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1 The Sea Journal of the Korean Society of Oceanography Vol. 12, No. 3, pp , August 2007 [Note] n zt o { t q * t 1 rs rp~ v 2 nt o Š x q d p n 1d p n 2d p tvdn Impact of Fish Farming on Macrobenthic Polychaete Communities RAE-HONG JUNG, SANG-PIL YOON*, JUNG-NO KWON 1, JAE-SEONG LEE, WON-CHAN LEE, JUN-HO KOO 2, YOUN-JUNG KIM, HYUN-TAIK OH, SOK-JIN HONG AND SUNG-EUN PARK Marine Environment Research Team, National Fisheries Research & Development Institute (NFRDI), Busan , Korea 1 Research Planning Team, National Fisheries Research & Development Institute (NFRDI), Busan , Korea 2 Jeju Fisheries Research Institute, Jeju , Korea kep p p op lkp rˆ eˆ tnpp kr m. p l o 8o v lp mlkp keq(a, B)l kep p o mm p rv, rvl m rm o kk o l. r vp ~ sl v pp sl 81%~87% n k. v l vp s,, k nrsp kp m. 10 m pl o mmv sp Capitella capitata nr mp, s q k vp ol p e p p ˆ., C. capitata keqp v rp v rp p keq Al 18,410 ind. m 2 p kp mp, keqp l ~m k Ž p r~rp p sn m. C. capitatap ~ 10 m vr p 15 mv l s v m. p s p p p e o mm ˆ(highly polluted) l k o mm ˆ(slightly polluted) r pr(ecotone point)pp t. 15~60 m l s m p rp vm ov k o mm ˆp rpl(transitional zone)p lp vp t op Lumbrineris longifolia, Aphelochaeta monilaris p qqr o mmves pl. K-nr o }p kp v m p m. p ll rvl o mmp m p lv, o lp v r keqp vl p snl. Excessive input of organic matters from fish cage farms to the coastal waters has been considered as one of the major factors disturbing their benthic ecosystem. Sediment samples were taken from around the two fish cage zones (A and B) in Tongyeong coast in June and August 2003, to evaluate the ecological impacts of fish cage farming activity on the macrobenthic polychaete communities. Polychaete accounted for 81~87% of the total macrofauna individuals from each of the sampling stations. The number of species, abundance, diversity and dominant species of polychaete were rapidly changed with the distance from the fish cages. Within 10 m from the fish cages, Capitella capitata, which is a bio-indicator for the highly enriched sediments, was a dominant species and the lowest diversity was recorded. In particular, the maximum density (~18,410 ind. m 2 ) of C. capitata was found at Farm A where fish cages were more densely established within a semi-enclosed bay system. The sampling zone between 10 m and 15 m showed a rapid decrease of C. capitata with a rapid increase of the numbers of species, implying that this zone may be an ecotone point from a highly to a slightly enriched area. In the sampling zone between 15 m and 60 m, a transitional zone, which represents slightly enriched condition before normal one, was observed with additional increase and maintenance of the number of species and density of polychaete. In addition, the potential bio-indicators of organic enrichment, such as Lumbrineris longifolia and Aphelochaeta monilaris were the predominant species in the sampling zone. Multidimensional scaling *Corresponding author: spyoon@nfrdi.re.kr 159
