2012 년 12 월 13 일유승희의원초청토론회 가상아동포르노규제에대한국제및해외법제 박경신 이글에서는 아동 청소년의성보호에관한법률 ( 이하 아청법 ) 이일부개정되어 아동 청소년이용음란물 ( 이하 아동포르노 ) 의범주에실재아동과는무관한매체물들이포함되면서 1) 수많은젊은이들이아동성범죄로입건되고처벌되는현상이나타나면서과연이러한포함이올바른가에대한논의가지속되고있다. 그와같은법조항이가지고있는헌법적함의는다른논문 2) 에서다루었으므로여기에서는국제협약이나외국의법제와의비교를통하여위조항을평가하고자한다. 일부학자들은실재아동과는무관한매체물을아동성범죄에포함하여처벌하는것이국제적흐름인것처럼말하고있지만이는국제협약및해외법제에대하여세밀한검토를거치지않았기때문으로보인다. 아래에서더자세히다루겠지만음란물이실재아동과무관하다고하여처벌되지않아야한다고주장하는사람은아무도없다. 문제는적어도우리나라에서는그러한매체물이음란물로처벌되는가아동성범죄에포함되어처벌되는가에따라양형, 후속조치, 낙인효과등에있어서큰차이가있다는것이다. I. 국제협약및국제인권문헌 1. UN 아동권리협약 (U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child) 3) UN 아동권리협약제 34 조는회원국이아동포르노물퇴치조치를취할것을요구하고있 다. 이에대한해석에있어서 1997 년 아동매매, 아동매춘및아동포르노에관한특별보고 관보고서 4) 는유엔아동위원회에이 34 조가가리키는 아동포르노물 의정의에있어서 1) 2011 년 9 월에 아동 청소년또는아동 청소년으로인식될수있는사람이나표현물이등장하여 로개정된 2 조 5 호는 아동 청소년으로인식될수있는사람이나표현물 의대상범주를보다명확히한정할필요성이인정되어 2012 년 12 월에 아동 청소년또는아동 청소년으로명백하게인식될수있는사람이나표현물이등장하여 로재개정되었음. 2) 가상아동포르노규제의위헌성, 경상대학교법학연구제 21 권제 2 호, 181 쪽, 2013. 4 3) Convention of the Rights of the Child, available at http://www2.ohchr.org/english/law/crc.htm, (last visited Nov. 7, 2012). 년 월 일유엔총회에서만장일치로채택되어 년 월 년 월현재까지미국을제외한대부분국가 개국 가비준하였는데우리나라는 년 월에가입하여다음해 월에비준 4) Special Rapporteur, 16 October 1997, Report on the sale of children, child prostitution and child - 1 -
포르노그라피의목적으로아동을시각적으로묘사하거나이용하는것이라는정의를인터넷은구시대의것으로만들어버렸다 라고하며기존의아동과성인의합성사진을포함하여소위 'pseudo-child pornography' 범주까지포함한다는해석을제시하였다. 5) 즉여기에서는실존아동에대한피해를전제로한해석을제시한것이다. 2. UN 아동매매, 아동성매매및아동포르노에관한선택적의정서 (Optional Protocol to the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child on the Sale of Children, Child Prostitution and Child Pornography) 6) 및 EC 성적착취와학대에대한아동보호협약 (Convention on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse) 7) UN선택적의정서는제2조c항에서아동포르노의정의를다음과같이내리고있다 : Child pornography means any representation, by whatever means, of a child engaged in real or simulated explicit sexual activities or any representation of the sexual parts of a child for primarily sexual purposes ( 아동포르노는실제또는가상의노골적인성행위에참여하고있는아동또는주로성적인목적으로이루어진아동의성적부위의모든묘사로서모든방법으로의묘사를의미한다. EC아동보호협약은제20조2항에서아동포르노에대해다음과같이정의하고있다 : any material that visually depicts a child engaged in real or simulated sexually explicit conduct or any depiction of a child's sexual organs for primarily sexual purposes ( 실제또는가상의노골적인성행위에참여한아동을시각적으로묘사한모든자료또는주로성적인목적으로이루어진아동의성기의모든묘사 )." pornography, A/52/482, Available at http://www.unhchr.ch/huridocda/huridoca.nsf/0/cb9d9d07045a9d5380256679003c4e9c?opendocument 5) Id. at para. 53. "Another issue posing legal challenges for protecting the rights of the child is the definition of child pornography. The Special Rapporteur has already addressed this issue (see E/CN.4/1997/95/Add.2), arguing that the Internet renders the traditional legal definition of child pornography, namely the visual depiction or use of a child for pornographic purposes, outdated. The Special Rapporteur, therefore, encourages the Committee on the Rights of the Child to reaffirm that the scope of article 34 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child should be interpreted to include an absolute prohibition on "pseudo-child pornography", including the "morphing" of child and adult. bodies to create virtual child pornographic images." 6) Optional Protocol to the U.N. Convention on the Right of the Child on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography, available at http://www.ncpcr.gov.in/acts/optional_protocol_to_convention_on_rights_of_child_on_sale_of_children_ Child_Prostitution_Child_Pornography.pdf [hereinafter "Optional Protocol"] (last visited Nov. 5, 2012). 2 년 월 총회에서아동권리협약과관련하여채택되어 년 월 일발효 우리나라는 년 월 일비준하여같은해 월 일발효 년 월현재 개국이서명 7) Convention on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse, http://conventions.coe.int/treaty/en/treaties/html/201.htm. 년 월 일에서명을위해공표되어 년 월 일에발효되었다 - 2 -
