Jang 2, Si-Yong Kang 1, Dong Sub Kim 1* 1 Advanced Radiation Technology Institute, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Jeongeup , Republic of Korea. 2 Plant Genomics Lab, Department of Applied Plant Sciences, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon, , Republic of Korea. Exposure to ionizing radiation is regarded as a kind of abiotic stresses that can change the expression of genes in living organisms. This study aimed on investigating the variations in gene expressions induced by two different types of irradiations with different doses, which were low linear energy transfer (LET) gamma rays (100, 200, and 400 Gy) and high LET ion-beams (20, 40, and 80 Gy) on rice. RNA sequencing was carried out using the Illumina HiSeq-2500 platform. The average amount of reads were 4.8 Gb per individual, and 5 to 8% of the reads were removed after quality control. More than 90% of the RNA-seq reads were mapped to the rice reference genome sequence (IRGSP-1.0). A total of 247 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were identified by comparison of the gene expression levels between the wildtype and the irradiated individuals. The 247 DEGs were divided into five modules and 27 intra-modular hub genes were found using the weighted correlation network analysis (WGCNA) method. The MEturquiose module had the most number of genes with 75 related to carbohydrate and small molecule metabolic processes. The co-expression network reconstructed using ARACNE (algorithm for reconstruction of accurate cellular networks) showed specific up- or down-regulation of the genes in each module according to the types and doses of radiation. This study will contribute to understanding the gene expression responses to ionizing irradiation. *Corresponding Author: Tel , bioplant@kaeri.re.kr -27-
70 OC-01 Construction of high resolution genetic map and QTL mapping for clubroot resistance using genotyping-by-sequencing analysis in cabbage Jonghoon Lee 1, Nur Kholilatul Izzah 1,2, Beom-Soon Choi 3, Ho Jun Joh 1, Sang-Choon Lee 1, Sampath Perumal 1, Joodeok Seo 4, Kyounggu Ahn 4, Eun Ju Jo 5, Gyung Ja Choi 5, Ill-Sup Nou 6, Yeisoo Yu 3, Tae-Jin Yang 1,7* 1 Department of Plant Science, Plant Genomics and Breeding Institute, and Research Institute of Agriculture and Life Sciences, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul, , Republic of Korea 2 Indonesian Research Institute for Industrial and Beverage Crops (IRIIBC), Pakuwon, Sukabumi, Indonesia. 3 Phyzen Genomics Institute, 501-1, Gwanak Century Tower, Gwanak-gu, Seoul, , Republic of Korea 4 Joeun Seed, #174, Munbang-Ri, Cheonhan-Myun, Goesan-Gun, Chungcheongbuk-Do, , Korea 5 Research Center for Biobased Chemistry, Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology, Yusong-Gu, Daejeon, , Republic of Korea 6 Department of Horticulture, Sunchon National University, Suncheon, , Republic of Korea 7 Crop Biotechnology Institute/GreenBio Science and Technology, Seoul National University, Pyeongchang , Korea Clubroot is a devastating disease caused by Plasmodiophora brassicae and results in severe losses of yield and quality in Brassica crops including Brassica oleracea. Therefore, it is important to identify resistance gene for CR disease and apply it to breeding of Brassica crops. In this study, we applied genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) technique to construct high resolution genetic map and mapping of clubroot resistance (CR) genes. A total of 18,187 GBS markers were identified between two parent lines resistant and susceptible to the disease, of which 4,103 markers were genotyped in all 78 F 2 plants generated from crossing of both parent lines. The markers were clustered into nine linkage groups spanning cm, generating high resolution genetic map enough to refine reported reference genome of cabbage. In addition, through QTL analysis using 78 F 2:3 progenies and mapping based on the genetic map, two and single major QTLs were identified for resistance of race 2 and race 9 of P. brassicae, respectively. These QTLs did not show collinearity with CR loci found in Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa) but roughly overlapped with CR loci identified in cabbage for resistance to race 4. Taken together, genetic map and QTLs obtained in this study will provide valuable information to improve reference genome and clubroot resistance in cabbage. *Corresponding Author: Tel , tjyang@snu.ac.kr -28-
71 OC-02 Fine mapping the soybean foxglove aphid resistance gene Raso2 in soybean using 180K Axiom SoyaSNP genotyping assay Ju Seok Lee 1, Sungmin Kim 1, Sumin Park 1, Kyungryun Kim 1, Mijung Cho 1, Eunsil Kim 1, Jin Kyo Jung 2, Jeong-Dong Lee 3, Jung-Kyung Moon 4, Namshin Kim 5, Soon-chun Jeong 6, Sungtaeg Kang 1* 1 Department of Crop Science & Biotechnology, Dankook University, Cheonan, , Korea 2 National Institute of Crop Science, RDA, 151 Seodun-dong, Suwon , Korea. 3 Division of Plant Bioscience, Kyungpook National Univ., Daegu , Korea 4 National Institute of Crop Science, Rural Development Administration, Suwon , Korea 5 Korean Bioinformation Center, Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Daejeon , Korea 6 Bio-Evaluation Center, Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Cheongju , Korea Foxglove aphid, Aulacorthum solani (Kaltenbach), is a Hemipteran insect that infected a wide variety of plants worldwide and caused serious yield losses in crops. The foxglove aphid resistance gene, Raso2 was previously mapped from PI (Glycine soja Sieb. and Zucc.) to a 26cM marker interval on soybean chromosome 7. The development of additional genetic markers, which are mapped closer to Raso2 were required to accurately position the gene to improve the effectiveness of marker assisted selection. The objective of this study was to narrow down the putative QTL region, which is responsible to foxglove aphid resistance in PI using recently developed high-density 180K Axiom SoyaSNP genotyping array. One hundred and forty one F 8 -derived F 12 recombinant inbred lines developed from a cross of susceptible Williams 82 and resistant PI , were used to generate a fine map of Raso2 interval. The phenotyping of antibiosis and antixenosis was done through choice and no-choice assays with total plant damage (TPD) and primary infestation leaf damage (PLD). The composite interval mapping analysis showed that the physical interval between two flanking makers, which was corresponding to Raso2, was narrowed down to 500kb on the Williams 82 genome assembly (Glyma2.0), instead of 4Mb in the previous report using Goldengate assay. In the Raso2 interval, there are about 60 candidate genes, including 4 of NBS-containing putative R genes. This result could be useful in breeding for new foxglove aphid resistant soybean cultivars. *Corresponding Author: Tel , kangst@dankook.ac.kr -29-
72 OC-03 Characterization and genetic mapping of a abaxially rolled leaf mutant in rice. Hyerim Lee, Yoye Yu, Hee-Jong Koh * Department of Plant Science, Research Institute of Agriculture and Life Science, and Plant Genomics and Breeding Institute, Seoul National University, Seoul , Korea. Leaves are the organ for photosynthesis, respiration and transpiration, and have a major effect on crop yield. Therefore, leaf shape and structure are important agronomic traits in breeding for ideal type plant. We obtained a new abaxially rolled leaf mutant from Ilpum(Oryza sativa ssp. japonica) by the treatment of ethyl methane sulfonate(ems). The abaxially rolled leaf mutant showed reduced plant height and panicle length, increased tiller number and panicle number than Ilpum. LRI(Leaf rolling index) analysis showed that the mutant have high value compared to the wild-type. In cross section analysis, the mutant was observed to have increased of bulliform cell number and size, and led to the outcurved leaf rolling. The phenotypes of the F1 plants derived from the cross between the mutant and Ilpum were normal. In F2 population, segregation ratio between the wild type and the mutant was 3:1. This genetic analysis indicated that leaf rolling is controlled by single recessive gene. Bulked segregant analysis(bsa) and genetic mapping were conducted using F2 population derived from the cross between mutant and Milyang23(Oryza sativa ssp. indica). According to the results, the gene was located on the long arm of chromosome2. Fine mapping is in progress. This work was supported by a grant from the Next-Generation BioGreen 21 Program (Plant Molecular Breeding Center No. PJ ), Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea. *Corresponding Author: Tel , heejkoh@snu.ac.kr -30-
73 OC-04 Sound waves delay tomato fruit ripening by negatively regulating ethylene biosynthesis and signaling genes Mi-Jeong Jeong 1*, Joo-Yeol Kim 1, Jin Su Lee 2, Soo In Lee 1, Jin-A Kim 1 1 Department of Agricultural Biotechnology, National Academy of Agricultural Science (NAAS), 370 Nongsaengmyoeng-ro, Wansan-gu, Jeonju, Jeollabuk-do, , Korea 2 Postharvest Research Team, National Institute of Horticultural and Herbal Science (NIHHS), 100, Nongsaengmyeong-ro, Iseo-myeon, Wanju-gun, Jeollabuk-do, , Korea Regulation of fruit ripening may help extend fruit shelf life and prevent losses due to spoilage. Here, we investigated whether sound treatment could delay tomato fruit ripening. We treated harvested tomato fruits with low-frequency sound waves (1 khz) for 6 h, and then monitored various characteristics of the fruits over 14-day period at 23±1 C. Seven days after the treatment, 85% of the treated fruits were green, versus fewer than 50% of the non-treated fruits. Most of the tomato fruits had switched to the red ripening stage by 14 days after treatment. Ethylene production and respiration rate were lower in the treated than non-treated tomatoes. Furthermore, changes in surface color and flesh firmness were delayed in the treated fruits. To investigate how sound wave treatment affects fruit ripening, we analyzed the expression of ethylene-related genes by quantitative real-time RT-PCR analysis. We found that the expression level of several ethylene biosynthetic and ethylene signaling pathway-related genes was influenced by sound wave treatment. These results demonstrate that sound wave treatment delays tomato fruit ripening by altering the expression of important genes in the ethylene biosynthesis and ethylene signaling pathways. *Corresponding Author: Tel , center1097@korea.kr -31-
74 OC-05 형질전환 events 에서 elite event 를신속히선발하는방법및선발 event 의분석 정순천 1*, 백인순 1, 김보민 2, 김지홍 1, 김유진 1, 육은수 1, 김창기 1, 한지학 2 1 충북청주시청원구오창읍한국생명공학연구원바이오평가센터 2 경기도여주시농우바이오생명공학연구소 잠재적안전성에대한논란으로인하여신규개발되는유전자변형작물은고전적인신품종과는달리환경및식품으로서의안전성이검증되어야한다. 유전자변형작물의안전성평가는개발되는형질전환집단에서선발된하나의 elite event 에대해이루어지는데, 본평가대상 elite event 는유전자의삽입으로인한비의도적인형질변화가최소화된 event 이어야한다. 분자유전학적으로비의도적인유전자삽입효과가최소화되기위해서는단일복제수의도입유전자가식물유전체의 intergenic region 에삽입될것을요구한다. 본연구의목적은배추좀나방내성을부여하는 CryIAc1 유전자가형질전환된 49 event 의양배추형질전환집단에서 elite event 를선발하는것이다. 먼저도입유전자 cassette 이 tandem repeat 로빈번히삽입되는현상에착안하여도입유전자 cassette 의양말단에서제작한 primer 의방향에따른모든조합을사용하여 PCR 을수행하였다. 본삽입구조분석을통하여 49 개 event 중 36 개 event 는 tandem repeat 의구조로도입유전자가 2 개복제수이상삽입되었음을알수있었다. 선발된 13 개 event 에대하여 Southern blot 분석을실시한결과 7 개 event 가단일복제수의도입유전자를가짐을알수있었다. 마지막으로 7 개 event 에대한삽입위치를 inverse PCR 기법을사용하여해명한결과는 3 개 event 에서단일복제수의도입유전자가양배추 genome 의 intergenic region 에삽입되었음을알수있었다. 결론적으로, 본연구결과는형질전환시의도입유전자가다중복제수로삽입될시에 tandem repeat 로빈번히삽입되는현상에기초하여대량의형질전환집단에서 elite event 를신속히선발하는방법을제시하였다. 선발된 event 의분자유전학적분석이현재진행되고있다. * 주저자 : scjeong@kribb.re.kr -32-
75 OC-06 Expression analysis of two rice pollen-specific promoters using homologous and heterologous systems Tien Dung Nguyen 1, Moe Moe Oo 1, Sunok Moon 3, Hyun-Kyung Bae 1, Sung Aeong Oh 1, Moon-Soo Soh 2, Jong Tae Song 1, Jeong Hoe Kim 4, Ki Hong Jung 3, Soon Ki Park 1* 1 School of Applied Biosciences, Kyungpook National University, Korea. 2 Department of Molecular Biology, Sejong University, Korea. 3 Graduate School of Biotechnology & Crop Biotech Institute, Kyung Hee University, Korea. 4 Department of Biology, Kyungpook National University, Korea. Tissue-specific promoters are a very useful tool for manipulating gene expression in a target tissue or organ; however, their range of applications in other plant species has not been determined, to date. In this study, we identified two late pollen-specific rice promoters (ProOsLPS10 and ProOsLPS11) via meta-anatomical expression analysis. We then investigated the expression of both promoters in transgenic rice (a homologous system) and Arabidopsis (a heterologous system) using ProOsLPS10 or ProOsLPS11::GFP-GUS constructs. As predicted by microarray data, both promoters triggered strong GUS expression during the late stages of pollen development in rice, with no GUS signals detected in the examined microspores and sporophytic tissues. Interestingly, these promoters exhibited different GUS expression patterns in Arabidopsis. While in Arabidopsis, the OsLPS10 promoter conferred GUS expression at the uni- and bi-cellular macrospore stages, as well as at the shoot apical region during the seedling stage, the OsLPS11 promoter was not active in the pollen at any stage, or in the examined sporophytic tissues. Furthermore, by performing a complementation analysis using a sidecar pollen (scp) mutant that displays developmental defects at the microspore stage, we found evidence that OsLPS10, which can be an applied promoter expressed in Arabidopsis, is useful for directing gene expression in the early stages of pollen development. Our results indicate that the OsLPS10 and OsLPS11 promoters can drive the expression of target genes during the late stages of pollen development in rice, but not in Arabidopsis. Our results also emphasize the necessity of confirming the applicability of an established promoter to heterologous systems. *Corresponding Author: Tel , psk@knu.ac.kr -33-
76 OC-07 Genome wide resequencing for KRICE_CORE reveals their potentials for the future breeding, functional and evolutionary studies in the post-genomic era Tae-Sung Kim 1,5, Kyu-Won Kim 1,5, Qiang He 1, Min-Young Yoon 1, Won-Hee Ra 1, Feng Peng Li 1, Wei Tong 1, Jie Yu 1, Win Htet Oo 1, Buung Choi 1, Eun-Beom Heo 1, Yoo-Hyun Cho 2, Byoung-Kook Yun 3, Chang-Yong Lee 3, Donghwan Shim 4, Beom-Seok Park 4, Yong-Jin Park 1,5* 1 Department of Plant Resources, College of Industrial Sciences, Kongju National University, Yesan , Republic of Korea 2 Seedpia, 85, Maesil-ro, Kwonsun-ku, Suwon, Republic of Korea 3 Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering, Kongju National University, Cheonan , Republic of Korea 4 The Agricultural Genome Center, National Academy of Agricultural Science, Rural Development Administration, Jeonju, Republic of Korea 5 Legume Bio-Resource Center of Green Manure (LBRCGM), Kongju National University, Yesan , Republic of Korea Rice germplasm collections continue to grow in number and size around the world. Since maintaining and screening such massive resources remain as a great challenge, it is important to establish piratical ways to manage them. A core collection, by definition, refers to a subset of entire population but preserves most of the possible genetic diversity, enhancing the efficiency for germplasm utilizations. Here we reports the whole genome resequencing of the 137 Korean rice core set (KRICE_CORE) that represents 25,604 rice germplasms deposited in Korean genebank of Rural Development Administration (RDA). We implemented the Illumna HiSeq 2000 and 2500 platform to produce short reads and then assembled those with 9.8x depth using Nipponbare as a reference. Comparisons of the sequences with the reference genome yield more than 15 million(m) single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and 1.3M insertion/deletion (INDELs). Phylogenetic and population analyses using 2,046,529 high quality SNPs successfully assigned each rice accessions to the relevant subgroups, suggesting those SNPs comprehensively capture evolutionary signatures accumulated in rice subpopulations. Furthermore, genome-wide association studies (GWAS) for 4 exemplary agronomic traits from the KRIC_CORE manifest the utility of KRICE_CORE, identifying previously defined gene or novel genetic polymorphisms that potentially regulate the important phenotypes. This study provides strong evidences that the size of KRICE_CORE is small but contains such a high genetic and functional diversity across the genome. Thus those resequencing results will be useful for future breeding, functional and evolutionary studies in the post-genomic era. *Corresponding Author: Tel , yjpark@kongju.ac.kr -34-
77 2015 한국육종학회 차세대 BG21 사업단 GSP 사업단공동심포지엄 포스터발표 PA. 수량및저항성육종 (Breeding for yield increase and resistant variety) PB. 품질육종및유전변이 (Breeding for quality improvement, Genetic variation) PC. 분자육종및유전공학 (Molecular breeding and biotechnology)
79 PA-01 양질다수성장류용콩 대찬 강범규 1*, 김현태 1, 이영훈 3, 이병원 4, 최만수 1, 한원영 3, 김현영 1, 전명기 2, 이석기 5, 고종민 3, 윤홍태 1, 백인열 6, 이영희 7 1 경남밀양시점필재로 20 국립식량과학원밭작물개발과 2 경남창원시의창구창이대로 71 창원농업기술센터 3 경남밀양시점필재로 20 국립식량과학원생산기술개발과 4 경기도수원시권선구서호로 54 국립식량과학원수확후이용과 5 전북전주시완산구농생명로 300 농촌진흥청국외농업기술과 6 전북완주군이서면혁신로 181 국립식량과학원기획조정과 7 경남밀양시점필재로 20 국립식량과학원남부작물부 장류용콩의표준품종인 대원콩 은탈립에매우강하고종실의모양과색택이매우우수하여널리재배되고있다. 하지만착협고가높지않고재배시도복에약한단점이있어기계화적응성을높이고재배특성을향상시키기위해이를개량할필요가있다. 국립식량과학원에서는 2003 년단경내도복콩품종육성을목표로모본을 수원 224 호, 부본을 YS1325( 동산 121/Sprite87) 로인공교배하여 년 F 1, F 2 를집단전개하고 년 SSD 로세대촉진하여 F 6 이후계통전개하였다. 종실이구형이며제색이없으며도복에강한계통을선발하여 2010 년부터 2 년간의생산성검정과 3 년간의지역적응성검정을거쳐 대찬 ( 밀양 244 호 ) 을육성하고 2014 년품종보호출원및국가품종목록으로등재하였다. 대찬 은화색이백색이고, 모용색이회색, 종자는구형이며종피색과제색이황색으로 대원콩 과유사하다. 개화기는 8 월 2 일, 성숙기는 10 월 13 일로 대원콩 보다생육기간이다소짧으며경장은 68cm 로 대원콩 보다작고주경절수는 15 개, 분지수는 3 개, 착협고는 15cm 로 대원콩 보다크다. 종실의장폭비는 0.97 로 대원콩 과유사하고 100 립중은 24.5g 으로 대원콩 보다 0.9g 작았다. 병저항성검정결과불마름병저항성이검정포장과유묘검정에서 대원콩 보다강했다. 전국 11 개지역에서수행한지역적응시험에서 대찬 의수량은전국평균 321kg/10a, 적응지역평균 330kg/10a 로 대원콩 보다각각 17%, 16% 증수하였다. * 주저자 : Tel , hellobk01@korea.kr -37-
80 PA-02 소립다수성나물용콩 해원 강범규 1*, 김현태 1, 이영훈 2, 조상균 4, 이병원 5, 최만수 1, 전명기 3, 심하식 6, 하태정 7, 고종민 2, 윤홍태 1, 백인열 8, 이영희 9 1 경남밀양시점필재로20 국립식량과학원밭작물개발과 2 경남밀양시점필재로20 국립식량과학원생산기술개발과 3 경남창원시의창구창이대로 71 창원농업기술센터 4 강원도철원군동송읍태봉로 2346 국립식량과학원철원출장소 5 경기도수원시권선구서호로 54 국립식량과학원수확후이용과 6 전북전주시완산구국립농업과학원 7 전북전주시완산구농생명로 300 농촌진흥청연구성과관리과 8 전북완주군이서면혁신로181 국립식량과학원기획조정과 9 경남밀양시점필재로20 국립식량과학원남부작물부 콩나물의연간소비량은약 36 만톤이며시장규모는약 5,000 억원으로추정하고있다. 장류는약 9,800 억원, 두부의시장규모는약 5,400 억원으로이와비교했을때콩가공식품중콩나물이차지하는비중은세번째로많다. 나물용콩종실의수요량은약 6 만톤이며생산량은약 1 만톤에불과한데단위면적당수량을 10kg 향상시키면자급률을 1.14% 올릴수있어수량성이높은나물용콩을개발할필요가있다. 이에국립식량과학원에서는 2003 년 보석 을모본으로 소명콩 을부본으로인공교배하여 년 F 1 F 6 계통전개및선발과 년생산성검정시험과지역적응시험을수행하여양질소립내병다수성특성의 해원 ( 밀양 253 호 ) 를육성하여 2014 년품종보호출원및국가품종목록으로등재하였다. 해원 의엽형은피침형이며화색은자색, 모용색은회색, 협색은황색, 종피는구형이며황색종피에제색은담갈색이다 년 4 개지역에서수행된지역적응시험에서조사된가변특성은경장이평균 55cm 로나물용콩표준품종인 풍산나물콩 과비슷하고개화기와성숙기는 7 월 29 일및 10 월 6 일로약간빠르다. 주경의마디수는 16 개, 분지수는 4 개로 풍산나물콩 보다많았으며, 도복에강하다. 병해검정포장에서의자연이병과 8ra 균주의인공접종결과불마름병에강한저항성을나타내었으며, 모자이크바이러스유묘접종에서모자이크증상을보였으나포장에서의이병정도는 풍산나물콩 보다적었다. 종실 100 립중은 8.1g 으로 풍산나물콩 보다 3.1g 작은소립이며콩나물수율이 513% 로 풍산나물콩 과비슷하였으나, 지역적응시험에서적응지역의수량성적은 16% 증수하여 337kg/10a 로개발된나물용콩품종중가장높았다. * 주저자 : Tel , hellobk01@korea.kr -38-
81 PA-03 QTL analysis for drought tolerance using introgression lines from a cross between Milyang 23 and O. glaberrima Ju-Won Kang 1, Dong-Min Kim 2, Hyun-Sook Lee 1, Yeo-Tae Yoon 3, Sang-Nag Ahn 1* 1 Department of Agronomy, Chungnam National University, Daejeon , Korea 2 Department of Variety Testing, Korea Seed & Variety Service, Gimcheon , Korea 3 Chungnam Agricultural Research and Extension Services, Yesan , Korea Drought stress is one of the major stresses affecting growth and productivity in rice. Drought tolerance is a complex trait governed by quantitative trait loci(qtls) making it difficult to understand mechanisms underlying it. We generated a set of 55 introgression lines via backcrosses using Milyang23, the Korean Tongil-type rice variety as the recurrent parent and Oryza glaberrima (IRGC Acc. No ) as a donor parent. 139 SSR markers were used to genotype 55 introgression lines. The 55 introgression lines with Milyang23 were evaluated for physiological traits such as fresh shoot weight (FSW), fresh root weight (FRW) and dry shoot weight (DSW) under the control and 30% PEG-treated condition. Three lines (IL9, IL12, and IL55) showing significant difference with Milyang23 were selected for further analysis. Genotyping revealed that three lines had four, four and two O. glaberrima homozygous segments, respectively. IL9 performed better than Milyang23 in all traits measured in the 30% PEG-treated condition. IL9 possessed four O. glaberrima introgressions on chromosomes 1, 2, 6 and 7. IL12 performed better than Milyang23 in FSW and FRW and contains four O. glaberrima introgressions on chromosomes 3 and 6. IL55 contains two O. glaberrima introgressions on chromosomes 2 and 6. Three lines shared the O. glaberrima segment delimited by markers RM133-RM225 at chromosomes 6. This region corresponds to the QTL region for drought tolerance reported by other previous studies. Although IL9 and IL12 showed improved drought tolerance at the seedling and vegetative stage, they performed poor under the drought stress at the reproductive stage implying that the level of drought tolerance differs according to the growth stage in rice. IL55 was not significantly different from Milyang 23 in SPP and FER and had significantly higher no. of the total grain than Milyang 23. This result seems to indicate that IL55 will be a good resource for drought tolerance breeding. The population would be useful not only in developing drought tolerant lines in the breeding program but also in fine-mapping the genes/qtls for drought tolerance. *Corresponding Author: Tel , ahnsn@cnu.ac.kr -39-
82 PA-04 국산밀품종의파성및숙기관련특성분석 강천식 1, 고윤희 1*, 손재한 1, 김경훈 2, 박종철 1, 오영진 1, 김양길 1, 김경호 1, 정영근 1, 김보경 1 1 전북완주군이서면국립식량과학원작물육종과 2 경남밀양시점필재로국립식량과학원논이용작물과 밀은세계 3 대식량작물중하나이며국내에서도 1 인당연간 34kg 을소비하여쌀다음으로소모량이많은작물이다. 국내밀육성은농가소득향상을위한수량성증진뿐만아니라이모작재배가가능하도록숙기단축을위하여주력하고있다. 이에조숙밀품종개발을위한숙기관련특성을분석하여육종프로그램에정보를제공하기위하여본연구를수행하였다. 숙기관련특성분석은국내에서개발된올밀등 38 품종을이용하였으며, 파성조사를위한춘화처리는 4 에서 3 주간저온처리를실시하여온실에이식한후 24 시간일장을처리하여엽수, 지엽전개기, 출수기등을조사하였다. 파성판정결과국내대부분의품종은 Ⅱ( 춘파형 )~Ⅲ( 양절형 ) 의분포를보였다. 즉, 올밀등 25 품종의파성은 Ⅱ 로춘파형이었고, 그루밀등 13 품종은 Ⅲ 으로춘파와추파가가능한양절형이었다. 저온무처리구의지엽전개기는평균 2 월 11 일 ( 최저 3 월 3 일, 조중밀 ~ 최대 3 월 30 일, 그루밀 ) 로평균 67 일 ( 최소 47 일, 조중밀 ~ 최대 94 일, 그루밀 ) 이소요되었다. 엽수는평균 9 매 ( 최소 7 매 ~ 최대 11 매 ), 출수기는평균 3 월 11 일 ( 최소 2 월 21 일 ~ 최대 4 월 9 일 ) 로품종간차이를나타냈다. 출수기가빠를수록엽수가적으며지엽전개기가빠르고, 파성은낮은결과를나타냈다. 이러한결과는파성이낮으면서엽수가적고지엽전개기가짧은특성이조숙밀품종을개발하기위해서는지표로활용할수있다는것을나타낸다. * 주저자 : Tel , kyh2417@korea.kr PA-05 Comparison of seed priming methods for germination in sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) Du Hyun Kim 1*, Hyeonjun Hong 1, Ki-Yeul Jung 2 1 Department of Genetic Engineering, Dong-A University, Pusan , Republic of Korea 2 Cereal Crop Research Division, NICS, RDA, Milyang, , Republic of Korea This study was conducted to affirm the potential of seed priming techniques for optimizing mechanized growing technologies to maintain production of sustainable small cereal crops. Seed priming conditions were preliminary tested in laboratory. Sorghum seeds were hydroprimed and osmoprimed comprising a total of 33 treatments of different priming combination along with control. Seed primed in aerated solution of distilled water, PEG 8000 (-0.15 MPa and 0.3 MPa), KCl(1% and 2%), KH 2 PO 4 (0.5% and 1.0%), KNO 3 (1.0% and 3.0%), CaCl 2 (1.0% and 3.0%) solutions for 6, 12, 24 hours at 15. Maximum seed germination percentage, germination rate and reduced mean germination times (MGT) were observed when the seeds primed by CaCl 2 1.0% for 24 h, whereas the lowest germination percentage observed in seeds which treated with KNO 3 3% solution. Priming improved the MGT, germination index, and germination rate of all primed seeds statistically comparing to control. The MGT reduced by increase of treatment time. Further studies for field performance of primed seeds are needed. *Corresponding Author: Tel , dhkimhort@dau.ac.kr -40-
83 PA-06 A New Wheat Variety, Jojoong with Pre-harvest Sprouting Resistance, Early Maturity, High Yield and Good Noodle Quality Chon-Sik Kang 1*, Kyeong-Hoon Kim 2, Young-Keun Cheong 1, Jae-Han Son 1, Jong-Chul Park 1, Kyong-Ho Kim 1, Kwang-Geun Park 3, Ouk-Kyu Han 3, Gi-Heung Hong 4, Jin-Kyeong Choi 5, Seong-Tae Lee 6, Jeong-Suk Bae 7, Bo-Kyeong Kim 1, Chulsoo Park 8 1 National Institute of Crop Science, RDA, Wanju , Korea 2 Department of Southern Area, National Institute of Crop Science, RDA, Miryang , Korea 3 Department of Central Area, National Institute of Crop Science, RDA, Suwon , Korea 4 Chungnam Agricultural Research & Extension Service, Yesan , Korea 5 Jeonnam Agricultural Research & Extension Service, Naju , Korea 6 Gyeongnam Agricultural Research & Extension Service, Jinju , Korea 7 Gyeongbuk Agricultural Research & Extension Service, Daegu , Korea 8 Department of Crop Science and Biotechnology, Chonbuk National University, Jeonju , Korea Jojoong, a winter wheat(triticum aestivum L.) cultivar was developed by the National Institute of Crop Science, RDA. It was derived from the cross Suwon272/Olgeuru//Keumkang/Suwon252 during Jojoong was evaluated as Iksan360 in advance yield trial test in It was tested in the regional yield trial test between 2012 and Jojoong is an awned, semi-dwarf and hard winter wheat, similar to Keumkang (check cultivar). The heading and maturing date of Jojoong were earlier to Keumkang. Jojoong had lower test weight (799 g/l) and 1,000-grain weigh (35.6g) than Keumkang (816 g/l and 45.5g, respectively). Jojoong showed resistance to winter hardiness and pre-harvest sprouting, which lower withering rate on the high ridge (10.5%) and rate of pre-harvest sprouting (10.5%) than Keumkang (31.7 and 21.4%, respectively). Jojoong showed similar protein content (12.5%), SDS-sedimentation volume (43.5ml) and gluten content (8.6%) to Keumkang (12.9%, 58.5ml and 8.5%, respectively). It showed higher lightness (93.17) in flour color than Keumkang (91.95, respectively). Jojoong showed higher lightness (81.50) of noodle dough sheet than Keumkang (80.95). Jojoong exhibited similar hardness (3.84N) and higher springiness and cohesiveness of cooked noodles (0.94 and 0.66) compared to Keumkang (3.88N, 0.90, and 0.62, respectively). Average yield of Jojoong in the regional adaptation yield trial test was 5.09 MT/ha in upland and 5.35 MT/ha in paddy field, which was 9% and 8% higher than those of Keumkang (4.67 MT/ha and 4.92 MT/ha, respectively). *Corresponding Author: Tel , kcs1209@koera.kr -41-
84 PA-07 조숙, 내병성및논재배적응성이강한유채 1 대잡종 조안 김광수 1*, 이영화 1, 장영석 1, 최규환 2, 강달순 3, 김성택 4, 이경보 1 1 농촌진흥청국립식량과학원바이오에너지작물센터 2 전라북도농업기술원 3 경상남도농업기술원 4 제주특별자치도농업기술원 최근화석연료사용에따른이산화탄소의농도증가와지구온난화로인해친환경에너지의중요성이대두됨에따라식물성기름을활용하여생산한바이오디젤의수송용에너지로의사용이급격히증가하고있다. 유채 (Brassica napus L.) 는예로부터식용유를생산하기위해주로동계기름작물로재배되어왔으나, 우리나라도바이오디젤원료로서유채기름에대한관심의증가로재배면적이꾸준하게증가하고있다. 유채의재배면적확대를위해서는논재배가필수적으로벼와이모작이가능한조숙성이며균핵병등의병해에도강한유채품종육성이절실하다. 이에따라국립식량과학원바이오에너지작물연구소에서균핵병에강하며논재배에적합한품종의육성을목표로 2009 년도에 목포 -CGMS ( 웅성불임, 종자친 ) 와 8630-B ( 임성회복화분친 ) 을교배하여우수한특성을나타내는 1 대잡종 단교 71 호 를선발하여, 2010~2011 년에걸쳐 1 대잡종품종인 선망 을대비품종으로하여생산력검정시험을실시하였으며, 2012~2014 년에전남, 전북, 경남및제주등 4 개지역에서지역적응시험을실시하였다. 생산력검정시험과지역적응시험을통하여농업적인특성, 지방함유량, 지방산의조성및글루코지놀레이트의함량등을분석한결과, 단교 71 호 는대비품종인 선망 에비해조숙이며, 논재배에대한적응성이강하며내병성및내도복성이강하여조안 (Joan) 으로명명하였다. 1 대잡종 조안 은조숙종으로개화기 (4 월 10 일 ) 와성숙기 (6 월 4 일 ) 가 선망 에비해 3~4 일빠르다. 수량은 279kg/10a 로 선망 에비해 6% 가증수되었고, 균핵병과도복저항성에강하다. 기름함량은 44.5% 로 선망 보다높고, 올레인산함량이 69.5% 로 선망 의 67.2% 에비해 2.3% 높았으며, 에루신산은전혀없고글루코시놀레이트함량은 1.85mg/g 으로국제허용기준치인 3.0mg/g 이하이다. 조안 의기름성분중불포화지방산인올레인산의함유량이높아식용과바이오디젤원료용으로적합하다. * 주저자 : Tel , ajuga@korea.kr -42-
85 PA-08 Comparison of seed priming methods for germination in sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) Du Hyun Kim 1*, Hyeonjun Hong 1, Ki-Yeul Jung 2 1 Department of Genetic Engineering, Dong-A University, Pusan , Republic of Korea 2 Cereal Crop Research Division, NICS, RDA, Milyang, , Republic of Korea This study was conducted to affirm the potential of seed priming techniques for optimizing mechanized growing technologies to maintain production of sustainable small cereal crops. Seed priming conditions were preliminary tested in laboratory. Sorghum seeds were hydroprimed and osmoprimed comprising a total of 33 treatments of different priming combination along with control. Seed primed in aerated solution of distilled water, PEG 8000 (-0.15 MPa and 0.3 MPa), KCl(1% and 2%), KH 2 PO 4 (0.5% and 1.0%), KNO 3 (1.0% and 3.0%), CaCl 2 (1.0% and 3.0%) solutions for 6, 12, 24 hours at 15. Maximum seed germination percentage, germination rate and reduced mean germination times (MGT) were observed when the seeds primed by CaCl 2 1.0% for 24 h, whereas the lowest germination percentage observed in seeds which treated with KNO 3 3% solution. Priming improved the MGT, germination index, and germination rate of all primed seeds statistically comparing to control. The MGT reduced by increase of treatment time. Further studies for field performance of primed seeds are needed. *Corresponding Author: Tel , dhkimhort@dau.ac.kr PA-09 Effects of priming treatments on germination of Setaria viridis L. seeds Du Hyun Kim 1*, Hyeonjun Hong 1, Ki-Yeul Jung 2 1 Department of Genetic Engineering, Dong-A University, Pusan , Republic of Korea 2 Cereal Crop Research Division, NICS, RDA, Milyang, , Republic of Korea Poor germination and labor intensive thinning of seedling after sowing are major deterrents in Setaria viridis production. Seed priming has the potential to improve the seedling emergence and economic feasibility by combined with seed coating for optimizing mechanized growing technologies to small cereal crops. The objective of this study was to determine the effective seed priming conditions on the improved germination in the laboratory. Seeds were hydro primed with distilled water for 6, 12, 24 hours and osmoprimed with PEG 8000 (-0.15 MPa and -0.3 MPa), KCl (1% and 2%), KH 2 PO 4 (0.5% and 1.0%), KNO 3 (1.0% and 3.0%), CaCl 2 (1.0% and 3.0%) solutions for 6, 12, 24 hours at 15. Our results demonstrate that treating S. viridis seeds with PEG -0.3 MPa solution for 12h increased to maximum germination percentage to 97%, whereas the lowest germination percentage observed in seeds which treated with by CaCl 2 1.0% for 24h and KCl 1% for 6h. Priming reduced the mean germination times (MGT) of all priming treated seeds statistically comparing to control. There was significant interaction between treatment and time. Further studies for field performance of primed seeds are needed. *Corresponding Author: Tel , dhkimhort@dau.ac.kr -43-
86 PA-10 중국운남성고지대에서의우리벼품종의작물학적특성 김명기 1* 양창인 1, 이상복 2, 현웅조 3, 백남현 1, 이점호 2 1 강원도철원군동송읍국립식량과학원철원출장소 2 강기도수원시권선구서둔동국립식량과학원중부작물과 3 강원도춘천시우두동국립식량과학원춘천출장소 지구온난화등기후변화과정에서저온내습으로냉해피해에대비우리품종의내냉성을증진시키고자우리품종을 2013 년과 2014 년 2 년간중국운남성마롱 ( 해발 2,124m) 지역에서작물학적특성및내냉성등을조사하였고, 마롱시험지의벼재배기간의기상분석을실시하였다. 벼재배기간의최고기온은 20.4~26.9 로우리나라철원의 21.1~30.2 보다는낮았다. 그리고평균기온은 19.4 범위에서기온변화가적었다. 또최저기온은출수기와등숙기인 7 월과 8 월에는평균 16.9 로철원의 20.8 보다약 4 로낮았다. 작물학적특성에서출수기는오대벼 7 월 27 일, 진부벼 7 월 22 일로철원에서보다는 2 3 일이출수가지연되었다. 간장은 2 품종평균 60cm 로철원보다 15cm 가작았다. 주당수수는 2 품종모두 8 개로철원의 13 개보다 5 개적었다. 반면수당입수는오대벼가 93 개, 진부벼가 74 개로철원에서보다오대벼는 25 개, 진부벼는 6 개가많았다. 내냉성과관련된임실율은오대벼가 72.5%, 진부벼가 75.0% 였으며, 등숙율은 2 품종평균 61.7% 로철원의 88.2% 에비하여매우낮았다. 그러나진부벼는 69.1% 로중국품종운갱 20 호의 56.0% 보다다소높아진부벼는내냉성이다소강한것으로판단된다. 현미천립중은오대벼가 27.3g, 진부벼가 26.9g 으로철원에서의천립중보다약간무거운편이었다. 쌀수량은평균 333kg/10a 로중국품종에비하여는매우낮았다. 중국운남성고지대에서우리품종을시험한결과진부벼는내냉성이다소강한것으로판단되어우리품종의내냉성증진을위한육종재료로활용가치가있을것으로생각된다. * 주저자 : Tel , kimmk6690@korea.kr PA-11 벼조생종수발아, 잎도열병및흰잎마름병저항성중간모본 중모 1031 김명기 1, 서정필 2, 원용재 1, 안억근 1, 정국현 1, 백만기 1, 최임수 1, 조영찬 1, 윤광섭 1, 김연규 1, 홍하철 1, 윤영환 3, 이정희 1 1 전라북도완주군이서면국립식량과학원 2 전라북도전주시완산구농촌진흥청 3 충청남도예산군신임면충청남도농업기술원 벼품종 중모 1031 은기상이변으로조생종벼재배지대의재해및병해발생증가에대비벼조생종품종의내재해성및내병성을증진할목적으로 2002 년하계에인공교배하여계통육종법으로육성하여 2011~2013 년 3 년간지역적응시험을실시한결과수발아, 잎도열병그리고흰잎마름병이강함이인정되어 2013 년 12 월농촌진흥청농작물직무육성신품종선정위원회에서중간모본으로선정되었다. 중모 1031 는출수기가보통기보비재배에서 7 월 25 일로오대벼와같은조생종이다. 간장은 60cm 로작고, 도복시험에서쓰러짐에강하였다. 주당수수는 13 개로오대벼와비슷하나수당입수는 80 개로오대벼보다 13 개가많았다. 현미천립중은오대벼의 26.3g 보다작은 22.0g 의단원립이다. 잎도열병과흰잎마름병 (K1 K3) 에는저항성이지만기타바이러스및충해에는약하였다. 수발아율도 4.5% 로강하였다. 쌀수량은 5.47 톤 /ha 로오대벼보다 5% 정도다소증수되었으며, 쌀외관인심복백이없어오대벼에비하여맑다. 그래서중모 1031 은조생종으로서잎도열병과흰잎마름병에강한복합내병성이며, 도복및수발아에도강한조생종품종의특성을가지고있어특히조생종품종에흰잎마름병및수발아에강한품종을육성하는데중간모본으로서의활용가치가높을것으로판단된다. * 주저자 : Tel , kimmk6690@korea.kr -44-
87 PA-12 Distinct reactions of two Tunisian durum wheat to salinity stress Sang Heon Kim 1, Inès Yacoubi 2, Yong Weon Seo 1* 1 Department of Biosystems and Biotechnology, Korea University, Seoul Republic of Korea 2 Centre de biotechnologie de Sfax (CBS), Sfax, Tunisia Durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. ssp. durum) is a global staple food crops. However, saline soil reduces the production of durum wheat in a lot of countries including Tunisia. This problem would be more severe as soil salinization ascribed by the global climate changes and worldwide water deficiencies. To overcome this circumstance, we performed two experiments related to salinity stress tolerance of durum wheat. Two Tunisian durum wheat cultivars ( Om Rabia, Mahmoudi ) were applied to examine the reaction to salt stress. At the third leaf stage, salt stress was treated by submerging the pots into 500 mm NaCl for 5 mins everyday instead of irrigation in greenhouse. The treatment was applied for 1 week and their tolerances to salt stress were determined by comparing their growth parameters to the control plants. Total RNA was extracted and Quantitative reverse transcript PCR (qrt-pcr) using the genes linked with the salt tolerance was performed. The plant height and leaf chlorophyll content were reduced during salt stress treatment in both cultivars. The growth parameters of Om Rabia was reduced less than that of Mahmoudi. The transcription level of the genes linked with the salt tolerance was greater in Om Rabia than in Mahmoudi. These results will be fruitful to future breeding program for salt tolerant tetraploid durum wheat. Acknowledgement: This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea government (MEST) (No. 2012K1A3A1A ). *Corresponding Author: Tel , seoag@korea.ac.kr PA-13 벼흰잎마름병발병상습지에서벼품종 해품 의저항성발현 김우재 *, 박종호, 김현순, 박현수, 하기용, 고재권, 김보경 전북완주군이서면국립식량과학원작물육종과 벼흰잎마름병은벼에큰피해를주는병으로매년많은발생량을보인다. 이에새로운저항성품종 해품 을전남장흥의발병상습지에재식하여저항성발현정도를조사하였다. 벼흰잎마름병균계별저항성반응실험에서공시재료의벼흰잎마름병저항성특성은 해품 은 Xa3 와 xa5 저항성유전자를가지고있어 K1, K2, K3, K3a 균계에강한반응을보인반면, Xa1 을가진 호평 과 일미 는 K1 에만저항성을보였다. 전남장흥발병상습지에서시기별생육및발병은 2014 년 9 월중순집중호우이후이병성품종인 호평 에발병을시작으로 10 월중순엔병반면적율은 해품 이 4.7% 였고 호평 과 일미 는 50% 이상이었다. 등숙률은 해품 94%, 호평 77.5%, 일미 70% 였다. 수량성은 해품 보다 호평 은 18%, 일미 는 22% 감수되었다. 호평 과 일미 는심복백과청미발생이 해품 보다심하였는데이는발병에따른지엽고사로광합성이부족하여발생한것으로생각된다. 최근벼흰잎마름병균의레이스변화에따른기존저항성품종의이병화는수량감소와품질저하를가져오고있다. 새로운균계에대응하는저항성품종의개발은이러한단점을근본적으로해결할수있는방법이될것이다. * 주저자 : Tel , suwonman@korea.kr -45-
88 PA-14 벼멸구저항성유전자다양화를위한 DNA 마커탐색 김우재 *, 김현순, 하기용, 강경호, 정지웅, 전재범, 조성우, 김보경 전북완주군이서면국립식량과학원작물육종과 기상조건의변화로우리나라에벼멸구의발생이점차증가하며피해가커지고있다. 이에다양한벼멸구저항성유전자를가진벼품종의육성이필요하다. 국내육성자포니카벼품종중벼멸구저항성품종은 Bph18 유전자를가진 안미 를제외하고모두 bph2( 화청, 하남, 다청, 친농, 친들 ) 유전자를가지고있다. 유묘검정결과 bph2 유전자를가진품종은벼멸구흡즙에중도저항성을보인후 4 주이상지나며고사되는반면, 안미 (Bph18) 는계속해서강한저항성반응을나타낸다. 인공교배를통해 Bph18 유전자를가진계통을육성하였다. 빠른 DNA 마커검정을위해 12 번염색체의 Bph18 유전자와연관된마커를검색하여 PCR 후전기영동을수행한결과 RM3331 이저항성유전자별밴드의위치가다른증폭반응을보였다. 각계통에대한밴드분석결과벼멸구저항성유전자가없는 TN1 과 호평 은위치가다른밴드를보였는데이는인디카와자포니카의유전적백그라운드의차이로프라이머의증폭부위가달라발생한것으로추측된다. Bph18 유전자를가진 익산 562 호 와 Bph1 유전자를가진 청청벼, Mudgo, IR09N379 의밴드위치가같은것은두유전자가중복되어위치해있기때문인것으로보인다. 따라서 RM3331 로생성된 PCR 산물의크기는제한효소처리없이 2% agarose gel 로분석이가능한간편성을가지고있지만, 저항성유전자가중복되어있는 Bph18 과 Bph1 유전자를구분하기는어려우며벼멸구저항성유전자를가지고있지않은계통과의구분에선택적으로사용하는것이적합할것으로보인다. * 주저자 : Tel , suwonman@korea.kr PA-15 우리나라에서벼꽃가루배양의실용화와금후전망 김현순 1*, 강경호 1, 남정권 1, 김우재 1, 정지웅 1, 백소현 1, 신운철 1, 강현중 1, 고재권 1, 김기영 1, 김보경 1, 이승엽 2 1 전북완주군이서면농촌진흥청국립식량과학원 2 전북익산시원광대학교생명자원과학대학 벼꽃가루 ( 약 ) 배양은유용유전자의조기고정으로육종년한단축을위한육종법으로실용화되고있다. 국내에서는이배양법에의해 1985 년처음으로농촌진흥청에서화신벼를육성한이래현재까지 20 여품종이육성되었고, 국외에서는 IRRI 에서 1995 년첫약배양유래품종이육성되었다. 국내에서이육종법은전통교배육종에비해품종육성기간을 2 년정도단축시켰다. 도입초기의주요목적형질은양질, 내병충성이강화된품종이육성되었으며최근 2000 년대들어서는기능성등을포함하고있다. 그간국내약배양유래품종육성수는 1985 년이래전통교배품종수의약 8% 정도였으며, 농가재배면적은지난 30 여년동안 2,200 천 ha 정도재배되어왔다. 주요육성품종으로는화성, 화선찰, 화영, 화봉, 호평으로꾸준히재배되고있는실정이다. 우리나라에서벼약배양기술은어느작물보다일찍시작하여생명공학의기초를이루어성공적으로실용화를이루어냈고, 앞으로도기후변화등에좀더다양한유용형질이요구되는즈음, 이약배양법은유용변이체및형질전환체등을조기고정하는데중요기술로이용하게될것이다. * 주저자 : Tel , kimhs123@korea.kr -46-
89 PA-16 내도복중만생벼담수직파겸용 중모 1041 김정주 1*, 백만기 1, 남정권 1, 김보경 1, 하기용 1, 김기영 1, 고종철 2, 고재권 1, 김우재 1, 백소현 3, 신운철 4, 박현수 1, 조영찬 1, 이점호 5, 김현순 1, 임청택 1, 박기훈 5 1 전라북도완주군이서면혁신로국립식량과학원작물육종과 2 경상북도밀양시점필재로국립식량과학원남부작물부밭작물개발과 3 전라북도완주군이서면혁신로국립식량과학원작물기초기반과 4 경상북도상주시하서면중화로국립식량과학원상주출장소 5 경기도수원시권선구수인로국립식량과학원중부작물부중부작물과 벼중만생담수직파겸용 중모 1041 은생산비절감을위한직파적응성고품질품종개발을목적으로국립식량과학원벼육종재배과에서 2006/2007 년동계에중만생내도복성계통인익산 496 호 (IT235289) 와다수성계통인밀양 172 호 (IT212472) 를인공교배하여교잡육종법으로육성되었다. 인공교배후분리세대인 F 2 및 F 3 는집단으로전개하여초형및이삭특성을고려하여포장선발하고 F 4 이후부터는계통으로전개하여주요병해충및미질특성을고려하여선발하였으며그중중만생종이면서내도복성계통인 HR26974-B-2-1 을선발하였다. 2011~2012 년에걸쳐생산력검정시험을실시하여초형이우수하고단간내도복성이면서수량성이우수하여 익산 555 호 로계통명을부여하였다. 2012~2014 년 3 년간지역적응시험을수행한결과직파적응성이좋고밥맛이양호한계통으로농촌진흥청의농작물직무육성신품종선정심의회를거쳐 중모 1041 로명명되었다. 주요특성으로보통기보비재배시출수기는 8 월 14 일로중만생종이고간장이 74 cm 로단간이고수장은 21 cm 이며 m 2 당수수는 310 개이다. 직파재배의경우도복에의한수량성및품질저하가우려되는데 중모 1041 은동안벼보다 3 절간장은다소길지만도복지수가낮아내도복성을갖추고있다. 5 월상순에담수직파를할경우야간저온에의한발아율저하로입모확보가어려운데 13 에서 15 일간저온발아특성을조사한결과 중모 1041 은저온발아율이 83% 로남평벼 42% 보다 2 배정도높아 13 저온에서우수한발아특성을갖추고있다. 또한, 도열병에중도저항성이고흰잎마름병균 K1, K2 및 K3 에저항성이며줄무늬잎마름병에도강한특성을갖추고있다. 그러나, 애멸구, 벼멸구등해충에대한저항성은없다. 중모 1041 의현미천립중은 24.8g 으로남평벼보다무거우며쌀수량은보통기보비재배시 5.89 Mt/ha 로남평벼대비 4% 높고담수직파재배시 5.4 Mt/ha 으로동안벼대비 4% 높은수량성을나타낸다. 중만생내도복담수직파재배겸용벼 중모 1041 의적응지역은충남이남내륙평야지 ( 충남, 전남북 ) 이다. * 주저자 : Tel , jjkim74@korea.kr -47-
90 PA-17 대립내탈립무비린내콩 미소 김현태 1*, 고종민 2, 한원영 2, 강범규 1, 이영훈 2, 이병원 3, 최만수 1, 김현영 1, 전명기 4, 문중경 5, 윤홍태 1, 백인열 6, 이영희 7 1 경남밀양시점필재로 20 국립식량과학원밭작물개발과 2 경남밀양시점필재로 20 국립식량과학원생산기술개발과 3 경기도수원시권선구서호로 54 국립식량과학원수확후이용과 4 경남창원시의창구창이대로 71 창원농업기술센터 6 전북완주군이서면혁신로 181 국립식량과학원작물기초기반과 6 전북완주군이서면혁신로 181 국립식량과학원기획조정과 7 경남밀양시점필재로 20 국립식량과학원남부작물부 콩의종실에서존재하는 lipoxygenase 는콩의비린내를유발하는원인이되고있으며콩의가공을위해열을가하여야하는원인중의하나가되고있다. 콩의가공특히두유제조에서의효과적인가공을위해종실의 lipoxygenase 가없는 진품콩 2 호 가개발되었으나수량성이낮고병에다소약하며탈립이심하였다. 이러한문제를해결하기위해대립다수성인 대망 2 호 를모본으로하고 진품콩 2 호를교배하여대립이면서탈립에강하고수량성이높은 미소 ( 밀양 249 호 ) 를개발하였다. 미소 는종실에서콩의비린내에관여하는세가지 lipoxygenase 효소가모두활성을나타내지않는무비린내품종이다. 꽃색은백색으로 진품콩 2 호 와차가있으나엽형, 모용색, 협색등의질적특성은 진품콩 2 호 와유사하다. 개화기는 8 월 6 일, 성숙기는 10 월 17 일로 진품콩 2 호 보다각각 7 일, 8 일늦은만숙종이다. 주경장이 77cm 로 진풍콩 2 호 보다 5cm 정도더크지만지역적응시험시험포장과밀식재배를통한검정포장에서 진품콩 2 호 보다도복에강하였다. 종실의크기는 100 립중이 28.2g 으로 21.9g 인 진품콩 2 호 보다 6.3g 더무거운대립으로종실이굵으면서도성숙후종자의탈립이거의없으며, 건조기를이용한성숙꼬투리의협개열성을조사한결과에서도 진품콩 2 호 보다내탈립성이강하였다. 불마름병저항성은 8ra 접종시엔 진품콩 2 호 와비슷한정도로발병하였으나시험포장과검정포정에서는이병되지않았다. 지역적응성검정시험에서평균수량이 10a 당 314kg 으로, 진품콩 2 호 보다 18% 증수하였다. 두부와비지수율은 진품콩 2 호 와비슷하며두유의고형분비율은진품콩 2 호 보다다소낮았으나 대원콩 과는비슷하였다. * 주저자 : Tel , sojatae@korea.kr -48-
91 PA-18 도복과탈립에강한다수성콩 대풍 2 호 김현태 1*, 이영훈 2, 이병원 3, 최만수 1, 강범규 1, 한원영 2, 김현영 1, 전명기 4, 이석기 5, 고종민 3, 윤홍태 1, 백인열 6, 이영희 7 1 경남밀양시점필재로 20 국립식량과학원밭작물개발과 2 경남밀양시점필재로 20 국립식량과학원생산기술개발과 3 경기도수원시권선구서호로 54 국립식량과학원수확후이용과 4 경남창원시의창구창이대로 71 창원농업기술센터 5 전북전주시완산구농생명로 300 농촌진흥청국외농업기술과 6 전북완주군이서면혁신로 181 국립식량과학원기획조정과 7 경남밀양시점필재로 20 국립식량과학원남부작물부 콩품종 대풍 은국내육성품종최초로 10a 당 300kg 을초과하는높은수량성과재배안정성을갖추었음에도종자외관의결함으로상품성이낮아보급이확대되지못하고있다. 콩의수량성향상과상품성향상을위해, 대풍 을활용하여수량성과안정성을갖추면서종자품위를개선한품종을만들고자연구하였다. 대풍 2 호 는 대풍 을모본으로하고, 수원 190 호 와 대원콩 을교배한대립계통을부본으로하여 2003 년도에교배하여계통육성법에따라육성한 밀양 242 호 이다. 대풍콩의단점인배꼽색을없애고, 종자모양이 대풍 보다구형에더가까우며종피의색택이좋아종자품위가우수하다. 대풍 2 호 의엽형은 대풍 이난형인데반해피침형으로수광태세가좋으며, 꽃색은백색, 모용색과협색은갈색으로 대풍 과같다. 성숙기는 10 월 14 일로 대풍 보다 3 일늦으며 대원콩 과비슷하다. 불마름병과도복에강하며, 성숙후꼬투리의탈립에강하다. 종실 100 립중은 20.9g 으로 대풍 과비슷하며 대원콩 보다는 4.4g 작은중립품종이다. 지역적응성검정시험에서제주지역을제외한적응지역평균수량이 10a 당 345kg 으로, 대원콩 보다 21% 더높으며, 대풍 의 99% 로서대등한수준이다. 두부와메주, 청국장제조시수율이높으며청국장의점성성분인 γ-pga 함량이 45.5mg/g 으로대원콩의 35.3mg/g 보다높다. * 주저자 : Tel , sojatae@korea.kr PA-19 다변량분석에의한콩품종분류 이가영 1, 곽병삼 1, 곽상철 1, 김용현 1, 장은규 2, 김홍식 1* 1 충청북도청주시서원구충대로 1 충북대학교농업생명환경대학식물자원학과 2 경기도연천군신서면도신로 3 번길 42 경기도농업기술원 국내에서육성된 172 품종의양적형질을다변량으로분석하여유연관계를해석하고, 품종을분류하여신품종육성의기초자료로이용코자하였다. 국내에서육성된콩 172 품종의군집분석결과 7 군으로분류되었다. 제 Ⅰ 군에는장단백목외 13 품종이속하였으며, 100 립중이가장무거운품종들이포함되었다. 제 Ⅱ 군에는충북백외 111 품종이속하였으며, 생육일수가짧으며, 1 주종실중이작은품종들이포함되었다. 제 Ⅲ 군에는호서콩외 5 품종이속하였으며, 생육일수가긴만생종들이포함되었다. 제 Ⅳ 군에는팔달콩외 3 품종이속하였으며, 뚜렷한특징을보이지않은품종들이포함되었다. 제 Ⅴ 군에는광교콩외 26 품종이속하였으며, 생육일수가가장짧은조생종이었고, 경장이짧은품종들이포함되었다. 제 Ⅵ 군에는소명콩외 5 품종이속하였고, 분지수가많은품종들이분류되었다. 제 Ⅶ 군에는아가 4 호외 3 품종이속하였고, 경장, 협수및 1 주립수가가장많은품종들과 100 립중이가장작은품종들이포함되었다. * 주저자 : Tel , hongsigk@chungbuk.ac.kr -49-
92 PA-20 미나리실생묘를이용한수경재배와관행재배의생산성및품질비교 김효중 1*, 이유석 1, 김희곤 1, 손동모 1, 나해영 2 1 전남나주시산포면산제리전라남도농업기술원원예연구소 2 전남무안군청계면청계리국립목포대학교원예과학과 본시험은최근미나리가격상승과관련하여관행물논재배의악성노동, 수확, 선별, 포장등과다노동력투입과, 인건비상승으로지속적인경영비상승을보이고있는미나리의작업편이성, 생산성향상을도모하고자미나리종자를이용한밭재배및수경재배의관행재배대비경제성을분석하고자실시하였다. 시험은 4~5 월까지실시하였으며, 초장은관행재배 41.1cm, 밭재배가 13.0cm, 수경재배가 31.3cm 로관행재배가가장길었으며, 종자를이용한밭재배및수경재배의주당줄기수는밭재배가 3.3 줄기, 수경재배가 6.1 줄기로밭재배보다는수경재배에서줄기발생율이높게조사되었다. 줄기당엽수는줄기무게는관행재배가 4.4g, 토양재배가 0.6g, 수경재배가 6.5g 으로수경재배가가장무겁게측정되었다. 각재배방법의단위면적수량은관행재배가 3.8kg/ m2, 밭재배 0.2kg/ m2, 수경재배 1.3kg/ m2로나타났다. * 주저자 : Tel , plantmaniac@korea.kr PA-21 품질이우수한내병 다수성조생찰벼 운일찰 남정권 1*, 신운철 2, 김기영 1, 박현수 1, 백만기 1, 김정주 1, 조영찬 1, 하기용 1, 김우재 1, 김보경 1 1 전북완주군혁신로 181, 국립식량과학원작물육종과 2 경북상주시화서면중화로 2161, 국립식량과학원상주출장소 국내찹쌀가격은년차간가격차이가크고특히 8 월말이후재배면적에따라가격변동이심하므로조기출하할수있는조생종찰벼품종의개발이필요하다. 이에국립식량과학원은 2005 년하계에조생종이면서다수성인운광을모본으로하고찰성이우수한상주찰벼를부본으로하여인공교배를하고, 그로부터육성된 F 3 이후계통은계통육종법에따라우량계통을선발하였다. 선발된우량계통은 운봉 52 호 의계통명을부여하여 년까지 3 년간지역적응시험을실시한결과그우수성이인정되어 운일찰 로품종명을부여하였다. 운일찰 의출수기는 7 월 28 일로 오대 보다 1 일늦은조생종이며, 간장은 64cm 로단간이며내도복성이다. 운일찰 은벼흰잎마름병 (K 1 K 3 ) 과도열병에강하나기타병해충에는약한품종이다. 운일찰 의쌀수량은 년실시한지역적응시험보통기보비재배에서 5.33MT/ha 로오대에비해 1% 높고, 소득후작재배에서수량은 4.96MT/ha 으로 금오 보다 6% 높았다. 운일찰 의적응지역은중북부평야, 중산간지및남부고랭지이다. 이품종은추석전조기출하용으로확대보급할가치가있는조생찰벼이다. * 주저자 : Tel , namjk725@korea.kr -50-
93 PA-22 열대형옥수수반수체유기체 (Inducer) 인 Tails 의국내적응성평가 류시환 *, 최재근, 박종열, 서영호, 박기진, 용우식, 노상득, 이장용, 김경희 강원도홍천군두촌면장남길 26 강원도농업기술원옥수수연구소 전통적인방법에의한옥수수계통육종은 99% 이상의순도를고정하기위해 7 회이상의인공교배 (selfing) 를수행하여야한다. 이러한단점을보완하고자최근에선진국을중심으로배가반수체 (Doubled Haploid) 방법에의한계통육종방법이실용화되고있으며, 배가반수체방법에의하면 2 3 년만에순도 100% 의계통을육성할수있다. 배가반수체기술도입을위해서는반수체유기체 (Inducer) 의확보가필수이며, 강원도농업기술원옥수수연구소에서는국외선진기술인배가반수체기술을도입하여국내의옥수수계통육종에활용하고자국제옥수수 밀연구소 (CIMMYT) 로부터반수체유기체의사용권리를확보하였다. CIMMYT 의유기체인 Tails 는열대형유기체이므로국내에서의생육특성및적응성평가를우선적으로겈토하였다 년홍천지역에서의 Tails 의생육특성은 4 월 23 일포트파종하여 5 월 14 일비닐피복포장에정식하였을때출사기가 7 월 4 일로출사일수는 72 일이었으며화분비산기는 7 월 1 일에서 11 일까지유지되었다. Tails 의간장은 196cm 착수고는 83cm 로착수고율은 42% 이었다. Tails 의줄기절간의안토시아닌색소는강하며, 엽초의안토시아닌색소도중간정도이므로일반적인옥수수와구분이용이한특성을보인다. 자체보유찰옥수수및일반옥수수집단과교배한결과 41% 의반수체유기율을보였다. 열대자원의경우온대지방에서영양생장만지속하고생식생장으로전환이안되는경우가많은데, Tails 의경우는국내에서의생육및화분생산이정상적으로이루어지고적응성도우수한것으로평가되었다. 이결과에따라국내에서반수체유기를위한 Tails 의활용은그가치가높을것으로판단된다. * 주저자 : Tel , shr8921@korea.kr PA-23 반수체밀집단을이용한국수면대색깔 QTL 분석 강혜정 1,2, 강천식 2, 김학신 2, 박철수 1* 1 전라북도전주시덕진구전북대학교농업생명과학대학작물생명과학과 2 전라북도완주군이서면국립식량과학원 본연구는국내밀소비증진을위해소비자가선호하는국수면대선발에적용이가능한 SSR 마커를선발하기위하여금강밀과올그루밀을이용하여제작된반수체 114 계통을이용하였다 년과 2012 년에국립식량과학원에서재배및수확된종자를이용하여제분을하여밀가루색깔을측정하였고, 가수량 34% 로국수면대를제작하여국수면대의색깔을측정하였다. 밀가루및면대의색깔은 CIE-LAB 를이용하여 L( 밝기 ), a( 적색도 ), b( 황색도 ) 를측정하였다. 교배본에서다형성을보인 140 개 SSR 프라이머를검정하여밀가루및면대색깔에관련된 SSR 마커를찾았다. 5D 염색체에위치한 Xgwm190 은밀가루색에대한표현형변이를 (2011 년, 2012 년반복재배한밀의평균값 ) 13.3~ 22.8% 설명할수있었고, 국수면대의 L, a 값의표현형변이를각각 11.8% 과 24.1% 를설명할수있었다. Xbarc81 과 Xgwm133 마커는밀가루 (2012 년생산 ) 의 b 값에대한표현형변이를 7.9%, 2011 년생산된밀가루로만든국수면대의표현형은 9.8% 설명하였다. 국내 24 개밀품종들의밀가루와국수면대색깔에대한 Xgwm190 의적용가능성을평가한결과, Xgwm190 의유전적표현형이금강밀과같은 a 유전자형에속한 14 개의국내품종의밀가루와국수면대의 L 값은 (91.6 과 83.5) 올그루와같은 b 유전자형품종보다 (93.6 과 85.1) 더낮은값으로나타났다. 이러한결과를보았을때, Xgwm190 는국내밀품종의색택개선을위한표지인자로활용이가능할것이다. * 주저자 : Tel , pcs89@jbnu.ac.kr -51-
94 PA-24 벼중만생고품질내병내도복다수성벼 신보 육성 박노봉 1*, 여운상 2, 이지윤 2, 권오덕 1, 박동수 2, 이종희 4, 조준현 2, 송유천 2, 김상열 1, 오성환 2, 손영보 2, 장재기 3, 남민희 2, 권영업 2, 이영희 2 1 경북영덕군병곡면원황길 44 농촌진흥청국립식량과학원영덕출장소 2 경남밀양시내이동점필재로 20 국립식량과학원남부작물부 3 경기도수원시권선구수인로 126 국립식량과학원중부작물부 4 전북전주시완산구농생명로 300 농촌진흥청연구정책국 국립식량과학원영덕출장소에서 2002 년하계에동해안및영남지역에서출수기가적당하면서밥맛이뛰어나고재배안정성이높은벼품종을육성할목적으로밥맛이좋고외관이깨끗한 영덕 34 호 를모본으로하고다수성이면서밥맛이우수하고초형이좋은 새계화 를부본으로인공교배후계통육종법으로전개하면서예비선발시험, 2009 년생산력검정예비시험, 2010 년생산력검정본시험결과중만생이면서다수성이고쌀외관이우수하면서재배안정성인 YR 을선발하여 영덕 55 호 로명명하였다. 2011~2013 년까지 3 년간지역적응시험을실시한결과중만생종이면서쌀품위가좋고밥맛이양호하며내병성이양호한것으로평가되어 2013 년 12 월농작물직무육성신품종선정위원회에서 신보 로명명하였다. 출수기는보통기평균 8 월 12 일로중만생종품종이며, 직립초형이고탈립은잘되지않고이삭추출은양호하고까락이거의없으며, 수당립수는 화성벼 보다많으며현미천립중도 21.9g 으로 화성벼 보다더가볍다. 도정특성은 화성벼 와비슷하고쌀알모양이둥근단원형이며맑고투명하며밥맛은 화성벼 와보다우수하다. 불시출수는안되는편이고, 위조현상에강하고성숙기엽노화가느린편이며내냉성은 화성벼 와보다약한중약이며, 잎도열병에중강의저항성을보였고, 오갈병과흰잎마름병 (K 1, K 2, K 3 ) 에는강하나줄무늬잎마름병및검은줄오갈병에약하고벼멸구등충해에는감수성이다. 쌀수량성은지역적응시험보통기재배 9 개소에서 5.67MT/ha 로 화성벼 보다 4% 증수되었으며, 이모작및만식적응성도높아, 적응지역을중부평야지, 남부중산간지, 동해안냉조풍지및영남평야지로하여보급하게되었다. * 주저자 : Tel , parknb@korea.kr -52-
95 PA-25 Influence of haplotype combinations of genes involved in regulation of rice grain size and development of a regression equation model Jonghwa Park, Chan-mi Lee, Backki Kim, Hee-Jong Koh * Department of Plant Science, Plant Genomics and Breeding Institute, Research Institute for Agriculture and Life Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea The world population has been continuously increasing and has led to the growing demand for rice. It is therefore important to pay as much attention to the enhancement of grain yield as well as grain quality. Grain size is one of the major factors determining grain yield and quality. A large number of genes are known to be involved in regulation of grain size. However, the influence of their haplotype combination is still largely unknown. Of the previously characterized genes, we especially focused on the six genes (GS3, GS5, GS6, GW2, qsw5/gw5, and GW8/OsSPL16) to expand our understanding of regulation of grain size and to develop a regression equation model that can be used for molecular rice breeding. A total of 215 rice germplasms, which originated or developed from 28 rice-consuming countries, were used in this study. The genotyping analysis revealed that different alleles of the six genes were widely distributed in our germplasm collection and also showed significant associations with the differences in grain size. Interestingly, we found that the relatively small number of haplotype combinations preserved in diverse rice germplasms and showed significant associations with the differences in grain size. In addition, we also found that a single gene-specific allelic variation plays an important role in regulation of grain size in the presence of a certain type of haplotype combination. Based on these results, we developed a regression equation model for prediction of rice grain size. We expect that our model can be used for rice molecular breeding to develop new rice varieties having a grain size in a particular range. This work was supported by a grant from the Next-Generation BioGreen 21 Program (Plant Molecular Breeding Center No. PJ ), Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea. *Corresponding Author: Tel , heejkoh@snu.ac.kr -53-
96 PA-26 국내밀계통및재래종의 Rht-1, Vrn-1, Ppd-1 의유전적조성이주요농업형질에미치는영향 조은진 1, 강천식 2, 정지웅 2, 윤영미 1,2, 박철수 1* 1 전라북도전주시덕진구전북대학교농업생명과학대학작물생명과학과 2 전라북도완주군이서면국립식량과학원 본연구는국내밀품종의숙기단축을위해서국내밀계통및재래종 410 계통의간장, 파성과감광성에관련이있는유전자로알려진 Rht-1, Vrn-1, Ppd-1 유전자의조성을분석하였다. 분석에이용된국내밀재료는국립유전자원센터에서분양받았으며, 국내육성밀계통은 111 개였으며, 238 개국내재래종과 61 개북한수집종을포함하고있으며, 간장, 수장과출수기를조사하였다. 410 개국내밀은모두 vrn-1 과 Ppd-A1b 유전자를지니는것으로나타났으며, Rht-B1a, Rht-D1a, vrn-b1, Vrn-D1, Ppd-B1b 와 Ppd-D1a 유전자는대립되는유전자에비해서발생빈도가높은것으로나타났다. 국내재래종과비교했을때육성계통은 Rht-D1, Ppd-B1 과 Ppd-D1 유전자의발생빈도가상이한것으로나탔으며, 북한수집종은국내육성계통및재래종과비교하였을때 Rht-B1b 와 Vrn-D1 유전자의발현빈도가높은것으로나타났다. 국내육성계통은국내재래종과북한수집종에비해출수기는중간수준이었지만간장과수장은짧은것으로나타났다. Rht-B1a, vrn-d1, Ppd-B1b 과 Ppd-D1b 유전자를지닌밀은상대대립유전자보다간장과수장이긴것으로나타났으며, Vrn-B1b 와 vrn-d1 유전자를지닌밀은 Vrn-B1 와 Vrn-D1 유전자를지닌밀에비해서출수기가늦은것으로나타났으며, Rht-B1b 와 Rht-D1b 유전자를가지는밀은 Rht-B1 과 Rht-D1 의유전적조성에서출수기가가장늦고, 간장이가장짧은것으로나타났다. 반면에 Ppd-B1b 와 Ppd-D1b 유전자를지닌밀은 Ppd-B1 과 Ppd-D1 유전자조합에서간장과수장이가장긴것으로나타났다. * 주저자 : Tel , pcs89@jbnu.ac.kr PA-27 국내밀품종들의 Vrn-1 과 Ppd-1 대립유전자변이와농업형질과의관계 조은진 1, 강천식 2, 윤영미 1,2, 박철수 1* 1 전라북도전주시덕진구전북대학교농업생명과학대학작물생명과학과 2 전라북도완주군이서면국립식량과학원 본연구는파성과감광성에관련이있는유전자인 Vrn-1 과 Ppd-1 의국내밀품종의유전적인변이가농업형질에미치는영향을분석하였다. 국내밀품종은 vrn-a1, vrn-b1, Ppd-A1 과 Ppd-D1 유전좌에서는변이가없었으며, Vrn-D1 과 Ppd-B1 에서만변이를나타내었고, vrn-d1 과 Ppd-B1b 의발생빈도가높게나타났다. 국내밀품종의춘화처리여부와지엽발생시기차이를분석한결과, 춘화처리와상관없이추파성으로 vrn-d1 를지닌품종은 Vrn-D1a 를지닌품종보다지엽출현이늦었다. 춘화처리를하지않은경우에 vrn-d1 를지닌품종은 Vrn-D1a 를지닌품종보다많은최종엽수를나타내었지만, 춘화처리는국내밀품종에있어서 Ppd-1 유전자의조성과는상관이없는것으로나타났다. 주요농업형질과관계를조사한결과 Vrn-D1a 를지닌품종은 vrn-d1 보다수량이높았으며, 천립중은낮았다. 수량에있어서 Vrn-D1a 와 Ppd-B1b 를지닌품종이 554kg/10a 으로 vrn-d1a 와 Ppd-B1 를지닌품종의 500kg/10a 보다높았다. * 주저자 : Tel , pc89@jbnu.ac.kr -54-
97 PA-28 반왜성유전자 Rht 가국내밀품종의농업형질에미치는영향 조은진 1, 강천식 2, 윤영미 1,2, 박철수 1* 1 전라북도전주시덕진구전북대학교농업생명과학대학작물생명과학과 2 전라북도완주군이서면국립식량과학원 본연구는반왜성 (Semi-dwarf) 유전자인 Rht(Reduced height) 가국내밀품종의주요농업형질에미치는영향을평가하기위해서 2010 년부터 2014 년까지 5 년동안 27 품종에대한분석을실시하였다. Rht 유전자의조성은 Rht-B1, Rht-D1 과 Rht8 에대해서분석하였으며, 농업형질은간장, 수장, 1 수립수, 리터중과천립중을조사하였다. Rht-B1a(70.4%) 와 Rht-D1a(51.9%) 의발생빈도가대립형질에비하여높게나타났으며, 13 개품종은 Rht-B1a 와 Rht-D1b 두대립유전자를가지는것으로나타났으며, Rht-B1b 와 Rht-D1b 유전자가동시에발현하는품종은없었다. Rht8 의유전적변이에서는올밀과남해밀이 Rht8 206bp 을나타냈고나머지품종은 Rht8 196bp 을나타냈다. Rht-D1a 와 Rht8 196bp 유전자를가지는품종은다른품종에비하여천립중과리터중이높은것으로나타났으며, Rht-B1a 와 Rht-D1a 를가지는품종은다른품종에비해서 1 수립수가낮은것으로나타났다. Rht8 206bp 유전자를지닌올밀과남해밀은 Rht-B1 과 Rht-D1 유전자의조성에상관없이리터중이낮은것으로나타났다. Rht-B1a, Rht-D1a 와 Rht8 196bp 유전자를지닌품종은다른유전적조성을지닌품종에비해 1 수립수가낮은것으로나타났지만, 반왜성유전자의형질변화는국내품종에있어서간장과수장에는영향이없는것으로나타났다. * 주저자 : Tel , pcs89@jbnu.ac.kr PA-29 평야지적응성향상을위한벼흰잎마름병및줄무늬잎마름병저항성유전자집적조생계통개발 박현수 1*, 남정권 1, 김기영 1, 김우재 1, 정지웅 1, 백만기 1, 김정주 1, 조영찬 1, 이점호 2, 김보경 1 1 전라북도완주군이서면혁신로 181 농촌진흥청국립식량과학원 2 경기도수원시권선구수인로 125 농촌진흥청국립식량과학원중부작물부 본연구는조생종벼의평야지적응성을향상시키고자벼흰잎마름병및줄무늬잎마름병에대한저항성유전자가집적된저항성계통을개발하고이들의저항성성능검정과수량성등농업형질을분석하여육종사업에반영하고자수행하였다. Xa3 를가지고있는운광과 Xa4+xa5+Xa21+Stvb-i 를가지고있는 SR30075 조합계통을모본으로하여분자표지를이용하여저항성유전자가집적된 F 3 계통을선발하였고운광에여교배하였다. 여교배이후에 K3a 균계에대한생물검정및수량성등농업형질에대한조사를통해 RL1(BC 1 F 7 ),RL2-5(BC 2 F 6 ) 등 5 개조생종저항성계통을육성하였다. 분자표지로저항성유전자를확인한결과 RL1 은 Xa3+xa5+Xa21+Stvb-i 를가지고있었고 RL2, RL3 와 RL5 는 Xa3+Xa21+Stvb-i, RL4 는 Xa21 를보유하고있었다. 줄무늬잎마름병은저항성유전자 Stvb-i 의유무에의해서저항성이결정되었다. 벼흰잎마름병유전자조합 Xa3+xa5+Xa21 과 Xa3+Xa21 의계통의경우 K1, K2, K3, K3a 균계및 16 개수집균주에대해서저항성반응을나타냈으며, K3a 균계접종시에현미수량, 등숙률및현미완전미율이대조구와차이가없어저항성증진을위한유망조합으로판단되었다. RL1 은목표저항성유전자를가지고있고저항성성능도우수하였으나간장이크고도복에불안정하였으며수량이운광의 80% 로낮고미질이좋지않았다. RL5 는운광에여교배가 2 회되어선발된계통으로저항성유전자 Xa3+Xa21+Stvb-i 를가지고있어벼흰잎마름병및줄무늬잎마름병에대한효과적인저항성원으로판단되었고, 운광보다단간으로도복에안정적인특성을나타냈으며다수성이고미질이양호하였다. * 주저자 : Tel , mayoe@korea.kr -55-
98 PA-30 벼흰잎마름병저항성고품질중만생벼신품종 만백 박현수 1*, 백만기 1, 김보경 1, 김기영 1, 하기용 1, 신운철 2, 고재권 1, 남정권 1, 김우재 1, 조영찬 1, 이점호 3, 김현순 1, 고종철 4, 김정주 1, 박종호 1 1 전라북도완주군이서면혁신로 181 국립식량과학원작물육종과 2 경상북도상주시화서면중화로 2161, 국립식량과학원상주출장소 3 경기도수원시권선구수인로 125 국립식량과학원중부작물과 4 경상북도밀양시점필재로 520 국립식량과학원밭작물개발과 벼흰잎마름병저항성고품질중만생벼 만백 은남부지역을중심으로병원성이강한벼흰잎마름병균의확대로인한피해가증가함에따라서이에대응할목적으로국립식량과학원에서개발하였다. 2008/09 년동계에최고품질벼품종으로밥맛이좋은호품을모본으로하고호품과벼흰잎마름병저항성유전자가집적된계통 SR 을교배한 F 1 을부본으로하여여교배하였다 년하계에우량품종을조기에개발하고자 BC 1 F 1 세대에서약배양을수행하여 423 계통을육성하였다. 병원성이강한벼흰잎마름병 K3a 균계에대한저항성검정과초형및미질등농업형질을고려하여선발된계통들에대해서생산력검정을수행하였다. 출수기가남평벼보다늦은중만생종이며엽색이진하고내도복직립초형인 HR28423-AC52 를선발하여 익산 551 호 로계통명을부여하고 2012~2014 년 3 년간지역적응성시험을수행하였다. 익산 551 호 는벼흰잎마름병저항성유전자 Xa3 와 xa5 를함께가지고있어우리나라벼흰잎마름병대표균계인 K1, K2, K3, K3a 에저항성을나타내며 16 개수집균주에대해서도광범위한저항성을보였다. 또한벼줄무늬잎마름병에강하고수발아에내성을나타냈다. 도정특성이양호하고쌀의외관품위가맑고투명하며밥맛관능검정에서우수한특성이인정되어직무육성신품종선정위원회에서벼신품종 만백 으로명명되었다. 벼흰잎마름병이상습적으로발병하는지역에는 만백 의재배를추천하여고품질이면서친환경적인쌀생산을기대한다. * 주저자 : Tel , mayoe@korea.kr PA-31 벼중만생고품질복합내병성 안백 백만기 *, 박현수, 정종민, 김기영, 남정권, 김정주, 조영찬, 김보경 전라북도완주군이서면혁신로 181 국립식량과학원작물육종과 안백 은쌀외관품위가우수하고밥맛이좋으며내병성이우수한남부지역적응고품질품종개발을목적으로 2006 년하계에국립식량과학원벼맥류부에서흰잎마름병에강한익산 493 호 ( 진백 ) 을모본으로청호와영덕 44 호를인공교배한 F 1 을부본으로삼원교배하여 F 4 이후부터는계통육종법에의하여선발하면서주요병해충및미질검정을실시하였다. 생산력검정시험결과단간이며흰잎마름병및줄무늬잎마름병에저항성이고쌀외관품위가우수한고품질의 HR6723-B 계통을선발하여 익산 549 호 로계통명을부여였다. 익산 549 호 는 2012~2014 년지역적응시험을실시한결과중만생종으로도열병에중도저항성이며흰잎마름병 ((K 1 K 3, K 3 a) 및줄무늬잎마름병에강하고오갈병에중도저항성이다. 쌀의외관은투명하고심복백이없으며밥맛이좋으며제현율과현백율, 완전미도정수율이남평보다높은품종으로우수성이인정되어 2014 년 12 월농촌진흥청의농작물직무육성신품종선정심의회에서품종명 안백 이라명명하였고충남이남평야지및서남부해안지 ( 충남, 전남북, 경남북 ) 에적응하는품종이다. 재배상유의점은키다리병예방을위하여철저한종자소독을하여야하며질소질비료과용시미질저하, 등숙저하, 숙색불량및병해충발생이우려되므로적정균형시비하여야하고검은줄오갈병과멸구류에약하므로적기방제가필요하며냉해에약하므로냉수용출답이나만식재배는피해야한다. * 주저자 : Tel , baekmg@korea.kr -56-
99 PA-32 소득후작적응복합내병성준조생벼 중모 1039 호 신운철 1*, 김우재 2, 박현수 2, 남정권 2, 이점호 3, 김보경 2, 강위금 1 1 경북상주시화서면중화로 2161, 국립식량과학원상주출장소 2 전북완주군이서면혁신로 181, 국립식량과학원작물육종과 3 경기수원시권선구수인로 125, 국립식량과학원중부작물과 중모 1039 호 는국립식량과학원상주출장소에서중산간지적응복합내병성고품질벼를육성하고자 2007 년하계에고품질인무사시노 7 과고시히까리와벼멸구저항성계통인익산 495 호를교배한계통을인공교배한 F 1 계통을세대촉진을위하여약배양을실시하여식물체를양성한후계통육종법에의하여육성선발하면서주요농업형질조사및병해충 미질검정을실시하였다. 2010~2011 년생산력검정을실시한결과내도복이고복합내병성이며수량성이우수한 HR27645AC166-4 계통을선발하여 상주 48 호 로계통명을부여하였다. 2012~2014 년지역적응성시험을실시한결과대조품종에비해수량성이높고내도복성이며도열병, 흰잎마름병및줄무늬잎마름병에강하며외관품위와도정특성이매우우수하여 2014 년농작물직무육성신품종선정심의회에서신품종으로선정하여 중모 1039 호 라명명하였다. 중모 1039 호 는평균출수기가보통기보비재배에서 8 월 3 일로오대벼보다 8 일늦고만기재배에서 8 월 26 일로금오벼보다 1 일빠른준조생품종이다. 간장이 62cm 로단간이며, 주당수수가오대벼보다많으며등숙비율이 85.6% 로오대벼보다높고현미천립중이 21.7g 으로중소립종이다. 중모 1039 호 는도열병, 흰잎마름병, 줄무늬잎마름병에모두저항성인복합내병성품종이다. 쌀알은심복백이거의없이맑고투명하며도정률및완전미도정수율이각각 76.7, 72.4% 로오대벼보다높다. 쌀수량은지역적응시험보통기보비재배와만기재배에서각각 5.47, 5.04MT/ha 로오대벼와금오벼보다 5% 증수하였다. 중모 1039 호 의적응지역은남부중산간지, 북부평야지및중산간지, 남부고냉지, 동북부해안지이다. * 주저자 : Tel , biocheman@korea.kr PA-33 Tomato germplasm with resistance to multiple species of Xanthomonas causing bacterial spot Sung-Chur Sim 1, David M. Francis 2 1 Sejong University, Dept. of Bioresources Engineering, Seoul, , Korea 2 The Ohio State University, Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, Dept. of Horticulture and Crop Science, Wooster, OH 44691, USA Bacterial spot of tomato is a disease complex caused by at least four species of Xanthomonas and leads to severe yield and quality losses in humid growing conditions in the world. Five physiological species (T1-T5) have been defined by their virulence on tomato varieties. These races are associated with three species: X. euvesicatoria (T1), X. vesicatoria (T2), and X. perforans (T3-T5). Recent epidemics of X. gardneri has occurred in the Midwest United States. In this study, we developed germplasm with resistance to multiple species of bacterial spot. Six advanced breeding lines with at least three different source of resistance were crossed and their F1 hybrids were inter-mated to produce a complex breeding population consisting over 1,100 progeny. Three lines (OH7663, OH7667 and 2k S2) were selected by field evaluations of the population against T1, T2, T3, and X. gardneri. Graphical genotypes demonstrated that these breeding lines contain a QTL and Rx-4/Xv3 in coupling phase on chromosome 11 as well as Rx-3 on chromosome 5. In order to test the combining ability of the lines, we developed hybrids from multiple crosses and conducted replicated field trials to evaluate bacterial spot resistance and yield. As a male parent, OH7663 showed acceptable combining ability for yield and for resistance against multiple species of Xanthomonas. Several hybrids produced yields that were not significantly different from yields of commercial varieties. -57-
100 PA-34 총체사료용벼신품종 녹우 안억근 1*, 정응기 1, 이상복 1, 최용환 2, 양창인 2, 원용재 1, 전용희 1, 이규성 3, 홍하철 2, 정오영 4, 최임수 1, 모영준 2, 김정주 2, 조영찬 2, 장재기 1, 하운구 1, 김명기 2, 서정필 4, 이정희 1, 정국현 1, 정종민 2, 정지웅 2, 박향미 2, 이점호 1 1 농촌진흥청국립식량과학원중부작물부 2 농촌진흥청국립식량과학원 3 농촌진흥청국립농업과학원 4 농촌진흥청 최근쌀재고량증가및생산성향상으로증산된잉여량의인위적조정에의해벼재배면적이줄어들고있어식량안보나논의공익적기능에악영향을미치고있다. 또한세계곡물가격의잦은변동으로축산농가의경영부담이지속적으로증가하고있는실정이다. 녹우 는출수기가중부및호남평야지에서각각 8 월 22 일과 8 월 21 일로 녹양 보다 13 일, 8 일늦고영남평야지에서는 8 월 23 일로 녹양 보다 9 일늦은만생종이다. 보통기다비재배로 4 개소에서실시한지역적응시험결과평균총체건물수량이 16.5 MT/ha 으로기존품종인 녹양 보다 14% 증수되었다. 또한직파재배시중요한저온발아성이좋고파종후 30 일째묘의길이가 21.8 cm로양호한편이며간장이 122 cm로길지만좌절중이높아포장도복에도강한편이다. 잎도열병밭못자리검정결과 14 지역중 3 지역을제외한모든지역에서중정도이상의저항성반응을보였고목도열병은포장검정에서거의발생하지않았다. 흰잎마름병, 바이러스병및충에는모두약한반응을보였다. 현미장폭비는 2.01 로 녹양 과비슷하며아밀로스함량이 26.3% 로높은편이다. 사료적성은 녹양 에비해조회분및조지방의함량은높으나조단백질은 5.3% 로낮고가소화양분총량 (TDN, total digestible nutrients) 이 68.8% 로양호한편이다. 열대자포니카벼를이용하여육성된 녹우 는차후에논농업다양화및조사료자급률증대에기여할것으로기대된다. * 주저자 : Tel , okahn@korea.kr PA-35 중산간지지역에따른미세온도변화와벼생육양상의차이 양창인 *, 김명기, 백남현, 강위금, 신운철, 김미향, 조현숙 전라북도완주군이서면혁신로 181 국립식량과학원 오대벼의재배안정성을파악하기위해중산간지 2 지역에서벼군락주위의온도변화에따른생육양상을조사하였다. 조생종재배지역인철원과상주에서벼를재배하는경우재배환경과생육양상이비슷할것으로여겨졌으나온도변화와벼생육에서상이한패턴을보였다. 시험지의위치를보면철원은위도가 경도 표고 192m 이고상주는위도 경도 표고 285m 에소재하였다. 벼식물체주변의온도변화를살펴보기위하여생육시기를이앙기 - 분얼초기, 분얼초기 - 분얼성기, 분얼성기 - 유수형성기, 유수형성기 - 출수기, 출수기 - 수확기로나누어조사하였고온도변화는대기와군락내온도, 수온, 지온등으로나누어 5 월 20 일부터 9 월 27 일까지조사하였다. 주요온도의변화를비교해보면이앙기 - 분얼초기, 분얼초기 - 분얼성기는철원에서상주보다높았으며생육중 후반기에이르러분얼성기 - 유수형성기, 유수형성기 - 출수기, 출수기 - 수확기에는상주지역에서높았다. 특히대기평균온도의지역간차이는컷으나지온의평균온도는그차이가적은편이었다. 한편철원과상주의생육양상의차이를비교해보기위해서초장 (cm) 이나경수 / 수수 ( 개 /m 2 ) Biomass(g/m 2 ) 를조사해본결과생육전반기에는철원지역에서생육이월등히왕성했고분얼성기를지나면서생육후반기에는상주지역에서생육이훨씬양호했다. 위도는높지만표고가낮은편인철원은초기생육을조장하고표고는높지만위도가낮은남쪽에위치한상주지역에서는후기생육에유리한온도조건이어서초기에왕성한생육이필요한조생종인오대벼는철원에서생육이적당한것으로추정되지만일장일조량강수량등을포함하여정밀한검토가요구된다. * 주저자 : Tel , yci212@korea.kr -58-
101 PA-36 A New Forage Barley Cultivar with Semi-Smooth Awn and High Yielding Miho Young-Jin Oh 1*, Tae-Il Park 1, Hyoung-Ho Park 3, Ouk-Kyu Han 2, Jong-Chul Park 1, Tae-Hwa Song 1, Yang-Kil Kim 1, Hyeon-Jung Kang 1, Jae-Seong Choi 1, Yun-Woo Jang 3, Kwang-Geun Park 2, Jong-Ho Park 1, Chon-Sik Kang 1, Young-Keun Cheong 1, Kyong-Ho Kim 1, Bo-Kyeong Kim 1, Geon-Sig Yun 4, Gi-Heung Hong 5, Jeong-Suk Bae 6, Seong-Tae Lee 7 1 National Institute of Crop Science, RDA, Wanju-gun, , Korea 2 Dept. of Central Area, National Institute of Crop Science, RDA, Suwon, , Korea 3 Dept. of Southern Area, National Institute of Crop Science, RDA, Miryang, , Korea 4 Chungbuk Agricultural Research & Extension Service, Cheongwon , Korea 5 Chungnam Agricultural Research & Extension Service, Yesan , Korea 6 Gyeongbuk Agricultural Research & Extension Service, Daegu , Korea 7 Gyeongnam Agricultural Research & Extension Service, Jinju , Korea. The purpose of development new variety Miho (Hordeum vulgare L.) is a favorite with livestock feed and develop varieties resistant to disease and lodging. Miho was carrying the growth habit of group Ⅲ, green and mid-wide leaf. Awn that are related to preference of livestock is a semi-smooth awn. This cultivar had 96cm of culm length, 650 of spikes per m 2. Heading date of Miho is April 27, and maturing dates on May 30, which were later than cultivar Youngyang. It also showed strong winter hardiness, and similar resistance to shattering and BaYMV compared with those of check one. The best thing among the traits of one is a new good quality with the plant green at the latter growing period. The average forage dry matter yield in the regional yield trial was about 13.1, 12.1 MT per hain upland and paddy field, respectively, which were 9%, 2% higher than that of the check cultivar. It s also showed 6.8% crude protein, 27.1% ADF (acid detergent fiber), and 67.5% TDN (Total Digestible Nutrients), including higher silage quality for whole crop barley. This cultivar would be suitable for the area whose daily minimum temperature was above -8 in January in Korean peninsula. *Corresponding Author: Tel , ohyj5894@korea.kr -59-
102 PA-37 열대아시아지역적응성벼신품종 아세미 1 호 개발 원용재 1*, 하운구 1, 정응기 1, 강경호 1, 최임수 1, 홍하철 1, 조영찬 1, 정오영 2, 장재기 1, 양운호 1, 정국현 1, 이규성 3, 여운상 1, 양창인 1, 김명기 1, 서대하 1, 성낙식 1, 윤광섭 1, 성열규 1, 이점호 1, 김보경 1 1 농촌진흥청국립식량과학원 2 농촌진흥청 3 농촌진흥청국립농업과학원 열대지역은낮의길이가짧고 ( 단일조건 ) 기온이높아온대벼를재배하면이앙후 25 일경이삭이나오는불시출수현상이나타나정상적인생육을기대할수없고, 수량은약 1 톤 /ha 로정상의 15% 정도수준에불과하다. 아세미 1 호 는이러한장벽을타파하기위해육성한품종으로낮의길이에감응하지않고꽃이피는비감광성이고, 온대지역과열대지역에서잘자라는광지역적응성이다. 아세미 1 호 의출수기는중부평야지보통기재배에서 7 월 28 일인조생종으로반직립성초형이며, 이삭추출도양호하고탈립은잘된다. 저온발아성이높고, 잎도열병에는강하지만다른병해충에는약하였다. 또한쌀이맑고단백질함량은 7.4% 로다소높으며, 도정특성은 화성 보다미흡하였다. 수량성은중부평야지 4 개소에서 582 kg /10a 로 화성 대비 108%, 중산간지에서 605 kg /10a 로 오대 대비 109% 로높았으며, 조기재배에서 549 kg /10a 로 조평 대비 105%, 소득작물후작에서도 521 kg /10a 로 금오 대비 112% 로높았다. 필리핀현지에서도내도복, 다수성으로평가되었다. 벼키는 89cm, 주당수수 13 개, 현미천립중이 23g 이었으며도정률은현지품종 IR 72 가 62% 인데 아세미 1 호 는 65% 로높았고수확량도 5.2 t/ha 으로 IR72 보다 10% 가까이높았다. 특히, 열대아시아지역에서우리입맛에맞는쌀을생산할수있는기반을마련하고, 기후온난화에대응하여고온적응품종개발을위한중간모본으로활용이기대된다. * 주저자 : Tel , yjwon@korea.kr PA-38 An RNA-Seq transcriptome analysis of rice genes in response to water deficiency in soil Yo-Han Yoo, Anil Kumar N.C, Ki-Hong Jung * Department of Plant Molecular Systems Biotechnology & Crop Biotech Institute, Kyung Hee University, Yongin , Republic of Korea Water-deficiency is one of the most serious challenges which restrict crop production. Root is the primary tissues exposed to water limitation in soil. Although a number of transcriptome data under water limitation have been produced in rice, but most of them have analyzed the effect of leaf or shoot. Thus, understanding of relating molecular mechanism is still limited. To get global view of the effect on water deficiency in rice root, we carried out RNA-Seq experiment. To do this, we compared the RNA-Seq transcriptome data of 3 day samples under water deficiency with those of unstressed rice roots with unstressed control. As a result, we identified 1,098 genes upregulated in water stress condition for 3 days. Gene ontology (GO) enrichment analysis revealed that 18 GO terms are overrepresented. Of them, valyl-trna aminoacylation, transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter, glycine catabolic process, and L-phenylalanine catabolic process are more significant, indicating that transcription of new transcripts, control of translation fidelity, and reuse of primary and secondary metabolites can be activated during water stress. *Corresponding Author: khjung2010@khu.ac.kr -60-
103 PA-39 Identification of QTL for grain quality traits using introgression lines derived from an interspecific cross in rice Yeo-Tae Yun 1, Chong-Tae Chung 1, Yeong-Ju Lee 1, Han-Jung Na 1, Jae-Chul Lee 1, Kwang-Won Lee 1, Young-Hwan Yoon 1, Ju-Won Kang 2, Hyun-Sook Lee 2, Sang-Nag Ahn 2* 1 Chungnam Agricultural Research and Extension Services, Yesan , Republic of Korea 2 College of Agri. & Life Sci., Chungnam National University, Daejeon , Republic of Korea 96 BC 3 F 5 introgression lines derived from a cross between Hwaseong and O. rufipogon were genotyped with 131 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers to identify and characterize quantitative traits loci (QTLs) associated with grain quality traits in rice. 96 BC 3 F 5 lines displayed a wide range of variation for days to heading and agronomic traits. Results indicated that one major QTL (qdth6) on chromosome 6 was associated with significant variation for days to heading. 83 lines without the O. rufipogon segment at qdth6 were selected and analyzed for grain quality traits. QTL analysis was conducted for two groups, 96 and 83 introgression lines, and a total of 25 QTLs were detected for rice quality traits. 16 QTLs were detected in a group of 93 lines, 11 QTLs detected in a group of 83 lines, and 2 QTLs were commonly identified in both groups. Most of the QTLs detected in this study were located on the same or adjacent regions as those reported by the previous studies, and the wild alleles negatively affected quality traits. In contrast, the wild allele at qgcr9 for the glossiness of cooked rice on chromosome 9 contributed to an increase in glossiness which is positively correlated with rice eating quality. Three ILs with the wild allele at qgcr9 displayed better eating quality than the recurrent parent, Hwaseong. To confirm the effect of qgcr9, high density mapping of the qgcr9 with a series of NILs will be conducted. *Corresponding Author: Tel , ahnsn@cnu.ac.kr PA-40 The development of physiological phenotyping parameter to characterize early stress responses in rice plants Hye-Jin Yoon 1*, Kyung Hwan Kim 1, Yeon-Hee Lee 1, Eun-Jung Suh 1, Taek-Ryun Kwon 2 1 Molecular Breeding Division, Department of Agricultural Biotechnology, National Academy of Agricultural Science, RDA, , KOREA 2 Biosafety Division, Department of Agricultural Biotechnology, National Academy of Agricultural Science, RDA, , KOREA Research on salinity stress has strongly increased over the last decade, as salinity stress is a main key factor limiting the global crop production in many regions of the world. In recent years, it is possible to obtain a large amount of genotypic data in a short time due to a reduction in genotyping costs. This wave of genomic information has effected the development of new strategies for the integration of molecular information in breeding programs. However, phenotyping is still a manual activity, and different from each species, environment, and trait. It often generates high labor costs, and can be sensitive to environmental changes, and sometimes includes the individual biased assessments from different people. There is a strong demand for phenotypic data of high quality. The current objective of phenomics is phenotyping a large number of individuals for many traits in a nondestructive manner and with good accuracy. Here we described the image-based technology as applied to alleviate the bottleneck for the development of high-throughput phenotyping platforms. Several trials to measure stress responses of rice plantlets based on image data under the salinity condition are underway to develop automation for the next-level of phenotyping. *Corresponding Author: Tel: , hyejinyoon@korea.kr -61-
104 PA-41 분지각도가좁은신초형종실용들깨신품종 소담 이명희 *, 배석복, 김성업, 오은영, 김명식, 오기원, 정찬식, 오인석 경상남도밀양시점필재로 20 국립식량과학원밭작물개발과 들깨는꿀풀과 1 년생식물로우리나라주요유지작물중하나이다. 들깨의국내재배면적은 2013 년 30.1 천 ha 에서 2014 년 37.5 천 ha 로약 20% 이상늘어나고, 2014 년들기름일본수출이늘어나면서수요가증대되고있다. 그이유로들기름의지방산조성중 60% 이상을차지하고있는알파 - 리놀렌산이심장질환예방, 학습능력향상, 알레르기치료등에효과가있는것으로알려져있기때문이다. 들깨는주로조미용이나착유용으로많이이용되므로, 종피가부드럽고기름함량이많은품종을선호하고있다 년에개발된 소담 은 2004 년에 K 을모본으로하고 IT274257( 밀양 27 호 ) 를부본으로하여육성된품종으로계통육종법에따라육성하였으며, 수량및종실특성이우수하여 2012 년 밀양 61 호 로계통명을부여하였다. 소담 은특히분지수가 11 개로적으며분지각도가좁은신초형이다. 종피는회백색이며, 부드럽고기름함량이 46.4% 로높다. 소담 은성숙기 10 월 2 일로기존품종보다 4 일빠르며, 6 월중하순경파종하였을경우, 경장이 116 cm 이고, 화방군수가 83 개로많았다. 종실의수량성은 3 년간지역적응시험결과표준품종인새엽실들깨보다 95% 수준이며, ha당수량은 0.97MT 이다. * 주저자 : Tel , emhee@korea.kr PA-42 Development of female (F ) locus specific co-dominant molecular marker in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) Khin Thanda Win 1, Chunying Zhang 1, Kihwan Song 1, Sanghyeob Lee 1,2* 1 Department of Plant Engineering, Senjong University, Seoul , Republic of Korea 2 Planr Engineerinf Research Institute, Senjong University, Seoul , Republic of Korea Cucumber is a typical monoecious plant with individual male and female flowers, and sex expression in cucumber is mainly determined by three major genes: F/f, M/m and A/a. Gynoecy plays an important role in cucumber hybrid breeding and use of gynoecious lines as maternal parent ensures high productivity. The purpose of this study is to identify a co-dominant molecular marker linked to F locus to distinguish homozygous and heterozygous gynoecious plants for cucumber breeding programme. Firstly, we analyzed the sequence polymorphism of 5 gynoecious and 5 monoecious inbred lines to detect polymorphism to develop the marker linked to F locus. A pair of specific primer based on insertion/deletion polymorphism on branched-chain amino acid transaminase (BCAT) gene was designed and examined the polymorphism in the parents, F 1 and F 2 segregating population derived from gynoecious (WJEF11) and monoecious (WNEF8) inbred lines. The result showed that the specific fragment amplified with Cs-Female-F/Cs-Female-R, was identified as a co-dominant marker and co-segregated with sex phenotype in F 2 population. Furthermore, we present a new linkage map for F locus using Indel markers. This is the first report for the development of F locus specific co-dominant marker which can distinguish homozygous and heterozygous gynoecious and it could be used in marker-assisted selection in cucumber breeding. *Corresponding Author: Tel , sanglee@sejong.ac.kr -62-
105 PA-43 펠렛재료가카멜리나종자의발아에미치는영향 박민우 1, 최충원 2, 이상협 2,3* 1 현대종묘 ( 주 ) 2 서울특별시광진구군자동세종대학교생명과학대학식물생명공학전공 3 서울특별시광진구군자동세종대학교식물생명공학연구소 본연구는캐나다산봄재배용카멜리나종자에적합한펠렛물질의탐색과이들피복물질들과발아에미치는영향을알아보고자수행하였다. 십자화과에속하는카멜리나종자는오메가 3 와같은지방산이풍부하여대체의료작물뿐만아니라바이오디젤용작물로각광을받고있다. 국내에서는재배가활발히이루어지지않고있으나유럽과캐나다등지에서는오일을추출하여의료용, 화장품그리고대체연료를이용할목적으로광범위하게이루어지고있다. 카멜리나는파종기계를이용하여포장에직파를하는데종자의크기가매우작기때문에파종시종자소요량이많고파종밀도가불균일하여발아후묘소질도떨어지는데다새나쥐와같은동물들이가해하여유실되는문제점이발생하게된다. 소립종종자들에펠렛코팅을하는주요한목적은파종작업을용이하게하며입모주수의확보그로인한입모주수의확보와수량증대에있으며이러한문제점을해겨하기위하여소립종종자들의종자표면에발아에영향을미치지않는불활성화물질을코팅하여그크기를임의로조절하여파종하고있다. LD, MD 그리고 HD 의세가지형태별카멜리나펠렛종자의형태적특성은 MD 와 HD 형태의펠렛가공종자가 LD 형태에비하여표면이더매끄러우며펠렛종자의경도는 HD 형태의것이 0.54 kg으로가장단단하였으며수분흡수후열개성이다소떨어지는것으로관찰되었다. 실내표준발아시험에서세가지형태의카멜리나펠렛종자는카멜리나종자들에비하여발아율, 발아속도 (GR), 발아속도지수 (PI) 가모두낮게나타났으나하우스에서실시한토양출현력검정시험에서는카멜리나종자를포함한세가지형태의펠렛종자들의발아율은비슷한결과를보였으나발아속도 (GR) 와발아속도지수 (PI) 의값에서는 HD 형태의펠렛종자가낮은결과값을보였다. * 주저자 : Tel , sanglee@sejong.ac.kr PA-44 중부지역적응중생복합내병성고품질벼품종 선품 개발 이정희 1*, 정응기 1, 원용재 1, 양창인 1, 조영찬 1, 김명기 1, 서정필 2, 최임수 1, 이상복 1, 정오영 2, 안억근 1, 오세관 1, 정종민 1, 홍하철 1, 현웅조 1, 모영준 1, 양운호 1, 이점식 1, 이점호 1, 김보경 1 1 경기도수원시권선구수인로 126 농촌진흥청국립식량과학원 2 전주시완산구농생명로 300 농촌진흥청 중부지역재배에적합한중생품종은 화성 과 하이아미 가있지만다양성이부족하고, 또한지구온난화에의한병해충발생에대응하여재배안정성을갖춘품종이부족하다. 또한중부지역에재배되고있는외래품종을대체할만한품종이부족하여내병충성및내재해성을갖추면서밥맛이우수한품종육성이필요하다. 선품 은벼의 3 대주요병해인도열병, 흰잎마름병및줄무늬잎마름병에강하고, 쌀알은심복백이거의없어맑고깨끗하며, 밥맛이화성과추청보다우수한품종이다. 출수기화성보다 4 일늦은 8 월 12 일로중생종이다. 화성과비교하여주당수수는같고수당립수는많으며등숙비율이높고현미천립중은 22.8g 으로비슷한편이다. 수량성은지역적응시험보통기보비재배 (9 개소 ) 에서 5.74 MT/ha 로화성대비 9% 증수된수량성은보였다. 중부평야지및중서부해안지, 남부중산간지와동남부해안지가적응지역으로, 중부지역적응품종을다양화하여생산자부터도정및유통업자와소비자까지만족하는우리쌀품질고급화를통하여농가소득증대와쌀산업경쟁력제고가기대된다. * 주저자 : Tel , lejehe@korea.kr -63-
106 PA-45 QTL Mapping for shoot fresh weight in a RIL population developed from a cross of wild and cultivated soybean Sovetgul Asekova 1, Krishnanand P Kulkarni 1, Jeong Hwa Kim 1, Minsu Kim 1, Jiho Park 1, Hyun-Jee Kim 1, J. Grover Shannon 2, Jeong-Dong Lee 1* 1 Department of Applied Bioscience, Kyungpook National University, Daegu , Republic of Korea 2 J.G. Shannon: Division of Plant Sciences, University of Missouri- Delta Center, Portageville, MO 63873, USA Shoot-fresh-weight (SFW) is one of the parameters, used to estimate the total plant biomass yield in soybean. Understanding the genetic and molecular basis of SFW could help increase the total biomass production. In this particular study, we identified QTLs associated with SFW in a Recombinant Inbred Line (RIL) population derived from interspecific cross of PI and Hutcheson. A total of 551 (535 SNP and 16 SSR) markers, were found to be polymorphic between the parental lines and were used to screen the RILs to develop the genetic map. Linkage analysis and QTL mapping were performed using with the software QTL IciMapping version 4.0, with the minimum LOD score of 3.0 and estimating the likelihood of a QTL and its corresponding effects at every 1cM. QTLs with LOD value > threshold LOD, as determined by 1000 permutation tests at p > 0.05 were considered as significant QTLs. The analysis identified a total of 5 QTLs associated with shoot fresh weight over two environments, with the phenotypic variation (PV) ranging from 6.34 to 21.32%, and the additive effect from to Among these QTLs, qfw1314_19_1 had the largest LOD scores, with PV of 21.32%. Interestingly, three QTLs, qfw2013_19_1, qfw2014_19_1, and qfw1314_19_1 identified on chromosome 19(L), showed negative additive effects, indicating the contribution from the wild parent PI The QTLs identified in this study can be the targets to identify the candidate genes for the SFW and can help in developing cultivars with increased biomass potential. *Corresponding Author: Tel , jdlee@knu.ac.kr PA-46 옥수수유망자식계통들에대한잡종강세및수량관련형질의유전분석 박종열 1, 박기진 1, 사규진 2, 이주경 2* 1 강원도농업기술원옥수수연구소 2 강원대학교농업생명과학대학식물자원응용공학과 본연구는종실수량과 SSR 마커사이의상관분석을위하여종실용옥수수 9 개의자식계통을이용하여반이면교잡 (Half-Diallel Cross) 을통해얻어진 36 개의 F 1 교잡종들에대하여수량과농업형질그리고유전적거리와의상관을분석하였다. 그결과, 농업형질에의한유연관계분석에서가장가까운계통은 Wf9 와 ND203 으로 를보였고, BSSS (Iowa Stiff Stalk Synthetic) 그룹인 B73 과 B14A 가 으로가까운것으로나타났다. 그러나같은 LSC (Lancaster Sure Crop) 그룹인 Va85 와 C103 은가장거리가먼것으로나타나서농업형질로유전적거리를측정하는것은한계가있는것으로보였다. 따라서본연구에서는 92 개의 SSR primer 들을가지고 step-by-step 방식으로옥수수종실수량에영향을미치는분자마커를선발하고자하였다. 선발된 9 개의 SSR primer 들을이용하여옥수수종실중과의상관분석을수행한결과, 고도의정의상관 (R2=0.703**) 을보였다. 선발된 SSR 마커를이용한유전적거리와교잡종의주요농업형질의상관분석에서종실중, 이삭장, 이삭경등수량관련형질뿐만아니라간장, 착수고도유의성을보였다. * 주저자 : Tel , jukyonglee@kangwon.ac.kr -64-
107 PA-47 Detection of novel QTLs for foxglove aphid resistance in soybean Sumin Park 1, Ju Seok Lee 1, Sungmin Kim 1, Kyungryun Kim 1, Mijung Cho 1, Eunsil Kim 1, Jin Kyo Jung 2, Jeong-Dong Lee 3, Sungtaeg Kang 1* 1 Department of Crop Science & Biotechnology, Dankook University, Cheonan, , Korea 2 National Institute of Crop Science, RDA, 151 Seodun-dong, Suwon , Korea. 3 Division of Plant Bioscience, Kyungpook National Univ., Daegu , Korea Foxglove aphid, Aulacorthum solani (Kaltenbach), is a Hemipteran insect that infected a wide variety of plants worldwide and caused serious yield losses in crops. The objective of this study was to identify the putative QTL for foxglove aphid resistance in wild soybean, PI , (Glycine soja Sieb. and Zucc.). One hundred and forty one F 2 -derived F 8 recombinant inbred lines developed from a cross of susceptible Williams 82 and resistant PI , were used. The phenotyping of antibiosis and antixenosis was done through choice and no-choice assays with total plant damage (TPD) and primary infestation leaf damage (PLD); a genome-wide molecular linkage map was constructed with 504 single nucleotide polymorphism markers utilizing a GoldenGate assay. Using inclusive composite interval mapping analysis for foxglove aphid resistance, one major candidate QTL on chromosome 7 and 3 minor QTL regions on chromosome 3, 6 and 18 were identified. The major QTL on chromosome 7 showed both antixenosis and antibiosis resistance responses. However, the minor QTLs showed only antixenosis resistance response. The major QTL mapped to a different chromosome than the previously identified foxglove aphid resistance QTL, Raso1, from the cultivar Adams. Also, the responses to the Korea biotype foxglove aphid were different for Raso1, and the gene from PI against the Korea biotype foxglove aphid were different. Thus the foxglove aphid resistance gene from PI was determined to be an independent gene to Raso1 and designated to Raso2. This result could be useful in breeding for new foxglove aphid resistant soybean cultivars. *Corresponding Author: Tel , kangst@dankook.ac.kr PA-48 Identification of quantitative trait loci related to grain filling under low temperature condition Jong-Min Jeong *, Ung-Jo Hyun, Ji-Ung Jeung, Kyung-Ho Kang, Young-Chan Cho, Bo-Kyeong Kim Crop breeding division, National institute of crop science(nics), Wan-ju , Republic of Korea Low temperature is a major abiotic stress that adversely affects rice production in rice cultivation regions of the world. Low temperature during the rice growing season, can inhibit growth and development at any development stage, from germination to grain filling. Among the rice growth stage, reproductive stage was known as the most sensitive to low temperature, causing sterile grain and lead yield loss. However, low temperature during the grain filling stage also, may cause delay and incomplete grain maturation. In this study QTL analysis were performed to identify the QTLs associated with percent of grain filling under low temperature condition during the grain filling stage. A 139 RIL derived from a cross between Milyang23 (Tong-il, cold susceptible) and Gihobyeo (Japonica, cold tolerance) were exposed to air and water of 17 at the same time for 14 days during the grain filling stage. One significant QTL associated to percent of grain filling was detected on chromosome 7. This QTL could explain 14.7% of the phenotypic variance for percent of grain filling. We have the plan to confirm the detected QTL through further study. *Corresponding Author: Tel , jjm0820@korea.kr -65-
108 PA-49 경기지역콩다수확선도단지조성을위한품종선발및작부체계연구 장은규 1*, 이진구 1, 한정아 1, 송경순 1, 김진영 1, 강창성 1, 윤홍태 2 1 경기도연천군경기도농업기술원소득자원연구소 2 대구시달성군국립식량과학원남부작물부 경기지역의콩다수확선도단지를선정하여경기지역에적합한다수확품종과각지역의작부체계및재배매뉴얼설정을추진하였다. 대상지역은경기연천단작지대 1 개소, 양평이모작지대 1 개소및예비시험지 3 개소를선정하여선도농가에다수확품종을보급하고, 재배매뉴얼을보급하여파종에서수확후관리및병해충방제등을교육하였다. 지역별최대수량은연천군연천읍에서연풍콩이 328 kg /10a 로가장많은수량을나타내었고, 양평지평면에서는강풍콩이 271 kg /10a 로가장많은수량을나타내었다. 파주시적성면에서는우람콩이비닐피복시 360kg/10a 로가장많은수량을나타내었다. 중북부권콩작부체계모형으로콩재배면적 6,293ha 의 84%(5,281ha) 가단작형태로재배를하고있었고, 단작형태중가장많은재배면적을차지하는곳은연천, 파주, 화성순으로나타났다. 이모작형태는감자 + 콩, 맥류 + 콩, 콩 + 채소순이었으며, 감자 + 콩재배가 1,012ha 로이모작중 56%(568ha) 를차지하였으며, 콩 + 채소, 맥류 + 콩및기타형태의이모작은 444ha 로전체적으로 ( 또는감자 + 콩 ) 이모작재배면적은안성에서가장많은반면맥류 + 콩작부체계는평택에서가장많이이루어지고있는것으로조사되었다. 경기지역에서의이모작재배문제점은감자 + 콩작부체계의경우감자수확후 6 월하순에서 7 월상순콩파종시한발조건이되면재파, 3 파를시도하여도활착이잘되지않아생육이균일하지않았고, 비닐피복시타공구멍이작으면, 물부족으로인해유묘기에자엽및생장부가고사하는문제점등이발생하여금후대책연구가필요한것으로나타났다. * 주저자 : Tel , jek0428@gg.go.kr PA-50 강원지역에서파종량이호밀 곡우 의생육특성에미치는영향 조영일 1, 이동우 1, 김영호 1, 안경구 1, 박덕심 1, 김인혜 1, 조용섭 1, 한옥규 2, 이종경 1* 1 경기도수원시서둔동농업기술실용화재단종자사업단 2 경기도수원시서둔동국립식량과학원중부작물부 호밀은척박한토양환경이나내한성이강하고, 단위면적당생산성이높은특성때문에우리나라중부지방에서조사료나녹비로서많이재배하는동계작물이지만, 종자생산용으로재배시결실기장마등으로인한도복피해의발생으로국내채종이어려워대부분수입에의존하고있다. 따라서본시험은호밀의국내채종을위한증수요인을분석하기위해국내육성품종인 곡우 의파종량에따른생육특성을조사하였다. 시험장소는강원도영월군에소재한농가채종포에서실시하였다. 토양은 ph 가 5.8~6.9, 유기물함량이 16~20 g/kg, 유기인산은 38~150 mg/kg, 가리, 칼슘, 마그네슘은각각 0.15~0.50, 2.4~3.5, 0.7~1.6 cmol c /kg 이었고, 전질소함량은 0.07~0.10 %, 질산태질소와암모니아태질소함량은각각 1~25, 1~2 mg/kg, 토양수분은 18.5~28.4 % 로비옥도가양호한사질양토이었다. 시험처리는파종량에따라 3, 5, 7 kg/10a 의 3 수준으로각각처리하였고, 난괴법 3 반복으로배치하였다. 파종은 2014 년 10 월 1 일에손으로세조파 (25cm 5cm) 하였다. 곡우 호밀의출현일수는 6 일이었고, 출현양부는 95% 이상이었으며, 생육재생기는 2015 년 2 월 21 일이었다. 곡우 의월동율은 95.3~99.0 % 로매우높게나타났으나, 3 개의파종량처리구간에유의한차이는보이지않았다. 곡우 의단위면적당지상부건물중은파종량이많아질수록증가하는것으로나타났고, 경수, 이삭수및개체수또한같은경향을보였다. 간장및수장은 3 개의처리구간유의한차이가없는것으로나타났다. * 주저자 : Tel , leejk@efact.or.kr -66-
109 PA-51 Development of QTL-NIL to Blast Resistance Origined from Korean Weedy Rice Young-Chan Cho *, Man-Ki Baek, Jung-Pil Suh, Yong-Jae Won, Jong-Min Jeong, Hyun-Su Park, Jeong-Ju Kim, Jeong-Kwon Nam, Ki-Young Kim National Institute of Crop Science, Suwon , Korea Rice blast caused by the fungal pathogen, Magnaporthe oryzae, is a serious disease affecting yield loss and decreasing its quality in rice production. Rice breeders in Korea have developed many japonica varieties showing resistance to blast. However, the blast resistance in most japonica varieties has broken down within a few years after they were released to farmers because of the spread of new virulent races of M. oryzae. There is the most effectiveness to look for novel resistant gene(s) that can express the resistance to broad-spectrum races in diverse environmental conditions. We identified a major QTL, qlb4.1 linked tightly to RM6352 and RM3643 in 52.6 cm region on chromosome 4 related to the resistance for isolate inoculation and nursery test, and neck blast from a Korean weedy rice, Geumleungaengmi33. This QTL explained % and % of total phenotypic variation by the allele of GL33 for isolate inoculation and nursery test, respectively. A line SR30058(52)-1-1 (Suweon545) that containing the QTL qlb4.1 was developed from Ilpum*4/GL33 by marker-assisted backcross method. This line showed resistant reactions to blast nursery test across regions and years, and resistance to neck blast at the hot-spot field in Jecheon. Suweon545 showed also durable resistance of lower 10% of diseased leaf areas (DLAs) in sequential planting method. This line screened by graphical mapping using 136 SSR markers that evenly distributed on 12 chomosomes. Suweon545 contained GL33 alleles of donor parent in a total of 12 loci (8.8%) including QTL region on chromosome 4. In future, Suweon545 would be useful to develop the broad-spectrum resistance variety in japonica rice breeding program. *Corresponding Author: Tel , yccho@korea.kr, -67-
110 PA-52 Overexpression of CIPK 15 improved tolerance to pre-harvest sprouting in rice Dal-A Yu 1, Hye-Jung Lee 1, Joonki Kim 1, Me-Sun Kim 1, Marjohn Nino 1, Sothea Ouk 1, Seong-Dong Kim 1, Ill-sup Nou 2, Yong-Gu Cho 1* 1 Department of Crop Science, Chungbuk National University, Cheongju , Korea 2 Department of Horticulture, Sunchon National University, Sunchon , Korea Since global climate changes drastically, pre-harvest sprouting (PHS) is expected to pose serious problems in rice production. CBL-interacting serine/threonine protein kinases (CIPKs) have been implicated to play important role in regulating various abiotic stresses such as cold, salinity and drought. In this study, to understand the function of this gene under pre-harvest sprouting in rice, a cdna clone encoding CBL-interacting protein kinase 15 was isolated from rice flowers. We constructed a recombinant vector carrying the CIPK15 under the control of the CaMV 35S promoter and Tnos terminator and transformed into rice using Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Insertion of the gene was verified in transformants using HPT resistance test and genomic PCR. Transcriptional profiling using tissues of wild type, Gopum, revealed expression of the gene in whole plant tissues with level of expression highest in the seeds suggesting possible role in dormancy. Comparative expression analysis of the gene in transgenic and wild type through semi-quantitative RT-PCR and real-time PCR showed higher expression in transgenic rice lines. Moreover, screening in the mist chamber showed overexpression lines that were resistant to the PHS. This result suggests the involvement of CIPK15 in the regulation of pre-harvest sprouting. This work was supported by a grant from the National Research Foundation (NRF) programs (2014R1A2A1A ) funded by the Korean Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning, and by ipet, Ministry for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Republic of Korea. *Corresponding Author: ygcho@cbnu.ac.kr PA-53 중만생내병다수성찰벼품종 중모 1044 호 하기용 *, 박현수, 남정권, 백만기, 김기영, 김우재, 김현순, 김보경, 김정주, 조영찬, 고재권 농촌진흥청국립식량과학원 중모 1044 호 는중만생내병다수성품종육성을목적으로 2003/2004 년동계에국립식량과학원 ( 구 ) 벼맥류부에서운봉 30 호 ( ) X 익산 482 호 ( ) 를인공교배하여육성한다수성복합내병성찰벼품종으로주요특성과수량성을요약하면다음과같다. 중모 1044 호 의출수기는호남및영남평야지보통기보비재배에서 8 월 16 일로신선찰벼보다 8 일정도늦은중만생품종이다. 도열병저항성은밭못자리검정에서신선찰벼보나약하나내구저항성에서는남평벼보다강한편이다. 흰잎마름병레이스 K1, K2 및 K3 에강하며줄무늬잎마름병에강하다. 중모 1044 호 는불시출수와위조현상은없고저온발아성은신선찰벼보다우수하다. 내냉성은신선찰벼보다강한편이고수발아율은 20.6% 로신선찰벼보다매우낮다. 도복지수는신선찰벼보다낮고포장도복은강한편이다. 수량관련특성은주당수수가 13 개로신선찰벼와비슷하고수당립수는많으며, 천립중은약간무거운편이다. 제현율, 도정율은 74.2% 로신선찰벼보다높으나, 백미완전립율및완전미도정수율은각각 91.5%, 67.9% 로신선찰벼보다약간낮은편이다. 쌀수량은 2012~2014 년 3 개년간실시한지역적응시험보통기보비재배에서 5.23MT/ha 로신선찰벼보다 13% 증수되었다. * 주저자 : Tel , ha0ky04@korea.kr -68-