2 160 r Ëo ËrËpqËpo Ët ËlrËm ˆË vëp (MDS) ordination plots and k-dominance curves confirmed the above results on the gradual changes in the macrobenthic polychaete communities. Our findings suggest that the magnitude of impact of fish cage farming activity on polychaete communities is probably governed by a distance from fish cage, density of fish cage and geomorphological characteristics around fish cage farm. Keywords: Aquaculture, Organic enrichment, Macrofauna, Polychaete, Tongyeong pn lkep r rp q q l tp p p l tnlp q p(fao, 2002). p n, 1975 m l l pn l lp kp p p 1980v l e MTp m q ov m. 1990l l kep ql špl lp 1997l 13,000 MTp, 2003l 37,000 MTp rp v m( k, 2004). kelp qp ˆ l v t l r r o. lp qp o l v r p l p 10l pp kp n(tsutumi et al., 1991). ke p v k p pp p ll p v k ns pq o p ˆ r p oe(hall et al., 1990, 1992; Tsutumi et al., 1991; Holby and Hall, 1991, 1994). dop vl keql ll keql ˆp 75-78%(Hall et al., 1990), vp 67-71%(Hall et al., 1992), pp 78-82%(Holby and Hall, 1991) t p oe p m., pq p v lp l p lp rp lkl 2-10(Brown et al., 1987, Hall et al., 1990; Holby and Hall, 1991; Ye et al., 1991), rp o p 10v p p kr p(ross, 1989; Hall et al., 1990; Holmer and Kristensen, 1992). rl o p n, l p p t ll eˆ k l p o o dp, kk, ˆ p p (Gowen and Bradbury, 1987; Holmer and Kristensen, 1992; Christensen et al., 2000a,b; Pearson and Black 2001). pm p o dp ke lp l vrrp o ppˆ p kr p(reynolds and Haines, 1980; Braaten et al., 1983; Gowen et al., 1990)., p p lp p, rl q p mkmp o rs p ep v pf ke l p eˆ (e.g. Cho, 1991; Lee et al., 1991; Song et al., 2004). rvl s k tp por l v r ˆ o p kl n p(bilyard, 1987; Carmargo, 1994)., o vl rvp pr p v, (1) s p s l p v, (2) r ~ p, (3) v pp, (4) vp r sp p p p kr p (Pearson and Rosenberg, 1978; Gray, 1979; Weston, 1990). rvp r o p rp mml l pp p p kr p(weston, 1990; Crawford, 2003). pm p po p l 1980 t p kep o, kek tep kep p rvp Ž }p m o r p p lp v lm(e.g. Brown et al., 1987; Tsutsumi et al., 1991; Wu et al., 1994; Pearson and Black, 2001; Brook et al., 2002; Yokoyama, 2002; Carroll et al., 2003). p p lp Pearson and Rosenberg(1978) re o mmll rvp r }p p l p mp, op o p 30 m vrvp rvl vrrp m p t p m(brown et al., 1987; Gowen and Bradbury, 1987; Ritz et al., 1989; Tsutsumi et al., 1991; Karakassis et al., 2000). l keqp k l m l l 1970 p t Žkeq m rp l p plr mp(sm, 1978; Cho et al., 1982; sm, 1983), 1990 p l ke qp p op op l rr l(e, 1997; p, 2004a), mp o pl l (p 2004b) ~rp lp l., p (2004a)p o mm l p r vp p el pf o mm m l rp e m., rv otp l p (1992) l p Žkeq v lp v l r s pl rp, keq l l mk (2000) r (2002)l p plrp, keq sp r v l rl l l m o s rp pl. ll keep vrm v r l p p m p p keql vl r, p m v p pf kep p l o mmp m rm o q m. m mys m r }vp me rm l o p
3 kep r vl m 161 Fig. 1. Schematic representation showing the configuration of sampling stations on each transect at site A and B around Tongyeong. keq(keq Am B)l l. keq A p r l 8 t p ke q B y m p l o pp t l keqp ll(fig. 1). keq Al ol l lvp 1p sp r l l 8 rr(0, 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 60 m)l s ee m p, keq Bl 8ol tep y y p p s( TS, TE)p r l p s l l 5 rr(0, 5, 15, 30, 50 m)l s ee m. r }v el n } r 0.05 m 2 p van Veen grabp rrl 2 j }v m. rp l 1.0 mmp ~ n l qsp mp, qsp 10% t nkl r l e e n m. e el qlp tn mp rl s tv r l m. lv l vp s Žk o s, ~ p p n mp ˆ r v sk(h')(shannon and Weaver, 1963) m. rrp vp krp o k-dominance curves(lambshead et al., 1983) rn m. o mm l vp kp nk vp o o}(non-metric multidimensional scaling, MDS)(Clarke and Green, 1988) p ee mp o p Bray-Curtis similarityl p l. p p ~ q r n m. h Š keq Al r ml 2 l,, 227,800 (23.1 MT) ke plp keq Bp l r 1,092 ml 2,, n 450,000 (154.3 MT)p l ke tpl. o nr (m 3 ) ke k eq A (42.9 kg), keq B (141.3 kg) ~ o mp lpp rp p keq Bl o nr p tp l pel pl. keq Am Bp pp p kg, 2,386 kgp p plv l r p r p pp keq Al 34,485 g m 2 yr 1, keq B l 40,034 g m 2 yr rp rp p ˆpf 1 vl p r sp pp ke m. rp p sp keq o l p 6.83~7.23 φ, e p 73%~76%p o evp rp t plp 1.22~1.52 φ ˆ(, 2004). o keq Al p ~ sp 86.6% q nr plp, pp 6.9%, l~p 4.1% v m. l s 10 mm 15 m vrl 70% rp rop p mp v rrl 90% pp p ropp m. 10 mm 15 m vrl 19.8%m 12.1% p ropp mp, np rrl ropp k. l