여기서 "any representation, by whatever means 나 any material that visually depicts 등의문구는틀림없이실사이미지뿐아니라이론적으로컴퓨터그래픽, 애니메이션, 회화등다양한방식의표현물을포함할수있는것으로해석할수있다. 8) 그러나표현의대상이실존아동이어야한다는점에서는변함이없다. 9) 특히주의할것은 (1) 노골적인성적행위 (explicit sexual conduct) 의묘사또는 (2) 성기의호색적인노출 (primarily sexual depiction of sexual organs) 에대해서만아동포르노로규정하고있다. 노골적인성적행위는아래에소개할다른문헌의해석에비추어보면보통삽입을동반한성교를의미한다. 유럽이나미국의음란물기준에비추어볼때단순히성교장면이나성기의노출은음란물에해당하지않는다. 즉위의조항은아동의성교장면또는성기노출이그나라의기준에따르면음란물로분류되지않는다고할지라도처벌해야할정책적필요성때문에아동포르노규제를만든것으로해석할수있다. 즉위와같은조항이없을경우아동의성교장면또는성기노출이전혀처벌을받지않을가능성이있고이와같은가능성을차단하기위한조항이라고볼수있다. 여기서우리는외국의아동포르노규제는음란물규제에서그근원을두고있음을알수있다. ICMEC( 국제실종아동및착취아동보호센터 : International Center for Missing & Exploited Children) 가비공식적으로만든모델법은선택의정서에근거하여성안된것이므로별도로다루지아니한다. 그림 (pictures), 데상 (drawings) 등의실사물이아닌것도아동포르노의정의에포함되나실사물과구별할수없는 ( indistinguishable from that of a child ) 것들로한정되므로역시실존아동의이미지를요건으로하고있다. 10) 3. EC 사이버범죄협약 (Convention on Cybercrime) 11) 과 EU 아동성착취와아동포 르노근절에관한기본결정 (EU Council Framework Decision on combating the sexual exploitation of children and child pornography 12) 8) 9) http://www.internationalresourcecentre.org/en_x2/documents/legislationeuropol_2005.pdf 참조, 유럽경찰 (Europol) 이 2005. 발간한 Child Pornography Legislation within the European Union 에서 The UN Protocol does not recognise virtual child pornography 라고하면서실재하는아동 (a real child) 만을인식하였다고밝혔다. 10) Article 45 - Prohibition of Child Pornography. (1) Child pornography shall mean any representation of a child engaged in real or simulated sexual activities or any representation of the sexual parts of a child for the purpose of sexual gratification recorded by any means including but not limited to print publications, films, audio recordings, games, electronic data, digital images, internet broadcasts, and photographs. This shall include pictures, drawings, and computer-generated images that are indistinguishable from that of a child. 11) Convention on Cybercrime, CETS. No. 185, Budapest, 23 XI. 2001, available at http://conventions.coe.int/treaty/en/treaties/html/185.htm. 년부다페스트에서가결되어 년에발효되었는데 년 월현재 개국이가입하고 개국이비준 12) Council framework Decision 2004/68/JHA of 22 December 2003 on combating the sexual exploitation of children and child pornography, available at http://eur-lex.europa.eu/lexuriserv/lexuriserv.do?uri=celex:32004f0068:en:html 년 월에발 - 3 -
EC사이버범죄협약 13) 은제3장제9조제1항에서아동포르노관련행위를처벌할것을규정하고같은조 2항에서아동포르노의정의를다음과같이내리고있다 :...the term "child pornography" shall include pornographic material that visually depicts ( 아동포르노 는다음의하나를시각적으로묘사한포르노물을말한다.): 효되어 년 월까지회원국들의준수를요구하였다 13) EC 사이버범죄협약에대해제대로이해하기위해서는해당협약에대한주석 (Explanatory Report) 를참조하여야한다. http://conventions.coe.int/treaty/en/reports/html/185.htm 전체적인구조를이해하기위해협약조문전체와이번논문에서유의미한부분을주석에서추출하여아래제시한다. Offences related to child pornography (Article 9)... 92. This provision responds to the preoccupation of Heads of State and Government of the Council of Europe, expressed at their 2nd summit (Strasbourg, 10 11 October 1997) in their Action Plan (item III.4) and corresponds to an international trend that seeks to ban child pornography, as evidenced by the recent adoption of the Optional Protocol to the UN Convention on the rights of the child, on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography and the recent European Commission initiative on combating sexual exploitation of children and child pornography (COM2000/854).... 97. The term procuring for oneself or for another in paragraph 1(d) means actively obtaining child pornography, e.g. by downloading it.... 99. The term pornographic material in paragraph 2 is governed by national standards pertaining to the classification of materials as obscene, inconsistent with public morals or similarly corrupt. Therefore, material having an artistic, medical, scientific or similar merit may be considered not to be pornographic.... 