경부종괴의 임상적 고찰

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1 한국영양학회지 (Korean J Nutr) 2009; 42(2): 189~ 196 DOI /kjn 자 료 코덱스영양소기준치설정을위한인구집단및영양소의종류선정 * 조윤옥 1) 김혜영 A 2) 최영선 3) 임현숙 4) 권오란 5) 장남수 5) 덕성여자대학교식품영양학과, 1) 용인대학교식품영양학과, 2) 대구대학교식품영양학과, 3) 전남대학교식품영양학과, 4) 이화여자대학교식품영양학과 5) The Scope of Population Groups and Nutrients for Codex Nutrient Reference Values * Cho, Youn-Ok 1) Kim, Hye-Young P. 2) Choi, Young-Sun 3) Lim, Hyeon-Sook 4) Kwon, Oran 5) Chang, Namsoo 5) Department of Food and Nutrition, 1) Duksung Women s University, Seoul , Korea Department of Food and Nutrition, 2) Yongin University, Yongin , Korea Department of Food and Nutrition, 3) Daegu University, Gyeongsan , Korea Department of Food and Nutrition, 4) Chonnam National University, Gwangju Korea Department of Nutritional Science and Food Management, 5) Ewha Womans University, Seoul , Korea ABSTRACT The purposes of this study were to establish the scope of population groups to be set and nutrients to be included for Codex Nutrient Reference Values (NRVs). Examination of a variety of documents and reports on the principles of scientific evidence was gone through to choose representative groups from a variety of population groups and kinds of nutrients for setting Codex NRVs. Also, hearings from the groups of NRVs expertise has been formed and was gone through by e-working process. The differences of food and foods being consumed in general and by specific population groups and limited actual space on packages for food labeling were considered. This paper suggest the options on the scope of population groups to be set and nutrients to be included for Codex NRVs on the basis of the above procedures. Also, the advantages and disadvantages of these options are commented when the options are applied for establishment and revision of the Codex NRVs. (Korean J Nutr 2009; 42(2): 189 ~ 196) KEY WORDS: codex NRVs, food labelling, DRIs, population group, nutrient list. 서 식품의영양표시에사용되는현행 Codex nutrient reference values (NRVs) 는, 1988년 Helsinki Report 1) 이후, 일반인구집단 (general population) 을대상으로, 단백질과비타민 9종및무기질 7종에대해한세트 (set) 가제정되어있다. 영양소요구량을달리하는다양한인구집단이있으나, 식품의영양표시를목적으로영양소기준치를설정할경우에다수의집단에대해다수영양소의기준치를설정하기에는현실적으로어려움이있다. 그러나연령과성별이다른여러인구집단에대한영양소요구량에대한근거자료들이축적되면서좀더다양한인구집단에대해, 좀더여러가지영양소 * This research was supported by the grant from the Korea Food and Drug Administration (KFDA ). To whom correspondence should be addressed. yunokcho@duksung.ac.kr 론 에대해 NRVs 를설정해야한다는주장이제기되어왔다. 