4 162 r Ëo ËrËpqËpo Ët ËlrËm ˆË vëp Fig. 2. Numerical composition(%) of the main zoological taxa sampled along the distance from the cages at each of the study sites. ~p m v 10 mm 15 m vr p rrl p ropp m(fig. 2a). keq Bl r TSl 85.3%, r TE l 80.8% q nr pl. r TSl 6.4%, r TEl 9.3%, l~p r TSl 7.6%, r TEl 8.0% ro l rp sl pl ke q Am o m. l s keql p pl. keq Am l pr 0 mm 5 m vrl rp r mp v rrl 95%pp p ropp m. ke q Bp r l r rp p 0 m vrl (r TS-16.0%, TE-34.6%), 5 m vr l l~p(r TS-34.4%, TE-30.1%) rp p p m(fig. 2b, c). sm p, h keq Al 68sp mp, s 25spl. keq Bl 44sp mp, s 14sp keq Al s, s k. l s p ke q Ap n 10 m v 10~16sp mp, 15 m 32~39sp l 10~15 m pl s v m(fig. 3a). keq Bl s TSm TE 0 m vrl 6s 9sp l r s mp, v l 15 m vrl s l(fig. 3b). keq Al p 8,499 ind. m 2 plp, 0 m vrl 18,910 ind. m 2 p p l. 2 mm 5 m vrl 10,000 ind. m 2 rp p mp, l 10 m m 15 m vrl 2,040 ind. m 2 m 3,204 ind. m 2 p m. 20 m vrl 10,000 ind. m 2 Fig. 3. Number of species, abundance (10 3 *ind. m -2 ) and diversity (H') of polychaete community along the distance from the cages at farm A (a) and farm B (b). pp v m e kp m(fig. 3c). k eq Bl p 2,700 ind. m 2 keq Al r k. l s TSp n 0 mm 5 m vrl p p mp, 15 m v rl v l 5,990 ind. m 2 p p e kp m(fig. 3d). s TEl s TSm v 0 mm 5 m vrl 1,000 ind. m 2 p p p mp, r v l 30 m vrl 4,780 ind. m 2 p m(fig. 3d). keq pl p l pp topp k eq Ap 0 ml 5 m vr pl Capitella capitatal p p sp r mp n keq Ap l kp keq Bm n o p ˆ (Fig. 3c). k(h') keq Ap n 10 m vrv 0.19~0.74p n p p mp, 15 m vrl 2.72 p, 2.00~2.33p o m(fig. 3e). keq Bl s 5m vrl p mp q~ rp k s rrp p k p m(fig. 3f). knpm h keq A tl q nr sp rp o mm v sp Capitella capitata 4,916 ind. m 2 p p m. C. capitata 0 m vrl 18,410 ind. m 2 p p mp, 2 mm 5 m vrl mp 10,000 ~ r p p m. p sp 10 m vrv r rp kp m(fig. 4a). C. capitata k eq Al n p pv keq Bl 0 m vrl rp p (515 ind. m 2 ) m
5 kep r vl m 163 Fig. 4. Spatial distribution of dominant species along the distance from the fish cages at farm A (a) and farm B (b). p, 5 mvrv kp m(fig. 4b)., Lumbrineris longifoliap keq Al 564 ind. m 2, keq Bl 499 ind. m 2 vl o mp l C. capitatap 15 m p p m. Aphelochaeta monilaris k eq Bl 1,613 ind. m 2 q nr splp, k eq Al 444 ind. m 2 p r p m. p sp l L. longifoliam o m. Dorvillea rudolphi keq Ap rrl mv, 2 m vrl 650 ind. m 2 p p m. keq Bl l n rrl rp p ~ m. Mediomastus californiensis keq l C. capitatap p l p m. Cirratulidae sp. keq Al 20 m vrl 1,850 ind. m 2 p p m(fig. 4a). Sigambra tentaculata keq Bp s TSp 0 m vrl C. capitatam p (630 ind. m 2 ) mp, p vrp rn m(fig. 4b). Fig. 5. k-dominance curves for polychaetes sampled along the distance from the cages at farm A (a), TS line (b) and TE line (c) at farm B. k-dominance curve mk s vp krp kk o k-dominance curve rn m. keq Ap n 10 m vrvp vp p sp nr kr ˆp p ˆ (Fig. 5a). 15 m vr rp k mp, k rrp v p m. keq Bp s TSl keqp 15~50 m pp vp 0 mm 5 m vl kr s p p ˆ(Fig. 5b). pm o kp s TEl l(fig. 5c). p sp 0 mm 5 m vrp vp nr sp r p l 15 m vr p p vp L. longifoliam A. montilaris p p l m p k p p Ž.