111 PA-54 개화기가빠르고, 내병성다수성인구기자신품종 청홍 주정일 1*, 박영춘 1, 윤덕상 1, 이보희 1, 최택용 1, 김현호 2 1 충남청양군운곡면충남농업기술원인삼약초연구소청양구기자시험장 2 충남농업기술원인삼약초연구소 2007 년에내병성이면서장타원형인청명 (IT232706) 과다수성인 CB 로인공교배를실시하였고, CB 개체를선발하여 2011 년 청양 17 호 로계통명을부여하였다. 청양, 예산, 진도등 3 지역에서 2011~ 2013 년까지 3 년간지역적응성을검정한후개화기가빠르면서, 키가작고, 내병충성, 지표성분고함유, 다수성으로인정되어우수성을인정받아 2014 년도 청홍 ( 靑紅, Cheonghong) 으로명명하였다. 구기자신품종 청홍 의주요특성은다음과같다. 잎은피침형으로녹색이고대비품종인 청명 에비하여가늘다. 개화기는대비품종에비하여약 11 일빨랐고, 수형은개장형으로키가작고적심에의한분지발생이적은편이다. 열매는황적색이면서장타원형이고 100 과중이약 19g 로서중간크기이다. 병해충저항성은무방제상태인노지포장에서자연발생정도를조사하였는데, 탄저병이병과율과혹응애발생률은대비품종인 청명 과비슷하여저항성이강하였다. 주요지표성분으로베타인함량 0.85%, 당도 15.4 Brix 로서대비품종에비하여높았고, 건과수량은대비품종에비하여생산력검정시험에서 22%, 지역적응시험에서 16% 증수되었다. 주요용도는약용과식용으로모두이용이가능하였다. 신품종 청홍 의수분수는열매크기가비슷하고두품종의혼식시결실률이높은 청명 품종이가장적합하였다. 또한건조후외관품질향상을위하여적기에수확하고, 건조온도를준수할필요가있다. * 주저자 : Tel , cnswhtbar@korea.kr PA-55 Screening for Resistance of Tomato Genetic Resources to Bacterial wilt caused by Ralstonia solanacearum On-Sook Hur *, Sang Gyu Kim, Ho-Cheol Ko, Su Ran Ahn, Jung-Sook Sung, Na-Young Ro, Sukyeung Lee, Yu-mi Choi, Do yoon Hyun, Kyoung-Yul Ryu, Hyung-Jin Baek National Agrobiodiversity Center, National Academy of Agricultural Science, Rural Development Administration, Jeonju , Republic of Korea This study aimed to evaluate 105 tomato accessions conserved in National Agrobiodiversity Center regarding their resistance to Ralstonia solanacearum, a soil-borne vascular bacterium that causes lethal wilt diseases of a wide range of crops worldwide. All the accessions are Solanum lycopericum var. lycopersicum including cultivar or breeding lines. At the four leaf stage, the seedlings were inoculated by drenching the soil with the bacterial suspension concentrated of 10 8 CFU/ml. Plant roots were wounded before inoculation by cutting with the knife. Seven accessions including IT were rated as resistant, while other 98 accessions were rated as susceptible. IT scored 0.1 of disease rate and 0.7 of disease index. The selected accessions will be used as a material to reveal the mechanism of wilt tolerance and to identify the host gene involved in defense response. *Corresponding Author: Tel , oshur09@korea.kr -69-
112 PA-56 Overexpression of Brassica rapa cysteine protease improves rice resistance to bacterial blight Marjohn Nino 1, Sailila E. Abdula 1, Hye-Jung Lee 1, Dal-A Yu 1, Seon-Kyeong Song 1, Eun-Ju Jeong 1, Kwon-Kyoo Kang 2, Ill-sup Nou 3, Yong-Gu Cho 1* 1 Department of Crop Science, Chungbuk National University, Cheongju , Korea 2 Department of Horticulture, Hankyong National University, Ansung , Korea 3 Department of Horticulture, Sunchon National University, Sunchon , Korea Cysteine protease (CP) is one of the well-studied proteolytic enzymes in plants. This class of protease has been implicated in various physiological aspects of developmental stages in plants including seed germination, senescence, and disease immunity. A handful of studies assigned plants cysteine protease in different molecular battlefield under a few selected pathosystems, and initially extricated complex molecular mechanism of resistance. However, its potential use as an agent of resistance to diseases in rice has never been explored. This study demonstrates the function of CP specifically in rice - Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo) pathosystem. The CP -encoding full-length cdna was cloned from Brassica rapa and transformed into japonica rice cv. Gopumbyeo. The gene was overexpressed under the control of CaMV35S promoter in pflc vector. Blast analysis of the conserved domain of the gene confirmed its affinity to Peptidase_CIA family. RT-PCR analysis showed that the gene was constitutively expressed in all tissues tested. Regulation of rice resistance through cysteine protease activity is evident in overexpression lines which exhibited an enhanced resistance to four Korean Xoo isolates. Further analyses will be carried out to uncover the specific role of CP in rice-xoo interaction. This research was supported by a grant from the National Research Foundation (NRF) programs (2014R1A2A1A ) funded by the Korean Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning, and by ipet, Ministry for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Republic of Korea. *Corresponding Author: ygcho@cbnu.ac.kr -70-
113 PA-57 온도구배하우스를이용한기후변화대응밀생육반응비교 하건수 *, 조수현, 임수정, 변학수, 오혜진, 신은영, 임혜리 강원도춘천시충열로 83, 강원도농업기술원 지구전체에서발생하는기후변화는지역적으로영향이같지않다. 기후변화는기후의평균적상태뿐아니라극한적상태도변화시킴으로써기존의안정적생산성을유지하는작물들에는다양한생육반응이예측된다. 농촌경제연구원에서는 RCP(Representative Concentration Pathways) 8.5 기반우리나라쌀생산량예측에서자급율이 75% 에서 41.3% 로감소한다고하였으며, 최근에는농업, 기상, 경제등모든분야에서기후변화대응연구가폭넓게진행되고있다. 본연구에서는기후변화대응밀적응품종육성의기초자료를확보하고자온도차이를유발한온도구배하우스를이용하여몇가지밀품종들의생육반응을비교하였다. 시험품종은춘천지역적응추파장려품종인조경밀, 금강밀과춘파밀품종인몽골수집종을비교하였으며, 재배법은휴폭 25cm 로가을파종하였다. 온도구배하우스의입구와출구의온도차이는 3 ~4 이었고, 시험품종별로입구부터출구까지일렬로재배하였으며대조구로포장에서재배한금강밀의생육을이용하였다. 조사지점을입구부분 (1 지점 ) 과중간부분 (2 지점 ) 그리고출구부분 (3 지점 ) 으로나누어조사하였다. 시험결과출수기는추파품종인금강밀과조경밀은 3 일의차이가났고춘파품종인몽골수집종은 6 일의차이가있었으며성숙기는모든품종에서 2 일정도의차이가있었다. 종실수량은 2 지점에서가장많았으며이는 3 이하의온도상승은밀의수량이증수되나 3 이상의온도상승이있는 3 지점은 2 지점보다는수량이감수되어수량에영향을주는온도조건이 3 정도인것으로예측된다. 다만 3 이상의온도상승지점인 3 지점역시 1 지점보다는증수하여밀의경우벼등의다른작물과달리고온조건의기후변화시수량의증수를예측할수있었다. 따라서기후변화적응밀품종육성시온도구배하우스의이용가능성이확인되었으며주요계통선발에유용할것으로생각된다. * 주저자 : Tel , redclover@korea.kr PA-58 중북부고랭지적응내냉성조생벼진부 61 호 현웅조 1*, 정종민 2, 강경호 2, 정지웅 2, 이상복 3, 이정희 3, 성열규 1, 이점호 2 1 강원도춘천시충열로 251 국립식량과학원춘천출장소 2 전북완주군이서면혁신로 181 국립식량과학원작물육종과 3 경기도수원시수인로 125 국립식량과학원중부작물부중부작물과 우리나라는최근몇년동안의풍년과소비감소로인해쌀재고가사회문제로대두되고있다. 그러나세계적으로는식량부족에대한우려와함께지구온난화, 엘리뇨등으로홍수, 가뭄, 폭설, 여름철이상저온과같은기상이변이지구촌곳곳에서속출하고있다. 최근우리나라에서도봄철가뭄, 동해안지역의잦은폭설, 주기적으로찾아오는여름철이상저온등크고작은기상이변이해마다발생하고있어쌀의안정적공급을강화하기위한대비가필요한실정이다. 특히여름철이상저온이발생하여벼의생육에알맞은기온범위인 보다기온이 이하로낮아지게되는경우, 생육불량 불임 등숙불량등의피해를유발하여결과적으로수량감소로이어진다. 벼냉해를막는가장좋은방법은내냉성이우수한벼품종의개발이다. 진부 61 호 는내냉성과더불어쌀수량및품질이향상된중북부고랭지에적응하는조생품종육성을목적으로 진부 를모본으로하고 운광 을부본으로하여 2006 년에인공교배되었다. 계통육종법에의해세대를진전시킨후고정세대에서실시한생산력검정시험에서쌀수량이 5.49MT/ha 로진부보다 10% 증수하였다. 진부 59 호 의출수기는 7 월 26 일로조생종이며간장이 69cm 정도로 진부와비슷하고수당립수는 80 개정도이다. 진부 61 호 의 13 저온발아성은 99% 로우수하고유묘내냉성이강할뿐만아니라생식생장기에서도 17 포장냉수구임실율이높아생육전시기에내냉성을두루갖춘계통이다. 향후지역적응성검정후품종출원하여내냉성품종다양화및수량성개선에부응할것으로기대된다. -71-
114 PA-59 고구마뿌리혹선충저항성식용고구마신품종 풍원미 이형운 1*, 이준설 1, 정미남 2, 한선경 1, 김재명 1, 안승현 2, 양정욱 1, 남상식 1, 송연상 3, 최규환 4, 문진영 5, 최인후 1, 황엄지 1, 이경보 1 1 전남무안군무안로 199 국립식량과학원바이오에너지작물연구소 2 전북완주군이서면혁신로 181 국립식량과학원기획조정과 3 전북전주시완산구농생명로 300 농촌진흥청 4 전북익산시서동로 413 전라북도농업기술원 5 경남진주시대신로 570 경상남도농업기술원 최근고구마의연작, 병해충에감수성인품종의재배면적확대및이상기상등으로인해고구마의단위면적당생산량이 00 년 2,136kg/10a 에서 13 년 1,484kg/10a 으로 30% 이상감소하였다. 특히고구마뿌리혹선충 (Meloidogyne incognita) 에감염된고구마는뿌리에혹이발생하거나괴근의표피가갈라지고심하면부패될수도있어고구마의수량과상품성을현저히저하시킨다. 따라서고구마의생산성과상품성을향상시키기위해서는선충등병해충에강하고수량성이높은품종의개발및보급이필요하다 년에육성된 풍원미 (Pungwonmi) 는육색이담주황색이고껍질색은홍색이며괴근의모양은방추형이다. 풍원미 는 베니사쯔마 (IT232278) 를모본, Luby3074 (IT232216) 를부본으로하여 2006 년에교배하였으며고구마뿌리혹선충에강하고, 덩굴쪼김병 (Fusarium oxysporum) 저항성도 중 이상으로주요병해충에저항성인품종이다. 생산력검정시험에서 풍원미 의상품괴근수량은표준품종인 율미 대비 42% 가많았다 ( 10~ 11). 지역적응시험보통기재배시상품괴근수량이 24.1MT/ha 으로 율미 대비 26% 증수하였고, 주당상저수는 2.8 개로 율미 의 2.2 개보다유의적으로많았다 ( 12~ 14). 조기재배시 풍원미 의상품괴근수량이 24.3MT/ha 으로 율미 대비 46% 가많아조기재배용으로도적합하였다. 풍원미 의찐고구마총유리당함량과감미도 (sweetness) 는각각 31.6g/100g, 16.5 로 율미 의 26.1g/100g, 12.7 보다높아단맛이더강하였다. 베타카로틴함량은 9.1mg/100g 으로높은편이었으며, 전분의호화개시온도는 70.0 로 율미 의 75.3 보다 5.3 낮아 풍원미 의전분이 율미 보다낮은온도에서호화되는것으로나타났다. 풍원미 는고구마뿌리혹선충과덩굴쪼김병이상습적으로발생하는포장에서재배될경우수량증대및상품성향상으로농가소득증대에기여할수있을것으로기대된다. * 주저자 : Tel , leehu79@korea.kr -72-
115 PA-60 Association of haplotype variations in GmCHX1 with salt tolerance in wild and cultivated soybeans. Jeong Hwa Kim, Jong-Tae Song, Jeong-Dong Lee * School of Applied Bioscience, Kyungpook National University, Daegu , Republic of Korea Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] is a major agricultural crop widely used for providing human and animal food owing to its high protein and oil content. For this reason, they have been consumed in Asia and world greatly and demand is ever increasing. Soybean is classified as a moderately salt-sensitive crop and its production is greatly affected due to increasing salinity stress. About 8 % of the world s total land is salt-affected. In Korea, around 9 % of total agricultural land (approximately 130,000ha) was reclaimed since 1960's. In order to meet the demand for soybean and to solve arable land shortage problem, it is unavoidable to cultivate soybean in salt-affected soils. Fortunately, soybean germplasm has been shown to have salt-tolerant phenotypes, which have been used to identify the salt-tolerant genes. GmCHX1, a novel ion transporter, is one of the genes known to confer salt tolerance in soybeans. Present study was conducted to understand the effects of sequence variations of GmCHX1, on salt tolerance in wild and cultivated soybeans. A total of 1026 (301 lines of G. max and 725 lines of G. soja) lines were phenotyped for salt tolerance in greenhouse conditions. At the V1-V2 growth stage, the plants were treated with 100mM NaCl solution for two weeks and thereafter the response was measured depending on leaf scorch score (1-health, 3-mid, 5-dead). About 20 lines found to show tolerance to saline conditions and were selected for sequence analysis of GmCHX1. Most of the haplotypes detected in this study corresponded with the haplotype patterns in previous studies. However, several lines showed different patterns of polymorphism in the coding region, suggesting that sequencing of more lines and analysis for the polymorphism in GmCHX1 is needed in order to identify new haplotypes that could confer greater salt tolerance. *Corresponding Author: Tel , jdlee@knu.ac.kr -73-
116 PB-01 야생벼이용총체사료적성계통육성 강경호 1*, 안억근 2, 정지웅 1, 김석만 3, 정종민 1, 전재범 1, 현웅조 2 1 전북완주군이서면혁신로농촌진흥청국립식량과학원작물육종과 2 경기도수원시서둔동국립식량과학원중부작물부중부작물과 3 전북완주군이서면혁신로국립식량과학원 IRRI-Korea Office 총체벼의곡실수량, 바이오매스및병해충저항성은총체수량과재배안전성을높이기위한가장중요한요소로서, 총체벼육종효율을높이기위해서는이들각요소에대한육종소재의확충이필수적이다. 이를위해 AA 게놈야생벼인 O.glaberrima, O.longistaminata, O.rufipogon 을이용하여밀양 23 호, 일품, 삼광, 오대, 호품, 화성과종간교배를실시하여야생벼가보유하고있는수량성, 벼멸구저항성및고도의바이오매스를이전한육종집단을육성하였으며수량성과바이오매스를기준으로세대를전개하였다. 육종집단의특성은야생벼에따라달라서 O.rufipogon 과 O.lognistaminata 의교잡후대선발계통은간장이 cm 인고도의바이오매스와벼멸구저항성을나타내었으며, O.glaberrima 집단에서는고도수량성을나타내었다. 특히 O.glaberrima 와국내대표적다수성통일형품종인밀양 23 호를교잡하여육성된수원 596 호의수량성은쌀수량이 769kg/10a 로밀양 23 호대비 14% 증진된초다수성이며총체수량도 1.74 톤 /10a 로기존총체품종인녹양벼대비 15% 증대되는총체계통을육성하였다. 향후본연구에서야생벼를이용하여생산된초다수성, 고도바이오매스, 내병충성계통들은형질복합화를위해교잡을통해총체벼의건물수량을한단계증진시킬수있는육종소재로활용이가능할것이다. * 주저자 : Tel , khkang@korea.kr -74-
117 PB-02 감마선처리에의한정원장미돌연변이유기 고갑천 1*, 한태호 2, 기광연 3 1 전남대학교농업과학기술연구소 2 전남대학교농업생명과학대학 3 전남농업기술원 근래우리나라에서정원장미는가장인기있는화목류로자리잡아가고있다. 그러나국산정원장미품종의육성및보급이미미한실정이어서보급되고있는품종은대부분외국수입품종이다. 우리나라에서절화장미의감마선처리돌연변이육종방법은잘확립되었다 ( 고, 2011). 즉, 감마선을처리하여기존의우수한품종의특성은대부분유지하되화색이나화형등의변이를유발하여신품종을매우효과적으로육성할수있다. 본연구에서는정원장미신품종을육성하기위해정원장미 2 품종 ( 러브 20 주, 로잔나 30 주 ) 에감마선 70Gy 선량을각각처리하여화색및화형돌연변이를유기하였다. 감마선처리한삽목묘는포장에심어 3 년에걸쳐변이발생을조사하였다. 품종별화색및화형변이형태등을조사하였고발생한변이는삽목하여고정변이주로작성하였다. 감마선처리로러브품종은주로화색변이가발생하였다. 적색인러브품종에서적자색 (Lo1), 분홍색 (Lo2), 미색 (Lo3), 꽃잎모자익무늬변이 (Lo4, Lo5) 가발생하였다. 화형및화경크기변화는미미했고, 꽃잎수는러브품종 (37.6 장 ) 에비해적어지는계통 (4 계통, 장 ) 과현저히꽃잎수가많아지는계통 (1 계통 Lo3, 69.0 장 ) 이발생하였다. 잎색은분홍변이 (Lo2) 에서약간옅어졌다. 로잔나품종에서 5 개의변이가발생하였다. 변이의발생형태는화색, 화형, 화경, 꽃잎수등에있어다양한모습이었다. 로잔나품종과화형이같으면서화색만변화한것 (1 계통, Ro1), 화형은같으면서화색과화경크기가변화한것 (1 계통, Ro2), 화형과화색은같으면서화경크기가줄어든것 (1 계통, Ro3), 화형과화색이변하고꽃잎수가현저히많아진것 (1 계통, Ro4), 화형이열린컵형태에서로제트로변하고꽃잎수가현저히증가한것 (2 계통, Ro4, Ro5)) 등다양한특성이조합되어발생하였다. * 주저자 : Tel , choseongnara@naver.com -75-
118 PB-03 호밀왜성유전자가외관형태에미치는효과 구자환 1*, 황종진 1, 한옥규 1, 김대욱 2, 권순종 1, 박광근 1, 이점호 1 1 경기도수원시서둔동국립식량과학원중부작물과 2 경기도수원시서둔동국립식량과학원작물재배생리과 왜성유전자는보리, 밀, 트리티케일에있어서초장을짧게하여도복을경감시킴으로써다수성반왜성품종개발에중요한역할을하여왔다. 반왜성호밀품종인 AC Remington 에서유래한왜성유전자가호밀의외관형태에미치는효과를알아보고자시험을실시하였다. 연구결과를요약하면 AC Remington 을방임수분시킨후계통분리법으로전개한후대의 F 개개체를대상으로외관형질을조사한결과왜성계통의초장은 88.3±12.6 cm (n=41), 반왜성계통초장은 115.2±2.7 cm (n=17), 정상계통초장은 142.1±11.1 cm (n=44) 의분포를보였다. 개체당줄기수는왜성계통은 67.1 개, 반왜성계통은 64.4 개, 정상형계통은 53.3 개로나타나왜성계통이정상계통보다줄기수가많은경향을보였다. 왜성계통초장이정상계통초장보다짧은이유는상위제 1 번째 ~ 제 4 번째마디사이길이가정상계통보다모두짧아진것에서비롯되었다. 줄기마디수는왜성계통과정상계통간에동일하였으며, 줄기굵기는왜성계통과정상계통간에상위 1 번째마디굵기는차이가없었으나상위제 2 번째부터제 4 번째까지의마디굵기는왜성계통이정상계통보다가는경향이었다. 상위제 1 번엽 ( 지엽 ) 의엽장과제 2 번엽의엽장은왜성계통이정상계통보다짧은경향이었고상위제 3 번엽의엽장은왜성계통과정상계통간에차이가없었다. 엽폭에있어서는상위제 1 번엽부터제 3 번엽모두왜성계통과정상계통간에차이가없었다. 이삭길이는왜성계통이정상계통보다짧은경향이었으며, 이삭당영화수도왜성계통이정상계통보다적은경향이었으나이삭당착립수는왜성계통과정상계통간에차이가없었다. 이러한결과들로볼때 AC Remington 에서유래한호밀의왜성유전자는초장을짧게하고, 엽장, 줄기굵기, 이삭당영화수를감소시키는경향이있는반면에줄기수는증가시키는효과가있는것으로판단된다. * 주저자 : Tel , jhku@korea.kr PB-04 면가공용시중밀가루의품질분석 김경훈 *, 김경민, 박형호, 현종내, 권영업 경남밀양시점필재로 20, 농촌진흥청국립식량과학원남부작물부 면가공용밀가루소비자의기호를충족하기위해현재시판되고있는수입산시중밀가루와국내에서생산한밀가루의품질을비교확인하고자한다. 이에국내에서수확하고제분하여얻어진조경밀밀가루와시중에서유통되고있는시중밀가루 6 종류 ( 강력분, 중력분, 박력분 ) 와가공공장에서면가공시에사용되는국내산백밀가루, 통밀가루, 국수면등 11 종류를수집하였다. 시험재료의단백질과회분함량을측정하고비교분석하였다. 그결과, 수입산시중밀가루의단백질함량은강력분 15.0%, 중력분 12.2%, 박력분 10.5% 이었고, 조경밀밀가루는 13.7% 로중강력분의특징을나타냈다. 국수면용밀가루는 11.3% 이었는데, 국수면으로가공되어시판되는국수면의단백질함량은 12.5% 로높았다. 그밖에칼국수용밀가루는 12.2%, 라면용밀가루는 13.7% 로국수면용으로쓰이는밀가루보다단백질함량이상대적으로높았다. 회분함량의측정결과, 시중밀가루는 0.45% 로가장낮았고, 면가공용으로사용되는밀가루는 0.64%, 국수면은 2.81% 로면가공후회분함량이다소높아졌다. 향후이수집한밀가루를면으로가공하고질감, 식감등의특성을분석하여면용품종을육성하는적합품질기준설정에자료로활용할예정이다. * 주저자 : Tel , k2h0331@korea.kr -76-
119 PB-05 감마선조사에의한포인세티아품종육성 O Hyeon Kwon, Bong Sik Yoo, Su Young Lee, Hye Jin Lee 농촌진흥청국립원예특작과학원화훼과 Clara 품종은국립원예특작과학원에서 2005 년도에육성한포인세티아품종으로초장이작고컴팩트한수형으로포엽의형태는난형이며엽맥사이주름의정도는약하다. 포엽의길이와폭, 잎몸의길이와폭, 엽병의길이는짧으며단일처리후약 9 주일이경과하면충분히착색되어출하가가능한품종이다 년 5 월과 10 월 Clara 품종의캘러스가형성된삽수에 100Gy 의감마선을 24 시간동안처리하여유기한돌연변이를이용하여 2010 년과 2013 년에국립원예특작과학원에서 Clara Pink 와 Clara White 품종을육성하였다. 이두품종들은포엽의색이완전히변한변이주를선발하여계통화하였으며 2008 년 5 월에감마선을처리한삽수들중포엽의색이분홍색인변이지를선발하여 2009 년에 2 차에거쳐특성검정을실시하였다 년에 원예 D5-2 를육성한후 3 차특성검정과품종평가회를실시하여최종선발하였으며, 농작물직무육성신품종선정위원회를거쳐 Clara Pink 로명명하였다 년 10 월에감마선을처리한삽수들중에서는포엽의색이연황색인변이주를선발하여계통화하였으며, 2012 년과 2013 년에 1,2 차특성검정을실시하였다 년에 원예 D5-34 를육성하여특성검정과품종평가회를실시하고농작물직무육성신품종선정위원회를거쳐 Clara White 로명명하였다. 클라라핑크 와 클라라화이트 두품종모두 클라라 품종과같은소형으로적심하지않은상태에서도분지가많이발생하는컴팩트한수형이다. 포엽의형태는결각이없는난형이며, 엽맥사이에약한주름이있고단일처리후약 9 주일경과하면완전히착색된다. 잎몸의모양은난형이며, 엽병의길이는짧다. 그러나 클라라핑크 와 클라라화이트 품종의포엽과엽맥의안토시아닌발현에차이를나타내었다. 클라라핑크 의포엽은분홍색이며, 클라라화이트 의포엽은연황색이다. 또한 클라라핑크 와 클라라화이트 품종은 클라라 품종과비교해서잎자루윗면의안토시아닌발현정도가약하였으며, 잎몸윗면의가운데맥의색이 클라라 품종은녹색과빨강색이함께발현되었으나, 클라라핑크 와 클라라화이트 품종은녹색만발현되었다. *Corresponding Author: Tel , rkddnjseo01@korea.kr -77-
120 PB-06 Genome-wide structural variation by different types of ionizing irradiation sources Soon-Jae Kwon, Hong-Il Choi, Jung Eun Hwang, Injung Jung, Sung Min Han, Jin-Baek Kim, Joon-Woo Ahn, Sang Hoon Kim, Yeong Deuk Jo, Si-Yong Kang, Dong-Sub Kim * Advanced Radiation Technology Institute, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Jeongup, Jeonbuk , Korea. To define whole genome-level of structural variation by ionization energies and radiation doses in plant, the seeds of Ilpum rice cultivar were acutely irradiated with gamma rays (100Gy, 200Gy, and 400Gy) and ion-beams (20Gy, 40Gy, and 80Gy), respectively. Six M 1 rice plants were re-sequenced by Hi-Seq2500 with Ilpum cultivar as control. The average sequencing coverage of the individuals was 10.6X, and the average mapping rate to the rice reference genome (IRGSP-1.0) sequence was 96.95%. The individual plants were irradiated with gamma-400gy and ion-50gy had highest variation of SNP with 471,837 and 469,147, respectively. The number of insertion/deletion was 77,500 and 77,106, the synonymous and frame-shift were 7,859 and 7,763 in above two individuals. Although high genome variation shown between Ilpum cultivar and irradiated individuals, there were non-correlation between number of variation and radiation doses. However, five individuals, except ion-20gy, showed 33 common variant blocks (CVBs) spanning 6 Mb in whole rice genome (1.6%). The CVBs were distributed on 12 rice chromosomes, Chromosome 6 had biggest CVB (5 blocks, 1.3Mb), whereas chromosome 9 had smallest CVB (0.01Mb). Total five hundred fifty one genes were in CVBs which can regard radiation sensitive genes or may be regarded as radiation hot spots in rice genome. This study will contribute to the improvement of the radiation mutation breeding research in genetic and genomic aspect. *Corresponding Author: Tel , bioplant@kaeri.re.kr -78-
121 PB-07 하얀꽃이피는경관용유채 중모 7003 김광수 1*, 이영화 1, 장영석 1, 최규환 2, 강달순 3, 김성택 4, 이경보 1 1 농촌진흥청국립식량과학원바이오에너지작물연구소 2 전라북도농업기술원 3 경상남도농업기술원 4 제주특별자치도농업기술원 유채 (Brassica napus L.) 는주로기름을생산하기위해제주도를비롯한남부지방에서재배되어왔다. 유채는전초를나물용또는청예사료용으로이용하고, 종자는착유하여식용유와바이오디젤용으로이용하며, 부산물인유채박은가축사료와유기질비료로도사용되는용도가다양한작물이다. 최근에는대규모유채경관단지조성을통한지역자치단체의홍보및관광수익창출의목적으로남부지방뿐만아니라서울등중부지방에서도경관을목적으로유채재배면적이크게증가하고있어경관용으로적합한유채품종에대한요구가증가하고있다. 하지만유채꽃의색깔은노란색으로단순하기때문에경관효과를높이기위해서꽃색의다양화에대한요구가높아지고있다. 하얀색꽃이피는경관용유채 중모 7003 은국립식량과학원바이오에너지작물연구소에서 1983 년에 Tower 를모본으로하고 AB130 을부본으로교배하여고정계통 을양성하였고, 그중하얀색꽃이피는개체를선발하여 1984 년부터 1990 년까지세대를전개하면서하얀색꽃이고정된계통 B 를선발하였다 B 은 2010~~2011(2 년 ) 에걸친생산력검정시험과 2012~2014(3 년 ) 에걸친지역적응시험결과, 이형주의발생이없고대비품종인 한라 에비해내도복성과내병성 ( 균핵병 ) 에강하며하얀색꽃이피어경관용뿐만아니라바이오디젤용으로적합하여, 중모 7003 (Jungmo7003) 으로명명하였다. 중모 7003 은개화기 (4 월 16 일 ) 와성숙기 (6 월 5 일 ) 가 한라 에비해 5 일빠르다. 수량은 207kg/10a 로 한라 에비해 6% 가적으나개화균일성이좋고하얀색꽃이피어경관용으로적합하다. 균핵병에는강하나도복저항성이비교적약하다. 기름함량 (43.8%) 과올레인산함량 (68.4%) 로 한라 와비슷하였고, 에루신산은전혀없고글루코시놀레이트함량은 1.94g/g 으로국제허용기준치인 3.0mg/g 이하이다. * 주저자 : Tel , ajuga@korea.kr -79-
122 PB-08 Genetic Diversity of Rice Landraces Collected in Cordillera Region, Philippines Backki Kim, Sheryl N. Sierra, Hong-Yeol Kim, Hee-Jong Koh * Department of Plant Science, Research Institute for Agriculture and Life Sciences, and Plant Genomics and Breeding Institute, Seoul National University, Seoul , Republic of Korea Banaue Rice Terraces in the Philippines has been a rich source of genetic diversity of untapped rice landraces in the mountainous region of Cordillera. Although some may have been included into modern breeding programs, significant indica-japonica differentiation among landraces cultivated in the region is not well known. Thus, Cordillera landraces differentiation across different altitude gradient (458 m to 1830 m) will provide great opportunities for improvement on rice genetics. We analyzed the genetic variation among 166 accessions collected in 17 towns in 6 provinces across different altitudes using Subspecies Specific Sequence Tagged Site (SS-STS) and Insertion-Deletion (InDel) markers. Subspecies Prototype Index (SPI) degree of each landrace was used to calculate the genomic inclination of each variety towards subspecies. The 50 molecular markers (24 SS-STS and 26 InDel) that assayed variation in 166 accessions revealed 116 alleles. Gene diversity ranged from 0.04 (R3M23) to 0.50 (S04058) with an average of Polymorphism information content (PIC) ranged from 0.04 (R3M23) to 0.37 (S12030, S07047, R10M40, S10001, S04058 and S09040B) with an average of Using the control varieties to assign groups, the larger group of 114 Cordillera landraces corresponds to 71% japonica type while the smaller group of 42 corresponds to 26% indica and 3% intermediates. A total of 7 (4%) indica and 9 (6%) japonica type accessions were found above 1500 m. Results of this study suggested that majority of japonica type rice landraces were grown in high altitudes of Banaue Rice Terraces and nearby provinces, and interestingly, indica type rice landraces were cultivated in areas at much higher altitudes (>1500 m) than those categorized by the traditional methods. This work was supported by a grant from the Next-Generation BioGreen 21 Program (Plant Molecular Breeding Center No. PJ ), Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea. *Corresponding Author: Tel , heejkoh@snu.ac.kr -80-
123 PB-09 Differentially expressed proteins between two Korean inbred lines under drought stress at vegetative stage Sang Gon Kim *, Seonghyu Shin, Hwan Hee Bae, Jin-Seok Lee, Jung-Tae Kim, Min Jung Seo, Beom-Young Son, Jeom Ho Lee, Seong-Bum Baek Department of Central Area Crop Science, National Institute of Crop Science, Rural Development Administration, Suwon , South Korea Understanding the response of a crop to water deficiency is the first step towards breeding drought-tolerant varieties. In this study, inbred maize (Zea mays L.) lines KS140 and KS141 were subjected to drought stress by withholding water for 10 days at the V5 or V6 leaf stage. Water-deficient plants experienced a decrease in relative leaf water content, stomatal conductance, net CO 2 assimilation rate, and water use efficiency compared to well-watered plants. This was accompanied by a decrease in the relative leaf water content that resulted in severe growth retardation in KS140 and KS141. However, leaf chlorophyll content in KS140 was unchanged. To understand the proteome dynamics during the 10-day drought stress in maize leaves, comparative proteome analysis was carried out between the well-watered and water-withheld leaves. Differential expression was observed for 29 protein spots from KS140 and 14 protein spots from KS141, and these were identified using MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. Among identified proteins, metabolism and stress related proteins were highly were increased by drought stress. This study provides a protein profile of a Korean maize inbred line during drought stress, which will be valuable for future studies of the molecular mechanisms underlying drought resistance and for development of selective breeding markers for drought tolerance in maize. *Corresponding Author: Tel , sen600@korea.kr PB-10 주성분분석및군집분석을이용한자생국화의휘발성향기성분분류 김수정 1*, 하태정 2, 김종윤 3, 유동림 1, 서종택 1, 김율호 1, 홍수영 1, 남정환 1, 손황배 1, 장동칠 1, 김기선 4 1 국립식량과학원고령지농업연구소 2 농촌진흥청연구정책과 3 배재대학교원예조경학부 4 서울대학교원예생명공학과 본연구는자생국화 15 분류군의휘발성향기성분을다변량분석을통해분류학적유연관계를구명하여그분류기준을제시하고조경용및약용소재로이용하기위한기초자료로활용하고자본연구를수행하였다. 국화속 15 분류군의잎을대상으로 GC/MS 분석결과, 총 45 종의휘발성향기성분이함유된것으로나타났으며, camphor, borneol, phytol, α-pinene, camphene, 1,8-cineole 및 germacrene-d 는모든분류군에공통적으로함유된것으로나타났다. 국화속 15 분류군은 hydrocarbon 류 (sabinene, cymene, β-selinene), alcohol 류 (1-octen-3-ol, cischrysanthenol,hinesol), ketone 류 (chrysanthenone, camphor), 및 ester 류 (cis-sabiene hydrate, trans-chrysanthenyl acetate) 의휘발성향기성분을바탕으로주성분분석과군집분석결과총 3 그룹으로분류할수있었다. Group I 은 5 분류군의구절초류를나타내었으며, 주요성분은 D-limonene 와 m-thymol 이었다. Group II 는낙동구절초, 남구절초, 넓은잎구절초, 서흥넓은잎구절초그리고마키노국화로구성되었으며, linalool 와 cis-chrysanthenol, eugenol, 및 chrysanthenone 이주요성분이었다. Group III 은감국, 흰감국, 가는잎감국, 산국, 키큰산국이었다. 특히, Group I 과 II 에서는 α-terpineol 이공통적으로함유되었으나, Group III 에서는검출되지않았다. -81-
124 PB-11 흑색찰성고품질다수성겉보리신품종 흑수정찰 김양길 1*, 이미자 1, 박종철 1, 강천식 1, 김경호 1, 김상민 1, 최인배 1, 한옥규 1, 윤건식 2, 배정숙 3, 조수현 4, 최재성 1, 박광근 1, 오영진 1, 정영근 1, 박기훈 1 1 전북완주군이서면혁신로 181 농촌진흥청국립식량과학원 2 충청북도청주시청원구오창읍가곡길 46 충청북도농업기술원 3 대구광역시북구칠곡중앙대로 136 길 47 경상북도농업기술원, 4 강원도춘천시충열로 83 강원도농업기술원 식생활변화에따라보리는혼반용에서점차적으로보릿가루, 엿기름, 보리차, 새싹, 맥주, 면등다양한용도로활용될뿐만아니라, 건강식품으로보리수요가확대되고있어이를위한용도별고품질기능성보리품종개발이요구되고있다. 따라서이에적합한품종을육성하기위해 2005 년에조숙, 대립, 다수성품종인 큰알보리 1 호 (IT213217) 를모본으로, 흑색찰성특성을가진 마산과맥 (IT268885)/Mortoni(IT111490) 계통을부본으로인공교배하여. 흑색찰성이고보리호위축병저항성이면서다수성인취반용 흑수정찰 을개발하였다. 흑수정찰 은 6 조이며파성이 Ⅲ 인병성겉보리로이삭의형태는밀수형이고, 종실색은흑색으로까락이길며탈망성이좋다. 출수기는서둔찰에비해전작에서 5 월 1 일로 3 일, 답리작에서 4 월 27 일로 4 일늦었다. 간장은 89 cm로서둔찰보다 7 cm정도긴장간형으로내도복성이며, 수장과립수는비슷하였고, 수수는다소적은소얼성이다. 천립중 (36.0g) 은서둔찰보다 2.0g 무거웠다. 병해저항성중보리호위축병은저항성을나타냈으며, 내한성은서둔찰과비슷하였다. 흑수정찰 은단백질함량 (12.5%) 이서둔찰과비슷하나베타글루칸함량 (6.7%) 이높고, 아밀로즈함량 (5.5%) 이낮은찰성품종이다. 수량성은전작에서 4.72 톤 /ha 으로 7% 증수, 답리작 3.75 톤 /ha 으로서둔찰과비슷하였다. 흑수정찰 은 1 월평균기온이 8 이상인지역에보급될것으로기대된다. * 주저자 : Tel , kim5yk@korea.kr PB-12 Selection of mutant related to salt and drought tolerance in rice with expression microarray Joung Sug Kim 1, Kyong-Mi Jun 2, Hyejin Yoon 3, Songhwa Chae 1, Yoon Mok Pahk 2, Yeon-Ki Kim 1, Baek-hie Nahm 1,2* 1 Division of Bioscience and Bioinformatics, Myongji University, Yongin, Korea 2 Plant molecular genetics Institute, GreenGene Biotech Inc., Yongin, Korea 3 Rural Development Administration, Jeonju, Korea Salt and drought stresses affect virtually every aspect of plant physiology and metabolism and thus limiting the productivity of crop plants worldwide. Salt and drought tolerance and adaptation in rice has been improved by engineering various genes related to transcription, signaling, accumulation of antioxidants and compatible solutes etc. Previously, we have produced 2,000 non-gm mutants induced by Tos17 in rice. We analyzed >2,000 flanking sequences of newly transposed Tos17 copies by the adaptor-ligation PCR method. We also identified significantly up- or down-regulated genes under drought, salt, or ABA stress in rice based on expression microarray data, which previously were performed from leaf at different developmental stages and conditions. For screening and characterizing the salt or drought tolerance mutations by extensive phenotypic analysis as well as the functional analysis of genes, we selected 133 mutant lines. To evaluate rice phenotypic traits under abiotic stress condition, we plan to investigate phenomics, which integrates technologies such as photonics, biology, computers, and robotics. *Corresponding Author: Tel , bhnahm@gmail.com -82-
125 PB-13 Development of the Tos17-insertional mutants and functional analysis of transcription factors involved in seed development Joung Sug Kim 1, Songhwa Chae 1, Kyong-Mi Jun 2, Yoon Mok Pahk 2, Yeon-Ki Kim 1, Baek-hie Nahm 1,2* 1 Division of Bioscience and Bioinformatics, Myongji University, Yongin, Korea 2 Plant molecular genetics Institute, GreenGene Biotech Inc., Yongin, Korea Rice, as a model system of monocotyledon plants for genomic studies, is a main staple food for over half of the world population. A rice retrotransposon, Tos17, is active during tissue culture and its ability was wildly used in insertional mutagenesis. In this study we have produced 2,000 non-gm mutants induced by Tos17 in rice. We analyzed >2,000 flanking sequences of newly transposed Tos17 copies by the adaptor-ligation PCR method. The frequencies of Tos17 insertions in the genic and intergenic regions were 60.3% and 36.6%, respectively. We also selected four Tos17 insertion mutant lines for three TF genes which can be considered to be considered to be involved in rice seed development based on expression microarray data: osrem3, osta1, osbhlh1-1, and osbhlh1-2 mutant lines. According to Quadruple 9-mer-based protein binding microarray (Q9-UPBM) experiment, we found that the OsREM3, OsTA1, and OsbHLH1 bound to the ACACCAC, CACGTG, and GTAACA motifs, respectively. In combination of Q9-UPBM, RiceArrayNet analysis, and expression microarray data, we identified 8, 20, and 9 putative target genes of OsREM3, OsTA1, and OsbHLH1, respectively. We have been screening and characterizing the mutations by extensive phenotypic analysis as well as the functional analysis of genes. *Corresponding Author: Tel , bhnahm@gmail.com PB-14 Phenotypic screening and breeding with colored wheat by mutation breeding technique Jin-Baek Kim 1*, Min Jeong Hong 1, Young Ha Yoon 1, Dong Sub Kim 1, Soon-Jae Kwon 1, Hong Il Choi 1, Si-Yong Kang 1, Yong Weon Seo 2 1 Advanced Radiation Technology Institute, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, 29 Geumgu, Jeongeup, Jeonbuk , Korea 2 Korea University, Anam-dong Seongbuk-Gu, Seoul, Korea Anthocyanin, a group of purple or reddish flavonoids, have been recognized as health-promoting functional food ingredients due to antioxidant activity. For this reason, plant breeders are trying to increase the anthocyanin contents using methods such as classical breeding and biotechnological approaches. To broaden the mutants population, seeds of colored wheat variety (K4191) were irradiated by using 250 Gy gamma irradiation. Individual 968 M 4 plants were grown in Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute field. Many mutant phenotypes were shown: seed color variation, abnormal spike shape, awning formation, heading and ripening time, plant height, ripening period, super dwarf, etc. To identify the inheritance traits of colored-wheat, individual lines were maintained the spike base classified by generation. Characteristics per spike and plant were piled up to construct for mutant database. In the future, fixed descent will be analyzed the anthocyanin contents or other phytonutrients by ultra-performance liquid chromatography (UPLC). Expression of seed color-related transcription factors and anthocyanin biosynthetic pathway genes will be examined. *Corresponding Author: Tel , jbkim74@kaeri.re.kr -83-
126 PB-15 전정에의한다래과실의등급별생산특성 김철우 *, 박영기, 김만조, 김세현, 김재희 경기도수원시권선구오목천동국립산림과학원특용자원연구과 15 cm 이하의결과모지에서발생한다래과실의무게는평균 10.0±3.2 g 이었고, 과실수는평균 3.8±2.0 개로나타났다. 이결과는 30 cm 이상의결과모지에서발생한결과지의과실수평균 13.3±7.8 개에비해낮은값이다. 15 cm 이하의짧은결과모지는과실이적게착립하며대부분하급과실이생산되므로과실의품질향상을위해선동계전정시 15 cm 이하의결과모지를우선제거해야할것으로판단된다. 전정처리구에서는과실총생산량이본당평균 14.3±1.5 kg 이었으며, 이중상급과실 (15 g 이상 ) 이 8.2±0.9 kg, 중급과실 (10 g 에서 15 g) 이 4.0±0.7 kg 그리고하급과실 (10 g 이하 ) 이 2.1±0.3 kg 생산되었다. 무처리구에서는과실총생산량이본당평균 26.7±2.1 kg 이었으며, 이중상급과실이 2.5±0.5 kg, 중급과실이 19.2±1.4 kg 그리고하급과실이 5.0±0.6 kg 생산되었다. 특히, 전정처리구와무처리구에서의 15g 이상의상급과실의무게분포를보면무처리구는대부분 15~16 g 의과실이분포하였으나, 전정처리구는 15~20 g 이상까지고르게분포하는것으로나타났다. 따라서, 전정을실시하지않을때 17 g 이상의과실생산이쉽지않을것으로판단되며, 고품질다래생산을위해서는적절한동계전정이필수적이다. * 주저자 : Tel , frtree@forest.go.kr PB-16 콩유전자원의 isoflavone 함량변이 김현명 1, 이지석 1, 이재원 1, 김보경 1, 황세구 2, 김홍식 1* 1 충청북도청주시서원구충대로 1 충북대학교농업생명환경대학식물자원학과 2 충청북도청주시청원구오창읍가곡길 46 농업기술원 국내외에서수집된유전자원 632 점에대한 isoflaovne 함량의변이를구명하여기능성콩품종개발의기초자료로활용하고자본연구를수행하였다. Isoflavone 의총함량평균은 μg /g, 범위는 162.2~3,569.5 μg /g 이었다. Daidzein 의총함량의평균은 μg /g 이었고, ,050.1 μg /g 의범위였으며, glycitein 은평균 μg /g, 범위는 μg /g 이었다. Genistein 의평균함량은 μg /g 이었고, ,404.6 μg /g 의범위였다. 총함량이 2000 μg /g 이상되는고함량자원은 IT262889, IT167230, IT100869, IT171009, IT208248, IT 및 IT 이었다. 수집국가에따른총평균함량은캐나다가가장높았으며, 일본, 미국, 북한, 중국, 한국, 러시아의순이었고, 종실크기에따른총평균함량은소립종이가장높았으며, 중립종, 대립종의순이었다. 종피색에따른총평균함량은녹색콩이가장높은함량을보였으며, 검정콩, 갈색콩, 황색콩의순서로나타났다. Daidzein, glycitein 및 genistein 과총 isoflavone 함량간에는정의상관이었으며, 각함량간의상관관계또한정의상관이었다. * 주저자 : Tel hongsigk@chungbuk.ac.kr -84-
127 PB-17 Chemical Components in the Leaves of Selected Mutant Cultivars of kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.) Jaihyunk Ryu, Sang-Wook Jeong, Seung Bin Im, Joon-Woo Ahn, Soon-Jae Kwon, Dong Sub Kim, Jin-Baek Kim, Sang Hoon Kim, Si-Yong Kang * Advanced Radiation Technology Institute, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Jeongup, Jeonbuk , Korea. Kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.) native to Africa can be used as fiber, food, feedstock and bio plastic. This study was carried out to evaluate the mineral, amino acid and vitamin contents of six selected kenaf cultivars which are enable to produce seed under Korean circumstance. The leaves of three mutant cultivars (Jangdae, Jeokbong and Baekma), two original cultivars (Jinju, C14) and one Chinese cultivar (Auxu) were harvested at flowering time. Mineral components of kenaf leaves, such as calcium, potassium, and mineral, did not showed significant differences among the cultivars. As major amino acids including proline and phenylalanine, significant differences were found in these kenaf cultivars. The Auxu cultivar contained the highest amount of essential amino acid (Phenylalanine, Leucine, Isoleucine, Valine, Methionine and Lysine). The amount of vitamin displayed significant differences such as vitamin E and vitamin K among these cultivars. Especially, Jangdae cultivar contained the highest amount of vitamin E and vitamin K. Thus, these data suggested that Jangdae and Auxu is the most desirable cultivar containing high amount of vitamin and amino acid. *Corresponding Author: Tel , sykang@kaeri.re.kr PB-18 Negative roles of MAPK signaling cascades for itrogen-fixing nodule formation in Medicago truncatula Wonsil Bae, Jinsoo Lee, Hojin Ryu * Department of Biology, Chungbuk National University, Cheongju, , Korea Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling cascades play critical roles in various cellular events including abiotic/biotic stress responses, innate immunity, hormone signaling and cell specificity in plants. The MAPK-mediated stress and ethylene signaling are recently known to be involved in nitogen-fixing symbiotic interactions; however, the biological role of MAPK for nodule development in legume plants is largely unknown. We here elucidated that MtMKK5-MtMPK3/6 cascade negatively regulate the nitrogen fixing nodule formation in Medicago truncatula. MtMKK5, an ortholog of SIMKK, overexpression significantly reduces the nodule formation in M. truncatula roots. MtMKK5 directly activates MtMPK3/6 by phosphorylation on the TEY motif within the activation loop in the cytoplasm, which might link to EFD as a negative regulator for nodule formation. EFD has a putative MAPK phosphorylation Thr residue and could be a target of the activated MtMPK3/6 in the nucleus. Consistently, a MAPK specific inhibitor U0126 enhances nodule formation and confers similar nodule phenotypes to the efd-1 mutant such as lower proliferation and differentiation to symbiotic tissues. Our works thus reveal a key negative signaling module mediated by MtMKK5-MtMPK3/6-EFD for symbiotic nitrogen fixing nodule organogenesis. *Corresponding Author: Tel , hjryu96@chungbuk.ac.kr -85-
128 PB-19 표피가매끈하고육질이단단하며근장이짧은무 원교 호 육성 박수형 *, 윤무경, 박민영, 장하영, 채원병, 서명훈 농촌진흥청국립원예특작과학원채소과 무는한국인의주요부식인김치뿐아니라, 국, 무침, 찌개등다양한요리의재료가되는전통채소이다. 70 년대초반에우수한일대잡종품종을개발하였으며, 70 년대중반부터일본에수출을시작하여이후꾸준하게수출이증가하여, 2014 년에는일본, 중국, 미국등에 8,896US$ 를수출하여전체채소종자수출액의 22% 를차지하게되었다. 최근중국과인도의채소종자시장이일대잡종시장으로변화되며우수품종이라면고가를주고라도구입하려는농가가증가하고있어국내뿐아니라외국시장의수요를충당할수있는다양한특성의품종개발이필요하게되었다. 이를뒷받침하기위해국립원예특작과학원채소과에서는다양한특성의중간모본을육성하여신속하게민간에보급코자연구를수행하였다. 제주지역은단지무, 갯무등다양한무자원이자생하는곳으로육종적으로중요하다. 따라서 2005 년에제주지역에서수집된자원을 2006 년에수원에서평가후뇌수분을통한세대진전을지속적으로수행하였다 년가을노지에서재배하며그원예적특성을민간육종가와공동평가한결과우수한계통으로선발되었다 년엔무파종직후태풍이강하게발생하여성숙모본의상태가불량하여당해연도엔종자의증식이원활치못하여 2011 년부터 2014 년까지종자증식및증식된종자의순도검정을수행하였다 년에증식완료된종자를국립종자원에 원교 호 ( 출원 ) 로품종등록하였다. 원교 호 는지상부와지하부전체무게가 593g 으로대조인 서호무 의 2,231g 보다작았으며, 뿌리무게도 479g 으로대조의 1,862g 보다작았고, 뿌리의길이는 16.3cm 로대조의 22.1cm 보다짧았다. 근폭은잎과닫는부위인상부의지름이 41mm 로대조의 67mm 보다좁았으며, 가장두꺼운부위의지름은 9cm 로대조의 14cm 보다좁았고, 끝부분인하부의지름은 20mm 로대조의 29mm 보다좁았다. 엽수는 20.5 매로대조인 서호무 의 24.1 매보다적었으며, 잎의길이는 23.5cm 로대조의 39.3cm 보다짧았다 * 주저자 : Tel , psh@korea.kr PB-20 Breeding of new walnut cultivar, Golden-ball Youngki Park *, Chul-Woo Kim, Sea-Hyun Kim, Mahn-Jo Kim, Jae-Hee Kim Division of Special Purpose Trees, Korea Forest Research Institute, Suwon , Republic of Korea A new cultivar of walnut (Juglans sinensis) was developed through selection from Korea Forest Research Institute. The goals of this research were to evaluate the yielding of walnut and their fruit characteristics of walnut selected from different regions in Korean Wild. Different varieties of walnut grown in Korea, were investigated in what concerns fruit weights, fruit length and their yielding. The walnut belongs to the family Juglandaceae. It is one of the most important nut crops grown in temperate regions. Walnuts, the seeds of J. sinensis are a highly nutritious food. They are also used as a traditional remedy for treating cough, stomach ache and cancer in Asia. The present investigations were undertaken during in five walnut growing areas. In the present study a wide range of variation was observed in walnut characters from different locations. From these varieties, we have been regularly investigated the fruiting characteristics, which are the average of Fruit Length (FL) and Width (FW), and Weight of Fruit (WF) and Individual Yields (IY), during 10 years to select good quality walnut trees. *Corresponding Author: Tel , woodpark@korea.kr -86-
129 PB-21 Identification of genus Vigna using ITS2 and matk as a two-locus DNA barcode Jae-Wan Park, Sebastin Raveendar, Jung-Ro Lee, Gi-An Lee, Young-Ah Jeon, Eun Seong Park, Yang-Hee Cho, Kyung-Ho Ma, Sok-Young Lee, Jong-Wook Chung * National Agrobiodiversity Centre, National Academy of Agricultural Science, Rural Development Administration, Jeonju , Republic of Korea DNA barcoding is the use of short DNA sequences of the genome for large scale species identification. The Consortium for the Barcode of Life (CBOL) plant-working group recommended the 2-locus combination as the standard plant barcode. The evolutions of the chloroplast regions combine with nuclear gens are sufficiently rapid to allow discrimination between closely related species. We evaluated the efficacy of the proposed plant barcoding loci matk along with ITS2 for barcoding Vigna species. To assess the discrimination ability of barcoding loci to resolve Vigna species, we sampled 52 of the taxonomically best known groups in the genus. Topologies of the phylogenetic trees based on ITS2 and matk analyses were similar but a few accessions were placed into distant phylogenetic groups. Neither ITS2 nor matk analyses were able to discriminate some closely related Vigna species alone. Thus, we used concatenated data to increase the resolving power of ITS2 and used matk as an additional tool for phylogenetic analysis in Vigna because characterization of the nucleotide sequences of matk region was easier to recover and more cost-effective than those of the ITS region. *Corresponding Author: Tel , jwchung73@korea.kr PB-22 A New Peanut Variety Daan with High Yield and Disease Resistance Suk-Bok Pae *, Myung-Hee Lee, Sung-Up Kim, Chung-Dong Hwang, Ki-Won Oh, Chan-Sik Jung, Deuk-Young Song, In-Youl Baek, Young-Hee Lee Department of Southern Area Crop Science, NICS, RDA, Miryang , Korea Peanut is grown worldwide in the tropics and temperate zones primarily as an oilseed crop (38-54%) and protein source(25-30%). A new peanut variety Daan (Arachis hypogaea ssp. fastigiata L.) with the high yield potential was developed at the Department of Southern Area Crop Science, NICS, in Milyang in This was developed from the crossing line between cultivar Sangpyeong with short stem and high quality and Dakwang with large grain. Daan which is Shinpung plant type has 44cm of main stem length and 13 branch number per plant. Each pod has two grains with long ellipse shape of brown testa and yield components is composed of 34 mature pods of per plant, 127g of 100-seed weight, 75% of pod shelling ratio in the regional yield trials(ryt). Seed quality showed 47.8% of crude oil and 28.3% of protein content. This variety also showed more resistant to early leaf spot, late leaf spot, web blotch, stem rot and lodging compared with check variety Daekwang. In the regional yield trials Daan outyielded check variety by 16% with 5.00 MT/ha for kernel yield. *Corresponding Author: Tel , paesb@korea.kr -87-
130 PB-23 A New Dark Purple Peanut Variety Heuksaeng Suk-Bok Pae *, Chan-Sik Jung, Ki-Won Oh, Sung-Up Kim, Myung-Hee Lee, Chung-Dong Hwang, Deuk-Young Song, In-Youl Baek, Young-Hee Lee Department of Southern Area Crop Science, NICS, RDA, Miryang , Korea Anthocyanin has antioxidant and radical-scavenging effects which may protect cells from oxidative damage and reduce risk of cardiovascular diseases and cancer. A new peanut variety Heuksaeng (Arachis hypogaea ssp. hypogaea L.) with dark purple peanut skin was developed at the Department of Southern Area Crop Science, NICS, in Milyang in This variety was developed from the crossing line between cultivar Iksan 31 with short stem and erect plant type and Iksan35 with large grain and purple skin. Heuksaeng which is semi erect Virginia plant type has 32cm of main stem length and 25 branch number per plant. This also show more resistant to late leaf spot, web blotch and lodging, compared with check variety Daekwang. Each pod has two grains with ellipse shape of purple testa and its yield components is composed of 60 mature pods of per plant, 69g of 100-seed weight, 77% of pod shelling ratio in the regional yield trials(ryt). For 3 year regional yield trials the average kernel yield of Heuksaeng had 4.25 MT/ha similar to that of check variety. Its seed quality show 26.9% of crude protein and 46.0% of crude oil and 53.4% of oleate in fatty acid composition. Peanut skin of variety Heuksang consist of 2 kind of anthocyanin compounds such as 4.67mg/100g of delpinidine-3-glucoside (D3G) and 1.18mg/100g of cyanidine-3- glucoside(c3g). Peanut variety with high anthocyanin conent in skin will be useful to the recent preference of colorful food with healthful functional compounds. *Corresponding Author: Tel , paesb@korea.kr PB-24 무모식물체의광환경조절을통한소포자유래배발생효율증진 배은지 1, 나해영 1,2* 1 목포대학교원예과학과 2 목포대학교자연자원개발연구소 소포자유래배발생효율을높이기위해무모식물체의광질처리에따른개화까지소요되는기간, 화기구조, 소포자밀도와소포자유래배발생효율및활력을조사하였다. 공시재료로소포자유래배발생효율이높은태백무를선정하였으며, 4.0±0.5mm 길이의화뢰를선별하여실험을수행하였다. 광질처리는각각 LED 단독광 (Red), LED 혼합광 (Red+Blue+White) 그리고형광등으로처리하였으며, 광량은 50µ mol m -2 s -1 로설정하여, 16/8 시간 ( 명 / 암 ) 의광주기조건에서생육하였다. 광질처리에따른무의개화시기는형광등처리구에서다른처리구에비하여평균 20 일로가장빨랐다. 처리별로화뢰구조를관찰한결과, LED 단독광 (Red) 과 LED 혼합광 (Red+Blue+White) 에서재배된모식물체의화뢰가소포자유래배발생효율이높은단계로보고된주두의길이가꽃잎의길이보다긴화뢰가형성된것을확인할수있었다. 광질처리에따른소포자의밀도는 LED 단독광 (Red) 에서화뢰당약 3,579,000 개로가장많이조사되었으며, 소포자유래배발생효율역시약 2.46 개로가장높았다. 또한 LED 단독광 (Red) 에서재배한모식물체의화뢰가소포자활력유지비율이가장높았다. 무모식물체를형광등에서재배하였을때, 개화까지소요되는기간을가장많이단축시킬수있었으며, 또한 LED 단독광 (Red) 에서소포자밀도및소포자유래배발생효율그리고활력또한다른처리구에비하여높은결과를보였다. 소포자유래배발생효율을높이기위한방법으로무모식물체에 LED 를이용한다면소포자배양에적합한단계의화뢰를단기간에생산할수있으며, 소포자유래배발생효율을증가시킬수있을것으로기대된다. 또한위의결과는다른작물의반수체육종을이용한신품종육성에도적용가능할것으로판단된다. * 주저자 : Tel , somerze@mokpo.ac.kr -88-
131 PB-25 미나리종자의저온층적처리및세척방법 배은지 1, 황순임 1, 나해영 1,2* 1 목포대학교원예과학과 2 목포대학교자연자원개발연구소 미나리의종자번식을위해각기간에따라층적처리한후세척방법에따른발아율을조사하였다. 층적처리유무에따른발아율을조사한결과층적처리를하였을때 69.3% 로층적처리를하지않았을때보다약 1.4 배높게발아되었다. 층적처리전, 수확한종자를음건처리한후발아율을비교한결과, 음건처리를하지않은종자의발아율이더높게조사되었다. 음건처리하지않은종자를저온저장고와노지에각각 2, 4, 8, 12 주동안층적처리하여저장한결과, 노지에서 8 주동안처리하였을때발아율이평균 88% 로가장높았다. 개화후 40 일된종자를수확하여모래층적처리한후증류수와농도수준이다른 sodium hypochlorite, vital oxide 로세척시간을달리하여발아율을조사한결과증류수는세척시간에따른발아율을차이를보이지않았으나, sodium hypochlorite 의경우 % 용액으로약 3 5 분동안세척하였을때발아율이향상되었고, 2.0% 용액으로세척하였을때는발아율이저하되는경향을나타내었다. 또한 vital oxide % 의농도로 60 분동안세척하였을때발아율이향상되었다. 본연구결과기존의열악한환경에서악성노동이요구되는영양번식에서종자번식으로전환하여악성노동을탈피하고, 기계화를통한노동력감소및청정재배를가능하게하는기초자료로사용가능할것이며, 또한종자발아가어려워재배화가불가능한많은식물의재배법연구에도움이될것으로기대된다. 사사 : 본연구는농림축산식품부종자번식을이용한미나리주년생산과유통체계확립및종자산업화지원에의해이루어진것임. * 주저자 : Tel , somerze@mokpo.ac.kr PB-26 Glycoalkaloids content in tuber peel and cortex of 24 potato cultivars of Korea Hwang-Bae Sohn 1, Su-Jeong Kim 1, Yu-Young Lee 2, Hyang-Mi Park 3, Manjulatha Mekapogu 1, Su-Young Hong 1, Jeong-Hwan Nam 1, Jin-Cheol Jeong 1, Kibum Kweon 1, Yul-Ho Kim 1* 1 Highland Agriculture Research Institute, NICS, RDA, Pyeongchang , Republic of Korea 2 Department of Central Area, NICS, RDA, Suwon , Republic of Korea 3 Headquarters, NICS, RDA, Wanju-gun , Republic of Korea Potato glycoalkaloids(pgas) are potentially toxic to humans at high levels and current safety regulations have recommended that PGAs content in tubers of potato cultivars should not exceed 20 mg/100g FW. Accordingly, it is important to determine the PGAs composition and levels on potato cultivars for food safty and the breeding for new cultivars with low levels of PGAs. The main aim of this study was to evaluate α-chaconine, α-solanine and total PGAs content in the peel and cortex portions in 24 cultivars including Haryoung, Goun, Hongyoung and Jayoung, recently released by Highland Agricultural Research Institute. The total PGAs ranged from 3.1 to 10.1 mg/100g FW % of total PGAs was existed in the peel part of all cultivars. We selected two cultivars, which can be eaten wth the skin on tubers, and so used for soy sauce braised potatoes and baby potatoes for the rest area. These results will provide consumers and breeders with fundamental information about the content of PGAs in Korea major cultivars. *Corresponding Author: Tel , kimyuh77@korea.kr -89-
132 PB-27 단간내도복중생메조 단아메 육성 고지연 *, 이재생, 송석보, 최명은, 우관식, 고종철, 김기영, 정태욱, 오인석 농촌진흥청국립식량과학원 조는균형잡힌영양소와풍부한미량원소로인하여건강기능성곡식의하나로최근관심이증가하고있는밀렛류대표작물이다. 새로개발된조 단아메 는키가 97cm 로서대조품종에비하여 20cm 나작은단간종으로쓰러짐에강하여기계수확하기에적합한품종이다. 평균출수기는 13 년 ~ 14 년 8 월 7 일로대조품종인황금조에비하면 4 일정도늦으나, 삼다찰 등의만생종품종에비하면 10 일정도출수가빠른중생종이다. 수량성은 2013~2014 년 2 년간밀양에서실시한생산력검정시험결과평균수량은 286 kg/10a 으로대비품종인 황금조 에비하여 5% 감소되었으며, 같은해전국 5 개지역에서 2 년간실시한지역적응시험평균수량은 381 kg/10a 로대비품종 황금조 보다 4% 증수되어 황금조 와수량이비슷하였다. 주당수수는 1.8 개, 수당이삭무게는 10.9g, 등숙비율 68.3% 로황금조와비슷한편이고, 천립중은조곡 2.95g, 현곡 2.38 g 으로 황금조 보다약간무거운편이다. 조는배유특성에따라밥에넣어먹거나떡으로이용하는찰기가있는차조와찰기가없는메조로나뉜다. 단아메 는주황색종피를지닌메조로서죽이나제과, 선식등의가공에이용하기좋고, 밥에넣어먹어도좋은데특히, 찰기가없어식감이좋은볶음밥, 리조또등에사용하면잘들러붙지않고, 밝은노란색의조알갱이가흰쌀밥과잘어울리므로새로운조의소비확대에기여할것으로생각된다. * 주저자 : Tel , kjeeyeon@korea.kr PB-28 흰앙금제조특성이우수한팥신품종 흰나래 육성 송석보 1*, 이재생 1, 고지연 1, 우관식 1, 최명은 1, 정태욱 1, 문중경 1, 고종철 1, 오인석 1, 최유미 2 1 농촌진흥청국립식량과학원 2 농촌진흥청국립농업과학원농업유전자원센터 팥은전통음식인팥죽을비롯, 떡, 빵, 과자, 팥빙수등의앙금및양갱재료이용뿐만아니라, 최근현대인의건강식품, 천연색소, 다이어트음료, 미백용화장품등다양한분야에서사업화되고있다. 이러한제품의원료곡으로주로적색팥이사용되었으나팥재배면적및소비확대를위해서가공특성이우수하고기능성분이높은다양한색상의팥신품종개발이요구되고있다. 지금까지흰앙금은붉은팥의종피를제거하여제조하는가공과정이필요하였다. 또한붉은팥은소비자및가공업체에서원하는다양한색깔의양갱및앙금제품개발에한계가있다. 새로개발된팥신품종 흰나래 는이러한가공단계생략및제품다양화에알맞은흰앙금제조가가능한황백색종피를가진품종이다. 흰나래 는 2003 년에흰앙금제조팥품종개발을목표로 Gyeongwonpat 와 Sodubaenggei 3 을교배육종법을통해 2014 년육성된신품종이다. 2010~ 13 년에강원, 충북, 전북, 밀양등 4 개소에서실시한지역적응시험에서수량은 1.86MT/ha 이며 흰나래 의성숙시기는충주팥보다 10 일늦은 10 월 12 일로만생종이다. 백립중은 16.6g 으로대립이며흰앙금제조가공특성과품질이우수하다. 흰앙금제조특성이우수한 흰나래 는팥의용도다양화, 신수요창출, 부가가치향상및소비확대에기여할것으로기대된다. * 주저자 : Tel , songsb1254@korea.kr -90-
133 PB-29 안면도소나무채종원종자생산진단을위한구과분석 송현진 *, 배태웅, 문병호, 이성기, 이병실 충북충주시수안보면국립산림품종관리센터종묘관리과 종자생산기지의주기적인구과분석은산림종자의안정적생산 공급을위한채종원의종자생산성및관리상태진단기준설정에요구되는기술이다. 본연구에서는 년안면도채종원의소나무구과분석을통해서종자생산성및관리상태를진단하고자연구를수행하였다. 연구방법은안면도채종원 4 개단지에서 40 본의채종목을선정하였고, 각각 4~6 개의구과를채취하여특성을조사하였다. 구과분석은구과의외형적특성 ( 크기, 무게, 인편수 ) 과종자개수, 충실종자및고사배주등을조사하여채종원의종자생산성및관리실태를검토하였다. 그결과개체별구과의길이 43.52~43.64mm, 폭 23.09~23.70mm, 무게 (FW) 11.68~12.01g 으로개체별 단지별구과크기에는유의차가없었다. 종자생산량의경우 2013 년 kg, 2014 년 kg 로단지별 년도별종자생산량에차이를보였다 년구과의종자생산잠재성 (Seed potential) 은평균 개 ( 최고 개, 최저 개 ), 총종자생산평균 개 ( 최고 개, 최저 개 ), 충실종자평균 개 ( 최고 개, 최저 개 ) 이었고, 종자충실율은 82.1% 로나타났다 년종자생산잠재성은평균 개 ( 최고 개, 최저 개 ), 총종자생산평균 개 ( 최고, 개, 최저 개 ) 로전년도에비해서증가하였고, 충실종자평균 개 ( 최고 개, 최저 개 ) 로유사하였으나, 종자충실율은 79.4% 로전년도에비해서조금낮았다. 년도별 1 차및 2 차고사배주를조사한결과 2013 년도에는각각 1.03 과 4.07 로나타났고, 2014 년도는각각 3.08 과 0.50 로나타나수분 (pollination), 충해및영양결핍등에의한영향으로사료된다. 이와같이구과분석을통한채종원종자생산진단기술은주기적인종자예찰조사 ( 개화시기특성조사, 유구과특성조사 ) 와기상자료분석을수행하여종자생산에관련된수분 (pollination) 생리, 병해충방제및영양상태점검등을검토할수있는정보를제공할수있을것으로사료된다. * 주저자 : Tel , hyunjinkfsv@gmail.com -91-
134 PB-30 홍화집단교배및유전자지도작성을위한수집자원의선발 이정훈 *, 안찬훈, 이윤지, 허목, 안태진, 김영국, 차선우 충청북도음성군소이면비산로 92 농촌진흥청국립원예특작과학원인삼특작부약용작물과 홍화의집단교배를통한품종육성및유전자지도작성에대한연구가요구되고있지만, 이를위해서는유전분리집단육성이선행되어야한다. 홍화의육종은주로자가수분식물의방법이적용되어격리채종등의방법으로이루어져왔다. 현재까지육종된청수홍화 (1999 년 ), 진선홍화 (2000 년 ), 의산홍화 ( 2000 년 ) 와화선홍화 (2002 년 ) 는수집종의선발방법을이용하였으며, 집단교배를통한육종은이루어지지않았다. 타가교배방법을통하여새로운품종의육종은교배대상모본과부본의자원선발이선행되어져야한다. 본연구는홍화집단교배및유전자지도작성을위하여수집자원으로부터교배대상모본과부본자원을선발하고자수행되었다. 대상자원은국내 외지역재래종과품종등 34 자원을수집하여시험포장에증식한식물체를대상으로수행하였다. 증식된자원은각각종자를격리채종하여파종후개화시기, 두화수및형태적특성평가를실시하여선발하였다. 식재된자원의개화시기는 6 월 11 일에서 7 월 1 일로최대 20 일가량의차이를보였으며, 개화율은 90% 100% 로나타났다. 두화수는개체당 8.3 개 37.7 개로최대 4.5 배가량차이를보였다. 모본은개화시기가가장빠르며개화시작후 20 일이내에 90% 이상개화가이루어진육성품종의산홍화를선발하였다. 부본은한개체당두화수가 37.7 개로꽃수가가장많으며초장이가장작아단간의형태로서도복에아주강한미얀마수집자원 MMR-STS 를선발하였다. 선발된모본과부본의잎은모두난상피침형이나, 모본에비해부본의잎은폭이좁으며매우강한가시가잎과줄기에나타나형태적으로현저한차이가나타났다. 선발된자원은형태적다양성이높고유사도가낮아집단교배및 F1 세대육종을통한유전자지도작성연구에적합한자원으로판단된다. * 주저자 : Tel , artemisia@korea.kr PB-31 A Genetic Linkage Map based on AFLP markers in China type Tea Plant Yali Chang 1, Eun Ui Oh 1, Min Seuk Lee 2, Kwan Jeong Song 1* 1 Faculty of Bioscience & Industry, SARI, Jeju National University, Jeju , Korea 2 Sulloc Cha R & D Center, Jangwon Co.,Ltd, Jeju , Korea Based on double pseudo-testcross theory, a population of 76 F1 clones, which were derived from a cross of China type tea plants (Camellia sinensis var. sinensis) with a Korean tea cultivar, Kemsull for female parent and a Japanese tea cultivar, Houshun for male parent, was used to construct a genetic linkage map with AFLP markers. Totally, 2,360 markers were detected by 26 pairs of primers and 90.8 markers for each pair on average. Among these, 481 markers (20.3%) were polymorphic, 392 markers (81.5%) of which showed Mendelian segregation ratio (p=0.01). Of these Mendelian segregated markers, 139 (35.5%) were segregated in 3:1 ratio and 253 (65.5%) were segregated in 1:1 ratio. The construction of AFLP molecular marker based linkage map were carried out by Joinmap 4.0 version. The linkage map of Kemsull contained 227 markers which distributed into 18 linkage groups. The linkage map of Kemsull covered 1,382.2 cm with the average distance between two markers of 6.0 cm. The linkage map of Houshun contained 154 markers which were distributed into 17 linkage groups and were spanned with the total map length of 1,540.9 cm and the average distance between two markers of 10 cm. However, these AFLP markers were not distributed evenly and further even saturation is additionally required. *Corresponding Author: Tel , kwansong@jejunu.ac.kr -92-
135 PB-32 Radiation impacts on morphological and qualitative properties in common buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum) and tatary buckwheat (Fagopyrum tataricum) seeds Je-Hyeok Yu 1, Min-Heon Yun 1, Seon-Mo Yang 1, Dong-Seop Kim 2, Young-Ho Yun 3, Kyung-Ho Ma 4, Eun-Ho Son 4, Sok-Young Lee 4, Hong-Sig Kim 1, Sun-Hee Woo 1* 1 Dept. of Crop Science, Chungbuk National University, Cheong-ju , Korea 2 KAERI Advance Technology Radiation Laboratory, , Jeong-eup, Korea 3 Dept. of Functional Crop, National Institute of Crop Science, RDA, Gyeongnam , Korea 4 National Agrobiodiversity Center, NAAS, RDA, Wanju-gun , Korea Breeding and cultivation techniques are being treated very severely regarding ecological and physiological development in buckwheat. This study was conducted to focus on the diversity occurring in the cultivated and tartary buckwheat and provide an overview of the characteristics and genetic resources activities. Morphological results showed that the height of common buckwheat ranges from 82-90cm, common buckwheat induced by 200Gy ranges from 52-75cm, common buckwheat induced by 300Gy ranges from 43-56cm, common buckwheat induced by 400Gy ranges from 33-60cm whereas the tartary buckwheat hight ranges from 65-87cm, and while it exposed to various radiation (200Gy, 300Gy and 400Gy), the obtained height ranges from 73-92cm, 55-80cm and 60-75cm respectively. However, the stems from the both cultivar are hollow and that s why, the plant is very prone to lodging. The leaf color of common buckwheat was green, 200Gray, 300Gy 400Gy common buckwheat light green and green, whereas the tartary buckwheat green and bottle-green, 200Gray 300Gy 400Gy tatary buckwheat bottle-green, common buckwheat (control, 200Gy, 300Gy, 400Gy) stem color is light green and pink, flower color is white, tartary buckwheat (control, 200Gy, 300Gy, 400Gy) flower color is light green. The stem color from tartary buckwheat showed (200Gy, 300Gy, 400Gy) light green and light red color. The results revealed that the two buckwheat cultivars showed diversified characteristics. Acknowledgements: This work was supported by a grant (code ;PJ ) from the National Agrobiodiversity Center through Rural Development Administration (RDA), Republic of Korea *Corresponding Author: Tel , shwoo@chungbuk.ac.kr -93-
136 PB-33 Heterogeneity of CMA Banding Patterns in Jeju Citrus Landraces Kyunguk Yi 1, Chi Won Chae 2, Young Chul Park 3, Ho Bang Kim 4, Kwan Jeong Song 1* 1 Faculty of Bioscience and Industry, Jeju National University, Jeju , Republic of Korea 2 Jeju Provincial Office, Korea Seed & Variety Service, Seoqwipo , Republic of Korea 3 Citrus Breeding Center, Jeju Special Self-Coverning Province Agricultural Research and Extension Service, Seoqwipo , Republic of Korea 4 Life Sciences Research Institute, Biomedic Co., Ltd., Bucheon , Republic of Korea CMA banding patterns of chromosomes of eleven Jeju citrus landraces were characterized and compared by means of sequential staining using fluorochromes of chromomycin A3 (CMA) and 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI). The somatic metaphase chromosomes examined in this study were all diploids (2n = 18). Chromosomes were classified into five types based on the number and distribution of CMA positive bands; A: two telomeric and one proximal bands, B: one telomeric and one proximal bands, C: two telomeric bands, D: one telomeric band, E: no band. Four to five types of chromosomes and unique chromosome compositions were observed from each accession. The CMA banding patterns of Jeju citrus landraces were 1A+1B+1C+9D+6E in jinkyul, 1A+1B+1C+8D+7E in cheongkyul, 1B+1C+10D+6E in hongkyul, 2A+1B+3C+6D+6E in sadoogam, 1A+2B+1C+8D+6E in dangyooza, 1A+1B+3C+7D+6E in dong-geongkyul, 2B+2C+7D+7E in pyunkyul, 2A+2B+2C+6D+6E in gamza, 1A+2B+1C+7D+7E in byungkyul, 1A+1B+1C+9D+6E in jigak, 1A+1C+10D+6E in binkyul. Type D and E chromosomes were predominant in all Jeju citrus landraces. The chromosome composition with an even number distribution in gamza was observed, hence it could be recognized as a non-hybrid species. The results indicated all Jeju citrus landraces except gamza seemed to be hybrids, but might be diverged from species originated or cultivated in Jeju, Korea and other countries. *Corresponding Author: Tel , kwansong@jejunu.ac.kr PB-34 Antioxidant activity and total phenolic and flavonoid contents of 10 Vicia species Kyung Jun Lee *, Gi-An Lee, Young-Ah Jeon, Jung-Ro Lee, Sok-Young Lee, Kyung-Ho Ma, Jong-Wook Chung National Agrobiodiversity Center, NAAS, RDA, Jeonju , Republic of Korea Flavonoids and total polyphenols are important secondary plant metabolites, as they play a role in reducing the oxidative stress caused by ROS In this study, we investigated for flavonoid contents, total polyphenol contents, and antioxidant activities in 27 accessions from 10 Vicia species. Among 27 vicia accessions, NAC17 (V. monantha) and NAC14 (V. hyrcanica) had the highest total flavonoid (1.42 ± 0.09 mg/g) and total polyphenol (124.2 ± 0.5 µg/gae mg) contents, respectively. In four flavonoids, naringenin showed the highest concentrations in Vicia species. The DPPH and ABTS were the range from 0.2 (NAC24, V. sativa subsp. nigra) to 18.5 (NAC13, V. faba) µg/asc mg and 19.1 (NAC7, V. cracca) to (NAC13, V. faba) µg/trolox mg, respectively. Among the 10 Vicia species, V. monantha and V. hyrcanica had the highest flavonoid (1.31 ± 0.09 mg/g) and total polyphenol (116.5 ± 2.0 µg/gae mg) contents, respectively. The highest antioxidant activity was detected in V. faba. These results will expand the flavonoid database and provide information on Vicia species valuable for development of functional foods or feed-additives resources. *Corresponding Author: Tel , jwchung73@korea.kr -94-
137 PB-35 Genetic diversity base on agrinomical traits and SSR markers in Korean rice landraces Kyung Jun Lee *, Jong-Ro Lee, Gi-An Lee, Sebastin Raveendar, Kyung-Ho Ma, Sok-Young Lee, Jong-Wook Chung National Agrobiodiversity Center, NAAS, RDA, Jeonju , Republic of Korea In order to assess the genetic diversity, phylogenetic relationships and population structure of Korean rice landraces, 76 accessions were estimated using agronomical traits and SSR markers. Among 11 agronomical traits, amylose content (AC) was the trait with the largest variance with values ranged from 4.9 to %, while grain length (GL) was the lowest variance ranged from 4.4 to 5.9 cm. In the result of PCA, the first PC with Eigen value of explained 60.3% of the total variance. Culm length (CL) was the variable with the largest positive loadings. Growth period (GP) was the positive variances, while AC was the negative variance. The second PC with Eigen value of 80.6 explained an additional 22.4% of the total variance. Growth period (GP) was variable with highest positive loading. Amylose content (AC) was variable with high positive, while CL was the negative variance. The 49 SSR markers produced a total of 473 alleles with an average of 9.6 alleles. The polymorphism information content (PIC) was in the range 0.11 to The observed heterozygosity ranged from 0.12 to 0.39, with an average of rice accessions showed two subpoplations and three groups based on SSR markers. Group I and Gropu II appertained Pop-2 and Pop-1 subpopulation, respectively. They showed similar agronomical traits. Group III consisted 7 rice accessions predominantly appertained to Pop-1. These results provide insight into the characters of Korean rice landraces and help to improve our knowledge of rice breeding *Corresponding Author: Tel , jwchung73@korea.kr PB-36 Variation of pre-harvest sprouting and ABA content in rice germplasm Gi-An Lee *, Young-Ah Jeon, Ho-Sun Lee, Jong-Wook Chung, Do-Yoon Hyun, Jung-Ro Lee, Myung-Chul Lee, Kyung-Ho Ma, Sok-Young Lee National Agrobiodiveristy Center, NAAS, RDA, Jeonju-si, Jeollabuk-do, Republic of Korea Among the diverse crops, rice (Oryza sativa L.) has been domesticated as a staple carbohydrate sources mainly in Asia region, and RDA Genebank at the National Agrobiodiversity Center (NAAS) has conserved about 37 thousand rice accessions accordingly. Seed dormancy, one of domesticated traits, prevents pre-harvest sprouting (PHS) which causes degradation of grain quality in cereal crop. In previous study, we surveyed the variation of seed germinability of diverse 200 rice germplasm and detected the three distinguished groups besides admixed types; the first group (G-1) revealed high germinability at harvesting time, and the second group (G-2) and third group (G-3) acquired high germnability subsequent to after-ripening and dormancy breaking process, respectively. To reduce environmental effects on detected variation of germinability, we selected representative 14 accessions which have similar heading date of each group and measured the degree of PHS using freshly harvested panicles. Variation of PHS showed similar tendency of germinability group; generally, high PHS for G-1, low PHS for G-2 and no PHS for G-3. To resolve genetic and physiological factors concerning on PHS and seed dormancy, we checked the change and variation of ABA known for critical regulator for seed dormancy, and high PHS accessions interestingly revealed high ABA content in 10 DAF. Based on these study, we plan to analyze genetic factors affecting the degree of seed germinability and PHS. *Corresponding Author: Tel , gkntl1@korea.kr -95-
138 PB-37 Brachypodium distachyon mutants induced by gamma radiation contain reduced lignin content Man Bo Lee, Yong Weon Seo * Dept. of Biotechnology, Korea University, Seoul , Republic of Korea It is necessary to alleviate environmental and economic disadvantages of fossil fuels for global warming. Among the conceivable options, the use of plant biomass for the production of bioethanol is considered as a potential alternative for fossil fuels. Plant biomass that contains lignocellulose for bioethanol production has recently emerged as biofuel feedstock because of its sustainable and environment-friendly properties. However, lignin inhibits the hydrolysis process and the lignin recalcitrance in ethanol conversion remains in a problem. The attempt for down-regulating enzymes involved in lignin biosynthesis is one of attractive strategy to reduce the lignin contents. Recently, Brachypodium distachyon has been proposed as an alternative monocotyledon model species. The close phylogenetic relationship of Brachypodium with other grasses suggests that the Brachypodium may be useful for structural and functional genomic studies in these species. Brachypodium, standard line Bd21, was subjected to irradiation at doses of 50, 100, 150, 200, and 250 Gy. Phenotypes were investigated using M 0:2 population. Through histochemical analysis using phloroglucinol, 25 M 2 putative lignin deficient mutants were selected. Depend on the phenotypic and histochemical data, mutants were selected and used for measuring lignin content. Total lignin content was measured using the acetyl bromide (AcBr). Mutant # contains 16.9 (mg/g dry cell wall) of total lignin and the lignin level was significantly reduced (87.9%) compared to wild-type (19.23 mg/g dry cell wall). Additionally, Mutant line # reduced lignin level at 94.4% (18.15 mg/g dry cell wall) in comparison to wild-type. The enzymatic hydrolyses in lignin deficient lines have been performing with the time courses. Lignin composition, cell wall carbohydrates, and genetic analysis in mutant lines will be discussed. This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) grant funded by the Korea government(msip) (No. 2012M2A2A ). *Corresponding Author: Tel , seoag@korea.ac.kr -96-
139 PB-38 Development and characterization of endophyte free tall fescue variety Greenmaster3ho Sang-Hoon Lee *, Ki-Won Lee, Ki-Yong Kim, Hee Jung Ji, Tae Young Hwang, Hyung Soo Park, Hyun Seok Chae Grassland and Forages Division, National Institute of Animal Science, Rural Development Administration, Cheonan, , Republic of Korea In order to improve high persistence and forage quality, through selection of various superior parental varieties for breeding and synthesis of them with new lines, there are ongoing worldwide studies aiming to enhance the quality of tall fescue through a traditional breeding method by selection and hybridization. A new tall fescue variety (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.), named Greenmaster3ho, was developed by the National Institute of Animal Science, Rural Development Administration in Korea from 2010 to For synthetic seed production of this new variety, five superior clones, 09XFa02, 09XFa03, 09XFa11, 09XFa13, and 09XFa14 were selected and polycrossed. The agronomic growth characteristics and forage production capability of the seeds were studied at Cheonan from 2010, and regional trials were conducted in Cheonan, Hoengseong, Jeju, and Jinju from 2012 to Greenmaster3ho showed enhanced disease resistance, persistence, and regrowth ability as compared to Fawn. The dry matter yield of Greenmaster 2 was 29% higher (15,119 kg/ha) than that of Fawn. However, the nutritive value of both varieties was similar. This study developed a new tall fescue variety with excellent environmental adaptability, aiming to make a contribution to the vitalization of the Korean grassland industry. This work was carried out with the support of Cooperative Research Program for Agriculture Science & Technology Development (Project No. PJ ) *Corresponding Author: Tel , sanghoon@korea.kr PB-39 딸기동양계와미국품종간여교잡횟수에따른분리집단의변화 이선이 1, 김승유 1, 김대영 1, 노일래 2* 1 국립원예특작과학원 2 경상대학교농학과 ( 농업생명과학연구원 ) 현재국내품종들은일본품종을소재로육종되었기때문에형태적으로일본품종과매우유사할뿐만아니라새롭게육성된품종도변이의형태가매우적어품종간의차이가크게나타나지않는다. 따라서딸기에서여교잡육종기술을이용하여동양계와미국품종의우수한유전형질을도입하여 gene-pool 을확대하고자연구를수행하였다. 동양계와미국품종간여교잡을위해수량성이높고과실크기가크지만당도가낮은미국품종 Gaviota 를이용하였고, 동양계품종으로는당도는높지만수량과과중이미국품종에비해떨어지는 매향 을이용하여교배조합을작성하였다. 이들교잡후대 (F 1 ) 중에서다수성이면서대과성이고, 고당도에가까운실생개체를선발하고선발된실생개체는동양계품종을반복친으로이용하여여교잡 (BC 1 F 1, BC 2 F 1...BC 5 F 1 ) 을반복실시하여발아율및후대실생개체들에대한과실특성을조사하였다. 교잡후대 (F 1 ) 와여교잡을수행한 BC 1 F 1 세대에서의발아율은큰차이를나타내지않았으나여교잡횟수가증가할수록발아율은점차낮아졌으며특히 BC 3 F 1 이후세대에서는현저히감소하였다. 교잡후대개체의과실무게, 수량, 경도, 당도등은대체로원품종들의중간형질을나타내었으나, 당도향상을위해 매향 을반복친으로이용하여여교잡을실시하였을경우, 과실경도는큰차이가없었으나과중과수량은감소하고당도는다소향상되는효과를나타내었다. 그리고 BC 3 F 1 이후세대부터는변이가아주적어반복친에의한당도고정효과가나타나는것으로보여진다. -97-
140 PB-40 Evaluation of genetic diversity of Asian landrace wheat based on HMW glutenin subunit and maturity Sukyeung Lee, Yu-mi Choi, Do yoon Hyun, Myung-chul Lee, Sejong Oh, On sook Hur, Hocheol Ko, Na-Young Ro National Agrobiodiversity Center, NAAS, RDA, , Korea. Glutenin is the major factor responsible for the unique viscoelastic dough characterisitcs of wheat flour, which determine mixing and bread baking performance(x.shan et al, 2007). And early maturity is one of the most important cultural characteristic in Korea because of its winter cropping system. This study is to reveal the genetic properties of Asian wheat landrace collection originated from 6 separate regions such as Korea, China, Japan, Afganistan, Iran, Pakistan, Caucasus, and Middle East. Using germplasms maintained in National Agrobiodiversity Center, RDA, Korea, the variations in morphological character and HMW glutenin subunit composition were investigated. In this study, Glu-A1c(null), Glu-B1b(7+8) and Glu-D1a(2+12) alleles are the most frequent in Asian landrace wheats. When it comes to unique composition, Glu-B1aj(8) and Glu-D1q(2+11) subunits are only in Afghanistan wheat. And Glu-B1k(22), Glu-D1l(12), Glu-D1m(10) subunits are only in accessions from Pakistan, Korea, and China, respectively. The accessions from Iran and Caucasus have the highest PIC value(0.57), which shows wheat origin region has high genetic diversity. Grouping by UPGMA anlysis of combination of Glu-1 allele, most accessions from Afghanistan, Korea, and Japan were in the same group despite of geological distance. Contrasively, many germplasms originated from China, Caucasus, and Middle East were in the other same group. The evaluation of bread baking quality by Glu-1 scoring system, 34 accessions are perfect samples from China and 1 Afghanistan among them were also matured before early June, suitable to Korean cropping system. Especially, 3 accessions(k151847, K151865, K151962) had extremely early maturity, ripened before late May. These genetic resources having good gluten quality and early maturity are expected to be used for Korea wheat breeding system. Keywords: Wheat, Asia, landrace, genetic variation, HMW-glutenin, Glu-1 score, early maturity PB-41 Analysis of genetic diversity and cytoplasm male-sterility types in radish germplasm O New Lee, Hyo Joung Kwon, Mi Kyung Han, Han Yong Park * Department of Bioresource Engineering, Sejong University, Seoul , Republic of Korea Radish (Raphanus sativus L.) is a widely-consumed root vegetable that is grown worldwide. To utilize the radish genetic resources for breeding research, we collected radish germplasms and evaluated their morphological and genetical characteristics. Here, phylogenetic relationship of 288 accessions were analyzed using 16 SSR markers and classified cytoplasm male sterility (CMS) types using cpdna-based molecular markers. To create a collection of 288 accessions, 188 and 73 accessions were selected from RDA-Genebank (Korea) and NIAS-Genebank (Japan), respectively, after generation advancement for the accessions with low uniformity. In addition, 27 elite lines currently used for commercial radish breeding programs were included. In the result of phylogenetic analysis, 288 accessions were clustered into 5 major groups corresponding to the morphological traits and origins at the similarity coefficient value of Analysis of CMS types revealed that majority of accessions were determined as DBRMF1 and DBRMF2 mitotypes, 15 accessions to Ogura and 4 accessions to DCGMS mitotypes. Further genetic analysis for radish germplasm will be valuable in assisting radish f1 hybrid breeding. *Corresponding Author: Tel , hypark@sejong.ac.kr -98-
141 PB-42 녹색자엽검정콩유전자원의농업형질및품질관련성분평가 이은자 1*, 최홍집 1, 배정숙 1, 한윤열 1, 김세종 1, 이정동 2 1 대구광역시북구동호동 189 경상북도농업기술원작물육종과 2 대구광역시북구산격동경북대학교농업생명과학대학응용생명과학부 본연구는녹색자엽검정콩유전자원의다양한농업형질조사와품질관련성분을분석하고, 더불어우수유전자원을선발하여검정콩신품종육성을위한기초자료로활용코자수행하였다. 시험재료는국립농업유전자원센터에서분양받은유전자원 458 점과경북지역에서수집한유전자원 15 점에대해특성평가를하였다. 가변특성인성숙기는 68% 이상이만생종이었으며, 이중 24% 정도가극만생종이었다. 청자콩 3 호 (10 월 7 일 ) 와비교했을때, 숙기가열흘이상빨랐던자원은 29 점으로전체의 6% 정도였다. 경장은 90cm 이상이 44%, 60cm 이하가 15% 정도였다. 백립중은소립종 9%, 중립종 5%, 대립종 18%, 극대립종은 68% 이었다. 이중 55 점은백립중이 45g 이상인극대립이었다. 고유특성인화색의경우 10 점이흰색이었고, 나머지는모두자색이었다. 엽형은 75% 이상난형을보였으며, 25% 는 4 가지의다양한형태를보였다. 안토시아닌의평균함량은 72.0mg/g 이었고, 최소 3.5mg/g 에서최대 167.6mg/g 의함량을보였다. 청자콩 3 호보다안토시아닌함량이높은유전자원은 61% 였다 ( 청자콩 3 호 : 65mg/g). 조지방의평균함량은 18.9% 였으며, 최저 14.1% 에서최대 23.5% 의함량을보였다. 녹색자엽의진한정도를평가하기위해색차값 (ΔE) 을분석한결과유전자원중청자콩 3 호와구별되는진한녹색자엽을가진개체는 407 점이었고 (NBS units 3 이상 ), 이중매우진한녹색자엽을가진자원은 186 점이었다 (NBS units 12 이상 ). 이상의품질특성평가를통해백립중이 35g 이상이고, 조지방함량이 20% 이상이며, 매우짙은녹색자엽을가진 44 점의유전자원을선발하였다. 추후이들녹색자엽검정콩의대표집단작성을위해분자유전학적기법을추가하여실험을진행할예정이다. * 주저자 : Tel , dock0409@korea.kr PB-43 벼의수형과도정특성간의관계 이정희 *, 원용재, 안억근, 정국현, 이상복, 전용희, 장재기, 하운구, 정응기, 이점호 농촌진흥청국립식량과학원중부작물과 기후온난화에따른온도상승으로벼는등숙기간중고온에의한벼품질과수량이저하될것으로예상되고있다. 이에따라기후온난화에대처하기위한고온적응형품종개발이요구되고있다. 이러한고온적응형고품질품종개발을위해서는등숙률향상과도정수율이향상된우량계통을육성하는것이무엇보다중요하다. 본실험은국내품종및계통에대하여수형과관련있는항목및도정특성들간의상관관계를분석하여등숙률과도정수율에관계하는특성과우수계통을선발하고자수행되었다. 11 품종및계통을보통기보비재배하여 1, 2 차지경수, 지경별등숙률, 수당립수, 수수등농업형질과제현율, 현백률, 도정률, 완전미율등도정특성을조사하였다. 시험결과, 전체적으로 1 차지경에달린알맹이의등숙률이 2 차지경에달린알맹이의등숙률보다높았으며품종간편차도 1 차지경보다 2 차지경에달린알맹이의등숙률변이가더큰경향이었다. 1 차지경수는 1 차지경등숙률과부의상관, 수당립수와정의상관이인정되었고 2 차지경수는수당립수와정의상관, 현백률과부의상관이인정되었다. 현백률과도정률은 1 차 /2 차지경비율및 1 차 /2 차지경립비율과정의상관이인정되었고수당립수와 2 차지경수는현백률과고도의부의상관을나타내었다. 분상질립율은등숙률, 2 차지경등숙률과부의상관이인정되었다. 1 차지경에달린알맹이의현미정상립율이 2 차지경에비해높았고 1 차지경과 2 차지경에달린알맹이의현미정상립율차이가적은품종은추청, 일미, 운미등으로도정수율과등숙률향상을위한재료로서의이용성이높을것으로사료된다. * 주저자 : Tel , lejehe@korea.kr -99-
142 PB-44 Genetic diversity of super-sweet corn inbred lines using SSR and SSAP markers. Woo Ri Ko 1, Hong-Jib Choi 2, Kyu Jin Sa 1, Ju Kyong Lee 1* 1 Department of Applied Plant Sciences, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon, , Korea 2 Gyeongsangbuk-do Agricultural Research and Extension Services, Daegu , Korea In this study we evaluate the informative and efficiency of Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR) and Sequence Specific Amplified Polymorphism (SSAP) markers for genetic diversity, genetic relationship and population structure among 87 super sweet corn inbred lines generated by different origins. The SSR showed relatively higher level of the average gene diversity and shannon s information index value than that of the SSAP. To assess genetic relationship and to characterize among 87 super sweet corn inbred lines using the SSR and SSAP markers. The dendrogram using SSR marker divided into nine groups of clusters were observed at the genetic similarity value 53.0%. For SSAP marker, Total three main clusters were confirmed in genetic similarity value at 50.8%. Result of combine data for SSR and SSAP markers showed six subgroup were detected in genetic similarity at 53.5%. To confirm population structure, the total 87 super sweet corn inbred lines were divided into groups I, II and admixed group based on membership probability 0.8 for SSR and SSAP markers. However population structure using combine data was K=3 and divided into group I, II, III and admixed group. This study has demonstrated the comparative analysis of SSR and SSAP for the study of genetic diversity and the genetic relationship for super sweet corn inbred lines. Thus, the results of this study will be useful to maize breeding programs in Korea. *Corresponding Author: Tel , jukyonglee@kangwon.ac.kr PB-45 Genetic diversity and relationships among rice accessions (Oryza Sativa L.) of cultivated and weedy types using CACTA-TD and AFLP markers Rahul Vasudeo Ramekar 1, Muhammad Qudrat Ullah Farooqi 1, Kyu Jin Sa 1, Kyong-Cheul Park 2, Ju Kyong Lee 1* 1 Department of Applied Plant Sciences, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon, , Korea 2 Department of Molecular Biosciences, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon , Korea For understanding the genetic diversity and genetic relationship between cultivated and weedy types, we evaluated genetic variation of 80 accessions of rice (O. Sativa). This included 42 cultivated accessions and 38 weedy accessions with the help of AFLP and CACTA-TD. A total of 542 loci were analyzed (255 for AFLP and 287 for CACTA-TD) of which AFLP markers exhibited 75% of polymorphism and transposon based CACTA-TD markers exhibited 93% of polymorphism. The average genetic diversity value for all 80 accessions, using AFLP markers was (Cultivated 0.210; Weedy 0.241) and based on CACTA-TD markers was (Cultivated 0.294; Weedy 0.269). A UPGMA phylogenetic tree revealed three major groups for both the marker system. The average polymorphic content value obtained with AFLP and CACTA-TD markers were 0.21 and 0.232, Effective multiplex ratio (AFLP 47.50; CACTA-TD 66.75), Marker Index (AFLP 9.94; CACTA-TD 21.13) and Resolving power (AFLP 19.53; CACTA-TD 34.62) indicated that the CACTA-TD markers were relatively efficient than AFLP markers. *Corresponding Author: Tel , jukyonglee@kangwon.ac.kr
143 PB-46 Genetic diversity, population structure, and association mapping of biomass traits in maize with simple sequence repeat markers Jong Yeol Park 1,2, Rahul Vasudeo Ramekar 1, Kyu Jin Sa 1, Ju Kyong Lee 1* 1 Department of Applied Plant Sciences, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon, , Korea 2 Maize Experiment Station, Gangweon Agricultural Research and Extension Services, Hongcheon , Korea Assessing genetic diversity, population structure, and linkage disequilibrium is important in identifying potential parental lines for breeding programs. In this study, we assessed the genetic and phenotypic variation of 174 normal maize (Zea mays) inbred lines and made association analyses with respect to nine agronomical traits, using 150 simple sequence repeats (SSR). From population structure analysis, the lines were divided into three groups. Association analysis was done with a mixed linear model and a general linear model. Twenty one marker-trait associations involving 19 SSR markers were observed using the mixed model, with a significance level of P<0.01. All of these associations, as well as 120 additional marker-trait associations involving 77 SSR markers, were observed with the general model. Two significant marker-trait associations (SMTAs) were detected at P In the mixed linear model, one locus was associated with water content, two loci were associated with 100-kernel weight, setted ear length, ear thickness and stem thickness; three loci were associated with ear height, four loci were associated with total kernel weight and five loci were associated with plant height. These results should prove useful to breeders in the selection of parental lines and markers. *Corresponding Author: Tel , jukyonglee@kangwon.ac.kr PB-47 고품질복합내병성벼신품종 새신 이지윤 1*, 이종희 2, 조준현 1, 오성환 1, 손영보 1, 황운하 3, 박수권 3, 신동진 1, 송유천 1, 박동수 1, 김상열 4, 박인희 1, 여운상 1, 최대식 1, 남민희 1, 이영희 1 1 경남밀양시점필재로 20 국립식량과학원남부작물부 2 전라북도전주시완산구농생명로 300, 농촌진흥청연구정책국 3 전라북도완주군이서면갈산리혁신로 181 국립식량과학원 4 경상북도영덕군병곡면원황길 44 국립식량과학원영덕출장소 새신 은밥맛이양호하면서복합내병성특히, 흰잎마름병 K 3a 에강한벼를육성하고자 2007/2008 년동계에중만생종이고쌀알이맑은고품질새누리를모본으로, 흰잎마름병 K 3a 에강하고수량성이높은품종인신백을부본으로교배하였다 년하계에양성한 F 1 개체로약배양을실시하여 96 개의재분화개체를얻었으며, 이중에서줄무늬잎마름병과 K 3a 에저항성이며, 농업적특성이우수한 YR27906Acp84 를선발하여 2 년간의생산력검정시험실시후밀양 273 호의계통명이부여하였다. 3 년간의지역적응시험결과복합내병성, 내도복성및수량성등의우수성이인정되어농작물직무육성신품종선정위원회에서 새신 으로명명되었다. * 주저자 : Tel , minitia@korea.kr
144 PB-48 카로티노이드를함유한노랑찰옥수수 황미찰 육성 이진석 1*, 손범영 1, 신성휴 1, 김정태 1, 배환희 1, 서민정 1, 김상곤 1, 백성범 1, 박장환 1, 이점호 1, 김성국 1, 정태욱 2, 권영업 3 1 경기도수원시권선구수인로 126 국립식량과학원중부작물부 2 전라북도전주시완산구농생명로 300 농촌진흥청 3 경상남도밀양시점필재로 20 국립식량과학원남부작물부 황미찰 은자식계통 KY30 을종자친 ( 모본 ) 으로하고 KY9 를화분친 ( 부본 ) 으로하는단교잡종노랑찰옥수수이다. 황미찰은 2010 년생산력검정시험을거쳐 2012~2014 년 3 년간전국 5 개지역에서지역적응시험을하였으며그우수성이인정되어 2014 년농촌진흥청직무육성신품종으로선정되었다. 황미찰 은이삭의색이황색인찰옥수수로이삭의형태는중간형이고일미찰 ( 표준품종 ) 과달리웅수영의기부에약하게안토시아닌색소를발현한다. 출사일수는 71 일, 간장은 211 cm 로일미찰과유의한차이가없었으며일미찰보다착수고는낮고분지는적으며이삭은작은편이다. 황미찰은일미찰보다깨씨무늬병과도복에강하다. 3 년간지역적응시험에서황미찰은일미찰보다 10a 당이삭수는많았으나이삭중은적었다. 품질특성에서는일미찰보다과피두께가 45 μm로얇았고카로티노이드를 32.2 μg /g 함유하고있었으며관능평가결과전체기호도가 6.1 로식미가우수하였다. 황미찰은강원도및제주도를제외한전국에서재배가가능하고 1 대교잡종이므로매년종자를갱신하여사용해야하며찰옥수수열성인자를보유하고있어다른종류의옥수수와 200m 이상격리재배가반드시필요하다. 또한조명나방에감수성이어서적기방제가필요하고밀식재배시이삭이작아지고이삭끝달림이불량해짐으로가급적표준재배 (60 25cm) 보다넓게심기를권장하며강풍을동반한우기에는배수관리에유의하여야한다. * 주저자 : Tel , z @korea.kr PB-49 Mutation induced with gamma-ray irradiation in Rose cultivar (Rosa Hybrida Hort.) Hyo-Jeong Lee *, Sang Hoon Kim, Ye-Sol Kim, Yeong Deuk Jo, Dong Sub Kim, Si-Yong Kang * Advanced Radiation Technology Institute, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Jeongeup , Korea Rose (Rosa Hybrida Hort.) are of a high symbolic value and a great cultural importance in different societies. They are widely used as garden ornamental plants and as cut flowers. For the induction of mutation, gamma-rays are widely used as a mutagen. This study was carried out to establish a system for mutation breeding by irradiation of gamma-ray in rose. The rooted cuttings of five cultivar roses (Lovelydia, Vital, Aqua, Yellowbabe and Haetsal) are grown by in a greenhouse. They were two difference treatment (Before rooting gamma-ray irradiation, After rooting gamma-ray irradiation) were exposed to dose of 70 Gy using a 60 Co gamma-irradiator (150 TBq of capacity ; ACEL, Canada) at the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute. The irradiated plants were planted in a greenhouse, and investigated survival rate, mutation rate, flower buds number, and shoot length were planted after 80days. The two treatments of and growth characters was significantly reduced to 20% to 40% compared with the control. In addition, survival rate and mutation rate were after rooting γ-ray irradiation (37.4~67.3% and 0.5~5.6%) higher than before rooting γ-ray irradiation (18.3~50.8% and 0.3~3.4%). Mutation types were solid type, chimeric and mosaic petal mutants with various colors were induced from five rose. These results indicate that efficiency of mutation induction in rose by gamma-ray irradiation on petal colors and petal shapes in two difference treatment with rooted cutting system. *Corresponding Author: Tel , sykang@kaeri.re.kr
145 PB-50 Study of anthocyanin accumulation in lettuce cultivars by different environments with digital phenotyping and next generation sequencing (NGS) technologies Sungyul Chang 1, Eun-Hee Soh 2, Chee Hark Harn 3, Hyoung Seok Kim 1* 1 Biomodulation Team, Natural Products Research Center, Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST), 679 Saimdang-ro, Gangneung, Gangwon-do , Republic of Korea. 2 Seed Testing & Research Center, Korea Seed & Variety Service, Ministry for Food, Agriculture, Forestry & Fishery, 6-43 Kimcheon Hyuksindosi, Kimcheon City, Kyeonsangbuk-do , Republic of Korea. 3 Biotechnology Institute, Nongwoo Bio. Co., Ltd., Yeoju, Gyeonggi-do, , Republic of Korea. Anthocyanin is known for positive health beneficial effects that including reduces age related oxidative stress and inflammatory responses. It was produced by vegetable crops and a lettuce is one of the crops. The general pathway of anthocyanin expression is well defined but it is not clear how environments effects on anthocyanin accumulation in a lettuce. Therefore we initiated to study interaction between anthocyanin expression and environment factors. Frist, we applied RGB leaf images in a lettuce to calculate anthocyanin areas in a leaflet with two different cultivars, different developmental stages, and different environments. Later, we attempted to capture RNA expression level with next generation sequence (NGS) RNA sequencing method called RNA-seq. As a result, combined two technologies showed that quantitate phenotypic data help to understand the gene expression of anthocyanin in lettuce cultivars. *Corresponding Author: Tel , hkim58@kist.re.kr PB-51 Identification of Hybrids using SSR markers from Polyembryonic Citrus Breeding Lines. Sun-Yung Yoon 1, Hyo-Min Ahn 1, Hyun-Jeong Oh 1, Kyung-Hwan Boo 1, Ho-Bang Kim 2, Gyoeng-Lyong Jeon 1* 1 Bio-Agr, Co., Ltd., Shinkwang-ro, Jeju , Republic of Korea 2 Life Sciences Research Institute, Biomedic Co., Ltd., Bucheon , Republic of Korea Polyembryony in many citrus varieties is an impediment in breeding because it makes hard to identify hybrids after crossbreeding. So, it has become imperative for developing efficient methods to distinguish zygotic seedling generated from polyembryonic seed depending on citrus variety. Simple sequence repeat(ssr) marker is one of useful systems for such purpose. However, SSR markers to separate zygotic seedlings derived from the crossbreeding between Marita unshiu (Citrus unshiu) Seongjeon and Shiranuhi mandarin [(C. unshiu x C. sinensis) x C. reticulata] Hallabong have not been developed yet. In this study we tried to identify an effective SSR marker to screen zygotic seedling after crossbreeding between Seongjeon and Hallabong. For this investigation, 387 seedlings were generated from 114 seeds produced from crossing those two varieties. A total of 116 SSR markers were tested to identify a special marker for distinguishing origin, zygotic or nucellar seedling. As a result, two markers, SSR012 and SSR093, were found to be more effective than other markers. These two SSR markers might be useful to select zygotic individuals in crossbreeing between Seongjeon and Hallabong. This research was supported by Golden Seed Project (Center for Horticultural Seed Development, SBT30 Gyoeng Lyong Jeon, Bio-Agr Co. Ltd), Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (MAFRA), Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries (MOF), Rural Development Administration (RDA) and Korea Forest Service (KFS) *Corresponding Author: Tel , bbjeon0@gmail.com
146 PB-52 Assessment of Growth Characteristics and Cell Wall Components in Mutant Cultivars of Kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus) Sang Wook Jeong 1, Jaihyunk Ryu 1, Seung Bin Im 1, Soon-Jae Kwon 1, Joon-Woo Ahn 1, Jin-Baek Kim 1, Sang Hoon Kim 1, Hee-Bong Lee 2, Si-Yong Kang 1* 1 Advanced Radiation Technology Institute, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Jeongup, Jeonbuk , Korea 2 Chungnam National University Dept. of Applied Botany This study was carried out to determine the amount of lignin, cellulose, and hemicellulose in six kenaf cultivars during different harvesting stages. Three mutant cultivars (Jangdae, Jeokbong and Baekma), two original cultivars (Jinju, C14), and one Chinese cultivar (Auxu) were planted on May 14, Four harvesting times were made at intervals of 20 days from 15 July to 16 September, The overall growth characters of mutant cultivar Jeokbong such as plant height, stem diameter, flowering time, and dry mass were similar with those of the original variety. The mutant cultivar Baekma occurred 10-day late flowering in comparison with the original variety and also displayed higher dry mass than the original variety. Jinju, Auxu and Jangdae, mid-late maturing kenaf cultivars, had high dry weight compared to early maturing cultivars such as Jeokbong, Baekma and C14. In all cultivars, the lignin contents were increased by a late harvest. The Mid-late maturing kenaf cultivars showed high lignin content in comparison with those of the early maturity cultivars. There were no significant differences of cellulose, and hemicellulose content between the cultivars, however cellulose content in stems of these kenaf cultivars were significantly decreased by a late harvest. These results may provide valuable information to assist the parental selection of kenaf breeding. *Corresponding Author: Tel , sykang@kaeri.re.kr PB-53 Complete chloroplast genome sequence of Capsicum baccatum var. baccatum Tae-Sung Kim 1, Jung-Ro Lee 2, Sebastin Raveendar 2, Gi-An Lee 2, Young-Ah Jeon 2, Ho-Sun Lee 2, Eun Seong Park 1, Kyung-Ho Ma 2, Sok-Young Lee 2, Jong-Wook Chung 2* 1 Department of Plant Resources, College of Industrial Sciences, Kongju National University, Yesan, , Korea 2 National Agrobiodiversity Centre, National Academy of Agricultural Science, Rural Development Administration, Jeonju , Korea The chloroplast (cp) is an organelle with its own genome that encodes a number of cp-specific components. Resequencing technology via next-generation sequencing has recently been successfully applied to cp genome characterization. The field of cp characterization is rapidly growing due to its wide versatility and two complete chloroplast (cp) genome sequences of Capsicum species have been reported. We herein report the complete chloroplast genome sequence of Capsicum baccatum var. baccatum, a wild Capsicum species. The total length of the chloroplast genome is 157,145 bp with 37.7% overall GC content. One pair of inverted repeats, 25,910 bp in length, was separated by a small single-copy region (17,974 bp) and large single-copy region (87,351 bp). This region contains 86 protein-coding genes, 30 trna genes, and 4 rrna genes. Eleven genes contain one or two introns. Pair-wise alignments of cp genome were performed for genome-wide comparison. Analysis revealed a total of 134 simple sequence repeat (SSR) motif and 282 insertions or deletions variants in the C. baccatum var. baccatum cp genome. *Corresponding Author: Tel , jwchung73@korea.kr
