2 THE INDIANHEAD INDIANHEAD March 2017 vol. 54, issue 3 (Above): The 2nd Combat Aviation Brigade s 4-2 Attack Reconnaissance Battalion conducts joint

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2 THE INDIANHEAD INDIANHEAD March 2017 vol. 54, issue 3 (Above): The 2nd Combat Aviation Brigade s 4-2 Attack Reconnaissance Battalion conducts joint overwater training with the ROK Navy, strengthening their multi-domain partnership and combined Fight Tonight readiness. (Photo by Capt. Michael Yarmie, 4-2 ARB) 03 Leader s Corner PHOTO OF THE MONTH Features (Cover): A U.S. Army Soldier from 1st Battalion, 16th Infantry Regiment, 1st Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division, coordinates movement with a ROK Army soldier during exercise Warrior Strike 5 at the Rodriguez Live Fire Complex in Pocheon, South Korea, Feb. 16. (Photo by Capt. Kelly Buckner, 1st ABCT) 04 Indianhead Legacy 05 Chaplain s Corner & Health of Our Force 06 Investing in the Alliance s Future Leaders Together 08 Warrior Division SHARP Program Leads the Way 09 Recovery Training Prepares Warriors to Care for Fallen 10 Warrior Strike: Iron Rangers Hone Skills 11 Tax Season Prep 12 Snapshots 14 Diehard Engineers Attack Demo Range 16 Warrior Fitness: Reconditioning s Role in Readiness 17 Eats in Korea 6 Cadet Byun Eunsoo, a student at Korea Military Academy, laughs with fellow cadets after a land navigation course at Camp Casey, South Korea, Feb. 20. Byun is one of 11 cadets who will be competing in the Sandhurst competition in April at the U.S. Military Academy West Point in New York. 18 BOSS Builds Resiliency & Readiness 20 Regiment Page 21 Word Search & How to Survive in Korea

INDIANHEAD Maj. Gen. Theodore D. Martin Commanding General 2nd Infantry Division MARCH 2017 3 Command Sgt. Maj. Edward W. Mitchell Command Sergeant Major 2nd Infantry Division Lt. Col. Richard C. Hyde Public Affairs Officer richard.c.hyde.mil@mail.mil Master Sgt. Mary E. Ferguson Public Affairs Chief mary.e.ferguson40.mil@mail.mil PUBLICATION STAFF Editor Sgt. 1st Class Jason Stadel Managing Editors Staff Sgt. Ben Hutto Sgt. Robert Larson Cpl. Lee, Jong Kuk Korean Language Editor Pfc. Kim, Jin Ku Staff Writer Pfc. Jung, Won Ki Staff Writer www.2id.korea.army.mil Like us on Facebook! 2nd Infantry Division (Official Page) Do you have a story to tell? If you would like to share your experiences in Korea with the division, please contact your public affairs office. Visit. www.issue.com/secondid The Indianhead magazine is an authorized publication for members of the Department of Defense. Editorial content is the responsibility of the 2nd Infantry Division Public Affairs Office. Contents of the publication are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed by the U.S. Government, or the Department of the Army. This publication is printed monthly by the Il Sung Company, Ltd., Seoul, Republic of Korea. Individuals can submit articles by the following means: email usarmy.redcloud.2-id.list. pao-editorial-submissions@ mail.mil; mail EAID-SPA, 2nd Infantry Division, Unit 15041, APO, AP 96258-5041 Attn: Indianhead; or drop by the office located in Building T-507 on Camp Red Cloud. To arrange for possible coverage of an event, call 732-8805. Warrior Division Family, we listened when you spoke up in the command climate surveys, and to a man and woman across the division, the noncommissioned officers stepped forward and said they wanted to do tough, realistic training and they wanted to bring back our focus on sergeant s time training. We put our heads together and decided that as we approach the Warrior Division s 100th anniversary, we re declaring 2017 the Year of the NCO. We charge our noncommissioned officers across the division to set the example through your actions. Get out there and train your Warriors. Develop them to be agile and adaptive leaders and motivate them to have a sense of pride in the Warrior Division. It s your day! Thursday, sergeant s time training, you own it, take charge, train our Soldiers, make them ready for combat, and make them ready to Fight Tonight! interview with past leaders As the 2nd Infantry Division/ROK-U.S. Combined Division prepares to celebrate a Century of Second to None, our Leader s Corner column will recognize past Warrior Division Soldiers. Each month leading up to our 100th Birthday in October, the Indianhead will pay tribute to the great leaders who have helped make this Division Second to None! Lt. Gen. Henry Everett Hank Emerson (May 28, 1925 February 4, 2015) was best known for being the 2nd Infantry Division commander in South Korea from May 1973 to May 1975. Nicknamed the Gunfighter, Emerson was known to care deeply for his Soldiers. Based on his career experiences, Soldiers arriving to the 2nd Infantry Division were required to conduct reverse-cycle training their first few weeks in the division, which meant, training at night and sleeping during the day. Former Secretary of State and retired Army General Colin Powell (also a battalion commander in 2ID during Emerson s tenure) called Emerson a mentor and wrote about him in his book, A Soldier s Way: An Autobiography. Powell wrote of Emerson and his training philosophy, And his punch line was always the same, a vein-popping If we don t do our jobs right, Soldiers won t win!

4 THE INDIANHEAD Legacy page March 6, 1969 The 2nd Infantry Division awarded medals for bravery. A Bronze Star with V was awarded to a Division Soldier for acts of heroism in Vietnam, and Soldiers Medals were awarded to two Warriors for their brave actions fighting a fuel fire. March 2, 1990 The 2nd Infantry Division s senior noncommissioned officers met with Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney. The SECDEF discussed the NCOs concerns, including troop cuts, equipment issues and health care for families.