이외에건강을유지하기위한영양의역할에주목하여, 비감염성질환의위험을줄이기위한목적으로탄수화물이나지방을포함한다량영양소나나트륨을포함한전해질의 NRVs 제정필요성도대두되었다. NRVs 의개정내지새로운제정은어떤인구집단에대해또한어떤영양소에대해설정해야할것인가에대한과학적근거와필요성에근거해이루어져야하며, 또한세계각국의의견도최대한반영되어야할것이다. 따라서본과제에서는 NRVs 개정에대한근거자료를마련하기위해, 일반인구집단이외에추가해야할인구집단및현행 17종영양소이외에어떤영양소를추가로선정해야할것인가에대한의견을제시하고자하였다. 연구방법 NRVs 설정을위한대상집단및대상영양소선정기준 2009 The Korean Nutrition Society

2 190 / 코덱스 NRVs 설정을위한인구집단과영양소종류 의원칙및적용가능성을조사하기위하여현재의 Codex NRVs 설정의역사적배경과문제점을분석하였다. 또한여러국가및관련기관에서제정한활용가능한섭취기준을검토하고, NRVs 설정을위한대상집단및대상영양소선정기준에대한각국및기관의의견을수렴하고그내용을요약하기위하여 NRVs 설정에대한제외국의중요보고서및의견수렴결과를면밀히검토하였다. 이를바탕으로 NRVs 개정원칙에대한토론질문지를작성하고, CODEX Korea 을이용하여 2007 년 4월에 e-working group (EWG) 에해당하는국가들에게 Codex NRVs 개정목적의대상집단및대상영양소선정원칙기준에대한질문지를발송하여그에대한의견을입수하였다. 2007년 5월 17일 ~5월 18일에식품의영양표시를위한영양소기준치설정원칙을주제로국제전문가워크샵을개최하여, Codex NRVs 개정목적의대상집단및대상영양소선정기준의토론에참여한국가및기관의대표자의의견을수렴및반영하였다. 연구결과및고찰인구집단의선정 Helsinki Report에서술된일반인구집단에대한정의는임신 수유부를제외한 4세이상의인구를의미하며, 대부분의경우 3세를초과하는인구의모든구성원들이같은종류의식품을섭취함에그근거를두고있다. NRVs 를추가로설정해야할대표인구집단에대한논의에서는일반인구집단과특수인구집단에의해구매되는식품과소비정도를고려하여야한다. 4세이상을일반적인인구집단으로분류하는근거는어린이가 4세가되면식품섭취패턴이성인들의패턴과유사하며, 4세의활동적인어린이의에너지요구량이신체가작고덜활동적인성인의에너지필요량과유사하다는것이다. 2,3) 일반인구집단외에우선적으로추가 되어야할집단으로영유아집단이가장많이제안되었다. Codex CCNFSDU 4-6) 는영유아식품이다른인구집단에의해소비되지않으므로영유아를위한별도의기준치설정이있어야한다고주장하였다. 일반인구집단에대한정의는 4세이상의인구집단으로하고, 일반인구집단에대한 population-weighted average를 NRVs 설정원칙으로결정할경우에현재각국마다 DRIs 또는 RDA 설정에다양하게분류되어있는연령기준을조정하는데있어어려움이예상된다. 일반인구집단외에추가해야할인구집단으로영유아를고려할경우에 Codex CCNFSDU 회의에서회원국간에영유아, 유아등대상인구집단의연령범위에대해 Table 1에서보는바와같이상당한이견들을보였다. South Africa 를제외한 EWG 회원국들은다양한인구집단을위한 NRVs 설정에있어의견을개진하지않았다. 7) 또한각국에서 DRIs 설정시분류한생애주기별연령구분은, Table 2에보는바와같이, 국가간에일치하지않는다. 우리나라 8) 와일본 9) 은 1~2세와 3~5세, 미국및캐나다, 10-14) 오스트레일리아 / 뉴질랜드 15) 는 1~3 세와 4~8세, 필리핀, 16) 유럽연합, 17) 영국 (Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition, 세계보건기구, 18) 동남아국가 16,19) 는 1~3세와 4~6세, 독일 / 오스트리아 / 스위스 20) 는 1~4세와 4~7세로유아연령을분류하고있다. 영아의경우도미국, 우리나라, 일본등은 0~ 5개월과 6~11 월로영아전기와후기로나누나, 그외의국가는연령분류가다른형국이다. 유럽의 SCF 21) 는상한섭취량설정에서영양소에따라 1~3세와 4~6세로구분하거나, 0~2세와 3~10세로구분을달리제시하고있어매우혼란스러운상황이다. 일반인구집단외에우선적으로추가되어야할인구집단에대한 2007년 EWG 회원국들의의견에서도영유아로집약되나, 이외에도임신부, 수유부와같은특수집단에대한 NRVs의추가필요성을제시하였다. 유럽연합은일반 Table 1. Various options of selecting different populations as shown in the Summary of Recommendations from Various Authoritative Scientific Reports and EWG members (CX/NFSDU 06/28/8) Helsinki report EC SCF, 2003 IOM report, 2004 Aus/NZ, 2005 EC to 12 months 1 to 3 years (13-36 months) 1 through 3 years (13-47 months) 6 months to 3 years (6-36 months) 6 months to 4 years (6-48 months) General population Pregnant and lactating women Other age groups 7/12 months SA 2006 USA 2006