147 PB-54 황색반겹꽃대륜화절화용거베라 레몬비치 육성 정용모 1*, 황주천 1, 진영돈 1, 이병정 1, 이상대 2, 이영병 3, 권오창 3 1 경남창원시경남농업기술원화훼연구소 2 경남진주시경남농업기술원연구개발국 3 부산시사하구하단동동아대학교생명자원과학대학 경상남도농업기술원화훼연구소에서 2014 년화색이선명한황색절화용거베라 레몬비치 를육성하였다. 교배조합육성을위하여 2005 년부터국내재배농가에서유전자원수집후특성을검정하였다 년 4 월교배후우수개체를선발하여 2012 년부터 2014 년까지 3 회의특성검정을거친다음, 화색과화형이우수한계통경남교 G-52 호를선발하였다. 이계통은절화특성이우수하고화색등소비자의기호도가높아 2014 년 10 월농촌진흥청농작물직무육성신품종선정심의회의심의를거쳐 레몬비치 (Lemon Beach) 로명명하였다. 레몬비치 품종의생육및개화특성조사를위하여대조품종으로 포커스 (CFG0072) 를사용하였다. 레몬비치 품종은핑크색대륜계의 프렌드 (IT ) 와황색대륜계의 오존 (IT ) 과의교잡에서육성된품종으로, 화색이선명한황색 (RHS, 9-A) 반겹꽃으로, 화폭이 12.8cm 정도인절화용대륜화이다. 또한포기당연간평균절화수량은 49.8 송이정도이며, 절화수명은약 12.8 일정도이다. 개화소요일수는 91.4 일로대비품종 포커스 의 93.7 일에비하여약 2 일정도빠르며이때개화엽수는약 9.6 매정도이다. 레몬비치 품종의설상화의길이는 5.7cm 정도로대조품종 포커스 의 5.5cm 에비하여길며, 설상화의폭은 1.3cm 정도로대조품종 포커스 와비슷하다. 화경직경은상부와하부는각각 0.6cm, 0.8cm 정도로대조품종 포커스 의상부 0.6cm, 하부 0.7cm 와비슷한편이다. 재배상의유의사항은지온의관리및양 수분의흡수가쉽도록가능한이랑을높게만들고, 여름철고온기의생리장해및고온에의한꽃봉오리의유실방지를위하여차광재배하여온도상승을막아주고환기에주의하는것이좋다. * 주저자 : Tel , ymchung@korea.kr
148 PB-55 The Complete Chloroplast Genome Sequence of Korean Landrace Subicho (Capsicum annuum var. annuum) Sebastin Raveendar, Young-Ah Jeon, Jung-Ro Lee, Gi-An Lee, Kyung Jun Lee, Yang-Hee Cho, Kyung-Ho Ma, Sok-Young Lee, Jong-Wook Chung * National Agrobiodiversity Centre, National Academy of Agricultural Science, Rural Development Administration, Jeonju , Republic of Korea Chloroplast DNA sequences are a versatile tool for species identification and phylogenetic reconstruction of land plants. Different chloroplast loci have been utilized for phylogenetic classification of plant species. However, there is no evidence for a short sequence that can distinguish all plant species from each other. Molecular markers derived from the complete chloroplast genome can provide effective tools for species identification and phylogenetic resolution. Thus, the complete chloroplast genome sequence of Korean landrace Subicho pepper (Capsicum annuum var. annuum) has been determined here. The total length of the chloroplast genome is 156,878 bp, with 37.7% overall GC content. A pair of IRs (inverted repeats) of 25,801 bp was separated by a small single copy (SSC) region of 17,929 bp and a large single copy (LSC) region of 87,347 bp. The chloroplast genome harbors 132 known genes, including 87 protein-coding genes, 8 ribosomal RNA genes, and 37 trna genes. A total of seven of these genes are duplicated in the inverted repeat regions, nine genes and six trna genes contain one intron, while two genes and a ycf have two introns. Analysis revealed 144 simple sequence repeat (SSR) loci and 96 variants, mostly located in the non-coding regions. The types and abundances of repeat units in Capsicum species were relatively conserved and these loci will be useful for developing molecular markers. *Corresponding Author: Tel , jwchung73@korea.kr PB-56 The complete chloroplast genome of Capsicum annuum var. glabriusculum using Illumina sequencing Sebastin Raveendar 1, Jung-Ro Lee 1, Donghwan Shim 2, Kyung Jun Lee 1, Kyung-Ho Ma 1, Sok-Young Lee 1, Jong-Wook Chung 1* 1 National Agrobiodiversity Centre, National Academy of Agricultural Science, Rural Development Administration, Jeonju , Republic of Korea 2 The Agriculture Genome Center, National Academy Agriculture Science, RDA, Jeonju, Jeonbuk, Republic of Korea Chloroplast (cp) genome sequences provide a valuable source for DNA barcoding. Molecular phylogenetic studies have concentrated on DNA sequencing of conserved gene loci. However, this approach is time consuming and more difficult to implement when gene organization differs among species. Here we report the complete re-sequencing of the cp genome of Capsicum pepper (Capsicum annuum var. glabriusculum) using the Illumina platform. The total length of the cp genome is 156,817 bp with a 37.7% overall GC content. A pair of inverted repeats (IRs) of 50,284 bp were separated by a small single copy (SSC; 18,948 bp) and a large single copy (LSC; 87,446 bp). The number of cp genes in C. annuum var. glabriusculum is the same as that in other Capsicum species. Variations in the lengths of LSC, SSC and IR regions were the main contributors to the size variation in the cp genome of this species. A total of 125 simple sequence repeat (SSR) and 48 insertions or deletions variants were found by sequence alignment of Capsicum cp genome. These findings provide a foundation for further investigation of cp genome evolution in Capsicum and other higher plants. *Corresponding Author: Tel , jwchung73@korea.kr
149 PB-57 The Complete Chloroplast Genome of Capsicum frutescens L. Jung-Ro Lee 1, Donghwan Shim 2, Gi-An Lee 1, Sebastin Raveendar 1, Na-Young Ro 1, Young-Ah Jeon 1, Yang-Hee Cho 1, Kyung-Ho Ma 1, Sok-Young Lee 1, Jong-Wook Jeong 1* 1 National Agrobiodiversity Centre, National Academy of Agricultural Science, Rural Development Administration, Jeonju , Republic of Korea 2 The Agriculture Genome Center, National Academy Agriculture Science, RDA, Jeonju, Jeonbuk, Korea The chloroplast (cp) is an organelle with its own genome encoding a number of cp-specific components. The membrane-bound organelles are mainly involved in the photosynthetic conversion of atmospheric CO 2 into carbohydrates in which light energy is stored as chemical energy. Resequencing technology via next-generation sequencing has recently been successfully applied which results the field of cp genome characterization is growing fast. Here, we report the complete sequence of the chloroplast genome of Capsicum frutescens, a species of chili pepper. The total length of the genome is 156,817 bp, and the overall GC content is 37.7%. A pair of 51,584-bp inverted repeats (IRs) is separated by a small (17,853 bp) and a large (87,380 bp) single-copy region. The C. frutescens chloroplast genome encodes 103 unique genes, including 79 protein-coding genes, 20 trna genes, and four rrna genes. Of these, 19 genes are duplicated in the IRs and 18 genes contain one or two introns. Comparative analysis with reference cp genome revealed 125 simple sequence repeat (SSR) motif and 34 variants, mostly located in the non-coding regions. These microsatellite markers will facilitate the studies of genetic diversity, population genetic structure, and sustainable conservation for C. frutescens. *Corresponding Author: Tel , jwchung73@korea.kr PB-58 Content of Trans-Resveratrol in Soybean Mature Seed Sang-Woo Choi, Sung-Jin Han, Jong-Il Chung * Division of Applied Life Science, Graduate School, Gyeongsang National University, Chinju , Republic of Korea Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] seed is one of the major food sources for protein, oil, carbohydrates, isoflavones, and many other nutrients to humans and animals. Trans-resveratrol produced by plants is a polyphenol phytoalexin and displays a wide range of biological effects like as anti-cancer activities, cardio- protective properties, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidation, neuroprotective, antidiabetic and phytoestrogenic properties. Content of trans-resveratrol in soybean seed may depend on genotype and environment. Genotype with high trans-resveratrol content is valuable in breeding project. One hundred eighty three soybean genotypes were cultivated in the field. After harvesting, trans-resveratrol content was analyzed. Content (ug/g) of trans-resveratrol was from to Thirty genotypes with high trans-resveratrol content were selected. *Corresponding Author: Tel , jongil@gnu.ac.kr
150 PB-59 토마토잎추출물의항염증활성검정및 steroid glycoalkaloids 분석 김효정 1, 이경준 1, 이기안 1, 전영아 1, 이호선 1, 마경호 1, 이석영 1, 이동진 2, 정종욱 1* 1 전라북도전주시중동국립농업과학원농업유전자원센터 2 충청남도천안시안서동단국대학교생명자원과학대학식량생명공학과 토마토는남아메리카서부고원지대가원산지이며전세계적으로재배및생산되고있는가지과작물로토마토에함유된 steroid glycoalkaloids 화합물은미생물이나곤충에독성을나타내지만최근항염증, 항균등의생리활성을나타내는것으로밝혀졌다. 따라서토마토 42 자원잎추출물의항염증활성을검정하고 steroid glycoalkaloids 함량을비교하고자하였다. 토마토잎추출물이 RAW 세포주에미치는독성효과를알아본결과, 추출물처리농도범위 (20 ~ 100 ug/m)l 안에서 RAW 세포주가 50% 이상생존하였고, 추출물의농도가증가할수록세포생존율이감소하는것을확인할수있었다. 이것은추출물자체가세포에독성으로작용하지않아세포가생존가능한범위안에서실험이가능함을의미하여같은농도범위의추출물로항염증활성을검정하였다. 20 ug/ml 의추출물을처리한경우 14.1% 의낮은 nitric oxide (NO) 생성저해율을보였고 50 ug/ml 을처리시 79.4% 까지증가하였으며 100 ug/ml 처리시 98.9% 의높은저해율을보였다. 각자원의 IC 50 값을비교한결과 IT (BRA, 84.0 ± 0.1 ug/ml) 이가장높은저해활성을보였고 IT (JPN, ± 2.5 ug/ml) 이가장낮았다. 또한 steroid glycoalkaloids 를분석한결과, tomatine 함량은 IT (AUS, 8.2 ± ug/mg) 이가장높았고 IT (KOR, 2.5 ± ug/mg) 가가장낮았다. 또한 tomatidine 의경우, IT (BRA, 1.41 ± ug/mg) 이가장높았고 IT (THA, 0.28± ug/mg) 가가장낮았다. 토마토잎추출물의항염증활성과 steroid glycoalkaloids 함량의상관관계를분석한결과, tomatine 과 tomatidine 은높은정의상관관계를보였으나두물질과 nitric oxide (NO) 생성저해활성은유의적상관관계를보이지않았다. 본연구의결과를통해토마토잎추출물의 tomatine, tomatidine 함량과항염증활성의상관관계를확인할수는없었지만, 토마토잎의천연항염증제로의활용가능성을확인하였고토마토부산물의다양한활용방안수립에도움이될것으로사료된다. *Corresponding Author: Tel , address: jwchung73@korea.kr
151 PB-60 토마토잎추출물의항산화활성검정및 flavone aglycones 분석 김효정 1, 이경준 1, 이기안 1, 전영아 1, 이정로 1, 박은성 1, 이호선 1, 조양희 1, 마경호 1, 이석영 1, 이동진 2, 정종욱 1* 1 전라북도전주시중동국립농업과학원농업유전자원센터 2 충청남도천안시안서동단국대학교생명자원과학대학식량생명공학과 토마토는남아메리카서부고원지대가원산지이며전세계에널리재배되고있는가지과작물이다. 최근토마토의건강증진효과에대한연구와소비의다양성으로인해재배및생산량이증가함과동시에다량으로발생하는부산물활용방안수립에대한관심이증가하였다. 따라서토마토 42 자원잎추출물의항산화활성과 flavone aglycones 를분석하여기능성소재의활용가능성을보고자하였다. 토마토잎추출물의 DPPH 라디칼소거활성검정결과, IT (CHN, ± 1.2 ug/ml) 이가장높았고 IT (BTN, ± 14.1 ug/ml) 가가장낮았으며 ABTS 의경우 IT (IND, ± 36.4 ug/ml) 이가장높았고 IT (TWN, ± 84.4 ug/ml) 가가장낮았다. 총폴리페놀함량은 IT (NPL, 59.9 ± 0.0 mg GAE g -1 ) 이가장높았고 IT (RUS, 16.8 ± 0.3 mg GAE g -1 ) 가가장낮았다. 토마토잎추출물의총 flavone aglycones 함량을분석한결과, IT (KOR, 78.9 ± 1.0 ug/mg) 가가장높았다. myricetin, quercetin, naringenin, kaempferol, isorhamnetin 함량은각각 0.08 ~ 0.28 ug/mg, 0.6 ~ 24.1 ug/mg, 1.4 ~ 53.1 ug/mg, 0.19 ~ 4.73 ug/mg, 0.06 ~ 0.42 ug/mg 이었으며특히 isorhamnetin 은 88% (37 자원 ) 가검출한계치 (0.05 ug/mg) 미만이었다. 토마토잎추출물의항산화활성과 flavone aglycones 함량의상관관계를분석한결과, DPPH 와 ABTS 라디칼소거활성은높은정의상관을보였으며, 이두활성모두 myricetin 과정의상관을나타냈다. 또한총 flavone aglycones 함량은 quercetin, naringenin, isorhamnetin 과높은정의상관을보였다. 이연구결과를토대로토마토잎의기능성소재로의이용가능성을확인할수있었고토마토부산물활용을위한다양한활용방안수립에도움이될것으로사료된다. *Corresponding Author: Tel , jwchung73@korea.kr PB-61 Seed traits of y9ti genotype in soybean Sang-Woo Choi, Sung-Jin Han, Jong-Il Chung * Division of Applied Life Science, Graduate School, Gyeongsang National University, Chinju , Republic of Korea Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] protein is a high quality source for food and feed. But, antinutritional factors in the raw mature soybean are exist. Kunitz trypsin inhibitor (KTI) protein of mature soybean seed is a main antinutritional factor in soybean seed. The Le gene controls a lectin protein and Ti gene controls the KTI protein in soybean. Ti locus has been located on molecular linkage group A2 (chromosome 8) of soybean. The y9 type found in T135 is yellow at emergence, becoming greenish-yellow by maturity. Although this type is considered chlorophyll-deficient, it is fairly vigorous in growth. The objective of this research was to exam an agronomic traits of y9ti genotype selected from the breeding line. The seeds of y9ti genotype were planted in the field. Traits of maturity date, seed weight, and seed coat color were checked. *Corresponding Author: Tel , jongil@gnu.ac.kr
152 PB-62 대추나무품종식별을위한 Microsatellite DNA 표지개발 조아르나 1*, 신유승 1, 김영미 1, 김종환 2, 정지희 1 1 국립산림품종관리센터종묘관리과 2 세종농원 본연구에서는대추나무육종연구및품종식별등에활용가능한 microsatellite DNA 표지를개발하였다. 또한개발된표지를이용하여국내대추 3 품종 8 점 ( 복조, 이조, 슈퍼왕대추 ) 과, 중국에서수집된 11 품종을분석하여품종별고유 DNA profile 를작성하고품종간유연관계를분석하였다. 대추나무엽시료에서 DNA 를분리하고, Glenn 과 Schable(2005) 의방법에따라 microsatellite enrichment 라이브러리를작성하였다. 작성된라이브러리로부터 microsatellite repeat 을가지는 62 개 contig 서열 (Genebank Acc. No. KJ KJ156703) 을확보하고이로부터총 22 개의 primer 를디자인하였다. 이중품종간변이가있고재현성이높은 15 개 primer 를최종선정하여분석에사용하였다. 대추나무 14 품종 19 점시료를분석한결과유전자좌에따라 2 개에서 7 개의대립유전자가관찰되어모든유전자좌에서다형성이확인되었다. 국내품종인복조, 이조및슈퍼왕대추는품종내개체간변이는전혀관찰되지않았고, 품종간에는유전적거리가 사이값을보여품종식별에활용가치가높은것으로판단되었다. UPGMA dendrogram 을통한품종간유연관계를분석한결과최근우리나라에서인기있는 슈퍼왕대추 는중국에서수집된다른대립종들과유전적으로유사한경향을보였다. 우리나라에서널리재배되는 복조 품종은중국섬서성에서수집된 대백령 과유전적으로가장가까웠다. 본연구에서개발된 microsatellite 표지는대추나무품종유전 육종연구뿐아니라, 품종식별을통한유통단속에도널리활용될수있을것으로기대된다. * 주저자 : Tel , florajh@korea.kr PB-63 Classification of Korean rice varieties based on growth characteristics Me-Sun Kim, Hye-Jung Lee, Dal-A Yu, Joonki Kim, Franz Nogoy, Eun-Ju Jeong, Jang-Hwan You, Yong-Gu Cho * Department of Crop Science, Chungbuk National University, Cheongju , Korea The International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV) promotes an effective system of plant variety protection and encourages the development of new varieties of plants. International convention was initiated to standardized the system efforts and strengthen the policy. This study was conducted to establish a database for rice identification using morphological characters which include number of tillers and panicle per plant, spikelets per panicle, yield, plant maturity, height, leaf pigments, flag leaf angles, and rice bran. The whole rice population was grouped into three based on leaf angles, majority members of which retained the flag leaf angle-character until maturity stage. Most rice accessions did not exhibit anthocyanin pigments on the leaves particularly on the first leaf, leaf blade, leaf sheath and auricle, except for varieties classified as black rice. In the case of grain, many accessions produced secondary branching, and showed no awn. For agronomic traits, productive tiller and panicle per plant were higher in early flowering varieties, while spikelets per panicle and ripened grain were higher in late flowering varieties, and yield was higher in medium flowering varieties. All data were then pooled for cluster analysis which revealed three major independent clusters and four minor clusters. This research was supported by ipet, Ministry for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Republic of Korea. *Corresponding Author: Tel , ygcho@cbnu.ac.kr
153 PB-64 High tryptophan rice with an improved eating quality Franz Marielle Nogoy 1, Hye-Jung Lee 1, Marjohn Nino 1, Me-Sun Kim 1, Sothea Ouk 1, Yu-Jin Jung 2, Kwon-Kyoo Kang 2, Ill-sup Nou 3, Yong-Gu Cho 1* 1 Department of Crop Science, Chungbuk National University, Cheongju , Korea 2 Department of Horticulture, Hankyong National University, Ansung , Korea 3 Department of Horticulture, Sunchon National University, Sunchon , Korea Geneticists and rice breeders are continuing to address solutions to high cases of undernutrition and malnutrition in many parts of the world. Fortification with vitamins in rice is a feasible solution to directly reach consumers who suffer nutritional problems. In this study, we are working on tryptophan, a limiting amino acid in almost all protein sources which are of importance for human nutrition. The present high tryptophan rice lines are much higher tryptophan level in mature seeds than wild type, however, the grain quality is very low. We try to improve the eating quality of the current high tryptophan rice lines by crossing them to popular Korean varieties, Hopumbyeo and Samgwangbyeo. Insensitive lines for tryptophan feedback inhibition are screened by growing in medium containing amino acid analogues, 5-methyl tryptophan. In vitro screening of each progenies enables us to select in each generation the rice lines with tolerance to 5-methyl tryptophan. After a series of in vitro screening and phenotypic selection in the field, the F4 progeny containing the same mutation in ASA2 gene from its parent showed an improvement in its grain quality. This research was supported by ipet, Ministry for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Republic of Korea. *Corresponding Author: ygcho@cbnu.ac.kr PB-65 Protein expression pattern of soybean sprouts at different germination temperatures Man-Soo Choi *, Sung-Cheol Koo, Hyun-Tae Kim, Beom-Kyu Kang, In-Seok Oh, Hong-Tai Yun Upland Crop Breeding Research Division, Department of Southern Area Crop Science, NICS, Miryang, , Korea Soybean sprouts have been used as a year round vegetable and become increasingly popular among people as a functional food because of their nutrient values. This study was conducted to investigate the effects of growth temperature for sprouting soybean. Soybean sprouts showed different growth characteristics, nutrient composition and secondary metabolite depending on temperature. Sprout qualities such as whole length, hypocotyl length and yield increased at high temperature condition (25 ) than at low temperature condition (20 ). Total protein also increased at 25, while total fatty acid decreased at 20. Total phenolic content of pungwongkong sprout was higher at 25, while total phenolic content of pungsankong sprout was lower at 25. The antioxidant activity increased temperature dependently. Both DPPH activity and ABTS activity were higher at 25. To understand proteomic profiles from soybean sprouts germinated at different temperature, proteomic analysis was conducted and protein compositions were compared. 33 spots were differentially expressed and were identified using MALDI-TOF mass spectrometer. They were mainly involved in storage proteins, stress related proteins and metabolism related proteins. The results suggest that growth temperature could affect on protein profile change related to secondary metabolite in sprouts and consequently could alter sprout characteristics. This work was supported by a grant from Rural Development Administration(No. PJ009291), Republic of Korea. *Corresponding Author: Tel , mschoi73@korea.kr
154 PB-66 Modification of starch composition using RNAi targeting of SSS1 gene in rice Hye-Jung Lee 1, Moo-Geun Jee 1, Dal-A Yu 1, Me-Sun Kim 1, Joonki Kim 1, Seon-Kyeong Song 1, Kwon-Kyoo Kang 2, Yong-Gu Cho 1* 1 Department of Crop Science, Chungbuk National University, Cheongju , Korea 2 Department of Horticulture, Sunchon National University, Sunchon , Korea 3 Department of Horticulture, Hankyong National University, Ansung , Korea An increasing preference for good eating quality of rice among consumers has become one of the important considerations in rice breeding. Amylose content is a leading factor affecting eating quality of rice. Amylose composition is determined by the relative activity of soluble starch synthase (SSS) and granule-bound starch synthase (GBSS). This study focused on modifying the expression of SSSI gene which is responsible for amylopectin and amylose synthesis in rice by using RNA interference (RNAi) technology. The transgenic rice plants showed various amylose content in rice grains. Favorable rice lines were selected according to genomic PCR, transgene expression and amylose contents analysis. A semi-quantitative RT-PCR was carried out to determine the expression level of SSSI gene after flowering of transgenic rice and wild type. Down-regulation of SSSI gene in transgenic plants was evident in the decreasing expression in rice grains. Accordingly, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis revealed uniform size with smooth curves starch granules in down-regulation rice lines, in contrast with the non-uniform granules in wild type. Results indicated that RNAi-SSSI transgenic lines produced low amylose contents that fell between glutinous and non-glutinous rice. This study showed that down-regulation of endogenous SSSI may improve the eating quality in rice. This work was supported by a grant from the Next-Generation BioGreen 21 Program, RDA and ipet, Ministry for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Republic of Korea. *Corresponding Author: ygcho@cbnu.ac.kr
155 PB-67 Growth and Yield characteristics of Orchardgrass Onnuri 2 ho Variety Hee Chung. Ji 1*, Ki Yong. Kim 1, Tae Young Hwang 1, Hyun Seok Chae 1, Seong Tae Lee 2 1 Grassland & Forages Research Center, National Institute of Animal Science, RDA, Cheonan , Republic of Korea 2 Agricultural Research & Extension Services, Gyeongsangnam-Do, , Republic of Korea. Orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata L.) is a Gramineae perennial grass species and commonly used as a forage crop and developed to be used for pasture. In Korea, in order to improve high persistence and forage quality, through selection of various superior parental varieties for breeding and synthesis of them with new lines, there are ongoing worldwide studies aiming to enhance the quality and environmental adaptability of Orchardgrass. Between 2010 and 2014, a Orchardgrass variety named Onnuri 2ho was developed by the Grassland & Forages Division, National Institute of Animal Science, Rural Development Administration (RDA), Republic of Korea. For the production of synthetic seeds for Onnuri 2ho 4 superior clones, Dg7506, Dg9508, Edg215 and Edg218 were selected and polycrossed. Between 2010 and 2011, the agronomic growth characteristics and forage production capability of the seeds were studied at Cheonan, and between 2012 and 2014, regional trials were conducted in Cheonan, Hoengseong, Jinju, and in Jeju. The main growth characteristic of Onnuri 2ho is a tetraploid variety, a medium-late maturity variety, the heading stage of which is around May 17, which is four days later than that of Amba. This study tested the regional adaptability of Orchardgrass in Cheonan, Hoengseong, Jeju, and in Jinju. The average dry matter yield of Onnuri 2ho in the four regions was 15,814 kg/ha, which is greater than that of Amba by 34%. These differences show that Onnuri 2ho is more resistant to environmental stresses than Amba and that this growth characteristic directly led to dry matter yield. Thus, Onnuri 2ho is a suitable variety for the establishment of grasslands as it has enhanced disease resistance and persistence, compared to Amba. The forage quality of Onnuri 2ho was similar to that of Amba in crude protein (11.5%), total digestible nutrients (59.2%), neutral detergent fiber (62.7%), and acid detergent fiber (37.6%), whereas the forage quality of Ongreen was higher than that of Amba in (71.0%). The new variety was selected and named Onnuri 2ho from Composite 34 by the RDA in November 2014, and the application for the protection of the new variety by the Korea Seed and Variety Service is currently pending. In this study, a new variety of Orchardgrass with excellent environmental adaptability was developed, in order to contribute to the vitalization of the Korean grassland industry. *Corresponding Author: Tel , cornhc@korea.kr
156 PB-68 Agricultural Characteristics and SSR Profiling of Soybean from Korea, China, Japan and Southeast Asia Yu-Mi Choi *, Sukyeung Lee, Do yoon Hyun, Sejong Oh, Myung-Chul Lee, Hocheol Ko, On-Sook Hur, Na-Young Ro, Yeon-Ju Jeong National Academy of Agricultural Science, RDA, Jeonju Rep. of Korea This experiment was carried out to compare the morphological traits of Korean, Chinese, Japanese and Southeast Asian(SEA) soybeans from RDA genebank. Days to flowering were ranged from 51 to 125 days with an average of 75 days. Those of China were the shortest with an average of 58 days and those of SEA were the longest with an average of 99 days. Growth days were the shortest with 94 days from China, and longest with 188 days from Korea and SEA. The 100 seed weight of soybeans was ranged from 3.4g to 46.4g, with an average 22.2g. The 100 seed weight was the lightest with an average 11.8g from SEA and the heaviest with an average 24.6g from Korea. In growth habit, over 50% of being collected from Korea, Japan and China were erect type, but 94% from SEA were intermediate type. The highest percentage of seed coat color was yellow(66.1%), followed by yellowing green(10.0%). As a result of cotyledon color in 760 black seed was 76.1% with yellow, 23.9% with green. Green cotyledon was much more in Korea(38.6%) and Japan(33.3%) than other countries. One thousand seven accessions from Korea, Japan, China and SEA were analyzed using 7 SSR markers. One hundred eighty alleles were detected with a lowest 16 at the Satt537 and a highest 35 at the Satt390. The average polymorphism information content(pic) was 0.68, the highest with 0.7 in Japan. Gene diversity was the highest with 0.73 in China and Japan, while the lowest in SEA with Keywords: soybean, days to flowering, cotyledon color, 100 seed weight, seed coat color, PIC, SSR, *Corresponding Author: Tel , cym0421@korea,kr PB-69 A Red Single Freesia Cutie Red for Pot Plant Youn Jung Choi *, Hyang Young Jeoung, Dae Hoe Goo, Yun Im Kang, Hae Ryong Cho Floriculture Division, National Institute of Horticultural and Herbal Science, RDA, Suwon, , Korea A freesia (Freesia hybrida Hort.) Cutie Red was developed for the pot flower in the National Institute of Horticultural Herbal Science in This hybrid was crossed and selected from a seedling of three-way crossing the seedling of Volcano and Sailor with Figaro, and Suzy in 2006 and 2010, respectively. Morphological characteristics of the selected freesia hybrid were investigated for 3 years from 2011 to 2013, and then it was named Cutie Red in Cutie Red has single and red petals (RHS, R45A) with yellow-orange color of center (RHS, YO21B). The average flower width is 5.3 cm and the average yield is 4. The growth of the plant is vigorous and the average height is 70.3 cm, and it is shorter than about 15.4 cm that of control cultivar Red Race. The average number of floret per stalk and stalk length, 10.7, and the stalk was 9.6 cm length, shorter than Red Lace, 13 and 11.7 cm length, respectively. The first flowering, in avarage, of Cutie Red takes about 141 days, and it s average vase life and yield is 9.7 days and 5 cormlets per plant, respectively. *Corresponding Author: Tel , lillium@korea.kr
157 PB-70 수량많고껍질벗김성이뛰어난잎자루채소용고구마우수계통선발 한선경 1*, 안승현 2, 김재명 1, 송연상 3, 이형운 1, 양정욱 1, 이준설 1, 남상식 1, 이경보 1 1 전라남도무안군무안로 199 국립식량과학원바이오에너지작물연구소 2 전라북도완주군이서면혁신로 181 국립식량과학원기획조정과 3 페루국제감자연구소 고구마는주로괴근 ( 덩이뿌리 ) 을식용으로이용하지만최근고구마지상부에대한영양성분및기능성이밝혀지면서다양한식품소재로이용되고있다. 고구마줄기에는탄수화물, 당류, 단백질등의에너지원과칼슘, 철등의여러무기질이함유되어있으며, 비타민함량은괴근보다더많다고알려져있다. 현재농가에서주로재배하고있는잎자루채소용고구마품종은국립식량과학원에서육성한 신미 품종으로, 그이외에잎자루채소용고구마의품종육성은미흡한실정이다. 따라서본시험은수량이많고껍질벗김성이뛰어난우수계통을선발하여품종으로개발하고자수행하게되었다. 고구마는 신미 ( 잎자루색녹색 ) 와 하얀미 ( 자주색 + 녹색 ) 를대조품종으로하여 MI , MI 는 2014 년 3 월중순에유리온실에파종 ( 주간 0.5m, 조간 0.5m) 하고파종후 60 일부터 15~20 일간격으로 9 차례수확한후생육및품질특성을조사하였다. MI 는 신미 에비하여 10a 당잎자루평균수량이 47% 증수되었으며, 잎자루길이는평균 6cm 정도길었다. 또한잎자루두께도평균 1.3mm 더두꺼우며껍질벗김성은 신미 5 에비하여 7.3 으로용이하였다. 잎자루를삶았을때경도는 신미 의 0.54kg 보다낮은 0.45kg 으로삶는시간이절약되며총폴리페놀함량도신미 949mg/100g 보다 985mg/100g 으로더높았다. MI 은 신미 에비하여 10a 당평균수량이 61%, 잎자루개수는 50% 증수되었고, 잎자루길이는평균 2.5cm 더길었다. 껍질벗김성은 신미 5 에비하여 7.0 으로쉽게벗길수있었고생잎자루의경도와삶았을때의경도는각각 0.86kg, 0.48kg 으로신미 1.05kg, 0.54kg 보다낮아삶는시간이절약되며총폴리페놀함량도 신미 949mg/100g 보다 1,078mg/100g 로더높음을알수있었다. * 주저자 : Tel , skhan92@korea.kr
158 PB-71 절화알스트로메리아 씨엔알스호프 의육성과특성 한수범 1, 박성화 1, 김정석 1, 박형빈 2, 안주희 3, 한태호 1,2,3,4* 1 광주광역시북구용봉로 77 전남대학교농업생명과학대학원예학과 2 광주광역시북구용봉로 77 전남대학교농업생명과학대학식물생명공학부원예생명공학전공 3 광주광역시북구용봉로 77 전남대학교농업과학기술연구소 4 광주광역시북구용봉로 77 전남대학교기술지주회사연구소기업 ( 주 ) 가든플란트 남아메리카원산종인알스트로메리아 (Alstroemeria spp. L) 는 2012 년기준재배면적 9ha 시장규모 15 억, 2013 년기준재배면적 10.7ha 시장규모 21 억으로재배면적과시장규모가매년증가하고있는인기품종이다. 양재동화훼공판장에서거래되는품종은에베레스트, 핑크, 켈거리등 17 품종이있지만모두수입품종으로로열티를지불하고있다. 이를개선하고자전남대학교에서는 2009 년부터알스트로메리아육종을시작하였고, 수정후종자의퇴화를극복하기위해미숙아배양을통하여 2014 년도에국내육성첫품종인씨엔알스호프 (no. 5192) 를국립종자원에등록하였다. 본연구에서는씨엔알스호프의특징을소개하고자한다. 초장, 꽃크기, 분지수, 화색, 꽃모양, 줄무늬수를측정하여외양적특질을통해상품가치를알아보고, 화분의크기및모양, 염색체관찰을통해임성을알아보았다. 씨엔알스호프는분지수가평균 5 개이상이며꽃의크기가가로 4.5cm 세로 4cm 이상, 초장이평균 90cm 이상으로외형에서수입품종에비해손색이없으며, 흰색바탕에노란색과보라색이어우러져있고줄무늬가많으며둥근달걀형의화형으로씨엔알스호프만의아름다움이있어시장에서소비를기대해볼수있다. 염색체관찰결과씨엔알스호프는 4 배체로 3 배체인품종에비해임성이있음을확인할수있었고, 화분관찰결과모양과크기가균일한타원형의화분으로높은임성을기대할수있었다. 씨엔알스호프는외형적아름다움과높은임성으로농가소득향상에기여할수있는품종이될수있다. 사사 : 본연구는농림수산식품부생명산업기술개발사업과농촌진흥청농업유전자원관리기관사업과미래창조과학부연구개발특구기술사업화지원에의해이루어진것임
159 PB-72 정원용장미대목으로사용되는찔레경지삽발근효율증진연구 김정석 1, 강성환 2, 한수범 1, 박성화 1, 안주희 3, 한태호 1,2,3* 1 광주광역시북구용봉로 77 전남대학교농업생명과학대학원예학과 2 광주광역시북구용봉로 77 전남대학교농업생명과학대학식물생명공학부원예생명공학전공 3 광주광역시북구용봉로 77 전남대학교농업과학기술연구소 현재절화용장미는국가기관에서주관하여품종을육성하고있으나, 정원용장미는미진한실정이다. 우리나라에수입판매되는장미묘는주당 1,0000 원 ~30,000 원으로로열티가포함되어있어단가가높으며, 대부분이영국, 독일, 일본등외국에서수입되고있다. 우리나라에서정원용장미의판매액은 80 억원에달하고이중 50 억원에이르는양이수입되고있으며, 수입량도계속늘어가는추세이다. 또한대형공원조성및아파트단지화, 학교, 도로변의울타리용등으로크고작은정원들이생겨나고있어서정원용장미의수요도그만큼증가하고있다. 국내정원장미번식은대부분눈접묘를사용하고있다. 하지만찔레실생을사용한눈접묘생산시스템이노동집약적이고접사들의고령화로인하여눈접묘생산시스템의개선이요구되었다. 본실험에서는눈접묘에사용되는찔레를삽목번식하여대목으로사용하기위해삽목최적화조건을구명하고자하였으며, 삽목배지와시기에따른경지삽발근율효율을조사하였다. 무가시품종인찔레원예 1 호를시료로사용하였고, 삽수는 2 년생가지중목질화가상당히진행된가지를 20cm 정도길이로절단하여 1 시간정도물에침지한후저온창고 ( 섭씨 4 도 ) 에 1 주일보관하였다. 배지는질석과펄라이트 1:1, 질석, 펄라이트를사용하였고시기는 2013 년 9 월부터 2014 년 3 월까지수행하였다. 본실험결과질석과펄라이트를동비율로혼합하여사용한배지가발근율이가장좋았고뿌리무게는다른두종류배지보다낮았으며그외줄기무게, 잎수, 신초무게, 신초길이, 줄기두께, 뿌리건물중은대동소이하였다. 시기적으로는 11 월에 60% 정도의가장높은발근율을보였으며 2 월에 12% 정도로가장낮은발근율을보였다. 찔레원예 1 호외에도여러다양한대목품종들의실험이요구되며그외에도다양한배지에서의발근효율을알아볼필요성이제기되었다. 사사 : 본연구는농림수산식품부생명산업기술개발사업과농촌진흥청농업유전자원관리기관사업과미래창조과학부연구개발특구기술사업화지원에의해이루어진것임
160 PB-73 황기의유효성분대량생산을위한기내배양조건정립 허목 *, 엄유리, 안태진, 이정훈, 김영국, 차선우 충북음성군소이면비산로 92 국립원예특작과학원인삼특작부약용작물과 황기는콩과에속하는다년생초본으로단너삼이라고도불리며한국을비롯한중국, 몽고등아시아지역에서자생한다. 한국에서는한약재와식품을주목적으로재배하며주이용부위인뿌리는독성이없어안정하면서도다양한약리효능때문에소비가증대되고있다. 하지만황기는뿌리작물로써연작장해가심하고재배시노동력과비용이많이소모되기때문에이러한문제점을극복하기위해기내배양조건을구축하고자하였다. 실험재료는황기품종인아성과풍성을이용하였다. 각종자를기내에서발아시키기위해 1% NaOCl 에 5 분동안침지하고다시 70% Et-OH 에 3 분간침지하여표면살균후멸균수에서 3 회세척하였다. 종자발아를유도하기위해 30g/L sucrose 가함유된 1/2MS 배지를 25 인큐베이터에서 16 시간의광조건 3,000 룩스 (lux) 광량으로배양하였다. 부정근을유도하기위하여발아된유식물의잎, 줄기, 뿌리절편을 mm 로절취하여 3~5 mg/l 3-indolybutyric acid(iba) 가첨가된 1/2MS 고체배지를사용하였으며 25, 암조건의인큐베이터에서 3 주간배양하였다. 부정근의증식은고체배양할때에는 1~5 mg/l IBA 가첨가된 MS 배지에캘러스를치상하여 25, 암조건의인큐베이터에서 3 주간배양하였고액체배양은 0.5 와 1.0mg/L IBA 가첨가된 MS 배지에부정근생체를 0.2g 으로정량하여 25, 120rpm, 암조건의진탕배양기에서배양하였다. 그결과캘러스의유도는아성뿌리절편에서 IBA 3 mg/l, 풍성뿌리절편에서 IBA 4 mg/l 일때가장높은유도율을보였다. 캘러스의유도율이가장우수한조건에서얻어진부정근을이용하여고체배양을실시하였으며, 아성은 IBA 3 mg/l, 풍성은 IBA 5 mg/l 에서높은증식률을나타냈다. 액체배지의증식은 MS 액체배지에 IBA 0.5 와 1.0mg/L 농도로수행하였다. 그결과 IBA 1.0mg/L 의 MS 배지에서대조군에비해약 2 배의부정근생산량을보였다. 따라서본연구에서얻어진결과를바탕으로황기의유효성분대량생산을위한기내배양시스템을구축할수있을것이라사료된다. * 주저자 : Tel , mok0822@korea.kr
161 PB-74 발아자극물질 Strigolactone 혼합물의발아자극활성 김현일 1*, 샤시오난 2, 키스기타카야 2, 요네야마카오리 2, 요네야마코이치 2 1 전라북도완주군이서면농생명로 100, 국립원예특작과학원과수과 2 Center for Weed and Wildlife Management, 350 Mine-machi, Utsunomiya University, Utsunomiya , Japan 뿌리기생식물종자의발아를유도하는대표적인물질로알려진 Strigolactone 은토양균의하나인 Arbuscular mycorrhizal 균과의공생적작용은물론, 식물지상부의곁가지생성을억제하는식물호르몬으로서도알려져있다. 최초의 Strigolactone 이목화에서확인되어 Strigol 로명명된이후, 지금까지약 15 종이상의 Strigolcatone 이숙주식물과비숙주식물로부터확인되었다. 대부분의 Strigolactone 은모핵이되는 tricyclic-lantone(abc-ring) 에 methyl butenolide(d-ring) 이 enol ether 결합된구조를이루고있다. 이러한구조적특징이뿌리기생식물종자의발아를자극하는활성으로작용한다. 특히, Strigolactone 의 C-D ring 구조와 AB ring 의치환기가뿌리기생식물의발아자극활성과밀접한관계가있는것으로나타났다. 지금까지뿌리기생식물종자의발아자극활성에관한많은연구가이루어졌으나, 이는 Strigolactone 단독처리를통한활성을측정한것이다. 대부분의식물은두종류이상의 Strigolactone 을분비하는것으로알려져있다. 따라서 Strigolactone 혼합물에대한뿌리기생식물종자의발아자극활성을조사할필요가있다하겠다. 그러므로본연구에서는대표적인뿌리기생식물로알려진 Orobanche minor 와 Phelipanche ramosa 종자를이용하여, solanacol, solanacyl acetate, orobanchol, orobanchyl acetate 및각각의입체이성질체혼합물에대한발아자극활성을조사하였다. 두종류의뿌리기생식물종자는평상시휴면상태로존재하므로, 실험전에휴면타파처리인 Conditioning 을실시한수실험에사용하였다. 또한, 각각의 Strigolactone 혼합물은 M~10-7 M 로처리하였으며, positive control 과 negative control 로는합성 Strigolactone 인 GR24 와 Milli-Q 를각각사용하였다. 뿌리기생식물 orobanche minor 종자에대한발아자극활성을측정한결과, Strigolactone 혼합물의활성에큰차이가확인되지않았다. 그러나 2 -epi-solanacyl acetate 혼합물의경우다른혼합물에비해낮은활성을나타내었다. 또다른뿌리기생식물 phelipanche ramosa 종자에대한발아자극활성에서도각처리구에서뚜렷한차이는확인되지않았다. * 주저자 : Tel , hyunil81@korea.kr
162 PB-75 국내블루베리품종구분을위한형태적특성비교 김수진 *, 고상욱, 남종철, 정성민, 허윤영 전라북도완주군이서면농생명로 100, 국립원예특작과학원과수과 국내에다양한블루베리품종이재배되고있으나품종도입이묘목업자들에의해주도됨으로써정확한품종의판별이어렵고구입한품종의특성이상이하여재배자들이고충을겪는일이많아국내도입된블루베리품종의형태학적특성을파악하기위해연구를수행하였다. 블루베리신초마디의길이는대부분품종이 10~20mm 정도인것으로나타났다. 북부하이부쉬블루베리품종계통의마디가길고래빗아이블루베리품종의마디가짧은편으로나타났으나품종에따라차이가많이나타나일관적인특성으로볼수는없었다. 잎의종경은품종에따라 3~8cm 으로나타났으며, 횡경은 1~4cm 로다양하게나타났다. 잎은하이부쉬블루베리의경우짙고빛나는왁스층을띄는녹색을띄는특징을지닌것들이대부분이었으며래빗아이블루베리나남부하이부쉬블루베리의경우에는하얀분가루가있는듯한연녹색잎색을띄는특징을보였으나품종별로는뚜렷한차이를보이지는않았다. 하이부쉬블루베리의경우화기의색은하얀색이대부분이었으며래빗아이블루베리계통은붉은색을띄는것이많았으며그종간교잡종인남부하이부쉬블루베리에서도붉은색을띄는품종이많은것으로조사되었다. 화기의종경은대부분 5~9mm, 횡경은 8~13mm 로나타났으며화관크기는 2~6mm 로다양하게조사되었다. 과실의무게는품종에따라 1~3g 으로나타났으며과실의종경은 14~20mm, 횡경은 10~15mm 으로나타났다. 과실의경도는 0.4~0.6N 으로대부분은 0.5~0.6N 으로비슷하게나타났다. 당도는 11~16 o Brix 으로조사되었으나, 대부분품종의당도는 11~12 o Brix 로나타났다. 과실의산도는 0.3~1.3% 로 Bladen, Duke, Friendship, Georgiagem, Northsky, Polaris 가산도 0.3% 로가장낮아반수고하이부쉬블루베리품종의산도가대부분낮은것으로조사되었다. 수확기는북부하이부쉬블루베리조생종인 Weymouth 가 5 월 23 로가장빨랐으며래빗아이블루베리인 Tifblue 와 Southland 의수확이 8 월초순으로가장늦었다. 수확기간은짧게는 2 주일부터길게는품종에따라 7 주정도가소요되었다. 이와같이블루베리품종별형태적특성조사를군집분석한결과, 종에따른차이는항목에따라나타나기도하였으나뚜렷한차이를보이지는않아형태적차이에따른품종의구분은어려울것으로판단되어품종구분을위해서는형태적특성외에분자마커의개발이필요할것으로판단되었다. * 주저자 : Tel , himssem@hanmail.net
163 PB-76 Gibberellin Application at Pre-bloom in Grapevines Alters GABA-shunt Resulting in Accumulation of GABA (γ-aminobutyric acid) at Full Bloom Chan Jin Jung, Youn Young Hur *, Sung-Min Jung, Sang-Uk Koh, Jong-Chul Nam Fruit Research Division, National Institute of Horticultural and Herbal Science, RDA, Wanju , Korea The GA application on grapevines induces parthenocarpy, fruit set without fertilization, and the inhibition of pollen tube growth. But the molecular mechanism underlying this inhibition is not understood. Similar defective pollen tube growth within the transmitting tract has been reported in the mutant of GABA transaminase (GABA-T), referred to as pollen-pistil-interaction2 (pop2) in Arabidopsis. In spite of the similarity of pollen tube growth inhibition observed in GA-applied grapevines with that of pop2, only the effects of GABA on stress responses in grapevines have been reported. In present study, transcriptional changes of Vitis GABA metabolic genes, together with changes in GABA levels with or without GA application were analyzed to define how GA application restrained the pollen tube growth in grapevines. A GA solution (Dongbu, Seoul, Korea) at 100 ppm was onto inflorescence clusters 14 days before full bloom (DBF) and clusters were harvested at 0, 1, 2, 4, 7, 9, 12, 14, 16, and 19 days after GA application. Harvested inflorescence samples were immediately frozen in LN 2 and extracted RNA and amino acid. The GABA contents were analyzed using high-performance liquid chromatography (Agilent 1100 HPLC, Agilent Technologies, Inc., Santa Clara, USA) equipped with a C18 column (4.6 mm 150 mm, 3.5 µm/vds optilab, Berlin, Germany), according to the manufacturer s instructions. Without GA application, the simultaneous high expressions of VvGAD1, VvGAD4 and VvGABA-T2 during 10 to 5 days before full bloom (DBF) showing the activation of GABA metabolism. But the contents of GABA were low before 2 DBF, and it peaked only at near full bloom when expression levels of VvGABA-T2 remained low. After GA application, the contents of GABA were constant during 10 to 5 DBF, although transcription levels of both VvGAD1 and VvGABA-T2 rapidly declined less than 30% of the levels observed without GA application. However, the GABA levels increased more than 2-fold only at near full bloom, compared to those without GA application, and at that time, expression levels of VvGAD1 up-regulated more than 3-fold and those of VvGABA-T2 kept low. But other amino acid contents did not show significant changes. In case of VvSSAHDs, their transcriptional changes with or without GA application were not correlated with GABA levels. These results indicates that GABA levels before pollination is tightly regulated, but GA application alters the GABA-shunt to accumulate excess GABA more than needed for proper pollen tube growth at full bloom. Gibberellin application alters the GABA-shunt to accumulate excess GABA resulting in inhibition pollen tube growth in grapevines. *Corresponding Author: Tel , yyhur76@korea.kr
164 PB-77 국내블루베리품종구분을위한형태적특성비교 김수진 *, 고상욱, 남종철, 정성민, 허윤영 전라북도완주군이서면농생명로 100, 국립원예특작과학원과수과 국내에다양한블루베리품종이재배되고있으나품종도입이묘목업자들에의해주도됨으로써정확한품종의판별이어렵고구입한품종의특성이상이하여재배자들이고충을겪는일이많아국내도입된블루베리품종의형태학적특성을파악하기위해연구를수행하였다. 블루베리신초마디의길이는대부분품종이 10~20mm 정도인것으로나타났다. 북부하이부쉬블루베리품종계통의마디가길고래빗아이블루베리품종의마디가짧은편으로나타났으나품종에따라차이가많이나타나일관적인특성으로볼수는없었다. 잎의종경은품종에따라 3~8cm 으로나타났으며, 횡경은 1~4cm 로다양하게나타났다. 잎은하이부쉬블루베리의경우짙고빛나는왁스층을띄는녹색을띄는특징을지닌것들이대부분이었으며래빗아이블루베리나남부하이부쉬블루베리의경우에는하얀분가루가있는듯한연녹색잎색을띄는특징을보였으나품종별로는뚜렷한차이를보이지는않았다. 하이부쉬블루베리의경우화기의색은하얀색이대부분이었으며래빗아이블루베리계통은붉은색을띄는것이많았으며그종간교잡종인남부하이부쉬블루베리에서도붉은색을띄는품종이많은것으로조사되었다. 화기의종경은대부분 5~9mm, 횡경은 8~13mm 로나타났으며화관크기는 2~6mm 로다양하게조사되었다. 과실의무게는품종에따라 1~3g 으로나타났으며과실의종경은 14~20mm, 횡경은 10~15mm 으로나타났다. 과실의경도는 0.4~0.6N 으로대부분은 0.5~0.6N 으로비슷하게나타났다. 당도는 11~16 o Brix 으로조사되었으나, 대부분품종의당도는 11~12 o Brix 로나타났다. 과실의산도는 0.3~1.3% 로 Bladen, Duke, Friendship, Georgiagem, Northsky, Polaris 가산도 0.3% 로가장낮아반수고하이부쉬블루베리품종의산도가대부분낮은것으로조사되었다. 수확기는북부하이부쉬블루베리조생종인 Weymouth 가 5 월 23 로가장빨랐으며래빗아이블루베리인 Tifblue 와 Southland 의수확이 8 월초순으로가장늦었다. 수확기간은짧게는 2 주일부터길게는품종에따라 7 주정도가소요되었다. 이와같이블루베리품종별형태적특성조사를군집분석한결과, 종에따른차이는항목에따라나타나기도하였으나뚜렷한차이를보이지는않아형태적차이에따른품종의구분은어려울것으로판단되어품종구분을위해서는형태적특성외에분자마커의개발이필요할것으로판단되었다. * 주저자 : Tel , himssem@hanmail.net
165 PB-78 발아자극물질 Strigolactone 혼합물의발아자극활성 김현일 1*, 샤시오난 2, 키스기타카야 2, 요네야마카오리 2, 요네야마코이치 2 1 전라북도완주군이서면농생명로 100, 국립원예특작과학원과수과 2 Center for Weed and Wildlife Management, 350 Mine-machi, Utsunomiya University, Utsunomiya , Japan 뿌리기생식물종자의발아를유도하는대표적인물질로알려진 Strigolactone 은토양균의하나인 Arbuscular mycorrhizal 균과의공생적작용은물론, 식물지상부의곁가지생성을억제하는식물호르몬으로서도알려져있다. 최초의 Strigolactone 이목화에서확인되어 Strigol 로명명된이후, 지금까지약 15 종이상의 Strigolcatone 이숙주식물과비숙주식물로부터확인되었다. 대부분의 Strigolactone 은모핵이되는 tricyclic-lantone(abc-ring) 에 methyl butenolide(d-ring) 이 enol ether 결합된구조를이루고있다. 이러한구조적특징이뿌리기생식물종자의발아를자극하는활성으로작용한다. 특히, Strigolactone 의 C-D ring 구조와 AB ring 의치환기가뿌리기생식물의발아자극활성과밀접한관계가있는것으로나타났다. 지금까지뿌리기생식물종자의발아자극활성에관한많은연구가이루어졌으나, 이는 Strigolactone 단독처리를통한활성을측정한것이다. 대부분의식물은두종류이상의 Strigolactone 을분비하는것으로알려져있다. 따라서 Strigolactone 혼합물에대한뿌리기생식물종자의발아자극활성을조사할필요가있다하겠다. 그러므로본연구에서는대표적인뿌리기생식물로알려진 Orobanche minor 와 Phelipanche ramosa 종자를이용하여, solanacol, solanacyl acetate, orobanchol, orobanchyl acetate 및각각의입체이성질체혼합물에대한발아자극활성을조사하였다. 두종류의뿌리기생식물종자는평상시휴면상태로존재하므로, 실험전에휴면타파처리인 Conditioning 을실시한수실험에사용하였다. 또한, 각각의 Strigolactone 혼합물은 M~10-7 M 로처리하였으며, positive control 과 negative control 로는합성 Strigolactone 인 GR24 와 Milli-Q 를각각사용하였다. 뿌리기생식물 orobanche minor 종자에대한발아자극활성을측정한결과, Strigolactone 혼합물의활성에큰차이가확인되지않았다. 그러나 2 -epi-solanacyl acetate 혼합물의경우다른혼합물에비해낮은활성을나타내었다. 또다른뿌리기생식물 phelipanche ramosa 종자에대한발아자극활성에서도각처리구에서뚜렷한차이는확인되지않았다. * 주저자 : Tel , hyunil81@korea.kr
166 PB-79 Analysis of transcriptional regulation of Arabidopsis PIF family genes in response to abiotic stresses Jin-Seok Moon 1,3*, Satoshi Kidokoro 1, Daisuke Todaka 1, Sayuri Igusa 1, Junya Mizoi 1, Kazuo Shinozaki 2, Kazuko Yamaguchi-Shinozaki 1 1 Grad. Sch. Agr. Life Sci., Univ. Tokyo 2 Center for Sustainable Resource Science, RIKEN 3 Fruit Research Division, National Institute of Horticultural and Herbal Science, RDA, Wanju , Korea As one of the most severe stress conditions, drought strongly affects the plant growth and productivity. OsPIL1, a gene encoding a rice Phytochrome Interacting Factor (PIF)-Like transcription factor, was found to be down-regulated under drought stress condition. OsPIL1 shows a diurnal expression pattern and known to be involved in regulation of plant height. However, the mechanisms of down-regulation of OsPIL1 expression under stress conditions are remained unclear. In this study, the expression of PIF4 and PIF5, the most homologous genes of OsPIL1 in Arabidopsis, was analyzed and the expression of these genes were found to be oscillated in circadian manner and down-regulated in response to drought and low temperature similar to that of OsPIL1. To identify the regions involved in the responses to drought, low temperature and diurnal cycle, the promoter analysis of PIF4 was performed using transgenic Arabidopsis. Further promoter analysis is ongoing to specify regulatory regions in more detail. *Corresponding Author: Tel , gsmoon@chol.com PB-80 Characterization of the Koji (Aspergillus oryzae) in four wheat varieties Jong-Nae Hyun 1*, Hyung-ho Park 1, Kyung-Hun Kim 1, Kyung-Min Kim 1, Jee-Yeon Ko 1, Young-Up Kweon 1, Chon-Sik Kang 2, Sang-Jong Lim 2, Jae-Hyun Kim 3 1 Department of Southern Area, NICS, Miryang, , Republic of Korea 2 National Institute of Crop Science, Jeonju, , Republic of Korea 3 National Academy of Agricultural Science, Jeonju, , Republic of Korea Koji (Aspergillus oryzae) is used to ferment crude cereals of wheat to make a traditional alcoholic drink called Makkolli and industrial materials. It s quality varies depending on the wheat quality. Four domestic wheat varieties (Kosomil, Jokyungmil, Geumgangmil, Baegjungmil) were characterized. They were found similar in ph (6.02 to 6.08) and total acid (0.105 to 0.120%) contents. However, amino acid content of Gemgangmil was the highest (4.46%) and that of Baegjungmil was the lowest (3.72%). The total bacillus number was highest in Kosomil ( CFU/ml) and lowest in Gemgangmil ( CFU/ml). On the other hand, the fungus number was CFU/ml in Gemgangmil and the other varieties had similar quantity. The content of Alpha-amlyase was the highest (500.01unit/g) in Kosomil followed by Jokyungmil and Gemgangmil, and the lowest was in Baegjungmil (353.32unit/g). The content of Glucoamlyase was the highest in Geumgangmil (5105.0unit/g) followed by Jokyungmil and Kosomil, and the lowest was in Baegjungmil (3880.0unit/g). Acid protease was the highest in Kosomil ( unit/g) followed by Geumgangmil and Baegjungmil, and the lowest in Jokyungmil (1280.5unit/g). From the result, Koji made from Kosomil was found to be of superior quality. *Corresponding Author: Tel , hyunjn@korea.kr
167 PB-81 A high tocopherol content rice cultivar Tocomi-1 Jung Eun Hwang *, In Jung Jung, Sung Min Han, Hong-Il Choi, Soon-Jae Kwon, Jin-Baek Kim, Si-Yong Kang, Dong Sub Kim Advanced Radiation Technology Institute, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Jeongeup , Republic of Korea Tocomi-1, a new japonica rice cultivar derived from a 200 Gy gamma ray irradiation with high tocopherol content and red pericarp. The local adaptability test of MRXII was carried out from 2012 to 2014 and it was named as Tocomi-1 in This variety is medium matured with heading date of August 12 in honam plain area of Korea. This variety is about 80 cm tall culm length and 106 spikelets per panicle. Its 1,000 grain-weight of rice seeds is 25.4 g. The yield potential of this variety is about 5.15 MT/ha in local adaptability test for three years. This variety exhibited greater seed longevity than the Donganbyeo, indicating a crucial role for tocopherols in maintaining viability during quiescence, and displayed faster seedling growth during the early growth stage. Tocopherol contents was 50% higher than the Donganbyeo. To study the molecular mechanism underlying vitamin E biosynthesis, we examined the expression patterns of seven rice genes encoding vitamin E biosynthetic enzymes. Accumulation levels of the OsVTE2 transcript and OsVTE2 protein in the Tocomi-1 were significantly higher than in the Donganbyeo. Sequence analysis revealed that the Tocomi-1 harbored a point mutation in the OsVTE2 promoter region, which resulted in the generation of MYB transcription factor binding cis-element. These results help identify the promoter regions that regulate OsVTE2 transcription, and offer insights into the regulation of tocopherol content in Tocomi-1. *Corresponding Author: Tel , bioplant@kaeri.re.kr
168 PB-82 고생장성의복색홑꽃절화용스프레이국화 매직발라드 육성 황주천 1*, 진영돈 1, 정용모 1, 안동춘 1, 이병정 1, 이상대 2, 정병룡 3 1 경남창원시의창구대산면경남농업기술원화훼연구소 2 경남진주시경남농업기술원연구개발국 3 경남진주시가좌동경상대학교농업생명과학대학원예학과 스프레이국화 매직발라드 는 2010 년 10 월에경남농업기술원화훼연구소에서복색홑꽃인 Hansome 을모본, 생장성이좋고흰녹병에강한복색홑꽃화형의 Magic(CFC0072) 을부본으로인공교배하여획득한 474 개의종자로부터실생계통을양성하여화색이좋고화형이안정되며, 생장성이우수한홑꽃화형의복색 (RP64A/WNN155C) 인스프레이국화 HM 을개체선발하였다. 삽목에의해개체증식후화훼연구소비닐온실내에정식하였으며, 2012 년부터 2013 년까지 2 년간에걸쳐 1 2 차생육특성검정을통해안정성, 균일성과흰녹병저항성등을조사하였고, 2014 년에는계통번호 경남교 CS-42 호 를부여하여 3 차특성검정을수행해안정성과균일성에대한연차별재현성그리고주년생산성 ( 자연, 촉성, 억제재배 ) 및품평회와시장출하등을통해생산자와소비자의기호성평가를받았다. 그결과고생장성이면서착화성이좋고흰녹병에도비교적강해재배자들이선호하고또한화형 화색이우수하여소비자들의기호성이아주높을뿐만아니라품질이우수하다고판단되어 2014 년농작물직무육성신품종심의회심의를거쳐 매직발라드 로명명하고 12 월말국립종자원에품종보호출원하였다. 국화 매직발라드 품종의자연개화기는 10 월하순이며, 선명한자주색 (RP64A) 꽃잎의가장자리부분에깊게백색 (WNN155C) 테를아주조화롭게두른복색홑꽃화형인스프레이국화이다. 화형이안정되고화색이우수하며, 생육이균일하고동시개화한다. 초장 125.5cm, 줄기직경 7.2mm 로대조품종인 Hansome 의 114.7cm, 6.4mm 보다 11cm, 0.8mm 정도길고굵으며, 꽃크기는 6.4cm 로대조품종보다약간크다. 턱잎크기는중간정도이고잎은대조품종보다약간크다. 잎최하단의열편깊이가얕은편이고기부의주된모양이대조품종은둥근반면에심장형이며, 잎의광택은약하다. 잎자루길이는 11.3cm 로약간길지만견고하여부러짐이없어절화시작업성이좋다. 설상화의주된형태는선단모양이둥근모양이고꽃잎수는 29.8 개로많다. 평균착화수는 14.8 개로서대조품종보다 1 2 개적고절화수명은 21.9 일로대조품종보다 3 일정도길다. 매직발라드 품종은비닐하우스내에서연중재배할수있으며, 재배상유의사항은하계고온기에는화색발현을위해한낮엔차광율 30% 정도의한랭사로차광하여온도상승을막아주고환기도충분히해주는것이좋다. * 주저자 : Tel , gypso@korea.kr
169 PC-01 Genetic Analysis and Fine Mapping of Panicle Tip Mutant pnt in rice (Oryza sativa L.) Abebe Megersa Diriba, Dongryung Lee, Jeonghwan Seo, Backki Kim, Zhuo Jin, Hee-Jong Koh * Department of Plant Science, Research Institute of Agriculture and Life Science, and Plant Genomics and Breeding Institute, Seoul National University, Seoul , Korea. In the rice inflorescence development, timing of inflorescent meristem abortion, conversion of the rachis branch meristem to the terminal spikelet meristem and shift to lateral meristem identity determine the overall architecture of the rice panicle (keda-kawakatsu et al. 2009). Cheng et al. (2011) reported that quantitative trait loci (QTLs) have major effects on panicle apical abortion in rice. However, there have been very few reports about panicle tip mutants. Therefore, this research is conducted to fine map mutant gene and perform functional analysis of mutant gen. Hwacheongbyeo (japonica rice) seed was treated with ethyl methane sulfonate (EMS) for inducing mutation. Two F2 population (Japanica mutant crossed with wild type and Japanica mutant crossed with Milyang 23, Indica type) were established for Phenotyping and genomic analysis. STS markers in crop molecular Breeding laboratory. Additional STS markers for fine mapping were developed based on the Nipponbare genome sequence ( All F2 generations showed the segregation of normal plants and mutant following a ratio of 3:1 suggesting the mutant phenotype is caused by a single recessive gene. Initial BSA test made using STS markers confirmed the mutant gene is found in the long arm of chromosome 8. Panicle tip mutant gene, pnt has pleotropic effect which has been manifested in significant reduction of tiller development starting from late stage of vegetative growth and pronounced effect on possession of stay green nature of the rice during the vegetative stage of development. The only significant difference observed within panicle traits is the number of spikelet on primary branch and spikelet fertility. The first primary branch which contain aborted spikelet and elongated distance between spikelet is the most affected structure in the panicle. This work was supported by a grant from the Next-Generation BioGreen 21 Program (Plant Molecular Breeding Center No. PJ ), Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea. *Corresponding Author: Tel , heejkoh@snu.ac.kr PC-02 Phylo rice transcription factor database: a resource for phylogenomics based systematic analysis of rice transcription factor for functional studies Anil Kumar N.C, Yo-Han Yoo, Ki-Hong Jung * Graduate School of Biotechnology, Kyung Hee University, Yongin , Korea Rice gene functional annotation is greatly hindered due to functional redundancy. Based on OGRO database information, function of only 1022 genes were characterized previously where estimated expressed genes is approximately TFs protein class consist of 80 families and function of only 211 were reported. To address this issue, we developed web resource using MySQL, PHP and related frame work. Database integrates expression pattern and diverse data in phylogenomic contest. Since TFs plays diverse role in plants, meta-expression analysis would provide putative function of remaining genes. Using this approach and in-house database, we have identified featured expression groups: 228 belongs to anatomy, 224 to abiotic stress, 202 to biotic stress and hormone responsive group includes 267 genes. Out of 315 known genes through loss of functional studies, 294 genes have no closely related family members. Among 12 pairs with probes in database, 6 genes have PCC value with more than 0.5 among closely related genes. These data suggest that TFs showing more than 0.5 PCC value among closely relating family members more likely have functional dominancy. This study will provide useful functional information for whole rice TFs and suggest promising functional genomic studies. *Corresponding Author: khjung2010@khu.ac.kr
170 PC-03 Map-based cloning to identify gene involving in male gametophyte development in Arabidopsis Thi Hoai Thuong Nguyen, Hyo-Jin Park, Tien Dung Nguyen, Sung Aeong Oh, Soon Ki Park * School of Applied Biosciences, Kyungpook National University, Korea In the course of map-based cloning, mutant genes are identified through linkage to specific region on genetic map. Here, we demonstrated gametophytic mutant line, named as AP-28-23, in which mutant gene was mapped on chromosome 2. Based on phenotypic analysis of mature pollen, mutant phenotype of AP was classified into three classes, wild-type showing 2-4%, moderate 35-53% and severe type % on aberrant pollen frequencies, respectively. The severe type is completely sterilized with 100% unfertilized ovules. We also revealed that the transmission was reduced through male gametophyte in the AP line. The transmission efficiency (TE) through the male gametophyte is only 0.67%, whereas in the female gametophyte is 89.87%. *Corresponding Author: Tel , psk@knu.ac.kr PC-04 Molecular characterization and functional analysis of the UDP-glucose 4-epimerase (BrUGE) gene family in response to biotic and abiotic stress in Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa) Yu Jin Jung 1,2, Boo Min Yun 1, Hyun Ji Kim 1, Yong Gu Cho 3, Ill Sup Noh 4, Kwon Kyoo Kang 1,2* 1 Department of Horticulture, Hankyong National University, Ansung, , Korea 2 Institute of Genetic Engineering, Hankyong National University, Ansung , Korea 3 Department of Crop Science, Chungbuk National University,Cheongju, , Korea 4 Department of Horticulture, Sunchon National University, Sunchon, , Korea UDP-glucose 4-epimerase (UGE; EC ) is an enzyme that plays an essential role in the interconverts UDP-D-glucose (UDP-Glc) and UDP-Dgalactose (UDP-Gal). Five members of the Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa) UDP-glucose 4-epimerase gene family, designated BrUGE1 to BrUGE5, have been cloned and characterized. Quantitative PCR shows that the BrUGE1and BrUGE4 mrna are most abundant among other BrUGE genes, accounting for more than 55% of total BrUGE transcripts in most of the tissues examined. All genes showed organ specific expression pattern, two of which (BrUGE1 and 4) actively responded after Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. carotovorum infection, while four genes (BrUGE-1, -3, -4 and -5)were shown to respond considerably against salt, drought and abscisic acid (ABA) treatments. To better understand the function of the UGE gene, we constructed a recombinant part vector carrying the BrUGE1 gene under the control of the CaMV 35S promoter and nos terminator and transformed using Agrobacterium tumefaciens. We then investigated BrUGE1 overexpressing rice lines at the physiological and molecular levels under biotic and abiotic stress conditions. Bioassay of T 3 progeny lines of the transgenic plants in Yoshida solution containing 120 mm Nacl for 2 weeks, confirmed that the BrUGE1 enhances salt tolerance to transgenic rice plants. Also T 3 progeny lines of the transgenic plants, when exposed to infection caused by Xanthomonas oryzae pv oryzae, showed tolerance to bacterial blight. These results showed that BrUGE1 can be used as potential genetic resource for engineering Brassica with multiple stress resistance
171 PC-05 A Map-based Cloning Approach for the Identification of a Low Temperature Sensitive Gene sy-2 in Chilli pepper (Capsicum chinense) Li Liu 1, Min-Young Kang 1, Jin-Ho Kang 1, Yeong Deuk Jo 1, Sota Koeda 2, Munetaka Hosokawa 2, Doil Choi 3, Byoung-Cheorl Kang 1* 1 Department of Plant Science and Plant Genomics and Breeding Institute, Seoul National University, Seoul , Korea 2 Department of Agronomy and Horticultural Science, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto , Japan 3 Department of Plant Science, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul , Korea sy-2 (Seychelles-2) is a temperature sensitive natural mutant of Capsicum chinense and native to Seychelles Island in Africa. Previously we showed that sy-2 leaves were irregularly shaped and defective in chlorophyll development at temperatures below 24. A segregation test revealed that the sy-2 gene is controlled by a single recessive gene. To identify the sy-2 gene, we performed a map-based cloning approach using a total 600 individual F 2 plants derived from crossing sy-2 and the wild type C. chinense No Fine-mapping of the locus allowed us to position sy-2 to an approximately 170-kb region flanked by markers IN2-1-1 and SNP-3-7 on chromosome 1. Among the approximately 36 hypothetical genes in this region several candidate genes including: HSP90-like ATPase family proteins, lipid-transfer proteins, calmodulin-domain protein kinases, and zinc finger proteins (ZFPs) were identified. RT-PCR and sequencing of the hypothetical genes are under way to identify sy-2. Keywords: Capsicum chinense, map-based cloning, single nucleotide polymorphism, sy-2 *Corresponding Author: bk54@snu.ac.kr
172 PC-06 Characterization and interaction analysis of two QTLs, QTL5-1 and QTL5-2, controlling Phytophthora capsici resistance in Capsicum annuum using near-isogenic lines Hyeon-Seok Jeong 1, Muhammad Irfan Siddique 1, Jeong-Tak An 1, Ki Taek Kim 2, Gyung Ja Choi 3, Darush Struss 4, Byoung-Cheorl Kang 1* 1 Department of Plant Science, Plant Genomics and Breeding Institute, and Vegetable Breeding Research Center, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul , Republic of Korea 2 The Foundation of Agricultural Technology Commercialization and Transfer, Suwon, Republic of Korea 3 Chemical Biotechnology Research Center, Green Chemistry Division, Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology, Daejeon, Republic of Korea 4 Biotechnology group East West Seed, Hortigenetics Research, Chiang Mai, Thailand Phytophthora capsici an Oomycete pathogen is a major challenge to the pepper (Capsicum spp.) production around the world. Control measures are proved ineffective, so breeding resistant cultivars are the most promising strategy against the pathogen. Resistance against P. capsici is governed by quantitative trait loci (QTL). According to previous studies on QTL detection, the QTL on pepper chromosome 5 is a major contributor to resistance. In this study, to exploit the involvement of this QTL and identify its contributing genes, the F 2 population derived from a cross between ECW30R and CM334 was inoculated with a medium virulence P. capsici strain JHAI1-7 zoospores at the 6-8 leaf stage. Composite interval mapping revealed two major QTLs; QTL5-1 from 7 days post inoculation (dpi) and QTL5-2 from 16 dpi on chromosome 5. To characterize and detect interactions of the two QTLs, near isogenic lines (NIL) were constructed by crossing Tean and recombinant inbred line (RIL) derived from a cross between YCM334 and Tean. RILs were screened with P. capsici strain MY-1 and resistant lines were selected. Among the resistance RILs most closely related to Tean were selected using AFLP and SSR genotyping data. These RILs were named as YT39-2 and YT To develop more advanced NILs, two rounds of marker-assisted backcrossing were done using a high-throughput SNP genotyping system (EPI Fluidigm, USA). Among the NILs derived from YT39-2, YT contains only QTL5-1 whereas YT and YT were identified to have both QTLs. On the other hand, YT with the highest Tean genetic background contains QTL5-1 only. In the next step, the 3 different NILs having QTL5-1, QTL5-2 individually and both QTLs will be identified. Furthermore, phenotyping and fine mapping will be done for the analysis of individual and interaction effects of QTLs. *Corresponding Author: Tel , bk54@snu.ac.kr
173 PC-07 한국들잔디에서의 β-1,3-glucanase 유전자의 cloning 강소미 1, 강지남 1, 강홍규 2, 선현진 2, 권용익 2, 고석민 2, 이효연 1,2 1 제주대학교생명공학부 2 제주대학교아열대원예산업연구소 한국형잔디는다른병에비해진전속도가빠르고주로뿌리에서부터발병하여잔디를고사시키고발병후구제하기매우어려운라이족토니아잎마름병 ( 라지패취 ) 이큰문제로대두되고있다. 라이족토니아잎마름병 ( 라지패취 ) 은 Rhizoctonia solani AG2-2(Ⅳ) 병원균에의해발생하는데, 이병원균에강한내병성들잔디를개발하기위해식물방어반응에중요한역할을하는것으로알려진 PR-Protein 중하나인 β-1,3-glucanase 를들잔디로부터 cloning 하였다. β-1,3-glucanase 는바이러스나균의감염으로인해식물조직이과민반응을일으킬때세포내에서생성되고세포외로분비되어세포사이공간에서주로기능을하는것으로알려져있다. β-1,3-glucanase 의기능분석이되어있는단자엽식물중옥수수, 밀, 보리, 벼의염기서열에서공통으로보존되어있는부분을이용해 degenerate PCR 을수행하고얻어낸 sequence 를통해 3` RACE 와 5` RACE 를진행하였다. 그결과 1,228 bp, 399 개의아미노산으로구성된 ZJGlu1 과 1,179 bp, 340 개의아미노산으로구성된 ZJGlu2 의 Full-sequence 얻어냈다. ZJGlu1 과 ZJGlu2 와의염기서열상동성은 76% 이며, ZJGlu1 의경우 VISESGWPSAG 서열을보존하고있고 ZJGlu2 의경우 VSESGWPSA 서열을보존하고있어 glycosyl hydrolase motif(lgivisesgwpsag) 와비교해봤을때상당부분일치하는것을보였다. ZJGlu1 과 ZJGlu2 유전자의기능을해석하기위해각각의유전자를도입한식물형질전환용벡터를제작하여모델식물인애기장대와잔디형질전환체는현재진행중에있으며, E.coli over-expression 을수행하여목표단백질을정제하고 in vitro 활성을측정할예정이다. 사사 : 한국연구재단대학중점연구소지원사업으로수행된연구임 ( ) * 주저자 : Tel , hyoyeon@jejunu.ac.kr
174 PC-08 환경스트레스내성들잔디 (Zoysia japonica Steud.) 의형질전환체개발 박미영 1, 선현진 1, 이동희 2, 류기중 3, 이효연 1,3* 1 제주대학교아열대원예산업연구소 2 ( 주 ) 제노마인 3 제주대학교생명공학부 한국들잔디 (Korean Lawngrass, Zoysia japonica Steud.) 는한국잔디류중답압성, 내한성, 내서성이가장강하며, 관리가용이하여정원, 공원, 묘지, 경사면녹화등에폭넓게이용되고있다. 최근잔디의이용범위가확대되면서다양한용도의잔디품종개발이요구되고있어개량할수있는형질이제한되어있는전통육종법대신분자육종에의한신품종개발이활발하게진행되고있다. 본연구에서는건조, 산화스트레스내성, 노화지연등의형질을제공하는것으로알려진애기장대유래의 ATPG10 (AT-hook protein of Genomine 10) 유전자를 Agrobacterium 형질전환방법을이용하여도입시켰다. Agrobacterium 배양액을최종 O.D.600 값이 0.1 이될때까지현탁하여재분화가잘되는형태의캘러스를 24 시간감염, 3 일간공동배양, PPT 항생제가첨가된선발배지에서신초유도및선발, 2~3cm 이상성장한 shoot 를뿌리유도및선발과정을거쳐 11 개체의형질전환식물을생산하였다. 확보된형질전환체는순화 / 증식하여유전자의도입및발현을확인하고기능분석을수행하고있다. ATPG10 유전자가도입된형질전환식물은생산성증대, 건조스트레스내성, 산화스트레스내성, 노화지연등의기능을가질것으로기대된다. 사사 : 농촌진흥청차세대바이오그린 21 사업 (PJ ); 한국연구재단기초연구사업 ( ) * 주저자 : Tel , hyoyeon@jejunu.ac.kr PC-09 제초제저항성 GM 들잔디유래초형개선신품종잔디 (JG21-MJ) 계통의분자생물학적특성평가 정하나 1, 좌지방 2, 선현진 1, 권용익 1, 강홍규 1*, 이효연 1,2 1 제주특별자치도제주시아라 2 동제주대학교아열대원예산업연구소 2 제주특별자치도제주시아라 2 동제주대학교생명공학부 잔디는스포츠경기장, 골프장, 조경분야, 공원, 묘지, 사방건설, 개인주거지등광범위하게활용되고있는고부가가치의경제성작물이다. 본연구는제초제저항성들잔디 JG21 의화분 (pollen) 과금잔디 (Z. meliloti) 암술 (carpel) 의종간인공수분을통해육성된제초제저항성교배종잔디계통 (JG21-MJ) 의분자생물학적특성을평가하기위해수행되었다. genomic Southern blot 분석에서제초제저항성교배종잔디들은모두 bar 유전자가확인되었고, JG21 과동일한혼성화패턴 (hybridization pattern) 을보여주었다. PCR 을이용하여교배종가운데제초제저항성이없는대조군품종과제초제저항성품종에서도입유전자주변염기서열을분석하였다. 이실험은들잔디 (JG21) 와금잔디의교배 (F1) 와자가수분 (F2) 과정에서도입유전자삽입위치주변의염기서열에서상동재조합이발생하였는가를조사하기위해수행하였다. 제초제저항성교배종의도입유전자주변염기서열은 JG21 과동일하였고, 제초제저항성이없는대조군의삽입위치주변의염기서열은금잔디의염기서열과동일하였다. 사사 : 본연구는농촌진흥청차세대바이오그린 21 프로그램 ( 과제번호 PJ ) 의지원에의해수행되었음. * 주저자 : Tel , honggyu@jejunu.ac.kr
175 PC-10 Cloning of WRKY genes, induced by stresses in Zoysia japonica Steud. Woo-Nam Kim 1, Yong-Ik Kwon 2, In-Ja Song 2, Bo-Hwa Hwang 2, Dong-Sun Lee 1, Hyo Yeon Lee 1,2* 1 Faculty of Biotechnology, Jeju National University, , korea 2 Subtropical Horticulture Research Institute, Jeju National University, Jeju , korea All kinds of crops including foods, feeds and turf grasses are damaged frequently by various environmental stresses such as drought, salt, cold, and high temperature, which cause the loss of agronomic productivity. Plants cannot escape from environmental stresses. Thus, plants were evolving in the direction of overcoming environmental stresses. Some genes such as ARF, AB13, NAC, HSF, WRKY respond to environmental stresses have been reported in plants. The genes play a role in stress responses pathway of plants, the transcription factor in response to environmental stress. Typically OsWRKY76 increased the low temperature resistance, AtWRKY28 been reported to be related to the environmental stress. Zoysiagrass (Zoysia japonica Steud.) is used primarily useful for the garden or the golf course. But WRKY, environmental stress-related gene, is unknown in zoysiagrass. Here, we report the analyzing of WRKY genes and response by cold, dehydration and senescence stresses in zoysiagrass. Three WRKY gene (ZjWRKY3, ZjWRKY5, ZjWRKY7) cloning from zoysiagrass. It was transformed in arabidopsis and zoysiagrass. It will be a function analysis. This work was supported by a grant from the Next-Generation BioGreen 21 Program (PJ ), Rural Development Administration, Republic of korea. This research was supported by Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education (grant number ) *Corresponding Author: Tel , hyoyeon@jejunu.ac.kr
176 PC-11 Antifungal activities of zoysiagrass (Zosia japonica Steud.) chitinases against Rhizoctonia solani and analysis of fungus responsive cis-elements in chitinase genes promoter Ji-Nam Kang 1, So-Mi Kang 1, Hong-Gyu Kang 2, Hyeon-Jin Sun 2, Yong-Ik Kwon 2, Suk-Min Ko 2, Hyo-Yeon Lee 1,2 1 Faculty of Biotechnology, Jeju National University, Jeju , Korea 2 Subtropical Horticulture Research Institute, Jeju National University, Jeju, , Korea Zoysiagrass are damaged by fungi diseases such as large patch, dollar spot, pythium blight and brown patch. Large patch is one of the major diseases caused by Rhizoctonia solani AG2-2 on zoysiagrass fields e.g. golf courses. Plant chitinases have been known PR (Pathogen related)-protein. In this study, we isolated two chitinase genes (Zjchi1 and Zjchi2) from zoysiagrass. Antifungal activity analysis revealed that Zjchi2 protein inhibited mycelium extension of fungi. A further study, we cloned 5` upstream region from two chitinase genes for investigating transcription regulatory mechanism that inducing of two chitinase genes dependent R. solani bp and -799 of upstream region from Zjchi1 and Zjchi2 successfully isolated using in vitro LA (Long and Accurate) PCR system. And then, we generated promoter-gus reporter constructs with deletion construct based on W-boxes. Constructs were introduced into Arabidopsis thaliana by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation for stable expression of GUS reporter gene. This research was supported by Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education (grant number ) *Corresponding Author: Tel , hyoyeon@jejunu.ac.kr PC-12 The Karyotype Analysis of Lilium Species Native to China Ge Guo, Ki-Byung Lim * Department of Horticultural Science, Kyungpook National Univerasity, Daegu , Korea The karyotype analysis of various Lilium species native to Yun nan, Northeast China, viz., L. sulphureum, L. nepalense var, L. wenshanense, L. nepalense and L. brownie var. were observed through ordinary tablet compressing method. The results indicated that the chromosome number was 2n=2x=24 in all the species studied. The karyotype formula was 2n=2x=24=2m + 6sm (2SAT) + 4st+12t (4SAT) for Lilium sulphureum; 2n=2x=24=2m + 10st (2SAT) + 12t (4SAT) for Lilium nepalense var.; 2n=2x=24=2m + 2sm+8st (6SAT) +12t (2SAT) for Lilium wenshanense; 2n=2x=24=4m (4SAT) + 10st (4SAT) + 10t for Lilium nepalense; 2n=2x=24=2m + 2sm+10st + 10t for Lilium brownii var. The As.K value (the ratio between long arm and total chromosome length) and the ratio of the length of the longest and the shortest chromosome were recorded as 78.25%~83.71% and 1.83~2.18 respectively. The karyotype of all the species was 3B except for L. nepalense which was 3A. Comparatively, the karyotype analysis of Lilium nepalense var. and Lilium nepalense were similar and genetically close to each other. A great diversity in chromosome morphology was existed among different populations or cultivars of the same species. The genetic diversity of different species or populations could be discriminated thru the number and position of different kinds of chromosomes, as well as the difference of satellite number and positions. This work was supported by a grant from Regional Subgene Bank Support Program of Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea
177 PC-13 Bio assay of DNP 7, 9 Response in Rice Screening with Whitebacked planthopper Sopheap Yun 1, Vicheka Than 1, Kyung-A kim 1, Hyun-Suk Lee 1, Gi-Hwan Yi 2, Byung-Wook Yun 1, Kyung-Min Kim 1* 1 Division of Plant Biosciences, School of Applied Biosciences, College of Agriculture and Life Science, Kyungpook National University, Daegu , KOREA 2 Department of Farm Management, College of Agriculture and Life Science, Kyungpook National University, Gunwi-gun, Gyeongbuk , KOREA The objectives of this study were to investigate the diversity of natural products (DNP7, 9) in responding to Whitebacked planthopper (WBPH) feeding. Resistant rice (cv. Cheongcheong ), susceptible rice (cv. Nagdong) and susceptible control rice (cv. TN1) were used as materials for WBPH infestation in seedling stage. The treatment was conducted by spraying DNP 7 and 9 for 100 ppm to materials before being fed to 2 nd and 3 rd instar WBPH while control group was not sprayed DNP 7 and 9. The density of WBPH was 7 insect per plant. As a result, WBPH survival rate of 57% was found in the DNP 7 treatment, whereas those in DNP 9 and control were 27% and 71%, respectively. Resistance score of Cheongcheong, Nagdong, and TN1 in DNP 7 treatment were 3.4±0.8, 5.9±1.9, and 6.8±1.6, respectively, while those in DNP 9 treatment were 1.6±0.8, 4.7±1.6, and 7.9 ±1.4, respectively. The plant heights of Cheongcheong, Nagdong, and TN1 in DNP 7 treatment after 3 week infestation were 19.7±3.0, 23.4±7.5, and 15.8±8, respectively while those in DNP 9 treatment were 32.4±4, 26.3±12.7, and 25.9±8.5, respectively. Moreover, chlorophyll content was examined 3 week post infestation. In both DNP 7 and DNP 9 treatment, the chlorophyll levels of Cheongcheong and Nagdong in were higher than that in control. Based on observation and bio-scoring, plant with DNP 9 was strongly resistant to WBPH feeding and the survival rate of WHPB was lower than plant with DNP7. Acknowledgements: This work was supported by a grant from the Next-Generation BioGreen 21 Program (No. PJ ), Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea. *Corresponding Author: Tel , kkm@knu.ac.kr
178 PC-14 Timing screening effects and QTLs analysis of Whiteback planhopper Resistance Cheongcheong/Nagdong Double haploid Rice Sopheap Yun 1, Hyun-Suk Lee 1, Than Vicheka 1, Gi-Hwan Yi 2, Kyung-Min Kim 1* 1 Division of Plant Biosciences, School of Applied Biosciences, College of Agriculture and Life Science, Kyungpook National University, Daegu , KOREA 2 Department of Farm Management, College of Agriculture and Life Science, Kyungpook National University, Gunwi-gun, Gyeongbuk , KOREA In total, 120 Cheonghcheong/Nagdong doubled haploid (CNDH) populations was developed by F 1 derived from a crossing whitebacked planthopper (WBPH, Sogatella furcifera) resistance Cheongcheong and susceptible Nagdong lines. The main objective of this research was to determine the rice resistance optimum screening after infesting by WBPH and identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs) associated with rice resistance in order to provide consistent information for marker-assisted selection (MAS) and develop new varieties. The genetic map with average 9.6 centimorgans (cm) between markers was constructed from 120 CNDH populations using 217 SSR markers. In this study, The result of determine rice with WBPH infestation showed that the rice damage and resistance at 7, 14, and 21 days, were 100%, 76%, and 10% resistance lines of 120 CNDH population. Four QTLs were detected on four regions of the chromosomes 1 and chromosome 8, which contained qwbph1 and qwbph8 for resistance rice. The markers were found to be contained in identification the genetic markers RM3482, RM1196, RM3709, RM11694, RM11669, RM17699 and RM264 for marker assisted selection. These markers efficiently were shown to be very useful for MAS in breeding populations of crossing lines associated simple sequence repeat (SSR) marker with WBPH resistance in 120 CNDH populations. Acknowledgements: This work was supported by a grant from the Next-Generation BioGreen 21 Program (No. PJ ), Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea. *Corresponding Author: Tel , kkm@knu.ac.kr
179 PC-15 QTLs for detecting DNA markers related to alkali digestion value in rice grain using doubled haploid population Hyun-Suk Lee 1, Gyu-Ho Lee 1, A-Ra Cho 1, Gihwan Yi 2, Kyung-Min Kim 1* 1 Division of Plant Biosciences, School of Applied Biosciences, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, , Korea 2 Department of Farm Management, College of Agriculture & Life Science, Kyungpook National University, Gunwi-gun, Gyeongbuk, , Korea Improving rice high-quality potential is to suffice the food demand of the rapid decreasing consumption, and is a major breeding target recently. We calculated the alkali digestion value (ADV), used to indirectly measure gelatinization temperature, to evaluate the quality of cooked rice in 2013 and The ADV score of frequency distribution was higher milled rice than brown rice. In total, nine different quantitative trait loci (QTLs) were found on chromosomes1, 3, 5, 6 and 8 in 2013 and Also, chromosome 5, 8 were detected over two years. The polymorphism using RM223, RM3530, and RM18130 markers can be used to select lines that have a good trait for breeding of high-quality rice. We conclude that selected molecular markers from this QTL analysis could be exploited in future rice quality. Acknowledgements: This work was supported by a grant from the Next-Generation BioGreen 21 Program (No. PJ ), Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea. *Corresponding Author: Tel , kkm@knu.ac.kr
180 PC-16 Practical use of standard set of microsatellites based classification of primary pears and Korean native pears (Pyrus spp.) Keumsun Kim 1,2, Hyunsuk Shin 1,2, Youngjae Oh 1,2, Sewon Oh 1,2, Jungyeon Won 1,2, Hyeondae Han 1,2, Yoon-Kyeong Kim 3, Seolah Kim 1,2, Sung-Il Oh 4, Mingi Lee 1, Daeil Kim 1,2* 1 Department of Horticulture, Chungbuk National University, Cheongju , Korea 2 Brain Korea 21 Center for Bio-Resource Chungbuk National University, Cheongju , Korea 3 Pear Research Station, National Institute of Horticultural & Herbal Science, Rural Development Administration, Naju , Korea 4 Division of Special-purpose Trees, Korea Forest Research Institute, Suwon , Korea In this study, we sought to identify primary pears species and Korean native pears, without the use of morphological characteristics. In addition, this study was to establish pear DNA fingerprinting data for Korean native pears using 12 microsatellite markers, and to accurately classify a database for management of the Korean pear collection. Forty two pear accessions (7 primary pears, 5 Asian pears, 29 Korean pears, and 2 reference pears) were analyzed with twelve primers covering whole pear genome. In the present study, all pear accessions were successfully classified along with their pedigrees, and the distribution of primary pears was parallel to those of the previous taxonomic results. Korean pears were divided into 3 groups. Group I was characterized by Pyrus calleryana, and included Korean pea pears. Group II was characterized by P. pyrifolia, and was classified into 2 small groups. The first small group comprised of Najucheongbae, Sunchanggulimdolbae, Andongmookbae, Andongdangsilri, and Najucheongbae and was presumed to be cultivars of P. pyrifolia. The second small group consisted of Cheongdangrori and Pyeongchangsuhyangri. These two accessions were assumed to be a hybrid of P. pyrifolia and the other cultivar. Group III was characterized by P. ussuriensis. Goesanhwangbae, Andongcheongsilri, Gongjucheongsilri, and Yecheoncheongbae were assumed to be cultivars of P. ussuriensis. Contrary to Ulreungdocheongbae A, Ulreungdocheongbae B was classified as belonging to the P. ussuriensis group. It is possible that this is a consequence of, P. ussuriensis genes being transferred into Ulreungdocheongbae B. The result of this research reaffirmed the efficiency of a standard set of microsatellite markers and provides data, which will be useful for developing a core collection of pears. *Corresponding Author: Tel , dkpomo@cbnu.ac.kr
181 PC-17 Distinct roles of E3-paralogue genes promote early flowering in late flowering soybean cultivars Kil Hyun Kim 1, Min-Jung Seo 1, Jin-Seok Lee 1, Hwan Hee Bae 1, Jung-Tae Kim 1, Beom-Young Son 1, Seong-Bum Baek 1, Jeom-Ho Lee 1, Jung-Kyung Moon 2, Chang-Hwan Park 1* 1 National Institute of Crop Science, RDA, Suwon, , Republic of Korea 2 National Institute of Crop Science, RDA, Wangju, , Republic of Korea Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr) is a short day plant and has been adapted to various climates and environments during cultivation. However, the cultivation area is restricted to a very narrow range of latitudes. To date, nine major genes (E1 to E8 and J) have been reported to control the flowering time and maturity. Here, we evaluated the role of E2, E3, E4, and their paralogue genes in late flowering soybean cultivars under long day (LD) conditions using Soybean yellow common mosaic virus (SYCMV)-based virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) system. A total of nine VIGS constructs were infiltrated into two fully expanded cotyledons and primary leaves. After inoculation with these VIGS constructs on Jangyeobkong, which is a late-flowering cultivar, phenotypic traits were evaluated for the first flowering dates (FFDs) and pod maturities under LD conditions. The FFDs of the silenced plants occurred days after sowing (das), while the non-silenced plants bloomed on days. We found that the E3 paralogue-silenced plants flowered the fastest and responsive genes were identified to be associated with the promotion of flowering time. As the knock-down of E3 paralogue, expression of E1 was up-regulated, E2 was no difference, E3 and E4 genes were down-regulated in the silenced plants. Expression of GmFT2a and GmFT5a is known to be controlled by E3 and E4. Interestingly, GmFT5a were highly expressed in SYCMV:E3 paralogue-silenced plants, whereas the expression of GmFT2a was not significant. These results support that GmFT5a is able to independently promote flowering under LD conditions. *Corresponding Author: Tel , park6725@korea.kr
182 PC-18 Evidence of whole genome duplication in Panax ginseng draft sequence Nam-Hoon Kim 1, Woojong Jang 1, Murukarthick Jayakodi 1, Sang-Choon Lee 1, Yun Sun Lee 1, Junki Lee 1, Beom-Soon Choi 2, Tae-Jin Yang 1* 1 Department of Plant Science and Plant Genomics and Breeding Institute, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul, , Korea 2 PHYZEN Genomics Institute, Seoul, , Korea The generation and analysis of genomic resources information are essential to understand genomic features of crops. Even though medicinal component and its effect of Panax ginseng was well studied, the genomic study has been recently started. The ginseng genome has been known to undergo two rounds of whole genome duplication (WGD), therefore we investigated an evidence of WGD in ginseng draft sequence for understanding current ginseng genome structure. Four paralogous gene-rich genome blocks were found, consisted by eight scaffolds, using about 3.0 Gb whole genome draft sequence and 48,821 unigenes of P. ginseng generated by whole genome shotgun sequencing. The eight scaffold sequences were ordered and connected into four genomic blocks, using zig-zag extension within scaffold sequences recently duplicated. The paralogous scaffold pairs that were recently duplicated showed high sequence conservation in genic and non-genic regions. However, paleo duplicated paralogue scaffold sequences showed little conservation only in genic regions. Finally, a total of 110 paralogous gene pairs and its expression were identified from recently and paleo duplicated scaffold pairs, which were co-linear among four genomic blocks. This study provides the first insight into duplicated genome structure of ginseng and will be a valuable information for further ginseng genomics including improvement of draft sequence quality, chromosome anchoring of scaffolds, and genetic mapping. This research was supported by Next-Generation BioGreen21 Program for Agriculture & Technology Development (Project No. PJ ) Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea. *Corresponding Author: Tel , tjyang@snu.ac.kr
183 PC-19 Identification and characterization of novel phosphate starvation signaling mutant in Arabidopsis Hyun Jin Chun, Mi Suk Park, Byung-Jun Jin, Min Chul Kim * Division of Applied Life Science (BK21 Plus), Plant Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Research Center, Gyeongsang National University, Jinju , Korea. To identify novel signaling components involved in regulation of plant responses to phosphate (Pi) starvation, we screened an Arabidopsis T-DNA activation tagging library for mutants with altered Pi-starvation responses. Here, we report the identification and characterization of novel activation-tagged mutant involved in Pi starvation signaling in Arabidopsis. The hpd (hypersensitive to Pi deficiency) mutant exhibits enhanced phosphate uptake and altered root architectural change under Pi starvation compared to wild type. Expression analysis of auxin-responsive DR5::GUS reporter gene in hpd mutant indicated that both auxin biosynthesis and auxin translocation under Pi starvation are suppressed in hpd mutant plants. Impaired auxin translocation in roots of hpd mutant was attributable to abnormal root architecture changes in Pi starvation conditions. Mis-regulation of auxin translocation in hpd mutant was further confirmed by analysis of expression patterns of auxin efflux carrier proteins, PIN-FORMED (PIN) 1, 2, and 3 fused with GFP. Not only expression levels but also expression domains of PIN proteins were altered in hpd mutant in response to Pi starvation. Molecular genetic analysis of hpd mutant revealed that the mutant phenotype is caused by the lesion in ENHANCED SILENCING PHENOTYPE4 (ESP4) gene whose function is proposed in mrna 3 -end processing. The results propose that mrna processing plays crucial roles in Pi homeostasis as well as developmental reprograming in response to Pi deprivation in Arabidopsis. *Corresponding Author: Tel , mckim@gnu.ac.kr
184 PC-20 Metabolic analysis of high salt-adapted Arabidopsis suspension cultured cells Hyun Jin Chun 1, Wook-Hun Jung 1, Mi Suk Park 1, Hyun Min Cho 1, Dae-Jin Yun 1, Young-Shick Hong 2, Min Chul Kim 1* 1 Division of Applied Life Science (BK21 Plus), Plant Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Research Center, Gyeongsang National University, Jinju , Korea. 2 Department of Food and Nutrition, Chonnam National University, 77 Yongbong-ro, Buk-gu, Gwangju , Korea To understand molecular mechanisms underlying adaptation of plant cells to saline stress and stress memory, we developed Arabidopsis callus suspension-cultured cells adapted to high salt. Adapted cells to high salt exhibited enhanced tolerance compared to control cells. Moreover, the salt tolerance of adapted cells was stably maintained even after the stress is relieved, indicating that the salt tolerance of adapted cells was memorized. Salt-adapted and stress memorized cells were densely aggregated and formed multi-layered cell lump. Cell morphology analysis using transmission electron microscopy indicated that cell wall thickness of salt-adapted cells was significantly induced compared to control cells. In order to characterize metabolic responses of plant cells during adaptation to high salt stress as well as stress memory, we compared metabolic profiles of salt-adapted and stress-memorized cells with control cells by using NMR spectroscopy. A principle component analysis showed clear metabolic discrimination among control, salt-adapted and stress-memorized cells. Compared with control cells, metabolites related to shikimate metabolism such as tyrosine, and flavonol glycosides, which are related to protective mechanism of plant against stresses were largely up-regulated in adapted cell lines. Moreover, coniferin, a precursor of lignin, was more abundant in salt-adapted cells than control cells. The results provide new insight into metabolic level mechanisms of plant adaptation to saline stress as well as stress memory. *Corresponding Author: Tel , mckim@gnu.ac.kr
185 PC-21 Integrating Omics Analysis of Salt Stress-Responsive Genes in Rice Seo-Woo Kim, Hee-Jeong Jeong, Ki-Hong Jung Graduate School of Biotechnology & Crop Biotech Institute, Kyung Hee University, Yongin , Korea The detrimental effect of high salinity on crop production is a serious problem. However, the number of genes with known functions relating to salinity tolerance is very limited in rice. To effectively address this limitation, selection of useful candidate genes and identification of major regulatory factors through global approaches are necessary. To this end, we used three data series of affymetrix array data produced with salt-treated samples from NCBI Gene Expression Omnibus ( and identified 653 rice genes commonly differentially expressed under three salt-stress conditions. While evaluating the quality of selected candidate genes for salt-stress responses, Gene ontology enrichment analysis revealed that responses to salt and water stresses of biological process category are highly overrepresented in salt-stress conditions. In addition, the major salt stress-responsive metabolism process and regulatory gene modules are classified through MapMan analysis, and detailed elements for further studies are suggested. Based on this, we proposed a salt stress-responsive signaling pathway in rice. The functional analysis of the main signal transduction and transcription regulation factors identified in this pathway will shed light on a novel regulatory metabolism process that can be manipulated to develop crops with enhanced salinity tolerance. Keywords: gene ontology enrichment analysis, MapMan analysis, meta-expression analysis, rice, salt stress *Corresponding Author: khjung2010@khu.ac.kr PC-22 Development of a simple PCR marker linked to the gene conferring resistance to downy mildew (Peronospora destructor) in onion (Allium cepa L.) Seongjun Kim, Sunggil Kim * Department of Plant Biotechnology, Chonnam National University, Gwangju , Republic of Korea For efficient introgression of the downy mildew resistance gene from a resistant cultivar into domestic breeding lines, molecular markers used for marker-assisted backcrossing (MAB) were developed in onion (Allium cepa L.). The resistance gene (Pd) was originally introgressed from a wild species, A. roylei, by interspecific hybridization, and the resistant gene was known to be positioned at the end of chromosome 3. Therefore, cdna sequences of loci located at the ends of chromosome 3 of two linkage maps were obtained from a transcriptome database. Primer pairs were designed on exon sequences of eight loci. Among them, the PCR products of the i25255 locus showed length polymorphism between A. roylei and onions, and both large and small-sized PCR products were observed in the resistant cultivar. Sequence analysis showed that a 67-bp indel existed in the intron sequences. Based on this indel polymorphism, a simple PCR marker, designated DMR1, was developed. Analysis of diverse onion accessions showed that no accessions contained the A. roylei-specific marker genotype except for the resistant cultivar. These results indicated that the DMR1 marker was successfully tagging the A. roylei fragment harboring the downy mildew resistance gene, and the resistant cultivar was heterozygous for the resistance gene. After further analysis of multiple loci positioned at chromosome 3, a range of the A. roylei fragment introgressed in the resistant cultivar was determined in two linkage maps. On the basis of the range of the A. roylei fragment, three molecular markers used for recombinant selection in MAB were also developed. *Corresponding Author: Tel , dronion@jnu.ac.kr