MARCH 2017 Chaplain s corner 5 BY Chaplain (Maj.) FRANTISEK HALKA 2nd CAB Chaplain Lent began on March 1 with a powerful lesson of Ash Wednesday. Even though some of us are stationed far away from home and our families while here in Korea, many of you still attended Ash Wednesday services or you may have noticed Warrior Division teammates or neighbors in your local communities walking around with ashes on their foreheads that day. After a whole day of fasting, Christians gathered for these chapel services where they read the words from prophet Joel 2:12-14: Even now, says the Lord, return to me with your whole heart, with fastening, weeping, and mourning; Rend your hearts and not your garments, and return to the Lord, your God. Priests or ministers will impose ashes on penitents foreheads with the words from Genesis 3:19: Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return, or Repent, and believe in the Gospel. The second story of creation from Genesis 2:15-17 describes a scene where God settles the first people in the Garden of Eden and gives them an order: You are free to eat from any of the trees of the garden except of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. From that tree you shall not eat; the moment you eat from it you are surely doomed to die. In the Catholic tradition, we remember the 40 days of Lent as a joyful season. People who heed the prophet s call and in their God given gift of freedom, choose to turn to the Lord s covenant with their whole human core, with their hearts, with fasting, prayer, and almsgiving will as a result experience a joy of God s presence, his closeness, and mercy. The holy and joyful season of Lent guides us on our journey through life toward the source of our being, towards the Garden of Eden where God and his creation walk side by side. As we face this tour together here in Korea, let us return to the Lord this season of Lent. Surely, God will show us his mercy and grand us his salvation. health of our force PMCS Those running shoes BY Lt. Col. Christopher Perry 2ID/RUCD Surgeon As spring arrives, many of us will soon take our spring Army Physical Fitness Test. This means we may be running more than we had been during the winter. While running is part of a healthy lifestyle, it can also lead to injuries. Preventing these injuries is something that we all must seek to do as we maintain medical readiness. Many of you have seen Capt. Brandon Carius information spot on AFN. Carius is a runner who seeks to pass his knowledge along to prevent injuries. As he explains, one of the things that we all must do is ensure that we are using the proper equipment while running, and fortunately, running is not one of the higher cost sports. There are no pads required. In fact, no one even has to buy a ball or reserve a field! All you need is a pair of running shoes, but the quality of those shoes varies greatly. Experts tell us that we should use running shoes less than six months old. Some people put more miles on their shoes than others, and if you are noticing signs of wear in your shoes, it s time to get new ones. If the sole of your shoes are losing their traction, this means that your shoes are worn out. If the cushioning along the sides of your shoes is showing wrinkles or lines, it means that the structure of the padding is beginning to break down. When this happens, the shoe loses its ability to absorb shock and protect your joints. It s time to get new shoes. With each step, your foot hits the ground with high impact, and often has the equivalent of 1.5 times your body weight. Depending on your stride and form, this impact is transmitted directly from your ankles to your knees to your hips. Ensuring that you minimize this impact is the best way to make sure your joints are prepared to carry you well into your 70s and 80s pain-free. With this force, the heavier ones among us also put even more strain on their joints. Running definitely plays a role in weight loss, and it should continue to do so, and the more weight one loses, the less strain placed upon joints. As the weather turns warmer, running becomes more pleasant and many of us even do it for fun. As you look to take relaxing runs as well as strenuous runs to prepare for the APFT, make sure you PMCS your running shoes just like you would any other piece of mission critical equipment.

6 THE INDIANHEAD (Bottom Left) Cadet Lim Hamin wills himself over an obstacle with his cadet teammate s encouragement. (Top Left) KMA cadets celebrate completing Sandhurst prep training, explains the week s events and the goal of the training to 11 cadets from Korea Military Academy. (Top Right) Korea Mil work together to understand each event and the best way to succeed as a team. Investing in the alliance s STORY AND PHOTOS BY Staff Sgt. Ben Hutto 2ID/RUCD PUBLIC AFFAIRS CAMP RED CLOUD, South Korea - The pair marched steadily up the steep rocky path, glancing down at their map for answers. The sun had been up for more than an hour, but had yet to pierce the icy patches that dotted the steep, two-lane gravel road on Camp Casey. Cadets Byun Eunsoo and Lee Changhee faced the challenging land navigation course with nine of their fellow Korea Military Academy cadets as part of a week of training with 2nd Infantry Division/ROK- U.S. Combined Division Soldiers to prepare their KMA team for April s annual Sandhurst Competition at the United States Military Academy at West Point in New York. The two-day competition began in 1967 as a skills competition between the U.S. and British service academies to test the mettle of young officers and their ability to lead and work together, but it has morphed into a multi-national service school competition with teams from as far away as Australia, Afghanistan, Chile and Korea. Lt. Col. Henry Davis, the division s information operations officer, said this important training opportunity was just one of many examples of how the strong ROK-U.S. alliance exists at all levels. In his current position, Davis team works to find unique ways to build relationships between ROK and U.S. warriors through engagements and training interactions like the Sandhurst prep. He said, this shows how we value our alliance with our counterparts by investing in ROK and U.S. future leaders and the relationships between our forces. Staff Sgt. Eli Brewer, the 2ID/RUCD lead trainer during the combined experience, reflected Davis intent throughout the challenging training. This land nav course is no joke, he said. When we came out here to validate points, we didn t know the hills were so steep. If they can find points here, they can find them anywhere. As Byun and Lee traversed the slippery terrain and moved deeper into the course, other pairs of cadets began to dot the terrain. Each team carefully examined their compasses and trudged along with their heavy packs strapped firmly to their backs. Two hours later, a majority of the teams had completed the course finding most of their points. The first day set the tone for the week that would follow. Brewer said, They ve come out here with a good attitude and really seem to be enjoying the training. All of them have been really good about tackling what we ve shown them head on. The cadets spent the next day in classes on basic Soldiering techniques that they may be tested on at the competition. From breaking down a variety of weapons systems to treating a casualty while under enemy fire, the cadets eagerly went from station to station determined.

MARCH 2017 7 an event together during the week-long teambuilding training. (Center) Staff Sgt. Eli Brewer, the Warrior Division s lead trainer during the itary Academy cadets plot points together during a land navigation course on Camp Casey. (Bottom Right) A Warrior Division NCO and KMA cadets future leaders together It was a week full of teambuilding and leader development with learning moments and alliance-building opportunities for both the KMA and Warrior Division troops. The [KMA cadre] didn t want the cadets to use translators so it was a challenge sometimes, said Brewer. I imagine it was tough getting everything we were explaining in a second language, but they all seemed to have it down when they were tested on it. Brewer designed the training to replicate the events and the competitive pace and environment the team will face in April at Sandhurst. It is very helpful, said Cadet Oh Sukjoon. It helps us prepare. We have a lot to do before the competition. This helps us understand things better. They also had the opportunity to use the electronic Engagement Skills Trainer on Camp Casey to practice marksmanship and track their progress. Brewer said it helped his team of NCOs too as they got to exercise their ability to identify and work with each cadet on individual firing habits. It isn t the same as firing live weapons, but it is good for helping them see where they can use improvement, he said. I d say most of them are decent marksmen. They just needed to be reminded about certain fundamentals like breathing and trigger squeeze. The warriors wrapped up the week at the Camp Casey Confidence Course. The course is meant to be challenging with steep hills, tall obstacles to climb and balance on and events designed to exercise the communication and teamwork the KMA team groomed throughout the week, making it a fitting final benchmark. The cadets attentively soaked in Brewer s instruction as he demonstrated how to navigate each obstacle and offered tips to make each obstacle easier. The camaraderie build over the week was obvious as many laughed, many stayed serious, and all seemed ready. This is going to be fun, right?! Brewer said as he motivated the group. The shorter cadets had problems getting over larger obstacles while the taller cadets struggled to crawl under grids of barbed wire, but as they shouted encouragement and advice to one another, a common trait emerged that Brewer said he witnessed throughout the week. No one in the group quit. They don t get discouraged, said Brewer. If I had let them, some of them would still be out there trying to get past that one obstacle they couldn t quite get. While the training session was only five condensed days, Cadet Oh Sukjoon said he is confident that the training will go a long way in helping his team as they continue to grow together and prepare to compete in April. We have things we can work on, he said. This will help us be ready.