100. A sexually explicit conduct covers at least real or simulated: a) sexual intercourse, including genital-genital, oral-genital, anal-genital or oral-anal, between minors, or between an adult and a minor, of the same or opposite sex; b) bestiality; c) masturbation; d) sadistic or masochistic abuse in a sexual context; or e) lascivious exhibition of the genitals or the pubic area of a minor. It is not relevant whether the conduct depicted is real or simulated. 101. The three types of material defined in paragraph 2 for the purposes of committing the offences contained in paragraph 1 cover depictions of sexual abuse of a real child (2a), pornographic images which depict a person appearing to be a minor engaged in sexually explicit conduct (2b), and finally images, which, although realistic, do not in fact involve a real child engaged in sexually explicit conduct (2c). This latter scenario includes pictures which are altered, such as morphed images of natural persons, or even generated entirely by the computer. 102. In the three cases covered by paragraph 2, the protected legal interests are slightly different. Paragraph 2(a) focuses more directly on the protection against child abuse. Paragraphs 2(b) and 2(c) aim at providing protection against behaviour that, while not necessarily creating harm to the 'child' depicted in the material, as there might not be a real child, might be used to encourage or seduce children into participating in such acts, and hence form part of a subculture favouring child abuse. 103. The term without right does not exclude legal defences, excuses or similar relevant principles that relieve a person of responsibility under specific circumstances. Accordingly, the term 'without right' allows a Party to take into account fundamental rights, such as freedom of thought, expression and privacy. In addition, a Party may provide a defence in respect of conduct related to "pornographic material" having an artistic, medical, scientific or similar merit. In relation to paragraph 2(b), the reference to 'without right' could also allow, for example, that a Party may provide that a person is relieved of criminal responsibility if it is established that the person depicted is not a minor in the sense of this provision.... 106. Paragraph 4 permits Parties to make reservations regarding paragraph 1(d) and (e), and paragraph 2(b) and (c). - 4 -
a. a minor engaged in sexually explicit conduct ( 노골적인성행위에참여한미성년자 ); b. a person appearing to be a minor engaged in sexually explicit conduct ( 미성년자로보이는, 노골적인성행위에참여한사람 ); c. realistic images representing a minor engaged in sexually explicit conduct ( 노골적인성행위에참여한아동을표현하는사실적인영상 ). EU 기본결정은제 1 조 b 항에서아동포르노를다음과같이상세히정의하고있다 : "child pornography" shall mean pornographic material that visually depicts or represents ( 아동포르노 는다음의하나를시각적으로묘사하거나표현한포르노물을말한다 ): (i) a real child involved or engaged in sexually explicit conduct, including lascivious exhibition of the genitals or the pubic area of a child ( 노골적인성행위에참여한실존아동또는성기또는성적부위를호색적으로노출한아동 ); or (ii) a real person appearing to be a child involved or engaged in the conduct mentioned in (i) ( 위의 (1) 에서언급한행위에참여한아동으로보이는실존인물 ); or (iii) realistic images of a non-existent child involved or engaged in the conduct mentioned in (i) ( 위의 (1) 에서언급한행위에참여한비실재아동의사실적영상 ) 비슷한시기에성립된두문헌은비슷한구조를취하고있어공히 (1) 실제아동의실사이미지 (2) 아동으로인식되는자의이미지 (3) 실제처럼보이는 (realistic) 아동의이미지를모두아동포르노로규정하고있다. 그런데두문헌모두 (2) 아동으로인식되는자 의이미지의경우에는그자가성인임이입증되는경우에는형사처벌에서면제할것을허용하고있다. 14) 즉실존아동에대한묘사임을전제로하는위법성요건이다. 두문헌모두 (3) 실존아동이연루되지않은매체물의경우실제처럼보일것 (realistic) 을요구하고있다. 차이가나는점은 EU기본결정의경우실사사진의 14) EC 사이버범죄협약주석 103 문....the reference to 'without right' could also allow, for example, that a Party may provide that a person is relieved of criminal responsibility if it is established that the person depicted is not a minor in the sense of this provision. EU 기본결정제 3 조제 2 항. A Member State may exclude from criminal liability conduct relating to child pornography: (a) referred to in Article 1(b)(ii) where a real person appearing to be a child was in fact 18 years of age or older at the time of the depiction; - 5 -