6 164 r Ëo ËrËpqËpo Ët ËlrËm ˆË vëp Fig. 6. Non-metric multidimensional scaling (MDS) plots based on the fourth square root transformed polychaete abundance data at farm A (a) and farm B (b). MDS l on MDS keq A tp rvp p 2 p p l. ~ w p 0~10 m vp vp, w 15~60 m vp vp plr p. keq Al rvp keqp l rvrp }p kp pv k 10 mm 15 m pl p ˆ(Fig. 6a)., keq Bp n sp 0 m vrp v 15 ml 50 m vp v p p o p p p m. keq Am sp 5 m vp p pl o l vp }prp lt p(fig. 6b). hm qm h klp vkrp kep plm p ˆ p op ke t vrp t ll. kep p l op oˆm ov p p, pp l p y l pr l r. prp ke e pp 10% r lp ov r 90% v op ˆ t l op, er kep o n pp 5%~10% rp op keq k rl pqop ˆ r p kr p(tanaka, 1977; Tsutsumi et al., 1991). p s l qp keq A m pr l keq kp pq ˆm oˆ opp 100 m lv sl 2 r kp, rp oˆ 3.0%~3.5% l(e, 1997). tlp pm p p oˆp Kang et al.(1993)p lkp oˆ(1.08%) 3 r p p, lkl q mmp e o tp. p lm el sl p (2004a)p rp pn p(glud et al., 2003)p r n l keq Bp o mm m p r m. pp pqvp d, oˆ p p r p 50 m lv vrl 0 m v rl 2 p k. p p r ep l op op 10 m p l vt rp p kn 10 m p 50 mvp p le o opp p, lq, k p p(p, 2003) p tl p r mp pl l o mmp m p 50 m pp ov p ep re m. nsm m p r e p p rp ro p p rl ss, ~ p r p p p k tm p l p ˆ Ž r plv ˆ rp p pnlm(dauer and Conner, 1980; Ranan and Ganapati, 1983; Samuelson, 2001; Guerra-García and García- Gómez, 2004; Cardoso et al., 2007). o vl r vl tn n v v op mksp p. v, eq oe q n v l rep ot qp p p nr vp (Pearson and Rosenberg, 1978; Samuelson, 2001; Cardoso et al., 2004; Verdelhos et al., 2005). o p p p l ~ pžm p p p kr p(rosenberg et al., 1991; Nilsson and Rosenberg, 1994; Gray et al., 2002). p p p l tn l p rp ~ pp p opp. p ep lp s rp o kp p lkl sp l r p p. tl qe, kee, p v vl p r rpp p lp p rp k p kv, m l, l p ~ pp 19.3%(, 1995), l
7 kep r vl m 165 ql 49.6%(p, 1991)p p tp rp kp nl 64.3%(p, 1999) 70% v k p l., o mmp v tp p kv l, m l, n lk 71%(e, 2001), 72%(Hong and Lee, 1983), k 73.2%(, 2003) p 70% p ropp lm. lvlp n p sl v r pp 81%~87% nlk l 10%p p plp, e o mml p l trp r p p v (78.6%, p, 1993)l k. v sp keq tl s (2000) r (2002)p l lm o p ropp l. pm p keq t r vl nr p p k kep np l ll l(brown et al., 1987; Weston, 1990; Tsutsumi et al., 1991; Ye et al., 1991; Karakassis et al., 2000). p ep s l rm pp keq t p op l p m p pp, rp o mm lp v p ropp o mm p r le e tpp rrp ke. p s keq Al 68s, Bl 44sp rp qp }vrl keq Al p sp m. keq Ap s keq Bl 1.6 p v lv sp v kp o Ž p mp v rl p p l(fig. 3a, b). keq Ap n 10 m vrv lp pr tp p 10~15 m pl 2 p m. s 20 m vrl ˆ 60 m vrv o tp ov m. v ke q Bl 0 m vrl r s r v l 15 m vrl mp 50 m v rv p v kk. pm p r (2002)p p keqp 0~15 m pl m m p. d p ll ke ql s Brown et al.