8 THE INDIANHEAD Warrior Division SHARp program leads the way STORY AND PHOTOS BY Sgt. KALANDRA Miller 2nd CAB PUBLIC AFFAIRS CAMP HUMPHREYS, South Korea - Warrior Division leaders and Sexual Harrassment/Assault Response and Prevention Program representatives welcomed Department of the Army SHARP leadership to the SHARP 360 training facility here in February. The 2nd Combat Aviation Brigade command team, Col. Lance Calvert and Command Sgt. Maj. Derrick Merriwether, met with the DA SHARP Program Director, Monique Ferrell, and the DA SHARP Program Sgt. Maj. Caprecia Miller to discuss and demonstrate what the SHARP 360 program and facility here offers and how beneficial it is to the Soldiers. As the SHARP director, Ferrell establishes effective strategies, develops plans and formulates policies for continued improvement of SHARP programs across the Army. What we need to focus on is prevention, Ferrell said. A huge part of prevention is education and awareness. Calvert said, We try to make sure everybody realizes that the SHARP program is a huge command emphasis program, and it s very important that we tell the stories of the great programs we have in the 2nd Infantry Division. His team has implemented a requirement for all Soldiers and leaders who are new arrivals to the unit and considered to be the most vulnerable within their first 90-180 days in Korea to attend SHARP 360 training as part of their integration and in-processing. The Sexual Assault Response Coordinators who run the facility here said they have established an environment for Soldiers to come and receive the support as well as training they need to recognize behavior associated with sexual harassment and sexual assault. The training is peer-based meaning Soldiers from the participating unit are assigned a script and act out a scenario for their peers to engage in and provide feedback with each other. Soldiers who complete the training consistently say that what makes the training so unique and interesting is the atmosphere and realistic background the (Top) Warrior Division SHARP Program leaders welcome Department of the Army SHARP leaders to Korea with a tour of the SHARP 360 Training Facility on Camp Humphreys. (Bottom) Col. Lance Calvert, 2nd CAB commander, and Monique Ferrell, the DA SHARP Program director, discuss the Division s SHARP Program and training facilities. facility provides. Each room has murals and is decorated to provide a real life back drop where Soldiers can role-play and observe behaviors associated with sexual harassment and also practice intervention techniques in environments that mirror their daily life and surroundings. I am extremely impressed with the SHARP 360 facility here, said Ferrell. It provides a realistic atmosphere that encourages active participation, and it will be very beneficial for our Soldiers, she said. She said she wants to congratulate the Warrior Division SHARP team and all of the leadership here for supporting this initiative. I m blown away by it, she said. Calvert emphasized the priority the division places on SHARP training and the pride the unit feels in knowing it sets the standard for the rest of the Army to follow.

MARCH 2017 9 (Far Left) Staff Sgt. Reinaldo Perezcabana explains proper procedures for recovering fallen warriors. (Left) Spc. Ryan Gray, an 88M assigned to 46th Transportation Company, and a native of Tampa, practices removing personal belongings from a simulated casualty (Bottom) The team simulates moving human remains into the Mobile Integrated Remains Collection System or MERCS. Recovery training prepares WARRIORS TO care for fallen STORY AND PHOTOS BY Sgt. Kimberly E. Jenkins 2nd SUSTAINMENT BRIGADE PUBLIC AFFAIRS CAMP MOBILE, South Korea - In combat, it s a no-fail mission, said Staff Sgt. Reinaldo Perezcabana, a mortuary affairs specialist assigned to 2nd Sustainment Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division/ROK-U.S. Combined Division. You have to be prepared for any situation. That is how Perezcabana opened his Company Level Evacuation and Recovery (CLEAR) team training in February. The mortuary affairs NCO has 15 years of active duty service, and his experiences include recovery operations following the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in New York, and recovery operations of World War I and World War II Prisoner of War/Missing in Action remains in France and Germany. The purpose of this training is to train a team within a company to recover human remains using non-mortuary affairs elements on the battlefield, he said. The most important thing about this training is to make sure that when a Soldier pays the ultimate sacrifice of his life that his remains are treated with dignity and respect. The CLEAR team training presented Soldiers with a simulated battlefield to assess. One team of two Soldiers was designated to move the human remains. A second team handled the administrative tasks such as making a sketch of the area and notes of the position, and identifying any human remains and personal belongings. At some point I think everyone should go through the training, said Sgt. Bobby Pettway, a petroleum supply specialist assigned to the brigade s 194th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion. As a fueler this was my first time seeing anything like this. This training helps everyone get a better understanding about how to treat fallen Soldiers, he said. Most people don t know what happens after someone in their unit passes away. Perezcabana and Pettway agreed that every company needs a well trained Company Level Evacuation and Recovery team to take care of their fallen, because that s the level where a lot of the recovery operations occur. For most junior enlisted Soldiers the CLEAR training was their first opportunity to learn and see for themselves the work and care that goes into upholding the ethos and creeds they recite as Warriors: I will never leave a fallen comrade. I gained a better understanding of how the process works to clear the battlefield and how to move a body in a respectful way, said Spc. Ryan, Gray, a motor transport operator assigned to 46th Transportation Company. This was my first time doing any kind of training like this. I have a lot of respect for the Soldiers who actually do this full time for their MOS. Perezcabana said it may be something that Soldiers don t think about every day, but it is one of the most important missions and responsibilities in the Army, and one that everybody should be prepared to conduct honorably.

10 THE INDIANHEAD WARRIOR STRIKE: IRON RANGERS Hone Skills STORY and PHOTO BY Capt. Jonathan CAMIRE 1ST ABCT, 1st Inf. Div. Public Affairs (Top) Soldiers from 1st Battalion, 16th Infantry Regiment, 1st Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division, prepare to conduct an attack on simulated enemy forces during exercise Warrior Strike 5 at the Rodriguez Live Fire Complex in Pocheon, South Korea, Feb. 16. (Top Left) A U.S. and ROK Army warrior coordinate movement during the exercise. RODRIGUEZ LIVE FIRE COMPLEX, South Korea More than 400 Soldiers from Task Force Iron Rangers and 200 ROK Army troops participated in exercise Warrior Strike 5 here, Feb. 14-17. The exercise was designed to train the Iron Rangers from 1st Battalion, 16th Infantry Regiment, 1st Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division, in the identification and elimination of enemy weapons of mass destruction sites, while working with ROK counterparts. This exercise is the culmination of ten months of training for the Iron Rangers. It s been a fantastic opportunity to combine with our Republic of Korea Army partners, said Lt. Col. Jon Meredith, the battalion s commander. Warrior Strike is a reoccuring battalion-focused exercise that elements from rotational forces like 1st ABCT go through during their nine-month tour on the peninsula. Task Force Iron Rangers consisted of Soldiers from the battalion and other 1st ABCT elements along with 2nd Infantry Division/ROK-U.S. Combined Division Soldiers from the 2nd Combat Aviation Brigades s 3rd General Support Aviation Bn., and the 210th Field Artillery Brigade s 23rd Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, Explosives Bn. This was also the largest ROK Army presence in any Warrior Strike exercise to date. Working with our ROKA partners is a key part of our mission here in the Republic of Korea, said Maj. Jared Nichols, the battalion s executive officer. The working relationship with the ROK Army is like nothing else. Task Force Iron Rangers conducted multiple events during the four-day exercise to include an air assault into the live fire complex, WMD location assessments, and objective seizure operations. The terrain in the northern part of the Republic of Korea is especially challenging, Nichols said. Compared to our past training in Kansas and at the National Training Center in the Mojave Desert of California, Korea is extremely different and presents new problem sets for all of us. The battalion plans to use the lessons learned from Warrior Strike 5 to identify areas where it can improve and continue to build on strengths. Our companies refined their standard operating procedures for air assault operations, urban operations and combined operations with our ROK Army counterparts, Nichols said. The value of training like this is key to our mission to be ready to Fight Tonight if called upon.

