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1 의료용고분자 Medical Polymers 2014 Professor, Ph.D. Kim, Hong Sung Biomaterials, Applied Life Science, Pusan National University /bm/, Polymeric Biomaterials Lab., Medical Polymers & Functional Scaffolds,

2 Actives/Matrix Medical Polymers Drug Cells Functional Fillers Biological Environment Polymeric Biomaterials

3 임상병리, 생리작용, 면역체계 의용고분자, 구조물성, 합성, 성형 Medical & Physiological Treatment Polymeric Engineering Polymeric Biomaterials Biological mechanism 생체분자, 약물특성, 약리작용 Biochemistry & Pharmacology 세포생장, 생체반응, 대사작용

4 Material Engineers * Polymer Science * Biomaterials * Fabrication Technology Bioscientists * Cell Technology * Gene Methods * Growth Factors Clinical Scientists Biomedical Engineering Techniques * Identify Applications * Pre-clinical Studies * Clinical Trials Industrial Process Products FDA Clinical Practice

5 기초이론 ( 기존 ) vs. 첨단기술 ( 실용 ) 최신학술이론 ( 기존이론의변화 ) 실용적기술 ( 제품화 / 연구중인기술소개 ) 복합학문 / 융합체계 : 중첩영역과경계이론에중심 單刀直入 표절등학술적부정행위 / cheat & copy on exam & report

6 1. Polysaccharides as Biomaterials Bacterial Polysaccarides Cellulose and its Delivatives: blood purification, drug delivery systems Curdlan, Guar Gum, Pullulan Dextrin and Cyclodextrin Starch, Fucan Sulfates, Lectins, Hyaluronic acid, Hyaluronan, its Delivatives Alginate, Xanthan Gum, Pectin, Heparin, Chitosan

7 2. Biomimetics Biofunctional moleculers, Novel polymeric materials containing protein Protein matrix, Process methods 3. Polymers for Tissue Engineering Scaffolds Collagens, Polysacchaides 4. Biodegradable Polymers as Drug Carrier Systems Biodegradable polymers Biocompatibility and toxicity

8 Introduction Polymers for medicine applications extracorporeal devices designed implants Biocompatibility & Physicomechanical properties Polysaccharides Biocompatible, biodegradable, antiviral, antitumoral, gene modulators Used as Biomaterials: membranes, implants, skin replacements, scaffolds, hemostatic agents Pharmaceutical systems: drug conditioning, drug delivery systems fabrication Medical Polymers, Functional Polymers, and Biomaterials

9 Bacterial Polysaccharides Cellulose and its derivatives Blood Purification Hemodialysis/ Plasmapheresis/ Virus Removal/ Hemostasis Drug Delivery Systems Curdlan Guar Gum Pullulan Dextrin and Cyclodextrin Starch Microspheres and Microcapsules Starch Derivatives Fucan Sulfates

10 Lectins Hyaluronic Acid, Hyaluronan, and its derivatives Alginate Alginate Hydrogel Alginate-Polyelectrolyte Complexation Calcium Alginate as a Matrix for Delivery of Nucleic Acids Calcium Alginate as Microparticles for Drug and Drug Proteins Delivery Systems Calcium Alginate Wound Dressing Calcium Alginate as Tissue Engineering Pectin

11 Heparin Chitosan Biocompatibility and Bioadhesivity of Chitosan Chitosan and its Derivatives as Biomaterials for Wound Healing Chitosan Use as a Matrix for Drug Delivery Systems Microspheres and Microcapsules Gels Chitosan-Polyelectrolyte Complexation Chitosan as Scaffolds Chitosan-Based Vector-DNA Complexes for Gene Delivery Chitosan Derivatives Macromolecular Prodrugs Based on Chitosan Sterilization of Chitosan Medical Polymers, Functional Polymers, and Biomaterials

12 Encapsulated bacterial diseases most prevalent & serious infections in humans Capsular Polysaccharides (CPS) Surface carbohydrates of bacteria CPS or lipopolysaccarides(lps) protect by capsules in surroundings generally negative charged mono-, octa-saccharides, lineared or branched chemical basis of immunogenicity attractive vaccine candidates, reversely bacterial surface antigen / immunogenic in humans readily isolated & purified chemically & physically defined

13 Glycoconjugate vaccines Polysaccharide-protein carrier, covalently linked new generation, last 20 years Commercial vaccine 개발 : CP of 수막염균, 폐렴연쇄구균, 감기인플루엔자, 살모넬라균 carrier of 파상풍, 디프테리아, 콜레라, 백일해독소등 포유류 glycoproteins oligosaccharides, hydroxyamino acid or asparagine unit proteoglycans

14 Collagen (Fibril, ¼ total protein, 19 kinds) Proteoglycan (surface of cell) core protein glycosaminoglycan (GAG) linked Multiadhesive matrix protein Fibronectin, Laminin, etc Elastin fiber, 탄성체, 혈관, 1/3 glycine Aggrecan: Proteoglycan aggregates

15 GAG: disaccharides (sugar) uronic acid: D- glucuronic acid or D- galacturonic acid, L- iduronic acid aminosaccharide: N- acetylglucoamine or N- acetylgalactosamine negative charged: sulfate & carboxyl group hydrophilic gel buffer, molecular sieve control of activity linked enzyme, cytokine, etc Mucopolysaccharide

16 Hyaluron Heparin Chondroitin or Dermatan Keratan 연골조직 GAG: 나이가증가할수록 Chondroitin sulfate 단축 Keratan sulfate 연장 퇴행성변화

17 Medical Polymers, Functional Polymers, and Biomaterials

18 Brucella PS 의고유항원결합 complex Encapsuled bacteria 의면역은 PS 항원에반응하는항체에관련있음. 폐렴막대균의산소측쇄결핍 LPS 시험 CPS 는산소측쇄결핍부위에서보체저항의주요인이있다. 폐렴알균의 PS vaccine 임상실험 혈청형에따라질병발생이감소 폐렴연쇄구균 CPS vaccine 의인간단세포군시험 in-vitro: 캡슐상에보체침착, in-vivo: 치사량감염쥐의생존율연장

歯_892-906_ 2001년도 회원사명단.doc

歯_892-906_ 2001년도 회원사명단.doc Polymer Science and Technology Polymer Science and Technology Polymer Science and Technology Polymer Science and Technology Polymer Science and Technology Polymer Science and Technology Polymer Science

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