(1987)p l p s 3 m vrl 8sp r 15 m v rl 36sp v mp p lvl pv kk. keqp l sp kp keql o m p p p(fig. 3c, d). p p 0~5 m vr l ˆ. keq Al 0~5 m vrl p mp, p p 10~15 m vrv e v l 20 m vrl e p ke q Bl 0 mm 5 m vrp s rrl kp 15 mm 30 m vrl ˆ. keqp l p 0~5 m vrl mp, p p Ž p p m. 5 m vrvp keq p Capitella capitatap pl p p keql C. capitatap r, l kp n o m (Fig. 3c). keq Ap 20 m vr keq Bp 15 m 30 m vrl ˆ C. capitata k sp (Fig. 4)p vl p p e keq p rp p r (2002)p m p p. pm p s p keqp 15 m rp vp p k pp, p op ol p m p Ž. knp Š keq tl vp nrs vp o mmv s qqr o mmv sp p. k l(brown et al., 1987; Tsutsumi et al., 1991; Karakassis et al., 2000;, 2000; r, 2002) v k rl C. capitata nr p ˆ. C. capitata o vl q ep d p kr pp p p kr pp (Dauer and Conner, 1980; Tsutsumi, 1987; Weston, 1990; Bridges, 1992), r ˆlp rp p vp p o mmp e vllp rp roq lm(warren, 1977; Brown et al., 1987; Samuelson, 2001; Wildish et al., 2001; Brooks and Mahnken, 2003). l p por l p l e (, 1997;, 1997), v p Ž keq v l (p, 1992), vtp s ke v l(, 2002) l per rr kp p., t ll sl (2000)p r~ r vp ~l 72%p C. capitata ropp, o r (2002)p k 53%p ropp l k ep v ll p sp r nr pp p. p ll C. capitata keq Ap l 18,400 ind. m 2 p mp, ropp 97%l m. o 10 m p rl pp p vrl 86% p v ropp p p v k p ˆ. p p m ropp (2000) r (2002) l p p p(yokoyma, 2002)p o(brown et al., 1987)l p p. l keq Bl l 500 ind. m 2 rp p ltlp, rop 36%~64% rp k. r o l vp keq Am p l 5 m pp vrv m. o mmp r e l rp p C. capitatap vp keq Alp o mm l v r sl s keq qp ke q Bl e p Ž. keq t l vl nrs p vp C. capitata np nrsp o mm ll sp qqr omm v
8 166 r Ëo ËrËpqËpo Ët ËlrËm ˆË vëp sp rp., Lumbrineris longifolia, Aphelochaeta monilaris(sl Tharyx multifilis s), Dorvillea rudolphi Mediomastus californiensis p p op l ll qt lm nrsp(m, p, 1992; e, 2001;, 2003;, 2005). p s n C. capitata m o Ž p m D. rudolphi rn v s p keq Am B l C. capitatap, 15 m vr p mp v s r rp 50 mm 60 m vrv nrrp l p vrv o mmp m p p p Žl. ns mi m l jii }o pl keqp l s, ~ nrsp Ž p r Pearson and Rosenberg(1978)p r v }p v p ep o p. ~ w, l keq p 0 ml 50~60 m o l }pp k rl mm l rrp v v kk. w, rl keq Al sp nr mm lp lp, p lp r sp C. capitata m. keq Bl p sp nr v kkp 10 m p l r rp p p lp d mm p ke p Ž. w, s l p vp r~rp e m sp vl k p per drp pr(ecotone point)p sqp. keq Al n p vrp 10~15 m pl sq p r. keq Bp n p l s p v prp rp p ˆ vp s q v kk. w, pr p 60 m vrv vrp vp sqp. C. capitatap pr p k sp p pp, p s le p o mmp veq kv sp. p sp C. capitata r dd rp rp p ro p. p ll s o l rrp vp v kp p Ž l 15 ml 60 m pp vp kep m p vp l r Žrp., p l l o l vp lrp p kp ˆl 15~60 m p kep p k mm ˆ(slightly polluted)l } p p Ž. hmm l ji keqp rvl ˆ s,, k nrsp keqp v l p ppp l tl. pm p k-dominance curve MDSl p m. k-dominance curve (Fig. 5), keq A v p n 0~10 m vp vp e ˆ p, p o pp p, keq Bl l vp kp v kkp, r Fig. 7. Spatial changes in polychaete community structure along the gradient of organic enrichment, represented by non-metric multidimensional scaling (MDS) plot based on the fourth square root transformed polychaete abundance data at all the study sites. keq Ap vl e v kp p ˆ. p p MDS l ˆ. keq Ap vp 0~10 m vp vp o vpp l t keq B 0 m, 5 m, 15~50 m p vp lp, 5 m vp 0 mm 15~50 m vp pl o