합성을의미하는것으로전제하고있고 15) EC 사이버범죄협약의경우실사사진뿐만 아니라아예창작된사진의합성도포함하고있는것으로보인다. 16) 대신 EC 사이버 범죄협약은 (3) 실존아동이연루되지않은매체물에대해서는협약국들이유보즉 거부를할수있도록허용하고있다. 17) 결론적으로는 EU 기본결정과 EC 사이버범죄협 약모두비실재아동이묘사된매체물을아동포르노로처벌할것을의무화하고있지 않다. 이와함께두문헌모두처벌대상매체물이 포르노적 (pornographic) 일것을 요구하고있는데 EC 사이버범죄협약에대한주석서에나와있듯이예술적, 의학적, 과학적가치가있을경우포르노가아니라고볼수있다는점에서그의의를찾을 수있다. 예술적, 학문적가치의존재가항변으로기능하는것은음란물규제의고 유한성격이다. 즉두문헌모두일종의음란물규제의성격을일부가지고있음을 알수있다. 이와관련되어두문헌모두아동의노골적인성행위 (explicit sexual activities) 의묘사를필요로하는데 EC 사이버범죄협약주석에따르면삽입을포함 하는성교자체또는호색적인성기노출을의미한다는점도유의미하다. 또두문헌모두아동포르노물의제작및배포행위가 권한없이 (without right) 이루어질것을그요건으로삼고있는데 EC 사이버범죄협약주석에따르면 이문구는모든형법상의항변들을포괄하며그외에아동포르노규제에고유한각 종항변들이적용됨을의미한다고하면서그예시로서매체물이예술적, 의학적, 과학적등의가치를가질경우나 (2) 아동으로인식되는자가실제로는아동이아 닌경우를예로들고있다. 마지막으로 EC 사이버범죄협약은소지죄나취득죄 ( 다운로드 ) 전체에대해서유보 를할수있도록허용하고있고 18) EU 기본결정은개인목적의제작및소지에대해서 15) EU 기본결정의경우주석서가별도로없어결정이내려진다음해에나온 Europol 의주석서를따른다. http://www.internationalresourcecentre.org/en_x2/documents/legislationeuropol_2005.pdf 참조, 2.2. Virtual Child Pornography... The production of virtual CP is also called morphing: short for metamorphosing, a technique that allows a computer to fill in the blanks between dissimilar objects in order to produce a combined image, or to manipulate existing images.... Article 1(b) of the Council Framework Decision on combating the sexual exploitation of children and child pornography defines virtual CP as realistic images of a non-existent child involved or engaged in the conduct mentioned in (i) above5. 16) EC 사이버범죄협약주석서 101 문....finally images, which, although realistic, do not in fact involve a real child engaged in sexually explicit conduct (2c). This latter scenario includes pictures which are altered, such as morphed images of natural persons, or even generated entirely by the computer. 17) EC 사이버범죄협약주석서 106 문 18) EC사이버범죄협약 Article 9 Offences related to child pornography 1 Each Party shall adopt such legislative and other measures as may be necessary to establish as criminal offences under its domestic law, when committed intentionally and without right, the following conduct: a producing child pornography for the purpose of its distribution through a computer system; b offering or making available child pornography through a computer system; c distributing or transmitting child pornography through a computer system; - 6 -
유보를할수있도록허용하고있다. 19) 이와같은소지죄처벌을의무화하고있지 않다는것은아동포르노규제가음란물규제의성격을역시띠고있음을알수있다. II. 해외주요국사례 1. 영국 영국의아동포르노규제법으로는 아동의사진을찍는방식으로아동을착취하는행위 (exploitation of children by making indecent photographs) 를방지하기위해 아동의저속한사진 (indecent photographs of a child) 의제작, 배포등을처벌하는 1978년의아동보호법 (Protection of Children Act: PCA) 20) 을기본으로하고, 단순소지죄를창설한 1988년의형사사법 (Criminal Justice Act: CJA) 그리고가상사진을규제대상으로포함시킨 1994년의형사사법및공공질서법 (Criminal Justice and Public Order Act: CJPOA) 등이있다. 위법들은위에서말한입법취지및증거조항 21) 을살펴볼때모두실존아동의 d procuring child pornography through a computer system for oneself or for another person; e possessing child pornography in a computer system or on a computer-data storage medium. 2 < 생략 > 3 < 생략 > 4 Each Party may reserve the right not to apply, in whole or in part, paragraphs 1, sub-paragraphs d. and e, and 2, sub-paragraphs b. and c 19) EU 기본결정 Article 3 Offences concerning child pornography 1. Each Member State shall take the necessary measures to ensure that the following intentional conduct whether undertaken by means of a computer system or not, when committed without right is punishable: (a) production of child pornography; (b) distribution, dissemination or transmission of child pornography; (c) supplying or making available child pornography; (d) acquisition or possession of child pornography. 