186 PC-23 nssr 표지를이용한안면도지역곰솔채종원과자연집단의교배양식유전모수연간변이 김영미 1*, 홍경낙 2, 박유진 2, 홍용표 2, 박재인 3 1 충북충주시수안보면국립산림품종관리센터종묘관리과 2 경기도수원시오목천동국립산림과학원산림유전자원과 3 충북청주시개신동충북대학교산림학과 11 개 nssr 표지를이용하여안면도지역곰솔채종원 81 단지와내륙과해안집단의화분유동과교배양식유전모수를추정하였다. 이형접합도관측치 (H o ) 와 Shannon 의유전다양성지수 (I) 는안면도곰솔채종원 ( 클론 : H e = 0.680, I = 1.608; 종자 : H e = 0.636~0.646, I = 1.472~1.508) 과내륙집단 ( 성목 : H e = 0.690, I = 1.691; 종자 : H e = 0.658~0.685, I = 1.573~1.636), 해안집단 ( 성목 : H e = 0.683, I = 1.641; 종자 : H e = 0.665~0.685, I = 1.595~1.669) 간에유의한차이는없으며, 각집단의생산년도간에뿐만아니라세대간에유의한차이가없었다 (P > 0.05). MLTR 로분석으로추정한교배양식유전모수를추정한결과다수유전자좌타가교배율 ( 채종원 : , 내륙 : , 해안 : ) 과양친근친교배 ( 채종원 : , 내륙 : , 해안 : ) 는집단간에유의한차이가없는반면, 2009 년생산된종자에서추정된부계상관 ( 채종원 : 0.022, 내륙집단 : 0.010, 해안집단 : 0.047) 은집단간에유의한차이가있다 (P < 0.05). 안면도지역곰솔집단전반은화분수의유전다양성이높고교배의대부분이다수의화분수가기여하는타가수정으로이루어지기때문에각집단의공간구조와유전구조의차이에도불구하고세대간유전변이의감소가없으며, 집단간에유전다양성의유의한차이가없는것으로생각된다. 반면임분의밀도와규모등에따라생산년도간에유전모수의변이를달리하며, 그중곰솔해안집단은연간변이에큰차이를보이고있어다른집단에비해교배환경의변화에반응이크게나타나는것으로생각된다. * 주저자 : Tel , sugarmayple2015@gmail.com PC-24 백합나무 (Liriodendron tulipifera) 체세포배유래순화묘의활착율향상을위한몇가지황산화제처리효과 김용욱 *, 김지아, 문흥규, 정수진, 이나념 경기도수원시권선구온정로 39 국립산림과학원산림생명공학과 백합나무의건전순화묘생산을위해체세포배유래발아체를여러종류의항산화제로전처리후토양이식한결과 500mg/L Citric acid 처리구에서가장높은 87.9% 의순화묘생존율을보였으며, 그외처리구에서는대조구 ( 수돗물 ) 보다다소높거나낮은현상을보여별생존율차이가없었다. 묘고생장의경우 500mg/L Citric acid 를처리한처리구에서 44.5cm 를보여가장높았으며, 근원경비교의경우에서도마찬가지로 500mg/L Citric acid 를처리한처리구에서 4.38mm 를보여가장높았다. 그러나엽면적의경우수돗물처리구유래순화묘가 66.03cm 2 으로가장높게나타났으나생중량비교에서는 500mg/L Citric acid 유래처리구에서 8.79g 으로가장높게나타났다. * 주저자 : Tel , dragonkim@forest.go.kr
187 PC-25 QTL-seq analysis of flowering time in radish Youn-Sung Kim 1*, Chan-Sup Ko 1,2, Eun-Ju Lee 1, Jeong-Pal Suh 1, Jae-Yong Lee 1, Hye-Sun Cho 2 1 Department of Biotechnology, NH Seed, An-Seong, , Republic of Korea 2 Sustainable Bioresource Reserach Center, KRIBB, Daejon, , Republic of Korea To develop molecular markers for late flowering time in radish we performed QTL-seq analysis in which whole genomes are sequenced and SNPs between two groups showing opposite phenotypes in F2 population are analyzed to find regions or QTLs involved in a trait of interest. Two inbred lines (NH-JS1 and NH-JS2) showing opposite phenotypes of flowering time were selected to generate F2 population for the analysis. NH-JS1 showed late flowering time whereas NH-JS2 early flowering time. Genomic DNA from the two lines were extracted and sequenced. In addition F2 population from F1 between NH-JS1 and NH-JS2 was generated and flowering time phenotypes of 180 F2 plants were analyzed. We selected 11 plants with late flowering time and 12 plants showing early flowering time. We extracted DNA from each individuals from the two groups and bulked them to generate two bulked DNA samples that are subject to whole genome resequencing. Preliminary analysis of SNP data from the resequencing showed that there may be several QTLs involved in flowering time control in radish. *Corresponding Author: Tel , yskim0907@hanmail.net PC-26 다양한농도의사과, 감자및바나나추출물처리가형질전환팔레놉시스원괴체유사체생장및증식에미치는영향 노희선 *, 박선경, 김종보 충청북도충주시단월동건국대학교의료생명대학생명공학과 팔레놉시스는최근심비디움과더불어주요수출화훼작물로자리잡고있으며, 국내화훼시장에서중요성이증대되고소비자들로부터많은인기를받고있는실정이다. 이에반해국내팔레놉시스우량묘생산체계는대만, 네덜란드및일본등난생산선진국들과비교해서변이발생및우량형질유지측면에서부족한점이많으며최근화훼류신품종육성에많이도입되고있는식물형질전환기술을이용한사례도국내에는거의없는실정이다. 본연구는노화지연유전자가삽입된팔레놉시스형질전환식물체의원괴체유사체 (PLB: protocorm-like bodies) 의증식및신초재분화에있어서다양한천연산물처리가어떠한효과를나타내는지구명하고자실시하였다. 팔레놉시스조직배양및형질전환유래식물체들은 banana powder, apple powder 및 potato powder 이 3 가지천연산물들을 VW 배지에 1, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40 그리고 50 g/l 농도로각각첨가하여생체중측정및신초분화효율을측정하여최적의형질전환팔레놉시스 PLB 대량증식체계를확립하고자하였다. 그결과 apple powder 30 g/l 및 banana powder 40 g/l 을혼용한처리구에서 PLB 생체중이대조구대비 2.2 배이상증가하여처리구중가장좋은결과를보였으며, 또한 PLB 로부터신초발생율도 80-85% 의고효율을나타내었다. 그리고 PLB 조직의갈변율도 3% 미만으로양호한결과를보여주었다. 또한이두천연산물의조합은형질전환팔레놉시스 PLB 뿐만아니라조직배양유래팔레놉시스 PLB 생장과증식에도유사한효과를나타내었다. 이러한천연산물의적절한첨가는향후형질전환팔레놉시스식물체대량증식체계확립에기여할수있을것이다. * 주저자 : Tel , jbhee1011@kku.ac.kr
188 PC-27 A highly sensitive real-time PCR systems for detecting rice grain-derived food ingredients in commercial mixed-flour Products Ju-Hee Kim, Sun-Goo Hwang, Cheol Seong Jang * Plant Genomics Lab., Department of Applied Plant Sciences, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon , Republic of Korea Recently, the increased consumption of mixed-grain flour products have led to improved human health in busy modern life. For this reason, the verification of commercial food authenticity is one of important subjects. The development of DNA techniques such as real-time PCR has led to the increasing efficiency of illegal food product detection. Here, we have developed a comprehensive method for detecting the grain flour of various rice cultivars in commercial food products derived from different plant species. In the genetic variation analysis of different protein coding genes on various chloroplast genomes, we found the high numbers of segregating sites in rpob and rpoc2 more than in other genes. Thus, we have attempted to develop chloroplast DNA (cpdna) markers, which were Os_m_rpoB in rpob, and Os_m1_rpoC2 and Os_m2_rpoC2 in rpoc2. To assess the applicability of three cpdna markers, we have identified the appropriate statistical measurements of each marker in various mixed-grain flour samples derived from rice cultivars and different plant species by real-time PCR, In addition, the three cpdna markers successfully applied for detecting of nonexistent rice flour in different commercial food products. *Corresponding Author: Tel , csjang@kangwon.ac.kr PC-28 Profilings of differentially expressed genes with space environments exposed Brachypodium seeds Jin-Baek Kim *, Min Jeong Hong, Young Ha Yoon, Dong Sub Kim, Sang Hoon Kim, Joon-Woo Ahn, Yeong Deuk Jo, Si-Yong Kang Advanced Radiation Technology Institute, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, 29 Geumgu, Jeongeup, Jeonbuk , Korea Space has many distinguishable characteristics from earth such as strong cosmic radiation, microgravity, supervaccum and weak magnetic field. For this reason, space environments can be used an efficient mutagen for plant breeding nowadays. To identify the affected genes by condition in space with outer space, Brachypodium seeds were placed in the Russia Segment (RS) Biorisk module of International Space Station (ISS). Brachypodium distachyon is a model system for temperature grass, because they represent the characteristics for annual winter grass. Seeds and organs of plants carried by satellite or spacecraft to space can be genetically mutated by exposing space environment. We performed a duplicated RNA sequencing to profile the differentially expressed genes. As a results, about 700 genes were upregulated and 250 genes were downregulated by cosmic environments, respectively. In the molecular function category, protein kinase and transcription activity related genes were upregulated. Among the many transcription factors (TFs), stress related TFs such as ERF, NAC and WRKY were differentially expressed in space exposed samples. In the future, their expression will be identified by using qrt_pcr. *Corresponding Author: Tel , jbkim74@kaeri.re.kr
189 PC-29 Complete chloroplast genome of Codonopsis lanceolata and Platycodon grandiflorus: insight into evolution of the Asterales and development of molecular marker. Jin-hyuk Kim, Sun-Goo Hwang, Cheol-Seong Jang * Plant Genomics Lab, Department of Applied Plant Sciences, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon , Republic of Korea Asterales are dicotyledonous flowering plants and are one of the Asterid clade, incuding many species as well as Codonopsis and Platycodon. Here, we have determined the complete chloroplast genome sequences of C. lanceolata and P. grandiflorus by using the targeted denovo assembly method of short reads derived from whole genome resequencing. The total lengths of each chloroplast genome sequence are 156,180 bp for C. lanceolata and 155,453 bp for P. grandiflorus. In their chloroplast genomes, 106 genes (75 protein-coding genes, 4 rrna genes, 23 trna genes, and 4 hypothetical chloroplast open reading frames [ycfs]) exhibited the relatively similar positions. Also, 7 protein-coding genes commonly showed to contain introns in both C. lanceolata and P. grandiflorus chloroplast genome, while psaa gene contain intragenic regions only in P. grandiflorus chloroplast genome. In further analysis, we identified the codon usage bias to A or T and found the different simple sequence repeat (SSR) loci of each chloroplast genome (18 SSR loci of C. lanceolata and 16 SSR loci of P. grandiflorus). In the phylogenetic trees based on 72 protein-coding genes, C. lanceolata is more closely related to P. grandiflorus than the other plant species order Asterales. Also, we found the highest sequence diversities of 12 protein-coding genes in small single copy (SSC) region than in the inverted repeat (IRs) and large single copy (LSC) region, and 3 genes such as rpoc2 (LSC region), ndhb (IRs region), and ndhf (SSC region) showed the highest number of segregating sites in each region. Additionally, we developed the molecular markers for phylogenetic applications of C. lanceolata and P. grandiflorus chloroplast genome. *Corresponding Author: Tel , csjang@kangwon.ac.kr PC-30 MAB SNP marker development to accelerate the breeding of Chinese cabbage Jinhee Kim *, Do-Sun Kim, Hye-Eun Lee, Yul-Kyun Ahn, Jeong Ho Kim Vegetable Research Division, National Institute of Horticultural and Herbal Science, RDA, 100, Nongsaengmyeong-ro, Iseo-myeon, Wanju-gun, Jeollabuk-do, Korea The goal of marker-assisted backcrossing is to reduce the number of generations significantly by using genome-based molecular markers. Among other types of molecular markers, SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism) is mostly used in genetic diversity analysis due to its abundance. To develop high-throughput SNP marker for MAB system, we selected 20 Chinese cabbage lines each represent traits as inner leaf color, disease resistance, head type and maturity etc. Then, we sequenced the transcriptomes of 20 lines by using Illumina Hiseq2000. The average transcriptome size was 1.37 Gbase, and the average of short reads mapping rate was about 62.15% (30xcoverage). We identified 13,976 SSR markers and 380,198 SNPs by aligning contigs of 20 Chinese cabbage lines. To develop SNP marker set, we chose 409 SNPs that covers the whole Brassica rapa transcriptome. The filtering criteria were depth, polymorphism, segregation ratio, lack of adjacent SNP and copy number. We positioned the selected SNP markers to the Chinese cabbage linkage map. Clustering dendrogram was produced using SNP marker and three different clusters were generated. The result showed that the genotyping data is partially linked to the phenotyping data. We assume that the developed SNP marker set can be applied in the Chinese cabbage MAB system soon
190 PC-31 CSGM Designer: a convenient platform for designing cross-species intron-spanning genic markers Jin-Hyun Kim 1, Chaeyoung Lee 1, Joo-Seok Park 2, Douglas R. Cook 3, Hong-Kyu Choi 4* 1 Department of Medical Bioscience, Dong-A University, Busan, Republic of Korea 2 Department of Applied Bioscience, Dong-A University, Busan Republic of Korea 3 Department of Plant Pathology, University of California, Davis, CA 95616, USA 4 Department of Genetic Engineering, Dong-A University, Busan Republic of Korea Genetic markers are tools that can facilitate molecular breeding, even in species lacking genomic resources. An important class of genetic markers is those based on orthologous genes, because they can guide hypotheses about conserved gene function. For under-studied species a key bottleneck in gene-based marker development is the need to develop molecular tools that reliably access genes with orthology to the genomes of well-characterized reference species. Here we report an efficient platform for designing cross-species gene-derived markers in legumes. The automated platform, named CSGM Designer (URL: facilitates rapid and systematic design of cross-species genic markers. The underlying database is composed of genome data from five legume species whose genomes are substantially characterized. Use of CSGM designer is enhanced by graphical displays of query results, which we describe as circular viewer and search-within-results functions. CSGM platform provides a virtual PCR representation, called eht-pcr, that predicts the specificity of each primer pair simultaneously in multiple genomes. CSGM Designer output was experimentally validated for the amplification of orthologous genes using 16 genotypes representing 12 crop and model legume species, distributed among the galegoid and phaseoloid clades. Successful cross-species amplification was obtained for 85.3% of PCR primer combinations. CSGM Designer spans the divide between well-characterized crop and model legume species and their less well-characterized relatives. The outcome is PCR primers that target highly conserved genes for polymorphism discovery, enabling functional inferences and ultimately facilitating trait-associated molecular breeding. *Corresponding Author: Tel , hkchoi@dau.ac.kr
191 PC-32 Molecular mapping of QTLs related to cold tolerance at seedling stage in rice Tae Heon Kim 1, Yeon-Jae Hur 1, Saisbeul Lee 1, Ji-Yoon Lee 1, Youngbo Son 1, Sung Hwan Oh 1, Sang-Ik Han 1, Jun-Hyun Cho 1, You-Chun Song 1, Jong-Hee Lee 2, Min-Hee Nam 1, Dong-Soo Park 1, Yeong-Up Kwon 1, Dongjin Shin 1* 1 Department of Southern Area Crop Science, Paddy Crop Research Division, National Institute of Crop Science, RDA, Miryang, , Korea 2 Research Policy Bureau, RDA, Jeonju, , Korea Rice is a staple food crop for more than half of the world population. Severe losses of rice production was caused by various environmental conditions such as cold, heat and flooding annually. Rice is a highly sensitive to low temperature below because of originating from tropical or subtropical climates. Especially, seedling of rice is easily damaged to low temperature and result in seedling yellowing, growth retardation, reduced tillering and yield losses at last. We used a recombinant inbreeding lines (RIL) population of 384 individuals derived from a cross between Hanareum 2, a highly cold sensitive variety and Unkwang, a cold tolerant variety for molecular mapping of QTLs related to cold tolerance. Seedling discoloration of each lines and parents caused by cold response were investigated in field condition after transplanting. And leaf samples of RIL population were collected for evaluation of chlorophyll content using 80% acetone extraction. The seedling of each lines and parents was subjected to low temperate by 5~13 during 14 days. The cold recovery score (CRS) of RILs was recorded after 4 days recovery period according to standard evaluation system (SES, IRRI). Total of eight QTLs were detected on chromosome 1, 7, 8, 10, 11 and 12 using cold tolerance traits, chlorophyll content, seedling discoloration and cold recovery score in 384 RILs. The qcrs12, which detected on chromosome 12 between two flanking markers id , id (1.1 Mbp) showed 25 LOD score with 26% of phenotypic variation of cold recovery score in RILs population. The positive allele contributing to cold tolerance came from the cold tolerant parent Unkwang. The result may provide useful information for a marker-assisted breeding program to improve cold tolerant in rice. *Corresponding Author: Tel , jacob1223@korea.kr
192 PC-33 Up-dating of new dcaps markers for mapping yield-related traits using MGRIL Ye-Ji Lee 1, Hyun-Ju Lee 1, In-Seon Jeong 1, Seon-Hwa Bae 1, Hyeon-So Ji 2, Gang-Seob Lee 3, Ung-Han Yoon 1, Jang-Ho Hahn 1, Tae-Ho Kim 1* 1 Genomics Division, National Academy of Agricultural Science, RDA, Jeonju, , Republic of Korea 2 Molecular Breeding Division, National Academy of Agricultural Science (NAAS), RDA, Jeonju, , Republic of Korea 3 Biosafety Division, National Academy of Agricultural Science (NAAS), Jeonju, , Republic of Korea The next-generation sequencing(ngs) technology is being used for more effective genetic mapping. In previous study, we obtained 60x coverage of sequence from Milyang23 and Gihobyeo on average comparing with Nipponbare reference genome. Also, we developed new derived cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence(dcaps) markers based on the single nucleotide polymorphisms(snps) in coding region sequence(cds) between these varieties. Totally, 1,726,798 SNPs between Milyang23 and Gihobyeo were detected. Among them, 146 SNP were selected for making dcaps markers and located on genetic map with previously reported 219 PCR-based DNA markers. The map was applied to the detection of quantitative trait loci(qtls) for stem internode diameters, culm length and panicle length within MGRIL population, and six QTLs with relatively high LOD score were found at three chromosomes; culm length and stem diameter including the first internode diameter, third and fourth internode diameter. This study showed that the NGS allowed the rapid discovery of a large number of SNPs for dcaps marker. So, we tried to find out more single nucleotide polymorphisms(snps) which were located on the whole genome sequence, such as un-translated region(utr), intron, Inter-region and coding region sequence(cds) between Milyang23 and Gihobyeo varieties. And we collected phenotypic information about culm length, panicle length, four stem internode diameters and panicle number in rice MGRIL population for QTLs. Furthermore, results of QTL analysis described above will shows relevance of molecular markers in mapping genes for useful breeding
193 PC-34 Development of simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers from ramie (Boehmeria nivea L.) and application to the genetic resources Yoon Kyung Uhm 1, Hye-young Lee 1, Jinkyu Woo 1, JiHyeon Kim 1, Young-Mi Kim 2, Yong-Su Jung 2, Hyun Sam Lee 2, Sanghyun Lee 3, Ho Bang Kim 1* 1 Life Sciences Research Institute, Biomedic Co., Ltd., Bucheon , Republic of Korea 2 Yeong-Gwang Agricultural Technology Center, Yeong-Gwang , Republic of Korea 3 Department of Integrative Plant Science, Chung-Ang University, Anseong , Republic of Korea Ramie (Boehmeria nivea L.) is a hardy perennial herbaceous plant of the Urticaceae family and has been grown as a fiber crop in several countries including Korea for many centuries. Ramie leaves also have been traditionally used as a major ingredient of a type of rice cake called Song-pyun in the Southwest area of Korea, especially Yeong-Gwang province. Despite its economic importance, the molecular genetics of ramie have not been studied in detail yet. Genetic resources of ramie were widely collected from domestic local sites by Bioenergy Crop Research Center (RDA) and Yeong-Gwang Agricultural Technology Center. For the systematic and efficient management of the genetic resources, we developed SSR (simple sequence repeat) markers of ramie. To do this, we generated microsatellite-enriched genomic DNA libraries using magnetic bead hybridization selection method. 247 non-redundant contigs containing SSR motif were generated using nucleotide sequences of 376 clones from the libraries. Primer sets were designed from the flanking sequences of the repeat motif. Finally, we selected 10 SSR markers, possibly showing polymorphism among the genetic resources. Results on the genotype analysis of the ramie genetic resources using the SSR markers will be presented. Acknowledgments: This work was supported by the Bio-Industry Technology Development Program grant, funded by IPET, Republic of Korea (grant no HD030 to Ho Bang Kim). *Corresponding Author: Tel , hobang@ibiomedic.co.kr
194 PC-35 Functional analysis of a stress-related gene BrTSR53 conferred salt tolerance in Yeast A-Ram Kim, Hyemin Lim, Hyun-Ju Hwang, Sung Han Park, Chang-Kug Kim, Hyeonso Ji, Jung-Il Cho, Soo-Chul Park, Gang-Seob Lee * National Academy of Agricultural Science, Rural Development Administration, Jeonju, Jeonlado, Korea Crops are exposed to various environmental stresses. These have been affecting the growth of crops, resulting in the severe loss of agronomic production in many countries. Therefore, development of new varieties of resistant crops is required to assure the desired productivity of crops in stress conditions. In this study, a putatively stress-related gene BrTSR53 was isolated from Brassica rapa. The BrTSR53 is 481 bp long and contains ORF region of 234 bp. The expression of BrTSR53 was determined by quantitative real-time PCR analysis. After 3 hr, the highest quantities of mrna were revealed in cold and salt stress treatments. In drought stress treatments, there was the highest expression after 36 hr. Therefore, it was confirmed that the ORF in BrTSR53 should be a gene that confer increased resistance to B. rapa growing in different stress conditions. The ORF region of BrTSR53 gene was cloned into an expression vector, pyes-dest52, and a new protein with molecular weight of 13 kda was detected by western blot analysis. Also, stress tolerance tests showed that BrTSR53-ORF transgenic yeast exhibited increased resistance to the salt stresses compared with the control. In conclusion, the present data predicts that novel ORF in BrTSR53 can serve as an important genetic resource for abiotic stress resistance. *Corresponding Author: Tel , kangslee@korea.kr
195 PC-36 A conserved oligomeric Golgi complex component-related protein is essential for pollen development in Arabidopsis Tien Dung Nguyen, Binbin Li, Sung Aeong Oh, Soon Ki Park * School of Applied Biosciences, Kyungpook National University, Korea To identify genes that play critical roles during male gametogenesis in Arabidopsis, we have isolated several pollen morphological mutants from a mutagenized seed pool generated with a T-DNA activation vector. In this study, we have focused on a mutant plant producing ~50% abnormal pollen grains including high levels of collapsed pollen at maturity. The pollen developmental analysis showed that the mutant pollen phenotype was first observed at tricellular stage. Interestingly, the mutation was only maintained as a heterozygote due to the severely reduced genetic transmission through both sexes. TAIL PCR analysis led to the identification of the responsible gene which encodes a conserved oligomeric golgi complex component-related protein (COGCC). RT-PCR analysis showed predominant expression of the gene in reproductive organs including developing spores. The gene identity was confirmed by the result that mutant plants harboring a T-DNA containing corresponding wild type gene produced less level of mutant pollen grains. Furthermore, confocal laser scanning microscopy using mature pollen expressing COGCC-RFP driven under the native promoter showed small punctate signals, which are likely to be from the Golgi complex. Further experiments for co-localization of the COGCC-RFP with the Golgi markers are underway. *Corresponding Author: Tel , psk@knu.ac.kr
196 PC-37 Identification of microspore-active promoters using transgenic rice and Arabidopsis Tien Dung Nguyen 1, Moe Moe Oo 1, Sung Aeong Oh 1, Thi Hoai Thuong Nguyen 1, Hyo-Jin Park 1, Jong Tae Song 1, Moon-Soo Soh 2, Ki-Hong Jung 3, Soon Ki Park 1* 1 School of Applied Biosciences, Kyungpook National University, Korea. 2 Department of Molecular Biology, Sejong University, Korea. 3 Department of Plant Molecular Systems Biotechnology & Crop Biotech Institute, Kyung Hee University, Korea. We recently reported rice promoters that are active in late stages of pollen development. However, rice promoters that allow manipulation of gene expression at earlier stages of pollen development are still very limited to date. In this study, we have chosen 10 putative microspore promoters, OsMSP1 through OsMSP10, based on publicly available transcriptomic datasets in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Sequence analysis of these promoter regions revealed some cis regulatory elements involved in pollen-specific expression. We also examined promoter activities using the promoter-gus reporter constructs in both transgenic rice and Arabidopsis. In rice, all of the 10 promoters directed GUS signals from the microspore stage throughout the all stages of pollen development. In addition, while GUS signals from 4 promoters, OsMSP2, OsMSP7, OsMSP9 and OsMSP10, seem to be expressed preferentially during pollen development, those from other six promoters were observed in vegetative tissues such as leaves, stems, and roots of seedlings. Similarly, in Arabidopsis, all of the 10 promoters directed GUS signals during pollen development. In detail, 8 promoters, OsMSP1 ~ OsMSP8 directed GUS signals from the microspore stage, whereas 2 promoters, OsMSP9 and OsMSP10, exhibited GUS signals from tricellular stage. Furthermore, seven promoters, except for OsMSP1, OsMSP2 and OsMSP10, showed GUS signals in shoot apical region or root tissues of seedlings. Furthermore, we verified microspore activity of four promoters, OsMSP1, OsMSP2, OsMSP3 and OsMSP6, by complementation analysis of the sidecar pollen (scp) mutant which displays microspore-specific defects. Currently, further analyses are underway for GUS expression of T 2 generation in transgenic rice and scp complementation with remaining promoters. *Corresponding Author: Tel , psk@knu.ac.kr
197 PC-38 Development of Multiplex PCR for Species-Specific Identification of the Poaceae family Based on chloroplast rpoc2 genes Jun-Cheol Moon 1,2, Ju-Hee Kim 1, Cheol Seong Jang 1* 1 Plant Genomics Lab., Department of Applied Plant Sciences, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon , Republic of Korea 2 Agriculture and Life Sciences Research Institute, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon , Republic of Korea In this study, we report that the development of a multiplex PCR method using species-specific primers for the simultaneous detection of Poaceae family members, including adlay, barley, maize, rice and wheat, based on the sequence polymorphism of the DNA-directed RNA polymerase beta'' chain (rpoc2) genes Species-specific primers were constructed with common forward primer and each reverse primers which have differences on the basis of sequences. Each primer pairs could amplify PCR products of 443 bp for rice, 346 bp for barley, 278 bp for adlay, 221 bp for wheat and 96 for maize, respectively, from the five chloroplast DNAs. The series of template DNA concentrations were identified by the sensitivity of multiplex PCR. The band of products were clearly amplified from the DNA concentration range of 0.01 to 10 ng/μl. In addition, the species-specific primers were examined for the detection of seven commercial flour mixed products. The combination of the sensitivity of a multiplex PCR with the specificity of the primers for the detection of species would allow to be applied in analyses of processed foods. *Corresponding Author: Tel , csjang@kangwon.ac.kr
198 PC-39 Development of marker-free transgenic rice expressing wheat storage protein, TaGlu-Ax1, for increasing quality processing of bread and noodle Soo-Kwon Park, So-Hyeon Baek, Dool-Yi Kim, Myoung-Ryoul Park, Na-Ra Lee, Kyoung Soon Shin, Su-Kyoung Jeon, Eun-Jae Kim, Sun-Lim Kim, Jung-Kyoung Moon * National Institute of Crop Science (NICS), Wanju-gun, Jeollabuk-do, , Korea Rice flour is used in many food products. However, dough made from rice lacks extensibility and elasticity, whereas that of wheat is suitable for many food products including breads. We have produced marker-free transgenic rice plants containing a wheat TaGlu-Ax1 gene encoding the HMG-GS from the Korean wheat cultivar Jokyeong using the Agrobacteriummediated co-transformation method. The TaGlu-Bx7-own promoter was inserted into a binary vector for seed-specific expression of the TaGlu-Ax1 gene. Two expression cassettes comprised of separate DNA fragments containing only TaGlu-Ax1 and hygromycin phosphotransferase II (HPTII) resistance genes were introduced separately to the Agrobacterium tumefaciens EHA105 strain for co-infection. Each EHA105 strain harboring TaGlu-Ax1 or HPTII was infected to rice calli at a 3:1 ratio of TaGlu-Ax1 and HPTII, respectively. Then, among 210 hygromycin-resistant T 0 plants, we obtained 20 transgenic lines with both TaGlu-Ax1 and HPTII genes inserted into the rice genome. We reconfirmed integration of the TaGlu-Ax1 gene into the rice genome by Southern blot analysis. Transcripts and proteins of the wheat TaGlu-Ax1 were stably expressed in the rice T 1 seeds. Finally, the marker-free plants harboring only the TaGlu-Ax1 gene were successfully screened at the T 1 generation. *Corresponding Author: Tel , moonjk@rda.go.kr
199 PC-40 Delimitation of Genomic Location for Frl locus Conferring Resistance to Fusarium Crown Root Rot in Tomato Bichsaem Kim 1, Jihyun Hwang 1, Joon Young Kim 2, Byung Sup Kim 2, Sung Ran Min 3, Huijung Jung 4, Ill-Sup Nou 4, Younghoon Park 1 1 Department of Horticultural Bioscience, Pusan National University, Miryang, Korea 2 Department of Plant Science, Gangneung-Wonju National University, Gangneung, Korea 3 Plant Systems Engineering Research Center, Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology (KRIBB), Daejeon, Korea 4 Department of Horticulture, Sunchon National University, Sunchon, Korea Fusarium crown root rot (FCRR) is a severe fungal disease caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. radicis-lycopersici (FORL) in tomato. Resistance to FORL is conferred by single dominant locus Frl on chromosome 9, but its precise genomic location is not clearly determined. In this study, detailed location of Frl was assessed by using a set of molecular markers physically anchored on Chr.9 and F 2 and RIL population derived from FORL-resistant inbred AV107-4 (S.lycopersicum) x susceptible L3708 (S. pimpinellifolium). Bioassay of the two populations with a FORL strain isolated from Korea resulted in single dominant heritance of the resistance. Two SCAR and 11 CAPS markers encompassing 3.6Mb~72Mb of Chr.9 were developed from the Tomato-EXPEN 2000 map and SolCAP SNP-array analysis. These markers were genotyped on 345 F 2 plants. A high level of cosegregation with the resistance were observed for 5 markers which were mapped at a large physical interval of 5.1Mb (T1212) to 46.4Mb (SSR237), indicating that genetic recombination was highly suppressed in this region. Cosegregation of these markers with Frl was confirmed by using 126 RILs. The results implied that, in contrast with the previously reported long arm, Frl is present on a pericentromeric region of short arm of Chr. 9, in which crossing-over is severely suppressed. The marker set was further tested on 12 FORL-resistance or susceptibility commercial cultivars. Unlike the biparental populations, frequent linkage break was observed for T1212 and D4 in commercial cultivars. T1212 and D4 showed 50% and 100% match with the phenotype, respectively. D4, a CAPS, was converted to a high resolution melting (HRM) marker and tested on 55 breeding lines from private seed companies (Fig.3). All breeding lines showed the HRM genotype for resistance allele, indicating that D4 can be useful for selecting FORL-resistance tomato plants. PC-41 A new approach for detecting natural selection signature among rice in-paralogs Kyu-Won Kim 1,2, Tae-Sung Kim 1,2, Yong-Jin Park 1,2* 1 Department of Plant Resources, College of Industrial Sciences, Kongju National University, Yesan , Republic of Korea 2 Legume Bio-Resource Center of Green Manure (LBRCGM), Kongju National University, Yesan , Republic of Korea Ratio of functional changes from orthologous genes is being widely used for detecting the signature for natural selection between species. However, one to one orthologous genes allows only for the analysis due to methodological limitation. A number of genes have in-paralogs as a result of gene expansion in crops. Here, we report a new approach for detecting accelerated evolution, which includes in-paralogs as well as one to one orthologs. This new approach can detect many novel accelerated genes among rice in-paralogs, which have not been investigated yet. *Corresponding Author: Tel , yjpark@kongju.ac.kr
200 PC-42 Transcriptome changes in rice (Oryza sativa L.) for high zinc content at the early milky stage Eun-Beom Heo 1, Min-Young Yoon 1, Buung Choi 1, Donghwan Shim 2, Beom-Seok Park 2, Won-Il Kim 3, Yong-Jin Park 1,4* 1 Department of Plant Resources, College of Industrial Sciences, Kongju National University, Yesan , Republic of Korea 2 The Agricultural Genome Center, National Academy of Agricultural Science, Rural Development Administration, Jeonju, Republic of Korea 3 Chemical Safety division, National Academy of Agricultural Science, Rural Development Administration, Jeonju, Republic of Korea 4 Legume Bio-Resource Center of Green Manure (LBRCGM), Kongju National University, Yesan , Republic of Korea Zinc (Zn) deficiency is one of the important abiotic factors limiting rice productivity world-wide and also a widespread nutritional disorder affecting human health. Zinc is one of the most important essential micronutrient for human About thirty percentage world s population doesn t still get enough zinc through their diets. As a staple food of over half world s population, rice should take the responsibility to provide much more zinc in the future. We analyzed the transcriptome profiles for rice grain from high zinc content and low zinc content lines at the early milky stage using the Illumina Sequencing method. The analysis results for the sequencing data indicated that many transcripts showed different expressions between high zinc content and low zinc content in early milky stage of rice and RT-qPCR analyses confirmed the expression patterns of selected transcripts. Functional analysis of the differentially expressed transcripts indicated that genes have functional annotation and their functions are mainly involved in oxidation-reduction, metabolic, transport, transcript regulation, defense response and photosynthetic processes. Based on the functional annotation of the differentially expressed genes, the possible process that regulates these differentially expressed transcripts in rice grain responding to Zinc at the early milky stage was further analyzed. The functional classification of those genes indicated their connection with various metabolic pathways, Zinc transport, signal transduction, transcriptional regulation, and other processes related to growth and development in early milky stage of rice. Using Illumina sequencing technology, the differences between the transcriptomes of high zinc content and low zinc content lines the early milky stage was described here for the first time. The candidate transcripts may provide genetic resources that may be useful in the improvement of Zinc concentration of rice. The model proposed here is based on differences in expression and transcription between two rice lines. In addition, the model may support future studies on the molecular mechanisms underlying plant responses to Zinc. *Corresponding Author: Tel , yjpark@kongju.ac.kr
201 PC-43 Resequencing reveals different domestication rate for BADH1 and BADH2 in rice (Oryza sativa) Qiang He 1, Jie Yu 1, Tae-Sung Kim 1, Yoo-Hyun Cho 1,2, Young-Sang Lee 3, Yong-Jin Park 1,4* 1 Department of Plant Resources, College of Industrial Science, Yesan , Kongju National University, Republic of Korea 2 Seedpia, 85, Maesil-ro, Kwonsun-ku, Suwon, Republic of Korea 3 Department of Medical Biotechnology, Soonchunhyang University, Asan , Republic of Korea 4 Legume Bio-Resource Center of Green Manure (LBRCGM), Kongju National University, Yesan , Republic of Korea BADH1 and BADH2 are two homology genes, encoding betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase in rice. In the present study, we scanned BADHs sequences of 295 rice cultivars, and 10 wild rice accessions to determine the polymorphisms, gene functions and domestication of these two genes. A total of 16 alleles for BADH1 and 10 alleles for BADH2 were detected in transcription region of cultivars and wild species. Association study showed that BADH1 has significant correlation with salt tolerance in rice during germination stage, the SNP P (T/A)ishighlycorrelatedwithsalttoleranceindex(STI)(P<10-4 ). While, BADH2 was only responsible for rice fragrance, of which two BADH2 alleles (P2 3036, P ) explain 97% of aroma variation in our germplasm. It indicated that there are no overlapping functions between the two homology genes. In addition, a large LD block was detected in BADH2 region, however, no large LD blocks in a 4-Mb region of BADH1. Only BADH2 region shown significant bias Tajima s D value from the balance. Extended haplotype homozygosity study revealed fragrant accessions had a large LD block that extended around the mutation site (P ) of BADH2, while both of the BADH1 alleles (SNP P (T/A)) did not show large extended LDblock. All these results suggested that BADH2 was identified as a domesticated gene during rice evolution, while BADH1 was not selected by human beings. *Corresponding Author: Tel , yjpark@kongju.ac.kr
202 PC-44 Discovery of a novel fragrant allele and development of functional markers for fragrance in rice Qiang He 1, Yong-Jin Park 1,2* 1 Department of Plant Resources, College of Industrial Sciences, Kongju National University, Yesan , Republic of Korea 2 Legume Bio-Resource Center of Green Manure (LBRCGM), Kongju National University, Yesan , Republic of Korea Aroma in rice (Oryza sativa L.) results from the loss of function of the betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase (Badh2) gene on chromosome 8. An 8-bp deletion in exon 7 of Badh2 was reported to be the main allele functionally associated with fragrance. The discovery of new functional alleles will provide additional genetic resources to improve fragrant rice. In this study, we sequenced the Badh2 gene in 30 rice accessions and filtered the Badh2 polymorphisms from whole genome re-sequence data of 295 rice accessions. Seven alleles were detected from the sequence data. Six of the seven were known alleles and one was a novel allele (badh2-e12). The novel allele was a 3-bp deletion in exon 12. Five functional markers, targeting six of the seven alleles, were identified. Fourteen accessions were selected to test the utility of these markers. The five molecular markers reliably distinguishing this fragrant rice from other fragrant or non-fragrant rice accessions. Analysis of two F2 rice population validated the genetic markers FME12-3 and FME14I as functional markers. These two markers co-segregated with the fragrance phenotype. These markers will be used in a Badh2 diversity study and to breed improved fragrant rice accessions via marker-assisted selection. *Corresponding Author: Tel , yjpark@kongju.ac.kr
203 PC-45 Orthologous based study to detect the fast evolutionary genes related to rice pre-harvest sprouting Wei Tong 1, Tae-Sung Kim 1,2, Kyu-Won Kim 1,2, Yong-Jin Park 1,2* 1 Department of Plant Resources, College of Industrial Sciences, Kongju National University, Yesan , Republic of Korea 2 Legume Bio-Resource Center of Green Manure (LBRCGM), Kongju National University, Yesan , Republic of Korea Pre-harvest sprouting (PHS) results in lower yields for rice and other crops, especially in rainy season before harvest. By using gene based functional studies to reveal the mechanism of PHS related pathways can be a good way in breeding for more PHS resistant accessions. Orthologous genes, which are homologous genes that diverged after a speciation event, generally maintain a similar function in different species to that of the ancestral gene in which they evolved from. Applied with a McDonald-Kreitman Test (MKT), we examined more than 10,000 orthologous genes between rice (Oryza sativa) and Brachypodium (outgroup) based on different phenotypic groups in order to find some fast evolutionary genes in rice PHS. Three groups which represented the PHS susceptible (group 1), PHS medium (group 2) and PHS resistant (group 3) were separated based on the phenotype and each group was examined with the outgroup for MKT. Total 60 fast evolutionary genes that have a positive selection with FDR 0.05 were found in the three groups, and 19, 5 and 8 genes were specific existed in group 1, 2 and 3, respectively. Annotation of these genes were conducted and the predicted functions were investigated, leading that one Ethylene receptor-like gene that may related to PHS based on the previous studies, which need to be validated later, however. In addition, network analysis of these characterized genes were also investigated, which could reveal the connection of genes between each other. Moreover, the association study between the candidate gene ethylene receptor and the PHS phenotype was performed and indicated that this gene is significantly correlated with PHS in rice. All these above indicated that with this orthologous based method, we can find some important candidate genes that may play an important role in some traits. *Corresponding Author: Tel , yjpark@kongju.ac.kr
204 PC-46 A chloroplast variation map generated using whole genome re-sequencing of Korean landrace rice reveals phylogenetic relationships among Oryza sativa subspecies Wei Tong 1, Qiang He 1, Xiao-Qiang Wang 1, Min-Young Yoon 1, Won-Hee Ra 1, Feng Peng Li 1, Jie Yu 1, Win Htet Oo 1, Sun-Kyung Min 1, Buung Choi 1, Eun-Beom Heo 1, Byoung-Kook Yun 2, Kyu-Won Kim 1, Tae-Sung Kim 1, Chang-Yong Lee 2, Yong-Jin Park 1,3* 1 Department of Plant Resources, College of Industrial Sciences, Kongju National University, Yesan , Republic of Korea 2 Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering, Kongju National University, Cheonan , Republic of Korea 3 Legume Bio-Resource Center of Green Manure (LBRCGM), Kongju National University, Yesan , Republic of Korea Although the overall structure of the chloroplast genome is generally conserved, a number of sequence variations have been identified, which are valuable for plant population and evolutionary studies. Here, we constructed a chloroplast variation map of 30 landrace rice strains of Korean origin, using the Oryza rufipogon chloroplast genome (Genbank: NC_017835) as a reference. Differential distribution of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and indels across the rice chloroplast genome is suggestive of a region-specific variation. Population structure clustering revealed the existence of two clear subgroups (indica and japonica) and an admixture group (aus). Phylogenetic analysis of the 30 landrace rice strains and six rice chloroplast references suggested and supported independent evolution of O. sativa indica and japonica. Interestingly, two aus type accessions, which were thought to be indica type, shared a closer relationship with the japonica type. One hypothesis is that Korean aus was intentionally introduced and may have obtained japonica chloroplasts during cultivation. We also calculated the nucleotide diversity of 30 accessions and compared to six rice chloroplast references, which shown a higher diversity in the indica and aus groups than in the japonica group in lower level substitution diversity. *Corresponding Author: Tel , yjpark@kongju.ac.kr
205 PC-47 Evolutionary study for rice iron uptake from Korean authentic rice core set Buung Choi 1, Min-Young Yoon 1, Tae-Sung Kim 1,2, Kyu-Won Kim 1,2, Donghwan Shim 3, Beom-Seok Park 3, Won-Il Kim 4, Yong-Jin Park 1,2* 1 Department of Plant Resources, College of Industrial Sciences, Kongju National University, Yesan , Republic of Korea 2 Legume Bio-Resource Center of Green Manure (LBRCGM), Kongju National University, Yesan , Republic of Korea 3 The Agricultural Genome Center, National Academy of Agricultural Science, Rural Development Administration, Jeonju, Republic of Korea 4 Chemical Safety division, National Academy of Agricultural Science, Rural Development Administration, Jeonju, Republic of Korea Iron is an essential mineral found in every cell of the human body to make the oxygen-carrying proteins hemoglobin and myoglobin. More than 2 billion people face Fe deficiency. Rice can be a potentially valuable source to supplement that mineral since it is staple food for two-thirds of the world s population. To bring the nutritional level of the milled product up to that of the whole grain (brown), rice should be enriched with thiamin, niacin and iron. Also iron has important role that absorption from the photosynthetic cells proceeds, chlorophyll synthesis and the growth process of the plant. Orthologous genes, which are homologous genes that diverged after a speciation event, generally maintain a similar function in different species. We applied a McDonald-Kreitman Test (MKT) to examine more than 10,000 orthologous genes between rice (Oryza sativa) and Brachypodium (outgroup) based on different phenotypic groups. This analysis was undertaken to find fast evolutionary genes in rice iron uptake. Three groups were separated based on the phenotype and each group was examined with the outgroup for MKT. Fast evolutionary genes that have a positive selection with FDR 0.05 were detected at each groups. Annotation of these genes were conducted and the predicted functions were also discussed here. And also, the association study between the candidate gene related to iron uptake phenotype was performed. These results support that using this orthologous based method, we may find some important candidate genes underlying the ion uptake in rice. *Corresponding Author: Tel , yjpark@kongju.ac.kr PC-48 A computer program for combining SNP information and estimating SNP-related statistics Chang-Yong Lee 1*, Yong-Jin Park 2,3 1 Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Kongju National University, Cheonan , Republic of Korea 2 Department of Plant Resources, College of Industrial Sciences, Kongju National University, Yesan , Republic of Korea 3 Legume Bio-Resource Center of Green Manure (LBRCGM), Kongju National University, Yesan , Republic of Korea We report the C language implementation of a program that merges SNP data from all samples and estimates various statistical quantities related to SNP. The software combines the SNP information from different samples according to the SNP position in the nucleotide sequence. The combined SNP information is converted into HapMap format that can be used as an input for genome-wide association analysis for quantitative traits. The software additionally provides estimates of the minor allele frequency, the heterozygosity ratio, and the In/Del frequency. The software is prepared as a stand-alone program and is downloadable from *Corresponding Author: Tel , clee@kongju.ac.kr
206 PC-49 Evolutionary study for rice flowering time genes in Korean authentic rice core set Min-Young Yoon 1, Tae-Sung Kim 1,2, Kyu-Won Kim 1,2, Yong-Jin Park 1,2* 1 Department of Plant Resources, College of Industrial Sciences, Kongju National University, Yesan , Republic of Korea 2 Legume Bio-Resource Center of Green Manure (LBRCGM), Kongju National University, Yesan , Republic of Korea In rice (Oryza sativa L.), there is a diversity in flowering time that is strictly genetically regulated by plenty of genes. The floral transition from vegetative to reproductive development is a very important step in the life cycle of a flowering plant. Orthologous genes, which are homologous genes that diverged after a speciation event, generally maintain a similar function in different species. with a McDonald-Kreitman Test (MKT), we examined more than 10,000 orthologous genes between rice (Oryza sativa) and Brachypodium (outgroup), based on different phenotypic groups, to find some fast evolutionary genes of rice flowering time. Three groups with early flowering time (group 1), midium flowering time (group 2) and late flowering time (group 3) were separated and each group was examined for McDonald-Kreitman Test (MKT). Total 70 fast evolutionary genes under a positive selection were found in the three groups, and 14, 42 and 14 genes were specific existed in group 1, 2 and 3, respectively. Annotation of these genes were conducted and the predicted functions were also surveyed. In addition, network analysis of these characterized genes were also investigated to infer related pathways. And also, the association study between the one early flowering factor and the flowering time phenotype was performed and indicated that this gene is significantly correlated with flowering time in rice. These results suggest that using this orthologous based method, we could find some important candidate genes underlying flowering time regulations. *Corresponding Author: Tel , yjpark@kongju.ac.kr
207 PC-50 Evolution related genes of salt tolerance in rice revealed by McDonald-Kreitman Test Jie Yu 1, Tae-Sung Kim 1,2, Kyu-Won Kim 1,2, Yong-Jin Park 1,2* 1 Department of Plant Resources, College of Industrial Sciences, Kongju National University, Yesan , Republic of Korea 2 Legume Bio-Resource Center of Green Manure (LBRCGM), Kongju National University, Yesan , Republic of Korea Salt is the major factor limiting crop productivity in saline soils. Development of genetic basis of high salt-tolerant rice is necessary to satisfy urgent needs in rice breeding. In this study, 295 rice accessions from a Korean authentic core set were used to identify the evolution associated genes regarding salt tolerance. By using McDonald-Kreitman Test (MKT), we detected orthologous genes in rice (Oryza sativa) using Brachypodium as an outgroup to investigate fast evolved genes that express differentially based on distinct phenotypic groups. Three groups which represented the salt sensitive (group 1), salt medium tolerant (group 2) and salt tolerant (group 3) were separated and each group was examined with the outgroup in neutral and non-neutral polymorphism together with the divergence levels. Total 53 fast evolutionary genes that have a positive selection with FDR 0.05 were found in the three groups. Among them, 15, 31 and 7 genes were included exclusively in group 1, 2 and 3, respectively. Annotation of these genes showing the predicted functions were checked. Two genes were found to be related to high salt tolerance based on the previous studies. Besides, association study of the candidate gene alleles and salt tolerance phenotype was carried out, indicating that these genes were correlated with salt tolerance. All these result support that using this type of evolution study, we may find some important candidate genes which are related to important traits in rice, such as the salt tolerance, providing important information for future gene based molecular breeding and functional analysis in rice. *Corresponding Author: Tel , yjpark@kongju.ac.kr
208 PC-51 Transcriptome changes of rice(oryza sativa L.) in oil accumulation at the early milky stage Win Htet Oo 1, Tae-Sung Kim 1,2, Donghwan Shim 3, Beom-Seok Park 3, Yong-Jin Park 1,2* 1 Department of Plant Resources, College of Industrial Sciences, Kongju National University, Yesan , Republic of Korea 2 Legume Bio-Resource Center of Green Manure (LBRCGM), Kongju National University, Yesan , Republic of Korea 3 The Agricultural Genome Center, National Acedemy of Agricultural Science, Rural Development Administration, Jeonju, Republic of Korea Rice bran has been reckoned as a potential source of edible oil contained % of oil, in its natural state, also contains several constituents of potential significance in diet and health. Interest has focused primarily upon gamma-oryzanol, tocotrienols, and tocopherols, all of which demonstrate antioxidant properties. We analyzed the transcriptome profiles for rice grain from high and low oil content lines at the early milky stage using the Illumina sequencing method. This analysis indicated that many transcripts showed different expressions level between high and low oil content rice. The functional classification of those genes indicated their connection with various metabolic pathways, oil transport, signal transduction, transcriptional regulation, and other processes. The results obtained here will enable to understand how changes in oil concentration or availability are interpreted into adaptive responses in early milky stage of rice. Based on the functional annotation of the differentially expressed genes, the possible processes that regulate these expressed transcripts in rice grain was further analyzed. The candidate transcripts may provide genetic resources that may be useful in the improvement of oil contents of rice. *Corresponding Author: Tel , yjpark@kongju.ac.kr PC-52 A pipleline for genome assisted breeding to efficiently exploit useful alleles from rice germplasm Tae-Sung Kim 1,2, Kyu-Won Kim 1,2, Yong-Jin Park 1,2* 1 Department of Plant Resources, College of Industrial Sciences, Kongju National University, Yesan , Republic of Korea 2 Legume Bio-Resource Center of Green Manure (LBRCGM), Kongju National University, Yesan , Republic of Korea Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is one of the most important staple crops in the world, providing main energy source for more than half of the world s population. It is even closely associated with economic and political stability in many developing countries of Asia and Africa. These days, moreover, amount of land suitable for the agriculture is shrinking due to a variety factors, such as rapid climate changes and industrializations, while rice eating human populations keeps growing. To meet the nutritional and socio-economic demands worldwide, dedicated efforts in developing superior rice varieties need to be reinforced, accumulating and combining beneficial alleles as much as possible from rice germplams. Here, we propose a pipeline for genome assisted breeding where new genomic technologies including GWAS, omics and evolutionary studies together with follow-up breeding programs are integrated. Once pinpointing candidates genes, the integrated genomics approach allows informed choice of parents for the following breeding program based on the haplotype information, in addition to providing precise molecular marker information. We also conducted proof-of-concept analysis, using various agriculturally important phenotypes for rice improvements. *Corresponding Author: Tel , yjpark@kongju.ac.kr
209 PC-53 Generation and characterization of T-DNA insertion population for genetically-modified rice Hyemin Lim, A-Ram Kim, Hyun-Ju Hwang, Jung-Il Cho, Hyeonso Ji, Chang-Kug Kim, Soo-Chul Park, Gang-Seob Lee * National Academy of Agricultural Science, Rural Development Administration, Jeonju , Republic of Korea We have generated 383 independent transgenic lines for genetically modified (GM) rice that contained PsGPD (Glyceraldehyde-3-Phosphate Dehydrogenase), ArCspA (Cold Shock Protein), BrTSR15 (Triple Stress Resistance 15) and BrTSR53 (Triple Stress Resistance 53) genes over-expression constructs under the control of the constitutive (CaMV 35S) promoter. TaqMan copy number assay was determined inserted T-DNA copy number. Also flanking sequence tags (FSTs) analysis was isolated from 203 single copy T-DNA lines of transgenic plants and sequence mapped to the rice chromosomes. In analyzing single copy lines, we identified 157 flanking sequence tags (FSTs), among which 58 (36%) were integrated into genic regions and 97 (62%) into intergenic regions. About 27 putative homozygous lines were obtained through multi-generations of planting, resistance screening and TaqMan copy number assay. To investigate the transgene expression patterns, quantitative real-time PCR analysis was performed using total RNAs from leaf tissue of single copy, intergenic region of T-DNA insertion and homozygous T2 plants. The mrna expression levels of the examined transgenic rice were significantly increased in all of the transgenic plants. In addition, myc-tagged 35S:BrTSR15 and 35S:BrTSR53 transgenic plants were displayed higher levels of transgene protein. These results may be useful for producing of large-scale transgenic plants or T-DNA inserted mutants in rice. *Corresponding Author: Tel , kangslee@korea.kr
210 PC-54 Molecular dissection of a rice RING finger protein induced by salt and drought treatments Yong Chan Park, Cheol Seong Jang * Plant Genomics Lab. Department of Applied Plant Sciences, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon , Korea As sessile organisms, plants have evolved mechanisms that allow them to adapt and survive periods of various environmental stresses including high salinity and drought. The ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS) is an integral player in plant response and adaptation to various abiotic stresses. Understanding UPS function has centered mainly on defining the role of E3 ubiquitin ligases, which are the substrate-recruiting component of the ubiquitination pathway. Here, we report on Ring finger E3 ligase, Oryza sativa salt- and drought-induced RING finger protein1 gene (OsSDRFP1) in defense responses to osmotic stresses. Results of qrt-pcr and In vitro ubiquitination assay demonstrated that OsSDRFP1 act as an E3 ligase in response to salt and drought stresses. in this study, Subcellular localizations showed that the OsSDRFP1 was observed in cytosol (66%) and nucleus (34%) under non-treated conditions. However, the florescence signals of rice protoplasts after salt treatments detected in nucleus (60%) higher than in cytosol (30%). The Arabidopsis plants overexpressing OsSDRFP1 clearly exhibited hypersensitive responses to salt stress. whereas, OsSDRFP1-overexpressing plants were more tolerant to both drought- and ABA-stresses than the wild-type plants. These results might suggest that OsSDRFP1 has a dual function as a regulator of high salt- and drought-stresses. Keywords: RING E3 ligase, Abiotic stress, Ubiquitin-proteasome system *Corresponding Author: csjang@kangwon.ac.kr PC-55 Dissection of Korean landrace chamoe (Cucumis melo var. makuwa) genome Inkyu Park 1,2, Jae-Pil Choi 1, Jungeun Kim 1, Jeongyeo Lee 1, Soohwan Lim 1, Mi-Ye Lee 1,2, Hey-Ran Kim 1* 1 Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology (KRIBB), Daejeon , Republic of Korea 2 College of Agriculture and Life Science, Chungnam National University, 99 Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon , Republic of Korea The oriental melon (C. melo var. makuwa), called Chamoe in Korean, is a popular fruit crop cultivated mainly in Asia and a high market value crop in Korea. To provide a genomic resource as a reference genome for the Cucurbitaceae crop improvement, we performed whole genome sequencing of Korean landrace, Gotgam chamoe. We used Illumina HiSeq2000 sequencing platform to generate 89 Gb (205X) of paired and mate pair sequence reads. The pre-processed reads were de novo assembled resulting in 4,764 scaffolds with a N50 scaffold length of 249kb. This assembly represented 379.8Mb which was 84.7% of the 448Mb of the whole genome. The assembled draft was predicted 26,634 genes of which 80% were predicted by known protein or C. melo unigene homology. Approximately 20% of predicted genes were hypothetical. A total of 1,885 non-coding RNA was detected including rrna. The transposable elements were accounted for 21% (71.6Mb) of the total assembly. All the marker candidates including SSR, INDEL, SNP were mined and presented. The draft genome will provide a useful platform for genomic research and improvement for Cucurbitacea crops. *Corresponding Author: Tel , kimhr@kribb.re.kr
211 PC-56 Profile of econdary metabolites and related gene expressions of Panax ginseng adventitious roots induced from 5 korean ginseng cultivars cultured in bioreactors Hyun-Seung Park 1, Dong-Kyu Lee 2, Yun Sun Lee 1, Sang-Choon Lee 1, Murukarthick Jayakodi 1, Sung Won Kwon 2, Tae-Jin Yang 1* 1 Department of Plant Science, Plant Genomics and Breeding Institute, and Research Institute for Agriculture and Life Sciences, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul, , Republic of Korea 2 College of Pharmacy, Seoul national university, Seoul Korea Panax Ginseng is a perennial medicinal plant originated from North-east asia. Because of its well-known tonic effects mainly from ginsenosides, various types of processed ginseng products have been distributed around the world. Here, we analyzed secondary metabolite profiling of adventitious roots of 5 korean ginseng cultivars, Chunpoong (CP), Sunhyang (SH), Gopoong (GO), Sunun (SU), and Cheongsun (CS). At the same time, the profiles of relative gene expressions related to ginsenoside biosynthesis pathway were compared among ginseng cultivars. Secondary metabolite profiles were revealed by UPLC/Q-TOF-MS from extracts of bioreactor derived adventitious roots of five ginseng cultivars. Using principal component analysis, secondary metabolite profiles of ginseng cultivars were categorized into three groups. Metabolites with high VIP values were annotated using known database and standards compounds. Relative gene expression of ginsenoside related gene were analyzed using realtime PCR. The three groups had distinct metabolite contents. Furthermore, gene expression profiles related to ginsenoside were also different, which might contribute diverse secondary metabolite composition of ginseng cultivars. Further integrated analysis would provide a relationship between genetic background of ginseng cultivars and secondary metabolite profiles. This research was supported by Next-Generation BioGreen21 Program for Agriculture & Technology Development (Project No. PJ ) Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea. *Corresponding Author: Tel , tjyang@snu.ac.kr PC-57 Gene identification of Arabidopsis gametophytic mutation showing aberrant pollen phenotype using map-based cloning approach Hyo Jin Park, Nguyen Thi Hoai Thuong, Tien Dung Nguyen, Sung Aeong Oh, Soon Ki Park * Division of Plant Biosciences, Kyungpook National University, Deagu, South Korea Map-based cloning is a basic method for identifying the mutated gene in plants. We selected the gametophytic mutant, named as AP-26-09, in activation-tagging pool. Mutant plant showed various kinds of pollen phenotype, such as the different number of nucleus or abnormal shapes. For the map-based gene cloning, we conducted phenotypic analysis of F2 mapping population through the screening of DAPI-stained pollen using fluorescence microscopy. Genomic DNA of F2 plants is prepared from leaves of approximately 1000 plants. In order to define chromosomal region where mutation is located, we designed SSLP markers and performed PCR amplification. In this study, we characterized gametophytic mutant and determined the chromosomal location using map-based approach. *Corresponding Author: Tel , psk@knu.ac.kr
212 PC-58 Mapping QTLs of resistance to head splitting in cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata L.) Wenxing Pang, Xiaonan Li, Seong Ho Lee, Dasom Kim, Sang Heon Oh, Su Ryun Choi, Yong Pyo Lim * Molecular Genetics and Genomics Lab, Department of Horticulture, Chungnam National University, Daejeon , Republic of Korea. Cabbage head splitting can greatly affect both the quality and commercial value of cabbage (Brassica oleracea). To detect the genetic basis of head-splitting resistance, a genetic map was constructed using an F2 population derived by crossing 748 (head-splitting-resistant inbred line) and 747 (head-splitting-susceptible inbred line). The map spans 830.9cM and comprises 270 markers distributed in nine linkage groups, which correspond to the nine chromosomes of B. oleracea. The average distance between adjacent markers was 3.6cM. A total of six quantitative trait loci (QTLs) conferring resistance to head splittingwere detected in chromosome 2, 4, and 6. Two QTLs, SPL-2-1 and SPL-4-1, on chromosomes 2 and 4, respectively, were detected in the experiments over 2 years, suggesting that these two potential loci were important for governing the head-splitting resistance trait. Markers BRPGM0676 and BRMS137, which were tightly linked with head-splitting resistance, were detected in the conserved QTL SPL-2-1 region using bulked segregant analysis. Synteny analysis showed that SPL-2-1 was anchored to a 3.18Mb genomic region of the B. oleracea genome, homologous to crucifer ancestral karyotype E block in chromosome 1 of Arabidopsis thaliana. Moreover, using a field emission scanning electron microscope, significant differences were observed between the two parental lines in terms of cell structures. Line 747 had thinner cell wall, lower cell density, larger cell size, and anomalous cell wall structure compared with the resistant line 748. The different cell structures can provide a cytological base for assessing cabbage head splitting. *Corresponding Author: Tel , yplim@cnu.ac.kr
213 PC-59 Characterization and analysis of OsUPS, a U-box containing E3 ligase that respond to phosphate starvation in rice. Ki-Deuk Bae, Doh-Hoon Kim * Department of Genetic engineering, College of Natural Resources and Life Science, Dong-a University, Busan , Republic of Korea The ubiquitin-26s proteasome system is important in the quality control of intracellular proteins. The ubiquitin-26s proteasome system includes the E1 (ubiquitin activating), E2 (ubiquitin conjugating) and E3 (ubiquitin ligase) enzymes. U-box proteins are a derived version of RING-finger domains, which have E3 enzyme activity. Here, we present the isolation of a novel U-box protein, OsUPS, from rice (Oryza sativa).the cdna encoding the O.sativa U-box protein(osups) comprises 1338bp, with an open reading frame of 445 amino acids. The open reading frame of the OsUPS protein is comprised of notable domains: a single ~70-amino acid domain and a GKL domain that contains conserved glycine, lysine/ arginine residues and leucine-rich feature. We found that full-length expression of OsUPS was up-regulated in both rice plants and cell culture in the absence of inorganic phosphate (Pi). A self-ubiquitination assay indicated that the bacterially expressed OsUPS protein had E3 ligase activity, and subcellular localization results showed that OsUPS was located in the chloroplast. Suppression of OsUPS resulted in servre signs of toxicity caused by the over-accumulation of Pi. These results support the notion that OsUPS plays an important role in the Pi signaling pathway through the ubiquitin-26s proteasome system. *Corresponding Author: Tel , dhkim@dau.ac.kr PC-60 Cloning and identification of the partial major ampullate silk protein gene from the spider Araneus ventricosus in rice. Ki-Deuk Bae, Doh-Hoon Kim * Department of Genetic engineering, College of Natural Resources and Life Science, Dong-a University, Busan , Republic of Korea Fibroin silk proteins from spider or silkworm are attractive biomaterials that are of particular biotechnological interest for industrial and medical purposes because of their unique physical and mechanical properties. In this study, we generated and characterized the transgenic rice plant expressing a spider silk protein. Spider silks have great potential as biomaterials with extraordinary properties. Here, we report the cloning and characterization of the major ampullate silk protein gene from the spider Araneus ventricosus. A cdna encoding the partial major ampullate silk protein (AvMaSp) was cloned from A. ventricosus. An analysis of the cdna sequence shows that AvMaSp consists of a 240 amino acid repetitive region and a 99 amino acid C-terminal non-repetitive domain. The peptide motifs that were found in the spider major ampullate silk proteins, (A)n, (GA)n, and (GGX)n, were conserved in the repetitive region of AvMaSp. Phylogenetic analysis further confirmed that AvMaSp belongs to the spider major ampullate spidroin family of proteins. Recombinant AvMaSp-R was degraded abruptly by trypsin. However, AvMaSp-R was stable at 100 C for at least 30 min. Additionally, the AvMaSp-R was stable at ph values from 2 to 12 for at least 1 h. Taken together, our findings describe the molecular structure and biochemical properties of the A. ventricosus major ampullate silk protein and demonstrate its potential as a biomaterial. *Corresponding Author: Tel , dhkim@dau.ac.kr
214 PC-61 Identification and analysis of osgasd gene. Ki-Deuk Bae, Doh-Hoon Kim * Department of Genetic engineering, College of Natural Resources and Life Science, Dong-a University, Busan , Republic of Korea We used an efficient system to create rice mutant by Ac/Ds transposon insertion mutagenesis, such as selected homozygous mutant in dwarf phenotypes. We reported here the identification of function of dwarf OsGASD gene(oryza sativa Gibberellin Acid Sensitive Dwarf). OsGASD gene encodes a 344 amino acid polypeptide and no homology proteins in Gene Bank. The osgasd mutnat was sensitive to exogenous gibberellic acid(ga) level. We performed experiment to controlled expression the OsGASD gene, its role in plant development, a quantitative analysis of endogenous GA content and sensitivity to GA. The osgasd mutant includes smaller amount of active GAs than wild-type. osgasd mutant plant of GA biosynthesis pathway causes GA deficiency and dwarf plants, and endogenous GA suppliance can restore the wild type phenotype in this mutant. There result indicated that OsGASD gene regulated the elongation of shoot, stem and plant height. The increased expression of OsGASD gene dramatically induces expression of the factors associated with GA biosynthesis, whereas osgasd mutant suppression of the factors associated with GA biosynthesis, loading to dwarf phenotypes. That applied GA3 at the plant development stage to survey the response of OsGASD gene to GA3. We suggest that OsGASD gene is related to factors of GA biosynthesis pathway regulating rice internodes development. *Corresponding Author: Tel , dhkim@dau.ac.kr PC-62 OsMYB4p, an R2R3-type MYB transcription factor, improves phosphate uptake in rice Ki-Deuk Bae, Doh-Hoon Kim * Department of Genetic engineering, College of Natural Resources and Life Science, Dong-a University, Busan , Republic of Korea R2R3 MYB transcription factors play regulatory roles in plant responses to various environmental stresses and nutrient deficiency. In this study, we isolated MYB-like gene respond to phosphorus deprivation in rice and designated OsMYB4P, an R2R3 MYB transcription factor, from rice under low-phosphate conditions. OsMYB4P is 993bp long and encodes a 330 amino acid polypeptide. OsMYB4P was localized in the nucleus and acted as a transcriptional activator. Transcriptional levels of OsMYB4P in cell suspension, shoots, and roots of rice increased under low phosphate conditions. Shoots and roots of OsMYB4P overexpressing plants grew well in high and low phosphate conditions. In addition, root system architecture was altered considerably as a result of OsMYB4P overexpression. Under both phosphate sufficient and deficient conditions, more Pi accumulated in shoots and roots of OsMYB4P overexpressing plants than in the wild type. Overexpression of OsMYB4P led to greater expression of Pi transporter-family proteins OsPT1, OsPT2, OsPT4, OsPT7, and OsPT8 in shoots, and to decreased or unchanged expression of these proteins in roots, with the exception of OsPT8. These results demonstrate that OsMYB4P may be associated with efficient utilization of Pi in rice. *Corresponding Author: Tel , dhkim@dau.ac.kr
215 PC-63 Characterizataion and histological analysis of leaf development related gene in rice. Ki-Deuk Bae, Doh-Hoon Kim * Department of Genetic engineering, College of Natural Resources and Life Science, Dong-a University, Busan , Republic of Korea Establisment of rice library is an essential approach for rice functional genomics study. Utilizaing maize transposable element Ac/Ds is a promising method to construct insertional mutagenesis library of rice. Ac/Ds tagging system has received extensive application in rice during the past several years. The maize Ds element is one of the main tagging vehicles used in rice. Narrow leaf mutant have short height, narrow leaf width and large angle. To compare with wild type and narrow leaf mutant in detail, we observed the leaves under microscope. In specific portion(large and small vein), no significantly reduce cell size and number of cell. Knock-out of the OsNLR(narrow leaf ribokinase) gene inhibits internodes, panicles, angle(between leaf and stem), leaf, seed. OsNLR was shown to specifically expressed on leaf. In real time PCR analysis with mature leaf of wild type and mutant, there might be a functional association between OsAGO7, NRL1, NAL1 and NAL7 in regulating leaf development. We tested on the experimental field using wild type and mutant plants. In agricutural traits that contain leaf and seed related traits(except angle) significantly reduce in mutant plants. These results demonstrate that OsNLR gene may be associated with leaf development. *Corresponding Author: Tel , dhkim@dau.ac.kr PC-64 Study of transgenic rice plants in rich expressed sheep serotonin N-Acetyltransferase Yeong Byeon, Hyoung Yool Lee, Kyoungwhan Back * Department of Biotechnology, Bioenergy Research Center, Chonnam National University, Gwangju, Republic of Korea Serotonin N-acetyltransferase (SNAT), the penultimate enzyme in melatonin biosynthesis, catalyzes the conversion of serotonin into N-acetylserotonin. Plant SNAT is localized in chloroplasts. To test SNAT localization effects on melatonin synthesis, we generated transgenic rice plants overexpressing a sheep (Ovis aries) SNAT (OaSNAT) in their chloroplasts and compared melatonin biosynthesis with that of transgenic rice plants overexpressing OaSNAT in their cytoplasm. To localize the OaSNAT in chloroplasts, we used a chloroplast targeting sequence (CTS) from tobacco protoporphyrinogen IX oxidase (PPO), which expresses in chloroplasts. The purified recombinant CTS:OaSNAT fusion protein was enzymatically functional and localized in chloroplasts as confirmed by confocal microscopic analysis. The chloroplast-targeted CTS:OaSNAT lines and cytoplasmexpressed OaSNAT lines had similarly high SNAT enzyme activities. However, after cadmium and butafenacil treatments, melatonin production in rice leaves was severalfold lower in the CTS:OaSNAT lines than in the OaSNAT lines. Notably, enhanced SNAT enzyme activity was not directly proportional to the production of N-acetylserotonin, melatonin, or 2-hydroxymelatonin, suggesting that plant SNAT has a role in the homeostatic regulation of melatonin rather than in accelerating melatonin synthesis. *Corresponding Author: Tel , kback@chonnam.ac.kr
216 PC-65 Presence of melatonin 2-hydroxylase in rice (Oryza sativa) plants Yeong Byeon, Kyoungwhan Back * Department of Biotechnology, Bioenergy Research Center, Chonnam National University, Gwangju, Republic of Korea Although melatonin biosynthetic genes from plants have been cloned, the melatonin catabolism mechanisms remain unclear. To clone the genes responsible for melatonin metabolism, we ectopically expressed 35 fulllength cdnas of rice 2-oxoglutarate-dependent dioxygenase (2-ODD) in Escherichia coli and purified the corresponding recombinant proteins. In vitro 2-ODD assays showed four independent 2-ODD proteins that were able to catalyze melatonin into 2-hydroxymelatonin, exhibiting melatonin 2-hydroxylase (M2H). These M2H proteins had peak activities at ph 8.0 and 30 C. The K m ranged from 121 µm to 371 µm with the V max ranging from 1.7 to 18.5 pkat/mg protein, respectively. The M2H enzyme activities were dependent on cofactors such as α-ketoglutarate, ascorbate, and Fe 2+, similar to the 2-ODD enzymes. M2H activity was inhibited by prohexadione-ca, an inhibitor of 2-ODD, in a dose-dependent manner. M2H activity was high in the roots of rice seedlings, concurrent with high transcription levels of 2-ODD 21, suggesting that 2-ODD 21 was a major gene for M2H activity. Analogous to the high M2H activity in the roots, 2-hydroxymelatonin was found in large quantities in roots treated with melatonin. These results suggest that melatonin was metabolized into 2-hydroxymelatonin by the M2H genes in plants, but the physiological significance of 2-hydroxymelatonin remains to be examined in the future. *Corresponding Author: Tel , kback@chonnam.ac.kr PC-66 Production of doubled haploids through micropspore culture in F 1 hybrids of yellow sarson and turnip rape of Brassica rapa Mi-Suk Seo, Mi-Sun Moon, Kyung-gin Lee, So Youn Won, Sangho Kang, Seong-Han Sohn, Jung Sun Kim * Department of Agricultural Biotechnology, National Academy of Agricultural Science, RDA, JeonJu, , Korea Brassica rapa subspecies show morphological variability, containing vegetable types and oilseed types. The yellow sarson types(brassica rapa ssp, tricolaris) have distinct morphology, yellow seeded and contain some lines with very unique character of tetralocular ovary. For genetic studies on tetralocular ovary related to high seed yields, we produced genetic segregation population with F2 and double haploid(dh) population. The yellow sarson LP8 (YS-033, CGN06835) with character of tetralocular ovary used as a maternal plant and crossed by LP21 of turnip rape type with bilocular ovary as paternal plant. We took on the microspore cultures on immature bud which is collected on sizing from 2mm to 3.2mm for DH population. The regenerations DH plants are analyzed by ploidy determination using flow cytrometer and selected on diploid plants. These regenerated DH and F2 plants are doing bud pollination and measuring the phenotype traits. Also, these populations will be used for identify of genetic locus relate to tetralocular ovary using genotyping by sequencing. *Corresponding Author: Tel , jsnkim@korea.kr
217 PC-67 RNA-seq analysis on tetralocular ovary and high seed yields in yellow sarson of Brassica rapa Mi-Suk Seo, So Youn Won, Sangho Kang, Seong-Han Sohn, Jung Sun Kim * Department of Agricultural Biotechnology, National Academy of Agricultural Science, RDA, JeonJu, , Korea In Brassica as matter of seedling manner, they have the bilocular ovary and 20~28 seeds per silique after fertilization. Rarely some of B. juncea and yellow sarson (Brassica rapa ssp, tricolaris) have multilocular ovary. In this stdudy, the LP8 (YS-033, CGN06835) is shown tetralocular ovary as well as high seed yields. As microscope study for the different size of immature bud sections and we have known the floral meristem with already four locules in immature buds less size than 1mm of LP8. To identify of determining of tetralocular ovary formation, RNA-seq was carried out on the isolated RNA from less than 1mm and from 1mm of bud size respectively. By contrast tetralocular ovay and bilocular ovary, Chiifu is used. A total of 994 differentially expressed genes(degs) are detected in only LP8. Among the DEGs, we identify 18 DEGs in only immature buds of less size than 1mm. The expression patterns of 18 DEGs are validated by real time quantitative PCR and these genes are cloned and the sequence analyzed. At present, 12 candidated gene are analyzed by sequencing and there are detected by large fragment insertion as well as SNPs in sequence comparison to Chiifu. We will perform the genetic transformation of these DEG genes in Arabidopsis for relation between genes and tetralocular ovary. Our results will be helpful in understanding for mechanisms of tetraovular ovary in Brassica rapa. *Corresponding Author: Tel , jsnkim@korea.kr PC-68 Genome-wide identification of pepper NB-LRR gene family and their evolutionary history in Solanaceae Eunyoung Seo 1, Seon-In Yeom 2, Seungill Kim 1, Joohyun Lee 1, Saet-Byul Kim 1, Eunbi Choi 1, Eun Hye Choi 1, Doil Choi 1 1 Department of Plant Science, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea. 2 Department of Agricultural Plant Science, Gyeongsang National University, Jinju, Gyeongnam, Korea. Plants have evolved elaborate innate immune systems against invading pathogens, such as bacteria, fungi, oomycetes, viruses and insects. Among them, intracellular immune receptors known as nucleotide-binding site and leucine-rich repeat (NB-LRR) play critical roles in effector-triggered immunity (ETI) regarding to plant defense. Here, we identified potential NB-LRR coding sequences from pepper genome using bioinformatics analysis and performed comparative analysis with Solanaceae plants. As a result, we identified 267, 443, and 755 NBS-encoding genes in the genome of tomato, potato, and pepper, respectively. These may indicate that the Solanaceae NB-LRRs were evolved through species-specific unequal-duplication event. Further phylogenetic and clustering analyses revealed that Solanaceae NB-LRRs were classified into the 14 subgroups with 1 TNL and 13 CNL types. We found that the genes in CNL-G1 and CNL-G2 subgroup were highly expanded compared to other subgroup showing a large portion of NB-LRR in pepper genome. Among 755 NB-LRRs in pepper genome, 623 were physically mapped on all 12 pepper chromosome pseudomolecules. Furthermore, a number of NB-LRRs in the same group were physically clustered by tandem array in the specific chromosome. Genome-wide identification of pepper NB-LRR family and their evolutionary analysis could provide an important resource for identification and characterization of genes for breeding of disease resistance crops