Tax Season prep: MARCH 2017 11 APPLYING FOR INDIVIDUAL TAXPAYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBERS BY Capt. CHRISTOPHER C. STECKBAUER 2ID/RUCD LEGAL ASSISTANCE ATTORNEY Pfc. Kim, Jin Ku This month we continue our series of helpful tax season tips. If a taxpayer does not have a Social Security Number and is not eligible for one, he or she can still obtain an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) from the IRS for the purposes of filing a tax return. ITINs can be obtained for individual taxpayers, spouses and dependent children. If a taxpayer wants to claim his or her foreign spouse on a joint tax return, thereby getting an additional exemption and the higher standard deduction, the foreign spouse will need to obtain an ITIN. To obtain an ITIN, the foreign taxpayer needs to apply to the IRS using a Form W-7 (ITIN Application). This application is submitted along with the taxpayer s first federal tax return. The tax return must be mailed to IRS, as electronically filed tax returns with an accompanying ITIN application will be rejected. In previous years, Judge Advocates could notarize a copy of the taxpayer s passport or other documents of identification to submit to the IRS along with the application. Last year, however, the IRS instituted a new policy requiring those assisting with ITIN applications to become Certified Acceptance Agents (CAA). Only CAAs may notarize identification documents to submit along with the ITIN application. While Judge Advocates at all Tax Centers in Korea have applied for certification, there are currently no authorized CAAs in Korea. As a result, foreign spouses and dependents applying for ITINs must submit their passport or a certified copy of the original passport along with the application. Mailing an original passport to the IRS is not feasible for most taxpayers. To obtain a certified copy of a passport, applicants can visit the Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs, phone number 02-2100-7609, or the appropriate embassy if they are not from Korea. If an applicant does not have a passport, they can contact the Camp Casey Tax Center or visit www.irs.gov/w7 to learn about other documents. Once applicants obtain the appropriate identification documents, they can visit the Camp Casey Tax Center for help in preparing their tax return and ITIN application. For questions about the ITIN application process, please visit the Camp Casey or Camp Red Cloud Tax Centers, or call DSN: 730-4888. Tax filing tips Bring with you: - Photo ID - DEERS printout with ssn - SSN cards for you and your dependents claimed - POA for taxes from spouse (if not present) - All earning statements (W2, 1099, etc.) - A copy of last year s Federal & State returns - Bank Routing/Acct. Numbers for Direct Deposit - All other IRS related financial documents Area I Tax centers Camp Casey Maude Hall, Room 233 Camp Red Cloud Building S-267 (Housing Office) DSN 730-4888 Area II Tax centers Yongsan Garrison Moyer Community Activities Center BLDG. 2259, Room 102 Next to the Smoothie King DSN: 723-5335 / COM: 02-7913-5335 Area III Tax centers Camp Humphreys BLDG. 578 DSN: 753-5680 Area IV Tax centers Camp Henry BLDG. 1805, Room 2 Next to Legal Assistance DSN: 315-768-9038

SNAPSHOTS Warriors in Action There is nothing so likely to produce peace as to be well prepared to meet an enemy. ~ Gen. George Washington


Diehard engineers ATTACK THE INDIANHEAD STORY BY Staff Sgt. Warren W. Wright Jr PHOTOS BY Capt. Jonathan CAMIRE 1ST ABCT, 1st Inf. Div. Public Affairs STORY RANGE, South Korea Soldiers with the 1st Engineer Battalion, 1st Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division, practiced various breaching techniques using live explosives here in February. During their training, the engineers of the Diehard battalion learned hands on how to properly breach razor wire obstacles using Bangalore explosive charges, how to create C4 plastic explosive line mains, and how to breach doors using assorted explosive techniques. Soldiers first moving tactically as a squad toward an obstacle, in this case a barrier made of razor wire, and placed an explosive charge underneath the obstacle prior to moving to a safe distance and detonating the charge. Next, they set up doors, both metal and wood, and used different breaching techniques designed to blow the door open and allow Soldiers to tactically enter the facility. The training today went great, said Capt. John Trump, the commander of Company B, 1st Eng. Bn. We were able to accomplish everything planned with no issues. The key was providing Soldiers hands on experiences with live explosives, something engineers don t do very often in a training environment. We can try to do this all day with inert explosives, but you don t really get that live feel and the rush of adrenaline of having live explosives in your hand, said Sgt. 1st Class Aaron Craven, a platoon sergeant with Company B. For platoon leaders to see that and actually experience it first hand with live demolition is paramount. Trump said training and operations like this is often one of the main reasons Soldiers choose to be engineers.

MARCH 2017 15 DEMO range This is the bread and butter of what an (engineer) does, he said. (Engineers) join the Army to blow stuff up. It s not every day they get to do it, so when we get the opportunity to get out on a demo range, it s nothing but smiles. These warriors bring a myriad of unique capabilities to the brigades and missions they support. Engineers are important because we bring a capability to the maneuver commander that they cannot provide for themselves, Trump said. We enable them, mostly in this type of unit, by breaching. It brings an added effect to the battlefield that we have in our toolkit. For the junior Soldiers, the training at Story Range was a unique experience that allowed them to maintain readiness and the Fight Tonight mentality expected of those working within the 2nd Infantry Division/ROK-U.S. Combined Division. It was a lot different from our usual training, said Pfc. Salvador Cota, an engineer with the Diehard battalion. We ve been doing it a lot lately since we ve been in Korea and overall, it was just phenomenal training. (Top Left) Engineers from the 1st Engineer Battalion, 1st Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division, use an explosive charge to breach a door during training at the Story Range. (Top Right) Engineers prepare a chain of C4 plastic explosive charges. (Bottom Right) A Diehard Soldier prepares a Bangalore explosive charge under a razor wire obstacle. While Korea may be a new experience for Cota and his teammates, his battalion is one of the oldest and most decorated engineer batalion in the Army, and the Soldiers of the Diehard battalion are charged with maintaining a history of excellence. There s been some great Soldiers to come through this battalion, Cota said. It feels great to follow in the steps of those who came before us.