2. A Member State may exclude from criminal liability conduct relating to child pornography: (a) referred to in Article 1(b)(ii) where a real person appearing to be a child was in fact 18 years of age or older at the time of the depiction; (b) referred to in Article 1(b)(i) and (ii) where, in the case of production and possession, images of children having reached the age of sexual consent are produced and possessed with their consent and solely for their own private use. Even where the existence of consent has been established, it shall not be considered valid, if for example superior age, maturity, position, status, experience or the victim's dependency on the perpetrator has been abused in achieving the consent; (c) referred to in Article 1(b)(iii), where it is established that the pornographic material is produced and possessed by the producer solely for his or her own private use, as far as no pornographic material as referred to in Article 1(b)(i) and (ii) has been used for the purpose of its production, and provided that the act involves no risk for the dissemination of the material. 20) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/protection_of_children_act_1978#2008 21) 제 2 조증거 (Evidence) 제 3 항 In proceedings under this Act relating to indecent photographs of children, - 7 -
사진 (photographs) 또는 가상사진 (pseudo-photograph) 에적용되는것을전제로한다. 여기서가상사진이란 16세이하의실존아동을컴퓨터그래픽으로재현했거나실존아동의사진을성인의사진과합성하여진정한실사물인것처럼보이게하는것을말한다. 특히재현이나합성과정에서아동의특성이일부손실되더라도전반적인인상이나지배적인인상이아동성을드러내면그아동을묘사한것으로인정된다. 22) 이와별도로 2009년에제정된검시관및사법정의법 (Coroners and Justice Act) 23) 은위의아동포르노규제와는별도로성기의삽입또는자위행위를직접보여주는 a person is to be taken as having been a child at any material time if it appears from the evidence as a whole that he was then under the age of 16. 22) 제 7 조해석 (Interpretation) (8) If the impression conveyed by a pseudo-photograph is that the person shown is a child,the pseudo-photograph shall be treated for all purposes of this Act as showing a childand so shall a pseudo-photograph where the predominant impression conveyed is thatthe person shown is a child notwithstanding that some of the physical characteristicsshown are those of an adult. 23) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/coroners_and_justice_act_2009 CHAPTER 2 IMAGES OF CHILDREN Prohibited images 62 Possession of prohibited images of children (1) It is an offence for a person to be in possession of a prohibited image of a child. (2) A prohibited image is an image which (a) is pornographic, (b) falls within subsection (6), and (c) is grossly offensive, disgusting or otherwise of an obscene character.... (6) An image falls within this subsection if it (a) is an image which focuses solely or principally on a child s genitals or anal region, or (b) portrays any of the acts mentioned in subsection (7). (7) Those acts are (a) the performance by a person of an act of intercourse or oral sex with or in the presence of a child; (b) an act of masturbation by, of, involving or in the presence of a child; (c) an act which involves penetration of the vagina or anus of a child with a part of a person s body or with anything else; (d) an act of penetration, in the presence of a child, of the vagina or anus of a person with a part of a person s body or with anything else; (e) the performance by a child of an act of intercourse or oral sex with an animal (whether dead or alive or imaginary); (f) the performance by a person of an act of intercourse or oral sex with an animal (whether dead or alive or imaginary) in the presence of a child. 65 Meaning of image and child... (8) References to an image of a child include references to an image of an imaginary child. 66 Penalties (1) This section has effect where a person is guilty of an offence under section 62(1). (2) The offender is liable (a) on summary conviction, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding the relevant period or a fine not exceeding the statutory maximum, or both; (b) on conviction on indictment, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 3 years or a fine, or both. - 8 -