218 PC-69 Suitability of Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy as a screening method for the production of useful mutant lines in Panax ginseng Javzandulam Ulziisaikhan 1, Jun-Ying Zhang 1, Hong-Yu Li 1, Hyeon-Jin Sun 2, Somi Kim 1, Sung-Jun Song 3, Hyo-Yeon Lee 1,2 1 Department of Biotechnology, Jeju National University, Jeju , Korea 2 Subtropical Horticulture Research Institute, Jeju National University, Jeju, , Korea 3 Institute for Nuclear Science and technology, Jeju National University, Jeju, , Korea Panax ginseng C.A Meyer is commonly used in Asian traditional medicine to treat a variety of diseases. Ginsenosides are glycosylated triterpenes, referred to saponins, have been especially noted as active compounds contributing to the various efficacy of ginseng. In this study, we are trying to select high saponin content of ginseng lines from the gamma irradiated adventitious roots. Recently, we have generated several mutant ginseng lines improving ginseniside content by gamma radiation. The mutant lines were selected by phenotypes and ginsenoside content (HPLC analysis) of the irradiated adventitious root lines. However, the ginsenoside content of the mutant lines was not sufficient for commercial use and the selection method was not suitable for large scale of mutant line selection. In this study, we are testing Fourier transfer infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) as a new selection method of mutant lines in Panax ginseng. About 5,000 pieces of Panax ginseng adventitious roots were exposed to gamma radiation ( 60 Co). Irradiation dosages were 0, 25, 50 and 70Gy. Survival rate of the irradiated samples was evaluated by counting the number of survival main roots after 5 weeks culture in the solid MS medium with NAA, IAA and 5% sucrose. In present, we are collecting the survived adventitious root lines (about 900 lines) from the gamma irradiated ginseng roots for FT-IR and HPLC analysis. After analysis of FT-IR and HPLC, we will assess the suitability of the FT-IR as a screening method for the preparation of mutant lines in ginseng. Acknowledgement: This work was supported by Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation (NRF) ( ) *Corresponding Author: Tel , hyoyeon@jejunu.ac.kr
219 PC-70 Gene transferability between herbicide-resistant B. napus and Korean varieties of B. rapa Soo-In Sohn 1*, Young-Ju Oh 2, Si-Myung Lee 1, Sung-Dug Oh 1, Gang-Seob Lee 1, Doh-Won Yun 1, Hyun-Suk Cho 1 1 National Academy of Agricultural Science, Jeonju, , Republic of Korea 2 Institute of Future Environmental Ecology, Jeonju, , Republic of Korea It is necessary to carry out a risk assessment to determine the consequences of releasing a particular plant species containing specific transgenes before transgenic plants can be grown under filed conditions. Gene flow from transgenic plants to wild closely related species has raised concern recently. Since transgenic crops were released in 1996, the global area of transgenic crops has been increasing rapidly. The transgene introgression from transgenic crops to their wild relatives is unavoidable in some species. Transgene introgression is of concern because the crop wild plant hybrids might be conferred with a selection advantage to increase their performance, which could result in negative ecological consequences to natural ecosystems. The genus Brassica has 159 species, including a number of wild species that are of great importance to the economy. Most transgenic Brassica gene flow research has focused on the most successful cross between transgenic oilseed rape Brassica napus and its wild relatives Brassica rapa, a widely distributed weed in the farming system in Europe and America, since the hybridization can spontaneously happen and the generations can backcross to B. rapa easily in the wild conditions. In this study, we aimed to characterize transgene introgression, segregation, and expression in backcrossed generations between tramsgenic B. napus and B. rapa. These results will contribute to the environmental risk assessment and assist in biosafety management. *Corresponding Author: Tel , sisohn@korea.kr PC-71 Molecular marker evaluated for heat tolerance in wheat Jae-Han Son 1*, Kyeung-Hoon Kim 2, Chon-Sik Kang 1, Young-Keun Cheong 1, Jong-Chul Park 1, Kyong-Ho Kim 1, Yang-Kil Kim 1, Young-Jin Oh 1, Jong-Ho Park 1, Tae-Hwa Song 1, Jae-Seong Choi 1, Bo-Kyeong Kim 1 1 Crop Breeding Division, National Institute of Crop Science, RDA, , Korea 2 Department of Southern Area, National Institute of Crop Science, RDA, , Korea High temperature is one of major environmental stress. Some of molecular markers related heat stress or tolerance have been reported by many researchers. Heat tolerance managing is difficult through the phenotypic selection, so marker assistant selection (MAS) using molecular markers like as RAPD, SSR ect. was tried to selection of useful traits for heat tolerance. Fourteen SSR markers reported by previous research were selected for this research. These markers were linked to important traits including grain filling duration, HIS (Heat susceptibility index) grain filling duration. In this study, we tried to evaluate 14 SSR markers for MAS using 31 useful wheat resources including 24 crossing line from Turkey and six Korean wheat cultivars using 14 SSR markers. The average of the number of alleles and PIC values in this study were 6.14 and 0.63, respectively. Two major clades and six sub clades were grouped by phylogenetic tree using UPGMA program. Six Korean wheat cultivars were distinct from other Turkey resources in the phylogenetic dendrogram. From the results, we expected that these markers were able to adapt to screening wheat genotyping for heat tolerance. *Corresponding Author: Tel , pathfinder1@korea.kr
220 PC-72 Meta-analysis of QTL involved in drought tolerance and grain yield of maize Kitae Song 1, Hyochul Kim 1, Seungho Shin 1, Kyung-Hee Kim 1, Jun-Cheol Moon 2, Jae Yoon Kim 3, Byung-Moo Lee 1* 1 Department of Life Science, Dongguk University-Seoul, Seoul , Korea 2 Agriculture and Life Sciences Research Institute, Kangwon Nat l Univ., Korea 3 College of Life Science and Biotechnology, Korea Univ., Seoul , Korea The maize genome is complex with exceeding the levels of intra-specific variation, repetitive DNA content, and allelic content observed between many species. Because of tremendous diversity and variants, maize is considered as a forefront crop development and estimation of molecular markers for agricultural trait in genetics and breeding. Using quantitative trait loci (QTL) and marker assisted breeding (MAS), molecular breeders are able to development of drought tolerance and grain yield in maize genotype. To study QTL congruency, a meta QTL analysis including results from eight-teen QTL publications for grain yield and drought tolerance were considered. Among them, we assembled 420 QTLs for abscisic acid (ABA) concentration, anthesis silking interval (ASI), days to flower, days to silk, ear number, kernel number, grain number and grain yields, involved in drought tolerance and grain yield. The meta QTL analysis revealed significant evidence for linkage of these traits to 39 different segments as candidates regions on maize genome. A total of 571 marker was selected as QTL or integrated QTL markers for narrowing down the QTL region into specific functionally relevant candidates. The results of meta QTL analysis helped to refine the genomic regions of agricultural traits, interest described and provided the closest flanking markers. Acknowledgment: This work was carried out with the support of Cooperative Research Program for Agriculture Science & Technology Development (Project No. PJ ) Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea. This research was supported by SB920, Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs(MAFRA), Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries(MOF), Rural Development Administration(RDA) and Korea Forest Service(KFS). *Corresponding Author: Tel , bmlee@dongguk.edu
221 PC-73 Screening of rice drought tolerant germplasms and drought tolerant QTL mapping Dongjin Shin 1*, Tae-Heon Kim 1, Sang-Ik Han 1, Ji-Yoon Lee 1, Youngbo Son 1, Sung Hwan Oh 1, Yeon-Jae Hur 1, Saisbeul Lee 1, Jun-Hyun Cho 1, Jong-Hee Lee 2, You-Chun Song 1, Min-Hee Nam 1, Dong-Soo Park 1, Yeong-Up Kwon 1 1 Department of Southern Area Crop Science, Paddy Crop Research Division, National Institute of Crop Science, RDA, Miryang, , Korea 2 Research Policy Bureau, RDA, Jeonju, , Korea In here, we screened drought tolerant varieties with modified leaf water loss rate assay and visual drought tolerant phenotype in the greenhouse conditions with more than 800 varieties. Among these varieties, Samgang, Gumei4 and Apo showed the lowest of leaf water loss rate and strong drought tolerant phenotype. To identify drought QTLs with Samgang variety, we developed the doubled-haploid (DH) population consist of 101 lines derived from a cross the drought tolerant cultivar Samgang and the drought sensitive cultivar Nagdong. To score the drought phenotype degrees of this population, we withheld water for 6 weeks and treated the watering for 7 days. After watering, visual phenotype was observed 1 to 9 degree according to the standard evaluation system for rice, IRRI. Drought sensitive parent Nagdong was almost died and was scored as 9 degree, while tolerant parent Samgang showed slightly leaf tip drying phenotype and was scored as 3 degree in our experimental conditions. Three main QTLs were detected on chromosome 2, 6, and 11 with this visual phenotype. We also measured relative water contend of these population under drought stress conditions, and got one main QTL on chromosome 11. The QTL loci on chromosome 11 with flanking markers RM26755-RM287 has a function for visual phenotype and relative water content under drought conditions. *Corresponding Author: Tel , jacob1223@korea.kr PC-74 DNA Profiling and Variety Identification using Insertion-Deletion (InDel) Polymorphisms in Cultivated Tomato Minkyung Kim, Sung-Chur Sim Sejong University, Dept. of Bioresources Engineering, Seoul, , Korea Cultivated tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) is an economically important vegetable and has a narrow genetic base due to intensive human selection through domestication and breeding. The low level of genetic variation between cultivated tomatoes has made it difficult to develop molecular markers for elite breeding lines. Recently, genome-wide 145,695 InDels were identified from in silico analysis of two tomato genome sequences, Heinz 1706 (S. lycoperiscum) and LA1589 (S. pimpnellifolium). Of these, 2,272 InDels were validated and 717 InDels showed polymorphism in cultivated tomatoes. In the present study, we selected 48 out of 717 InDels based on PIC value (> 0.3) and size (> 10 bp) to develop a DNA database for commercial tomato cultivars. We also used an additional set of 28 InDels that have been previously reported. These markers were distributed across 11 chromosomes with an average of 6.6 markers. A total of 48 F1 hybrid cultivars were collected from 20 seed companies and a subset of eight cultivars were used to test polymorphism of the InDel markers. The 37 InDel markers were polymorphic in these cultivars and were used to genotype additional 40 cultivars. Genetic distances and relationships between cultivars were assessed using the InDel genotypes of 48 cultivars. This analysis revealed that the InDel markers detected genetic variations to identify 46 cultivars. Our results demonstrate that the InDel markers will be a useful resource to construct a DNA database for tomato cultivars and to protect tomato breeder s rights via variety identification
222 PC-75 Proline accumulation and related gene expression in response to higher temperatures during deacclimation in peach shoot tissues Hyunsuk Shin 1,2, Sewon Oh 1,2, Keumsun Kim 1,2, Youngjae Oh 1,2, Jungyeon Won 1,2, Hyeondae Han 1,2, Daeil Kim 1,2* 1 Department of Horticulture, Chungbuk National University, Cheongju , Korea, 2 Brain Korea 21 Center for Bio-Resource Chungbuk National University, Cheongju , Korea Proline (Pro) accumulation is a common physiological reaction in response to abiotic stresses in many plants. Accumulation of Pro is believed to play the important role in protecting cellular components from dehydrating effects due to such stresses. The study was performed to investigate the relationship between cold hardiness and Pro content or expression of related genes in peach cultivars during a constant experimental deacclimation. Changes in cold hardiness were determined using electrolyte leakage method in the shoots of 10 peach cultivars (Prunus persica Aikawanakajima, Chiyomaru, Daewol, Janghowon Hwangdo, Kiraranokiwami, Mihong, Misshong, Soomee, Suhong, and Sun Gold ). Pro content was analyzed using the ninhydrin method and related gene expressions were examined using quantitative real-time RT-PCR. While cold hardiness of 10 peach cultivars decreased, Pro contents of those increased during the deacclimation. Notably, at the same time, expression of P5CS (Δ 1 -pyrroline-5-carboxylatesynthase) decreased in 10 peach cultivars, whereas expressions of P5CR (Δ 1 -pyrroline-5-carboxylatereductase) and OAT (ornithine-δ-aminotransferase) increased. Our results demonstrate that Pro responds positively to higher temperature in the shoots of 10 peach cultivars and expression of both P5CS and P5CR genes could show contrasting patterns during the deacclimation. Furthermore, our results suggest that ornithine pathway, which has been suggested to be important during seedling development, could serve as an alternative pathway in Pro synthesis process during the deacclimation in peach. *Corresponding Author: Tel , dkpomo@cbnu.ac.kr
223 PC-76 Fine Mapping of the Root-Knot Nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) Resistance Gene (Me7 ) using an F 2 Population in Pepper Amornrat Changkwian 1, Ji-Woong Han 1, Jong-Ho Lee 1, Gyung-Ja Choi 2, Byoung-Cheorl Kang 1 * 1 Department of Plant Science, Plant Genomics and Breeding Institute, and Vegetable Breeding Research Center, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul , Republic of Korea 2 Research Center for Biobased Chemistry, Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology, Daejoen , Republic of Korea Root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita is a virulent pest of solanaceaous crops worldwide. The M. incognita resistance gene Me7 derived from Capsicum annuum CM334, is located on chromosome 9. In the present study, an F 2 population derived from a cross between ECW03R and CM334 was used to locate the Me7 gene. An F 2 population was inoculated using approximately 1,000 second-stage juveniles per individual plant. Phenotype screening was done 45 days after inoculation by using gall index system. The phenotype study of 503 F 2 individual showed 391 resistant and 112 susceptible plants. The 3:1 phenotypic ratio confirmed that resistance phenotype is controlled by a single dominant gene. Previously reported two markers were tested to reveal the linkage of markers to phenotype. Two markers, CAPS_F4R4 and SCAR_PM6a were located at 4.3 and 2.7 cm from the resistance gene, respectively. Additional SNP markers were developed using CM334 reference genome information to narrow down the position of the gene, but no closer markers could be developed due to errors of DNA sequence assembly. The closest marker was positioned on telomere of the chromosome 9 long arm, where tens of other NB-LRR genes are clustered. NB-LRR genes are being used as candidates to identify the Me7 gene. *Corresponding Author: Tel , bk54@snu.ac.kr
224 PC-77 알스트로메리아의환경위해성평가를위한생물학적특성평가방법 안주희 1*, 문초아 2, 한수범 3, 박성화 3, 김정석 3, 박태성 4, 한태호 1,2,3 1 광주광역시북구용봉로 77 전남대학교농업과학기술연구소 2 광주광역시북구용봉로 77 전남대학교기술지주회사연구소기업 가든플란트 3 광주광역시북구용봉로 77 전남대학교농업생명과학대학원예학과 4 전라북도완주군이서면농생명로 100 국립원예특작과학원원예작물부채소과 알스트로메리아의환경위해성평가를하기위한생물학적특성평가방법을제시하고자본연구를수행하였다. 환경위해성평가를위해전남대학교격리포장및격리온실에서의원예형질표현형지표비교, 격리포장에서의번식성과월동성, 무성번식을통한차세대의표현형적후대안정성등 4 항목의생물학적특성조사를하였으며, 또한알스트로메리아의실질적동등성평가를하는데필요한적정실험개체수를제시하고자하였다. 격리포장및격리온실에서원예형질표현형지표비교조사결과줄기굵기, 잎의길이와너비, 꽃차례분지길이및꽃의꽃자루길이등 5 항목에서포장보다온실에서크거나굵은차이를보였다. 자연환경에서번식성조사방법은알스트로메리아 rhizome 의개수를조사한결과 7.0 에서 10.2 개로계통에따라차이가나타났으며, 월동성은토양표면에서의깊이를 10cm, 20cm, 30cm 로다르게하여월동후생존력을조사한결과계통에따라 10 75% 로조사되었다. 무성번식을통한차세대의표현형적후대안정성조사에서는양적형질 6 가지를조사하였으며, 씨방에서안토시아닌의유무를조사한결과 씨엔알스호프 ( 품종등록번호 5192) 는안토시아닌이있고, 파이네세 는안토시아닌이없었던차이를제외하고다른항목에서는차이를발견할수없었다. 실질적동등성평가를하는데필요한적정실험개체수는전남대학교온실에서표준재배법에따라재배된알스트로메리아 96 주를대상으로하였으며양적형질 9 항목의특성을실측하여, 각조사항목의실측치를로그함수에의한비선형회귀모형을사용하여분석하여기울기값이 0.03 이되는점을정하였으며, 조사결과실질적동등성평가를하기위한개체수는항목에따라 13 주이상에서 60 주이상으로조사되었다. * 주저자 : Tel , annie65@naver.com PC-78 Development of gene-based markers for pink fruit peel color in tomatoes Marina Lee 1, Jungsu Jung 1, Hyun Jung Kim 2, Je Min Lee 3, Inhwa Yeam 1 1 Department of Horticulture and Breeding, Andong National University, Andongsi, Gyeongsangbukdo, Department of Eco-Friendly Horticulture, Cheonan Yonam College, Cheonansi, Chungcheongnamdo, Department of Horticultural Science, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Tomato fruit color, which is the most visible characteristic among the other fruit traits, is considered to have a substantial influence on consumers. The pink-colored tomatoes with high soluble solids content are considerably preferred especially in Asia compared to the other colors. Generally the pink fruit trait of tomatoes is easily determined by visual examination of intact fruit, however, it is technically determined by the characteristic of the fruit peel. The pink trait is regulated by variations of the SlMYB12(y) gene located on chromosome 1, which controls the accumulation of the naringenin chalcone, which comprises a large proportion of flavonoids. In this study, we developed a derived Cleaved Amplified Polymorphic Sequences (dcaps) marker and a sequence characterized amplified regions (SCAR) marker in order to discriminate of pink/non-pinktomatoes in the domestic breeding lines. Quantitative RT-PCR analysis indicated that the SlMYB gene is highly expressed in non-pink fruit peel, whereas the expression is significantly lowered in the pink fruit peel. These gene based markers are expected to enhance the efficiency and accuracy of selection pink-tomatoes in tomato breeding programs
225 PC-79 Biosafety assessment and molecular biological characteristics for β-carotene biofortified transgenic rice Sung-Dug Oh, Soo-Yun Park, Doh-Won Yun, Soo-In Sohn, Hyun Suk Cho, Si Myung Lee * National Academy of Agricultural Science, Jeonju, The β-carotene biofortified transgenic rice was developed by transforming rice cv. Nakdongbyeo with phytoene synthase (Psy) and carotene desaturase (Crt I) genes isolated from Capsicum and Pantoea. The aim of this study was to perform molecular characterization of rice transformants of T5-T7 generation harboring Psy and Ctr I genes driven by endosperm specific globulin promoter for biosafety evaluation of β-carotene biofortified transgenic rice. The structure and sequence of T-DNA in the transformation vector and the insertion sites, flanking sequences and generational stability of inserted T-DNA in transgenic rice lines were analyzed. The transformation vector consisted of right border, MAR gene, carotenogenic genes unit, herbicide resistance selectable marker unit, MAR gene and left border in sequential order. T-DNA was introduced at the position of 30,363,938-30,363,973 bp of chromosome No. 2 by adaptor-ligation PCR. Stable integration of T-DNA and stable expression of bar gene was confirmed in T5 to T7 generations. It was also confirmed that the backbone DNA of transformation vector containing antibacterial gene was not present in the genome of β-carotene biofortified transgenic rice. HPLC analysis confirmed that carotenoids were consistently detected through T5-T7 generations. *Corresponding Author: Tel , tataby@korea.kr PC-80 Assessment of gene flow from disease resistant (OsCK1) genetically modified rice to its non-gm rice and weedy rice Sung-Dug Oh, Si Myung Lee, Soo-In Sohn, Hyun Suk Cho, Doh-Won Yun * National Academy of Agricultural Science, Jeonju, Genetically modified (GM) crops have never been cultivated commercially in Korea, it is necessary for a thorough assessment of the risks associated with their environmental release. We determined the frequency of pollen mediated gene flow from disease resistant GM rice (OsCK1) to non-gm rice (Nagdongbyeo) and weedy rice (R55). A total of 449,711 or 164,604 seeds were collected from non-gm and weedy rice, respectively which were planted around OsCK1. Resistance of the hybrids was determined by repeated spraying of herbicide and DNA analysis using specific primer to confirm hybrids. Though non-gm rice and weedy rice have similar flowering time, the hybrids were found only in non-gm rice and out-crossing ranged from 0.018% at 0.3 m to 0.013% at 0.6 m. All of hybrids were located within 0.6 m distance from the GM rice plot in southerly direction. The meteorological factors including temperature and relative humidity during flowering time were found to be the most important factors for determining rice out-crossing. It should be considered many factors like the local weather condition and flowering time to set up the safety management policy to prevent pollen mediated gene flow between GM and conventional crop. *Corresponding Author: Tel , dwyun@korea.kr
226 PC-81 Changes in proline content and related gene expression under artificial deaclimation and reacclimation during ecodormant state in Prunus persica Sewon Oh 1,2, Hyunsuk Shin 1,2, Keumsun Kim 1,2, Youngjae Oh 1,2, Jungyeon Won 1,2, Hyeondae Han 1,2, Daeil Kim 1,2* 1 Department of Horticulture, Chungbuk National University, Cheongju , Korea, 2 Brain Korea 21 Center for Bio-Resource Chungbuk National University, Cheongju , Korea, Proline has been shown to accumulate in plant under various type of stresses. In our previous study, changes in cold hardiness and proline content showed contrasting patterns during a constant deacclimation. This study was performed to investigate the proline accumulation and related gene expression in response to repeated deacclimation and reacclimation in peach cultivar Daewol. Proline content was analyzed using the ninhydrin method and related gene expressions were examined using quantitative real-time RT-PCR. Proline contents of Daewol increased during the repeated deacclimation treatments. Interestingly, during the twice deacclimation, expressions of P5CS (Δ 1 -pyrroline-5-carboxylatesynthase) constantly decreased, whereas expressions of P5CR (Δ 1 -pyrroline-5-carboxylatereductase) increased. Expressions of OAT (ornithine-δ -aminotransferase) indicated up- and down- pattern in response to repeated deacclimation and reacclimation. Our results indicated that proline responds positively to higher temperature in the shoots of peach cultivar Daewol and expressions of both P5CS and P5CR genes could show contrasting patterns during the deacclimation. Moreover, our results suggest that ornithine pathway could serve as an alternative pathway in proline synthesis process during deacclimation in peach. *Corresponding Author: Tel , dkpomo@cbnu.ac.kr PC-82 Identification of single-nucleotide polymorphisms in Sw-5b resistance gene and development of a SNP marker to Tomato spotted wilt virus in tomato Hyung Jin Lee, Bo-Young Kim, Chang-Sik Oh * Department of Horticultural Biotechnology and Institute of Life Science & Resources, College of Life Sciences, Kyung Hee University, Yongin , Korea Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) causes one of the most destructive viral diseases that threaten tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) worldwide. So far, eight TSWV resistance genes, Sw1a, Sw1b, sw2, sw3, sw4, Sw-5b, Sw-6, and Sw-7 have been identified and Sw-5b has been incorporated into tomato for prevention of TSWV. The objectives of this research are first to discover single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in Sw-5 alleles and then to develop SNP markers to distinguish resistant genotypes against TSWV for marker-assisted breeding in tomato. First, DNA sequences of Sw-5b alleles from both resistant and susceptible cultivars amplified using known Sw-5 gene-based marker was analyzed. The single functional SNP (G A) was detected as non-synonymous substitution because this SNP causes change of arginine (Arg 599 ) to glutamine (Gln 599 ). Next, the primer pair for high resolution melting analysis (HRM) was designed around this SNP. To determine accuracy of this SNP marker to distinguish resistant Sw-5b genotypes against TSWV, genotypes of 32 commercial tomato cultivars were checked. The newly developed SNP marker could select six cultivars carrying resistant Sw-5b genotype, which was 100% correlated with genotypes based on the gene-based marker. These results indicate that the SNP maker developed in this study could be useful for better tracking resistance to TSWV in tomato breeding. *Corresponding Author: Tel , co35@khu.ac.kr
227 PC-83 Development of the single-nucleotide polymorphism marker in Cf-9 gene conferring resistance to a leaf mold pathogen Cladosporium fulvum in tomato Bo-Young Kim, Hyung Jin Lee, Chang-Sik Oh * Department of Horticultural Biotechnology, College of Life Sciences, Kyung Hee University, Yongin , Korea. Leaf mold disease in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) is caused by Cladosporium fulvum, a fungal leaf pathogen. One of effective ways to control leaf mold is to breed disease-resistant tomato cultivars. Cf-4 and Cf-9 resistance (R) genes encode proteins that carry a leucine rich repeat domain and are located in plasma membrane. They trigger hypersensitive response following recognition of corresponding Avr4 and Avr9 proteins of C. fulvum, respectively. Cf-4 and Cf-9 genes are originated from wild tomato species S. habrochaites and S. pimpinellifolium and have been introgressed into commercial tomato cultivars. These two highly homologous orthologs exist as a cluster with four highly homologous paralogs. Due to this reason, development of genetic markers to distinguish these two functional R genes from their orthologs and paralogs is difficult. In this study, we tried to develop single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers to select tomato cultivars carrying resistant Cf-9 genotype. The genomic sequences of resistant Cf-4 and Cf-9 alleles, susceptible cf-9 alleles, and their paralogs were obtained from the GenBank database, and two functional SNPs causing non-synonymous substitution were found among them. Based on two SNPs, the Cf-9_2-SNP-F/R primer set for high resolution melting (HRM) analysis was developed. HRM analysis with this primer set could successfully distinguish tomato cultivars carrying resistant Cf-9 allele among 30 commercial tomato cultivars, which were characterized with the gene-based marker. These indicate that the SNP marker developed in this study is useful to trace Cf-9 genotype efficiently in marker-assisted selection in tomato. *Corresponding Author: Tel , co35@khu.ac,kr PC-84 Molecular characterization of transgenic plants using Next Generation Sequencing and Junction Sequence Analysis Ji Hye Ohn 1*, Andre Silvanovich 2, Carl Garnaat 2, Colton Kessenich 2, Qing Tian 2 1 Monsanto Korea, Ltd, Seoul, Korea 2 Monsanto Company, St. Louis, Missouri, U.S.A. Molecular characterization of crops improved through biotechnology has traditionally been conducted using Southern blot analysis which has been used to determine T-DNA copy number, the presence or absence of backbone (sequence outside of the T-DNA) and to demonstrate generational stability of the T-DNA insert. The advancement of high-throughput DNA sequencing (HTS) technology allows efficient characterization of the transgene incorportated into the genome of the plant by rapidly sequencing the entire plant genome. By combining NGS (Next Generation Sequencing) technologies with bioinformatic methods that identify the T-DNA insert derived from the plasmid vector and genome-t-dna junction sequences, it has been shown that conclusions equivalent to those of a Southern blot are readily obtained. NGS is done at sufficient coverage depth (>75x) across the entire genome. By mapping the sequence reads to the plasmid vector, and identifying the number of unique junctions, we can confirm insert number, copy number, absence of backbone, across multiple generations. With the widespread availability of NGS and steadily decreasing costs it is likely that academia and industry will fully transition to NGS-based molecular characterizations in the near future. *Corresponding Author: Tel , ji.hye.ohn@monsanto.com
228 PC-85 QTL analysis for Agronomic Traits of Rice Recombinant Inbred Lines under Different Environments Mi-Ok Woo, Xing Huang, Eunbyeol Koh, Hee-Jong Koh * Department of Plant Science, Research Institute of Agriculture and Life Sciences, and Plant Genomics and Breeding Institute, Seoul National University, Seoul , Republic of Korea Understanding how crops interact with their environments is increasingly important in breeding program, especially in light of highly anticipated climate changes. A total of 150 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) of F 12 generation derived from Dasanbyeo (Indica) x TR22183 (Japonica) were evaluated at Suwon 2010, Shanghai 2010, IRRI 2010 wet season, Suwon 2011, Shanghai 2011, IRRI 2011 dry season, and IRRI 2011 wet season as a total of seven diverse environments. Traits evaluation included eight important agronomical traits such as days to heading (DTH), culm length (CL), panicle length (PL), panicle number per plant (PN), spikelet number per panicle (SN), spikelet fertility (SF), 100-grain weight (GW), and grain yield (GY). As a result of genotyping using 384-plex GoldenGate oligo pool assay (OPA) set (RiceOPA3.1), the linkage map for 235 SNP markers covering a total of cm with an average interval of 4.01 cm was constructed and a total of 44 main-effect quantitative trait loci (QTL)s and 35 QTLs by environment interaction (QEI) were detected for all eight traits using single environment and multi-environments analysis, respectively. Of these, fourteen putative QTLs for DTH, CL, PN, SN, GW and GY found in single environment analysis had the similar position to QEI for those traits, suggesting that these same QTLs from both single-and multi-environments are major and stable for certain traits. To the best of our knowledge, 12 QTLs consisted of four QTLs for CL (qcl2, qcl8.1, qcl8.2, and qcl8.3), six QTLs for GW (qgw3.1, qgw3.2, qgw7, qgw8, qgw10.1, and qgw10.2), one QTL for GY (qgy3) and one for SF (qsf4) out of 44 QTLs obtained from single environment analysis were considered to be novel since no overlapping QTL was reported from previous studies. In addition, 12 out of 35 QTLs obtained from multi-environments analysis were also novel. This work was supported by a grant from the Next-Generation BioGreen 21 Program (Plant Molecular Breeding Center No. PJ ), Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea. *Corresponding Author: Tel , heejkoh@snu.ac.kr
229 PC-86 Proteome alterations towards understanding molecular mechanism upon copper stress in Sorghum Swapan Kumar Roy 1, Soo Jeong Kwon 1, Won-Ju Lee 1, Jong-Ho Yang 1, Sang-Woo Kim 1, Tae-Wook Jung 2, Jung-In Kim 2, Tae-Seok Ko 3, Sun-Hee Woo 1* 1 Dept. of Crop Science, Chungbuk National University, Cheong-ju , Korea 2 Department of Functional Crop, NICS, RDA, Miryang , Korea 3 Institute of Ecological Phytochemistry, School of Plant and Envrionmental Science, Hankyong National Univ., 167 Jungang-ro, Kyonggi-do, , Korea Copper (Cu) is an essential micronutrient required for growth and development of plants. But, at a high concentration in soil, copper acts as a major toxic element to plant cells due to its potential inhibitory effects against many physiological and biochemical processes. In this study, the morphological and physiological changes were observed in the leaf of sorghum plants treated with different concentrations (0, 100, and 150 µm) of Copper (Cu). The results linked to morphological changes that plants treated with Cu suffered reduction in growth and morphological changes. In the ion concentration investigation, the concentrations of Cu 2+ increased, the concentration of others interacting ions (Zn 2+, Ca 2+, Mn 2+, Fe 2+ ) were changed dramatically. For proteome analysis, 2-D combined with MALDI-TOF-TOF mass spectrometry was performed. Two dimensional gels stained with silver staining, a total of 422 differential expressed proteins ( 2-fold) were identified using Progenesis SameSpot software. A total of 24 spots from Cu-induced sorghum leaf and 21 spots from Cu-induced sorghum root were analyzed by mass spectrometry. Out of 24 protein spots from Cu-stressed leaf, of which 16 protein spots were up-regulated and 8 protein spots were down-regulated whereas out of 21 protein spots, a total of 9 protein spots were up-regulated and 12 spots were down-regulated from Cu-stressed root. Taken together, these studies revealed the effects of heavy metal, Cu on the growth and physiological characteristics in sorghum seedlings and proteome investigation, hoping to provide references on the mechanism of heavy metal damaging plants. Acknowledgements: This work was supported by grant from the Bio-Green 21 project (No. PJ ) of the Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea. *Corresponding Author: Tel , shwoo@chungbuk.ac.kr
230 PC-87 Proteome analysis unravelling cadmium toxicity and tolerance in Sorghum leaves Swapan Kumar Roy 1, Sang-Woo Kim 1, Jong-Ho Yang 1, Seong-Woo Cho 2, Tae-Wook Jung 3, Jung-In Kim 3, Tae-Seok Ko 4, Sun-Hee Woo 1* 1 Dept. of Crop Science, Chungbuk National University, Cheong-ju , Korea 2 Crop Breeding Research Division, NICS, RDA, Wanju-gun , Korea 3 Department of Functional Crop, NICS, RDA, Miryang , Korea 4 Institute of Ecological Phytochemistry, School of Plant and Envrionmental Science, Hankyong National Univ., 167 Jungang-ro, Kyonggi-do, , Korea Cadmium (Cd) pollution is thought to be one of the leading threat to the environment due to its high toxicity. However, the molecular responses induced by Cd have so far been grossly overlooked. This study examines the morpho-physiological alterations combined with proteome changes in leaves of Sorghum bicolor when exposed to Cd. Ten days old sorghum seedlings were exposed to different concentrations (0, 100, and 150 µm) of CdCl 2 and a significant accumulation of Cd in the leaves was recorded by ICP analysis. Furthermore, the effects of Cd exposure on protein expression patterns in S. Bicolor was investigated by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE) and the 2-DE profile of leaf proteins from both control and Cd-treated seedlings were compared quantitatively using Progenesis SameSpot software. Results lined to morphological changes that plants treated with Cd suffered reduction of growth. The concentration of Cd was markedly reversed by the Cd treatments, whereas the absorption degree of Cd was increased by the higher concentration of Cd by confocal microscopy. Using 2-DE method, a total of 33 differentially expressed protein spots were identified by MALDI-TOF-TOF mass spectrometry. Of those, 13 protein spots were significantly enhanced/reduced while 20 reduced under Cd treatment. The most of the up-regulated proteins are involved in oxidative response, glutathione and sulfur metabolism as well as the secondary metabolite biosynthesis. Collectively, our study provides insights into the integrated molecular mechanisms of early responses to Cd and growth and physiological characteristics of sorghum seedlings hoping to provide references on the mechanism of heavy metal damaging plants. Acknowledgements: This work was supported by grant from the Bio-Green 21 project (No. PJ ) of the Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea. *Corresponding Author: Tel , shwoo@chungbuk.ac.kr
231 PC-88 Protein profile changes induced by hormones in diploid and tetraploid roots of Platycodon grandiflorum Soo-Jeong Kwon 2, Swapan Kumar Roy 1, Won-Ju Lee 1, Hae-Ryong Jeong 1, Hag-Hyun Kim 2, Yong-Gu Cho 1, Hee-Ock Boo 3, Sun-Hee Woo 1* 1 Dept. of Crop Science, Chungbuk National University, Cheong-ju , Korea 2 Dept. of Food Nutrition and Cookery, Woosong College, Daejeon , Korea 3 WellPhyto Co. Ltd., BI Center, GIST, Gwangju , Korea The roots of Platycodon grandiflorum are known as traditional medicine, has been extensively used since ancient times as a therapeutic to treat cold, cough and asthma in Korean traditional medications. This study was conducted in order to profile proteins from the hormone induced diploid and tetraploid roots using high throughput proteome approach. Two dimensional gels stained with CBB, a total of 64 differential expressed proteins were identified from the diploid root using image analysis by Progenesis SameSpot software. Out of total differential expressed spots, 20 differential expressed protein spots ( 2-fold) were analyzed using MALDI-TOF-TOF mass spectrometry whereas a total of 13 protein spots were up regulated and 7 protein spots were down-regulated. However, in the case of tetraploid root, a total of 78 differential expressed proteins were identified from tetraploid root of which a total of 28 differential expressed protein spots ( 2-fold) were analyzed by mass spectrometry whereas a total of 16 protein spots were up regulated and a total of 12 protein spots were down-regulated. However, proteins identified using iproclass databases revealed that the identified proteins from the explants were mainly associated with the nucleic acid binding, oxidoreductase activity, transporter activity and isomers activity. The exclusive protein profile may provide insight clues for better understanding the characteristics of proteins and metabolic activity in various explants of the economically important medicinal plant Platycodon grandiflorum. Acknowledgements: This research was supported by High Value-added Food Technology Development Program ( SB010) of ipet (Korea Institute of Planning and Evaluation for Technology in Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries), Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, Republic of Korea. *Corresponding Author: Tel , shwoo@chungbuk.ac.kr
232 PC-89 Proteome responses of diploid and tetraploid root: Towards understanding functional characterization in Platycodon grandiflorum Soo-Jeong Kwon 2, Swapan Kumar Roy 1, Min-Heon Yun 1, Je-Hyeok Yu 1, Hag-Hyun Kim 2, Hee-Ock Boo 3, Moon-Soon Lee 4, Sun-Hee Woo 1* 1 Dept. of Crop Science, Chungbuk National University, Cheong-ju , Korea 2 Dept. of Food Nutrition and Cookery, Woosong College, Daejeon , Korea 3 WellPhyto Co. Ltd., BI Center, GIST, Gwangju , Korea 4 Dept. of Industrial Plant Science & Technology, Chungbuk National University, Cheong-ju , Korea The roots of Platycodon grandiflorum are massively used in traditional herbal medicine as a remedy for pulmonary disease and respiratory disorders. However, in spite of its potential medicinal significance, the molecular mechanism of its roots is still unknown. In the present study, high throughput proteome approach was conducted to profile proteins from 3, 4 and 5 months aged diploid and tetraploid roots of Platycodon grandiflorum. Two dimensional gels stained with CBB, a total of 68 differential expressed proteins were identified from diploid root out of 767 protein spots using image analysis by Progenesis SameSpot software. Out of total differential expressed spots, 29 differential expressed protein spots ( 2-fold) were analyzed using LTQ-FTICR MS whereas a total of 24 protein spots were up regulated and 5 protein spots were down-regulated. On the contrary, in the case of tetraploid root, a total of 86 differential expressed proteins were identified from tetraploid root out of 1033 protein spots of which a total of 39 differential expressed protein spots ( 2-fold) were analyzed using LTQ-FTICR MS whereas a total of 21 protein spots were up regulated and a total of 18 protein spots were down-regulated. It was revealed that the identified proteins from the explants were mainly associated with the nucleotide binding, oxidoreductase activity, transferase activity. In that way, the exclusive protein profile may provide insight clues for better understanding the characteristics of proteins and metabolic activity in various explants of the economically important medicinal plant Platycodon grandiflorum. Acknowledgements: This research was supported by High Value-added Food Technology Development Program ( SB010) of ipet (Korea Institute of Planning and Evaluation for Technology in Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries), Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, Republic of Korea. *Corresponding Author: Tel , shwoo@chungbuk.ac.kr
233 PC-90 Development of a PCR marker for monitoring of transgene introgression in resveratrol-enriched transgenic rice plant Yang Qin 1, So-Hyeon Baek 2, Soon-Jong Kweon 2, Taek-Ryoun Kwon 1, Myung-Ho Lim 1, Kong-Sik Shin 1, Hyun-Suk Cho 1, Hee-Jong Woo 1* 1 National Academy of Agricultural Science, Rural Development Administration, Jeonju, Korea 2 National Institute of Crop Science, Rural Development Administration, Wanju, Korea A variety of genetically modified (GM) crops have been developed in Korea. In these crops, the resveratrol-enriched transgenic rice plant has moved ahead to generate the dossier for regulatory review process required for commercialization of GM crop. The resveratrol-enriched transgenic rice plant could be released to farmers for cultivation after national regulators have determined that it is safe for the environment and human health. Here we developed a PCR-based DNA marker based on flanking sequences of transgene for the discrimination of zygosity in resveratrol-enriched transgenic rice plant. This DNA marker will be useful for identifying of resveratrol-enriched transgenic rice plant, and can also be use to estimate transgene movement occurred by pollen transfer or seed distribution. *Corresponding Author: Tel , woo001@korea.kr PC-91 Selection of β-carotene enhanced transgenic soybean containing single-copy transgene and analysis of integration sites Yang Qin 1, Soon-Jong Kweon 2, Young-Soo Chung 3, Sun-Hwa Ha 4, Kong-Sik Shin 1, Myung-Ho Lim 1, Taek-Ryoun Kwon 1, Soon Ki Park 5, Hyun-Suk Cho 1, Hee-Jong Woo 1* 1 National Academy of Agricultural Science, Rural Development Administration, Jeonju, , Korea 2 National Institute of Crop Science, Rural Development Administration, Suwon, , Korea 3 Department of Genetic Engineering, Dong-A University, Busan, , Korea 4 Department of Genetic Engineering, KyungHee University, Yongin, , Korea 5 School of Applied Biosciences, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, , Korea The β-carotene biofortified transgenic soybean was developed recently through Agrobacterium -mediated transformation using the recombinant PAC (Phytoene synthase-2a-carotene desaturase) gene in Korean soybean (Glycine max L. cv. Kwangan). GM crops prior to use as food or release into the environment required risk assessments to environment and human health in Korea. Generally, transgenic plants containing a copy of T-DNA were used for stable expression of desirable trait gene in risk assessments. Also, information about integration site of T-DNA can be used to test the hypothesis that the inserted DNA does not trigger production of unintended transgenic proteins, or disrupt plant genes, which may cause the transgenic crop to be harmful. As these reasons, we selected four transgenic soybean lines expressing carotenoid biosynthesis genes with a copy of T-DNA by using Southern blot analysis, and analyzed the integration sites of their T-DNA by using flanking sequence analysis. The results showed that, T-DNA of three transgenic soybean lines ( , 9-1-2, ) was inserted within intergenic region of the soybean chromosome, while T-DNA of a transgenic soybean line ( ) located exon region of chromosome 13. This data of integration site and flanking sequences is useful for the biosafety assessment and for the identification of the β-carotene biofortified transgenic soybean. *Corresponding Author: Tel , woo001@korea.kr
234 PC-92 Comparative nutritional analysis for marker-free transgenic Bt rice and non-transgenic counterparts Hee-Jong Woo 1*, Kong-Sik Shin 1, Myung-Ho Lim 1, Jin-Hyoung Lee 1, Yang Qin 1, Soon Ki Park 2, Hyun-Suk Cho 1 1 National Academy of Agricultural Science, Rural Development Administration, Jeonju, , Korea 2 School of Applied Biosciences, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, , Korea The selectable marker-free rice plants containing mcry1ac insecticidal gene isolated from Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) were generated using a non-selection approach by Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation. The nutritional composition of two lines of transgenic rice plants (RTB5 and RTB11) was compared with that of its non-transgenic counterpart. The results showed that, except for small differences in dietary fiber and some minerals, there was no significant difference between transgenic rice and conventional counterpart variety with respect to their nutrient composition. Most of measured levels of nutrients were within the range of values reported for other commercial cultivars, showing substantial equivalency. Therefore, the insertion of transgenes did not affect the nutritional composition of transgenic RTB5 and RTB11 rice grains. *Corresponding Author: Tel , woo001@korea.kr PC-93 Characterization of chrysanthemum genome by NGS So Youn Won 1*, Seulki Lee 1, Jae-A Jung 2, Jung Sun Kim 1, Sangho Kang 1, Seong-Han Sohn 1 1 National Academy of Agricultural Science, RDA, Jeonju, , South Korea 2 National Institute of Horticultural and Herbal Science, RDA, Wanju, , South Korea The Asteraceae/Compositae family is one of the biggest families in flowering plants and has more than species including the economically important lettuce, sunflower, and chicory as well as the agronomic weeds. With its significance and the progress in sequencing technology, its species have been subjected to the genome sequencing project worldwide. Although chrysanthemum is an important plant in the floricultural industry, however, it has been less studied at the level of genomics, compared with other species in the Asteraceae. There were only several reports on comparative analysis of transcriptome for chrysanthemum. Actually, the genome of Chrysanthemum species is known to be gigantic and complex with diverse status ranging from diploid to decaploid. Since the cultivated and commercial chrysanthemum exhibits hexaploid genome, we decided to select the diploid species with smaller genome as a material for reference genome sequencing. Thus, we launched a genome sequencing project with C. boreale which was previously reported to be diploid by cytogenetic analysis. We constructed sequencing libraries with insert size 300bp and 500bp and sequenced them from the paired end in 100bp read length with Illumina s HiSeq platform. After quality checking, we preprocessed raw reads by removing duplicated reads and trimming reads with low quality value. Kmer frequency analysis with the cleaned reads showed that the genome is heterozygous, highly repetitive and gigantic, ranging from 2.9Gb to 5.8Gb. The cleaned reads were further subjected to error correction and primary assembly with SOAPdenovo2. Here, we ll report the result of Kmer frequency analysis and genome assembly. *Corresponding Author: Tel , soyounwon@korea.kr
235 PC-94 미성숙화기를이용한 우람 억새식물체재분화 유경단 *, 장윤희, 안종웅, 최인후, 문윤호, 차영록, 이지은, 안기홍, 이경보 전남무안군청계면무안로 199, 국립식량과학원바이오에너지작물연구소 억새 (Miscanthus spp.) 는화본과중광합성효율이높은 C 4 식물군에속하는식물로한국, 일본, 중국등동아시아가원산지인대표적인바이오에너지원료작물이다. 억새는주로지하경을이용하여번식하여왔으나지하경을이용한번식은유전형은유지할수있으나우량품종개발에불리하다는문제점이있다. 조직배양기술은유용자원을이용한돌연변이육종과형질전환기술을이용한신품종육종을위한기반기술로활용될수있어바이오매스의확보측면에서유용하다. 국내유망바이오매스자원인억새의신품종육성을위해서는캘러스유도및식물체재분화에효율적인조직배양기술을확립하는것이중요하다. 본연구에서는농촌진흥청에서선발한 우람 억새 (Miscanthus sacchariflorus cv. Wooram) 의미성숙화기를이용한안정적인캘러스유도및식물체재분화조건을확립하여신품종육종을위한기초자료를확보하고자하였다. 식물재료는국립식량과학원바이오에너지작물연구소내의억새재배포장에서미성숙화기가 5 mm 이하로분화한개체만채취하여사용하였으며, 수집한재료는 70% EtOH 로 2 분, 0.45% NaOCl 으로 20 분간표면살균하여배지에치상하였다. 미성숙화기로부터캘러스유도율을조사한결과, MS 배지에생장조절제인 3 mg L -1 2,4-D 를첨가한처리가캘러스유도율 93.3 % 로가장높게나타났고 3 mg L -1 2,4-D mg L -1 BA 를혼합처리한배지에서도 86.6 % 의캘러스유도율을나타냈다. 이후캘러스로부터식물체재생실험에서 3 mg L -1 2,4-D 에 0.1 mg L -1 BA 를혼합처리한배지에서유도된캘러스가 3 mg L -1 2,4-D 처리배지에서유도된캘러스보다식물체재분화율이높게나타났다. 캘러스유도에는최종적으로 3 mg L -1 2,4-D mg L -1 BA 처리배지가가장효과적인것으로나타났다. 식물체재분화를위한최적생장조절제농도에대한실험에서는 5 mg L -1 BA mg L -1 NAA 배지에서재분화율 86.6 % 로가장효과적이었다. * 주저자 : Tel , gyeongdan@korea.kr
236 PC-95 Rice FLAVIN-BINDING, KELCH REPEAT, F-BOX 1 (OsFKF1) promotes flowering independent of photoperiod. Su-Hyun Han 1*, Soo-Cheul Yoo 2*, Nam-Chon Paek 1 1 Department of Plant Science, Plant Genomics and Breeding Institute, Research Institute of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul , Korea 2 Department of Plant Life and Environmental Science, Hankyong National University, Ansung , Korea, In the facultative long-day (LD) plant Arabidopsis thaliana, FLAVIN-BINDING, KELCH REPEAT, F-BOX1 (FKF1) is activated by blue light and promotes flowering through the transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulation of CONSTANS under inductive LD conditions. By contrast, the facultative short day (SD) plant rice (Oryza sativa) flowers early under inductive SD and late under non-inductive LD conditions; the regulatory function of OsFKF1 remains elusive. Here we show that osfkf1 mutants flower late under SD, LD, and natural LD conditions. Transcriptional analysis revealed that OsFKF1 up-regulates expression of the floral activator Ehd2 and down-regulates expression of the floral repressor Ghd7; these regulators up- and down-regulate Ehd1 expression, respectively. Moreover, OsFKF1 can upregulate Ehd1 expression under blue light treatment, without affecting the expression of Ehd2 and Ghd7. In contrast to the LD-specific floral activator Arabidopsis FKF1, OsFKF1 likely acts as an autonomous floral activator because it promotes flowering independent of photoperiod, probably via its distinct roles in controlling expression of rice-specific genes including Ehd2, Ghd7, and Ehd1. Like Arabidopsis FKF1, which interacts with GI and CDF1, OsFKF1 also interacts with OsGI and OsCDF1 (also termed OsDOF12). Thus, we have identified similar and distinct roles of FKF1 in Arabidopsis and rice. *Equal contributors to this work. PC-96 Investigation of Saponin Biosynthesis Related Uridine Diphosphate Glycosyltransferase(UGT) Genes in Platycodon grandiflorum Using RNA-seq Jemin Yoo 1, Yurry Um 2, Yi Lee 1* 1 Department of Industrial Plant Science & Technology, Chungbuk Nacional University 2 Department of Herbal Crop Research, NIHHS, RDA, Eumseong , Korea Platycodon grandiflorum is a species of herbaceous flowering perennial plant of the family Campanulaceae. The major ingredients are platycosides, terpenoid saponins. It contains 1-4 % of the dry weight and there are about 20 types of platycosides. Among them, platycodin D have various pharmacological effects on cough and cold. Platycosides are synthesized from oleanane by mevalonic acid pathway and cytochrome P450s and UGTs are important enzymes in the saponin biosynthesis. UGT is glucose transfer enzyme and act on the final step of the secondary metabolite biosynthesis. In this study, we tried to identify UGT genes involved in saponin biosynthetic pathway from the various tissues of P. grandiflorum and non germinated seeds using RNA-seq analysis. The sequencing was performed using Illumina Hi-Seq platform after cdna library preparation. The produced reads were assembled using CLC Genomics Workbench software (CLC Bio, Inc.). We obtained 122,663 contigs and found 137 putative UGT genes. The phylogenetic relationship was analyzed and putative genes related to platicoside biosysthesis were selected and cloned for further analysis. This work was carried out with the support of Cooperative Research Program for Agriculture Science & Technology Development (Project No. PJ ) Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea. *Corresponding Author: Tel , leeyi22@cbnu.ac.kr
237 PC-97 Analysis of Phylogenetic Relationship in Platycodon grandiflorum using RAPD Molecular Marker Jemin Yoo 1, So Hyeon Park 1, Yurry Um 2, Yi Lee 1* 1 Department of Industrial Plant Science & Technology, Chungbuk Nacional University 2 Department of Herbal Crop Research, NIHHS, RDA, Eumseong , KOREA Platycodon grandiflorum is a perennial herbal plant belongs to Campanulaceae family. It has very important genetic value as a major plant in Asterids order. The major ingredients are platycosides, terpenoid saponins. In Korean industrial plants market, it was produced 5,633 tons in 2013, and the total amount of production was less than only five species, omija, ginger, raspberry, yam and deodeok. P. grandiflorum is called Gilgyung and is used as a fresh vegetable and an ornamental plant. Nowadays, various components of P. grandiflorum were already published. But, genetic research is in the starting stage. In this study, 11 cultivars; 1. MariesⅡ, 2. Hakone double white, 3. Hakone double blue, 4. Fuji white, 5. Fuji pink, 6. Fuji blue, 7. Astra white, 8. Astra pink, 9. Astra blue, 10. Astrasemi double blue, 11. Jangback, were analyzed using 60 Operon Universal RAPD primers. The results were phylogenetically analyzed and related to the morphological characteristics of the cultivars. This work was carried out with the support of Cooperative Research Program for Agriculture Science & Technology Development (Project No. PJ ) Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea. *Corresponding Author: Tel , leeyi22@cbnu.ac.kr PC-98 Investigation of Cytochrome P450 Genes Related to Saponin Biosynthesis in Platycodon grandiflorum Using RNA-Seq Analysis Jemin Yoo 1, Yurry Um 2, Yi Lee 1* 1 Department of Industrial Plant Science & Technology, Chungbuk National University 2 Department of Herbal Crop Research, NIHHS, RDA, Eumseong , KOREA Platycodon grandiflorum is a herbal flowering perennial plant belongs to Campanulaceae family. The saponins derived from P. grandiflorum were termed platycosides and platycodin D, which is the most abundant saponin in the plant and pharmacologically active component, was intensively studied. Platycodin D is synthesized from triterpenoids by several enzymes including cytochrome P450. Cytochrome P450 is known to exist in superfamily in plant kingdom and essential roles in saponin biosynthetic pathway by hydroxylation or oxidation of triterpene skeletons. However, the key genes of P450 involved in biosynthesis of saponin was not identified because of its low conservation rate in amino acid sequence level among plant species and gene superfamilies. Recently, next generation sequencing (NGS) technology is rapidly developed as a method to discover target genes. In this study, we tried to identify P450 genes involved in saponin biosynthetic pathway from the various tissues of P. grandiflorum using RNA-seq analysis. The sequencing was performed using Illumina Hi-Seq platform after cdna library preparation. The produced reads were assembled using CLC Genomics Workbench software (CLC Bio, Inc.). We obteined 122,663 contigs and found out 191 putative P450 genes. The phylogenetic relationship was analyzed and putative genes related to platicoside biosysthesis were selected and cloned for further analysis. This work was carried out with the support of Cooperative Research Program for Agriculture Science & Technology Development (Project No. PJ ) Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea. *Corresponding Author: Tel , leeyi22@cbnu.ac.kr
238 PC-99 Genome-wide identification of Receptor-like Protein in Capsicum annuum DongKue Yun 1, BoSeu Park 2, JuneSung Lee 2, Won-Hee Kang 3, Seungill Kim 4, Myung-Shin Kim 4, Doil Choi 4, Seon-In Yeom 2,3* 1 Division of Applied Life Science, Gyeongsang National University, Jinju , Korea 2 Department of Agricultural Plant Science, Gyeongsang National University, Jinju , Korea 3 Institute of Agriculture & Life Sciences, Gyeongsang National University, Jinju , Korea 4 Department of Plant Science, Seoul National University, Seoul , Korea Sessile organism, plants constitutively challenged with pathogens have been developed various strategies for protection, such as preformed and inducible defense mechanisms. Receptor-like Proteins(RLPs) play critical roles in defense response as well as in plant development and growth. The domain structure of RLPs consists of extracellular leucine rich repeats, a transmembrane domain, and a short cytoplasmic tail. Here, we identified putative 170 RLP genes from pepper genome using in-house bioinformatics pipeline. The distribution of RLPs on pepper pseudomolecule showed uneven spread and a number of RLPs were physically clustered by tandem array in the specific chromosome. Motifs analysis of pepper RLPs showed conserved LRR sequences (LxxLxxLDLxxNxxxGxIP). To understand further functional and evolutionary characteristics, evolutional relationship and gene profiling analysis are on progress. *Corresponding Author: sunin78@gnu.ac.kr PC-100 The Citrus unshiu carotenoid isomerase gene, CuCRTISO, has a activity of the carotenoid isomerase in the tomato CRTISO mutant Tangerine. Chang-Ho Eun 1*, In-Jung Kim 1,2 1 Subtropical Horticulture Research Institute, Jeju National University, Jeju , Republic of Korea 2 Faculty of Biotechnology, College of Applied Life Sciences & Research Institute for Subtropical Agriculture and Biotechnology, SARI, Jeju National University, Jeju , Republic of Korea Carotenoid isomerase (CRTISO) catalyzes the isomerization of prolycopene to all-trans-lycopene in the carotenoid biosynthetic pathway. We isolated two full-length cdna gene, CuCRTISO and CuCRTISO-like, from Citrus unshiu. To confirm whether these two genes have the function of the carotenoid isomerase, The full-length cdna of CuCRTISO and CuCRTISO-like gene, respectively, were fused with 35S promoter and NOS terminal region and then transformed into tomato CRTISO mutant, Tangerine, which shows orange fruit due to lack of carotenoid isomerase activity. The mature fruit color of the transgenic line expressing CuCRTISO gene changed from orange to red, which was similar to the fruit color of the tomato Money Maker. We also carried out HPLC analysis to detect all-trans lycopene, which is produced from prolycopene by carotenoid isomerase. In the transgenic line expressing CuCRTISO the all trans lycopene was detected from mature fruit but in the tangerine mutant several prolycopenes were detected from it. On the other hand, the transgenic line expression of CuCRTISO gene retained the orange-color fruit at the mature stage as Tangerine mutant. These studies indicate that the CuCRTISO gene has a function of carotenoid isomerase and also plays a role of it in other plant species, and that the CuCRTISO-like gene might be not enough to produce the all trans lycopene or has a another unknown function(s). *Corresponding Author: Tel , mong6908@gmail.com
239 PC-101 Phylogenomic analysis and a systematic view of MLO family in rice Van Ngoc Tuyet Nguyen, Ki-Hong Jung Department of Plant Molecular Systems Biotechnology & Graduate School of Biotechnology, Kyung Hee University, Yongin , Republic of Korea MLO is a unique gene family which is identified in plant and carries out abiotic and biotic stress responses in various plants. The understanding on the roles and functional diversity of this family is quite limited in rice, a model crop plant. Rice genome has 12 potential MLO family members. To do systematic functional assignment of MLO family in rice, we performed phylogenomic analysis of integrating meta-expression data based on public sources of microarray data or RT-PCR data into the phylogenic tree. As a result, we identified 12 MLO genes carrying various tissue-preferred expression patterns such as leaf, root, pollen, and ubiquitous expression, suggesting functional diversity in terms of anatomy or development. RT-PCR analysis confirmed, integrated transcriptome data were used to estimate the functional redundancy or specificity among MLO family: MLO12 showed mature pollen preferred expression; MLO4, root tip; MLO10, overall root except root tip; MLO8, leaf; MLO2 and MLO9 showed redundant expression in overall tissues except root. Also, abiotic stress meta-expression data and RT-PCR performance suggested the functional association of 5 MLO and 6 MLO genes with heat and cold stress, respectively. Our analysis will provide basic information to study diverse developmental or physiological phenomena mediated by MLO family in rice, a major model crop plant. PC-102 Functional characterization of soybean FT homologs in photoperiod-dependent flowering time control Kyung-Hee Lee, Cheol Woo Choi, Wook-Hun Jung, Min-Chul Kim * Division of Applied Life Science (BK21 Plus), Plant Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Research Center, Gyeongsang National University, Jinju , Korea. FT is one of the major floral activator in photoperiod-dependent flowering pathway. To understand the role of FT homologs in flowering time control of short-day plant soybean, we identified ten soybean FT genes and named GmFTs. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that ten GmFT genes were further categorized into three subclades. Gene expression analysis showed that the most GmFT genes are mainly expressed in leaves. The expression of GmFT2a, GmFT2b, GmFT5a, and GmFT6 was strongly induced under the floral inductive short-day condition, but GmFT4 exhibited opposite expression pattern compared to those of GmFT2a, GmFT2b, GmFT5a, and GmFT6. To understand roles of GmFT genes in flowering, we generated Arabidopsis transgenic plant overexpressing GmFT genes. Both 35S:GmFT2a and 35S:GmFT5a transgenic plants showed extremely early flowering. In contrast, overexpression of GmFT4 delayed flowering of transgenic plants compared to wild type Arabidopsis. The results indicated that GmFT2a and GmFT5a might function as floral activators, while GmFT4 has an opposite function in soybean flowering. Moreover, domain swapping approaches between GmFT2a and GmFT4 revealed that the substitution of the segment B region alone, which is located in 4 th exon, was sufficient to change the function of GmFT2a to floral repressor and GmFT4 to floral activator. The results suggested that soybean FT homologs have been functionally diversified during evolution and might play different roles in photoperiod-dependent flowering of soybean. *Corresponding Author: Tel , mckim@gnu.ac.kr
240 PC-103 Transgenic Forage Plants Overexpressing a alfalfa Hsp23 Gene Exhibit Enhanced Tolerance to Abiotic Stresses Ki-Won Lee, Ki-Yong Kim, Hee Chung Ji, Tae Young Hwang, Sang-Hoon Lee * Grassland and Forages Division, National Institute of Animal Science, Rural Development Administration, Cheonan, , Korea To develop transgenic forage crops with enhanced tolerance to abiotic stress, we introduced an alfalfa Hsp23 gene expression vector construct through Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. Integration and expression of the transgene were confirmed by PCR, northern blot, and western blot analyses. Under normal growth conditions, there was no significant difference in the growth of the transgenic plants and the non-transgenic controls. However, when exposed to various stresses such as salt or arsenic, transgenic plants showed a significantly lower accumulation of hydrogen peroxide and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances than control plants. The reduced accumulation of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances indicates that the transgenic plants possessed a more efficient reactive oxygen species-scavenging system. We speculate that the high levels of MsHsp23 proteins in the transgenic plants protect leaves from oxidative damage through chaperon and antioxidant activities. These results suggest that MsHsp23 confers abiotic stress tolerance in transgenic forage crops and may be useful in developing stress tolerance in other crops. (This work was carried out with the support of Cooperative Research Program for Agriculture Science & Technology Development (Project No. PJ )) *Corresponding Author: Tel , sanghoon@korea.kr. PC-104 음나무 (Kalopanax septemlobus) 종자유래식물체재생과재생식물체의 ISSR 에기초한유전적다양성분석 이나념 1,2*, 김지아 1, 김용욱 1, 최용의 2, 문흥규 1 1 경기도수원시권선구온정로 39 국립산림과학원산림유전자원부산림생명공학과 2 강원도춘천시강원대학길 1 강원대학교산림자원학과 청원소재음나무 (Kalopanax septemlobus) 의미숙종자에서캘러스를유도하여 15 개의배발생캘러스를얻었다. 증식된배발생캘러스를재료로체세포배를유도하여 15 개체의기내식물체를얻었다. 체세포배유도는 1/2 MS 배지에 0.1 mg/l abscisic acid (ABA), 7% polyethylene glycol (PEG), 0.02% activated charcoal, 3% sucrose 를첨가하고, 0.5% gelrite 로경화하여사용하였다. 식물재생용배지는배지는 1/2MS 배지에 2% sucrose, 0.3% gelrite 로하였고, 발아촉진을위해 GA mg/l 처리혹은기본배지를사용하였다. 15 개체의체세포배발생빈도는다르게나타났고, 재생된식물체의 GA 3 효과는크지않았다. 유전적다양성을조사하기위하여 ISSR (Inter-Simple Sequence Repeats) 표지자분석을실시하였다. 5 개의 ISSR 프라이머에서증폭산물을관찰하였고, 유전적다양성을나타내는 P (Percentage of polymorphic loci) 값과 S.I. (Shannon s information index) 를조사하였다. ISSR 마커를이용하여재분화식물체의유전적안정성을분석한결과, 체세포유래재분화된식물체의개체간에유전적구조가균일하며, 유전적변이는관찰되지않았다. * 주저자 : Tel , nanda49@epost.go.kr
241 PC-105 식물성오일의혈중지질수치감소효과 최정란 1, 김형욱 3, 장인건 3, 이상협 1,2* 1 서울특별시광진구군자동세종대학교생명과학대학식물생명공학전공 2 서울특별시광진구군자동세종대학교식물생명공학연구소 3 서울특별시광진구군자동세종대학교생명과학대학바이오융합전공 어유에서추출한 Omega-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFA), 특히, EPA (20:5) 와 DHA (22:6) 는심혈관계질환을예방하는데중요한역할과함께대사성증후군또는비만발병과관련있다고알려져있다. 동물모델을이용해고지방식이섭취후어유추출오일과식물성오일투여로혈중지질농도감소효과를비교하고작용기전을확인함으로써고지혈증을포함한심혈관계질환의예후인자를알아보고자한다. 42 마리의 C57BL6J 마우스를이용해정상식이군 (18 마리 ) 과고지방식이군 (24 마리 ) 으로나눈후정상식이군 3 개그룹 ( 대조군, 어유오일, 식물성오일 ) 으로설정하고고지방식이군도 3 개그룹 ( 대조군, 어유오일, 식물성오일 ) 각각으로나누어실험을진행했다. 고지방식이군은 4 주단위투여로비만을유도한후체중 20g 당 100μl 의식물성오일과어유추출오일을각각투여하여각그룹별로매일 1 회씩털색깔, 몸전체모양, 털빠짐등일반증상을관찰하고사망동물이나빈사상태를확인했다. 오일투여직전과투여후 1, 3, 7 일에체중변화를측정하고 10 주후마취시켜부검후외관검사실시와육안소견을관찰하고장기를적출하여효소항체검사법 (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay test, ELISA) 를통해지방활성에관련된혈중지질농도를측정했다. 고지방식이섭취 4 주후정상식이군 (p=0.56) 에비해고지방식이군 (p=0.04) 에서체중변화가나타났고고지방식이군에서어유오일군 (41.27±7.0) 에비해식물성오일군 (45.37±6.45) 에서체중감소가적었지만물만먹인대조군 (48.87±1.0) 에비해두그룹모두체중이감소하는효과가있었고 (p=0.04), 10 주투여기간동안오일투여군에서체중감소가나타났다. 부검후적출한장기에서관찰된혈중지질농도수치역시정상식이군에비해고지방식이군에서감소하는것으로보였지만, 고지방식이군중어유오일그룹과식물성오일그룹에서혈중지질농도수치감소가거의비슷한수준으로나타나는것을알수있었고추후동물모델을추가시험함으로써확인하는것이필요할것으로보인다. 식물성오일섭취로혈중지질수치가감소함을관찰함으로써향후혈관질환의진단및예후인자로이용할수있을것으로여겨진다. * 주저자 : Tel , sanglee@sejong.ac.kr
242 PC-106 Characterization of Siberian wild rye grass EsHsp16.9 Gene and Their Expression under Various Environmental Conditions Sang-Hoon Lee, Ki-Yong Kim, Hee Chung Ji, Tae Young Hwang, Ki-Won Lee * Grassland and Forages Division, National Institute of Animal Science, Rural Development Administration, Cheonan, , Korea Small heat shock proteins (Hsps) are one of most conserved molecular chaperones that protect stress-inducible denaturation of substrates in living organisms. Small Hsps consist of a large subfamily categorized by subcellular localization ranging in size from 12 to 40 kda. Here, we identified and characterized a small Hsp 16.9 gene (EsHsp16.9) from Siberian wild rye (Elymus sibiricus L.). EsHsp16.9 is a 456-bp cdna with an open reading frame predicted to encode a 151-amino acid protein. It possesses a conserved ɑ-crystallin domain, which is a unique domain for small Hsps; shares high sequence similarity with cytosolic class I small Hsps among the small Hsp subfamily in Arabidopsis; and is close (96% similarity) to small Hsp in wheat. Northern blot analysis showed that EsHsp16.9 transcripts were enhanced by heat, drought, arsenate, methyl viologen, and H 2 O 2 treatments. Moreover, we expressed and purified recombinant EsHsp16.9 proteins in Escherichia coli to confirm its activity as a molecular chaperone. We found that recombinant EsHsp16.9 exhibits effective molecular chaperone activity, as determined by inhibition of thermal aggregation of malate dehydrogenase (MDH), which is broadly used as a model substrate. This work was carried out with the support of Cooperative Research Program for Agriculture Science & Technology Development (Project No. PJ ) * 주저자 : Tel , kiwon@korea.kr
243 PC-107 벼줄무늬잎마름병의주요유전자 Stv-b 관련 QTL 탐색 이샛별 1, 허연재 1, 김태헌 1, 신동진 1, 한상익 1, 조준현 1, 이지윤 1, 손영보 1, 남민희 1, 송유천 1, 이종희 3, 김경민 2, 권영업 1, 박동수 1* 1 경남밀양시내이동점필재로 20 국립식량과학원남부작물부논이용작물과 2 대구광역시북구대학로 80 경북대학교농업생명과학대학 3 전북전주시완산구농생명로 300 농촌진흥청연구정책국연구운영과 아열대및온대지역에서주로발생하는애멸구는 5 월 8 월사이편서풍을타고우리나라에비례하며벼바이러스병인줄무늬잎마름병을매개한다. 줄무늬잎마름병은벼의수량감소와미질을떨어뜨리는주요병해중하나이다. 애멸구와같은멸구류는대부분살충제에의해방제를하고있으나이러한약제의계속된사용은환경오염과약제저항성개체의발생을유발시킬수있는큰단점이있다. 이와같이벼에심각한피해를입히는병해충에대한저항성품종육성은병해충을방제하는가장경제적이고효과적인방법으로알려져있다. 줄무늬잎마름병의저항성관련유전자는 Modan 에서유래한 Stv-b i, 일본밭벼또는열대자포니카품종에서유래한 Stv-a, Stv-b 가알려져있으며, 국내에서는주로 Stv-b i 가도입된저항성품종들이육성되고있다. 단일유전자를이용한저항성품종육성은새로운바이러스의등장에취약하므로저항성유전자원의다양화와새로운유전자의탐색이필요하다. 본실험에서는 Stv-a 와 Stv-b 가보고된 USA 품종인 Zenith 의형질을일품에도입하여 180 계통의 F 2 집단을육성하여생물검정과함께 QTL 분석에이용하였다. 줄무늬잎마름병에대한 Zenith 에대한 QTL 을탐색한결과, 11 번염색체에서 LOD 11.9, 설명가능한표현형변이 27% 인 QTL 이확인되었다. 줄무늬잎마름병연관 QTL 및이와관련된 marker 는향후줄무늬잎마름병에대한새로운저항성유전자인 Stv-b 를보유하는품종육성을위한 MAS 체계확립에이용할것이다. * 주저자 : Tel , qyftpro@gmail.com PC-108 Characterization and Genetic Mapping of Narrow and Adaxially Rolled Leaf Mutant in Rice Yoon Kyung Lee, Yunjoo Lee, Hee-Jong Koh * Department of Plant Science, Research Institute of Agriculture and Life Science and Plant Genomics and Breeding Institute, Seoul National University, Seoul , Korea. To understand the molecular mechanism of leaf morphogenesis in rice, ethylmethane sulfonate (EMS) treated Ilpoom mutant line with semi-narrow and adaxially rolled leaf phenotype was identified. The leaf rolling character is said to be more advantageous under high temperature and heat stress, and play as one of the defensive mechanisms. The F1 plants, generated from a cross of Ilpoom and mutant, showed normal phenotype. Genetic analysis of its F2 population suggested that the mutation was controlled by a single recessive gene with segregation ratio of 3:1. Using F2 mapping population derived from a cross of Ilpoom mutant and Milyang23, each chromosomes were screened with STS markers by the bulked segregant analysis (BSA) method. The candidate region was detected to a long arm of chromosome 1 near the centromeric region. Fine mapping of the locus is currently conducted. Moreover, other morphological characterizations of the mutant plants were identified. Cytological analysis of the leaf suggested that deformation of the bulliform cells led to the smaller size and less number of the bulliform cells, and caused leaf rolling trait. This work was supported by a grant from the Next-Generation BioGreen 21 Program (Plant Molecular Breeding Center No. PJ ), Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea. *Corresponding Author: Tel , heejkoh@snu.ac.kr
244 PC-109 Production of soybean transgenic plants to improve agronomic traits Yoon Jeong Lee 1, Jin Ho Yang 1, Jin Sol Park 1, Hye Jeong Kim 1, Hyun Suk Cho 1, Jae Seong Kim 1, Hyun Hee Im 1, Ki Jung Lee 1, Jeong Il Kim 2, Soon Chun Jeong 3, Dong Hee Lee 4, Yung Soo Chung 1* 1 Dept. of Genetic Engineering, Dong-A University, Busan, Korea 2 Department of Biotechnology and Kumho Life Science Laboratory, Chonnam National University, Kwangju , Korea 3 BioEvaluation Center, Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology,Daejeon, Korea. 4 Venture Bldg 306 Pohang Techno Park Pohang, Kyungbuk; , Korea Soybean is a crop of importance economically and nutritionally in many parts of the world. Thanks to many new genes brought from genomic research, It is possible to introduce various candidate genes through genetic transformation to see the performance of the genes in field. In our lab, soybean transformations have been tried for last 10 years to probe the possibility of traits improvement by transformation of new gene into soybean. For this purpose, three different genes were transformed into Korean soybean variety, Kwangan. First, the gene that controls early flowering of plant was transformed into Kwangan. Second, a candidate gene for soybean mosaic virus (SMV) resistance was transformed to produce transgenic plants. Third, another candidate gene for drought tolerance was transformed. All the transgenic plants from three genes transformation were produced for their gene insertion and their expression using PCR, qrt-pcr. Further analysis including harvesting seeds is currently undertaken. PC-110 Proteomic Analysis of High and Low- Molecular Weight Subunits in Korean Common Wheat Cultivars Jong-Yeol Lee *, Hye-Rang Beom, Sun-Hyung Lim, Young-Mi Kim National Academy of Agricultural Science, RDA, Jeonju, , Korea Although it is known that the composition of HMW-GSs and LMW-GSs are important factor for end-product quality as bread, noodle and cookie, it is still not clear which HMW-GSs and LMW-GSs confer specific processing properties. In this study, to investigate distinctive glutenin proteins and expression level for characteristic processing properties, we carried out qualitative and quantitative analysis of gluetenin protein in noodle and bread wheat cultivars by two-dimensional electrophoresis. Unexpectedly, five LMW-GS spots were found to be expressed at a common position in all cultivars and these spots may play something in glutenin biosynthesis. Also we found LMS-GS spots to distinguish Korean wheat cultivars mostly used as noodle and western bread wheat cultivars. These spots may contribute to characteristic processing properties. The 2DE results for each cultivar will be used as reference map or protein marker discriminating wheat cultivars, wheat and rice, imported and Korean flour. For quantitative analysis of gluetenin, we calculated relative expression level of the HMW-GS, LMW-GS and HMW-GS/ LMW-GS ratio in each cultivar by 2DE. The results presented in this study provide new insight into relation of specific glutenin proteins and end-use quality and will be useful to choose elite breeding line for improvement of wheat flour quality. *Corresponding Author: jy0820@korea.kr
245 PC-111 Comprehensive Identification of Low-Molecular-Weight Glutein Subunit Genes and Their Protein Products in a Korean Common Wheat Variety Keumkang Hye-Rang Beom *, Sun-Hyung Lim, Young-Mi Kim, Jong-Yeol Lee National Academy of Agricultural Science, RDA, Suwon, , Korea Although it is well known that low-molecular-weight glutenin subunits (LMW-GS) affects bread and noodle processing quality, the function of specific LMW-GS proteins mostly remain unclear. It is important to find a corresponding gene for a specific LMW-GS protein in order to understand the function of the specific LMW-GS protein. The objective of this study was to identify LMW-GS genes and haplotypes using well known Glu-A3, Glu-B3 and Glu-D3 gene specific primers and to interlink their protein products by proteomic approaches in a wheat variety. A total of 36 LMW-GS genes and pseudo-genes were amplified including 11 Glu-3 gene haplotypes, designated as GluA3-13K and GluA3-22K (pseudogene) at Glu-A3 loci, GluB3-33K and GluB3-43K at Glu-B3 loci and GluD3-11K, GluD3-21K, GluD3-31K, GluD3-42K, GluD3-5K, GluD3-6K and GluD3-393K (pseudogene) at Glu-D3 loci. To determine the relationship between gene haplotypes and their protein products (to identify the corresponding LMW-GS proteins), we conducted N-terminal amino acid sequencing and tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) analysis of the 17 LMW-GS spots separated by 2-DGE. Successfully, LMW-GS proteins of the Glu-3 gene haplotypes except pseudo-genes mentioned above were identified. This is the first report on comprehensive characterization of LMW-GS genes and their corresponding proteins and establishment of specific correspondence between each other in a single wheat cultivar. Our approach will be useful to understand the molecular basis of the LMW-GS and to study their contribution to the end-use quality of flour. *Corresponding Author: gpfkd0629@jbnu.ac.kr
246 PC-112 Activation of Anthocyanin Biosynthesis by Expression of the Radish R2R3 MYB Transcription Factor gene RsMYB1 Sun-Hyung Lim 1*, Sun-Hwa Ha 2, MinJi Choi 1, Da-Hye Kim 1, SangKyu Park 1, Jong-Yeol Lee 1, Young-Mi Kim 1 1 National Academy of Agricultural Science, Rural Development Administration, JeonJu, , Korea 2 Graduate School of Biotechnology, Kyung Hee University, Yongin, , Korea Anthocyanins, providing the bright red-orange to blue-violet colors, flavonoid-derived pigments with strong antioxidant activity that have benefits for human health. We isolated RsMYB1, which encodes an R2R3 MYB transcription factor (TF), from red radish plants (Raphanus sativus L.) that accumulate high levels of anthocyanins. RsMYB1 shows higher expression in red radish than in common white radish, in both leaves and roots, at different growth stages. regulatory genes. Transient expression of RsMYB1 in tobacco showed that RsMYB1 is a positive regulator of anthocyanin production. Also, the synergistic effect of RsMYB1 with B-Peru was larger than the effect of Arabidopsis plants stably expressing RsMYB1 produced red pigmentation throughout the plant, accompanied by up-regulation of the six structural and two regulatory genes for anthocyanin production. This broad transcriptional activation of anthocyanin biosynthetic machinery in Arabidopsis included up-regulation of TRANSPARENT TESTA 8, which encodes a bhlh-type TF. These results suggest that overexpression of RsMYB1 promotes anthocyanin production by triggering the expression of endogenous bhlh genes as potential binding partners for RsMYB1. In addition, RsMYB1-overexpressing Arabidopsis plants had a higher antioxidant capacity than did non-transgenic control plants. Taken together, RsMYB1 is an actively positive regulator for anthocyanins biosynthesis in radish plants and it might be one of the best targets for anthocyanin production by single gene manipulation being applicable in diverse plant species. *Corresponding Author: Tel , limsh2@korea.kr
247 PC-113 Comparative Whole-Genome Analysis of Tall Transgenic Bt Line and wild-type Line Jin-Hyoung Lee 1, Kong-Sik Shin 1*, Seok-Cheol Suh 1, Hee-Jong Woo 1, Myung-Ho Lim 1, Yang Qin 1, Taek-Ryoun Kwon 1, Soon-Ki Park 2, Hyun-Suk Cho 1 1 Biosafety Division, National Academy of Agricultural Science, RDA, JeonJu , Korea 2 School of Applied Biosciences, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, , Korea Natural and artificially induced mutants have provided valuable resources for plant genetic studies and crop improvement. Some variations induced in the process of plant transformation have often been observed in regenerated plants. In this study, we investigated the insertion number of transgene and the flanking sequences of T-DNA in tall-induced line BP23, which was unexpectedly gained in the process of transformation of insect-resistant rice with crybp1 gene, and also analyzed the whole-genome sequencing by using the NGS technologies to gain a better understanding of the sequence and structural changes between tall line or natural cultivar and rice reference. than others, was confirmed with two copies of foreign gene insertion, which was inserted in one genomic site facing each other between the position 2,430,152~2,430,151 of rice chromosome 12 without any deletion of genomic sequences. Sequencing analysis also revealed that 18bp-unknown sequences were added in the 5 insertion site of T-DNA. This position in rice genome was confirmed with none of expressed gene sites. By the NGS analysis, we detected SNPs and 1091/1472 large insertion/deletion (indel) sites (100bp) between BP23 and rice reference, and SNPs and 1094/1451 large indels between natural cultivar Nagdong and rice reference. The possible mechanisms for the gene mutation, the developmental and tissue expression of the taller height in BP23 line may need to be scrutinized a few more. *Corresponding Author: Tel , koreabreed@hotmail.com PC-114 Predicting consensus sequence of pre-mrna splicing signals in legume family Chaeyoung Lee 1, Jin-Hyun Kim 1, Joo-Seok Park 2, Hong-kyu Choi 3* 1 Department of Medical Bioscience, Dong-A University, Busan, Republic of Korea 2 Department of Applied Bioscience, Dong-A University, Busan Republic of Korea 3 Department of Genetic Engineering, Dong-A University, Busan, Republic of Korea For purposes of studying intron structures and predicting consensus splice motifs, a total of 102 legume species were used to isolate introns across the family. Of 196 gene-targeted PCR primer pairs, we successfully amplified 118 intron-containing genes (60.2%) and obtained a total of 1,870 introns with an average size of 143 nucleotides. Species-based compilation of 5 - and 3 -splicing motifs showed lineage-specific conservation in each splicing motif. Compilation of the entire intron set permitted prediction of the consensus sequences of splicing signal motifs in legumes, A Y G W GTA B A B G H and T V NC/TAGG H T V for the 5 - and 3 -splicing motifs, respectively. Interestingly, these consensus motifs are very similar to the corresponding splicing signals of two model systems, Arabidopsis and rice. This result is suggestive of conservation of pre-mrna splicing mechanisms in higher plants. Multiple alignments of CALTL introns demonstrated that the region from the branch point to 3 splice site was relatively more conserved than the region from5 splice site to the branch point. Phylogenetic analysis demonstrated that each of three splicing motifs, 5 -splice sites, 3 -splice sits, and branch site, was relevant to evolutionary divergence of species and phylogenetically informative, suggesting that splice signal sequences would be useful as a potential tool for the molecular phylogenetic analysis. *Corresponding Author: Tel , hkchoi@dau.ac.kr