3 한국영양학회지 (Korean J Nutr) 2009; 42(2): 189~196 / 191 Table 2. Ages of different populations of dietary reference intakes of various countries Infants (month) Children (year) Male, female (year) Japan (2005) USA ( ) UK (1991) Philippines (2002) German/austria/ switzerland (2000) Australia/NZ (2004) EU (1993) FAO/WHO (2001) Southeast Korea asia (2005) (2005) Male, female Male, female 인구집단외에영유아인구집단만을추가할것을제안하였는바, 그이유로 NRVs 표시공간이제한적이란점과영유아식품의구분이뚜렷하다는점을들었으며, 영유아를위한 NRVs의설정은기제시된영유아식품의기준치 6,22) 를참조할것을제안하였다. 미국 FDA도일반인구집단외에추가할인구집단으로역시영유아인구집단을제안하였으나, 영유아의연령범위등에관한설정원칙을정해야하는등고려해야할사항들이있으므로향후의제로하고, 현재는일반인구집단을위한 NRVs 제정원칙에만집중할것을주장하였다. 그외국가의실무그룹은각 option 에대한구체적인안을제시하지않았다. 이상의검토결과에근거하여본연구에서는다양한인구집단의선정에관해아래와같이 3가지개선안 (options) 을제시하고자한다. 개선안 I: 일반인구집단을위한 1 set의 NRVs 설정장점 1) 단순하여표시목적으로사용하기에편리함. 2) 3~4 세이상의어린이와성인이일반적으로동일한식품을먹는다는사실에근거함. 3) NRVs 개정의복잡성을고려할때처음에는일반인구집단의 NRVs 선정원칙을우선적으로결정하고, 다른인구집단의 NRVs 설정을고려하는것이수월함. 1) 성인의영양소요구량과매우다른영유아를위한식 품의영양표시에사용하는데어려움이예상됨. 2) 다양한인구집단의선택과적절한사용을반영하지못함. 3) 다양한식생활특성을가진국가들의다수의기준치필요성을충족시킬수없음. 개선안 II: 일반인구집단외영유아인구집단을위한 NRVs를추가하여 2 sets의 NRVs 설정장점 1) 성인의영양소요구량과매우다른영유아를위한식품의영양표시에사용할수있음. 2) 현재 Codex의 The processed cereal-based foods for infants and young children 의기준치를검토 적용할수있음. 3) 현재 EC SCF 의 The processed cereal-based foods for infants and young children 와 Baby foods for infants and young children 의기준치를검토 적용할수있음. 1) 영유아의연령범위에대한원칙과합의도출이복잡함. 2) 6~12개월의영아와 1~3세, 6개월 ~3세, 1~4세등의정의가일반인구집단의정의에영향을미칠수있고결국 population-weighted value에영향을미칠수있음. 3) 영유아의기준치선정의기초가되는영양섭취기준의

4 192 / 코덱스 NRVs 설정을위한인구집단과영양소종류 연령범위가매우다양하여 (Table 2), 역시 populationweighted value 를구해야하는등의어려움이있음. 4) 6개월부터포함할경우, 영양소에따라 6~12개월의경우충분섭취량이나 1세부터는평균필요량과권장섭취량으로제시되는등의기준이다를경우 population-weighted value 를추정하는데어려움이예상됨. 개선안 III: 3 인구집단이상의여러 NRVs sets 설정장점 1) 다양한인구집단의선택과적절한사용을반영할수있음. 2) 다수의 NRVs sets 가제시될경우, 해당국가의식생활특성에따라하나또는그이상의 NRVs sets 를다양하게선택할수있음. 1) 동일한식품이다수의인구집단에의해소비될경우여러 set의 NRVs가표시에사용되면소비자에게혼란을주기쉬움. 2) 동일한식품이다수의인구집단에의해소비될경우여러 set의 NRVs가표시에사용되면가공식품의영양표시공간이늘어나기쉬움. 3) 다양한인구집단의 NRVs sets 를둘경우, 해당특수인구집단의주소비가공식품에대한분류가명확해야하는데그렇지못할경우혼란을야기할수있음. 영양소의선정 Codex Guidelines on Nutrition Labeling의 Reference value에관해 1988 년 Helsinki Report 1) 이후 Codex guidelines on nutrition labeling CAC/GL (Rev ) 23) 에서개정되어, 단백질, vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin C, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B 6, folate, vitamin B 12, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, iodine, copper와 selenium ( 이들중 copper와 selenium은특정값이정해지지않았음 ) 에대해 NRVs를설정하였으며, 현재까지이어져오고있다 (Table 3). 