아동의이미지를최고징역 3년까지처벌하는데 가상의아동 (imaginary child) 의이미지도포함한다. 그런데이것은음란물규제의일부로서등장인물이아동일경우더욱폭넓게처벌하기위한규제라고볼수있다. 왜냐하면아동으로설정된등장인물이아래해당법제62조7항에나온행위를적나라하게할경우영국의기존음란물규제로는음란물이되지않을가능성이있기때문이다. 참고로위의주아동포르노규제인 Protection of Children Act 1978의적용은실존아동의사진으로한정되지만최고징역 10년에처해지며취업제한및신상등록의무가부과된다. 2. 캐나다 캐나다에대해서는다음과같이정리될수있다. 캐나다의아동포르노규제법은다음과같이아동포르노에대해가장광범위한표현물을포함하도록하는정의를내리고있다 : 전기또는기계적수단의사용여부와관계없이, 18 세미만혹은 18 세미만으로보이는사람 이성행위를하는모습이나성행위를하는것처럼묘사한사진, 영화, 비디오또는다른시각적, 문자적재현또는음향녹음물 ; 또는 18 세미만의사람과성행위를하는것을옹호하는시각적, 문자적재현물또는음향녹음물. 즉규제대상표현물에시각적표현물은물론서적등의문자표현물과음향녹음물까지광범위하게포함한다. 이때문자표현물과음향녹음물에대해서는아동과의성행위묘사가해당표현물의주요소재인지여부를판단하도록하고있다. 또한캐나다의법에서는 18 세미만아동과의성행위를옹호하는표현까지도아동포르노에해당하는것으로규정하고있다. 캐나다연방대법원은 2001년판결 24) 에서아동포르노소지가헌법에합치되는규제인지아니면캐나다인의헌법적권리인표현의자유권에대한위반인지여부를가린다. 법원은이사건과관련하여다음두가지이슈가핵심이라고설명한다 : 1) 첫째, 사람 (person) 이허구의인물을제외한실제사람만을의미하는가?, 2) 둘째, 소지자자신을묘사한경우도소지죄에해당하는가? 법원은그때까지제시된증거에따르면실제아동을이용했든허구의아동을등장시켰든노골적인아동성표현물은해로울수있다고전제하고, 컴퓨터기술의발달로실제사람과컴퓨터생성 합성물과의구분이어려울수있다는점에주목한다. 그리고캐나다의회가관련규제법의입법을통해아동에게합리적위험을야기할수있는표현물의소지를금하는것이목적이었다는사실을감안할때 사람 은실제사람뿐아니라상상으로만들어낸캐릭터도포함되어야한다고해석한다. 24) R v Sharpe [2001] 1 SCR 45-9 -
이어서아동포르노의소지금지조항을, 자기자신이나가상캐릭터만을이용하여전적으로사적사용을위해자가제작한표현물에까지적용하는것은법이애당초목적한아동청소년보호에직접적으로기여하는바도없이과도하게개인의표현의자유를제한하는효과를야기할수있다는 [ 판결을내렸다-편집자 ]. 25) 캐나다의아동포르노규제는전체법의구조를살펴볼필요가있다. 즉도덕문란죄 (Offences Tending to Corrupt Morals) 라는장안에음란죄등과함께나열되어있다. 26) 또음란죄와마찬가지로위조항에대해서 과학적, 의학적, 교육적, 예술적목표를위한행위였고...18세미만의자들에게부당한피해를끼치지않는경우 에는면책이된다. 25) 이향선, 방송통신심의위원회조사연구실책임연구위원, 아동 청소년의성보호에관한법률개정관련참고자료 <2013. 8. 17. 미발표문 > 26) http://www.canlii.org/en/ca/laws/stat/rsc-1985-c-c-46/latest/rsc-1985-c-c-46.html 163.1 (1) In this section, child pornography means (a) a photographic, film, video or other visual representation, whether or not it was made by electronic or mechanical means, (i) that shows a person who is or is depicted as being under the age of eighteen years and is engaged in or is depicted as engaged in explicit sexual activity, or (ii) the dominant characteristic of which is the depiction, for a sexual purpose, of a sexual organ or the anal region of a person under the age of eighteen years; (b) any written material, visual representation or audio recording that advocates or counsels sexual activity with a person under the age of eighteen years that would be an offence under this Act; (c) any written material whose dominant characteristic is the description, for a sexual purpose, of sexual activity with a person under the age of eighteen years that would be an offence under this Act; or (d) any audio recording that has as its dominant characteristic the description, presentation or representation, for a sexual purpose, of sexual activity with a person under the age of eighteen years that would be an offence under this Act. (2) Every person who makes, prints, publishes or possesses for the purpose of publication any child pornography is guilty of (a) an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding ten years and to a minimum punishment of imprisonment for a term of one year; or (b) an offence punishable on summary conviction and is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years less a day and to a minimum punishment of imprisonment for a term of six months. < 중략 : 배포는제작과같이최고 10 년형. 소지와접근은모두최고 5 년형 > (5) It is not a defence to a charge under subsection (2) in respect of a visual representation that the accused believed that a person shown in the representation that is alleged to constitute child pornography was or was depicted as being eighteen years of age or more unless the accused took all reasonable steps to ascertain the age of that person and took all reasonable steps to ensure that, where the person was eighteen years of age or more, the representation did not depict that person as being under the age of eighteen years. (6) No person shall be convicted of an offence under this section if the act that is alleged to constitute the offence (a) has a legitimate purpose related to the administration of justice or to science, medicine, education or art; and (b) does not pose an undue risk of harm to persons under the age of eighteen years. - 10 -