248 PC-115 Analysis of Genetic Diversity and Evaluation of Phenotypic Traits in Chrysanthemums Byung-Chun In, Sung-Chur Sim, Hyung-Won Choi, Sukyoung Jung, Yealim Yi, Bo-Kyung Choi, Yong-Seok Oh, Chang-Kyu Lee, Jin Hee Lim * Department of Bioresources Engineering, Sejong University, 98 Gunja-dong, Gwangjin-gu, Seoul , Korea Chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium) is one of the most popular ornamental species in the world due to the great diversity of inflorescence form and color. There has been increasing demands for various types of chrysanthemums, such as cut flowers, potted plants and bedding plants. However, the genomic studies of this species have been not extensively conducted relative to other ornamental species due to high levels of polyploidy (2n = 4x =36 or 2n = 6x = 54) and heterozygosity as well as large genome size. In this work, we developed a molecular tool for cultivar identification using simple sequence repeats (SSRs) and investigated genetic diversity in 127 chrysanthemum cultivars. Of the 150 SSR primer pairs tested in this study, 62 primers were obtained from previous studies, while 88 primers were designed using the unigene sequences of C. nankingense and the Expressed Sequence Tag (EST) sequences of C. morifolium in the NCBI database. Thirty SSR primers were selected based on polymorphism and banding patterns in a subset of 8 cultivars and used to amplify the DNA of 127 chrysanthemum cultivars. The UPGMA dendrogram based on these 30 SSR markers showed that most of chrysanthemum cultivars were divided into five clusters. These results will benefit chrysanthemum research community to develop elite cultivars. *Corresponding Author: Tel , jinheelim@sejong.ac.kr
249 PC-116 Development of SNP markers associated with citrus canker Sanghyun Lim 1, Seunghee Ko 1, Young Chul Park 2, Yoon Kyung Uhm 1, Jae Joon Kim 1, Kwan Jeong Song 3, Ho Bang Kim 1* 1 Life Sciences Research Institute, Biomedic Co., Ltd., Bucheon , Republic of Korea 2 Agricultural Research and Extension Services, Jeju Special Self-governing Province, Jeju , Republic of Korea 3 Faculty of Bioscience and Industry, Jeju National University, Jeju , Republic of Korea Citrus canker caused by Xanthomonas citri is a notorious disease affecting a decrease in fruit productivity and quality. Citrus export to USA is also prohibited by the disease. Therefore, development of citrus canker resistant variety is essential and exploitation of markers for molecular breeding is urgent. To develop DNA molecular markers, we performed whole genome resequencing for 8 varieties: 4 citrus canker resistant varieties including C. hybrid Kioymi and 4 citrus canker susceptible varieties including C. iyo Miyauchiiyokan. In total, 642 polymorphic SNPs were detected between resistant and susceptible varieties. Of the 642 SNPs, 50 SNPs were preferably selected based on integrative genomics viewer. To apply the markers in a broad range of citrus variety, we performed genotyping with 6 other varieties very well known as citrus canker resistant and susceptible varieties in addition to previous mentioned 8 varieties. Three of the 50 SNPs were identified as a marker to distinguish citrus canker resistant varieties from susceptible varieties. Secondly, we developed molecular markers to apply for F1 lines crossed by Kiyomi and Miyauchiiyokan. Of the 50 SNPs, we identified 2 SNP markers to distinguish between F1 resistant and susceptible lines. One of them is a resistance gene that plays a role in plant defense mechanism. In this study, we developed 5 molecular marker candidates possible to apply for molecular breeding to develop citrus canker resistant variety. We are working on development of candidate markers related to citrus canker. Acknowledgments: This research was supported by Golden Seed Project (Center for Horticultural Seed Development, No SBS30 to H.B. Kim, Biomedic Co., Ltd.), Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (MAFRA), Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries (MOF), Rural Development Administration (RDA) and Korea Forest Service (KFS). *Corresponding Author: Tel , hobang@ibiomedic.co.kr
250 PC-117 TE-TRAP : New Marker System for Gamma Irradiated Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) Seung Bin Im, Jaihyunk Ryu, Sang-Wook Jeong, Soon-Jae Kwon, Joon-Woo Ahn, Dong Sub Kim, Hee-bong Lee, Si-Yong Kang * Advanced Radiation Technology Institute, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Jeongup, Jeonbuk , Korea. 1Chungnam National University Dept. of Applied Botany The transposable element is a DNA sequence that can be changed its position within the genome, sometimes it can create or reverse mutations and altering the cell's genome size. Target region amplification polymorphism (TRAP) is a rapid and efficient PCR-based marker technique, which uses bioinformatics tools and expressed sequence tag (EST) database information to generate polymorphic markers around targeted candidate gene sequences. TE-TRAP is a new marker system which used terminal inverted repeat (TIR) instead of targeted candidate gene sequences. Sorghum holds a good potential plant organism for transposon tagging due to its small genome size, low amount of repetitive DNA and co-linearity with other cereal genomes, which allows the use of information derived from sorghum in other cereal grasses. IS2868 of sorghum accession was treated Gamma irradiation on seed. To define availability and utilization of TE-TRAP, twenty-one accessions were used to evaluate the genetic diversity and underlying relationships. One-thousand thirty-three TE-TRAP markers were amplified by thirty-one primer combination. Altogether, 712 (62.8%) markers were observed polymorphic segregation, whereas 421 (37.2%) showed monomorphic patterns. To estimate genetic differentiation of population by various gamma radiation doses, the analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) was performed using 4 to 5 different radiation doses population of M1 sorghum individuals. This study and marker system will provide valuable information to assist radiation mutation breeding. PC-118 Functional Characterization of PaLEAFY, a FLORICAULA/LEAFY orthologue in Phalaenopsis aphrodite Seonghoe Jang 1,2 1 Biotechnology Center in Southern Taiwan/Agricultural Biotechnology Research Center, Academia Sinica, Taiwan 2 Institute of Tropical Plant Science, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan The plant-specific transcription factor, LEAFY (LFY) is considered to be a master regulator of flower development in the model plant, Arabidopsis. This protein plays a dual role in plant growth, integrating signals from the floral inductive pathways and acting as a floral meristem identity gene by activating genes for floral organ development. Although LFY occupies an important position in flower development, the functional divergence of LFY homologues has been demonstrated in several plants including monocots and gymnosperms. In particular, the functional roles of LFY genes from orchid species such as Phalaenopsis that contain unique floral morphologies with distinct expression patterns of floral organ identity genes remain elusive. Here, PaLFY, a orthologue of Arabidopsis LFY from Phalaenopsis aphrodite subsp. formosana, a Taiwanese native monopodial orchid was isolated and characterized through analyses of expression and protein activity. PaLFY transcripts accumulated in the floral primordia of developing inflorescences and the PaLFY protein had transcriptional autoactivation activity forming as a homodimer. Furthermore, PaLFY rescues the aberrant floral phenotypes of Arabidopsis lfy mutants. Over-expression of PaLFY alone or together with PaFT1, a P. aphrodite subsp. formosana homologue of Arabidopsis FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT) in rice caused precocious heading. Consistently, higher chlorophyll content in the sepals and morphological changes in epidermal cells were observed in the floral organs of PaLFY knock-down orchids generated by virus-induced gene silencing. Taken together, these results suggest that PaLFY is functionally distinct from RICE FLORICAULA/LEAFY (RFL) but similar to Arabidopsis LFY based on phenotypes of our transgenic Arabidopsis and rice plants
251 PC-119 Analysis of Candidate Genes for Grain Weight Traits Using NILs from An Interspecific Cross in Rice Yun-A Jeon 1, Dong-Min Kim 2, Hyun-Sook Lee 1, Ju-Won Kang 1, Yun-Joo Kang 1, Sang-Nag Ahn 1* 1 Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Chungnam National University, Daejeon , Republic of Korea 2 Seed Testing and Research Center, Korea Seed and Variety Service, Gimcheon , Republic of Korea Grain weight is the most important target not only as a major component of grain yield, but also of the cooking qualities in rice breeding program. In a previous study, a high-resolution physical map targeting a cluster of yield-related QTLs for grain weight, spikelets per panicle has been constructed using series of BC 3 F 4 nearly isogenic lines (NILs) derived from a cross between the Korean japonica cultivar Hwaseong and O. rufipogon. The QTLs including grain weight trait have been mapped in a 25.5kb region containing three genes. Based on GenBank database, these genes include male sterility 5 (OsMs5, LOC_Os09g36740), similar ascorbate peroxidase (OsApx, LOC_Os09g36750) and glutelin family protein (OsGlu, LOC_Os09g36760). Their endogenous expression patterns were analyzed in various rice tissues (2-week seedling, flag leaf, root and panicle) from the parental lines, Hwaseong and NIL-gw9. Semi-quantitative RT-PCR and qrt-pcr were performed using gene specific primer sets. The cdnas of the similar OsApx gene of Hwaweong and NIL-gw9 were cloned. Over-expression and RNAi knock-down transgenic plants using three genes are under construction for the functional characterization of the genes. The results will be discussed. *Corresponding Author: Tel , ahnsn@cnu.ac.kr PC-120 Delaying the tomato fruit ripening by sound wave treatment Mi-Jeong Jeong 1*, Joo-Yeol Kim 1, Jin Su Lee 2, Soo In Lee 1, Jin-A Kim 1 1 Department of Agricultural Biotechnology, National Academy of Agricultural Science (NAAS), 370 Nongsaengmyoeng-ro, Wansan-gu, Jeonju, Jeollabuk-do, , Korea 2 Postharvest Research Team, National Institute of Horticultural and Herbal Science (NIHHS), 100, Nongsaengmyeong-ro, Iseo-myeon, Wanju-gun, Jeollabuk-do, , Korea Regulation of fruit ripening may help extend fruit shelf life and prevent losses due to spoilage. Here, we investigated whether sound treatment could delay tomato fruit ripening. We treated harvested tomato fruits with low-frequency sound waves (1 khz) for 6 h, and then monitored various characteristics of the fruits over 14-day period at 23±1 C. Seven days after the treatment, 85% of the treated fruits were green, versus fewer than 50% of the non-treated fruits. Most of the tomato fruits had switched to the red ripening stage by 14 days after treatment. Ethylene production and respiration rate were lower in the treated than non-treated tomatoes. Furthermore, changes in surface color and flesh firmness were delayed in the treated fruits. To investigate how sound wave treatment affects fruit ripening, we analyzed the expression of ethylene-related genes by quantitative real-time RT-PCR analysis. We found that the expression level of several ethylene biosynthetic and ethylene signaling pathway-related genes was influenced by sound wave treatment. These results demonstrate that sound wave treatment delays tomato fruit ripening by altering the expression of important genes in the ethylene biosynthesis and ethylene signaling pathways. *Corresponding Author: Tel , center1097@korea.kr
252 PC-121 Enhanced post-germinative growth of encapsulated somatic embryos of Siberian ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus) by carbohydrate addition to the encapsulation matrix. Su-Jin Jung 1*, Ui-Soo Yoon 2, Yong-Eui Choi 3 1 Div. of Biotechnology, Korea Forest Research Institute, Suwon, Republic of Korea 2 Dept. of Biology, Kongju Nat l Univ., Kongju, Republic of Korea 3 Dept. of Forestry, Kangwon Nat l Univ., Chuncheon, Republic of Korea This experiment was carried out to enhance plantlet conversion and ex vitro survival of encapsulated somatic embryos of Siberian ginseng. Cotyledonary somatic embryos were encapsulated with 3.0% sodium alginate and 96% of conversion rate in terms of plantlet with well-developed epicotyl marked when the encapsulated embryos were placed on perlite soils wetted with sucrose solution as for carbon source. However, post-germinative growth of encapsulated embryos was suppressed in case of sucrose did not added. Instead of sucrose alone, the addition of both sucrose and starch to the sodium alginate enhanced the post-germinative growth of the embryos. In sodium alginate matrix with 2% sucrose, the survival rate of the encapsulated embryos was more than twice (23.5%) that of ones without sucrose (10.0%). Embryos encapsulated with both 2% sucrose and 1% starch showed the highest percentage (42.1%) of survival rate was shown. In analysis of Iodine staining and starch content in the sodium alginate matrix, the starch component was decomposed when the embryos started to germinte. This result indicated that the carbohydrate treatments (starch and sucrose) in the encapsulation matrix enhanced the survival rate of post-germinative growth of encapsulated embryos in Siberian ginseng. *Corresponding Author: Tel , windy7942@hanmail.net PC-122 Characterization of roles of soybean GIGANTEA genes in day-length dependent flowering Wook-Hun Jung, Cheol Woo Choi, Kyung Hee Lee, Hyun Min Cho, Min Chul Kim * Division of Applied Life Science (BK21 Plus program), The Research Institute of Natural Science, Gyeongsang National University, Jinju , Korea Major loci controlling flowering time and maturity of short-day plant soybean, E1, E2, E3, E4, E5, E6, E7 and E8, have been identified in soybean. The gene corresponding to E2 locus is a homolog of Arabidopsis GIGANTEA (AtGI). We identified three GI homologs in soybean and are verifying their roles in day-length dependent flowering. Expression anlysis indicated that GmGIs are ubiquitously expressed at all developmental stages of soybean plants. Diurnal expression of GmGIs fluctuates within light/dark cycles of long-day (LD) and short-day (SD). GmGI2 and GmGI3 have identical expression patterns under both day length conditions with the highest peak at zeitgeber time 8 h (ZT8) under LD and at ZT4 under SD. GmGI1 shows the peak at ZT12 under LD and at ZT8 under SD. All of GmGIs exhibit the earlier peak and the shorter phase under SD than LD. The results indicated that day length affects expressions of GmGIs. Subcellular localization analysis showed that GmGIs are mainly targeted to nucleus, similar to the localization of AtGI. Overexpression of GmGIs in Arabidopsis transgenic plants showed no significant effect on flowering time nor rescue of gi-2 mutant phenotype. The results suggested that GmGIs have different molecular functions in flowering time regulation of short-day plant soybean compared to long-day plant Arabidopsis. To investigate the molecular mechanisms of GmGIs functions in soybean flowering time control, we intend to identify target gene of GmGIs and interacting proteins by using yeast two-hybrid assay. *Corresponding Author: Tel , mckim@gnu.ac.kr
253 PC-123 Characterization of OsJAC1 which is responding to different types of ionizing radiation In jung Jung *, Jung Eun Hwang, Sung Min Han, Hong-Il Choi, Soon-Jae Kwon, Jin-Baek Kim, Si-Yong Kang, Dong Sub Kim Advanced Radiation Technology Institute, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Jeongeup , Republic Korea Ionizing radiation affects gene expression from plant genomes. To monitor the genome-wide transcriptional changes induced by three types of ionizing radiation, we used the rice RNA sequencing to identify genes that are up- or down-regulated by gamma rays (GAs), proton (PRs) and ion beams (IBs). The Oryza sativa jacalin-like lectin domain containing proteins (OsJAC1) gene was highly induced by GAs, PRs and IBs. OsJAC1 was selected based on the expression patterns of a genome-wide dataset of RNA sequencing. Many jacalin-related lectin genes have been shown to be associated with disease resistance, biotic and abiotic stress signaling. Therefore, we studied its expression pattern in response to different abiotic stress and phytohormone treatments. The expression patterns of OsJAC1 under two different abiotic stress conditions (salt and heat stress) and phytohormones (salicylic acid and methyl jasmonate) were examined. The transcripts of OsJAC1 were significantly induced in response to abiotic stress conditions, including salt and heat treatments. In addition, it was induced in response to the salicylic acid and methyl jasmonate treatments, respectively. To investigate the sub-cellular localization of OsJAC1, the gene was expressed as a fusion protein tagged with GFP, in tobacco leaf epidermis and examined under confocal microscope. The OsJAC1 was clearly localized at the nucleus. These results provide critical insights into the molecular functions of the rice jacalin-like lectin domain containing proteins as receptors of external signals. *Corresponding Author: Tel , bioplant@kaeri.re.kr PC-124 De novo transcriptome assembly of Perilla citriodora and expression profile study Junkyoung Choe 1, Woo Kyung Lee 1, Ji-Eun Kim 1, Myoung Hee Lee 2, Tae-ho Kim 3, Sung- Hwan Jo 1, Jeong-Hee Lee 1* 1 SEEDERS Inc., 11-3, 1 Techno-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon , Korea 2 National Institute of Crop Science, RDA, Miryang , Korea 3 Genomics Division, National Academy of Agricultural Science, RDA, Jeonju , Korea The high quality of gene set is necessary to study the functional research of genes. Although perilla is cultivated as an oil crop and as a vegetable crop in Asian countries such as Korea, Japan, northeast China and Nepal, the reference genome is absent. To assembly perilla gene set, we sequenced the various tissues of perilla (Perilla citriodora) RNA-seq with Illumina HiSeq platform, generating 548,549,314 short reads. When de novo transcriptome assembly was performed with five samples, 86,396 and 38,413 transcripts were assembled as total and representative transcripts, respectively. Using 1,917,424 proteins at Phytozome ver. 9.1, we annotated the perilla assembled transcripts, and 66,139(76.55%) and 24,030(62.55%) transcripts showed the similarity with known plant proteins (E-value < 1e-10) as total and representative transcripts, respectively. Among the diverse molecular functions, we were interested in the regulatory components, such as transcription factor and transcription regulator. Using this data, we identified 499 transcripts annotated the putative transcription factor differentially expressed transcripts. 165 putative transcription factors were significantly expressed in perilla flower and 121 putative transcription factors in both leaf and flower. This study provides the perilla reference gene set and the understanding of the molecular regulation of transcription factor dependent on the tissue. *Corresponding Author: Tel , jhlee@seeders.co.kr
254 PC-125 Investigation of morphological characteristics and pollen germination in Senna tora Jin-Tae Jeong 1*, Seon-Woo Cha 1, Bo-Keun Ha 2 1 Department of Herbal Crop Research, National Institute of Horticultural and Herbal Science, RDA, Eumseong , Republic of Korea 2 Chonnam National University, Gwangju , Republic of Korea Senna tora (L.) Roxb. belongs to Leguminosae and its seeds are usually roasted and boiled in water to produce tea in Korea. Also the plants are well known for the treatment of Hypertension, Hepatitis, Constipation and Conjunctivitis. This study was conducted to investigate the morphological characteristics and pollen germination rates of Senna tora with the aim of genetic mapping of this species. First, we investigated morphological characteristics of domestic and international genotypes containing 51 lines in Korea and 2 lines in China. No significant differences in growth characteristics were observed among 53 genotypes. However, ST-9 line which was collected in Pyung-chang showed high growth rate at the early stage. The flower of Senna tora consists of 5 petals, 10 surgeries (7 main surgeries, 3 small surgeries), 1 pistil, and 5 sepals. After bud emergence, each petal was white in 1-2 days, turn into ivory in a week, then yellow in 8-9 days and finally bloomed in 9-10 days. Although the average flowering times of the plants were July 24, ST9 flowered in July 12. In addition, the flowers of ST9 differed from the flowers of the other genotypes. Flower of ST9 joined together with one another. Therefore, ST9 showing high growth rate at the early stage and unique flowering characteristics was selected to as the paternal line for genetic mapping study. Second, we investigated pollen germination rates for each stage of flower development. Pollen started to germinate at the yellow bud stage and pollen germination rate was highest in the bloomed flower stage. This results show that self-fertilization hardly occurs when the flower is ivory bud stage, and there is no need to use young bud flowers for artificial crossing. This work is intended to serve as the basis for the breeding of new varieties in Senna tora. * 주저자 : Tel , powjjt@korea.kr
255 PC-126 Molecular Breeding of Pepper Varieties (Capsicum annuum) Containing High Levels of Capsinoids Hyeon-Seok Jeong, Hee-Bum Yang, Siyoung Jang, Yeong Deuk Jo, Byoung-Cheorl Kang * Department of Plant Science, Seoul National University, Seoul , The Republic of Korea Capsinoids, low-pungent compounds, have the same biological effects as capsaicinoids such as anticancer and anti-obesity. A precursor of capsinoids, vanillyl alcohol, is known to be produced by mutations in the putative-aminotransferase (pamt) gene. In the previous study, SNU (Capsicum chinense) containing high levels of capsinoids was identified in germplasm collections of Capsicum. This collection has a unique mutation in the pamt gene that can cause dysfunction of this gene. In order to develop pepper varieties containing high capsinoids contents, marker-assisted foreground and background selections were performed during backcross breeding. Compared to the conventional backcrossing, marker-assisted backcrossing (MABC) is extremely useful for recovery of a recurrent parent s genetic background. For foreground selection, plants carrying the pamt/pamt genotype were selected from a BC 1 F 1 and BC 2 F 1 populations using SCAR markers derived from the unique pamt mutation of SNU To obtain background selection markers, a total of 412 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers was screened on Shinghong parental lines and SNU to obtain polymorphic SNP markers. Of the 412 SNP markers, 144 and 204 polymorphic SNP markers evenly distributed in pepper genome were finally selected. BC 1 F 1 and BC 2 F 1 plants carrying the pamt/pamt genotype were subjected to background selection using the selected marker sets. Multiple genotype analysis was done using a high-throughput genotyping system (EP1 TM, Fluidigm, USA). As a result, one BC 1 F 1 plant 84% similar to the recurrent parent and several BC 2 F 1 plants more than 96% recovery rate of the recurrent parent were selected. Genetic backgrounds of the selected BC 2 F 1 plants were evaluated by the genotype-by-sequencing (GBS) method in order to confirm the background selection results using the SNP marker set. GBS results showed that recovery rate and positions of introgressed segments were well matched between two methods demonstrating MABC can be successfully done with a couple hundred SNP markers. *Corresponding Author: Tel , bk54@snu.ac.kr
256 PC-127 Genome Cloud 서버연결 NCBI-SRA 데이터를이용한 SNP 마커발굴용컨베이어 QUEUE 시스템개발 최준경, 이봉우, 김지은, 오재은, 이보미, 이정희, 조성환 * 대전광역시유성구테크노 1 로 11-3 N218, 씨더스 주요작물들의표준유전체, 핵심집단재분석, 전사체등의다양한 NGS 정보가 NCBI 와같은공개데이터베이스에빠르게축적되고있다. 현재 NCBI 의 SRA(Sequence Read Archive) DB 에등록되어있는토마토유전체 (genome) 시퀀싱데이터만 800 건이상, 파일크기는 23.5 Tb 에달한다. 그러나이러한 NGS 데이터로부터원하는정보를추출하기위해사용할수있는분석용대용량서버자원및빅데이터 (big data) 처리기술이접목된생물정보분석프로그램은매우제한적이다. 이에따라대용량서버를갖추고있지않아도대규모유전체데이터를분석할수있도록 Genome Cloud 서버에서작동하는웹기반의 SNP 분석프로그램을개발하고, 분석자동화컨베이어 QUEUE 시스템을적용하였다. 이프로그램은사용자가분석하고자하는 SRA accession 을수집하여프로그램에입력하면, 자동으로 NCBI-SRA DB 에접속하여 SRA 파일을서버로다운로드하면서 SRA 포맷에서 FASTQ 포맷으로전환한다. 전환된 FASTQ 파일은자동으로 SNP 분석파이프라인에입력되어 SNP 가추출되고, 결과물은데이터베이스화된다. 또한이프로그램에는컨베이어 QUEUE 시스템이접목되어 IO 버퍼와같은시스템과부하를막아효율적으로분석파이프라인이진행된다. 1 개 FASTQ 파일이분석되는동안, 다음분석이진행될 1 개 SRA 파일의다운로드및포맷전환이자동진행된다. 위시스템을적용하였을때, 1 개 SRA( 서열길이 14Gbp) 를 Cloud 서버 (16 core CPU, RAM 64Gb 사양 ) 로다운로드하고포맷을전환하는데약 30 분 ~1 시간이소요되었으며, SNP 분석에는약 6 시간이소요되었다. Cloud 의장점인확장성을적용하여서버 5 대를병렬로연결하여사용할경우, 500 개의샘플을한달이내에처리할수있을것으로예상된다. 현재약 200 여개의토마토 SRA resequencing 데이터에서표준유전체대비수백만개의 SNP genotype 을확보하였다. 분석결과물은토마토계통및집단정보를이용하여향후 Haplotype, LD 분석등의주요응용분석을진행하고, TGsol( 에데이터베이스로구축하여제공하고자한다. * 주저자 : Tel , shjo@seeders.co.kr
257 PC-128 Developing Marker and Fine Mapping of the Powdery Mildew Resistance Gene in Capsicum annumm Jinkwan Jo 1, Gyung Ja Choi 2, Jin-Kyung Kwon 1, Byoung-Cheorl Kang 1* 1 Department of Plant Science, Plant Genomics and Breeding Institute, and Vegetable Breeding Research Center, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul, , Republic of Korea 2 Research Center for Biobased Chemistry, Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology, Daejeon , Republic of Korea Powdery mildew disease caused by Leveillula taurica is a serious fungal threat to greenhouse pepper production. In contrast to most epiphytic powdery mildew species, L. taurica is an endophytic fungus which colonizes in the mesophyll tissues of the leaf. In the genus Capsicum, several studies have been conducted to identify resistance sources to L. taurica. In previous studies, five quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for powdery mildew resistance have been identified. An F 2 population derived from self-pollination of the commercial cultivar Capsicum annuum PM Singang was used for genetic analysis of powdery mildew resistance. Resistance of the F 2 plants was tested under the natural environmental conditions. Sporulation intensity on infected leaves was used as a disease scale to assign resistance levels to plants, where 0-5% is Resistant, 6-15% Moderate resistant and % Susceptible. A total of 83 F 2 plants were evaluated for resistance. The results showed that 59 plants were resistant, 10 susceptible and 14 moderately resistant. If we consider MR as S, segregation ratio fitted to a single dominant resistance gene model. In the future study, closely linked molecular marker will be developed and tested to locate this gene. The developed marker will be used to identify the powdery mildew resistance gene. PC-129 Transformation of soybean with AT-hook binding protein genes to delay senescence Hyun Suk Cho 1, Jin Ho Yang 1, Jin Sol Park 1, Hye Jeong Kim 1, Yoon Jeong Lee 1, Jae Seong Kim 1, Hyun Hee Im 1, Ki Jung Lee 1, Dong Hee Lee 1,2, Young Soo Chung 1* 1 Dept. of Genetic Engineering, Dong-A University, Busan, Korea 2 Venture Bldg 306 Pohang Techno Park Pohang, Kyungbuk; , Korea High yield is the most important trait in various agricultural characteristics. Many approaches to improve yield have been tried in conventional agricultural practice and recently biotechnological tools employed for same goal. Genetic transformation of key genes to increase yield is one way to overcome current limitation in the field. We are producing transgenic soybean plants through high efficient transformation method by introducing all gene member with AT-hook binding domain, hoping to obtain manageable delay of senescence. Many transgenic soybean plants are growing in greenhouse and GMO field, and will be evaluated their senescence and any association with yield increase
258 PC-130 Development of novel strategy for antifungal crop using trans-kingdom small RNA movement Byung-Jun Jin, Hyun Jin Chun, Min Chul Kim * Division of Applied Life Science (BK21 Plus Program), The Research Institute of Natural Science, Gyeongsang National University, Jinju , Republic of Korea. Small RNAs, such as micrornas (mirnas) and small interfering RNAs (sirnas), play crucial roles in post-transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) in eukaryotes. Small RNAs function cell-autonomously as well as non-cell-autonomously. It has been well characterized that pathogenic fungi secrete some effector molecules facilitating their infection into plants. However, it is unclear whether molecules produced in plant cells are able to move into fungal cells during infection. To test if small RNAs generated from plant cells can move to fungal cells during infection, we generated transgenic Arabidopsis and rice plants expressing sirnas targeting GFP gene generated from double-stranded RNA interference (dsrnai) constructs for GFP gene. And then these transgenic plants were inoculated with transgenic rice blast fungus, Magnaporthe oryzae, expressing GFP transgene. Here, we showed that ectopic expression of sirnas targeting GFP gene in transgenic plants significantly suppressed GFP expression in rice blast fungi inoculated, indicating that small RNA molecules generated in plant cells can move into infected fungal cells and efficiently degrade fungal GFP transcripts. Our results would provide a new small RNA-based strategy for the development of resistant crops against fungal pathogens. *Corresponding Author: Tel , mckim@gnu.ac.kr PC-131 Caffeic acid O-metyltransferase (COMT) is involved in the melatonin synthesis in rice (Oriza sativa) plants Geun-hee Choi, Yeong Byeon, Hyoung Yool Lee, Kyoungwhan Back * Department of Biotechnology, Bioenergy Research Center, Chonnam National University, Gwangju, Republic of Korea Caffeic acid O-methyltransferase (COMT) methylates N-acetylserotonin into melatonin; that is, it has N-acetylserotonin O-methyltransferase (ASMT) activity. The ASMT activity of COMT was first detected in Arabidopsis thaliana COMT (AtCOMT). To confirm the ASMT activity of COMT in other plant species, we evaluated the ASMT activity of a COMT from rice (Oryza sativa) (OsCOMT). Purified recombinant OsCOMT protein from Escherichia coli was used to validate the high ASMT activity of OsCOMT, similar to that of AtCOMT. The K m and V max values for the ASMT activity of OsCOMT were 243 µm and 2,400 pmol/min/mg protein, which were similar to those of AtCOMT. Similar to AtCOMT, OsCOMT was localized in the cytoplasm. In vitro ASMT activity was significantly inhibited by either caffeic acid or quercetin in a dose-dependent manner. Analogously, in vivo production of melatonin was significantly inhibited by quercetin in 4-week-old detached rice leaves, suggestive of a positive role of COMT in melatonin biosynthesis in plants. *Corresponding Author: Tel , kback@chonnam.ac.kr
259 PC-132 Development of Oryza sativa Alternative Spliced Transcripts Detecting Microarray. Songhwa Chae 1, Kyong-Mi Jun 2, Joung Sug Kim 1, Baek-Hie Nahm 1,2, Yeon-Ki Kim 1* 1 Division of Bioscience and Bioinformatics, Myongji University, Yongin, Korea, 2 Plant molecular genetics Institute, GreenGene Biotech Inc., Yongin, Korea Expression profiling was conducted with the Oryza sativa alternative splicing detecting microarray v.4 (OsASDM). Probe features are designed based on rice genome IRGSP_1.0 ( ). The genome contains 37,868 genes. Among these 5,254 genes have alternative spliced sites, 11,938 transcripts. In the microarray, a total of 41,953 transcripts are covered from all the loci and 9112 alternative spliced transcripts. Four 60-nt long probes were designed from each transcript starting 60 bp ahead the end of stop codon and with shifting 30 bp so 4 probes cover 150 bp in the 3 region of the gene. Genes from chloroplast (123) and mitochondria (74) and selection markers such as gfp, gus, hyg, bar, and kan are included. In total, he 125,956 probes were designed. To find organ specific transcripts RNA was prepared from leaf, root, panicle at 1 cm (P1cm). The signal intensity files were analyzed with limma package. Background correction and normalization were performed with libraries in the package. 13,486 genes are organ specific and 1,856 transcripts are alternatively spliced. Transcripts that specifically alternatively spliced in leaf are Os02t _UE; Chlorophyll a-b binding protein 8, Os11t _UE; Ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase, Os12t _UE; ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase small subunit. Transcripts that specifically alternatively spliced in root are Os03t _UE; Deoxyuridine 5 -triphosphate nucleotidohydrolase, Transcripts that specifically alternatively spliced in tissues at P1cm are Os11t _UE; Alcohol dehydrogenase 1, Os04t _UE; Xyloglucan endotransglycosylase. Os03t _UE ; Deoxyuridine 5 -triphosphate nucleotidohydrolase, Os11t _UE ; Alcohol dehydrogenase 1, Os04t _UE; Xyloglucan endotransglycosylase. These results show that OsASDM could be used to find alternatively spliced gene at ease. *Corresponding Author: kim750a11@gmail.com
260 PC-133 Season-related variations of growth and metabolic profiles in Pinus densiflora Mi Na Choi 1,2*, Hyo-Ryeon Lee 1, Eung-Jun Park 1 1 Department of Forest Genetic Resources, Korea Forest Research Institute, Suwon , Korea 2 Department of Forest resources, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon , Korea The effect of seasonality is one of the most significant external sources of variation affecting cambial activity and the development of newly divided cells, and therefore influencing stem growth of trees. Here, we investigated changes in the seasonal concentrations of metabolites of current-year stem tissues in 6-year-old Pinus densiflora at June, August, and October. 76, 75, and 78 metabolites were assigned at June, August, and October by GC/MS. Among these compounds, 55 metabolites were commonly found in all three times, and they were divided into six groups according to the variation of concentrations in each times. Among 56 metabolites, the concentrations of three inositol-methylated derivatives, myo-inositol, ononitol, and pinitol in current-year stem tissues at August were significantly correlated with the heights of nursery-grown trees. Furthermore, we found that such metabolites were significantly correlated with stem diameter at 27 years for two consecutive years. Therefore we suggest that seasonal differences in the contents of inositol derivatives may explain much of the natural variation seen for tree stem size in even-aged pine forests. And these have the potential as metabolic markers of inherently rapidly growing trees in the early selection of those conifer families. *Corresponding Author: Tel , mnchoi1022@korea.kr PC-134 Systemic analyses of expression patterns and structural variation of soybean flowering genes in natural accessions Cheol-Woo Choi, Wook-Hun Jung, Kyung-Hee Lee, Min-Chul Kim * Division of Applied Life Science (BK21 Plus), Plant Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Research Center, Gyeongsang National University, Jinju , Korea. Soybean is a short-day plant, which means short day length promotes flowering. So far nine major loci, E1 to E8 and J, affecting the timing of flowering and maturity have been genetically identified in soybean. To understand the roles of soybean flowering genes in photoperiod-dependent flowering time control in soybean, we analyzed not only expression patterns of E1, E2, E3 and E4 genes as well as soybean FT homologs, including GmFT2a, GmFT5a and GmFT4, but also structural variation of E1, E2, E3, and E4 genes in various soybean accessions exhibiting a broad range of flowering time. The mrna level of GmFT2a and GmFT5a was low in late flowering accessions, but high in late flowering accessions. In contrast, GmFT4 exhibited opposite expression pattern to those of GmFT2a and GmFT5a. Structural variation of E1, E2, E3 and E4 gene in these accessions revealed that early and moderate flowering accessions contained non-functional alleles of E1, E2, E3 and E4 genes in their genome. These results suggested that expression patterns of GmFT2a GmFT5a and GmFT4 would be important factor determining flowering time in soybean and allelic variation and genetic combination of upstream E1, E2, E3, and E4 genes would be more important in soybean flowering time control than their gene expression patterns. *Corresponding Author: Tel , mckim@gnu.ac.kr
261 PC-135 Characterization of the aquaporin family genes and stress responsive expression profiling in Brassica rapa Md. Abdul Kayum, Jong-In Park, Nasar Uddin Ahmed, Gopal Saha, Ill-Sup Nou * Department of Horticulture, Sunchon National University, Sunchon , Korea Efficient infiltration of water through cell membranes is arbitrated by a family of transmembrane water channels called aquaporins (AQPs). Aquaporin belongs to a highly conserved group of membrane proteins called major intrinsic proteins that facilitate the transport of water and a variety of low molecular weight solutes across biological membranes,which is essential for plants to survive in stress conditions. This study identified 59 BrAQP genes from B. rapa database and Br135K microarray dataset, which was formed by applying low-temperature stresses to contrasting Chinese cabbage two inbreed lines, Chiifu and Kenshin. Based on phylogenetic analyses of BrAQPs revealed four distinct subfamilies, such as plasma membrane intrinsic proteins (PIP), tonoplast intrinsic proteins (TIP), NOD26-like intrinsic proteins (NIP), small basic intrinsic proteins (SIP) with aquaporin of Tomato and Arabidopsis thaliana. All BrAQP genes were firstly examined through homology study with existing biotic and abiotic stress resistance-related aquaporin genes of other plant species and found a high degree of homology. We selected PIP subfamily genes for expression analysis based on microarray data with high and differential transcript abundance levels and homology study with stress related aquaporin genes of other plant species. In our study, we characterized all B. rapa aquaporin genes and understanding the BrPIP subfamily gene function in plants under various environmental stimuli, the expressions of BrPIP genes under various abiotic stress conditions including cold, drought, salinity, water logging, ABA treatment and Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. Conglutinans infection were investigated by a quantitative real-time reverse transcription-pcr analysis. In our expression analysis, 4 BrPIP genes showed responsive expression against F. oxysporum f. sp. Conglutinans infection. The selected genes showed an organ-specific expression, and 12 out of 22 BrPIP genes were differentially expressed in Chiifu compared to Kenshin under cold stresses. Only 7 genes showed up regulation under drought stress and incase of salt stress 17 BrPIP genes were more responsiveness. Additionally, 18 BrPIP genes were up regulated by ABA treatment and all BrPIP genes showed down regulation under water logging stress. Together with expression and bioinformatic analyses, our results provides novel basis to allocate the stress-related biological function to each PIP gene. *Corresponding Author: Tel , nis@sunchon.ac.kr
262 PC-136 Carotenoids Synthesis Gene Analysis in pepper Ayoung Jung 1, Hyeon-Seok Jeong 1, Dong Kyu Lim 2, Yeaseong Ha 1, Arti Rai 1, Jin-Kyung Kwon 1, Sung Won Kwon 2, Byoung-Cheorl Kang 1* 1 Department of Plant Science, Plant Genomics and Breeding Institute, and Vegetable Breeding Research Center, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul, , Republic of Korea 2 College of Pharmacy, Seoul National University, Seoul, , Republic of Korea Carotenoids are vital pigments responsible for yellow, orange and red color in plants. In Capsicum, capsanthin-capsorubin synthase (CCS), phytoene synthase (PSY), β-carotene hydroxylase (CRTZ-2) and lycopene β-cyclase (LCYB) were identified to be involved in the carotenoids synthesis pathway. Previously molecular markers based on the CCS and PSY genes have been developed to distinguish fruit colors in pepper. However these markers can distinguish fruit colors of limited pepper genotypes. Therefore, there is need of developing additional markers for accurate prediction of fruit colors using molecular markers. In this study carotenoids contents of 16 pepper accessions were analyzed and the CCS, PSY, CRTZ-2, LCYB genes were sequenced to identify the genes affecting the fruit color. Among all the analyzed carotenoids, capsanthin was accumulated in much higher amount in red and orange fruits ( mau min and mau min respectively) while violaxanthin ( mau min) was accumulated more in yellow fruits. Sequence analysis revealed that deletions and two frame shift mutations in CCS gene for yellow accessions. Frame shift mutations of the PSY gene were detected in two orange accessions. These results show that mutations in CCS and PSY genes affect the fruit colors of pepper, and markers can be developed using mutations of these genes. PC-137 Isolation and Characterization of Pepper Genes Interacting with CMV-P1 Helicase Domain Yeaseong Ha, Joung-Ho Lee, Yoomi Choi, Min-Young Kang, JeeNa Hwang, Won-Hee Kang, Byoung-Cheorl Kang * Department of Plant Science, Plant Genomics and Breeding Institute, and Vegetable Breeding Research Center, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul , Republic of Korea Capsicum annuum Bukang is a resistant variety to Cucumber mosaic virus isolate-p0 (CMV-P0), CMV-P1 can overcome the CMV resistance of Bukang due to mutations in Helicase (Hel) domain of CMV RNA1. To identify host factors involved in CMV-P1 infection, a yeast two-hybrid system derived from C. annuum Bukang cdna library was used. A total of 156 potential clones interacting with the CMV-P1 RNA helicase domain were isolated. These clones were confirmed by β -galactosidase filter lift assay, PCR screening and sequence analysis. Then, we narrowed the ten candidate host genes which are related to virus infection, replication or virus movement. To elucidate functions of these candidate genes, each gene was silenced by virus induced gene silencing in Nicotiana benthamiana. The silenced plants were then inoculated with green fluorescent protein (GFP) tagged CMV-P1. Virus accumulations in silenced plants were assessed by monitoring GFP fluorescence and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Among ten genes, silencing of formate dehydrogenase (FDH) or calreticulin-3 (CRT3) resulted in weak GFP signals of CMV-P1 in the inoculated or upper leaves. These results suggested that FDH and CRT3 are essential for CMV infection in plants. The importance of FDH and CRT3 in CMV-P1 accumulation was also validated by the accumulation level of CMV coat protein confirmed by ELISA. Altogether, these results demonstrate that FDH and CRT3 are required for CMV-P1 infection in plants
263 PC-138 Genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) for assessment of genetic diversity in pepper germplasm Koeun Han, Heayoung Lee, Jin-Kyung Kwon, Byoung-Cheorl Kang * Department of Plant Science, Plant Genomics and Breeding Institute, and Vegetable Breeding Research Center, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul , Republic of Korea Pepper (Capsicum spp.) germplasm shows diverse phenotypic variations including fruit size, color, pungency, and many other horticultural traits. Traditional markers including SSR, AFLP, and RFLP have been used to construct genetic maps using biparental populations. However to assess the genetic diversity of large number of germplasm, a robust and rapid marker development and genotyping approach is needed. We used six pepper accessions including C. annuum, C. chinense, C. baccatum and C. frutescens and performed genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS). To select the most appropriate condition, eight different 2 bp selective nucleotides were used to make GBS libraries. Selective nucleotide OO showed the largest number of reads in all samples, and 11,026 to 47,957 high-quality SNPs were called in six accessions. When C. annuum CM334 genome sequence was used as a reference, C. annuum showed the smallest number of SNPs, while C. baccatum which was known to be a different Capsicum clade showed the largest number of SNPs. Pepper core collection chosen to represent the genetic diversity of whole germplasm will be genotyped by high-density SNPs developed from GBS. We will perform genome-wide association study (GWAS) using genetic and phenotypic variation to identify the functional genetic loci controlling horticultural traits. *Corresponding Author: Tel , bk54@snu.ac.kr PC-139 Effects of ionizing irradiation on mutation induction and nuclear DNA content in Oryza Sativa L. Sung Min Han *, Jung Eun Hwang, In jung Jung, Hong-Il Choi, Soon-Jae Kwon, Jin-Baek Kim, Si-Young Kang, Dong Sub Kim Advanced Radiation Technology Institute, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Jeongeup , Republic of Korea Ionizing radiation directly and indirectly affects gene expression within the plant genome. To access the physiological response of rice to different types of ionizing radiation, rice seeds were exposed to gamma-ray and ion beam radiation. Exposure to ionizing radiation dramatically decreased the shoot length compared with non-irradiated plants. Fluorescence-activated-cell-sorting (FACs) was used to measure DNA contents. There were significant correlations of dose-dependent between irradiated plant and non-irradiated plant. The radicals induced by the ionizing radiation in the plant could be observed by electron spin resonance (ESR). It was confirmed that the number of free radicals in cell was greatly increased all irradiated plants than non-irradiated plant. A significant positive correlation was shown between ionizing radiation dose and signal intensity. In order to determine the Genetic diversity, AFLP analysis was conducted with the irradiated plant and non-irradiated plant. Based on band patterns, the cluster analysis was conducted to evaluate the genetic variation by using the UPGMA (Unweighted Pair Grouping Method of Averages). Genetic diversity of irradiated plants by low dose ion beam was the closest non-irradiated plant and irradiated by high dose gamma-ray was the furthest from non-irradiated. We describe the detailed methods of ionizing irradiation and discuss its applications in genetic research as well as plant breeding. *Corresponding Author: Tel , bioplant@kaeri.re.kr
264 PC-140 Classification of Asian pears (Pyrus spp.) using the 12 standard set of microsatellite reference alleles Hyeondae Han 1,2, Youngjae Oh 1,2, Hyunsuk Shin 1,2, Sewon Oh 1,2, Jungyeon Won 1,2, Seolah Kim 1,2, Junhyeong Park 1, Yoon-kyeong Kim 3, Gidong Hwang 1, Daeil Kim 1,2* 1 Department of Horticulture Science, Chungbuk National University, Cheongju , Korea 2 Brain Korea 21 Center for Bio-Resource Chungbuk National University, Cheongju , Korea 3 Pear Research Station, National Institute of Horticultural &Herbal Science, Rural Development Administration, Naju , Korea The objective of the study was to identify 52 Asian pear accessions, two primary pear species, and one reference pear Asian pear with 12 microsatellite markers to maintain pear germplasm collection. The number of alleles of 12 microsatellites detected ranged from eight at CH03d12 to 18 at CH01f07. Gene diversity ranged from at CH01d08 to at CH01f07. The lowest value of PIC was at CH01d08 and the highest was at CH01f07. A group consisting of Ooharabeni, Bartlett, and P. calleryana was out-grouped and served as a reference to determine the relationship among Asian pear accessions. Except for the out-group, 50 Asian pears were segregated into two groups. Group I was divided in two small groups. Each small group was characterized by P. bretschneideri and P. ussuriensis, respectively. Group II was characterized as P. pyrifolia, and the group was divided in four small groups. The eigenvalue, difference, proportion, and cumulative of six principal components based on PCA to 12 microsatellite. The eigenvalue of the first principal components was The proportion of the first principal component was The cumulative value of the first two principal components was Consequently, nearly all of the results were elucidated by the two principal components. The results from analysis of the standard set of microsatellites in this study may be used as basic materials for the management of Asian pear germplasm collections, and the data might be useful in the development of a core collection. *Corresponding Author: Tel , dkpomo@cbnu.ac.kr
265 PC-141 Analysis of transcriptional regulation of Arabidopsis PIF family genes in response to abiotic stresses Jin-Seok Moon 1,3*, Satoshi Kidokoro 1, Daisuke Todaka 1, Sayuri Igusa 1, Junya Mizoi 1, Kazuo Shinozaki 2, Kazuko Yamaguchi-Shinozaki 1 1 Grad. Sch. Agr. Life Sci., Univ. Tokyo 2 Center for Sustainable Resource Science, RIKEN 3 Fruit Research Division, National Institute of Horticultural and Herbal Science, RDA, Wanju , Korea As one of the most severe stress conditions, drought strongly affects the plant growth and productivity. OsPIL1, a gene encoding a rice Phytochrome Interacting Factor (PIF)-Like transcription factor, was found to be down-regulated under drought stress condition. OsPIL1 shows a diurnal expression pattern and known to be involved in regulation of plant height. However, the mechanisms of down-regulation of OsPIL1 expression under stress conditions are remained unclear. In this study, the expression of PIF4 and PIF5, the most homologous genes of OsPIL1 in Arabidopsis, was analyzed and the expression of these genes were found to be oscillated in circadian manner and down-regulated in response to drought and low temperature similar to that of OsPIL1. To identify the regions involved in the responses to drought, low temperature and diurnal cycle, the promoter analysis of PIF4 was performed using transgenic Arabidopsis. Further promoter analysis is ongoing to specify regulatory regions in more detail. *Corresponding Author: Tel , gsmoon@chol.com PC-142 Development of molecular markers for evaluation of low temperature germinability in rice germplasm Do Yoon Hyun 1*, Sukyeung Lee 1, Yu-Mi Choi 1, Myung-Chul Lee 1, Se Jong Oh 1, Thomas H. Tai 2 1 National Agrobiodiversity Center, NAAS, RDA, Jeonju, Korea 2 USDA-ARS, Crops Pathology and Genetics Research Unit, Davis, CA, USA Low temperature germinability (LTG) is an important trait for breeding of varieties for use in direct-seeding rice production systems. Although rice (Oryza sativa L.) is generally sensitive to low temperatures, genetic variation for LTG exists and several quantitative trait loci (QTLs) have been reported. The objective of this study was to develop and employ high-efficiency molecular markers for evaluation of LTG in rice germplasm. A panel of japonica rice accessions (n=180) from temperate regions in Asia was evaluated for LTG and genotyped with markers from regions previously reported to harbor other LTG QTLs. ANOVA revealed that four markers on chromosome 2, 4, and 11 from previously reported QTLs showed highly significant value (p < 1.0e-04) and their R 2 ranged (qltg11-1) to (qltg4b-1). An association analysis was conducted using SNP data generated by sequencing of the panel. Eight SNP markers were found to be significantly associated with LTG using general and mixed linear models. Three SNP-based CAPS and dcaps markers from these results were developed and showed higher accuracy in predicting sensitive LTG germplasm. These new LTG markers will be useful for molecular evaluation of germplasm, particularly to identify sensitive or weak LTG accessions. *Corresponding Author: Tel , dyhyun@korea.kr
266 PC-143 Expression of anthocyanin biosynthesis-related genes in wheat grain development Min Jeong Hong 1, Young Ha Yoon 1, Dong Sub Kim 1, Sang Hoon Kim 1, Joon-Woo Ahn 1, Si-Yong Kang 1, Yong Weon Seo 2, Jin-Beak Kim 1* 1 Advanced Radiation Technology Institute, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, 29 Geumgu, Jeongeup , Republic of Korea 2 Division of Biotechnology, Korea University, Seongbuk-Gu, Seoul , Republic of Korea Seed color is an important factor affecting physiological and developmental process in wheat. One of the plant pigments, anthocyanins are a group of flavonoid compounds well known as pigments responsible for blue, purple, red, or yellow coloration of plant tissues. In this study, we investigated the pigmentation of purple and yellow color seed according to wheat grain developmental stages. The contents of anthocyanin and chlorophyll in the purple and yellow seeds were measured. Chlorophyll contents were changed similarly in both purple and yellow color seed, and no significant difference was observed between them. In purple color seed, the content of anthocyanin was significantly induced compared with yellow color seed. The individual anthocyanin components were investigated by ultra performance liquid chromatography (UPLC). Cyanidine-3-glucoside (C3G) and peonidine-3-glucoside (P3G) were detected as predominant anthocyanin in purple color wheat. To investigate whether structural genes in anthocyanin biosynthesis were involved in the trait differences between purple and yellow color seed, we examined the expression of anthocyanin biosynthesis-related genes (CHS, CHI, F3H, DFR, ANS, UFGT) and MYB transcription factor in developing wheat grains by using qrt-pcr. This study indicates that the expression of anthocyanin biosynthesis-related genes and MYB transcription factors correlate with anthocyanin levels of grain. *Corresponding Author: Tel , jbkim74@kaeri.re.kr PC-144 DNA 바코드분석을통한국내자생난지형잔디의분류 양대화 2+, 홍민지 1+, 정옥철 2+, 진일두 2, 박미영 2, 김양지 1, 이효연 1,2* 1 제주대학교생명공학부 2 제주대학교아열대원예산업연구소 + 공동 1 저자 잔디는공원과정원, 학교운동장, 묘지, 골프장, 스포츠경기장, 도로변과같이다양한장소에식재되고있는주요작물이다. 이러한잔디는생육적온에따라크게난지형잔디와한지형잔디로구분된다. 그중한국잔디 (Zoysiagrass) 는대표적인난지형잔디로, 들잔디 (Zoysia japonica) 와금잔디 (Zoysia matrella), 갯잔디 (Zoysia sinica), 왕잔디 (Zoysia macrostachya) 등이있지만, 국내자생잔디의품종구분이명확하지않아체계적인보존과관리가어려운실정이다. 최근특정염기서열구간을이용해종을식별하는 DNA 바코드분석법이개발되어, 다양한생물종을빠르고정확하게구별하는것이가능해졌다. 따라서, 본연구에서는자생잔디의분류를위한 DNA 바코드시스템구축하고이것을바탕으로체계적인잔디관리를수행하고자국내의자생한국잔디 ( 들잔디, 금잔디, 갯잔디 ) 약 500 점이상수집하고, 지역별로들잔디와금잔디, 갯잔디의 DNA 바코드분석을수행중에있다. 사사 : 본연구는산림청국립품종관리센터산림유전자원개발사업와 2009 년도정부 ( 교육부 ) 의재원으로한국연구재단의지원을받아수행된기초연구사업임 (No ) * 주저자 : Tel , hyoyeon@jejunu.ac.kr
267 PC-145 국내자생난지형잔디의 FTIR 을이용한대사체분석및구별 홍민지 1+, 양대화 2+, 안명숙 3+, 정옥철 2, 진일두 2, 김석원 4*, 이효연 1,2* 1 제주대학교생명공학부 2 제주대학교아열대원예산업연구소 3 한국생명공학연구원식물시스템공학연구센터 4 한국생명공학연구원생물자원센터 + 공동 1 저자 잔디는운동장과골프장, 공원, 묘지등의다양한장소에식재되는주요원예작물이다. 국내에자생하는한국잔디 (Zoysiagrass) 로는들잔디 (Zoysia japonica) 와금잔디 (Zoysia matrella), 갯잔디 (Zoysia sinica) 등이있다. 주요원예작물에대한대사체분석은다양하게연구가이루어지고있지만아직잔디의대사체성분분석은거의이루어진바없다. FTIR(Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy) 은적외선을통해얻어지는 sample 의흡광도를이용하여, 해당시료의성분및양을측정할수있는기법으로써, HPLC 와같은기존의대사체분석방법보다쉽고빠르게결과를알수있어최근다양한분야에서사용되고있다. 따라서본연구에서는다년간수집된국내자생잔디 ( 들잔디, 금잔디, 갯잔디 ) 약 240 점의 FTIR 분석을통해대사체수준에서자생잔디의식별체계를확립하고자하였다. PCA(principal component analysis) 와 PLS-DA(Partial least square discriminant analysis) 분석결과, 갯잔디는들잔디와금잔디라인들과뚜렷하게식별되었으며 PCA dendrogram 에서도같은결과를얻을수있었다. 이를통해갯잔디의대사체성분들이들잔디와금잔디와비교하여매우다른특징을가지고있음을알수있었다. 수집지별로들잔디라인들의 PCA 분석결과에서는산악지대와해안지대에서식하는잔디가식별되는경향을보였으며, PLS-DA 와 PLS-DA dendrogram 분석결과에서는두그룹이더욱뚜렷하게구분되어서식지에따른들잔디의대사산물의패턴차이가크게나타남을확인할수있었다. 사사 : 이연구는 2014 년도정부 ( 교육부 ) 의재원으로한국연구재단의지원을받아수행된기초연구사업 (No ) 과 2015 년도농림수산식품부 ( ) 의지원을받아수행된농생명산업기술개발사업에의해수행되었음. * 주저자 : Tel , hyoyeon@jejunu.ac.kr Tel , kimsw@kribb.re.kr
268 PC-146 들잔디 (Zoysia japonica Steud.) 의상동재조합효율분석 홍민지 1, 김재훈 1,2, 이효연 1,2, 권용익 2* 1 제주대학교생명공학부 2 제주대학교아열대원예산업연구소 Gene targeting (GT) 은식물체내로삽입하려는 donor DNA 와식물체내의 endogenous DNA 간의상동재조합 (Homologous recombination) 의원리를이용하여, plant genome 내의목표유전자를특수한목적으로만들어진 modified donor DNA 로교체하는기술이다. 식물에서는비상동재조합 (Non-Homologous End Joining) 이 homologous recombination 보다높은비율로일어나기때문에 GT 의효율이동물에비해현저하게낮다. 이를해결할수있는방안으로 1) 형질전환효율을향상시키거나 2) 상동재조합의효율을높이는것또는 3) 선별체계의정확도를높이는것이있는데, 그중상동재조합의효율을증가시키는방법에 double strand breaks (DSB) 가큰영향을주는것으로보고된바있다. 따라서본연구에서는 Agrobacterium 형질전환을이용해한국잔디인들잔디 (Zoysia japonica Steud.) 캘러스에상동재조합이일어났음을확인할수있는 marker 인 pgu.c.usb 를삽입하고, southern blot 과 GUS assay 를통해자연상태에서일어나는들잔디본래의상동재조합효율을측정하였다. 추후 DSB 를유도하여향상된상동재조합의효율을측정할것이다. 사사 : 농촌진흥청차세대바이오그린 21 사업 (PJ ) 의지원에의해수행되었음이논문은 2015 년도정부 ( 교육부 ) 의재원으로한국연구재단의지원을받아수행된기초연구사업임 (No. 한국연구재단에서부여한과제번호 : ) * 주저자 : Tel , yongikk@jejunu.ac.kr
269 PC-147 Development of Novel SSR Markers using NGS sequencing and Genetic Relationship Analysis in Blueberry (Vaccinium spp.) Jee-Hwa Hong 1*, Eun-Jo Shim 1, Moo-Kyoung Yoon 2, Eun-Hee Soh 1 1 Seed Testing & Research Center, Korea Seed & Variety Service, Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, Gimcheon , Republic of Korea 2 Plant Variety Protection Division, Korea Seed & Variety Service, Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, Gimcheon , Republic of Korea Blueberry (Vaccinium spp.) is a member of the Ericaceae and eleven varieties have been registered at the Korea Seed & Variety Service for Plant Variety Protection (PVP). This study was to develop simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers next generation sequencing (NGS) analysis and to analysis genetic relationship of blueberry 31 varieties. Highbush blueberry Camellia and rabbiteye blueberry Alapaha varieties were used as sequencing materials. Out of total 987 SSR primers detected between Camellia and Alapaha, 148 SSR primers were initially applied to select SSR markers for identification of blueberry varieties. Fourteen SSR markers showed polymorphism between 8 varieties. Seven SSR markers showed reproducibility and clear peak among 14 SSR markers. Genetic relationships of 31 blueberry varieties were analyzed and identified using 7 SSR markers. A total of 30 polymorphic SSR alleles were obtained and two to seven alleles were detected for each locus with an average of 4.3 alleles per locus. Average polymorphism information content was 0.556, ranging from to Genetic distance of clusters ranged from 0.38 to 0.93 by unweighted pair-group method with arithmetical average based on Jaccard s distance coefficients. These newly developed SSR markers indicate usefulness for variety identification related to seed dispute and distinctness, uniformity and stability (DUS) test for blueberry. *Corresponding Author: Tel , hongjh19@korea.kr
270 PC-148 C 0 t Analysis of Chrysanthemum boreale: the Realization of its Genome Characteristics Abigail Rubiato Cuyacot 1, So Youn Won 2, Sang Kun Park 3, Seong-Han Sohn 2, Ki-Byung Lim 4, Hyun Hee Kim 1, Franklin Hinosa Mancia 1, Yoon-Jung Hwang 1* 1 Department of Life Science, Sahmyook University, Seoul , Republic of Korea 2 National Academy of Agricultural Science, Rural Development Administration, Jeollabuk-do , Republic of Korea 3 National Institute of Horticultural & Herbal Science, Rural Development Administration, Jeollabuk-do , Republic of Korea 4 Department of Horticultural Science, Kyungpook National University, Daegu , Republic of Korea In the genus Chrysanthemum, repetitive DNA sequences, the dominant part of a genome, are still to be elucidated. To explore the matter, the present study applied fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) to the mitotic metaphase chromosome of Chrysanthemum boreale with C 0 t DNA as probes. Based on DNA re-assotiation kinetics, three kinds of C 0 t DNA exhibiting different degrees of repetitive nature were fractionated and used as FISH probes to map the repetitive sequences. Signals from all C 0 t DNAs were successfully observed but their coverage on the chromosomes was different among C 0 t-1, C 0 t-10, and C 0 t-100. C 0 t-1 FISH signals resulted to have its intensity on the telomeric region and were also dispersed on both chromosome arms except for some distal regions. In C 0 t-10, signals were observed in all parts of the chromosome with greater intensity around pericentromeric regions. FISH with C 0 t-100 DNA was observed in bright signals all over the chromosome. Signals of C 0 t FISH found in this study covered the regions where ribosomal DNAs and telomeric repeats of C. boreale have been distributed (previous report), thus signifying their repetitive attributes. The present results could enhance the efficiency of studying genomes, chromosomes and repetitive sequences of C. boreale and subsequently hasten the realization of the genetic scheme of Chrysanthemum. This work was carried out with the support of Cooperative Research Program for Agriculture Science & Technology Development (Project No. PJ010448) Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea. *Corresponding Author: Tel , hyj@syu.ac.kr
271 PC-149 Overexpression of the RNA binding gene from Medicago trancatula regulates flowering time Hyun-Ju Hwang 1,2*, Hyemin Lim 2, A-Ram Kim 2, Dae-Woo Lee 3, Jong-Seong Jeon 3, Jong Won Han 1, Gang-Seob Lee 2 1 LMO Technology Development Team, Converging Research Division, National Marin Biodiversity Institute of Korea, , Korea 2 Biosafety Division, Department of Agricultural Biotechnology, National Academy of Agricultural Science, Rural Development Administration, Suwon , Korea 3 Crop Biotech Institute & Graduate School of Biotechnology, Kyung Hee University, Yongin , Korea FLOWERING TIME CONTROL PROTEIN, FPA gene encode RNA Recognition Motif (RRM) domain protein and plays important roles in flowering time control in Arabidopsis. Floral transition is significant for reproductive products in all flowering plants. However, little is known about the functions of Medicago autonomous pathway gene. We had cloned the FPA gene on Medicago based on the sequence similarity of Arabidopsis FPA sequence. The RT-qPCR analysis of MtFPA expression patterns showed that the MtFPA transcripts accumulated ubiquitously in roots, leaves, stems, flowers, and pods. When fused to the green fluorescence protein, MtPFA-GFP was localized in the nucleus as speckle pattern of protoplast from Arabidopsis. To examine the function of MtFPA, 35S::MtFPA transgenic plants were generated in Arabidopsis late flowering mutant background, fpa-2. Overexpression of MtFPA specifically caused early flowering under long day conditions compared with non-transgenic plants. In MtFPA transgenic lines, AtFLC expression were down-regulated whereas the floral integrators, AtFT and AtSOC1 were up-regulated as compare with control plant. As these results, MtFPA suggest that is a functional ortholog of the Arabidopsis and may play an important role in the regulation of flowering transition in Medicago. *Corresponding Author: Tel , hjhwang@mabik.re.kr
272 PC-150 Seed color effect on germination rate and antioxidant activity under salt stress in wheat Paulina Calderón Flores, Dae Yeon Kim, Yong Weon Seo * Division of Biotechnology, Korea University, Seongbuk-Gu, Seoul , KOREA Grain color distinguishes between the pigmentation of the outer layer of the kernel. It is known that environmental factors affects the production of anthocyanins and abiotic stresses like high light intensity, low temperature, high salinity and/or drought stress, and others increase their amounts. After 7 days the germination rate between yellow and dark-purple seeds were almost the same with and without stress (100% yellow seeds under stress and without stress germinated, 93.3% under stress and 96.6% without stress of purple seeds germinated), even though at the final stage the germination was almost the same, we can conclude base on our observations that the germination takes place at a different rate. We think that this might be related to the seed color, since the germination of purple seeds under salt stress started earlier than the yellow ones, until both reached the same point. The antioxidant activity was higher in seedlings from dark-purple seeds than the yellow ones, and they were higher under salt stress than without it, supporting our hypothesis that the purple color in wheat seeds works as a protection under salt stress. Furthermore, the qrt-pcr showed that some genes related to the flavonoid pathway were expressed or had more expression in the seedlings from dark-purple seeds than yellow ones. Acknowledgements: This work was carried out with the support of Next-Generation BioGreen21 Program for Agriculture & Technology Development (Project No. PJ ) Rural Development Administration. Republic of Korea. *Corresponding Author: Tel , seoag@korea.ac.kr PC-151 Intronic long nonciding RNA and sumoylation of histone methyltransferase contribute to control of flowering time in rice Ye Jin Kwon 1*, Do Youn Kim 1, Sung-il kim 1, Jun Soo Kwak 1, Jong Tae Song 3, Hak Soo Seo 1,2* 1 Department of Plant Science, Research Institute for Agriculture and Life Sciences, and Plant Genomics and Breeding Institute, Seoul National University, Seoul , Korea 2 Bio-MAX Institute, Seoul National University, Seoul , Korea 3 School of Applied Biosciences, Kyungpook National University, Daegu , Korea Flowering time is a important agronomic trait for grain production in rice. So the control of flowering time is a critical step. In Arabidopsis, expression of certain key flowering gene such as FLOWERING LOCUS C (FLC) is known to be epigenetically regulated by chromatin modification through Enhancer of Zeste[E(z)], a histone methyltransferase, that core component of repressive complex, polycomb repressive complex2(prc2). However, the chromatin mechanism involved in the regulation of rice flowering genes is presently not well known. Here we show that predict coding region of a intronic LncRNA[termed rice COLDAIR(OsCOLDAIR)], which is expected to associate with a component of PRC2, is predicted at rice FLC gene. And additionally we suggest interaction of histone methyltransferase and E3 SUMO ligase that indicate possibility of interaction with rice E(z) gene and rice E3 SUMO ligase. Our study contribute to control of rice flowering time by observing two factor that can regulate expression of related of rice FLC gene. *Corresponding Author: Hak Soo Seo, seohs@snu.ac.kr, Ye Jin Kwon, yejin0719@snu.ac.kr
273 PC-152 Flowering time is repressed by sumoylation of FLC Jun Soo Kwak 1, Sung-Il Kim 1, Do Youn Kim 1, Ye Jin Gyeon 1, Hak Soo Seo 1,2* 1 Department of Plant Science, Research Institute for Agriculture and Life Sciences, and Plant Genomics and Breeding Institute, Seoul National University, Seoul , Korea 2 Bio-MAX Institute, Seoul National University, Seoul , Korea The transition from vegetative growth to flowering is a major developmental switch in the plant cycle and the timing of flowering is very critical for reproduction of plant species. In transition to flowering in plants, Flowering locus C (FLC) is one of the crucial factors. Here, we showed How the stability and activity of FLC are regulated by sumoylation mechanism. By pull-down assay, we showed that FLC interact with E3 SUMO ligase in vitro and vivo. And we showed that FLC is sumoylated in vitro condition with AtSUMO1 protein. In transgenic plants with overexpression of FLC and inducible expression of AtSIZ1, sumo E3 ligase led to increase of FLC protein level and delayed the post-translation degradation of FLC indicating that Arabidopsis E3 sumo ligase AtSIZ1 stabilizes FLC. Also, the plants with overexpression of mutant FLC (K154R, a mutation of the sumoylation site on FLC) flowered considerably earlier than plants with overexpression of FLC but comparable with wild type indicating that sumoylation is a important part for function of FLC. Our data indicate that the sumoylation of FLC is critical for its role in the control of flowering time. This work was supported by a grant from the Next-Generation BioGreen 21 Program (Plant Molecular Breeding Center no. PJ ), Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea. *Corresponding Author: Tel , seohs@snu.ac.kr PC-153 Analysis of Phylogenetic Relationship of Codonopsis lanceolata Cultivated in Korea using RAPD Makers Jinsu Gil 1, Serim Kim l, Yurry Um 2, Seon-Woo Cha 2, Yi Lee 1* 1 Department of Industrial Plant Science & Technology, Chungbuk National University 2 Department of Herbal Crop Research, NIHHS, RDA, Eumseong , KOREA Codonopsis lanceolata is used as a natural medicine or vegetables. It originates in East Asia such as Korea, Japan and China. Similar to Panax ginseng, C. lanceolata contains saponins as effective components. C. lanceolata is cultivated in many regions of South Korea. But, no variety was developed yet and the origin discrimination in the distribution market of C. lanceolata became a problem. In this study, we collected 20 C. lanceolata regional groups; Hoengseong, Wonju, Samcheok, Chuncheon, Pyeongchang, Hongcheon, Yongin, Yangpyeong, Danyang, Chungju, Bonghwa, Ulleung, Yeongju, Sancheong, Muju, Gwangyang, Sinan, Hwasun, Jeju-si and Seogwipo-si, and tested the genetic relationship using RAPD molecular markers. The genomic DNA was extracted using CTAB and the RAPD analysis was performed using 32 primers of Operon Technologies. NTsys-PC program was used for the phylogenetic analysis of the data. This work was carried out with the support of Cooperative Research Program for Agriculture Science & Technology Development (Project No. PJ ) Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea. *Corresponding Author: Tel , leeyi22@cbnu.ac.kr
274 PC-154 RNA seq Transcriptional Analysis of Pre-harvest Sprouting Korean Wheat Dae Yeon Kim, Jae Yoon Kim, Yong Weon Seo * Division of Biotechnology, Korea University, Seongbuk-Gu, Seoul , KOREA Pre-harvest sprouting (PHS) is the precocious germination condition of grains while the spike is still in the mother plant. Because PHS in wheat drastically reduced the quality and economic value of wheat grain, the improving PHS wheat is one of the most important breeding goal in Korean wheat breeding program In this study, we evaluated PHS and germination index (GI) in 33 Korean wheat cultivars, and performed transcriptome analysis between Keumkang (susceptible) and Woori (tolerance). A total of 33 Korean wheat cultivars were used for PHS (28 cultivars) and GI assessment in greenhouse. The DAF (Day After Fertilization) 35 of keumkang and Woori spikes were harvested to perform transcriptome analysis using RNA-sequencing. Each transcriptome was compared with PHS or ABA treated DAF 35 Keumkang and Woori spikes. The PHS in 28 Korean cultivars and GI in 33 cultivars were ranged from 1.33% to 87.44% and from 0.01% to 2.41%, respectively. Woori was demonstrated the second lowest PHS and the lowest GI, however, Keumkang was 23th of 28 cultivars in PHS and 13th of 33 cultivars in GI analysis. Six cdna library from the DAF 35 of Keumkang and Woori wheat grain, PHS treated DAF 35 of Keumkang and Woori, and ABA treated DAF 35 of Keumkang and Woori were constructed and sequenced. A total of Gb of high-quality reads were obtained using HiSeq The average mapping rate of assembled transcripts were 88.98%. The differentially expressed genes (DEG) revealed total 332 DEG (105 annotated) were upregulated in DAF 35 Woori library, total 5694 DEG (4623 annotated) were upregulated in PHS treated DAF 35 Keumkang library in comparison with DAF 35 Keumkang library. A total of 86 DEG (51 annotated) were upregulated in PHS treated DAF 35 Woori library in comparison with PHS treated DAF 35 Keumkang library. The Gene ontology and further analysis will be discussed. Acknowledgements: This work was carried out with the support of Next-Generation BioGreen21 Program for Agriculture & Technology Development (Project No. PJ ) Rural Development Administration. Republic of Korea. *Corresponding Author: Tel , seoag@korea.ac.kr
275 PC-155 Genome-wide transcription profiling of inflorescence development in wheat Dae Yeon Kim 1, Min Jeong Hong 2, Yong Weon Seo 1* 1 Department of Biotechnology, Korea University, Seoul , Republic of Korea 2 Advanced Radiation Technology Institute, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, 29 Geumgu, Jeongeup , Republic of Korea The control of flowering, transition from vegetative to reproductive stage, is crucial for significant success during plant development. Multiple environmental and developmental signals are transmitted to the shoot apical meristem and converted to local cue to process developmental phage. These crucial process are delicately controlled and regulated by expression of tissue specifically expressed genes involved in inflorescence development. Therefore, it is necessary that molecular mechanism associated with inflorescence development is revealed to understand control of flowering by genome-wide expression pattern of inflorescence specific genes. In this study we used Affymetrix GeneChip Wheat Genome Array for genome-wide analysis of the expressed genes of inflorescence development including apical meristem and developing spikelet to understand the mechanism of floral development in early stage of wheat inflorescence. Moreover, meta-analysis of 1479 microarray dataset of GPL 3802 provided by Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) was conducted to determine expression pattern of each probe throughout whole life cycle. Based on meta-analysis, we demonstrate inflorescence specific expressed genes in wheat inflorescence including apical meristem, spikelet meristem to understand the mechanism of floral development of wheat inflorescence. Acknowledgements: This work was carried out with the support of Next-Generation BioGreen21 Program for Agriculture & Technology Development (Project No. PJ ) Rural Development Administration. Republic of Korea. *Corresponding Author: Tel , seoag@korea.ac.kr
276 PC-156 Genome wide DNA methylation analysis of chromo methylase CMT3 and E3 sumo ligase AtSIZ1 mutants. Do Youn Kim 1*, Ye-Jin Kwon 1, Sung-il Kim 1, Jun Soo Kwak 1, Min Kim 1, Jong Tae Song 2, Hak Soo Seo 1* 1 Department of Plant Science, Research Institute for Agriculture and Life Sciences, and Plant Genomics and Breeding Institute, Seoul National University, Seoul , Korea 2 School of Applied Biosciences, Kyungpook National University, Daegu , Korea Gene expression is regulated by DNA and histone methylation by DNA and histone methyltransferases, respectively. In animal system, DNA methyltransferase with CG methylation activity is modified by SUMO conjugation and then its activity was increased, which means that the activity of DNA methyltransferase is modulated by posttranslational modification. so Chromatin remodeling is a new concept for expression of controlling of gene function. We thus analyzed the effect of E3 SUMO ligase AtSIZ1 in CMT3 (chromometnylase 3)-mediated genome methylation by next-generation sequencing (NGS), methyl binding domain MeDIP-sequencing and gene analysis using siz1-2 and cmt3 mutants. we carried out CG-enrich analysis by MeDIP sequencing revealed that the methylation level of the genome including transposons was significantly low in siz1-2 mutants compared to wild-type. Result showed the genes regulated by methylation, that genes related of embryo and root development, cellulose metabolism, and post-translational modifications. All of our data indicate that the methyltransfearse activity of CMT3 may be able to be regulated by AtSIZ1 and thereby CMT3-mediated gene expression and plant development also can be controlled by E3 SUMO ligase activity. Besides, our data also suggest that ammonium (NH 4 + ) can stimulate AtSIZ1- and CMT3- mediated DNA methylation. *Corresponding Author: Hak Soo Seo, Tel , seohs@snu.ac.kr Do Youn Kim, Tel , kimdy0202@snu.ac.kr
277 PC-157 Analysis of genetic diversity of Codonopsis lanceolata cultivated in Korea using SSR makers Serim Kim 1, Ji Hee Jeong 2, Jinsu Gil 1, Tae Dong Kim 2, Yurry Um 3, Ok Tae Kim 3, Ho Bang Kim 4, Hee Chung 1, Yi Lee 1* 1 Department of Industrial Plant Science & Technology, Chungbuk National University, Korea 2 Seed & Seedling Management Division, Korea Forest Seed and Variety Center, Korea 3 National Institute of Horticultural and Herbal Science, Rural Development Administration, Korea 4 Life Sciences Research Institute, Biomedic Co.,Ltd., Bucheon( ), Korea Codonopsis lanceolata is a perennial climber. The roots are used as medicinal materials or vegetables. Recently, demand for C. lanceolata is increasing as a healthy food. C. lanceolata is distributed in India and East Asia such as China, Japan as well as Korea. In South Korea, this plant is widely cultivated in Gangwon-do province. No C. lanceolata varieties were developed in Korea. The objective of this study is to analyze genetic diversity of C. lanceolata cultivated in Korea using SSR makers. C. lanceolata roots were collected in each region were cultivated in Chungbuk National University greenhouse. Samples were obtained from fresh leaves of 5 plants from each collection region. The genomic DNA was extracted using CTAB. Genetic diversity was analysed using 4 sets of C. lanceolata SSR makers. PCR was performed in total 20 μl reaction volume containing 20 ng of DNA template, 5 pmole of primers. The genotypes of the analyzed samples were very similar. That means that the genetic diversity of C. lanceolata cultivated in Korea is very low. This work was carried out with the support of Cooperative Research Program for Agriculture Science & Technology Development (Project No. PJ ) Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea. *Corresponding Author: Tel , leeyi22@cbnu.ac.kr
278 PC-158 The Effects of ehanolic superjami bran extract on glucose and lipid metabolism in ovariectomized rats Su-Jin Nam *, Mi-Young Kang Department of Food Science and Nutrition, Kyungpook National University, Daegu , Republic of Korea The ovariectomized Sprague-Dawley female rats were randomly assigned to Sham-Control, OVX-Control, OVX-Superjami (extract) groups. The results showed that the activity of glucokinase to keep the blood sugar constant is increased by increasing insulin secretion from pancreatic β- cells and the homeostatic regulation of glucose. Meanwhile the glyconeogenesis which is involved in the actions of the enzymes glucose-6-phosphatase and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase showed that the glucose level is decreased. It was confirmed that these enzymes regulate the carbohydrate metabolism. On the other hand, results of the measurement of the lipid metabolism in the fat tissue and liver tissue, effect of β-oxidation enzymes and carnitine palmitoyl transferase which is involved in fatty acid oxidation for energy generation is increased. Moreover, the activity of fatty acid synthase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and malic enzyme have been reduced, therefore, it was confirmed that these enzymes regulate the lipid metabolism. *Corresponding Author: Tel , PC-159 Repression of DFR1 expression by w3 mutation in Soybean Gyu Tae Park 1, Jagadeesh Sundaramoorthy 1, Jeong-Dong Lee 1, Hak Soo Seo 2,3, Jong Tae Song 1* 1 School of Applied Biosciences, Kyungpook National University, Daegu , Korea 2 Department of Plant Bioscience, Seoul National University, Seoul , Korea 3 Bio-MAX Institute, Seoul National University, Seoul , Korea Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] have a variety of flower colors which are controlled by six different genes (W1,W2,W3,W4,Wm, and Wp). Among these genes, mutation in W3 gene causes near white flowers in the background of w4 genotype whereas the genotype W3w4 does purple throat flowers. Earlier studies showed that dihydroflavonol 4-reductase1 (DFR1) gene was closely linked to the flower color variants for W3 locus. In order to find out the W3 gene responsible for w3 phenotype, we first, studied the candidate gene Glyma14g07940 (DFR1) which is having 100% similarity with DFR probe sequence. Sequence analysis of DFR1 between W3 and w3 soybeans showed one base substitution in exon 6 of w3 mutant soybean resulting in one amino acid change in the amino acid sequence. However, comparison of amino acid sequences of DFR proteins from various crop plants showed that there is no functional change in the protein. Besides, the promoter analysis showed that, 311 bp of indel was traced in 5 -upstream promoter region of DFR1 gene in the w3 mutant. Here, we show that the near white or purple throat phenotypes in G. max is associated with existence or nonexistence of indel at 5 - upstream promoter region and low or high expression of DFR1, respectively. These results suggest that w3 phenotype may be caused by certain regulator of DFR1 gene located near or distant from DFR1 in G. max. In further study, we need to check the correlation between promoter indel with W3 expression level through GUS analysis. This work was carried out with the support of Next-Generation BioGreen21 Program for Agriculture & Technology Development (Project No. PJ ), Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea. *Corresponding Author: Tel , jtsong68@knu.ac.kr
279 PC-160 Phylogenetic Relationship Analysis of Adenophora triphylla var. japonica HARA Local Collections using RAPD Markers Ki-Chan Park 1, Jinsu Gil 2, Serim Kim 2, Young-Guk Kim 1, Seon-Woo Cha 1, Yi Lee 2* 1 Department of Herbal Crop Research, NIHHS, RDA, Eumseong , KOREA 2 Department of Industrial Plant Science & Technology, Chungbuk National University Adenophora triphylla var. japonica HARA is a herbaceous plant belongs to Campanulaceae. Adenophora root is mainly used for medicinal purpose. It is effective for lung cleaning, sputum remove, viscera strengthening, cough stopping and cancer treatments. Adenophora has about 70 species in the world and 17 of the species are distributed in Korea. Genetic resources of A. triphylla var. japonica HARA are valuable as the habitat is concentrated in East Asia. The intraspecies variation is very high according to the environmental conditions. A new A. triphylla var. japonica HARA variety, Harang, was developed through polyploid breeding in But, low domestic production and passive studies caused our country to rely on imports for almost all amount of the A. triphylla var. japonica HARA demands. In this experiment, genetic diversity between the collections were analyzed using 32 RAPD primers. Through this study, limit of morphologic classification could be solved and genetic diversity of this plant could be assured. This work was carried out with the support of Cooperative Research Program for Agriculture Science & Technology Development (Project No. PJ ) Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea. *Corresponding Author: Tel , leeyi22@cbnu.ac.kr PC-161 The Arabidopsis abscisic acid receptors RCAR4 and RCAR5 promote disease resistance through regulation of stomatal aperture Woonhee Baek, Chanmi Park, Hyunhee Joo, Sung Chul Lee * Department of Life Science, Chung-Ang University, Seoul , Republic of Korea Stomata are natural pores of plants and constitute the entry points for water during transpiration. However, they also facilitate the ingress of potentially harmful bacterial pathogens. The phytohormone abscisic acid (ABA) plays a pivotal role in protecting plants against biotic stress, by regulating stomatal closure. In the present study, we investigated the mechanism whereby ABA influences plant defense responses to Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato (Pst) DC3000, which is a virulent bacterial pathogen of Arabidopsis, at the pre-invasive stage. We found that overexpression of two ABA receptors, namely, RCAR4/PYL10-OX and RCAR5/PYL11-OX (hereafter referred to as RCARs), resulted in ABA-hypersensitive phenotypes being exhibited during the seed germination and seedling growth stages. Sensitivity to ABA enhanced the resistance of RCAR4-OX and RCAR5-OX plants to Pst DC3000, through promoting stomatal closure leading to the development of resistance to this bacterial pathogen. Protein phosphatase HAB1 is an important component that is responsible for ABA signaling and which interacts with ABA receptors. We found that hab1 mutants exhibited enhanced resistance to Pst DC3000; moreover, similar to RCAR4-OX and RCAR5-OX plants, this enhanced resistance was correlated with stomatal closure. Taken together, our findings demonstrate that alteration of RCAR4- or RCAR5-HAB1 mediated ABA signaling influences resistance to bacterial pathogens via stomatal regulation. *Corresponding Author: Tel , sclee1972@cau.ac.kr