16 THE INDIANHEAD Warrior fitness Reconditioning s Role in Fight Tonight Readiness STORY BY Sgt. Robert Larson 2ID/RUCD PUBLIC AFFAIRS Commanders face the challenge of mitigating injuries while still conducting tough, realistic physical readiness and military training. Injuries, illness or other medical conditions are proven examples of those challenges that may impact readiness and the ability to Fight Tonight! When injuries happen, the Army s ensured that commanders have a reconditioning program, outlined in FM 7-22, to assist with taking care of their Soldiers. The Army reconditioning program is a battalion commander and command sergeant major program, and the emphasis placed on it by these command teams establishes the success of the program, said Sgt. Maj. Mark Riddick, the Warrior Division s Surgeon cell sergeant major. We want a comprehensive, top-down emphasis that says we really care about the Soldiers who are injured, he said. We want them to recover quickly, recover properly and get them back into their formations so that they can contribute to our fight tonight mission. But it s not only about reconditioning, it s also about maintaining your current level of fitness. In the past, injured Soldiers might go to the back of the unit formation and do little to recover from their injuries. In many cases, the Soldiers may actually suffer from de-conditioning, where the lack of a plan for injury recovery caused their physical fitness to atrophy, impacting all areas of their physical readiness. Riddick s team has some additional ideas to supplement and support the Army s current progressive reconditioning program. One effort is in ensuring reconditioning program leaders are qualified and implementing the program properly. Riddick reached out to physical therapists to assist in evaluating the current reconditioning program and provide professional feedback to improve exercises and overall plans. His team also plans to work with unit master fitness trainers to train effective and knowledgeable reconditioning instructors. The reconditioning program is an investment in the most important part of the Warrior team, the Soldiers, he said. Professional athletes have programs designed to help them recover and rejoin their team. We have Warriors who are injured, and we have to take the appropriate steps to help them recover... they are our athletes, he said. I think that we will see Soldiers recovering faster and eventually it will lead to fewer Soldiers on profile. Riddick emphasized that the program is not only for Soldiers on temporary profiles. Permanent profile Warriors can also benefit from the reconditioning if the focus is on injury recovery and maintaining overall fitness. If a Soldier on a no-running profile cannot run in a formation or group, he/she can use elliptical trainers or treadmills during reconditioning, and would still train with the unit in other activities, he explained. We are concerned with the complete medical readiness of our Soldiers, said Riddick. Medical readiness, in my mind, is more than just your Physical Health Assessment and you dental readiness, it s your physical fitness and proper treatment of injuries. He said that due to the nature of Army life, injuries occur, but by going through a well-planned and effective program to recover from injuries, Soldiers and leaders become smarter, gaining an understanding of how to do the exercises to prevent the same injuries in the future. Area I mar. 30 10:00-11:00 a.m. Casey Theater mar. 30 2:00-3:00 p.m. CRC Theater Women s History Month observances Area II mar. 31 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. DHL Naija Ballroom Area III Mar. 29 10:30-11:30 a.m. Super Gym Area IV mar. 28 10:30 a.m.-12 p.m Camp Henry

MARCH 2017 17 Eats In REVIEW AND PHOTOS BY Pfc. Jung, Won Ki 2ID/RUCD PUBLIC AFFAIRS Pung Wol is a popular Japanese restaurant franchise that mainly sells okonomiyaki (Japanese style pancake) and yakisoba (Japanese style fried noodles). The franchise originates from Japan and entered the Korean peninsula in early 2010. The interior of the restaurant is unlike those of typical restaurants in Korea. Each dining area is divided by tall wooden structures that surround each table on three sides. This design in the restaurant allows for more privacy and comfort for those dining. Pung Wol separates itself from its competitors by providing unique Japanese experience to its customers. On each table we found a large griddle where our food is cooked on the spot. To those who have had unpleasant experience of cooking your own meat at Beef & Leaf, don t worry because a waiter will be assigned to your table to cook. There are wide varieties of okonomiyakis and yakisobas including, beef, shrimp, pork, chicken, cheese, or any combination of these. The price of okonomiyaki ranges from 10,000 won to 15,000 won while the price of yakisoba fluctuates a little more because it comes it three different sizes. Aside from the main menus, Pung Wol also serves Japanese style omelets and has wide variety of options for non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages. My friend and I ordered an okonomiyaki with everything on it and a pork yakisoba. The waiter first oiled the griddle with a chunk of pork fat. The okonomiyaki batter is filled with vegetables, pork, beef, and shrimp. The batter was quickly spread onto the griddle and took about 10 to 15 minutes to be ready. After it was cooked, the waiter spread mayonnaise and teriyaki sauce onto the pancake. The fresh crispiness of the exterior of the okonomiyaki contrasted nicely with its more delicate and chewy insides. Since the dish consisted mostly of vegetables, there was no greasy or heavy feeling after we were finished eating. To some, however, the dish could taste a little too salty so they might want to tell the waiter to be sparing with the sauces. The yakisoba came precooked so we could eat it right away. Both the noodle and pork were chewy and fresh. The restaurant uses freshly made egg noodles for its yakisobas. For anyone looking to try fresh, authentic Japanese food, stop at Pung Wol near Gangnam station in downtown Seoul. Pung Wol Address: Seoul Gangnamgu Gangnam Daero 102nd street 20 Contact Info: 02-564-5922 For restaurant review suggestions or submissions contact the 2ID Division PAO at usarmy. redcloud.2id.list.pao-editorial-submissions@ mail.mil or DSN 732-9132

18 THE INDIANHEAD BOSS Builds resili COMMENTARY BY Sgt. Robert Larson 2ID/RUCD PUBLIC AFFAIRS PHOTOS COURTESY OF AREA 1 BOSS OFFICE CAMP RED CLOUD, South Korea As a married Soldier, I knew almost nothing about the Army s Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers (BOSS) program when I arrived in Korea. Most of what I had seen or heard was about the trips that the local program leaders organized for single Soldiers, and I had always encouraged my single battle buddies and Soldiers to take advantage of those events. But being here in Warrior Country, I have looked at the BOSS concept through a different lens. The mission of the BOSS program is to enhance the morale and welfare of single Soldiers, increase retention and sustain combat readiness. It serves as a tool for commanders to gauge the morale of single Soldiers. Many Soldiers stationed on the peninsula, especially in Area 1, are single or geographical bachelors/bachelorettes. BOSS sponsors a variety of activities to maintain the morale of single Soldiers affected by increased operational tempo and deployment stress through three core concepts: quality of life, community service, and leisure and recreation. With this information in hand, I thought about how the BOSS Program benefits us all and helps us be ready to Fight Tonight with our ROK partners. The first and, for me, most obvious way is through the trips the program organizes here, along with the Area 1 Morale, Welfare, and Recreation (MWR) office, that provide an opportunity to explore our host nation. Add in the fact that KATUSAs can also partake, and it makes for fun and informative exploration. Plus, not many other overseas assignments come with built-in experts. Considerable distances separate the camps across the peninusla, so BOSS events also help us forge ties between Soldiers from the different camps, bringing the division closer as a unit and family. The volunteer aspect of BOSS here also brings an interesting twist. The camps interact closely with the surrounding civilian communities. This gives Soldiers another window to learn about the Korean people and their culture.