3. 미국 미국에대해서는다음과같이정리될수있다. 27) 최초의아동포르노규제법인 1977 년의 아동성착취보호법 "( 전형미 김정옥, 2003) 이후실제아동포르노에대해규제의강도를높여오던미국의회는 1996 년에 아동포르노방지법 (CPPA)" 을통과시키면서디지털이미지를주대 상으로한가상아동포르노규제를시작한다... 이법은특히, 실제아동이 아닌컴퓨터기술을통해생성된아동으로보이는이미지를이용한노골적 성표현물을규제할수있도록하고실제사진등의합성이나변조, 또는다 른방식을이용하여아동으로보이도록묘사하는경우도규제할수있도록 하였다. 28) 그런데이러한가상아동포르노규제조항이표현의자유에대한지나친억 압이라는주장과함께위헌소송이제기되고연방대법원은해당조항에대해 위헌판결 (Ashcroft 판결 ) 을내리게된다. 이판결에서재판부는아동포르노 의정의중 아동으로보이는또는인식되는 (appears to be of a minor) 이란부분을지적하면서이러한조항은소위가상아동포르노라고불리는범 주의표현물을규제대상으로광범위하게포섭하는문제를야기한다고본다. 이때재판부는가상아동포르노를 전통적인방식으로제작된이미지는물론 컴퓨터생성이미지도포함하는것 으로규정하고, 셰익스피어의희곡을바탕 으로한 로미오와줄리엣 이나아카데미상을수상한트래픽 (Traffic) 과 아메리칸뷰티 (American Beauty) 같은영화를그예로서제시한다. 29) 애쉬크로프트 (Ashcroft) 판결에대해성적착취로부터아동을보호하는데 미흡한판결이라는비판이강하게제기되자, 미의회는바로다음해인 2003 년실제아동포르노와가상아동포르노를구별하여각각조금씩다른기준으로 규제할수있는프로텍트법 (PROTECT Act) 30) 을전격통과시킨다. 아동포르노방지법 (CPPA) 이 아동포르노정의 조항에실제아동포르노와 가상아동포르노를한꺼번에포괄하여같은기준으로규제하도록한데반해, 프로텍트법 (PROTECT Act) 은두개의분리된조항 (2256 조와 1466A 조 ) 을통해 실제아동포르노와가상아동포르노의정의를달리하고규제기준을구분하였 다. 즉아동포르노의일반적정의를담고있는 2256 조를통해서는전통적인 의미의실제아동포르노와더불어 실제아동과구별이불가능한아동의시 27) 이향선, 전게서. 28) Child Pornography Prevention Act of 1996, 18 U.S.C. 2256 (invalidated by Ashcroft v. Free Speech Colation, 535 U.S. 234(2002)). 29) Ashcroft v. Free Speech coaltion, 535 U.S. 234 (2002). 30) The Prosecutorial Remedies and Other Tools to End the Exploitation of Children Today Act of 2003(PROTECT Act), Pub. L. 108-21. - 11 -
각적묘사 를포함시키되소묘, 만화, 조각, 회화등명백히가상아동포르 노의범주에들어갈수있는표현물은이조항의적용대상에서제외하고, 아동성적학대의음란한시각적표현 (Obscene visual representations of the sexual abuse of children) 이라는부제가붙은 1466A조를통해가상아 동포르노를규제할수있는법적근거를다시마련한다. 이두조항의중요한차이중하나는 가상아동포르노를대상으로한 1466A조가실제아동포르노를대상으로한 2256조에서와달리 표현물의음 란성 을규제요건으로설정하고있다는점이다. 그런데여기서주목할것은 1466A조에서제시하는음란성판정기준이밀러판결에서제시된기존의음란 성판정기준보다완화된기준으로서주로문학 예술 정치 과학적가치를 심각히결하고있는지 (lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value) 여부정도를판단하도록하고있다는것이다. 31) <2256조와 1466A조의비교 > 조 실제아동포르노규제조항 가상아동포르노규제조항 과 를통해아동을 이용한그림 만화 조각 회화등의이미 아동포르노의정의를내리면서다음과같은상세한추가조건을명시함 실제아동을이용하여제작한표현물임이 지와아동처럼보이는실제사람을이용한실사이미지에대한규제기준의차이를규정 분명해야함 노골적성적행위를하는아동 사진 영상 컴퓨터합성물등디지털이미지 의가상이미지 전통적인음란성판단을 에한하며애니메이션 그림 만화 조각 회 요구 강도높은성행위보다는 음부의선 정적노출 화등은포함되지않음 과자위행위 묘사 규제대상이되는 노골적인성적행위에초점을맞추고자하는의도로해석 아동이나아동으로보이는자 의다음과같은성적행위를묘사하는가 상이미지 강도높은성적행위에초점을 맞추고자하는의도로해석 실제아동포르노조항 조 에서 정의한 노골적 성적 행위 의형태중 31) 18 USC 1466A, 2256. - 12 -
와 부분을제외하고그대로인용하면서 추가조건을통해밀러기준의음란성 요소중마지막요소 문학 예술 정치 과학적가치를심각히결함 만을적용하여음란성판단조건을완화함 이로써 판결에서문제로지적되었던 로미오와줄리엣 이나아카데미상을수상한트래픽 아메리칸뷰티 같은영화가규제대상이될여지를제거함 또한처벌이나단순소지기준도실제아동포르노기준이명시된 조를그대로적용하여실제아동포르노와구별을두지 않음 미국법제는아직헌법적인평가가안정적으로끝나지않았다고봐야하지만우선 1466A가음란죄의하나로서편제되어있고예술적, 사상적가치에따른면책을인정함으로서실제로음란죄의기능을하고있음을유심히볼필요가있다. 또다음과같은논평도유의미하다. 법적규제대상으로서의가상아동포르노의범주를보다제한적으로설정하고실제아동포르노와가상아동포르노를분리하여서로다른기준으로판단하도록설계한미국의프로텍트법 (PROTECT Act) 은그런점에서의미있는시도라고볼수있으며, 우리나라에서도가상아동포르노규제법제를보다현실화하고자할때유용한참고가될수있으리라고본다. 33) 4. 호주 호주의가상아동포르노규제조항 34) 도캐나다의그것과비슷한구조를띠고있으 32) 18 USC 2252A. 33) 이향선, 전게서 34) http://www.austlii.edu.au/cgi-bin/sinodisp/au/legis/wa/num_act/cpaemaclaa201021o2010809/s4.html Chapter XXIV Child exploitation material 216. Terms used In this Chapter child means a person under 16 years of age; child exploitation material means (a) child pornography; or (b) material that, in a way likely to offend a reasonable person, describes, depicts - 13 -