그러나 2004 년 24) 에는 vitamin E, vitamin K, pantothenic acid, biotin, carotenoids (beta-carotene, lutein, lycopene, boron, copper, chromium, fluoride, manganese, selenium, vanadium, choline, 장쇄오메가 -3 지방산, 장쇄오메가 6-지방산이추가되어야할영양소로제시되었으며, 이밖에식품이나보충제를따로보충할필요는없다는조건으로추가되어야할영양소로염소, 칼륨, 인, 나트륨등이제안되었다. 현재각국제기구별영양표시제를위한영양소기준치설정시단백질에대해서는대체로유사한값을제시하고있으나비타 Table 3. Nutrient reference values (CODEX guidelines on nutrition labeling CAC/GL ,Rev ) Nutrient Value Protein (g) 50 Vitamin A (μg/d) 800 Vitamin D (μg/d) 005 Vitamin C (mg/d) 060 Thiamine (mg/d) 1.4 Riboflavin (mg/d) 1.6 Niacin (mg/d) 018 Vitamin B6 (mg/d) 002 Folate (μg/d) 200 Vitamin B12 (μg/d) 001 Calcium (mg/d) 800 Magnesium (mg/d) 300 Iron (mg/d) 014 Zinc (mg/d) 015 Iodine (μg/d) 150 Copper (mg/d) Value to be established Selenium (μg/d) Value to be established 민과무기질에대해서는다양한종류와값을제시하고있다 (Table 4). 17,25,26) 현재각국에서영양섭취기준이설정되어있는설정기준및영양소의종류는국가간에일치하지않는다. 8-20) 다량영양소인단백질, 총탄수화물및총지질에대해서는 AMDR 을설정하고있으며 (Table 5), 비타민및무기질에대해서는단일값을설정하고있으나그종류는국가간에일치하지않는다 (Table 6, 7) 년 EWG 회원국들은다음과같은이유로 1단계사업으로는비타민과무기질에한정할것에동의하였다. 첫째, 비타민과무기질의필수불가결성은확립이되어있으며, 둘째, 식품의다른성분에비하여비타민과무기질에대한필요량이나권장량에대한과학적근거가충분하며, 셋째, 대부분의강화식품의강화성분은비타민과무기질에집중되어있으며, 넷째, 건강및영양에관한문제의대부분이비타민및무기질과연관되어있는경향이있다. 다량영양소에대해서는 Codex Guidelines for Nutrition Labelling 에비타민과무기질뿐아니라단백질도포함되어있으므로단백질의 NRVs도개정해야할필요가있음을인식하였으나그밖의다량영양소들의 NRVs 설정을위해서는별도의원칙에대한고려가있어야하므로대부분의회원국이향후작업으로넘길것을제안하였다. 대부분의대표집단들도세계보건기구의비감염성질환의위험을줄이기위한보고 27) 에따라다량영양소나전해질 NRVs 의설정필요성에는동의하나, 다량영양소의 NRVs 설정에따른새로운원칙과고려사항 ( 예 : 탄수화물이나지방의경우대부분의권장량이

5 한국영양학회지 (Korean J Nutr) 2009; 42(2): 189~196 / 193 연령이나특수영양섭취집단에대한고려없이에너지적정비율로표시하고있음 ) 에대한의견조율의어려움과, 장쇄지방산, leutein, choline, lycopene 등에대해서는과학적근거가충분하지않음을들어 NRVs 설정에동의하지않았다 (Table 8). 이상의검토결과에근거하여본연구에서는 NRVs 설정 을위한영양소의종류선정에대해아래와같이 3가지개선안 (option) 을제시하고자한다. 개선안 I: 비타민과무기질만우선적으로설정장점 1) 비타민과무기질의필수성은이미잘정립되어있음. 2) 비타민과무기질권장량을정할수있는과학적인자 Table 4. International comparison of nutrient reference values for nutrition labeling in vitamins and minerals Helsinki report (1988) CODEX 93/22 EC SCF (2003) IOM report (2004) Vitamin A (μg/d) IU Vitamin D (μg/d) IU Vitamin E (mg/d) IU Vitamin K (μg/d) IU Vitamin C (mg/d) IU Thiamine (mg/d) Riboflavin (mg/d) Niacin (mg/d) IU Vitamin B6 (mg/d) Folate (μg/d) IU Pantothenic acid (mg/d) IU Biotin (μg/d) IU