pl vp }prp ltl(fig. 7). keq Bp 0 mm 5 m vp keq Ap 0~10 m v 15~60 m v pl o pl keq Ap 0~10m v op o p m p r r p p Žl. p} keqp rv l p eˆ np v r p. ~ w sep pp, w keqp t r op o k p pp. ~ wp sep r keq s e l p pp. l vlp nr p sp o mmv sp qqrp o m mv sp, pp srp p wp e l v s rp o pp p Ž. keq Am pr o l s (2000)p kp n 3op s e pl e plp, p C. capitatal p pl. p sp pl 100 pp ~ p sp kr pp(chareonpaich et al, 1994), p sl pr rrl keql C. capitatap 30 p p p m. keqp o rp p v nrsp sp o p k nr p sp el e p lp v l p oeˆ v opp p. w opp p o op p l npp r qnl p o p. r, o p o(frid and Mercer, 1989; Holmer, 1991), e(gowen and Bradbury, 1987; Hevia et al., 1996), pr(yokoyma, 2003)m p r, v r l p m, ke lp
9 kep r vl m 167 pe, p, lp, p sm p l n(gowen and Bradbury, 1987; Hall et al., 1990; Brook et al., 2002; Yokoyama, 2002) p. er v l keq Am B sp v p. r, ke qp v r l p p. keq A p l o keq B m p l o p. ql r op p s t l r p k vrrp ln sl r keq Ap o sl r keq Bp op rrp 10 cm sec - 1 r o m e l keq Bp op r p p ep o p(, 2004). p ep ke lp pe p keq Al k eq Bl kpl l r p p o m el p p. o kp o opl rp v p p keq Alp mm r e e p p Ž. np k l m p keq A o l p p keq 8 vl pl l pl p t~ l op p ll t mm tl p p Ž. pm p p s kep o p 15 m vrv rvl m p t, 60 m vrv m p p ˆ. l p m p p vr, o q p r, v r ke r p p Ž. l op lklq n r l(rp ME-027) p p p lp, p v Š te sp pp te klop vn e. y },, r, p n, vtl rp e. v, 35(1): r, l keqp., o ~, 130pp. s, vn,, ~,, e sr p e p ss e. k v-, 2(2): }n, o, p e, p r. v, 28(5): e, vn, p, m p keq vlp rv s. v, 33(1): 1 8. e, o, ~, n m rvp. k v-, 6(3): er, m~, vn, k mvl keq r lp chemical fluxes. k v-, 2(2): pq,, ot, r, ˆd, rp pn lk r/ l p oˆ p r., 8(4): pq, r,, r, po, p n, t, nr, 2004a. lkeqp m : I. r p rp pn o mmm r oˆ. k v-, 9(1): pq,, ot, p n, r, po, r, pn, 2004b. lkeqp m : II. k eq rp - l p p r l m op r. k v-, 9(2): p e, v p rl ˆ r l. o~, 311 pp. p e, rs, vn, pq, lqlp l~ r p. kl, 13(2): p e, vn, rs, pq, v keq v lp r. v, 25(2): p e, e, vn, rs, k s l rv r v. k v-, 4(1): r, p e,, s, rk, pme, pq, m, nv, k keq v lp r vl l. k v-, 7(4): s}, n, keqp l l- keqp rvl l. v, 11(4): s}, k, q Žkeq rp mk. v, 16(3): vn, om, pnv, kl e rp k. k v-, 8(1): vn, vm, p}, ˆ,,,, lp l l rvp k. Ocean and Polar Res., 27(4): k, ktn. q, r, p, oˆ,, oqo, e s rp p rvp e l l m p ~? v, 30(3): Bilyard, G.R., The value of benthic infauna in marine pollution monitoring studies. Mar. Pollut. Bull., 18: Braaten, B., J. Aure, A. Ervik and E. Boge, Pollution problems in Norwegian fish farming. ICES C.M., 1983/F: 26: Bridges, T.S., Effects of development mode, contaminated sediments, and maternal characteristics on growth and reproduction in the polychaetes Streblospio benedicti (Spionidae) and Capitella sp. I (Capitellidae). Ph.D. thesis, North Carolina State University. Brook, K.M., C. Mahnken and C. Nash, Environmental effects associated with marine netpen waste with emphasis on salmon farming in pacific northwest. In: Responsible marine aquaculture, edited by Skickney, R.R and J.P. MacVey, CABI Publishing, Oxon, pp Brooks, K.M. and C.V.W. Mahnken, Interactions of Atlantic