며역시음란죄와마찬가지로 사상적, 예술적가치 면책을두고있다. III. 결론 : 국제사례들의함의및시사점 위에서살펴본바와같이 UN 과유럽의국제규범들은실존아동과무관한아동성표 현물을처벌할것을회원국들에게요구하고있지는않다. 물론실존아동과무관한 아동성표현물을처벌하지않을것을요구하고있지도않다. 실존아동과무관한아동성표현물을처벌할수있는법제를정립하고실제처벌사 례들이나타나고있는나라들로는영국, 캐나다, 미국, 호주등이있다. 이들나라 or represents a person, or part of a person, who is, or appears to be, a child (i) in an offensive or demeaning context; or (ii) being subjected to abuse, cruelty or torture (whether or not in a sexual context); child pornography means material that, in a way likely to offend a reasonable person, describes, depicts or represents a person, or part of a person, who is, or appears to be a child (a) engaging in sexual activity; or (b) in a sexual context; < 중략 > 217. Involving child in child exploitation < 중략 > 218. Production of child exploitation material A person who produces child exploitation material is guilty of a crime and is liable to imprisonment for 10 years. 219. Distribution of child exploitation material... (2) A person who distributes child exploitation material is guilty of a crime and is liable to imprisonment for 10 years. (3) A person who has possession of child exploitation material with the intention of distributing the material is guilty of a crime and is liable to imprisonment for 10 years. 220. Possession of child exploitation material A person who has possession of child exploitation material is guilty of a crime and is liable to imprisonment for 7 years. 221A. Defences and exclusions for section 217, 218, 219 or 220 (1A) It is no defence to a charge of an offence under section 217, 218, 219 or 220 to prove that the accused person did not know the age of the child to whom the charge relates, or the age of the child described, depicted or represented in the material to which the charge relates, or believed that the child was of or over 16 years of age. (1) It is a defence to a charge of an offence under section 217, 218, 219 or 220 to prove that (a) the material to which the charge relates was classified (whether before or after the commission of the alleged offence) under the Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Act 1995 (Commonwealth), other than as refused classification (RC); or (b) the accused person did not know, and could not reasonably be expected to have known, that the material to which the charge relates describes, depicts or represents a person or part of a person in a way likely to offend a reasonable person; or (c) the material to which the charge relates was (i) of recognised literary, artistic or scientific merit; or (ii) of a genuine medical character, and that the act to which the charge relates is justified as being for the public good; or - 14 -
들의공통점그리고우리나라와의차이점은이들나라들은아동포르노규제가표현물규제즉음란물규제에편제되어있거나음란물규제의성격을띠고있다는것이다. 캐나다, 미국, 호주 3개국은모두적극적인면책조건인 사상적, 예술적가치 를인정해주고있고영국도 오로지성적인목적 이라는위법성요건을두고있어음란물규제와유사성을띤다. 또이들나라들에서는판례를통해가상아동포르노에대해서는소지죄의적용을완화하려는움직임을보이고있다. 35) 이역시실존아동과무관한아동성표현물규제는음란물규제의성격을자연스럽게띠기때문이라고본다. 그렇다면우리나라에서가상아동포르노규제를둘러싼 2012-13년의논란은생각건대아동포르노규제가아동청소년성보호법이라는독립된법률내에편제되면서발생한일종의에피소드로보인다. 즉아동포르노규제가아동청소년성보호법에편제되면서아동청소년강간등에적용되는강력한처벌조항들이그대로적용되었는데실재아동포르노의경우그매체물이미치는영향등을고려하면아동성범죄로처벌되는것이타당하나피해아동이전혀없는가상아동포르노규제에도그렇게되면서형평성을잃은법적용이라는비판을받게된것이다. 특히 20년의신상등록, 10년의취업제한과같이판사의감형재량이발휘될수없는처벌조항들그리고 아동성범죄자 라는영구적인낙인을찍는가혹한법적용은원래는실존아동을이용한아동포르노제작을포함하여강력범류의아동성범죄를겨냥한것으로보이는데실존아동과전혀무관한글그림등에도적용된것이다. 이에비하면위에서살펴본국제법및해외입법례를살펴보면외국의아동포르노규제는원래부터음란물규제로서기능하였음을알수있다. 이렇게되니아동성범죄규제에적용되는여러가중처벌조항들이적어도자동적으로가상아동포르노에똑같이적용되지는않는다. 물론실존아동포르노의경우가상아동포르노와는명확히구분지어더욱강하게처벌하고있다. 보통전자가최고징역 10년이라면후자는징역 2-3년의수준이다. 이렇게형량이큰차이가나는이유는전자는실존아동의성행위의촬영을금지하고그결과물까지엄벌하는행위규제인반면가상아동포르노규제는기본적으로매체물규제이기때문이다. 즉아동을소재로한성표현물이아동성범죄발생에영향을줄수있지만그경로는아동이나성인들의성도덕을훼손하는과정을통해서이루어지며가상아동포르노규제는그인과적경로를차단하려하는것이다. 가상아동포르노규제의이러한성격에비추어볼때, 그리고음란물규제가바로그러한성도덕보호를위한규제였으며지금필요한것은아동소재성표현물이다른성표현물과달리더심대하게성도덕을훼손하는지그렇다면이를어떻게음란물규제에반영할지를고민하는것이다. 이렇게가상아동포르노규제를음란물규제내에편제함으로써아동청소년성보호법은실제아동에게직접적피해를준행위즉실존아동포르노제작배포소지등을실제아동을접촉하는범죄와마찬가지로강력엄 35) R. v. Sharpe, [2001] 1 S.C.R. 45, 2001 SCC 2, para. 105-110 - 15 -
벌하는규제로서기능할수있도록하는것이형사정책상으로올바르다고본다. - 16 -
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