Vitamin B12 (μg/d) Sodium (mg/d) IU Calcium (mg/d) IU Potassium (mg/d) IU Phosphorus (mg/d) IU Magnesium (mg/d) IU Iron (mg/d) IU Zinc (mg/d) IU Copper (mg/d) Iodine (μg/d) IU Selenium (μg/d) IU Table 5. International comparison of macro-nutrient list and terminology for nutrient reference values in adults Korea USA Japan Germany, Austria, Switzerland Philippines Southeast Asia EER 1 EER REI 2 RDA 3 Energy EAR 4 & RI 5 AI 6 AMDR 7 EAR & RDA AI AMDR EAR& RDA AMDR RNI RNI 8 RDA Protein Carbohydrate Fat Linoleic acid α-linolenic acid Fiber Water 1) EER: Estimated Energy Requirements 3) RDA: Recommended Dietary Allowance 5) RI: Recommended Intake 7) AMDR: Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Ranges 2) REI: Recommended Energy Intakes 4) EAR: Estimated Average Requirements 6) AI: Adequate Intake 8) RNI: Recommended Nutrient Intake

6 194 / 코덱스 NRVs 설정을위한인구집단과영양소종류 Table 6. International comparison of vitamin list and terminology for nutrient reference values in adults Korea USA Japan Germany, Austria, Switzerland Philippines Southeast Asia EAR 1 & RI 2 AI 3 UL 4 EAR & RDA 5 AI UL EAR & RDA AI UL RNI 6 EVAI 7 RNI RDA Vitamin A Vitamin C Vitamin D Thiamine Riboflavin Niacin Vitamin B6 Folate Vitamin B12 Vitamin E Vitamin K Pantothenate Biotin Choline 1) EAR: Estimated Average Requirements 2) RI: Recommended Intake 4) UL: Tolerable Upper Intake Level 5) RDA: Recommended Dietary Allowance 7) EVAI: Estimated values for adequate intake 3) AI: Adequate Intake 6) RNI: Recommended Nutrient Intake 료가다른성분들보다많이있음. 3) NRVs 개정의복잡성을고려할때현재있는 NRVs 의틀을크게벗어나지않아의견조율이용이함. 4) 이미세계대부분의나라 ( 한국, 미국, 일본, 필리핀, 독일 / 오스트리아 / 스위스, 남아시아국가 ) 에서비타민과무기질권장량에대해서는다양한기준을정하여사용하고있음 (Table 6, 7). 5) 2007년 EWG 회원국들은비타민과무기질에주초점을두는것이가장우선이라는데모두동의함. 6) 영양과건강강조표시의사용을위한 Codex 규격 (Codex Guidelines for Use of Nutrition and Health Claims) 에서영양강조표시는 영양표시에관한 Codex규격 (Codex Guidelines on Nutrition Labelling) 에서 NRVs가정해진비타민무기질로제한해야한다고이미정하고있음. 7) 비타민과무기질보충제에관한 Codex 지침 에서비타민과무기질의양을표시할때 NRVs 가있다면 NRVs 의몇 % 인가를표시해야한다고기재되어있음. 1) 새로추가되는비타민과무기질의범위를어디까지로할지에대한심도깊은논의가요구됨. 2) 에너지관련만성질환문제에관한일반인들의관심을약화시킬수있음. 개선안 II: 다량영양소까지포함해서설정장점 1) 중요한다량영양소전반에관한국제기준치를정할수 있음. 2) 현재의 Codex Guidelines for Nutrition Labeling 에비타민과무기질뿐아니라단백질도포함되어있으므로단백질의 NRVs 도개정해야할필요가있음. 3) 여러나라의식사지침에서지방의섭취를줄이고, 복합탄수화물과식이섬유의섭취를늘이도록권장하고있으므로 NRVs 제정을통해식사지침의수행을용이하게할수있음. 1) 단백질을제외한탄수화물과지방의경우각나라별 ( 한국, 미국, 일본, 필리핀, 독일 / 오스트리아 / 스위스, 남아시아국가 ) 로아직권장량이정해지지않은경우가대부분이며, 권장량이정해진경우에도연령이나특수상황에대한고려없이에너지적정비율로만표기하고있는경우가대부분임 (Table 5). 2) 다량영양소의 NRVs 를설정하는데에는비타민무기질과다른새로운원칙의설정이필요함. 3) 세계각지역의문화특성에따라다량영양소의권장범위가다양할수있음. 개선안 III: 비감염성질환유발과관련된다른영양소들까지포함해서설정장점 1) 최근에중요한관심사로대두되고있는영양소들에대한지침을제시할수있음. 2) 비감염성질환예방을위한식사지침수립의자료로