280 PC-162 Identification of Expansin Genes in Platycodon grandiflorum A. Using RNA-seq Analysis Sang Ik Park 1, Jemin Yoo 1, Yurry Um 2, Yi Lee 1* 1 Department of Industrial Plant Science & Technology, Chungbuk National University 2 Department of Herbal Crop Research, NIHHS, RDA, Eumseong , KOREA Platycodon grandiflorum A. is a perennial plant belongs to Campanulaceae family. This plant has been used herbal medicine ingredient in East Asia. Because of the high saponin content, it is an economically important medicinal plant in Korea. It has been reported that saponins of P. grandiflorum were mainly synthesized in root tissues. The studies about root growth of the plant were few. Expansin is an important protein playing a role in root growth of plants, and is known as a nonenzymatic protein. Expansins are novel plant cell wall loosening proteins leading to turgor-driven cell extension. Expansin encoding genes exist in multigene family, and there are more than 30 genes in Arabidopsis thaliana. and more than 50 genes in Oryaza sativa. Therefore, identification of the genes was difficult in P. grandiflorum because of the lack of genome sequence. Recently, the development of next generation sequencing (NGS) technologies make it possible to obtain the target genes sequences rapidly and precisely. In this study, to identify the expansin encoding genes in P. grandiflorum, we used RNA-seq analysis with Illumina HiSeq platform. We analyzed whole transcriptome of P. grandiflorum through the RNA-seq analysis based on next generation seuqencing. CLC Genomics Workbench software (Clc Bio inc.) was used for assembly. We assembled 122,663 contigs and search 123 contigs were identified from the search using 61 expansin gene This work was carried out with the support of Cooperative Research Program for Agriculture Science & Technology Development (Project No. PJ ) Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea. *Corresponding Author: Tel , leeyi22@cbnu.ac.kr
281 PC-163 Functional roles of the pepper lipoxygenase, CaLOX1, in osmotic, drought, and high salinity tolerance Woonhee Baek, Chanmi Park, Hyunhee Joo, Sung Chul Lee * Department of Life Science, Chung-Ang University, Seoul , Republic of Korea In plants, lipoxygenases (LOXs) are involved in various physiological processes, including defense responses to biotic and abiotic stresses. Our previous study has shown that pepper 9-LOX gene, CaLOX1, plays a crucial role in cell death due to pathogen infection. Here, the function of CaLOX1 in response to osmotic, drought, and high salinity was examined using CaLOX1-overexpressing (CaLOX1-OX) Arabidopsis plants. Changes in the temporal expression pattern of the CaLOX1 gene were observed when pepper leaves were treated with drought and high salinity, but not with abscisic acid (ABA), the primary hormone in response to drought stress. During seed germination and seedling development, CaLOX1-OX plants were more tolerant to ABA, mannitol, and high salinity than wild-type plants. In contrast, expression of the ABA-responsive marker genes RAB18 and RD29B was higher in CaLOX1-OX Arabidopsis plants than in wild-type plants. In response to high salinity, CaLOX1-OX plants exhibited enhanced tolerance, compared with wild-type, which is accompanied by decreased accumulation of H 2 O 2 and high levels of RD20, RD29A, RD29B, and P5CS gene expressions. Similarly, CaLOX1-OX plants were also more tolerant than wild-type plants to severe drought stress. H 2 O 2 production and relative increase of lipid peroxidation were lower, and the expression of COR15A, DREB2A, RD20, RD29A, and RD29B was higher in CaLOX1-OX plants, relative to those of wild-type plants. Taken together, our results indicate that CaLOX1 plays a crucial role in plant stress responses by modulating the expression of ABA- and stress-responsive marker genes, lipid peroxidation, and H 2 O 2 production. *Corresponding Author: Tel , sclee1972@cau.ac.kr
282 PC-164 Agronomic traits evaluation of wheat germplasms Jin Seok Yoon, Yong Weon Seo * Department of Biosystems and Biotechnology, Korea University, Seoul , Republic of Korea. Wheat is a major food source for a large proportion of the worldwide population. Wheat production is hampered by drought, cold and various diseases. Wheat germplasms contain various characteristics such as high yield, low plant height, resistance to diverse diseases and good seed quality. In this study, we evaluated agronomic traits of wheat germplasms collected from the National Plant Germplasm System (NPGS) for application of the breeding program. Total 221 wheat lines contain cultivars and landraces were provided by NPGS and USDA-ARS. The germplasms were evaluated quantitative and qualitative agronomic properties in Korea university research farm. The agronomic traits of the germplasms in each region were analysed using statistical analysis. The most of germplasms were geographically originated from America continent. The germplasms average heading date showed on May 10. The average heading date of Africa germplasms was 6 days earlier than Europe germplasms. The germplasms average plant height and spike length showed 81.7 cm and 8.6 cm, respectively. The germplasms of Europe showed 21.7 cm taller than average plant height of America continent and the germplasms of Africa showed the smallest plant height comparing with other continents. The germplasms of Asia showed taller spikere length than that of other continents. Seed color in germplasm comprises white, red and purple seed color, 24%, 75%, 1%, respectively. In addition, about 39% of the germplasms indicated lodging resistant. These results could be useful for improvement of wheat breeding program. Acknowledgements: This work was carried out with the support of Next-Generation BioGreen21 Program for Agriculture & Technology Development (Project No. PJ ) Rural Development Administration. Republic of Korea. *Corresponding Author: Tel , . seoag@korea.ac.kr
283 PC-165 Capsicum baccatum 종내교잡에서 SNP 분자표지를이용한유전자지도작성 이예린, 정규미, 김해인, 은민호, 이준대 * 전라북도전주시전북대학교원예학과 고추탄저병은국내에서큰피해를일으키는병중의하나이다. 최근에는우리나라주요재배종인 Capsicum annuum 에 C. baccatum 의탄저병저항성을종간교잡을통하여도입한탄저병저항성품종이보고되고있다. 고추탄저병저항성품종육성에사용된유전자원은 C. baccatum PBC81 인데, 최근에는이보다더다양한탄저병균주범위에저항성을보이는 C. baccatum PI 을이용하려고한다. 따라서고추의탄저병유전자원인 C. baccatum PI 의저항성에대한 QTL 분석을수행할필요가있는데, C. baccatum 과 C. annuum 의종간후대에서는종간잡종불화합성으로인해유전자지도를그리기가힘들어 C. baccatum 종내교잡을통하여유전자지도를작성하였다. 탄저병에이병성인 C. baccatum Golden aji 와탄저병에저항성인 C. baccatum PI 을교잡하여얻은 F 1 을자가수정하여 F 2 분리집단 93 개체를유전자지도작성에사용하였으며, 양친의대량염기서열분석 (NGS) 을통해찾은 SNP 를바탕으로 HRM 분자표지를개발하였다. 총 555 개의 HRM 분자표지용프라이머를디자인하였으며, 그중 45.3% 인 275 개만이실제로다형성이존재하였고, 이를이용하여유전자연관지도를작성할수있었다. 총연관거리는 1,057cM 이며, 20 개의연관군이나타났다. Chr. 1, 5 및 6 번의경우하나의연관군으로연결되지않았으며나머지염색체는모두하나의연관군으로연결되었다. 그리고 reference genome 으로사용된 C. annuum 의 physical map 과 C. baccatum 의 genetic map 을서로비교하여보았는데, Chr. 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11 및 12 의경우는약간의 inversion 이있었지만전반적으로 synteny 를잘유지하고있었다. 특히 2 개의 translocation 을발견할수있었는데, Chr. 1 과 8 의 translocation 경우는본연구이전에 wild C. annuum, C. frutescens 그리고 C. chinense 등에서도보고된것이고, Chr. 3 과 9 번의 translocation 의경우는본실험에서처음발견하여보고하는것이다. 이 Chr. 3 과 9 번의 translocation 으로인해 C. annuum 과 C. baccatum 사이에종간불화합이일어나는것으로생각된다. 본연구결과는 C. baccatum 종내에서의최초의유전자지도작성이라는큰의미가있으며, 이를이용하여탄저병저항성 QTL 탐색에활용될수있을것이며, 또한 C. baccatum 의 de novo sequencing 작성에기초자료로도활용이가능할것이다. * 주저자 : Tel , ajfall@jbnu.ac.kr
284 PC-166 Classification of Celiac disease epitopes of ω-gliadin through data mining and compared with Chinese spring genome sequence Cheol Won Lee, Yong Weon Seo * Department of Biosystems and Biotechnology, Korea University, Seoul , Republic of Korea Celiac disease (CD) is classified as an autoimmune disease of small intestine and occurred with people with the human leucocyte antigen (HLA) DQ2(8) cells. The gluten commonly called for the gliadins and glutenins from wheat and related proteins from barley and rye is significant cause of celiac disease. There are many sequences that recognized by T-cell according to species and different types of gliadins. In ω-gliadin, two sort of epitopes were figured out that consisting of some proline(p) and glutamine(q) scattered in gliadin sequence. All registered ω-gliadin sequences deposited in NCBI database were downloaded and collected. In order to classify groups depending on sequence difference, sequence similarity and their closeness were analyzed by phylogenetic trees using by MEGA (ver.6.06). Chinese spring genome sequence database offered by URGI (Unité de Recherche Génomique Info) is used for sequence assembly. Primers to validate presence of epitopes were designed by two different type from conserved and specific region. Primer pair from consensus region were designed in conserved domain of ω-gliadin sequences from public database by sequence alignment. And, sequence-specific primers of ω-gliadin were designed from the unique region of each ω-gliadin sequence comparing ω-gliadin sequences from NCBI database with draft sequence of Chinese spring in URGI. The two known epitopes of ω-gliadin were located on same site, approximately from the 315 th nucleotide to the 348 th nucleotide in CDS. Candidate epitopes present in ω-gliadin were divided into three categories based on analysis of sequence similarity. This categorization shows similar pattern with groups that were previously reported by sequence motifs such as SRLL, AREL, ARQL and KELQ. However, sequence which has AREL motif and sequence ARQL motif were not distinguished obviously in ω-gliadin based on sequence alignment. Acknowledgement: This work was supported by a grant from Next-Generation BioGreen 21 Program for Agriculture & Technology Development (Project No. PJ ) Rural Development Administration. Republic of Korea. *Corresponding Author: Tel , seoag@korea.ac.kr
285 PC-167 The E3 Ubiquitin Ligase COP1 Regulates Thermosensory Flowering by Triggering GI Degradation in Arabidopsis Kiyoung Jang 1, Su-Jin Jung 2, Hong Gil Lee 1, Nam-Chon Paek 3, Pil Joon Seo 1,2* 1 Department of Bioactive Material Sciences and Research Center of Bioactive Materials, Chonbuk National University, Jeonju , Republic of Korea 2 Department of Chemistry and Research Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Chonbuk National University, Jeonju , Republic of Korea 3 Department of Plant Science, Seoul National University, Seoul , Republic of Korea Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to P.J.S Floral transition is influenced by environmental factors such as light and temperature. Plants are capable of integrating photoperiod and ambient temperature signaling into their developmental program. Despite extensive investigations on individual genetic pathways, little is known about the molecular components that integrate both pathways. Here, we demonstrate that the RING finger containing E3 ubiquitin ligase CONSTITUTIVE PHOTOMORPHOGENIC1 (COP1) acts as an integrator of photoperiod and ambient temperature signaling. In addition to the role in photoperiodic destabilization of CONSTANS (CO), COP1 also regulates temperature sensitivity by controlling the degradation of GIGANTEA (GI). COP1-impaired mutants showed reduced sensitivity to low ambient temperature. Notably, COP1 is more stabilized at low temperature and accelerates GI turnover in a 26S proteasome-dependent manner. The direct association of GI with the promoter of FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT) depends on ambient temperature, and thus COP1-triggered GI turnover delays flowering at low temperatures via a CO-independent pathway. Taken together, our findings indicate that environmental conditions regulate the stability of COP1, and conditional specificity of its target selection stimulates proper developmental responses and ensures reproductive success. *Corresponding Author: Tel , pjseo1@jbnu.ac.kr
286 PC-168 The pepper RING finger protein CaRING1 plays a role in abscisic acid signaling and drought tolerance Hyunhee Joo, Woonhee Baek, Chanmi Park, Sung Chul Lee * Department of Life Science, Chung-Ang University, Seoul , Republic of Korea Plants are constantly exposed to a variety of biotic and abiotic stresses, which include pathogens and conditions of high salinity, low temperature, and drought. Abscisic acid (ABA) is a major plant hormone involved in signal transduction pathways that mediate the defense response of plants to abiotic stress. Previously, we isolated Ring finger protein gene (CaRING1)frompepper(Capsicum annuum), which is associated with resistance to bacterial pathogens, accompanied by hypersensitive cell death. Here, we report a new function of the CaRING1 gene product in the ABA-mediated defense responses of plants to drought stress. The expression of the CaRING1 gene was induced in pepper leaves treated with ABA or exposed to drought or NaCl. CaRING1-overexpressing (OX) transgenic plants showed enhanced sensitivity to ABA during the seedling growth and establishment. Furthermore, these plants were more tolerant to drought stress than the wild-type plants because of enhanced stomatal closure and increased expression of stress-responsive genes. Together, these results suggest that the CaRING1 acts as positive factor for drought tolerance in Arabidopsis by modulating ABA-mediated stomatal closing and gene expression. *Corresponding Author: Tel , sclee1972@cau.ac.kr PC-169 The CabZIP2 pepper pathogen-induced bzip transcription factor positive regulator of disease resistance by promoting PR protein induction Hyunhee Joo, Woonhee Baek, Chanmi Park, Sung Chul Lee * Department of Life Science, Chung-Ang University, Seoul , Republic of Korea A pepper bzip transcription factor gene, CabZIP2, was isolated from pepper leaves infected with an a virulent strain of Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria (Xcv). Transient expression analysis of the CabZIP2-GFP fusion protein in Nicotiana benthamiana revealed that the CabZIP2 protein is localized in the cytoplasm as well as the nucleus. The acidic domain in the N-terminal region of CabZIP2 that is fused to the GAL4 DNA-binding domain is required to activate the transcription of reporter genes in yeast. Transcription of CabZIP2 is induced in pepper plants inoculated with virulent or avirulent strains of Xcv. The CabZIP2 gene is also induced by defense-related hormones such as salicylic acid, methyl jasmonate, and ethylene. To elucidate the in vivo function of the CabZIP2 gene in plant defense, virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) in pepper and overexpression in Arabidopsis were used. CabZIP2-silenced pepper plants were susceptible to infection by the virulent strain of Xcv, which was accompanied by reduced expression of defense-related genes such as CaBPR1 and CaAMP1. CabZIP2 overexpression (OX) in transgenic Arabidopsis plants conferred enhanced resistance to Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000. Together, these results suggest that CabZIP2 is involved in bacterial disease resistance. *Corresponding Author: Tel , sclee1972@cau.ac.kr
287 PC-170 갈색기능성쌀신품종슈퍼홍미의작물학적특성과성분특성 함태호 1*, 권순욱 2, 류수노 1 1 서울종로구대학로 86 한국방송통신대학교농학과 2 경남밀양삼량진읍부산대학교생명자원과학대학식물생명과학과 벼품종의다양화와기능성특수용도의쌀품종육성의일환으로개발한슈퍼홍미의작물학적특성과성분특성을규명하고자수행하였다. 슈퍼홍미는흑진주벼와수원 425 호교잡후대계통에서선발된 C3GHi 계통과종실이큰대립벼 1 호를인공교배하여초형이양호하고현미색이붉은계통을선발하여육성하였다. 출수기는 9 월 5 일로슈퍼자미보다 10 일늦은만생종이며, 간장은 94.7 cm 로슈퍼자미보다 13 cm 큰장간이다. 포기당이삭수는 5.4 개로적지만이삭당벼알수는 개로슈퍼자미보다 28% 많다. 현미의천립중은 26.8g 으로슈퍼자미와비슷하다. 슈퍼자미의길이는 9.05 cm 이고폭은 3.79 cm 로슈퍼자미보다큰대립이며정현비율은 81.7% 이다. MCF-7 세포주를 24 시간배양한후세포내에에스트로겐활성과관련된단백질을확인하였다. 에스트로겐에의해 PR 합성이유도되고 ER-α 는억제되는결과가나왔고, 슈퍼홍미 70% 에탄올추출물로처리하였을때이와유사한결과가나타났다. 슈퍼홍미추출물농도에따른 MCF-7 증식효과를살펴보았을때, 50ppm, 100ppm 농도에서 48 시간배양이후증식효과가나타났으며 72 시간이후에는모든농도에서 14% 이상의증식효과가나타났다. 슈퍼홍미는에스트로겐과유사한기능성을갖고있는것으로여겨지며이에대한추가적인연구가필요하며새로운기능성품종으로의가능성이높다. * 주저자 : Tel , lion78@daum.net PC-171 조생기능성쌀빠른슈퍼자미와만생기능성쌀늦은슈퍼자미품종의작물학적특성 함태호 1*, 권순욱 2, 류수노 1 1 서울종로구대학로 86 한국방송통신대학교농학과 2 경남밀양시삼량진읍부산대학교생명자원과학대학식물생명과학과 기후변화와다양한작부체계적응고기능성조생품종빠른슈퍼자미와만생품종늦은슈퍼자미의작물학적특성과품질특성을규명하고자수행하였다. 빠른슈퍼자미는흑진주벼와수원 425 호를인공교배하여 C3G 함량이높은개통을육성하고, 출수기가빠른계통을선발하여매년계통재배하면서포장선발을실시하여육성하였다. 늦은슈퍼자미는검정벼와화선찰을인공교배하여 C3G 함량이높은개통을육성하고, 출수기가늦은계통을선발하여매년계통재배하면서포장선발을실시하여육성하였다. 빠른슈퍼자미의출수기는흑진주보다 5 일늦은조생종이며, 늦은슈퍼자미는흑진주보다 30 일늦은만생종이다. 종피색은모두흑자색이고메벼이다. 빠른슈퍼자미의잎은색은약간짙은녹색이며길이가다소짧은편이나너비는대조품종인흑진주와비슷하고, 늦은슈퍼자미의잎은중간길이다. 빠른슈퍼자미종자크기는흑진주와비슷하지만현미천립중은 19.0g 으로가벼운편이며, 늦은슈퍼자미는 19.9g 으로흑진주보다약간무겁다. 빠른슈퍼자미의수장은 20.8cm 으로흑진주와비슷하나간장은 62.6cm 로단간종이고, 늦은슈퍼자미는수장은흑진주와비슷하나간장은 91cm 로중장간이다. 빠른슈퍼자미는천연색소안토시아닌의주성분인 C3G 의함량이흑진주보다 10 배정도로높으며, 늦은슈퍼자미의 C3G 는흑진주벼보다 2.5 배정도높다. * 주저자 : Tel , lion78@daum.net
288 PC-172 천연색소 C3G 고함유만생, 대립 슈퍼자미 2 호 벼품종 함태호 1*, 권순욱 2, 류수노 1 1 서울종로구대학로 86 한국방송통신대학교농학과 2 부산대학교생명자원과학대학식물생명과학과 다양한기후및지역적응을위해만생이면서천립중이무겁고, 종피의 C3G(Cyanidin-3-glucoside) 함량을극대화시킨슈퍼자미 2 호 ( 국립종자원품종등록 : 제 5131 호, ) 벼품종의작물학적특성과품질특성을규명하고, 이를활용하여기능성소재및건강기능성식품을위한기초자료로활용코자수행하였다. 본시험은계통명 KNOU 6 호 를 2009 ~ 2011 년까지 3 년간중부평야 2 개지역에서보통기보비재배를하여대조품종흑진주, 슈퍼자미의주요농업형질과종피색소특성을비교검토하였다. 각지역에서공시품종을 5 월 2 일에파종하여 6 월 4 일에이앙하였으며, 재식거리는 30 15cm 로주당 3 본으로하였다. 시비량및질소분시방법은농촌진흥청표준재배법에준하였다. 전통적인교배육종을통하여천연색소 (C3G) 함량을높인 슈퍼자미 2 호 ( 흑진주벼 / 수원 425 호 // 대립벼 1 호 ) 품종의작물학적특성과품질특성을조사분석한결과를요약하면다음과같다. 1. 중부평야지평균출수기는 8 월 30 일로만생종이며, 간장은 106cm 정도이며임실률은 82.0% 였다. 또한현미천립중은 30.1g 정도로슈퍼자미 (26.2g) 보다무거운품종이다. 2. 슈퍼자미 2 호 품종의현미장폭비는 2.08 의장원형으로흑진주에비해길이와폭이 12%, 26% 로증가되었다. 미량원소중 K, Ca 함량은흑진주에비해낮았고, 단백질ㆍ회분함량은낮게, 열량ㆍ지방ㆍ탄수화물함량은비슷한수준으로나타났다. 3. 슈퍼자미 2 호 품종의 C3G 색소함량은 2013 년에는 1,782mg(100g 종자 ), 2014 년에는 1,980mg(100g 종자 ) 으로서슈퍼자미보다는다소낮았으나흑진주보다는 9 배이상높았다. * 주저자 : Tel , lion78@daum.net
289 PC-173 대립, 천연색소 C3G 고함유 대립자미 기능성신품종쌀의이화학적특성 함태호 1*, 류수노 1, 강미영 2 1 서울종로구대학로 86 한국방송통신대학교농학과 2 대구시북구산격동경북대학교식품영양학과 흑진주벼에비해천연색소 C3G(Cyanidin-3-glucoside) 가 3.8 배이상높으며종실의크기가 1.7 배큰대립자미 ( 국립종자원품종등록 : 제 4150 호, ) 의이화학적특성을밝혀기능성쌀이용의기초자료를확립하고, 기존의쌀과의차이점을밝히고자수행하였다. 일반성분분석은 AOAC 법, 쌀배유의단백질함량은 Foss Tecator 로측정하였다. 유색미 70% 에탄올추출물의기능성물질분석은 Singleton(1965) 의방법, Jia 등 (1999) 의방법을수정하여실험하였다. 일반성분의경우수분함량은일품벼가가장높았고, 흑진주, 대립자미, 슈퍼자미순이었고, 식미와관계가있는조단백질과조지방함량은흑진주벼보다낮아대립자미의취반특성이우수한것으로평가되었다. 아밀로스함량은밥의부피와끈기, 노화지연에관계가있는데, 대립자미가낮아기존의유색미보다취반특성이좋은것으로확인되었다. 대립자미의 1,000 립중은 28.1g 으로흑진주벼보다 1.7 배, 천연색소 C3G 함량은 3.8 배높은특징을가진품종으로항산화생리활성을가지는총폴리페놀함량과전자공여능을측정한결과대립자미는높은생리기능성을가진품종으로확인되었다. 슈퍼자미의총항상화력이 AEAC 로가장높은값을나타내었으며대립자미가 , 흑진주가 의값을나타내었다. Hydroxy radical 소거능과 SOD 유사활성역시다른항산화측정결과와유사하게대립자미와슈퍼자미에서일반현미와흑진주보다유의적으로높은활성을나타낸다. 유기용매의극성에따른슈퍼자미와대립자미의분획추출물의 DPPH 라디칼소거능은비슷한경향을나타냈다. * 주저자 : Tel , lion78@daum.net
290 PC-174 눈이크고 C3G 색소고함유품종 큰눈자미 기능성쌀의이화학적특성 함태호 1*, 류수노 1, 권순욱 2 1 서울종로구대학로 86 한국방송통신대학교농학과 2 경상남도밀양시삼랑진읍부산대학교식물생명과학과 흑자색현미의기능성천연색소 C3G 함량을증대시키고영양가치가우수한거대배특성을결합한큰눈자미 ( 국립종자원품종등록 : 제 4152 호, ) 의이화학적특성을밝혀기능성식품소재로서의활용가치를확대하기위해수행하였다. 종피의 C3G 함량은 C3G 간이검량법으로분석하였다 (Ryu et al., 1998). 열량및탄수화물함량은식품공전계산법으로분석하였고, 지방함량은식품공전에테르추출법, 회분함량은식품공전회분시험법으로분석하였다 (Food code, 2000). 단백질은 Kjedahl 법으로, 양이온함량은 ICP-AES 측정법으로측정하였다. 조사한결과를요약하면다음과같다. 현미천립중은 18.9g 정도이고, 장폭비는 2.14 로중원형이며, 현미에서쌀눈의비율이 8.2% 수준으로흑진주벼의 2.5 배정도이며, 현미 1 립기준쌀눈의무게가흑진주벼의 2.8 배수준인거대배아미품종이다. 현미의지방함량과 Lysine 함량이흑진주벼보다높고, 종피의안토시아닌주색소인 C3G 함량이흑진주벼에비해 2 배정도높은품종으로건강기능성소재로서활용가치가높을것으로기대된다. * 주저자 : Tel , lion78@daum.net
291 2015 한국육종학회 차세대 BG21 사업단 GSP 사업단공동심포지엄 차세대 BG21 사업단 OD. 농생물게놈활용연구사업단 OE. GM작물개발사업단 OF. 식물분자육종사업단 PD. 식물분자육종사업단
293 2015 한국육종학회 차세대 BG21 사업단 GSP 사업단공동심포지엄 농생물게놈활용연구사업단
295 OD-01 Achievements and Perspectives of GWAS Case Study in Rice Core Set Yong-Jin Park 1, Tae-Sung Kim 1, Kyu-won Kim 1, Chang-Yong Lee 2, Ju-Hyun Lee 3, Yong-Soo Choi 4, Il-Pyung Ahn 5, Won-Il Kim 5, Boem Seok Park 5 1 Department of Plant Resources, College of Industrial Sciences, Kongju National University, Yesan, Republic of Korea 2 Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Kongju National University, Kongju, Republic of Korea 3 Department of Applied Bioscience, Konkuk University, Seoul, Republic of Korea 4 Natural Products Research Center, Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Gangneung, Republic of Korea 5 National Academy of Agricultural Science (NAAS), Rural Development Administration (RDA), Jeonju, Republic of Korea In order to breakthrough upcoming challenges for the food production, the efficient use of rice germplasm would be a indispensible. These rice germplasm, adapted from diverse eco-systems, are undiscovered treasures for rice breeders/ researchers, potentially providing a broad array of useful alleles that enrich gene pools of current cultivated rice varieties. Although growing ex-situ conservation efforts are an important for preserving diverse rice genetic resources, the activity on finding the novel and favorable genetic variants from the vast genebank collection is greatly challenging, requiring extensive screening processes. Therefore, rice core collection is a powerful solution to accelerate utilizations of the exotic germplasm of the entire population. In addition, The application of whole genome re-sequencing technology would establish a potent platform for fast forward genetic study, such as genome wide association study (GWAS). The GWAS has been implemented to efficiently identify candidate genes related to various useful agricultural traits in many crop species including rice. Given the significant associations between genetic variations and phenotypic diversity does not require prior knowledge, GWAS using high genome coverage of SNP markers provides a genomics platform to dissect previously unknown adaptive or other useful genetic variation accumulated in plant germplasm resources over the times. Once pinpointing candidate genes, GWAS allows informed choice of parents for QTL analysis based on the haplotype information, along with suggesting targets for following mutagenesis and transgenics. Here, we are to report our current achievements and perspectives from GWAS and post-gwas undertaken to dissect and exploit useful alleles underlying many agricultural traits from Rice core set, including PHS (Pre-Harvest Sprouting), salt tolerance and disease resistance and so forth. Also, we will introduce the integrated Omics based GWAS case study using transcriptomes, proteomes, metabolomes and ionomes of our rice core set. Keywords: Rice, Core-set, GWAS, Genomics, Transcriptome, Proteome, Metabolome, Ionome
296 OD-02 고밀도콩 SNP array 이용유전분석집단및유전체육종토대구축 문중경 1, 강성택 2, 정순천 3, 김남신 3, 전태환 4 1 국립식량과학원 2 단국대학교 3 한국생명공학연구원 4 부산대학교 2010 년에 Nature 에발표된콩표준유전체공개이후재배종및야생종콩유전자원의전장유전체재분석연구는필연적으로유전체정보의폭발적인증가와이들정보를이용한유전체육종의시대를조만간열것으로기대되고있다. 이에본연구에서는유전체육종의시대를선도하기위해서국내콩연구진이수년간수행한유전체육종연구에서필수적인초고밀도분자표지 genotyping, 표현형변이의정밀카다로깅및유전체육종을이끌통계유전학적분석이종합적으로가능하게아는방법즉, 각종정보, 유전체정보, 표현형정보, 유전자원정보, 핵심집단정보등의 DB 를통합분석을단일인터페이스하에서가능하게하여육종가, 유전연구자등의모든콩연구자가손쉽게빅데이터를단순하게시각화하여종합분석이가능한인터페이스개발을통해서미래를이끌유전체육종연구의현재까지의결과와향후조만간달성을목표로하는유전체육종의새로운모습에대한내용을제시한다. *Corresponding Author: moonjk2@korea.kr OD-03 Genome-wide association study (GWAS) in pepper using a core collection Hea-Young Lee 1*, Ho-Cheol Go 2, On-Suk Heo 2, Jin-Kyung Kwon 1, Byoung-Cheorl Kang 1* 1 Department of Plant Science and Vegetable Breeding Research Center CALS, Seoul National University, Seoul , Korea 2 National Academy of Agricultural Science, Rural Development Administration, Jeonju , Korea GWAS (Genome-wide association study) provides a useful to associate phenotypic variation to genetic variation. It has emerged as a powerful approach for identifying genes underlying complex diseases or morphological traits at an unprecedented rate. Despite benefits, there are only a few examples applied in crop plants due to lack of effective genotyping techniques and well prepared resources for developing high density haplotype maps. In this study, 350 core accessions selected from almost 5,000 Capsicum accessions were used for GWAS. We are planning to construct a high-density haplotype map using GBS platform and perform GWAS for various agronomic traits including fruit traits and metabolites related to pungency to identify genes controlling the traits. These results will not only provide a list of candidate loci but also a powerful tools for finding genetic variants that can be directly used for crop improvement and deciphering the genetic architecture of complex traits. *Corresponding Author: Tel , sweettin@snu.ac.kr, bk54@snu.ac.kr
297 OD-04 Multiple reference genome of Cucurbits (melon and Korean melon) for Genome Wide Association Study (GWAS) Ah-Young Shin 1, HyeRan Kim 1, Jongmoon Ahn 2, Seokhyeon Nahm 2, Jeong Mee Park 1, Suk-Yoon Kwon 1 1 Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology (KRIBB), Daejeon , Korea 2 Nongwoo Bio Co., LTD., Yeoju, Kyonggi-do , Korea The Cucurbitaceae (Cucurbits) family has 825 species in 118 genera, predominantly distributed in tropical and subtropical regions. Major cucurbit crops including cucumber (Cucumis sativa), melon (Cucumis melo), watermelon (Citrullus lanatus), and squash/pumpkin (Cucumis pepo) are important in the human diet and the rural economy. In recent years, large amount of genome information has been analyzed and reported in major cucurbit crops, such as cucumber, melon, and watermelon. To construct high quality reference genome sequence of Korean melon (Chamoe), genomic and transcriptomic sequence data were generated from Korean native (Gotgam) and elite (SW3) Chamoe inbred line using Illumina HiSeq2000 platform. In case of genome analysis, 4,773 scaffolds covering 98% of Gotgam Chamoe were assembled through de novo genome assembly and reference-based assembly. Large number of simple sequence repeats (SSRs) and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were detected between two inbred lines and these markers were used for construction of genetic maps and discrimination of cultivars or species. In addition, genome sequence of other Chamoe and melon including Chang Bougi, Sakata s Sweet, Prescott Fond Blanc and Banana melon will be constructed by de novo genome analysis. Genetic markers of these will also be detected and used for marker-assisted breeding and further analysis to investigate major traits of Chamoe, fruit color and flesh color. In conclusion, the newly constructed reference genome will provide genome information for comparative genomics and breeding of other cucurbit crops
298 OD-05 과수분야핵심집단및게놈전체연관분석을통한유전체육종기반구축 김대일 1*, 허윤영 2, 최철 3, 김정희 2, 김윤경 2, 오상근 4, 박범석 5 1 충북대학교원예과학과 2 농촌진흥청국립원예특작과학원 3 경북대학교원예과학과 4 충남대학교응용생물학과 5 차세대바이오그린 21 사업단농생물활용유전체사업단 과수작물은국내농업총생산액의 8.3% 정도를차지하는주요작목으로목본성, 영년생식물에해당하며열매가재배의최종산물이다. 영년생식물의특성상종자의발아에서부터개화까지길게는 10 년이상의기간이소요되어세대진전이늦기때문에교배후후대의전개와조사가어렵다. 또한많은경우자가불화성과교배불친화성이존재하기때문에유전형이이형접합상태이므로유전특성을분석하고이해하는데어려움이크다. 따라서유전현상에대한이해도가낮아효율적이고정밀한품종육성에큰제한이되고있다. 최근 NGS 기반의대량유전정보의활용기술은과수작물에서도유전현상이해의어려움을극복할수있는새로운기술로각광받고있다. 대규모과수작물의유전체육종연구가미국, 유럽등선진국을중심으로추진중이지만아직까지초본성작물에비해시작단계에불과하므로아직까지기술적수준차가크지않아연구와기술개발의경쟁력이있다고할수있다. 국내에서는농생물게놈활용연구사업단에서교목성자가불화합성장미과과수인사과와배, 덩굴성자가화합성과수인포도를대표작물로선정하고 1 단계에서핵심집단을구축한바있으며, 현재자원을이용한게놈전체연관분석이추진중이다. GWAS 기술을이용한유용유전자의동정과분자표지의개발은과수작물이가진유전분석의어려움을극복하고유전자원을이용하여농업적으로중요한형질과관련된유전자를탐색과이용에대한효율을높일수있는장점이있다. 따라서그연구결과는해당작물뿐아니라과수전체의유전현상에이해를높이고고효율, 정밀육종을통해국내과수육종의경쟁력을크게증진할수있을것이다. * 주저자 : Tel , dkpomo@cbnu.ac.kr
299 2015 한국육종학회 차세대 BG21 사업단 GSP 사업단공동심포지엄 GM 작물개발사업단
301 OE-01 피노믹스연구개발동향 : 혁신플랫폼 권택윤, 김경환, 윤혜진, 이성곤 농촌진흥청국립농업과학원농업생명자원부 농업에있어서기술혁신이필요한시기이다. 전세계적으로자유무역경쟁체제가심화되고있다. 양질의농산물을저렴하게생산공급하는국가와기업이경쟁력을더가지게된다. 또한농업생산에도전적인요소로가뭄등심각한기후변화상황에직면하고있다. 미래농업은 고생산력, 고품질 그리고 고경쟁력 을마련하여줄수있는있는기술혁신을필요로한다. 그기술혁신은식량작물을정밀하게이해하는것에서시작한다. 피노믹스 는작물의표현이나기능을로봇 + 영상 + 정보기술을농업에융합하여정밀하게측정하는시스템이다. 식물표현및기능관찰에있어서기존의아날로그식육안관찰방식으로부터디지털통합융합기술시스템으로진화를한것이다. 피노믹스는기존아날로그방식에서얻는단순정보보다수십배에서수백배에상당한생산성및품질관련정보를획득가능하게하여준다. 이는농업전분야에있어서새로운성장동력이면서경쟁력향상에큰도움이된다. 유럽의여러국가는이런점에서피노믹스관련기술개발과세계시장확보에전력을다하고있다. 특히, 현재는종자산업분야와농업생산물의품질관리에적극적용하고있다. 피노믹스는또한우리나라스마트자동팜의기초기반기술이다. 피노믹스는수천가지작물표현및기능특성을담은빅데이터생산이가능하게하여준다. 작물생장반응빅데이터는최고의생산성획득을위한스마트팜환경조절에활용가능하다. 피노믹스에서얻은식물생산능력정보에다생산물의유통정보를더하면소비자맞춤형농업생산공급이가능하도록하여줄수있다. 농촌진흥청은 2017 년까지 80 억을피노믹스인프라구축에투자예정이다. 현재농업관련연구개발규모를고려하면더욱큰규모의확실한투자가필요하다고본다. 튼튼한미래혁신농업구현을위해서는신속한피노믹스인프라의구축및활용이필요한때이다. * 주저자 : Tel , trkwon@korea.kr
302 OE-02 식물표현체기술을이용한작물육종효율증진 김도순 *, 이태영, 김진원 서울대학교농업생명과학대학식물생산과학부 최근작물유전체기술이비약적으로발전하고있어서이러한기술과얻어진유전체정보를활용할경우작물육종이새롭게도약하는계기가될것이라기대하고있다. 그러나실상작물유전체정보가작물분자육종에효과적으로활용되고있지못하고있다. 작물육종의궁극적인목표는원하는표현형질을갖는품종을개발하는것이나작물유전체정보나개별오믹스정보만으로는전통적인표현형지표와연결시켜작물육종에활용하기어렵다. 다양한생명공학적, 분자육종적기술을활용해보다다양한계통창출이가능해졌으나전통적인표현형평가방식으로는효과적으로우량계통을선발하기어렵고, 비용도많이소요된다. 따라서새로운개념의식물표현체정보 ( 열영상, 형광영상, RGB 영상등 ) 를작물유전체정보와연계시키고, 작물의주요형질에식물표현체정보를연계시킨다면작물육종의효율성제고에활용가능할것으로기대하고있다. 따라서이번발표에서는식물표현체기술을활용하여주요환경스트레스에대한벼와콩의생리적반응을대용량으로조기진단하고이러한진단방법과결과를환경스트레스내성계통이나품종선발에얼마나효율적으로활용할수있는지평가한결과를보고하고자한다. 아울러그동안의연구결과와경험을바탕으로식물표현체기술을활용한작물분자육종효율증진방안과작물유전체연구에의활용가능성등을제시하고자한다. * 주저자 : Tel , dosoonkim@snu.ac.kr
303 OE-03 Sound waves delay tomato fruit ripening by negatively regulating ethylene biosynthesis and signaling genes Mi-Jeong Jeong 1*, Joo-Yeol Kim 1, Jin Su Lee 2, Soo In Lee 1, Jin-A Kim 1 1 Department of Agricultural Biotechnology, National Academy of Agricultural Science (NAAS), 370 Nongsaengmyoeng-ro, Wansan-gu, Jeonju, Jeollabuk-do, , Korea 2 Postharvest Research Team, National Institute of Horticultural and Herbal Science (NIHHS), 100, Nongsaengmyeong-ro, Iseo-myeon, Wanju-gun, Jeollabuk-do, , Korea Regulation of fruit ripening may help extend fruit shelf life and prevent losses due to spoilage. Here, we investigated whether sound treatment could delay tomato fruit ripening. We treated harvested tomato fruits with low-frequency sound waves (1 khz) for 6 h, and then monitored various characteristics of the fruits over 14-day period at 23±1 C. Seven days after the treatment, 85% of the treated fruits were green, versus fewer than 50% of the non-treated fruits. Most of the tomato fruits had switched to the red ripening stage by 14 days after treatment. Ethylene production and respiration rate were lower in the treated than non-treated tomatoes. Furthermore, changes in surface color and flesh firmness were delayed in the treated fruits. To investigate how sound wave treatment affects fruit ripening, we analyzed the expression of ethylene-related genes by quantitative real-time RT-PCR analysis. We found that the expression level of several ethylene biosynthetic and ethylene signaling pathway-related genes was influenced by sound wave treatment. These results demonstrate that sound wave treatment delays tomato fruit ripening by altering the expression of important genes in the ethylene biosynthesis and ethylene signaling pathways. *Corresponding Author: Tel , center1097@korea.kr
304 OE-04 국립농업과학원농업생명자원부 GM 격리포장소개및운영계획 이강섭 국립농업과학원농업생명자원부생물안전성과 국립농업과학원은 2012 년 6 월농업생명연구단지착공식을하고 2014 년 8 월수원에서전주로이전하였다. 더블어농업생명자원부 GM 격리포장도 2013 년 12 월농업용 LMO 격리포장신고확인서를발급받아포장을사용할수있게되었다. 농업생명자원부는포장이용의최적화를위하여준공전 2012 년부터 2014 년까지 3 년간녹비작물을재배하여포장숙전화작업을하였고, 2014 년에는용역재배를통하여포장상태를점검하였다. 그결과 2015 년하계작물부터실험용작물을재배하기시작하였고차년도에는이를전국의연구자들에공개하여전문적인 GM 작물시험재배를할수있도록준비하고있다. * 주저자 : Tel , kangslee@korea.kr
305 2015 한국육종학회 차세대 BG21 사업단 GSP 사업단공동심포지엄 식물분자육종사업단
307 OF-01 유전체기반분자육종을위한생물정보분석파이프라인 유의수 파이젠유전체연구소, 파이젠 최근들어다양한신규유전체정보의집적이기하급수적으로증가하고있으며, transcriptome, non-coding RNAs, methylome 등의데이터생산또한급속하게증가하고있다. 이는차세대 DNA 분석장비의혁신적진보에기인한현상으로다양한 omics 기반의데이터를활용하여유전체및유전자발현, 조절등에대한통합적이해를돕고있다. 또한주요농업작물의표준유전체완성과 resequencing 또는 Genotype-by-Sequencing 등의 NGS 기술을이용한 genotyping 의접목은다양한유전자원대상의 NGS 데이터생산을가속화시키고, 이들정보를이용하여중요농업형질연관유전적변이를발견하고이를작물개량에활용할수있는환경을제공하고있다. 유전체기반분자육종시스템은분자육종의현장에서효율적이고, 실용적으로사용될수있는시스템을개발하기위해 3 가지의목표를가지고수행한다. 1) 각기산재되어있는다양한유전체정보 ( 유전체, 전사체, SNP 정보, 분자마커정보, 표현형정보등 ) 를수집하여통합유전체데이터베이스화하여시스템내에서유전체, 전사체정보를정보를비교, 분석이가능한형태로운영하며상호연결된정보를제공하도록구축한다. 2) 또한최근들어농업에적극활용되는 NGS 기반의 SNP genotyping 에필요한효율적파이프라인을제공하여, GBS 또는 resequencing 기반의데이터를효율적으로분석하고그결과를토대로 genetic map 구축, QTL 동정, association mapping, 분자마커개발등에효율성을주는시스템을개발하고 3) 유전체정보와변이정보를연동하여 visualization 할수있는브라우저와분자마커개발에필요한도구의개발이다. 통합유전체데이터베이스, 효율적 genotyping 시스템, 통합브라우저등의구축은데이터의생산과분석에표준화된지표, 용이성을제공하여고도화된유전체정보를분자마커개발, QTL 탐지, 후보유전자동정등분자육종에효율적으로활용할수있게하며, 이를통해서분자육종의선진화와종자산업의활성화에기여하고자한다. OF-02 DNA-free Genome Editing in Plants Soon-Il Kwon 1, Je Wook Woo 1, Jungeun Kim 2,3, Jin-Soo Kim 2,3, Sunghwa Choe 1,4 1 Convergence Research Center for Functional Plant Products, Advanced Institutes of Convergence Technology, Suwon , Korea 2 Department of Chemistry, Seoul National University, Gwanak-gu, Seoul , South Korea 3 Center for Genome Engineering, Institute for Basic Science, Gwanak-gu, Seoul , South Korea 4 School of Biological Sciences, College of Natural Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul , Korea CRISPR/Cas9-based genome editing technology fast replaces the previous methods that require protein engineering such as Zinc Finger Nucleases (ZFNs) and TALE nucleases (TALENs). Conventional genome editing of plant cells using CRISPR/Cas9 technology largely depends on Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of the plant cells and subsequent regeneration of whole plants from the edited cells. During this process, unwanted foreign DNAs including the antibiotics gene and fragments of the T-DNA can be introduced into plant genome. Insertion of these unwanted DNA causes lots of regulatory restrictions when commercializing the LMO products. To step aside these issues, we designed DNA-free ribonucleoprotein-based method and regenerated whole plants from the successfully engineered cells. We will share our discovery on the successful implement of this technology in lettuce protoplasts
308 PD-01 Soybean germplasm, a rich genetic resource to be explored for the identification of salt tolerance genes and their mechanism of action Sajeesh Kappachery 1, Jagadeesh Sundaramoorthy 1, Gyu Tae Park 1, Jeong-Dong Lee 1, Hak Soo Seo 2,3, Jong Tae Song 1* 1 School of Applied Biosciences, Kyungpook National University, Daegu , Korea 2 Department of Plant Bioscience, Seoul National University, Seoul , Korea 3 Bio-MAX Institute, Seoul National University, Seoul , Korea Soybean germplasm have diverse accessions with great variation in their ability to survive and reproduce under salt stress conditions. In general, cultivated soybeans are more sensitive to salt stress than their wild relatives, however exceptions are found in both the groups. These variations in response to salt stress makes soybean germplasm an interesting collection of genetic resources to be explored for the identification of salt-tolerance genes, and their mechanism of action. Here, in this report we presented a data showing differential response of selected accessions of both cultivated and wild soybeans to salt stress. Two modes of salt treatment; gradual salt stress (GS) as well as salt shock (SS) were used in this study. The GS was found more effective in finding the difference in response of soybean accessions to salt stress. Various genetic marker based methods are in use to identify and isolate the potential genes contributing to the salt tolerance in soybean. Even then there is a paucity of knowledge on the key genes contributing to the salt tolerance in soybean. We expect that a recently developed functional screen based method, like yeast based functional screen, using cdna library generated from different salt tolerant accessions of soybean could lead to identification of novel genes responsible for salt tolerance in soybean. Also, we propose for the use of RNA isolated from different stages of GS and SS for making cdna library to be used for functional screening. This work was carried out with the support of Next-Generation BioGreen21 Program for Agriculture & Technology Development (Project No. PJ ), Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea. *Corresponding Author: Tel , jtsong68@knu.ac.kr
309 PD-02 Isolation of rice T-DNA tagged mutants being resistant to brassinosteroid (BR) biosynthetic inhibitor Propiconazole (Pcz) Claudia Corvalán 1, Soon Il Kwon 2,3, Haerim Kim 3, Doyeon Kim 3, Jewook Woo 2,3, Sunghwa Choe 1,2,3 1 School of Biological Sciences, College of Natural Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul , Korea 2 Plant Genomics and Breeding Institute, Seoul National University, Seoul , Korea 3 Convergence Research Center for Functional Plant Products, Advanced Institutes of ConvergenceTechnology, Iui-dong, Yeongtong-gu, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do , Korea Hormones play a crucial role in controlling physiological processes, and thus plants grow and develop in response to environmental cues through the interlocked actions of the hormones. Brassinosteroids (BRs) were found as growth-promoting steroid hormones. Rice, as a monocotyledonous model plants and the major staple crop, has been used to study BR action mechanisms. However, many components of BR pathways and the mechanisms of their molecular interactions have yet to be fully understood. Because the use of the BR biosynthetic inhibitor, Brassinazole (Brz), allowed us to identify important components of BR signaling such as the transcription factor BZR1, we decided to employ a similar strategy to identify novel signaling factors using propiconazole (Pcz), a new potent BR inhibitor. We screened a rice T-DNA mutant population which belongs to Dongjin variety and were developed by the Gene An s group using pga2715 T-DNA vector. Using Pcz treatments we searched for resistant plants, which were reflected on their lengths of roots and/or leaves. We isolated a total of 17 mutant lines, which are being analyzed phenotypically and at molecular level. So far, we have been able to found various lines presenting high or low yield compared to their wild type counterparts. We have found differences in panicle organization of these mutants. Our current experiments include the confirmation of Pcz resistance of these lines and molecular studies involving BR marker genes to understand the relation among yield and BR action in rice
310 PD-03 Identification and characterization of the novel gene encoding a protein responsible for biosynthesis of DDMP saponin in soybean Jagadeesh Sundaramoorthy 1, Gyu Tae Park 1, Sajeesh Kappachery 1, Jeong-Dong Lee 1, Hak Soo Seo 2,3, Jong Tae Song 1* 1 School of Applied Biosciences, Kyungpook National University, Daegu , Korea 2 Department of Plant Bioscience, Seoul National University, Seoul , Korea 3 Bio-MAX Institute, Seoul National University, Seoul , Korea Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] seeds are abundant in high-quality proteins and fats. In addition, soybean seeds are also rich in secondary metabolites, such as isoflavones, lecithin, and saponins. Triterpene saponins are major components of these physiologically active metabolites in soybean seeds. Soybean saponins are classified as group A and DDMP saponins. Among them group A saponins are undesirable component of food products due to bitterness and astringency and also cause foaming in tofu production. Whereas, DDMP saponins and their derivatives are less bitter and astringent and beneficial to human health when consumed as regular diet. Therefore, reducing the group A saponins or increasing the DDMP saponins are required to improve the food quality. The present study focused to identify and characterize the gene which is encoding a protein responsible for biosynthesis of DDMP saponins. EMS mutant lines (sg-7-1 & sg-7-2) which lack DDMP saponins were developed. The breeding cross has been made with these two mutants with two cultivars, Pungsannamul and Wooram to study the segregation and genetic linkage analysis, respectively. The segregation analysis showed that the mutant phenotype is controlled by single recessive gene. TLC analysis for phenotyping F 2 population of Wooram X sg-7-1 showed mutant, wild and heterozygous types. To surprise two more patterns were detected and they were named as strange type1 (ST1) and strange type2 (ST2). Further, SSR marker analysis will be carried out to locate the gene which encoding a protein responsible for biosynthesis of DDMP saponins. Acknowledgements: This work was carried out with the support of Next-Generation BioGreen21 Program for Agriculture & Technology Development (Project No. PJ ), Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea. *Corresponding Author: Tel , jtsong68@knu.ac.kr
311 PD-04 Small RNA and degradome profiling reveals a role for mirnas and their targets in the regulation of NB-LRR disease resistance genes June Hyun Park 1, Igojo Kang 1, Chanseok Shin 1,2* 1 Department of Agricultural Biotechnology, Seoul National University, Seoul, , Republic of Korea 2 Plant Genomics and Breeding Institute, Seoul National University, Seoul, , Republic of Korea MicroRNAs (mirnas) are a class of non-coding RNAs approximately 21-nt in length which play important roles in regulating gene expression in plants. Although many mirna studies have focused on a few model plants, mirnas and their target genes remain largely unknown in hot pepper (Capsicum annuum), one of the most important crops cultivated worldwide. We here employed high-throughput small-rna and degradome sequencing to comprehensively identify small-rnas and their targets in pepper. From these, we identified several novel targets of mirnas, including the major de novo methylation enzyme involved in RNA-directed DNA methylation in plants. Furthermore, we identified several highly abundant 22-nt mirna families that target conserved domains in NB-LRRs and trigger the production of phased secondary sirnas. We showed that transient co-expression of can-mir482 with Rpi-blb1, one of the potato NB-LRRs, resulted in the attenuation of the hypersenstive responses in Nicotiana benthamiana, suggesting that interaction between mir-482 family and disease resistance proteins is likely to serve as a conserved trigger for defense mechanism in Solanaceae. This work provides the first reliable draft of the pepper small RNA transcriptome that offers an expanded picture of mirnas in relation to NB-LRR regulation, providing a basis for understanding the functional roles of mirnas in disease resistance pepper. This work is supported by a grant from the Next-Generation BioGreen 21 Program (No. PJ ), Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea. *Corresponding Author: cshin@snu.ac.kr
312 PD-05 Molecular breeding and commercialization of high yielding rice through the modification of plant type and introduction of new alleles. Hee-Jong Koh * Department of Plant Science, Research Institute of Agriculture and Life Sciences, and Plant Genomics and Breeding Institute, Seoul National University, Seoul , Republic of Korea The goals of this research project are to identify the genes controlling plant architecture through the establishment of foundation for molecular breeding and to develop new rice varieties with useful characters associated with high yield leading to its commercialization. The research subjects of this project are as follows: improvement of plant architecture including tiller angle and number associated to harvest-index, construction of genetic and QTL map related to plant architecture and isolation of target genes, development of molecular markers with high efficiency, and further study for the mechanisms of recombination event and reproductive barrier occurring from cross between subspecies, development of new elite rice varieties with high yield and its commercialization. The isolated genes and products of this research project will be patented and molecular markers for those genes will be applied to breeding procedure. The breeding materials produced as outcomes will be provided to other breeders for further breeding programs. The developed varieties will be patented and registered to the national list of varieties, and will be distributed to our agricultural industries for the increase of its competitiveness and farmer s income. The patents for genes, molecular markers, and varieties will be licensed out to uphold the agricultural biotechnology industries. This work was supported by a grant from the Next-Generation BioGreen 21 Program (Plant Molecular Breeding Center No. PJ ), Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea. *Corresponding Author: Tel , heejkoh@snu.ac.kr PD-06 Detection of a new genetic locus for the high amylose content in rice mutant. Heng Wang 1, SeongGyu Jang 1, DaEun Lim 1, Ji-Ung Jeung 2, Soon-Wook Kwon 1* 1 Department of Plant Bioscience, Pusan University, Miryang , Republic of Korea 2 National Institute of Crop Science, Rural Development Administration, Wanju , Republic of Korea Goami 2 is now well known as its extinguishing endosperm characteristics - it is far from the wild type, Ilpum, a premium taste Korean japonica cultivar. The endosperm of Goami 2 is high in fat, protein, and indigestible carbohydrate contents. One of the most extraordinary endosperm characteristic of Goami 2 is high level of amylose content, even though the hulled rice (brown rice) is totally opaque. There have been many studies to address the unique physico-chemical properties and possible usages as a healthy and functional food ingredient, especially, the high-amylose rice had a positive effect on lowering the blood glucose response in obesity and type 2 diabetes. Genetic analysis by using 44 SSR markers, crude linkage map (3~5 anchor markers per chromosome) was then constructed based on the genotypes detected among 112 F 2 progenies derived from Goami 2 / Milyang 23 showed that major chromosomal regions on Chromosome 2 responsible for the variation of amylose contents. M2-53 on Chromosome 2 explains the highest variation and this region has not been reported as a putative QTL for amylose contents yet. More closely markers for application to breeding program can be developed using MutMap or Re-sequence methods. *Corresponding Author: Tel , swkwon@pusan.ac.kr
313 PD-07 염생식물나문재의종자구조및염농도에따른유묘생장특성 권혁규 1, 전효진 1, 백정선 1, 신소희 1, 정재혁 2, 이승재 3, 정남진 1* 1 전라북도전주시덕진구덕진동전북대학교농업생명과학대학농학과 2 전라북도전주시완산구농생명로 300 농촌진흥청작물재배생리과 ³ 전라북도전주시덕진구덕진동전북대학교화학과 새만금간척지를포함하여우리나라는넓은간척지를보유하고있으나제염되지않은간척지에서재배할수있는농작물은매우한정적이다. 따라서높은염농도에서도재배가능한염생식물인나문재의작물로서의이용을위하여본연구에서는나문재의종자구조와염농도에따른유묘생육특성을조사하였다. 나문재는쌍떡잎식물로서종자내에배유층이존재하지않으며, 종자를화피가감싸고있고결실기에화피가바깥쪽으로신장되어오각형의별모양의형태를보였다. 종자크기는길이가 0.44±0.10cm, 너비가 0.47±0.09cm, 폭이 0.31±0.06cm 이었으며천립중은 1.58±0.07g 이었다. 화피를제거하면길이 0.31±0.05cm, 너비 0.31±0.06cm, 폭은 0.12±0.04cm 였으며천립중은 0.74±0.06g 이었다. 종피가감싸고있는종자의내부는 shoot apex 를중심으로배축이나선형으로두번반정감겨져서종자바깥쪽으로 radicle 이향하고있는구조를가지고있다. 종자침종후발아하는데는 30 에서평균 3 일정도가소요되었으며, 발아시 radicle 이종피를뚫고신장하였으며, 이때나선형의배축이풀리고황색의떡잎은짙은초록색으로변하면서갈라져신장하였다. 염조건에따른유묘의생장특성을조사하기위하여초장 10cm 내외의유묘를상토에이식하고염농도를 0, 20, 50, 100, 200mM 로처리하고 5 주간생육조사를실시하였다. 그결과, 나문재의초기생장량은염농도 50mM 에서초장이 55.95±6.30cm, 분지가 56 개로가장많았으며, 100mM 에서는 50mM 의생장량보다약간적었으나유의한차이를보이지는않았다. 반면, 생육이가장부진하였던 200mM 에서는 50mM 에비하여초장은 19.05cm, 분지는 13 개감소하였다. 이와같은결과로볼때, 나문재는적정생육염농도는 50~100mM 정도로판단되었다. * 주저자 : Tel , njchung@jbnu.ac.kr
314 PD-08 Analysis of Phylogenetic Relationship from Angelica gigas collected in Korea using RAPD Markers Jinsu Gil 1, Serim Kim l, Yurry Um 2, Ok Tae Kim 2, Hee Chung 1, Seon-Woo Cha 2, Yi Lee 1* 1 Department of Industrial Plant Science & Technology, Chungbuk National University 2 Department of Herbal Crop Research, NIHHS, RDA, Eumseong , KOREA Angelica gigas, also called Dang Gui or Korean Angelica, is a major medicinal herb used in Asian countries such as Korea, Japan and China. In Korea, we are using the roots of A. gigas., but, they are using Angelica sinensis in China and using Angelica acutiloba. in Japan to obtain many active constituents such as dercursin, decursinol angelate, nodakenetin, nodakenin, umbelliferone, β-sisterol, or α-pinene. The plants of the Angelica family are used to improve gynecological health. The biggest problem in the cultivation of A. gigas is bolting. If the bolting occurs, A. gigas can not be used as a medicinal component because the roots are lignified. In this study, 11 A. gigas genetic resources in Korea; 1. Hwangje variety, 2. Sungwoo Jongmyo company, 3. Bonghwa No. 1, 4. Bonghwa No. 2, 5. Bonghwa No. 3, 6. Bonghwa No. 4, 7. Jechun local variety, 8. Jirisan local variety, 9. Manchu variety in Eumseong, 10. Manchu variety in Bonghwa, 11. Jinbu local variety, were collected and performed phylogenetic analysis using RAPD molecular markers. This work was carried out with the support of Cooperative Research Program for Agriculture Science & Technology Development (Project No. PJ ) Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea. *Corresponding Author: Tel , leeyi22@cbnu.ac.kr PD-09 Protein phosphatase 2C induced by abscisic acid positively regulates Rsv3-mediated extreme resistance Jang-Kyun Seo 1,2, Sun-Jung Kwon 3, Won Kyong Cho 1, Hong-Soo Choi 2, Kook-Hyung Kim 1 1 Department of Agricultural Biotechnology and Plant Genomics and Breeding Institute, Seoul National University, Seoul , Republic of Korea 2 Crop Protection Division, National Academy of Agricultural Science, Rural Development Administration, Suwon , Republic of Korea 3 Horticultural and Crop Herbal Environment Division, National Institute of Horticultural and Herbal Science, Rural Development Administration, Suwon , Republic of Korea Effector-triggered immunity (ETI) is an active immune response triggered by interactions between host resistance proteins and their cognate effectors. Although ETI is often associated with the hypersensitive response (HR), various R genes mediate an HR-independent process known as extreme resistance (ER). In the soybean-soybean mosaic virus (SMV) pathosystem, the strain-specific CI protein of SMV functions as an effector of Rsv3-mediated ER. In this study, we used the soybean (Rsv3)-SMV (CI) pathosystem to gain insight into the molecular signaling pathway involved in ER. We used genome-wide transcriptome analysis to identify a subset of the type 2C protein phophatase (PP2C) genes that are specifically up-regulated in Rsv3-mediated ER. Gain-of-function analysis of the most significantly expressed soybean PP2C gene, GmPP2C3a, showed that ABA-induced GmPP2C3a functions as a key regulator of Rsv3-mediated ER. Our results further suggest that the primary mechanism of ER against viruses is the inhibition of viral cell-to-cell movement by callose deposition in an ABA signaling-dependent manner
315 PD-10 Evaluation of sprouting rate of mature and developing seeds in red grain wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Dae Yeon Kim, Oonha Shin, Yong Weon Seo * Department of Biotechnology, Korea University, Seoul , Republic of Korea Nutritious and functional foods from crop have received great attention in recent years. Colored-grain wheat contains high phenolic compound and a large number of flavonoid. One of plant pigments, wheat anthocyanin is increasingly emerging as natural compounds for consumer s health and condition. Red grains and white grains with different antioxidant activity was used to conduct germination assay. Antioxidant enzyme assay of POD, APX, CAT, GST, GR and GPx was conducted during the imbibitional phase of mature seeds. Malondialdehyde (MDA) content was analyzed to assess the activity of ROS during imbibition phase of mature seeds and alpha-amylase contents were quantified for 3 days during dark imbibition. Additionally, sprouting rates of developing seeds in spikelet after anthesis with damp condition were measured in each red grain groups for two weeks to evaluate sprout ability affected by phytochemical of red grain wheat. In summary, we identified that red grain wheat showed higher antioxidant enzyme activity involved in ROS scavenging during imbibition. Sprouting rate during dark imbibition in developmental spikelet of four groups classified by color suggest that phytochemicals in dark red grain wheat caused negative effects to sprouting. Acknowledgements: This work was carried out with the support of Next-Generation BioGreen21 Program for Agriculture & Technology Development (Project No. PJ ) Rural Development Administration. Republic of Korea. *Corresponding Author: Tel , seoag@korea.ac.kr PD-11 Potential hybrids of Miscanthus sinensis x M. sacchariflorus revealed by morphological traits analysis Soo-Hyun Lim 1, Hae-Rim Park 1, Dong-Gil Kim 1, DoKyoung Lee 1,2, Gyoungju Nah 1, Do-Soon Kim 1* 1 Department of Plant Science, Seoul National University, Seoul , Republic of Korea 2 Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, IL 61801, USA More than 300 Miscanthus accessions as a potential bioenergy crop were collected in Korea and their morphological traits were investigated at various growth stages. Among morphological traits, stem growth habit, the presence of awn in spikelet, and autumn new shoot are the most important key traits enabling to cluster Miscanthus accessions into M. sinensis and M. sacchariflorus groups. Miscanthus sinensis has bunch stem growth habit and awn in spikelet, and produces autumn new shoot, while M. sacchariflorus has scattering stem growth habit with no awn in spikelet and does not produce autumn new shoot. Interestingly, we found several Miscanthus accessions showing intermediate morphological traits. 7 M. sinensis accessions showed morphological traits similar to M. sacchariflorus and 17 M. sacchariflorus accessions showed morphological traits similar to M. sinensis. Flow cytometry and chromosome counting finally revealed 5 Miscanthus hybrids, suggesting that they are resulted from natural hybridization between M. sinensis and M. sacchariflorus. Therefore, these Miscanthus hybrids can be used to understand genetic recombination between these two Miscanthus species and our understanding may support future efforts for breeding new Miscanthus variety with high biomass productivity and environmental adaptability. *Corresponding Author: Tel , dosoonkim@snu.ac.kr
316 PD-12 Complete chloroplast genomes of two Miscanthus species Gyoungju Nah *, Ji-Hoon Im, Soo-Hyun Lim, Kyunghee Kim, Do-Soon Kim * Department of Plant Science, Research Institute of Agriculture and Life Sciences, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul , Korea The complete chloroplast (cp) genomes of two Miscanthus species, M. sinensis and M. sacchariflorus, were sequenced and investigated for genes, genome size variation, and polymorphisms. There are 154 genes in both cp genomes, consisting of 122 coding genes, 40 trna genes, and 8 rrna genes. The cp genome contains two inverted repeat (IR) regions, separated by large single copy (LSC) region and small single copy (SSC) region. 112bp indels in M. sinensis and 152bp in M. sacchariflorus were found mainly in LSC and SSC, which are responsible for 40 bp-difference in cp genome size in two species. Likewise, out of 94bp of SNPs, 88bp were found in LSC and SSC regions. Although gene number and sequence structure were quite well conserved, indel distribution and size were different in these two Miscanthus species. *Corresponding Author: Tel , dosoonkim@snu.ac.kr PD-13 Quantitative shotgun proteomic analysis of rice anther under the cold stress Joohyun Lee *, Mijeong Kim, Yoonjung Lee Department of Applied Bioscience, Konkuk, University, Seoul , Republic of Korea In rice, the stage of the meiosis in the pollen is sensitive stage resulted in the pollen sterility to reduce yield. Dianxi4 is a cold tolerant line. To monitoring the proteome expression patterns in the pollen of Dianxi4 under the cold stress, shotgun proteomic analysis was conducted to the anther of Dianxi4. The rice plant was grown in the peedy rice field then in the 10 DBH(days before heading), one individual rice plant was moved in the growth chamber under the condition of12 /RH70%(12h day/12h night). Also the plant used as control was moved in the growth chamber unde the condition of 28 /RH70%(12h day/12h night). after 4 days treatment, the plant were moved in a greenhouse. The treated rice anther were collected in the one day before heading. From the shotgun proteomic analysis, total of 3,855 non-redundant proteins were identified. Among them, 2,360 proteins were reproducibly identified through the treatment and replications. By the T-test, 1,181 differentially expressed proteins were detected. Through the GO analysis, proteins related in gene expression, cellular process, cellular biosynthetic process were enriched. *Corresponding Author: Tel , joohyun00@gmail.com
317 PD-14 무 (radish) 에서자가불화합 (self-incompatibility) 을결정하는 S locus core region 에위치한 SLL2 유전자변이를이용한 S haplotyping 시스템구축 김대현, 김성길 * 광주광역시북구용봉동전남대학교농업생명과학대학식물생명공학부 십자화과작물에서 SRK 와 SP11 유전자는자가불화합반응을매개하는주요유전자이다. 무 (radish) 에서 S-locus haplotype 을분류및확인하기위한첫단계로, SRK 와 SP11 유전자의온전한서열확보를위해기존연구를통해밝혀진 Brassica rapa 의 SRK 유전자서열을활용해 local blast 를수행했다. 이를통해무 draft genome sequence 에서 SRK 유전자와높은상동성이있는 15 개의후보유전자들을찾았다. 이후 B. rapa genome data 를활용한 synteny analysis 를통해무 draft genome sequence 에서 B.rapa 의 S-locus region 과 synteny 를가지는 scaffold 를 R7 연관그룹에서확인했다. 해당 scaffold 에서 SRK 와 SLG 유전자의서열을확보할수있었다. 이렇게확보한 SRK 유전자서열의정보를통해 NCBI database 에서동일한유전자서열을찾을수있었고, 해당논문에서연구된같은 haplotype 의 SP11 유전자서열을 local blast 의 query 로사용해서무 draft genome sequence 에서 SP11 유전자정보가포함된 scaffold 를찾을수있었다. 이로써, SRK, SLG, SP11/SCR 유전자를포함하는 53,785bp, 42,804bp, 10,165bp 크기의온전한 genomic 서열을확보하게되었다. 무 S locus haplotype 을분류하기위한체계를만들기위해 S-locus core region 에있는 SLL2 유전자를활용했다. SRK 유전자의경우, 무 genome 내에상동성이높은 homologous gene 을가지고있고, SP11 유전자의경우는 exon 지역의다형성이너무높아 PCR 기반의 marker 개발이어렵기때문에 SLL2 유전자를활용했다. 가지고있는다양한무육종계통에서 SLL2 유전자에특이적인 primer set 을사용해 SLL2 유전자를증폭시킨뒤, sequencing 하여 SLL2 유전자에대한다양한대립유전자들의서열을확보할수있었다. 확보한 SLL2 대립유전자서열을비교함으로써 S locus haplotype 분류체계를만드는데활용가능한 conserved region 을 exon2 와 exon6 에서확인할수있었고, 해당부분에 design 된 primer 를통해다양한무육종계통에서단일한 PCR band 를확인할수있었다. 이는직접적인 sequencing 을통해 S locus haplotype 을식별하는데충분한정보를제공함으로써무육종에큰도움이될것이라생각된다. * 주저자 : Tel , dronion@jnu.ac.kr
318 PD-15 E3 SUMO ligase AtSIZ1 regulates the amounts of nutrient reservoir cruciferins in Arabidopsis thaliana seed. Sung-Il Kim 1, Joo Yong Kim 1, Do youn Kim 1, Ye Jin Gyeon 1, Jun Soo Kwak 1, Hak Soo Seo 1,2* 1 Department of Plant Science, Research Institute for Agriculture and Life Sciences, and Plant Genomics and Breeding Institute, Seoul National University, Seoul , Korea 2 Bio-MAX Institute, Seoul National University, Seoul , Korea Arabidopsis E3 SUMO ligase SIZ1 (AtSIZ1) controls vegetative growth and development including responses to nutrient deficiency and environment stresses. Here, we analyzed the effect of AtSIZ1 on the stability and amount of seed proteins. Proteomic analysis showed that the amount of three major nutrient reservoir proteins, CRUCIFERIN (CRU) 1, 2 and 3, were decreased in siz1-2 mutants. However, quantitative real-time RT-PCR showed that transcript levels of CRU1, 2 and 3 genes were rather significantly higher in siz1-2 mutants than wild-type plants. Yeast two hybrid analysis revealed that AtSIZ1 interacts with CRU1, CRU2 and CRU3, strongly suggesting that CRU1, 2 and 3 proteins are sumoylated by AtSIZ1. In addition, the analysis of amino acid composition by HPLC showed that the contents of amino acids were a bit high in siz1-2 mutants. Our data indicate that AtSIZ1 plays an important function for accumulation of seed storage proteins through its ligase activity. This work was supported by a grant from the Next-Generation BioGreen 21 Program (Plant Molecular Breeding Center no. PJ ), Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea. *Corresponding Author: Tel , seohs@snu.ac.kr PD-16 Genetic diversity analysis of wild Codonopsis lanceolata in Korea using SSR makers Serim Kim 1, Ji Hee Jeong 2, Jinsu Gil 1, Tae Dong Kim 2, Yurry Um 3, Ok Tae Kim 3, Ho Bang Kim 4, Yi Lee 1* 1 Department of Industrial Plant Science & Technology, Chungbuk National University, Korea 2 Seed & Seedling Management Division, Korea Forest Seed and Variety Center, Korea 3 National Institute of Horticultural and Herbal Science, Rural Development Administration, Korea 4 Life Sciences Research Institute, Biomedic Co.,Ltd., Bucheon( ), Korea In this study, genetic diversity of wild Codonopsis lanceolata collected in Korea were analysed using SSR makers. Wild C. lanceolata roots were collected in Jeollanam-do Jangheung-gun Choentae Mountain as in roots. The wild C. lanceolata plants were cultivated in Chungbuk National University greenhouse and the leaves were sampled from 36 plants. The genomic DNA of C. lanceolata was extracted using CTAB. PCR was performed using a program of 35 cycles at 94 for 30 sec, 60 for 30 sec, and 72 for 30 sec with an pre-denaturation of 94 for 5 min and a final extension of 72 for 30 min. The PCR reaction mixture contains 5 pmole of primers and 20 ng of DNA template in a 20 μl reaction volume. The genotype of the analyzed samples were very different. Therefore, the wild C. lanceolata collected in Korea look genetically diverse. This work was carried out with the support of Cooperative Research Program for Agriculture Science & Technology Development (Project No. PJ ) Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea. *Corresponding Author: Tel , leeyi22@cbnu.ac.kr
319 PD-17 Soybean molecular breeding platform based on variation blocks Yul-Ho Kim 1*, Hyang-Mi Park 2, Sunghoon Lee 3, Yu-Young Lee 4, Su Jeong Kim 1, Whang-Bae Sohn 1, Su-Young Hong 1, Jeong-Hwan Nam 1, Kibum Kweon 1, Jin-Cheol Jeong 1 1 Highland Agriculture Research Center, NICS, RDA, Pyeongchang, Gangwondo , Republic of Korea 2 National Institute of Crop Science, RDA, Wanju-gun, Jeollabuk-do, , Republic of Korea 3 Theragen Bio Institute, TheragenEtex, Suwon , Republic of Korea 4 Deparment of Central Area, NICS, RDA, Suwon , Republic of Korea Much effort has been expended to find agronomically important QTLs for improving soybean yield. However, the complexity of genome, such as genome duplication, limits the utility of genome-wide association studies and linkage analyses to identify genes controlling yield traits. We propose the variation block method, a three-step process for recombination block detection and comparison. The first step is to detect variations by comparing short-read DNA sequences of the cultivar to a reference genome of the target crop. Next, sequence blocks with variation patterns are examined and defined. The boundaries between the variation-containing sequence blocks are regarded as recombination sites. All the assumed recombination sites in the cultivar set are used to split the genomes, and the resulting sequence regions are named as variation blocks. The practicality of this approach was demonstrated by the identification of a putative locus determining soybean hilum color and known genes such as flower color gene. We suggest that the variation block method is an efficient genomics method for recombination block-level comparison of crop genomes. We expect that this method holds the prospect of developing crop genomics by bringing genomics technology to the field of crop breeding. *Corresponding Author: Tel , kimyuh77@korea.kr
320 PD-18 Overexpression of the Arabidopsis vacuolar H + -pyrophosphatase AVP1 gene in rice plants improves grain yield under paddy field conditions Il-Sup Kim 1*, Young-Saeng Kim 2, Yul-Ho Kim 3, Hyang-Mi Park 3, Ho-Sung Yoon 1 1 Department of Biology, Kyungpook National University, Daegu , Republic of Korea 2 Division of Biological Sciences, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, California , USA 3 National Institute of Crop Science, Rural Development Administration, Suwon , Republic of Korea The Arabidopsis gene AVP1 encodes a vacuolar H + -translocating inorganic pyrophosphatase (EC ) that functions as an electronic proton pump in the vacuolar membrane and affects growth development and stress responses in plants. This study was conducted to evaluate the molecular properties of the A. thaliana vacuolar H + -pyrophosphatase (AVP1) gene in rice. Incorporation and expression of the transgene was confirmed by PCR and quantitative real-time PCR, respectively. Expression of the AVP1 gene in transgenic rice plants (TRP1 and TRP2) resulted in significantly enhanced tolerance to 100 mm NaCl under greenhouse conditions when compared to control wild-type (WT) rice plants. Augmented AVP1 expression in the transgenic rice plants also affected total biomass and improved ion homeostasis through increased accumulation of Na + ions in whole tissues when compared to control WT rice plants under high salinity conditions. The Fv/Fm values of transgenic rice plants were higher than those of WT rice plants, even though the values decreased over time in both WT and transgenic (TRP1 to TRP8) rice plants. Furthermore, rice grain yield and biomass of the transgenic rice plants were at least 15% higher based on the culm and root weights and panicle and spikelet numbers when compared to those of the WT rice plants during the farming season in Korea. Thus, these results suggest that ectopic AVP1 expression conferred tolerance and stress resistance to genetically modified transgenic crop plants by improving cellular ion homeostasis against salt conditions, which enhanced the rice yield and biomass under natural conditions in paddy fields. *Corresponding Author: Tel , 92kis@hanmail.net PD-19 SNP 마커를이용한고추의적색소함량연관 QTL mapping 김정호 *, 안율균, 이혜은, 김진희, 김도선, 조명철, Sandeep Karna 전라북도완주군이서면농생명로 100 국립원예특작과학원채소과 고추의적색소는고추의상품성을가늠하는중요한척도이면서식재료뿐아니라상업적으로도다양하게활용되고있다. 본연구는적색소성분의함량과관계하는 QTL 마커를개발하기위하여적색소성분분석을위한 mapping 집단을육성하였고, 적색소성분에대한 QTL mapping 을수행하였다. 적색소분석을위한 mapping 집단인 만다린 과 블랙클러스터 를양친으로하는 F 7 RIL 집단에서의색도 (ASTA value) 분포는 1.64 에서 의범주에있으며그분포양상은정규분포를보여 QTL 분석에적합한것으로확인되었다.Mapping 집단의양친들에대해서 454 GS-FLX pyrosequencing 을이용한 NGS 를수행하였고, 그결과 만다린 과 블랙클러스터 각각 Mb 와 Mb 의염기서열데이터를확보할수있었으며, 만다린 에서 1,025 개, 블랙클러스터 에서 1,059 개의 SNP 들을확보하게되었다. 이 SNP 들을 HRM 분석에용이하도록프라이머를제작하여유전자지도작성을수행한결과총 246 개의 SNP 마커를이용하여약 512cM 을설명할수있는 21 개연관군의유전자지도가작성되었다. 분석집단 93 계통들에서측정된 ASTA 값을이용하여수행한 QTL 분석결과총 6 개의 QTL 을확인하였다. 이들 QTL 과근접한마커들은향후고추의적색소함량연구에매우유용한정보로활용될것이며, 아직까지개발된바없는적색소함량연관마커개발에가능성을열어줄것으로기대한다. * 주저자 : Tel , gogh1221@gmail.com
321 PD-20 Identification of modulatory elements in xylem development for biomass production Jinu Kim 1, Hwi Seong Jeon 1, Hong Joo Cho 1, Soon Il Kwon 1, Young Hoon Jung 1, Jae-Soon Lee 2, Eun Woon Noh 2, Kyoung Heon Kim 1, Ohkmae K. Park 1 1 Korea University 2 Korea Forest Research Institute The vascular system of plants consists of two conducting tissues, xylem and phloem, which differentiate from procambium cells. Xylem serves as a transporting system for water and signaling molecules and is formed by sequential developmental processes, including cell division/expansion, secondary cell wall deposition, vacuole collapse, and programmed cell death (PCD). PCD during xylem differentiation is accomplished by degradation of cytoplasmic constituents, and it is required for the formation of hollow vessels, known as tracheary elements (TEs). Our recent study revealed that the small GTPase RabG3b acts as a regulator of TE differentiation through its autophagic activation. By using an Arabidopsis in vitro cell culture system, we showed that autophagy is activated during TE differentiation. Overexpression of a constitutively active RabG3b (RabG3bCA) significantly enhances both autophagy and TE differentiation, which are consistently suppressed in transgenic plants overexpressing a dominant negative form (RabG3bDN) or RabG3bRNAi (RabG3bRNAi), a brassinosteroidinsensitive mutant bri1-301, and an autophagy mutant atg5-1. Wood (called secondary xylem) is the most abundant biomass produced by land plants including Populus and Eucalyptus, and therefore is considered to be one of the most cost-effective and renewable bioenergy resources. In an attempt to enhance xylem differentiation and thus to improve biomass traits in poplars, we generated transgenic poplars overexpressing the RabG3bCA form. As notable phenotypes, both stem height and diameter were increased and xylem area in vascular bundles was significantly expanded in RabG3bCA transgenic poplars compared to control plants. Taken together, these results demonstrate that RabG3b regulates xylem differentiation in both Arabidopsis and Populus. This study enhances our understanding of biological mechanisms underlying wood formation and serve as a framework to engineer the quality and quantity of wood as useful biomass. PD-21 The Effects of Superjami bran on in vitro and in vivo antioxidative and bone mineral density activities in ovariectomized rats Su-Jin Nam *, Mi-Young Kang Department of Food Science and Nutrition, Kyungpook National University, Daegu , Republic of Korea Superjami is a new rice breed resulted from crossing C3GHi (has high amount of Cyanidin 3-glucoside, and was developed from a cross between Heugjinjubyeo and Suweon 425 ) and Daeribbyeo 1. Superjami has 10.9 times higher C3G content compared with Heugjinjubyeo. It also contains the highest essential amino acids of all kinds (except tryptophan content). This study was done to investigate the effects of extracts from superjami bran on the in-vitro antioxidant metabolism, in-vivo antioxidant metabolism and bone metabolism on menopause- induced condition in experimental rats. Overall, extract from superjami bran was confirmed of improving antioxidant and bone metabolism which can be considered as a good dietary supplement. *Corresponding Author: Tel , say @naver.com
322 PD-22 Cloning and functional characterization of an acyl-acp thioesterase (CvFatB) from Cuphea viscosissima in Arabidopsis Kyung Hee Roh *, Han-chul Kang, Jong-Bum Kim, Hyun Uk Kim, Kyeong-Ryeol Lee Department of Agricultural Biotechnology, National Academy of Agricultural Science, RDA, Jeonju , Republic of Korea Acyl-acyl carrier protein (ACP) thioesterase (TE) catalyze the hydrolysis of the thioester bond that links the acyl chain to the sulfhydryl group of the phosphopantetheine prosthetic group of ACP. This reaction terminates acyl chain elongation of fatty acid biosynthesis, and in plant seeds it is the biochemical determinant of the fatty acid compositions of storage lipids. A full-length cdna of an acyl-acp thioesterase, named CvFatB, was isolated from oil plant Cuphea viscosissima accumulating up to 90% caprylate (8:0) and caprate (10:0) in its seed oil. This cdna contains a 1,245-bp open reading frame that encodes a protein of 415 amino acids. The deduced sequence also contains two essential residues (H 317 and C 352 ) for TE catalytic activity and a putative chloroplast transit peptide at the N-terminal. Overexpression of the CvFatB cdna in Arabidopsis resulted in increased levels of saturated fatty acid, especially palmitate, and reduced levels of unsaturated fatty acids. The findings suggest that CvFatB from oil plant C. viscosissima can function as a saturated acyl-acp TE and can potentially be used to diversify the fatty acid biosynthesis pathway to produce novel fatty acids. *Corresponding Author: Tel , rohkh@korea.kr PD-23 The influence of silver thiosulfate and thidiazuron on shoot regeneration from cotyledon explants of Brassica napus Kyung Hee Roh *, Han-chul Kang, Jong-Bum Kim, Hyun Uk Kim, Kyeong-Ryeol Lee Department of Agricultural Biotechnology, National Academy of Agricultural Science, RDA, Jeonju , Republic of Korea The influences of ethylene inhibitors (AgNO3 and silver thiosulfate) and cytokinins (BAP and TDZ) on shoot regeneration from cotyledon and hypocotyl explants of B. napus cv. Youngsan were investigated. The presence of 50 μm Silver thiosulfate (STS) in shoot regeneration medium formed shoots at 60-68% after 3-4 weeks of culture, which was enhanced by 2-fold compared to that of Silver nitrate (AgNO3). Moreover, cotyledon explants were more regenerative than hypocotyls; shoots from cotyledon explants began to occur 4-5 days earlier than that of hypocotyl explants. TDZ at a concentration of 8-10 μm was effective for shoot regeneration, compared with BAP. Consequently, the optimal shoot regeneration response was observed in medium supplemented with 50 μm STS + 8 μm TDZ. In transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analysis, higher density of silver nanoparticles was shown to be accumulated widely inside the cell wall and plasmodesmata of regenerating leaf cultured in medium supplemented with AgNO3. By contrast, in the cell cultured in medium with STS, fine-grained deposits were partly observed in the surroundings of the cell wall. *Corresponding Author: Tel , rohkh@korea.kr
323 PD-24 A review on change in plant proteome following biotic stress. R. Krishna, Ravi Gupta, Chul Woo Min, So Wun Kim, Sun Tae Kim Department of Plant Bioscience, Pusan National University, Miryang, Korea Different biotic agents such as bacteria, fungi, nematode and virus interact with plants, and causes significant annual crop loss. The plants interact with these pathogen and undergo various changes at physiological, biochemical and molecular levels. The omics technique is a powerful way which provides important information related to molecular changes occurring during plant-pathogen interaction. Several studies have been conducted and revealed either up or down-regulation of many genes involved in metabolism, energy, photosynthesis, signaling, defense and ROS upon pathogen interaction. In this review, we highlight recent progress in proteomic studies of plant-pathogen interaction, which could be useful for controlling disease and development of molecular markers for early detection of different diseases. PD-25 천연색소 C3G 고함유 슈퍼자미 기능성신품종쌀의이화학적특성 류수노 1*, 함태호 1, 강미영 2 1 서울종로구대학로 86 한국방송통신대학교농학과 2 서울동대문구경희대로 26 경희대학교식품영양학과 흑진주벼보다 C3G(Cyanidin-3-glucoside) 함량이높고아토피억제효과및항당뇨효과가있는슈퍼자미 ( 국립종자원품종등록 : 제 4151 호, ) 에대한이화학적특성을밝혀기능성쌀이용기초자료를확립하고, 기존의쌀과의차이점을밝히고자수행하였다. 슈퍼자미품종의조단백질ㆍ조지방은 AOAC 방법, 아밀로오스함량은 Juliano 법, 쌀가루의물결합능력은 Medcalf & Gilles 법, 총폴리페놀함량은 Folin-Denis 방법, 전자공여능은 DPPH 의환원성을이용하여 UV/Visible spectrophoto mether 로측정하였다. 슈퍼자미의단백질함량은기존의유색미보다낮아서취반을하였을때식미를크게저하하지않을것이라사료된다. 아밀로오스함량이낮아일반미와혼합하여밥을지었을때보다부피증가가작고, 끈기가많으며, 식미가좋을것이라고생각된다. 물결합능력은흑진주 > 슈퍼자미 > 일품순이다. 일반계쌀인일품에비해흑진주와슈퍼자미의총폴리페놀함량이 1.2 배높은것으로나타났고흑진주보다슈퍼자미의함량이유의적으로높았다. 흑진주보다슈퍼자미의 DPPH 라디컬소거능이높은것으로나타나슈퍼자미가강한항산화활성능력을가진것으로평가되었다. * 주저자 : Tel , ryusn@knou.ac.kr
324 PD-26 Searching For Transcription Factors Involved In Ammonium Assimilation and Root Growth in Rice Plants Ryza A. Priatama, Vikranth Kumar, Jin-hee Jeong, Chang-deok Han Division of Applied Life Science, Plant Molecular Biology & Biotechnology Research Center (PMBBRC), Gyeongsang National University, Jinju , Korea Nitrogen in rice paddy soils and utilized as the major source for N-assimilation in rice crops. In roots, transcriptional activities of ammonium uptake and assimilation genes are highly sensitive to the availability of exogenous ammonium. However, little is known about the transcription factor genes that regulated by ammonium supply and its role to roots and plant developments. To study the transcription factor genes that involved in Ammonium response, two weeks old rice seedlings treated using Ammonium from 0 to 3 hours. Total RNA collected from each sample and samples were prepared for Agilent 8x60K microarray system. Based on the microarray data, we select transcription factor genes that highly affected by ammonium and selected knock out mutant candidates that used for phenotype screening. PD-27 MSP1 triggers cell death and defense response in rice Qingfeng Meng 1, Yiming Wang 2, Kyu Young Kang 3, Ravi Gupta 1, Sun Tae Kim 1 1 Department of Plant Bioscience, Pusan National University, Miryang, Korea 2 Department of Plant Microbe Interactions, Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research, Carl-von-Linne Weg 10, Cologne, 50829, Germany 3 Plant Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Research Center, Gyeongsang National University, Jinju, Korea When the rice blast fungus attacks rice, fungal proteins are secreted into the plant apoplast to facilitate infection. The rice plant recognizes such secreted proteins, which result in the induction of defense responses. However, the molecular mechanisms of how rice plant recognizes secreted proteins remain elusive. Here, we report that a small, secreted protein, Magnaporthe oryzae snodprot1 homolog (MSP1), is recognized by rice plants and triggers host cell death and defense responses. Furthermore, pre-treatment of rice with Domain II, elicitor-active epitope of MSP1, induces resistance to the pathogen KJ301. We demonstrated that secretion of MSP1 into the apoplast is prerequisite for triggering cell death and activating defense-related gene expression, suggesting that it is recognized by a receptor in the host plasma membrane. Through comprehensively analysis of transcriptional profile in rice leaves and suspension cultured cells (SCCs) in response to exogenous MSP1 and Domain II treatment using 60K Agilent microarray chip, we found that 27 signaling genes, such as F-box(6), MAPK(4), protein kinase(11), transcription factor(6), were up-regulated in leaves and SCCs and six protein kinases were targeted into plasma membrane. Thus, we suggest that some of these genes may act as receptor of MSP1 in response to exogenous MSP1 treatment. Expression pattern of candidate genes was further checked in response to different environment cues using open rice data. These results demonstrate that these genes may be also involved in the signaling in response to cold stress, root-ja treatment and brown plant hopper (BPH) attack
325 PD-28 Overexpression of a novel E3 ubiquitin ligase causes coiled branches phenotype in Arabidopsis Gyu Tae Park 1, Jagadeesh Sundaramoorthy 1, Jeong-Dong Lee 1, Hak Soo Seo 2,3, Jong Tae Song 1* 1 School of Applied Biosciences, Kyungpook National University, Daegu , Korea 2 Department of Plant Bioscience, Seoul National University, Seoul , Korea 3 Bio-MAX Institute, Seoul National University, Seoul , Korea The wild relatives of soybean [Glycine soja Sieb. and Zucc.] have curly/wavy nature whereas cultivated varieties are upright. Such morphological characteristics have agronomic importance too. To investigate the molecular mechanism of development contributing to coiled morphology, screening was carried out to look for Arabidopsis mutants in activation tagging lines obtained by activation T-DNA treatment that have curly/wavy morphology. A mutant named Coiled Branch 1 (cbr1), is found to have a wavy and curly morphology with coiling branches. Plasmid rescue and genomic southern blot analysis revealed the site of T-DNA insertion in the genome. RT-PCR was performed to monitor expression levels of the genes adjacent to the T-DNA integration sites, and showed the activation of an E3 ubiquitin ligase gene. Database search showed that the gene with the RING domain belongs to a family of E3 ubiquitin ligases. Complementation test by overexpression and RNA interference of the gene was also carried out. The complementation test results showed that the novel gene activation tagging affected the cbr1 mutant phenotypes. Ubiquitylation has been linked virtually to every cellular process including plant development. E3 ubiquitin ligase has been reported to recognize target proteins that are to be ubiquinated for further degradation by the proteasome complex. Further, more detailed studies are needed to identify the specific substrate(s) of the novel E3 ubiquitin ligase gene. This work was carried out with the support of Next-Generation BioGreen21 Program for Agriculture & Technology Development (Project No. PJ ), Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea. *Corresponding Author: Tel , jtsong68@knu.ac.kr
326 PD-29 Self-directed control of the diurnal CONSTANS dynamics in Arabidopsis photoperiodic flowering Mi-Jeong Park 1, Young-Ju Kwon 1, Kyung-Eun Gil 1, Pil Joon Seo 2, Jae-Hoon Jung 3, Chung-Mo Park 1,4* 1 Department of Chemistry, Seoul National University, Seoul , Korea 2 Department of Bioactive Material Sciences and Research Center of Bioactive Materials, Chonbuk National University, Jeonju , Korea 3 Sainsbury Laboratory, University of Cambridge, Cambridge CB2 1LR, UK 4 Plant Genomics and Breeding Institute, Seoul National University, Seoul , Korea The circadian clock control of CONSTANS (CO) transcription and the light regulation of CO stability coordinately regulate photoperiodic flowering by triggering rhythmic expression of the floral integrator FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT). The diurnal pattern of CO accumulation is modulated sequentially by distinct E3 ubiquitin ligases, such as HIGH EXPRESSION OF OSMOTICALLY RESPONSIVE GENES 1 (HOS1) in the morning, FLAVIN-BINDING, KELCH REPEAT, F-BOX 1 (FKF1) in late afternoon, and CONSTITUTIVE PHOTOMORPHOGENIC 1 (COP1) at night. In particular, CO is stabilized by FKF1 in late afternoon only under long days. Here, we show that CO abundance is not simply regulated by the E3 enzymes in a passive manner but also self-regulated actively through dynamic interactions between two CO isoforms. CO alternative splicing produces two protein variants, the full-size COa and the C-terminally truncated COb. Notably, COb, which is resistant to the E3 enzymes, induces the interactions of COa with CO-destabilizing HOS1 and COP1 but inhibits the association of COa with CO-stabilizing FKF1. These observations demonstrate that CO plays an active role in sustaining its diurnal accumulation dynamics in Arabidopsis photoperiodic flowering. *Corresponding Author: Tel , cmpark@snu.ac.kr PD-30 CaLEA1 is a late embryogenesis abundant protein in pepper that positively regulates abscisic acid signaling, drought and salt stress response Chanmi Park, Hyunhee Joo, Woonhee Baek, Sung Chul Lee * Department of Life Science, Chung-Ang University, Seoul , Republic of Korea Drought and high salinity are the most important abiotic factors limiting plant development, growth, and crop productivity in agriculture (Munns and Tester 2008, Sengupta and Majumder 2009, Zhu 2002). As sessile organisms, plants are frequently exposed to drought and high salinity conditions, which alter water potential and cause osmotic stress, leading to serious damage to plant tissues (Bartels and Sunkar 2005, Boudsocq and Lauriere 2005). During exposure to water stress, plants display many physiological changes, such as reduction of water content, closure of stomata, and decreased cell enlargement and growth. In addition, severe and continuous water stress in plants causes the cessation of photosynthesis and disturbance of metabolism, and finally results in death (Nath et al. 2005, Shao et al. 2008). To adapt to these abiotic stress conditions, plants show a variety of responses, including the accumulation of abscisic acid (ABA) and expression of a large number of stress-related proteins (Krasensky and Jonak 2012, Lee and Luan 2012, Skriver and Mundy 1990, Stewart and Lee 1974). Although the cellular and molecular responses to environmental stress are well studied (Hasegawa et al. 2000, Thomashow 1999), the mechanisms underlying the functional modifications caused by osmotic stress are yet to be clarified, because of the complexity at the cellular level as well as at the whole plant level (Ashraf and Harris 2004, Flowers 2004, Foolad et al. 2003a, 2003b, Xiong et al. 2002). *Corresponding Author: Tel , sclee1972@cau.ac.kr