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Korean Chem. Eng. Res., Vol. 44, No. 2, April, 2006, pp. 166-171 hn m m Ž Š sm o ok Ç zkç r ~r 561-756 r rte v v 1 664-14 (2005 11o 11p r, 2006 1o 20p }ˆ) Surface Acoustic Wave Characteristics of Piezoelectric
제 9 도는 6제어항목의 세팅목표의 보기가 표시된 레이더 챠트(radar chart). 제 10 도는 제 6 도의 함수블럭(1C)에서 사용되는 각종 개성화 함수의 보기를 표시하는 테이블. 제 11a 도 제 11c 도까지는 각종 조건에 따라 제공되는 개성화함수의 변화의
(19) 대한민국특허청(KR) (12) 특허공보(B1) (51) Int. Cl. 5 B66B 1/18 (45) 공고일자 1993년09월28일 (11) 공고번호 특1993-0009339 (21) 출원번호 특1989-0002580 (65) 공개번호 특1989-0014358 (22) 출원일자 1989년03월02일 (43) 공개일자 1989년10월23일 (30) 우선권주장
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변화근 Fish Fauna of Mt. Juheul Department of Biology Education, Seowon University, Cheongju , Korea To clarify the structures and functions of ec
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Annual 2013 vol.15 th HOW ENGINEERING ANNIVERSARY Annual 하우인 2013 vol.15 하우엔지니어링과 자매사 우인엔지니어링은 경남, 부산지역 종합엔지니어링 업계의 선두주자로서 건설기술의 미래지평을 열어가고 있습니다. 행복한 삶의 공간 창출, 안전하고 튼튼한 도시기반시설의 건설을 위해 우수한 인력과 기술력을 바탕으로
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A Spatial Location Analysis of the First Shops of Foodservice Franchise in Seoul Metropolitan City Younghee Lee* 1 1 (R) 0 16 1 15 64 1 Abstract The foodservice franchise is preferred by the founders who
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Geomorphic Development of Marine Terraces at Jeongdongjin-Daejin area on the East Coast, Central Part of Korean Peninsula Soon-Ock Yoon*, Sang-Ill Hwang** and Hak-Kyun Ban*** Abstract : In this paper we
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3. 농업환경연구과 과제구분 기본연구 수행시기 전반기 연구과제 및 세부과제 수행 기간 소 속 책임자 농가에 적합한 부식성곤충 대량 사육기술 개발 12~ 13 농업환경연구과 곤충팀 이영혜 1) 부식성 곤충 먹이 제조 기술 개발 12~ 13 농업환경연구과 곤충팀 이영혜 색인용어 부식성곤충, 장수풍뎅이, 계통, 먹이제조 ABSTRACT In first check,
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제 출 문 농림수산식품부장관 귀하 본 보고서를 트위스트 휠 방식 폐비닐 수거기 개발 과제의 최종보고서로 제출 합니다. 2008년 4월 24일 주관연구기관명: 경 북 대 학 교 총괄연구책임자: 김 태 욱 연 구 원: 조 창 래 연 구 원: 배 석 경 연 구 원: 김 승 현 연 구 원: 신 동 호 연 구 원: 유 기 형 위탁연구기관명: 삼 생 공 업 위탁연구책임자:
이상훈 심재국 Vegetation of Mt. Yeonin Provincial Park Department of Life Science, Chung-Ang University The forest vegetation of Mt. Yeonin Provincial Park
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Approach for Value Improvement to Increase High-speed Railway Speed An effective way to develop a highly competitive system is to create a new market place that can create new values. Creating tools and
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A Variation of Summer Rainfall in Korea* Seungho Lee** and Won Tae Kwon*** Abstract : Daily rainfall data from 14 stations during 1941 to 2000 were analyzed in order to examine the characteristics of the