7 한국영양학회지 (Korean J Nutr) 2009; 42(2): 189~196 / 195 Table 7. International comparison of mineral list and terminology for nutrient reference values in adults Korea USA Japan Germany, Austria, Switzerland Philippine Southeast Asia EAR 1 & RI 2 AI 3 UL 4 DG 5 EAR & RDA 6 AI UL EAR & RDA AI UL DG RNI 7 EVAI 8 RNI RDA Calcium Magnesium Iron Zinc Iodine Copper Selenium Phosphorus Manganese Molybdenum Chromium Fluoride Potassium Sodium Chloride Boron Nickel Vanadium 1) EAR: Estimated Average Requirements 3) AI: Adequate Intake 5) DG: Dietary Goal 7) RNI: Recommended Nutrient Intake 2) RI: Recommended Intake 4) UL: Tolerable Upper Intake Level 6) RDA: Recommended Dietary Allowance 8) EVAI: Estimated values for adequate intake Table 8. Summary of responses on listing nutrients for NRV from EWG members ARGENTINA AUSTRALIA BRAZIL COSTA RICA EC INDONESIA MALAYSIA USA (CRN) USA (FDA) Will we focus on vitamins and minerals primarily? 1 What is your view to add NRVs of macro nutrient? What is your view on establishing NRVs of other nutrients associated with increased and decreased risk of non communicable disease? 5 6 1) means positive response 2) Supports NRVs for Protein but not the expansion to the other macro nutrients 3) Supports NRVs for Protein but not the expansion to the other macro nutrients (The guideline for use of nutrition & health claims include criteria for protein and vitamins & minerals). But may be appropriate if in the future criteria for nutrition claims based on RI are included in the Codex guideline for use of nutrition & health claims 4) Concept is valid. But need to develop NRVs for all nutrients RDA-PRI values. As a practical decision, should have the immediate goal of setting NRVs for the vitamins & minerals. 5) No established requirement for energy, carbohydrate and fats on different ages. No references for long chain fatty acids, choline etc. 6) Concept is valid. But the difficulty will be in identifying and agreeing to values 활용할수있음. 1) NRVs 의목적이영양표시기준이라면, 실제로제품에너무많은양의정보를제공하는것이소비자에게더혼란이될수있음. 2) 어떤영양소를어떤기준으로선택할것인가에대한새로운원칙이필요함. 3) 비감염성질환유발과관련된영양소, 예를들어포화지방산, 나트륨등많은영양소의경우각나라별 ( 한국, 미국, 일본, 필리핀, 독일 / 오스트리아 / 스위스, 남아시아국가 ) 로아직권장량이정해지지않은경우가대부분이며, 권장량이정해진경우에도국제적으로합의된단일값이없는경우가대부분임.