MARCH 2017 19 (Far Left) Warrior Division Soldiers pose outside the ski school at Bear Town Ski Resort during a Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers outing Feb. 18-20. (Top) Warrior Division Soldiers take part in a BOSS Life Skills winter excursion at Bear Town Ski Resort Feb. 18-20. (Left) Warrior Division Soldiers enjoy the snow at Bear Town Ski Resort Feb. 18-20. The trip was offered by the Area 1 BOSS program. ency & readiness The quality of life tier of BOSS gave me a little to think when it comes to how it affects our readiness. How can these events and opportunities help with our ability to conduct operations? As a Soldier in an unfamiliar place, I found it hard to connect at first. I was lucky to get helpful hints and assistance from several great KATUSAs and fellow Soldiers who had been to Korea before. Some Soldiers may come here and get overwhelmed. They might withdraw, become depressed and lose the drive to involve themselves in day-to-day activities, including their duties. They may try to cope by indulging in risky behaviors. This affects our readiness. I d bet that the robus BOSS program here has something that interests them and draws them back out to make friends and connections with those serving here with them and the communities around them. This would hopefully lead to a greater connection to the unit and make their tour in Korea more enjoyable and productive. So for all of you who have been on a BOSS trip or to a cool BOSS event and know how awesome they can be, pass on the word to the new people on your team. For those new on pen, get out and see the sights, get to know some of the local people and volunteer. I challenge you to use BOSS as a way to connect to each other and the community around you. And when you do experience a great BOSS moment, share your story with us here at the Indianhead so we can continue to promote this great program.

20 THE INDIANHEAD 2ND BATTALION 1ST INFANTRY REGIMENT Coat of Arms Insignia MISSION The mission of 2nd Battalion, 1st Infantry Regiment is to deploy worldwide, secure a lodgment, and conduct combat operations in support of US national interests. CONSTITUTION OF 1st REGIMENT The 1st Infantry Regiment draws its lineage from a distinguished line of post Revolutionary War Infantry Regiments. The 1st Infantry Regiment was originally constituted in the Regular Army as the 2nd Infantry Regiment in March 1791. HISTORY/ 2ID RELATIONSHIP In 1950 the Regiment was reactivated at Fort Ord, California, as a training regiment for units being sent to the fight in Korea. In 1956 the Regiment was assigned to the United States Military Academy at West Point, New York. Company B, 1st Infantry, was inactivated on 15 May 1958 at West Point, New York, relieved from assignment to the United States Military Academy, and redesignated as Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 2nd Battle Group, 1st Infantry with its organic elements concurrently constituted. The Battle Group was assigned on 17 March 1958 to the 2nd Infantry Division and activated on 14 June 1958 at Fort Benning, Georgia. The unit was inactivated on 10 May 1963 at Fort Benning, Georgia, and relieved from assignment to the 2nd Infantry Division. The unit was redesignated on 1 October 2005 as the 2nd Battalion, 1st Infantry Regiment. It was inactivated on 16 December 2006 at Fort Wainwright, Alaska, and relieved from assignment to the 172nd Infantry Brigade Combat Team. It was assigned on 17 April 2007 to the 5th Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division, and activated at Fort Lewis, Washington. In July 2010, 5th Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division, was inactivated and reflagged as the 2nd Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division, to which 2-1st Infantry was assigned.

MARCH 2017 21 Women s History Word Search D G T Q F B V D D G R T U I Q N R Y T W M N B V C X H G J G W O E B U E W E E R T Y U I O P E N A H B R M N B R O S S R Y U R V M U M C H A R L E N G E S H T I T I A N T H O N Y M U A P I Y O F J N R L B O S F B I G H H U S C N M E I C S P J H O A F U I K A D F G D D E R G A H N E R O R Z F T N A T V O N A L F E S S A Q D R N Y A E T B E W D D T A P B H U I M K L E V R S S R O S X Z S E K F V T E D E L M A N D C Q S C N E F S T S E I U I J F V D V G A N J M K K C G H U H G B D P E R K I N S E G V B Y G H N Ross Anthony Hurston Tubman Roosevelt Perkins Parks Edelman Rankin How TO survive in Korea 1. It is getting warmer. Ta Tut Hae Jin Da. 따듯해진다. 2. I am starving to death! Bae Go Pa/ Juk Get Da! 배고파죽겠다! 3. Thank you very much! Jung Mal Go Ma Woe! 정말고마워! 5. Can you speak English? Young Uh/ Hal Su It Suh Yo? 영어할수있어요? 6. What time do you get off work? Twae Geun/ Myut Si Ae He? 퇴근몇시에해? 7. How do I go to Seoul? Seoul/ Ugh Tou Ke Ga?. 서울어떻게가? 4. How was your day? O nul/ Ha Ru/ Eu Daet Eu?. 오늘하루어땠어?.

2017 년 3 월 VOL. 53, ISSUE 12 인디언헤드 INDIANHEAD KOREAN EDITION http://www.2id.korea.army.mil/korean-site WWW.ISSUU.COM/SECONDID

2 인디언헤드 2017년 3월 2017 년 3 월간추린뉴스 사단소식 매달영문판에는들어가지만한글판에는들어가지않는기사들을보면서아깝다는생각을했습니다. 그래서만들었습니다! 간추린뉴스! 한글판에는넣지않았지만, 영문판에실린기사들을사진으로정리하는지면입니다. 이번달 Eats in Korea 에서는서울시강남구논현동에있는 육회한연어 라는식당이다. 회, 육회, 덮밥등이유명하다. < 사진 _ 일병정원기 / 제 2 보병사단공보처 > 프라이데이나이트파이트결승전이 12 월 16 일에캠프케이시에서진행되었다. < 사진 _ 하사워렌라이트 / 제 1 기갑여단공보처 > 2 월을맞아부대를구성하고있는다양한인종과성별의화합은굉장히중요하며힘을합쳐야한다. < 사진 _ 박진우 / 제 2 보병사단공보처 > Think Twice! 한번더생각하고행동하십시오! 제 2 보병사단공식페이스북페이지많은좋아요와공유하기부탁드립니다. 이달의사진 2월 24일, 캠프레드클라우드아프리카계미국인역사의날을맞이하여행사에참가하고있다. < 사진 _ 박진우 / 제2보병사단공보처 > 표지사진 : 민간인구급을한 210포병여단의료팀의강승제상병이포즈를취하고있다. < 사진 _ 상병여윤혁 / 제2항공여단공보처 > 인디언헤드한글판스태프 미제2 보병사단장소장시어도어 D. 마틴한국군지원단지역대장중령이일수공보참모중령리처드 C. 하이드공보행정관 상사매리 E. 퍼거슨공보관김현석편집장병장이종국기자일병정원기사진전문가박진우글꼴배포처아리따체 : AMOREPACIFIC 함초롱체 : 한글과컴퓨터인디언헤드한글판은미제2보병사단카투사들을위해공보처에서발행하는미국방성공인신문입니다. 신문내용은미육군의의견과다를수있습니다. 인디언헤드지는일성인쇄소에서월간지로발행됩니다. 취재요청은 732-9132으로전화바랍니다.