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n i v g i f s y y y y œ yvu s }sœ œx}s }y Stuy for Sensitivity of the Electronic Brake System with the Parameter Variation Heeram Park *1) Seibum Choi 1) Sungjin Choi ) Kwanki Jeon ) Hyunsoo Hwang ) 1)
Carbon Letters Vol. 8, No. 4 December 007 pp. 340-348 Patent Trends of Carbonaceous Materials for Hydrogen Storage (II): Qualitative Analysis Soo-Jin Park,, Byung-Joo Kim and Young-Seak Lee 3 Dept. of
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2009 년도한국해양과학기술협의회공동학술대회 5 월 28( 목 )~29 일 ( 금 ) 창원컨벤션센터 (CECO) p { œš Œ {œ Œ t Œ m u S ƒ S S v os O ŒO P ŒP p n S ŒsS o r r ur enr uuss Š tm g š uur r r n r os Œ z Œ { œš Œ s q s su Œ z Œ { œš Œ str n
G Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute Vol. 20, No. 4, pp. 531~539, August, 2008 š x y w m š gj p { sƒ z 1) * 1) w w Evaluation of Flexural Strength for Normal and High Strength Concrete with Hooked
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Carbon Letters Vol. 11, No. 1 March 2010 pp. 41-47 Nuclear Graphites (II) : Mechanical Properties Woong-Ki Choi 1, Byung-Joo Kim 1, Eung-Seon Kim 2 Se-Hwan Chi 2 and Soo-Jin Park 3, 1 Jeonju Institute
1 n dn dt = f v = 4 π m 2kT 3/ 2 v 2 mv exp 2kT 2 f v dfv = 0 v = 0, v = /// fv = max = 0 dv 2kT v p = m 1/ 2 vfvdv 0 2 2kT = = vav = v f dv π m
n dn dt f v 4 π m kt 3/ v mv exp kt f v dfv 0 v 0, v /// fv max 0 dv kt v p m / vfvdv 0 kt vav. 8v f dv π m k m 0 v / R0 4 T vav.45 0 cm / sec M M p v v fvdv 0 3 fvdv 0 kt m / 3kT v v. 5 m rms v p n dn
Carbon Letters Vol. 9, No. 3 September 2008 pp. 218-231 Carbon Fibers (I): General Understanding and Manufacturing Techniques of Carbon Fibers Min-Kang Seo 1, Kyeong-Eun Choi 2, Byung-Gak Min 3 and Soo-Jin
135 Jeong Ji-yeon 심향사 극락전 협저 아미타불의 제작기법에 관한 연구 머리말 협저불상( 夾 紵 佛 像 )이라는 것은 불상을 제작하는 기법의 하나로써 삼베( 麻 ), 모시( 苧 ), 갈포( 葛 ) 등의 인피섬유( 靭 皮 纖 維 )와 칠( 漆 )을 주된 재료
MUNHWAJAE Korean Journal of Cultural Heritage Studies Vol. 47. No. 1, March 2014, pp.134~151. Copyright 2014, National Research Institute of Cultural Heritage 심향사 극락전 협저 아미타불의 제작기법에 관한 연구 정지연 a 明 珍 素 也
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YWXZ º º t rzyywxzhy`x wƒ ƒp y t ± l Non-destructive Stress Measurement on H-shape beam in the Temporary Structure of the Railway using Magnetic Anisotropy Sensor ã ä ãã äõá ãã Seong-Won Lee *, Ji-Hyeung
통일문제연구 2011년 하반기(통권 제56호) 전쟁 경험의 재구성을 통한 국가 만들기* - 역사/다큐멘터리/기억 - 1)이 명 자** Ⅰ. 들어가는 말 Ⅱ. 과 제작배경 Ⅲ. 과 비교 Ⅳ. 역사/다큐멘터리/기억 현대 남북한 체제 형성에서 주요한 전환점인 한국전 쟁은 해방 후 시작된 좌우대립과 정치적,
Korean Chem. Eng. Res., Vol. 45, No. 3, June, 2007, pp. 264-268 m l i m so mi m oz i m Ç q, *Ç ij*ç om 305-764 re o 220 * l v l o ~redšl 305-343 re o q 71-2 (2006 11o 10p r, 2007 1o 29p }ˆ) Synthesis of