8 196 / 코덱스 NRVs 설정을위한인구집단과영양소종류 Literature cited 1) FAO/WHO/Ministry of Trade and Industry, Finland. Recommended Nutrient Reference values for Food Labeling Purposes. Report of a Joint FAO/WHO Expert Consultation on Recommended Allowances of Nutrients for Food Labeling Purposes. Helsinki, Finland, September; ) Department of HSS, FDA. Food Labelling: Reference Daily Intakes and Daily Reference Values-Final rule. Federal Register, January ; 58(3): ) Institute of Medicine. Dietary Reference Intakes: Guiding Principles for Nutrition Labeling and Fortification. Washington (DC): National Academy Press; ) CODEX, CCNFSDU 28 th session, Discussion paper on the proposals for additional or revised nutrient reference values for food labelling purposes. Agenda Item 8, CX/NFSDU 06/28/8, Chiang Mai, Thailand, October; ) CX/NFSDU 98/9 CCNFSDU, Agenda Item 8 (b), Nutrient reference values for labelling purposes, July; ) European Commission (EC), Scientific Committee on Food (SCF)-Infant formulae and follow-on formulae SCF/CS/NUT/ IF/65 Final, May; ) CODEX, CCNFSDU 28 th session. Summary of inputs received from WG members on the revision and addition of NRVs for food labelling purposes during 2004 to 2005, with special focus on the criteria for establishing NRVs. CRD 12, Agenda Item 8, November; ) The Korean Nutiriton Society, Dietary Reference Intakes for Koreans, Seoul; ) Ministry of Health labour and Welfare, Japan, Dietary Reference Jntake for Japanese. The first publication; ) Institute of Medicine. Dietary reference intakes for calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, vitamin D, and fluoride. National Academy Press, Washington, DC; ) Institute of Medicine. Dietary reference intakes for thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, folate, vitamin B12, pantothenic acid, biotin, and choline. National Academy Press, Washington, DC; ) Institute of Medicine. Dietary reference intakes for vitamin A, Ar, Bo, Cr, Cu, I, Fe, Mn, Mo, Ni, Si, Va and Zn. National Academy Press, Washington, DC; ) Institute of Medicine. Dietary reference intakes for vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium, and carotenoids. National Academy Press, Washington, DC; ) Institute of Medicine. Dietary reference intakes for water, potassium, sodium, chloride, and sulfate (The US/Canada), Panel on Dietary Reference Intakes for Electrolytes and Water. National Academy Press, Washington, DC; ) National Health and Medical Research Council. Nutrient Reference Values for Australia and New Zealand including Recommended Dietary Intakes. Commonwealth Department of Health and Ageing, Australia, Ministry of Health, New Zealand; ) Food and Nutrition Research Institute, Department of Science and Technology. Recommended Energy and Nutrient Intakes, The Phillippines; ) European Commission (EC), Nutrient and energy intakes for the European Community. Opinion adopted by the Scientific Committee on Food on 12 December Reports of the Scientific Committee for Food, Thirsty-First Series. European Commission, Luxembourg, 18) WHO/FAO (World Health Organization and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations). Human Vitamin and Mineral Requirements. Report of a Joint FAO/WHO Expert Consultation, Bangkok, Thailand. FAO Rome; ) International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI) Southeast Asia Series. Recommended Dietary Allowances: Harmonization in Southeast Asia. Singapore; ) German Nutrition Society. Reference Values for Nutrient Intake. 1st ed. Bonn, Germany; ) European Commission (EC). Opinion of the Scientific Committee on Food on the Tolerable Upper Intake levels ) European Commission (EC), Scientific Committee on Food (SCF). The processed cereal-based foods and baby foods for infants and young children. Directive 2006/125/EC 23) CODEX guidelines on nutrition labeling CAC/GL (Rev ). 24) CODEX, CCNFSDU 26 th session, Report of the electronic working group on the revision and addition of NRV s for Food Labeling purposes. Agenda Item 4. CX/NFSDU 04/04/4Add.1, Bone, Germany, November; ) European Commission (EC), Opinion of the Scientific Committee on Food on the revision of reference values fro nutrition labelling. SCF/CS/NUT/GEN/18 Final 6, March; ) Institute of Medicine, Dietary Reference Intakes: Guiding principles for Nutrition Labeling and Fortification. The National Academies Press. Washington DC. ; ) WHO/FAO (World Health Organization and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations). Diet, Nutrition and the Prevention of Chronic Diseases. The Report of Joint WHO/FAO Expert Consultation. WHO Technical Report Series No.916. Geneva: World Health Organization,

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(Microsoft PowerPoint - 1 DRI\260\370\303\273\310\270718\300\261\301\370\274\367) 한국인영양섭취기준설정설정근거와체제체제 계명대학교식품영양학과윤진숙 목 차 영양섭취기준변경의필요성 DRIs와기존영양권장량과의차이점영양섭취기준설정시고려사항영양섭취기준의활용방안 영양섭취기준설정 영양권장량설정시작 : - 20 세기중반 (1943) - 최적건강유지를위한영양소섭취기준 주요영양문제 영양문제 : 영양부족 영양권장량의특성 영양권장량 : 건강한대다수일반사람들의영양필요량을충족시키는수준의섭취량

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