사단소식 3 인디언헤드 2017년 3월 210 포병여단의료팀이동두천시에서민간인구급 에린톰킨스대위, 브라이언쿠베나대위, 브랜든패내배커대위그리고크리스토퍼곤잘레스대위는지행동으로차를타고가던중한남자가길가에쓰러져있는것을발견했다. 두택시가충돌했던것으로보였으며남자는도로반대편에쓰러져있었다. 그들이사고현장에있는유일한의료진이었기때문에, 210 포병여단의의료팀은상황을살펴보고응급처치를하기위해차에서내렸다. 다행히도 210 포병여단의군수과에서근무하는카투사강승제상병이사고현장을목격했고, 무슨일이일어난건지의료팀에게영어로전달해줄수있었다. 강승제상병은구급차를불렀고곤잘레스대위는자신의차에있던응급처치가방을가져왔다. 의료팀은먼저환자의출혈을멎게한다음, 신체의상태를검진했다. 강승제상병은 사고가날줄미리알고준비할수는없었을텐데도그분들이자동차에응급처치가방을지니고있었다는사실에놀랐습니다. 며, 항상이런응급사태에준비되어있는듯한모습이었습니다. 고말했다. 톰킨스대위는 의사로서일단누군가를치료하기시작하면, 다른의료진이나의료기관에게확실히환자를넘겨주기전까지는그현장을떠날수없습니다. 며 10 내지 15 분후에구급차가나타난순간까지우리는환자의안전을확인하며함께있어야했습니다. 고말했다. 현장주위의민간인들도환자의응급처치도중에다른차량이접근하는것을막기위해교통을통제하는도움을주었다. 구급차는신속하게도착하여환자를지역병원으로이송했다. 톰킨스대위에따르면, 현장에있었던그들은아주높은수준으로훈련받은의료진들이었다. 미육군은그들이대면할수도있는모든상황에대비할것을가르쳐왔다. 톰킨스대위는 우리가뭔가놀라운일을해낸것처럼보일수도있겠지만, 치료가필요한사람을치료해주는건우리가매일같이해야할일일뿐입니다. 며, 긴급상황에처한사람들을매일같이치료해줄수있는팀의일원임을자랑스럽게생각합니다. 고말했다. 강승제상병은 저는처음으로제가미군들과협업하여이런보람있는일을해낼수있는카투사여서다행이라는생각을했습니다. 며, 이번일이주한미군과카투사들의헌신적인복무자세를대한민국의시민들에게알릴수있는기회가되기를바랍니다. 고말했다. < 기사 _ 상병여윤혁 / 제 2 항공여단공보처 > < 번역 _ 상병여윤혁 / 제 2 항공여단공보처 >

4 인디언헤드 2017 년 3 월사단소식 한국의먹거리소개 풍월은오코노미야키와야키소바를주로판매하는인기있는일식프랜차이즈입니다. 이프랜차이즈는일본에서시작하여 2010 년초반에한반도에진입했습니다. 풍월은고객에게독특한경험을제공함으로써경쟁업체와차별화합니다. 각테이블에는음식을조리하는데쓰이는대형철판이있습니다. 주문후식당종업원들이철판에서바로음식을조리해주기떄문에음식이조리된즉시식사를할수있습니다. 쇠고기, 새우, 돼지고기, 닭고기, 치즈등다양한오코노미야키와야키소바종류가있습니다. 오코노미야키의가격은만원에서만오천원사이이며, 야키소바는총세사이즈로나눠지기때문에가격이다양합니다. 풍월은메인메뉴외에일본식계란요리를제공하며무알콜음료및알코올음료등다양한메뉴가준비되어있습니다. 방문시우리일행은후게츠오꼬나미야끼와돼지고기야끼소바가를주문했습니다. 종업원은먼저돼지고기지방으 로철판에기름을발랐습니다. 오코노미야키반죽은야채, 돼지고기, 쇠고기, 새우로가득햇습니다. 반죽은철판위에빠르게퍼졌고준비되기까지약 10-15 분이걸렸습니다. 요리를마친후종업원은마요네즈와데리야끼소스를오꼬노미야끼위에뿌렸습니다. 오코노미야키의겉의바삭함은내부의쫄깃함, 부드러움과잘어울립니다. 요리가야채로주로이루어져있기때문에, 식사를마친후에도느그럽거나무거운느낌이들지않았습니다. 그러나소스가너무많이발라진경우짤수도있으니조절해서바르기를권장합니다. 야끼소바는미리조리되서나와서바로시식할수있었습니다. 면빨과돼지고기는모두쫄깃하고신선했습니다. 풍월에서는야키소바를조리할때밀가루면대신직접만든계란면을사용합니다. 신선하고한국인입맛에도잘맞는일본요리를먹고싶다면서울도심의강남역에있는풍월을들러보세요. < 기사및사진 _ 일병정원기 / 제 2 보병사단공보처 > < 번역 _ 일병정원기 / 제 2 포병사단공보처 >