327 PD-31 The putative E3 ubiquitin ligase CaAIR1 in pepper regulates abscisic acid signaling and drought stress response Chanmi Park, Hyunhee Joo, Woonhee Baek, Sung Chul Lee * Department of Life Science, Chung-Ang University, Seoul , Republic of Korea Several E3 ubiquitin ligases have been associated with the response to abiotic and biotic stresses in higher plants. Here, we report that the hot pepper (Capsicumannuum) abscisic acid (ABA)-InsensitiveRINGprotein1gene(CaAIR1) is essential for a hypersensitive response to drought stress. CaAIR1 contains a C3HC4-type RING finger motif, which plays a role for attachment of ubiquitins to the target protein, and a putative transmembrane domain. The expression levels of CaAIR1 are upregulated in pepper leaves by ABA treatments, drought, and NaCl, suggesting its role in the response to abiotic stress. Our analysis showed that CaAIR1 displays self-ubiquitination and localized in the nucleus. We generated CaAIR1-silenced peppers via virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) and CaAIR1-overexpressing (OX) transgenic Arabidopsis plants to evaluate their responses to ABA and drought. VIGS of CaAIR1 in pepper plants conferred an enhanced tolerance to drought stress, which was accompanied by low levels of transpirational water loss in the drought-treated leaves. CaAIR1-OX plants displayed an impaired sensitivity to ABA during seed germination, seedling, and adult stages. Moreover, these plants showed enhanced sensitivity to drought stress because of reduced stomatal closure and decreased expression of stress-responsive genes. Thus, our data indicate that CaAIR1 is a negative regulator of the ABA-mediated drought-stress tolerance mechanism. *Corresponding Author: Tel , sclee1972@cau.ac.kr PD-32 Comparative transcriptome analysis of tolerant rice mutant and its wild type in response to arsenate stress Hyeon Mi Park, Sun-Goo Hwang, Cheol Seong Jang * Plant Genomics Lab., Department of Applied Plant Sciences, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon , Republic of Korea Arsenic (As) is accumulated in rice grain due to environmental reasons such as polluted ground water and soil, and As toxicity constitutes a serious threat to human health. However, the accurate information required for understanding As-responsive mechanisms remain mostly unknown in rice. Here, we performed the comparative genome-wide transcriptome analysis between As tolerance type (ATT) rice mutant induced by γ-irradiation and its wild type (WT). As compared to WT after As treatment of 150 ppm, ATT exhibited the phenotypic differences such as vigorous growth in shoots and root hairs, and low accumulation of H 2 O 2 in rice roots. In transcriptome analysis, we found between WT and ATT that As toxicity commonly affected to inhibit gene regulations involved in photosynthesis, mitochondrial electron transport and lipid biosynthesis metabolism. While, many genes associated with cysteine synthesis metabolism considerably up regulated in both As-treated plants. Additionally, we found the potential As tolerance-related genes involved in abiotic stress-responsive mechanism and RNA-protein synthesis for protein degradation and modification. To further analyzes the genetic variations of As-responsive genes, the DNA polymorphic DEGs associated with oxidoreductase significantly distributed in ATT more than in WT. *Corresponding Author: Tel , sjang@kangwon.ac.kr
328 PD-33 Mutation of SPOTTED LEAF3 (SPL3) impairs abscisic acid-responsive signaling and delays leaf senescence in rice Seung-Hyun Wang, Jung-Hyun Lim, Yasuhito Sakuraba, Nam-Chon Paek * Department of Plant Science, Plant Genomics and Breeding Institute, and Research Institute of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul , Korea. Lesion mimic mutants commonly display spontaneous cell death in pre-senescent green leaves under normal conditions, without pathogen attack. Despite molecular and phenotypic characterization of several lesion mimic mutants, the mechanisms of the spontaneous formation of cell death lesions remain largely unknown. Here, we examined the rice lesion mimic mutant spotted leaf3 (spl3). In mutants grown under a light/dark cycle, spl3 mutants appeared similar to wild type at early developmental stages, but lesions gradually appeared in the mature leaves close to heading stage. By contrast, in mutants grown under continuous light, severe cell death lesions formed in developing leaves, even at the seedling stage. Histochemical analysis showed that hydrogen peroxide accumulated in the mutants, likely causing the cell death phenotype. By map-based cloning and complementation, we showed that a 1-bp deletion in the first exon of Oryza sativa Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Kinase Kinase1 (OsMAPKKK1)/OsEDR1/ OsACDR1 causes the spl3 mutant phenotype. We found that the spl3 mutants were insensitive to abscisic acid (ABA), showing normal root growth in ABA-containing media and delayed leaf yellowing during dark-induced and natural senescence. Expression of ABA signaling-associated genes was also less responsive to ABA treatment in the mutants. Furthermore, the spl3 mutants had lower transcript levels and activities of catalases, which scavenge hydrogen peroxide, probably due to impairment of ABA-responsive signaling. Finally we discuss a possible molecular mechanism of lesion formation in the mature leaves of spl3 mutants. This work was carried out with the support of Next-Generation BioGreen21 Program for Agriculture & Technology Development (Project No. PJ ), Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea. *Corresponding Author: ncpaek@snu.ac.kr PD-34 Study on Phenotypes and Agronomical utility of a Rice GT1 (grassy tillers 1, OsGT1) Homologue Vikranth Kumar, Yuan Hu Xuan, Byoung Il Je, Soon Ju Park, Jin Huang, Jing Miao Liu, Ryza A. Priatama, Vimal Raj K, Sung Hoon Kim, Jin-hee Jeong, Chang-deok Han Division of Applied Life Science, Plant Molecular Biology & Biotechnology Research Center (PMBBRC), Gyeongsang National University, Jinju , Korea Enhancing yield has been a major challenge of agriculture. In rice, tiller number is one of the important biomass and yield components. A maize mutant grassy tillers1 (gt1) increases lateral branches in maize. The GT1 gene encodes a class I homeodomain leucine zipper (HD-Zip) protein. In maize, the gt1 expression is induced by shading and is dependent on the activity of teosinte branched1 (tb1), a major domestication locus controlling tillering and lateral branching. To estimate the biological role and agricultural utility of gt1 in rice, rice homologue (OsGT1) has been isolated and its overexpressors and RNAi lines were generated. Field data showed that OsGT1 overexpressors reduced tillers and panicles while RNAi lines increased them, compared to wild type. Shade signal is an important factor in determining lateral branching. To understand the relationship between OsGT1 and shade avoidance, plants have been grown under 50% shading in the field. Also, double genetic combinations with phytochrome mutants (phya, B, and C) are being examining for tillering phenotype. These ongoing researches will provide insights in determining the action of OsGT1 on branching and shade avoidance in rice
329 PD-35 Genome-specific transcripts analysis in a 2BS.2RL wheat-rye translocation using custom array Yong-Jin Lee 1, Tong-Geon Lee 1,2, Yong-Weon Seo 1* 1 Division of Biotechnology, Korea University, Seoul , Republic of Korea 2 Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL61801, USA Common wheat has complex genome composition of homoeologous hexaploid (AABBDD, 2n = 6x = 42) and each homoeologous genome has high similarity. Due to these complexity, wheat genome study is a large challenge to researchers for genomic and genetic study. We analyzed expressions of individual wheat genome and rye genome specific transcripts using custom array with 2BS.2RL wheat-rye translcoation. Genomic probes were synthesized within each diploid progenitors (AA, BB, DD, 2n = 14, respectively) of wheat, common wheat, and rye (RR, 2n = 14). Total RNA isolated from seedlings of T. urartu, Ae. speltoides, Ae. squarrosa, Chinese Spring, Chaupon, and 2BS.2RL were hybridized on arrays. Each homoeologous gene differentially expressed in hexaploid wheat and rye were identified on the custom array and the transcripts were clustered based on hybridization values. qrt-pcr was performed to verify the custom array result with a set of five genes by highly replicated experiments (three biological and three technical replications). The qrt-pcr results demonstrated genome specific expression of five genes in sympathy with array results. Here we provide information of each individual genome specific transcripts and it will we a useful data to study complex wheat genome compositions. Acknowledgement: This work was carried out with support of Next-Generation BioGreen 21 Program for Agriculture & Technology Development (Project No. PJ ), Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea *Corresponding Author: Tel , seoag@korea.ac.kr
330 PD-36 Global investigation of small RNA expression on nutrient stress responses provides information on nutrient-responsive micrornas involved in crop productivity Sang-Yoon Shin 2, Dooyoung Lee 1, Ju-Kon Kim 3, Chanseok Shin 1,2* 1 Department of Agricultural Biotechnology, Seoul National University, Seoul , Republic of Korea 2 Interdisciplinary Program in Agricultural Genomics, Seoul National University, Seoul , Republic of Korea 3 Seed Biotechnology Institute, Green Bio Science and Technology, Seoul National University, Pyeongchang-gun, Kangwon-do, Republic of Korea Nitrogen is a key component in the growth of crop plant. To increase the yield of crops, an enormous amount of nitrogen fertilizer is currently being used, which increases the total production cost and leads to environmental pollution by the residual nitrogen sources. For these reasons, researchers have tried to improve the crop s nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) as a solution for reducing the amount of nitrogen fertilizer used. MicroRNAs are a class of small non-coding RNAs regulating the expression of target genes. Recent studies suggested that the expression pool of micrornas changes in response to a variety of nutrient deficiencies and that such changes play important roles in adapting to or resisting the consequential nutritional stresses. Here, we aim to identify and characterize rice micrornas whose expression changes upon nitrogen starvation and re-supplementation. By applying RNA-Seq, we observed that the expression of a set of genes involved in nitrogen assimilation was altered in response to nitrogen deprivation. We also found that a considerable number of micrornas exhibited dynamic expression changes in a nitrogen supply state-dependent manner and that the expression of genes targeted by those differentially regulated micrornas was altered reciprocally. Our study suggests that micrornas may have roles in regulating the response of rice to nitrogen supply state and subsequently modulating NUE. This work is supported by a grant from the Next-Generation BioGreen 21 Program (No. PJ ), Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea. *Corresponding Author: cshin@snu.ac.kr
331 PD-37 OsVIL genes, which encode PRC2 chromatin remodeling factors, may be used for improving grain yield by increasing biomass in rice. Jung-Il Yang, Hee Joong Jeong, Lae-Hyeon Cho, Jinmi Yoon, Gynheung An * Graduate School of Biotechnology & Crop Biotech Institute, Kyung Hee University, Yongin, , Republic of Korea Post-translational modifications of nucleosomal core histones play important roles in biological processes via altering chromatin structure and creating target sites for proteins acting on chromatin. Molecular genetic studies with Arabidopsis have verified several epigenetic factors that regulate flowering time. However, the roles of chromatin remodeling factors have not been well explored in rice. Here, we identified chromatin remodeling factors, OsVIL1, 2, and 4 (Oryza sativa VIN3-LIKE) genes, that regulate grain yield. OsVIL proteins contain a plant homeodomain (PHD) finger, which is a conserved motif of histone binding proteins. We showed that plant height and number of spikelets per panicle were increased in the OsVIL2-overexpression (OsVIL2-OX) and osvil4 plants, respectively. Each mutants (OsVIL2-OX and osvil4) exhibited longer internodes and thicker stems than wild type controls. Histochemical analysis revealed that cells are smaller in OsVIL2-OX and osvil4 plants. We performed an RNA-seq using 1st internodes of WT and OsVIL2-OX stems and got the suppressed target genes in the OsVIL2-OX. OsCKX2, which encodes cytokinin oxidase/dehydrogenase is one of the suppressed genes in the OX plants and we verified decrease of that gene using qrt-pcr and closed chromatins of OsCKX2 were enriched in the OX plants by using ChIP. As results of these, cytokinins were enriched in the OX plants. These demonstrate that OsVIL2 and OsVIL4 antagonistically regulate plant height and number of spikelets by controlling cytokinin contents. Like OsVIL2-OX and osvil4 plants, besides, OsVIL1-OX plants were also shown increased plant height and biomass. We propose that OsVILs may be used for improving grain yield by increasing biomass. *Corresponding Author: Tel , genean@khu.ac.kr
332 PD-38 Structural and Functional Insights into Enzymes in Nitrogen Remobilization Pathway Inchul Shin, Kitae Han, Sangkee Rhee * Department of Agricultural Biotechnology, Seoul National University, Seoul , Republic of Korea Nitrogen is an essential nutrient in plants including many crops. The storage and remobilization of nitrogen constitutes the main metabolic process for growth and development of plants. Ureide pathway is the lately characterized metabolic route for purine degradation and is conserved in plants, as well as some bacteria and fungi. The catabolic pathway catalyzes in a stepwise manner a conversion of N-rich uric acid into glyoxylate, with the release of ammonia, and plays a pivotal role in the storage and recovery of nitrogen from metabolites. In Next Generation BioGreen21 project, we aim to understand structural and functional features of enzymes involved in this nitrogen recycling pathway, by using genes from Arabidopsis thaliana. In this study, we report our current progress on this project including two different enzymes; ureidoglycine aminohydrolase (UGlyAH), and ureidoglycolate amidohydrolase (UAH). In UGlyAH, the metal-binding site plays a crucial role in catalysis, with a release of ammonia. We were able to characterize catalytic residues in the active site and provides a detailed view of a metal-dependent enzyme mechanism. Recently, we were able to characterize structural properties of UAH. Based on our analysis, we are performing enzymatic analysis to identify functional aspects of the enzyme. Taken together, these studies would provide a novel functional feature of the enzymes involved in the nitrogen recycling pathway and could serve as a framework to develop crops with an enhanced N-efficiency. *Corresponding Author: Tel , srheesnu@snu.ac.kr PD-39 고추탄저병및 CMV 저항성마커개발과복합내병성품종육성과제진도보고 박석진, 도재왕, 한정헌, 윤재복 ( 주 ) 고추와육종 본과제는 고추육종가맞춤식고효율분자육종시스템실용화 과제의주관과제인, 고추탄저병및 CMV 저항성마커개발과복합내병성품종육성 ( 고추와육종, 윤재복 ) 으로, 세부과제인고추유용분자표지의 foreground selection 용 multiplexing 기술개발 ( 전북대학교, 이준대 ) 과협업을통해 2015~2017 년까지탄저병과오이모자이크바이러스 (cucumber mosaic virus, CMV) 에대한복합내병성품종개발을목표로하고있다. 탄저병과 CMV 는국내외에서심각한문제를일으키고있는병원체로, 저항성품종육성효율을높이기위해서는, 탄저병저항성연관신규분자표지와 CMV 강병원성계통 ( 기존저항성 Cmr1 극복 CMV, CMV-P1) 에대한저항성연관분자표지개발이필요하다. 본과제의성공적인수행을위해현재까지진행된연구결과는다음과같다. 탄저병저항성연관신규분자표지개발의경우, 탄저병및 CMV 복합 CMS 모계 (B) 와부계 (C) 계통, GMS 모계는각각 BC 1 F 3 와 F 4, F 5, BC 1 F 6 까지세대진전하였다. 탄저병과바이러스에단독혹은복합내병성을지닌 CMS 와 GMS 모계, 탄저병저항성 C 계통간에 156 개교배조합을작성하였고, 시교사업은경북, 경남, 충북, 충남, 전남, 전북, 강원, 인천, 제주지역을포함하는 138 개지역에수행하고있다. CMV-P1 저항성연관분자표지개발의경우, 국내에서분리된 18 개 CMV 분리의저항성정도를평가하여 4 가지유형으로분류하였고, 이들을이용해고추유전자원의 CMV 저항성을조사한다음 CMV 병원형판별품종후보를선발하였다. 한편, 고추포장에서 CMV 에강저항을보인개체의후대를대상으로 CMV-P1 대한저항성유전분석을수행하였고, 분자표지검정을통해저항성과연관된후보마커를선발하였다. 금년하반기에는새로운탄저병저항성마커개발을위한저항성유전분석및분리집단을선발할예정이며, 차년도에는탄저병및 CMV 복합계통의세대진전과신규교배조합을작성할예정이다. 또한새로운탄저병저항성분자표지개발및 CMV-P1 저항성연관후보분자표지를이용해 CMV 병원형판별계통을최종적으로선발하고자한다
333 PD-40 유전체기반분자육종시스템구축 유의수, 최범순, 이승욱, 김경희, 진행운, 이현오, 신지언, 박미소, 강경대 파이젠유전체연구소, 파이젠 차세대 DNA 염기서열분석장비 (NGS) 의발달은유전체대상의 DNA 정보생산에필요한가격과시간을획기적으로단축시켰고, 그결과로많은식물들의신규유전체정보가생산되고있다. 또한 transcriptome, non-coding RNAs, methylome 등의 NGS 기반의데이터들은유전체 sequence 내에유전자의위치탐색과유전자간또는유전자와 regulatory element 간의관계를규명하여유전체에대한통합적이해를돕고있다. 벼, 콩, 옥수수, 토마토, 고추, 배추등주요농업작물표준유전체정보의완성은유전체정보를분자육종이용할수있는기반을제공하였으며, NGS 기술 (resequencing 또는 Genotype-by-Sequencing) 을통한다양한유전자원대상의유전변이정보의생산은유전체정보를육종에적극활용하여중요농업형질과연관된유전적변이를발견하고이를작물개량에활용할수있는환경을제공하고있다. 유전체기반분자육종시스템은분자육종의현장에서효율적이고, 실용적으로사용될수있는시스템을개발하기위해 3 가지의목표를가지고수행한다. 1) 각기산재되어있는다양한유전체정보 ( 유전체, 전사체, SNP 정보, 분자마커정보, 표현형정보등 ) 를수집하여통합유전체데이터베이스화하여시스템내에서유전체, 전사체정보를정보를비교, 분석이가능한형태로운영하며상호연결된정보를제공하도록구축한다. 2) 또한최근들어농업에적극활용되는 NGS 기반의 SNP genotyping 에필요한효율적파이프라인을제공하여, GBS 또는 resequencing 기반의데이터를효율적으로분석하고그결과를토대로 genetic map 구축, QTL 동정, association mapping, 분자마커개발등에효율성을주는시스템을개발하고 3) 유전체정보와변이정보를연동하여 visualization 할수있는브라우저와분자마커개발에필요한도구의개발이다. 통합유전체데이터베이스, 효율적 genotyping 시스템, 통합브라우저등의구축은데이터의생산과분석에표준화된지표, 용이성을제공하여고도화된유전체정보를분자마커개발, QTL 탐지, 후보유전자동정등분자육종에효율적으로활용할수있게하며, 이를통해서분자육종의선진화와종자산업의활성화에기여하고자한다
334 PD-41 The Arabidopsis MYB96 Transcription Factor Is a Positive Regulator of ABI4 in the Control of Seed Germination Kyounghee Lee 1*, Hong Gil Lee 1*, Seongmun Yoon 2, Hyun Uk Kim 2, Pil Joon Seo 1,3 1 Department of Bioactive Material Sciences and Research Center of Bioactive Materials, Chonbuk National University, Jeonju , Korea 2 Department of Agricultural Biotechnology, National Academy of Agricultural Science, Rural Development Administration, Suwon , Korea 3 Department of Chemistry and Research Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Chonbuk National University, Jeonju , Korea Seed germination is a key developmental transition that initiates the plant life cycle. The timing of germination is determined by coordinated action of two phytohormones, gibberellin (GA) and abscisic acid (ABA). In particular, ABA plays a key role in integrating environmental information and inhibiting the germination process. Utilization of embryonic lipid reserves contributes to seed germination by acting as an energy source, and ABA suppresses lipid degradation to modulate the germination process. Here, we report that the ABA-responsive R2R3-type MYB transcription factor MYB96, which is highly expressed in embryo, regulates seed germination by controlling the expression of ABA-INSENSITIVE 4 (ABI4). In the presence of ABA, germination was accelerated in MYB96-deficient myb96-1 seeds, whereas the process was significantly delayed in MYB96-overexpressing activation-tagging myb96-ox seeds. Consistently, myb96-1 seeds degraded a larger extent of lipid reserves even in the presence of ABA, while reduced lipid mobilization was observed in myb96-ox seeds. MYB96 directly regulates ABI4, which acts as a repressor of lipid breakdown, to define its spatial and temporal expression. Genetic analysis further demonstrated that ABI4 is epistatic to MYB96 in the control of seed germination. Taken together, the MYB96-ABI4 module regulates lipid mobilization specifically in the embryo to ensure proper seed germination under suboptimal conditions. *Corresponding Author: Tel , kyounghee@jbnu.ac.kr
335 PD-42 폐튜니아원형질체배양을통한 CRISPR/Cas9 기반타겟형질교정 이종숙 1, 최서희 1, 박누리 1, 하혜정 1, 배상수 2, 이긍주 1* 1 충남대학교 2 한양대학교 유전자가위 (Engineered nuclease) 는최근유전자의특정염기서열을인식하여목적유전자부위만을정확히편집하여형질교정을유도하는획기적인기술이다. 본연구에서는세포벽으로인해형질교정율이동물시스템에비하여상대적으로낮은식물세포에적용시켜효율을높이기위한조건을확립하고자함을연구목적으로하였다. 타겟유전자인질소환원효소 (Nitrate reductase) 에맞춤제작된 3 세대유전자가위 RGEN (RNA-guided Engineered nuclease) 을이용하여페튜니아의원형질체수준에서고효율의형질교정을유도시키는조건을조사하였다. 종자로부터기내에서자란폐튜니아의어린잎을사용하여 cellulose, viscozyme, pectinex 이포함된혼합효소액을처리한후원형질체의분리를유도하였다. 예비실험으로 PEG 와형질전환에사용된플라스미드 DNA 인 pbi1221-gfp 의농도를조절하여원형질체에도입한결과, PEG 의농도가 40% 이고 Plasmid DNA 의농도를 50ug 을이용하였을때, 30% 이상의가장높은유전자도입효율을보이는것을확인하였다. 동일한조건으로페튜니아 NR 유전자에맞춤제작된 CRISPR/Cas9 을원형질체에도입하여세포배양을실시한후배양세포로부터 DNA 를추출하여 mid-seq 을통한변이체발생비율을확인한결과최대 12% 까지타겟유전자의교정이유도됨을확인할수있었다. 본연구에서확립한조건을바탕으로다른가지과작물의다양한선별유전자에적용시켜목적형질의교정을유도할수있는새로운작물육종기술로본유전체편집기술이이용되도록그기반을확립할것이다. 본연구는농촌진흥청차세대바이오그린 21 사업의식물분자육종사업단지원으로수행되었습니다. * 주저자 : Tel , gjlee@cnu.ac.kr PD-43 InsP 6 -Sensitive Variants of the Gle1 mrna Export Factor Rescue Growth and Fertility Defects of the ipk1 Low-Phytic-Acid Mutation Ho-Seok Lee, Du-Hwa Lee, Hyun-Sook Pai * Department of Systems Biology, Yonsei University, Seoul , Korea Myo-inositol-1,2,3,4,5,6-hexakisphosphate (InsP 6 ), also known as phytic acid, accumulates in large quantities in plant seeds, serving as a phosphorus reservoir, but is an animal antinutrient and an important source of water pollution. Here we report that Gle1 (GLFG lethal 1) in conjunction with InsP 6 functions as an activator of the ATPase/RNA helicase LOS4 (Low expression of osmotically responsive genes 4), which is involved in mrna export in plants, supporting the Gle1-InsP 6 -Dbp5 (LOS4 homolog) paradigm proposed in yeast. Interestingly, plant Gle1 proteins have modifications in several key residues of the InsP 6 -binding pocket, which reduce the basicity of the surface charge. Arabidopsis Gle1 variants containing mutations that increase the basic charge of the InsP 6 -binding surface show increased sensitivity to InsP 6 concentrations for the stimulation of LOS4 ATPase activity in vitro. Expression of the Gle1 variants with enhanced InsP 6 sensitivity rescues the mrna export defect of the ipk1 (inositol 1,3,4,5,6-pentakisphosphate 2-kinase) InsP 6 -deficient mutant, and furthermore, significantly improves vegetative growth, seed yield, and seed performance of the mutant. These results suggest that Gle1 is an important factor responsible for mediating InsP 6 functions in plant growth and reproduction, and that Gle1 variants with increased InsP 6 sensitivity may be useful for engineering high-yielding low-phytate crops
336 PD-44 Development of EMS mutant populations in Capsicum annuum and identification of non-pungent mutants Muhammad Irfan Siddique, Koeun Han, Doyeon Hwang, Hee-Jin Jeong, Arti Rai, Byoung-Cheorl Kang * Department of Plant Science, Plant Genomics and Breeding Institute, and Vegetable Breeding Research Center, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul , Republic of Korea Plant breeding requires genetic diversity of useful traits for crop improvement. EMS-induced mutation is practiced to generate mutations at loci regulating economically important traits and/or to knock out the genes to elucidate their functions. The present study was aimed to induce mutations in a Korean local land race Capsicum annuum Yuwol-cho. This accession is pungent and also has advantage to mature early. A total of about 1,500 M2 families were screened and three non-pungent mutants were identified and crossed with wild type Yuwol-cho. After phenotyping of F 2 population for pungency, MutMap approach will be used to identify the genes controlling the pungency in mutants. In addition to this, another C. annuum accession Micro-Pep was used to develop a mutant population. Micro-Pep is a small, pungent pepper generally used as ornamental purpose. Having compact growth habit, and small size, it has advantage to handle and utilize easily in mutation study and molecular research. On the basis of preliminary experiment 1.3% of mutagen was used for treatment of pepper seeds and 30% less germination percentage was observed in EMS treated seeds in comparison to control seeds. A total of 4,674 M 1 plants are grown under greenhouse condition and M 2 population will be studied for characterization of phenotypic variation including fruit color and pungency. Newly constructed mutant populations will be valuable assets for identification of functional genes and molecular breeding of pepper. *Corresponding Author: Tel , bk54@snu.ac.kr PD-45 Development of a New Wheat Mutant of Low-Molecular-Weight Glutenin Subunit at Glu-B3 Locus Jong-Yeol Lee 1*, Hye-Rang Beom 1, Sun-Hyung Lim 1, Young-Mi Kim 1, Chul-Soo Park 2 1 National Academy of Agricultural Science, RDA, Jeonju, , Korea 2 Department of Crop Agriculture and Life Science, Chonbuk National University, Jeonju , Korea A wheat mutant of low-molecular-weight glutenin (LMW-GS) Gunji-2 at Glu-B3 locus was derived among the double haploid lines. Gunji-2 was derived from F1 plants of Keumkang and Olgeuru crosses using the wheat maize system according to the procedures of Inagaki and Mujeeb-Kazi at International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT). Deletion of Glu-B3 LMW-GS proteins was found by allele specific DNA marker, one dimensional SDS-PAGE and two dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DGE). Tandom mass spectrometry (MS/MS) was used to obtain direct evidence of LMW-GS deletion. In addition, we examined the basic agronomic traits, protein content, dough properties of mixing and bread loaf volumeof Gunji-2 and parental wheat cultivars grown for two years. This mutant will represent a valuable resource in quality test for specific allele or gene at Glu-B3 locus. *Corresponding Author: jy0820@korea.kr
337 PD-46 Integrated analysis of the transcriptomes and primary metabolite profiles of adventitious roots of P. ginseng cultivars Yun Sun Lee 1, Hyun-Seung Park 1, Dong-Kyu Lee 3, Murukarthick Jayakodi 1, Nam-Hoon Kim 1, Sang-Choon Lee 1, Jinkyung Kim 1, Hana Lee 1, Dong-Yup Lee 4,5, Sung Won Kwon 3*, Tae-Jin Yang 1,2* 1 Department of Plant Science, Plant Genomics and Breeding Institute, Research Institute of Agriculture and Life Sciences, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul, , Republic of Korea 2 Crop Biotechnology Institute/GreenBio Science and Technology, Seoul National University, Pyeongchang , Korea 3 College of Pharmacy and Research Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul , Republic of Korea 4 Bioprocessing Technology Institute, A*STAR (Agency for Science, Technology and Research), 20 Biopolis Way, #06-01 Centros, Singapore Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Synthetic Biology Research Consortium, National University of Singapore, 4 Engineering Drive 4, Singapore YSL, H-SP & D-KL have contributed equally in this work Panax ginseng C.A. meyer (family: Araliaceae) is a perennial crop that has been widely used as a traditional medicine in Korea. Various P. ginseng cultivars exhibit a range of morphological and physiological traits as well as genetic diversity. To elucidate the differences of primary metabolism underlying such genetic diverstiy, we performed primary metabolite profiles in adventitious roots from five Panax ginseng cultivars using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The GC-MS analysis revealed eight primary metabolites as biomarkers and allowed us to classify the five cultivars into three groups. We selected three cultivars to represent each group and analyzed their transcriptomes by Illumina sequencing. We inspected 100 unigenes involved in seven primary metabolite biosynthesis pathways and found that 21 unigenes encoding 15 enzymes were differentially expressed among the three cultivars. Integrated analysis of transcriptomes and metabolomes revealed that the ginseng cultivars differ in primary metabolites as well as in the putative genes involved in the complex process of primary metabolic pathways. Our data derived from this integrated analysis provide insights into the underlying complexity of genes and metabolites that co-regulate flux through these pathways in ginseng. *Corresponding Author: Sung Won Kwon, swkwon@snu.ac.kr, Tae-Jin Yang, tjyang@snu.ac.kr
338 PD-47 고추유용형질연관분자표지의 Fluidigm 용 SNP 분자표지로의전환 김해인, 이예린, 정규미, 은민호, 이준대 * 전라북도전주시전북대학교원예학과 고추에서는역병, 탄저병, 바이러스병등이큰피해를주고있기때문에내병성및고품질계고추품종육성의중요성이지속적으로증가하는상황이다. 때문에현재개개의분자표지를한번에 1 개씩분석하는시스템에서다수의분자표지로고추의유전자형을빠르고정확하게분석할수있는시스템개발이절실히필요하다. 본연구에서는 Fluidigm chip 을이용하여 192 개의고추개체에대해 24 개의 SNP 분자표지를한번에분석하고자하였다. 이방법은한번의실험을통해 4,608 개의 data points 를얻을수있다. 이를위해본연구에서는기개발된 STS 또는 HRM 분자표지를대량분석이가능한 Fluidigm 용 SNP 분자표지로전환하고자하였으며, 총 191 개의고추샘플과 24 개의내병성및웅성불임분자표지를이용하여실험하였다. 실험에이용된분자표지는세균반점병저항성, 탄저병저항성, CMV 저항성, 웅성불임성, TMV 저항성, 역병저항성, CMS 회복유전자, Potyvirus 저항성, TSWV 저항성분자표지로서총 24 개를 Fluidigm 용 SNP 분자표지로디자인하였다. 식물재료로는 JN F 5 분리집단 96 점과고추유전자원 91 점, GMS K F 2 분리집단 4 점등총 191 점의식물샘플을이용하였고, 나머지하나는음성대조군으로사용하였다 chip 을분석한결과 24 개의분자표지중 19 개의분자표지가다형성이구분되는것으로판단되었다. 각각의분자표지에대한정확성을판단하기위해기존의 STS 또는 HRM 분자표지의분석결과와비교하였다. 본연구를통해고추의유용형질과연관된 foreground selection 용 multiplexing 분자표지를개발함으로써신속하고저렴하게분자표지를동시에분석할수있는기술을확보할수있을것으로기대된다. * 주저자 : Tel , ajfall@jbnu.ac.kr
339 PD-48 야생벼유전자원의수량안정성유전자탐색이용 이현숙 1, 강주원 1, 상세티 1, 전윤아 1, 레아잉뀐 1, 노심 1, 코코멍 1, 강윤주 1, 윤여태 2, 안상낙 1* 1 대전시유성구궁동충남대학교농업생명과학대학 2 충청남도농업기술원 야생벼나잡초벼와같은유전자원은각지역의환경조건에오랜기간동안적응하며집단을유지하였기때문에여러가지저항성이나불량한환경에대한내성등유용한특성을갖고있다. 본연구는이러한야생유전자원에서고수량성및미량원소의함량조절등에관여하는유용유전자를선별적으로재배벼에이전시키는육종방법을개발하고우량품종육성을목표로한다. 이들목적을위하여재배벼의유전적배경에야생유전자원의염색체단편이이입된근동질계통을육성, 이용하여양적형질유전자의고밀도지도를작성하고관여유전자특성을분석중에있다. 야생벼와재배벼 ( 화성벼 /O.rufipogon) 교잡유래이입계통을이용하여출수기조절유전자, gw9 를탐지하였고이들유전자좌에서유력한후보유전자 3 종, male sterility 5 (MS5), ascorbate peroxidase(ap), glutelin 유전자를선발하였다. 이들유전자의염기서열을분석한결과화성벼와 O. rufipogon 사이에염기서열차이를확인하였다. 야생벼인 Oryza grandiglumis 에서유래된종자중관여유전자 qgw2 의근동질계통을이용하여벼의아연함량조절유전자, OsPCR1 (plant cadmium resistance 1) 과 qgw2 유전자가서로상호관계가있음을보였다. qgw2 근동질계통의종자발달시 OsPCR1 유전자의발현이대조구에서보다증가하였고, OsPCR1 형질전환체에서종자중과아연함량의변화를관찰하였다. 또한이들 OsPCR-1 의염기서열을다양한벼품종들간에비교한결과, 자포니카형품종들과인디카형또는야생벼 (O. rufipogon, O. glaberrima, O. grandiglumis) 간에염기서열변이가존재하여아미노산서열의차이를확인하였다. 직파재배에서중요한중배축신장성에관한유전자고밀도지도작성을위하여, 선행연구에서탐색된 QTL (qmel-1, qmel-3) 을잡초벼 / 일품벼조합계통에서분석한결과, qmel-1 과 qmel-3 은각각염색체 1 번의 RM8260 과염색체 3 번 RM426 에서탐지되었고, 중배축신장성관여유전자의분리를위하여 Nipponbare/Kasalath 교배조합의근동질계통을이용하여초고밀도지도를작성하였다. * 주저자 : Tel , ahnsn@cnu.ac.kr
340 PD-49 Development of molecular markers tightly linked to bacterial wilt resistance genes in pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) Daewoong Lee 1, Yul-Kyun Ahn 2, Younghoon Park 3, Tae-Hwan Jun 1* 1 Department of Plant Bioscience, Pusan National University, Miryang, Republic of Korea 2 Vegetable Research Division, National Institute of Horticultural & Herbal Science, Rural Development Administration, Wanju-gun, Republic of Korea 3 Department of Horticultural Bioscience, Pusan National University, Miryang, Republic of Korea Bacterial wilt (BW) caused by Ralstonia solanacearum is one of the most common soil-borne vascular diseases of many solanaceous crops such as pepper and tomato. This study aimed to develop molecular markers closely linked to bacterial wilt resistance genes using a 150 F 8 recombinant inbred line (RIL) population obtained from a cross of YCM334 x Taean. For pathogen inoculations, R. solanacearum isolate WR-1 was cultured on NB medium at 28 for 48 h and a bacterial suspension was adjusted to 1 x 10 7 to 1 X 10 8 CFU/mL (A 600 = 0.3 to 0.4). Each RIL and the parents were sown in a 72-cell plastic tray filled with sterilized soil, and the seedlings were inoculated at the 6 to 8 leaf stage using soil-drenching (3 to 5 ml/ plant) inoculation methods with 3 replications. After 10 days post inoculation (dpi), each line was evaluated visually for occurrence of bacterial wilt ranging from 1 (most resistant) to 5 (most susceptible). Two candidate R-response genes, AT4G14130 and AT3G23730, were selected to find SNPs between YCM334 and Taean. In previous transcriptome analysis, these two genes were reported as significantly differentially expressed in Capsicum annuum L. root inoculated with R. solanacearum, which were up-regulated in a resistant genotype. Once the synteny of the gene locations between Arabidopsis and pepper was documented, the sequences on pepper chromosome 12 were obtained from pepper. v.1.55 ( SNP markers associated with resistance to BW will be mapped using pepper RIL population. *Corresponding Author: Tel , thjun76@pusan.ac.kr
341 PD-50 화피를제거한퉁퉁마디종자의발아특성과염농도에따른초기생육특성 전효진 1, 권혁규 1, 백정선 1, 신소희 1, 정재혁 2, 이승재 3, 정남진 1* 1 전라북도전주시덕진구덕진동전북대학교농업생명과학대학농학과 2 전라북도전주시완산구이서면혁신로 181 농촌진흥청국립식량과학원작물재배생리과 ³ 전라북도전주시덕진구덕진동전북대학교농업생명과학대학화학과 간척지에서재배될수있는염생식물은국토의효율적이용과식량의안정적인확보측면에서매우중요한유전자원이다. 본연구에서는염생식물인퉁퉁마디의작물로서의이용을위하여종자의발아특성과염농도에따른생육특성을규명하고자하였다. 퉁퉁마디종자는화피로둘러싸여있는난형으로연한갈색을띄었으며, 수분흡수후종피가파열되면서유근이출현하여발아가시작되었다. 퉁퉁마디종자의발아에서화피의영향을알아보기위하여최적발아온도로알려진 25 와 30 에서 raw seed 와화피제거종자의발아율을조사하였다. Raw seed 는 25 에서 5%, 30 에서 7% 의발아율을보인반면, 화피제거종자는 25 에서 53%, 30 에서 58% 의발아율을보여화피제거에의하여종자의발아율이급격히상승하였다. 따라서종자의발아율을높이기위하여 500 μm sieve 를이용하여화피를제거할수있는기계적방법을개발하였으며이방법에의하여화피가제거된종자를 90% 이상확보할수있었다. 화피제거종자의염농도에따른종자의발아율을조사한결과, 0mM 에서 53%, 50mM 에서 49%, 100mM 에서 35% 그리고 200mM 에서는 26% 로염농도가낮을수록발아율이높은것으로나타났다. 한편, 유묘의염농도에따른생장량조사를위하여, 2 주된유묘를상토에이식하고 0~200mM 의염처리를하여 5 주간초장과분지수를조사한결과, 퉁퉁마디의생장량은 100mM 에서가장많았다. 따라서퉁퉁마디의유묘확보율을높이기위해서는종자의화피를제거하여염농도 0mM 인 25~30 에서발아를시키고, 유묘생장단계에서는 100mM 전후의염농도가최적조건으로판단되었다. * 주저자 : Tel , njchung@jbnu.ac.kr
342 PD-51 Drought stress-responsive transcript analysis of wheat-rye translocation line using cdna-aflp Woo Joo Jung, Yong Weon Seo * Dept. of Biosystems & Biotechnology, Korea University, Seoul , KOREA Wheat-rye translocation lines are widely used in wheat breeding programmes by reason of biotic stress tolerances. Though there have been a number of researches regarding abiotic stress tolerance, the tolerance of the lines depends on wheat genetic background, not on rye chromosome. Here, we investigated wheat-rye translocation specific transcripts derived from cdna-aflp under drought stress, which may help to elucidate the reaction under the stress. OK91G117 (1BL.1RS translocation) and OK91G144 (non-translocation) were used as materials, which are near-isolines for 1RS. 25% PEG 6000 was added in culture solution to simulate drought condition and root tissues were sampled at each 0 h, 3 h, 6 h, 12 h, 24 h, and 48 h after PEG treatment for RNA extraction. As a result of cdna-aflp, TDFs (transcript derived fragments) that were specific to OK91G117 were sequenced. GO functions of each sequenced TDF were annotated by Blast2GO using standard parameter with cut-off level 3 and mapped to the GO term (i.e. biological process; BP, molecular function; MF, cellular component; CC). The term with organic substance metabolic process, primary metabolic process, and cellular metabolic process account for almost 50 % of BP. The most represented terms among probes classified to MF were transferase activity and most of TDF were annotated in cell part of CC. In addition, rye-chromatin specific markers were developed by BLAST comparing sequence of TDF with wheat and rye genome data. RT-PCR was conducted to validate expression patterns of selected TDF. Further studies will be needed to elucidate functions of the highly expressed genes under drought stress. Acknowledgements: This work was carried out with the support of Next-Generation BioGreen21 Program for Agriculture & Technology Development (Project No. PJ ) Rural Development Administration. Republic of Korea. *Corresponding Author: Tel , seoag@korea.ac.kr
343 PD-52 Targeted mutagenesis of SSS4A gene related starch biosynthesis using gene editing technology in Dongjin rice Yu Jin Jung 1,2, Maral Tsevelkhoroloo 1, Hyun Ju Lee 1, Yeo Jin Jung 1, Hyo Ju Lee 1, Yong Gu Cho 3, Kwon Kyoo Kang 1,2* 1 Department of Horticulture, Hankyong National University, Ansung, , Korea 2 Institute of Genetic Engineering, Hankyong National University, Ansung , Korea 3 Department of Crop Science, Chungbuk National University,Cheongju, Korea Zinc finger nucleases (ZFNs) have been used for targeted mutagenesis in eukaryotic cells. Custom-designed ZFNs can induce double-strand breaks (DSBs) at a specific locus. Our custom ZFN dimer was designed 3-finger of left and 4-finger of right with 2 kb size using 2A. A Ti-plasmid vector, pta7002 containing the target site of SSS4A gene for a ZFN pair, that was shown to be active in yeast, was integrated in the rice genome. This promising technique for genome engineering was induced into 4 exon region of SSS4A gene in rice genome using Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. The SSS4A full-length cdna was 5,070 bp consisting of a 318 bp 5 -untranslated region (UTR), a complete ORF of 2,928 bp encoding a polypeptide of 975 amino acids and a 3 -UTR of 1,824 bp. The vector is based on glucocorticoid receptor inducible gene expression system. Thus, SSS4A::ZFN expression was tightly controlled and the phenotype in low concentrations 10uM of the glucocorticoid hormone dexamethasone (DEX). In plant cells, transient ZFN expression is achieved by direct gene transfer into the target cells. For an alternative, ZFN delivery and production of mutant plants using a tobacco transient expression system for indirect transient delivery of ZFNs into a variety of tissues and cells of plants. ZFN activity was determined by PCR and sequence analysis of the target site. ZFN induced plants were obtained in up to 2% of the PCR products, consisting of deletions ranging between 1and 100 bp and insertions ranging between 1 and 10 bp. Our results describe an alternative to direct gene transfer for ZFN delivery and for the production of mutated rice
344 PD-53 Toward mapping of genes conferring broad spectrum resistance to rice brown planthopper Hyeonso Ji 1*, Eokkeun Ahn 2, Seung-Bum Lee 1, Seok-Chul Suh 1 1 Department of Agricultural Biotechnology, National Academy of Agricultural Science, Jeonju , Republic of Korea 2 Department of Central Area, National Institute of Crop Science, Suwon , Republic of Korea Brown planthopper (BPH) is a phloem sap-sucking insect pest of rice, which causes severe yield loss annually. Gayabyeo, a Tongil type rice variety, is known to have broad spectrum resistance to BPH. Before, it was estimated that Gayabyeo has at least two BPH resistance genes. We started a research for mapping resistance genes of Gayabyeo. We did a cross between Taebaekbyeo, a BPH susceptible Tongil type rice variety, and Gayabyeo, We grew F1 plants in winter season of , and planted F2 population in this year. About 100 DNA markers (SSR and InDel markers) showing polymorphism between Gayabyeo and Tabaekbyeo were selected. In addition, we are going to do resequencing Gayabyeo and Taebaekbyeo using Illumina Hiseq2000 to find much more DNA polymorphisms between the two varieties and develop new markers for mapping. The BPH response data will be acquired using F3 plants from the cross between Gayabyeo and Taebaekbyeo next year. In a while, crosses between Gayabyeo and high quality japonica rice varieties are being carried out to introduce BPH resistance genes of Gayabyeo into japonica high quality rice varieties. We expect to develop new DNA markers for BPH resistance genes of Gayabyeo through mapping and produce several japonica high quality rice lines harboring those genes at the end of this project. *Corresponding Author: Tel , jhs77@korea.kr PD-54 Identification of quantitative trait loci for fusarium wilt resistance in radish (Raphanus sativus) Juyeon Jung, Jaehwang Ryu, Yeonok Choi, Young-Pyo Lee * Dongbu Farm Hannong Co., Ltd, Anseong-si, Gyeonggi-do, , Republic of Korea Radish, Raphanus sativus(2n = 18), belonging to the brassicaceae family, is herbaceous plant with 1-2 years life cycle. It is cultivated worldwide for producing leafy and root vegetables. Although an economically important crop, the genetics of yield and quality traits, disease resistance are not well-studies. The major purpose of this project is development of molecular breeding technology in radish. In this project, quantitative trait loci (QTL) for Fusarium wilt resistance of radish were analyzed. To identify QTL, genetic linkage map of radish was constructed using F2 mapping population derived from a cross between two inbred lines, DB01 (resistant) and DB05 (susceptible). A total 319 markers have been mapped into nine linkage groups, covering 639.3cM with an average distance of 2cM between loci. QTL mapping detected 2 loci conferring Fusarium wilt resistance. Two QTLs were located on LG3 and LG7, respectively. The QTL of LG3, flanked by EAGGMCT6 and WALK500 marker, exhibited a LOD value ranging from 2.3 to 8.7, and the R2 (Phenotypic variations) ranging from 28 to 48% in four tests. This QTL was named qyr1. The QTL of LG7, flanked by EACCMCAC-202 and DCJ marker, exhibited a LOD value ranging from 6.2 to 10.6, and the R2 ranging from 42 to 55% in four tests. This QTL was named qyr2. The results of the QTL analysis may be useful in marker-assisted selection (MAS) of Fusarium wilt resistant radish cultivars. *Corresponding Author: Tel , youngpyo@dongbu.com
345 PD-55 Overexpression of the 3 half of the PHYB phytochrome partially suppresses dwarfism in the brassinosteroid-insensitive bri1-5 mutant Yu Jeong Jeong 1+, Soon Il Kwon 2+, Slki Park 1, Su Jeoung Suh 1, Richard Cha 2, Yoong Eun Kim 2, Sunghwa Choe 1,2,3* 1 School of Biological Sciences, College of Natural Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul , Korea 2 Convergence Research Center for Functional Plant Products, Advanced Institutes of Convergence Technology, Iui-dong, Yeongtong-gu, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do , Korea 3 Plant Genomics and Breeding Institute, Seoul National University, Seoul , Korea + Equal contribution Brassinosteroids (BRs) control virtually every aspect of plant growth and development. BRs act alone or with other exogenous and endogenous signals including auxin and light. To screen for the novel player involved in BR signaling in Arabidopsis, we employed cdna overexpression strategy. We created a cdna library to be expressed under the 35S overexpression promoter, and introduced into a weak brassinosteroid insensitive 1 (bri1) mutant. The mutant dubbed bri1-5 with long petiole (blp) was identified to display bigger stature especially in hypocotyl and petiole length relative to bri1-5. Sequence analysis of the rescued transgene revealed that blp consisted of a chimeric DNA consisting of a 3 half of PHYB, 2 bp insertion, and a part of a chloroplast ribosomal RNA. Re-introduction of chimeric DNA into bri1-5 recapitulated blp phenotype. The blp phenotypes being similar to phyb mutants led us to examine both the PHYB transcript and protein levels in the blp 35Spro:PHYB doubly homozygous line. Lower levels of both transcripts and proteins of PHYB suggested that introduction of the chimeric gene interfered with the stability of PHYB transcripts. Our results highlight that overexpression mutagenesis facilitates functional genomics to decipher a function of Arabidopsis genome. Keywords: Brassinosteroid, Overexpression mutagenesis, blp, phyb, Gateway-cDNA library
346 PD-56 Quantitative trait locus mapping and candidate gene analysis for heading date in an early maturing rice mutant induced by gamma irradiation Sun-Goo Hwang, Cheol-Seong Jang * Plant Genomics Lab, Department of Applied Plant Sciences, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon , Republic of Korea In recent years, the efficiency and accuracy of QTL analysis for identification of useful traits have been increased by high-throughput genotyping. In a previous study, the genome variation of significant DNA polymorphism was observed in early maturing type rice mutant (EMT) by comparing with that of wild type (WT). For detection of major QTL for flowering time, we constructed a linkage map of 36 InDel- and 6 SNP- markers. In the linkage analysis of F 2 plants derived from the cross WT x EMT, we have detected one potential QTL region on chromosome 6 by M6-3 marker. Also, the Hd1, which contained the target fragment of M6-3 marker, exhibited the relatively high nonsynonymous substitutions in genes located on chromosomal region from M6-2 to M6-4. To evaluate the reliable allele segregation related to expected Mendelian ratio between M6-3 and its flanking markers, M6-3 marker developed in Hd1 gene exhibited the 1:2:1 ratio as clear monogenic segregation in heterozygous F 3 plant. Additionally, we further analyzed the different transcript regulations of OsGI and Hd3a gene related to Hd1 involved in photoperiodic flowering pathway. Although the mrna levels of Hd1 had no difference between WT and EMT, the Hd3a as downstream effector of Hd1 significantly upregulated in EMT, suggesting that Hd1 gene may become nonfunctional. *Corresponding Author: Tel , csjang@kangwon.ac.kr PD-57 초형개량초다수성콩분자육종 Molecular breeding for high-yielding soybean with improved plant type 이석하 1, 정지원 2 1 서울대학교 2 씨제이제일제당 본연구과제의목적은 1) 양질다수성콩기술이전, 2) 양질다수성콩품종출원, 3) 고밀도유전자지도작성을통한다수성관련 QTL 동정및다수성형질연관마커개발, 4) 콩품종판별마커개발, 5) 기능성콩가공식품개발이다. 이를위해당해연도는양질다수성콩품종육성을위한생산력검정및지역적응성검정을실시하고초다수성우량계통육성을위해 1 단계사업에서선발된우량계통들을지속적으로세대진전하고자한다. 특히다수성관련형질연관 QTL 동정을위해길육 69 x SS0404-T5-76 RIL 집단 (400 계통 ) 을육성하였고이집단을이용한고밀도유전자지도작성하고자한다. 먼저모부본염기서열변이탐색및 RIL 들의다수성형질표현형을조사할것이다. 한편, 품종보호및종자순도관리에있어서중요한분자마커개발을위해주요품종들에대한 SSR 마커분석을실시하였다. 당해연도에는 1 단계사업에서개발된 CJ 행복한 1 호 콩품종육성을위한채종포를제주도와괴산등지에조성하며두부장류용우량계통 SS408-T5-99 에대한제품생산가능성분석하고장류발효과정중아이소플라본의성분변화를분석할것이다
347 PD-58 간척지재배가능한내염성사료용콩선발 이정동 1*, 김정화 1, 김민수 1, 박철우 1, 정재은 1, 아세코바소베툴 1, 한두호 2, 송종태 1 1 대구광역시북구대학로 80, 경북대학교응용생명과학부 2 충남서산시부석면천수만로, 현대서산농장 1960 년대이후간척한농경지면적은 135,100 ha 나되지만간척지는토성이불량하고, 염분농도가높아작물생육에매우부적합하여작물수량의안정적확보와다양한작물재배를위해서는토양개량과그에알맞은재배기술및내염성품종개발이시급한실정이다. 간척지는염분함량이매우높기때문에다른작물보다내염성이있는벼를재배하여간척지활용을증대시킬수있지만소비감소로인한쌀재고량이급증하여벼대신에밭작물재배나사료작물재배를통하여안정적인농가소득을확보할수있는시스템이필요하다. 본연구는현대서산간척지에재배가능한내염성콩을선발하기위하여실시하고있다. 내염성콩을선발하기위해야생콩 PI483463( 내염성 ) x Hutcheson( 감수성 ) 유래 52 개의내염성 RIL, 65 개의감수성 RIL, S-100( 내염성 ) x PI483463( 내염성 ) 유래 106 개의 RIL, Hutcheson 과우람콩 ( 감수성 ) 으로여교배하여 DNA 마커로선발된 94 개의내염성 BC1F3 계통을난괴법 2 반복으로재식하였다. 모든계통은무염포와저염포 ( 약 0.2%) 에심었다. 재식밀도는 70 x 15cm, 1 주 2 본으로하였으며, 파종은 2015 년 5 월 8-9 일간에실시하였다. 현재까지콩생육을살펴보면무염포나저염포에서콩의발아는정상적으로나타났으나, 저염포에서감수성콩계통의잎이황변하고하위옆의경우염해에의해타들어가는것을관찰할수있었고, 내염성계통들은염해의증상이없었으나무염포보다는전체적으로생육이저조한것으로나타났다. 출아후부터생육전반에걸쳐내염성계통과감수성계통이저염조건에서농업적형질이어떻게반응하는지에대한연구를계속할것이며최종적으로간척지중저염지대에재배가능한콩을선발할것이다. * 주저자 : Tel , koreabreed@hotmail.com
349 2015 한국육종학회 차세대 BG21 사업단 GSP 사업단공동심포지엄 GSP 사업단 OG. GSP 식량종자사업단 OH. GSP 원예종자사업단 & GSP 채소종자사업단
351 2015 한국육종학회 차세대 BG21 사업단 GSP 사업단공동심포지엄 GSP 식량종자사업단
353 OG-01 옥수수의해외시장진출을위한육종연구에대한제안 이명훈 동국대학교 옥수수는벼, 밀과더불어세계 3 대식량작물의하나로서단위면적당생산량이매우높으며가축의사료로서중요한작물이다. 옥수수의주요생산국은미국과중국이며세계생산량의 37% 와 21% 를각각차지하고있으며, 미국과중국의옥수수재배면적은 3,200 만 ha 정도로비슷하지만미국의단위생산량이월등히높아전체생산량이많다. 우리나라의옥수수재배면적은 26,000ha 정도이고매년 800~900 만톤의옥수수를수입하고있으며자급률은 1% 이하이다. 세계옥수수종자시장규모는 76 억불정도이고종자량으로는 800 만톤정도이다. 몬산토, 파이오니어, 신젠타등의글로벌종자회사가세계시장의 65% 이상을차지하고있으며, 우리나라종자시장규모는 50 억원정도로서매우영세한실정이다. 해외기술현황으로는미국은글로벌종자회사중심으로막대한자본과연구인력, 최상의기술력으로세계시장을석권하고있으며, 중국도국가의적극적인지원하에최근육종기술이급속히발전하고있다. 태국도육종기술이매우발전하여동남아시장을석권하고있으며인도는아직은미흡하지만급속한발전가능성을보유하고있다. 그밖에필리핀, 인도네시아, 캄보디아, 베트남등도옥수수품종개발연구를수행하고있다. 해외시장진출을위한옥수수육종의가장중요한목표는수량성이지만병충해저항성이나불량환경저항성도매우중요한형질이다. 특히열대지방은온대지방보다옥수수에발생하는병해충이많으며특히노균병 (Downy mildew), 녹병 (Rust), 잎마름병 ( Leaf blight), 바이러스등이많이발생하고있어이에대한저항성육종이절실히필요하다. 불량환경저항성육종으로는한발저항성품종개발이최근에중요한과제로서대두되고있다. 세계여러나라에서는한발저항성육종연구를활발히수행되고있으며어느정도성과를거두고있는것으로보고되고있다. 또한동남아개발도상국가에서는비료가격이높아옥수수재배시에충분한비료를시용하지못하고있는실정이기때문에소비재배에적합한품종개발연구도수행하고있다. 품질개선을위한육종으로는최근미국에서베타카로틴이매우높은황색옥수수품종을개발하고있다. 동남아시장에권장할수있는옥수수품종은수량성이높은단교잡종 (Single cross) 과더불어종자가격이낮은 3 계교잡종 (3-way cross) 이초기에농가보급에유리할것으로생각되며, 경제적이이유로신품종을구입할수없는농가에재래종을대체할수있을품종으로합성품종 (Synthetic variety) 이가능할것으로생각된다. 옥수수육종의성패를좌우할수있는가장중요한요인은우수한육종재료의확보이며, 가장중요한육종재로는현지에서재배되고있는상업용품종과재래종품종이며, 또한모집단 (Population) 을육성하고개량하는것이절대적으로필요하다. 우수한교잡종을육성하기위해서는일반조합능력과특정조합능력을이용한정통적인방법도중요하지만단기간에육종성과를높이기위해서는임의교배 (Random mating) 에의한많은조합의교잡종을검정하는것이바람직하다. 육종연구에고려해야할몇가지사항은외국농업기업에대한현지의법적규제와권장사항등을정확히파악해야되며, 해당국가가개발한품종이원활하게보급되지못하고있는원인을정확히분석해야한다. 병충해저항성이나불량환경저항성품종개발시에는자연조건에서선발하는것보다적극적이고실질적인환경하에서선발하는것이육종효율을높이고육종기간을단축할수있으며, 광지역적응성품종개발보다는특정환경에적응하는품종개발에중점을두는것이바람직하다. 끝으로본프로젝트로우리나라와해당국가가공동으로혜택을받을수있는방법을강구하는것이바람직하며, 본프로젝트의종료후에도지속적으로옥수수육종연구가수행될수있는기반을조성하는것이절실히요구된다
354 OG-02 Multiple Recognition of RXLR Effectors is Associated with Nonhost Resistance of Pepper Against Phytophthora infestans Doil Choi Department of Plant Science, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul , Republic of Korea Nonhost resistance is a plant immune response to resist most pathogens. The molecular basis of nonhost resistance remains poorly understood but recognition of pathogen effectors by immune receptors, a response known as effector-triggered immunity, has been proposed as a component of nonhost resistance. We performed transient expression of 54 P. infestans RXLR effectors in pepper accessions using optimized heterologous expression methods and analyzed the inheritance of effector-induced cell death in an F2 population derived from a cross between two pepper accessions. Pepper showed a localized cell death response upon inoculation with P. infestans, suggesting that recognition of effectors may contribute to nonhost resistance in this system. Nonhost pepper accessions recognized from 2 to 36 effectors. Among the effectors, PexRD8 and Avrblb2 induced cell death on a broad range of pepper accessions. Segregation of effector-induced cell death in an F2 population derived from a cross between two pepper accessions fit a 15:1, 9:7 and 3:1 depending on the effector. Our genetic data suggests that single or two independent/complementary dominant genes are involved in the recognitions RXLR effectors. Our findings indicate that multiple loci recognizing a series of effectors underpin nonhost resistance of pepper to P. infestans and may confer resistance durability
355 2015 한국육종학회 차세대 BG21 사업단 GSP 사업단공동심포지엄 GSP 원예종자사업단 & GSP 채소종자사업단
357 OH-01 Gene-specific marker development of cabbage for an efficient molecular breeding Yoonkang Hur 1, Yong-Pyo Lim 1, Ill-Sup Nou 2 1 Chungnam National University, Daejeon, Korea 2 Sunchon National University, Jeonnam, Korea Molecular markers, such as PCR-based and SNP-based markers, are extremely useful for plant genetics and crop breeding. Marker-assisted selection (MAS) has been widely applied in plant breeding to improve crop yield, quality, and tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses. To develop gene-based (or -specific) molecular markers, three different approaches have been used in Brassica species: Known-gene-based, RNA seq/exon-based and RNA seq/intron-based molecular marker development for several years. Using these techniques, molecular markers have been developed to identify flowering time, anthocyanin accumuation and abiotic stresses in B. rapa and B. oleracea. Markers were distributed in exons as well as introns, and coding sequences and untranslated regions (UTRs). All markers developed have been transformed into SNP marker after HRM confirmation. I will discuss efficiency, accuracy, and potential problems and contribution of these markers for Brassica breeding. [This research was supported by Golden Seed Project (Center for Horticultural Seed Development, No SB230), Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (MAFRA), Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries (MOF), Rural Development Administration (RDA), and Korea Forest Service (KFS).]
358 OH-02 Molecular breeding stratagies for pyramiding viral resistances in tomatoes Inhwa Yeam Department of Horticulture and Breeding, Andong National University, Andongsi, Gyeongsangbukdo, , Republic of Korea Marker assisted selection (MAS) for disease resistance is widely applied in practical tomato breeding program both in public and private sectors. Due to the commercial value and the importance as a model crop system, tomato has taken the lead in MAS among the other horticultural crops. A wide range of disease resistance genes were identified and the mechanism of the resistances has been explored in tomatoes. In the case of disease resistance Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) is one of the major threats for tomato production worldwide, and several resistance sources for TYLCV resistance have been identified among wild tomato species. Ty1/3 resistance gene has been recently identified as a DFDGD-class RNA dependent RNA polymerase (RDR). Late blight (LB) in tomato is caused by Phythophthora infestans, and several resistances sources have been applied in the practical breeding program. Ph3 resistance, a LB resistance against a wide-range of P. infestans isolates, has been reported as a gene coding a CC-NBS-LRR gene on chromosome 9. In this study, we developed reliable and comprehensive molecular markers based on the single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) or insertion/deletion (InDel) directly responsible for the resistance phenotype. These functional molecular markers are expected to enhance the effectivity and accuracy of MAS for disease resistance in tomato breeding programs
359 OH-03 High-density genetic map construction and QTL analysis for seed size of fruits and powdery mildew resistance in watermelon Gung Pyo Lee Dept. of Integrative Plant Science, Chung-Ang University, , Republic of Korea Recently, many breeders have preferred to use molecular markers for introgression backcross programs enabling foreground and background selection to cope with rapid cultivar changing of seed markets. In accumulation of target traits with marker-assisted selection, larger numbers of markers should give better resolution. For the analysis of quantitative traits, a high-density genetic map with a large number of markers is required for discovering more accurately linked markers with traits. Watermelon is a recalcitrant plant to generate a high-density genetic map with conventional molecular markers including simple sequence repeats (SSRs), since watermelon has narrow genetic diversity background and severe segregation distortions of those SSR markers. Thus, we have developed efficient and valid way to assemble genetic map and markers by next-generation sequencing coupled with genotyping by sequencing in F2 generation. After crosses between Citurullus lanatus ssp. citroides (PI and PI189225) and C. lanatus ssp. lanatus (TS34, Korean cultigen), 163 of F2 progeny were sequenced through Illumina's Hi-Seq GAII platform. From sequence information of those variant call files, the SNPs were indexed and filtered by sequencing depth with genotype converter (SNP Genotyper), and optimized by heuristic physical bin mapping to construct more reliable genetic linkage map. Reliable SNP loci were determined and compared to sequences of physical reference map. Using the genetic map, we determined QTLs in F2:3 population and found major loci corresponding to seed size and powdery mildew race1 resistance in watermelon
360 OH-04 Genomics approach to develop molecular markers for targeted breeding of radish Ji-Young Lee, Kook Hui Ryu, Jung-Hun Lee, Khushboo Rastogi, Goh Choi School of Biological Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul Korea Radish is one of the most widely consumed vegetable crops in Korea. Root is the major part of radish supplied to the market, thus the size, shape, and quality of radish roots are main targets of breeding programs. Despite of the importance of this crop, the molecular breeding of radish is still in the rudimentary stage. In Golden Seed Project, we aim to establish the molecular breeding program of radish using genome-wide approaches. To this end, we selected inbred lines that have distinctive root traits such as yield, shape, disease resistance, and texture. Single nucleotide variation (SNV) among these lines will be identified based on the low coverage genome sequencing data. These SNVs can be used for finding genomic regions associated with root traits from segregating mapping populations which are also in the middle of development. Korean radish roots are harvested after being grown for only nine weeks. During that period, root biomass reaches to more than two kilograms. While investigating the root growth of radish inbred lines, we found that cytokinin contributes as a key growth regulator that promotes radial growth of radish roots. A difference in growth rates of two distinctive inbred lines was explained by the difference in response to cytokinin. Genes responsive to cytokinin are highly enriched in the cambium, the meristematic cell population that drives radial growth. For comprehensive understanding of genes that affect yields of radish roots, we turned to developing a tissue specific transcriptome data using laser capture microdissection. We expect that the compendium of genomics-based data will help establishing molecular breeding of radish at a fast track
361 2015 한국육종학회 차세대 BG21 사업단 GSP 사업단공동심포지엄 2015 년한국육종학회상
363 2015 년한국육종학회학회상시상 일시및장소 : 2015 년 7 월 2 일 ( 목 ), 19:10 시상내용 1. 농우육종학회상 - 수상자 : 박효근 ( 서울대학교명예교수 ) - 선정사유 : 채소작물의유전자원수집과내병성고추품종개발에헌신하고후학양성에힘써우리나라육종학의학문적발전과종자산업발전에크게공헌 2. 연구상 ( 연구부문 ) - 수상자명 : 강권규 ( 한경대학교 ) - 논문제목 : Transgenic Tomato Plants Expressing BrOAT1 gene from Brassica rapa var. SUN-3061 Show Enhanced Tolerance to Salt Stress - Plant Breed. Biotech (March) 1(1):70~79 3. 연구상 ( 품종부문 ) - 수상자명 : 김기영외 20명 ( 농촌진흥청국립식량과학원 ) - 품종명 : 제3307호 ( ) - 품종명 ( 논문제목 ) : 벼중만생고품질내도복신품종 새누리 4. 공로상 - 한국육종학회 27 대회장, 임상종 ( 국립식량과학원 )
365 2015 한국육종학회 차세대 BG21 사업단 GSP 사업단공동심포지엄 색인
367 색인 Name Page Name Page Name Page 국 ㄱ 문 강경대 291 강경호 46, 60, 71, 74 강달순 42, 79 강미영 247, 281 강범규 37, 38, 48, 49 강성택 254 강성환 117 강소미 131 강위금 57, 58 강윤주 297 강주원 297 강지남 131 강창성 66 강천식 40, 51, 54, 55, 82 강현중 46 강혜정 51 강홍규 131, 132 고갑천 75 고상욱 120, 122 고석민 131 고윤희 40 고재권 45, 46, 47, 56, 68 고종민 37, 38, 48, 49 고종철 47, 56, 90 고지연 90 곽병삼 49 곽상철 49 구자환 76 권순욱 26, 245, 246, 248 권순종 76 권영업 52, 76, 102, 201 권오덕 52 권오창 105 권용익 131, 132, 226 권택윤 259 권혁규 271, 299 기광연 75 김경민 76, 201 김경호 40, 82 김경환 259 김경훈 40, 76 김경희 51, 291 김광수 42, 79 김기선 81 김기영 46, 47, 50, 55, 56, 68, 90 김남신 254 김대영 97 김대욱 76 김대일 256 김대현 275 김도선 278 김도순 260 김만조 84 김명기 44, 58, 60, 63 김명식 62 김미향 58 김민수 305 김보경 40, 45, 46, 47, 50, 55, 56 57, 60, 63, 68, 84 김보민 32 김상곤 102 김상민 82 김상열 52, 101 김석만 74 김석원 225 김성국 102 김성길 275 김성업 62 김성택 42, 79 김세종 99 김세현 84 김수정 81 김수진 120, 122 김승유 97 김양길 40, 82 김양지 224 김연규 44 김영국 92, 118 김영미 110, 144 김영호 66 김용욱 144, 198 김용현 49 김우재 45, 46, 47, 50, 55, 56, 57, 68 김유진 32 김윤경 256 김율호 81 김인혜 66 김재명 72, 115 김재훈 226 김재희 84 김정석 116, 117, 182 김정주 47, 50, 55, 56, 58, 68 김정태 102 김정호 278 김정화 305 김정희 256 김종보 145 김종윤 81 김종환 110 김지아 144, 198 김지은 214 김지홍 32 김진영 66 김진원 260 김진희 278 김창기 32 김철우 84 김태헌 201 김학신 51 김해인 241, 296 김현명 84 김현순 45, 46, 47, 56, 68 김현영 37, 48, 49 김현일 119, 123 김현태 37, 38, 48, 49 김현호 69 김형욱 199 김혜자 26 김홍식 49, 84 김효정 108, 109 김효중 50 김희곤 50 ㄴ 나해영 50, 88, 89 남민희 52, 101, 201 남상식 72, 115 남정권 46, 47, 50, 55, 56, 57, 68 남정환 81 남종철 120, 122 노상득 51 노심 297 노일래 97 노희선 145 ㄷ 도재왕
368 색인 Name Page Name Page Name Page ㄹ 레아잉뀐 297 류기중 132 류수노 25, 26, 245, 246, 247, 248, 281 류시환 51 ㅁ 마경호 108, 109 모영준 58, 63 문병호 91 문윤호 193 문중경 48, 90, 254 문진영 72 문초아 182 문흥규 144, 198 ㅂ 박광근 76, 82 박기진 51, 64 박기훈 47, 82 박노봉 52 박누리 293 박덕심 66 박동수 52, 101, 201 박미소 291 박미영 26, 132, 224 박민영 86 박민우 63 박범석 256 박석진 290 박선경 145 박성화 116, 117, 182 박수권 101 박수형 86 박영기 84 박영춘 69 박유진 144 박은성 109 박인희 101 박장환 102 박재인 144 박종열 51, 64 박종철 40, 82 박종호 45, 56 박철수 51, 54, 55 박철우 305 박태성 182 박향미 58 박현수 45, 47, 50, 55, 56, 57, 68 박형빈 116 박형호 76 배상수 293 배석복 62 배은지 88, 89 배정숙 82, 99 배태웅 91 배환희 102 백남현 44, 58 백만기 44, 47, 50, 55, 56, 68 백성범 102 백소현 46, 47 백인순 32 백인열 37, 38, 48, 49 백정선 271, 299 변학수 71 ㅅ 사규진 64 상세티 297 샤시오난 119, 123 서대하 60 서명훈 86 서민정 102 서영호 51 서정필 44, 58, 63 서종택 81 선현진 131, 132 성낙식 60 성열규 60, 71 손동모 50 손범영 102 손영보 52, 101, 201 손재한 40 손황배 81 송경순 66 송석보 90 송연상 72, 115 송유천 52, 101, 201 송종태 305 송현진 91 신동진 101, 201 신성휴 102 신소희 271, 299 신운철 46, 47, 50, 56, 57, 58 신유승 110 신은영 71 신지언 291 심하식 38 ㅇ 아세코바소베툴 305 안경구 66 안기홍 193 안동춘 126 안명숙 225 안상낙 297 안승현 72, 115 안억근 44, 58, 63, 74, 99 안율균 278 안종웅 193 안주희 116, 117, 182 안찬훈 92 안태진 92, 118 양대화 224, 225 양운호 60, 63 양정욱 72, 115 양창인 44, 58, 60, 63 엄유리 118 여운상 52, 60, 101 오기원 62 오상근 256 오성환 52, 101 오세관 63 오영진 40, 82 오은영 62 오인석 62, 90 오재은 214 오혜진 71 요네야마카오리 119, 123 요네야마코이치 119, 123 용우식 51 우관식 90 원용재 44, 58, 60, 63, 99 유경단 193 유동림 81 유의수 265, 291 유정 26 육은수 32 윤건식 82 윤광섭 44,
369 색인 Name Page Name Page Name Page 윤덕상 69 윤무경 86 윤여태 297 윤영미 54, 55 윤영환 44 윤재복 290 윤혜진 259 윤홍태 37, 38, 48, 49, 66 은민호 241, 296 이가영 49 이강섭 262 이경보 42, 72, 115, 193 이경보 79 이경준 108, 109 이규성 58, 60 이긍주 293 이기안 108, 109 이나념 144, 198 이동우 66 이동진 108, 109 이동희 132 이명훈 311 이명희 62 이미자 82 이병실 91 이병원 37, 38, 48, 49 이병정 105, 126 이보미 214 이보희 69 이봉우 214 이상권 25 이상대 105, 126 이상복 44, 58, 63, 71, 99 이상협 63, 199 이샛별 201 이석기 37, 49 이석영 108, 109 이석하 304 이선이 97 이성곤 259 이성기 91 이승엽 46 이승욱 291 이승재 271, 299 이영병 105 이영화 42, 79 이영훈 37, 38, 48, 49 이영희 37, 38, 48, 49, 52, 101 이예린 241, 296 이유석 50 이윤지 92 이은자 99 이장용 51 이재생 90 이재원 84 이점식 63 이점호 44, 47, 55, 56, 57, 58, 60, 63, 71, 76, 99, 102 이정동 99, 305 이정로 109 이정훈 92, 118 이정희 44, 58, 63, 71, 99, 214 이종경 66 이종숙 293 이종희 52, 101, 201 이주경 64 이준대 241, 296 이준설 72, 115 이지석 84 이지윤 52, 101, 201 이지은 193 이진구 66 이진석 102 이태영 260 이현숙 297 이현오 291 이형운 72, 115 이혜은 278 이호선 108, 109 이효연 131, 132, 224, 225, 226 임수정 71 임청택 47 임혜리 71 ㅈ 장동칠 81 장영석 42, 79 장윤희 193 장은규 49, 66 장인건 199 장재기 52, 58, 60, 99 장하영 86 전명기 37, 38, 48, 49 전영아 108, 109 전용희 58, 99 전윤아 297 전재범 46, 74 전태환 254 전효진 271, 299 정국현 44, 58, 60, 99 정규미 241, 296 정남진 271, 299 정미남 72 정병룡 126 정성민 120, 122 정수진 144 정순천 32, 254 정영근 40, 82 정오영 58, 60, 63 정옥철 224, 225 정용모 105, 126 정응기 58, 60, 63, 99 정재은 305 정재혁 271, 299 정종민 56, 58, 63, 71, 74 정종욱 108, 109 정지웅 46, 54, 55, 58, 71, 74 정지원 304 정지희 110 정찬식 62 정태욱 90, 102 정하나 132 조명철 278 조상균 38 조성우 46 조성환 214 조수현 71, 82 조아르나 110 조양희 109 조영일 66 조영찬 44, 47, 50, 55, 56, 58, 60, 63, 68 조용섭 66 조은진 54, 55 조준현 52, 101, 201 조현숙 58 좌지방 132 주정일 69 진영돈 105, 126 진일두 224, 225 진행운
370 색인 Name Page Name Page Name Page ㅊ 차선우 92, 118 차영록 193 채원병 86 최규환 42, 72, 79 최대식 101 최만수 37, 38, 48, 49 최명은 90 최범순 291 최서희 293 최용의 198 최용환 58 최유미 90 최은영 25 최인배 82 최인후 72, 193 최임수 44, 58, 60, 63 최재근 51 최재성 82 최정란 199 최준경 214 최철 256 최충원 63 최택용 69 최홍집 99 ㅋ 코코멍 297 키스기타카야 119, 123 ㅎ 하건수 71 하기용 45, 46, 47, 50, 56, 68 하운구 58, 60, 99 하태정 38, 81 하혜정 293 한두호 305 한상익 201 한선경 72, 115 한수범 116, 117, 182 한옥규 66, 76, 82 한원영 37, 48, 49 한윤열 99 한정아 66 한정헌 290 한지학 32 한태호 75, 116, 117, 182 함태호26, 245, 246, 247, 248, 281 허목 92, 118 허연재 201 허윤영 120, 122, 256 현웅조 44, 63, 71, 74 현종내 76 홍경낙 144 홍민지 224, 225, 226 홍수영 81 홍용표 144 홍하철 44, 58, 60, 63 황세구 84 황순임 89 황엄지 72 황운하 101 황종진 76 황주천 105, 126 A Abdula Sailila E. 70 Ahmed Nasar Uddin 16, 18, 20, 219 Ahn Eokkeun 302 Ahn Hyo-Min 103 Ahn Il-Pyung 253 Ahn Jongmoon 255 Ahn Joon-Woo 78, 85, 104, 146, 208, 224 Ahn Kyounggu 28 Ahn Sang-Nag 24, 39, 61, 209 Ahn Su Ran 69 Ahn Yul-Kyun 147, 298 An Gynheung 289 An Jeong-Tak 130 Anil Kumar N.C 60, 127 Asekova Sovetgul 23, 64 B Back Kyoungwhan 173, 174, 216 Bae Hwan Hee 81, 139 Bae Hyun-Kyung 33 Bae Jeong-Suk 41, 59 Bae Ki-Deuk 171, 172, 173 Bae Seon-Hwa 150 Bae Wonsil 85 Baek Hyung-Jin 69 Baek In-Youl 87, 88 Baek Man-Ki 67 Baek Seong-Bum 81, 139 Baek So-Hyeon 156, 191 Baek Woonhee 237, 239, 244, 284, 285 Beom Hye-Rang 202, 203, 294 Boo Hee-Ock 189, 190 Boo Kyung-Hwan 103 Byeon Yeong 173, 174, 216 C Cha Richard 303 Cha Seon-Woo 212, 231, 237, 272 Chae Chi Won 94 Chae Hyun Seok 97, 113 Chae Songhwa 82, 83, 217 Chang Sungyul 103 Chang Yali 92 Changkwian Amornrat 181 Chee Hark-Harn 4, 103 Cheong Young-Keun 41, 59, 177 Cho A-Ra 137 Cho Hae Ryong 114 Cho Hong Joo 279 Cho Hye-Sun 145 Cho Hyun Min 142, 210 Cho Hyun Suk 183, 202, 215 Cho Hyun-Suk 177, 191, 192, 205 Cho Jung-Il 152, 167 Cho Jun-Hyun 149, 179 Cho Lae-Hyeon 289 Cho Mijung 21, 29, 65 Cho Seong-Woo 188 Cho Won Kyong 272 Cho Yang-Hee 87, 106, 107 Cho Yong-Gu 68, 70, 110, 111, 112, 189, 128, 301 Cho Yoo-Hyun 34, 159 Cho Young-Chan 65, 67 Choe Junkyoung 211 Choe Sunghwa 265, 267, 303 Choi Beom-Soon 28, 140 Choi Bo-Kyung 206 Choi Buung 34, 158, 162, 163 Choi Cheol Woo 197, 210 Choi Cheol-Woo 218 Choi Doil 129, 175, 196, 312 Choi Eun Hye 175 Choi Eunbi
371 색인 Name Page Name Page Name Page Choi Geun-hee 216 Choi Goh 318 Choi Gyung-Ja 28, 130, 181, 215 Choi Hong Il 83 Choi Hong-Il 27, 78, 125, 211, 221 Choi Hong-Jib 100 Choi Hong-Kyu 148, 205 Choi Hong-Soo 272 Choi Hyung-Won 206 Choi Jae-Pil 168 Choi Jae-Seong 59, 177 Choi Jin-Kyeong 41 Choi Man-Soo 111 Choi Mi Na 218 Choi MinJi 204 Choi Sang-Woo 107, 109 Choi Su Ryun 15, 170 Choi Yeonok 302 Choi Yong-Eui 210 Choi Yong-Soo 253 Choi Yoomi 220 Choi Youn Jung 114 Choi Yu-mi 69, 98, 114, 223 Chun Hyun Jin 141, 142, 216 Chung Chong-Tae 61 Chung Hee 235, 272 Chung Jong-Il 107, 109 Chung Jong-Wook 87, 94, 95, 104, 106 Chung Young-Soo 191, 202, 215 Cook Douglas R. 148 Corvalán Claudia 267 Cuyacot Abigail Rubiato 228 D Diriba Abebe Megersa 127 E Eun Chang-Ho 196 F Farooqi Muhammad Qudrat Ullah 100 Flores Paulina Calderón 230 Francis David M. 57 G Garnaat Carl 185 Gil Jinsu 231, 235, 237, 272, 276 Gil Kyung-Eun 284 Go Ho-Cheol 254 Goo Dae Hoe 114 Guo Ge 134 Gupta Ravi 281, 282 Gyeon Ye Jin 231, 276 H Ha Bo-Keun 21, 212 Ha Sun-Hwa 191, 204 Ha Yeaseong 220 Hahn Jang-Ho 150 Han Chang-deok 282, 286 Han Hyeondae 138, 180, 184, 222 Han Ji-Woong 181 Han Jong Won 229 Han Kitae 290 Han Koeun 221, 294 Han Mi Kyung 98 Han Ouk-Kyu 41, 59 Han Sang-Ik 149, 179 Han Su-Hyun 194 Han Sung Min 27, 78, 125, 211, 221 Han Sung-Jin 107, 109 He Qiang 34, 159, 160, 162 Heo Eun-Beom 34, 158, 162 Heo On-Suk 254 Hong Min Jeong 83, 146, 224, 233 Hong Gi-Heung 41, 59 Hong Hyeonjun 40, 43 Hong Jee-Hwa 227 Hong Su-Young 89, 277 Hong Young-Shick 142 Hosokawa Munetaka 129 Huang Jin 286 Huang Xing 186 Hur On-Sook 69, 98, 114 Hur Yeon-Jae 149, 179 Hur Yoonkang 315 Hur Youn Young 121 Hwang Bo-Hwa 133 Hwang Chung-Dong 87, 88 Hwang Doyeon 294 Hwang Gidong 222 Hwang Hyun-Ju 152, 167, 229 Hwang JeeNa 220 Hwang Jihyun 157 Hwang Jung Eun 27, 78, 125, 211, 221 Hwang Sun-Goo 27, 146, 147, 285, 304 Hwang Tae Young 97, 113, 198, 200 Hwang Yoon-Jung 228 Hyun Do yoon 69, 98, 114, 223 Hyun Do-Yoon 95 Hyun Jong-Nae 124 Hyun Ung-Jo 65 I Igusa Sayuri 124, 223 Im Hyun Hee 202, 215 Im Ji-Hoon 274 Im Seung Bin 85, 104, 208 In Byung-Chun 206 Izzah Nur Kholilatul 28 J Jang Cheol Seong 27, 146, 155, 168, 285 Jang Cheol-Seong 147, 304 Jang Kiyoung 243 Jang SeongGyu 270 Jang Seonghoe 208 Jang Siyoung 213 Jang Su 22 Jang Woojong 140 Jang Yun-Woo 59 Jayakodi Murukarthick 140, 169, 295 Je Byoung Il 286 Jee Moo-Geun 112 Jeon Gyoeng-Lyong 103 Jeon Hwi Seong 279 Jeon Jong-Seong 229 Jeon Su-Kyoung 156 Jeon Young-Ah 87, 94, 95, 104, 106, 107 Jeon Yun-A 209 Jeong Eun-Ju 70,
372 색인 Name Page Name Page Name Page Jeong Hae-Ryong 189 Jeong Hee Joong 289 Jeong Hee-Jeong 143 Jeong Hee-Jin 294 Jeong Hyeon-Seok 130, 213, 220 Jeong In-Seon 150 Jeong Ji Hee 235, 276 Jeong Jin-Cheol 89, 277 Jeong Jin-hee 282, 286 Jeong Jin-Tae 212 Jeong Jong-Min 65, 67 Jeong Jong-Wook 107 Jeong Mi-Jeong 31, 209, 261 Jeong Sang Wook 104 Jeong Sang-Wook 85, 208 Jeong Soon Chun 202 Jeong Soon-chun 29 Jeong Suk Hyeon Han 17, 19 Jeong Yeon-Ju 114 Jeong Yu Jeong 303 Jeoung Hyang Young 114 Jeung Ji-Ung 65, 270 Ji Hee Chung 113, 198, 200 Ji Hee Jung 97 Ji Hyeonso 150, 152, 167, 302 Jin Byung-Jun 141, 216 Jin Zhuo 127 Jo Eun Ju 28 Jo Jinkwan 215 Jo Sung- Hwan 211 Jo Yeong Deuk 78, 102, 129, 146, 213 Joh Ho Jun 28 Joo Hyunhee 237, 239, 244, 284, 285 Jun Kyong-Mi 82, 83, 217 Jun Tae-Hwan 298 Jung Ayoung 220 Jung Chan Jin 121 Jung Chan-Sik 87, 88 Jung Huijung 157 Jung In Jung 125, 211, 221 Jung Injung 27, 78 Jung Jae-A 192 Jung Jae-Hoon 284 Jung Jin Kyo 29, 65 Jung Jungsu 182 Jung Juyeon 302 Jung Ki Hong 33 Jung Ki-Hong 60, 127, 143, 154, 197 Jung Ki-Yeul 40, 43 Jung Su-Jin 210, 243 Jung Sukyoung 206 Jung Sung-Min 121 Jung Tae-Wook 187, 188 Jung Woo Joo 300 Jung Wook-Hun 142, 197, 210, 218 Jung Yeo Jin 301 Jung Yong-Su 151 Jung Young Hoon 279 Jung Yu Jin 128, 301 Jung Yu-Jin 111 K K Vimal Raj 286 Kang Beom-Kyu 111 Kang Byoung-Cheorl 130, 181, 129, 213, 215, 220, 221, 254, 294 Kang Chon-Sik 41, 59, 124, 177 Kang Han-chul 280 Kang Hong-Gyu 134 Kang Hyeon-Jung 59 Kang Igojo 8, 269 Kang Ji-Nam 134 Kang Jin-Ho 129 Kang Ju-Won 39, 61, 209 Kang Kwon-Kyoo 70, 111, 112, 128, 301 Kang Kyu Young 282 Kang Kyung-Ho 65 Kang Min-Young 129, 220 Kang Mi-Young 236, 279 Kang Sangho 174, 175, 192 Kang Si-Yong 27, 78, 83, 85, 102, 104, 125, 146, 208, 211, 224 Kang Si-Young 221 Kang So-Mi 134 Kang Sungtaeg 21, 29, 65 Kang Won-Hee 196, 220 Kang Yun Im 114 Kang Yun-Joo 209 Kappachery Sajeesh 266, 268 Karna Sandeep 278 Kayum Md. Abdul 18, 219 Kessenich Colton 185 Kidokoro Satoshi 124, 223 Kim Ki-Young 67 Kim A-Ram 152, 167, 229 Kim Backki 53, 80, 127 Kim Bichsaem 157 Kim Bo-Kyeong 41, 59, 65, 177 Kim Bo-Young 184, 185 Kim Byung Sup 157 Kim Chang-Kug 152, 167 Kim Chul-Woo 86 Kim Dae Yeon 230, 232, 233, 273 Kim Daeil 138, 180, 184, 222 Kim Da-Hye 204 Kim Dasom 170 Kim Do Youn 230, 231, 234, 276 Kim Doh-Hoon 171, 172, 173 Kim Dong Sub 27, 78, 83, 85, 102, 125, 146, 208, 211, 221, 224 Kim Dong-Gil 273 Kim Dong-Min 39, 209 Kim Dong-Seop 93 Kim Dool-Yi 156 Kim Do-Soon 273, 274 Kim Do-Sun 147 Kim Doyeon 267 Kim Du Hyun 40, 43 Kim Eun-Jae 156 Kim Eunsil 21, 29, 65 Kim Haerim 267 Kim Hag-Hyun 189, 190 Kim Hey-Ran 168 Kim Ho Bang 151, 207, 235, 276 Kim Ho-Bang 94, 103 Kim Hong-Sig 93 Kim Hong-Yeol 80 Kim Hye Jeong 202, 215 Kim HyeRan 255 Kim Hyochul 178 Kim Hyoung Seok 103 Kim Hyun Hee 228 Kim Hyun Ji 128 Kim Hyun Jung 182 Kim Hyun Uk 280, 292 Kim Hyun-Jee
373 색인 Name Page Name Page Name Page Kim Hyun-Tae 111 Kim Il-Sup 278 Kim In-Jung 196 Kim Jae Joon 207 Kim Jae Seong 202, 215 Kim Jae Yoon 178, 232 Kim Jae-Hee 86 Kim Jae-Hyun 124 Kim Jeong Ho 147 Kim Jeong Hoe 33 Kim Jeong Hwa 23, 64, 73 Kim Jeong Il 202 Kim Jeong-Ju 67 Kim Ji-Eun 211 Kim JiHyeon 151 Kim Jin-A 31, 209, 261 Kim Jin-Baek 78, 83, 85, 104, 125, 146, 211, 221 Kim Jin-Beak 224 Kim Jinhee 147 Kim Jin-hyuk 147 Kim Jin-Hyun 148, 205 Kim Jinkyung 295 Kim Jin-Soo 9, 265 Kim Jinu 279 Kim Jong-Bum 280 Kim Joo Yong 276 Kim Joon Young 157 Kim Joonki 68, 110, 112 Kim Joo-Yeol 31, 209, 261 Kim Joung Sug 82, 83, 217 Kim Ju-Hee 146, 155 Kim Ju-Kon 288 Kim Jung Sun 174, 175, 192 Kim Jungeun 168, 265 Kim Jung-In 187, 188 Kim Jung-Tae 81, 139 Kim Keumsun 138, 180, 184 Kim Ki Taek 130 Kim Ki Yong. 113 Kim Kil Hyun 139 Kim Ki-Yong 97, 198, 200 Kim Kook-Hyung 272 Kim Kyeong-Hoon 41 Kim Kyeung-Hoon 177 Kim Kyong-Ho 41, 59, 177 Kim Kyoung Heon 279 Kim Kyung Hwan 61 kim Kyung-A 135 Kim Kyung-Hee 178, 274 Kim Kyung-Hun 124 Kim Kyung-Min 124, 135, 136, 137 Kim Kyungryun 21, 29, 65 Kim Kyu-Won 34, 157, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 253 Kim Mahn-Jo 86 Kim Me-Sun 68, 110, 111, 112 Kim Mijeong 274 Kim Min 234 Kim Min Chul 141, 142, 210, 216 Kim Min-Chul 197, 218 Kim Minkyung 179 Kim Minsu 23, 64 Kim Moon S. 11 Kim Myung-Shin 196 Kim Nam-Hoon 140, 295 Kim Namshin 29 Kim Ok Tae 235, 272, 276 Kim Saet-Byul 175 Kim Sang Gon 81 Kim Sang Gyu 69 Kim Sang Heon 45 Kim Sang Hoon 78, 85, 102, 104, 146, 224 Kim Sang-Woo 187, 188 Kim Sea-Hyun 86 Kim Seolah 138, 222 Kim Seong-Dong 68 Kim Seongjun 143 Kim Seo-Woo 143 Kim Serim 231, 235, 237, 272, 276 Kim Seungill 175, 196 Kim So Wun 281 Kim Somi 176 Kim Su Jeong 277 Kim Su-Jeong 89 Kim Sun Tae 281, 282 Kim Sung Hoon 286 Kim Sunggil 143 kim Sung-il 230, 231, 234, 276 Kim Sungmin 21, 29, 65 Kim Sung-Up 87, 88 Kim Sun-Lim 156 Kim Tae Dong 235, 276 Kim Tae Heon 149 Kim Tae-Heon 179 Kim Tae-Ho 150, 211 Kim Tae-Sung 34, 104, 157, 159, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 253 Kim Won-Il 158, 163, 253 Kim Woo-Nam 133 Kim Yang-Kil 59, 177 Kim Yeon-Ki 82, 83, 217 Kim Ye-Sol 102 Kim Yoong Eun 303 Kim Yoon-Kyeong 138, 222 Kim Young-Guk 237 Kim Young-Mi 151, 202, 203, 204, 294 Kim Young-Saeng 278 Kim Youn-Sung 145 Kim Yul-Ho 89, 277, 278 Ko Chan-Sup 145 Ko Ho-Cheol 69, 98, 114 Ko Jee-Yeon 124 Ko Seunghee 207 Ko Suk-Min 134 Ko Tae-Seok 187, 188 Ko Woo Ri 100 Koeda Sota 129 Koh Eunbyeol 186 Koh Hee-Jong 22, 30, 53, 80, 127, 186, 201, 270 Koh Sang-Uk 121 Koo Sung-Cheol 111 Krishna R. 281 Kulkarni Krishnanand P 23, 64 Kumar Vikranth 282, 286 Kwak Jun Soo 230, 231, 234, 276 Kweon Kibum 89, 277 Kweon Soon-Jong 191 Kweon Young-Up 124 Kwon Hyo Joung 98 Kwon Jin-Kyung 215, 220, 221, 254 Kwon O Hyeon 77 Kwon Soo Jeong 187 Kwon Soo-Jeong 189, 190 Kwon Soon Il 267, 279, 303 Kwon Soon-Il
374 색인 Name Page Name Page Name Page Kwon Soon-Jae 27, 78, 83, 85, 104, 125, 208, 211, 221 Kwon Soon-Wook 270 Kwon Suk-Yoon 255 Kwon Sung Won 169, 220, 295 Kwon Sun-Jung 272 Kwon Taek-Ryoun 191, 205 Kwon Taek-Ryun 61 Kwon Ye Jin 230 Kwon Ye-Jin 234 Kwon Yeong-Up 149, 179 Kwon Yong-Ik 133, 134 Kwon Young-Ju 284 L Laila Rawnak 16 Lee Byung-Moo 178 Lee Chaeyoung 148, 205 Lee Chang-Kyu 206 Lee Chang-Yong 34, 162, 163, 253 Lee Chan-mi 53 Lee Cheol Won 242 Lee Dae-Woo 229 Lee Daewoong 298 Lee DoKyoung 273 Lee Dong Hee 202, 215 Lee Dong-Kyu 169, 295 Lee Dongryung 127 Lee Dong-Sun 133 Lee Dong-Yup 295 Lee Dooyoung 288 Lee Du-Hwa 293 Lee Eun-Ju 145 Lee Gang-Seob 150, 152, 167, 177, 229 Lee Gi-An 87, 94, 95, 104, 106, 107 Lee Gileung 22 Lee Gung Pyo 317 Lee Gyu-Ho 137 Lee Hana 295 Lee Hea-Young 221, 254 Lee Hee-Bong 104, 208 Lee Hong Gil 243, 292 Lee Ho-Seok 293 Lee Ho-Sun 95, 104 Lee Hye Jin 77 Lee Hye-Eun 147 Lee Hye-Jung 68, 70, 110, 111, 112 Lee Hyerim 30 Lee Hye-young 151 Lee Hyo Ju 301 Lee Hyo-Jeong 102 Lee Hyo-Ryeon 218 Lee Hyoung Yool 173, 216 Lee Hyo-Yeon 133, 134, 176 Lee Hyun Ju 301 Lee Hyun Sam 151 Lee Hyung Jin 184, 185 Lee Hyun-Ju 150 Lee Hyun-Sook 24, 39, 61, 209 Lee Hyun-Suk 135, 136, 137 Lee Jae-Chul 61 Lee Jae-Soon 279 Lee Jae-Yong 145 Lee Je Min 182 Lee Jeom-Ho 81, 139 Lee Jeong-Dong 23, 29, 64, 65, 73, 236, 266, 268, 283 Lee Jeong-Hee 211 Lee Jeongyeo 168 Lee Jin Su 31, 209, 261 Lee Jin-Hyoung 192, 205 Lee Jin-Seok 81, 139 Lee Jinsoo 85 Lee Ji-Yoon 149, 179 Lee Ji-Young 318 Lee Jong-Hee 149, 179 Lee Jong-Ho 181 Lee Jonghoon 28 Lee Jong-Ro 95 Lee Jong-Yeol 202, 203, 204, 294 Lee Joohyun 175, 274 Lee Joung-Ho 220 Lee Ju Kyong 100, 101 Lee Ju Seok 21, 29, 65 Lee Ju-Hyun 253 Lee JuneSung 196 Lee Jung-Hun 318 Lee Jung-Ro 87, 94, 95, 104, 106, 107 Lee Junki 140 Lee Ki Jung 202, 215 Lee Ki-Won 97, 198, 200 Lee Kwang-Won 61 Lee Kyeong-Ryeol 280 Lee Kyounghee 292 Lee Kyung Hee 210 Lee Kyung Jun 94, 95, 106 Lee Kyung-gin 174 Lee Kyung-Hee 197, 218 Lee Man Bo 96 Lee Marina 182 Lee Min Seuk 92 Lee Mingi 138 Lee Mi-Ye 168 Lee Moon-Soon 190 Lee Myoung Hee 211 Lee Myung-Chul 95, 98, 114, 223 Lee Myung-Hee 87, 88 Lee Na-Ra 156 Lee O New 98 Lee Saisbeul 149, 179 Lee Sang-Choon 28, 140, 169, 295 Lee Sang-Hoon 97, 198, 200 Lee Sanghyeob 62 Lee Sanghyun 151 Lee Seong Ho 170 Lee Seong Tae 113 Lee Seong-Tae 41, 59 Lee Seulki 192 Lee Seung-Bum 302 Lee Si-Myung 177, 183 Lee Sok-Young 87, 93, 94, 95, 104, 106, 107 Lee Soo In 31, 209, 261 Lee Su Young 77 Lee Sukyeung 69, 98, 114, 223 Lee Sung Chul 237, 239, 244, 284, 285 Lee Sunghoon 277 Lee Tong-Geon 287 Lee Won-Ju 187, 189 Lee Woo Kyung 211 Lee Ye-Ji 150 Lee Yeong-Ju 61 Lee Yeon-Hee 61 Lee Yi 194, 195, 231, 235, 237, 238, 272, 276 Lee Yong-Jin
375 색인 Name Page Name Page Name Page Lee Yoon Jeong 202, 215 Lee Yoon Kyung 201 Lee Yoonjung 274 Lee Young-Hee 87, 88 Lee Young-Pyo 302 Lee Young-Sang 159 Lee Yun Sun 140, 169, 295 Lee Yunjoo 201 Lee Yu-Young 89, 277 Li Binbin 153 Li Feng Peng 34, 162 Li Hong-Yu 176 Li Xiaonan 170 Lim DaEun 270 Lim Dong Kyu 220 Lim Hyemin 152, 167, 229 Lim Jin Hee 206 Lim Jung-Hyun 286 Lim Ki-Byung 134, 228 Lim Myung-Ho 191, 192, 205 Lim Sanghyun 207 Lim Sang-Jong 124 Lim Soohwan 168 Lim Soo-Hyun 273, 274 Lim Sun-Hyung 202, 203, 204, 294 Lim Yong Pyo 15, 170 Lim Yong-Pyo 315 Liu Jing Miao 286 Liu Li 129 M Ma Kyung-Ho 87, 93, 94, 95, 104, 106, 107 Mancia Franklin Hinosa 228 Manoharan Ranjith Kumar 17 Mekapogu Manjulatha 89 Meng Qingfeng 282 Min Chul Woo 281 Min Sung Ran 157 Min Sun-Kyung 162 Mizoi Junya 124, 223 Moon Jin-Seok 124, 223 Moon Jun-Cheol 155, 178 Moon Jung-Kyoung 156 Moon Jung-Kyung 29, 139 Moon Mi-Sun 174 Moon Sunok 33 N Na Han-Jung 61 Nah Gyoungju 273, 274 Nahm Baek-hie 82, 83, 217 Nahm Seokhyeon 255 Nam Jeong-Hwan 89, 277 Nam Jeong-Kwon 67 Nam Jong-Chul 121 Nam Min-Hee 149, 179 Nam Su-Jin 236, 279 Nguyen Thi Hoai Thuong 128, 154 Nguyen Tien Dung 33, 128, 153, 154, 169 Nguyen Van Ngoc Tuyet 197 Nino Marjohn 68, 70, 111 Nogoy Franz 110 Nogoy Franz Marielle 111 Noh Eun Woon 279 Noh Ill Sup 128 Nou Ill-Sup 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 28, 68, 70, 111, 157, 219, 315 O Oh Chang-Sik 184, 185 Oh Eun Ui 92 Oh Hyun-Jeong 103 Oh In-Seok 111 Oh Ki-Won 87, 88 Oh Sang Heon 170 Oh Se Jong 223 Oh Sejong 98, 114 Oh Sewon 138, 180, 184, 222 Oh Sung Aeong 33, 128, 153, 154, 169 Oh Sung Hwan 149, 179 Oh Sung-Dug 177, 183 Oh Sung-Il 138 Oh Yong-Seok 206 Oh Youngjae 138, 180, 184, 222 Oh Young-Jin 59, 177 Oh Young-Ju 177 Ohn Ji Hye 185 Oo Moe Moe 33, 154 Oo Win Htet 34, 162, 166 Ouk Sothea 68, 111 P Pae Suk-Bok 87, 88 Paek Nam-Chon 194, 243, 286 Pahk Yoon Mok 82, 83 Pai Hyun-Sook 293 Pang Wenxing 170 Park Beom-Seok 34, 158, 163, 166 Park Boem Seok 253 Park BoSeu 196 Park Chang-Hwan 139 Park Chanmi 237, 239, 244, 284, 285 Park Chul-Soo 41, 294 Park Chung-Mo 284 Park Dong-Soo 149, 179 Park Eun Seong 87, 104 Park Eung-Jun 218 Park Gyu Tae 236, 266, 268, 283 Park Hae-Rim 273 Park Han Yong 98 Park Hyang-Mi 89, 277, 278 Park Hyeon Mi 285 Park Hyo Jin 169 Park Hyo-Jin 128, 154 Park Hyoung-Ho 59 Park Hyung Soo 97 Park Hyung-ho 124 Park Hyun-Seung 169, 295 Park Hyun-Su 67 Park Inkyu 168 Park Jae-Wan 87 Park Jeong Mee 255 Park Jiho 64 Park Jin Sol 202, 215 Park Jong Yeol 101 Park Jong-Chul 41, 59, 177 Park Jong-Ho 59, 177 Park Jonghwa 53 Park Jong-In 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 219 Park Joo-Seok 148, 205 Park June Hyun 8, 269 Park Junhyeong 222 Park Ki-Chan
376 색인 Name Page Name Page Name Page Park Kwang-Geun 41, 59 Park Kyong-Cheul 100 Park Mi Suk 141, 142 Park Mi-Jeong 284 Park Myoung-Ryoul 156 Park Ohkmae K. 279 Park Sang Ik 238 Park Sang Kun 228 Park Sang Kyu 204 Park Slki 303 Park So Hyeon 195 Park Soo-Chul 152, 167 Park Soo-Kwon 156 Park Soon Ju 286 Park Soon Ki 33, 128, 153, 154, 169, 191, 192, 205 Park Soo-Yun 183 Park Sumin 21, 29, 65 Park Sung Han 152 Park Tae-Il 59 Park Yong Chan 168 Park Yong-Jin 34, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 253 Park Young Chul 94 Park Young Chul 207 Park Younghoon 157, 298 Park Youngki 86 Perumal Sampath 28 Priatama Ryza A. 282, 286 Q Qin Yang 191, 192, 205 R Ra Won-Hee 34, 162 Rai Arti 220, 294 Ramekar Rahul Vasudeo 100, 101 Rastogi Khushboo 318 Raveendar Sebastin 87, 95, 104, 106, 107 Rhee Sangkee 290 Ro Na-Young 69, 98, 107, 114 Robin Arif Hasan Khan 16 Roh Kyung Hee 280 Roy Swapan Kumar 187, 188, 189, 190 Ryu Hojin 85 Ryu Jaehwang 302 Ryu Jaihyunk 85, 104, 208 Ryu Kook Hui 318 Ryu Kyoung Ou 5 Ryu Kyoung-Yul 69 S Sa Kyu Jin 100, 101 Saha Gopal 18, 219 Sakuraba Yasuhito 286 Seo Eunyoung 175 Seo Hak Soo 230, 231, 234, 236, 266, 268, 276, 283 Seo Jang-Kyun 272 Seo Jeonghwan 127 Seo Joodeok 28 Seo Min Jung 81 Seo Min-Jung 139 Seo Mi-Suk 174, 175 Seo Pil Joon 243, 284, 292 Seo Yong Weon 45, 83, 96, 224, 230, 232, 233, 240, 242, 273, 287, 300 Shannon J. Grover 64 Shim Donghwan 34, 106, 107, 158, 163, 166 Shim Eun-Jo 227 Shin Ah-Young 255 Shin Chanseok 8, 269, 288 Shin Chanseok 8, 288 Shin Dongjin 149, 179 Shin Hyunsuk 138, 180, 184, 222 Shin Inchul 290 Shin Kong-Sik 191, 192, 205 Shin Kyoung Soon 156 Shin Oonha 273 Shin Sang-Yoon 288 Shin Seonghyu 81 Shin Seungho 178 Shinozaki Kazuo 124, 223 Siddique Muhammad Irfan130, 294 Sierra Sheryl N. 80 Silvanovich Andre 185 Sim Sung-Chur 57, 206, 179 Soh Eun-Hee 103, 227 Soh Moon-Soo 33, 154 Sohn Hwang-Bae 89 Sohn Seong-Han 174, 175, 192, 228 Sohn Soo-In 177, 183 Sohn Whang-Bae 277 Son Beom-Young 81, 139 Son Eun-Ho 93 Son Jae-Han 41, 177 Son Youngbo 149, 179 Song Deuk-Young 87, 88 Song In-Ja 133 Song Jong Tae 23, 33, 154, 230, 234, 236, 266, 268, 283 Song Jong-Tae 73 Song Kihwan 62 Song Kitae 178 Song Kwan Jeong 92, 94 Song Kwan Jeong 207 Song Seon-Kyeong 70, 112 Song Sung-Jun 176 Song Tae-Hwa 59, 177 Song Won-Yong 24 Song You-Chun 149, 179 Struss Darush 130 Suh Eun-Jung 61 Suh Jeong-Pal 145 Suh Jung-Pil 67 Suh Seok-Cheol 205 Suh Seok-Chul 302 Suh Su Jeoung 303 Sun Hyeon-Jin 134, 176 Sundaramoorthy Jagadeesh 236, 266, 268, 283 Sung Dan 10 Sung Jung-Sook 69 T Tai Thomas H. 223 Thamilarasan Senthil Kumar 17, 19 Than Vicheka 135 Thuong Nguyen Thi Hoai 169 Tian Qing 185 Todaka Daisuke 124, 223 Tong Wei 34, 161, 162 Tsevelkhoroloo Maral
377 색인 Name Page Name Page Name Page U Uhm Yoon Kyung 151, 207 Ulziisaikhan Javzandulam 176 Um Yurry 194, 195, 231, 235, 238, 272, 276 Um Yurry 195, 231, 235, 238, 272, 276 V Vicheka Than 136 W Wang Heng 270 Wang Seung-Hyun 286 Wang Xiao-Qiang 162 Wang Yiming 282 Win Khin Thanda 62 Won Jungyeon 138, 180, 184, 222 Won So Youn 174, 175, 192, 228 Won Yong-Jae 67 Woo Hee-Jong 191, 192, 205 Woo Je Wook 265, 267 Woo Jinkyu 151 Woo Mi-Ok 186 Woo Sun-Hee 93, 187, 188, 189, 190 X Xuan Yuan Hu 286 Y Yacoubi Inès 45 Yamaguchi-Shinozaki Kazuko 124, 223 Yang Hee-Bum 213 Yang Jin Ho 202, 215 Yang Jong-Ho 187, 188 Yang Jung-Il 289 Yang Seon-Mo 93 Yang Tae-Jin Yang Tae-Jin 28, 140, 169, 295 Yeam Inhwa 182, 316 Yeom Seon-In 175, 196 Yi Gi-Hwan 135, 136, 137 Yi Kyunguk 94 Yi Yealim 206 Yoo Bong Sik 77 Yoo Chang Soo 22 Yoo Jemin 194, 195, 238 Yoo Soo-Cheul 194 Yoo Yo-Han 60, 127 Yoon Ho-Sung 278 Yoon Hye-Jin 61, 82 Yoon Jin Seok 240 Yoon Jinmi 289 Yoon Min-Young 34, 158, 162, 163, 164 Yoon Moo-Kyoung 227 Yoon Seongmun 292 Yoon Sun-Yung 103 Yoon Ui-Soo 210 Yoon Ung-Han 150 Yoon Yeo-Tae 39 Yoon Young Ha 83, 146, 224 Yoon Young-Hwan 61 You Jang-Hwan 110 Yu Dal-A 68, 70, 110, 112 Yu Je-Hyeok 93, 190 Yu Jie 34, 159, 162, 165 Yu Xiaona 15 Yu Yeisoo 7, 28 Yu Yoye 30 Yun Boo Min 128 Yun Byoung-Kook 34, 162 Yun Byung-Wook 135 Yun Dae-Jin 142 Yun Doh-Won 177, 183 Yun DongKue 196 Yun Geon-Sig 59 Yun Hong-Tai 111 Yun Min-Heon 93, 190 Yun Sopheap 135, 136 Yun Yeo-Tae 61 Yun Young-Ho 93 Z Zamir Dani 6 Zhang Chunying 62 Zhang Jun-Ying
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