사단소식 5 인디언헤드 2017년 3월

6 인디언헤드 2017 년 3 월 인디언헤드가만난사람들 기획 " 제일좋아하는연예인과그이유는?" 본부대대본부지원중대일반행정병이병조상훈 제가가장좋아하는연예인은송중기입니다. 드라마태양의후예로인해서군인들이여자들의로망이되었기때문입니다. 또한, 제여자친구가송중기를좋아합니다. 저는제여자친구를좋아하고제여자친구는송중기를좋아하기때문에저도송중기를좋아하게되었습니다.. 그리고, 가수중에서는아이유가있습니다. 귀여운외모뿐만아니라노래실력 ( 금요일에만나요, 잔소리 ) 도완벽에가깝고, 각종드라마 ( 프로듀사 ) 에서도준수한연기력으로인정을받았기때문입니다. 본부대대본부지원중대일반행정병일병이종원 제가가장좋아하는연예인은걸그룹오마이걸의아린입니다. 작년봄, 우연히뮤직뱅크에서오마이걸의무대를보았고아린이의청순한모습에반해지금까지좋아하고있습니다. 제가생각하기에아린이의매력포인트는하얀피부와무쌍커풀이잘어울리는동그란얼굴, 그리고앳된미성인것같습니다. 최근각종매체와미디어에서오마이걸이전보다자주언급되는것같아기분이좋습니다. 앞으로도오마이걸의아린이가더욱유명해져방송에서승승장구하면좋겠습니다. 본부대대본부지원중대일반행정병이병박진혁 제가제일좋아하는연예인은윤종신입니다. 이때 ' 좋아한다 ' 라는건, 방송등에서보이는 ' 예능인 ' 으로서의연예인이라기보다는, 곡 ( 음악 ) 그자체를, 가수로써의윤종신을좋아한다는의미입니다. 원래저는연예인을잘알거나좋아하는편이아니었고, 지금도그런편입니다 ( 흥미는조금생겼지만여전히잘모르는편입니다 ). 그러다가약 2 년쯤전, 제가좋아하는작품에윤종신이카메오로출연한걸보고, 그리고윤종신이부른홍보곡을듣고윤종신에대해흥미가생겨서곡들을찾아듣기시작했습니다. 그렇게듣다보니, 좋은곡들이많아서좋아하게되었습니다. 본부대대본부지원중대일반행정병이병박주용 제가가장좋아하는연예인은수지입니다. 이번에제가훈련소에서있을때가장인기많은아이돌은트와이스여서저도트와이스를처음엔좋아했지만, 계속똑같은 TT 만보다보니질렸습니다. 어느날수지의 yes no maybe 라는곡을듣고뮤직비디오를본순간너무이쁘다는생각이들었습니다. 아이돌을넘어서배우의느낌이물씬나는수지는제가가장좋아하는연예인입니다. 병장나윤기본부대대본부지원중대선임병장 인 - 자기소개를부탁드립니다나 - 안녕하십니까. 미 2 사단사단본부대대본부지원중대선임병장나윤기입니다. 사단본부건물인 Freeman Hall 에서근무하는본부지원중대인원을관리하고있습니다. 선임병장이되기전에는사단의전실 (Protocol) 에서근무했습니다. 인 - 부대소개를부탁드립니다나 - 저는 Camp Red Cloud 에서근무하고있습니다. 의정부에위치하고있으며몸으로뛰는훈련보다는주로행정적인업무를하는부대입니다. 인 - 지금까지군대에서가장기억에남는에피소드는? 나 - 군생활중가장기억에남을에피소드로는 2016 년 UFG 훈련때사단지휘부의텐트를쳤을때입니다. 몇주에걸쳐서땡볕아래하루종일텐트를적은인원이치느라정말힘들었습니다. 이때가장마기간이었는데어느날에는텐트안에쏟아지는장마에빗물이조금씩샜습니다. 사단지휘부의텐트인만큼높으신분들의컴퓨터, 중요한장비, 멀티탭등이많았습니다. 그때 23 시 가넘었었는데빗물막고텐트보수한다고모두가정신없이움직였던일이기억납니다. 인 - 전역후의계획은? 김 - 전역후의목표는공부에충실하자입니다. 전공이프랑스어인데입대후에꾸준히공부를하지않아서많이잊어버렸습니다. 열심히실력을키우고내년에는프랑스로유학가서공부와경험을하고싶습니다. 인 - 지역대계원들에게한마디부탁드립니다. 김 - 전역후에는모두보고싶겠지만특히사단의전실인원들이보고싶을것같습니다. 아침일찍출근하고늦게까지야근하며동두천과평택에자주가며동고동락했던사이인만큼전역하면자주못만날테니시원섭섭할것입니다. 인 - 마지막으로하고싶은말은? 나 - 카투사로서생활하며남들과는다른특별한경험과좋은기억많이가져가는게정말행복합니다. 카투사인원모두가아무탈없이무사전역했으면좋겠습니다.

기획 인디언헤드는사랑을싣고 이번호의주인공은본부대대본부지원중대서태운군과여자친구수연양입니다. 게재를바라시는분은미 2 사단공보처카투사메일 2idkoc@gmail.com 또는 732-9132 로연락주시기바랍니다. To. 수연우리수연이안녕 ~ 우리처음만났을떄처럼오빠는요즘도수연이가옆에있어서너무행복하고힘이나. 나도수연이가가끔식서운해하고오빠한테사랑표현충분히못받는다고말할때마음이아파요. 오빠가원래그런거잘못하지만수연이는정말너무괜찮고마음에드는여자라서부족한부분들많이개선하려고늘노력하고있어! 그리고수연이가이런오빠모습알아줄떄너무고맙고사랑스럽고..! 수연이가늘믿음과사랑으로오빠가없을동안기다려줘서지금우리의아름다운관계가가능하게됬다고오빠는생각해. 오빠이제곧전역하면꽃신만신게해줄게! 항상수연이지금처럼사랑해줄거고언제까지나우리공주곁에있어줄게. 지금우리사랑하는마음계속관직하면서자기자신이아닌서로를위해사랑하는달달한연애계속해보자. 많이사랑한다! To. 태운 오빠! 잘지내고있어? 나는오빠생각하느 라요새하루하루바쁘게지내고있어. 오빠도 내생각하는거지? 가끔씩내가오빠를더좋 아하는것같아서속상해. 평상시에오빠가나 를사랑한다는표현을많이안해서그런거일수 도있겠지만, 남자와여자의차이겠지? 우리사 귀고얼마안되서오빠입대했을때, 내친구들 이하나같이나보고제정신이냐고물어봤었어. 나는그래도오빠에대한믿음과사랑으로훈련 소기간을버텨내고우리이렇게잘사귀는거 보면서로가너무대견한것같아. 주말에나와 서대화하다보면오빠가군대에서정신적으로 나육체적으로고생하는것같아서나는마음이 항상쓰여. 아침, 점심, 저녁꼬박꼬박챙겨먹고 내가걱정안하게잘하구다녀! 항상나를이렇 게사랑해줘서너무고맙고언제나까지나내곁 에있을지는모르겠지만지금서로가사랑하는 이순간을음미하며나중에후회남지않을연 애하자. 사랑행! 7 인디언헤드 2017년 3월 From. 태운 From. 수연 한미문화교류성패트릭데이 St. Patrick s Day 아일랜드에처음그리스도교를전파한인물이자아일랜드수호성인인성패트릭을기념하는축제로, 매년 3 월 17 일에열린다. 아일랜드뿐만아니라아일랜드계이주민들이많이사는영국, 캐나다, 미국등에서도이축제를기념하여행사를진행하며, 특히프랑스어사용지역인캐나다퀘벡주몬트리올에서도이축제가열린다. 아일랜드출신사람들뿐아니라모든시민들이축하하면서즐거워하는공식행사이다. 아일랜드전통복장을한백파이프악단과성패트릭모습의인형이거리를행진한다. 거리퍼레이드에등장하는모든형상은아일랜드를상징하는녹색으로되어있다. < 기사 _ 병장이종국 / 제 2 보병사단공보처 >